#wahoo........ girls are gay and it rules
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iridawn · 2 years ago
Time Keeps On Slipping
wahoo new jewel box lite entry! honestly i was gonna write more of chapter 9 of SBS/edit chapter 8 of BFS but i kinda got into a funky headspace and i dunno if ive got it in me RIGHT right now. maybe a bit later.
i decided to kinda wind myself down by writing something cute and rough. it's not really anything crazy or super concrete, i just thought of the concept and wanted to put make it. so now im sharing it! its not perfect, but eh, sometimes you just wanna write something a bit imperfect. it's fun
dawn gets a lil too focused on taking notes and studying her matches, so irida comes in and helps her snap out of it, so to speak
Dawn shot up in her seat, as she didn’t realize how slouched she was. Dawn was engulfed in taking notes - she was studying some previous matches from the last Champion Summit again. It was something she felt helped a lot, honestly.
She had really given her all in these ones, but she really wanted to crack the code on what went wrong, what she could do better, the works. Analyzing her own choices, everything that happened, would give her a better idea of what to focus on in the future.
Dawn had even been studying the matches of her opponents, who they faced, the works. She was making as many detailed notes as she could. And so, she had kind of tucked herself away in the spare room that was mostly just used as a room for whenever Dawn needed to crack down and study her matches. She had her laptop set up, her rather large notebook that she kept notes like this in, the works. And she had been working away for quite some time.
Irida, now, stood in the doorway to that room, staring at her with an expression that was a mixture of concern and seriousness.
“Wha?” Dawn blinked for a second, before shaking her head and easing into a smile. “Oh, Irida. What’s up?”
“I just wanted to check in, since I had been out today, but… How long have you been at that?”
“…A ‘lil bit, I guess.” Dawn tried to think about how much time had passed, but it really had been a while. She scratched her head, but it really had been a while now. “I haven’t kept too much track of the time, admittedly. Let me see…”
She started bright and early at 8:30, knowing that this process could take a while (especially with how thorough she was), but lost track of time as she got invested into it. Taking out her phone, Dawn looked at the time. It was now…
Her eyes widened. “Uhhh…”
It was 8:30 PM. As in it had been twelve hours.
“…Guess it’s been a bit, heh.” Dawn grinned nervously as she recognized the time. “Sorry about that. You know I get invested into this…”
Irida nodded. “That I do, but… did you eat, Dawn?”
She felt nervous once more. “…I had a light snack earlier, does that count?”
Irida’s worried expression only grew. That was a no, she assumed. Dawn gave a small, defeated grumble as she rubbed the back of her head.
“…I just gotta do a bit more, really. Then I’ll stop. I just want to make sure I understand everything I did, and it’s not like I’m all that beat up about it, cause I did great. It’s just important to study, and-“
Dawn was interrupted by a very loud sigh as Irida came over, and without warning, effortlessly picked Dawn up off the chair and scooped her into a princess carry. “Hey!!!!!!!”
“…You’re surprisingly easy to pick up.” She looked surprised by the fact.
Dawn rolled her eyes. “Not all of us trained with Gaeric, y’know.”
A light giggle came out of Irida. “Well, that’s true. But still, you need to rest.”
Irida carried Dawn, who truthfully, didn’t resist much. She did feel very embarrassed at the situation, but part of it was kind of romantic, with Irida literally sweeping her off her feet and carrying her like this. That seemed to distract her enough, really.
Irida brought Dawn up to their room before putting her into the bed and under the covers.
Suddenly, every single feeling of exhaustion Dawn had seemingly been suppressing hit her all at once, now that she was actually lying down.
“Ooooohhhhhh…” Dawn sunk into the bed, her entire body practically becoming motionless. Irida gave a light laugh as she slipped into bed besides Dawn, snuggling up nice and close.
“I know you can get absorbed in that, is all. Believe me, Dawn. I’ve been there before. But it’s important to take care of yourself, too.”
Dawn smiled weakly, wrapping her arms around Irida. “Yeah, I just… tend to fixate on it, I guess. I’m always bad at following my own advice, heh.”
“I’m always happy to help you remember it, then.” Irida gave Dawn a soft kiss on the cheek. “After all, I want my shooting star to be as happy and healthy as she can be.”
Letting out a happy sigh, Dawn closed her eyes, nuzzling her head onto Irida’s shoulder. “And I’m very thankful my shining pearl is as sweet as she is. I love you, Irida…”
Irida planted a light kiss on the top of her head. “I love you too, Dawn.”
Dawn was grateful for Irida bringing herself back down to Earth, so to speak. It was very easy for her to get incredibly lost in what she was doing, and she knew it was easy for Irida to do the same. After all, she’d do something similar whenever Irida would get lost in her own worries back in Hisui, or anything like that, really. It was nice that Irida was able to do the same thing for her.
They enjoyed the soft embrace for a few seconds, before a small realization hit Dawn.
“…you think there’s any places open for food? I’d make something, but…”
Irida giggled as Dawn looked up at her. “Well, I figured we could place an order very soon. I think with how hard you’ve worked, you deserve something nice. Not like I’d know where to go, anyway…” Irida snuggled in closer. “But I’d rather cuddle for a few minutes, first. I haven’t gotten to do this all day…”
“Heh. Fair enough.”
And so, they enjoyed the warmth of one another, with Dawn feeling very grateful (and very, very tired). The two would worry about ordering something later - they just wanted to enjoy this embrace, with Dawn truly happy she fell in love with someone so amazing and supportive.
It was just nice, really. And she appreciated that.
(The two, later, ordered a simple pizza from one of Dawn's favorite places. After all, she had worked very hard today. She deserved a nice treat.)
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butididnottried · 5 years ago
So, after a few weeks i'm finally at the finale.
The Phoenix King
Excuse me, mister phoenix fire bitch king Ozai, sir, your enormous ego makes me cackling like a kindergardener that just heard a swear word. This man is just insufferable. But yeah, he is a human being (and once he was an innocent (cute?) baby) and Aang is right with not wanting to kill him. Like, they really never talked about this, and they all act like it's one of the easiest thing to do. I know that fandom likes to jokes about how Toph and Zuko we're killing people and the rest of gaang was more than oblivious to that, but seriosusly, none of them - and i mean all gaang - never killed not even a one person. Probably. As far as i know/remember. I realize that fate of the whole world is lying on their backs, but i also know that they know better than to shaming Aang not wanting to be a murderer and they fuckin know that they're not helipng with such agression.
They didn't tell Zuko about their plans to attack after the comet, so Zuko didn't tell them what his father want to do with the comet. And now The Avatar is missing and you have no time to loose. That's what happens when people do not talk to each other! Buuut Ozai plans towards comet sound kinda... important? Big? Dangerous? Looks like Zuko should tell the rest about that anyway.
But hell, they really wanted to wait out this whole comet thing and attacket later? Like, why?! They really expected that the fire lord wouldn't use it's power to do something crazy? Because he already conquered Ba Sing Se? And that's all? He won the war? What? Cooome on, Katara, Sokka, you're smarter than this. ):
Toph was way too happy about throwing flaming rocks at her freinds. And she moulded a whole Ba Sing Se in sand. With the earth king and his bear looking just like they look. Girl, that is some crazy memory superpower.
👏 Give 👏 Toph 👏 her 👏 life 👏 changing 👏 trip 👏 with 👏 Zuko 👏
I have a really hard time with believing that Azula is just 14. Aang and Toph are just 12? Ok. Katara is 14 and Sokka 15? Sure thing. Zukos 16? Yes. And uh, Azula is also 14. And i'm like... you lost me.
Gay disaster mister avatar tracking master be like "i know what to do" and he takes all his friends to meet a powerhouse lesbian.
The Old Masters
Welcome to the family grampgramp!
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Seriously, Paku does not deserve such precious grandchildren.
And also seriosuly, master Pianado is not that old. He's fine and middle aged. How dare you.
Bumi can bend with just his face. He can bend a whole house. And then throw a whole house. What a man. No wonder he can just like that proclaim himself as a king. Who would forbid that to him? Aaaand, do firebenders didn't knew that eclipse would take bending powers away from them? Is this some forbidden knowledge?
Uncle Iroh, i'm really start to doubting your wisdom and common sense. You really want to leave Zuko all alone when he become fire lord? I guess that since Zuko himself recognizes his mistakes and choose the right path Iroh thinks that he's ready to be responsible enough and take lead of a whole nation. Yes. Of course. ...Nooo, no no, i would never leave my baby boy like that. But i'm a dumbass and except moral support i wouldn't be much help with ruling. But an old man having his pai sho plays every day is more important. I'm let down. ):
I read how lionturtle and his gift to Aang is just an easy and lazy deus ex machina and... no? No really? Well, yes, it was easy for Aang to just being gifted with energybending and not needed anymore to kill Ozai, but it makes sense in this world and do not came out of nowhere. Aang was so conflicted about possibility that he must kill someone, that he unconsciously seeked help from spirits. The lionturtle do not came to Aang, he didn't even know that there's a human on hic back. Aang asked him for guidance and help, and lionturltle did excatly that - he helped the avatar with his dillema. Easy. Well, i'm guessing that Aang don't know yet what excatly happened and didn’t feel different. Also, Aangs moral dillema about killing another human is just *double chef kiss*. ATLA aired more than 10 years ago and even now it's rather rare to see something like that on show for kids.
But also, all these past avatars we're rather useless. You need to be more active avatar Aang. You need to bring justice. You need to do something. Blah blah blah. These are not really substantive tips. Maybe expect that aribender avatar lady. She also didn't really helped Aang with his problem, but at least she said something new and meaningful.
Into the Inferno
All these firebenders flying around like they have jetpacks is just hysterical. And yes Toph, yes, that's A LOT of fire. I also like how they used a sound of flamethrower in firebending scenes.
Banishment for you. Banishment for you! Banishment for everybody! ...aaand idk, for me Azula slipping away was a little to fast? Maybe if we saw some some scenes with her between “The Boilin Rock” and this it would hit harder/better? Idk. I don’t really feel her. And when she's drawed LIKE THAT i have even harder time believing that she's just 14.
Oh, i like so much music choice during Azulas and Zukos agni kai. When Aang and Ozai are fighting there's proper battle music, but during agni kai scenes music was sad, emotional and dramatic, not only accentuating tragedy of this situation, but also how Zukos and Azulas personal fight is different from Aangs and Ozai. NICE.
Avatar Aang
And that's why you do not mess with the avatar! Fuck him up Aang!
But lol, how funny it is that Aangs cosmic chakra was unlocked absolutely by stupid accident? Ozai that one particular thing bring wholly oh himself. And oh, Aang knew how this whole energybending works buts still was hesistant to use it because it could be too dangerous to him and he left it at the very end, if he had no other choice. Understandable.
Aang is the best avatar, there's no discussion. When all past avatars went down to absolutely obliterate Ozai and Aang standed up to all of them? NICE.
Hmmm, there's one good thing about loser lord Ozai. His hair game. This thick mane is truly impressive. It's almost on disneys Pocahontas level when it's flowing on wind. And then he got roasted by a bunch of goofy kids. Beautiful.
Yes Sokka, it's amazing that Toph invented metalbending. You have no idea how much.
Katara taken down Azula in a very smart way. Can i get a wahoo for Katara? WAHOO!
That open plot with Ursa feels... unnecessary? Do they planned comics at this point? Like, if you're not going to resolve this in the show then why even keeping her alive? I guess that this is in presupposition, that Zuko is going to find her and bring home and they're going to be all happy and nice but idk. Maybe it would felt differently for me if i didn't know how this was resolved in the comics. :/
Ty Lee was like GIRLS, and girls we're like YES. You go, you funky little lesbian.
Aaaah, it felt so rewarding and satisfying when Aang immobilized Ozai, put a whole laser show and then calmly put down this whole fire around them. Closing scenes after that we're good, but emotionally? Aangs being at peace immediately after fight bringed me peace. My skin is clean, my crops are thriving and all that smooth jazz. So good. Such good finale. I can't believe that. Honestly, i don’t remember the last time when i felt so good after finishing something.
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...and they needed to ruin it at the very last seconds. Well, not like, ruin it whole, but scratched it enough. Aang walks on porch, Katara joins him, they look at each other and blush, they see how calm the world is right now and how good and beautiful it is, they hug each other, it nice and cute and just good. And it should end right here. Because this kiss really feel like reward and it's... icky a little.
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