#wallace arcangelo
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lexsssu · 2 years
Little (Worick Arcangelo)
Flufftober Day 31
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TAGS: Worick/F!reader, arranged marriage, drabble
He was 13, and you were 2 when an engagement was tentatively settled between your families. Once you came of age, Wallace Arcangelo would marry into your family as your husband and produce heirs with pretty blue eyes.
Back then, he did look forward to the day he could finally leave the gilded cage he had lived in for as long as he could remember. Although you were still a baby, your unreserved smiles and laughter made him think that you’d both certainly get along once you grew up. Even if it was an arranged marriage, he supposes that you’d both learn to become friends at the very least.
But after the events that led to him becoming an orphan, the memory of you faded away into obscurity to become nothing more than a remnant of better times.
And that is how you should have stayed, not standing in front of him in the flesh as unconscious thugs surrounded you. When he heard a commotion happening in another of Ergastulum’s alleyways, how could he not check what was happening?
“I’m looking for someone named Wallace Arcangelo.”
His breath hitched as he heard your mature voice, his lone blue eye going over your entire body and replacing the past image of you.
It seems his past wasn’t done chasing him yet.
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abri-chan · 2 years
The whole Worick starting sex-work as a teen reminds me of that one Digimon Adventure episode: the kids (group of 9-ish?) return to the human world, and to get to where they need to be they must hike a ride.
First Tai (the main guy with the dinosaur digimon) and the other friend with the seal digimon do try, but no car stops.
Then they make Matt try (Matt being the hot guy of the bunch, sorta); this glamorous woman with an open-roof car stops by: "Hi, gorgeous."
The scene cuts to Tai arguing with Matt, why did Matt say no to the ride? To which Matt replies: "you're an idiot, not all of us would get into that car, don't you get it?"
Eventually the girls try to get a ride, two teen boys stop by; the girls then reveal that their friends (the whole digi group) are coming with them too, much to the nuisance of the boys in the van?, who only wanted the two cute girls to ride with them.
But the Matt scene makes me think if that's exactly how Worick got started into selling his body? As in, maybe when he and Nic first moved to Ergastulum, they mostly mugged people at first, or tried odd jobs like cleaning houses or fixing the sink. And during one of those jobs, some woman struck up conversation with teen Worick: "what do you two boys do, why do you need the money for--yeah she probably can tell it's not to buy a new bike, as these kids with dirty clothes are dirt poor--I can see you have a hard time getting by."
(Not that Worick would reveal his past or anything like that, even though it may be that everyone in the city is aware he's the kid from the Arcangelo murder case, but even if they knew, why get involved? Ergastulum is kept stable by minding your own business and not asking questions you don't want answers to. But even then, he probably can't hide that he and Nic are scraping by, and tell half-truth lies that Nic and him are orphans etc.)
"You know you're kinda cute tho, so next time I can pay you more if you help me with something other than the sink?"
And because the woman hit on Worick, then Wallace, and not Nic, it was Worick that considered maybe starting off sex work as an alternative way of making ends meet.
(I suppose a lot of those women were abused by their bfs, so being on the receiving end they took some pleasure in having control over this kid for once since they can't control their bfs, bc I doubt there's much to get from this 13 year old kid even experience-wise. But I suspect some women were also possibly predatory by default, in that they think it is fun to "change" little kids into men, or teach them ways. Either way, it's fucked up.)
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erasurecaps · 2 years
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Gangsta ep 7 and 8 caps
did just my fave shots, not all
141 caps
cw: blood
f2u; dont claim as your own; if possible give credit
charas: Nic, Worick/Wallace, Alex, Doug, Nina, Delico, Mikhail
link to gallery
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death-knellsworld · 3 years
Please, this man in the anime and the manga ends me. SO MUCH BEAUTY FOR MY EYES HOLY SHIT!?!
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Remember Me ~ Worick Arcangelo x Reader
Disclaimer: This is going to have mentions of past abuse and supposedly illegal behaviour, but considering it’s Gangsta we’re talking about, I don’t think anyone should be surprised by darker themes addresses.
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Birthdays...Have always been tedious. A drag. More work than they are worth...So, I wonder...Why do I actually bother doing a party at my home?
I mean, it’s true, I get it, I’m 21, I’m of age...Legally an adult, legally allowed to drink, legally everything whatever...The same as it has been for the past 3 years...
And MAYBE it’s fun to sometimes gather around with your friends and do the same things everyone always does at parties, loud music, alcohol, cigarettes and gossips...
But there is always that annoying anxiety feeling surging through my veins whenever I have to be around more than 3 of my friends, considering this is a party organised by me, and everything has to be done perfectly, everyone must feel good, and at home, not to be left out...
I can already envision myself being the only outcast, anyway, but that’s besides the point.
It’s already evening, the alcohol is sitting on the table, the pizza boxes are stacked up in a mountain on the floor, plastic cups everywhere, ash trays placed strategically, dim lights, coloured light projectors to make the room look like a disco...
And then there’s me. Sitting anxiously on the couch in the living room, dressed in a pair of dark jeans and a long plaid shirt with the sleeves rolled up, along with some silver rings and a necklace. Casual, comfy, yet pretty elegant in its simplicity.
My friends arrived soon, very loudly congratulating me on aging one more year, fantastic...But they had a mischievous smirk on their faces...
And they brought in a tall, blond man who looked very macho, and I could only blink in confusion as everyone walked inside.
“Uhm...Who is he? One of yours boyfriend or something?” I asked, eyeing everyone attentively. “Nooo, silly! He’s our gift for you!” my best friend grabbed the man by his arm, shoving him towards me. “I’m...Not sure I follow.” I spoke with even more unease, not wanting to believe what I was hearing. “He’s Ergastulum’s most wanted Gigolo! And tonight, he’s all yours to do with as you please! C’mon, you deserve to let loose and have fun once in a while, y’know? Forget about all those jerks and enjoy pleasure like you’ve never felt before~!” my other best friend grabbed me by my shoulders from behind, putting her chin on top of one of her hands, slurring seductively. “...I see.” I muttered, looking away, trying to mask my displeasure at what I was hearing. “Anyway, let’s get you drunk! You won’t get to enjoy anything if you’re so cold and reserved with everyone, y’know? Maybe that’s why you’re always alone! Now c’mon, let’s have fun!” she dragged me to the drinks table, and we started playing drinking games like never have I ever...
Gotta say, Vodka and Bailey’s has always been a shot combination that I adore, and I’m grateful that it takes a long time to get me drunk, because these girls are wasted, while I’m not, so I can escape their grasp. Drunk dancing isn’t that fun, even to watch, and they were making fools of themselves, screeching, giggling...More or less sounding like pained donkeys.
Or maybe I’m just too judgemental and mean because I’ve been in a bad mood and spiraling since they got in my home. To be fair, I don’t even care what is the truth. These are my feelings and I’m not going to play them off as insignificant or non-existent.
Eyeing them carefully, I take a pack of cigarettes and make my way out of the house and sit on the stairs, taking a deep breath of the cold winter night air, I light up a cigarette, taking a drag and staring up at the sky, letting my endless train of toxic thoughts overwhelm me.
I was so long in my own mind that I didn’t notice the door opening until a shadow blocked my vision, and I noticed the platinum blond man sitting down on the stairs below me, resting his back on the wall on the side.
“Y’know...I haven’t been to many birthday parties before, but I’m pretty sure the birthday girl is supposed to be pampered and the center of attention, and yet, here you are, outside, alone and sad.” the man spoke seriously, with his usual light glint. “How much did they pay you?” I muttered, lighting another cigarette, realising that the other one burn without taking another drag of it. “Hmmm? What do you mean?” he asked, raising an eyebrow at me. “I’m tipsy, not stupid. You think I can’t think rationally after 8 shots? You’re dead wrong. Now, tell me, how much did they pay you and what exactly did they tell you to do?” I asked in a pressed tone, side-eyeing him. “You’re certainly perceptive, I give you that. T’was quite a lot of money to spend the night with you.” he tilted his head in a playful way. “Not only they have no faith in me to get someone to even remotely like me...They have to pay someone to do something that I dread with a burning passion. Do you even know my name? I don’t know yours.” I shrugged, hanging my head, gritting my teeth in annoyance. “I see your friends screwed up a bit. Name’s Worick, nice to meet you.” he extended his hand towards me. “...Y/N. Nice to meet you too...I think.” I sighed, staring reluctantly at his hand, before slowly shaking it. “Pretty name for a pretty girl. Wanna talk to a guy you’ll never see again? I heard that venting and letting out pent up emotions helps.” he offered, making me look at him with a weird face. “You know you’re not gonna get any action, so you try to do something for the money you earned, huh?” I snorted, raking my fingers through my hair. “Hey, don’t look at me like that. Contrary to my profession, I’m a pretty chill guy. What do you have to lose, talking to someone you’ll never see again? And besides, I have little room to judge you, so if that’s your worry, you can throw it away.” he lit up a cigarette, puffing up into the sky. “You’re...Not wrong here. Okay, fine, Pretty Boy. Imagine this. You’re not even of age, you get your first lover and you’re happy. You finally feel superior. Someone gives a fuck about you...That’s the definition of a lover, after all, I guess...But here’s the deal. Barely one month into the relationship, the person starts getting very pushy and pressures you, without you realising. Words and actions. It goes to the point that they force you to do things that you don’t want to and you’re not ready to, mentally or physically...And you can’t do anything except for denying, since they don’t listen and they overpower you. How is that, so far?” I spoke, taking a few breaks in between sentences to keep myself grounded and lucid. “Very suckish. Does any of your friends know that?” Worick asked in a gentle voice. “They do...My two best friends do. The ones who apparently paid you. I don’t know what’s in those tiny brains of theirs, but I don’t think a one night stand is going to somehow magically get me rid of all problems, traumas, self-issues and nightmares I’ve been having for the last years. Or maybe I’m just paranoid. I don’t know, and at this point, I can’t stay that I care.” I shrugged, leaning back on the stairs. “Maybe you have the wrongs friends. I heard words about you that I don’t think friends should speak like that about their so called best friend who trusted them enough with their bad experiences.” he pointed out nonchalantly, as I shifted my gaze towards him with a frown. “After today...I...Think the same. I...Just...Wasn’t expecting something like this. What more can I say. I am disappointed. And if that wasn’t enough, my second boyfriend, who was a virgin, saw my own virginity as a prize. And the third pity-dated me. Can it get any worse? Because, if yes, I honestly give up.” I sighed, ruffling my hair, obviously done with life. “Life sure sucks, huh? And most people don’t make it any better. All we can do is get stronger, carry on, and fight our nightmares.” he nodded in agreement, clearly sympathetic. “...I see you’re speaking from experience. I wonder what happened to your eye...It may sound insensitive, but after what I just told you, I don’t think there’s any more need for caution.” I smirked at him with a dark sort of self-deprecation that I could also sense in him. “Well, y’know...Sometimes parents aren’t the safe haven they ought to be.” he shrugged, extinguishing the finished cigarette on the stairs. “I see. Yeah, life sucks. I guess I can see why you become a Gigolo. An attractive guy selling his body for money...By what they said, you are the most popular. I can see why. I feel sorry for you.” I gave him a sympathetic smile that disappeared as fast as it came. “You have a pretty smile, y’know? I always thought that people who can smile despite all they’ve been through are the strongest.” he commented, smiling back. “Is that why you appear to be so cheerful? You’re strong, not only physically, but mentally and emotionally too? Wish I was the same. Maybe people won’t find me such an easy target to take advantage of.” I snorted sarcastically, making him chuckle. “It’s a pity people are shit to the few remaining ones who don’t give in to society’s awfulness. But what is a sweet girl like you doing in a shithole like Ergastulum? Doesn’t quite add up.” he asked, getting in a better sitting position. “Life happened. Dad left us, and mum is abroad working to get me enough money to go to university by the end of this year. This place, despite how scary and dangerous it is, was the cheapest place I could afford.” I bit my lip, trying not to worry too much about the future. “I’m sure you’re gonna nail it, so don’t worry too much. You seem like a smart girl, so just study hard and don’t forget to enjoy life. By your standards, not others’.” he smirked, tilting his head towards the door. “You’re funny, Worick. I wish we met under different circumstances.” my voice became lower, only to get interrupted by the door slamming open and the girls leaving the place. “Well, look at you two, lovebirds! You look so cuuuuuuuute! Hey, Gigolo, better take good care of her, got it?! The night is still young for you two! Awesome birthday party, as usual, Y/N, see ya next time!” the girls left, making me blush from embarassment, looking away. “You’ve got very sensible friends.” he muttered ironically, shaking his head. “I’ll...Go tidy the apartment. Maybe I’ll be able to focus on something else. Come one, I’ll warm up some pizza.” I shrugged, getting inside the house. “I didn’t think you’d want me around in your home.” Worick pointed out, leaning on a wall. “You got paid to spend the night with me, correct? Then you’ll do what you got paid for. Keeping me company. You have no idea how refreshing it is talking to someone with some fucking brain in their head.” I plopped down on the couch, putting my feet on the table, turning on the TV to a rock music program and patting the seat next to me for him to join. “It’s an honour to spend time with you.” he chuckled, taking a slice of pizza, leaning back on the couch and mimicking my position.
For the rest of the night, he was gracious enough to help me tidy up and clean everything, and when we were finally done, I went to change in my nightgown, taking a book and getting in bed, only to see the man leaning on the frame of the door awkwardly.
“Ah, yes, how could I forget. Let me find some larger clothes for you to change into.” I put the book down, going to the wardrobe and finding some oversized clothes in which I sometimes sleep. “Are these yours?” he chuckled in amusement. “Yep.Gotta be comfy when you sleep, right?” I shrugged, getting back in bed. “Yeah, you’re right. That’s why I sleep naked.” his grin grew wider, making me frown in confusion. “Sleeping naked is comfy for you?” I put the book on my lap, looking at him for an answer. “Did you try?” he asked smugly. “Yeah. I felt incredibly uncomfortable and anxious the for hours and couldn’t sleep. At 4 AM I couldn’t stand it any longer and I put a nightgown on.” I scratched my cheek, looking away. “That’s adorable. What were you reading?” he asked, getting closer to me. “Get changed and you can come over. I’m not letting you sleep on the couch. You got paid, you deserve better.” I waved my hand at him dismissively, only for him to leave the room, get changed, take the book from my hand, flip through all the pages, and return it. “Ah, Picture of Dorian Gray. I’ve been wanting to read it for a while, thanks for the opportunity, I have to say, I rather appreciate his monologues.” he gave me a shit-eating grin, plopping in bed next to me. “I...You...Huh?! You can’t tell me you just read THIS book, right now, for the first time in your life, by just flipping rapidly through the pages!” my expression was that of pure shock and disbelief, which clearly amused him. “That’s exactly what I’m saying, sweet cheeks.” he smirked, laying his head down on the pillow. “You...You have an extraordinary visual memory?!” I asked in a voice that I wasn’t sure was heard. “You’ve got that right, darling.” he chuckled with a satisfied smile. “...WHY THE HELL ARE YOU A PROSTITUTE?! YOU ARE A GENIUS! YOU COULD DO SO MUCH MORE WITH YOUR LIFE! EARN AN UNBELIEVABLE AMOUNT OF MONEY! DO YOU HAVE NO AMBITION AND SAFE-LOVE?!” I grab him by the shoulders, shaking him, until he stopped me. “Calm doooown, Y/N, calm down. Thanks for looking out for me, but life is life. Don’t worry about me. I’ve got all I need here. You, however, have the whole life ahead of you, so don’t waste it like I did.” he advised in a soft voice, making me look at him for a few seconds, before sighing, getting up, and picking another book. “We won’t be seeing each other again, will we? Well, if that’s the case, take this. It’s a thanks for being nice to me today...But promise me you will take your time reading it, unlike now. Rest, relax, drink a hot cup of tea, and read each page carefully. Enjoy it, live it, feel it. Can you promise me that?” I asked, handing him the book. “The Hobbit, huh? Pretty cover, intriguing summary on the back...Fine, Y/N. I can’t 100% promise you, but I will try. Are you really willing to part with this one? It seems special for you.” he asked, more serious this time. “...Maybe sometimes the stupid ideas that your heart gives you are better than the rational ones from your brain. Now go sleep, I want to read.” I looked away from him, opening my book and pretending to read, away from him.
Five minutes passed, then ten, and fifteen, all of them in a deadly silence, almost awkward, until a chuckle split the atmosphere, making me turn around, looking at the man with a confused look.
“Usually, when people read, they turn the page after five minutes. What’s on your mind?” he asked, taking a strand of my hair and loosely twirling it with his finger. “..Well...You’re a stranger. And...We’ve only talked for a few hours. I know it makes no sense to ask this of you, but...I won’t be seeing you tomorrow anyway, so...Uhm...Do you think...I'm...Cold and mean...And unapproachable?” I mutter, looking away from him. “Not at all. I find you very endearing. The quiet ones are always the ones who have the best surprises once you get to know them. People deal with problems differently, it just takes the right person to want to understand you.” he kissed the strand of hair, making me bite my lip and turn off the lap light so my possibly pink cheeks won’t be noticeable. “Great. Thanks for the info. Now...How about you earn the money you got paid? You can do that by holding me and playing with my hair until I fall asleep.” I try to keep my voice from wavering. “You don’t have to put that pretext as a front, I would do that even if I wasn’t paid.” he chuckled lightly, holding me close to his chest, his fingers masterfully soothing my senses as he caressed by hair. “...Thanks.” I muttered, hiding my flustered face in his chest. “I have insomnia and general sleeping problems, including sleep paralysis and nightmares...And the only thing that used to be able to put me to sleep without waking up in the middle of the night would be mum holding me and playing with my hair until I fell asleep.” I confessed, my voice becoming softer and more emotional. “Thank you for trusting me with this precious memory, Y/N. It’s going to be okay. Now close your eyes...Sweet dreams, Y/N.” his peaceful, velvety voice was the last thing I heard before falling into a restful and calm sleep, for the first time in ages.
When morning came and I woke up, the bed was empty on the side that Worick was and I almost feared I imagined the whole thing...Until I noticed a piece of paper on the pillow where he slept.
“You’re a beautiful person, don’t let the darkness take over you. I hope to hear from you again, in the future, under better circumstances. ~ Worick”
To that, a phone number was written, and the first thing that came into my mind was to get that it tattooed on my body so I won’t lose it.  Of course, that will never happen, so I’ll settle for writing it everywhere I can.
For some reason, I wanted to make him proud, and I still had no idea why, so I only called him once a year, on my birthday, and on that day, we would chat on the phone all night, in memory of that night.  Finally leaving Ergastulum to go to University and get a better life for myself was something revolutionary for me, but after over 6 years, I managed to do just that. However, there was something that never left my brain, and that was the platinum haired man that completely changed the way I viewed life and how to approach it.
And I returned to Ergastulum after almost a decade.
I was dressed in a cute dress, and this time, unlike last time, a confident smile was on my face. Even though it’s fake, I adopted the “Fake it till you make it” motto, and nobody has to know about my problems.
I vibe.
Asking around for Worick, I find out he works as the Benriya with another man called Nicolas, who’s a tag, and even better, I got his address, so I knew just where to go.
As I entered the shabby apartment that was, for some reason, unlocked, I see a meek looking woman sitting on the couch, looking down.
“Did Worick get a girlfriend?” I leaned on the wall, a playful smirk on my face. “Wh-What?! G-Girlfriend?! W-Wait, who are you?!” she shot up to her feet, looking at me with big, blue doe eyes, frightened, might I say. “You’re adorable. What’s your name? And can I ask where Worick is? I’ve been told this is where he lives.” I played with a strand of my hair, trying not to intimidate the girl...Too much. “U-Uhm...He...He’s in his room...Who are you, miss?” she asked, trying to get some courage. “A friend, I’d like to think. From about ten years ago. Now, if you’ll excuse me...” I was ready to go look for him, only for a door to open, and the man in cause to appear, wearing only black boxers, and stretching...He obviously just woke up. “Ally? What’s all the noise?” he yawned loudly, rubbing his eyes. “Do you have a cute nickname for me too, Worick?” I smirked at him, as he widened his single eye, his jaw dropping in shock. “Y/N...?” he muttered my name, making me grin widely. “Glad you remember me. It has been quite a while since we’ve seen each other...And you age like fine wine, I’m telling you...You’re a sight for sore eyes.” he chuckled softly, only for him to come and pick me up, spinning a bit, before putting me down, cupping my face and kissing my forehead, leaving me a surprised and flustered mess. “And look at you! Can you get prettier than this? I told ya, you have a beautiful smile!” he grinned childishly, pinching my cheeks, making me yelp in pain and slap his hands away. “Jerk! That hurts! Ahem...Anyway, dear Gigolo, how are you? I heard some stuff about you working with someone named Nicolas...But I doubt her name is Nicolas.” I chuckled, pushing him softly away. “Oh, yes! Y/N, this is Alex, our new friend. You can say she’s kinda...Our secretary? I guess? Anyway, come over, we have a lot to catch up on!” he guided me to his bedroom that was, unsurprisingly, messy. “Wonderful and clean, just as expected. Have you ever thought of opening the window?” I teased him, plopping on his bed that was unexpectedly soft. “You, lazy little vixen...Here. I bought it years ago, after finishing the book you gave me, and I wanted to find out more. Now, I’m giving it to you. Are we even?” he smirked, handing me a copy of Fellowship of the Ring book. “We’d be even if I’d spend the night over as well. And if you gave me drinks and pizza. Basically a date. That will do.” I told him, looking dearly at the book I got gifted, although I already read it before. “My God, since when are you so bold?” he asked, getting on the bed, resting his chin on my knees, looking at me like a happy puppy. “Did you miss me, Worick? I hope you did, otherwise that little piece of paper you left would be incredibly disappointing and misleading.” I pointed out, booping his nose. “I’ve been thinking about you since then. By the looks of it, so did you. Are you sure you want a date with someone like me? You are beautiful, you are brilliant, your attitude in endearing as hell...And I’m still a Gigolo and my life is here, in Ergastulum. Don’t regret it later on.” he asked with a more serious tone, only for me to scoff and pull on his hair playfully. “I wouldn’t be here otherwise. Besides...Unlike you, I don’t need to be paid to spend quality time with you, doing nothing but chilling and chatting.” I teased him, making him laugh, as he plopped next to me, poking my cheek. “Great, problem solved! You’ve got yourself a parasite latching on you. Good luck getting rid of him now.” he grinned cheekily, only for me to cup his face and pull him into a kiss. “Why would I wanna get rid of a parasite this cute? Now shut up and hold me, it’s been ten years and I’m touch starved.” I grinned, nuzzling in the crook of his neck. “Damn, how I missed you.” he held me tightly to his chest, occasionally peppering my face with kisses.
It was definitely worth coming back to this God Forsaken place, even if it is for only one person. There’s place for everyone in this world, and in others’ hearts, and I found my place, in Worick’s warm arms, where I feel safest and most loved.
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octania · 4 years
Yes, madam.
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Worick Arcangelo x Reader
Genre: Smut, Romance
Words: 1405
In the dark hallways of the Monroes family mansion there was finally silence. Walking in the shadows of the halls, getting the light only from the high moon on the sky, Worick strolled down the hall relaxed. He was satisfied, the job was done, and all thanks to him. Master mind, that is how the boss said it. He smirked, but not because of the sweet talk from his boss, but just from the fact that he found the whole situation very easy from the start and could not believe it took everyone so much effort to get it done when he had it cracked in two minutes. Well, it does not even matter, it’s over and done now and he can rest. He stretched his neck, putting his wide palm on the back of it, massaging it slowly. His suit tensed from the movement, as his muscles did not appreciate being covered. With his right hand he reached for his cigarettes, taking one from the box with his teeth. He placed the cigarette between his fingers, slowly licking the surface. Bad habit. He smirked again, stopping suddenly. Now that smirk turned into a welcoming smile, as he saw the person standing on the terrace. A young woman with long silky hair, big eyes and pale skin shyly glanced at him. She was trying to hide the smile and her rose cheeks that were just a reaction on his little stunt with the cigarette a moment ago. His tongue sliding on that thin paper made her shiver, but she stood there in silence. The boss’s daughter Y/N. That satisfaction from earlier felt like a distant memory, because every time he laid eyes on her, desire was the only feeling that was left in his body. He was not the type to deny himself something he desired, but he was far from stupid and disrespectful. It started as a simple attraction to her wide hips, small waist, big breasts and angelic face. However, the more he was around her, he realized she was not just another eye candy. She was smart, elegant and mysterious. And above all, forbidden. But that was the only word that was, certainly , not in his dictionary.
“Good evening madam.”- he said in his husky deep voice, stepping out on the balcony.
“How are you feeling tonight?”- the moonlight welcomed his shape, giving its best to present him as he was, perfect. His a bit long blond hair made him look exactly as his last name announced, Arcangelo. A angel with that blue eyes and blond hair, perfect teeth always shaped in a charming smile, made Y/N shiver once more.
“Madam, are you ok? Are you cold? Here..”- he unbuttoned his suit, taking it off. The white shirt was the only thing hiding his strong torso, and did so poorly. The fabric tensed over his muscles. The first two buttons of the shirt were loose, reviling his collarbones. He stepped closer, making Y/N even more nervous because now she could smell him. And he smelled divine. Fresh and seducing, as nothing less was expected. He covered her with her jacked, staying still for the moment. He knew he should move, but his eyes were fixated on her body. Her long elegant white dress was also too much reviling in the same time, giving him a perfect view on her bust. His blood started to boil, as once again he tried to keep down this raging desire for her. He tried to look up, but another trap awaited. Her meaty lips the color of cherries. They were open just a little. He froze, as his own mind turned against him. He could see how that mouth would fit perfectly somewhere on his body. How it would feel soft at first as he would put the tip of his meat on them, and how the raw pleasure would come soon after she sucks it in and squeeze on it with those lips. He shook his head, barely escaping the enchanting thought.
“I apologize madam.”- he tried to step away but was shocked to realize something was now holding him. He looked down, seeing her small pale hand holding onto his belt.
“A..apologize for what?”- her closeness and sweet breath made him almost lose his balance. She was now a few millimeters away from his lips, holding that belt tight, pressing her breasts on his chest, making them pop out even more.
“Madam, I..” – he was too weak to push her away, but giving his best not to grab her and devour like an animal then and there.
“Who? I see no madams here, Worick-san..”- she pushed her fingers over the belt and into his pants. He clenched his jaw. It was over, she made his mind blank.
“Are you seriously trying to act like you have any manners?”- he grabbed her hips, pulling her on him with such speed she fell on him, but he was ready, catching her lips with his. His tongue joined the dance of their lips, finding hers, making that kiss almost deadly. Her legs gave in, but she didn’t even feel when, because there was no floor under her feet no more. He picked her up, not giving her the chance to even realize what is happing. Just in a few moments, there were covered in darkness, rushing through the halls, reaching his room. He kicked the door with his foot, but still managed to catch it with his hand before it slammed on the wall, all while she was still in the air. He was holding her with one hand with ease. She got greedy, almost felt even free when the door behind them closed. She grabbed his shirt, started to pull it, breaking the buttons that fell on the floor.
“You will have to pay for that..”- he whispered with a devilish smile, as he threw her on the bed, climbing on top of her, grabbing the rest of his shirt, breaking it off,  like it was a chain that held him back.
“But the way you will pay for it…”- his rough fingers dived into her cleavage , pulling the dress down, releasing her big breasts. He licked his lips, lowering his head, starting to suck and gently bite her nipples, while his other hand traveled along her waist, down to her hips and finally her legs, going under her dress and back up her leg. He let out a deep sexy sound, as he realized she had no panties on.
“Let me reward you for this..”- he licked the nipple once more, pushing two fingers inside her. He started the move his hand more roughly, massaging her clit with his thumb in the same time. She moaned like a thirsty whore, and he loved it. She came fast, making her entrance drip with sweet juices. She didn’t even realize that he was already placing something else on it to replace the fingers.
“I wanted to fuck you so badly…”- he could not resist that dirty words, finally out, breaking all his manners. She could not even answer, as he bit her lip and pushed himself deep inside of her. The bed moved with them. He wasted no time, he fucked her without mercy. Licking those lips,then kissing her deeply ,as she moaned in his mouth. He smashed his crotch on her, pushing his meat as deep as possible, making her every sensitive spot his bitch. The pleasure exploded in both of them. He grabbed her tits, playing with them with his hands, pulling and twisting those nipples sensually, making him even harder. He slammed into her again, this time making the bed break, but he did not care. He continued slamming into her, pushing her hips more on him with his free hand as the bed collapsed under them. Just before they fell, he picked her up, landing her on his chest and on the floor. He pushed her hips again , to make her sit on that dick properly. She didn’t even want to catch her breath, as she started to ride him. She jumped up and down fast, moving her hips sensually , making  him lose control. He threw his head back as the pleasure consumed him. His grip on her became even stronger, as the one last thrust made them cum in the same time, filling her with his sweet cum.
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qvalcuno · 4 years
Nicolas: Jail's no fun, I'll tell you that.
Worick: You've been?
Nicolas: Once, in Monopoly.
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lil Wallace and lil Nicolas from Gangsta. (2015)
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ergastulum-gazette · 4 years
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Kohske expresses interest in creating more medical drawings and segments since she has high quality reference materials.
She shared a little drawing of young Wallace after his eye “procedure.” :P
(..I am very behind in posting this...)
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goryhorroor · 4 years
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anime | voice actors | ayumu murase
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theartfulwitch · 5 years
Nicolas: I’ve only had Wallace for a day and half but if anything happened to him I’d kill everyone in this manor and then myself.
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erasurecaps · 2 years
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Gangsta ep 3 and 4 caps
did just my fave shots, not all
168 caps
cw: blood
f2u; dont claim as your own; if possible give credit
charas: Nic, Alex, Worick/Wallace, Delico, Doug
link in gallery
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upn-the-sky · 6 years
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“It’s Celebre, master Wallace. Because this thing is a twilight. I told this to you just for lulz, ha-ha.”
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Because honestly, I saw the anime and read the manga in a day, instead of studying for exams, and now I'm mega frustrated that the anime won't continue bcz the agency got bankrupt, the mangaka is on a health-hiatus and I need more of Nic and Worick 😭
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Send me requests, 'cause if you don't, I'll write for them anyway 😂
Also, the opening, RENEGADE, is one of my fave openings ever 👌👌 Top for music and visuals😍💖
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handymendandy · 6 years
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Artwork by CarloTong. *Posted with permission from the artist.
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