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2024SS Lot 4601 ②
こんにちは 名古屋店 コジャです。
4601の新作が数柄入荷してから少し間が空きましたが、 新たなプリントがデリバリーされておりますよ。
WAREHOUSE & CO. Lot 4601 MARYSVILLE HIGH \7.040-(with tax)
羽の量(豪華さ)や絵のタッチなど多岐に亘り豊富なデザインがあり、 常に高い人気を誇るインディアンヘッド。
こちらもラッセルサザンのオレンジボディ。 最高の状態にフェードしていて持ち主の名前もサインもサインされた唯一無二のもの。 メアリーズビル高校はカリフォルニア州の高校でチーム名はインディアンズ。
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WAREHOUSE & CO. Lot 4601 PARKS \7.040-(with tax)
私もそのうちの一人で、 このプリントを見た時、思い浮かんだのが「WAREHOUSEなんばパークス店」。。。嗚呼、懐かしい。
入社間もない頃にWAREHOUSEなんばパークス店に立たせてもらうこともあったり、 私は大阪でも南の人間で、 このTシャツの商品名とプリントの色味からもよくなんばパークスへ通っていたなぁと、 大阪を離れて長いので懐かしい想い出として蘇ってきました。
と、誰が興味あんねん!というツッコミを頂いたところで、 このプリントの前評判はそんなに高くなかったのに入荷してからの反響が大きいプリント。
しかも、 ボディで偏りが出るかと思いきや全色人気と好みがキレーに割れております。
バインダーネックになったジョンスタウン製のTシャツです。 プリントはデトロイト市公園レクリエーション局という部署のクルーが着たものと思われます。
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WAREHOUSE & CO. Lot 4601 WAIKELE \7.040-(with tax)
リゾート地で売られていたスーベニアのようなデザインのミリタリー物。 詳細は【Vinatge】で説明してあるので御一読下さいね。
フラガールにパームツリー。 個人的にプリント選びの際に高くなるポイントの一つ。 予約状況を見ても私のように南国系がお好きな方も多いですねぇ。
例の如く、 「これ買うんでしょ??」と多くの方に言ってもらえました。笑
ワイケレはハワイのオアフ島にあった海軍弾薬庫でした。 1990年代に閉鎖されました。 アメリカ海軍によって運営され、海兵隊によって警備されていた非常に安全な施設でした。 実際には海兵隊組織はなくワイケレ警備隊として知られていました。
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WAREHOUSE & CO. Lot 4601 U.S. MARTIME SERVICE \8.030-(with tax)
今季のリンガーTEE、 "Lot 4059 U.S.COAST GUARD"と似たようなデサインですが、 こちらは《USCG》ではなく《USMS》。
やはり錨+縄は夏の陽気に相性が特に良いですよねぇ。 また、 2024 S/S Lot 4601で唯一のフロッキープリントですよ。
MARITIMEとは米国海事局です。 1936年の商船法の規定に基づいて商船の士官および乗組員となる個人を訓練する任意の組織として1938年に設立されました。 その後、マーチャント・マリナーズは世界中の第二次世界大戦の戦域に人員と物資を輸送しました。 連合軍の勝利に大きく貢献したにもかかわらず、USMSの訓練施設と施設は1954年に廃止され1つの例外を除いてUSMSは解散または他の連邦部門に吸収されました。 こちらは身幅の狭いチューブ型のボディです。
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今年の新作プリントの入荷が予定の半分ほどに達し、折り返し地点に立った位ですかね。 ただ、入荷してから時間が経過しているものはSOLD OUTだったり残り僅かだったり。。。
☞ [営業時間のお知らせ]
平素よりウエアハウス直営店をご利用頂き有難う御座います。 ウエアハウス直営店では営業を下記の通り変更しております。
◎東京店 【営業時間:平日 12時~19時 土日祝 12時~19時】無休 ◎阪急メンズ東京店 【営業時間:平日 12時~20時 土日祝 11時~20時】無休 ◎名古屋店【営業時間: 平日 12時~19時 土日祝 12時~19時】水曜定休 ◎大阪店 【営業時間: 平日 12時~19時 土日祝 12時~19時】 無休 ◎福岡店 【営業時間: 平日 12時~19時 土日祝 12時~19時】 無休 ◎札幌店 【営業時間: 11時~20時】 木曜定休
今後の営業時間等の変更につきましては改めて当ブログにてお知らせ致します。 お客様におかれましてはご不便をお掛けいたしますが御ご理解の程、宜しくお願い申し上げます。
☞ 『WAREHOUSE直営店の LINE公式アカウント開設』
LINE公式アカウント開設にあたり、 2019年3月26日(火)以降、提供しておりましたスマートフォンアプリはご利用できなくなっております。 お手数をおかけしますが、今後はLINEアカウントのご利用をお願いします。
ご利用されるエリアのアカウントを「友だち登録」して下さい。 ※WAREHOUSE名古屋店をご利用頂いているお客様は【WAREHOUSE EAST】をご登録下さい。
弊社直営店で行っておりますジーンズ等のリペアの受付を休止させて頂いております。 ※ご郵送に関しても同様に休止させて頂いております。再開の日程は未定です。
ご迷惑お掛け致しますが、ご理解下さいます様お願い致します。 ※弊社製品であればボトムスの裾上げは無料にてお受けしております。お預かり期間は各店舗により異なりますのでお問合せ下さい。
〒460-0011 愛知県名古屋市中区大須3-13-18
【営業時間:平日 12時~19時、土日祝 12時~19時】水曜定休
#warehouse#ウエアハウス#warehouseco#ウエアハウス名古屋店#アメカジ#warehousecompany#warehouse名古屋店#warehousenagoya#アメトラ#amekaji#ametora#americantrad#americancasual#4601#tshirts#tシャツ#mens fashion#mens wear#mens clothing#mens snap#mens style#fashion
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1940s CASU ALL STRS Tshirts ¥68000
CASU-35 は(Carrier Aircraft Service Unit);アメリカ海軍の空母航空サービス部隊のこと。
第二次世界大戦中の太平洋戦争中に海軍航空機の作戦を支援するために編成された部隊です。1942 年から 1946 年にかけて、航空機の修理と保守のために 69 の空母航空サービス部隊が編成されました。最初の部隊は真珠湾海軍基地に配備されました。CASU-35,は、1944, 年 にマーシャル諸島のエニウェトク環礁に配備されました。そのクルーの間で結束を高めるために作られたTシャツであることがわかる「ALL STAR」という文字が印象的です。
1940s United States MARITIME services Tshirts ¥78,000
MARITIMEとは米国海事局です。1936 年の商船法の規定に基づいて、商船の士官および乗組員となる個人を訓練する任意の組織として 1938 年に設立されました。その後、マーチャント・マリナーズは世界中の第二次世界大戦の戦域に人員と物資を輸送しました。連合軍の勝利に大きく貢献したにもかかわらず、USMS の訓練施設と施設は 1954 年に廃止され、1 つの例外を除いて USMS は解散または他の連邦部門に吸収されました。こちらは身幅の狭いチューブ型のボディです。
Bravo COMAPANY 1st Battalion T-shirts ¥38000
1950's Waikele MARINES Tshirts ¥160,000
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Whoops! Comic Con Honolulu is in a few weeks! Better get off my duff and start working on some new projects! ^_^; 3 Starbucks I checked out were full so I migrated to Waikele. Change of scenery might be good to jog some ideas ^_^
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Enhance Your Mood Naturally with Kratom in Waikele
Aloha Waikele! Ever feel like your mood could use a little boost? Like you need something to help you shake off the blahs and embrace those good vibes? Well, you're in luck because Kratom might be just what you need! This incredible plant has been helping people enhance their mood and find balance for centuries. And guess what? You can find amazing Kratom Hawaii right here in beautiful Hawaii.
But first, let's get you acquainted with Kratom. It comes from a tropical tree in Southeast Asia. People have traditionally used Kratom for various purposes, from boosting energy to promoting relaxation. Think of it as your natural partner in the quest for a happier and more balanced you.
Kratom and Your Mood - A Natural Connection
Feeling a bit down or stressed? Kratom might be able to help. Certain Kratom strains, particularly green vein varieties, are known for their mood-boosting effects. They can help you:
Feel more upbeat: Imagine waking up with a sense of optimism and enthusiasm. That's the kind of positive mood lift Kratom can offer.
Reduce anxiety: Stress getting you down? Kratom may help ease anxiety and promote a sense of calm.
Increase sociability: Feeling a bit withdrawn? Kratom can help you feel more social and connected.
Finding Your Perfect Kratom for Mood Enhancement
Ready to experience the mood-boosting benefits of Kratom? Here are a few tips to get you started:
Start with a low dose: Especially if you're new to Kratom, always begin with a small amount and gradually increase it as needed.
Choose the right strain: Different Kratom strains have different effects. For mood enhancement, green vein strains are often recommended. But everyone is different, so experiment a bit and find what works best for you.
Talk to the experts: The friendly folks at Kratom Kings Hawaii can answer all your questions and guide you toward the perfect Kratom product for your needs. We're your local Kratom Honolulu specialists!
Why Choose Kratom Kings Hawaii?
We know you have options when it comes to finding Kratom in Hawaii. Here's why we think you'll love Kratom Kings Hawaii:
High-Quality Kratom: We source our Kratom directly from reputable growers who prioritize quality and sustainability.
Amazing Selection: We offer a wide variety of Kratom strains and Kratom products to meet your unique needs.
Expert Guidance: Our friendly and knowledgeable team is passionate about Kratom and can help you find exactly what you're looking for.
Convenient Location: We're conveniently located in Pearl City, just a short drive from Waikele.
Great Prices: We offer competitive prices on all our Kratom products.
Community Vibes: We're proud to be a part of the local community and love connecting with our customers.
Kratom FAQs
1. Where can I find reliable information about Kratom in Honolulu?
Our team at Kratom Kings Hawaii is a great resource for all things Kratom. We can answer your questions and provide helpful guidance.
2. What's the best way to take Kratom in Kaneohe?
There are many ways to enjoy Kratom. Some people prefer to mix the powder with water or juice. Others find capsules more convenient. Experiment and see what works best for you!
3. Can I mix different Kratom strains in Waimanalo?
Absolutely! Many folks find that mixing different Kratom strains helps them achieve the desired effects.
4. Does Kratom show up on a drug test in Pearl City?
Kratom is not typically included in standard drug tests. However, it's important to know that some specialized tests may detect it.
5. What are the potential side effects of Kratom in Aiea?
While Kratom is generally well-tolerated, some people may experience mild side effects such as nausea, constipation, or dizziness. It's always best to start with a low dose and pay attention to how your body feels.
6. How do I store my Kratom in Waikele to keep it fresh?
Store your Kratom in a cool, dark, and dry place. An airtight container will help maintain its freshness and potency.
Visit Us Today!
Ready to enhance your mood naturally with Kratom? Come visit us at Kratom Kings Hawaii! We're excited to help you discover the perfect Kratom product for your needs.
Contact Details:
Kratom Kings Hawaii - Pearl City
Address: 850 Kamehameha Hwy Ste #8, Pearl City, HI 96782, United States
Phone: +1 (808) 677-5777
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Vape Shop Near Me Find the Perfect Vape Mod in Waikele
Hey Waikele vapers! On the hunt for the perfect vape store? You've come to the right place. Waikele has some solid options for you vape enthusiasts. Whether you're a seasoned cloud chaser or just starting your vaping journey, finding the right vape mod can really elevate your experience.
But hey, if you're ever in the mood for a quick trip and a wider selection, why not scoot over to Aloha Discount Disposables by TCA Vape in nearby Pearl City? We think you'll really dig what we have in store.
Why Choose Aloha Discount Disposables by TCA Vape?
Massive Inventory: We've got a ridiculously huge selection of vape goodies, including a wide variety of vape mods. From starter kits and pod systems to advanced mods with all the bells and whistles, you'll find what you need and more.
Wallet-Friendly Prices: We work hard to offer competitive prices in the area, plus we always have awesome seasonal deals happening.
Super Helpful Staff: Our team members are super friendly and they really know their stuff when it comes to vape mods and other vape products.
Top-Quality Gear: We carry only the best brands and products because we're committed to quality and want you to have a great experience.
Convenient Location: Our shop in Pearl City is conveniently located and easy to get to from Waikele.
CBD Too: We also have a wide selection of CBD products if you're interested in exploring those.
Q: I'm new to this whole vaping thing. Got any advice?
A: For sure! Our team loves helping beginners find their footing in the world of vape. We can totally guide you through the process and help you choose a vape starter kit or vape mod that fits your needs.
Q: I'm in Mililani. Any good vape shops near me?
A: You're in luck! Our Pearl City vape store is just a short drive from Mililani. We'd love for you to pop in and say hello.
Q: Where can I find a vape shop near me in Waipahu with a killer selection of vape juice?
A: While our main vape shop is in Pearl City, we recommend checking online reviews and seeing what people are saying about specific shops in Waipahu.
Q: I need a vape shop near me in Ewa Beach with staff who actually know what they're talking about.
A: We're super proud of our knowledgeable team here in Pearl City! Give us a call or swing by — we're always happy to help.
Q: What are some decent vape shops in Kapolei?
A: Kapolei has some fantastic vape shops! We suggest checking online reviews or asking around on vaping forums.
Q: Do you guys have a vape store in Wahiawa?
A: Not at the moment, but our Pearl City location is just a hop, skip, and a jump away. We'd love for you to come visit us!
Want to Learn More?
If you have any more questions or want some personalized advice, feel free to reach out! Give us a call at +1 (808) 677-5777 or visit our vape shop at 850 Kamehameha Hwy Ste #8 in Pearl City. We can't wait to help you discover some awesome new Geek Bar Meloso gear and flavors!
Aloha Discount Disposables by TCA Vape - Pearl City
Address: 850 Kamehameha Hwy Ste #8, Pearl City, HI 96782, United States
Phone: +1 (808) 677-5777
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Update 1:
Journey so far:
Since the start of the semester I’ve been getting plugged in with the Creative Media team at Inspire Church in Waikele. Right now I’m currently working on a process they call Juicing which is when we take segments from either a Sunday service or Podcast and create social media clips highlighting key points or interesting things that were said.
The road ahead:
For the next 2 weeks I will most likely be continuing with edits for more social media clips and hopefully do some filming. I should probably start gathering information for my research paper too.
Bumps along the road:
While working on the social media clips I did have a small hiccup in terms of my settings not importing immediately for my captions and quickly fixed that by unselecting my preset that I made and reselecting it.
Road map progress:
On my timeline I would say that I’m doing well as far as getting my hours in for my internship portion but for my timeline for collecting and producing my research paper I am currently at the starting phases.
Pieces of work:
First draft of a social media clip that will be waiting for approval.
Behind the scenes:
Photos of what some of the edits look like
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Exploring Waikele Premium Outlets: A Shopper’s Paradise in Oahu
A Shopper's Delight
Waikele Premium Outlets is the only outlet center on the island of Oahu, making it a prime spot for those eager to score great deals on designer and brand-name items. The outlet boasts over 50 stores, featuring an impressive array of categories from fashion and accessories to home goods and electronics. Whether you're hunting for the latest trends at Calvin Klein, Coach, and Michael Kors, or looking for athletic gear at Nike and Adidas, there’s something for every taste and budget.
Unbeatable Deals
One of the biggest attractions of Waikele Premium Outlets is the substantial savings shoppers can enjoy. With discounts ranging from 25% to 65% off retail prices, it’s easy to see why this shopping center is a favorite among bargain hunters. The outlets frequently hold sales events and promotions, offering even deeper discounts on top of their already reduced prices. Shoppers are encouraged to sign up for the VIP Shopper Club to receive exclusive offers and updates on upcoming sales, waikele shopping outlet tour ensuring they never miss out on a great deal.
A Scenic Shopping Experience
The layout of Waikele Premium Outlets enhances the shopping experience with its open-air design, allowing visitors to enjoy Hawaii’s beautiful weather as they browse. The well-manicured landscaping, palm trees, and fountains create a pleasant and relaxing environment, making it more than just a shopping trip but a delightful outing. The center also provides ample seating areas where shoppers can rest and recharge before continuing their retail adventures.
Dining and Refreshments
Shopping can work up quite an appetite, and Waikele Premium Outlets doesn’t disappoint with its dining options. From quick bites to sit-down meals, there’s a variety of food choices to satisfy any craving. Popular spots include Starbucks for a quick coffee fix, Subway for a fresh and healthy meal, and a range of local food trucks that offer Hawaiian specialties. These culinary options ensure that visitors can enjoy a full day at the outlets without needing to leave for sustenance.
Family-Friendly Atmosphere
Waikele Premium Outlets is a family-friendly destination, offering amenities and services that cater to all ages. The outlet center features a playground area where children can burn off energy, making it a great stop for families. Additionally, the outlets are stroller and wheelchair accessible, ensuring a comfortable experience for everyone. The welcoming environment, oahu pearl harbor tours coupled with the diverse range of stores and dining options, makes it a perfect destination for a family outing.
Getting There
Getting to Waikele Premium Outlets is straightforward and convenient. Located just off the H-1 freeway, it is easily accessible by car, and there’s plenty of free parking available. For those without a vehicle, several shuttle services operate between major hotels in Waikiki and the outlets, providing a hassle-free way to reach the shopping center. Public transportation is also an option, with bus routes stopping directly at the outlets.
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Lot 4601
color: オフ/ スミクロ/ ナスコン/ オレンジ/ オートミール
¥ 7,040 tax in
color: オフ/ スミクロ/ ナスコン/ グリーン/ オートミール
¥ 7,040 tax in
Lot 4601
color: オフ/ オートミール
¥ 7,700 tax in
Lot 4601
color: ナスコン/ オレンジ/ オートミール
¥ 7,040 tax in
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Waipahu Walkabouts: Exploring the Neighborhoods of Hawaii's Cozy Corner
Nestled on the island of Oahu, Waipahu stands as a testament to Hawaii's rich cultural tapestry and breathtaking natural beauty. This cozy corner, with its diverse neighborhoods, offers a unique blend of historical landmarks, mouth-watering cuisines, and serene landscapes. Join us on a walkabout through Waipahu, where the aloha spirit is alive and the adventures are endless.
The Heartbeat of Hawaii: Discovering Waipahu's History Waipahu's roots are deeply embedded in the islands' sugar plantation past, a history that has shaped the community's spirit and landscape. The Hawaii Plantation Village, an outdoor museum, is your starting point for a journey back in time. As you stroll through restored buildings and listen to stories of the immigrants who toiled in the sugar cane fields, you'll gain a profound appreciation for the diverse cultures that have woven the fabric of this community.
A Culinary Expedition: Tasting Waipahu's Melting Pot No exploration of Waipahu is complete without indulging in its culinary offerings, a delicious testament to the island's multicultural heritage. First on the list is a visit to Tanioka’s Seafoods and Catering, where the poke bowls are a symphony of fresh flavors. For a taste of Filipino cuisine, nothing beats the traditional dishes at Golden Coin Bake Shop. And for those with a sweet tooth, Leonard's Bakery offers malasadas that are the perfect blend of Portuguese tradition and Hawaiian sweetness.
Nature's Embrace: The Serene Landscapes of Waipahu Waipahu also boasts landscapes that invite you to pause and breathe in the beauty of nature. The Waipi’o Peninsula Soccer Park offers stunning views of the Pearl Harbor, while the Waikele Stream provides a serene backdrop for a leisurely stroll or a picnic with loved ones. For hiking enthusiasts, the Honouliuli Preserve is a must-visit. The trails here are not just paths through the wilderness; they are journeys through a vibrant ecosystem, home to rare plants and birds.
Community and Culture: Vibrant Neighborhoods of Waipahu The neighborhoods of Waipahu are as diverse as the people who call them home. Village Park, with its panoramic views of Pearl Harbor and the Waianae Mountains, is a community where modern living blends with natural beauty. Meanwhile, Robinson Heights offers a glimpse into the area's plantation past, with its older homes and tight-knit community vibe. Each neighborhood, with its unique character, contributes to the tapestry of Waipahu.
Celebrating Traditions: Waipahu's Festivals and Events Waipahu's calendar is dotted with festivals and events that celebrate the island's heritage and community spirit. The Waipahu Cultural Garden Park often hosts events that bring together music, dance, and food from the various cultures that make up Hawaii. The Plantation Festival, a highlight of the year, is a vibrant celebration of Waipahu's plantation history, featuring traditional music, dance, and, of course, a plethora of local cuisines.
A Shopper’s Paradise: From Markets to Boutiques Shopping in Waipahu offers everything from traditional Hawaiian crafts at local markets to contemporary fashion at Waikele Premium Outlets. Take a leisurely walk through Waipahu Town Center, where you can find unique souvenirs, handmade jewelry, and island-inspired fashion. For those looking for designer brands at great prices, the Waikele Premium Outlets is a treasure trove waiting to be explored.
Living the Aloha Spirit: Waipahu's Welcoming Community Above all, it's the people of Waipahu who make this corner of Hawaii truly special. The aloha spirit is palpable, from the warm greetings at local shops to the friendly conversations with residents. Engaging with the community, whether through a shared meal or a community event, offers a glimpse into the true heart of Waipahu—a place where cultures converge, history is honored, and every visitor is welcomed like family.
Off the Beaten Path: Hidden Gems of Waipahu For those looking to venture off the beaten path, Waipahu does not disappoint. The Kunia Orchid Society showcases rare and exotic orchids, a hidden gem for nature lovers. Meanwhile, the Waipahu Depot Street Pedestrian Bridge offers unique views of the area, perfect for photographers and romantics alike.
Connecting with Nature: Outdoor Adventures in Waipahu Waipahu's natural beauty offers countless opportunities for outdoor adventures. From kayaking in the tranquil waters of Pearl Harbor to bird watching in the Honouliuli Preserve, nature enthusiasts will find their paradise here. The area's golf courses, with their lush landscapes and challenging holes, offer another way to enjoy the great outdoors while taking in the stunning views.
A Journey Through Time: The Legacy of Waipahu As our walkabout comes to a close, we reflect on the journey through Waipahu's neighborhoods, each with its own story and charm. This cozy corner of Hawaii, with its rich history, vibrant community, and breathtaking landscapes, invites travelers to explore, taste, and immerse themselves in the aloha spirit. Waipahu is not just a destination; it's an experience, a place where the past and present merge, and the beauty of Hawaii shines through.
In Waipahu, every walkabout is an adventure, a chance to discover the heart and soul of Hawaii. So, lace up your walking shoes, and let the spirit of aloha guide you through the cozy corners and vibrant neighborhoods of Waipahu. The journey is just beginning, and the memories made here will last a lifetime.
About Waipahu Local Bounce House Rentals:
Waipahu Local Bounce House Rentals stands as a vibrant community-oriented service dedicated to enriching local events and celebrations. With a strong focus on supporting the needs of the Waipahu community, they specialize in providing high-quality bounce houses that promise fun and excitement for all ages. Collaborating closely with esteemed partners like "Oahu Jump," they ensure a wide variety of options to cater to every occasion. Whether it’s a birthday party, a community festival, or a family gathering, Waipahu Local Bounce House Rentals is committed to delivering joy and smiles, while fostering community spirit and supporting local needs. Their dedication to service and community engagement makes them a cherished resource in Waipahu.
Support our local members: We highly appreciate your support to our local members. It means a lot to us. Support us here:
Oahu Jump Address: 94-990 Pakela St, Waipahu, HI 96797 Phone: (808) 582-8845 Website: https://www.jump4lesshawaii.com/
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More Asylum Claims and More Illegal Crossings Along U.S.-Canada Border, Despite the Dangers
The number of people seeking asylum at the United States-Canada border or trying to cross into America has increased in the last year, which experts say is part of the larger global migration patterns they're seeing.
U.S. authorities have repeatedly warned of the perils of crossing the northern border, especially in the winter months when temperatures can drop below zero and storms can aggravate the conditions.
“It’s extremely dangerous with the cold weather, the cold water,” Brady Waikel, in charge of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection station in Niagara Falls, told WIVB-TV of Buffalo.
Despite the dangers, more migrants, mostly Mexicans, decide to try and cross the northern border, the longest in the world at 5,525 miles. The border with Mexico measures 1,900 miles; then-President Donald Trump built 450 miles of border wall for about $1 billion.
The most up-to-date figures from CBP recorded 189,402 encounters at the northern border in fiscal year 2023. This includes people who arrive at legal points of entry and turn themselves in to request asylum, as well as those who are captured after illegally crossing into the U.S.
There were 10,021 arrests for illegal crossings in that period. According to an analysis by Noticias Telemundo, migrants from Mexico lead the number of illegal crossings from Canada, with 4,868 interceptions, up from 882 arrests in 2022. Other countries with the most migrant interceptions were India, at 1,630, compared to 237 arrests in 2022, and Venezuela, at 753, as opposed to five arrests the year before.
“We have exceeded 6,700 apprehensions in less than 1 year, exceeding the previous 11 years combined,” Robert García, head of the Border Patrol in the Swanton, Vermont sector, said in early September on X.
As of press time, CBP had not responded to Noticias Telemundo’s requests for an interview with García.
Although the figures on the northern border are modest compared to the 2,045,838 encounters that CBP recorded on the border with Mexico during 2023, experts told Noticias Telemundo the numbers are rising.
“Government immigration policies don't change the need or reasoning of people who decide to cross in one direction or another," said Shauna Labman, director of the Human Rights Program at the University of Winnipeg, Canada, who added that some people are fleeing and seeking protection and thus making "dangerous decisions."
Migration Policy Institute analyst Colleen Putzel-Kavanaugh said they're seeing high levels of migration around the world, the highest since World War II. "People are moving at a faster rate than in the past, and that is also seen in the north," she said.
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Republican presidential hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy published a series of TikTok videos in October where he walked along hiking trails in Canada near Pittsburg, New Hampshire and crossed a stream into the U.S., saying it was easier than crossing the Rio Grande.
“Don’t just build the wall. Build both walls,” he said during the Nov. 8 Republican primary debate.
Regarding Ramaswamy’s proposal to build two border walls in the U.S., experts said it would be an extremely expensive — and ineffective — solution.
“I think it would not be viable for several reasons. One of them is that the barriers on the border between the United States and Mexico have been shown to not slow migration but, in fact, push migration into certain corridors where people can cross," Putzel-Kavanaugh said. "The other point is that the northern border has a variety of geographies with rivers, lakes, forests and that would be a challenge because of the environmental impacts."
Crossings Turn Deadly
Sometimes, the risk that immigration agents warn about is illustrated tragically: José Leos Cervantes, 45, originally from Aguascalientes, Mexico, collapsed after crossing the border into the U.S. from Quebec at the end of February and was pronounced dead at a hospital.
In March, eight people from two families, one from Romania and one from India, died while trying to cross the St. Lawrence River. Their bodies were found in Akwesasne Mohawk territory, which straddles the Canada-U.S. border.
“It also happens that many people cannot find work in Canada and try to go to the United States. But it is very dangerous, there are always very tragic cases of people who lose their fingers, their clothes stick to their skin, and some die from freezing or for other reasons,” Camelia Tigau, a visiting professor at the University of Toronto and a scholar at the Center for Research on North America at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, told Noticias Telemundo.
Another aspect that complicates the situation along the northern border is that states have transferred migrants who entered through Mexico to areas near Canada, so they can request asylum in the neighboring country in search of better job opportunities, health benefits and a more nimble immigration system.
Source: NBC NEWS
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WAREHOUSE & CO. Lot 4601 MANSFIELD \7.040-(+ tax)
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. . .
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1150. November 19, 2023
A pour of rain down to the west side of the island. After waiting for a couple hours came to us eating lunch at my niece’s 7th birthday. Chicken and lumpia was the highlight of the dishes today. By the time it was 3, we went to Waikele to do some shopping. Around the outlet but the best part was at Old Navy. You can’t beat the price they offer. Some jackets for Vegas!
A nice warm shower after staying out in the rain. Thankfully we came prepared with our rain gear. Emergen-C and miso to make the night feel better. I can’t believe it’s already thanksgiving weekend. How the last 5 months passed by since Summer. I know when December comes, reality truly hits. Pass graduation you’ll be flying back to Cali.
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Waikele Outlet Mall Transfers
For this round trip transfer we will pick you up from your hotel in Waikiki at the time of your choice and drop you off at Waikele. Then after you’re done with your shopping, we’ll pick you up from Waikele to take you back to your hotel again.
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Revival and Prayer Night! Thank you Dr. Michael Maiden for praying over me! So amazing to see God work in me and so many other people!! I thank God for the lives that were changed tonight! To God be all the Glory!! 🙌🏽✝️💖🙏🏽🥰 #revival #prayer #healing #godisgood #houseofmiracles #holyspirit #inspirechurchwaikele (at Inspire Church Waikele) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqSDWtmOZ10/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Discover the Charm of Waikele Premium Outlets: A Shopper's Paradise
A Shopper's Dream
Waikele Premium Outlets boasts an impressive array of over 50 stores, featuring some of the world's most renowned brands. From fashion to accessories, home goods to electronics, the outlet center caters to a wide range of tastes and needs. Upon arrival, visitors are greeted by a picturesque open-air layout, making the shopping experience both enjoyable and relaxing.
Fashion Forward
Fashion enthusiasts will find themselves in paradise with a diverse selection of clothing stores. waikele shopping outlet tour High-end designers like Coach, Michael Kors, and Kate Spade offer luxurious items at discounted prices. For those seeking casual and trendy styles, stores such as GAP, Levi’s, and American Eagle Outfitters provide a plethora of options. Athletic brands like Nike and Adidas cater to sports enthusiasts, offering the latest in performance wear and footwear.
Accessories Galore
No outfit is complete without the perfect accessories, and Waikele Premium Outlets does not disappoint. Shoppers can explore a variety of jewelry stores including Swarovski and Kay Jewelers, where they can find sparkling pieces to complement any ensemble. Sunglass Hut offers a wide range of stylish and practical eyewear, perfect for the sunny Hawaiian weather.
Home and Lifestyle
Beyond fashion, Waikele Premium Outlets also features stores dedicated to home goods and lifestyle products. Bed Bath & Beyond is a treasure trove for those looking to spruce up their living spaces, while Le Creuset offers premium cookware for culinary enthusiasts. For tech lovers, the Bose store provides cutting-edge audio equipment that promises to enhance any entertainment experience.
Culinary Delights
Shopping can be a tiring endeavor, and Waikele Premium Outlets ensures that visitors can refuel and recharge with a variety of dining options. The food court offers a selection of quick bites, including local favorites like Aloha Salads and Subway. tour of pearl harbour For a more substantial meal, shoppers can enjoy the flavors of Hawaii at the nearby Waikele Center, home to popular restaurants such as Chili's and Big City Diner.
Insider Tips
To make the most of your visit to Waikele Premium Outlets, consider these insider tips:
Early Bird Advantage: Arrive early to avoid crowds and secure the best deals. Weekdays are generally less busy than weekends.
Join the VIP Club: Sign up for the VIP Shopper Club online to receive exclusive discounts and promotions.
Plan Your Visit: Check the outlet center’s website for the latest store directory and map out your must-visit shops in advance.
Comfort is Key: Wear comfortable shoes and clothing to navigate the expansive shopping area with ease.
Getting There
Waikele Premium Outlets is conveniently located just 30 minutes from Waikiki and is easily accessible by car or public transportation. Ample parking is available, and the outlet center also offers a shuttle service from select locations for added convenience.
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