#wanna come? and Shane’s like sure I got nothing else going on this weekend
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ghostpunkrock · 3 years ago
I always restart bfu at 3 horrifying cases of ghosts and demons so I actually forgot shane was in the last episode before it and like
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look at these assholes, they have no idea that their careers and their lives are going to be inextricably bound together for the rest of eternity do they
#pls ignore the rest of these tags I’m about to be really insane about them#but loooooook at them they have noooooo idea! they have no fucking idea. Ryan was like hey Brent just quit I need someone to fill in for the#last ep I have planned will you do it? and shane was like yeah sure why not and then Ryan was like also we got greenlit to go hunt ghosts#wanna come? and Shane’s like sure I got nothing else going on this weekend#like obviously we know they were friends at this point and they’ve already worked together but it’s funny cuz they are soooooo different in#this first video. like first of all. and I’m being extra insane here but idc. but like Shane’s body language here. boy why are you sitting#like that. you never sit like that ever again in anything you do. hello?#and they clearly know each other they already have a rapport and a couple in jokes but it’s NOTHING compared to where they are now. like#literally like. imagine spending so much time with a guy you memorize his entire rhythm. unfathomable to me but thats a diff insane post#the story of how shane joined bfu always makes me a little nuts. his reasoning was literally ‘well I got nothing else going on.’ like if he#had said no everything would have been different. this is what launched their careers. I would even argue the show would not have reached#its height as an internet sensation cuz the secret ingredient truly is their dynamic. they wouldn’t have quit buzzfeed and made watcher they#wouldn’t be making ghost files and I would not be sitting alone in my bedroom having a breakdown over any of this okay sorry I’m done#I have a lot more insane stuff to say about the significance of 3 horrifying cases but I’ll save that for when I watch it tomorrow#have a good night everyone!!! ✌️👍
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collecting-stories · 4 years ago
Shane pt. 2 - c. 17 - Daryl Dixon
Summary: Shane causes trouble but nothing that stops you from being with Daryl.
A/N: It's Norman Reedus’ bday so I had to get this posted tonight.
Georgia Masterlist | The Walking Dead Masterlist
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The first time you told him that you liked him, Daryl’s response had been instantaneous. He knew how he felt about you but he also knew that getting into a relationship with you wouldn’t be good, for you at least. He didn’t want you to deal with the way that people would talk about you, the way he already knew they were when you were just hanging around him. 
Going to your graduation party wasn’t his best idea, he knew that too. But he thought about that invite all night, the way you’d smiled at him when you got out of the truck after he drove you home, asking again if he would come to the party. He’d avoided any other invitation you had offered and yet, for some reason, he couldn’t avoid this one.  
And when you kissed him, he didn’t stop you.  
It was the only time in his life that Daryl could remember doing something simply because he wanted to. He liked you and when you kissed him, he let himself like you without thinking about everyone else. Which was for the worst obviously, because the second he let himself focus on only the two of you, everything went to hell.  
He couldn’t stand Shane; the guy was a loser and always had been. The fact that you had wasted your time on him was unbelievable sometimes.  
“Shane, just go back up...I’ll be there in a minute.” You tried once more to get Shane to leave, to halt the growing tension in its path.  
“So, you’re seeing Dixon now?” Shane asked, looking passed Daryl to you.  
“Not really any of your business.” You snapped.  
“I already told you, whatever’s going on with you, I still care. I don’t want anyone taking advantage of you.” He replied and you almost laughed.  
“Rich coming from you,” you muttered. “Just go back up to the house, Shane.”  
“You know what,” Shane said, obviously ready to get one more thing off his chest before he left, “my family’s lived across from the Dixons for a while now. I know all about ‘em.” He said it as if it was a threat, looking over at Daryl as if it could uncover some great secret that you didn’t know about.  
“Good to know.” You pulled on the sleeve of Daryl’s jacket, getting him to look at you instead of Shane, “can you just take me home, I don’t care about the stupid cake.”  
“That’s fine,” Daryl nodded, “go ‘head and get in.”  
Before he could move out of the way and let you get in the cab, Shane grabbed your arm, trying to pull you toward him, “hey! I’m not done talking to you!”  
Just as he yanked your arm Daryl shoved him back, the motion making you lose your footing and fall on the grass, landing on your hip. You pushed yourself up in time to catch Daryl tackling Shane to the ground, knocking him into one of the lanterns.  
He punched him, fist slamming into his nose and Shane practically screaming at the feeling of his nose likely breaking. He tried to push Daryl off him but it was no use, Daryl continuing to punch him as they wrestled in the dirt.  
Annette had the sense to mention sending Shane down to get you and Rick, who had stopped by with Michonne to congratulate you and hopefully get a slice of cake, asked exactly where you were, knowing things weren’t good between you two. He and Michonne were heading down the path just as Daryl tackled Shane. They picked up speed, practically running as Shane got the upper hand, locking his arm around Daryl’s neck in a chokehold. You had managed to get up off the ground, kicking Shane’s back and throwing him off enough that he let go of Daryl, who rolled away from him and stood up.  
Rick grabbed Shane, pushing him away from Daryl.  
“Walk it off Shane!” Rick snapped. You imagined that was his stern Officer Grimes voice.  
“We were just talking.”  
“Like hell,” Daryl said, “touch her again, I’ll fucking kill you.”  
“Hey,” you grabbed his arm again, pulling away from Shane. “It’s fine, I’m fine,” you promised, trying to put your hands on his face and turn his head to look at you. Your eyes met in the dark, “It’s okay.”  
“Daryl,” Michonne started to say and he nodded his head, already knowing where she was going.  
“I’m leaving.” He said, pulling away from you. “I’ll see ya.” He promised.  
You watched him swing the passenger door shut as he walked around the other side of the truck, climbing in and backing out the driveway. Michonne was standing with you, Rick walking Shane back up to the house and away from you, dissipating the tension of the moment and leaving you in the aftermath of it.  
“Looks like you keep finding me after fights huh?” You said, looking over at Michonne, trying to make light of the situation.  
“You sure know how to pick ‘em.” Michonne replied.  
“To be fair, Daryl’s the only one I’m ‘picking’. Shane’s a douche, he just can’t take a hint.” You said.  
“So you and Daryl are dating then?” She asked, putting her arm around you to help you walk up the path now that Rick and Shane were far enough away. “God, I can’t remember a time he’s ever dated anyone.”  
“I don’t know if we’re...dating but-” you groaned, pain shooting up your leg as you miss stepped.  
Michonne gripped your arm, helping you get your balance. “Are you okay?” She asked, trying to look you over. The light on the path was limited to the lanterns, not enough that Michonne could clearly see though, “let's get you up to the house.”  
You walked carefully the rest of the way up to the house, ignoring some partygoers as Michonne brought you into the house, pulling a chair into the kitchen and instructing you to sit down so that she could get ice. The screen door banged open, Maggie and Beth coming inside, “I saw Michonne bring you in here, what happened?”  
“I’m fine,” you lied, shifting away from both of them so that they couldn’t see the dirt on the side of your dress or the hint of a bruise forming that was visible under the hem. You knew you should’ve been focused on the throbbing pain that was running through your hip but all you were really focused on was Daryl and if Shane freaking out on the two of you would change anything that had happened moments before. If he had the chance to overthink the kiss would he regret it and go back to trying to avoid you?  
“We’ll be right out,” Michonne promised, managing to kick the Greene girls out of their own kitchen, closing the screen door behind them. She was no stranger to news in King County and how fast it traveled, the last thing you or Daryl needed was anyone hearing about the fight he and Shane had gotten in. “Here’s some ice,” she offered you a bag of ice cubes wrapped in a dish cloth, pressing it against your hip as you took hold of it, “should help with the bruising. Can you tell me what happened?”  
“This like an interrogation or something?” You asked, crossing your legs to relieve the pain in your hip, taking weight off it as you shifted in the chair.  
“I just wanna understand what happened,” she explained, grabbing another chair and sitting down across from you.  
“I was down at the barn with Daryl when Shane came down, said Annette sent him to get me for cake. I told him I’d be right up and he started saying shit to me and Daryl...he gave us trouble a little while ago,” you said.  
“What happened then?”  
“Nothing, I was at the gas station. We got in the truck and left.” You replied.  
“You were with Daryl again?”  
“Shane doesn’t like that I’m not still head over heels in love with him.” You said, “he’s got something against Daryl too, doesn’t think I should be hanging around him.”  
“I’m sure a lot of people are thinking that.” Michonne admitted, knowing what people said about her friend.  
“That’s cause they don’t know anything about Daryl, they just like not liking him.” You snapped, looking away.  
“I’m not arguing with you.” She replied. “I been friends with Daryl for a little while now, he’s one of the best ones. Look, let me drive you home?” She offered.  
“I’m staying with Tara this weekend,” you mentioned, “we drove here in my jeep, she’s got the keys.”  
“Okay, wait here, I’ll go find her.”  
Before Michonne could get all the way out the kitchen door you called her, catching her attention. You turned in the chair, twisting to look at her, “do you think Daryl will still talk to me? I mean, he’s been saying we shouldn’t be together and now we kinda...finally got together...and Shane fucked it up.”  
“I don’t think Daryl’s going anywhere.” Michonne replied. “I’ll be right back, you ice that hip.”  
Despite you most likely driving Tara crazy all Saturday night into Sunday morning, she didn’t say anything negative about you and Daryl. She suggested that you talk to him, look for him at the autoshop or his house and, technically, you knew that was the best solution but you were nervous. Worried that Shane losing it on the two of you would push Daryl away from you and now that you had him, now that he wasn’t fighting it, you didn’t want your relationship with him to be over before it started.  
You drug your feet over it until Sunday night when you finally drove to his house, parking on the street and walking down the short driveway to the carport. “Did I know you had a bike?” You asked, catching sight of Daryl crouched down in front of a motorcycle, or something resembling one, that was up on supports.  
He turned to look at you, standing up and wiping his hands on the rag in the back pocket of his pants. “Been working on it for a couple months, had ta finish yer jeep first,” he replied, glancing passed your shoulder to the jeep sitting on the curb.
“Are you building it?” You asked, noticing the absence of tires on it.  
“Yeah, trying ta get it up an’ running.” He watched you walk closer, stepping up beside him to look at the bike closer. Daryl didn’t give much thought to what he did next, he put his hand on your arm, just above your elbow, drawing your attention to him. When you turned your head he leaned in, kissing you. “Sorry,” he apologized when he pulled away, “just wanted ta do that again.”
“That’s fine with me.” You smiled, kissing him one more time. “I was worried you’d throw in the towel on me after that whole mess with Shane.” You admitted.  
Daryl shrugged, walking over to the mini fridge and grabbing himself a beer, “he’s a prick, always has been. Don’t bother me. Ya alright though? Michonne said ya got hurt?”
“I bruised my hip,” you replied, crossing your arms over your chest. “Think it was when I fell.”
“Ya alright?” He asked again, “ya want me ta look at it?”  
“You want me to take my pants off...”
“Ain’t what I was saying.” Daryl was quick to explain, the red tinting his cheeks.
“I know, I just like bothering you.” You replied.  
“Ya are a bother,” he said, taking a sip of his beer, “I’ll give ya that.” When he walked back over to the bike, laying his bottle on the ground near it, you dragged the chair over closer to him so you could watch, beginning to tell him about the cake that Annette had sent you home with, offering him the piece you brought with you. 
Taglist: @hopesxxhigh @coffeebooksandfandom @jodiereedus22 @tehfabbooty @thecaptainsgingersnap @angelophany @of-storms-and-sadness @twdeadfanfic @mainokutan @sabertooth-potato @solllaris @bucky-barnes-babies @ly--canthrope @meziah-48 @dietspriteaddict @daryldixonandfrogs @jaycc7983 @easnuppa @imaginecrushes @tonystarkismyboy @watchmeaspire @harpersmariano @guccicloudz @sapphire-angel @buzzybhee @alexbealee @elodieyung @its-evita-here @marvelfanatic @pulplorrd @shizukunora
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sheerbeautyreigns · 4 years ago
Part 51
"Bullshit. You could leave him right now if you were man enough."
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“Wakey, wakey sleepyhead.” Paul nudged gently. Joe groaned, rolling onto his back, rubbing his eyes. He could smell coffee. “What time is it?” His eyes eventually opened. Paul perched next to him on the bed holding a cup of coffee. “Just gone 8. You need to leave here at 9 for your flight.”
Joe sat up taking the coffee from him. “Thank you. Man, I’m so tired.” Paul smiled “I’m not surprised after last night. You were so needy.” This caused Joe to blush. “Well I don’t know when I’ll see you next. I”ll take what I can get.”
“Well I’ll definitely be at the Pay Per View. I”ll book us somewhere nice that night. We could stay in San Francisco for a couple of days and then drive to LA. I’m looking forward to having you meet my friends.” He smiled.
“I hope they like me. I’m always a bit nervous meeting people and under the circumstances…” Joe trailed off taking another sip of his coffee. Paul gave him a re-assuring look. “Baby, they’re gonna love you. We”ll talk more about it next weekend but you’ve gotta get your ass up. C’mon!”
“I know, I know,” Joe groaned, pulling his covers off. He really didn’t want to have to leave this morning. He padded into the ensuite and shut his eyes as he stood under the spray.
It was only a matter of time until Paul’s hands were finding their way around his waist before he could fully turn around. “I need to have you one more time before you leave.” He breathed, pulling Joe close to him and sweeping his hair back before he kissed him hungrily. His hard cock pressed up against Joe, causing the young man to groan into his mouth. Paul’s hands lowered to his buttocks as his eyes met Joe. A dark smile crossed his face as Joe looked into his eyes. “Turn around.”
Joe did as told, pressing his palms against the wall as Paul motioned for him to part his legs a little more. He grabbed the nearby soap and lathered his hands before starting to massage Joe's opening. “Feels so good.” The young man moaned, lowering his head. “Please…” Joe breathed, looking briefly over is shoulder. “What do you want baby?” Paul asked running his fingers deeper into his prostate. Joe growled, feeling like he would cum right there. “I want your cock.” Those words were music to Paul’s ears. A hunger over took him as he withdrew his fingers, wasting no time in filling his hole with his hard cock. He loved to hear how needy he was. The bathroom echoed with both of their grunts and moans as Paul fucked Joe senselessly. Paul continued to fuck him, forcing his abdomen against the wet tiled wall. Joe clawed at the tiles, shutting his eyes, taking everything Paul was giving him. The older man buried his head in Joe's hair as he finally came. “Fuck me,” Joe shuddered, breathing against the tiles as Paul gripped his shoulders before he eventually pulled out. Slowly, Joe turned around and kissed Paul softly. The older man swept his wet hair back, reciprocating.
A sly grin crossed Paul’s face as he stepped out of the shower leaving Joe to finish washing himself. Once finished, he quickly dried himself off, got changed into some loose black pants and a black Nike t-shirt. Paul wore a grey suit and a black shirt as he planned to meet with Vince, Steph and Shane at Titan Towers later that morning. He loaded his case into Paul’s Range Rover and they headed to the airport. They held hands as Paul drove. “What are you going to do this week?”
“I’m just planning on taking it easy before Sunday. I’m having some gym equipment delivered but mainly relaxing. I know it’s gonna be pretty physical next week.”
“That’s one way of putting it.” Paul smirked raising Joe hand up and kissing the back of it. “I’m nervous just thinking about it.”
“Don’t be. They’re nice people. I wouldn’t hang out with them if they were assholes.” Paul assured him. “That go for your New York friend too?”
“He’s an exception.” Paul passed him a glance and a faint smile.
“Do you think you’ll put me with him again?” Joe asked hesitantly. “It depends on what his plans are for the evening.” He paused for a moment and looked at Joe. “Do you want to be with him again?”
“I dunno, maybe…since I’ve already met him.” Joe suggested before pursing his lips. He noticed Paul’s face harden a little. “It’s just because I’m a bit nervous.” He quickly added.
“You’ll have me. There’s no need to be nervous.” He said, resting his hand on Joe’s leg. The young man nodded, looking out the window. The mood had shifted. Joe wished he’d never brought it up. “Nadja usually likes to pre-determine who’s going to be fucking who since she wants to allocate rooms. If this is something you want, tell me so I can have it arranged.”
Joe swallowed. “It’s OK, it was just a suggestion. I don’t have to… “
“No, you brought it up-” Paul started. “Yeah but you don’t exactly seem thrilled so, it’s OK. If there’s someone else you have in mind…”
Paul sighed. “Look, baby. I don’t know if I can trust him. That’s all. He’s great when it comes to discipline but…in that kind of environment, I don’t like it.” He explained.
“OK,” Joe nodded. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s OK babe, you didn”t know.” He slowed the car, pulling into the lane for the airport. “Its just one night. I want it to be special for you. Understand?” Paul looked him in the eye. “Yes Sir.”
Paul pulled into the drop off. He never got out of the car when Joe was around. “I’m gonna miss you but next week will be fun, I promise.” The older man leaned in and kissed him. “Love you.” Joe replied. “Love you too.”
It was Monday evening and Joe had just finished a tag match, tagging alongside Matthew against Colby and Drew. Sunday’s Clash of Champions match was announced as a Title Street Fight. Joe hadn’t had one of those in over a year. Part of him was looking forward to beating the crap out of Colby with Kendo Sticks and whatnot and another part of him knew he’d be a bit banged up “meeting” Paul’s friends a few nights later. Great timing!
Joe quickly showered and got changed. As he was packing his case, Colby walked in. “Hey man,” Joe looked up. “Leaving so soon?” Colby asked. “I just wanna rest.”
“Aww man, I was gonna ask if you wanted to come out for a few drinks with us. Just at the hotel. I figured since Paul wasn’t around, you might wanna join us?”
“Aww man that’s real nice but-” Colby cut him off. “Come on man. You never come out with us anymore. The guys think something’s up.”
“What do you mean?” Joe asked with a furrowed brow. “Well, you disappear off all of a sudden after the show. You used to come out all the time so they’re starting to ask questions.” Colby explained “I hadn’t realised.”
“Hey man, I just wanted to let you know. Might help to show your face once in a while, keep up appearances y’know?”
Joe raised his eyebrows. “I guess you twisted my arm.”
“Awesome! You’re staying at The Regency right?” Colby checked. “Yeah, I’m heading there now. Meet you guys at 11?” He checked before they parted ways.
Joe arrived at his room about 20 minutes later. He jumped into the shower and freshened up. All he wanted to do was sleep but he needed to make time for his friends. He hadn’t realised he’d been neglecting them so hopefully tonight would change their minds. He slipped into smart black pants and a black shirt and headed down to the bar. There were about 5 others there including Colby, Drew, Jay, Kevin and Matthew. He blended in easily, like he normally did. They spent the next couple of hours catching up about work, life and generally having a laugh. Every now and then Joe would catch Drew’s eye. They hadn’t had a proper chance to catch up in person since that day in the hotel parking lot. After Colby called it a night, thanks to an early flight the next morning and the others were disbanding, Joe tapped Drew on the shoulder as he walked towards the lifts.
“Hey,” Joe said softly as Drew’s eyes met his. “I wanted to speak with you alone.”
“What”s up?” The scot asked casually.
“I just wanted to say sorry about everything that went down with Paul over the past while. I swear, it’s been nothing but drama recently.”
“You can say that again.” A small smile crept across Drew’s face as he pressed the button for the lift. “Are things better?” The lift door opened and they both stepped in. Joe pressed the button for the 9th floor. He looked at Drew to see what floor he needed. “I’m 9th too actually.” The doors closed. “So, are things better between you two?”
Joe hesitated a little as the lift slowed and the doors opened. His tone was hushed. “As well as can be expected. Things can’t be perfect all the time.” He shrugged his shoulders as they started down the hallway. Joe didn”t want to wake any of the other guests. “I’d been wanting to talk to you about it actually.”
“Really?” Joe looked at him with interest. “This is me,” Drew stopped outside room 382. “Do you want to come in?”
Joe looked down the hallway towards, his room. “OK, sure.” Gingerly he stepped in behind Drew. He hadn’t been alone with him in a hotel room like this in a while. Such good memories. He moved towards the sofa, following Drew’s lead. “Yeah so, I just thought it’d be good to have a chat since Paul’s not around. These kinda moments are a rarity nowadays.”
Joe forced a smile, lowering to the sofa, his body turned on it’s side to face Drew who was sat on the other end. “I know, we spend so much time together. It’s funny, Colby said earlier that some people have started to ask questions since I’m not around as much anymore.”
“I have heard a few people mention it yeah.” Drew confirmed. “It’s nobody’s business what you do in your free time but…you had me worried a while back. I’ve known Paul for quite a while now and I have to say, I’m a bit concerned.”
“Why?” Joe tried to brush it off.
“C’mon Joe, don’t play me for a fool. I know what kinda temper he’s got and how manipulative he can be. I just don’t want you to feel he’s backed you into a corner. I speak from experience…” Drew confessed, his eyes meeting Joe. “Don’t look so surprised. I may not look it now but I, too had a past with him. I looked up to him, I wanted to make an impression.” A long sigh escaped Joe as he sat forward looking into space. “I would do anything to make him happy until one day, I had enough. He was wearing me down physically, mentally…I just don’t want the same to happen to you.” Drew edged closer leading Joe to eventually look at him. “I’ve never known anyone like him before. I can’t explain it but It’s like I’m drawn in and I can’t go back. Even when things get bad, I…” He took a deep breath. Drew placed his hand on Joe shoulder “It’s OK…”
“It is OK. I keep telling myself that. We have these sweet moments where everything is perfect and I don’t want it to end but then, something happens and he’s suddenly in a mood. I feel like I’m treading on thin ice around him.”
“That’s how I felt. Sometimes he’d get physical-” Joe could see something building up inside Drew. “Hey, Drew, we don’t have to talk about this.” Joe said placing his hand on his knee. “I just don’t want to see you get hurt.”
“I’m a big boy. I can handle myself.” Joe replied softly, trying to lighten the mood. Within moments, the room had fallen silent and Drew had leaned in to kiss Joe. The Samoan pulled away gently.
“I can’t .”
“Why not? Don’t you remember how we were? We couldn’t keep our hands off each other-” Drew pushed as Joe leaned back into the corner of the sofa. “I promised myself to him Drew. I can’t break it.”
“That’s bullshit. You could leave him right now if you were man enough. I want you so bad Joe-” He trailed his hand down to the bulge in Joe’s pants. Joe could feel his heart racing at Drew’s touch. “Just one night. Please. Nobody has to know…” Joe looked up at him with big brown eyes, almost speechless before Drew leaned in and kissed him again, gently. Eventually he reciprocated and soon enough they became entangled in a frenzy removing each others clothes.
Soon, they found themselves on the bed, Joe kneeling in front of Drew. His body shuddered as the lube touched his opening. “I’ve been waiting for this moment again…” Drew trailed off, a tone of conviction in his voice. His left hand rested on Joe lower back as he prepared his entrance. The Samoan”s low groans filled the room. He lowered his head, unable to bring himself to look Drew in the eye. Before he knew it, Drew was starting to penetrate him with his thick, hard cock. He knew how big Drew was but he was never prepared. “Aaaah fuck!” Joe fisted the bedsheets below, taking in his width. “I’m almost in.” Drew licked his lips, trailing his hand down Joe back, trying to comfort him. Drawn out breaths escaped Joe, trying to adjust to his size. Slowly and steadily, Drew began to fuck him. Joe lowered his head, feeling a deep level of shame, with every thrust but he couldn”t stop Drew. He was fucking him harder now, driving him into the mattress. “Please, fuck!” Joe let out burying his head into the pillow below as a way to muffle his own cries. “I’m cumming-” Drew panted before his seed shot into Joe's hole. He held Joe body firmly against his until he had completely relieved himself. As he pulled out, Joe slowly scrambled to one side of the bed, his body curling up. He had an awful feeling in the pit of his stomach. Drew crawled towards him, placing his hand on his shoulder, forcing him to roll onto his back. He could see the glassy look in Joe eyes as he looked down on him. He knew how Joe was feeling but he chose to ignore it, instead leaning down to place a kiss on his lips. He laid down at his side, placing his hand across his chest, rubbing, trying to ease him. “You deserve better Joe.”
He didn’t speak. He just swallowed, resting his hand on Drew’s before they eventually drifted off to sleep.
It was almost 5am when Joe stirred awake. He rubbed his eyes and looked off to his left. The room was only lit by a small opening in the curtains. It was almost sunrise. Drew was sound asleep next to him, lying on his stomach, his head turned the opposite direction. Joe lay thinking to himself for a few minutes and carefully slid out of the bed. He tiptoed around the room collecting his clothing from the night before and got dressed before quietly leaving the room.
He felt both relieved and pretty shitty for leaving Drew like that but he couldn’t face him. He already felt bad enough for sleeping with him. He got undressed again and climbed into his bed, determined to get a few more hours sleep before flying home at lunchtime.
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ourlady-ofsorrows · 5 years ago
A Shot Across The Bow
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(gif credit to the creators)
Part 1 - Blank Space
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x OFC Word Count: 1,848 Warnings: language, cigarette smoking A/N: First part to what could possibly be the best AU I’ve ever written. I’m so stoked for this story you guys have no idea. Title/song in this part is Blank Space by Taylor Swift. If you want to be tagged, let me know. Also, feedback is cool :)
Caroline’s POV
It was so unbelievably hot in my room and the fan blowing on me as I sat on my bed wasn’t helping one bit. I still couldn’t fathom why in the middle of June my parents hadn’t brought out the air conditioners yet. I tried not to worry about it as I strummed my acoustic guitar with a notebook open on my lap. I had been trying – and failing – to write a new song for the better part of three hours and not much was coming to me. I had a show that night and I wanted to perform some new material, not like it mattered. No one really came to the small bar gigs that I was doing, but hey, you’ve gotta start somewhere.
I put my guitar down, sighing as I did so. I ran my fingers through my long brown hair before throwing it into a bun on the top of my head. I decided to attempt to find something to wear in hopes that inspiration would strike. I had graduated from high school a few weeks ago and I was hoping that so much free time would be helpful for my song writing. I was very wrong. I hadn’t written a new song in months and it was beginning to stress me out. All of my friends were preparing for college and I was sitting here not getting anything done that I was planning to. I had the strong feeling that basically all of my friends leaving were what was causing my block, but I couldn’t be too sure.
I glanced at the clock and realized that I had less than an hour to get ready and be at the bar for an early sound check. I guess song writing was just going to have to wait for today. I threw on a pair of jean shorts and a tank top and called it a day. I knew I didn’t really need to fit an image when it came to these bar shows. I fixed my makeup and put my guitar in its case before heading down stairs to leave for the bar. As I was walking down the stairs I saw my brother, Rick, walk in the front door. He looked exhausted and was obviously just getting home from his late night shift. He nodded in my direction and I flashed him a small smile before running out to my car.
I opened the door to my beat up pickup truck after putting my guitar in the bed and climbed into the cab. The truck was sweltering hot and I rolled the window down before starting it up. I let the car run for a minute while I fiddled with the radio and finally put it in drive before heading over to the bar. I glanced at the clock when I pulled in and noticed I had five minutes to spare before I had to be inside. I walked into the small, dimly lit, bar and went to find the manager to check in. I went through my sound check and had about an hour or so before I had to play.
I walked back outside and climbed into the bed of my truck and sitting on the edge, lit a cigarette. The sun was just starting to set and I had a pretty good feeling about tonight. Rick said he was going to come watch me play and so did my best friend, Michonne. Just knowing that they would be in the crowd eased the mounting tension growing inside me. As I sat there smoking I was watching the people entering the bar. I was always curious about who was watching me play. I was scanning the crowd and it just seemed like the normal Thursday night bar crowd. I flicked my cigarette over the edge of my truck and lit another one. I always chain smoked before shows to help calm my nerves. It was just as I was lighting it that I saw him. He was climbing off of a motorcycle in the parking spot directly across from where I was sitting. He pushed his black sunglasses onto the top of his head and he glanced in my direction. He walked past my truck and smirked at me and I felt my breath catch in my throat. I took another drag of my cigarette to give myself something to do as I tried to figure out where I had seen him before.
If I spent any more time sitting in the back of my truck I would have missed my time slot. I threw my cigarette out and hopped down off the back of my truck before heading inside. I sat down at the bar and ordered myself a club soda with lemon and watched the band playing finish up their set. As I sipped on my drink I tried to mentally prepare a set list. Once I finished my drink I left some money on the bar and went to grab my guitar from the back room and made my way out to the stage. I stood up in front of the bar and scanned the crowd. I spotted Rick in the back by the bar with his best friend, Shane, his girlfriend, Lori. I cleared my throat and tuned my guitar and as I greeted the crowd I noticed Michonne sitting at a table off to the side. She smiled at me and I smiled back. I started playing and felt as though nothing else really mattered.
Nice to meet you, where you been? I could show you incredible things Magic, madness, heaven, sin Saw you there and I thought Oh my God, look at that face You look like my next mistake Love’s a game, wanna play?
I scanned the crowd again as I played and noticed the guy I saw outside playing a game of pool with a group of people. New money, suit and tie I can read you like a magazine Ain’t it funny, rumors fly And I know you heard about me So hey, let’s be friends I’m dying to see how this one ends Grab your passport and my hand I can make the bad guys good for a weekend
He glanced up at me and I locked eyes with him. I could tell that he was only mildly interested in my singing and turned back to continue the game of pool.
So it’s gonna be forever Or it’s gonna go down in flames You can tell me when it’s over If the high was worth the pain Got a long list of ex-lovers They’ll tell you I’m insane ‘Cause you know I love the players And you love the game
I couldn’t stop looking at him and had to force myself to glance around to the rest of the crowd. 'Cause we’re young and we’re reckless We’ll take this way too far It’ll leave you breathless Or with a nasty scar Got a long list of ex-lovers They’ll tell you I’m insane But I’ve got a blank space, baby And I’ll write your name
My eyes kept finding their way back to him though and I wasn’t even sure why. Cherry lips, crystal skies I could show you incredible things Stolen kisses, pretty lies You’re the King, baby, I’m your Queen Find out what you want Be that girl for a month Wait, the worst is yet to come, oh no
I looked back over toward him and he glanced up at me again but this time he smirked at me. I could feel my heart rate quicken and I couldn’t even begin to fathom why this random stranger was having this affect on me.
Screaming, crying, perfect storms I can make all the tables turn Rose garden filled with thorns Keep you second guessing like “Oh my God, who is she?” I get drunk on jealousy But you’ll come back each time you leave 'Cause, darling, I’m a nightmare dressed like a daydream
I had to once again force myself to look away from him and look in the general direction of anything else. I chose the spot at the bar where Rick was sitting. So it’s gonna be forever Or it’s gonna go down in flames You can tell me when it’s over If the high was worth the pain Got a long list of ex-lovers They’ll tell you I’m insane 'Cause you know I love the players And you love the game
I could feel his eyes burning into me and I chanced a look at him.
'Cause we’re young and we’re reckless We’ll take this way too far It’ll leave you breathless Or with a nasty scar Got a long list of ex-lovers They’ll tell you I’m insane But I’ve got a blank space, baby And I’ll write your name
As I glanced over at him he looked down at his drink. Boys only want love if it’s torture Don’t say I didn’t say, I didn’t warn ya Boys only want love if it’s torture Don’t say I didn’t say, I didn’t warn ya
I couldn’t tear my eyes away from him and he started walking away from the pool table. So it’s gonna be forever Or it’s gonna go down in flames You can tell me when it’s over If the high was worth the pain Got a long list of ex-lovers They’ll tell you I’m insane 'Cause you know I love the players And you love the game
I followed him as he moved through the bar and ordered another drink. 'Cause we’re young and we’re reckless We’ll take this way too far It’ll leave you breathless Or with a nasty scar Got a long list of ex-lovers They’ll tell you I’m insane But I’ve got a blank space, baby And I’ll write your name
I finished my song and looked down to make sure the tuning of my guitar was correct and kept my mouth shut because I didn’t trust what could possibly come out of my mouth if I decided to speak. I played through the rest of my set and made my way off the stage and out to my truck. I placed my guitar into the bed of the truck and lit a cigarette. I leaned against my truck and tried to calm my nerves. It was starting to bother me that this random stranger was having this effect on me. I wasn’t even entirely sure what was attracting me to him so much, but sure enough as I was putting out my cigarette and going to light another one I saw him walk out of the bar with a cigarette hanging from his mouth. He lit it and then looked over in my direction. Before I could even think to say anything to him Michonne and Rick came out of the bar to, no doubt, congratulate me. Hopefully this was the signal to the end of the confusion of this night.
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pharmgirl71 · 8 years ago
Oops :) Any pairing you want to write
First prompt done. Hope you like it.
#25 Rickyl
Sorry, No AdultingToday
 Daryl hadalways been the adult. Even when he was a child, he had to suck it up and moveon. He wasn’t allowed to cry, or throw a tantrum, or hold his breath till heturned blue. Any of those actions would result in a severe beating and possiblya weekend in the hospital.
As he grewinto a teenager and young man, he was the only person in his half-circle ofacquaintances who knew what being a responsible adult looked like. He watchedhis brother and his brother’s friends getting high, getting drunk, sleepingaround and breaking the law, and was always the designated driver or recipientof the one phone call.
He tried hisbest to take care of Merle, but the older Dixon was too much like their father;he had a chip on his shoulder and a God complex. He made stupid decisions andtook stupid risks, and Daryl was always there to rescue him.
It wasn’tall bad though; when the world went apeshit,he was well prepared. He took care of himself and his lazy ass brother, lettingMerle take all the credit. He did fight Merle on robbing the camp at thequarry, and only lost that argument because Merle was high at the time, andMerle could lift a bus when he was high.
After Merlewent missing, he could relax a little. He stayed with Rick and the group andlet the leader make the decisions. He watched from afar as Rick and Shane grewfurther apart; their rivalry for a disloyal woman risking their safety at everyturn.
Daryl tookthe responsibility for finding the little-lost-girlbecause no one else would. Everyone else was too busy thinking about themselvesand whatever petty situation was bumming them out at that moment. Daryl hadbeen completely honest with Carol when he told her he didn’t have anything elseto do at the time; his whole focus was saving an innocent, frightened girl whohad a shit life. He wanted to do for her what hadn’t been done for him.
When he wasinvoluntarily pushed into the position of Rick’s second in command, he acceptedit willingly; at least he wasn’t top dog, and he was happy to do as Rick toldhim even though he didn’t always agree with him.
As time wenton, Daryl settled into the group and his position within it. He formed bonds henever imagined he would have the opportunity to know and felt more at peacethan he ever had. The only thing left to want was a day off.
When Aaronand Eric took them to Alexandria, Daryl was leery. After Terminus, he didn’ttrust anyone but his family; all others were a threat, but Aaron seemed like atrustworthy man and the group was desperate for a home. He refused to give inat first, he resisted assimilation in fear of becoming weak and less likely toprotect those he loved.
Then camethe super herd, the Wolves, and the Saviors. All of which were vanquished,eventually. Many family members had been lost, Daryl had almost been lost, buthe had something to live for, and more accurately, someone.
One yearafter Negan was killed and the remaining Saviors surrendered to live amongst theAlexandrians, Hilltoppers, and servants of the Kingdom, life became as close tonormal as anyone had experienced since the dead rose. Everyone was adjusting tolife again, as they had to do every so often in this new world; without friendsand family that had helped them build this life.
The losseshit Daryl especially hard; they always did. He made himself directlyresponsible for every one of them whether anyone else blamed him or not. Hisfamily had tried to gently push him back into the community. Reluctantly, andonly because he loved them so much, Daryl had ventured outside again.
Rick hadslowly brought Daryl back into the fold as his second; giving him more and moreresponsibility as time went on. Daryl was acting in more of a vice presidentialcapacity than a henchman nowadays, but he was happy with it. He had killed toomany people and just wanted to rest.
There wereno alarm clocks in Alexandria; everyone ran on their biological clock,especially Daryl. His body brought itself to life every morning as the sunpeeked above the horizon. His routine would normally include getting dressed,having a quick breakfast of whatever he could find, and heading out to findRick and starting their day.
When hiseyes opened, Daryl groaned loudly. He tugged the sheet up to his neck andburied his face in the pillow. He was tired; not just physically, but mentallyand emotionally as well. He remembered, back before the apocalypse, hearingabout something called a mental health day. He thought it was bullshit then,just an excuse to get out of work, but now he was thinking he might just callin for the day.
Falling backasleep, Daryl was awoken a couple hours later by a knock on his front door. Hewasn’t interested in leaving the comfort of his bed to answer it and ignoredit, hoping that he would be able to go back to sleep and whoever it was wouldgo away.
Soon thesound of footsteps stomping down the hallway stirred him again. “Daryl! Wherethe hell are you?” It was Rick and he sounded worriedand pissed.
“GoddamnRick Grimes,” Daryl mumbled into his pillow. He didn’t care who Rick was orwhat he wanted, Daryl fucking Dixon was having none of his shit today.
“Daryl? Areyou in there?” Rick asked as he knocked on the bedroom door. 
“If I tellyou I got bit and turned will you go away?” Daryl asked back as he fought his wayout of the blanket cocoon.
“No,” Rickanswered, laughing. “But I will put you down. Hell, I’m tempted to do thatalready.”
Darylgroaned again and got out of bed. Rick jumped in surprise when the door flungopen with force. “What the hell do you want?”
Rick threwhis hands up in surrender. “It’s ten thirty; nobody’s seen you and your bike isparked out front. Thought you were sick or something.”
“Ain’tsick,” Daryl said as he crashed back onto the bed. “I can’t do it today; I justcan’t.”
“Do what?” Rickasked and sat on the edge of the bed.
“Deal withthose whiny ass bitches. You’d think that after everything they’ve been throughand seen they’d act like adults, but no. They reverted to what they were likewhen we first got here. Whiny. Ass. Bitches.”
“You’ve beenspending time in the library, haven’t you?” Rick asked with a smirk.
“Da fuck isthat supposed to mean?” Daryl said. He was about to throat punch Rick out ofthe house.
“You saidreverted. I’ve never heard you say that word.” Rick felt the heat of Daryl’sangry stare and looked around the room to avoid it. “I promised Carl and EnidI’d teach them how to drive. That boy drives like Lori; I can’t let thathappen. Come with us; it’ll be fun.”
Daryl sunkinto the mattress and pulled the sheet up over his head. “I don’t wanna and youcan’t make me. You ain’t the boss of me, Rick Grimes.”
Rick tuggedon the sheet a little and finally pulled it away from Daryl’s face. “NOOOHOOO!” Daryl whined like a four-year-old.
“Now who’s awhiny ass bitch?” Rick said with a straight face. “You’re a grown ass man,Daryl. As a matter of fact, you’re the adultiestadult I’ve ever known. Suck it up and start the day.”
Daryl sat upsuddenly and pushed Rick away. “You have no right to say that, Mr. I’m gonnahave a psychotic break at the mostinconvenient time”. You took a damn vacation and I took control. I made thedecisions, I took care of your kids, I fucking pulled your crazy ass out of theabyss, and you’re telling me to suck it up?”
Rick pacedin front of the bed and sighed heavily. Daryl was right, when Lori died and he checked out, Daryl took care ofeverything. He deserved to have time to mentally recover and recoup from thepast year and a half, but Rick was going to have some fun first.
“You’reright; I’m sorry. You deserve to have someone take care of you like you tookcare of me. Admit it though, you went to the library, didn’t you?”
“Goddammit!Why are you being an asshole? I just want to take a day off.” Daryl’s voiceshifted to a higher pitch and Rick thought, just for a moment, that he soundedlike Judith when she was upset. 
“I’m justmessing with you. If it means that much to you, I’ll leave you alone. I’ll telleverybody you have a cold or something and I forced you to stay in bed andsleep. You fought me pretty damn hard, but in the end, you realized that takingit easy would be the best way to feel better.”
Daryl lookedat Rick and quirked his eyebrow. “You forced me? You can’t say that shit; it don’t sound right.”
“Why not? Irun this damn place. If I tell someone to stay in bed and take it easy, they’regonna do it.”
“You’re toodamn full of yourself. Besides, how many people are you forcing into bed, Rick?”
“You know Iain’t forcing nobody to do nothing. They follow my instructions because theyrespect me as leader of this community, and I can be a real charming motherfucker too.”
Darylsmirked. “I ain’t gonna argue with you about that. I know how charming youthink you are.”
“I’vecharmed you outta your pants quite a few times, ya know,” Rick said, feigningshock at Daryl’s words.
“It wasn’tyour charm that got me outta my pants, lawman. It was your giant dick.”
Ricklaughed. “Well, thank God for it, then.” He grasped Daryl’s face with bothhands. “I don’t care what it was; I’m just glad it keeps happening.” Leaningforward, Rick kissed Daryl tenderly, then stood from the bed.
“I’ll letyou sleep, and make sure you get more days like this. You’re the most importantthing in my life, Daryl. I want to make sure you’re healthy and safe. Justpromise me one thing.”
“Anythingyou want, Rick.”
“Let me takecare of you; let me make you feel good. Why don’t you meet me at the RV tonightafter everyone’s gone to bed?”
Daryllaughed. “You gonna teach me how to drive too?”
“No,” Ricksmirked, “but I thought I could take you for a ride, anyway.”
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asknoeloftheresistance · 8 years ago
😳💏💑👫👬👭👪👰🐶🐕��🐱🐈👼💘💓💚💚💖💖💖💖💙💙💙💙💗💗💗💗💜💜💜💟💟💕💕💞💞🍫🌹𷀽𷐽𳀠💎💍❌⭕❌⭕x💯% @hello-i-m-beck @askbeckandpaige @askkryptor @followingprotocol @thexgreenexfamily @woodrow-at-your-service @a-girl-and-a-bunch-more @deathwatch101 @pythor101 Noel once again turns on her Laptop camera screen as everyone especially her beloved B.F.F.E. (Best Friend for all Eternal), adoptive brother,and Platonic soulmate Lucario is all taking off and rushing out the door carrying several decorative packages,and dressed in formal wear all prepared to leave while she is still trapped in the age old struggle with her hair and rose colored Lipstick though she has managed to get her Black colored and pink rose design covered dress,and sandals on comfortably and presentably(though Bouquet helped tie her ribbon) and get her pink flower rose hair clip held and staying in the right place, while arranging several packages to carry on her own as she begins to explain “Well Happy Valentines day Everyone,as you can see Chaos as well as love is in the air this year pretty much normal for us,but well we’re in a hurry cus we made plans and promised to attend this year’s annual Pridelands Chocolate Festival,Lucario is especially eager since his wife Maisy got chosen as the Representative spokesperson this year,(Yeah being the wife of the Pridelands main resident Aura Guardian in training and hero,and has a mild chocolate addiction has nothing to do with it! :P) and it’s very Rare something like that happens to one of her social class standing,but anyway she plans to show off and distribute some of the many flowers as well as chocolate covered candy apples she has grown in her garden,and made especially for this occasion,and Lucario being the truly wonderful husband he is wants to make sure everything is absolutely PERFECT for her,and he doesn’t want to miss a second of her debut presentation,so as you can see it’s pretty insane at the moment”! She sighs yet is smiling “I even had to pull Lucario away from the chocolates he was preparing ,cus he was afraid they didn’t have enough strawberry filling his wife Maisy’s favorite! XD,and he was also worried that the white ribbon(which represents eternal love in Japan during Saint White’s Day if it’s tied around the box) and the Rosemary plant(which if a couple sees it together in bloom is also a blessing of eternal love in the middle ages) wasn’t tied on or attached to the box properly, But otherwise we expect everything to go brilliantly”! She whispers “I even made some special Valentine’s treats for all my friends and little critters”… She sees all her pets Including her Sylveon and even GB and Kotetsu bouncing up and sniffing her boxes and she pats their heads reassuringly “Don’t Worry you’ll ALL get some later I promise”! She laughs “Anyway It’s for my friends it’s these vegan and gluten free Karma Baker Brownies: https://karmabaker.com/recipe/sofias-brownies/ Which I made for made my guy friends(who are in a relationship and are of course all over each other,flirting, and being all Lovey-Dovey and stuff and though I’m course supportive I can’t help but feel like a third-wheel but hey they at least gave me a dollar and a nice lovely Valentine’s day card which I wasn’t really expecting so hey I ain’t complainin,! 😳 Still… I don’t even wanna THINK about what they’re doing right now,but hey! 😟😊) over the weekend and gave to them during our movie night and they and Sinya’s and my Family LOVED them,and plan to give to my Sister Elizabeth sometime this week,and for my pups and my friends pups and Weed’s Pack these Red Velvet Pupcakes: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LO3GLMyDIFU Since Dogs can’t have chocolate, (which my babies at my parents and my guy friends houses absolutely ADORED! :D) All treats are heart shaped, I even made some special tuna flavored ones for Seabert and my cat Miracle,and of course some special treats for all the animals I work with on the preserve,and Last but not least I even made Lucario’s Favorite chocolate pokepuffs to go with his brownies,which I know he’ll enjoy but of course Don’t Tell him that”! ;) She sighs but still smiles “Anyway after all the festivities and romantic gift exchanges there’s also supposed to be a Dance this evening,”… She then pulls and adjusts the ribbon tied around her dress “Which is why we’re all Dressed like this obviously”! She then sighs lowering her eyebrows and frowns slightly “I of course agreed to go with my co-worker and fellow intern Jeff even though I’ve made it clear to him several times, I only consider him a friend,but I let myself be his date so as not to be rude or hurt his feelings with him not wanting any other date and all,but Lucario also nicely offered to take me as a sister and friend so I won’t have to deal with him, THAT MUCH,so yeah that’s somewhat of a relief”! She smiles warmly “I’ll definitely have to thank Lucario Later,Shaymin and Marumaru I imagine are mostly going for the food but no need to fear they actually do have dates Shaymin even bought her signature Gracidea flowers for hers: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Gracidea,We’re also all surprised that Marumaru is actually getting serious about his girlfriend,considering his thing about women in the past but you know as we all say Love is a force that’s powerful and strange”! She sighs blissfully but soon caught and regains her focus and continues “Right, Anyway Anakin is a little bit Irritable but as Ahsoka says what else is really new,and we all imagine it has something to do with him of course wearing formal wear and a tie,and plus Padme has taken it upon herself to cater for the big Senatorial political thing she is doing at this whole event, here’s the dress she is wearing for it by the way: https://www.google.com/search?q=padme+clone+wars+red+dress&client=ms-android-verizon&prmd=sivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjdhd6SupDSAhUE3WMKHSMMCz0Q_AUICCgC&biw=360&bih=559#imgrc=bB4hBC-Fkb7yIM:,and when Anakin went into the kitchen this morning and she told him to stay out(As Kluke said Really Do you Blame her!? XD) ,she almost frosted him,plus just like all of us she’s rather concerned about Jar-Jar of course somehow unintentionally messing things up,but C-3PO has of course promised to help keep things in line,and R2,Chewie,Jann Tosh,and Jessica Meade have promised to Keep HIM in line,so yeah even though she already of course has it from all of us hopefully Padme generates the support she needs,and Don’t worry her and her brave and noble and by now honorable yet reckless shining Jedi Knight’s little spat should definitely die out by this evening knowing them, plus as Obi-wan reminded us despite it’s…Trials,their marriage has lasted this long,we all know for certain and have faith and hope that it’s going to last! 😇 And speaking of Ol Uncle Ben he’s generously and humbly offered to take Lota,and knowing and considering how they are we hope as usual they don’t draw too much of the wrong kind of suspicions to each other in public,we don’t how it’s going to go down but seeing how…frustratingly Hesitant and careful they are,it should be fine as well,Plus this is the first time Sakura and Sasuke, Naruto and Hinata,and all their friends are taking their kids and Sam and Mikaela’s daughter Tessa can go with her boyfriend Shane without any paternal dissaoroval,or any other problems as well and Lucario’s even going to use the piano to play a nice sweet romantic song to sing with Maisy,so that should be pretty special anyway here’s the ballroom: https://68.media.tumblr.com/ecd24aa160e262ac03d413ceeb95e3dd/tumblr_n9gq6si0oH1qf9tuno1_400.jpg Lucario’s home of cameron palace,sure knows how to host the best parties no wonder Nala selects it as the primary location for holding most events!” XD 👸🏰🌉🎆🎇 Noel then suddenly off in the background their “carriage” A.K.A. Ride sitting outside in the driveway anxiously waiting for them “And yes Bumblebee and Arcce Actually volunteered to get themselves temporary Pink Paint jobs especially for this celebration,though I personally love it,if it’s embarrassing to you I repeat…Just Don’t ask”! She then gives a wink “And while we’re still on the yes you Cybertronians we all know inuding them get heart shaped oil cakes Mikaela just had to get the recipe from Ratchet”! ;) She then suddenly hears Lucario call out to her “Noel Love,Come on Now We’re running out of time”! And she then pauses in brushing and putting on make-up which she is still of course epically failing at and sighs “Oh Screw it I’ll just ask Sakura and the girls to help me out when I get there,I’ve got enough to worry about with Lucario possibly getting even more flustered than I am as always when he runs into Maisy anyways”! As she gathers her stuff and prepares to follow her friends along with her pets for a lovely romantic holiday with LOTS of Chocolates “So Anyway guys What are your Special Valentine’s day plans!? we’d all love to hear them and how they go,we promise to let you know the same in return”! She places a hand over her heart then blows a kiss at the screen before sending a little note shutting it off “Til then Lots of Hugs and Kisses for Everyone from all of us, enjoy your day with your Loved ones may the entire universe soon experience Love as well,Anyway,bye now”! ❌⭕❌⭕😘😘😘😘💌X💯% Love,~Noel. https://www.google.com/search?q=chocolate+heart&client=ms-android-verizon&prmd=isnv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjgkuOSypDSAhVM52MKHTlCCzIQ_AUIBygB&biw=360&bih=559#imgrc=hZ9Jo0HT7ZBhfM:
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collecting-stories · 4 years ago
Shane - ep. 12 - Georgia
Summary: Shane hassles you in the diner and you let slip to Daryl that you want to date him. 
A/N: Can’t believe we’re moving this far into it. 
Georgia Masterlist | The Walking Dead Masterlist
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You almost audibly groaned when Shane walked into the diner on Monday night. Daryl has been gone all weekend and you were quickly realizing that driving yourself around just wasn’t the same. You weren’t too proud to admit that you missed him, more than someone should miss an ‘in between’ friend as Tara had called him.  
“You know, in between a friend and a boyfriend.” She had explained after coining the term.  
“I get it.”
You were sure your mom was happy, as happy as she could be with you, because you’d been essentially only at the diner and at home all weekend. You’d even been on time for church on Sunday morning, an occurrence that was lacking lately. It wasn’t only Daryl’s absence that had you falling back into that place so close to the daughter that your mother wanted. The one who was perfect enough to fix all the problems she had. Deanna had told your mom, just like Aiden said she would. She’d called her on Friday morning to tell her that she’d noticed you driving with Daryl in his truck.  
“When was this?” Your mother had asked, holding her hand up for you to stop as you were preparing to walk out the door for school.  
“I’m gonna be late.” You stressed.  
She put her hand over the receiver and looked you dead in the eye, “move out that door and I swear to god you will not go out again for a week. School be damned.”
You waited, stood there anxiously by the front door as she cast you glancing and nodded her head and ‘mmhmm’d’ at the appropriate places. Your dad was supposed to be coming home soon from the halfway house he was living in and you’d thought maybe she was talking to him but then she hung up and turned to face you.  
“You wanna tell me why Deanna just called me and told me she saw you with Daryl Dixon.”  
“Cause he was fixing my car. I told you that, remember?” You knew you said it in that way that suggested she was dumb for asking so you weren’t surprised when she smacked you across the face. It didn’t take the sting away though and you flinched away from her when she kept on.  
“You’ve done some truly stupid things before but this really tops it, you know that! Running around town like some whore!”  
And you could’ve said something else, at least that was the inner monologue you gave yourself afterward, when you were sitting in class with Maggie, swearing that you fell in the bathtub during your shower. You could’ve said something else, maybe, but you didn’t.  
“You would know! Why isn’t dad back yet? Cause he’s not better or cause you’re still fucking your boss!”  
Tara told you after school that she had wait the weekend, until she was back from her mom’s house, before you could stay. So you put yourself on best behaviour mode, faking it through a bruised jaw and other, worse injuries, that no one could see. You rolled in late to class with a slip that said you had tripped in the shower and you continued that lie until the last bell rang and you were driving to 7-11 to meet Tara, to stay far away from your mom.  
“Monday,” she promised. “I’m back from my mom’s Monday night, you can come over then.”  
“She told me ‘as long as you’re under my roof you won’t be anywhere near Daryl’. Good then, watch me get out from under your roof. She acts like it hasn’t happened before.” You replied, whispering as you stood in the back of the soda aisle, far away from Jacqui’s eavesdropping. The last thing you needed was her telling everyone what you said.  
“Does Daryl know?” Tara asked, playing dumb.  
“No.” You replied, “and I’m not gonna tell him. If he does like me he doesn’t need to think I’m messed up.”  
“You’re not messed up, your mom is a dick.”  
“Look, I can fake it for a weekend, church, no friends, work. It’ll be fine.” You promised, “and on Monday night, your house.”
“If you need it sooner, I could talk to my dad.” Tara offered. He’d let you stay plenty of times in the past.  
“No, Monday’s fine.”  
You survived the weekend the exact way you said you would. You faked the nice girl you had strived to be in middle school and for the first three years of high school. You didn’t talk back, you were quiet, nice, you went to work and to church and it was like some kind of wonderful transformation that your mother probably attributed to herself. She’d scared you straight out of your rebellious crush on Daryl and back to the girl she wanted you to be.
But Sunday came and you were counting down the hours. Just another day and you’d be at Tara’s. Hopefully a few more hours and Daryl would be back. Tonight, thankfully, your mom had left church, changed and gone to work, which left you at the diner, closing it out with Lori when Shane walked in.  
“I know you got a thing for that Dixon boy but I think you should reevaluate your eyes.” Lori commented, coming up next to you. “Shane Walsh is mighty fine.”  
“First, Daryl’s older than you,” you pointed out. He was 23, same as Rick, and Lori was 21, a little closer in age to you. “Second, you forget your pregnant?”  
“A girl can’t look?” She shrugged, walking away as you pretended to gag.  
Shane seemed oblivious to the interaction as he came up and sat at the counter. You hadn’t seen him since the party, though both Glenn and Maggie had and they claimed he had asked how you were. You weren’t surprised, Shane always did fashion himself as something of a ‘knight in shining armour’ you could only imagine the size of his ego knowing he had effectively ‘saved’ you from Aiden.  
“Hey Shane, what can I get you?” You asked, pad and pen ready, as if you thought he was actually going to order and he didn’t just come here with some ulterior motive like Aiden.  
“You, back?” Shane asked, grinning at you.  
You rolled your eyes, taking a deep breath and trying not to say anything too awful. The last thing you felt like dealing with today was Shane. “Hilarious. Order or move Shane.”
“I’m not joking.” He replied, leaning further across the counter.  
Over his shoulder Lori was shooting you a look that you were sure could translate into ‘jump on that offer’. You groaned, folding the notepad back up and slipping it into your apron. “Listen, Shane, I appreciate you standing up for me at the party and I’m sorry Aiden was a dick, I really didn’t want to be there with him-“
“Then why were you?”
“None of your business.” You snapped.  
“He trashed my house-“
“You both trashed your house! Don’t bitch at me because you got in a fight I didn’t ask you to get involved in.” You said, cutting him off.  
“So first it’s thanks so much and then it’s I don’t need you?”
“Yeah Shane,” you continued, “I was trying to be fucking nice to you but you’re being a dick. I’m sorry I don’t have feelings for you anymore but I can’t change that.”  
“You don’t mean that.” He said, keeping his voice low. He stood up and followed you down the counter as you tried to get back to work. As you lifted the gate on the counter he grabbed the other side, stopping you from going any further. “You got your head mixed up with that loser Dixon.”  
Your jaw tensed as you glared at him, “watch your mouth.” You let go of the gate, shoving passed him to get to your waiting tables.  
The resulting noise of the gate felt like it left an echo when Shane let go as well, turning and grabbing your arm. “Just talk to me, please!”
“I said no!” You snapped, pulling your arm away, “leave me alone Shane, I said no. I don’t want anything to do with you.”  
“Shane,” Otis’ voice caught both your attentions and you looked behind the counter to the window that offered a limited view of the kitchen. Otis was standing there, dish on the ledge, staring down Shane Walsh like he could fire bullets with his eyes. You’d known Otis your whole life and there wasn’t a person alive that ever had a bad word to say about him. He was a sweetheart, burly on the outside but teddy soft on the inside. He’d watched you hold your own with Shane in the past, and with Aiden. He watched you flirt with Daryl and told you more than a few times that you had that boy wrapped around your finger whether you thought so or not. And he watched Shane put his hand on you, “Think you should leave.”  
“We were just talking.” Shane replied, looking back at you like there was any chance in the world that you would defend him.  
“Yeah, and now you’re done.” Otis said.  
No further conversation was had. Shane nodded and left, Lori shooting him a sympathetic smile as he passed by her. You wanted to tell her to have at him, you could do without him hanging around. It was good Daryl was away for the weekend cause you were itching to go to his house as you stood outside the diner with Lori while she locked up.  
“You really over Shane?” She asked, as if she gave two shits about your life.
“Just wondering. He seems pretty passionate about you.”
“Passionate? Try aggressive.” You countered. He’d always been that way and you thought maybe there had been a time when you substituted who he was for who you wanted him to be but you liked to think you were a little smarter this time around.  
“What about Dixon?”
“Why are you asking me all these questions Lor?” You asked. You wanted nothing more than to get in your car and go home.  
“Just wondering, I get bored at the apartment, only one there to talk to is Rick and he’s on nights this week.” She replied. He was around whenever she had doctor’s appointments or if she needed something for the baby. She was more than positive that when the little Grimes was born he would be the best dad in King County but he seemingly less interested in being the best fiancé.  
“I don’t know,” you shrugged, answering her question finally, “Daryl and I aren’t dating though so it doesn’t matter.”  
“Think he’s waiting til you turn 18.” She asked.
“No, just don’t think he’s interested in dating me is all.”  
You’d given Daryl a lot of thought since you’d started spending time with him. There were times you thought maybe he liked you. Moments when it seemed plausible that there was something but it always felt like it was right before. This build up between the two of you with nothing to show for it in the end.  
“You have dated before right?”
“Obviously.” You replied, hand on the door of your car. If she would just get in and pull away , you could too.  
“Just checking.” She laughed, finally granting your wish and getting in the car.  
You peeled out after her, driving away from your street and pulling into the parking lot of the Shop’n’Bag. You parked as close as you could for a late night, your Jeep illuminated by the overhead light. The grocery store was practically dead at 10p as you grabbed a basket and walked around aimlessly. Hungry was not the way to shop but your mom was being a bitch and refusing to buy you groceries, going so far as to label the items in the refrigerator that she deemed hers.  
The freezer aisle, flickering from one of the ceiling lights, seemed to be your lucky spot. It wrapped the wall in the far left, two large cases running almost from wall to wall in the middle and a familiar frame leaning over one of them, cart full of other quick meals and beer beside him.  
“Hey stranger.” You greeted, stepping up next to him and leaning against the case.  
Daryl straightened, the faintest of smiles coming and going as he looked over at you, “ya ain’t stalking me are ya?”  
“No, I just finished at the diner, I’m starving.”  
“Ya know they make food there.” He replied, tossing a pack of steaks in the cart and moving along, you falling into step next to him.  
“I wasn’t hungry while I was there.” When he stopped again you pulled the three packs of stovetop mac and cheese out of your otherwise empty basket and dropped them in his cart before leaving your basket under the case.  
“I ain’t buying yer food.” He said, glancing over his shoulder at you. His eyes landed on the barely visible bruise that was still on your cheek, Tara’s words clear as day in his mind. “What happened?” He asked, hand brushing his own jaw in the same place.  
“Fell in the shower.”  
“Least it ain’t those cats this time.” He replied.  
“When did you get back?” You asked, following him down the aisle.  
“Like ten minutes ago, however long I been in here.” He said, pausing to throw something in his cart, “why?”
You shrugged, “it was boring this weekend, I missed you.”  
“Musta been real boring then.” He joked, turning his face away so you couldn’t see his cheeks going red. “Ya ain’t start any fights this weekend?”
“It wasn’t my fault,” you stressed. “Deanna called my mom though, told her she saw us driving in your truck.”  
“Told ya that ya shouldn’t be hanging around me.” Daryl replied, leaning against the handle of the cart. He watched you look through jars of red gravy until you found the one you wanted, sticking it in the cart. “I ain’t buying your food,” he repeated.
“I’ll pay for it,” you insisted, gripping the other end of the cart and smiling at him. “So, how was hunting?”
“A’ight. Got a deer in the bed a my truck.”  
You stuck your tongue out in disgust, “Glad my jeep’s fixed then.” You walked with Daryl through the rest of the store until he finally decided he was finished grocery shopping and turned his cart toward the check out, only one lane open this time of the night. When you tried to put the divider down between your order and his, Daryl put it back. “Thought you weren’t paying for me?”
“Ain’t a lot a stuff.” He shrugged, “bag it yerself though.”
“What a gentleman.” You laughed; scooting passed him so you could start bagging the groceries as the guy at the checkout put them through.  
Tara had told you enough times already that you should invite Daryl to your birthday, or just tell him that you like him and want to date him. You’d thought about both options plenty, positive that they were the only things on your mind these days. But actually, mentioning those things to him were a whole other story.  
“So, I turn 18 soon.” You mentioned as you walked out to your jeep with him. His truck was parked a few spaces down, blue tarp over the bed highlighted by a parking light. “Tara and Maggie are having a party for me.”  
“Ys sure that’s a good idea?” He joked, putting your groceries in the back for you.  
“Stop! No one’s ever gonna let me live that down.” You groaned.  
“Ya gonna invite me to yer party then?”  
You perked up a little, smiling, “well, yeah. And I was thinking too, you know, I’ll be 18.” You repeated at the end.  
“I heard ya.”
“I’ll be legal.” You clarified, as if he couldn’t catch on without you spelling it out for him.  
Daryl sighed, running a hand through his hair and looking at you a little more tired than before. “This ain’t a good idea, ya know,” he said, waving his hand between the two of you, “I ain’t got a lot going on right in my life. Ya shouldn’t be dragged into that.”  
“I’m not being dragged into anything,” you replied, “I really like you, I think I’ve been pretty obvious about it and if not then I’m telling you now. I like you and I’ll be 18 and I think-”
He stopped you by holding his hand up, “it ain’t gonna happen.”  
“I gotta get home,” he cut you off, stepping away from your car, “goodnight.”
“Yeah, goodnight.” You sighed, watching him walk away to his car.  
Taglist: @cbarter @onemorebeautifulnightmare @mainokutan  @solllaris @twdeadfanfic @legit-emily @gigilame @sabertooth-potato @enrapturedbythemoon @oncemorewithfeelingg @thanossexual @yespleasejayhalstead @hopesxxhigh @coffeebooksandfandom @jodiereedus22 @tehfabbooty @thecaptainsgingersnap @of-storms-and-sadness @alwaysadreamingoptimist @bucky-barnes-babies @ly--canthrope @daryldixonandfrogs @jaycc7983 @easnuppa @imaginecrushes @tonystarkismyboy @watchmeaspire @harpersmariano @guccicloudz @sapphire-angel @buzzybhee @alexbealee @elodieyung @its-evita-here 
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collecting-stories · 4 years ago
Tara - ep. 11 - Georgia
Summary: The reader’s birthday is right around the corner. Tara shares a secret with Daryl that only she knows. 
A/N: Someone recently asked about me posting pictures that inspired Georgia so I thought I would share the pinterest board I use for it.  (I’ll add more as the series moves along. If you wanna see anything specific like outfit inspo let me know lol).
Georgia Masterlist | The Walking Dead Masterlist
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“My baby! Look at her.” You cheered, standing in the parking lot of Dale’s autobody as Daryl drove the Jeep up and parked beside you. He had told you to come by after work to collect the Jeep at the shop, thinking it’d be better that way then you showing up at his house. “Thank you.”
“Just doing my job.” He shrugged, handing the keys over to you. “Another tussle with the cat?” He asked, catching sight of the cut on your cheek. Without thinking he reached up and brushed his hand across the cut and you flinched a little.  
You smiled though, when you met his eyes, “yeah, can’t resist ‘em.”  
“Thought maybe ya were getting into it at the diner, heard ya got arrested,” he teased.  
“I wasn’t arrested! Who told you I was arrested?”  
“Calm yerself down. Michonne said she picked ya up Friday night with Maggie Greene.” He replied. Michonne had given him an earful about it on Saturday morning when she’d seen him in the parking lot of the gas station.  
“I was at Shane’s party, there was a fight.” You replied, “but I wasn’t arrested.” You wondered if Michonne told Daryl that she called you his girlfriend and whether or not that bothered him. If he corrected her everytime or if he didn’t say one way or another. “Anyway, I went cause Aiden told me he’d tell my mom we’ve been hanging out if I didn’t. I didn’t want you to get in trouble,” you admitted.
With both of the boys only in holding over night to ‘cool off’ as the sheriff called it, you were sure that Aiden had convinced his mom to tell yours about all the time you were spending with Daryl. You’d spent all last night laying in bed freaking out over the thought of Daryl getting in trouble because you were stupid enough to not just go talk to Deanna in the moment.  
“Don’t worry ‘bout me, ya shouldn’t be spending time hanging around me anyway.” He mused, leaning against the side of your jeep. “Don’t matter anyway, going hunting for a few days...sure they’ll forget about whatever gossip they got running out their mouths by then.”
“When are you going?”
“Leavin’ in the morning why?” He asked.  
“How long you gonna be gone?”
“Why?” Daryl asked again, “ya want me ta print ya an itinerary or something?”  
“No. I’m just asking.” You frowned, hoping it looked like a glare but positive it looked much more like a pout. The thought of Daryl leaving, even for a weekend, was all kinds of awful. It was already going to be weird not going to his house three times a week to watch him work on the car and you were afraid that he would stop wanting you around now that the car was fixed. Going hunting felt like the final thing before he told you to stop bothering him for good. “You still gonna teach me car stuff when you come back?”
“Told ya I would.” He said. When Tiny called his name from the back of the shop, Daryl stood up, wiping imaginary dirt off his hands. “I gotta get back ta work, ya stay outta prison til I’m back, ya hear.”
“I wasn’t arrested!” You stressed,  
“Course ya weren’t.” He hesitated for a moment, hands in the pockets of his coveralls as he stood there, waiting to say whatever was on his mind. “I’ll only be a few days, I see ya after. Teach ya how to drive.”
“I know how to drive!” You laughed, “you told me I was good driver.”
“When was that?”  
He grinned, brushing his hair back with his hand before shaking it out. “I’ll be seeing ya alright?”
“I’ll see you when you get back.” You nodded, finally opening the door to your jeep as Daryl headed back into the auto shop to help Tiny. You waved to Axel as you peeled out, not headed far though, you had a shift at the diner to get back to.  
You hadn’t mentioned it to Daryl then though you had been planning to. It was your birthday soon. About two weeks and you’d be eighteen. It wouldn’t matter what Deanna told your mom or what Aiden said and maybe, Michonne’s teasing wouldn’t have to be just teasing. It was all wishful thinking though. There was still the unavoidable possibility that he didn’t like you at all and that when you told him how you felt he wouldn’t reciprocate. Maggie told you that you were crazy to even think that way, Daryl was obviously into you, according to her.  
You’d spent enough time with him though, you knew he wouldn’t come around easy. But that was okay, you were pretty willing to stick it out even if all you ever got was a glimpse of a smile.  
The diner was packed when you got there, almost unusually so for a Thursday night but you recognized the two girls sitting at the counter the moment you walked through the front door. You waved while you ducked in the back to drop your things and clock in, fixing the apron around your dress and coming back out the double doors behind the counter.  
“What are you guys doing here?” You asked, stopping in front of Maggie and Tara before you waited on anyone else.  
Maggie only came by the diner if she was driving you home and lately she hadn’t. Tara came even more infrequently so you knew they had to want something if they were sitting there, especially at the beginning of your shift.
“Wanted to get dinner, saw you across the street with your boyfriend.” Tara teased.  
“Shut up.”
“You tell him that you’re gonna be eighteen soon.” She questioned. “You guys can-”
“Tara! Shut up!” You smacked the back of her hand with the pad of paper in your hand, “my God.”
“We came over because we were talking party ideas and wanted to know what you wanted for your birthday?” Maggie cut in, bringing the conversation back to something more appropriate for a diner full of families.
“After the other night...no party. Just us, Glenn...maybe Eugene? No one else, please.” You laughed.  
“You know what would be more fun than a party?” Lori commented, stopping behind you.  
You twisted around, looking at your co-worker, “waiting on tables?” You replied. She was always on your case, it was no surprise that she would’ve been ease-dropping on the conversation.  
“Especially since you aren’t being paid to stand here chitchatting with your friends.” She retorted.  
“I’m going, I’m going,” you muttered, “discuss without me...no party.” You insisted, walking around the counter to go wait on the tables in your section.
Tara spun in her stool, watching you chat up tables of families. “Watch her, I’ll be right back.” She instructed, hopping off the stool. Maggie was about to ask where she was headed but Tara was already across the diner, the bell on the door clattering behind her as she left. Through the picture windows Maggie could see her cut across the street to the garage. You would kill them if you found out, surely.  
Tara walked up the small parking lot to the garage. She’d been there once to drop you off but had never been inside. She’d only seen Daryl a handful of times and only talked to him once. Not exactly the basis for inviting him to come to a birthday dinner for you that she couldn’t even imagine him agreeing too.  
“Can I help you?” T-Dog called, spying the girl walking into the open garage a little less confident now that she was through the door.  
“Is Daryl here?”  
“D! You got a visitor.” T-Dog shouted, looking back at Tara skeptically before walking off to go back to work.  
Daryl appeared on the other side of a four-door sedan, eyes narrowing when he realized the visitor was not you. Tara smiled a little too apprehensively, walking over to him and waving. “Hey, I’m Tara...I’m friends with-”
“Yeah, I recognize ya,” Daryl replied, leaning against the car. “What’re ya doing here?”
“Well...you might not know but she’s turning eighteen in two weeks and we were planning on having a party for her, nothing special but...” Tara shrugged, “I wanted to invite you.”
“I’m busy.”  
“In two weeks? I didn’t even tell you the date.” She pointed out.  
“Yeah and? She didn’t tell me herself, ain’t something she wants me ta know.” He replied. It seemed logical enough for him. You hadn’t mentioned your birthday to him at all. Maybe the party was a surprise but you hadn’t even brought up the exact date so why would you want him at a party with your friends?  
“I think she’s probably just nervous, you know?” Tara tried to argue. Considering how much you talked about Daryl on a daily basis she wouldn’t be surprised if you didn’t mention anything to him out of sheer anxiety. You were eighteen...the implications were there.  
“What for?”
“Well,” Tara paused, was he joking? “She’s eighteen...you guys could like...date.”
Daryl brought his hand up, chewing at the tip of his thumb, cheeks going red at the word. He’d thought about it. Hell, he thought about it all the time. At Thanksgiving, in the parking lot on Christmas Eve, at the stupid winter fest, in his truck while you were driving to Woodbury, anytime he looked over at you while he was working on the car. What he wouldn’t give to have that, to kiss you whenever he wanted, to be close to you, but that kind of happiness wasn’t in the cards for him.  
You were a fluke, a weird accident that happened in his timeline and once the universe righted itself you would be fixing your eye on someone who was better for you. Someone who would live up to all the standards that people in King County had.  
“I got work.” He finally said, looking back down at the car in front of him.  
“Okay. Just, think about it?” Tara requested. “She really likes you and, I know my opinion is whatever but, she deserves some happiness.” Tara turned, leaving the shop to get back to Maggie, hoping you didn’t notice her absence too much.  
“What’d ya mean?” Daryl called after her.  
Tara paused, looking back at him, “don’t tell her I told you...no one knows.” She stressed, “things aren’t exactly...her parents aren’t what everyone thinks.”  
As she headed back to the diner Daryl exhaled, kicking the tire of the sedan as that feeling settled in the pit of his stomach. The same feeling he’d pushed away earlier when he saw the scratch on your cheek. The one he’d ignored just after Christmas when you told him you tousled with a cat at the Greene’s. It was that feeling, nagging, coupled with the smallest hint of something familiar behind your eyes.  
He knew the feeling. He lived it. But you shouldn’t have to.  
Taglist: @hopesxxhigh @coffeebooksandfandom @jodiereedus22 @tehfabbooty @thecaptainsgingersnap @of-storms-and-sadness @twdeadfanfic @alwaysadreamingoptimist  @mainokutan @sabertooth-potato @solllaris @bucky-barnes-babies @ly--canthrope @daryldixonandfrogs @jaycc7983 @easnuppa @imaginecrushes @tonystarkismyboy @watchmeaspire @harpersmariano @guccicloudz @sapphire-angel @buzzybhee @alexbealee @elodieyung @its-evita-here 
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