Jail blog for @femslashspuffy bc I post too much. You can call me Rehks, pronouns are they/them, icon by @floral-cas But seriously follow my main first
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Might be in part due to the stress but this news legit just made me cry.
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nodding furiously at every second of this video
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crazy that enough time has passed to have nov 5th traditions…………
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Had a dream there was a new six hour long HBomberGuy video that starts with him tryingnto debunk Daniel Molloys novel "Interview With The Vampire" as a fun short video. After thirty minutes in and pulling a "so obviously vampires arent real" thing he launches into a three hour tangent bringing up all the weird historical details that are completely accurate when you accounted for stuff like Louis saying the wrong cemetary or church name
Four hours in he breaks down and says "okay so, this would all point to actual pop rock artist Lestat De Lioncourt being a real vampire, and Kate pointed out he was playing in my town a couple weeks from when we were covering all this. So I called and asked him for an interview to see if I couldnt get a better feel for what was going on"
He then proceeded to take out colored contact lenses and remove the gloves hed been wearing the whole video to reveal he was a vampire and the title card just popped up saying "GUESS WHAT FUCKING HAPPENED" and I woke up before the next two hours of video could play
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chasers of the light - tyler knott gregson // supernatural 15x18
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fragment 137 + dean was going to confess first [15x18]
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fragment 4 + the confession [15x18]
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chasers of the light - tyler knott gregson // 4x03 // 5x03 // 6x20 // 10x09 // 15x18
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four years in to post-destiel world. gay angel i love you forever
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ya’ll dissing the supernatural finale like the writers didn’t sacrifice every lead character so georgia could turn blue twice
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can someone put their canine teeth in the side of my neck please for the love of god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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spn queerbaiting is like being in the middle of the desert and and you're like cool. could i get some water. and someone comes along and is like "here are a billion signs we've got water. here's years of subtext implying water. here's market research specifically proving that we researched whether or not water is popular (it is)." so you follow them for twelve years and then they finally stop and you're like cool. where's the water. and then they splash a little on your shoes and impale you with rebar.
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cannot take it seriously when I see people going on about how post-canon destiel is all tenderness and gentle love and enrolling jack in a well-credited kindergarten or whatever. SHUT UP!! they are the malcom in the middle family! look into yourselves and know that I speak the truth. sam is francis, claire is reese, emma is malcom, jack is dewey. look me in the eyes and tell me claire wouldn't pull something out of the oven with her bare hands. look me in the eyes and tell me they wouldn't get into a brawl with a bunch of random party clowns. you KNOW the impala has been crashed through their poor ranch house's walls more than once. the roller disco. arm wrestling as a means of judging whether or not the kid is old enough to make their own decisions. cas and jack accidentally throwing a huge spider directly into dean's face. YES they had a honey stall at the local farmer's market but they 100% got banned after a long convoluted series of shenanigans. even after retiring from hunting they are far too chaotic for a normal peaceful life and you KNOW it.
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if you have work tomorrow i love you. and remember to do as little as you can get away with 👍 and tell your coworkers how much you're getting paid and also spend 30 minutes in the bathroom 👍👍 and steal the office supplies okay byeee good luck i love you 👍
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this is how I imagine jensen and misha are right now
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Since you're 16 hours ahead, what are the US election results?
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