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prismaticpotentia · 5 years ago
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Founders CAS Challenge
Rules: Post all of your founders together to compare and contrast them! Share some details to see how similar or different they are. This can be done in CAS, or you can jump in game, or you can share old screenshots!
Jaiden - Jett - Angel - Ira - Bianca - Blodwen - Pixie
I was tagged by @simmancy​!  I tag @quietlysimming​, because she said she wanted to do it, and anyone who wants to!  Info on my founders under the cut!
Jaiden Braidy: Jaiden is a founder who I’m not sure if I’m going to post.  He’s a single dad of Twins he loves very much, with dreams to be a famous author.
Jett Dawson: Jett is a shy, goth teen with a long history for me.  Jett and Tobias were the start of what myself and a couple friends called the “Gay Plague”, where any male sims I made were autonomously gay.  I had been playing as Tobias, and he had a wish to go to the museum for a bit.  I took him there and found him talking to Jett, and Tobias was a sim that wouldn’t autonomously talk to his own family, so I had to keep up this friendship.  But the story is more interesting from Jett’s perspective, I think.  Fun fact, the original name for this story is “Stereotypes”!
Angel Dove: I think Angel’s story is an improvement so far over my last attempt at a BPR, though I do intend to one day finish the Prisms.  Maybe.  Angel was is actually my third attempt at a BPR, and I’ll explain that later.  Introverted, but determined.  She knows who, and what, she wants, and isn’t afraid to get it.
Ira Kelly: Ira is actually from a challenge I planned to start but never finished!  Ira was to be my founder for the MV Legacy!  I may still eventually start posting his story, as I did a lot of planning for it.
Biana Pallette: Bianca, Bianca, Bianca...  From my first BPR that never was.  You can see I reused some of her facial and body designs in Pixie’s bestie, Briella!  The most interesting thing about her is that her versions of Royal and Romeo were named Adonis Blush and Galateo Huntley and they looked like this(Yes, Galateo does have a manbun and no I don’t remember why.):
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Blodwen Prism: Def the founder I’ve spent the most time with.  Looking back I have a lot of problems with her character and thus Royal’s and Romeo’s.  During Runaway Founders I started to address it, but I never really did it right.  Royal was too forgiving and Romeo I don’t think even really had a reason for sleeping with her in the original line other than it was required.  Did she feel like she had to for a good review?  Was it just lust?  Did she seduce him???  If I ever did her all over again, I probably would try to the cheating plotline make sense.
Pixie Glenn: My darling, my baby, my favorite, Pixie.  Pixie was originally just for me to play around with DU and RoM, but I ended up adoring her and the people around her, and now her story is going to go past her, and possibly past that generation!
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butlikethesims-blog · 6 years ago
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~Wallflower Legacy~
Julia and William head to the Romance Festival after they finish work, sharing tea and enjoying each other's company they talk about their days. William however, has other things on his mind...
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butlikethesims-blog · 6 years ago
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~Wallflower Legacy~
William finally proposed!
The couple are so excited to begin their married life together and start a family, and what better place to propose than the Romance Festival? The both relax.. could life get any better?
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butlikethesims-blog · 6 years ago
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~Wallflower Legacy~
William is starting to feel as though his career is starting to take off; even though he isn’t much help at the hospital yet, he is content with checking the patient’s well-being. He knows some day he will be able to save lives.
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butlikethesims-blog · 6 years ago
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~Wallflower Legacy~
Julia couldn’t sleep again and was feeling uninspired lately in anything she was doing. She paced around until she knew what always helped her feel content and creative, her boyfriend William. So unsurprisingly, after thinking deeply of him, she was inspired once again.
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butlikethesims-blog · 6 years ago
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~Wallflower Legacy~
William and Julia were rudely woken up in the middle of the night by their noisy neighbours. William being calm; was surprisingly irritated by this and had to give his neighbour a piece of his mind. This was out of character for him, but not unjustified. William and Julia were really starting to get sick of their tiny apartment and inconsiderate neighbours. 
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butlikethesims-blog · 6 years ago
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~Wallflower Legacy~
William has been anticipating Julia getting home from the first day of her new job as a novice painter, when she finally got home, (with nothing else to do tonight) and the way they looked at each other, it was clear there was only one thing on their minds...
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butlikethesims-blog · 6 years ago
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~Wallflower Legacy~
Excited to explore the city they now live in, Julia and William visit a local park and go rollerskating. The pair are having a great time, with Julia constantly falling over William can’t stop laughing at his loves carefree nature.
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butlikethesims-blog · 6 years ago
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~Wallflower Legacy~
Julia wakes up early to surprise William by making him breakfast, as its his first day on the job as a medical intern. The couple share the food and talk whilst drinking coffee, William proclaims his excitement and nerves about the day in front of him. 
His dream has always been to be a doctor, and finally the dream is starting to look real. 
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butlikethesims-blog · 6 years ago
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~Wallflower Legacy~
Still feeling a little tipsy from their lunch earlier, Julia pulls William in to a kareoke bar. It takes some persuasion (or three more glasses of wine) but not long after the pair are singing their hearts out in front of a crowd. Life is good Julia thinks, a new home, new job, new life, but the same familiar lover that has always stuck by her.
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butlikethesims-blog · 6 years ago
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~Wallflower Legacy~
Williams face says it all: nothings better than after a hard day at work, coming home to some mac and cheese, and watching some TV while waiting for Julia to get home.
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butlikethesims-blog · 6 years ago
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~Wallflower Legacy~
Its late at night, Julia lays restlessly trying to sleep, whilst her love sleeps peacefully beside her. She sneaks out of bed carefully not trying to wake William, and does what always calms her down. She paints until the sun rises behind her.
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butlikethesims-blog · 6 years ago
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~Wallflower Legacy~
Julia and William grab lunch at a “classy place”. As Julia is vegetarian the only option for her is a slice of cheesy pizza. Whilst other people dining there give Julia judgemental looks, she doesn't care and chows down on her wine and pizza. William looks up at her, and the love for his girlfriend grows stronger.
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butlikethesims-blog · 6 years ago
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~Wallflower Legacy~
A new start, high school sweethearts Julia and William have finally saved up enough simoleons to put down a deposit on renting their own apartment. The hard days of part time jobs, washing dishes and waiting on tables are over.. 
As William has his first day in the medical career tomorrow and Julia in the painting career, the pair are excited to begin their new life together. The small and dingy apartment isn't much, but its theirs.
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butlikethesims-blog · 6 years ago
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~Wallflower Legacy~
Meet the founders!
William Wallflower:
The namesake of this legacy, William is a good and caring sim. His parents did voluntary work all over the world so he stayed with his aunt, although he missed his parents a lot when he was young. Because of this it makes him care for his girlfriend Julia so much. William hopes to help others and aspires to be a doctor and have a thriving family with Julia. 
Julia Green: Julia is an artistic sim, she grew up without a father and her mother wasn't around much.Because of this Julia appreciates the simple things in life and nothing makes her happier than being creative with minimalist objects. Like William, she is caring and appreciates life and everything in it. An animal lover Julia is vegetarian and cant wait to start a life and family with William; the life she never had..
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butlikethesims-blog · 6 years ago
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~Wallflower Legacy~
Whilst Julia is at work, William decides to wander outside their apartment and check out the local places and cuisine. He confidently and excitedly orders a curry, although he looks like he may be regretting that decision...
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