#wandersong lori
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banditllamas · 2 years ago
Chismest Dialogue (Part 2)
Part 1 here. Lotta Lori in this one.
Continuing on, Mirriam has a little more to say, she'll get excited about blasting something if you find Elara after attempting the overseer song.
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Bard: “I found an astronomer who wants to take down the factory.” Mirriam: “So what do I blast?” Bard: “What?” Mirriam: “She’s a scientist right?” Mirriam: “So she knows where to hit to knock out the whole system!” Mirriam: “What do I blast?!”
Beth's got some things to say about Elara, makes sense, we do have our meetings there.
“Lotta fun characters come through here, oh yeah.” “That astronomer from outta town’s always here. Middle of the night.” “Like midnight till 5AM. Always orders the same thing.” “Why? Who knows. Who cares.”
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“You part of that group that meets here every night?” “Ain’t gonna lie… you are a very suspicious bunch.” “Don’t bother me none, though.”
Beth and Tanya will gossip about all the recruits as you help them; For Winston:
Beth: “‘Parently the purple whiny guy took up care of the town stray.” Tanya: “WHAAAaaaaat! Ya don’t say…” Tanya: “That punk ain’t cared for a thing in his life, Beth!” Beth: “Just what I heard.”
For Peter/Mirriam:
Beth: "Well, apparently that guy on the roof found himself a girlfriend." Tanya: “Gaaaaaaaaaaasp! Ya don’t say…” Beth: “Something like that, anyway.” Beth: “They go Traipsin’ about at 9PM.” Beth: “Girl’s new in town. Nobody knows her.” Beth: “Never thought I’d see the day…”
Talking to Tanya:
Beth: “Well, the astronomer from outta town is scheming something.” Tanya: “Scheming? Whaddaya mean, Beth?” Beth: “Something big.” Beth: “She’s gonna try to overthrow the factory.” Tanya: “Whaaaaaaat??? That’s crazy talk!”
When you have all the recruits she has more to say to Tanya:
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Beth: “Apparently the astronomer is gonna try her factory takedown soon.” Tanya: “Whaaaaaaat??? That wasn’t some kinda joke?” Beth: “Don’t think so. She's crazy.” Tanya: “That’s scary, huh?” Tanya: “What would be left without the factory?” Beth: “No idea.” Beth: “But I'm a little excited to see.” Tanya: “You’re crazy too, Beth.” Tanya: “What else is new.
Katya also appears in the diner around the same time our subterfuge group does.
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“I always see weirdos here early in the morning…” “Like… plotting something?” “Are you one of them?”
Lori has a lot to say about Elara! Probably meant as tips but she mentions her a LOT.
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“Oh evenin’…” “Just doin’ my nightly sweeps!” “Us late nighters got a special bond eh?” “Ya ever get a chance to meet the astronomer?” “Never talked to ‘er myself, but i’d give ‘er a knowin’ nod when we pass!”
“Bein’ out as late as me, ya see some funny stuff!” “Like that astronomer from out’a town, eh?” “She goes to Beth's diner every midnight!” “Only time she’s ever in town, don’cha know…”
“Wonder what’s keeping the astronomer up so late…” “She’s not one to stop and chat don’cha know!” “She’s only got eyes for her telescope… or Beth's diner.”
Thats not all, she goes to Beth's diner right after Elara leaves.
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Lori: “Ohai there Beth! Just the usual today.” Beth: “Same as always.” Lori: “Astronomer come by again last night?” Beth: “Uh huh. same as always.” Beth: “Same as always.” Beth: “Same as always…” Beth: “Same…” Beth: “…” Lori: “…”
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Lori: “That astronomer gal is just so mysterious, don’cha know…” Lori: “Wonder what she sees up there what with all the smog?” Beth: “I just take orders.” Beth: “Heck if I know.”
Beth: “So how's the weather out there?” Lori: “Ah well. Ya know…” Lori: “Cold.” Beth: “Yeah.”
Thats all for now, If people wanna know about the other npcs in Chismest i'm happy to post them.
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banditllamas · 2 years ago
I've been replaying chapter 4 so so much and I have discovered A LOT of dialogue from doing things in different orders. I'm going to post all the dialogue from and concerning Elara cause oh my god theres a lot. (Even if its pretty standard "hey go find her" tips)
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