#wam bread soon
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y-eontan · 1 year ago
final rise 🧟‍♀️
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*bangs spoon on pot* NEW OC NEW OC i can't be tamed
CW: Magical whumpee, branding/scarification, burning, scalding metal, Whumper as caretaker, ... nice? whumper, implied nudity for a second, restraints.
(Pickett can transform into a marten but will never be whumped as an animal.)
The magician smiled as he walked through the market, taking in the sights of the bustling coastside Town. There were stands and carts, open shops and peddlers selling their wares. He could see the docks from the stone streets, could smell the foul salt in the air.
This was the last stop before the wild, before the world opened to those brave - or stupid - enough to explore it. It was a place of last chances, of hastily made decisions and half-thought through plans. Just like all the others, he was there to make his name.
One such salesman waved him over, encouraging him to spend his coins for the compasses and maps that could guide him to riches and fame. He waved him off, continuing on his walk. A girl offered him a handheld loaf of fresh bread, but he waved that off as well. The little creature sitting on his shoulder lifted it’s head to see, slowly following the girl with it’s blue eyes as the Magician kept walking. He smiled and scratched under its chin, more than happy to stop at another stand and buy the little furry thing some fruit as a treat.
The moment the door was closed and bolted behind them, the creature jumped down from its perch around the man’s shoulders to the floor. He turned to busy himself with his organization, putting away his hat and bag with a dim blue light glowing behind him. When Errold turned, he threw the boy that had appeared in a wam brown robe.
Pickett wrapped it around himself quickly, hissing in a breath. His wrists - his wrists ached fiercely. Everything hurt, a dull pain that settled along his spine and across his hips. He had spent too long in his animal form, too long with bones and muscle and sinew out of alignment. He leaned side to side, trying to stretch out as quietly as he could. Something popped and his breathing hitched.
“Pickett? Are you okay?”
“Oh! No, I’m-I’m-I’m okay,” he said quickly, smiling up at Errold. He didn’t want him to know, didn’t want him to catch on. If he did, he might try and fix it and he, he couldn’t handle that right now.
Errold looked down at him, brow furrowed. “Are you sure?”
Pickett nodded a little too quickly, and winced. Errold raised a brow.
“I’m, it’s- I’m a little sore,” he finally admitted, pulling the robe closed tighter. He looked up apologetically to see the magician’s concerned face. “But I’m okay! It was just a long time.”
Errold hummed, walking over to the dreaded bookcase. “Not all that long, Pic. Let me see what I can do.”
“No!” Pickett tried to stand, to reach out a hand to stop the man, but his legs couldn’t hold him up and he fell forward. He hit his nose on the way down, and even though it didn’t hurt much, there was still blood on his hand when he drew it away. The Magician tutted and went down to his knees.
“Look at you, making a mess of yourself,” he muttered, examining the boy’s face. For some reason, Pickett shivered under his gaze.
“What, what, what if I, what if I just walked-” the man sighed loudly, interrupting him. Pickett cowered further into himself, avoiding eye contact. He knew he wasn’t supposed to ask, but what danger could they really be in here?
“Pic, you know better than to ask that. Again,” Errold muttered, picking up the boy and depositing him onto the low table. “You know why, you must still remember how dangerous it is out there for people like us. They’d lock me up, take you away from me.” He paused, lifting his chin gently until they finally met eyes.
“You don’t want that, now do you?”
Pickett blinked up at him and took a deep breath before he shook his head. No, no he didn’t want that. Errold laid a hand on his chest and pushed him back flat against the wood. As the man walked around, back to his book and supplies, Pickett’s heart was slowly starting to race. While he was distracted by his own fear, a hand slipped under the boy’s shirt near his stomach.
Errold cried out, jerking his hand back and shaking it to get rid of the spark of pain. Pickett sat up on his elbows, eyes wide. The older man glared at him, hand smoking faintly.
“Wait, wait wait wait, I can explain! I can!” Pickett tried, crawling backwards off the table. Errold didn’t bother to respond, striding forward and pinning him down. The boy squirmed and wiggled, but was no match in his exhausted state. Soon enough there were long strips of linen securing his wrists and ankles to the table legs, two more going over his collar bone and hips.
Gruffly and annoyed, Errold wrenched up his shirt to examine the intricate lines of gold that covered his body. Pickett tried to interrupt, to distract him, but was shushed harshly. With a sigh, the man ran his fingers along one line that had been scratched and inched and the gold picked out of the scar. He gave Pickett a disappointed side-eye.
“I’m sorry!” Pickett cried out, eyes glossy but no tears spilling out yet. “I’m sorry! I am! But, but it itched and, and Errold please it felt better when I took the rune out. I can control it this time, I really can. I know I can!”
Errold leaned down and cupped the boy’s face in both hands. Poor thing was shaking, scared of what was going to happen. He hated to see him this way, hated that this was really the best way to apply the runes.
“I know, I know Pic - and I’m sorry, Sweetheart. But you can’t just claw them out. They’re there for a reason, and you need to respect that. I know you don’t want to, but I have to put them back. Shh, don’t cry, Shh I know, I know it hurts. But you need them, Pickett.”
He brushed his hand down the boy’s dark hair, looking into light eyes as the tears spilled over and down his cheeks. Poor thing. Pickett shut his eyes and laid back against the wood, trying hard to stifle his crying. Errold was right, he was always right. But it would be okay, he could do it. He had survived the other hours upon hours it took to bind the rest of his body, he could make it through re-placing a few lines on his side.
And whatever other ones Errold would add.
When the muzzle was placed against his mouth, he didn’t buck or try to fight it. Honestly, it was almost welcome. The process hurt, and others would be disturbed by his cries of pain. Errold pet his hair back one last time with an affectionate look before he lifted the boy’s shirt all the way and went to light the small fire.
The rods of gold were long and thin, small as a delicate sprig from a rosebush. They were expensive and shined even in the leather pouch Errold kept them in. It had to be a good quality gold, one that was pure enough to handle the weight of the magic. As harmless as they were in this form, Pickett still shivered when he heard them clink together.
Errold used a bit of dusty chalk to paint the correct lines across his skin as he waited for the fire to build. This part never hurt, but the sensation of it still made his heart race. He squeezed his eyes shut and forced himself to wait.
The magician could see how hard the boy was trying for him, and he smiled sadly. Poor thing, but it really did try and be good for him. He would of course care for it afterwards, making sure he was as comfortable as possible. Donning thick gloves, Errold picked up a rod of gold and placed it in a specially crafted pipe. He’d had to make all these tools himself, designing them to work for what he needed. This pipe would not only help him melt the gold, but also apply it in even lines.
When it was ready, he returned to the boy bound to the table. He laid a hand on Pickett’s stomach in sympathy, then began his work.
Pickett cried out the first moment the molten liquid touched his skin, back arching and struggling in his restraints. It was beyond painful, beyond words he knew to describe it. It was burning through him, searing away paths and lines to cool in his skin. He sobbed into the muzzle, tears streaming down both sides of his temple. Every line, every dash burrowed farther into his skin. The pain built and built, with no regard to how much he could withstand. It didn’t care. It had no stake in how hard his heart pounding in his chest or how his lungs heaved for air. He just had to get through it, had to survive it.
He curled his hands into fists until he could feel the bite of his nails.
Errold hushed him softly, focused on following his chalk outline. His heart ached lightly, but only lightly. Pickett knew better than to dig the runes out. Any pain from the re-working of that was his own fault. Errold was doing this for his own good, he understood that. Pickett needed these, and Errold needed them.
It was mutually beneficial, he told himself.
Right as he was on the cusp of passing out, Errold pulled the pipe away to show he was finished. The new lines of gold over the boy’s dark skin were practically still glowing red, not yet having cooled down enough to shine their signature color. The magician didn’t dare touch them, just laid a damp cloth over the area.
Pickett whined loudly at the feeling, still heaving for breath. He could barely tell if his eyes were open at this point, just feeling like the world was distant from him. A hand touched his face to remove the muzzle but he couldn’t muster the strength to respond.
“Shh, shh Pic, you’re alright. Here,” Errold started, lifting him bodily from the table. Pickett whimpered, totally unaware that he had been untied. He was gently placed in his hammock, gratefully on his unhurt side, and left there as the magician tidied the rest of the room. The boy got his eyes open a few times, but the world was still blurry. He huffed through his nose and rubbed his face against the fabric, itching at the tear tracks across his face.
“Alright then,” Errold’s voice came and Pickett raised his head up. The man gathered him back out of the hammock and laid him on the bed. With just the back of his hand to the boy’s forehead he could tell he was already getting the fever, so he laid a damp cloth across it. The other wounds were still too tender to apply anything too strong, so he just used a general salve.
Pickett remained mostly quiet through the rest of the bandaging, simply letting it happen. He was a little more aware, however, when the magician wrapped his unharmed hands in bandages as well.
“To keep you from messing with them, Pickett,” Errold chided at the boy’s confused sound. Picket hadn’t done it much, but it would have to be something he would have to keep an eye on now. Perhaps he would pick up some mitts somewhere.
By the time he was done, Pickett’s fever was raging and he had to replace the cloth. He then returned him to the hammock to rest while he turned to his real work.
A request for a spirit guide had just come in, and it was an offer Errold had no desire to resist.
Tagging @yet-another-heathen cause this idea actually came from a convo with them!
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wildrockspl · 7 years ago
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Today, as soon as the first star lights up, we gonna celebrate Christmas Eve. Christmas Eve in Poland is beautiful and moving. We spend this evening with our family to share special bread, song carolls and eat special dinner. Everyone has to try each of 12 dishes - and all of them on that special night tasty amazing (even herring with onions). . But what is most touching for me, is the empty seat at the table - for the 'lost traveler', but also to remember about those who could not get there to join our family or those who are not with us anymore ✨ . Wish you all beautiful Christmas🌟❤️ . #whpcelebrate . . Kochani, wszystkiego dobrego na święta! Nie musze Wam tłumaczyć jak wyglądają polskie święta, ale spytam Was za to - na jakie danie czekacie dziś wieczór? Czym smakują dla Was święta? Ja czekam na kompot z jabłek i śliwek, serniczek mojej siostry Werci (cały adwent nie jadłam słodyczy) i bigos mojej mamy ❤️❤️❤️ . . . . . #festivefaffing #thiswintermoment #makingwinter #thequietwinter #myseasonalstory #amerrywinterwelcome #merryandbright #aquietstyle_festive #christmaspresents #christmaseve #wigilia #polishtradition #botanicalgirl #christmasiscoming #botanicalpickmeup #darlingmoment #beautyinsimplicity #aquietstyle #embracingtheseasons #myeverydaymagic #bozenarodzenie #searchwandercollect #momentsofmine #thisweekoninstagram #inspiremyinstagram #curated_nature #flashofdelight #flowergram #flowerstagram http://ift.tt/2zozPJ3
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healthbolt-blog · 6 years ago
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New Post has been published on http://www.healthbolt.net/cooking/techniques-of-healthy-cooking-4th-edition/
Techniques Of Healthy Cooking 4th Edition
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Creating healthy eating
Stuffed roti bread 410 … techniques
Roti bread 410
Weekly series begins feb. 7
Incorporating relaxation techniques
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This updated new edition of Techniques of Healthy Cooking includes the latest dietary guidelines and healthy cooking techniques. It also covers a wide range of health- and environment-related topics of concern to today’s diners, such as organic ingredients, local …
Description. Choosing a healthy eating pattern is vitally important, as diet directly influences health. From The Culinary Institute of America, Techniques of Healthy Cooking is a comprehensive kitchen reference for understanding nutrition concepts, creating healthy eating patterns, developing healthy recipes and menus, and cooking healthy recipes.
Image Credit: WAM Dubai: The fourth edition of Dubai Future Accelerators … early detection of pests threatening public health and effective control; the use of AI or modern techniques in identifying …
3 THE TECHNIQUES 98 General Cooking Guidelines 100 Techniques for Vegetables 120 … TECHNIQUES OF HEALTHY COOKING x 9 BAKED GOODS AND DESSERTS 408 Whole Wheat Pita Bread 410 stuffed roti bread 410 … techniques of Healthy Cooking, 4th Edition …
Techniques of Healthy Cooking, 4th Edition, Professional Edition – Kindle edition by The Culinary Institute of America. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Techniques of Healthy Cooking, 4th Edition, Professional Edition.
Rosewood Jeddah’s annual food festival has returned for its fourth edition. The “unforgettable culinary … we want to show our guests the unique cooking techniques and practices that the country is k…
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Techniques of Healthy Cooking, 4th Edition, Professional Edition Edition by The Culinary Institute of America and Publisher Wiley. Save up to 80% by choosing the eTextbook option for ISBN: 9781118547632, 1118547632.
This weekly series begins feb. 7 and will include exercise and strengthening groups focusing on balance and fall prevention while incorporating relaxation techniques and … by Suffield Community Aid. …
Healthy Superbowl Recipes Cooking Light Healthy Cooking Chefs Healthy Ways Of Cooking Chicken Breast Cooking Healthy Chicken 50 Healthy Chicken Recipes That Are Anything But Boring. This is the kind of healthy eating we can get down with. Think chicken is a snooze-fest? THINK AGAIN. With the right recipe, chicken is anything but boring. Chicken is my go-to meat for recipe planning, because it’s a blank canvas for all kinds of different flavors and cooking techniques. Chicken is easy to use, a healthy … Silicone Healthy Cooking Mat If you use silicone molds or bakeware, make sure it is high quality and doesn’t contain fillers or dangerous additives. I stick to silicone molds for cool-temperature uses like: Chewable Vitamins. Gummy Bears. lotion bars. soap. coconut meltaways. Homemade Chocolate. 6 product ratings – silicone baking mat cookie Sheet Set (2) Non-stick Cooking Mat Liner for Macaron $12.62 Trending at $14.70 Trending price is based on prices over last 90 days. (Photo: Vickie Connor/The Desert Sun) What makes California the very picture of health? It’s neither sunshine nor silicone. O… Ohequbao Enlarge Non-stick silicone baking mat,Pyramid Healthy Cooking Oven Mat Fat-reducing Grill Mats BBQ Baking Sheet 16 x 11.5Inch (2Pack) by Ohequbao. $18.99 $ 18 99 Prime. FREE Shipping on eligible orders. Only 19 left in stock – order soon. Healthy Ways To Cook butternut squash tom Kerridge’s creamy butternut squash pasta bake is a healthy twist on a classic and perfect for the … this could easily b… healthy cooking pinterest Though “clean eating” can help kick-start healthy eating habits, it can be deeply demoralizing for those who live in food des… Ask friends for new recipes and spend some time on Pinterest to avoid healthy food fatigue. If you have a work buddy also try… Melt-in-your-mouth 2-Ingredient Almond Cookies. The most amazing deliciousnesses of all times! Paleo, vegan, low-carb & absolutely delicious! After scrolling through an endless Pinterest feed of Christmas cookies I couldn’t help but think the world needs quick and easy to make, healthy … With 23 billion recipes, Pinterest attracts gourmands (foodies) in search of culinary novelties. In this post-holiday period, … Mommas beautiful italian recipes With A Healthy Quick Twist The weather is finally starting to chill out, so we’re swapping our watermelon and corn on the cob for in-season items like butternut squash and figs. Luckily, when it comes to finding ideas for how t… Healthy calendar diabetic cooking 2nd edition Goeser, a clinical manager for Medtronic who lives in Des Moines, has Type 1 diabetes – a chronic illness in which the … "The better we can control those insulin levels, the more healthy we will be, … How To cook parsnips healthy Heart Healthy Oils To Cook With In honor of February’s American Heart Month, let’s discuss how to choose cooking oils that are heart healthy. The type of fat … Fats get a bad rap—but in fact they support our overall health and make our meals … choose the right one for whatever you’r… Healthy Ways To Healthy Cooked Meals Delivered Are Kettle Cooked Chips Healthy Healthy Cooked Breakfast Ideas Uk Is Cooking With Coconut Oil Heart Healthy Healthy Ways Of Cooking Chicken Breast cooking healthy chicken 50 Healthy Chicken Recipes That Are Anything But Boring. This is the kind of healthy eating we can get down with. Think chicken is a snooze-fest? THINK AGAIN. With the right recipe, chicken is anything but boring. Chicken is my go-to meat for recipe planning, because it’s a blank canvas for all kinds of different flavors and cooking techniques. Chicken is easy to use, a healthy … silicone healthy cooking mat If you use silicone molds or bakeware, make sure it is high quality and doesn’t contain fillers or dangerous additives. I stick to silicone molds for cool-temperature uses like: Chewable Vitamins. gummy bears. lotion bars. soap. coconut meltaways. homemade chocolate. 6 product ratings – silicone baking mat cookie Sheet Set (2) Non-stick Cooking Mat Liner for Macaron $12.62 Trending at $14.70 Trending price is based on prices over last 90 days. (photo: Vickie Connor/The Desert Sun) What makes California the very picture of health? It’s neither sunshine nor silicone. O… Ohequbao Enlarge Non-stick Silicone Baking Mat,Pyramid Healthy Cooking Oven mat fat-reducing grill mats bbq Baking Sheet 16 x 11.5Inch (2Pack) by Ohequbao. $18.99 $ 18 99 Prime. FREE Shipping on eligible orders. Only 19 left in stock – order soon. healthy ways To Cook Butternut Squash Tom Kerridge’s creamy butternut squash pasta bake is a healthy twist on a classic and perfect for the … this could easily b… healthy cooking pinterest Though “clean eating” can help kick-start healthy eating habits, it can be deeply demoralizing for those who live in food des… Ask friends for new recipes and spend some time on Pinterest to avoid healthy food fatigue. If you have a work buddy also try… Melt-in-your-mouth 2-Ingredient Almond Cookies. The most amazing deliciousnesses of all times! Paleo, vegan, low-carb & absolutely delicious! After scrolling through an endless Pinterest feed of Christmas cookies I couldn’t help but think the world needs quick and easy to make, healthy … With 23 billion recipes, Pinterest attracts gourmands (foodies) in search of culinary novelties. In this post-holiday period, … mommas beautiful italian recipes With A Healthy Quick Twist The weather is finally starting to chill out, so we’re swapping our watermelon and corn on the cob for in-season items like butternut squash and figs. Luckily, when it comes to finding ideas for how t… Healthy calendar diabetic cooking 2nd edition Goeser, a clinical manager for Medtronic who lives in Des Moines, has Type 1 diabetes – a chronic illness in which the … "The better we can control those insulin levels, the more healthy we will be, … How To cook parsnips healthy Heart Healthy Oils To Cook With In honor of February’s American Heart Month, let’s discuss how to choose cooking oils that are heart healthy. The type of fat … Fats get a bad rap—but in fact they support our overall health and
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y-eontan · 1 year ago
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final rise 🧟‍♀️
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