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flaneurmira · 5 years ago
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검은 산책 | a lounge gallery | 2020.1.4-1.17 
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carokrebietke · 4 years ago
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#walkinthedark (hier: Bad-Cannstadt, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJqWHpPFeQF/?igshid=7re113mdraz5
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emiliopappagallo · 4 years ago
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Fallow deer, of course. • #wings #givemewings #lucifer #fallowdeer #dark #windy #windycity #rock #rockstyle #rocknroll #rocketleague #rockmusic #radio #radiorock #radiorock106e6 #music #walks #roma #rome #walkinthedark #walkinthepark (presso Лань) https://www.instagram.com/p/CH5gxSLFWEg/?igshid=1eohz6oz06d7f
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upstartcrow1564 · 7 years ago
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So now is the time to start looking closely and carefully at what's been going on within you. Put the phone down (no, for real, put the device away) and breathe. This next cycle is about turning that laser focus onto your personal individual path. The first few steps need to be taken in silence and darkness, just like a baby animal who is born blind. Let your instinct guide you forward and trust the process. You're meant to be walking this path. #tarot #oracles #runes #charms #divinersofinstagram #divination #darkgoddesstarot #themusesdarling #witchesofinstagram #ThePythia #walkinthedark
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ianscott360 · 5 years ago
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The Alley #thealley #thealleyway #alleyway #alley #thedarkalley #darkalley #alleyofdarkness #alleywayofdarkness #thedarkpath #farnborough #lovefarnborough #walkinthedark #photooftheday #instagood #urbanphotography #streetphotography #theurbanjungle #urbanjungle #concretejungle #theurbanjungle (at Farnborough, Hampshire) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4VlGYkhFHN/?igshid=1u3w8h09m9ivd
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ahlexya · 3 years ago
sunshine on a cold winter day.           there isn’t a cloud in the sky and the sun’s bright enough to chase away the shadows. but the chill of freshly fallen snow still bites at exposed skin. a pristine frozen wasteland, beautiful and still deadly. still so, so, so, terrible. 
lexi remains perched across from the original,  dark brown eyes chilled with the frost of winter. her own expression is cold, bedland. the sound of the tavern is muted against the sound of her frustration. 
“        what makes me so special.        ” klaus comments. / @walkinthedarkness
the ice cracks.       she blinks at him, incredulous.  absolutely nothing. the words settle on the tip of her tongue, before they drift away, snowflakes tossed up in a windstorm.  instead, she settled back agains the wood booked chair, mouth twists into a grin that’s entirely feline. klaus might be able to kill her easily, with no remorse, but lexi will never kneel before a man. 
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“         you’re supposed to be the big bad, why don’t you tell me?   ”
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little-miss-buffy · 3 years ago
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"This isn't about pride or being a feminist icon," Buffy said, not slowing down. She never bickered this much with Dawn OR Spike back when they were mortal enemies. "Good lord! Were you BORN this big a pain in the ass?"
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“Girl po- first of all, the Spice Girls called,” Buffy said, snidely. “They want their catch phrase back. Second of all, I didn’t need you. I never need you, Klaus.” She walked around him and tried to continue patrolling, but she had a feeling that this argument was far from over.
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“Fine, fine, you are a feminist icon in no need of a catch phrase,” Klaus scoffed before he moved to step in line with her, not willing to let her just keep on stomping on by.  “And I never said you needed me — but you have certainly benefited from my help as of late.  Or are you going to deny that too for the sake of your pride?”
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little-miss-buffy · 3 years ago
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Buffy 7x16 "Storyteller"/The Originals 3x13 "Heart Shaped Box"
@brokenandlonelysouls @storiesung @heldheart @tofeelthecold @anditsxsorrows @soulreturncd @walkinthedarkness @dhampirslays @thesnowfelled @tribridkissed @multistoty @alltid-og-for-evig @hybrid-royalty
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multistoty · 3 years ago
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Hope had tried to be as quiet as possible as her fuzzy slippers took to the staircase of the compound. It always seemed to be filled with hushed voices. Many hoping that their little girl lay dream filled and safe, but she had just got a family. Her father fighting all the bad guys to unite them. Elijah was a permanent fixture around her mom. The girl couldn’t help smiling at the way they attempted to hide it, but so clearly wrapped up into one person. Her mother deserved happiness. Hope had heard all the stories about Klaus. The king who would wake his family up and fight for love. But there had been moments were her mother talked to the air. Writing down little letters to her Elijah. Tracing her drawings with a little suit. They had to have something to keep going and fighting. The love she spoke was wonder filled. And the house had laughter again. Prying wasn’t something encouraged, but Uncle Elijah had seemed uncertain of her. It wasn’t that his dark eyes and crisp face held anything but affection. Still he never played. Kol and Rebekah had been almost scary with their fire storm of emotions and stories. Even a few spells. Their were two male voices speaking in soft tones. Not the lilt of uncle kol’s accent which she had perfected intimations of. The coast was clear to wonder into the one room she hadn’t in the house. Mabye he just didn’t like kids. Auburn hair brushed a bit from the window he had let open. Everything so crisp that it was as if it breathed and was apart of him. But so many trinkets. Adults had the best toys, Mabye she could find something to ask him tomorrow. The picture her father and her started. The original family. A looming figure startled Hope from the picture she had been holding and flipping through books that looked older than her. The operation had been made. Hoping the looming shadow was her uncle. Hope breathed heavily. The seven year old pulled a grin. “Vamp hearing?” The voice was barely above a whisper. “My dad said that you hang like a bat when you sleep. i- I came to investigate.”
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flaneurmira · 5 years ago
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박미라 <검은산책 Walk in the dark> 개인전 도록 
필자 : 신철규, 김신식 
디자인 : 최재훈 
사진: 조영하, 정정호 
판형: A3 발행처 : 모람 발행일 : 2020.04.17 ISBN: 979-11-969913-0-2 후원 : 문화체육관광부 서울특별시 서울문화재단 
작가소개 박미라는 도시의 산책자가 되어 주변을 산책하며, 그 이면에 숨겨진 검은 그림자들을 들추어 기록하는 작업을 하고 있다. 타인들과 다른 목적의 산책(‘빈둥거린다’는 표현이 더 적합한)을 통해 그가 살고 있는 도시의 작은 틈새의 변 화를 감지하고 조사한다. 주로 검은색의 재료를 사용해 평면이나 드로잉 애니메이션으로 재구성하는데 겹겹이 쌓 인 여러 층위의 이야기를 관찰자의 시선으로 파헤친다. 검은색 풍경은 빈 공간이기도 하지만 반대로 많은 의미와 이야기들이 꽉 채워진 공간을 상징한다. 따라서 색을 뺀다는 것은 비워 놓는 것임과 동시에 공간을 채우는 것이기 도 하다. 확고한 극단을 내포하고 있는 검은색으로 일상의 이면에 숨겨진 틈을 그려내고 채워나가며 도시의 산책자 가 된다. <경기도미술관 프로젝트 갤러리, 퀀텀점프 릴레이 2인전: 밤물결 >과 <A-Lounge 갤러리, 검은 산책>를 포함한 5 회의 개인전을 개최하였다. <경기천년 도큐페스타 (경기 아카이브_지금,)>,<신한갤러리 역삼, 3인의 목격자>,<예 술의 전당,코리아 투모로우 2013>, <고양 아람미술관, 신화와 전설>,<두산갤러리, 동방의 요괴들 선정작가전>등 다수의 그룹전에 참여하였으며 현재 경기창작센터 레지던시 프로그램에 입주해 있다. 
출판물소개 2020년 에이라운지 갤러리에서 열린 박미라 개인전 검은 산책 Walk in the dark의 도록이다. 신철규 시인의 시와 김신식의 전시발문, 박미라의 회화 작품으로 구성되었다. ‘검은 산책’ 시리즈는 도시를 산책하던 중 발견하��� 된 구멍이 가진 다양한 의미들, 예를 들어 상실감, 욕망, 슬픔, 공포, 의구심, 우울, 관음 등의 감정들을 표현할 수 있는 가상의 이야기를 만들어 그린 것이다. 동시대를 살아가는 우리가 느끼는 보편적인 감정들을 구멍이라는 상징과 은유로 표현한다. 도시의 풍경과 그 안에서 느껴지는 개인의 소외된 감정에 주목하며 사회 안에서 정해진 역할들과 관계 속에서 노출되는 ‘취약성’과 예민함에 조금 더 집중해 작업을 이어 나간다. 또한 지속적인 관심을 가지고 진행 중인 물질적 표면 제작과 함께 취약성으로 상징되는 표면 에 대한 이야기를 잇대어 작업 한다. 
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sithdestined · 3 years ago
FINALLY, I GET AMPLIFIER WITCH ANAKIN. It's all I've ever wanted. Okay, not really, but I wanted it for a long time. Thank you in advance to @walkinthedarkness for all the chaos that is undoubtedly to come.
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flowerslut · 5 years ago
I’m having a really bad mental health day and I was wondering if you could post a little #walkinthedark tidbit or #COTN anything for a little mental stimulation? Hope you’re doing well through all of this!
aw, sorry to hear that! 💞 I know it’s a rough time overall for a lot of people. But knowing that anyone at all would chose my nonsense as their preferred form of escapism feels like an honor! so I’ve got you covered here! 🥰 I’m hanging in there! but between working overtime again and having to go to trial for an attempted murder case next week, things are a bit crazy for me!  😅  what can I say except my life is a movie that I never auditioned for 🥴
I won’t be able to post too many snippets soon (I don’t want to spoil anything, and finding a non-spoiler excerpt is getting harder and harder every time I try and look) but here’s one last good one for the time-being. It also is kind of spoiler-y. A little if you squint. But it’s all for you!!!!!!!! I hope you feel better! and that this can hold you over (CotN/WitD-wise) for a few weeks here while I catch my bearings LMAO—thanks for being an angel 🥰🥰🥰
Thankfully, an hour had been a generous estimation and they’d been in and out quickly. People in this Center had been genuinely excited to meet her. It was a subtle change in the way people had been receiving her recently, and it left her feeling freshly energized. By the time they were walking toward the parking lot, keys to one of the Center vehicles swinging around Edward’s finger, Alice felt like skipping again.
“I wish you could hear them,” he commented as she closed the car door behind her. “I know they were happy to see you, but they were thoroughly terrified at first.”
“Of me?”
He laughed, starting the car. The radio in the car started blasting music and Alice jumped in her seat, startled. Whoever had driven this car last had apparently been attempting to blow the speakers out. Edward reached forward, turning down the volume while grinning. “No way. You’re as terrifying as a box full of kittens.” Alice rolled her eyes at that. “They were fully expecting us to show up and shut the place down.” 
Edward half-shrugged. “We’ve shut enough places down in the past couple of months that almost all of these Centers are worried about it. Even ones in good condition, like this one.” Alice watched as he decided he didn’t care for the song on the radio and turned the entire stereo off.
“How are they down South?”
“You mean in Mexico?” Alice nodded. “Gerardo should be coming up for a visit sometime this month or next, actually. You’ll be able to meet him and Ana, at least.”
It was an interesting thing to look forward to. Although the scandal of Jasper’s ‘returning’ to Maria’s side was a major event that the population had been forced to come to terms with, Mexico was dealing with a scandal arguably worse.
Because one of their Protectors had been a mole.
Manuel Flores had been presumed dead before the war had taken place. The continent had mourned his loss; even Carlisle had brought it to the nation’s attention back during her first public appearance.
His disappearance had been both a diversion as well as a betrayal.
It was due to his involvement that the largest death toll had taken place around the gulf; in both Mexico and in the US.
Alice shuddered thinking about what the finalized numbers from New Orleans would end up being…
She’d heard enough from Bella and Edward how horrific the scenes down there had been. The stories she’d heard made her and Jasper’s battle in Toronto seem like a mild little skirmish.
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jules1love-blog · 7 years ago
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When darkness comes let the light of the world and its beauty guide you through. No matter how dark you may think it is, there is always a glimmer of light waiting to guide you through it all. #pictureoftheday📷 #pictureofthedayaugust #pictureoftheday2017 #darknessfalls #fullmoon🌕 #moonandclouds #nightphoto #alwayskeepfighting #akf #alwayskeepfightingjared #ptsdwontstopme #ptsdsucks #severeanxiety #depressionsucks #lovemylife #lovemylifestyle #walkinthedark #findthelight #clovervalleypark #rocklincalifornia #rocklinphotographer #rocklincaphotographer #rocklin (at Clover Valley Park)
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henrihiltunenart · 8 years ago
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Print Walk in the dark! Check out my website for more! #affisch #photoart #modernart #instagram #artwork #modernkonst #contemporary #contemporaryart #artcollector #artlovers #prints #konst #modern #design #konstnär #scandidesign #inredning #homestyling #walkinthedark #stockholm
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bingeonthischannel · 4 years ago
Reading Ronin- 17th Night- A Walk In The Night by Arthur C. Clark
Sometimes the #biggest #adventure is a simple #walkinthedark.
Follow us: @bingeonthischannel @thereel_hawiianbryan
Check out this episode!
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little-miss-buffy · 3 years ago
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"You want me to thank you?" Buffy snapped back. "Forgetting in my way? AGAIN?" Klaus had been doing this for two weeks. Buffy continuously told him that she didn't need him, but he showed up anyway night after night. She dealt with him enough during the day. Patrol was supposed to be her time alone, but the annoying hybrid apparently couldn't let her have that.
“if i wanted help, i would have asked.” (to Klaus)
( random dialogue starters )
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"Most simply say thank you," he sneered, wiping the blood off his face with his arm. He took a deep breath, looking at the dead vampires surrounding them. "You're welcome by the way."
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