folombas · 6 years
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I love to hang out with the simple Russian people on weekends in a time off from slave work at the plant, silently, patiently and motionlessly standing and freezing in negative winter cold December weather at bus stops in Moscow. #moscow #city #weekend #simple #russian #busstation #winter #december #waitbus #waiting #expectations #expectancy #suspense #contemplation #hover Обожаю по выходным в свободное от рабской работы на заводе время тусить с простым российским народом, молча, терпеливо и неподвижно стоя и морозясь в минусовую зимнюю холодную декабрьскую погоду на автобусных остановках города Москвы. #москва #столицароссии #вгороде #народ #общество #масса #толпа #сборище #люди #атомизация #всевместе #всевсборе #поодному #одиночествовтолпе #остановка #ждёмавтобус (at Bulvar Dmitriya Donskogo) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrIwMDqFXQX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5crxgixr65l6
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dreamscript · 7 years
namjoon, 777 // have fun writing!
777: for the Boeing-777
CEO namjoon. places where a plane shouldn’t be.
“Hm?” Said man doesn’t bother looking up from his phone. He lounges comfortably on the couch, one leg hanging off the side and his back propped up with a pillow.
“Why is there a plane in my backyard.” It’s a statement, not a question. A demand that must be answered.
“It’s not just any plane, baby,” he says, still scrolling through his phone. “It’s a Boeing-777.”
“I know,” you say, putting a hand on your hip. “That’s a commercial plane. It’s ubiquitous.”
“So then why are you so surprised to see it, if it’s so common?”
“Because it’s in my backyard.”
Finally, he looks up. “What? Your backyard’s huge, you know. It’s going to be an ass to drive the plane back onto the road though… On the other hand, I must say, that street in front of your house makes a hell of a landing strip.”
He’s acting too nonchalant about this and you’re not following. “You drove a plane down my street and parked it in my backyard.”
He meets your gaze unfalteringly. “Yes. Do you want me to move it? I really don’t know where I could put it, though… If I left it in the street all the drivers would get kinda mad…”
“Why do you have a plane and why did you even fly it here?”
At that, he throws his phone onto the coffee table. It makes a clattering noise. “Oh baby,” he says, opening up his arms, beckoning you to come over to give him a hug. You raise a brow and stay put next to the counter. He pouts. “I was out of the country and I missed you. Had to get here as soon as possible.”
“So you flew a plane,” you say, still disbelieving. “Since when could you even fly a plane? Aren’t you just some CEO? I never knew you were a pilot.”
“I’m not,” he says. “I was merely a passenger. It was just me and the pilot.”
“You–you got a pilot to fly a commercial plane and–and–” God, this makes no sense at all–”Where’s the pilot?”
“Went home. I hailed a cab for him–he lives the next town over. It’s fine.”
“Waitbu–what?” You tug at your hair, distressed. Namjoon and his world of endless money has always been a concept you’ve had trouble grasping. Especially now. He waves his arms in the air, still trying to coax you into his embrace. You stay put. He sighs.
“Ever heard of United Airlines?”
You roll your eyes. “Of course, ever since they beat up that Chinese doctor–”
“Well I bought it.”
“–saying it was ‘overbooked’–wait what?” You don’t think you heard him right. “Did you just–did you just say you bought an airline?”
Namjoon shrugs, finally gets up from the couch and tugs you into his embrace. Contentedly, he nuzzles your cheek. “Mhm.”
“It was failing,” he says, matter-of-factly. “And I needed to get to you as soon as possible. C’mon babygirl, you know how I get when you’re not around. Feels like ‘m dying.”
“You’re so dramatic. You bought an entire airline. Please tell me you’re going to create a bunch of reforms and stuff in regards to customer treatment and such.”
“Oh trust me, I will,” he murmurs, into the hollow of your throat. Your breath catches. “Anything else?”
“W-Wha? N-Not that I can think of?”
He purrs and hugs you tighter. “Well just let me know when you do think of something,” he says, lips on the shell of your ear. “Because for you, I’d do anything.”
drabble game: numbers | closed
a/n: thank you! haha this was a short and sweet thing i liked to write
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