#wakabayashi genzo imagine
blueberrypie20 · 4 months
I was bored so I re-read chapters 87-88 and 93-94 of Captain Tsubasa RS
On Wakabayashi I srsly could understand schneider — literally traumatized and having no time to process the situations and having to move on as fast as possible(it's terrible af trust me)
But the tension I had was nothing compared to when I read chap 93...
the caption in the starting panel said "Japan's defenders ready to die!!" And I was like "I know who this is directed at, you don't need to spoil and tense me up even more Takahashi sensei"
So, schneider is going for the 3rd reversal goal, igawa tackles him, he dodges and one twos with schester. Then he goes for a jumping volley when Misugi comes and blocks it.
And it STOPS.
I'm wondering what if he didn't return to life with divine powers and actually passed away-
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considergoldenkamuy · 5 years
calloused hands
i tried to make this good bc i love my son but it isn’t as serious or impactful as i would have liked. also, we’re pretending he came back to japan halfway through high school
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"Good morning, Genzo-kun." The man offered the elementary schooler a grin, who nodded in return. "What brings you here this early in the morning?"
"Oh. I just wanted to get some green tea since we're out at home."
"You're in luck, we just got a new shipment." The man smiled, before standing up. But just as he was about to go to the door, a girl around Genzo's age walks in, holding a heavy-looking crate with bottles inside. "Ah! I told you that you didn't have to get it."
"But you're tired!" She frowns at her father, and Genzo suddenly can't move.
She's really cute, with nice brown hair, tied up by an orange elastic with a cherry blossom charm, warm chestnut eyes, pale skin, and a kind face. She's wearing a tee shirt, but it's smudged with dirt, and a pair of shorts. The girl looks oddly masculine, but he feels his heart stop.
"You're just on time, actually. Could you give one to the boy over there?"
When she notices him, Genzo's shoulders raise, a little pink tinting his ears when she beams at him.
"Hello!" The girl walks over to him and offers him the box. "Here, pick one! They just got here so it doesn't really matter which."
"O-Oh..." He stammers awkwardly, not having expected her to be so forward. The boy takes one carefully. "Thanks."
"Sure!” She sniggers, introducing herself before asking for his name.
"Wakabayashi Genzo. I live next door."
"That's weird, I've never seen you before." She frowns, but smiles again. "Okay! Nice to meet you! I have to put these away now, bye!"
He stares after her in confusion and bewilderment, making her father laugh.
"Don't try anything weird, okay?"
"Nothing, nothing." The man chuckles as he goes back to the counter. "Take it, it's on the house."
"Oh - thank you!" He smiles, waving as he leaves and runs back home. The store owner is still grinning a little.
"Looks like our daughter's already got an admirer, honey." He hums, glancing at the portrait of a woman next to the cash register. The man smiles nostalgically. "Looks like he's a good one."
"Ah, Wakabayashi-san!"
Genzo almost flinches at the sound of her voice, the entire team turning toward the voice.
"She's pretty..." Someone murmurs but he doesn't have the time to snap at them. A familiar girl comes into view, stopping her bike and taking the large bag from the back onto her shoulder, looking like it weighed nothing at all.
Genzo says her name as a greeting with a friendly smile. "Did you come all the way here just to deliver?"
"Of course I did, no one at your house ever comes to the door." She huffs lightly before seeing everyone else. "Oh - I'm sorry, did I interrupt practice?"
"No, it's fine!" Tsubasa chips in. "We just finished a practice match."
"Good." She looks relieved as the girl quickly makes her way down the small incline over to Genzo. "Should I put them by your bag?"
"Oh - no, it's fine. I'll take them."
The boys watch with curiosity as the girl takes a small box from the bag and hands it to him.
"I'm glad I ran into you, otherwise you'd have to pick it up tomorrow - see you later!"
"Bye!" He waves after her and she grins, waving back before she's at her bike again and off in the distance.
"Who was she?" Kojiro asks, raising a brow.
"Oh. She and her father run a small store next door to my place."
"You've got a girl that cute living right next to you?!" Ishizaki exclaimed.
"Er..." Genzo's expression turns awkward, not really sure how to respond. "Yes...?"
They refuse to leave him alone after that.
"You're here too?!"
They stare at each other in surprise. They're in the same high school homeroom.
"Eh?! You know Genzo-kun?!"
"Mhm, but I haven't seen him in a while."
"You gotta to introduce us some time, he's super cute!"
The girl shifts awkwardly as the girls in her class interrogate her.
"There you are."
Her expression brightens, hearing a familiar voice. She's saved. Her classmates look moonstruck and shocked when the Wakabayashi Genzo, the school's male idol, walks over to her with a casual air. He's smiling.
"Wakabayashi-san." The girl greets him warmly, standing.
"Come on, I promised you that you could watch practice when I got back." He notices the other girls staring at him. "Can I help you?"
"O-Oh, uhm," they all start stammering nervously.
"C-Can I have your number?" One manages, making him blink. Genzo stares for a moment before smiling sheepishly.
"You're Sakamoto-san, right? Sorry, I don't know you very well, so I'm not very comfortable with..."
"N-No, it's fine! I'm sorry!" The girl stammers. "I shouldn't have asked so suddenly!"
"I'm sorry, again." Genzo chuckles awkwardly before seeing his friend walk up to him. His rather impressive height makes her look small in comparison, but neither seem to be acknowledging it. "Let's go?"
She nods, and the two leave the room without another word.
"Where's that bruise from?"
Genzo perks when he hears the store owner ask his daughter a concerning question.
"Oh. It's nothing, I got hit by a basketball during gym today."
"You need to be more careful!"
He knows that's not why, Genzo knows it. She's been getting a lot of bruises and cuts lately, but she refuses to tell him how - she's been avoiding him, even. He's getting worried.
"You need to stay away from Genzo-kun, stupid bitch. He's ours, not yours!"
The girl flinches when she gets kicked again, curling up in a ball as her vision begins to grow blurry. She's tired of this, but she can't tell anyone. Her dad would beat the girls up and she doesn't want Genzo to know. She chokes, a little blood dripping from her lips as she lays still. The girls scoff at her, ramming a foot into her side again. She cries out weakly, back slamming into the all of the school and crumpling onto the floor.
"Maybe we should just find some other boy and have him teach you not to fight back. Maybe he can play with you a bit."
"But we can just do that, can't we?" One of them asks, a wicked grin on her face. Fear flashes in the girl’s eyes as she struggles to back away from them, but the leader is already smirking and holding her down. She tries to scream, but her voice is almost gone.
"S...Stop it....! Don't touch me - !" The teen tries to wrench away from them, but they've already yanked off her blazer and ripped open her shirt. Tears start spilling down her face as she weakly attempts to fight back, but her body is too tired and hurt to do anything.
"Look at the poor thing, she's sobbing." One mocks her, yanking her head up by her hair before slapping her across the face. They pull her skirt off with a bit of trouble. "Shut up, unless you want us to make this worse."
"Are you in here?"
All of them freeze when they hear their very Genzo's voice calling out to her from outside in the gym, calling the girl's name. There's a few other pairs of footsteps behind him.
"Are you sure she's still on campus?" It's Kojiro - the girls all pale. If he finds them, they're done for - his reputation as aggressive is by no means a secret, nor is it false.
"Can we check the closet?" Tsubasa's light voice reaches them as well.
Two girls go to the door and make sure the lock is done from the inside. It clangs a few times.
"Huh? That's weird, it's locked."
"Locked? That's impossible, the door can't be locked unless it's from the inside."
"Wait." Genzo walks up to the door, looking a little worried. He calls her name carefully.
"There's no way she's - "
The sound of struggling followed by a chair toppling over is all the three need to get a deathly clear idea of what's going on. Genzo's worried face turns into one of dread and panic. He calls her again, louder this time. "Are you in there?! Say something!"
"Wakaba - stop it! Get away from me!"
The three of them all look horrified before Hyuga shoves the other two out of the way and readies himself before kicking he door down. There's several squeaks and the three teammates are almost too shocked to move by what they see.
The very one they've been searching for is cowering on the floor with maybe three or four girls on top of her, her clothes almost entirely ripped to shreds and removed with bruises and gashes all over her body. There are seven girls in the room in total besides, and they all look panicked.
Genzo is the first to recover, uncharacteristically shoving Tsubasa out of the way and rushing over to the young woman fallen on the floor. His eyes are full of pure and chilling rage, a snarl on his face that makes them all cower.
"Get the fuck away from her before I kill you."
They all shiver in fear, but one steps forward.
"We were just trying - !"
"To what? Bully her? Harass her? Sexually assault her? Because that's exactly what it looks like."
Kojiro growls, even the usually calm Tsubasa looking furious. Genzo makes a beeline to the girl’s trembling form, her assailants backing away from him like he would burn them. He kneels by her side, looking worried out of his mind.
"Did you guys find her?!" Misaki calls from the gym door.
"Call the teachers or police and an ambulance here. Now." Kojiro's demanding voice doesn't leave space for argument. They all seem to get the basic idea and immediately get to it, the assailants seeming to suddenly realize how deep the shit was that they were in.
"N-No - !"
"Shut up!"
Kojiro's shout quiets everyone in the gym and closet, save Genzo, who is taking off his sweater and carefully pulling it over the girl's head so she has something to wear other than her underwear and unclasped bra. This situation is too mortifying to be worried about getting flustered.
"You think you can fucking talk your way out of this?! You have no god damn idea how worried we've been because of how many injuries she's been getting recently with no explanation! Something has been wrong for weeks now, and you think we're actually going to fucking let you off after seeing you ripping her fucking clothes off while she's screaming?! What the fuck is wrong with you?!"
Genzo just wraps his arms around the girl, letting her sob quietly, shaking and sucking in unsteady breaths. He murmurs to her softly, reassuringly.
"It's okay now. It's okay. I'm here."
Trembling, her fingers grasp onto his shirt as the girl tried to choke down the whimpers. He ignores the blood from her cuts and nose that are staining his shirt - they don't matter. What matters is arresting these psychopaths and getting her to a hospital.
"The police and hospital are on their way here." Matsuyama steps forward. He already figured out what happened from Kojiro's outburst. "You can try escaping, but all of us are stronger and faster than you are. Stay still and things will be easier for all of us."
The girls are quiet and stunned as they're brought into the cars, the team making sure that Genzo and his friend got into the ambulance safely.
"I hope she's going to be okay," Ishizaki murmurs as the red and white vehicle drives off. No one speaks, but everyone knows they all agree with him.
Her father is absolutely livid when he gets the news, but when he sees his daughter and only living family on a hospital bed with an IV and more bandages than he's ever owned, all of it is replaced with worry.
"Thank you, Genzo-kun. I mean it."
"Don't thank me. I'm just glad she's safe." He murmurs, eyes never leaving the girl's face. The man watches Genzo's expression before a bitter sweet smile crosses him.
"You really love her, don't you?"
The boy looks a little surprised before he smiles sadly in return.
"...I guess I really do."
"Usually I wouldn't allow dating or anything, but try talking to her when she's ready for it. My daughter's liked you for a long time, she's never wanted to be a bother, either. That's probably why she never told you about this."
Genzo stares at the man for a moment before nodding.
They sit in a comfortable silence.
"Oh. Hi, Wakabayashi-san." Her voice is scratchy as she smiles tiredly and hesitantly, feeling him holding one of her hands in both of his. Genzo feels himself freezing, so many emotions flooding through him before he smiles, even if there's tears beginning to flow down his cheeks.
He whispers her name so softly, with a relief and revering typically reserved for prayer. It takes him a moment to speak, but all he can manage is a lame: "Hi."
Neither of them say a thing - her room is dead silent, but the air is warm. She wants to say she's sorry, and they both know that he knows it. So she doesn't speak. He wants to say he's so glad she opened her eyes and that she's steady on her way to recovery, how worried he's been, and they both know that she knows it.
So Genzo presses his forehead against her knuckles, and cries.
He cries, and cries, and cries, the guilt overwhelming. And yet he finds himself in her loose embrace once more, the girl sitting up slightly to wrap her arms around his form.
"It's okay, Wakabayashi-san. You didn't do anything wrong. Don't blame yourself."
She's so kind, she forgives so easily, giving him forgiveness he damned well knows he doesn't deserve. No, he doesn't deserve anything she gives him. He doesn't deserve her forgiveness, her warmth, her kind words, nothing.
"I'm so happy." Genzo's voice was soft and trembling, almost cracking as he holds her tightly. "I...I just..."
"What's wrong?"
She waits patiently for him. Even when the girl presses her lips to his forehead, he can't choke out the words he's wanted to say for years. Because he doesn't deserve to know what her answer would be. Even when he tries to speak, that simple phrase is mangled in his mind, shaped into something his skewed logic considers safer, when what would truly save him would be to just tell her.
I love you, Genzo wants to say, and yet it comes out so wrong.
"I don't want anything like this to happen to you again."
But the girl merely chuckles, petting his head.
"It won't. I promise."
The air is thick with tension, but he has to tolerate it. He can't confess to a girl he so strongly believea would never return his feelings. Her warmth is so comforting, he selfishly wants it all for himself. So Genzo nuzzles a little closer and falls asleep, the girl's calloused hands combing her fingers through his hair.
Maybe one day, Genzo Wakabayashi will be good enough for her.
But today is not that day.
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capitanogiorgio · 6 years
If we ever go to that point I sure as hell hope that “Buhon” will be the reference and Genzo’s hero and a future teammate of Hyuga
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