#wakfu the great wave volume 2 review
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cocogum · 1 month ago
The Great Wave - Chapter 11 Review
And we're back!! Yay!!
It felt like a year since I've done these but I'm so happy we get to see what happened after that ANNOYING ASS cliffhanger.
And omg after reading this, I genuinely had so many more questions!!
So without further ado, LET'S DO THIS SHIT
We go back to where we've been before, aka seeing these three goobers choking up from that damn blueberry.
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I'd like to point out that this is one of the rarest times where we get to see colored blood in the manga. I get that we've seen them bleed before, but the red popping up like that really made me miss it 🥰🥰
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Hotass masochist is at it again-
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Anyways, Grougalorasalar brings Yugo and Adamai in their memories 💕without their consent💕 and...he actually never saw the Inglorium damn.
Daddy Grougalorasalar already has beef with these two morons so just imagine how he must be feeling from the fact that not only did they cause a lot of problems (without meaning to) in the world, but they also got to visit the gods' realm before him.
This guy might have lived far longer than these two and even he didn't see this place before them....
But what actually makes me confused here is that bro not only hates Yugo but is actually curious about what kinda shit he's gonna do next.
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Like yeah he hates Yugo for doing shit he didn't mean to but at the same time he's waiting for him to do more shit cuz he's curious. Does...does Grougalorasalar like to cause trouble to people and to himself??
Omg...he's such a slut for pain i can't-
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Yugo....sweetie...no 💕
A huge part of me knew he was still going to act recklessly and charge at Grougalorasalar without thinking. But on the other hand, a small part of me mindlessly hoped that he'd be more aware of the situation he was in. But at least it just goes to show that Yugo never lost his tendency to charge at the enemy ever since season 1.
Fun fact, in french, Yugo is yelling at him because he doesn't understand why Grougalorasalar would cause problems to "good people". I love how we still get to see his kid side resurfacing from time to time because that was the most stupidest thing a grown man could say.
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You have no idea how annoyed I felt when we got no answers as to why the other gods weren't present in Inglorium. I understood that it was because Tot wanted to explain their disappearances in Waven but I was still very into this mystery cuz it puts the eliatrope goddess in a bad light.
So to hear Grougalorasalar mention Inglorium's crumbled state makes me really happy to see cuz we get to at least dig on that topic.
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This is what I mean when I say that his mom needs to be held accountable, there's something seriously suspicious about someone who gives off weird vibes when they're supposed to be known as the goddess of LOVE AND CREATION.
I did not even think that Grougalorasalar knew about the state of the gods' realm, but it just goes to show that primordial dragons are aware of the world's situations and what goes beyond it.
But what shocked me the most in this chapter was that not only did Grougalorasalar know about the Inglorium being in shambles, BUT HE ALSO KNOWS WHO YUGO AND ADAMAI'S FATHER IS AND THAT THE GODDESS APPARENTLY INTERACTED WITH HIM BEFORE SEEING YUGO AND THE OTHERS.
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There is a lot to unpack here just by reading these three panels.
First, Grougalorasalar confirmed to us that it was the Eliatrope goddess' fault that the other gods are not here. Back when someone asked her what had happened to the other gods, she simply dodged the question.
Second, Grougalorasalar claims that when the goddess got saved by Nora and Efrim, she went straight to her lover and freed him to take revenge on the other gods. This means that the goddess can, in fact, express feelings not related to pure emotions like love and compassion. She's like everyone else and does have faults of her own. This also proves us that this lover of hers is a very dangerous one. He's such a threat, in fact, that he was able to completely destroy the Inglorium and leave no traces as to where the other gods may have gone. We also got to know that her lover was angry. He may have been furious because the goddess had been imprisoned just like him. Why was he imprisoned? We don't know.
And third, Adamai doesn't know who their father is. It may seem very random that I'm mentioning him but it does make sense. Adamai had been taught and raised by Grougaloragran so he must've known who their father was. But judging by how Adamai seemed just as eager to know like Yugo, he never got to know who he is which means Grougaloragran, back in his prime, didn't know either.
But there are two people in Season 4 who must've known and those were Qilby and Nora.
The reason why Qilby knows is pretty obvious: he cannot forget a single thing from his millions of lives. So he must've known at some point who his father was.
And the reason why Nora knows is because she was assisting the goddess. Right after she saved her and had no choice but to leave Efrim behind to the necromes, she accompanied the goddess to free her father and then went with her to get the elite eliatropes.
If Qilby and Nora had still been alive, they would've explained everything to Yugo and Adamai, but we know that Tot loves to not reveal anything to these two 💀💀
Now for those who are not aware or haven't heard, Yugo and Adamai's father is not the Great Dragon apparently.
In an interview with Tot, he claimed that their father wasn't the Great Dragon and that the answer would be revealed soon.
So....take that as what you will.
Personally, it doesn't make any sense that he couldn't be the father because not only have we been told time and time again that the Great Dragon and the Goddess made the primordial eliatropes together, but we've also been told that he was also the one who created the krosmoz with her.
Now yes, he did take part in making the krosmoz it's just that Tot retconned the fact that he was the father of the primordial eliatropes.
It would've made much more sense if the Great Dragon was the father because it would explain why he had been imprisoned by the other gods for being too deadly.
But who knows, maybe Tot does have a good answer to all of this, and we've just never seen him before because he's a new character that had been hidden in the shadows all this time.
And speaking of Tot....
Remember when he said that Armand's name was supposed to be spelled with the letter 't' at the end?
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You mean to tell me that this guy got so fed up with everyone from 'butchering' Armand's name when the seasons, the credits, the ovas, the mangas, and even the artbooks CALL HIM WITH A D.
Come on Tot just admit that you personally like to call him that cuz his name reminds you of a relative of yours. Because you make no sense when the show and the books have called him the exact opposite. Cuz if you keep doing that, we're just gonna break our heads and seriously wonder if we should trust your words over the canon source material that we've grown up with.
But anyways ✨️✨️
Not only did this chapter reveal that the goddess is sus, that we learned what happened when she got freed, that we know that Yugo and Adamai's father is not the Great Dragon, and that Tot makes his own headcanons, but we also got to see another character's name make a reveal in this chapter.
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Why is Harebourg's name mentioned and why did Grougalorasalar tell them not to have messed with him. 😀😀😀
If his name being mentioned is because he's the official antagonist of Season 5, then I will die screaming from the top of a hill.
If not, then idk why Grougalorasalar chose to mention him out of all the antagonists that we got lol
But this does make sense! In a video posted by Ankama animations on YouTube, they mentioned that the antagonist for the season will be a new antagonist but someone that we already know. @geekgirles made sure to screenshot the exact moment where an employee had mentioned the antagonist of the fifth season here.
I actually really wish that Harebourg had recently been a problem for Yugo and Amalia because it would make 100% sense as to why Grougalorasalar even mentioned him in the first place.
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cocogum · 1 month ago
The Great Wave - Chapter 12 Review
Oh my god Grougalorasalar was just spitting facts in this entire chapter....
Daddy's right, yugo's fucked.
Sorry people I actually do agree with most of what Grougalorasalar said. That is, most. Not entirely. And I'll explain that later on.
Besides Grougalorasalar's facts, let me just say that I really loved how this chapter really showed us some deaths that occurred during the war since season 4 never showed these before.
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(Like what happened to the bodies after the war? Did they get buried or got disintegrated??)
Not only does this show that there were more casualties than expected when the war was happening, but it's also telling us that there will be more chapters depicting death and loss Iike these with no visual restraints.
Now back to Grougalorasalar.
This fine ass man dude listed so many things that the eliatropes have done whether those actions were intentional or not.
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Like how he listed the Eliacube, Nox, Qilby, Ogrest, Oropo, and the Eliasphere...
Oh! Speaking of Qilby, what he said about him may be a foreshadowing.
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"I'm not even sure he's the wackiest member of your family..."
Doesn't that sound like a major foreshadowing about how Yugo will end up being far worse than Qilby?? 😭😭😭
Like come on, we got that wave coming up soon so Yugo might as well end up copying big brother right? 💀💀
But anyway, during Grougalorasalar's explanation, he actually clears out one problem that people have been trying to figure out:
How could he say all these things while knowing he had assisted Ogrest with the other primordial dragons?
Well we finally know the reason why now.
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It surprisingly makes a lot of sense if we think about it.
Ogrest possessed all the primordial Dofus at that time, so it wouldn’t be surprising that he could control six dragons. Their behavior during the ovas, while they were fighting Dally and Yugo, seemed almost primal, despite the fact that we knew they could talk. They surrounded Ogrest as if he was their master, and their eyes were completely devoid of any emotion.
It makes so much more sense now because back when the great wave's first volume dropped, people kept wondering why Grougalorasalar had the nerve to speak to Yugo like that in his dream when he had clearly played a role in one of his mistakes.
And it also made sense why Aguabrial had been acting feral towards Dally and Yugo, especially since he had previously interacted with them in the manga that occurs between season 2 and the OVAs.
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....Yeah, that was on Oropo, but I see why he'd blame Yugo too.
But besides me saying how much I believe most of what Grougalorasalar says, it's time I talk about the parts that I don't agree with.
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The first is by saying that Armand's death was indirectly caused by Yugo because he brought the Eliasphere into this.
When that wasn't technically true.
When Yugo returned to the Sadida Kingdom, he presented the Eliasphere and specifically warned everyone not to use its power excessively, as doing so could lead to death. Armand was present during this explanation and understood the risks involved. He ultimately made the difficult decision to sacrifice himself for his people by harnessing the magic of the artifact.
It was Armand's own choice to have gone out like that. Yugo had nothing to do with it.
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And the second is by saying that all of the artifacts that Grougalorasalar listed don't belong to the eliatropes.
I do agree that the Eliacube and the Eliasphere do not belong to them and should have never been touched in the first place.
But the eliatrope dofus?? Seriously????
Grougalorasalar, come on, are you being for real?
These dofus are literally the spawning eggs for the primordial eliatropes. That's literally their checkpoint savings, so the eggs obviously belong to them!
I think my guy was way into his monologue that he forgot that key detail.
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These two do NOT look okay and I'm loving it.
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Look at how tightly her arms are wrapped around him...🥺🥺🥺 She's crying omg plz no babygirl it's okay your husband's alive and took it well omg- 😣😣
The way she completely loses it when she sees him in pain means the world to me. She would do anything for him 😭😭💗💗 How many times has she gone on the attack when Yugo has been injured??!!!? ❤️❤️❤️❤️ SHE EVEN HAD THAT HABIT BACK IN SEASONS 1-2 😫😫❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
As soon as Grougalorasalar takes them back, that damn belladone poison is now apparently subsiding and fading away on its own. Usually, the poison just immediately kills the person who swallows it but in Yugo and Adamai's case, it just fades away when their bodies are just being injured by it and nothing more. ✨️ Demigod stuff ✨️
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Alright, here is where we finally arrive at the scene that sparked a major discussion in the chapter comments.
And that was regarding the fact that Grougalorasalar was also seen carrying his own primordial dofus.
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Many people have criticized that he shouldn't have been wearing the dofus while blaming Yugo for all the casualties that he caused while using the eliatrope dofus.
But I don't really think there needs to be a discussion.
I really love Yugo but Grougalorasalar was completely in the right for wearing them.
He knew that Yugo was the type to strike when something doesn't go his way and when he feels like he's being challenged. So did you really think that Grougalorasalar wasn't going to arm himself in case something went bad during his explanation? Or even when he would admit that he tried poisoning Yugo and his wife?
Like the reason why he was even armed with the dofus to begin with was because he knew there was a good chance Yugo could have attacked him with his own ones.
And it turned out that his hunch was right.
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Yugo almost did but got stopped by Adamai (just in time too). So Grougalorasalar's decision was completely justifiable.
But despite that, I'll have to disagree on another one of Grougalorasalar's decisions: demanding to take away the eliatrope dofus AND the Eliasphere.
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Like I said before, Yugo and Adamai cannot give him the eliatrope dofus because those are where they rest after death and leave to get reborn. Those literally belong to them. The goddess eliatrope created them with these dofus.
While I agree that he was right to tell Yugo and Adamai that the Eliasphere does not belong to them, it's important to note that the artifact cannot leave their possession, even if they wanted it to. Rotalström, the dragon that Armand defeated, is still technically alive but currently dormant. The Eliasphere is the only artifact capable of keeping it subdued. So, if there ever comes a time when the necromantic dragon awakens, the Eliasphere would be the first artifact used against it.
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...So is Julith naked under that cloak or...? Did she get clothes before coming here with Grougalorasalar? Cuz when she woke up, he only gave her a cloak....
(Also I love how he still considers her his guardian after all these centuries that she's been dead. She hasn't been seen talking once until now. Is pookie bear feeling okay? What is she thinking about...)
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Well now we know that these three goobers hid the Eliasphere somewhere and didn't kept it where we last saw it in season 4's last episode...Good.
They only have one month before Julith comes back omg this makes me wonder if they're even gonna go along with the deal. If not, then that probably means we'll either have Yugo or Amalia fight Julith. Or maybe they'll fight her together lol
This is unrelated, but I do hope that we get to see Adamai's full dragon form in the second volume or in the future ones. Because if the manga that comes between season 2 and the ovas had him use his full form on some occasions, then they should be able to do the same thing here.
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cocogum · 7 days ago
The Great Wave - Chapter 16 Review
Warning(s): excessive language, child a*use, mentions of mutil*t*on, old geezer slander, violence, hating on an old man
Call me dramatic or whatever but I think Ankama should've put a warning label for this chapter beforehand.
I'm aware that we've all seen worse, but still. When it comes to Ankama showing scenes like these, it always comes off as jarring because we never expect it from them.
The children here have numbers for names. This is already a massive red flag.
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HELP WHY DID I THINK THIS GUY WAS A DRAGON!?!?! HE ENDED UP JUST BEING AN OUGINAK!! The second he turned around, he didn't look like he had scales anymore, he just looks like he's got fur.
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Back when the chapter didn't release yet, I genuinely thought he was some kind of dragon because of his silhouette in chapter 15 (and because the chapter 16th's cover almost depicted him as some sort of strict wise old geezer 💀💀) Not only that, but I think I speak for everyone here when I say that we all thought he was gonna be some kind of important guy in the volume but nope. Turns out he was just a massive child abuser who'd manipulate kids and make them steal stuff for him so he could resell them or something. I know that the chapter doesn't show us what happened to him but I strongly hope that it implies Joris killed him (even though I know it sounds a bit too extreme for Joris since I don't think I've ever seen him kill someone before but in this case I really hope he did).
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Ankama being dark again with their joke references 💀💀💀 I swear there's always some tiny details like these that Ankama likes to sprinkle around. But come on man, putting something like that in this chapter?? I love it and hate it for how ironic it is 😭😭
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Just look at this fucking guy making that "sad" face to Thirteen to make it look like she's forcing him to hurt her. It's like he wants her to think it's her fault that he's going to cut off her hand as punishment!
Speaking of Ankama putting in details, I noticed that Thirteen's name must have come from the time where she had been picked by "master Harigue". She was the thirteenth child to have been (unfortunately) found by him since there are other kids here like Twenty-seven who are far younger than her and yet have a higher number than her.
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But a detail even worse than that would be the fact that if we look at the other kids around Thirteen, a lot of them are either missing limbs or have been physically scarred by him. Thirteen, on the other hand, has none of that. Which means that when Harigue claimed that Thirteen was his best thief, he wasn't kidding. She happened to have been the best at stealing stuff for so long. So much so, that she was able to avoid any types of physical abuse from him until now.
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Therefore, every time we see a mutilated and scarred kid, it means they failed to please Harigue's expectations. So the more scars and limb severements on a child, the more "mistakes" they've made.
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Thirteen's scared shirtless right now because she ended up "failing him" for not exceeding his expectations of her, but also because she's about to finally experience what the other kids have gone through. Physical pain and technically torture.
I'm not sure right now, but I'm starting to think that Thirteen might just coincidentally look like Lilotte after all.
In the last chapter, I initially thought that she and the fucking child abuser old geezer were going to be major enemies for Joris and the Brotherhood but now that we see how Thirteen was actually just a victim, this makes me fully believe that Thirteen wasn't trying to steal anything in particular and wasn't trying to lead Joris into any kind of traps.
This is why Twenty-seven is the one in the next chapter.
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Specifically the very same one who tried to stand up for Thirteen.
And speaking of this little man....
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If he hadn't done that, then Harigue would've already cut off Thirteen's arm, resulting in another disabled orphan in the sewers. If anything, he stalled some time before Joris could come in and (hopefully) kill the guy.
So thank you little man, you did the right thing and had the balls to go up to this turd who brainwashed you to call him "master".
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By the way fun fact: before reading this chapter, I just thought that Twenty-seven might have been the enemy pretending to be Lilotte because of his face being plastered in chapter 17's cover but I'm so glad I ended up being wrong in the end lol
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We then finally got this satisfying scene of Joris rescuing the children AND YES HARIGUE YOU SHOULD BE SCARED SHITLESS RIGHT NOW ‼️‼️‼️‼️
Only one chapter made me despise this old geezer, like what kind of freak picks up abandoned kids and makes them work for him under the city's sewers while emotionally manipulating them and teaching them how to steal to survive or else they'll lose an arm or a leg???
But can we talk about that geezer picking up the kids by the way? Cuz how come all of them happen to be ouginaks??? Are you telling me that this race has a higher toll of child abandonment than all the other ones?? Or is it because the Ouginak race acts like actual primitives so they tend to have more problems with keeping their kids?? Dear god there are so many....This random guy was too lucky with picking so many of them, I bet this was nothing compared to how many there still are out there.
I truly hope he rots 🥰🥰
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The idea of these little kids walking around the city during the day makes me feel something for them cuz some of them clearly look bothered by it and are self-conscious to even be noticed. They got this mentality drilled into their heads by that old fuck that they should always wear their cloaks outside, as if the mere idea of being seen by someone was a danger for them. I fucking hate that man for manipulating them like that....Who knows what else he had taught them.
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And the little boy asking Joris what he should call them instead of 'Master' is just so heartbreaking omg wtf 😭😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺
His first instinct was to call him 'master' like a slave JORIS GIVE HIM SOME MILK.
They all look so lost and helpless omg the idea that most of them know the pain of losing a limb makes me wanna fucking stab 🥰the little old fart🥰 until his organs look like mush 😁🤭💗💗
I hope Joris keeps them for a longer period of time (aka i hope he keeps them FOREVER) and learns that they don't actually have names so that he could properly name them because the old shits-for-brains only saw them as numbers.
Because Joris hanging out with some orphans who lost their parents? Yeah, I have a strong feeling he'll get along with them.
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he's so short omg 💕
Also no joke, I actually forgot about Yugo and Amalia for a second lol
Like I don't know if it's because it's been like two weeks since we haven't seen them or if it's because I became hyperifxated on the last chapter's ending (or both. both is good.) but seeing Yugo and Amalia at the end of chapter 16 literally shocked me for a single second. Like I expected them to visit Joris some day after what Dathura told Amalia, but I didn't think that they actually came SO SOON OMG
Wouldn't the queens of Bonta be aware that the literal Eliatrope king and Sadida queen are in their city tho? Cuz like Yugo can't just walk into whatever city or town he wants to like it's nothing anymore, he's a king now for damn sake. It doesn't look like Adamai came with them tho so it's not like he and Amalia came on a dragon or else people would have noticed them even more. So....this only leaves Yugo using his portals again.
Yugo and his damn portals i swear-
Look baby I know that I accidentally forgot about you for a second there but you shouldn't be here yet cuz there are actual little babies to take care of rn 💗💗💗
Also if we look at Joris' sons/uncle/dad, Atcham looks guarded but interested, waiting for Joris so he could know what this is all about, while Kerubim looks worried and scared while eyeing Yugo.
And honestly who wouldn't be?? Just LOOK AT HIM!!
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Why does he look like a villain as soon as we see him back!? 😭😭😭
My guy looks like he's about to cause some shit wtf... As soon as Joris was done saving those kids, this guy showed up and looked ready to cause some shit.
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He looks like he's fed up of Joris for some reason and I can't tell if it's because he's mad that he found out Joris was Grougalorasalar's vessel or if it's just because he's here instead of staying at the Sadida Kingdom. Like idk guys when I see him making that face, it just looks....way too personal to just be simple annoyance...
Amalia looks more nervous and worried than anything else so it's really just Yugo who looks like he's the problem.
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cocogum · 21 days ago
The Great Wave - Chapter 14 Review
This chapter felt shorter than the other ones in this second volume so far.
But that doesn't matter.
CUZ GUYS WE FINALLY SEE DATHURA AGAIN ‼️❤️‼️❤️‼️❤️‼️❤️‼️❤️‼️‼️❤️
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When the chapter covers were only available, I originally thought that she ended up being the guardian of the Tree of Life but it looks like she just settled somewhere vacant in the Sadida Kingdom.
I don't mind cuz as long as she's there, I'm happy hehe 💗💗 She's such a beauty omg
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Dathura saying that she's been called once again by Amalia makes me assume that Dathura asked for her help once before but we know it couldn't have been in Season 4 because she was only seen protecting the Tree of Life as it's last defense.
So the first time Amalia has asked for help must've been in Season 5 when Harebourg will be seen as the antagonist. I'm only making assumptions here but it could be true. In a way, it makes sense because Dathura technically does have a connection to Harebourg since she used to be a past member of the Brotherhood of the Frogotten just like him. So maybe she could have helped Amalia by trying to talk to Harebourg or maybe explain to Amalia what may be going when he'll become a problem for her kingdom. Because let's not forget the fact that he wanted Amalia's kingdom to have endless wood to warm up Frigost.
But anyways, Amalia asks Dathura to help her find a remedy for Yugo.
Cuz apparently the belladonna only slowed the process. It didn't actually fade away on its own because it thought it did its job.
Dathura disconnects herself from her meditation spot and guides Amalia to some hidden territory in the Sadida Kingdom.
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I found it a bit odd when Amalia asked her where they were here, since she was supposed to have lived in the kingdom her entire life AND WAS ABSOLUTELY THE TYPE OF KID TO HAVE ROAMED AROUND THE PLACE AND MEMORIZE ALL OF IT BY HEART.
But then again, this entire area is ALIVE so it can do whatever the fuck it wants lol
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Dathura just flies away as if she didn't say the most hippie spiritual shit ever.
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my little queen is such a softie for nature 💖💖💖
Also let me just say how much I love the fact that Dathura is referring to Yugo as "our" king. She was so chill with Yugo in season 3 and we can tell that she's still cool with him because she accepts him as the king of the Sadida Kingdom.
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And that speaks A LOT on so many levels when you know that some sadida citizens do not accept Yugo's people but then you got a part of the Sadida God literally being cool with the king they hate. Like come on now, if you're a sadida AND an eliatrope hater, what are you doing??? You keep blabbing about how the eliatropes are being a menace and "staining" your sadida culture when one of your demigoddesses (who LITERALLY keeps a portion of your god's power, mind you) is straight up just vibing with the man you hate.
Like seriously Amalia you gotta shut them up someday or another.
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Another thing that I enjoyed was that I now know, thanks to Dathura, that there is a shortened way to say Grougalorasalar's name. It's Asalar and I don't know why but I find it so cute to say 💕💕 Like it's cool and yet adorable at the same time I don't know how else to explain it.
Amalia then explains what Grougalorasalar wanted and that he'll start attacking again if Yugo doesn't accept giving away the artifacts.
But I am SO GLAD that out of all the things Yugo refuses to give, it's the eliatrope dofus for very obvious reasons.
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Like I explained back in the last chapter, Grougalorasalar wanted the Eliasphere since it doesn't belong to them and because Yugo's people have a habit of naming things after their people if they find any powerful artifacts that can support them. But in no way, shape or form does Yugo ever need to give his eliatrope dofus to him. These eliatrope dofus literally belong to the eliatropes because, again, those are the primordial eliatropes' recall points. Not to mention that they've been created by THE ELIATROPE GODDESS.
Like come on what is bro doing asking for something that belongs to them!? I agreed with him about how Yugo and his people were actual troublemakers without even trying, but taking away the dofus that respawns them?? Hell nah man, I stay away from that shit.
So Dathura picks out a plant and properly reduces it to the actual remedy before she tells Amalia to discuss this whole Grougalorasalar situation with Joris.
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After everything he's done for the world, it looks like bro still can't get away from the short height allegations from mortals and immortals alike 😭😭
Talking to Joris makes the most sense since he used to be Asalar's vessel but yay, we get to see Joris back! I can just tell that all the joris fans were happy to see him in that 15th chapter cover and now get to see him being mentioned in this chapter lol
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Anyways, after suggesting Amalia to speak with Joris about all this, she warns her not to upset Grougalorasalar no matter what hers and Yugo's decision will be.
Don't worry shawty, these two morons got this in the bag 🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢
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cocogum · 24 days ago
The Great Wave - Chapter 13 Review
We end up in a completely different place in the midde of...nowhere?
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This floating rock is just chilling in the middle of the ocean, okay. Yeah that's fine. Just don't let any fishermen or adventurers notice you at all.
Oh! Maybe the reason why it's got nothing to worry about is because it's surrounded by a magic invisible barrier that doesn't let people outside notice it. Kinda like how Grougaloragran used the same method for Oma Island and how Phaerys used it at Yugo and Adamai's birthday party in the manga between season 2 and the ovas.
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I thought seeing Grougalorasalar was going to be enough for the Great Wave, but apparently, we're having another primordial dragon here! Nice ✨️✨️
For those who don't know, this new guy is Dardondakal, one of the six primordial dragons of the World of Twelve, which means he's also Grougalorasalar's brother.
In case we might see the other primordial dragons, here's a helpful reminder that shows you each of their names, dragon forms, and which dofus they originated from.
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(You have no idea how helpful this image helped me through the years whenever I had to remember one of their names for an explanation. Only Aguabrial's name was the easiest to remember, and now Grougalorasalar's name became just as easy too. I feel like when we get a proper introduction for each dragon, it tends to become a lot easier to remember their names.)
Dardondakal actually looks nice in his human form, but I don't know who the dragon he's worryingly looking at is. But it's definitely another one of Dardondakal and Grougalorasalar's primordial brothers though (man so many dragon names are tiring my tongue out why are they so complicated to write and say??) so I'm betting my money on Terrakourial for being that possibility.
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Dardondakal has beef with Julith lol
You'd think it'd be awkward to face the wife of your deceased guardian who had also gotten falsely accused of killing said guardian 🥰🥰 but nope Dardondakal at least knows the truth but he's still mad that she's here and almost beat his ass.
Yeah, Jahash (a bontarian huppermage and the past leader of Bonta's army) is Dardondakal's guardian. You gotta watch the Dofus movie for that.
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Bro's just standing there not even looking 😭😭 Also what is up with everyone choking people in this manga?? First it's Amalia getting choked in a dream, then It's Aurora choking Amalia, and now it's Julith getting choked by Dardondakal.
Like damn, twelvian people really love necks.
Back in the last chapter, I was unsure if Julith was wearing clothes underneath her cloak but now that she's moving more, I can safely say that she won't catch hypothermia any soon. But it is weird that she's still isn't seen talking...Like what is up with that?
Also even though I never expected Dardondakal to have been much softer than I realized, it makes some sense. The Dofus movie depicted Dardondakal and Grougalorasalar as opposites in every way. Even their colors are the opposite of each other. So I guess acting like the opposite of your brother was planned ever since the movie.
Dardondakal almost getting his ass beat by Julith seriously makes me wonder what he might've thought of her and his own guardian getting married together.
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Like he obviously doesn't like her in the slightest and thinks she's way too rough and barbaric so just imagine how he might've reacted when he saw her and Jahash getting married and having Joris lol
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...oh yeah uhhhh...Don't go to Brakmar rn Julith....Toross fucked it up. I wonder if we'll ever see its state in upcoming chapters or even in season 5...
But even when Dardondakal doesn't agree with Grougalorasalar's methods, he's still stubborn and doesn't change his ideas even when his brother tells him that it's kinda messed up.
Do you realize how far gone he is with his plans when even one of his brothers can't get to him??
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I seriously wonder how the encounter with Yugo could've gone out if Dardondakal had been there with Grougalorasalar.
Either Yugo would only attack Grougalorasalar, or there would've been NO POISON AT ALL.
But wait...if the belladone poison never happened, then Amalia wouldn't have kicked the two useless royal osamodas out...
Okay you know what? It's actually a good thing that it was only Grougalorasalar and Julith who came. Because they unknowingly made Amalia push herself to kick the useless turds away.
And while I'm still thinking about it, I don't think Dardondakal, despite being the softer one between him and his brother, could've kept his cool better than him. He literally lunged at Julith's neck for being the reason why so many lives lost. And she wasn't even the one who initiated the sacrifice! It was Grougalorasalar! AND BRO KNEW THAT!
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Everyone's a hypocrite in this family 😍
But even when I thought that Grougalorasalar would've revived Julith to assist his fights, I never would've imagined that he would have brought her back for 'non-combat' reasons. Like what is that supposed to mean??
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Julith was called the butcher of Brakmar for a reason because she literally perfects in fighting. So telling Dardondakal that that's not what she's here for makes me wonder if she won't be there to manipulate a certain little blue-cloaked guy....
Oh god....
Is this why we can see Joris in a later chapter cover???
Is that why Julith is even there? To make sure that Joris meets her once more and they talk one on one??? For what reason?? To bring him to her side??? In the Dofus movie, younger Joris was with her during some of the events transpiring and he had legitimately thought that she would be good for some time but NOPE!
Joris won't get fooled twice. He was a kid back then. The thought of seeing his mother once more will obviously shock him because he knows she died back then. But there's no way he'll willingly come to her side.
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It's time like these where you know no one knows what the hell they're doing 🥰🥰
I do agree on one thing with Grougalorasalar in this chapter: even if you think your ways are brutal and forceful, you'll have to apply them with the utmost confidence. You cannot be seen doubting yourself or look soft when you act. It'll just make you look like a wimp and especially someone who doesn't know what they're doing.
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Also uhhh....Is something happening to their other brothers? The dragon we saw in the beginning was clearly one of them, which is why Dardondakal was seen shedding a slight tear. This entire cavernous room might as well be that very same dragon's lair, and Dardondakal just came to visit.
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Grougalorasalar....Clean whatever shit your bothers are in BEFORE dealing with Yugo.
Like that is basic knowledge 101. You HAVE to deal with your own problems before messing with other people's problems.
Everyone here should go to therapy at this point.
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I wonder what Joris will think about all this.
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cocogum · 14 days ago
The Great Wave - Chapter 15 Review
This was....very unexpected.
But I can imagine how many joris fans went crazy over the reveals in this chapter 💕💕💕
At first, when we all saw the locked 15th chapter cover, we all assumed that Grougalorasalar had been quick enough to find Joris and possess him. The idea mainly surfaced around because of the face Joris made on the cover.
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But when we actually read the chapter, it turns out that Joris was actually just doing that face because he was listing all the excuses Kerubim and Atcham had been making to not help around the shop lol
Joris fans got worried for no reason 😝😝
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Now this is where shit gets weird cuz the second Joris is distracted, he catches a thief on time and....
I don't know what to think of this.
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Joris literally caught some heavy PTSD flashbacks all in under a second just by looking at this girl.
Is this supposed to be Lilotte??!
What the hell???!! Since when??!
She died like a long time ago. Didn't she grow up and have a family?? She even ended up having grandchildren when we look at the games.
She looks EXACTLY like Lilotte! Even her eye has a black mark like hers. The only things missing are her bell on her head and a black dot on her right cheek. The similarities are really uncanny....
I was actually caught off guard when I saw this because I genuinely thought that the thief was going to be a new character or whatever. I never thought in a million years that it could end up being one of Joris' old friends!
Unless this little girl is one of four possibilities: 1) a current descendant of Lilotte who bears a strong resemblance to her, 2) Lilotte herself reincarnated for some reason, 3) someone unrelated by blood who just happens to look like her, or 4) as suggested by @ducks-and-teapots, she could be the creature featured on the cover of chapter 17. This cover, to be exact: 👇
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We do not know who this character in the 17th chapter could be, but based on what @ducks-and-teapots theorizes, there's a chance that it's a creature with shape-shifting abilities.
I believe in the first and fourth possibilities, as they both make the most sense. However, there could always be an answer that is none of these options.
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When she runs away and leaves a scarred Joris behind, why do Kerubim and Atcham react differently? They have both seen and spoken to Lilotte before and remember their past lives. The only explanation I can think of is that they must not have clearly seen the girl's face. This would explain why they are worried and confused by Joris freezing up.
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My god it's been centuries for this guy...Can you imagine seeing someone who identically looks like your closest friend from a few decades ago? You'd be traumatized for life cuz honestly wtf-
Joris decides to run after the girl while Atcham and Kerubim are thinking that he's very committed to catching the thief lol
But while this is going on, the second thing that shocked me about the chapter happened.
Right when the little girl hides under the sewers of Bonta and joins the other Ouginaks, she specifically walks up to a shadowy figure.
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By now, I just have so many questions.
Why is there a little girl that looks just like Lilotte? If she's a descendant of hers, then why does she live under the sewers when Lilotte's children and grandchildren were not homeless? Why are there so many ouginaks in Bonta's sewers??? Why is she approaching that figure? AND WHO IS THAT SHADOWY FIGURE???
I can only guess that she's walking up to him to make him look into the ring she stole. But other than that, we can't figure out if she knows the shadowy guy on a personal level just yet. It's possible that she only came up to him because he works with jewels and precious stones (based on what's on his work table).
But something tells me that there's more to this than just the figure who's going to check out a random ring that she stole. It could be the ring itself that's important since Joris does manage a shop filled with magic items. The girl did pick out a random ring when she could've stolen anything else after all.
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In addition to that, there's also the fact that the figure doesn't look like a twelvian. Like he looks like he's got scales. Like a dragon. And because of that detail, I'm assuming it could be this guy in the next chapter.
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I could be imagining things but that's all I got right now.
I'm still bothered by the Lilotte doppelganger though.
Cuz when it came to the Great Wave, I had assumed that I was bound to see Joris and his family. But NEVER Lilotte. Or whoever this girl is supposed to be.
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cocogum · 39 minutes ago
The Great Wave - Chapter 17 Review
Nothing too major happens in this chapter which I think is a good way to relax a bit from all the serious stuff (and doppelgangers) that we've had to see in older chapters. But sadly, we don't get to see Amalia freaking out over the orphan ouginaks like a customer at a pet smart store (sorry @kirichux looks like it'll just stay a fantasy 😭) Too bad that didn't happen (for now 👹). Either way, it's at least nice to know that Yugo was actually not personally angry at Joris but rather just had a very serious while thinking about daddy Rasalar's face in the last chapter.
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I mean I know that he still does call him 'Jojo' since we also saw him in season 4 calling Joris like that, but I'm just happy to see him addressing him like that even in the Great Wave 💕💕💕💕
And yeah Luis is right, relax you're not acting as Bonta's representative/messenger right now lol Even your shushu has a point which is honestly saying A LOT. You can call them your besties here Joris don't be shy 🥰🥰🥰
And speaking of Yugo, I'm semi glad that the face he made last chapter wasn't meant for Joris. Cuz not only would he have confused the living hell out of Joris but he would have also scared the crap out of these kids.
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(sidenote: I personally see Lilotte as Joris's mortal bestie while Yugo is his demigod bestie. Yeah that's how I think i know it's clever ✨️✨️)
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(yeah @geekgirles ur right, these two look so good in that panel 💗💗)
Like Joris is literally hearing that his demigod bestie got poisoned by the dragon who was meant to use him as a vessel. Shit was always personal but Joris knows that he crossed a line when he went for Yugo 🩷🩷
This must be such a weird day for Joris to visit memory lane again. First, he catches a thief who looks way too much like his past best friend. Then, he learns from Yugo and Amalia that the dragon who was meant to use him as a vessel poisoned Yugo.
Who's next on the list that would resurface from the dead and punch his childhood in the dick? His mom??
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So uh Atcham really doesn't remember...either he sucks at remembering past faces or he's genuinely tweaking.
No cuz like wtf is going on in his head?? Same with Kerubim. Aren't they aware that they're standing face to face with Lilotte's doppelganger??? Come on, they literally look THE SAME. Fine, maybe Atcham kinda forgot since he had only seen Lilotte a few times BUT KERUBIM DOESN'T HAVE ANY EXCUSES TO NOT REMEMBER!?!?
He literally watched Joris GROW UP WITH LILOTTE. She was literally his best friend! After she died, can you honestly tell me how many more mortals Joris has gotten this close with??? Exactly. Atcham may be dumb for not remembering one of Joris' friends, sure, but Kerubim is the true dumbass here.
Speaking of Lilotte actually, Thirteen is clearly her doppelganger but it would be super ironic if her number (aka name 💀) was meant to be a bad omen for Harigue lol (if you forgot who that was, I don't blame you. It was that disgusting old man's name who slaved these precious kids)
Like her number name literally meant 'bad luck'. And you're telling me that she ended up being the one to bring Joris to his base? Yeah, if that isn't shit luck for that old bastard, then i don't know what is. It's especially ironic for her because that ended up being her lucky number 💕💕💕
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She's such a fighter, look at her still moving around with her little stubs 💕💕 It's nice to know that she survived 500 years with Joris and can still manage to run around...Pupuce is a real fighter lol
Also fun fact about her kind, they kinda work like bees: when they attack the player, they instantly die afterwards. So one attack equals immediate death. Looks like Pupuce is a pacifist....💀💀
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These two bozos forgot that their asses got handed to them and are now Joris's kids. Yet they don't wanna share their stuff with OTHER orphans 😭😭😭
I swear to god it doesn't matter how old they get they are still lazy morons in each life.
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I missed Luis's house magic 💕💕 The dofus movie made his skills look so smooth and satisfying like the motion and the way the bowls would just appear out of thin air, I loved it!!
LOOK AT HOW THOSE LITTLE PUPS ARE OGGLING THE TABLE!!! That fucking old man never fed them right, he literally lashed out at them that they should be grateful that he feeds them every once and a while. So for them, seeing as table filled with food without anyone pushing them away or sneering at them is literally like seeing a miracle happening right in front of their eyes.
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I bet that some of them still can't believe that they're out of the sewers. Those poor kids must be thinking they probably died or something because ever since Thirteen came back to the sewers, they got saved by a strong important guy that managed to scare the shit out of 'their master', got taken out of the sewers, got told they could just call their rescuer by his first name, got told they could stay at their rescuer's house, got told they could eat his food and sleep at his place, AND got told by their rescuer that he would give them normal names.
All I can say is please let Yugo's wave not annihilate them and shred them into more pieces than they're already missing 😭😭
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I can't tell if they're purposely being petty assholes while having the mental age of a kid. Cuz wtf bro this is like being a mom and showing off your new baby to your other kids only for them to hate the newborn because they'll have to start sharing everything with them 💀💀
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I'll smack these two 😃😃
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Don't get me wrong, it's so cute that he gave his (make-shift 😭) teddy to Joris but the fact that he was thinking about giving him anything at all, especially his TEDDY, was as if he gave him some sort of payment rather than a gift. Because why would he give him his teddy of all things? He's still so incredibly young, he obviously uses it all the time. So to give it away would mean that he's so incredibly grateful, he would see it as his payment to Joris so that he and his siblings would be able to stay here 😭😭😭
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He says it way too casually too 💀💀
"Yeah no, he's been a pain in my ass for like 500 years now 🙄🙄 urgh I can't stand him sometimes i swear 😒😒" like excuse me????
I'm waiting for the Joris fans to use this face as their pfps lol
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And into the abyss they go...
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