#wait who’s that in the corner shhhh don’t worry about it
weather-mood · 1 year
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Kira Nerys (Deep Space Nine) / Elia Kane (Star Wars) / Jess Jordan (Succession) / Ellen Ripley (Alien) / Mako Mori (Pacific Rim) / Max Black Sails (Black Sails) / Elizabeth Swann (POTC) / Eris (Sinbad)
Tagged by @beautyindiversity
9 fictional crushes.
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lunaastoir · 3 years
fluff/relationships w the mondstadt crew
characters included: diluc, kaeya, and jean
gn! reader as always <3
tw: fluff??? domesticity??? crack??? ideal relationships w people who will never be real??? also mentions of alcohol!
an: so i’m back w a sequel to my “fluff/relationships w the liyue crew” since you guys seemed to really like it <3 thank you my heart is literally melting 😩 this post was getting too long so i excluded some of the characters but expect a part. 2 (more like part 3 but part 2 to the mondstadt version)! 
man. this MAN.
that’s it, that’s the headcanon. 
he would literally be the most doting lover in the softest ways
SUCH a soft romantic like you thought you knew love??? nah this man will show you what love is
will constantly leave you things around the winery to convey his silent thank you’s and appreciation for you putting up with him being busy for most of the day
it’s always the most thoughtful things ever too like-
you mentioned how nice it would be to have some fresh lemonade with the hotter weather outside but it was too late in the day to actually go to the market in search of fresh lemons 
the next day you walked downstairs only to be greeted with a pitcher of cool lemonade with a side of lemon bars
there was a note attached to the handle of the pitcher <3 
“i recall you mentioning how lemonade would be perfect for the warmer weather so i decided to make some for you this morning. i hope it’s still cool by the time you drink it. love, d” 
pls sir your hand in marriage
he secretly loves it when you usher him to bed after waking up in the dead of night to see him working by candlelight on reports 
soft hands on his cheeks gently whispering about how, it’s been far too long and come to bed, darling and there will be time for this in the morning
his protests are light given the dark purple hues under his crimson eyes but he’ll still make a little fuss 
don’t let this man fool you tho he’s so so touched that you care enough to check up on him and drag him to bed!!
sometimes on the days he has a bit more free time, the two of you will quickly grab your dinners and race to the highest spot in the winery to watch the setting sun
these moments are always filled with laughter, something you’ve found you’re easily able to pull out of diluc, simply because it’s you 
uncontrollable sobbing
he would let you paint his nails black like the angsty man he is 
frankly he would let you do anything to him if it makes you happy <3 
ok but wait diluc w bLACK NAILS?? AND RINGS??? i would die on the spot ⚰️
on the topic of makeup, this man is surprisingly really good w it 
i like to think he learned after practicing on kaeya when they were younger bc kaeya was really into makeup
you found out after babysitting klee one day and trying failing to draw eyeliner on the sweet girl after her “big brother ‘bedo!”
you hastily grabbed some wipes, gently wiping off the messed up design before attempting to dive back in 
diluc however, had some down time so he decided to check up on his favorite chaotic duo 
only to be met with a pile of dirtied makeup wipes, your frustrated expression, and klee’s growing jitteriness 
swiftly moving to your side, he quietly asked if you needed help 
you glanced up quizzically before handing him the eyeliner, already looking around to find more makeup wipes when this inevitably goes wrong 
to your utter surprise tho the eyeliner is perfect??? two perfect winged lines??? in less than a minute??? WHAT
you just stood there like 😦 before diluc got back up and handed you the eyeliner 
you were short-circuiting, klee was ecstatic, diluc was worried about you 
ok last thing abt diluc 
crack! warning but the both of you like lowkey pranking kaeya 
for diluc it’s revenge on his annoying brother; for you it’s good - natured sibling rivalry fun 
every time the two of you see kaeya, one of you always swipes something of his 
small things really, it could be a pen or a handkerchief
one time, diluc swiped kaeya’s spare eyepatch and from the looks of it, kaeya’s only spare black eyepatch bc he was frantically looking for it yk he’s desperate when he even asked diluc if he saw it
the two of you spent an hour nearly laughing your asses off 
all in all, life w him is so sweet 
pretty boy? pretty boy. 
while i can’t guarantee stability, life would never be boring w this man that’s for sure
piggy back rides 🗣 piggy back rides 🗣 piggy back rides 
he LOVES it, the feel of you on his back while he’s walking around mondstadt most likely carrying you to your commission 
he finds it comforting especially since he can hear the rumble of your voice against him while you recount stories, or just babble on about everything under the sun 
he is SO dramatic so obviously when y’all reach the site of the commission he has to kill all the monsters even tho the both of you agreed to split it up evenly 
he makes quick work of his set before stealing some of yours much to your chagrin 
you scold him but can you really be mad at him when he looks drop dead gorgeous freezing the hilichurls the answer is no, no you cannot be
oh my god ok wait-
he does this thing where he tries to spook you in public 
so say you’re getting groceries at the mondstadt general store
you round the corner just minding your own business, looking around, taking in the sunshine 
and suddenly you just hear someone drop in behind you but before you can register anything you hear a soft “boo” and hands circle your waist 
you jump SIKE let’s be honest you shrieked 
meanwhile kaeya’s just laughing his ass off 
you can hear his rich peals of laughter while you attempt to regain your bearings 
he does this so often you SHOULD be used to it but you really aren’t bc mans is SNEAKY-
he cards his fingers in your hair whenever you’re speaking 
he doesn’t know why, it’s just a cute habit and he finds the feel of his fingers in your hair soothing
oH on the topic of comfort, kaeya really likes resting two fingers on the back of your neck???
ik he seems like the type to throw his arm around your shoulder which yes he totally is but during more serious conversations his hand automatically seeks out the warmth of your neck 
your neck feels amazing especially during the warmer months due to his chilly fingers contrasting with your warm skin  
he likes that he’s able to access such a vulnerable part of you and you would willingly let him 
no i will NOT take criticism on this i just kNOW he’s that type of guy
it would be those stupid “i’m his” and “they’re mine” sweatshirts like BYE 
it’s so cringy but for some reason it’s oddly adorable and you truly despise it but you can’t seem to say no whenever he asks 
you pretend to ignore the look of pity diluc throws your way whenever he sees you like this
kaeya really loves accessories so i think he would be the type to give you a promise ring or something similar to show that he truly does care for you 
he would brush it off, flirting a little like usual before handing you the ring 
with the way his cheeks softly darken though, you know he’s being genuine 
TICKLE FIGHTS ik i mentioned this for childe but shhhh
he has tickle fingers??? his hands just loOK like they’re itching to tickle someone so you’ll most likely be the unfortunate victim 
he will not show you mercy. at all. he’ll tickle you until there are tears streaming from your eyes, your face is hot, and your voice is hoarse from laughing so damn hard 
it gives him such a rush of serotonin its SO CUTE 
i feel like this goes without saying but he’s super into pda,,, anything and everything is on the table 
hand holding? duh. ass grabs? ofc. carrying you bridal style around mondstadt? why not 
ik he’s typically very playful but once the relationship reaches a certain stage, he’ll slowly start to let down the walls that surround his facade 
very very slowly show you the more realistic parts of him 
the real, damaged pieces of his soul 
he’ll be carefully monitoring your reaction though, any sign of fear or disgust will have him recoiling within himself again and you most likely will never see his true nature ever again 
once you’ve seen the parts of him he’s offered to you, the hushed whispers of his past, and the uncertain lines of his future, he will take off his eyepatch 
pretends like he’s not super nervous but he’s SWEATING- 
the prettiest thing you’ve ever seen though hands down 
you can understand why he covers it up but you would like it if he felt comfortable enough to take off the eyepatch occasionally when he’s with you 
also!!! sleeps with his eyepatch side facing you (in the event he wears it to bed) 
if this happens you KNOW he trusts you bc it’s his blindside <3 
anyways life w kaeya will never be boring but he is a very complicated man 
stay with him though, i promise it’ll be worth it 
the key to jean’s heart is coffee and food 
i am begging you she deserves it 😭
the poor woman works so hard bc the knights are so mf understaffed, this is literally the best way you can ever show her your love and appreciation when she has work
she will MELT if you have a hot shower and dinner waiting for her when she inevitably returns later than she promised
will completely refuse at first with, “you did not have to do this, it’s too much” but shush her as you shOULD bc she deserves the entire world 
she’s the definition of “you do something for me, i’ll return the favor ten times grander”
you leave a flower on her desk bc it reminded you of her??? you’ll wake up to find a whole bouquet of the prettiest windwheel asters you’ve ever seen the next morning along with a thank you note
she’s so sweet BYE
she gets flustered extremely easily so you obviously use this as an opportunity to tease her 
when you’re in public rest your hand on her waist and inch it higher until your hand is underneath her shirt and in contact with her warm skin 
she’ll actually short-circuit its quite adorable 
sometimes y’all will be cuddling and you’ll hear whispers of her insecurities 
“am i a good grand master? will i ever be as valiant as vanessa?”
reassure her!!! tell her that she doesn’t need to be like vanessa, she’s already amazing as jean 
if you haven’t seen her in awhile, track her down and schedule a lunch date 
she never misses appointments and if it’s for you, she’ll gladly make time to see you even if she has to stay up even later than usual 
she has so much tension and the sorest muscles from hunching over papers and running around on errands 
if you sneak into her office and quietly stand behind her before gently pushing down on the sore tendons of her neck, she’ll genuinely fall over on her desk 
so make sure you steady her 😀
after you feel how tight her muscles are though, you drag her to barbara bc she needs a healer asap 😭
while most of your time is spent in her office - you helping out in the ways you can while jean is overseeing knight duties - you still have your fair share of life outside of the favonius headquarters
jean never likes to sit still so whenever you have free time, the both of you head off looking for monsters to clear
bouken da bouken???
adventuring w jean is seriously the funnest thing you could ever do 
it’s just non-stop you accidentally getting into trouble and her having to come help you 
even tho the both of you are dead tired after fighting, what? 20 hilichurl camps now??? the laughter and joy in your eyes shows how you both truly loved every minute of it
it’s both a stress reliever, good fun, and a work-out <3
you’re definitely prone to getting dragged to angel’s share w kaeya 
kaeya and jean sometimes hang out after work at the tavern so inevitably you’re dragged along too 
all three of you are drunk out of your minds which just makes everything a MILLION times funnier 
kaeya slurring over his words makes the two of you start cackling endlessly while diluc just shakes his head making sure to not give you more wine despite your pleas 
angel’s share ft. kaeya and bartender diluc are always the best times fr fr 
life with her literally feels like y’all are married 
so much domesticity it’s so NICE ALJDKSFH
your house is always so clean and the color scheme is impeccable bc jean has such a good eye 
you have a chore schedule 😎 but it almost never works out bc jean ends up doing everything without you knowing- 
you always confront her abt it and she’s like 😁 “i had some time so i did them! no worries tho” like i- time??? where bitc-
oH- she has amazing style so you can bet shopping w her is literally the best experience 
she takes you to all of the hidden gems some places lisa recommended and helps you pick out things 
will 100% get really blushy if you come out in something and ask her for her opinion tho she’s literally the cutest
basically jean is a sweet girl who deserves the entirety of teyvat that is all. 
thanks for reading! if you have any requests don’t hesitate to send them in <3 
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levi-my-beloved · 3 years
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Can You Fly With Broken Wings?
Chapter i
A seraph (/ˈsɛrəf/, "the burning one"; plural seraphim /ˈsɛrəfɪm/)[nb 1] is a type of celestial or heavenly being originating in Ancient Judaism.
Pairing: Canon!Levi x Seraph!Reader
Summary: You could never tell anyone. How could you? When the blood of an enraged, celestial being ran through your veins...
Warnings: heavy descriptions of torture, blood, thats all for this chapter
A/N: HI HELLO YES I AM STILL ALIVE I APOLOGISE PLS FORGIVE ME FOR SIMPLY PASSING AWAY. I don't know how many chapter this is going to be, but I have full intentions of actually finishing this one because y'all know me, love a bit of mythology, and the new obsession is biblically accurate angels. NOTE: the reader's seraph isn't a beautiful, sculptured creature. it is horrifying, and i cannot wait til the chapter where he's released ;) love you all and enjoy :3
also this has been proofread but we all know how great i am at that :,)
@sunshinedragonofthewest (you asked to be tagged, my dear. if anyone else wants to be tagged shoot me a message or an ask :3)
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Like a pebble disturbing the waters of tranquility, terror rippled through your system. Darkness extended before you like a beckoning void, and though you were sure you weren’t moving, the sensation of falling into disorientation tore holes in your frantic mind.
You were aware of the leather straps around your wrists, ankles and neck, binding you to a metal table. You were aware of the snippets of conversation you could sometimes hear if you concentrated hard enough.
“We d–... have much le–... We could only harvest–... uch from the specimen,” fragments of sentences wove their way to your ears, only fuelling the fear thundering in your heart. You didn’t know what was happening, so to distract yourself, you made a list of everything you knew to be true.
You lived in the small village of Dauper, just southwest of Wall Sina. You weren’t significant. You weren’t dangerous. And yet, on your way home, you’d been jumped by four men you’d never seen before. They didn’t say anything to you, and you hardly had time to scream before a sharp prick in your neck stopped you in your flailing frenzy, and everything went black.
You had woken up in that same inky well only a few minutes ago, unable to remember your name. All you knew was your village, those men, and paralysing terror.
Unfortunately, that was the end of your list. Since waking up, it turns out you really didn’t know much at all. Only that it’s more than likely this was where you die. With each approaching footstep echoing in your skull, your body only trembled more violently.
“Shhhh, it’s going to be okay. My name is… well, you can call me Doctor Ghost. You’re a very special girl, Subject 42. You’ve been chosen to harbour a power greater than any mortal could possibly possess. Don’t worry, we’re not going to hurt you,” the man above you soothed your fears, calming your racing heart. Something about his voice placated you, and you trusted his words, though the thought of harbouring such a power wasn’t something on your to-do list.
Torchlight temporarily stunned your senses as the blindfold around your eyes was removed. When the white had faded, you guessed you must be somewhere underground. Wide pupils focused on a taller, grey haired man who you’d never seen before, and didn’t recognise. A cloth mask hid his nose and mouth from view, but his eyes were kind. Crow’s feet crinkled at the corners of his light blue orbs. You took a deep breath, nodding a little timidly.
But the peace in your heart lasted for all of ten seconds before the arrival of another man startled you back to reality. Now your eyes were free, you could see exactly what was happening, and honestly, you didn’t know if it was better to be left in the dark. Both literally and metaphorically.
The rattling of a metal trolly screamed in your eardrums, the echo only worsening the sound as you tried to free your hands, desperate to cover your ears.
“Is she ready?” the other man’s voice wasn’t nearly as relaxing. Younger tones combined with staccato consonances had you cowering in fear.
“She’s a little shaken, but that’s to be expected. I’m going to need you to relax, little one. This won’t hurt, I promise,” you felt a hand gently smooth your forehead in another attempt to tranquilize you, but as soon as you saw what was in the younger man’s gloved hand, you began to shrash in your bonds. Though you couldn’t find your voice, your mind was shrieking in terror, begging for this to just be a nightmare.
The source of your alarm was passed over to the kind doctor, the tip of the needle glinting slightly in the low light. Warm, shimmering liquid almost writhed within the glass, an amalgamation of light gold and deep orange, as if they’d collected the blood of the sun itself.
Strong hands came down on your right arm, holding you still as they located the visible vein in the crease of your elbow.
“Take a deep breath for me, that’s it,” you finally found your voice as the needle pierced your skin, bullets of visceral agony shot through your nerves.
He’d lied.
But that was nothing in comparison to feeling liquid fire enter your bloodstream. You screamed your throat raw as your body began to seize and convulse, shaking uncontrollably as crucifying torment plagued every fibre of you being.
This was hell.
They’d injected you with the deepest pit of hell. It was like every particle of your body, every cell, was being shredded. Your back arched to the point of snapping, muscles tense as your whole body shuddered in sobbing agony. Your eyes screwed shut as whatever substance they injected you with burned its course through your system. You suddenly felt freedom around your binds, your throat no longer restricted, wrists and ankles no longer obstructed. Your body was free to quake and flail, and looking down you saw why.
They’d been burnt away, only charred stubs of leather remained, still connected to the table beneath. Replacing them, rings of fire encircled your wrists, flickering heatless flames up your arms. Around your ankles too rotated the same dancing glow as hellfire continued to consume your system, culminating across your back.
Without thinking, you sat bolt upright, head bent back almost unnaturally as your body seemed to still for a second, limbs freezing as anticipation hung in the air.
The doctors peered at you quizzically from behind their makeshift guard made of the overturned metal trolly. They seemed mesmerized by the display of twisted agony, before everything fell still.
Maybe you’d died and rigamortis had set in already...?
They quickly found their hypothesis to be false as your eyes flew open, bright golden light exploded from deep within your chest. Blood painted the wall as three pairs of silky, radiant wings burst from your back, feathers splayed open as an unholy scream of ancient rage tore from your bleeding throat. A whirling tornado of starfire whipped your hair, leaving you unharmed whilst the stench of boiling blood saturated the air.
As quickly as it all started, the light was gone. Flames petered out into nothing and you collapsed, limp against the now glowing metal table. Though the heat did nothing to you. Not a mark left on your skin. Your chest steadily rose and fell with shallow breaths, body shivering with the cold. The glow of your newly formed wings now faded, leaving behind a dull, brass like colour to the feathers before they disappeared altogether with a sick, wet crackle, back beneath the now badly scarred skin.
“Is… is she alive?” the young assistant asked, peeking out from behind the overturned trolly as Doctor Ghost came to inspect your unconscious form.
“Yes. The child survived.”
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You awoke with a start, clutching your damp chest as you failed to remember where you were. The room was dark, and for one paralysing minute, you thought you were still there, in that room.
But slowly, your eyes began to adjust. You still didn’t instantly recognise the old, bookless shelf opposite your sweat drenched sheets. Nor the stone walls that surrounded you, providing very little warmth. You didn’t know who’s decrepit vanity sat by the wooden door, but you knew it didn’t belong in your old cell. Wide, terrified eyes relaxed, the grip on your own blanket eased as you steadily took yourself through where you were.
This wasn’t the cell, but this wasn’t HQ either. You slowly remembered the events of the last few days. A titan shifter emerging within Trost District. The trial that took place to determine his future, and the impromptu relocating of your squad to a castle in the middle of fucking nowhere.
Oh yeah.
Now you remember.
With a deep, calming breath, you look down to your bed, only for that calm to swiftly be shoved aside and replaced with unsettling dread.
Sweat wasn’t the only thing your sheets were drenched with. Fresh, crimson blood and black, ashy charcoal stained the white fabric where you assumed your wings had unfurled during your nightmare. And it wasn’t until you swallowed did you realise how raw your throat felt.
You’d been screaming.
Double fuck.
With a shallow hope that the castle walls were thick enough for your torment to go unnoticed, you bundled up the defiled bed clothes, throwing a quick glance to the inky blue night beyond the window. It didn’t look like the sun would be up for hours yet, thank god. You still had time to sort your bedding situation before anyone had to find out.
You cursed yourself for not bringing any form of comfortable footwear before tugging your military boots over your bare legs, cringing at the feeling. You’d made it a habit to sleep without clothing, in case of this exact eventuality. It often made sharing a room awkward, but you guessed that was just how things had to be. Crossing to the decrepit old vanity, you pulled out the drawers beneath the mirror, fishing for the nightshirt you knew you brought with you. However you paused, seeing that far-too-familiar golden glow from the nape of your neck. You reached back, gently tracing the mark you knew was etched into your skin as well as the spine-length scars on both the left and right sides of your back.
Fucking wings. Your tender flesh was confirmation they’d ruptured out without permission. Again.
“Fuck sakes…” you muttered, before doing up the buttons on your nightshirt and heading for the door. You swept your eyes over the room again, noting the black coating of carbon on the stone wall would need cleaning tomorrow, before swiping your notebook and pencil off the desk and striding out into the hallway, down the stairs and out into the cooling night.
You breathed a sigh of relief as soon as the fresh air hit you, needing to cool the fire you knew was bubbling in your veins. As well as the lifelong trauma, the ice-cold fear of discovery, and the agonising tearing of your back, this was possibly the most inconvenient thing to come of your childhood. Midnight trips to the laundrette, or in this case, any clean river nearby, to wash your goddamn bed clothes after a night-terror like that one.
You allowed a gentle glow to emit from the palm of your hand, having to quickly tuck it into your armpit with a whispered curse as you released too much of the pent up power in your system, your fingers sparking slightly. You needed to let go, every fibre of your body felt like a live-wire ready to spark into a devastating explosion. Screw a river, you need to find a lake. Preferably a deep one.
Reining back the inferno in your blood, you made sure you had enough light in your hand to see, before silently walking off into the forest surrounding this godforsaken castle, completely oblivious to the ebony silhouetted audience of one watching from an illuminated window above as you disappeared into the treeline.
Twigs and dry leaves crunched beneath your feet as you followed the sound of what you hoped was water. You’d all been given a lay of the land before you’d had to move, and you knew from memory there was a lake somewhere near, northeast of the front doors.
Or was it southeast…?
Fuck maybe it was southeast.
You sighed a breath of frustration, balking as a new leaf in front of you shrivelled in the furnace-like heat, the twig itself crackling slightly before you angrily swatted it out your face. You kept walking, cautiously stepping over fallen branches and logs until you almost cried with relief as you were greeted by the very same lake from the map.
Only, it was so much bigger than you’d expected.
Light from the crescent moon created dancing constellations on the glassy surface, the gentle night breeze prompting the starlight to waltz to the choir of rustling leaves. You were almost glad you’d woken up to such a mess on your bed.
But before you could do anything, you knelt by the softly lapping shoreline, shingles and small pebbles digging into the soft skin of your knees as you stuffed the fabric beneath the surface of the water and watched the saturation of red fade slightly. You’d forgotten to bring soap, but since the stain was fresh, you knew it only a faint pinkish blush would remain. Scrubbing the now waterlogged fabric, you noticed in dismay several holes burned through the fibres, charred at the edges from your midnight fits. You pushed your thumb through one of the smaller ones, cursing viciously as you knew you would have to throw the sheet away when you returned.
Leaving the now cleaner fabric to soak, you stepped back from the shoreline to remove what little clothing you were wearing. There was no point in getting everything sodden, and you would need them dry for the walk back. You shivered slightly as the cold air brushed against your nipples, goosebumps pricking your skin in response to the stimulus. Pulling off your leather boots, you hung your nightshirt up on a branch, tidily positioning the boots against the trunk of the tree.
You hated this next part. Though it brought you some relief, unfurling your wings always hurt like shit, which was no surprise since they ripped through the skin of your back. Taking a long, deep breath, you screwed your eyes shut, biting your lip hard enough to draw blood. However, you were well practiced at this by now, and though the pain never really lessened, no sound escaped your lips as feather tore through flesh, two more appendages now extending from your back. You always thought the full three pairs was a bit much. Why the fuck didn’t they just give you one pair and be done with it? But after hearing the random babbling of Doctor Ghost, you knew it was the blood of the original specimen, whatever the hell that meant.
Still, you cracked your eyes open, tasting the slight smokey flavour blending with the irony tang of your blood. Something else that came with whatever celestial being they’d carelessly poisoned your body with. Not only did you taste different, but your blood had the slightest fiery orange shimmer. Shit used to get really awkward when a comrade or a nurse would look at one of your injuries. You tended to just play it off as something ancestral, but that didn’t stop the odd questioning looks.
The flickering embers of your wingtips told you this was bad. This was really bad. You’d left it too long this time. Too long since you last let loose. Magma had been bubbling away like the cauldron of a volcano, and though you couldn’t see it before, your veins burned bright orange beneath the skin, pumping lava through your bloodstream. With another heavy sigh, you crouched before effortlessly leaping into the night sky with a single beat of your celestial wings.
There was nothing quite like the freedom of flight. You hated so many aspects of yourself. The omnipresent, ancient rage beating in your heart. The flashes of bright gold behind your eyes whenever you fell into a spiral of memories that didn’t belong to you. The tight rein you must keep on your emotions, in fear of revealing yourself with an outburst. You loathed so many things about who you now were, but the weightless sense of soaring through the air on golden wings almost made it all worth it.
You climbed higher. Higher and higher until the lake below was nothing but a puddle, and the little glowing lights of the castle faded into nothing. You climbed higher than the clouds, no ceiling to hold you down this time. No walls to cage you in. You were free. Water sizzled on your skin as you burst through a raincloud, until it was just you, the moon and the endlessly shining stars. Your form illuminated the condensation around you, a small glow reflecting off the floating diamonds. The beating of your wings disturbing the sodden mist, curling and writhing in on itself.
Tranquility and peace calmed the roaring fire in your blood for a moment, allowing the utter silence to consume you, before you let your body fall completely limp. Suspense held you for a split second, the whole world standing still as your wings slowly came round to encase your body, before gravity reached up and plucked you from the sky, dragging you back below. You let yourself be taken, throwing out your appendages to feel the wind through your feathers, the hands of nature carting through your hair before auric folded back around your torso, cushioning your head and torso from the onslaught of freezing water.
You dived, still clutched in the grasp of gravity, liquid waterlogging your wings as they began to act as weights. Jet flames erupted at the soles of your feet to stop your descent, your lungs already asking for oxygen as you extend your palms out to the murky waters beyond. Peace once again settled over the lake.
Before the volcano erupted.
Bright, ethereal light detonated from the centre of your chest, shining through your eyes and mouth. A solar flare blazed from your hands, halos of white hot flame encircling your wrists and ankles as you released whatever ancient being’s fury had pent up in your system. The water around you turned to gas instantly, the surface far, far above you bubbled and fizzed with heat, steam steadily rising from the centre of a starfire lake.
A conflagration seared around your body, completely consumed by the balling inferno you’d created. You thought nothing, letting the creature’s slumbering conscience overrule your human one, setting it free for a few vital seconds. The animosity you felt scared you. It always did. This was never a two way system. Whilst yes, you’d been trained to harness the power, it often became too much for your conscious mind to bear, and you’d killed so many teachers out of pure, untamable madness.
The well of power began to drain, finally. You’d been here longer than you would have been under normal circumstances, despite it only being ten seconds or so. But the longer you kept it going, the harder closing Pandora’s Box would be. You began to rein in the firestorm, the brimstone tornado ceasing its movements as you regained control, the being seemingly satisfied with its release. Making sure you still had enough power to get yourself back to shore, and also dry yourself off, you shut your palms. Like a door closing on an illuminated hallway, the light was extinguished, leaving you with just the subtle, campfire glow of the jet flames at your feet.
Instincts kicking in, you almost inhaled a large breath, before realising that would probably have resulted in your death. Deciding to save breathing for when you reached the shoreline, you angled your body in the direction you came.
Straight up.
You knew you couldn’t fly yet, not with your wings completely drenched, but air would be appreciated, your lungs thanking you as you, broke the surface, gulping in gasp after gasp of oxygen. Seeing your clothes and sheets still by the shore filled you with relief as you sighed, much less agitated by everything now you weren’t on the edge of literally exploding into a small sun.
Your wings dragged against the sand as you trudged out of the water, strands of now darkened hair obscuring your vision as you scooped up the white sheets in your hand to hang them up, making them easier to dry.
Though, there didn’t seem to be much point, especially as you could now see the extent of the damage you’d done in your sleep.
So much for small pinprick holes. As you strung up your duvet cover, you exhaled in defeat. The hole was far too large to cover up, or pass up as moths. You could fit one of Hange’s fucking titans through that.
You briefly wondered how her specimens were doing under the so-called ‘care’ of the scientist as you lazily threw a small lick of flame at the destroyed fabric, watching as it went up in smoke.
Just one more task. After ensuring the surviving sheets were now dry and fairly stain-free, you focused what remained of your power on your dripping body. You shivered slightly as the heat of a warm hearth spread up from your toes, drying your calves and thighs, caressing your stomach and lower back until it reached your collarbones…
And promptly flickered out.
“Are you fucking serious…?” you hissed, staring at your wet hair in dismay. This was so fucking typical. Of course you used just a little too much. Of course you’d released that small spark now preventing you from comfort.
Your own hatred rattled your bones as you begrudgingly pulled on your boots and nightshirt, not caring that the fabric at the back had bundled up around your neck, obstructed by your wings, your bare ass on show for the world to kiss. You ran your fingers through your soaked hair, shaking out the loose beads of water, before bundling up the now dry sheets under your arm. You only realised now you also had no torch for the way back.
“I hate you. So fucking much.” you breathed to the celestial being now slumbering away somewhere inside you. You hoped it’s sleep was restless as you began the long, awkward walk back to the temporary Levi Squad living arrangements, your wings dragging twigs and leaves behind you.
It wasn’t until you neared the glow of the castle did you tuck them back into your back, that wet crackling never failing to make your skin crawl as the skin sealed over, shirt falling to cover the fresh, tender skin as you shook out your hair one more time before tiptoeing back towards the large double doors that you swore you’d shut behind you as you left…
“Midnight stroll?”
You shrieked as a voice crept up from beside you, causing you to jump erratically to the side, twisting to see who the hell wanted a death wish and decided creeping up on you was a good idea.
The urge to snap their neck dissolved ridiculously quickly as you realised you wouldn’t stand a chance even if you tried.
“Please… for the love of the gods… don’t do that. With all due respect, Captain, you scared the shit out of me,” you breathed, bracing a hand against your racing heart to try and calm the panicked thumping. You took a moment to look back to him, a million questions running through your head. “Whaaaaaat are you doing…?” you asked, blinking a couple times to make sure your tired mind wasn’t just conjuring up the image of your captain leaning against the wall with a cup of tea, fully dressed in his uniform, cravat and all.
“Could ask you the same question,” he replied with his teacup hiding the lower half of his face. Your little late night expedition didn’t go unnoticed. Sleep hadn’t welcomed him tonight, and he’d been burdened by his heart clenching at the sound of your faint screams he’d heard from his own room.
“That you could.” you still didn’t exactly know why the fuck you were out in the cold having a surprisingly calm conversation with Levi when you could be back in your bed, cosied up beneath the probably smokey smelling covers and resting after the utter shitshow of your night so far. “Soooooo…” you prompted, awkward impatience dripping from your tone as you strived to look anywhere other than his scrutinising gaze. “...Nice night…” you cringed at your own words, desperate for this very one-sided conversation to be over.
“Where’d you go?”
“The lake.”
“What happened?”
“...I fell.”
You both paused for a beat.
“You… fell?”
“In the lake?”
“Yep… it’s really dark.”
“Right… A torch may have helped,”
“I dropped it.”
“In the lake?”
You struggled to keep a straight face, the ridiculousness of the conversation hitting you in the gut.
Little did you know, Levi was struggling to do the same.
“So… you went for a walk… and fell in the lake?” he clarified with a raised brow, masking the amusement in his eyes.
“Pretty much sums it up, yeah.” With all the subtlety of an Abnormal Titan, you attempted to hide the dry sheets behind your back.
Which, in hindsight, was a really stupid idea.
“Just airing out the bed sheets as well?” he asked, the topic of conversation descending into downright anarchy.
“They looked like they needed a walk,” you both knew you were lying at this point, but you’d come too far to turn back now. Besides, Levi seemed to be enjoying himself, which was a rare sight in and of itself. You’d known him long enough to recognise his micro-expressions, and anyone but you and maybe the other vets would have missed the humour in his silver eyes.
“And a swim, by the looks of it,” you disguised your choked laughter with clearing your throat, furrowing your brow to compensate for the grin of a mischievous child knowing she’s been caught doing something she shouldn’t  that kept tenaciously pulling at your lips. If you hadn’t been so focused on disguising your smile, you would have noticed the fact Levi hadn’t removed the cup from his face, unable to hide his own smirk with his usually steely mask of stoicism.
As much as he wanted to keep the conversation going, he had his own questions to ask. Real questions that, sadly, didn’t involve midnight strolls with large cuts of fabric. His eyes softened slightly with the knowledge of your impending discomfort with his next sentence.
“You were screaming again.”
You sucked in an uncomfortable breath through your teeth, holding it in your lungs in fear that, if you were to exhale, all your secrets would spill with it. Your eyes immediately looked elsewhere, posture straightening with the tensing of your jaw. You hated these conversations. Fucking hated them. Because you knew you had to lie. And not the stupid “I took my bedclothes for a walk” kind of lie.
To anyone else, you didn’t have a problem. You could lie to their face and not bat an eye.
But to Levi? It was a whole different story.
You trusted him implicitly, you had to. And you knew he trusted you. So to constantly twist the truth and spew dishonesty in his face?
Gods you fucking hated it.
“Uh, yeah. I know. Throat hurt when I woke up. Sorry if I disturbed you, Captain.” you kept your sentences short. The tone of the previously jovial conversation had taken a rather stony turn, your voice easing into that statuesque professionalism the two of you adopted when taking on your roles of Captain and Lieutenant. It irked him. It irked him how you would always avoid things like this. He knew you were hurting. He knew you were suffering.
And there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it because you wouldn’t let him in. Levi was so used to things being the other way around. Usually the tables were flipped, and he was the one to avoid topics of conversation because he hated the thought of ever talking to anyone longer than five minutes.
But with you? It was a whole different story.
He enjoyed talking to you. Actively enjoyed it. He admired your perfect balance of down-to-earth opinions and more dreamlike hopes of a better world. He valued your input when discussing squad tactics, often quick to spot those who worked well together, and those who, if put in a pair, would be thrown in the cells for murder by the end of the day. Though you were a couple years younger than him, you actually had more experience beyond the walls, strangely enough, already being a fully fledged soldier by the time Levi was dragged to join the Scouts. You were there when he’d lost Isabel and Farlan, and though he would often bite the hand that fed him, you were persistent enough to break through a few of his walls. You’d been there, through thick and thin.
And it frustrated him that he couldn’t do the same for you. It frustrated him that you wouldn’t let him do the same for you.
“You didn’t. I wasn’t sleeping,” Levi cursed himself for not being a little more skilled with words. He’d seen you comfort others, and knew you had a catalogue of the right things to say at the right time.
Actually, it was more than that. You had a gift.
“Right. Good.” you nodded once, before horror struck your face. “Wait-no-hold-on not like good as in good you weren’t sleeping good, I meant good as in good that I didn’t disturb you good,” why the fuck were you so flustered all of a sudden. Gods it was like you’d just been caught with all three pairs of wings on full display.
“Good.” you blinked at his one word response, before no longer trying to hide your amusement as you openly chuckled, realising he was making fun of you. You bit your tongue as you visibly relaxed a little, finally returning your gaze to his.
“Good.” you repeated, relishing his soft smirk of a response, before you turned the tides of conversation, brows creasing in suppressed concern. “Why weren’t you sleeping?” you asked gently, hoping he wouldn’t realise your sneaky tactics of avoidance.
Unfortunately, Levi knew you better than anyone else, and had caught on a long time ago. You could give Erwin a run for his money with your conversational skills, but he wasn’t letting this one slide. Not tonight.
You tilted your head like a puppy trying to understand a command.
“That… Levi, that wasn’t a yes or no question–”
“You’re not doing this again.”
“Doing what?”
“I’m not avoiding shit, I just asked you a question.”
Honestly, you were becoming a little frustrated now. You just wanted to go to bed for fuck sakes, and here you were still not there. You folded your arms defensively, having to adjust the bedsheets in your grip.
Levi took a breath, pinching the bridge of his nose. The last thing he wanted was for both of you to get annoyed and have this turn into another shouting match, waking up the rest of the squad. As well as that titan shifting kid.
“Alright, fine, I’ll go first then. Insomnia’s acting up–” you dropped your arms immediately, feeling guilty for acting like a petulant child.
“What time was your last cup of tea-oh…” your eyes fell to the white porcelain currently grasped in his hand. Instantly your arms found themselves folded again. “Well no wonder you’re not sleeping. You know that shit keeps you awake,” you both knew it was so much more than that. It was the fear that kept him from sleeping. Fear of what he would see. Fear of what his mind’s eye had captured and threatened to replay in his dreams. You both knew that, but it still worried you when he didn’t sleep. Naturally. You sighed. “I think I brought some chamomile leaves with me, let me check my–” you were cut off by Levi sharply calling your name, his expression solidifying into something a little sterner. Your jaw tensed, that subtle ache at the base of your teeth keeping all your focus as you avoided eye contact. Unfortunately, your captain was a man you often struggled to stay no to, so after a lot of internal deliberation, and a small debate, you raised your head, though still avoiding eye contact. “Nightmares.”
It was Levi’s turn to feel guilty. You’d managed to get him to speak to you so often about what kept him from rest, but not once did you ever mention your own. Eyes widening a fraction, he took in your vastly uncomfortable form. Shoulders tense, jaw set, you looked as if you were being scrutinised by the king himself. And Levi hated it. He hated how he did this to you. All he’d ever wanted was for you to feel as comfortable around him as he does around you. But there were moments like these, when he brought a topic up, and you would just shut down. Short sentence answers and clipped tones.
“I’m sorry. Do you want to talk about them?” it was the best he could come up with in the time he’d given himself to respond. Any longer and this whole interaction would have become a lot more awkward. But apparently, he couldn’t have chosen a worse thing to say. Your head snapped back to look him in the eye, defense and aggression swirling in your deep irises. Levi could have sworn he saw the embodiment of fire in your eyes, but maybe that was just the lighting.
“No. Not particularly. I would actually like to go back to bed, if that’s alright with you.” you sure as hell weren’t looking for permission, but guilt speared your soul at the way you spoke to him. It was a reflex. A defense mechanism. Probably placed by the ancient celestial being now watching this interaction with a smug smirk on it’s stupid fucking face. You watched as Levi released a breath in defeat, acknowledging the fact that pursuing this conversation further would simply lead to you shutting him out completely.
“Fine. Do what you like,” he shrugged, once again bringing his tea to his lips so he didn’t have to watch you walk past him, back towards the doors. Though he was surprised when you stopped just short of the warm glow.
“I hope you get some sleep tonight,” you really are in a whirlwind of moods tonight. One second you were matching his quick witted banter, the next you seemed to want him dead, and now he found his chest constricting painfully at the way your brows pinched in empathetic concern.
“Yeah. You too,” there was always this specific way Levi said your name in these more tender moments. You don’t know whether you were always hearing things, but he said it so softly, so gently, that you would never help but smile in return. And Levi had just enough time to catch that smile before your head dipped into the light and you disappeared back inside, leaving him to his thoughts. First and foremost being one he needed to erase. Immediately. Because there was now no way he could sleep with the image of you in nothing but a long button up and military boots still burned in his brain. But his second thought was a little more concerning, because Levi knew from experience; sweat from nightmares doesn’t stain red.
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laurfilijames · 3 years
Hello. Absolute fan. Love your work. They are absolutely Supreme.
I always thought what it would be like to sneak around in Erebor? In all those dark dingy corners, that people cross but never pay attention to, you know?? How do you think that would turn out??
thank you for the incredibly kind compliment, nonnie 💗
OOOOH. This was a fun one. The thought of sneaking around and the risk of being caught is just *shivers*
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I mean, look at all of the potential places to engage in raunchy behaviour with the Durin Princes!
Warnings: M/F unprotected intercourse in semi-public settings.
Here are my thoughts:
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Returning to your chambers after a long day in the forges Fili just so happens to stumble upon you, also making your way home, when he rounds the next corner.
You immediately notice your husband in your periphery and pause your stroll, smiling at him warmly.
“Well aren’t you a sight for weary eyes,” he beams at you, his dimples creasing in his soot-coated face.
He strides toward you proudly, taking your hand in his once he reaches you, capturing your lips in a passionate kiss.
The taste of him after a day of work always sparks your desire. He is salty and sweet and smells like the fire that heats his skin all day long.
You can already feel yourself melting into him as you continue your yearning kiss, as if you were a piece of metal he is moulding into creation.
There are a few people passing you by, but neither of you seem to care very much.
At least not until you card your fingers through Fili’s slightly tangled mane and elicit a moan from him.
Regretfully breaking your connection, Fili pulls away and eyes the various corridors around you.
“Come with me,” he says in a low voice, wiping his beard with his large hand, his other one interlocking with yours to get you to follow.
He pauses in a few darkened areas as you make your way down a hallway, what exactly it is he’s looking for you’re unsure.
The further you go, the darker and quieter the corridor becomes and finally he seems satisfied with your location.
Fili pulls you into a shadowed corner and leans against the wall, pulling you up against him.
His hands cup either side of your face and he kisses you again, not missing a beat on resuming the eagerness you shared earlier.
You moan into him as you start exploring his broad chest with your hands, your hand slipping inside his tunic, his skin warm and covered in a layer of sweat.
“Fili…” you breathe out slowly as his lips attack your neck. “I need you now, let’s go home…”
“You can have me now. Right here,” he replies, and you pull away to see a mischievous glint in his sapphire eyes.
“We can’t—”
But you’re cut off when he covers your mouth with his once more, his hands hurriedly gliding up your sides, your skirt following suit.
You bite down gently on Fili’s lower lip when you feel his thick fingers trail across your inner thigh and stop to run through your slippery folds.
Removing his mouth from yours, he moves to stand behind you, his fingers still teasing your readied core.
You can’t help but notice the lustful gaze that is locked on you as if you are his prey, your head turning to follow him.
Still pushing his fingers in and out of you, you can sense he's unfastening his trousers, and before you know it, Fili’s hard cock is between your cheeks as he guides it into you.
He continues to give you all the attention you need, now running his thumb over your swollen clit in circles, and you cry out as he fills you to the hilt.
Your hands brace against the cold stone wall for support as he begins thrusting against you, his hips slapping against your bottom with a practiced rhythm.
You can’t control the sounds that are leaving you as Fili assaults the most sensitive spot within you with every blow, your head dizzy with pleasure.
“Shhh, you can’t be so loud, amralime,” he softly scolds in your ear, his breath hot on your flushed skin in an attempt to prevent the odd passerby from hearing you.
You try your best to stifle your moans, but Fili is persistent and increases his pace, making you bite into your lip hard enough that you taste the metallicity of your own blood.
Fili knows you’re suffering, in the best way of course, and decides to make it harder for you to be quiet by darting his tongue out and licking alongside your neck.
You cry out again and slap the wall in frustration, and you hear him chuckle and groan behind you.
“You’re going to get us caught with all that noise you’re making,” he warns as he covers one side of your bottom with a firm smack.
“Maybe I want us to get caught…”
Your moment of audaciousness quickly vanishes when Fili rubs faster against your clit, pushing you closer to the edge.
He places a hand over your mouth in anticipation that you’re going to be louder in your climax and fucks you even harder, trying to stifle your moans that quickly increase with every thrust.
His hips spank your cheeks so vigorously your whole body is jolted from his force.
You strangle his throbbing length as your entire body tenses, causing him to empty himself within you at the same time.
His hand was barely enough to smother your noise, and in his own struggle to not roar out loud his teeth sink into the soft flesh on your neck.
His hips still roll against you as you both land from your high, but he doesn’t yet remove his hand from your panting mouth, not trusting you to not make any more noise.
Sure enough, he gives your overly sensitive bud more presses with his thumb as he slips out of you, the feeling of his hot seed spilling over your tingling folds making you wail into his hand again as your body succumbs to ecstasy one last time.
Finally, he takes his hand away and chuckles as he kisses the spots on your neck that he had bit during his blind passion, finding it all too amusing how well he can predict you.
“Now we can go home,” he winks at you when you manage to spin yourself around to face him, watching him tuck his leaking cock back into his trousers.
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After a night at the pub you and your One are making your way back to your chambers, laughing and carrying on in your merriment together.
Kili is continuing to bask in the effects of one too many ales, running up ahead of you, hiding behind pillars and in dark corners, occasionally popping out to scare you when you approach.
You roll your eyes at your husband who is far too old to be acting like such a young dwarf, but in your heart you hope he never changes.
Then he hides again.
You can hear him laughing but can’t find him, looking around every corner and pillar to locate him.
“Kili, come on! This isn’t funny anymore.”
Just then he grabs your hand and pulls you toward him into a dark corner.
You yelp from surprise and smack his chest as he continues laughing, “Were you scared you lost me forever?” he asks, searching your worried eyes with gleaming brown ones, his thumb holding your chin gently.
“Yes! Do not do such childish things, Kili!” you scold.
“Childish? Me? Never!” he feigns innocence and begins to lightly tickle his fingers over your waist.
You can’t help but giggle and smile again when he rubs his nose against yours affectionately.
“We should make the best use of this dark corner, don’t you think?”
“Kili! Anyone could stumble upon us!”
But he’s already kissing you, his lips and tongue quickly making you forget about your lack of privacy.
He moves to your chest, his tongue leaving wet streaks across the top of your breasts, his hands squeezing and pulling at your taught nipples.
You protest between moans, requesting to go to your chambers where you won’t have to worry about someone finding you.
“We won’t get caught if we keep quiet,” he assures you with a playful expression. “Plus, I can’t wait any longer to have you.”
You let out an exasperated sigh that turns into a sharp hiss as Kili sucks harshly on one of your nipples before rolling his tongue around it.
“I suppose the element of sneaking around and having to keep hidden is adding to the excitement…” you admit.
As soon as the words left your mouth, two dwarrow appeared at the end of the hallway, stopping to have a conversation.
Kili raised his eyebrows at you and gave you a cheeky grin, clearly appreciating the challenge.
He slid down your body until he was kneeling before you, his head disappearing up your skirts.
You clasped your hand over your mouth when you felt his tongue and lips start to explore your anticipating core, a shaky breath muffled only slightly.
Kili was keen on making you come apart quickly, his mouth and fingers working you to the brink in no time at all.
You writhed against him and the wall, doing your best to control the noises that were determined to escape you.
Out of the side of your eye you finally saw the dwarrow carrying on down the corridor, just in time for you to burst with pleasure, your orgasm tearing through you with power.
A strangled wail passed your lips, unable to hold it in through your mindless pleasure.
“Shhhh! Someone is going to hear us!” Kili reprimanded, but with a smile on his glistening face when he reappeared from between your legs.
You simply shook your head, unable to process thoughts or form words to defend yourself. He knew it wouldn’t be possible for you to stay silent with how good he made you feel.
As if it was all part of a devious plan, the first orgasm he provided you had you desperate for more.
Frantically working to unlace his trousers, your mouths collided with fervor, eager to kiss each other harder rather than stop for air.
He tastes of malty ale and now you, and it makes you even more frenzied in your actions.
A low growl rumbles through him as you grip onto his engorged member that is aching for release, pumping it a few times before he can no longer take it any more.
Kili grips onto one of your legs and lifts it to hook in the bend of his arm, opening you up to him.
Your combined laughter echoes in the dark hallway as he stumbles forward, losing his balance as he prepares to enter you.
“Amralime! Shhhh!!” he pleads, but the contact of his oozing head against your folds instantly quiets you.
He gives you a hungry look, like he’s ready to devour you and you allow yourself to whimper into his neck as he fills you.
His thrusts are slow but intense, and you worry he’s going to split you in two with how deep he penetrates, pulling out of you almost completely each time before pushing back into you.
His pace soon quickens, and you know he’s lost all control.
You can feel his full sack bouncing against you in his erratic movements and it sends your head spinning.
Neither of you are paying attention to the volume of your grunts and moans, completely lost in each other.
You claw at the back of his neck for something to ground you as you plummet into oblivion once again, Kili joining you as he pumps you full of his spendings.
You can hear someone not far off from where you are hidden as you try to catch your breaths, and you both start giggling bashfully when a voice calls out, “Is someone down there?”
Hurriedly, you work to fix your clothing and smooth your hair as if nothing at all had happened and appear out of the shadows.
Nori is standing in the moonlight that is shining in through a window and he smiles as soon as he sees it’s the two of you.
“And what exactly were the two of you doing?”
Everything: @guardianofrivendell @midearthwritings @cassiabaggins @lilith15000 @trishthedishofreis @linasofia @unbeatablecurlgirl @the-poldarkian @lathalea
Fili: @shethereadinghobbit
Kili: @valquiria3000 @fandomfaery
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momoshin · 3 years
omg wait one more i promise lol BUT itzy taking ryu to a strip club for her birthday and her taking a liking to stripper!yn :( like the way she’d be so touchy and blushy when it was her turn for a lap dance or watching yn dance :(
you know as soon as she walks in the door who she is, mostly because of the description her friends gave you when setting up the appointment, but also because of the red ribbon across her torso that spelled ‘birthday girl’ and glowed under the entrance lights.
“that’s yours?” your coworker asks, reapplying lip gloss as she looks at the four girls walking in, one of them more nervous and giddy than the rest, watching as you nod without even taking your eyes off the birthday girl. “looks fun”
“oh it’ll be fun” you chuckle, fixing your long robe, making sure the slit opened perfectly for your leg.
you can tell she’s overwhelmed as her friends run the names of the drinks over to see what she wants first, it’s probably the combination of how loud the music is with her friends screaming in her ear. so you give her a couple of minutes to calm down and finally order, watching as the bartender tells them they can wait for their drinks at their table, which to her surprise is in their own little booth secluded from the rest of the public and dancers.
“how much did this cost?” she gasps as they push her through the red velvet rope that divided both places.
“shhhh don’t worry, lia’s got it covered” the brunette laughs, she’s the one that came to u first, with the short one who you assume is lia as she flips her hair dramatically to keep the joke going. there’s another friend you havent seen before though, she has red hair and a body to die for, she was tall, and for some reason you assumed she was a dancer, maybe it had something to do with her thighs, who knows. your boss will probably find her way into talking to that one about working here later.
for now, you just have to concentrate on the black haired one, which if you wanted to lie, you could just say she didn’t look stunning in the tight dress that didn’t sit longer than her thighs, which looked plump enough to make nice earmuffs even in the summer, so yeah, you could say she wasn’t making you think about everything else than the thing at task, but you’d be lying to yourself and everyone else.
“im assuming you’re ryujin?” she turns around so quick at the mention of her name, just seeing it made u a little dizzy.
“i am?” its more a question than a reply, and you catch her friends chuckling behind her like school girls watching their friend interact with her crush. “who are you?” you act like you cant see the way her eyes look you up and down, how her gears are turning probably asking herself what you’re wearing under the robe.
“my name’s y/n” you extend your hand enough for her to catch on and do the same, shaking it and hoping you cant feel how sweaty her palm is. “why don’t you sit here? while the drinks come”
her friends have already sat in the booth behind her, and she doesnt have time to wonder why she has to sit in a chair in the middle of the salon while her friends get to sit way back, because they’re pushing her to do it anyways. she watches you pace around her in a circle until she sits, and then you finally stop in front of her, making sure to watch her reactions when you untied your rope and slowly let it slide down your arms to swiftly toss it at your side.
“can i sit there?” she instantly looks down to where you’re pointing, cute. but she just as quickly looks up and nods, not knowing what to do with her hands until distracted from her thoughts by your leg that swung over her thighs, making sure you were comfortable when straddling her.
and the two of you just lock eyes for a couple of minutes, so long that her friends got bored of just watching and the red haired girl finally spoke.
“you can touch her ryujin, she wont bite” you look at her when she talks, her legs are crossed and she’s leaning over them, her elbows resting on her lap as she stares “right, miss?”
but the slight change in her voice when she called you miss, that just made you tilt your head in deeper thought. you like the idea of her under you next better than her working here at all. but alas, ryujin pulls you back from your thoughts as she looks back at her friend and probably curses her out in silence
but the birthday girl is even more surprised when you use your hand to cup her jaw and turn her face so she was looking at you again. “eyes on me babe”
“but she’s right” you continue, brushing her hair away from her face. “wouldn’t you like to touch?”
“y-yeah” she fails to notice the server coming in with the drinks, your regular order also in there even though you didn’t ask for it in the first place. she only notices when you take her drink from the tray, not even sparing a glance to the side and making sure to maintain the eye contact with her, even when you took a sip of her drink before she even had a chance to try it
ryujin gulps audibly, even through the music, and only whispers an “im good” when you offer the drink to her after. she took the liberty of putting her hands on your waist, but eventually with the way you rocked back and forth after giving the drink back to the server, they ended up more on your ass than anywhere else.
it goes from that, to you moving her hands to touch wherever else you wanted her to, to her finally getting the confidence to do it herself, you can hear her friends giggle every now and then, but you’re too focused on her and thankfully, she’s just as lost in you.
soon enough, you take a break, after wiping the corner of her mouth from the little bit of alcohol that had spilled from the glass when you poured it in her mouth. “i’ll be back” you get up and off her lap, winking at her and making sure to sway your hips enough for her eyes to be glued on you until you disappeared from her eyesight.
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Words: 2,759 Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader Reader pronouns: she/her Era: Alexandria Warnings: Language, mentions of violence, references to gore, mentions of anxiety, disturbing imagery, typical TWD stuff Summary: Daryl and Y/N are outside the walls when they hear a baby crying. A/N: THIS IS SO SOFT I MIGHT DIE. Requested by anonymous! Hope you like it! Thanks for the request!
Your name: submit What is this?
You froze. You glanced back at the archer, “D’you hear that?” you asked him in a harsh whisper.
Daryl strained his hearing. “Heard somethin’.”
You’d been venturing out with Daryl for tracking lessons for quite some time. He’d been somewhat opposed to the idea at first, not liking the idea of you wandering around outside the walls, but you’d worn him down. Now, you were getting quite good at reading sign and he had noticed that you seemed to be much more observant, vigilant as you moved through the trees. Your footsteps were nearly silent.
You straightened up, turning from the trail of the deer you’d been tracing, and Daryl watched as you turned to the side, your eyes lifted to some unknown distant point in the trees.
“What is it?” he asked, noticing the slightly anxious look on your face.
You shook your head almost imperceptibly. “I don’t know. It’s just a feeling more than anything.” You glanced back at him and were met with his steady blue eyes. You chewed the inside of your cheek for a moment. “Come on,” you said, stepping away from the deer trail and moving in the direction you thought the sound had come from.
You didn’t have to go far before you heard the sound again, and this time it was much clearer. Your wide eyes met Daryl’s, his brow heavily furrowed. Your stomach twisted. You turned and increased your pace.
You moved through the brush as quietly as you could and finally you saw a shape looming ahead. It was an abandoned house, more of a shack really than anything. The sound was clear now as you crouched at the edge of the lot. Daryl knelt beside you and you exchanged a harried glance with him.
It was a baby crying and it was coming from inside the house. There were about a dozen walkers beating on the rotten woods of the dilapidated structure. It looked like it wouldn’t be long before they broke in.
Daryl worried his bottom lip with his teeth. “S’a lot of walkers,” he murmured.
You gulped and looked back. “We have to do something.”
He sighed, hesitating, his eyes flickering between your face and the group of the dead.
You couldn’t wait anymore. There was a swell of urgency growing in your chest, like a high tide rushing in. You swore under your breath and unsheathed the knife at your hip. You rushed out of the brush and right toward the walkers.
Daryl scrambled up to follow you.
You plunged your knife into the skull of the first walker lurching at you and immediately repeated the action with another. As you pulled your knife out, you landed a kick into one of the dead who was grappling for you.
Daryl was soon beside you, slashing and stabbing just like you were to clear the way to the building.
By the time you were done, you were drenched in sweat and Daryl looked at the circle of now still corpses around you. There was a spray of walker blood across your neck. He was about to scold you for rushing in, but he was taken aback by the number you had killed, and you weren’t done with your somewhat frantic mission.
You charged to the door and saw that it was splintered from the latch. They’d almost broken through. You turned the handle and pushed inside. You froze with just one foot inside the small house.
Daryl looked in past you, over your shoulder.
There was the desperately wailing baby, still swaddled to its mother in a makeshift carrier. She was dead. You made a lunge toward the infant, but Daryl’s hand clasped your shoulder gently and stopped you. You glanced back at him, your eyes glistening with tears and your expression pure desperation.
He nodded. “We dunno what she died from. And she could turn at any second. Be careful,” he murmured.
You nodded at him and he lifted his hand. You approached the prone figure cautiously, all the while the baby’s cries piercing straight through you. You knelt down and carefully lifted the swaddled infant from the body of its mother, being careful and kind to the body of the woman who had probably given her everything to see that her child survived.
Daryl watched as you murmured to the infant in a soft voice, shushing and humming. “Shhh, it’s alright. It’s okay.” You pressed the baby to your chest and stood, bouncing slightly to try and soothe the cries. Eventually, she stilled. You glanced up at Daryl, your eyes still wide and glistening, although no tears stained your cheeks.
He was staring at you with a curious expression on his face. It was soft and thoughtful. He shouldered the strap of his crossbow and moved farther into the house, looking around. “Gotta be some supplies for that baby here somewhere, right?” he said. He felt the need to focus on a task because looking at you with the little bundle against your chest was bringing to life some warm, fluttery feelings he didn’t want to acknowledge.
“Hopefully,” you said, wrapping the sling around yourself and settling the baby inside. You smiled sweetly as she grasped your finger and a little laugh of joy bubbled out of you. Daryl looked up from his search and saw you smoothing your hand over her soft hair. “She has to be starving,” you said, your eyes a little starry.
Daryl tore his eyes away from the scene again. “Mm,” he acknowledged, the best he could do because he was worried what might slip out if he said any more. “Here,” he said, picking up a small duffel bag. It had some bottles and formula in it, as well as cloth diapers and a baby toy.
He shouldered the bag and walked back to you, peeking in over your shoulder at the little face pressed against you, your finger in her tiny, curled hand. “C’mon,” he said softly, surprising himself and you as his hand landed lightly on your lower back. “Let’s get her back somewhere safe.”
You looked up into his face and saw that his expression was open, earnest, soft. Your heart jumped. You nodded, but hesitated a moment when he started to head toward the door. Daryl looked back when he didn’t feel you behind him and saw that you were staring down at the still figure on the floor. “We can’t just leave her like this. She’ll turn,” you said softly, your brow furrowing.
He gulped and nodded. “Alright. Just wait outside a sec. I’ll do it,” he said, unsheathing his knife.
You gave him a sad but grateful look, pressing the baby against you more securely and nodded. “Thank you.”
_ _ _ _ _ _
You arrived back at the gate to Alexandria and Rosita let you in. Her eyes went wide when she realized what you exactly that bundle slung across your chest was. She came closer and peeked into the sling, her eyes flitting up to meet yours.
“We found her in an abandoned house, surrounded by walkers. Her mom was already dead,” you whispered. She was sleeping against you.
Rosita’s expression was sad for a moment, but then she smiled at the rosy cheeks and long eyelashes fanned out against the little girl’s cheeks. “Preciosa,” she murmured.
You smiled up at her.
Daryl was watching the whole interaction from a couple feet away and he couldn’t take his eyes off you. You were so soft and gentle, the look in your eyes like you’d never seen something more beautiful in your whole life. He kept feeling waves of warmth blooming out from his core and suddenly seemed unable to stand still, shifting his weight and tapping his fingers against his leg. “We should take her to get checked out by the doc,” Daryl said quietly.
You nodded, giving Rosita one last smile and then falling into stride beside him.
Daryl glanced over at you as you walked to the clinic. You caught him studying your face and gave him a questioning look.
“I wanted to yell at ya out there for rushin’ in like that,” he said. He glanced again at the baby. “But I get it. If you hadn’t, I woulda.”
You nodded. “I don’t what happened—I just couldn’t sit there and let them get her, even if it meant I might—” you broke off, not wanting to speak what was always a real possibility outside the walls.
“Yeah. Ya killed like seven of ‘em yourself before I even got there,” he said, slight amusement turning one corner of his mouth up.
You smiled abashedly. “Yeah…”
“I mean, I know ya can fight but—” he broke off, shaking his head, that vague smile still slightly curving his lips.
You arrived at the clinic and Daryl led the way inside. Denise looked up as he came in and immediately sighed. “Oh, no. Don’t tell me one of you needs stitches again?”
But she froze when you stepped in with that swaddled bundle in your arms.
Her eyebrows lifted. “Is that what I think it is?” she asked, bewildered, as you wandered over.
“Can you take a look at her?” you asked, lifting her out of the sling that was draped around you. She woke and stirred, immediately starting to cry again. The sound tugged at your heart.
Denise nodded. “Of course. Bring her over here,” she said, leading the way to a cushioned exam table.
“Shhhh, it’s okay. It’s alright,” you cooed, setting her down on her back. You offered your finger and she gripped it tightly. You smiled up at Daryl and his heart skipped a beat at the breathtaking light in your eyes and that irresistible grin. “She feels strong. That’s good, right?” you asked, turning to Denise.
She was setting her stethoscope aside. “Lungs and heart sound great. She looks healthy.” She glanced up at you. “I don’t know exactly what happened out there, but I have a hunch she’s lucky you found her.”
You nodded. “Yeah…”
“I think I saw some baby formula and other stuff you might need in the supply room. Lemme just check,” Denise said.
You scooped the little girl back up into your arms and her cries immediately became less desperate. You pressed her to your shoulder and rubbing her back softly, shushing her and bouncing, pressing her soft hair to your cheek. “Daryl, would you mind making up a bottle for her?” you asked.
He nudged his nose up in a nod, and you felt warmth in your face as you watched the tough biker pull out the canister of formula and a bottle, which looked tiny in his hand. You smiled to yourself as he went to mix up a bottle.
Denise returned with another canister of powdered formula and more cloth diapers as well as some other odds and ends for baby care. She shoved them into the bag Daryl had found at the abandoned house. Denise smiled and smoothed a hand over her soft hair. “Pretty amazing. Everyone is going to lose their minds over her. Little ones are so rare now,” she said. “First Judith and now this sweet little one.”
You nodded. “Yeah. I can’t stop thinking about what would have happened if Daryl and I had waited until tomorrow to go tracking, or if I had just ignored the first sound I heard.”
Denise nodded. “But you didn’t. And she’s safe and healthy now.”
Daryl came back with a bottle he had warmed slightly in the microwave and you grinned at him as he handed it to you. You adjusted her in your arms and she immediately latched on to the bottle and started eating. Daryl studied the tender expression on your face, that little smile that seemed like it might stay there forever now. He reached a hand up and rubbed absently at the ache in his chest. You looked up at Denise again. “Thanks, Denise,” you said. “We should head back to the house.”
“Anytime.” Denise gently smoothed her hand over the tiny girl’s hair one more time and gave you a kind smile.
You and Daryl started back toward the house at a leisurely pace. He still had the bag slung over his shoulder and you watched as she drank the formula hungrily. You could feel Daryl’s eyes on your face again and you glanced up at him.
“This mean you’re a mom now?” the archer drawled. You were struck by the question your eyebrows lifted.
“Huh… I hadn’t really thought about it that way,” you said, adjusting the bottle in your hand and looking back down at the little one in your arms. “She needs a mom. And I’m here,” you said softly. “I guess so,” you said, looking back up at Daryl. “Life is strange,” you said, shaking your head, peering back down at her.
“Mhm,” Daryl agreed. “She’s lucky to have ya.” Your heart skipped a beat at his words.
You were immediately swarmed by the group when you arrived back at the house. Everyone pressed in to see the baby, cooing and smiling. She was going to be so loved.
“Can I hold her?” Carol asked immediately.
“Hey! Nuh uh!” Daryl said, hurrying to set down the baby bag and his crossbow. “I helped save her and I ain’t even held her yet. Give her here,” he said, holding his arms out.
You grinned at him and carefully passed her to Daryl. He smiled down at her, rocking her from side to side. The sight of him with that sweet little baby in his strong arms was doing things to you… You hoped your face wasn’t turning red from the flush of heat you felt. “She needs a name,” you said thoughtfully.
“Easy. Lil’ Asskicker 2.0,” Daryl said, letting her grasp onto his finger. Everyone had a good laugh about that.
_ _ _ _ _ _
That night you fell asleep on the floor of the living room with the little girl beside you on a blanket. You were curled around her and she was pressed close against you, needing the comfort of someone to sleep.
Daryl was sitting on the couch nearby, alternating between cleaning and sharpening his blades and thoughtfully watching you sleep beside the new group member.
Carol leaned on the back of the couch beside him, looking over at you and the baby, smiling. Daryl turned to look at her.
“It’s nice to be reminded that good things can still happen,” she said softly.
“Mhm,” Daryl hummed, nodding. He flicked his thumb over the edge of the knife blade he was sharpening, testing to see if it needed more. “Ya should have seen her out there. She just ran right into this group of walkers and started takin’ ‘em out.”
Carol’s smile widened. “Maternal instinct,” she said. She glanced over at the archer and saw his blue eyes fixated on you. “Looks like she has a mom. She’s going to need a dad.”
Daryl’s eyes snapped over to peer back at Carol, his brow furrowing low. He scoffed a little at her statement. “She’s got a whole group of us. She don’t need me.”
“So, you wouldn’t like that? Having your own little family within our big family? Especially with Y/N…” she said, a knowing smile on her face. “Come on, your ears turn red every time she enters the room!”
Daryl shifted uncomfortably as Carol spoke a wish that was close to his heart, but which he was too terrified to act on.
Carol quit her teasing and sighed, looking back at you and the little one sleeping peacefully. “You’re not your father, Daryl. You’re you. And you’d be an amazing dad,” she said. “And if you don’t try, find something worth holding onto, worth protecting, what’s the point anymore?” And more than anything, Daryl knew that you were worth protecting. And now so was this little one. So, maybe it was time that he tried for what he wanted.
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marauderundercover · 3 years
Taking Chances Ch. 28: Summer Changes (School)
A week after the Disney movie marathon, Marinette was finally back on patrol. No thanks to her dad though. If it was up to him, she’d probably never patrol again. Luckily for her, (unluckily for him) her brothers were adamant on her coming back to the field. Which led to her current problem. Hanging upside down from a gargoyle near Wayne Enterprises.
“Ukht, what have you done?” Damian asks, and though she can’t see his face, she can tell by his voice that he’s exasperated. Join the club, she thinks, at least you’re not upside down.
“Why do you automatically think I did something?” She asks, trying desperately to turn around so that she can talk to him. It was really awkward talking to someone when you couldn’t see them but you knew they were near you.
“Because you are the one hanging upside down,” Damian says flatly. She huffs.
“It’s not like I want to be, Robin. It just kind of happened,” She says.
“And how exactly did it happen? I have never seen your yoyo betray you like that before. Not even in the videos when you were still very new.” Damian says, and she swears he’s smirking. He’s definitely laughing at her on the inside, and as much as she wants to be frustrated, she can’t. It wasn’t easy amusing her little brother (unless you were an animal) so she wasn’t about to ruin it.
“Hood made a bet relating to this exact gargoyle and I’d never been this way before and I just, I don’t know. Somehow I misjudged where my yoyo was going and next thing I know, I’m tied up and Hood is gone.” She says, sighing.
“Where did he go?” Damian asks.
“Over here so I could record the dumbass trying to untie herself.” Jason says with a snort, she manages to turn just enough so she can see him and stick her tongue out at him. He chuckles. “You’re the one who somehow tied herself up with a magic string, I’m just getting the proof so I can show Wonder Woman.” He says and Marinette’s jaw drops.
“You wouldn’t dare!” She screams, struggling against her yoyo, finally able to get the string to loosen slightly.
“Oh, I’d dare.” Jason says and Marinette just knows he has a huge smirk underneath his stupid helmet.
“But Wonder Woman is the coolest person ever and she can’t see me like this!” Marinette complains, trying not to grin when she feels the string start to move the way she needs it to. She ignores Jason’s next remark, instead focusing on the string and- yes! She free falls for a moment, laughing at her brothers’ panic before she swoops up and jerks Jason’s phone away from him.
“You little shit!” He calls after her, starting to chase her.
“You’ll get it back once I delete the videos!” She calls back, laughing as she continues swinging through Gotham, a warm feeling in her chest as she looks over the city that has quickly become her second home.
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” A voice screams, making Marinette jump out of bed with a yelp. She clutches her hand over her heart, glaring at her oldest brother.
“Are you trying to make sure I don’t make it past my fifteenth birthday?” She asks with a huff. Dick just grins.
“Happy birthday kiddo! I can’t believe you’re already fifteen!” He exclaims, picking her up in a giant hug. She wants to complain, ask him to let her down, but it’s nice, so instead she returns the hug the best she can. Until she glances out the window.
“Richard Grayson.” She says in a tone she usually reserves for enemies. She feels him stiffen, the hug turning into more of a restraint than a cuddle.
“Yes?” He says.
“Did you honestly wake me up, before the sun, because it’s my birthday?” She asks.
“Yes?” He says, his voice cracking slightly. She purses her lips and lets out a long sigh.
“Dad has a no killing rule.” She says, and suddenly she’s back on the ground.
“Oh would you look at the time, Mar’i needs another bedtime story loveyousomuchgottagobye.” Dick rushes out, practically sprinting out of her room. She just smiles and shakes her head. She’d learned intimidation tactics from Jason and Damian, who both claimed her size made her an easy target against bad guys. They were right, of course, so she was fine with a few extra lessons. Seems they were working. Deciding to call her Maman and Papa since she’s already awake, she frowns as it goes straight to voicemail. It would be nearly eleven in Paris, so the bakery shouldn’t be too busy. She quickly checks the Akuma Alert App to make sure she hadn’t missed anything while she slept. Nothing. So why weren’t they answering? She had assumed they would be waiting for her call since it was the first birthday she’d spent without them. Sighing, she lays back down on her bed, closing her eyes and trying to fall back asleep.
As she lays there, she frowns as a realization hits her. This was the anniversary of her birth mother’s death. Her mood instantly sours and her stomach churns. It was the first year that she could do something about it, the first year she could visit her grave. Quickly making a decision, Marinette throws on a pair of black leggings and an oversized black hoodie. Hopefully no one would spot her.
“Kaalki.” Marinette calls out quietly, not wanting to wake Tikki (who had somehow slept through Dick’s intrusion).
“Oooo, Guardian, are we sneaking out?” They ask, an amused smile on their face. Marinette frowns.
“Yes, but it’s for a good reason.” She says, and Kaalki snorts.
“Whatever the reason, I’m happy to be of assistance.” They reassure her. Marinette smiles and calls the transformation, opening a portal in the cemetery where her birth mother is buried. Her Maman had taken her once, right after telling her she was adopted. It was extremely hard to avoid being akumatized that day, and Marinette steels herself before dropping Kaalki’s transformation. Today would probably be even harder. Pulling the hood over her head to try and hide her identity, she glances around the cemetery, unsurprised to see the small place empty. Despite its small size, it was well taken care of, with beautiful trees adding shade and creating a melancholy feeling. Taking a deep breath, she walks over to the tombstone in the far corner, underneath the Willow tree. Bridgette Le. Died July 9th. Marinette barely notices the tears that start to form as she sits down, tucking her knees into her chest.
“Hi Mama. I-I’m sorry I haven’t really been by to see you much. Did you know I’ve been spending the summer with Dad? Sometimes, I wonder if you would’ve been okay with that. None of us really know why you left, why you didn’t tell him. I’m not blaming you, I just wonder if you would’ve been okay with me knowing him.” She talks, though she knows she’ll never hear a response. And she tries to pretend that fact doesn’t hurt her. “I have brothers. Four of them. They’re all great in their own ways, but they all also make me want to rip my hair out. Three of them are older, Damian’s younger than me. He kinda acts like a big brother at times though. And I have a big sister, Cass. She doesn’t say much, but she’s awesome. She’s in Hong Kong right now, so most of our conversations have been video calls. I have a niece, too.” Marinette stops, wiping furiously at her eyes. She didn't want to cry. At all. But knowing her birth mother would never be able to be part of her life, would never know any of these people like she did- it was hard.
“Guardian, please breathe.” Kaalki says, floating up to sit in front of Marinette’s face. Marinette blinks at the Kwami before listening to them. If they were worried, then Marinette was more lost in her head than she originally thought.
“And today’s my birthday. I was excited at first, and then I remembered the other thing that this day was. Remembered that it’s also the day you-” Marinette pauses, and grits her teeth. “I am so sorry, Mama. I am so sorry that I caused your death.” She chokes out, dropping her head onto her knees, trying to suppress the sobs threatening to break out of her chest.
“We need to go. Marinette, we need to go.” Kaalki urges, patting her cheek urgently. Marinette calls the transformation and falls through a portal, closing it quickly to keep the butterfly that was surely after her from following. She definitely didn’t need to test how far the victim had to be to be akumatized. The second she lands, she lets the transformation drop and the sobs break out.
“Shit Pixie.” Jason curses, and suddenly she’s wrapped in a warm hug, sobs tearing through her as she continues to apologize.
Jason Todd had been through a lot of weird shit. Waking up in a pool of green water after being fucking murdered by the Joker, was weird. Emotional baby sister falling through a portal into the room and sobbing? Also weird. But also heartbreaking. He grabs onto her and just holds her, desperately trying to give her some type of comfort.
“Shhhh, it’s okay Pix. I got you.” He mumbles, holding her close. Damian rushes in, sword drawn, face scrunched up when he sees them. Jason shakes his head, this wasn’t something that they could fix with a sword. He wasn’t exactly sure why his baby sister was crying so hard, but he had caught a couple of muffled apologies, so whatever it was, he didn’t think it was something that he (or Damian) could kill. Or, rather, maim, since she was against murdering people that were against her for some reason.
“Has anyone seen Mars, she’s not in her room-” Replacement starts, freezing as he walks into the room.
“Excellent situational awareness, Drake.” Damian mutters, glaring at him. Jason shoots both of them a glare, now was not the time to be fighting. Especially since the kid’s other parents were on their way to celebrate her birthday. If they showed up and she was sobbing, they’d take her home and never let them see her again. And Jason was NOT going to let that happen.
“Anyone know if M’s decided to not kill me yet?” Dick asks, walking into the room with a huge grin that falls the second he sees what’s happening. Jason resists the urge to roll his eyes. Apparently none of his brothers could read a fucking room. Instead of staying at the edge of the room like Damian and Tim, Dick walks over.
“Hey kiddo, it’s okay. We’re here.” He says softly. The kid pulls away from him, though he can tell it’s a little reluctantly, before launching herself at Dick, her sobs starting to die down. Jason lets out a short huff, running his fingers through his hair as he tries to think of what could have set her off. There were no akuma alarms, but she fell out of a portal. Which means she was out of the manor when she got upset. He watches as Dick pats her hair gently and whispers to her. God, he’s such a dad. Then again, he’s been mother henning him and their other brothers for years, so it’s not really a surprise.
“I’m sorry guys.” Marinette says suddenly, her voice small as she stays hidden in Dick’s arms.
“No need to apologize, Pixie Pop.” Jason reassures her. She finally pulls away from Dick and Jason’s heart, honest to god breaks at the broken look on her face.
“She died in childbirth, you know.” She whispers, and suddenly it makes sense. Why she was sitting there sobbing on her birthday, why she’d fallen out of a portal.
“That is not your fault.” Damian says firmly, walking over and standing face to face with Marinette, something Jason knew annoyed the girl. Damian was two years younger, but a little taller than her. She didn’t seem to mind now, though.
“But it was. If I hadn’t been born-” She starts and Jason frowns at the thought.
“The world would be a much shittier place.” He says with finality, not leaving room for her to argue. “Pix, you’re amazing, and the world would really suck without you. Never be sorry you were born.” Jason says firmly, stumbling slightly when she launches herself at him, wrapping her arms around him tightly.
“Thank you Jay.” She mumbles, and he can tell she’s crying again, but this time it’s not sobs, so he thinks it’s fine.
“Come on, let’s all watch a movie.” Repla- Tim suggests and Jason raises an eyebrow at the idea, briefly wondering what kind of movie he’d pick. They all pile on the giant sectional that Bruce had bought specifically for impromptu movie nights as Tim sticks the DVD in. Jason just snorts as the title card for “The Addams Family” comes on, settling back in the couch, ready to watch one of the greatest movies ever.
“Thank you again for flying us out here for her birthday.” Sabine says, smiling at him. Bruce returns the smile and nods.
“Of course, thank you for letting her spend the summer here. I know she’s appreciated the break from her classmates.” He says, his smile quickly fading at the confused look on both Sabine and Tom’s faces.
“What do you mean?” Tom asks.
“Marinette hasn’t told you?” Bruce asks, suddenly regretting bringing it up. Why hadn’t she said anything? They were her parents too. Sure, she’d made it clear they couldn’t know about Ladybug, but her class wasn’t a hero problem. They were a civilian problem.
“We knew that she wasn’t hanging out with them as often, and that she didn’t talk about her class as much as she used to. We just assumed that she was busy.” Sabine says, her face a mixture of sadness and anger.
“My apologies, I assumed she’d talked to you.” Bruce says, feeling as if he had crossed a line. Would they be mad at him, for her telling him something she hadn’t told them?
“She’s always looking out for others first,” Tom finally sighs, a tired smile on his face. “She probably thought she was saving us from being akumatized.” Bruce’ jaw clenches. Had Marinette really suffered in silence to avoid being forced to fight her parents?
“We can continue this conversation later, right now we should focus on her birthday.” Sabine says, placing a hand on Tom’s arm. He nods and Bruce makes a note to talk to the two about the possibility of her switching schools.
“She’s probably in her room.” Bruce says, leading the two towards the stairs.
“Actually, Master Bruce, the children are all in the informal sitting room. I believe they snuck down to have a movie night after Master Dick woke Miss Marinette to wish her a happy birthday.” Alfred says, Bruce watches his face and knows that’s not all, but doesn’t press. It had to be something that he couldn’t talk about in front of the Dupain Cheng’s.
“Of course they did. Thank you, Alfred. Alfred, this is Sabine Cheng and Tom Dupain, Marinette’s parents. Tom, Sabine, this is Alfred Pennyworth. He’s the man who raised me.” Bruce says, smiling at him. The three exchange pleasantries and soon Bruce is leading the two to the sitting room. He pushes the door open gently, careful not to let it slam. He spots a sword on the floor near Damian and quickly grabs it, moving it away. If he was woken up suddenly, he would still panic and attempt to fight his way out.
“She looks so peaceful.” Sabine whispers, and Bruce smiles, a genuine smile, he didn’t have to fake a smile when most of his children were together and safe and happy. Or, quiet, at least. It was rare.
“I’ve found them like this several times.” Bruce admits, pulling out his phone to show the two all of the pictures he’d taken of the kids piled together sleeping. Sabine and Tom smile widely at the pictures and Bruce quickly sends them their favorites.
“B, I swear to god, I can sense you in here. Let us sleep.” Jason mumbles grumpily.
“Sorry Jason, Marinette’s parents are here so it’s time to get up.” Bruce says, amused at the way his son’s hair was attempting to defy gravity. Jason looked around sleepily, waved lazily at Sabine and Tom, and then collapsed back on the couch. Bruce sighs. “Would the two of you like to have a cup of coffee while we give them a few more minutes to sleep?” He offers.
“That would be lovely.” Sabine says, and Bruce leads the two to the kitchen, hoping Tim (who had sat straight up after Jason flopped down) would take the hint and wake up the others.
Marinette sighs happily as everyone sits down at the table for dinner. The day had been amazing, despite the rough start. And her Dad had even flown her Maman and Papa out to spend the day with her. They couldn’t stay for long, they had the bakery to run after all, but it was still nice to see them. Marinette glances at the end of the table where a place was set, but no one sat.
“What’s with the extra plate?” Jason asks, turning to Alfred who was sitting in the chair next to it instead of his regular seat.
“It is for Miss Le.” He says, and she can almost feel everyone freeze. Her throat tightens, but she still smiles at him with watery eyes.
“Thank you, Alfred.” She says quietly. He nods.
“You are quite welcome, Miss.” He says. She clears her throat and looks back at her Maman, noticing that her smile was also a little sad. It had been all day, but Marinette was certain it wasn’t anything to worry about. Bridgette had been close with her Maman, surely she was just mourning her today, openly for the first time in a long time.
Marinette groans at whoever is trying to wake her up.
“Five more minutes.” She mutters, burrowing deeper under the covers. It was summer break, why wouldn’t anyone let her sleep?
“Come on sweetheart, your Papa and I want to talk to you and Bruce.” Her Maman says, and she immediately sits up. Was she in trouble? Had her Maman figured out the whole Batman thing? Had she figured out the Ladybug thing?
“Uh, okay.” She says, sliding out of bed and stepping into slippers. She wasn’t sure how serious the conversation was, but since her Maman didn’t stop her from walking out of the room in her pajamas, she relaxed slightly. It couldn’t be that serious, right? She follows her Maman into her Dad’s study, glancing wearily at the clock in the corner. Her Maman was often too observant. Hopefully she didn’t notice anything odd about the clock. They all sit in silence for an entire minute until Marinette can’t handle it anymore.
“Am I in trouble?” She asks hesitantly, looking between her parents’ faces.
“Of course not, we just- We noticed how different you are.” Her Maman says and Marientte frowns, furrowing her eyebrows. Different? She was different?
“How?” She asks.
“You’re happier than I’ve seen you in months honey. Your smile reaches your eyes, you talk freely, you seem peaceful.” Her Maman says softly, and Marinette blinks in surprise. Had she really been so easy to read in Paris? Had her parents really been able to tell? She’d wanted to hide it from them, not let them see how everything was piling on her, crushing her. She didn’t want to worry them.
“What do you- how-” She stumbles over her words, trying to figure out where she messed up.
“We didn’t know why until we talked to Bruce.” Her Papa says and she turns to glare at her Dad, feeling a little betrayed. He holds up his hands in surrender.
“Marinette, you didn’t tell me not to tell them about your class.” He reminds her, and she huffs.
“Guess we can cross mind reader off the list of things you can do.” She mumbles, making her Papa snort.
“It wasn’t just that though. We’d seen how restrained you had become, how you never went out with friends and you stopped talking about them.” Her Maman says softly. Marinette grits her teeth, hugging herself to try and hold herself together.
“I didn’t want to worry you.” She says, her voice barely audible. That wasn’t the main reason though. She didn’t want to fight her parents, and if they knew everything going on with Lila, they’d definitely be akumatized. She couldn’t fight them. Not if she could help it.
“What would you say about transferring schools?” Her Maman asks suddenly, and Marinette jerks her head up, looking at her with wide eyes. Transfer schools? It would be great, amazing, fantastic, but- but her classmates would still come to the bakery. Still give her the same odd looks they’d been giving her since they found out that she’s a Wayne.
“What school?” She asks, because yes, that makes a difference. Chloe had transferred schools not long ago, and Marinette did not want to trade Lila for Chloe. She’d rather not deal with either of them, if she was being honest.
“Gotham Academy.” Her Maman says, and Marinette feels lucky that she wasn’t drinking anything, because she would have definitely done a spit take. Gotham Academy? As in, live in Gotham year round? What-
“Are you giving me up?” She asks, suddenly hurt. Her Maman’s eyes widen and her Papa pulls her into a giant hug.
“Of course not honey.” He says, rubbing her back gently and squeezing her lightly.
“We asked Bruce if he thought Gotham Academy would be a good school for you. He offered to let you fly home some weekends, and any of the breaks you want. Or to fly us out here if you have time off school. You don’t have to say yes, and you don’t have to make a decision right now.” Her Maman reassures her as her Papa lets her go. Marinette turns to look at her Dad, his face unreadable.
“Would you really be okay with that?” She asks, and he nods.
“We all just want you to be happy, Marinette. Wherever that may be. And we’re all willing to work together to do that.” He says and she smiles, letting out a soft sigh.
“I- I’d need to think about it a little more,” She says, running through the idea in her head. It seemed perfect, besides the whole ‘bouncing back to Paris for attacks’ thing. But she’d been doing it all summer, it had been fine so far. And maybe, maybe, Hawkmoth would even be defeated by the end of summer. No matter what, things were changing and Marinette was trying her best to keep up.
Tag list:  @maribat-bdbwm @vixen-uchiha @stainedglassm @liquid-luck-00 @laurcad123 @waiting247 @jayjayspixiepop @mizzy-pop @jjmjjktth @trippingovermyfeet @queenz-z @thepaceperson @iloontjeboontje @toodaloo-kangaroo @ritacrow-blog @deathssilentapproach-blog @kittenmywaythrulife @nerd-nowandforever @tazanna-blythe @jaybird-and-co @jumpingjoy82 @lady-bee-fechin @corporeal-terrestrial
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years
Dishonorable Discharge | dark!Bucky Barnes x sister!reader
please please please do not read or interact if this content would be triggering or upsetting for you in any way.  i do not condone the topics or behaviors that i write about.
summary: you and your brother were always thick as thieves, even if you weren’t technically related.  you weren’t ready for him to leave to go off to war, but you were even less prepared for the shell of him that would return.
warnings: noncon smut, sibling incest (I mean she’s adopted but still), breeding kink, innocence kink, loss of virginity, mention of hypothetical underage activity?? idk how to tag that but everyone in this story is 18+!
word count: 3.6k
tagging @lestersglitterglue​ cause they asked real nice!
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Even though you were adopted, people always said that you and Bucky had a family resemblance.  It wasn't your respective appearances per se, but rather the way your eyes both sparkled.  Your parents sometimes joked that the two of you were more brother and sister than most brothers and sisters were— and they were right: even with the age gap, often the two of you felt like twins.  It was hard to imagine that your biological parents could've kept you and that you never would've known him... it felt like he had always been your brother, your best friend, your partner in crime; your Jamie.
You had been awful when he deployed.  You'd sobbed and screamed and beat his chest with your weak little fists.  You'd told him that if he left, you would hate him forever; that if he left, he might as well never come back.
Of course you regretted it once you got older and realized how stupid you were.  But you were only fifteen then, and heartbroken, and too selfish to understand that there were things more important than the promises you'd made to each other as children.  You were so afraid that he wouldn't come back and that you'd lose your only real friend in this world; and, like it often does, that fear turned to anger.  
By the time you were seventeen, you finally stopped crying and tried to make a life for yourself.  You tried to see it all as an opportunity: he'd always been the popular one, meaning you were stuck being known as "Bucky's little sister" rather than as your own person.  Now you could just be you for once— as soon as you figured out who you were without him.
By nineteen, you had lost hope that he would return.  You pretended to be at peace with that.  You pretended not to hate yourself for pushing him away when you needed each other most.  Silently, you thought of him every day; secretly, you went to church every night to pray for him.
It was the sort of neighborhood where you could leave your door unlocked, so you did.  Still, people usually knocked first.  You were wearing a nightgown you only wore around the house because it was much too short and small for you now, but with the hot weather, it was necessary.  You hadn’t expected to hear the door open, so as you nervously peered out from the hall to the foyer, you were beyond surprised at what you saw.
The man in the doorway… he looked familiar.  He was wearing your brother's uniform.  But his eyes were different.  That sparkle you shared was long gone.  And without it, you weren't sure he was your brother anymore.
"Jamie?" you asked, unable to believe what you were seeing.
Recognition crossed his face like he was hearing the name of someone he used to know.
"Jamie," you called again, your voice breaking as you ran to him; you wrapped your arms around his waist and held him tight enough to make up for all the lost time.  "I thought I'd lost you," you sobbed, "oh god, Jamie, I thought you were—"
"Shhhh," he soothed, finally reciprocating the hug as one hand stroked the back of your head.  
"Don't ever leave me again," you begged.  "I can't lose you again."
"I won't go," he promised softly.
And just like that, you were the same little girl who'd clung to his legs and begged him to stay all those years ago, but this time you'd gotten what you always dreamed of.  This time, he wasn’t going to leave.
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“You still like your eggs basted?” you asked him with a toothy smile, doing your best to keep things light.  You had so many questions for him but you wanted him to just feel at home first.  You two had always told each other everything, so you figured it wouldn’t be long until he told you what he’d been through in the last several years.
When you turned to receive the answer to your question, though, you found him spaced out in his seat at the dining table, staring off into nothing.  You could tell he was thinking about something just from the way his eyes were glazed over; you could tell he was thinking about something unpleasant from the way his fist was tightened.
"Are you okay?" you asked gently.  Silence.
You left your place by the stove, crossing the kitchen and kneeling down so you were eye-level with him.  Hesitantly, you reached out to brush your hand against his face.  He was certainly older-looking, and stubble dusted his jaw where it met with where his hair had grown out.  You wondered if it was as strange for him to see you and how much you’d aged as it was for you to see him like this.
“Jamie,” you whispered, “come back to me.”
Finally, as your hand cupped his cheek, he turned to look at you.  Even with a face that was hard to recognize at times, the eyes that met yours were undoubtedly your brother’s.  Darker, yes, and clearly tired from everything they’d seen, but as blue and perfect as always.
"When you call me that,” he spoke, eyes scanning your face, “it's like no time has passed at all.  It's like I'm still the same boy I was the day I left."
You swallowed.  "But you aren't, are you?"
He shook his head, just barely.
“Hey, listen to me,” you instructed, getting more serious and refusing to let him break the eye contact.  “It doesn’t matter what you’ve seen, or what you’ve done.  You’re my brother.  You’re my best friend.  You’re my whole world—”
You choked up a little, but kept going.
“—and I’m glad you’re home, okay?”
“Okay,” he agreed, smiling that crooked smirk that made your heart melt every time.
“You still want those eggs?”
He nodded a little.
“Yeah, basted,” he agreed, turning back to the table as you stood up and returned to the stove.
“Your room’s the same as it was when you left,” you told him as you cracked the first egg into the hot pan.  You were sort of nervous to bring up anything about that, but you thought he might find it comforting.
“I don’t think I’m ready to go in there yet,” he admitted.  
“Stay in my room tonight, then.  It’s almost the same as it was then, too…”
“I’m amazed that bed can still fit you; are you sure we’ll both be able to sleep on it?” he asked.
“Oh, I was gonna give you the bed and make myself a pallet on the floor!” you clarified, wondering how he ever thought the two of you could share a bed; you hadn’t since you were little little-- like, under ten-years-old little.
But when you turned to look at him again, he seemed genuinely disappointed.  "Of course I can't let you sleep on the floor.  You take the bed; I've got a lot of practice with sleeping on the ground anyhow."
That was the last thing you wanted, him reminded of what it was like out there.
"We'll share the bed," you announced.  "If I take off all the plushies and decorative pillows, there might just be room for you."
"Woah woah woah," Bucky raised his arms as if to motion for you to slow down.  "We can't just go evicting Mr. Hoppy!  He's been a full-time resident of your bed for the past twenty years!" 
You both laughed, and it was almost like old times.
"He'd happily move over for you, Jamie."
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The two of you brushed your teeth side-by-side in silence; you waited for him to finish his shower while you turned down the sheets, scooping up everything decorative on the bed and tossing it into the chair in the corner.
You choked a little when he stepped into your room with only a towel around his waist, using another to rub his hair dry.
"Don't you have some pyjamas?" you asked awkwardly.  "No matter— I actually have some of the pants you used to wear right here."
You pulled the checkered pants from your closet, and handed them to him as he nodded gratefully; you barely turned around fast enough to look away before he dropped his towel.
"Why do you have these in here anyways?" he asked as you tried to ignore the sounds of the fabric brushing over his bare skin.
"I wear them, sometimes," you admitted, feeling your face get a little warm, "when I miss you."
"Well, I'm here now," he hummed, wrapping his arms around you from the back and pulling you into a hug.  You could feel the warmth of his chest and arms burning right through your silky shift.  You almost wished you had worn something thicker; and yet, somehow, you also wished that there was no fabric in the way at all.  
Slipping under the comforter together, you wondered if it was odd that he was cuddling up to you.  You didn't mind it, since it was the most like the brother you remembered that he'd been all day, but some part of you was worried what people would think if they knew.  
You brushed the thought aside.  Nobody would know anyways.  
He placed a kiss to the top of your head as you basked in how small it made you feel.  "You smell the same as before, sissy."
You used to hate that nickname but now it was beyond welcome.  It reminded you of simpler times.  
"I hope that's a good thing," you replied.
"It's a wonderful thing.  The day your handkerchief stopped smelling like you was the day I thought I would lose all hope," he recalled.
You remembered when he took it; he said he wanted something to remember you by, and you'd responded by telling him to just forget about you because obviously he never loved you at all.
"I was so cruel to you that day," you cringed.  "I hate myself so much for that..."
"Hey, hey," he got your attention with a soft plea, guiding your chin until you were looking up at him with watery eyes.  "You were a kid.  I was, too.  You acted out, it happens."
"But I said things that weren't true, Jamie— awful, terrible things…"
"I never believed them," he assured you with a smile.
"We promised to never lie to each other," you whimpered, "and I broke that promise."
He shook his head.  "It's all in the past now.  Just be honest with me from now on, and I'll keep every promise I made."
You remembered a pinky swear made up in the highest branches of a tree: a promise to never be apart.  He'd broken that one, but maybe he wouldn't do it again.  The thought made your heart flutter.
"Be honest," he instructed you again.  
"Always," you agreed.
"Do you love me?" he asked, so quiet it was barely a whisper.
"O-of course," you answered quickly, stuttering not because of any lack of surety but simply from wondering how he could ever question that.
Slowly, he leaned in and pressed his lips to yours, his thumb and forefinger still holding your chin.  For a brief moment it felt believable as a familial kiss.
But then it didn't.
He began to move his mouth against yours, and instantly you pulled back, looking at him with what you figured must have been an expression of stunned confusion.  "Jamie," you mumbled in disbelief.
"I missed you so much," he purred, seeming to ignore your reluctance.  "Don't break my heart, sissy, I just want a kiss."
"I can't kiss you like that," you shook your head.
"Please?  You have no idea how lonely I've been, how hard it was without you…"
You felt guilty for his pain, and you had always hated to deny him of anything.  The absolute second that you gave him a hesitant nod, he dove right back in, kissing you deeper and harder than before.  His tongue forced its way into your mouth but you couldn't pull back; his arm had somehow gotten to the back of your neck, holding you close to him.
You whimpered with confusion when you felt his other hand moving up your leg and slipping under your nightgown.  He smiled against your lips when his fingertips brushed over your hips and he realized that you weren't wearing undergarments.  You internally cursed yourself for it, even though it was normal not to wear anything underneath a gown like this.  What was abnormal was what he was doing.
"You're so smooth, and soft," he murmured, just barely pulling back from the kiss, "and I know you want me so bad—"
Just as his hand started to move dangerously close to somewhere it was definitely not supposed to be, you reached down and stopped him by grabbing his forearm.  
"D-don't," you managed to stammer out.
"Don't?" he repeated incredulously.  "Well, why not?"
"It's wrong…" you explained weakly.
"Such a good little girl, just like always," he chuckled. "You haven't changed at all.  Except, of course, this incredible body…"
It was much too easy for him to wriggle out of your grip, pulling out from your nightgown only to reach up and roughly grab your breasts through it.  Your face was burning and your gut sank with fear— and yet, there was a paradoxical tingle of arousal burning between your legs.
"You've grown a lot while I was gone," Bucky noticed aloud, groaning softly as he felt you up.  "Almost didn't recognize you when I stepped in.  I saw those gorgeous legs of yours and thought, 'who's the fox and what's she doing in my house?'  Of course, by the time I'd realized it was my kid sister, it was too late."
"It's not too late," you desperately assured, "you can stop now, and we won't tell anybody, and it'll be like nothing ever happened—"
You stopped as he started laughing lowly, shaking his head.  "Sweetheart, I'm not coming back from this, don't you understand?  You were all I thought about while I was gone.  You're the only girl I ever loved."
His hips pressed forward and you gasped when you felt his erection pressing into your thigh.  You bit down on your lip to keep it from quivering; for some reason, you didn't want him to know how scared you were.
"Feel that?" he asked, grinning when you nodded nervously.  "That's how much I love you."
You stammered helplessly as he reached down between your legs again.  
"Time to find out how much you love me," he purred, and you were frozen; paralyzed.  Two of his thick fingers swiped through your folds, gathering the arousal they found there.  "Oh, you love me quite a lot."
"I— I don't—"
"Take this thing off," he demanded suddenly, grabbing your nightgown.  You shook your head.  "I'm not gonna ask you again," he informed you sternly.  "Take it off or I'm gonna rip it off'a you."
You shook your head again, tears flowing freely until you felt wet patches beside your face on your pillow.
Bucky growled and manhandled you onto your back, grabbing at your nightgown and pushing your arms out of the way when they reached up to cover your chest.
He tore through it like it was paper.  "Look at you," he murmured in awe, "all grown up."
"James," you sobbed, "what are you doing?!"
"I'm taking care of you!" he responded, seemingly confused that you would even ask that.  "You're my baby sister; I promised to always take care of you and I meant it."
"This isn't right," you whispered, partially to him but mostly to yourself.
"This is the only thing that's right," Bucky disagreed, leaning down a little to hover over you as he began to push his pants down.
You recoiled when you saw his cock; you hadn't seen one before, except in drawings.  They hadn’t prepared you for this.  His looked big, red at the tip like it was angry; leaking and throbbing like it was desperate.
"You a virgin, sissy?" he asked in a way that made it hard to tell if he was being genuine or mocking you.
You nodded; you'd promised to be honest, after all.
"You were saving yourself for me," he informed you, and before you could deny it, he continued, saying everything like it was obvious fact.  "You knew you needed me. You knew you'd only be satisfied by your big brother's cock."
You shook your head as tears welled in your eyes, your protests muffled as he roughly kissed you again.  You tried to push him away but he was like marble, hard and unyielding.  You felt his sex sliding over yours and it made you feel dizzy and a little nauseous.
"You know how long I've dreamed of being inside you?" he asked darkly, his lips brushing against your ear.  "You know how long I've wanted to get a taste of this perfect little cunt?  I'll give you a hint: it was before I left."
He ignored your sobs of fear and cries of pain, and pushed his hips forward; he groaned as his cock forced your walls to part, and you felt like the wind had been knocked out of you.
"Oh god," he moaned weakly when he bottomed out, "oh my fucking god… you feel so perfect, sissy.  You feel so fucking good, I swear I could come right now.  I could fill you up—" he pulled back out most of the way and shuddered— "right fucking now."
"N-no, Jamie," you sobbed, "you have to pull out, you can't come inside!"
"Why not?" he pouted, slamming into you so hard that you were forced to choke out your cry of pain.  "I think you want it.  I think I deserve it.  I could get you pregnant and then you'd be mine forever."
"No!" you sobbed.  "Please, you can't!"
"I can," he assured you coldly through his teeth, his arm wrapping around your neck to hold you steady as he fucked into you.  "I can, little girl, and I'm gonna."
Tears streamed down your face, even as you let yourself admit that your brother's movements inside you did feel… intriguing, to say the least.  He buried his face into your neck, fucking you deep but slow.  You'd never felt so full before; you wrapped your legs around his hips before you could stop yourself.
"Fuck," he groaned, "you want me so damn bad, don't you?  You always wanted me.  I remember how you got so jealous when I lost it to Betsy Miller."
As sick as it was, you had; and even now, imagining him doing this with her made your stomach twist.
"You want me all to yourself, don't you, sissy?"
Shamefully, you nodded.
"Aw, it's okay," he soothed.  "You've got me, sis.  'M never gonna leave ya.  We're gonna be together forever, just like we always said."
That was all you'd ever wanted.  Why did it sound so terrifying now?
"I can feel you squeezin' me, babydoll.  I know you wanna come all over my cock," he taunted.
"N-no," you stumbled over your denial, but pleasure was searing through you faster than you could handle it.
"Beg me to fill up this little pussy," he instructed as his eyes got darker and a hand wrapped around your throat.  "Beg or you don't get to breathe."
"Please," you moaned through your tears, "please, fill up my— my little pussy…"
"Yeah?  You want my come?"
He started thrusting faster and you could feel the way your arousal had spread to coat both his thighs and yours; why was your body so responsive?
"Please, Jamie, I want your come," you repeated.  "I need it…"
"I know you do," he snarled, looking down at you with half-lidded eyes.  "I know you do, baby, I know you need my come."
"Please…" you repeated one last time, the word coming out choked and weak as you felt your own orgasm starting to crash into you, your whole body tightening involuntarily.
"Fuck, I can feel you coming— 'm close, sissy, I'm not gonna last much— oh fuck—!"
His hips stuttered to a stop and you winced as you felt him flexing inside you, pumping his load into you for what felt like ages.
He collapsed on top of you with a sigh and a smile.  "I wanted to last longer, even jerked off in the shower to try to take the edge off but… you just felt too good."
You were silent and still beneath him as he rambled, kissing away your tears between each word.
"I'll take better care of you next time, sis, don't worry.  Wanna make you come with just my tongue," he announced excitedly.  "But that'll wait until tomorrow.  Tonight you just relax, and don't move too much so I can stay inside you.  It's the only way I'm gonna be able to sleep."
He hugged you all night, drifting off even while you were wide awake and staring at the ceiling.
You were horrified at what your brother had become, and at what he had done to you.  But that wasn't what kept you awake.  No, you couldn't sleep because you were too busy trying to deny how much you had enjoyed it.
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mmvalentine · 3 years
Pomegranate pt 3 | Feysand
Hades/ Persephone inspired AU. Part 1 Part 2 Part 4
Rhysand stalks around the townhouse all night, and into the next morning. His inner circle are concerned, but do not approach. They know him well enough to know that attempts at communication are fruitless when the High Lord is in this mood.
By evening, Rhys is back at the Spring Court, but Tamlin has placed sentries in the field where he used to meet Feyre. They trample the wildflowers.
Rhys makes his way to the manor, pulling the shadows tightly to him so he can move unseen. He unfurls his wings and glides over the roof, landing lightly on the tiles and listening closely for Feyre’s thoughts. Prior to now, he has refrained from listening into Feyre’s mind out of respect for her privacy. But now, he has no other way to locate her.
Rhys eventually hears her in a room on the top level of the house, in the east corner. Her mind sounds just like her voice: soft and curling like the wispy ends of clouds. He waits a moment to make sure no one is with her, and no one is approaching, and then slides easily in through the window.
“Hello little one,” Rhys says lightly.
Feyre whirls around from where she is sitting at the dresser, and her eyes go wide. She opens her mouth as if to speak, but then seems to think better of it and just crosses the room into his arms. Rhys strokes her hair, but feels grim even as she clings to him.
“Hello you,” she says eventually, and her voice shakes. “How did you find me?”
“We made a deal,” Rhys says in response. “I have to visit you every day for another three months, remember?”
“That’s true,” Feyre says, and the relief is heavy on her face. And then she smiles a crooked smile. “Or maybe you just finally had an excuse to make it into my bedroom.”
Rhys tugs her toward her bed and sits down on the end of it. Feyre moves to sit next to him, but Rhys pulls her into his lap instead.
“So,” he says. “This is your prison, huh?” His eyes rove around the room, and Feyre’s follow.
“As my father likes to point out, no prison has quite so many trinkets or soft furnishings.”
“Can you go out, or have people in?” Rhys asks.
“No, of course not.”
“Then it’s still a prison.”
Feyre’s eyes fill with tears, but they do not fall. “I know,” she says quietly. Rhys kisses her then, because he doesn’t want her to cry.
“Did you ever try to escape?” he whispers to her.
“Once,” Feyre admits. “Last year. I got locked in after I got caught with the stable boy. I tried to leave. I failed. And I was punished.” Feyre does not expand on this, and Rhys does not push any further. Tamlin’s temper is infamous in Prythian, and although Rhys’s father never liked him, nor did he provoke him.
“Well maybe I will steal you away after all,” Rhys murmurs. Feyre gives a brittle laugh. “What?” Rhys asks. “Would it be so terrible to be a member of my court?” Feyre tilts her head.
“Do you know what my father says about your court?” she says.
“Tell me,” Rhys prompts. Feyre takes a deep breath and then sighs, her shoulders lifting and then slumping with the movement.
“He says, in the Night Court they torture people for fun. He says they are a savage people, who rip out the throats of their enemies with their teeth. He says they live in the dark do depraved things that are not fit to see the sunlight.”
Rhys watches her for a moment. Feyre is playing with the lapels of his jacket, and looks at her hands while she talks.
“Oh yes,” he says eventually. “We bathe in the blood of those we have conquered, and dance naked in the light of the moon.” Feyre looks up, alarmed for a second. And then she laughs, and so does Rhys.
“I’d like to see you dance naked,” she teases.
“Anything for you, little blossom,” he says, and yanks at the top buttons of his shirt. Feyre laughs again, and swats his hand away. Rhys says “shhhh” and waves her to be quiet, and Feyre buries her face in his shoulder and shakes with silent laughter. “It’s not funny!” Rhys says. “I’ll be hanged if I’m caught in here.”
Feyre lifts her face, suddenly serious. “Don’t go,” she says. Then she shakes her head, and looks down again. “You can’t stay. You should leave.”
“Okay I’m getting mixed messages here,” Rhys says, trying to meet her eyes. Feyre doesn’t look up. “Hey,” he says softly. “I’m going to get you out. And you can come live with me in the Night Court, and I’ll make you Queen of the darkness.”
Finally, Feyre raises her eyes and looks up at him through her lashes.
“I’ll run the revels,” she whispers.
“You’ll sever heads.”
“I’ll sharpen my teeth.”
“You’ll howl at the moon.”
“I’ll spill the wine.”
“You’ll rule them all.”
“And we’ll always be together.”
“And we’ll always be together.”
Feyre’s hands have tightened on the back of Rhys’s neck, and he loves the fierce light that has sparked in her eyes. He puts his lips next to Feyre’s ear.
“And then one day, we’ll come back here, and burn Tamlin’s house to the ground. And I’ll put you on the Spring throne where you belong.”
Feyre looks at him, and he watches a hundred dreams and nightmares flicker in the ocean of her eyes.
And then watches them all blow out.
“You should go,” Feyre says. She kisses him with her hands clenched in his collar. “You’re not safe here.”
“Neither are you,” Rhys tells her, leaning his forehead against hers.
“I’m safe,” Feyre says. “I’m just not free.”
“Then what’s the point?”
“I don’t know. But you should go before my father comes, he always makes sure I’m still here.”
“Okay,” Rhys says. “Just one thing before I go.” And then he pulls her mouth back to his.
Rhys kisses her slowly, at first. Takes his time committing the taste of her to memory, the curve of her bottom lip beneath his tongue. Feyre is so warm in his lap, and despite the direness of their situation, Rhys can’t muster any worry for it. Not right now. When his tongue finds Feyre’s, she makes the sweetest moan, and he wants to wrap around her body until there’s nothing between them.
Feyre shifts in his lap, and suddenly he’s on fire. She burns him everywhere she touches him, or maybe he’s burning from the inside. Rhys isn’t sure, but he’s pulling them back to lie down on Feyre’s plush blankets, and now she’s beneath him and she’s still kissing him like she’s trying to destroy him.
“Put your hands on me,” Feyre whispers to him, and Rhys doesn’t need to be told twice. He grips her hip, and then smooths his hand up her waist to her ribcage. His thumb strokes the underside of her breast, and he savours the shiver this elicits from her. Runs the pad of his thumb back and forth gently, before squeezing her whole breast in his hand. He can feel her nipple against his palm, and the two of them exhale in unison.
Rhys squeezes her again, and then breaks the kiss to watch her face as he tugs at the lace in the front of her dress. Feyre’s face flushes, and he can feel her heart thudding. But she arches her back up toward him, and he undoes enough of her bodice to be able to slide his hand under it. Feyre’s eyes close and her lips part, and Rhys kisses her again as he touches her bare skin.
“You feel perfect,” he tells her. “I am undone. You are perfect.”
Feyre pulls his face back to her, and the way his hips rock into her is completely involuntary. He moves his hand on her breast, licks his tongue against hers, and forgets his own name.
Reality comes crashing in, loud and unwelcome, a minute later.
“Fuck!” Rhys says, his head snapping up.
“What?” Feyre startles.
“I can hear your father coming.”
Rhys rolls off of Feyre, and she pulls her dress back together. “Go now,” Feyre hisses.
“I’ll be back tomorrow,” Rhys promises, and slides his hands under her jaw to kiss her once more.
“Don’t,” Feyre says. “It’s too dangerous."
“I don’t care,” Rhys replies. “I love you.”
“Tell me tomorrow.” He winks, and winnows.
When Rhys gets home, the court is in turmoil.
“High Lord,” Azriel says in greeting. His brother only uses his title when the news is very bad.
“What is it Azriel? What’s happening?”
Cassian and Mor step into the room then, and they’re all wearing the same look on their faces. Rhys looks to the Shadowsinger.
“Hybern is on the move.”
TAGLIST: @ghostlyrose2 @highladysith @stardelia @feysand-loml @tillyrubes10 @ratabrasileira @live-the-fangirl-life @maybekindasortaace @annejulianneh111 @thebonecarver @rowaelinismyotp @loosingdreams @whythefuckdoiexist @inejsarrow @swankii-art-teacher @sjmships @courtofjurdan @teddytdr @positivewitch @thalia-2-rose @darling-archeron @rapunzel1523 @fairchildjace @philosophorumaurum02 @story-scribbler @allthecolorsneverseen @asteria-of-mars @fandomstalker27 @realbookloverproblems @dealfea @s-tormwitch @cretaceous-therapod @whenyadoesntcutit @scatterbrainedgirl @tanvee1231
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nerdzzone · 3 years
-More Hearts Than Mine-
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Summary: Raising a child is hard. Raising a child with one of Hollywood’s biggest stars is even harder. And raising a child with one of Hollywood’s biggest stars who you’re not actually in a relationship with is even harder still.
Especially when a global pandemic is sweeping the world.
With lockdowns and stay at home orders looming on the horizon, the uncertainty of their situation becomes almost too much for Whitney Taylor to handle. Chris suggests that they quarantine together to avoid any potential separations but, given what happened the last time they spent more than a few brief moments in each other’s company, that could cause more problems than it solves…
Chris Evans x OFC
Sequel to: Once Bitten - Twice Shy
Note: Again, just a reminder that all the information I have about covid restrictions in Massachusetts is from google, not first hand experience, so if something seems wrong please just go with it.
Part Three
Part Four
If avoiding difficult conversations was an Olympic sport then it's pretty safe to say that I would have earned myself a gold medal by the end of the following week. It wasn't all that hard to do though as the exhaustion from parenting during a pandemic was hitting us both. Especially because the weather for the first couple of weeks of April was abysmal. It was cold, stormy and raining almost every day and we were all getting quite stir crazy from being inside constantly - especially our lively and spirited child.
So, it was a massive relief when the sun finally came out.
It was also a relief that it lined up with Grayson's third birthday.
He was going to have a very different birthday than previous years - as most people would over the next few months - but we wanted him to have fun and he was quickly tiring of all the indoor activities that we could come up with.
We set the living room up the night before after he'd gone to bed, putting up a birthday banner with several clusters of balloons, and there was quite the mountain of presents in the corner as most of our family members had sent their gifts in advance. I had hoped to wake up before him, but when I woke up to excited cheers and Dodger barking from downstairs, I knew I was too late. A quick glance at my phone told me that it was only six thirty, but clearly the excitement had gotten him up earlier than normal.
"Whoa, Dodger, Grayson, shhhh," I heard Chris warn the pair of them, his voice still raspy from sleep. "You'll wake up the whole neighbourhood."
I smiled and quickly climbed out of bed. Chris wouldn't let him open any presents without me, I knew that, but I didn't want to keep him waiting for too long.
When I got downstairs, a very excited Grayson was bouncing on the couch as Chris sat next to him, watching him closely with a smile on his face.
"Happy birthday!" I cheered, catching his attention.
He sprang off the couch and bolted towards me.
"Thanks, Mama," He shouted, throwing his arms around my legs and looking up at me. "I'm three!"
"You are!" I smiled as I knelt down in front of him and pulled him into a hug. "You're such a big boy now."
He let me squeeze him for another moment or two before wiggling free.
"Can I open presents?"
Chris laughed at his clear priorities, shaking his head as I stood up.
"Let's just wait for Uncle Scott," he suggested before glancing up at me. "He's putting the coffee on."
"Very smart," I nodded. "I think we're all going to need plenty of that today."
Grayson proved my point by grabbing at his balloons and waving them frantically, setting Dodger off barking again.
"Dodge!" Chris scolded. "It's just a balloon, buddy. Chill."
The poor overwhelmed dog hung his head and came over to me for some sympathy. I happily obliged, cooing some comforting words and rubbing his back.
"Gray, leave the balloons, okay?" I requested. "I don't think Dodger likes them."
Grayson frowned, but instantly let go of the balloon in his hand.
"Sorry, Dodger."
"It sounds like we have quite the party in here already," Scott commented as he sauntered into the room. "Shall we see what's in some of these boxes?"
"Yes! Yes!" Grayson cheered, running over to the presents. "What first?"
"Whatever you want," I told him, smiling as I went to sit on the couch next to Chris. "Do you need some help?"
"No, I can do it!" He insisted, making a bee line for the biggest box and quickly ripping the paper off.
We watched as he opened gift after gift, an ear to ear grin on his face the whole time. Just as he was at Christmas, he was incredibly grateful for every present from the Paw Patrol Lookout Tower that was almost as tall as he was to the dinosaur books that were more educational than flashy and fun.
But there was one gift at the bottom of the pile that Chris wasn't particularly impressed by. The one that my brother had sent.
Grayson opened it, pulling out a t-shirt first.
"What does it say?" He asked, holding up the shirt towards us.
Chris' jaw dropped as I stifled my giggles and Scott burst out laughing.
"It says 'Team Iron Man'," I read. "Remember how Uncle Rob was in a movie with Daddy where they had a big fight? Iron Man was Uncle Rob's character and I think Uncle Jack wants you to be on that team."
"Oh," Grayson smiled. "Okay!"
"Okay?!" Chris protested. "You don't want to be on my team?"
Grayson shrugged as he pulled something else out of the box from my brother.
"Look!" He shouted, his excitement clear as he held up a very fancy electronic Iron Man helmet. "I love it!"
I wasn't even sure that he knew what it was as he hadn't seen any of the movies yet, but his enthusiasm compared to Chris' displeasure was killing Scott and I.
"Oh, it's such a shame that your brother wasted his money," Chris said, his words dripping with sarcasm as he had a forced look of pity on his face. "Those things are expensive and Grayson is never going to wear it."
"I'll wear it!"
Grayson's insistence was followed by him putting the helmet on his head and another howl of laughter came from Scott as a look of betrayal crossed Chris' face.
"Your brother is a jerk."
His words were quiet so Grayson wouldn't hear and I smiled.
"What can I say?" I shrugged. "We're an Iron Man family..."
Chris shot me a glare, but turned his attention back to Gray.
"Well, if you don't want to be on my team then I guess I'll just have to find someone else to have the last present that I got for you..."
Chris was teasing, but Grayson whipped off the helmet faster than we could blink. He looked around, a puzzled expression on his face when he couldn't see anymore boxes on the floor and I shared his confusion as I wasn't aware of anymore gifts either. But the Evans brothers exchanged a knowing glance and I knew they were up to something.
"Maybe Miles would like it," Scott suggested. "He loves Captain America."
"Me too!" Grayson insisted, tossing the helmet aside as if it hadn't been his new prized possession moments ago. "He's my favourite!"
"Oh, is he now?" Chris laughed. "Doesn't take much to make you change your mind, does it?"
Grayson shook his head, oblivious to the fact that he was being teased, but Chris didn't torture him for too long.
"Alright, do you want to see what it is?"
"Yes, I do!"
Grayson leapt up, bouncing up and down with excitement, making Chris laugh as he stood up from the couch.
"C'mon then," he told Grayson, nodding his head towards the door. "It's this way."
Grayson scurried after his dad and I followed, my own curiosity piqued as well.
"What is it?" I asked Scott, but he just shot me a smirk.
"You'll see in a second."
I narrowed my eyes at his secrets and paused at the front door where Chris was waiting for us, his hand on the door knob as Grayson practically vibrated with excitement.
"Okay, close your eyes," Chris instructed. "No peeking!"
"I won't, I won't!"
Grayson covered his eyes as an extra assurance and Chris' grin widened even more as he swung open the door. I put my hands on Grayson's shoulders and guided him through it, seeing a shiny blue bike with a big bow on the handlebars. I felt a flash of worry at all the potential ways for Grayson to get hurt riding it, but there was no time to dwell on that as Chris told him to open his eyes and he gasped with excitement.
"A bike!" He squealed with joy, leaping off the doorstep and running towards it.
He circled it for a moment as if he was really trying to take it all in while I looked up at Chris.
"There better be a helmet with this present," I warned him. "I'm already imagining broken bones and missing teeth."
"He'll be fine," Chris assured me with a chuckle. "It has training wheels, but of course I got him a helmet."
I opened my mouth, ready to share some more potential disasters that could come from this - because even with training wheels he could still fall off or lose control and crash into a tree - but Grayson cut me off.
"Help me, Daddy! Help me!"
He was trying to climb onto the seat, but as I took in the sight of him barefoot in his pyjamas standing in the driveway, I stopped Chris as he moved towards him.
"Wait, why don't we have breakfast first?" I suggested. "We have all day to play on your bike, but you're not dressed or even wearing shoes..."
Grayson's face fell and I felt bad being the mean parent, but Chris nodded in agreement.
"Your Ma's right, Gray," he told him. "Let's go get ready and then we can come right back outside, okay?"
Grayson looked sulky, but reluctantly agreed as he walked back over to us.
"Hey now," Scott said, catching his attention. "No pouting on your birthday! We've got some chocolate chip pancakes to make! Unless that sad face means you don't want them anymore?"
His previous smile slid instantly back onto his face at the promise of such a sugary breakfast and the pep returned to his step as he grabbed Scott's hand before dragging him into the house.
I had no evidence to prove my theory, but by the time breakfast was over, I was almost certain that it would have been more relaxing to be in the middle of a hurricane. There was pancake batter all over the room and we practically had to pin Grayson to his chair to stop him from sprinting around the room with food in his mouth. It was a miracle that he got through the meal without choking.
It was impossible to be mad though when he was having such a good time. He'd had so much to adjust to lately, seeing him happy on his birthday was all that I wanted and I was willing to put up with a little more chaos than normal if it made that happen. Within reason, of course. I did stop him when he suggested that we put the entire bag of chocolate chips in the pancake batter and I did make him help me clean them up when he dumped them on the floor in protest of my ridiculous restrictions.
Once the breakfast circus was over, Chris whisked him off to get him ready to play outside while I helped Scott clean up the kitchen before going upstairs to shower and get ready myself.
When I came back down almost an hour later, I felt considerably less frazzled, but the sound of excited squeals and giggles echoing from outside told me the energy levels hadn't died down much. It really was a relief that he was having such a nice day though so I braced myself for more chaos and headed out to find them.
The sight that greeted me melted my heart completely.
Chris was running backwards across the driveway as Grayson rode towards him. He shouted encouragement the entire time, reminding him to keep pedaling and to look where he was going and cheering as Grayson rode past him before turning around and circling back.
"Look, Mama!" He shouted to me as he spotted me by the door. "I'm doing it!"
"You are, baby!" I smiled. "Good job!"
I sat on the doorstep and watched him ride in circles, proud of how fast he'd figured it out, but after a few moments, my attention turned to Chris.
There were few times since I'd known him when I'd seen him look as happy as he did in that moment. When Grayson was born, when he took his first steps and when he first said 'Dada' were probably the only comparable moments I could think of. He looked absolutely gleeful as he chased after Grayson, laughing as he passed him before dodging a different way and waiting for Gray to catch up before bolting off again. The sound of their giggles and shouts filled my heart so much that it genuinely felt like it was about to burst out of my chest and a feeling of contentedness hit me so hard that it almost knocked over.
It was a feeling that told me that they were all I ever needed. Those two boys, making each other dizzy as they ran in circles. Their happiness and love was all I could ever hope to have and moments like these were all I ever wanted to see. I wanted us to spend every weekend soaking in this kind of joy. I didn't want to fight and argue and transport Grayson back and forth every other week. I wanted to give Grayson what he deserved, I wanted us to be a family.
But as fast as that clarity hit me, the knots in my stomach were there to remind me that it wasn't just about what I wanted. It wasn't about what would bring us the most moments of delight, it was about what would provide Grayson with the most stability and being a family might do more harm to that goal than good.
It was a constant battle between my heart and my head, but I was starting to realize that my head was losing. I was clinging to my resistance with all I had, but it was slipping away. I knew I needed to talk to Chris, to sort out the fog in my brain, but for the time being, I pushed it out of my mind. This was Grayson's day and we didn't have time for anymore heart-wrenching conversations.
I was snapped out of my thoughts as Scott appeared from the side of the house on roller blades and the unexpected sight pulled a laugh from my lips as he sailed past Chris and Grayson and headed down the driveway.
"Gray, follow me!"
Gray nodded, frantically pedaling to catch up with his uncle as they sped off down the long drive. Chris watched them for a minute before jogging over to me.
"He got it so fast," he puffed as he fought to catch his breath. "He's a natural."
"The training wheels help," I pointed out, shielding my eyes from the sun as I looked up at him. "But it's fine because he'll be keeping those on until he's at least eighteen."
Chris barked out a laugh, shaking his head.
"No way," he smirked. "We'll have them off by next week."
"Not a chance. I need at least six months to get used to that idea."
"How about we meet in the middle and aim for three?"
"Hmm, maybe," I bit back a smile. "We'll have to see how many injuries he gets with the training wheels on first."
"He'll be fine. He's a champ," Chris grinned proudly. "We've got a pretty great kid."
"We do," I patted the step next to me as I made room for Chris to sit down. "I can't believe he's already three."
Chris accepted my silent invitation and sat down next to me.
"I know," he sighed. "It feels like just yesterday that he was born..."
"He was so tiny," I reminisced. "And you had those huge Captain America muscles."
Chris laughed as he nodded at the memory.
"I was so scared to hold him in case I accidentally crushed him."
"I was so scared of everything," I admitted. "It wasn't until he was actually born that it really hit me that we were completely responsible for his well-being and keeping him alive."
"We've done well with that though!"
"We have," I agreed with a smile. "He's alive and thriving."
"We make a good team."
He flashed me a warm smile that made my heart beat stutter and it almost stopped completely when he stretched out a hand and placed it on mine. His touch was gentle and the warmth of his skin flooded through me even more than the sun streaming down on us. It was a simple gesture, but it eased the heaviness that had been hovering between us lately and I was grateful. I carefully flipped my hand over so our palms pressed together and let our fingers interlace. His smile widened as he looked back out at the driveway, his eyes settling on Grayson in the distance who was laughing at something Scott said.
"Thank you," Chris sighed, his voice quiet and filled with genuine appreciation. "I don't think I've ever said it, but thank you for making me a dad."
His words almost brought tears to my eyes, but I shook my head.
"Chris, you don't need to than-"
"I do," he insisted, cutting me off. "He's the best thing that ever happened to me and he wouldn't be here without you."
"I could say the same," I pointed out, trying to ignore the way his thumb was stroking the back of my hand. "He gets most of his good traits from you too. His kind heart, his sensitive little soul, his loyalty."
"His infuriating stubbornness."
"He gets that from both of us," I smiled. "He didn't stand a chance with that one."
"Well, I hope he gets some of your selflessness," Chris informed me, glancing over and looking a tad sheepish. "Because, as much as I disagree with it and I wish you'd be a little selfish, I get that you're trying to look out for him."
I felt my palms start to sweat and I wondered if he could feel it. I resisted the urge to snatch my hand away from his, trying to play it cooler than I felt. He was watching me closely as I mulled over his words until I found the strength to speak.
"I'm not so sure that it's just him that I'm trying to look out for," I admitted, exhaling a breath that I didn't realize I was holding.  "I do think we have more to talk about, Chris, but I don't think this is the right time."
"You're right," he nodded. "I just felt like I owed you an apology after the other night. I let my feelings get the best of me and I came across a little harsh."
I was about to reassure him that he hadn't when the sound of honking interrupted our conversation. Our attention was pulled to the end of the driveway where two cars - belonging to Chris' mom and his sister - were pulling in as Scott moved Grayson and Dodger off to the side to let them past.
"Did you know they were coming?" I asked, surprised by the little motorcade.
"Nah, I had no idea," Chris shrugged. "We'll stay outside though, keep our distance."
I wasn't worried about that really, I knew all of Chris' family were staying very isolated and being smart about staying safe and we were technically allowed to have outdoor gatherings of up to ten people anyway with the current rules in place. I was surprised to see them though as we'd warned Grayson that he would only get to see most of his family over FaceTime. His excitement at that being untrue was clear as he frantically pedaled back up the driveway to greet his guests.
"Mama! Daddy! Look!"
I let Chris' hand fall away from mine as we stood, smiling at Grayson's excitement as everyone started getting out of their cars. They burst into a rousing chorus of 'Happy Birthday' making Gray's grin grow even more.
"Happy birthday, Grayson!" Lisa beamed as Grayson ran towards her full speed. He threw his arms around her legs before we could even remind him to keep his distance, but Lisa seemed unbothered by it. "Have you had a good day so far?"
"Yes!" Gray smiled up at her. "I got a bike!"
"I saw that!" Lisa matched his enthusiasm. "You're a lucky boy!"
Grayson shot her another smile before turning his attention to his cousins.
"Wanna try?"
His older cousins were probably too big, but Stella's hand shot up first and beat them to it anyway.
"That's really nice of you to share," I called over to Grayson. "But share your helmet too, okay?"
He nodded and struggled with the clip for a few minutes before Lisa helped him take it off and placed it on her granddaughter's head.
Once they were all happy, chasing Stella and Dodger around the drive way, the adults moved over towards us. Lisa was the first to speak, a guilty look on her face.
"I hope you don't mind us just showing up like this, but we couldn't stay away on his birthday..."
"It's great!" Chris assured her. "Don't worry about it."
"And Grayson seems thrilled," I added. "It's nice for him to have other kids to run around with for a bit."
We all turned to watch them as they played until Carly let out a laugh.
"Are Grayson's shoes on the wrong feet?"
I hadn't even noticed, but I laughed as well when I realized that she was right.
"Some days just getting him in shoes at all is a victory," Chris defended himself. "And today was one of those days."
"He's like the energizer bunny this morning," Scott joked. "I can't imagine what he'll be like after we get some cake into him."
"Just think how well he'll sleep tonight," Carly pointed out. "He has to crash eventually."
"I hope so," Chris smiled. "He had me up at six o'clock this morning, I need an early night."
That earned a laugh from the group as his siblings teased him about being such an old man, but I felt a pang of sympathy for him, knowing that he'd been up early with Grayson a lot lately. Maybe it was because we were at his house so it was what Gray was used to, but Chris was definitely the favourite for the early morning wake up call.
We stood in our little circle for a while, just catching up as we watched the kids, all of us enjoying conversation with someone other than the people we were locked up with twenty-four hours a day. It was nice for me to have some female company as well even though Lisa was very pleased to hear that her boys were pulling their weight around the house and not just treating me like some kind of live-in maid.
It didn't take long for the kids to get tired of sharing the bike, especially the older boys who were too big for it anyway, and soon they were swarming around us demanding that we all play a game. After being cooped up for so long, it didn't seem like a bad idea to get us all moving around a little so we agreed and set about the daunting task of finding something everyone was willing to play.
Eventually, we settled on capture the flag - girls against boys. Lisa decided she'd make a better referee than a player so the boys team had one extra member, but they had three children to our one so it hardly seemed like the extra person would cause any unbalance. 
The rules of the game were simple: each team had three flags in our 'end zone' at opposite ends of the large grassy part of Chris' yard and the other team had to try to steal those flags. We had to grab it and run it all the way back to our own end zone to score a point, but once it was safely 'captured' it couldn't be stolen back. If someone managed to snatch a flag, but was tagged on their way back to their end zone then they had to give the flag back.
Lisa was very firm in reminding her children that tackling was not allowed as the Evans siblings were fiercely competitive and it had apparently led to trouble over the years. Once the rules were all set, we took our places and started the game.
The teams were fairly evenly matched. The boys had more strength, but we had more agility and were much better at communicating and working together which led to us easily scoring the first point. While Stella distracted Scott, Carly snuck past him to snatch the flag and she tossed it to Shanna who faked a pass to Stella before throwing it to me to get it to the safe zone. It was a beautifully executed play that showed the boys we weren't messing around.
"Oh, it's on now," Chris called out as he sprinted past me.
Shanna bolted after him, but he managed to grab the flag and throw it to Ethan before she caught up. With all the other boys guarding him, he made it all the way back to their end zone without getting tagged.
"I think having a super soldier on your team is an unfair advantage ," Carly huffed, but Chris shook his head with a smirk.
"Nah, because we have Scott too so it balances out."
"Hey!" Scott protested. "I'll switch teams if you're going to be rude!"
Stella jumped for joy at that idea, pleading with him to come onto our side, but the rest of the boys voiced their protests and he decided that, as long as there was no more hurtful comments, he would stick to his team for now. I used their bickering as a distraction though as I snuck closer towards their unguarded flags. I managed to grab one before Scott noticed and called out a warning to the rest of his team, but when I took off running and Grayson charged towards me, I didn't have the heart to out run him on his special day. I slowed down enough that he wouldn't realize I was letting him win and groaned dramatically as he tagged me, making me give up the flag.
"I did it!" He cheered. "Daddy! Did you see? I did it!"
Stella had a disappointed scowl on her face, but everyone else was understanding as they watched Chris scoop him up onto his shoulders, chanting his name as if he'd just won the World Cup while he carried him back to replace the flag.
Their celebration was short-lived though as we managed to steal the flag again almost as soon as Chris and Grayson were far enough away from it. After another perfectly executed play, the score was sitting at 2-1 for us. The pressure was on after that as we only needed one more point to win, it ramped up the competitive spirit.
We were off to a great start in the next round. Shanna got the flag quickly, but Scott had her cornered almost immediately so she tossed it to me. I got about ten steps before Chris was on my heels and I was forced to throw it over to Carly. Chris turned and went to chase after her instead and without even thinking, I leapt on his back to stop him.
"Hey!" He protested, slowing to a stop despite how he was clearly unaffected by my weight. "Is anyone seeing this? This has got to be a foul! She tackled me!"
"I did not tackle you!" I insisted, clinging to his shoulders with my legs wrapped around his waist. "If it was a tackle, you'd be on the ground."
Chris wiggled around, trying to throw me off his back as Carly sauntered into our end zone with the flag.
"The only reason I'm not on the ground is because you're too weak," Chris argued before shouting to his mom. "That doesn't count!
"No, Mama," Grayson joined in, running over to us looking very disapproving. "No cheating!"
I laughed, but slid down from Chris' back.
"Sorry, I'm sorry!" I held my hands up as I apologized. "I can't outrun Captain America, I had no choice!"
"Well, now you lost the point," Chris teased me, shoving me playfully and making me stumble a step away from him. "So, lets keep it fair and stop trying to cheat."
I swatted back at him as I stuck out my tongue while Lisa made the official call that the point didn't count and Scott took the recently captured flag back to the boy's end zone.
Chris had a new twinkle in his eye as the next round started. He hadn't let me get very far away from him and I quickly realized that I'd made a mistake by antagonizing him. I would be useless to my team if he was on my tail the whole time, but he was a tank and incredibly fast so getting away from him was next to impossible. I watched helplessly as Scott and Miles easily took our flag and dashed it back to their end zone to tie the score.
"Chris!" I whined as I tried to get around him like I was a cornered puppy, trying not to get caught. "Get away from me, you big oaf!"
"Oh, wow," Chris chuckled. "Let's not start calling names and being mean."
I tried to dart past him again, but groaned as he blocked my path.
"You're infuriating!"
"It's all part of the game."
The smirk on Chris' face had my competitive side firing up as I could see behind him that Miles had snatched our last flag. Stella was hot on his heels though, so he had no choice, but to pass to Grayson who was coming our way. Was I going to stop my three year old son from scoring the game winning point on his birthday? Probably not. But I had to at least make my attempt genuine so I came up with a plan.
"Is that..." I squinted off into the distance on the other side of the yard. "Is that Dodger chasing a cat?"
My Oscar worthy performance had Chris spinning around to check out what I saw and it gave me enough time to bolt away towards Grayson who wasn't far away from winning the game for his team. I made it an impressive five steps before Chris figured out what I'd done and came after me. Grayson saw what was happening and dodged to the left so I followed, but my change of direction gave Chris an opportunity. The next thing I knew, I felt a crash against my hips before I was lifted from the ground and found myself dangling over Chris' shoulder.
I let out a squeal of surprise as I kicked my legs, trying to get down, but Chris had a tight grip on me and there was no getting away. The ease with which he threw me around wasn't at all distracting and there wasn't a single part of me that was revelling in his strength. Not at all.
"This is absolutely a tackle!" I protested, focusing my mind back onto my predicament. "Put me down!"
"If this was a tackle, you'd be on the ground," he mocked me. "This is payback."
I had a nice view, my head only inches above 'America's ass' so, swept up in the moment of playfulness between us, I reached down and gave it a smack. He yelped and jumped, shaking me as he did.
"Chris! Put me down!"
My demands were weakened by the giggles that I couldn't hold back, but thankfully Scott stepped in to help me regain some dignity.
"Alright, you two," he called over. "Can we get back to the game now or would you like us all to give you some time alone?"
A blush covered my cheeks as I remembered that his entire family was around us and was relieved when he lowered me to the ground.
"Games over," Chris called back. "Grayson scored!"
Grayson jumped up and down happily, but Stella had a scowl on her face.
"Nuh uh! When Whitney tackled you, it didn't count!" She pointed out. "Grayson's point doesn't count too!"
The joy on Grayson's face fell into a look of anger as he stomped his foot at his cousin’s claim.
"It does!" He insisted. "I did it!"
"Now look what you've done," I playfully scolded Chris quietly before shouting to the rest of the group. "I think we're going to have to let them have the point, ladies. I wouldn't have been able to catch up to Grayson even if Chris didn't cheat..."
Stella's jaw dropped in clear shock that I hadn't supported her protests, but to stop the war before it could start, Chris chimed in.
"Grayson didn't need my help to score that point, I shouldn't have interfered," he started. "But why don't we call it a game and go have some cake?!"
The promise of sugar seemed to quash any animosity between the teams as all the kids let out a shriek of approval at that suggestion and took off running back to the house.
"Oh, yes," Carly sighed. "Because what my children clearly need right now is more energy..."
"It's Gray's birthday," Chris shrugged with a smile as we all followed the children at a much more reasonable pace. "We have to have cake!"
"And if it wasn't his birthday then I wouldn't have let you win."
My taunting earned a bark of laughter from Chris.
"Let us win? Yeah, sure, okay. You just keep telling yourself that you're faster and stronger than me," he teased. "Whatever makes you feel better."
I shoved him, but he was braced for it and I ended up more affected by the impact than him which proved his point, putting a smirk on his face.
"Asshole," I muttered as I shook my head, but I couldn't hold back a smile at how nice our affectionate teasing felt.
By the end of the day, we were all exhausted. It had been a fun and very special day for Grayson so we were thrilled for him, but exhausted nonetheless. Gray fought his bedtime with all the will power he had, eager for the day to go on just a little bit longer, but we won out in the end and he made it to bed on time. Scott had gone to his own room while we were fighting with him and Chris and I parted ways shortly after to get some much needed quiet time of our own.
I found myself distracted though, when I was finally alone, as the importance of the day had me feeling sentimental. Watching Grayson grow up and hit these milestones was a joy, but it left me feeling a bit reminiscent of the years gone by. Years when he was even smaller than he was now, just starting to figure out the world and how to speak, walk and be a part of it. The time was really flying by and as I began to scroll through old videos of his first year of life, the nostalgia was almost too much to bear.
Eventually, I stumbled on a video that had distinct parallels of today.
It was a video of Grayson's first birthday when we'd given him his own little cake and let him go to town on it. Of course, as many babies do, he'd stared at it for a moment before smashing his face directly into it. It was adorable and tugged on my heart strings considering how comparatively neat his cake consumption was earlier that day. He'd grown so much in such a short time and I felt compelled to share my discovery with Chris so I dragged myself out of bed and crept down to his room.
There was a fluttering of nerves in my stomach as I knocked on his bedroom door, the feeling only growing as he called out an invitation to come inside. I did as he'd asked and let myself in, finding him leaning back against the headboard of his bed - wearing nothing but his pajama pants - with his own phone in his hand.
"Hey," he smiled. "What's up?"
"I found a video," I told him, standing awkwardly near the foot of his bed. "I was feeling a little sad about how fast Gray is growing up so I was looking back, watching old videos and I found one that I thought you might like to see."
Chris’ smile widened and he eagerly patted the bed next to him, encouraging me to sit. I took him up on his offer and settled in as I unlocked my phone and started the video.
"He was so little..."
Chris' observation came as the camera settled on Gray where he sat in his high chair. Chris was right next to him, a grin on his face as he chatted happily to our son despite the nonsense babble that he got in response. I appeared on the screen after a few moments, carrying a tiny cake as everyone started to sing Happy Birthday. Grayson had a look of confusion on his face as he looked around at the crowd, but his eyes widened when the cake was placed in front of him.
"Go on, Gray," I prompted once the singing had stopped. "You can taste it."
He needed no more encouragement and simply face planted right into it, popping up a moment later with blue icing from the tops of his eyebrows to the bottom of his chin. He had a huge, cheeky grin on his face as he looked at us and, just as he did in the video, Chris laughed next to me.
"Oh, man, it kills you, doesn't it?" He questioned before clarifying. "How cute he is."
I hadn't realized that Chris' arm had found its way behind me when he leaned in to watch until I felt his breath on my hair as he spoke and I couldn't resist leaning back, tucking myself under his shoulder. The whole day, the knowledge that my baby was growing up, had me needing some comfort. It was exciting, to see him learn and shift from a baby to a little person, but at the same time, I felt the overwhelming urge for time to stop.
"It does," I agreed, letting my phone fall to the bed beside me. "I can't believe how much he's changed since then."
"In some ways," Chris agreed, looking down at me with a smirk. "In others, he's still that goofy, reckless baby."
"If he's anything like you, he'll probably never grow out of being goofy and reckless."
I felt Chris' shoulders shake as he chuckled at my teasing and I was reminded of the last time we'd been cuddled up, in a similar position to this, in his bed. I felt a flood of warmth run through my body at the memory as I was suddenly aware of how close we were, aware of how good he smelt and how strong his hard muscled arm felt as I leaned against it.
"I'll take that as a compliment."
"I meant it as one," I assured him. "I like that you're goofy. Your recklessness used to give me anxiety sometimes, when you'd always insist that you just had to do your own stunts on Captain America as if you really thought you were a super soldier, but I like that you're willing to take risks."
"Awe, gee, Whitney," he teased, squeezing me closer against him. "It was nice of you to worry about me."
"Of course I worried," I rolled my eyes. "Your muscles are bigger than your brain sometimes."
"Not anymore..." Chris held up the arm that wasn't currently around me and flexed his muscles, showing off a bicep that was still much larger than most even if it wasn't quite up to the Avengers standard. "I'm out of shape."
Against my own best interest, I turned slightly, letting my hand drift up towards his arm as my head fell against his chest. I traced over the bulging muscle and watched as tiny goosebumps rose up on his skin at the sensation. Skin that felt so soft under my touch and I felt his breath shift as he clearly felt the mood between us change the same way that I did. I felt emboldened by how amorous our emotional day had left me as I let my head tip back to find him looking down at me with the same intensity he had a few months ago.
My breath caught in my throat and I couldn't help myself. Despite every alarm bell going off inside my brain, I stretched up just enough to press my lips against his. For a moment, he relaxed. His shoulders dropped as my fingers curled around the arm they were just stroking, but then suddenly his entire body tensed as if he'd been shocked by a bolt of electricity. He jerked away, sliding out from under me and off the bed before I could even realize what was happening.
"No," he said firmly, pointing his finger at me the same way he did to Dodger when he was being naughty. "No, no, we're not doing this again. Not until we talk about it what's going on here."
I felt the sting of rejection so harshly that it almost brought tears to my eyes, but I knew he was right.
"I'm sorry," I squeaked out, my cheeks burning. "You're right. I shouldn't have done that."
My voice was shaking as I scrambled to stand up, the stunned look on Chris' face only adding to my embarrassment. We stood there, staring at each other with the bed between us, but he didn't speak and after a few moments of silence, my shame was overwhelming, kicking my flight instincts into gear.
"I'll go," I mumbled. "Sorry again."
I didn't wait for a response before darting towards the door, but Chris' voice stopped me before I could make my escape.
"Whitney, stop." He didn't shout, but his tone was firm and demanding enough that I froze on the spot. "We need to talk about this. We can't keep going on with it hanging above our heads."
I turned to face him, discovering that he'd moved closer and was standing by the foot of the bed. He was still a few feet away from me, but close enough that it felt almost suffocating and I bit my lip as I stared at his feet, unable to look him in the eye.
"I don't know what to say..."
"I can take it," he insisted, a hint of resignation in voice as he continued. "You've had plenty of time to think it over since our last conversation and you said earlier today that we needed to talk. If you're gonna turn me down, put whatever this is to bed, just do it now and get it over with."
I furrowed my brow in confusion at his words, my heart beating in my chest so fast that I could hear the blood pumping through my ears.
"Turn you down?" I questioned. "Why do you think I'm going to turn you down? I just kissed you."
"That didn't mean much at Christmas."
He had a very valid point and I felt another pang of guilt at how badly I was treating him. I was hot and cold, affectionate and withdrawn, unwavering in my decision one minute and unsteady the next. I hadn't spared much thought to how cruel that was and now that I'd realized, I couldn't hold back the frustrated groan that fell from my lips.
"I don't know what to do, Chris! I think I know what the right decision is. It's what always felt like the safer choice, but then there are times when that's just..." I paused, taking in a deep breath to work up a dash of courage. "It's not what I want."
Chris watched me closely as if choosing his next words very carefully.
"If the safer choice isn't what you want then it sounds like maybe you need to take a risk. You can't live your life making decisions out of fear."
My eyes narrowed. He was over simplifying the situation. That way of thinking might work if it was just the two of us, but with Gray in the middle, things were more complicated.
"It's not that straight forward."
I shook my head as I spoke, but Chris countered with a nod.
"Sure, it is," he shrugged before asking a question that almost stopped my heart. "Do you love me?"
I stared at him, opening my mouth to speak and then closing it again when the words didn't come. I stood there, gaping at him like some kind of ridiculous puffer fish, until I finally got a word out.
A smirk slid onto Chris' face at my floundering as he repeated the question.
"Do you love me?" He asked. "And don't say it doesn't matter or it's not important. Just yes or no."
I stared at him for a moment longer as a war between my head and heart raged inside me. Deny, deny, deny was what my head was screaming, but in the end the quiet reminder of now or never from my heart was what won out.
"Yes, I do," I admitted, proud of my voice for not breaking. "I always have."
There was a grin on Chris' face now, but my stomach churned because it didn't mean anything. As I said, I'd loved him all along and yet here we were, no better off.
"That's all that matters then," he insisted. "We can figure out the rest."
"But what if we can't figure it out?" I protested, crossing my arms as if I could somehow fold into myself and disappear completely. "What if it's nice for a while and then it all comes crashing down around us? What about Gray?"
He shrugged again. His whole demeanour miles away from my own. He seemed confident, hopeful, almost excited while I felt nauseous, terrified and paralyzed by fear.
"But what if it doesn't? What if it all works out nicely? Why are you so convinced that we wouldn't last?"
"Because you're you," I reminded him, my tone flat as I stated the obvious. "Hollywood super star, Chris Evans. And I'm me, a boring nobody. You could have pretty much any famous actress you want, the only person who wants to be with me is the creepy maintenance worker in our apartment building."
Chris looked taken aback as his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"What? I've never heard about this guy."
"He's just some weird guy who does the repairs," I shrugged. "He comments on my outfits and looks at me in this way that makes my skin crawl, but he's harmless."
"Doesn't sound harmless to me," Chris argued, crossing his arms as a thunderous look settled on his face. "Does he have access to your place?"
"No!" I assured him, but after my quick answer I realized that I wasn't so sure. "Well, I don't know. He might have a spare key, I guess. If most maintenance people do? They have to give me notice before they enter the apartment anyway."
"Unless he's sneaking in to perv on you."
"Chris! That's gross!" I wrinkled my nose in disgust. "Why would you put that thought in my head?!"
"I told you that you should have let me buy you a house," Chris huffed. "You're moving when all this covid shit is over."
"Oh my god," I groaned having flashbacks to our conversation a few weeks ago about him buying me a car. "All of this is so beside the point! We're talking about how you'd get bored of me and leave me heartbroken for some flashy Hollywood babe, remember?"
"Right," Chris nodded, letting his arms fall to his side. "But that's such a ridiculous idea that I thought it was hardly worth acknowledging."
His dismissal of one of my biggest fears sent a flash of anger through me.
"How is it ridiculous?" I snapped. "It's true!"
"You know me, Whitney," Chris sighed. "You know that my team had to practically force me into doing Captain America because I had one foot out the door of the whole acting gig and I hated the way Hollywood made me feel. Do you really think that I would give up a chance at a having family with you, someone who I really care about, for some wild, short-lived fling?"
His tone conveyed his disbelief, but he hadn't quite accurately interpreted what I meant.
"I think you'd regret it," I clarified. "I think that once the initial excitement wore off, you'd see that I'm nothing special and that I don't fit in your world."
Chris was looking at me as if I'd grown an extra head and I crossed my arms a little tighter around myself.
"We were friends long before Grayson came around and I've always thought that you were something special. Where is all this insecurity coming from, Whitney? Because I just don't get it."
I swallowed hard as I bit my lip. I felt incredibly vulnerable and the urge to run away and continue ignoring all my feelings seemed much preferable to standing here and analyzing them all, but I stayed strong. We were both adults and this was the only way to move forward. Whether it ended how Chris wanted or not, he deserved to know how I felt.
"I spent a long time convincing myself that you didn't care about me as anything more than a friend. I told myself that it was an insane idea because we're in two very different leagues so there was no point getting my hopes up. Then that night happened and I thought that maybe I'd been wrong, that it could be the start of a really good thing, but then you were gone by the time I woke up and you never called."
I barely choked out the last few words as I fought back the tears that were swimming in my eyes. An unmistakable look of guilt flashed onto Chris' face and he opened his mouth to comment, perhaps to defend himself, but I held up a hand to stop him. I needed to get it out or I never would.
"Then three weeks later, I found out I was pregnant," I continued. "I assumed from your silence that you didn't want to be with me and I knew that we were good together as friends so I kept my feelings to myself and spent the last three and a half years beating myself up for thinking for even one second that you would want to be with me."
"I did want to be with you..."
Chris was looking at me with those puppy dog eyes that he'd mastered and I sniffled as a tear slipped down my cheek.
"I know that now, but I can't just turn those thoughts off."
Chris sighed and rubbed his hands over his face before holding out his arms.
I shook my head, wiping my tears as I worried that I'd fall apart completely if I stepped into his arms, but when he persisted and gestured me over again, I couldn't resist. I took the few steps needed to close the space between us and let my arms slide around his waist. He hugged me close to his body, burying his face in my hair as pressed mine into his muscled chest. We stayed like that for a few moments until Chris broke the silence.
"I'm sorry. I was an idiot," he apologized, his words muffled by my hair. "I should have fought for you. At the very least, I should have stayed until you woke up and I should have called, but I was scared too."
I felt more tears fill my eyes as I choked out a soft "I know".
Another silence fell between us before Chris spoke again, his words making my heart almost stop completely.
"I was going to propose." I pulled back at that confession, my eyes wide as I looked up at him unable to process his words fast enough to speak before he continued. "I called my mom up as soon as you told me you were pregnant. I wanted her to help me pick out a ring, but she talked me out of it. Said you'd think I was doing it for all the wrong reasons."
My heart fluttered back to life at the sincerity in his admission, but I nodded my head.
"Your mom is a smart lady," I told him. "I absolutely would have thought you were only doing it because you felt you had to."
"It wasn't out of obligation though," he insisted. "Maybe I was getting a bit ahead of myself leaping straight to marriage, but I cared about you. It was an opportunity to make it official, make that commitment and be a family. That's what I wanted."
I stayed quiet, resting my head back against his chest as I tried to take in all this new information. It was a lot to process especially when it directly contradicted the belief I had clung to for so long - that Chris and I would never work and for Grayson's sake we were better off apart. That assumption was so deeply embedded in my brain that it was hard to find the courage to take such a risk.
As if Chris could sense my lingering indecision, he continued.
"It's still what I want," he said softly. "Being here these last few weeks with you and Grayson as a family has been a dream come true. I wouldn't give it up for anything or do anything to jeopardize it if you'd just give me a shot."
The word 'okay' was so close to the tip of my tongue that it shocked me.
That was all I had to do, just open my mouth and agree and he would be mine.
My heart was pleading with me to do it, to take that leap and ignore any of the arguments against it that were running through my mind - especially now that those arguments seemed much less sound than they had a few short weeks ago. I was so conflicted that it almost physically pained me to have to make a decision and I couldn't help, but wonder how he could be so certain.
So, I leaned back and tilted my head so my eyes could meet his.
"How can you be so sure?" I questioned. "After how things have been these last few years, how can you be so confident in your feelings?"
"Because I love you," he told me plainly and with unwavering surety. "If you tell me right now that it's not what you want, then I'll accept your decision. But if there's a hint of a chance, then I'll wait as long as I need to. I've been waiting for years, thinking that I didn't even have a shot, I think I can wait a little longer now that I know that I might."
It was another heart wrenchingly honest explanation, another vulnerable admission, and something in the openness with which he spoke made me realize that over the last three years he had done nothing to earn any distrust from me. Even after the fallout from Christmas, he'd put his hurt feelings and pride aside to make things easier for me. He'd been sincere during every discussion we'd had since then and hadn't been cruel or impatient about my indecision. I had no reason at all, other than my own fear and insecurities, to assume that he was going to break my heart and tear apart our family.
He deserved a little bit of trust from me as well and a clarity washed over me as I finally knew what I had to do.
There were words I could have said, probably should have said, but I didn't feel like there was anything that would accurately portray how I was feeling. I settled for a more direct approach as I pressed up onto my toes and let my lips fall against his.
He tensed at first and for a brief, heart stopping moment, I thought he might push me away again, but he didn't. He relaxed, pulling me closer as my hands slid to cup his neck.
It was a soft kiss. A gentle, loving kiss, that I hoped conveyed what I couldn't figure out how to say. But when our lips parted and he leaned down to rest his forehead on mine, there was a concern in his eyes that told me I wasn't going to get away with it that easily.
"What does that mean?"
I bit my lip, staring up past his long eyelashes into his eyes. There was still a tiny voice in my head telling me to run, to stop being so foolish and leave now before I made a mistake, but my heart had found its footing now and wasn't going to back down. Listening to my head all this time hadn't made things any easier, so it was time to try something else.
"It means," I started, taking in a shaky breath. "I don't want to keep you waiting anymore."
Chris let out a breath of relief as a tentative smile slid onto his face.
"Really? You're sure?"
I swallowed hard and nodded my head.
"Yes," I breathed out, my voice thick with all the emotions swirling through me.
He dipped his head a touch lower until our lips were reconnected. It was a deeper kiss, more desperate than the first as his tongue slid against mine and his grip tightened on my waist, my nails scraping against the fuzz of his recently cut hair. I caved into him, clinging to him like he was a lifeboat in a storm until he pulled back to take a breath.
My chest heaved against his, the adrenaline of his touch and what this finally meant, almost too much to handle. I settled back down, flat on my feet and nuzzled my face back into his chest as I fought to calm my racing mind and just enjoy the moment.
"You really mean it?" Chris asked again, the shakiness of his voice filling me with another pang of guilt. "You really want to give this a try?"
"I mean it," I nodded against him. "Doesn't mean my concerns have all vanished in the last five minutes, but I...I think I need to trust you."
"I won't let you down," he murmured into my hair as he pulled me even closer. Another silence fell between us until I broke it with an embarrassingly large yawn and Chris' chest shook as he chuckled. "Do you wanna sleep down here tonight?"
As soon as he'd asked the question, it suddenly hit me how exhausted I was. Even just the thought of walking upstairs seemed like an impossible task when there was such an inviting, comfortable bed only steps away from where I stood. But a thought popped into my head that I couldn't ignore and I turned my head slightly so I wasn't speaking directly into Chris' muscles.
"What about Gray?" I asked. "He always comes to you in the morning..."
"Would it matter?"
His tone wasn't accusing or annoyed, but genuinely curious as sharing a child did add a strange new element to all this. I didn't really know what the best way to handle it was since Grayson didn't really understand our relationship or know how a typical family was set up anyway, but it didn't seem like the best way to introduce him to the idea.
"I think we should talk to him about it instead of just letting him stumble on us in bed together," I suggested. "But I think maybe we should wait a while?"
Chris' face fell as the look of worry returned.
"You want to keep this a secret?"
"I didn't mean it like that," I shook my head. "You can tell whoever you want, but I think we should figure things out, make sure things are stable between us before we try to explain it to Gray."
"Alright, that's fair," Chris agreed before leaning down to place another soft kiss on my lips. "I'll wake you up before he comes down."
"Okay," I nodded as I let my thumb stroke his cheek.
We reluctantly slipped out of each other's arms, but it was a brief separation as we climbed into opposite sides of the bed. Once we'd turned the lights off, we met in the middle and he pulled me back against his chest, letting me hook my leg over his hip as we settled against each other.
Chris ran a hand up and down my spine as he nuzzled in my hair.
"This feels nice..."
"It does," I hummed. With the darkness around us, the quiet that had settled in, I felt encouraged to say something that I'd felt I should have said long ago. "I'm sorry, Chris."
I felt him tense.
"For what?"
"For messing you around so much," I admitted. "Especially at Christmas...that wasn't cool."
"If I had expectations, I should have laid them out before anything happened." His answer sounded rehearsed, as if he'd spent a long time convincing himself of that fact. I wasn't entirely sure it was a fair statement, but he continued before I could question it. "I can understand where you were coming from, but I promise I won't hurt you."
I felt a pang of uncertainty because that wasn't always a promise that could be kept, but the sincerity in his voice gave me hope. I placed a soft kiss against his chest as his hands slid up under the loose shorts I was wearing to cup my bum.
"I love you," I mumbled against his skin.
"I love you too," he replied, making a feeling of warmth flood through me. "Thank you for giving me a chance."
I sighed happily as my exhaustion had my eyes fluttering shut. I wanted to stay awake, to keep this moment before the brightness of the morning could bring any doubts or second guesses, but I was powerless to resist as sleep overtook me.
Part Five
Tags:  @maggotzombie @moonlacebeam @mizzzpink @zaylaugh @flowery-mess @flowerjewels @njrronaldo7 @hockeychick10
196 notes · View notes
werenotadulting · 3 years
Routine Procedure pt. 5
Over the next couple of days, it was actually abnormal for Kate not to give me some special attention down there during a diaper change. Just woke up? Let's try using my vibrator on your soaked diaper. Need a change before lunch? How about reverse cowgirl while laying there on top of your fresh diaper. Time for your night diaper? Bedtime blowjob.
Don't get me wrong, Kate and I have always had a very good sex life, but this past week was unlike any other.
On Saturday, in the middle of a mid-afternoon change, was when Kate suggested we try getting out of the house for a bit.
"You really soak through these diapers quick, Mike. We're gonna have to see about getting some more soon."
"I suppose we should, right? I mean, they're working infinitely better than that condom thing," I said as I was laying back while Kate took care of wiping me down.
Despite what she had said about showing me how to change myself, she didn't seem to mind taking care of it, and I was in no rush to put a stop to it considering what was in it for me.
"That's very true. There was only that one minor leak you had last night, which I'm sure we can find a way to prevent in the future. I'll put in an order for some new diapers tonight, so they get here by Monday."
Kate secured the last tape and ran a finger along the elastic leg gathers. "You know, that new game store opened up in the mall on the other side of town. What do you say we stop over there and see how it is?"
I froze. Being diapered at home was one thing. Going out in public though.... Kate seemed to know exactly what I was thinking.
"Mike. Earth to Mike. Remember what we talked about? No one is going to be paying attention to the size of your butt or the sound of your pants. And guess what? Even if they do, who cares? You have a medical need to wear diapers. Just like people who have trouble walking use canes, it's a medical thing. You didn't ask to be incontinent."
I looked at myself in the mirror. My jeans appeared to do their job of concealing my diaper.
"You know," Kate popped up behind me in the reflection, "if you're so worried about people seeing, they do make onesies for adults. Just a thought."
I scoffed at her, and we headed off to the mall.
About 30 minutes later, we arrived. I couldn't help but notice that it seemed like there were a heck of a lot more people there than normal. Another 10 minutes later and we were finally able to find a parking space towards the back. As I got out of the car, I made sure my shirt was pulled down as far as it could go. It was all I needed for my shirt to ride up and expose my plastic waistband.
Kate grabbed my hand, but not before giving my padded butt a firm slap. The corner of her mouth turned up ever so slightly, and we walked hand-in-hand up to the mall.
You know that feeling you get when it feels like someone is watching you? Yeah, it did not go away no matter how much time passed as we meandered through the mall.
Our first stop was in the food court, where we grabbed a late lunch of chicken and waffles. Kate went to order the food while I found a spot to sit down.
"All ready," Kate said as she walked up with a tray piled with chicken. "They accidentally made your lemonade a large, and I wasn't about time tell them they were wrong."
"It is the best homemade lemonade in town," I said, grabbing my plate off of the tray.
Kate set the tray down, then went to grab a couple of napkins. A few moments later, I noticed my shirt rising up and the back of my diaper being pulled open. I spun around and swatted the offending hand away, which turned out to belong to Kate.
"What in the hell do you think you're doing?!"
"Giving you a diaper check, what else?"
"We are in the middle of the mall!"
"It's been awhile since you had your diaper changed, and I know you are bad at knowing when you're at capacity," Kate gave me a 'prove me wrong' look.
"I'm fine!! Just... not out in broad daylight, please?" I pleaded.
"Well I didn't even get a chance to properly check just now, but if you say so...."
After stopping in a couple clothing stores, ("Hey, we should think about getting you some new jeans. Those ones seem a little tight all of the sudden.") we finally made our way to the new gaming store. It was like a one-stop shop for gamers, with board games, collectibles, and video games. Towards the back, there were tables setup, where people could break out their games or card decks and hang out for a bit.
Once we had searched down all the aisles, we found ourselves in the back next to the gaming tables.
"Hey, we're looking for two more for Ticket to Ride! Do you guys want in?" said a blonde girl from a table in the corner. She and another girl were setting up the board, getting ready to start.
Kate's eyes grew to the size of saucers.
"Oh heck yes! I never lose at this game!" It was true, she did never lose, and she never let me hear the end of it whenever we played.
An hour later, and it was clear that it was between Kate and Melanie, the blonde girl, on who would be crowned victorious. The other girl and I had all but given up. Seeing that there was no way I could complete all my routes, I had long since resorted to my usual strategy of trying to sabotage Kate.
"Annnnnd 110, 111, 112. I have retained my crown," Kate gloated.
"Oh wonderful," I said, "I can't wait to hear about this all the way home."
"Well played, you two," Melanie chimed in. "Don't worry about cleaning up, we are actually waiting for some friends to come play a round."
"Oh thank you, that's so nice," Kate said as we both stood up to leave.
"Of course! It was nice meet....." Melanie trailed off, staring at my crotch.
Both Kate and I followed her gaze, and it was then that I saw that I'd had a major leak.
Large wet spots had formed down the inside of my jeans, as well as two half-moon  shapes on my butt. Looking at my chair, there was more evidence of my accident, there for all to see.
It was obvious to anyone looking what had happened.
I was speechless.
"Oh shit, we're so sorry! Let me just wipe this up..." Kate said as she frantically wiped the seat down with a tissue.
The girls were equally dumbstruck, as they watched Kate lead me out of the store waddling behind her.
The feeling of eyes on me increased tenfold on the walk through the mall to the car. Without a jacket or anything to cover up with, we moved as fast as we could, whispers and giggles following us out.
In what seemed like an eternity later, we finally made it back to the car.
"I'll get the seats cleaned, don't worry baby, just get in." Kate pulled open her door and got the car started. I didn't need to be told twice, as I practically leaped into the car.
"That...I...I'm so embarrassed...." I was starting to get choked up, tears forming in the corners of my eyes.
"Hey, hey, there there sweetie, I'm sorry. That can't have been fun, I know. It's not your fault." Kate was rubbing my back, the car still in park.
"That doesn't make it any less humiliating! And it's not even like I had a little accident, Kate, my diaper leaked!" I was almost yelling, my emotions getting the better of me.
"Shhhh baby, it's okay, take deep breaths, it's going to be okay. We didn't know anyone there, no one important saw, you'll be fine."
I was still upset, but I listened to her, taking steadying breaths that at least got my heart rate under control. Seeing this, Kate started to back out of our parking spot.
"Let's get you home and into a bath, baby," Kate soothed. We drove on in silence for awhile as I continued to calm down.
I think," Kate broke the silence, "that we might want to consider getting you some thicker protection. Just to be safe, you know? What do you think?"
"I think that means I will definitely be waddling, and it will be obvious to everyone what I'm wearing," I said, staring out the window.
"Well, do you prefer people maybe noticing that you walk a little funny, or running the risk of leaking like happened back there?"
"I don't know Kate, I just...I don't want to think about it."
"I'll take care of it then, babe," Kate said, "those hospital diapers are notoriously cheap anyway. We'll find something that works better for you. And I'll look into some of those onesies, so you don't feel so self-conscious about your diaper sticking out."
"Yeah, whatever," I said, as we continued down the highway.
Kate knew exactly where to look when she logged on to order new diapers.
Let's see, she thought, I think probably a case of ABU Simple Ultra. Maybe a mixed case with some fun prints? No, it was too soon to go all-in like that. I'll just add in another pack of PeekABUs. That's 90 diapers, so at 2-3 diapers a day, that should be good for a month. Better throw in some boosters, too. And set up a recurring monthly order, yes please.
With that order placed, it was then to the ODU website, where she settled on several of their basic onesies.
"All in good time, Kate," she muttered to herself as she looked longingly at all of the cute designs. She could just picture how adorable Mike would look in that dinosaur onesie.
She was so horny right now. The sight of Mike in his wet jeans, his face burning bright red. Her hand slipped down the front of her shorts.
Oh fuck, she thought, he was so humiliated. She rubbed her clit to the image of Mike standing there over the pee puddle on his chair while those girls looked on.
Had she taped on his diaper perhaps a little loose before they went to the mall? Yes.
Had she intentionally ordered Mike a large lemonade? Also yes.
Had she suspected during her impromptu diaper check at the food court that Mike would protest and insist he was fine? Triple yes.
Had she known those flimsy hospital diapers would fail sooner rather than later, and she could talk Mike into something a bit thicker?
Ding-ding-ding, we have a winner.
Kate closed the laptop and got up.
She had a diaper boy she needed to fuck.
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chaoticpuff17 · 4 years
When the Chips are Down
Part 6
hello, my darlings. I am on a posting streak apparently. Please enjoy the the reunion and confrontation we have all been waiting for--- chaotic puff
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Y/N held her tongue for the rest of the day, choosing instead to remain cold and detached as Namjoon tried to establish himself in her good graces again, as if he had ever been there to begin with. He didn’t seem to understand that though. He was immensely pleased with himself under the false impression that she was jealous because of his dalliances while she was gone. If anything, he was the jealous one. You couldn’t be jealous if you didn’t care, and unlike her feelings for him, Namjoon cared immensely for her, however twisted and demented those feelings were. 
The day passed in relative peace after their midday confrontation, and slowly her first day back at the estate blended into her second. Miss In and Namjoon still tried to get her to eat breakfast, and she relented, eating a few pieces of melon along with a cup of green tea. Though she did have to sit through a lecture from Namjoon on how she should be careful with her caffeine intake. Eventually she snapped, reminding him that green tea had far less caffeine than a cup of coffee, and he left her alone after that. 
She was able to enjoy her morning in peace after that, retreating to the piano room to avoid Namjoon’s hovering. The room hadn’t changed at all in her absence. It was clean, evidence that it had been cared for while she was gone, though she doubted that Miss In would have left any corner of the house in disarray, but it was otherwise untouched.
 Thankfully it still seemed that the promise that this room was to be her sanctuary remained in place, and Namjoon left her alone. That didn’t mean that she was left completely undisturbed though. Miss In would pop in at regular intervals to see how she was doing, to bring her water or tea, to ask if she needed anything. It was far less annoying than Namjoon’s hovering, but it wasn’t quite the peace that she wanted. It was the best she was going to get though.
Eventually Namjoon himself came knocking on her door, pulling her attention from the book she’d distracted herself with. 
“I have a surprise for you, jagi.” he informed her, smiling sweetly, an expression she didn’t trust at all, but she got up and followed him regardless.  
He led her to the living room, a room that neither of them used very often which only heightened her confusion. 
Hoseok was there, and with him was a woman, a woman who was achingly familiar. 
“Iyla” Y/N’s voice was soft, shaking as she stared at the woman before her. How was she here? Why was she here?
“Y/N.” There was a pause before both women rushed to each other colliding and falling to the floor in a tangle of limbs as they clung to each other. 
“Oh god no.” Y/N whispered tearfully gently stroking her baby sister’s hair. “What are you doing here, Iya? You shouldn’t be here, baby.” 
“You never came home, and Jackosn stopped calling. Oh god, Y/N. Jackson is… he’s dead!”
“I know, baby. I know. I’m so sorry.” 
Hoseok and Namjoon stood back watching the two carefully. Both were ready to intervene if needed. Iyla was a wild child, and Namjoon didn’t want any unnecessary stress on Y/N or the baby. But both women seemed to be content to stay wrapped in each other’s arms shaking and crying on the ground.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I didn’t mean to…” 
“Shhhh,” The older of the sisters hushed holding the other more tightly. “It’s okay. We’re going to be okay.” She promised even though she didn’t quite believe it herself. She pulled back carefully examining her sister’s face looking for any sin of stress or injury. “You’re okay? You’re not hurt?”
“I’m okay.” Iyla promised burying her face in her sister’s neck again. “I missed you.” 
“I missed you too, Iya.” 
Y/N rested her cheek on Iyla’s head gently rocking them side to side as they held onto each other. This was the last place she ever wanted to see her little sister, but she at least looked healthy and unharmed. 
Namjoon was vigilant as he watched the two women. Y/N was still newly home. She was tired and overly stressed already, as much as he hated to admit it. Being home was stressful for her. He was stressful for her. She’d settle with time. He was sure of that, but or now she was stressed, and as soon as she figured out that Iyla was now Hoseok’s woman, all hell would break loose which wouldn’t be good for the baby. Stress wasn’t good for the baby.
Both men tensed at the pained sound ready to jump in. 
“What’s wrong? Are you okay?” Iyla pulled back eyes darting over her sister’s form.
“I’m fine.” Y/N hissed settling a hand on her belly. “They just like to kick.” 
“Oh.” Iyla’s gaze zeroed in on her belly. “You’re huge.” 
“I’m pregnant.” 
“You look like a whale.” 
“That’s what happens when you’re pregnant.” A soft sweet smile spread across her face as she watched her sister fuss over her. 
As worried as Namjoon was it was interesting to  see his wife interact with her sister, and seeing them side by side he could see just how much they looked alike. They had the same eyes, the same hair, the same nose. Iyla was taller, not by much probably only an inch or two at most, but taller. To the untrained eye they could have been mistaken for twins, but the difference in hairstyles provided an easy out for distinguishing between the two. Iyla’s hair was long trailing down her back while Y/N had cut off most of her hair while she was gone. It hung in a shaggy pixie cut that had clearly been grown out from an even shorter cut. 
Namjoon still wasn’t sure what to think about the change in her hair. It was cute in its own way, but it wasn’t whatNamjoon preferred on her. It would grow out in time. Just like everything else in their lives, it would go back to normal. Everything had to go back to normal. He needed it to be normal, and so did she even if she didn’t quite realise it yet. Everything would be better when they were back to normal.
Things wouldn’t be back to normal for a while though. Namjoon wasn’t blind to the amount of work that needed to be done between them. Their relationship had always been tenuous at best, but it had deteriorated spectacularly before her escape. They needed to work on it. He wanted his wife. He wanted a stable family for their baby. Right now, he had neither. 
Namjoon was pulled from his thoughts as another pained groan filled the air. In a flash he was by her side, pulling her up from her position on the floor much to both women’s protests. 
“Y/N!” Iyla cried lunging for her sister only to be caught around the waist by Hoseok. 
“I think it’s time to go. Y/N needs to rest.” Namjoon declared keeping a firm hold around her. 
“I’ll take Iyla home.” 
“Home? What do you mean home? Where are you taking her?” Y/N was growing more distressed by the minute, and Hoseok was quick to drag Iyla to the door as Namjoon dragged Y/N deeper into the house. “Where are you taking her?” 
“They’re just going home, jagi. It’s okay.” Namjoon cooed trying to sooth her and failing. 
“No! She’s supposed to be with me! Where are they going?” 
“She’s exactly where she needs to be, jagi.” 
“How can you let him take her away?” She cried pulling against Namjoon’s hold forcing him to swing her up into his arms to get her up the stairs. 
“They’re engaged. Of course He’d take her home. She’s perfectly safe, jagi. I promise.” 
Y/N froze in his arms as they reached the top of the stairs, and he carefully set her down. “What do you mean engaged?” 
“Kim Namjoon!” She barked whirling around to face him. “What do you mean engaged?” 
“Jagiya, you need to calm down. Stress isn’t good for the baby or for you.” 
“How could my baby sister be engaged to Hoseok?” 
Namjoon was no stranger to her fury, but even he was concerned by the venom in her tone.
“Jagiya, why don’t you sit down. I’ll have Miss In bring some tea…” 
“Why is my sister engaged to Hoseok?” She stood firm glaring up at him with a hand resting protectively on her belly. 
“Answer the damn question, Namjoon.” She paused waiting for a response only to find Namjoon’s tired and worried gaze. There wasn’t even a hint of remorse in his eyes. “Oh god…” She breathed out as the horrifying realisation set in. “You gave my baby sister to Hoseok didn’t you?” Still no response, there was only a horrible damning silence that filled the space between them. “You gave my baby sister to Hoseok!”
“Jagiya, I really think you should sit down.” 
“How could you? How could you do that to my sister?” 
Namjoon was firm but gentle as he pulled her into his office forcing her to sit down. “I need you to calm down, jagi. Think of the baby.” 
“I always think of the baby!” She snarled even though she remained seated. “But I also have to think of my sister who you just gave away like chattel!” 
Namjoon scoffed, running a frustrated hand through his hair. “I didn’t even know you had a sister until Hoseok brought her here from GOT7’s headquarters. Any other secrets I should know about, jagiya?” 
“I was trying to protect her.” 
Namjoon paused in his pacing to level her with a stern look. “I don’t take kindly to lies, jagi.” 
“I don’t take kindly to kidnapping.” She shot back. “Figlio di puttana.” She spat under her breath cursing the day that Namjoon was born. 
“What was that?” Namjoon asked sharply.
A sweet smile spread across her lips. “Vaffanculo!”
“I may not speak Italian, but I still know when you’re swearing, jagi.” 
“Vaffanculo.” She repeated slowly drawing out every syllable of the word still with that seemingly innocent smile fixed across her features. 
“You kidnapped my sister and killed my brother, and you’re yelling at me for swearing?” She quirked a brow. “Is that really the issue right now?” 
“You’re sister came to Korea on her own, and Jackson ignored the terms of the agreement.” 
Y/ scoffed rolling her eyes. “Did Iyla come knocking on your door? And it wasn’t Jackson’s plan. It was Mark’s.” She watched Namjoon freeze in his pacing, shoulders tensed. “I called him. Jackson was only trying to help fix the mess you made.” 
“The mess I made? You ran away with our baby!” 
“You forced yourself on me!” She snapped back eyes flashing dangerously. “You tattooed your name on my shoulder! And this was all after you kidnapped me and blackmailed me into marriage! So yes, I would call this your mess.” 
She wasn’t blind to the hurt that flashed across his face, but she couldn’t bring herself to care. After every terrible thing he’d put her through, she just couldn't bring herself to care about his feelings. She shouldn’t be the only one suffering in this sham of a relationship. 
“Jagiya…” He took a step towards her, soft and pleading, but she was in no mood to placate him.
“Have you ever once stopped to consider the consequences of your actions? Or do you simply not care? You have ruined my life, and now you’ve ruined Iyla’s life too.” 
“We have a beautiful life…” 
“You have a beautiful life!” she snarled. “You got everything you wanted, but I’m trapped here, with you, and now you’ve sentenced my sister to the same fate.” 
“Jagi… Y/N.”
“I didn’t choose this. I didn’t choose you, but now I’m stuck with you just like Iyla is going to be stuck with Hoseok.” she huffed struggling to stand up, and Namjoon was instantly at her side ready to help her up only to be harshly pushed away by the irate woman. “Don’t touch me!”
“Let me help you, jagiya.”
“I don’t want your help!”
“Sit down!” he thundered, sending her a withering glare. “You’re stressing yourself out, and I won’t have any harm come to you and the baby!” 
“Then you should have left us in Italy.” 
Namjoon surged forward burying his fingers in her short locks and forcing her to meet his eye as he loomed over her. “I will never let you go. You are mine, my wife. This baby is mine.” 
“Get off me!” she harshly pushed him away pushing herself up with some difficulty. “Get the fuck away from me.” she spat moving to the other end of the room where his desk sat. 
“What did you expect?” she laughed eyes wild as she stared at him from across the room. “Did you think we were going to be a happy family?” she asked throwing a paper weight at him. “After everything you’ve done?” Next came a picture frame that had been situated on his desk, a photo from their wedding.
“Jagiya.” He held up his hands defensively. “You need to calm down.” 
“No.” she snapped, throwing another picture frame. “No.” she repeated more softly, looking away her chest heaving. “You have ruined me, and I will never forgive you for that.” Namjoon wanted nothing more than to go to her, to hold her, but even he knew that it would be a bad idea in this instance. She was worked up enough without him trying to touch her. “I tried. I tried to accept this and be a good wife, and look where it got me. You have taken everything.” 
“Things will be different this time. We’ll be different. We have the baby…” 
“My baby deserves more than this hellhole. I deserve more than this.” 
“We had a deal, Y/N.” He reminded her softly voice deep and calm even though he wanted nothing more than to shake her by the shoulders and yell. “I’m not the one who broke our deal.” 
“Well it looks like we’re both shitty people then.” She scoffed arms crossed over her belly. 
“I can’t undo the past, Y/N.” He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as he tried to calm himself down. “And I won’t let you go.” She scoffed again shaking with the rage and deep set hurt that had been festering since he’d first taken her. “Why don’t we make a new deal?”
“A new deal.” he proposed taking a tentative step towards her, scared to upset her anymore than she already was and cautious of any more flying objects. “We make a new deal, one to suit us both.” 
“And why should I believe that this one would be any better than the last?” 
“We’ve both made mistakes, jagi. Let me try to make up for them.” He pleaded slowly getting closer to her. “For both our sakes. For the baby.” 
“You’re despicable.” 
“Maybe.” He shrugged. “But I love you, and I love our child.” 
“What we have isn’t love.” She laughed running a hand through her hair. “I hate you. I hate you more than any other being on the entire planet. And I don’t know what you feel, but it isn’t love.” 
“I love you.” He repeated earnestly taking a few more steps towards her. “And you’re my wife whether you like it or not. We’ll have to make this work, because I have no intention of ever letting you go again.” 
She grimaced in pain, a hand flying down to her belly. Namjoon was instantly by her side supporting her and leading her to his desk chair to help her sit down.
“What’s wrong? Is it the baby?” 
“I… I don’t know.” She whimpered as another flash of pain seared through her abdomen. 
“I’m calling the doctor. Just stay here, okay?” She nodded far too focused on the pain in her belly to care what he was doing. 
“Miss In!” he bellowed down the hallway, and quick as a whip the older lady appeared with a worried frown on her normally composed face. “Call the doctor. Tell her Mrs. Kim is experiencing pains in her belly. Call Seokjin as well.” 
“Yes, sajangnim.” She bowed. “I’ll bring some tea for her as well.” She bowed again hurrying out of the room. 
“Tell the doctor to hurry!” Namjoon ordered kneeling beside Y/N worriedly looking over her. 
“Yes, sajangnim.” 
“What is it?” Namjoon asked again one hand cradling her belly and the other gently pressed against her back as she hunched over in pain. “What can I do?” 
“I… I don’t….” She hissed curling in on herself more as another pain ripped through her.
Namjoon nodded to himself before scooping her up in his arms and swiftly carrying her to the bedroom. The doctor was on the way, but for now the best he could do was to make her more comfortable. Hopefully lying down would help, and hopefully she wasn’t in labor. The baby wasn’t due for another few weeks or so.
“It’s alright, jagi. It’s going to be alright.” he promised gently setting her down on their bed. “The doctor is on the way.” 
“Is the baby okay?” She whimpered clutching her belly. 
“The baby is fine.” he assured her, climbing onto the bed with her and cradling her in his arms. “You’re both going to be fine.” 
part 7
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bbrandy2002 · 3 years
Chapter 4: See the Lights, See the Party, the Ball Gowns
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Book: The Royal Romance/The Royal Heir
Pairing: Prince/King Liam x MC (Riley Brooks), Drake Walker x OC (Alyssa Devereaux)
Series Premise: Riley Brooks and Alyssa Devereaux became best friends as freshmen at Syracuse University, a borderline-sisterhood that lasts forever after. When Riley meets a handsome prince and is asked to compete for his hand in a mysterious faraway kingdom, she invites Alyssa along for moral support.
What the girls think will be a crazy temporary adventure becomes two sets of happily ever afters … with twice the shenanigans to show for it.
A/N: This series is written in loving collaboration between @bbrandy2002 and @burnsoslow​.
Series Warnings: Smut 🍋🍋, language, canon violence (gun violence, bombing, terrorism), drug use, probably more stuff as we think of it. By reading this series, you agree that you are at least 18 years old and are prepared to deal with adult themes.
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The girls spent their first morning in Cordonia with their respective sponsors, getting the first glimpses of courtly life and preparing for the Masquerade Ball taking place that evening. As much as they wanted to get out and experience all that this little Mediterranean country had to offer, there was just so much to do and little time to do it. 
That morning, while Alyssa worked diligently on learning the steps of the Cordonian Waltz and etiquette with Rashad, Maxwell finally got Riley out of bed in time for a late breakfast. This included meeting his brother, Bertrand, who was none too thrilled with the former waitress from New York. Riley discovered rather quickly that the duke was nothing like the free-spirited Maxwell; if ever there was a picture display of a killjoy, she was sure his scowling face would be plastered dead in the center.  
The day kind of went by in a dizzying blur, especially for Riley, who spent most of it either being lectured by Bertrand, or raiding the kitchen for stress snacks with Maxwell. And as far as anyone knew, Liam was still unaware that the quirky, raven-haired beauty he’d met two nights ago and never expected to see again was in his country, in his palace, and was about to come face-to-face with him.
If she didn’t die of anxiety first. 
Neither of the girls saw each other until much later that afternoon when they linked up in Riley’s room before heading to the palace's salon for last-minute hair and nail appointments. 
Later on in the boutique, Riley sucked in a deep breath and held in her stomach while Alyssa stood behind her, fighting to zip the back of the angel-themed costume she chose for the Masquerade Ball. 
Actually, "chose" was a loose description in this case. The ensemble was one of the last two dresses in the palace's boutique, and Maxwell insisted Riley wear it instead of the more provocative red devil attire to make herself more appealing to the King and Queen. The Beaumont sponsee didn’t give two shits at that moment about impressing the monarchs; her major concern was how she would fit that size-four dress over her size-six body. 
“What the hell did you eat, Ri? This zipper is not budging an inch," an out-of-breath Alyssa groaned as she attempted to pull the tight fabric closer together.  
Steadying her feet firmly to the ground, a jostled-around Riley answered quietly, in a still manner, so as not to undo what little progress her friend had already made, "You know I'm a stress eater. I've experienced many emotions since we left yesterday, and food therapy helps. And your judgment is making me hungry again, so thank you for making it worse."
"I'm not judging you; I'm simply stating a fact: Your ass won’t fit in this dress."
Riley straightened up a little higher, hoping to thin her lean frame out more. "Well, it's gonna have to," she scoffed. "I can't be the only suitor at this ball without the proper attire."
Alyssa tugged harder in frustration. "You know, it might help if I could remove the price tag from the zipper."
"Perhaps." Riley sideways glanced at the two inattentive boutique cashiers before turning her head slightly over her shoulder to acknowledge her best friend in a hushed tone. "But then I wouldn't be able to return it in the morning. $700 for a damn dress is highway robbery, and I won't be a victim to this place's jacked-up prices." She glared back at the fashionably dressed women running the register and hollered out, "You should all be ashamed of yourselves!"
"Shhhh!" Alyssa's face burned with embarrassment while she smiled sheepishly at the bewildered ladies. "Are you crazy? What the hell is wrong with you?"
"You mean aside from the usual things that are wrong with me? I'm a nervous wreck, Lyss. Liam still doesn't know that I'm here. I'm about to go wine-and-dine with snobby rich people, while my socially awkward-o-meter is on red alert. And Maxwell's brother didn't like me. How am I supposed to impress Liam, the press, this council, and his parents when my own sponsor hates me?"
"He doesn't hate you," Alyssa replied. "Suck in your stomach a little more ... Rashad told me Duke Beaumont is high-strung and takes all this court business very seriously. If you ask me, give ‘The Brows’ some time. I know he'll love you. And Liam already does!" Alyssa stepped back in delight after tirelessly sliding the last bit of the zipper to the neckline. "Voila! I got it."
Riley stiffly turned toward the full-length mirror -- her insides feeling like they would pop right out of her -- and surveyed the finished product. "Not bad, not bad. A slight muffin top on the sides, and my ass cheeks are packed in tighter than my family around the dessert station at a buffet, but ... I think I can get by with it." Turning to face Alyssa, she lit up with anticipation. "Okay, now it's your turn."
Alyssa plucked the bright red dress off the rack and headed inside one of the many dressing rooms. A moment later, she emerged with a beaming smile on her face and held her arms out to the side to do a show-offish twirl. "So, how do I look?"
"Oh my god, Lyss!" Riley clapped excitedly. "You look so hot in that! That color of red really suits you too. Although, you might want to cover up the girls a little more; I've never seen your boobs look so huge."
"Wha --" Alyssa glanced down at her fully rounded chest, a substantial portion of which was spilling out over the top. She crossed her arms over her breasts in horror. "OH MY GOD! You're right: They're enormous in this thing. I can't go out there like this! They'll be stuffing dollar bills into my cleavage and begging for a lap dance!"
"Well, just ... try to tuck them in," Riley suggested, demonstrating her advice on herself. “You know, the way guys tuck in their junk.”
Alyssa shook her head adamantly, attempting to slide the top of the dress up higher. "I don't think that'll work. It's already extremely tight."
“That’s what he said,” Riley quipped with a snicker, much to the chagrin of her longtime friend, who simply blinked back. “Wow, not even a smile. Come on, Lyss, it’s not that hard.”
Alyssa grinned despite herself, “That’s what she said.”
Riley stepped closer, reaching out to grab a portion of the garment covering Alyssa's bosom, and declared, "Alright, If I can squeeze my fat ass into this dress, you can cram those giant melons into yours. So, get to pushin’, girl.”
After 10 minutes of stuffing uncooperative breasts into a gown, Alyssa and Riley stepped out of the boutique and made their way to the bottom of the main staircase outside of the ballroom, where Rashad and Maxwell were waiting eagerly for them. 
A grim-faced Rashad approached the pair as they neared. “We were beginning to worry about you two. I hope you didn’t have any trouble.” He reached out and greeted Alyssa with a friendly kiss to the cheek as Riley made her way up to Maxwell, who did the same.
“No troubles,” Alyssa assured him, before staring down at her chest to make sure certain parts were still contained inside her dress. “Just some slight wardrobe issues that I think we’ve taken care of.”
Riley frowned, rubbing a soothing hand over her squeezed-in stomach. “Let’s just say we both feel like canned biscuits.”
“And I’m petrified of canned biscuits!” Alyssa shrieked, then spoke in a lower, punier voice in Rashad’s direction. “They make that popping sound that scares the hell out of me.” He nodded sympathetically at her admission, having no clue what canned biscuits were.
Maxwell let out a chuckle. “Either way, you both look awesome! Like two totally righteous peas in a pod and all that jazz.” He peeked over at Riley, who wasn’t appearing too sure of herself, or of anything for that matter, knowing she’d spent most of the day in a subtle panic. While she steadied her breath, he looped his arm through hers and leaned over. “Hey, it’s going to be okay. You’re going to go in there like the boss you are and knock them all dead. I just know it.”
Riley swallowed thickly, “But Liam --”
“Will be over the moon with excitement to see you again. Do you think I’d go through all the trouble of trying to convince you, and then Alyssa, to come all the way here -- not to mention, facing my brother’s wrath -- if I didn’t believe Liam would want to see you again?” Riley half-shrugged, but Maxwell could tell by the little glimmer of hope he caught in her eyes and the slight curl at the corner of her plush pink lips that she knew it was true. “If he’s not happy about seeing you, I’ll book you on the first flight back to New York, and you can punch me in the gut or something. But I can tell you with certainty: No man goes out with a woman and keeps his friends up most of the night talking about how amazing she was if he doesn’t want to see her again.”
Riley could feel a tinge of pink color her cheeks and looked away for a brief moment, knowing he was right. She was about to see her prince again. Simply knowing how happy Liam was when they parted ways that night made her heart flutter. The blushing suitor peered back at the towering man on her arm and smiled appreciatively. “Thanks, Max.” 
As they both stared straight ahead at the set of double doors where Alyssa was making her grand entrance into the ballroom with Rashad, Riley pointed out, “You realize if you had said all that stuff to me this morning and five bloated pounds ago, I wouldn’t have cried to you all day over pints of ice cream, half a sheet cake, and a bag of Mini Snickers?”
Lord Beaumont grinned without looking at her as the orchestral music inside erupted through the newly opened threshold that awaited their crossing. A gleam of anticipation glistened the cobalt hue of his eyes.”That’s our cue. Time to look alive, Twinkle Toes, it’s showtime.”
It felt like a million pairs of eyes bore through Riley when the announcer spoke her name out to the guest in the ballroom. In reality, few paid much attention to the young woman dressed in pure white, from the feathery halo perched above her fancy swept-up hairdo to the tiny heels that sparkled like glittery specks of fairy dust on her feet.  
As Maxwell ushered her proudly through the spectacular crowd adorned in the finest silks and chiffons, faces concealed behind extravagant masks similar to hers, and opulent table spreads of gold and crimson, Riley searched the four corners of the room for one particular set of the bluest eyes she’d ever encountered -- she had Liam’s memorized by heart. However, the only ones she recognized came from her smiling best friend, standing casually beside the Lord of Domvallier at the bar, keeping her word to watch out for her. With a subtle grin from Alyssa to convey she had her back, the whirlwind of fear and chaotic thoughts that overwhelmed Riley quickly dissipated into thin air. 
Baby steps.
While Maxwell and Riley headed to the center of the ballroom to meet up with Bertrand, across the way, Alyssa ordered a cranberry vodka from the bar. She was wearing red and needed a drink that matched perfectly with the fabric in case of accidental spillage. As the bartender poured her glass, she tore her vigilant gaze from Riley when Rashad’s cell rang. Seconds later, he covered his phone lightly with a palm and lowered it away from his ear to speak with her. 
“This is my client in California. Will you be okay for a little bit while I take this out on the balcony?”
Alyssa nodded. “Of course. Take your time. Is there anything I should be doing while you’re gone?”
“Try mingling with the crowd. Get to know the other suitors. The best way to help Riley tonight is to get a feel for the competition. Figure out who you can potentially get on her side and who is going to cause her trouble.”
“With all due respect, this isn’t Survivor.”
Rashad grinned before excusing himself. “We'll see if you still feel that way by the end of the social season.”
What is it with all the Debbie Downers here? He sounds just like -- Before she could finish that thought, a stroke of irony occurred when she caught the denim-clad Drake, standing out like a sore thumb, making his way up to the bar. She quickly spun around on the barstool and hovered over her freshly poured beverage. 
Tapping the bar's woodgrain top, Drake called for, “The usual,” before plopping down on the stool next to her. His woodsy scent filled the air and wafted in her direction; she wondered if he’d even recognize her.
Pressing the rim of the glass to her lips to take the first nervous sip of her drink, she wondered why she even cared if he did.
Alyssa set the vodka cranberry down on a cocktail napkin at the same time Drake reached for his tumbler of whiskey. A brush of their hands caused them both to retreat away before he bowed his head respectfully to her. 
“I’m sorry, my lady.” Drake was quick to apologize. He never knew which stuck up nobles would have an issue with a commoner’s simple touch.
Alyssa lifted a brow and smirked in response. “So you do have manners?”
He’d recognize that wily voice anywhere. Grumbling, Drake responded. “Aww, hell! Pipsqueak? Is that you?”
“Hello, Sunshine.” She dimpled.
Drake shook his head. “I should have known. Of all the damn people in this room, I still managed to find you.”
“I would call that a very lucky day for you then.” Alyssa lifted her drink and tipped back a gulp. “So what’re you doing here? Don’t you have some royal cows or chickens to herd around or something? Who wears denim and jeans to a fancy ball?” 
She would if she could get away with it.
His tight shoulder muscles bounced slightly with disingenuous laughter as his chestnut eyes took in her sultry devilish costume. “I could ask you the same about your own clothes. Suitors are supposed to dress up for these things. Not come as themselves.”
Offended, Alyssa arched back contemptuously. “Are you calling me a devil?”
“If the horns and pitchfork fit.” Drake retorted. He motioned with his glass across the room. “By the way, you see that blazing redhead who just stole your little friend away from Maxwell?” When Alyssa snapped her gaze protectively in that direction, he continued, “That’s Olivia. You might want to check in on … what’s her name again?”
“Riley ...” Her tone was resentful. He knows damn well what her name is. 
“Whatever. Just trust me on this, if the two of you know what’s good for ya -- and I’m betting you don’t -- you’ll stay as far away from Olivia and the rest of these social-climbing fuckers as possible.” His mood suddenly shifted as he drained his drink, then slammed it on the bar top, motioning with his hand to the bartender for another.
Alyssa was quick to notice the tension in his jaw and the immense throb of protruding veins in his forearm as he nursed his drink. “What climbed up your ass and died? Why are you even here if you hate everyone so much? 
He quickly snapped. “I’m here for Liam!”
“Well, I’m here for Riley!” The two of them glared at each other in a tense showdown that neither was willing to back down from. After a beat, Alyssa’s determination weakened somewhat; confrontations made her jittery. 
And with him in particular.
Letting her shoulders slump, Alyssa let out a soft breath as she relaxed. “I’m trying to give her some space … but do I need to go check on Riley?” The question was asked sincerely. 
Drake turned his head back, his vision crossing the vast expanse of the room and landing on a perturbed Riley in conversation with Olivia. He scowled, recognizing the expression impressed on her face all too well. “We’re outsiders, Alyssa. You. Me. Riley. That’s the only thing they’ll ever see. It’s the only way they’ll ever treat us.” He shifted to face Alyssa again. “Take that for what you will. If she were my friend … I would.”
Riley shook her head emphatically. “There’s no way I’m supposed to kiss the king’s shoe. That’s weird, creepy, and-and- unsanitary!” She nodded toward a masked couple standing before the seated king who bowed, curtsied, and then exited to the left. “They didn’t kiss his shoe. I think you’re full of shit.” 
“Riley, Riley, Riley.” The duchess shook her head with an exasperated tone. “Those people are well-established and highly-regarded members of the court … you’re not. And while I admit it’s a rather unorthodox Cordonian royal custom, it’s part of our tradition that the newest members humble themselves before the king in an act of deep respect and reverence. I’m actually astounded Maxwell never bothered to tell you.” She flipped back a thick curly-q strand of hair that hung over her shoulders. “Do what you want. But don’t say I didn’t try to help you.”
Riley hesitated. “I guess I’ll keep it in mind …?”
“Great!” Olivia wrapped a firm hand around Riley’s wrist and pulled her toward the throne where the king sat. “You’re so lucky that I was here to warn you! Otherwise, you’d have looked utterly ridiculous.”
“Wait! Where are we going? Riley demanded, her feet barely able to keep up with the brisk pace. 
“To present you to King Constantine.”
“But I need to wait for my sponsor!” Riley protested. She struggled to break free, but the redhead’s clawlike grip was surprisingly strong. 
“Every second counts, Riley. These women have all known Liam for years. The early bird gets the Crown.”
“But I --” Panicked, Riley scoured the room for the Beaumonts and found them standing near the hors d'oeuvres table embroiled in what appeared to be a heated discussion.
“What the fuck?” On the opposite side of the ballroom, Alyssa spotted Olivia hauling Riley across the floor. Before Drake had the chance to warn her this wasn’t good, an enraged Alyssa was already sliding down off the barstool, stampeding off in hot pursuit of finding out what this redheaded troll was doing with her best friend. 
And for reasons he couldn’t fully understand, feeling frustrated beyond comprehension, Drake followed right on her heels.
Coming to a screeching halt before the raised dais, Olivia thrust Riley forward, who nearly tripped from the momentum into the bottom step at the sudden stop.
It took every ounce of restraint Riley had not to turn toward the woman who had forcibly dragged her across the room and to stick a pair of size-seven heels straight up her ass. She, however, liked the pretty, sparkly shoes she had on too much to ruin them … and wanted to end the evening outside of a hospital bed. “Asshole,” she muttered almost soundlessly.
“Your Majesty,” Olivia smirked. “I would like to present to you the suitor House Beaumont has chosen. Lady Riley.”
Riley gave her a cursory glare. It was the moment of truth. She plastered on her best smile for the King, who regarded her with a nod. 
Just … just do it. “Your Majesty.” Riley dipped into a low curtsy and held it in place for several seconds before contemplating the validity of Olivia’s outlandish claim and swallowing hard. “Here goes nothing.”
Placing both palms on the plush red carpeting that laid at the feet of the King, she lowered herself slowly until her knees rested on the top step.
“What the hell is she doing?” Alyssa questioned as she desperately weaved around a sea of faces, dodging server trays and tables along the way. “And where the hell is Maxwell?”
“I don’t know ...” Drake answered, practically pushing her even more quickly through the crowd, “ … but you better move faster. There’s no damn telling what Olivia told her to do.”
Riley paused briefly, staring at the simple black shoes that almost resembled a shiny boot. She wanted to be kissing Liam right now, not his father’s old fricking foot. Worst vacation ever.
Lowering her head gradually toward Constantine’s shoes, she scrunched up her face and reluctantly puckered up. 
Out of nowhere, a body with the vigor of a wild stallion in full sprint barrelled into her side, sending Riley hurling across the dais and causing her to land face-down on the marbled floor below.
"What is the meaning of this?" An enraged Constantine bolted up, his ire focused on Alyssa, hunkered down on all fours at his feet, striving to catch her breath.
Maxwell and Bertrand heard the commotion and came rushing to Riley’s side when they realized it was her sprawled out and jerking on the floor.  
"I'm so sorry, Your Majesty," an apologetic Alyssa said as she reached up for the hand Drake was offering. The King's glare at her was nerve-wracking as he waited for an explanation -- until Drake stepped up in front of her, blocking her view of the incensed monarch. "I can explain."
"I hope you can, young lady." Constantine glowered, baffled as to why Drake Walker was still standing between them … and mirroring every movement she made. When she shifted, he shifted. When she moved her arm, he did the same. Was this some type of game?
“Uh … um.” Alyssa's mind raced with excuses. She couldn't very well tell him the truth and make Riley or herself look bad -- she was still a representative of Duchy Domvallier. There was only one thing she could think of to say as she whipped around Drake and pointed at him. "This man pushed me!"
Drake's body stiffened at her accusation. "The hell you talking about?" 
She covered her eyes with a hand, pretending to sob. "I was on my way up here to pay my respects to you, sir, when this man ..." she paused to take in a fake stuttering breath, "... came out of nowhere and pushed me from behind. I tried to stop myself from running into anyone, but I couldn't. Too much momentum." Alyssa lowered her hand and stared at a wide-eyed Drake. "I’m just a small person, mister. Why would you do that? Why? What did I ever do to hurt you?"
"I never --"
"Drake?" The King eyed him sternly. "Is this true? Did you push this young woman?"
Drake’s defensive stance was no match for Alyssa’s pleading eyes, begging him to save her from this. “Please,” she mouthed.
He groaned, rolling his eyes. “I … I’m sorry, Sir. Lady Alyssa’s extremely long dress was dragging the floor and I stepped on it. When I lifted my foot off, she ... I don’t know … flung forward. I tried to grab her before she went flying, but she got away, and that must be why she thought I pushed her.” Drake lowered his gaze to Alyssa. “You really shouldn’t shop in the adult section, miss.”
“Is it possible you were mistaken, Lady ... Alyssa?”
She nodded. “Yes, that is surely possible,” she agreed in a rehearsed-sounding tone. “It’s all coming back to me now.”
“Well, then.” Constantine's contented glance drifted to Drake. “It’s good to know you didn’t push an innocent suitor on purpose, Drake. But just know this … I’ll be watching you.” 
“Looking forward to it, sir. Thank you, sir.” Drake quickly bowed his head as Constantine returned to his seat to greet the next guest. He grabbed Alyssa’s elbow and rushed her off to the side of the dais.
Maxwell knelt beside a disheveled Riley, helping her rise to her feet and dusting her off. 
“Lady Riley,” a scowling Bertrand glared, “what on earth is the meaning of this? The glory of House Beaumont is on the line tonight, and you’ve already made your first blunder. I told you, Maxwell, this was a mistake.”
Slightly dazed, Riley stumbled while massaging a sore wrist. Inclining her head so she could see him under the halo that drooped over her eyes, she retorted, “I was shoved, Berturd. It’s not like I did this on purpose. And thank you for your concern; I’m fine, by the way.”
“Shoved? By whom?” The three of them turned to see Alyssa and Drake scampering off to a corner. “It was Domvallier’s suitor?” Bertrand asked incredulously. “This is preposterous! It’s beneath Lord Rashad’s character to have his suitor and Drake Walker sabotage ours. I will have to go over there and put an end to this travesty at once.” 
“NO!” Riley and Maxwell barked.
"Bertrand. Why don't you let Riley and I handle them while you play damage control with the King? Unless ..." he smirked. " You want me to smooth things over with His Majesty? I have a lot to say about how Twinkle Toes just SAILED through the air at warp speed --"
"Dear God, no, Maxwell! There will be no need for your … input. But, you two, get results from Drake and that suitor. No funny business," he warned.
The two of them nodded in understanding. As soon as Bertrand turned his back and marched away, they both gave a knowing glance to the other before rushing over to Drake and Alyssa, who had just made it to a far corner of the ballroom, 
Alyssa yanked her elbow away from his vice-like grasp. “I believe we’re out of the clear; you can let go of me now.”
“Listen. I have to tell you something, ‘cause you need to know it ... “ Drake swallowed thickly, his rounded eyes focused squarely on the woman who’d just thrown him under the bus to King Constantine. He spoke as if he had something caught in his throat, “You--your-- uh -- ”
“And who made these damn shoes, anyway?” Alyssa complained as she hiked up the lower part of her dress and stepped out of her heels. Her already short stature lowered several inches. “They clearly hate short women and feet. Seriously, who thought walking around like a newborn calf was sexy?”
“Alyssa,” Drake tried again to speak through a strained voice, “You need to listen --”
“Hey!” Riley interrupted as she and Maxwell stepped up to them. “Why’d you push me off that stage thingy? And OH MY GOD, ALYSSA! YOUR --” Maxwell slapped a hand over Riley’s mouth, knowing exactly what her big mouth was getting ready to loudly announce.
Her frantic muffled words continued to blabber through his tightly clasped hand.
Alyssa gave him a confused look. “Maxwell, what are you doing?”
“Just stopping her before she told everyone within earshot ...” he paused fleetingly, lowering his gaze from the muddled expression on her face to her chest. “Your bosoms … well, they have emerged.”
“That’s what I was trying to tell you before,” a flustered Drake said as Alyssa let out a gasp and looked down. “You’ve been ... exposed … since --” He was quickly cut off again by her tiny wail as she fixed herself and dashed out of the ballroom, mortified, her arms crossed over her chest.
Riley tapped lightly on the women’s restroom door. “Lyss? You okay in there?”
“No!” Her pouty voice rang back. “I’m the laughingstock of this entire court.”
Maxwell chuckled, hollering back. “You don’t have to worry about that, Lady Alyssa. I’ve already got that title covered in spades.”
“You two need to get back to the ball,” Drake said gruffly, referring to the girls. “Liam will be arriving any minute.”
“You’re right. There are probably five people in there who still haven’t gotten an up close shot of my breasts.” Alyssa swung the door open, bitterly hitching up the front of her dress as she stepped out, and glared up at Drake as she walked by. “And you let me walk around like that!”
“I did not!” He flushed a deep, dark red. “I told you, that’s why I was standing in front of you, so no one would see … ugh, fuck it. Just -- let’s go, okay?” 
A remorseful Riley hugged Alyssa. “I’m so sorry my dumb ass was what caused this to happen to you. Thank you for making sure I didn’t make a fool of myself.”
Alyssa squeezed tighter. “It was way better that it happened to me than you. We can definitely have a good laugh over this by the time I’m, like, 150.” When they let go of one another, she smiled at her friend. “Come on, we have a ball to get back to. And you have a prince to dazzle.”
“Oh, you guys go on ahead. I need a minute to straighten up.”
Drake, Alyssa, and Maxwell headed back inside while Riley spent a few minutes in the bathroom wiping away the dust off her dress and getting her hair back in order as best as she could. Plus, she just needed a moment to herself; it was the first time since she woke up that morning that someone wasn’t hovering over her shoulder or trying to impress someone. There also were some major jitters happening knowing the Prince was arriving at any second.
Stepping out a few minutes later, Riley headed back down the hallway, hopeful she still appeared as presentable as when she arrived earlier. 
Dotted along the walls that trailed back to the ballroom were portraits and artwork of kings and queens. Judging by the large periwigs, justaucorps, and stockings over breeches depicted, obviously they were quite old. One particular painting caught her attention enough to halt her steps before she plastered on a naughty grin.
“Ohhhh, what do we have here?” Riley snickered, leaning in closer to get a better glimpse. “I see London, I see France, I see a very hung King without his pants.” She fanned a hand in front of her face and spoke as if she were Scarlett O’Hara herself. “My, my, my, Fabian, I haven’t seen a lot of those, but I do declare, you put all the Yanks I’ve been with to shame. I’d be remiss to not ask if you were generous enough to pass on certain sizable traits, say to … Oh, I don’t know, the current Crown Prince?”
“Frankly, my dear … I don’t think he gave a damn,” a deep voice quipped over her shoulder.
Riley spun around, her body crashing into the portrait and causing it to rattle against the wall and lean heavily. Her face burned red-hot as soon as she heard his voice, even though every ounce of blood in her body seemed to rush to her wobbly feet. Liam reached out, grasping hold of her arms to brace her as she stared back, slack-jawed and weak-kneed, at his half-masked face, smiling warmly. “L-L-Li --”
“My sincerest apologies if I startled you, my lady. Are you okay?”
Her throat was dry, and surely no one in all history had ever been as embarrassed as she was at that moment, but she managed to answer feebly, “I think … I pissed my pants.” They both looked down at the floor simultaneously, relief washing over them that there were no puddles. Riley closed her eyes and let out a heavy breath. “Oh, thank God.”
Liam chuckled, his twinkling blue eyes glued to her flustered face. “You’re just as beautiful as you were that night in New York, Riley Brooks.”
“Wait … you know that it’s me? Are you surprised? Are you upset? Do you think I’m some creepy stalker now? I swear I’ve never even touched a weapon.”
“Really? What happened to your bag of Chinese throwing stars?” Liam teased lightheartedly. Riley tilted her head in confusion. “You remember, the ones you were going to throw at me in the alley outside of your bar --”
“Oh. Yes. Right,” she laughed awkwardly as the memory came to her. “Yeah, I may have embellished the truth there a bit. Twenty-pound hams seem to be more my weapon of choice.” Riley hung her head. Why the hell did I just tell him that? When Bastien cleared his throat and gave Liam a pointed look, Riley knew their time was short. “I know you have to go, but I just need to know something: How did you know I was here? Maxwell tried to get in touch with you and never heard back. I didn’t want you to be disappointed in me showing up here.”
“I’ve been quite busy since leaving New York with preparations for the social season and the Masquerade kicking off this evening. But it was Drake who came pounding on my door this morning to fill me in. You can imagine my surprise when he told me that you were here, and, I quote, ‘brought her small aggressive friend with her as guard dog.’”
Riley smirked with a shrug. “Can ya blame a girl? I came to win. Besides, I really like you, Liam.”
He smiled. “I really like you too, Riley. But this isn’t New York. As much as I wish we could just pick up where we left off two nights ago, this entire series of events is set up not just to give me time with my potential matches, but also to give my parents, the Council, and the people of Cordonia time to get to know the future queen. From now on, everyone will be watching you and ... Lady Alyssa.” Liam paused to chuckle and shake his head in amusement. “You actually got your friend to pose as a fake suitor and somehow convinced an honorable and highly dignified member of the court to sponsor her?”
“Yeaaaah, I still don’t know how the hell I did that. I should get extra points for my manipulation skills”
Liam laughed. "I believe you mean, negotiation skills."
Riley nodded. "Yeah, those too."
Already well past the time to make his grand entrance, Bastien approached Liam to give the final warning. Liam acknowledged him and turned back to Riley. “I hope I’ll see you again later tonight, if you’ll save a dance for me. But until then …” He pressed her willing body against the wall, tracing the back of his forefinger along her velvety cheek. “ … just know how very, very, happy I am to have you here, Riley.” His lips were fire and ice when he leaned down to meet her equally fevered ones in a lingering kiss. And she melted right into him.
With that, Liam was whisked away by the head guard and made his way into the ballroom. As a panting Riley brushed her fingertips over the tingling in her bottom lip, she felt so many things all at once: relief that he was happy she was there and already knew everything regarding Alyssa, and that same exhilarating bliss that swept her off her feet two days ago when they shared their time together. But he was abundantly clear, this wasn’t New York anymore, and he still had a duty and obligation to Cordonia regardless of his apparent feelings for her. 
Riley let a puff of air and pushed her backside off the wall to return inside. Just as she did this, the crooked frame bearing the likeness of the late King Fabian she admired earlier fell from its hook and crashed to the floor, causing the ancient glass to shatter beside her. With her head shrunken into her shoulders, Riley slowly peeked out one eye and saw the damage. Glancing down one end of the hall to the other to see if anyone saw her, she glanced down at the shards and still fully intact artwork. Normally she would have hightailed it out of there, but she couldn’t help herself from giving her destruction parting words. 
“I guess you’re not … hung anymore.”
Then she bolted the hell out of there.
Fearless tags: @dcbbw​​ @ao719​​  @texaskitten30​​ @janezillow​ @mskaneko​  @callmeellabella​ @queenjilian​ @sirbeepsalot​  @forthebrokenheartedthings​ @bebepac​ @kingliam2019​  @amandablink​  @choiceskatie​ @annekebbphotography​ @ofpixelsandscribbles​ @alyssalauren​ @mom2000aggie​  @princessleac1​ @kimmiedoo5​ @graceful-leah​ @thegreentwin​ @gkittylove99​  @pink-diamond13​ @tinkie1973​ @queenrileyrose​ @zaffrenotes​ @no-one-u-know​ @sammie0220​ @shanzay44​ @yourmajesty09​  @bitchloveskcbaseball​ @kat-tia801​ @openheart12​ @drakeandkatherine​ @marshmallowsandfire​ @masterofbluff​ @marshmallowsaremyfavorite​ @msjr0119​ @hopelessromanticmonie​ @sanchita012 @gabesmommie1130​ @charlotteg234​ @jessiembruno​ @debramcg1106​ @neotericthemis​ @iaminlovewithtrr​ @sweetest-marbear​ @darley1101​ @choicesstan650​ @shewillreadyou​ @emkay512​ @txemrn​ @lucy-268​ @axwalker​ @busywoman​
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nbrook29 · 3 years
robbe 1️⃣8️⃣
Warning: This is smutty, proceed with caution if it’s not your jam ;)
If anybody asked Robbe, bad weather in the summer should be illegal. Because what the hell? He needs sun rays and blue sky like he needs oxygen, he wants 30+ degrees temperatures and not a single cloud above, and he always welcomes it with all the small inconveniences it brings along, like clammy skin mere minutes after showering or freckles covering his nose and arms. So when it’s August and it’s raining, sorry, pouring buckets, sue him if he turns into a whiny mess for a bit. That’s just who he is.
Or, that’s who he was. Because right now, lying on a soft cloud-like throw blanket in a not-his t-shirt and sweatpants, head a mess of wild damp curls, fuzzy socks on his feet tangled with another pair, he’s feeling pretty good.
Even though the original scenario for his birthday was supposed to be different.
It all started at 12:00 am sharp with a dorky text from Sander because of course it did.
Sander: Hey there you sexy thing
Heard you're legal now 👅 
Robbe: Omg sander 🙈 
Sander: Yes, that's what you'll be screaming today during our own little celebration 😈
 Robbe almost spat out the water he was drinking, face burning hot as he tried to assess whether anybody was paying him any attention.
Sander: I'll do that thing you like 😏👅 
Sander: Am I bothering you cutie? 😏 
Robbe: Yessssss 😩 my face is all red they're gonna know what's up 
Sander: I think *I* know what is up 😏🍆 
Robbe: 🤣 GO COOL OFF 
Sander: Hehe
No but for real now
Happy birthday! 🥰🥳😘❤🎂
I love you SO much ❤❤❤💯 
Robbe: Thank youuuu baby 😊😘 
Sander: Can't believe you're an adult *wipes a tear*
You'll always be my baby tho ❤ 
Robbe: Haha yes ❤❤ 
Sander: I'll be waiting for you at 4 pm 
Robbe: But where?? 
Sander: 😌 
Robbe: Sanderrr tell me 
Sander: Nope 
Goodnight 😌
 Sander absolutely loves to tease him and keep him at the edge of the seat which is why he told him the place only half an hour before their meeting, for which Robbe intended to tell him off. That is until he actually got to Park Spoor Noord and saw his boyfriend lounging on grass, blanket underneath him, surrounded by Robbe’s favorite food and wearing the most charming smile as soon as their eyes met.
And he got him a sunflower. A sunflower. How cute is that?
Needless to say, there was no telling off, Robbe didn’t exactly find time for it between kisses and laughs and Sander feeding him croques and fries and cupcakes (which Sander baked and decorated himself, swearing for dear life the small thingies made from frosting on top were not dicks, but Robbe knows him too well to believe him).
And then all hell broke loose and the storm that had been loudly talked about in the media came to Antwerp and made a puddle out of the two of them.
They looked really miserable, but somehow Robbe couldn’t care less as they were running to Sander’s house holding hands, water in their shoes, the sunflower cradled carefully underneath his shirt, huge smiles on their faces as they finally got there, tripping in their haste to get inside.
The hot shower that followed next and Sander taking the lead oh so well will definitely rank in the top 5 moments of Robbe’s life. He’s very grateful Sander’s parents are on holiday in London because he’s not sure he’d ever be able to look them in the eyes otherwise.
Afterwards, Sander made them ice coffee and handed Robbe his real gift which turned out to be a long weekend in Paris a week from now, shutting him up with a kiss when Robbe was about to protest and complain about it being too expensive.
Since the concert they were supposed to go to was canceled due to poor weather conditions, they resorted to eating cake in Sander’s bed and watching the show Robbe had been talking about for weeks now. Sander, being the thoughtful and amazing boyfriend that he is, graciously agreed to Robbe’s birthday wish and sat him down between his legs, kissed the side of his face, brought his laptop closer and pressed play, as Robbe made himself comfy in his arms, the smile that originated at midnight not slipping off even for a second.
Another thunder strikes the night sky and Robbe jumps involuntarily, only a little, more from shock than actual fear, but it doesn’t stop Sander from tightening his arms around him, lips grazing delicately the lobe of his ear.
“Don’t worry, Robin, I will protect you,” he whispers with a teasing note in his voice, grunting when a well-aimed elbow meets his side.
“Shut up, I’m not scared.”
Sander’s only reply is a low chuckle and a kiss on that sweet spot under Robbe’s ear that never fails to send a shiver down his spine. Without barely having to move at all considering how close they are, he tilts his head and noses along Sander’s defined jaw, leaving a peck or two on his cheek.
“Now shush, I can’t focus.” He unceremoniously turns away from Sander’s searching lips, a sly grin on his face when he hears an affronted huff.
“Oh I see how it is, you-”
“Shhhh, Wille is talking.”
Robbe loves to be a little shit sometimes, especially if he wants to get a certain reaction from his huffy other half.
“Look how cute he is.” He has to press his lips hard to keep the giggle in when Sander whines in protest.
“Stoooop, why are you being mean to me.” He now has a full-blown pout on his face. “Jerk.”
The laughter finally comes out and Robbe pauses the show, cooing at Sander’s little frowny face and brushing the runaway strands away from his forehead, leaning up to press a kiss there too.
“It’s okay, I still think you’re the cutest prince in the entire kingdom.” He runs a thumb over his jutting lower lip, kissing it once, twice, three times, until the corners of Sander’s mouth pull up.
“Whatever. Simon is cuter than the other one anyway.”
Robbe grins cheekily. “You just think that because he has curly hair like me.” Sander’s jaw drops at that.
“Wow,” he exclaims, voice faux-scandalous as he shakes his head at Robbe. “Someone’s cocky today.” 
“It’s my birthday so it’s allowed.” Winking at him obnoxiously, he turns back to the screen, hands reaching for Sander’s arms to wrap them around himself again as he settles in his embrace with a content sigh before pressing play.
Sander’s quiet behind him for a second, and then his lips touch his ear again, tongue slightly peeking out to play and lick the shell of his ear with just the tip, hot air hitting Robbe’s skin turning his insides into mush, butchering his focus again just as Sander purrs, “I think it’s hot when you’re like that.”
There’s something important happening on screen, but Robbe can’t make any sense of the subtitles because Sander’s lips continue their path down the column of his throat, stopping for a second to suck a kiss in the middle, killing any rational thought Robbe might have had. His hand rushes to Sander’s head to keep him there without his permission, eyes closing as he sighs when the kiss turns into licks and nips to the thin skin.
“Do you think he could kiss you and touch you like that?”
The question breaks the fog in Robbe’s brain for a second, and he barks a laugh at the slight possessiveness in Sander’s voice that’s poorly hidden under a joking tone. 
“Like what?” He presses, excitement bubbling in his stomach when one of Sander’s hands sneaks underneath his t-shirt, fingers grazing the skin and leaving goosebumps in their wake as they finally reach the place Robbe needs them most. 
“Like that.” He flicks his nipple with those black-polish covered nails of his that make him look so hot Robbe’s head spins. “For starters.” He keeps it up, tugging and pinching unhurriedly, with a dirty smirk growing on his face that Robbe can just feel on his collarbone, and he pulls on his hair as he arches his back a little, seeking more of those skillful fingers.
With his hooded eyes, he can see Sander closing the laptop and putting it away quickly before his other hand joins in the fun, a featherlight touch to the growing bulge in his sweatpants, nothing more than teasing for now.
When Sander’s teeth tug at his earring, Robbe lets out a frustrated whine because it’s too much and not enough at the same time, and his boyfriend reads him like a book because he pulls the t-shirt off him to gain full access, mouth latching on his neglected nipple just as his hand dives inside his pants. It doesn’t grant him any relief though, bypassing his dick completely and traveling lower, caressing the soft skin, one finger running back and forth without reaching any further, and Robbe grabs Sander’s thigh in desperation.
“You didn’t answer me,” Sander whispers in a sweet sweet voice.
“Whaa?” It takes a second for Robbe to understand what he’s asking and he would laugh if his body wasn’t on fire, Sander playing him like a violin.
Also, this playful possessiveness is getting to him, whether he likes it or not.
He does though. Like it.
Oh fuck, he likes it so much.
“Tell me, baby,” Sander breathes into his mouth as he reaches for something Robbe doesn’t see, and he can hear in his voice how it affects him too, can feel him against his lower back, rubbing himself off with minuscule moves, clearly struggling to hold back. 
“You, just you-, fuuuuck,” Robbe’s cut off when two lubed fingers press inside him at the confession, back arching slightly, the feeling so intense he keens and searches blindly for Sander’s lips. Thankfully, Sander doesn’t waste any time and plunges his tongue inside his mouth, swallowing the little whines that escape them with each twist of his fingers.
The rocking behind him gets faster and this is not how Robbe wants this to end so he breaks the kiss, ignoring Sander’s protests as he pulls away from him, only to pull his pants off completely, green eyes following his every move like he’s ready to pounce, and the need inside Robbe’s stomach only grows. He tugs impatiently at Sander’s sweatpants, biting his lip when his hard cock slaps his abdomen, the smirk dancing on Sander’s lips at his reaction liquefying his insides and he crawls closer to him, needing his touch to ground him. 
“You’re still good to go?” He loves how even when it’s hot and heavy Sander still remembers to check in with him.
“Uh-huh,” is the only thing he can come up with now, especially when Sander’s hand settles on his hip bringing them so close there’s no space left between them, guiding his movements just like Robbe likes. He kisses his glistening neck, licking the sweat of his body as Robbe reaches behind to position his slick cock at his entrance, forehead resting against Sander’s as he sinks down fast.
He gasps at the feeling of fullness because it’s always a lot, but Sander’s hands are always there, brushing his sides in a comforting motion, even when his own body is probably screaming at him to move.
“Happy birthday to me,” Robbe lets out a shaky chuckle that ends up in a gasp when Sander laughs too and involuntarily moves inside him. He’s quick to lick into his lips and distract him from the momentary discomfort, and once he’s done with him, the overwhelming need is back double force. 
Sander notices right away, guiding Robbe’s hips to keep grinding for a while before planting his feet on the bed and holding them in place giving several hard jabs that make Robbe hide his face in his neck, cries leaving his mouth with each thrust.
“Like that?”
Robbe just nods helplessly, mouth leaving a wet trail on his skin, but Sander doesn’t seem to mind because he continues his pace, completely taking over once Robbe’s thighs give out and turning him into a mess.
“You’re so hot like this, fuck.” The strain in Sander’s voice tells him he’s getting close so he goes back to bouncing, meeting him in the middle, and it only takes a minute for things to become too much, Sander’s uncoordinated jerks when he’s coming triggering Robbe’s orgasm too.
They stay like that, cooling off while kissing lazily, tongues sliding against each other, but without a rush for now.
Sander pulls back first, their lips smacking when they disconnect. "I'm sorry today didn't work out." Scrunching up his face, he reaches to comb through Robbe's hair consolingly. He leans into the touch before cuddling even closer, seeking warmth when the cold air makes goosebumps appear on his heated skin.
"But I loved today, really. We can go to a concert another time." He kisses the underside of his jaw, sighing dreamily. "And I can't wait for Paris with you."
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secretwingsociety · 4 years
Daddy isn’t well
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Daughter!reader
Summary: what will happen when demon dean gets out in the bunker and his four year old daughter is with him, unknowing of her father’s ‘condition’
[Your POV]
'(Y/n) no matter what stay here and when I get back with your dad don't talk, okay? Don't say anything to him.' Uncle Sammy's words echo in your head as you wait in the front seat of your dads car, who he always called baby you found that odd since it was a car not a baby. You didn't understand why you couldn't talk to your dad but you guessed it was because he was grumpy, he didn't like to talk when he was grumpy.
After what felt like hours, it was only about 45 minutes, your uncle came back and put your dad in the back as he did you noticed he was wearing handcuffs with funny symbols on them  but you payed it no mind 'they're probably playing cops and robbers' you thought to yourself, once your dad is secured in the back uncle Sammy sits beside you in front of the wheel "belted up?" He mutters glancing at you, you give a small nod clicking your belt in place then he starts the car and drives off.
The car ride is mostly silent, few words being spoken between the two brothers but you ignore them and listen to the radio you turned on not liking the uncomfortable silence.
Once at the bunker uncle Sammy sends you straight to your room "don't come out till I come to get you." He orders sternly, you pout a little wanting to see more of your dad since it's been so long since you've seen him but you nod and walk to your room and shut the door behind you.
yells and what sounds like an animal growling is what you hear for the next 6 hours until it all stops and silence swallows up the bunker a few more minutes pass then the lights turn off and turn red 'this is bad!'  Was the only thing you could think as you ran to your closet and hid in it behind all your clothes hoping that you'll be safe there, You can hear your dad and uncle Sammy yelling but can't make out the words from your hidden position.
Suddenly your bedroom door slams open and you cover your mouth to muffle the yelp that tumbled past your lips, but it's proven useless when the closet door is ripped open showing your dad with a hammer "daddy is there a monster in the bunker?" You whisper and crawl to the edge of the edge of your closet he nods and picks you up "there is sweetness but don't worry, daddy will protect you" he replies matching your hushed tone and keeps you close to his chest, you wrap your little arms around his neck keeping yourself as close to him as you can, your dad carries around the bunker calling out for uncle Sammy "come on Sammy, I've got (y/n)!" He yells out keeping his hammer up and ready to swing, in case you run into the monster of course.
When you finally catch up to uncle Sammy he's got his back against the wall and is looking around the corner you guess the monster isn't down that way because his body relaxes slightly, he turns back around and tenses up again seeing you in your dads arms "close your eyes sweetness" your dad whispers and you nod shutting your eyes tightly and nuzzles into his neck, there's movement and grunting but you don't dare move your head or open your eyes until you feel large hands pull you away from your dad making you scream loudly "Daddy!" You scream in fear that the monster got you "shhhh (y/n) it's just me" opening your eyes you see uncle Sammy is holding you, you turn to your dad and see him with black eyes.
Uncle Cas is hugging him from behind, his eyes look even blue-er like they were glowing "daddy?" You ask worried "unca Sammy, what happened to daddy?" You ask turning to your uncle he sighs and turns you so you can't see your dad "your daddy isn't well sweetness, Cas take him back I'll stay with (y/n)" uncle Sammy explains and Walks back to your room not letting you get another glance at your dad
You’re crying by the time Sam gets back to your room “I want daddy!” You sob into his chest “I know sweetness but your dad is sick, he needs to get better before you can see him” he whispers and rubs your back calming your sobs into little hiccups “when will daddy be ok again?” You whisper look up at Sam he sighs and kisses your forehead “soon, I promise” he puts you in your bed and turns on your tv putting on your favourite Disney movie then walks out locking your door from the outside
[sam’s POV]
I walk out of (y/n)’s room and make my way to the dungeon where Cas has tied Dean back up in the demon trap “hey Sammy, how’s (y/n) hope she isn’t scared”
He chuckles his eyes black “she’s worried sick about you dean. You could’ve killed her and she’s worried about you! She’s four dean and already gotten used to taking care of your damaged ass” I shake my head and grab another syringe of blood “you’ve got a lot of making up to do once you’re human again.” I mutter and stab him with the needle
“That’s if you don’t kill me first Sam” dean mutters through his panting “i won’t kill you. Unlike you I can’t hurt that little girl waiting for you to come back.”
[Your POV]
By the time your dad is himself again your fast asleep the adrenaline from earlier activities catching up to you
Sam unlocks your room and walks in sitting next to your small frame then shakes your shoulder “wake up sweetness, your daddy is awake” he whispers as you rouse from sleep and sit up “daddy’s better?” Your meek voice asks
Sam nods a tired smile on his face “yeah and he really wants to see you” that sentence instantly drains all tiredness from your small body and you jump off your bed and run to your dads room
“Daddy!” You scream jumping onto his bed and wrap your tiny arms around his neck, a few moments pass and he wraps his arms around you holding your close “hey princess, I missed you” he whispers a small smile on his face hiding how much guilt he feels for everything he did to you, he swore he’d spend the rest of his life making it up to you.
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the-fiction-witch · 3 years
Control P15
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I went and got the door as y/n went to make some coffee I opened the door letting Wisse and Luke into the apartment the three of us muttering about this and that as they headed inside "Hu, benny?" Wisse asks
"who's the fat old braud?"
instantly I smirked a little trying not to laugh as she turned around and looked like she was about to murder him "You have a will right Wisse?"
"Yeah why?"
"Becuase... she is gonna kill you" I smirked going to sort the chessboard up
"Come here you little!" she yelped going to try and grab him but I up an arm around her and lifted her off the floor enough she couldn't get out my grip "No benny let me at him!" she complained till I put her down
"Boys, Y/n y/l/n I'm sure you've met before" I told them
"Ohh yeah, Hi y/n" Luke smiled getting himself a seat at the table
"Hu, I didn't recognise you, sorry y/n" wisse smiled "What uhh... what is she doing here?"
"I live here" she argued
"lives here? Ooooooohhh Benny got a girlfriend" Luke laughs
"Yes. I did"
"I... I don't have a response to a yes as an answer"
"so shut up"
"You guys actually a couple then?"
"Yep, very happily" Y/n smiled
"Extremely happily" I smiled giving her a kiss
"Lucky dick got the cute girlfriend" Luke sighed
"cute fience" I corrected
"Really? your gonna hitch yourself to him?" Wisse laughed
"Hey!" I complained
"Well, I suppose I have to" she giggled stroking her baby bump
"what!" Luke laughed excitedly
"can you guys not tell?" she laughed
"Awwwwww there's gonna be a tiny baby!" Luke smiled
"why!" wisse complained "why would you let him procreate? I thought we all collectively agreed to not let his genetics get anywhere else?"
".... when did you agree that?" I complained
"Like six Christmas' ago" luke shrugged
"well it's a bit late for that, he's due next month" she smiled
"she" I corrected
"He" she giggled
"Now we playing or not?" Luke asked
"Course, you rest up you need anything you ask okay," I told her so she nodded going to read her book on the chair
I sat playing with the guys a good while, y/n kept out of it mostly reading her chess books on the chair, she would bring drinks and food whenever we needed it even if all of us told her no she should rest baby but she did it anyways, it was getting late and she was getting tried I could tell as she was watching a game her little eyes would sometimes flutter shut, her head sometimes would droop but whenever I blew her a kiss she'd perk up again for a moment or two. "I think it's bed time for mummy. You boys have fun" she smiled as she slowly pushed herself up stroking her bump "Okay, we'll be quiet, you rest up alright" I told her taking her hand "I will" she smiled "Sleep well y/n" wisse smiled "Rest that tiny human growing in your person oven y/n" luke laughed She gave my head a kiss before she slowly walked into the bedroom getting ready for bed I focused on the game for a good while but I couldn't take my eyes off her, the door to our bedroom open just a crack just enough I could still see her, laid on our bed, her head on the pillow, the gentle orange light casgading across her, her hair all over the place, her face so peaceful and sireen, her little nightie holding her so tight where she was growing so much, her book open on her page it fallen on the duvet her hand still holding it the other on the pillow, I rested my head on my hand just watching her sleep so peacefully her bump rising and falling in the covers "Dude I think benny's broke I just checked him." Wisse says "Not broke. He's got a pregnant wifey it's gonna be a distraction. I mean look I can wave a hand in his Face and nothing" luke laughed "Benny? You in there man or have you shut up shop tonight?" "Hu? Ohh sorry guys" I sighed "I think I think I need to turn in too. And I can't leave her all alone she can't sleep without me" I smiled "well finish up another time maybe once baby comes" "Alright, see you around" wisse laughed we all said our goodbyes and they both left so I shut up and went climbing into bed with her "You didn't have to Benny, I could have waited till you-" "Shhhh. You where sleepy. I should have kicked them out hours ago so you could sleep." "But chess-" "Shhh, sleep. You and our baby are more important" "Nothing is more important then chess to you" "You are. And so's baby." I told her "I have to take care of my girls. Besides I was tried too and you know I can't sleep without you either" "Okay Benny if your sure" "Of course I'm sure little lady, now you rest that tummy shouldn't be long now till baby comes"
I woke up softly and gently "Uuummmm good morning little lady, and my sweet little baby" I smiled trying to cuddle her but something was wrong. The bed felt wet. Her body was shaking. Her hand in mine in a death like grip, "Benny! Something's wrong!" She yelled "What! What's wrong!" I asked quickly waking up seeing her she was panicked, sweaty, in alot of pain the sun not even up yet "I think baby's coming" "Baby's coming! Are uhh are you sure?" "I don't know, I couldn't sleep because of my tummy and then I had an accident and now it won't- aaahhhhhh!" "Okay... Okay... Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh pack the bag! I think right? Yes! Pack!" I said trying to remember what the hell I was gonna do getting out the bed and starting to pack her back "what was I meant to pack?" "BENNY!" "I'm sorry y/n I forget" "It's on the list in the fridge. Now hurry up!" She yelled turning to sit on the edge of the bed, I grabbed the list and packed he's a quick bag getting myself dress too "Right next uhh we need to get you to the hospital, but I don't think an ambulance is really worth it, then again I get stuck in traffic, what I'd the car breaka down I can't deliver a baby! What if the ambulance has to stop for baby to be born and then our kiss born in an ambulance? Do I have everything, did you want anything before we go little lady? A drink, some food? A shower? Do your hair maybe?" "Benny... There is currently what feels like a human being with a watermelon sized head trying to force its way out of my Virgina, Get your skinny ass in that car and take me to a fucking doctor now!" "Okay, okay." I nodded realizing how panicked I was I helped her up and out into the car with her bag, I quickly locked up and by the time I got back she was screaming "okay it's all gonna be okay, just try not to focus on the pain" I reassured her "Easy for you to say!" "Right let's get baby to the doctor" "Now!" She screamed putting my car into drive for me almost making us hit a lamppost "Y/n I understand your in-" "BENNY! DRIVE THE FUCKING CAR!" She screamed "Or I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL SHOVE EVER CHESS PIECE YOU OWN UP YOUR ASS!" "Yes dear" I gulped quickly getting the car going
I dropped y/n off and the nurses happily took her, I went and got parked and rushed into the office they directed me to the little seating area where a few other men sat waiting "But I - I promised her I'd be with her" "Sorry we can't allow it she's a six thirteen" "Six thirteen what does that mean?" "I'm sure the doctor will explain later sir please take a seat" I sighed and went taking a seat waiting till one of the other men spoke up "Hey? First?" "Yeah." I answered "It never gets easier kid" he laughs coming to sit in the chair beside me "I just... I wanna be with her you know make sure she's okay" "Hey, she's a fucking lot stronger then you think she is" he laughs "this is our fourth. I always worry about her. At the end she always tells me not to worry" he laughs "Yeah, she's a strong one. I know she is" I smiled "do you know what a six thirteen is?" "Yeah," "Please. I just wanna know" "It means there's been a complication, and everyone non essential has to be kept out for safety" "Something's wrong?" "It could be something small, like breach, or backwards or anything like that" he shurgs "or a c section. They class that as a six thirteen" "Oh God." "Relax it's probably nothing" he says "my boy was a six thirteen. Came out backwards the stupid boy" "Well I guess it's just a waiting game" "Pretty much kid" We sat chatting about this and that for a few hours or so it was getting late now, or early. Not sure which to class or as but everyone would peek up whenever a nurse came around the corner and just as the sun began to peak over the windows a nurse came "Watts?" "Yes!" "Follow me please" she says I nodded and followed her to a little room but she didn't open the door, "baby is born. Happy and healthy. Mummy's doing fine if a little stressed we'll start getting sorted to get her home congratulations" she smiled before she headed off, I was excited happily opening the door to the little hospital room the blinds open letting the sweet purple, orange and gold of the sunrise flood the room, and there on the bed was y/n sat up a little shaken her hair a mess, a smile on her face with a job I'd never seen before, and in her arms wrapped up in a little yellow blanket was a tiny little baby only moments old. The baby was giggling ever so softly as y/n stroked the baby's skin I'd never seen something so beautiful I wanted to cry "Hello y/n" "Hello Benny" she smiled "come" she smiled patting the little chair beside the bed, I smiled going over and sitting with her both of them bathed in the rays of the sunrise "You okay?" "Ummmm. Tried" "I can guess so" I laughed "they wouldn't let me in" "They said because of things I forget what they said but she's happy and healthy" "She?" "She. Benny meet your daughter" she smiled letting me see the cute little squishy face of our little girl, she was so cute and beautiful I almost cried "A daughter. I have a daughter. Hi little one, uhh nice to meet you" I smiled shaking her tiny hand "God damn it Benny, you don't have to introduce yourself to her" "She doesn't know who I am yet, I'm just being a gentleman about it" I said giving her little head a kiss which made her giggle more "are you okay?" "Fine Benny" she laughed so I gave her a kiss too "she has her daddies." "She does. But I'm sure she'll grow up and be as beautiful as her mummy" "In sure she will. Thought if any names for her?" "I get to name her?" "Umm you won. You where right about it being a girl. You can name her" she smiled I looked at our little girl thinking of all the girls names I knew many of them I didn't want to use as I'd slept with girls named that and that would be a werid thing but the more I looked at her the more ideas went quickly though my mind until, I saw the sun just shimmer a little the rays of gold, purple and red across the room from the sun as it rose and it casgading across her little face "Aurora" I smiled "Aurora. I like it" she smiled "I think it suits her" "It does. Little aurora" "Little aurora watts" "Aurora y/l/n. Not your wife yet Benny" "You would be if someone would get the wedding sorted and let me marry her already" I laughed "I know, but maybe aurora watts so she gets used to it" "Good, she was like this close to being named scillian you know that right?" "I know I'm surprised it's not chess related or are you saving that for any boys" "Kinda, plus not alot of chessy girls names" "That and scillian is our sex safe word" "Yeah that too" I laughed "so you ready to get aurora home?" "Very ready Benny"
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