#walk in closet and master bedroom with a big balcony
zafiro-anyejo · 2 years
I’m irritated with *certain family members* thinking they can rent out a room for $1,100 a month because that’s what other room rates are going for. It should be illegal to rent out a room in your house for more than $850 at most. 
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crazyunsexycool · 3 months
My Little Love
Chapter 35
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Enhanced!Reader
Word Count: 3.0k
Warnings: fluff, Lottie being a cute, Henry being sweet,
A/N: This is just a filler chapter and I'm not super in love with it. I wanted to set up Sugar and Honey's future friendship. Also because Honey and Steve are not a thing yet in this series Lottie gives Honey a nickname of her own...
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The new house was almost completely furnished so it was a no-brainer that you’d moved in already. The master bedroom was a dream come true with a giant walk-in closet, en-suite bathroom and a private balcony that looked out to the back yard. You loved that it was still on the compound grounds but separate. The best part was that Tony was having one made for everyone on the team so it would be like a little community with just your friends. Most of the houses were halfway finished too.
You had been surprised when Tony offered your father a position as a part time instructor for the agents in training. Eddie had been in the military and had the knowledge so he accepted, he even took your old apartment. He’d decided to rent out the family home since it was just him now. Luke and Molly of course had their own place. Josh and Sofia were still in college and living in the dorm rooms. Living at the compound made more sense to Eddie and now he was closer to all of his kids. It would be best for him since he wouldn’t be as lonely anymore. Not since Lorraine disappeared, to them at least. You knew the truth and you couldn’t stop thinking about how you’d tell your family or how you would handle the situation once she was found. 
There’s a dip at the end of the bed that pulls you out of your thoughts. You close the book you stopped reading a while ago and look up to see Bucky crawling his way up towards you. He smiles before giving you a quick kiss and then settling down over your lower half. Bucky snakes his arms around your hips, his head rests over your midsection and his eyes close as he sighs peacefully. You run your fingers through his hair, down his shoulders and back up. Bucky groans at the sensation. The engagement ring catches your eyes for the thousandth time that day and you can’t help but smile. 
“We should get married.” You say after a moment of silence. 
“What do you think the ring was for?” 
You giggle. “I mean we should start planning.” 
“Sugar, as long as it’s me and you in front of an officiant I don’t care where or when we do it. We can have a big wedding or we can elope. The final choice is up to you as long as you become my wife and no one objects because I really don’t want to murder anyone on our wedding day.” 
“You can’t murder anyone on our wedding day.” 
“I can’t make any promises. But what I can do is help plan. Just say the word and I’ll do whatever you want.” Bucky says confidently. 
“What about the rest of our lives?” 
“I’ll definitely help with that. Let’s see, we have jobs and a house.” Bucky starts saying.
“What about kids? We have two already.” 
Bucky shifts slightly so that he can look at you. “Do you want more kids?” 
“I’d love more kids.” 
“How many is ‘more’ to you?” You tilt your head to the side. 
The conversation gets put on hold when Lottie stops in the hallway.
“Hey.” Lottie calls out from the doorway with a little pout on her lips. “Wanna cuddle too.” 
“Then come up here.” 
She jumps on the bed and you point at Bucky’s back. Lottie giggles before throwing herself on top of Bucky. He grunts when she lands on his back. Her little arms fall around his sides and she even tickles him. You can’t help but chuckle as Bucky pretends to feel ticklish for his daughter's sake. Henry steps into your bedroom a few seconds later with Alpine in his arms. He takes one look at whatever is happening on the bed and furrows his brows in confusion. 
“Bubba help.” Lottie yells with a laugh when Bucky flips her off his back and tries to grab her. 
Henry places Alpine down and  jumps on the bed and then on Bucky. 
“Aren’t you gonna help, Sugar? I’m being attacked from all sides.” Bucky says from under the two kids who have now overpowered him, supposedly. 
As you reach for Henry he turns invisible and takes Charlotte with him. All you hear is the echo of their footsteps and laughter. They even taunt Bucky from somewhere in the house that he can’t get them. Bucky props himself up on his elbows and looks at you with a dreamy look in his eyes. 
“I want more of that with as many kids as you’ll give me.” Bucky answers the question you’d asked him before Lottie walked in. “I don’t care if it’s one or four or ten.” 
“Not ten.” 
Bucky chuckles. “The point is that whatever happens, however many kids we have, I’ll be more than happy to share all of that with you.” 
You smile softly at him then lean forward and kiss him. 
“We have some kids to catch.” You say against his lips.
Bucky huffs a laugh, his eyes and nose wrinkling. He gets up and holds a hand out for you. 
“Ready or not, here we come.” You announce loudly, receiving a scream from Lottie. 
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You were panting, hands on your hips and sweaty. Even though you weren’t an active member of the Avengers anymore you still kept up with your training, just in case. It was a beautiful day outside so you opted for a run. You’d just finished and were catching your breath when Bruce’s lab assistant walked up to you. She played with the pearl necklace she was wearing as she moved closer. 
“Hey.” You say her name and smile.
“So I hate to do this but I was wondering if I could get your help.” She states.
“Well I can try. What’s going on? Are Bruce and Tony up to something?” 
She shakes her head before placing her hands in the pockets of her lab coat. 
“There’s this piece of equipment that was brought from the tower but they couldn’t get it into the building the normal way. It doesn’t fit through the hallways. Tony was able to get a window off the building but it’s getting complicated.” She sighs in frustration. “I was wondering if you could, you know.” She brings a hand up and wiggles her fingers. 
You chuckle but nod your head. 
“Lead the way.” You turn to see that Henry and Lottie are standing beside Bucky while he’s putting the recruits through some training. The kids are cheering them on and even handing out water bottles to some. 
You stood at the far end of the lab where Tony had the glass pane removed. Outside on the lawn sat a pretty big machine wrapped up in a tarp. With your hands on your hip you consider how to best move this thing. 
“Where do you want this?” You turn back and look at Bruce’s assistant. 
“Here would be fine. If it’s not too much trouble.” She answers while pointing towards a corner of the room. 
You take a deep breath and close your eyes while concentrating on the machine below. Slowly and evenly the machine starts to levitate and then move higher until it’s at your level. Then you manipulate it to move toward the building. 
“Does it look like I can actually pull it in?” You ask as you survey the entry point. 
“You have enough space to bring it in without hitting the other windows.” 
You nod and walk backwards, pulling the machine in your direction until it’s in the room.
“Can you take the cover off before I set it down?” 
She rushes over and removes the tarp with a small smile. It’s obvious she’s excited about this because you don’t see her smiling that much. With whatever this machine is in place you finally set it down. She inspects it and nods in approval.
“Thank you. Tony was taking forever in getting his bots to fly this up.” 
“You’re welcome.” You smile at her. “Listen, I was if I were to invite you for dinner-“ 
“No.” She said way too quickly it almost made you chuckle. “Sorry I just- I’m not good with the whole friend thing.” 
“It’s ok. I was just going to invite you to dinner on Friday night at my place. Steve will be there too, if it makes you feel more comfortable. Don’t feel pressured to go but the invitation stands. Not just for Friday but any day.”
“I uh-“ 
“Mama.” Lottie calls out for you with a sing songy lilt to her voice. The double doors slide open and in walks your daughter with a smile on her face. “Oh hi mama.” She turns and greets Bruce’s assistant. 
“Hello Charlotte. I saw you training the recruits.” 
Charlotte’s smile grew brighter. “Am helping dada.” 
“Well you’re doing a good job.” 
“Tank you.”
“Well the offer stands.” You said softly. “Even if it’s just for coffee or if you need anything at all.” 
She gives you a small nod and thanks you again for your help. 
“Alright sweet Angel, say goodbye to doc.” 
“Duck?” Lottie looks confused. “Mama is no duck.” 
“I said doc like doctor, sweet Angel.” 
“Oh, duck is cute, wike a duckie. Can be my duckie?” She looks up hopefully at the other woman. 
She puts her hand on her chin like she’s thinking about it for a moment. Lottie is practically holding her breath.
“Ok you can call me Duckie. But only you.” 
“An bubba?” 
She smiles. “Sure and bubba but no one else ok?” 
“Ok, Duckie.”
“Alright sweet Angel let’s go. I need a shower.” 
“Yeah, mama you gots stinky butt.” 
“How. Dare. You?” You said, acting shocked. 
Charlotte’s eyes grew wide before she started laughing. You moved to grab her but she ran. 
“I’m gonna get you and make you all stinky.” 
Charlotte lets out what sounds like a mixture between a shriek and a laugh before running toward the sliding doors. You smile and say your goodbyes before leaving. Charlotte runs back into the lab.
“See you Fwiday. I see it, bye.” She calls out before leaving again.
The newly nicknamed Duckie stands there amused at Lottie’s behavior. 
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Friday had arrived rather quickly. Bucky has kissed you goodbye about ten times already and he jogged up the porch steps one more time and gave you two more just to keep the kisses even. You laughed and pushed him toward the car you used to get to and from the compound. 
“Dada wait!” Lottie ran out of the house and stopped him as he started to reverse. 
Bucky parked and got out of the car to meet her. 
“What’s up, Doll?” 
“One mo’ hug.” She stretched her arms out in order for Bucky to hold her. 
“There’s always time for one more hug.” 
He kisses her all over her cheeks and forehead before letting her down. 
“Good wuck dada. Lobe you.” Lottie waved him off from the porch. 
Just as you were about to turn to head into the house the sound of a golf cart got your attention. 
“Duckie!” Lottie cheered as Bruce’s assistant got out and stood at the bottom of the steps.
You said her name with a smile, “I’m glad you came by.” 
She had her hands in her pockets and she looked at the floor before giving a small nod. 
“Well Charlotte said she saw it and Steve encouraged me to come over.”
“That’s good, come on in.” 
She walked up the steps and let Lottie take her hand. Lottie pulled her into the house while you reminded your daughter to be gentle. After leading her newest friend with you Lottie disappears into her playroom. 
“Want anything to drink? We have water, soda, beer, wine and juice boxes.” 
She smiled before asking for water. You placed a glass in front of her. 
“So…” you both say at the same time. 
“Go ahead.” 
“How did you and Steve become friends?” She asked. 
“I called him out on his bullshit immediately and will continue to do so happily.” 
She nods in agreement. “Good plan.” 
“How about you? How did you two meet?”
“I walked into my lab and found him alone. It was about a month after you had been taken. He was really upset about it.”
You nod and give her a tight lipped smile.  “Thank you for being there for him.” 
Henry walks in and stops when he sees there’s a guest. While he’s now used to having people around he still gets shy around unexpected guests. He smiles shyly before taking his place beside you and asking how he can help. You have him set the table and then get himself and Lottie cleaned up.
You sat at the dinner table with Henry and Duckie. Lottie was on your lap but you didn’t mind. Since you came back whenever Bucky had to go on a mission she would cling to you whenever possible. That didn’t stop her from playing little hostess though. She made sure to ask Duckie questions and even extended an invitation to a tea party later. 
“Habe some mama.” Lottie holds up her spoon, offering some dessert to you. 
“Mmm, that’s so yummy. Thank you for making dessert bubs.” 
“Henry, you made this?” Duckie asks. 
“Yeah. Mama taught me how to make a lot of things.” 
“He’s a natural in the kitchen. I just taught him the basics. He’s learned a lot on his own.” You smile proudly at your sweet boy.
“Amazing. You should be really proud of yourself. I can’t cook to save my life. So thank you both for feeding me.” 
“Well you can always come here to eat, right mama?” Henry looks at you for confirmation.
“Absolutely. Especially for Henry’s pastries they’re to die for.” 
“Yeah, is so yummy.” Lottie adds before spooning more dessert into her mouth. 
Once everyone was done you cleaned up the table, being joined at the kitchen sink by Duckie. She was glad to help with washing dishes.
“You’re a good mom.” She says quietly.
“Thank you.”
“I mean it.” She says and it makes you stop to look at her. “I know it must’ve been difficult at the beginning but I see that you truly love them and they love you.”
You could tell there was something behind the statement but you didn’t want to push her. 
“The beginning wasn’t easy but they just needed some patience and love and I do love them so much.” 
She gives you a small smile and you both turn to finish washing up. Just as the last dish is done you offer some wine which she accepts surprisingly. The two of you talk for a little longer, keeping the conversation light. You both share more about your jobs and how you got started. 
There are quick steps down the stairs, which you now know is Charlotte. You turn just as she stops in front of the door. A few seconds later Bucky is walking in with Steve following behind. 
“Dada.” Charlotte launches herself into Bucky’s arms. 
“Hi doll. How did you know I was going to walk in just now?” He asks in almost a joking manner.
“I see it.” She smiles proudly. “Hi Steebie.” 
Bucky gives Lottie a kiss on her forehead before handing her over to Steve. Henry surprise attacked Bucky by jumping on his back while invisible. 
“I thought you had a three day mission. What happened?”
“Halfway there we were informed that local authorities had raided the warehouses. Apparently they had been doing an undercover investigation for about a year.” Bucky shrugs before making his way to you and giving you a quick kiss.
“Good, we missed you already.” 
Bucky greeted your guest before excusing himself to change into something more comfortable. 
“We have leftovers, I’ll make you a plate. Steve, are you staying?” You tell him.
“If it’s not too much trouble.” He smiles at you before turning to his newest friend. “I’m glad you came over.”
“Yeah, it was nice.” 
You smile and give them a moment alone by heading into the kitchen. Lottie follows you and offers to help somehow. She’s just happy that Bucky and Steve are back. 
Just as the microwave is done Bucky makes his way back out. He’s dressed in a black t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. He takes a seat at the table and Lottie makes herself comfortable in his lap. She rested her head against his chest while he and Steve ate. 
The four adults and Henry are talking and joking around. You’re happy to see Duckie opening up around you a bit more. Although you know it has to do with Steve being here. 
“She’s asleep.” Bucky says softly while looking down at his daughter. “I’ll be back. I’m going to put her down.”
“I should be going. Thank you for having me.” 
“Of course,” you say to Duckie as you walk her out. “Remember you’re always welcomed here, for whatever you need.” 
“Thanks. Good night.” 
“I’m going to go back home too.” Steve says before giving you a kiss on the cheek. 
“How convenient.” You murmur loud enough for Steve to hear.
He rolls his eyes but heads out anyway and offers to accompany Duckie back toward the main compound building. 
Upstairs, Bucky sets Charlotte down and then helps Henry get settled for the night. 
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You’re writing something down in your notebook as Bucky walks into your room and settles down next to you . He’s watching as you continue your writing with a smile.
“What’s that smile for?” You ask without looking up.
“I’m glad that I could be home instead of out on that mission.” 
“We’re glad you’re home safe too.” You finally finish writing and set the notebook down before turning all of your attention to him. “What do you think about the end of August?” 
“For what?” 
“For the wedding. It would be before school starts and warm enough that we could have an outdoor weddingng.” 
Bucky smiles and nods. “That would be great.” 
“How about a small wedding?” 
“That could work.” 
“Alright,” you lean in and kiss him. “Let’s plan a wedding.” 
Ch. 36
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ddejavvu · 8 months
a major obi-wan thought on my bedtime rotation is the idea of sparring with him like that scene from miss congeniality WOAHHH another would be the interrogation with reader being a potential spy idk maybe i just find interrogations sexy.. and u cant go wrong with the classic mean obi wan taming a brat reader whose perhaps his padawan or an unruly senator under his protection ELITEEE
if you want sparring with obi-wan, you can check out my fic betrayal, that was meant to be a quick and dirty 200 words and ended up being a 17K porn novel <3 i totally agree with you on the interrogation front, i swear with the way he holds eye contact with jango in aotc i'm surprised the guy's pants didn't drop of their own accord. all that to say i've chosen the senator plotline <3
this post is 18+, minors dni.
You're not entirely sure how the Force works, but you're willing to bet that it opened its big fat mouth and told your overzealous security guard that you were trying to escape. You made sure to be deadly silent, and you'd blocked the cameras set up to monitor your bedroom, so you know he hadn't seen or heard you. Nevertheless, he stands in your bedroom doorway looking very unimpressed by the one leg you've managed to weasel through your window.
"Tell me, Senator," He calls, voice purposefully casual, like you're not bisected by a pane of glass, "Are you trying to kill yourself so that no one else gets the chance?"
"I'm not going to die." You insist, moving further still out of the window, "I'm going to take a walk."
"How many stories up are we? Two hundred?" Master Kenobi asks, this time stepping forwards into your room. He approaches your window but doesn't grab you, merely staring down at the very long distance between you and the ground.
"One-hundred-and-eight." You grunt, your strength waning the more you hang from the ledge of your window. He notices the strain in your voice, but prolongs your suffering with a thoughtful nod.
"Yes, right. I think that's a wonderful coincidence, then, seeing as how that's the number of bones you're going to break if you fall."
"I'm not going to- fall-!" You gasp at the feeling of your foot slipping against the balcony below you, but you're actually thankful for the Force now that it fuels Obi-Wan's quick reflexes. He dives to catch you, and hauls you up by only one of his hands gripping your bicep. It hurts, but you suppose he was right; it would have hurt a lot more to fall.
You're set on your feet with the expression of a tooka caught shredding its owners bedspread, but Obi-Wan meets your surly pout with an unimpressed look of his own. You're safely on the floor of your apartment, but his hand remains curled around your upper arm.
"I didn't think I needed to specify to you that staying 'out of reach' of your assassins did not mean dangling above them like a strung-up target."
"I was going to take a walk in the city," You repeat, teeth gritted, "I was going to keep my hood up, and I was going to blend in with the crowd."
"An excellent plan, truly," Obi-Wan indulges you, "I'm sure the seasoned bounty hunters that are poised to shoot you on sight would have been fooled by a cloth draped over your hair."
"I'm going crazy in here! I have to get out, I have to do something!" You gush, attempting to tear your arm out of Obi-Wan's grip. He doesn't let go, though, and he muscles it back to your side with a fleeting glint of fury in his eyes that you hadn't thought a Jedi was capable of. He walks forwards, and by extension, you walk backwards until your knees hit the frame of your bed and you're pushed down onto the mattress.
"Senator," He starts, keeping his voice tightly wound as he now looms over you, "I have a duty to protect you, but you have a duty to your own life as well. And I will not see you risk it by hanging yourself off of a skyscraper for something as menial as a stroll in the city! If you'd like to walk, you may walk into the closet and get yourself changed into your nightclothes, because the only thing you'll be doing this late at night is sleeping."
"You're not my daddy," You sneer at the man, his audacity setting something in your chest aflame, "You can't tell me what to do. I'm not going to sleep."
"I find your impression of a petulant toddler truly amusing, Senator," Obi-Wan deflects your persistent attempts at boiling him over, "But as you have a hearing to attend tomorrow, I suggest you take my advice and turn in for the night."
You bite the inside of your cheek so hard you're surprised it doesn't split beneath your teeth. He's right. You have a hearing tomorrow, and you're really only protesting sleep because he's asking you to do it. Perhaps.. perhaps that is below your station.
"Go," Obi-Wan's eyes flicker towards your dark closet, "But I would like you to leave the door open, please."
"What?" You rear your head back indignantly, any succession you'd decided on now gone as you process his request, "I'm not letting you watch me change, you freak!"
"I assure you I will not be watching," Obi-Wan lets go of your bicep, leaving a stinging ring around your skin in his wake, "But should there be any climb-able windows or secret exits in your closet that I'm not yet aware of, I don't want to be slowed down by a lock in my attempts to rescue you from your own foolishness."
"You're crazy. I'm telling the Jedi Council about this." You vow, storming off to your closet and tucking yourself into the walk-in portion so that your bodyguard can't see you as you strip down.
"You're more than welcome to, Senator. I suggest, though, that you be truthful with them about your attempts to fall from the two-hundredth-story of this building, otherwise you're going to make me look rather perverted."
"It's the 108th floor!" You snap, any patience you'd possessed throughout your encounter with Kenobi flooding out of you. It heats your skin, blazes it warm, which is perhaps why you've forgotten you're no longer clothed when you whirl around to correct the man to his face.
You're standing in the doorway of your closet now, very angry and very naked. Master Kenobi's eyes stay politely locked on your own, but one of his eyebrows raises, and a corner of his lips twitch in a barely-concealed smirk.
"Senator, if I were you," He drawls, his gaze heavy upon you despite being fixed on only your eyes, "I wouldn't tell the Council that you're giving me a strip show."
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Pet Sitter AU
So anyways ummm I've had this locked and loaded for a while. It's not complete. Buuuut it's a comfort AU for me so I shall talk about it when I need it most! (Like rn) I have more I'll add eventually, but if you have any world-building questions lmk!!!
The premise/the basis of all this is Cater needs to get away from home when he's finally at his breaking point and ends up leaving, no plans, nothing packed, just his wallet, his phone + charger, and the clothes on his back. He ends up calling in an old favour to Trey, a classmate he hasn't seen or spoken to in years, who comes to pick him up off the street and lets him stay in his apartment he shares with Che'nya until Cater can get back on his feet.
Cater recognizes he needs to get his shit together, but he's a depressed mess and has largely been isolated from other people besides his family, so when another person in the apartment needs a last minute pet sitter, he figures it's a small enough task he can handle.
this is based off of this comic
In which Idia has a skrunkly ass stray cat named Meat Spud (Cater does not want to touch it whatsoever bc it has. no fur. He's used to his sister's big fluffy spoiled cats)
The Apartment
So like. Idk, my brain liked the idea of each floor of an apartment building being more luxurious than the floor below it. Im by no means an architect or have any bg in this stuff, apologies if it like. Irks anyone sldkjfhlskdjf
it's a 15 story apartment building with roof access
- First Floor - Apartments are one bedroom, a kitchen and a living room, as well as a small "porch" area outside. There are communal bathrooms + laundry. Unfurnished Rent is ~$560 a month (about 20 apartments are available) There's also a communal deep freeze for anyone who needs more room for their food, but the apartment is not responsible for any losses that may occur.
- Second floor - Still one (larger) bedroom/kitchen/living area, but you get your own bathroom (woo), but the shower is like. the same design as a public shower, you know? like just the spout coming out from the wall. Tenants are still expected to use the laundry room on the first floor though. Small balcony/outdoor area. Comes with a bed + couch. Rent is ~$610 a month (about 15 apartments available)
- Third floor - options for two bedroom apartments become available, but the rooms are Very Small. Balcony is about the same size as the second floor. There is room for a small dining area. The bathroom has a free standing shower. Rent is ~$660 a month (Also about 15 apartments available) Rent has some variation depending on whether you get a furnished or partially furnished apartment
- Fourth floor - More spacious in general, better options for two bedroom spaces if needed, there is a gym on this floor which kinda cuts into how many apartments are available. Most are partially furnished, but there are options available/the lease is negotiable to a certain extent. Still just a free standing shower in the bathroom. Yes there's still a balcony. Rent is ~$700 a month (only about 7 apartments available because of the gym)
- Fifth floor - Tenants finally get their own laundry machines lkjshdfkjdf woo, more spacious, etc. they get a bath + shower combo in the bathroom + a decent sized balcony. They can opt in/out for once a month room service for an additional $50 a month (this increases by $10 the higher the floor but remains an option). Rent is ~$800 a month (about 10 apartments available)
- Sixth to eighth floor are all about the same, just getting slightly bigger (like by 1-3 square feet) as they go up, but they all become two bedroom options. Rent falls between ~$850-$870 with about 8 apartments available on each floor.
- ninth to twelveth floor are all about the same, they get a shower and a bath in their (2) bathrooms, like they're separate from each other, they have walk in closets in the master bedrooms, and they get a storage room. They still are 2 bedroom. Rent falls between $1100 - $1350 a month (only 6 available on each floor)
- there is a thirteenth floor, but it's not an option on the elevator. The owners of the apartment are superstitious and don't rent out any rooms on the thirteenth floor, but wanted to HAVE a thirteenth floor bc...in the event there are ghosts or something in their apartment they would be stuck on the floor with the most energy?? Idk man. Nothing is furnished. Just empty rooms. "Empty" Rooms. :)
- The fourteenth floor is like. luxury apartments. they get the whole shebang with walk in closets for every (3) bedroom, full bathrooms (2) huge livingroom, huge kitchen with up to date appliances, and once a month there's a full course meal that's just brought to the tenants for dinner. They're living the high life for the same price a lot of people are sharing a house with four people withs flkjshdlkjfsdf Rent is ~$2000-$2100 a month. There are only 4 of these apartments, the balcony wrapping around each one
- and of course, the fifteenth floor. Literally. It's like having an actual house to live in but you get a great view of the city from above. It's ridiculous. four bedrooms, 3.5 bathrooms, like it's just big and beautiful and bright. as for the food, it's "complimentary" (factored into rent) and happens every other week. Or it would if the people living up there didn't opt out of it lsdkjfhlksdjf the apartment owners don't care it saves them money. Rent is ~$2500 a month.
And you might be like. hey. that rent doesn't actually sound that bad.
I know.
I know. Like I share Half a house with four other girls and the total rent per month is $3100. My rent alone is $575. But I wanted to be nice (I did not plan out the rent before this and I simply do not care enough to change it I think I'm being "reasonable" with it)
- Jamil (22) – Yeeeah baby he gets the whole basement to himself. Almost. Like there’s a section for all the maintenance and storage stuff, but he gets to live at the hotel rent free because he’s friends with the owners (the Asim’s), and works for them at the front desk. He doesn’t even have to do the cleaning. It’s the freakin’ dream. In order to actually make money though, he does have side gigs so he can deck out the basement however he wants + do what he wants for fun. He has plans to keep snakes eventually, but he’s saving up for his dream enclosure as well as the extra heat lamps he would need for down there.
First Floor
- Ace (21)- Ace's mother divorced their dad she found out about some of the bad habits he had been up to. Just a little over a year ago, his mom became extremely ill and his big brother Jack became the main provider of the family, trying to take care of their mom and his little brother. Ace knew he wasn't outwardly being a burden, but he still felt like one and decided to save up and move out. Shortly after moving out, he lost his job, so he's desperately been searching for another one, but also been doing what he can as a little entrepreneur. Nothing's been super successful yet, which has been super discouraging but he has a couple repeat clients for his stickers that he makes. He also has 4 pet hamsters which he keeps on a live stream most of the time, (they're all named after card games). All he has for furniture is a desk, two rickety old chairs he probably found in an alley somewhere, his mattress and a dresser. His place is a bit of a mess with the stress he's under, and he's had to ask Jack for money a couple times which only makes him feel worse.
- Riddle (18)- Riddle has been playing violin since he was just A Baby (like 3) and had been on fairly good terms with his mother. She encouraged him to move to the city as a means of giving himself more opportunities, and she would pay for his rent. A few months in, Riddle realizes oh shit. I'm gay. And decides to come out to his mother because he has no reason to believe she wouldn't take it well. Well. she doesn't. She immediately disowns him and stops paying his rent for him. He can barely pay for one month on his own, and decides he needs a roommate. He did not really....do any digging into his roommate because he was just desperate to have one...(eventually, when things get better, he gets a pet hedgehog)
- Ruggie (21) - Riddle's Roommate :) He's the only reason Riddle's apartment is furnished, because he manages to find things on sale or on the street or whatever and clean it up. He thought Riddle was joking when he said he wanted to be a musician In This Economy. Ruggie doesn't mind one bit sleeping on the couch. He keeps himself sustained through whatever means necessary. (Doesn’t really want a pet because of the cost, but likes Riddle’s hedgehog a lot)
Second Floor
- Rook (24) – Rook is a blue collar worker, I think in construction? He owns a really old, well behaved golden lab and a brand new, very energetic bichon frisee puppy. They absolutely adore each other. He has no contact with any of his family.
- Deuce (19) – Moved out to be closer to work. He’s currently an apprentice as a mechanic, but on the side he offers blastcycle modifications (so long as they’re legal), and also babysits! He ends up adopting like 4 German Shepard mix (unknown, they’re not purebred) puppies with his roommate because they were both too much of bleeding hearts to give them away or sell them once they found them. It was already tight, (spaciously), because their one bedroom was already split in half with a paper divider, but they surrendered the livingroom to the puppies. Money wise, it is a little tight.
- Epel (19) – Deuce’s roomie. He was the one who found the puppies. He tried to leave them, he really did but Then He Couldn’t. Epel’s family supports him because their farm is successful, it’s not ‘a lot’ but they send him about $150 a month just to help out in the big city. Epel met Deuce at work, his lease was almost up and asked if he could move in because Deuce was venting a little bit about rent. Epel is apprenticing as a fabricator – he’s already a pretty good mechanic because of the upkeep he had to do on the farm, but fabrication seemed fun, profitable, and secure so he decided to try it out. Lowkey has a goal to get into all the trades as an apprentice eventually. He also has his own blastcycle and does late night delivery service as a side gig.
- Jack (19) – Moved to the city to go to school. He wrote home about how he felt really…lonely without his family, and his mom ended up gifting him a Samoyed puppy the next time he came home. She sends him money for all puppy related expenses, and he works part time at a fast food restaurant to help sustain his rent. He’s going to school on a scholarship for his athleticism, and could technically afford a nicer apartment, but he’s trying to be smart with his money. He’s also working to develop his own fitness trainer app because he wants to help people exercise to feel good, not necessarily to loose weight or anything.
- (Nameless OC) – She’s like a 75 year old widow who has a crush on her upstairs neighbour on floor 4. She’s adorable, she’s a little Korean grandma. Every now and then her daughter comes to visit. Her daughter is the one who ends up adopting (human) Grim + Gidel (both friends with Ortho) (Jack helps her bring up her groceries a lot)
Third Floor
- Jade + Floyd (21) – They actually live in a single room apartment, because they toured both a two bedroom and single room and found that they could make more use of bedroom space in a single room. They’ve never met Azul in this AU (I’ll explain this later in ‘relationships’) and are fairly new to land. Jade’s side of the room is all terrariums, his isopods and springtails are his baaaaabies. Floyd has a huge glass enclosure on his side of the room for his Albino Burmese Python. He thought it was a ball python when he first got it. Uh. Yeah. He puts in a lot of work and sourcing people who can teach him how to care for it properly, he’s a great snake dad. When it’s available, Jade will feed the shed skin of Floyd’s snake to his isopods. Floyd also retains some of his strength from having been a mer, so it’s not entirely uncommon for him to answer the door with a snake scarf. They’ve both got working Visas for now to be on land, and Jade is working towards figuring out all the paperwork to become land citizens for both of them. Jade works in a greenhouse, but also sells custom terrariums, Floyd works at a pizza place and LOVES it.
- Trey (23) – He works at his parents bakery basically for free, as they make sure he has enough to cover his rent, groceries and phone bills. He only moved out to escape the chaos that is his household of (hc) 11 children. He is a volunteer firefighter, and the apartment Loves him because he brings leftover treats the bakery can’t sell anymore and just gives them out. Also just. The third floor smells great, all the time because he’s always baking something or other.
- Che’nya (22) – A bit of a freelancer, Trey isn’t even entirely sure what Che’nya does for work, but he always pays his rent on time so he doesn’t really care. Most of the time though, Che’nya works at a coffeeshop. They don’t have a pet in the apartment, though Che’nya kinda wants one.
Fourth Floor
- (Nameless OC) – 76 year old Korean grandpa. Has a crush on the lady two floors below him. They’re adorable and will end up together eventually sldkjhlksdf
Fifth Floor
- Azul (22) – Also a musician, he plays piano and has mommy’s money sustaining him for the most part lmao He’s managed to land a few gigs here and there, but it’s not really enough to keep him going. He ends up getting work at a museum as the person at the front desk and really enjoys it. He gets a couple perks that really make the job worth it (free lunch + 2 museum passes a month so he can go in for free with a friend. If he had any friends) He has a rather impressive tropical fish aquarium.
I don’t have anyone I Want on the 6th floor
Seventh Floor
- Silver (23) – Was raised in the foster care system, but never adopted. He vaguely remembers being taken off the streets and somewhere warm by some black and pink long-haired Guy but that’s about it. He’s always been pretty resourceful, and runs his own, small pajama company, has been since he was 18. He mostly gets to work from home now which is really nice. He owns 2 bearded dragons. He only has a roommate because he didn’t see the point in having a wasted space of a bedroom. It’s kinda funny because it’s almost like there’s an invisible line in the apartment where you can tell which roommate decorated which side of the space sldjfhksdjf
- Sebek (18) – Silver’s roommate. It’s his first time living away from home and he doesn’t really know how to cope. He insists he knows what he’s doing, but Silver can tell he has a lot of life skills left to develop and tries to teach him in subtle ways. While this will be mentioned again later, Sebek is emo in this au LMAO. Sebek also insists that he doesn’t care about the bearded dragons, but he learns how to handle them and ends up loving them and helping Silver take care of them without being asked. Sebek’s dad helps him pay for half of his rent, but he’s responsible for his own groceries which…is where he finds it more difficult to be honest. Sebek was initially going to go into school to become a dental assistant, but he finds it. So boring. And kinda gross. So he ends up going to become a veterinarian. Is his ‘bedside manner’ the best with animals? No. But he’ll learn. Sebek currently works part-time as a parking attendant.
Eighth Floor
- Idia (23) + Ortho (9) (this is a lil. Depressy-espressy okay?) – A little over a year ago, Ortho was in a car crash with his parents. It ended up orphaning the Shrouds and left Ortho crippled from the waist down. Idia feels like he should carry some of the blame because he didn’t get there fast enough, he wasn’t there to protect his brother, etc. etc. but Ortho doesn’t blame him for anything. Idia did inherit the family home, but it felt too big and empty without his parents, and Ortho said he wanted a new space to try and reset. So they’re living off their parents will + business money still, Idia doesn’t really have to do much to keep it running so he can focus largely on Ortho. Ortho’s mobility is very limited early on, using only a wheel chair, but as he attends physiotherapy, he learns to use forearm crutches and he’s very optimistic about being able to walk again. Ortho attends online school, after having challenged a few grades, he’s working on grade 7 level homework/classes. Idia only takes in his cat, Meat Spud, about a month before Cater shows up. It’s a feral, horrifically mannered little gremlin but he Loves It and is the first thing in a long time that kinda shocked him out of his depression for a little bit. Ortho named it. He also refuses to touch it lsdjhlkjsdf but he finds it funny. Ortho deeeesperately wants a White’s Tree Frog because he’s done his research and knows he could handle it. He wants to name it. Cornelius. Also, the kid just generally. Loves frogs. Please let him info dump to you. Please. He knows So Much.
I got nobody in my mind until floor 13
- Lilia(???) – He’s the ‘ghost’ of the apartment. Not really. He is a squatter. Nobody knows how he got in. Nobody cares enough to shoo him out or complain about it because most people don’t even know he’s there. He’s got ‘pet’ rats. They’re city rats he’s befriended with food. It’s not that he doesn’t have money. Don’t ask me to explain him I don’t fully know how it works yet sldkjfhlskdjf
Jumping up to the 15th floor
- Vil (24) – A model, and actor and a successful fashion designer, Vil loved the concept of the apartment which was really the only reason he chose to move in rather than own his own place. He is trained as a falconer, and does have a ‘pet’ falcon. ‘Pet’ as in it is not captive bred, but it was a rescue. For the most part, it flies freely, and only comes back to the apartment for the sake of companionship or for a safe place to sleep. Vil mostly keeps tabs on it’s health. (I need to research this more but like it’s less of a pet and more just a wild animal Vil has favour with and he recognizes that.) He also has two Great Danes from the same litter named Iris and Poppy
- Vizzie (21) – She is a vtuber and Vil’s roommate (will go over this more in Relationships). In person, she is *largely* non-verbal. She’s more of a listener/observer. She has a ‘pet’ crow. Shortly after being friends with Vil she found an injured fledgling and followed instructions over the phone on how to care for it to transport it to a National Wildlife Rehabilitation Center, then decides she would like to actually like to become licensed as a wildlife rehab. Officer. When that crow was cleared to return to the wild, it ended up following her around anyways, so once she finished her certification she knew legally she *could* handle the crow if need be. She ended up getting permission to set up an ‘enrichment station’ on the roof, so ‘her’ crow can has a safe, man-made stimulation board basically and can bring any of it’s friends along, but it’s also not uncommon to see it sitting on her shoulder. It is trained well enough that she brings it into the apartment now and then, but most of it’s time is spent outside. It also loves delivering messages for her. It’s name is Ragnar.
- Neige (22) – You’ll never guess. Yeah. He’s a successful model, actor and fashion designer. He’s got permission from the owners to keep pigeons on the roof. You can imagine the commotion that happens when they see Vil’s falcon, even if Vil does stay on the opposite side of the roof when he interacts with it. He likes the apartment because it’s central so all the volunteer and charity opportunities are within walking distance. He ends up also bringing home a box of sopping wet kittens at one point, but gives all but one away because of his roommate.
- Leona (25) – Neige’s roommate. I think both his parents recently passed away, so the family business was passed onto his brother. Falena is concerned about Leona’s mental and physical health, so offered to pay his rent for him. Leona wasn’t going to say no. Currently doesn’t have a job. Doesn’t really plan to get a job. He will eventually become a lawyer (?). He ends up adopting the runt of the litter of kittens Neige brought home and named her Mgambo. She’s got a tortoise-shell coat.
- Kalim (22)– his parents own the apartment. He wanted to live there, but they ended up buying him his own place. It doesn’t matter, he’s in the lobby every day, (no job), chattering away to Jamil and trying to contain his six ferrets and an African Grey Parrot that he keeps mostly on his shoulder. He isn’t the most responsible pet owner, but he loves them and tries his best. Jamil often gives him pointers, and he listens to all of them (most are to make Jamil’s life easier but keeps Kalim’s pets safer anyways)
- Malleus (??)– Not quite sure where he lives in the city, but he knows Lilia lives at the apartment and goes to visit him often. He doesn’t understand why he chooses to live the way he does, but won’t comment on it. He has a pet raven but Idrk how he got it. If it’s even legal. It is a happy bird though and that’s what matters most.
I'll elaborate on more ships later but for now
Azul + Riddle – The twins instigate this lmao, they’re right in between the two musicians and love just laying on their balcony after a long day and listening to both of them practice. Floyd ends up yelling down to Riddle that Azul – the pianist above them, said his music lacks emotion, and Jade tells Azul in passing that while *he* enjoys his music, the little redhead on the first floor said that his music sounds amateurish. This sparks a competition between the two. Keep in mind. They can’t really hear each other. They’re both just swayed by the twins words . It ends up helping both of them, as Riddle realizes he’s always played the violin for his mothers approval, it’s always been mechanical to him, so he slowly starts to really tune in (hehe) to his emotions, why he chooses to play the violin, the sense of loss he feels with his mother, but still wanting to make her proud, and a part of his mind thinking if he can ‘beat’ Azul, if his mother knew, she would be proud, but that slowly becomes less and less important as time goes on. Azul, on the other hand, knows that he’s had less time than the many musicians to perfect his craft, but he’s mostly been forcing himself to learn impressive sounding pieces rather than really learning the basics and practicing them. Eventually there will be a night where they can hear each other, maybe like all the electricity goes out and either out of boredom or to try and lift people’s spirits they both end up playing, but it’s the first time they really hear each other play and they manage to make something beautiful. The twins then ‘ruin’ the moment after a beat of silence from both of them to ask when they’ll finally go on a date. Both immediately deny wanting anything like that. By the next week Azul mentions something about having a free pass to the museum and Riddle doesn’t think it’s a date until he Gets There and realizes it is.
Idia, Cater, Viz are a polycule, but Viz dates Ace as well
Jade and Trey are a thing
Deuce and Epel, maybe?
Vil and Leona
Who knows
Not me
The rest is still being workshopped
I'll elaborate on ships later
And character aesthetics bc Vil and Viz being the resident Goths are soooo important to me.
@fluffle-writes @my-cursed-brain
Lmk if you wanna be added ^^
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haleyrude · 3 months
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Title: Scars
Pairing: Leon Kennedy x fem!reader 
Disclaimer: It’s your first night at Leon’s house and you notice a scar and have some questions. Just some fluff! Enjoy!
Words: 1.5k
It was your first time staying at your boyfriend Leon’s house and you couldn’t be more ecstatic. It’s been 6 months since you’ve been in a relationship with him and he’d either come over to your apartment or he’d be out on a mission for a week or two. 
He kept promising that he’d get everything in order and you’d be able to stay with him as long as you wanted. The time has finally come as you double check your duffle bag before locking up and heading to your car. Leon’s place was about a 25 minute drive so you sent him a quick ‘OMW!’ Text before you plugged your phone in and headed off.
You were surprised to see that Leon, like you, lived in an apartment complex. This one looked more luxurious than the one you resided in currently. You went to the underground parking lot and headed toward guest parking. You immediately saw Leon jogging up to your car as soon as you parked. As you shut the engine off he opened your car door. “Hey sweetheart, how was the drive?” his smile was big as he was happy you got to him safely. “Not too bad, just listened to music on the way.” You grabbed your water cup and phone before pressing the button on your vehicle to open the trunk. Before you could say anything, Leon was already at the trunk getting your bag out. “You seem excited for me to be here” you shut your door walking over to Leon. “Of course, I’m excited for you to finally see the place” with that he shut the trunk, swung the duffel bag over his shoulder and took your free hand with his. 
He led you to an elevator, the doors closed and he clicked the top button. “The top floor!” Disbelief washed over you as you looked at his smirking face. “I was able to win the deal on this condo and had it renovated. It’s completely mine” he said matter of factly and your heart filled with pride “congratulations this must be so exciting for you!” He leaned on the back wall “yeah it’s nice to be able to settle down somewhere instead of constantly have to rent, moving from one place to another”
That’s how the both of you met. Leon had just moved into town and you were at the bakery you usually went to get donuts and coffee for your office. Turning around you bumped into Leon not paying attention while holding a newspaper. The donuts and coffee went everywhere but the spark between you too was there immediately and you both felt it. Laughing the incident off, you both helped clean up everything and the rest was history.
He led you around the condo. It was very spacious. You took my shoes off at the front door placing them on the rack he had other shoes on. The floors were a dark oak color complimenting the beige walls. The first thing you saw walking through the short hallway was the living room, nicely furnished with a light gray wrap around couch with a dark brown coffee table and a TV mounted on the wall. A small balcony connected to the far wall. A simple table and two chairs to sit and look at the view. 
To the right there was a round dining table that was accompanied by 4 chairs over a rug. The table was plain beside a table cloth. The kitchen was attached to an open design with an island and granite counter top. To the left was a room that Leon had made his office and to the right of that was the master bedroom attached to a walk-in closet and a very decent sized bathroom. 
Leon placed your things on the bed as you  finished looking around. Not much personal decor around the house besides some small house plants and paintings but the whole condo screamed Leon. 
“I absolutely love it, this suits you” he chuckled, coming over to wrap his arms around you. You couldn’t help the smile that crept onto your face as youI leaned up on your tiptoes to give him a sweet kiss. He hummed in approval. “Why don’t you get comfy and I’ll cook us something hmm” You nodded, turning around as he gave you a little spank before leaving the room. 
You entered his bathroom with your bag and pajamas. Changing into a pink romper with spaghetti straps you looked at your reflection in the mirror to make sure you looked decent. The pajama set was your go to as it was comfy with some lace detail. You brushed out your hair and put on a pair of fluffy socks before heading out to the kitchen. Leon was standing there now in just sweatpants and a tank top. The tank top outlining his gorgeous muscles. You couldn’t help but to lick your lips thinking about those muscles flexing on him. “I hope chicken teriyaki and rice is okay?” Leon broke you out of your daydream as you walked over and leaned on the counter. “That sounds amazing” the smell of the food made your stomach growl. The food didn’t take long to cook and it was absolutely delicious. 
Leon cooked at your place plenty of times but it was nice having a home cooked meal at his place finally.  
After cleaning up, you went back to the bathroom to brush your teeth and get ready to turn in for the night. Reentering the bedroom Leon has the tv on low as he laid in bed with an arm behind his head and the other sprawled out waiting for you. You cuddled against him and kissed his shoulder. Feeling him tense for a split second which was odd and then you saw something peeking out of the tank top. You moved the strap over and noticed a bullet wound scar. You held your gasp and gave it a kiss before placing the tank top sleeve back in place. 
As you thought about it, you can’t recall a time Leon ever took his shirt off in front of you. He’d always wear either a tank top with thick straps or a tight fitting T-shirt. Even when the two of you made love but you never questioned him before just wanting him to feel comfortable. You just thought Leon was self conscious of himself. 
“I’ve never seen that before'' He rolled on his side and looked into your eyes. “I hate remembering that time in my life. I didn’t want to scare you or have you look at me differently seeing how damaged I truly am” his eyes were sad but you hoped he could see the genuine love in yours. “Leon’ you were talking sternly but gently, ‘your past is your past, you can’t change that and I would never pry you to tell me anything you don’t want to but just know that I am here for you and will listen whenever you’re ready. But just because you have a few scars doesn’t mean you’re damaged. You’re just as sexy if not more than when I first laid my eyes on you” without taking a breath he kissed you hard. The arm that was under you was  now wrapped around you holding you close while his other hand held the back of your head to deepen the kiss. Both your  lips are moving in sync. His tongue dragging against the bottom of your lip made you whimper as you opened your mouth giving him access to whatever he wanted.  
He pulled back too soon and rolled on his back pulling you close. “During the apocalypse in raccoon city I was shot in the shoulder…” he told you everything. Showed you the tiny scars littering his body including the small barely noticeable scar on his cheek from getting slashed with a knife. By the end of his story your face was wet. He looked over at you and immediately sat up wiping the tears from your cheeks with his thumbs. “Sweetheart, there’s no need to cry. I’m okay” You shook your head and gently grabbed his wrist. Kissing his hand and trying to steady your voice “I’m so sorry you’ve been through all that, I can’t imagine the trauma or even the nightmares you experience and my chest hurts thinking about you in pain.” The corner of his mouth turned up slightly as he pulled you into his now unclothed chest, rubbing your back with one hand and stroking your hair with the other. “Baby, every night I spend with you my nightmares fade, it feels easier to breathe when I’m around you. God forbid anything happens again or I’m called for another mission. My soul purpose is to fight for you and make sure I come home for you. I love you” 
It was the first time you heard those three words leave his mouth. You leaned back looking up into his beautiful blue eyes seeing them shine just a hint with tears before you smashed your lips to his. 
No matter how many scars this man has you  will love him to the end of the world forever. 
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duskwoodgirl4life · 2 years
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Chapter 4
MC and Jake had been spending a lot of time together getting to know each other and just being in each other's arms. Jake had been staying at the motel in between staying at Jessy's with MC. They had been taking things slow Jake didn't want to rush MC so they agreed that MC would tell Jake when she was. Jake had been back a couple weeks now MC was spending the night with Jake at the motel. She wanted to give Jessy and Dan some alone time, MC was laying on Jake's bed flicking through the TV channels while Jake was in the shower. A thought crossed her mind "Jake did tell me to let him know when I was ready" she got up off the bed and went towards the bathroom door. MC tapped on the door softly but loud enough for Jake to hear. "Jake, can I come in?" "Sure MC let me just grab a towel first" "Jake, put the towel down"
After they had finished Jake turned the now cold water off, he stepped out of the shower and handed MC a towel to dry herself. MC grabbed some clean underwear and put on one of Jake's shirts. It made Jake feel giddy at the sight of MC in one of his shirts. They went and sat down on the bed together. "I really need to find my own place" Jake sat down looking around the basic room. "I could help you find a place if you want" MC looked at Jake who had nothing but love in his eyes. "I'd like that, but what if we look for a place for both of us?" Jake took MCs hand in his drawing circles with his thumb. "I'd love nothing more than to move in with you Jake, our own place together" MC kissed Jake on the cheek and cuddled up to him.
The next day MC and Jake went to look at a new place they could call home together, after looking at a few apartments they decided to go to the rainbow cafe for a coffee and something to eat. "What did you think of the second apartment?" Jake asked while handing MC a menu. "It was really nice but the kitchen was a bit too small and the bathroom was even smaller" MC let out a sigh and put her menu down. "Don't worry we have one more to look at later" Jake looked at MC with a smile on his face. "I don't care how big the place is I just want to live with you MC" MC took Jake's hand in hers and gave it a light squeeze. "You are so cute, I love you Jake" MC held onto Jake's hand drawing circles with her thumb. "I love you to MC" Jake picked MCs hand up and kissed it softly.
Once they finished having coffee they went to the last apartment block, it was a massive building with a big glass revolving door inside and a long red carpet laid out. MC was looking all around. Everything looked perfect; there were even paintings hanging on the wall in gold patterned frames. Jake and MC made their way up to the apartment once inside they looked around. The apartment was as out of this world the living area had a massive open space. There were two big glass sliding doors that led out onto the balcony. The kitchen was massive. Then they went to check the master bedroom. There was so much space each side had its own walk in closets. There was an ensuite bathroom; it had its own walk in shower and bathtub.
There was a guest bedroom that was laid out the same, the only difference was the room was a little bit smaller. There was another bathroom facing the guest bedroom. Inside it had a shower,bath and skin with a mirror on the wall. "Wow Jake this place is absolutely amazing, the space,the way everything is laid out" MC stood in amazement at the apartment. MC turned round to face Jake but he wasn't in the bedroom anymore panic started to take over MC. She rushed around the room shouting Jake's name tears welling up in her eyes. "MC, I'm so sorry I'm here my angel it's okay" Jake took MC in his arms holding her close. "I-i thought so-something bad had happened' MC was clinging onto Jake. "I was just signing for this place I was going to come and surprise you, I didn't mean to scare you like that" Jake held onto MC not letting her go.
MC looked up at Jake and his face was full of concern, "no I'm sorry Jake, I shouldn't have freaked out like that" MC wiped away the tear escaping Jake's eye. "I love you Jake you're my always and forever" "I love you to MC i always will. Jake pulled away from MC and handed her the signed documents with a smile starting to appear on his face. "Jake you didn't? You really did this for us?" MC was shocked at reading the documents "I did MC, you see being a skilled hacker earns you a lot of money" Jake had bought the apartment for him and MC. "I can't believe you did this Jake I love you so much" MC was quick to wrap her arms around Jake kissing him softly on the lips.
Over the coming weeks Jake and I have been super busy getting things ready for the next chapter in our lives. I never thought I would ever want to smile ever again but here I am, the love of my life is back in my life. Jake has gotten a new job working with cyber crime. It was something that he could do from home which made me really happy. I have been working on slowly being able to be apart from Jake. We started with 5 minutes and each time it's been getting longer I feel like I have made real progress.
Everything had been unpacked and set out in the apartment, we were slowly making it our own place. I've started drawing again. It's something I used to love to do after what happened with Jake I stopped wanting to draw. Now I've found an old pad and my pencils and I've started to draw the beautiful view from our apartment window.
"Hey baby, what are you drawing?" Jake came over to MC after finishing his work for the day. "Wow MC that is amazing you have a real talent" Jake softly kissed MC on the head wrapping his arm around her. "Thanks Jake, I used to love drawing, but I lost the passion for it with everything that happened". Jake sat down next to MC holding her close to him "I'm sorry MC" Jake looked down at the floor sadness taking over his face. "Hey, it's okay Jake, I've found my passion for drawing again and now I get to have a sexy model" a grin spread across MCs face and the thought of Jake posing for her.
MC had been spending more time drawing sitting looking out of the window, she would get lost in the amazing views. Jake had been super busy with work but he always made time for MC when he was able to. MC was so supportive of him knowing that he was in the same place as her was all she needed to feel happy and content. The weekend was finally here and MC and Jake had been out shopping getting ingredients for dinner they were having Jessy and Dan over for dinner that night. Once they got back home Jake helped MC prepare everything ready to go in the oven later. With some time to spare MC went to change, applying some makeup and fixing her hair. MC had picked out a casual look for the evening. She had a pair of black skinny jeans with a white see through blouse that hung off her shoulders. Jake had gone for the casual look as well wearing a pair of black jeans and a black shirt.
Later that evening the food was coming along nicely, there was a knock at the door and Jake went to answer it. "Jake!! It's so good to see you" Jessy put her arms around Jake giving him a hug. "It's really nice to see Jessy MC's in the kitchen" Jake stood to one side letting Jessy go towards the kitchen. "It's good to see you hackerman" Dan walked into the apartment holding a bottle of Jack Daniels. "Good to see you to Dan" Jake couldn't help but smile at what Dan said. Once dinner was ready they all sat down and enjoyed a wonderful dinner. They had a wonderful time laughing and joking. It was the best evening they had had in a long time.
As the night went on they all sat round the sofa in the living room, Dan went and got the jack Daniels and two glasses from the kitchen bringing them into the living room. "Right MC you and me have at least one drink together what do you say?" A look of concern spread across Jessy's face as Dan poured the alcohol into the glasses. "Dan! Is that really a good idea? You know what MC went through with spirits" Dan stopped himself from pouring the brown liquid into the glass. "MC I'm so sorry I didn't mean to" sadness spread across sans face as he realized what he had done. "It's okay really, I am in a much better place now back then when I was drinking to numb the pain. Now I can have a drink and feel so much happiness" Jake squeezed MC's hand giving her a warm smile.
As it started to get late Jessy and Dan said their goodbyes, Jessy arranged to meet with MC tomorrow for coffee just them two while the boys where put at work. MC closed the door and a smile spread across her face. She was so happy. She walked over to Jake and pecked him on the cheek "come on let's go to bed" MC took Jake's hand leading him towards the bedroom. 2am glowed on the alarm clock MC had gotten up to get a glass of water. As she was standing near the sink she noticed the bottle of Jack Daniels sitting on the side that Dan had left. "What harm could it do? Just one glass right" MC poured the alcohol into her glass and she downed it in one. Before she knew it the bottle was empty and MC had passed out at the kitchen table.
The next morning Jake woke to an empty bed. He got up and found MC passed out on the kitchen table. A look of concern and worry hit him all at once he went over to her and slowly woke her up. *MC? Are you okay? What are you doing in the kitchen?" Jake already knew why she was there but asked her anyway. "Oh Jake, I'm so sorry" tears started running down MCs cheeks. "It's okay MC, it's okay I'm here I promise I'm not going anywhere" Jake wrapped his arms around MC holding her close.
After MC has claimed down Jake let go of her and sat down next to her, "Jake I'm so sorry I never meant to drink the whole thing I got up in the night for some water and I saw the bottle just sitting there" Jake took MCs hand drawing circles with his thumb. "What really messed with your head I can see that now more clearly than ever it's me that's sorry MC" a tear escapes Jake's eye. They both wrapped their arms around each other holding each other close. They spent the morning talking about everything.
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symbiodyke · 2 years
another rich client whose home absolutely baffles me.
they're a couple with a baby and two big dogs.
their house has 5 bedrooms, 4 baths, 3 living rooms, a huge garage, dining room, big laundry room, and a balcony on each of the 3 stories.
currently staying in their master bedroom which features a walk in closet the size of a regular bedroom (probably bigger than some) and a bath that could be better described as a hot tub.
most of the walls are empty of any decor and many rooms seem barely, if ever used.
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estatedekho23 · 5 days
3,4 BHK Villas for Sale in Chandanagar Hyderabad
Dreaming of Luxury? Explore 3 & 4 BHK Villas in Chandanagar, Hyderabad!
When someone says "Chandanagar," your first thought might be of a peaceful suburb nestled within the heart of Hyderabad. But today, I want to take you on a tour of something a little grander 3,4 BHK villas in Chandanagar! Whether you're a growing family, someone who enjoys ample space, or simply love the idea of luxury, villas here have you covered. And the best part? These aren't just any villas they offer everything from modern amenities to a serene lifestyle. So, let’s dive in and explore why Chandanagar should be your next stop on the villa hunt.
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Why Choose Chandanagar for Villas?
Imagine this: you wake up in your spacious villa, sip your morning coffee while soaking in the serene ambiance, and head out for a walk in a safe, well-connected neighborhood. Sounds like a dream, right? Well, Chandanagar is known for offering just that. This suburb has been steadily growing into a hub for residential living with a balance of modern conveniences and peaceful suburban life.
Location, Location, Location!
If Hyderabad were a cake, Chandanagar would be the cherry on top! It's strategically placed near IT hubs like Gachibowli and Hitec City. So, if you're working in the tech sector, commuting won’t eat up your precious Netflix time! Plus, the villa communities here are often near shopping malls, international schools, hospitals, and parks. Everything you need is a hop, skip, and jump away.
Personal anecdote alert! I remember visiting a friend’s villa in Chandanagar, and I was blown away by how everything felt close yet removed from the chaos. It’s like being in the middle of nowhere and everywhere at the same time. A paradox I could live with!
3 BHK Villas in Chandanagar: A Space Lover's Paradise
Let's talk numbers. 3 BHK villas in Chandanagar usually range between 1,800 to 2,500 square feet, offering enough space to do a cartwheel or two if that’s your jam. These villas are perfect for families who want a little extra room to breathe without feeling like they’re living in a labyrinth.
Key Features of 3 BHK Villas:
Spacious Living Areas: You won’t need to shout to get someone’s attention from across the room unless you want to.
Modern Kitchens: Fully equipped with modular designs that will make even a microwave dinner feel like a gourmet experience.
Multiple Balconies: Perfect for those sunset Instagram stories.
Private Gardens: Who says you can’t have your own little slice of nature?
A Table for Your Space Needs:
1,800 - 2,500 sq ft
3 spacious rooms
3, including one attached to the master room
2-3, depending on the layout
Space for 2 cars (because why not?)
Fun Fact: My friend's 3 BHK villa even had a dedicated "sulk room." Yup, a room just for sulking. Now that’s next-level luxury!
4 BHK Villas: The Ultimate Expression of Luxury
If you think a 3 BHK villa sounds impressive, wait until you hear about the 4 BHK villas in Chandanagar. With an average size of 2,500 to 3,500 square feet, these villas are the Beyoncé of real estate big, bold, and glamorous.
Why You’ll Love a 4 BHK Villa:
Master Suite Fit for Royalty: Think of it as your personal kingdom. There’s room for a king-sized bed, a walk-in closet, and enough space to twirl around while picking an outfit.
Entertainment Areas: Imagine having a dedicated room just for movie nights or gaming marathons. These villas have it all.
Private Swimming Pools: Some even come with their own pools. (Now, if only someone could teach me how to swim...)
Multiple Floors: Ideal for anyone who enjoys taking long walks from the kitchen to the living room.
A Quick Glance at 4 BHK Villas:
2,500 - 3,500 sq ft
4 ultra-spacious rooms
4-5, including luxurious master bathrooms
3+ (with the best views in the neighborhood)
Private Pools
Some villas come with private pools!
Space for 3 cars (your guests will thank you)
Amenities Galore: What Makes These Villas Special?
Now, space isn’t the only selling point. Chandanagar’s villas are packed with world-class amenities that cater to both the minimalist and the luxury lover. Here’s what you can expect:
Common Amenities in Villa Communities:
Gated Communities: Because safety first, always!
Clubhouses: For those who enjoy a good squash match or want to host parties that people talk about for weeks.
Parks and Green Spaces: These aren’t just your average patches of grass. We're talking landscaped gardens, jogging tracks, and gazebos.
Swimming Pools: Whether you're a professional swimmer or a casual "splash-and-dash" kind of person, there's something for everyone.
Fitness Centers: So, you can eat all the biryani guilt-free. (Or at least try.)
Why Invest in Chandanagar Villas?
Now, you might be thinking, “This all sounds fabulous, but why should I invest here?” Well, let me break it down for you:
1. Real Estate Boom:
Chandanagar is on the rise, my friend! With proximity to tech hubs and infrastructural development booming, property values are only going up. Buying a villa here now is like getting in on the ground floor of a very lucrative elevator ride.
2. Quality of Life:
Let’s face it—life in a villa beats the hustle of city apartments any day. It’s peaceful, spacious, and offers a lifestyle that’s hard to find elsewhere.
3. Long-Term Investment:
Villas in Chandanagar are not just homes; they’re assets. Whether you plan to live in them or rent them out, these properties offer excellent returns in the long run.
Conclusion: Time to Make Your Move!
So, what’s the takeaway here? 3,4 BHK villas in Chandanagar aren’t just homes, they're a lifestyle choice. Whether you're looking for space, luxury, or just a solid investment, Chandanagar checks all the boxes. And with real estate on the rise, this might be the perfect time to take the plunge and invest in your dream home.
And hey, if you’re ever unsure about which villa to choose, just remember: the bigger the villa, the more room for your sulk room!
Visit estatedekho.com for more information about 3,4 BHK Villas for Sale in Chandanagar Hyderabad. Estatedekho is an online platform that offers sellers, potential clients, buyers verified plots, and professional agents at service.
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Call/WhatsApp: 078 222 2020
- Architecture
- Engineering
- Municipal Submissions
- Building
Double garage x 2
Entrance porch
Family lounge with a porch
Dining with a porch
Office with porch
Private lounge
Guest bedroom with a porch
Guest bathroom & separate toilet
Maid’s bedroom en suite
Double volume Staircase
Pajamas lounge with a balcony
Study with a balcony
Master bedroom en suite (walk-in closet & bath) with a balcony
2 standard bedroom en suites with balconies
Prayer room
Guest bathroom
Unleash your dreams and create the ultimate lifestyle with this extraordinary luxury house plan, designed for those who demand the very best, this incredible plan offers unparalleled luxury and sophistication. With its lavish spaces, exquisite features, and meticulous attention to detail, this plan is the ultimate canvas for your dream home. Don't settle for ordinary - build extraordinary with this luxury house plan. Contact us today
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silvergladessector59 · 4 months
Silverglades New Launch 3/4 BHK Luxury Apartment in Gurgaon
Silver Glade Sector 59 plan offers 3 BHK and 4 BHK flats of different sizes. Below are some of the details regarding each:
3 BHK Apartment available, for sale
Size: Approx. 2600-2800 sq. feet
Features: biggest room size, wide rooms, living room with spacious balcony running throughout for morning sunlight as well as evening sun enjoyment
Main Bedroom: Ensuite bathroom which receives direct natural lighting from a large window facing outside Walk-in closet Second Bedroom; Spacious enough to carry cabinet or wardrobe with large windows for proper aeration Third Bedroom; It is small in size though has big ventilation systems caused by its large Windows which can accommodate much storage Living Room; Large opening leading out into the balcony thus allowing enough light during the daytime also fitted sliding glass doors connecting it to the kitchen if required too while well designed with modern utensils for cooking & enough space for keeping different staff Balcony; Big enough running along one complete side being served by another similar size sliding glass door situated at another end nearest kitchen. Other facilities within these apartments include but are not limited to high-speed powered lifts available throughout the day & night time security services are provided by trained guards manning all entry points leading both inside or outside perimeter wall fence constructed around this estate clubhouse that is properly managed and taken care of 24/7.
4 bedroom apartments available, for sale
Size; Approximately 3600 3800 square feet
Key Features; appointed rooms, a comfortable living area, and spacious balconies.
 Master Bedroom; Attached bathroom, walk-in wardrobe, and a sizable window.
 Second Bedroom; Roomy space with a window and plenty of storage.
 Third Bedroom; Cozy atmosphere with light and storage space.
 Fourth Bedroom; Compact room with a large window, for natural light and storage options.
Living Room: Spacious area with a large window and sliding glass doors to the balcony
Kitchen: Well-equipped with modern appliances and ample storage
Balcony: Spacious running balcony with a large window and sliding glass doors from the living room
Other Amenities: High-speed elevators, 24/7 security, and a well-maintained clubhouse
These apartments are designed to provide residents with luxury and comfort, focusing on modern specifications and ample space for relaxation and recreation.
for more details:https://silverglades59gurgaon.com/
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realestateedcook · 8 months
Condominiums In Pompano Beach
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Top 5 Luxury Oceanfront Condos In Pompano Beach
Living in Pompano Beach, FL, has many features, such as live music, bars, seaside, and beaches. The luxury oceanfront condos in Pompano Beach, South Florida, offer excellent value. The area is not full of hotels, and the beaches are not crowded. Some new, exciting developments popped up in the last few years. There are many choices for oceanfront condos in Pompano Beach, FL.
This article narrows it down to the top five. Living in these condos is a luxurious experience. The warm climate and gorgeous beaches make Pompano Beach a dream destination for a luxurious lifestyle. Due to the lush amenities, the Intracoastal Waterway, and breathtaking ocean views, it is easy to understand why these condos in Pompano are so popular.
Whether you are in the market for a stunning investment property or a beautiful place as your home, the condominiums in Pompano Beach have something for everyone. There are some benefits to living in luxurious condos.
Plaza at Oceanside
The extraordinary Plaza at Oceanside, located at 1 N Ocean Blvd, was built in 2009. The tower has 186 residential units. You see carefully designed structures and high-end features everywhere, creating a sense of conformity and completeness.
Residents enjoy access to pristine beaches. This stately complex has Intracoastal and ocean views, high-speed semi-private elevator and private elevator, brush chrome hardware throughout the common areas and residences, unobstructed views due to high ceilings, individual climate control, and an expansive balcony with panel railings made of glass.
You enjoy a kitchen layout that maximizes space and ease of food preparation and cooking. The luxurious kitchens have marble floors, granite countertops, European custom cabinets, and stainless steel appliances.
Oversized master suites have large walk-in closets and sitting areas, large soaking tubs in a spa-like ensuite, dual vanities with marble countertops, and showers enclosed with frameless glass doors. Little details make a big difference. Attention to detail is reflected in recessed lighting, wiring for digital cable, and high-speed internet. The oversized laundry has enough space for a front-load washer and dryer. Plaza at Oceanside complex amenities include:
A News Cafe with a large-screen TV
Indoor Golf Simulator
A world-class fitness center with state-of-the-art fitness machines
A luxurious theater
Media room
Playrooms for children and teens
Resort-style heated pool having lap lanes and beach entry
Interior Design by Steven G
The city has been restructured to ease the flow of pedestrian and vehicle traffic. Condo sales here are a rare find. The turnover of residences is low.
Waldorf Astoria Residences
The Waldorf Astoria Residences in Pompano Beach, FL, are inspired by the classic grandeur of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel. Every residence encompasses the beauty and scale of the building and its original architecture. It is the ideal balance of practical and aesthetic considerations.
The Waldorf Astoria Residences sit on a two-acre oceanfront site. It has 92 residential units that offer world-class architecture and design. Nicholas Architects head it in collaboration with Enea Landscape, BAMO, and KORA. The hospitality-infused amenities include:
Approximately two dozen boat slips
A pool
Cabanas with poolside dining
A beachfront cafe offers room service
One of the prominent features is Peacock Alley. It is a residents-only space that serves as the central gathering place for residents to see and be seen. A crafted clock in the main lobby is inspired by one at the Waldorf Astoria, New York.
It is an iconic landmark in the flagship hotel and part of its New York City lore. The influence of the original hotel extends to over 15,000 square feet of amenities. The homes are available in various sizes and crafted for single-family living.
They range from two to five bedrooms and vary in size from 2100 to 6100 square feet. Every residence has a private elevator foyer, high ceilings, and floor-to-ceiling windows highlighting stunning Intracoastal and ocean views. Other standard features include top-of-the-line Sub-Zero and Wolf appliances, custom Italian cabinetry, and oversized balconies. The residences are ready for occupation with a choice of designer finishes.
Salato Residences
The ultra-luxury Salato Residences are at 305 Briny Avenue in Pompano Beach, Florida. The expertly designed residences rise 100 feet from the beach with a pristine oceanfront. Forty private residences include six penthouses designed by Randall Stoff Architects.
The interior features include floor-to-ceiling windows that offer spectacular views of the ocean. An amenities deck extends more than 20,000 square feet, with direct access to the beach. The residences are designed to feel like worldwide luxury resorts.
Individual residences range from 2,106 to 3,354 square feet. They feature open floorplans with vast living space and 14-foot-deep terraces 320 to 746 square feet in size that provide phenomenal outdoor living and entertainment. All residences have three bedrooms and three and a half bathrooms. Amenities include:
An event room with a private chartering kitchen
Residents’ lounge with nutrition and juice bar
State-of-the-art fitness center
Massage room
Steam showers and dry saunas
Poolside lounge suite with private wine locker and bar
An ocean-view pool with separate loungers and a wet deck
Full-time pool and beach attendants
24-hour concerige service
Valet parking garage
The residences have an impressive selection of finishes and the absolute finest quality furniture. 10-foot windows and sliding doors surround each living space. Any chef would feel at home in the kitchen with custom European cabinetry and Wolf and Sub-Zero appliances.
The owner’s suite features a walk-in closet and a luxurious bathroom retreat. Stunning solid quartz countertops, porcelain tiles, and custom European cabinetry in the guest bathrooms give a sophisticated atmosphere. Residents and their guests enjoy the privacy provided by semi-private foyers and elevators.
Casamar Residences
Casamar Residences oceanfront condo in Pompano Beach, located at 900 N Ocean Blvd, designed by Arquitectertonia, has 119 units. It is situated on 3.2 acres and has 283 feet of oceanfront frontage. Each has direct, unobstructed oceanfront views. Casamar offers two, three, and four-bedroom units.
Every floor has six units. The smallest unit for sale has two bedrooms and a den that ranges in size from 1350 to 1700 square feet. Three bedrooms plus den units range from 2500 to 3000 square feet. Four-bedroom and den condominiums range from 3300 to 3934 square feet. Amenities and services include:
Personalized concierge services
Sunrise and sunset swimming pools
The Promenade Lounge
State-of-the-art fitness center
Multimedia and gaming tables
Virtual Golf Simulator with a mini bar
Lobby Welcome Station with light snacks and coffee
Open green gathering space
Pickleball court
Valet parking
Water sport storage
Pet washing station
The flow-through floorplans feature floor-to-ceiling windows that provide breathtaking views of Pompano Beach, the ocean, and the Intracoastal Waterway. All residences have unobstructed eastern views.
Tranquil and spacious master bathrooms feature a deep soaking tub, beautiful vanities, Hansgrohe fixtures, and contemporary finishes. The laundry room per unit has a full-size washer and dryer. Most units have a sink.
A customized password-protected app manages the spacious pre-wired smart home. Casamar Pompano Beach condo is in an excellent location close to marinas, golf courses, stores, and restaurants. It is 20 minutes from downtown Fort Lauderdale.
Ritz-Carlton Residences
A remarkable collection of magnificent amenities and luxury homes, with a landscape concept and interior design by Piero Lissoni, is like no other. The Ritz-Carlton, 1380 S Ocean Blvd, comprises two striking towers designed by Luis Revuelta.
They are on sprawling property that spans the waterfronts from Intracoastal to the Atlantic Ocean. The Ritz-Carlton gives homeowners direct access to a private yacht club and beach. The Beach Tower is a beachfront property with 31 stories and 117 larger condominiums.
Across A1A, the Marina Tower has an Intracoastal frontage and 14 stories. All of the condo development is residential. Residents of the Ritz-Carlton Residences enjoy stylish indoor and outdoor common areas with floor-to-ceiling windows. There are firepits, gardens, and plants throughout. Amenities include:
Three infinity edge pools
Two oceanfront and one marina front
Yoga Garden
Events lawn
Dog park
Outdoor wellness pavilion
Pickleball court
Bocce court
Valet services
Reception and concierge desk
Oceanfront lobby
The breakfast room and bar have outdoor seating
Fitness center
Lounge and library
Beauty salon with mani-pedi
Beach bar and grill
The Beach Tower has two, three, and four-bedroom residences. One, two, and three-bedroom units are found in the Marina Tower. They maintain the height of luxury, but each has a specific character. The goal was to design the buildings as welcoming and comfortable environments and create sophisticated places for socialization and relaxation.
The Beach Tower has a contemporary design using pure forms and lines expressed through light colors and natural materials. In the Marina Tower, slightly darker colors are used. Detailed and theatrical lighting is elemental in cultivating a welcoming and intimate environment. Large glazed volumes give the space definition and bring a Caribbean nature indoors.
Honorable Mentions
A few other stunning, luxury condos in Pompano Beach are the following:
Sonata Beach Club
Sabbia Beach
Ed Cook Real Estate Has Luxury Condos for Sale
Ed Cook Real Estate knows that Pompano Beach, FL, offers the ideal blend of day and nighttime action, an active lifestyle, and beachfront beauty. The beachfront dining options and fishing pier are part of what energizes the Pompano Beach Fishing Village.
Our Pompano real estate company has luxury condos for sale in Pompano Beach. We have listings for luxurious condos in Palm Beach County and Lauderdale by the Sea. Luxury condos for sale in Pompano Beach offer a stunning rooftop terrace, generous balconies, a nice pool, and much more.
Contact Ed Cook Real Estate on Ocean Blvd. today to search for new construction Ocean Blvd condos or search condos in nearby zip codes for all your Florida condo and real estate needs in beautiful Pompano Beach, FL!
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45jailbreak · 10 months
Living Together Headcanons - Jailbreak
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As much as Kieran hates change, Kieran would be the one migrating to Yokohama. The rent is cheaper than Minato, especially for a home meant for two people. Which, Jyuto already had a bigger apartment than him.
While they both love antiques, Jyuto is quite the minimalist when compared Kieran’s collections. He especially has an extensive collection of mock paintings. They both agreed to bringing everything with, but to have them arranged all over the apartment instead of being situated on a single accent wall. Kieran keeps his antiques while Jyuto keeps his home spacious and clutter-free.
They match each other well. The two of them value organization and cleanliness immensely, though Kieran is a master when it comes to organization. Jyuto gave Kieran the job to organize his one-man apartment into a two person life.
This is shown most in their closet situation. It is still a walk-in, similar to what Kieran had in his Minato apartment—but much bigger and suitable for two people if properly stored. All of Kieran’s clothing are on the left while Jyuto’s is on the right. On his side, there is also a mirror with the ability to turn that is always turned towards the wall unless Jyuto is using it.
Their closet also has a box filled of naughty items, which includes a pair of Jyuto's metal handcuffs.
Kieran has little hanging space and a dresser below it. He keeps his suits hung up while his minimal amount of everyday clothing gets folded away. Meanwhile for Jyuto, he has more hanging space and keeps both his even amount of suits and everyday wear hung up.
Jyuto takes both of their suits to a local Yokohama dry cleaner while Kieran does the other laundry at home.
Neither of them can cook well, so they get takeout and dine-in more often than they probably should.
Hifumi has offered to give Kieran cooking lessons, but Jyuto gets a bit jealous at the thought of that happening.
They both do not have strict schedules and often get off at work at various different times. Whoever gets off last is the one that usually picks up their dinner.
Despite Jyuto being quite the heavy smoker, he does not tolerate smoking indoors in his home. They only smoke on their high-rise balcony.
Kieran strictly sleeps on the left side of the bed and won't have it any other way. Jyuto teases him for being so particular.
They tend to sleep in a couple select positions. The main position is spooning—where Jyuto takes the role as big spoon and Kieran takes the small spoon. Kieran also at times finds himself sleeping in between Jyuto’s legs and resting on his chest.
Jyuto has a wine cellar in his apartment. Upon Kieran moving in, he is not allowed to touch it unless Jyuto is present.
Kieran’s hygiene product collection is nearly three times bigger than Jyuto’s.
Often times when Kieran got home from work after Jyuto—Jyuto would need to carry him to their bedroom to prevent him from collapsing. While Kieran was lighter than most men his age and height, he is still a grown man.
When Kieran comes home from work after Jyuto, Jyuto immediately greets him with a kiss and removes his bag, blazer, and tie for him even before he can step off the genkan.
Kieran wakes up way earlier than Jyuto, including on his days off. Jyuto playfully makes fun of him for having this habit.
Moving Malice from Minato to Yokohama proved to be the most difficult part, though she is Kieran’s pride and joy—much to Jyuto’s dismay and the red betta fish doesn’t seem to like him much. She often hides whenever he approaches her tank.
Jyuto felt generally baffled when Kieran explained Jyuto what malice meant in Japanese.
“Why would you ever name a fish that? She’s a fish, not a villain.”
In Kieran’s Minato apartment, Malice’s tank was in his bedroom. Upon moving in with Jyuto, she was moved into their kitchen instead near a large window. He says because she deserves to see the view—but in reality, he also does not want her to see Jyuto going down on him.
Jyuto doesn’t really understand how Kieran can watch her swim for hours straight, but it makes him happy so he supports with it.
Kieran is not one for romantic pet names. He uses them extremely rarely and only uses two in particular. He will use “honey” occasionally and “my love” at times. Both of these cause Jyuto to lose his mind and get flustered. Though, his main nicknames are generally on the meaner side. Those include: “bunny”, “bunny cop”, and “dirty cop” primarily.
Jyuto primarily calls Kieran “honey”.
Kieran is very much against PDA so all of their affection is done in the comfort of there home. Most people wouldn’t suspect that Kieran would be into physical affection seeing how distant he is usually—but behind closed doors, he is quite the cuddle bug. Often times surprisingly, Kieran is the one initiating affection. He finds himself crawling into Jyuto’s embrace more often the longer they’ve been together.
A common routine they have his relaxing on the couch after work while Kieran rests his head on Jyuto’s lap or chest as the cop tells him about his work stories. They learned this basically works as a lullaby to Kieran and puts him right to sleep. With his issues with insomnia, it helps immensely.
Ever since he moved in with Jyuto, he has been able to fall asleep much easier. Previously, he’d be up until 3am tossing and turning. Jyuto eased him in a way no medication could.
Jyuto constantly jokes about how Kieran used to hate him and now they were together living under the same roof. It got old very fast.
Kieran has a terrible habit of sleeping in his suits/work clothes, but he’s also against the idea of Jyuto buying new clothes for him. As a result, Jyuto has Kieran wear his own pajamas or t-shirts to bed. It benefits the both of them. Kieran no longer sleeps in his work clothes, and Jyuto gets to see Kieran in his clothes.
A main issue when it came to moving was Kieran’s fear of mirrors. Their agreement was to implement a curtain into their bathrooms that covers the mirrors that can be pulled away by Jyuto or guests. It’s a temporary solution that works well, but Jyuto hopes Kieran can work towards this fear.
Jyuto reminds him everyday that he is the most beautiful person in the world. It’s what he truthfully believes, and he also hopes that it will help him get over his fears.
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Five-star standard in Hiyori apartment for rent
Experience the epitome of luxury with five-star standard amenities in Hiyori. Immerse yourself in unparalleled comfort and sophistication, with top-of-the-line facilities and impeccable service.
Hiyori description
This is the corner room so the size and design are different from the standard room.
The Living room with a comfortable sofa and the dining space is streamlined design. The kitchen is set slightly separate from the living and dining.
Master bedroom with queen bed, closet, and make-up table. Smaller bedroom with a king bed and closet and working table.
All rooms have windows with nice views of the Han River, marble mountains and Son Tra Ocean view.
The apartment comes fully furnished, with high-end furniture and good-quality equipment.
Five-star standard in Hiyori apartment
Smoke detector
Fire extinguisherExhaust fan
Washing machine
Building utilities
Swimming Pool
Kids swimming pool
Fitness Room
Security guard 24/7
Size: 65m2
Floor 14th
Price is 16 million VND/month including the management fee.
Good location
Hiyori building is located in the heart of Da Nang city, on Vo Van Kiet street, very easy to connect the airport, Han River and Vincom Comercial center, and just 5 minute’s walk to the beach.
Hiyori has two big swimming pools for kids and adults outside. Gym on 2nd-floor reception on the first floor. Security 24 hours.
Contact NamiReal
Please feel free to contact Ms. Nancy for consulting and have a look the apartment:
Phone: +84796265522 (zalo, whatsaap)
Kakaotalk: nhitae
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truehabitat · 1 year
Premium Residential Properties in Gurgaon Ready to Move In
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Are you looking to move into a spacious new home in Gurgaon? There are some premium residential properties ready for you to move into right away. These fully-furnished apartments and villas come with modern amenities and facilities so you can settle into comfort and luxury. Whether you want a high-rise flat with panoramic views of the city or a private villa with a garden, the options in Gurgaon have something for every lifestyle and budget. Moving to a new home is always stressful, but these move-in ready properties make the transition seamless. All you need to do is pack your bags, turn the key in the front door and start enjoying your new living space. With spacious rooms, stylish interiors and upscale amenities, these premium residences offer a lifestyle of ease and privilege in one of India's fastest-growing cities. Make your dream home a reality and move into one of these posh properties in Gurgaon. A new life awaits you.
Discover your dream home with True Habitat offers affordable housing flats in Gurgaon most desirable properties, built with sustainability in mind and a commitment to creating harmonious communities.
Luxury Apartments in Gurgaon Ready for Immediate Possession
Ready to move into a luxury apartment in Gurgaon? There are some great options available for immediate possession.
Spacious 3BHK and 4BHK Apartments
Several new projects offer 3 and 4 bedroom apartments from 1,500 to over 3,000 square feet. These open-concept spaces feature high ceilings, hardwood floors, and floor-to-ceiling windows that flood the rooms with natural light. The master bedrooms include spa-like en suite bathrooms and oversized walk-in closets.
Resort-Style Amenities
These premium properties provide a lifestyle of leisure and convenience. Residents enjoy access to resort-style swimming pools, state-of-the-art gyms, playgrounds and recreational areas for kids. Many also have business centers, cafes, walking and jogging tracks within the premises.
Excellent Connectivity
Another benefit is the superb connectivity offered by these locations. Projects near Golf Course Extension Road and Southern Peripheral Road (SPR) provide quick access to Gurgaon’s commercial hubs as well as New Delhi. Several are also close to proposed metro stations, meaning you can avoid traffic hassles and commute with ease.
Ready to make one of these luxury apartments your new home? Act now while ready-to-move-in inventory and attractive payment plans are still available. A world of comfort and convenience awaits you. So go ahead—make that move into the home of your dreams today!
Independent Floors in Gurgaon Ready to Move In
Looking for a spacious home in Gurgaon you can move into right away? Independent floors are a great option. These private, multi-level homes offer ample living space without the hassle of apartment living.
Many premium independent floors in Gurgaon come fully or semi-furnished, so you can settle in quickly. They typically have multiple bedrooms, living rooms, dining areas and balconies on each floor connected by a staircase. The open layouts and abundance of windows create an airy, bright feel.
Security is also a major plus. These homes usually have private entrances, multiple parking spots and guards monitoring the premises 24/7. Some even have advanced security systems with CCTV cameras and intercoms.
When it comes to amenities, independent floors spare no expense. You’ll find manicured lawns, clubhouses, gyms, pools, play areas for kids and more right within the complex. Most are also strategically located near healthcare facilities, schools, restaurants, and public transit.
If you want spacious, luxurious living without the hassle of a big house, premium independent floors in Gurgaon offer the perfect solution. You get a full home to call your own that’s low-maintenance but high on style and comfort. What could be better than that? Start exploring your options today!
Penthouses and Villas in Gurgaon Available Instantly
If you're looking for a premium residential property in Gurgaon that you can move into right away, consider the penthouses and villas currently available. Many upscale developments in the city offer fully-furnished units ready for instant possession.
Penthouses in Gurgaon provide luxurious living spaces with amazing views of the city skyline. These lavish apartments typically occupy the top floor of high-rise buildings and feature private pools, roof gardens, and premium fittings and furnishings. Some penthouses currently ready to move into include:
The Grand Arch penthouse in Sector 58 with 5 bedrooms, a private pool and lawn, and golf course views.
The Penthouse at The Heartsong in Sector 108 with 4 bedrooms, a plunge pool, and a landscaped terrace.
The Duplex Penthouse at The Earth Sapphire in Sector 30 with 6 bedrooms, a private pool, and panoramic city views.
For the ultimate luxury living, consider an ultra-premium villa. Gurgaon has some exquisite villas available for instant possession, including:
A 6-bedroom villa at The Crest in Sector 92 with a private pool, home theater, and lavish interiors spread over 3 levels.
A 5-bedroom villa at Avalon Park in Sector 82A with contemporary architecture, a private pool, and premium marble flooring throughout.
A 7-bedroom villa at Park Place in Sector 54 with neo-classical styling, lavish interiors, a private pool, and 1.5 acres of manicured lawns.
Whether you want a high-rise penthouse with enviable views or a sprawling villa with every luxury, Gurgaon's premium residential market has options ready for you to move into your new home today. The hardest part will be choosing between them!
And there you have it, a quick look at some of the most premium ready-to-move-in properties that Gurgaon has to offer. Whether you're looking for luxury apartments with every amenity under the sun or independent floors in exclusive gated communities, Gurgaon's real estate market has something for everyone. The best part is many of these properties are ready to move into right away. No more waiting around for construction to finish while paying rent somewhere else. You can start enjoying all the benefits of owning your own home in one of India's most desirable suburbs as soon as you sign on the dotted line. What are you waiting for? It's time to start packing up and moving into your dream home! Gurgaon is calling your name.
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therealestate · 1 year
Fully furnished house for Sale with Priceless Sea View
Location: Subic Bay View Residences, Calapandayan, Subic, Zambales
Once you open the door of this house, you will be greeted with the vast natural infinity SEAming pool (The jaw-dropping Subic Bay view really looks like a part of this house!)
Details of the property:
Status: Titled
Lot Area: 240sqm
Gross Floor Area: 700+sqm
BR: 5
T&B: 4.5
House Built: Mid 2018
1st Floor:
Living Area
Kitchen & Dining Area
Big Balcony
Infinity Pool (ongoing construction)
1 T&B
Maid's Room
Storage Room
2nd Floor:
With majestic Sea View:
*Master Bedroom ensuite and walk-in closet with A/c
*Guest Room ensuite with A/C
No sea view:
Kids' Room 1 with built-in cabinets and A/C
Kids' Room 2 with built-in cabinet and A/C
Common T&B
3rd Floor:
Covered roof deck overlooking Subic Bay
Spacious Playroom (unfinished)
Provision for swimming pool utility area (unfinished)
1 Toilet
Other details:
Carport for 1-2 cars
Reinforced perimeter fence
8 CCTV cameras
CCTV Samsung monitor
Ceiling fans
3 Samsung split-type A/Cs
1 TCL window-type A/C
Dining Set
6 Beds
RFS: Owners will return to Manila for business purposes.
Accredited to a Licensed Real Estate Broker
Dreams iDEAL Realty🏠
to those who are property owner and have apartment commercial airbnb or for sale
who want to be a agent and agent who have listings pls pm me or text
Pls contact
Smart 09219797647
Globe 09776149853
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briamichellewrites · 2 years
2022. Elliot had what she had always dreamed of: a farm in the middle of nowhere Montana at the foot of the mountains. She had moved to Whitefish, Montana, a small town two hundred and fifty-two miles from Spokane, Washington. It had a population of seventy-eight hundred people, so just about everyone knew everyone. She had purchased a farmhouse with a barn and stables for around three million dollars. At thirty-five years old, she could pick and choose projects.
Brad had a hard time saying goodbye and letting her move out of LA, as did Mike and Phoenix. But, she was an adult and they had to let her chase her dream. She had purchased a second-hand truck, along with two six-month-old fillies, or female baby horses, and everything they needed. For months, she had done research into taking care of horses, so she wasn’t unprepared.
The horses were given the names of Lady and Duchess. They loved grazing around the fenced-in corral. She checked on their food and water every morning after she ate breakfast. Her other animals included two German shepherds, Rocky and Bear; two Siamese cats, Milo and Lily; along with an aquarium of ten koi fish in the living room. She had taped the cover of the tank closed to prevent them from being eaten by the cats. Would she get more animals? Of course!
She had a big four-bedroom, three-bathroom two-level house with a gorgeous view of the mountains at nine thousand, eight hundred thirteen square feet. The house included an open living room with a fireplace, a tv with a DVD player and floor-to-ceiling windows, a kitchen, a dining room, a bedroom with a private bathroom, and a door leading outside.
Upstairs had a balcony looking over the living room, two bedrooms, and the master bedroom. The master bedroom was open with a sitting area that could be closed off by a curtain, windows, a fireplace, a mounted tv with a DVD player, and an outdoor balcony. Her master bathroom had a whirlpool bathtub with tv, two separate vanities, two walk-in closets, a detached shower, and another fireplace. Her bathtub was her favorite place to be after a long day outside, especially during the winter.
During the pandemic of 2019, she packed everything up, rented a u-haul, and drove almost twenty-four hours to Whitefish. She stopped along the way to eat, use the bathroom, and sleep in a hotel. Mike and Brad were updated whenever she stopped to keep them from getting anxious.
I made it to Whitefish! I got a little behind because I accidentally slept in later than I wanted to. It’s at least better to be rested than be tired lol. I’ll video chat with you guys when I get to the house. – Ellie
Because she was new, she introduced herself to the locals. She had moved from Los Angeles. They wanted to know why she had left California for their little town in the Rocky Mountains. She told them of her dream and how she was taking a chance to do something she had never done before. After she went into remission in 2005, she started dreaming about her future. The thing she always came back to was having a farm filled with animals at the foot of the mountains.
Mike and Phoenix, who had gotten married in 2010 after being engaged for two years, visited her. The band was at a standstill after the death of Chester. He lost his battle with mental illness and addiction in 2017 at the age of forty-one years old. His housekeeper had found his body. Their fans were in shock, as was everyone who knew him. They mourned him as their hero.
Mike had the hardest time with his death because he was his best friend. Chester’s sister had launched a campaign blaming him for his death. With help from Phoenix, his family, and friends, he was slowly able to heal. In 2018, he released his solo album, Post Traumatic, which was his way of expressing himself and his grief. He also started interacting with fans through the app, Discord, and his social media. Joe took on personal projects while the other guys stayed away from social media.
Phoenix was the only other person active on Instagram. In 2011, they hired a surrogate who used Mike’s sperm. Nine months later they met their son, Otis Akio Shinoda. They were talking about either adoption or hiring another surrogate for their next child.
itsthepitts: Lady and Duchess giving me attitude.
When they arrived on her farm, they were taken by how beautiful it was! She helped them bring their luggage into the guest room downstairs. They then went around and met all of her animals. The dogs were warming themselves up by the fireplace in the living room, while the cats were asleep on the couch. The fish were anticipating dinner, so they swam around opening and closing their mouths. Food, human! We want food!
After feeding them, they watched them eat. Yum! She brought them upstairs where they were in awe of her master bedroom and bathroom. How many fireplaces were there? There were three. One in the living room, one in her bedroom, and one in the bathroom. Phoenix joked he could swim in her bathtub! Mike laughed. Yeah, it was big!
“Taking a hot bath feels amazing after working outside all day, especially when it’s cold outside!”
“Oh, I bet! That sounds so relaxing!”
Outside, they were introduced to Duchess and Lady in the temperature-controlled barn. They both got up and walked over to the humans. How old were they? They were both twelve months old. Lady was a little more stubborn than her sister. She also had a white spot on her nose. Were they twins? Yes, they were born at the same time. What breed were they? They were American Quarter Horses. She had given them fresh hay and water that morning, so they were happy as clams.
They could pet them if they wanted. The horses bowed their heads. Their coat felt like velvet. Their hair felt like the hay that they ate. She had braided it, so it was out of their eyes. The horses’ ears were forward and their bodies were calm because they trusted the humans and their owner. Lady nuzzled her face against Mike. He laughed.
“That’s her way of getting attention. It also means she likes you.”
“I know he’s attractive but it’s not going to work out”, Phoenix joked.
He laughed again. Back inside, she had hungry and impatient animals waiting for dinner. She fed the cats and dogs. They were starving to death! The cats had nine lives, but the dogs only had one and they could feel it slowly slipping away. Finally, they felt their energy being restored! Did she ever take them hiking? Yeah, she did that a lot during the summer and spring when the weather was nice.
Winter was from November until March and the temperatures could go down to negative fifty degrees. She took the dogs out for up to ten minutes at a time because it was just too cold for them. It made her miss California. They would have to visit in the summer! She could take them out hiking. Yeah, they could do that. That sounded fun. What kind of chores did she do?
She fed the animals, bought bales of hay in town, brought the horses outside for exercise, cleaned the barn, cleaned the equipment, and cleaned their hooves. It was a job that took all afternoon. She liked to play music to give her motivation to keep going.
Cleaning the barn usually was sweeping, taking out manure, and not getting kicked in the face. She also had to clean water and food bowls, scoop kitty litter, changed the water for the fish, and cleaned up dead cat toys.
Wow! That was a lot! Did she do that every day? Yeah. There were other things she did around the farm once a month, like checking to make sure the gates weren’t damaged. She would show them the next day, though she planned on sleeping in for as long as the cats would let her. Yeah, they could do that! Speaking of cats, Milo came over to inspect the new humans. He thought he was the man of the house. They laughed and petted him.
@zoeykaytesmom @feelingsofaithless @alina-dixon
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