#wahoo another bingo
justapalspal · 6 months
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Wahoo!! I got another two bingos on @feedthefandomfest’s bingo card after a week and a half of reading fic. Yesterday had me reading and commenting on three oneshots (2.5k, 2.4k, and 13k words respectively, checking off “Platonic Cuddles” “Holding Hands” and “First Kiss”) putting me at 17.9k words read and 3 comments left total for yesterday.
If you’re curious about my previous progress days, check out my “#pal’s bingo card adventure: fluff edition” tag (easy to find on this post).
Yesterday’s Comment Total: 3 comments!!
Overall Comment Total: 40 comments!!
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outism-had-a-purpose · 10 months
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another atrocious old woman wahoo
AHAB? Oh... her design is literally my everything? The poofy long hair just like ishmael's, her absolute scrungled state, the big harpoon. Checking all the boxes my captain ahab design bingo rn what the hell
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elegyofthemoon · 6 months
Also Lightning just for funsies
blank character bingo
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So I'll say this first: I'm not the biggest Lightning fan. Lightning is objectively well written and I love her sm but she doesn't sit in my brain as often as say, Hope or Vanille in the series. Maybe even Noel actually asdklfjadshl idk
But I love her nonetheless, not as much as she loves her sister. The whole series of FF13 is centered around Lightning saving her sister over and over again. FF13-2 is where Serah is saving Lightning and sacrifices herself doing so, and that guilt hits Lightning severely over in Lightning Returns.
But this guilt has also just been something she's dealt with growing up.
After losing her parents at such a young age, Lightning had no choice but to force herself to grow up for Serah and her sake. Serah relied on her so Lightning had to make ends meet, but this came at sacrificing her time with Serah.
In the first game, Serah and Lightning's relationship is...albeit distant. The way siblings can be awkward with one another over time, but the love is still present all the same. Serah always cooks for Lightning when she comes back home, and Lightning is fighting as a soldier for Serah. Love is present, even if not spoken.
And that's just the sister dynamic between the two. Lightning and fighting. The reason why Lightning had named herself "Lightning" and even has 2/3 of her main roles within the battle system (a whole can of worms that I shouldn't open ALKDJFH) is all offense roles. "Lightning: it burns bright and fades away. It can never protect, only destroys." The girl took out the grief of losing her parents on fighting. Fighting was her coping mechanism because her job as a soldier is what allowed her to push herself forward. But it wasn't until she started reflecting further on this with Hope's situation in which Hope was ALSO READY TO START FIGHTING as a means to sustain himself that Lightning realizes that this is wrong. That that's no way to cope.
But of course, it really takes Lightning till the end of the series to really understand that. She buried that grief so deep in herself and locked people out because she was so focused on just trying to press on and you know, fight.
She's a really interesting character, and I love her a lot. She might not be a blorbo in the way that she doesn't sit in my head so often, but my GOD if I have to read another "Lightning is just Cloud 2.0", I'm going to start beating people with a hammer :D
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jujutsu-headcanons · 4 years
Team Tokyo First Years + Mario Kart headcanons 
(Ft. Yuji, Megumi, Nobara, you & commentary from Sukuna)
This disaster happened because Yuji was bored. Isn't this how most shenanigans at Jujutsu Tech start?
Yuji was going through old boxes he never unpacked. Yeah, it's been months. He's lazy.
He found this one that he didn't pack himself. He pulled it out of the storage closet when Gojo helped him move from Sendai to Tokyo and he just grabbed it
He wonders what's in it
Its mostly full of cords he has no idea what they go to, a couple of headphones and
uwu what's this
This thing is 12 y/o he hadn't seen it in at least 6 does it even still work
Looks like the controllers and cords are here let's plug it in
Oh god it's so old
Okay what games are there
Just Dance, Wii Sports, Mario Kart, Cooking Ma-
This was his absolute favorite game to play as a kid
Can you believe he's never played it with anyone else?
He's gotta get the gang here
He texts the group chat and proposes they have a game night
Surprisingly the students answer his text really quick; Gojo seems to be off doing who knows what
Megumi knocks and lets himself in. He's only here because he has nothing better to do. That and if he had ignored the text all Yuji would do is bang on the wall or worse- come to his door
Nobara barges in as usual- why is she carrying so much stuff
Guess who just got free LED lights for their room to "set the mood?" 
Uhhh Nobara why are you wearing a tracksuit it's fucking Mario Kart
Oh she's very serious about this
At least she brought snacks
You didn't even read that Mario Kart was involved you just wanted to hang out with Yuji
Okay let's get started Megumi wants to go home even if he is enjoying the bonding time
Nobara curls up in Yuji's bed as if it's her own; Megumi picks a comfy spot on the floor with his back against the bed; Yuji chooses his beanbag chair; you pick [Yuji's lap, next to Megumi w/ your legs across his lap, cuddled up with Nobara]
While Yuji picks out the perfect playlist to play from his speakers, Nobara takes the liberty of going through the Wii.
She has to make herself a Mii it's a rule
This takes like thirty minutes by itself
She edits Yuji's Mii to look more like him (since he made it when he was about eight) and names it Himbo
She makes you a Mii while over-exaggerating your height (by making it very short or very tall) and names it Pookie
She makes Megumi a Mii real fast and names it Cranky BitchBoy
Yuji tells her to be nice
She changes it to Emo Sea Urchin
Good enough
After an hour passes, they're finally ready to play
Except Yuji only put batteries in one controller and he has no batteries
They tear his room apart before finally stealing batteries from his headphones and remotes
Nobara waits until now to announce she can only race with the steering wheel
....and Megumi prefers the nunchuck to motion controls are you fucking-
Yuji tears the box apart and manages to find a fucking steering wheel and a fucking nunchuck
Okay, can we start now?
Mario Kart: Wii!! Wahoo!
Alright; should we play teams or-
"It's bad enough I have to work with you guys in real life, no"
You and Nobara are on team red, the boys on team blue
She makes it very clear she's going to make them eat her dust
She didn't say it that way btw, that's the most polite way of putting it
Yuji chooses Waluigi because he's a meme and makes funny WAAAA noises
Megumi chooses Yoshi because he's a medium character. Medium characters have a field advantage because smaller characters get bumped around while larger characters have drag. Also-
Nobara chooses Daisy because "Damn they made her so thicc".
You choose [character]
Yuji is so eager to play he doesn't care what kart he chooses
Megumi takes forever to decide between a kart or bike and finally chooses the Sneakster
Nobara chooses the Mach Bike bc of how it makes her character look
You choose [cart/bike]
You four argue over what course to do
So you end up taking turns choosing
Nobara pauses halfway through the first race because her character won't fucking turn
Yuji insists it isn't the controller so they trade for one round
Its the controller
Upon further inspection, it was deemed that it looked like the controller had been soaked in some sort of juice
It was the grape soda incident of 2010
Okay gotta get a new controller
Okay it's fixed
Yuji forgot 1) he was player one and 2) he wasn't Yoshi (his normal character) and spent two laps staring at the wrong screen
He still finished 11th. Nobara finished 7th, you finished 3rd and Megs finished 2nd
Yuji ended up catching up really fast until he started showing Nobara tips
See Nobara claimed she knew everything about the game
So Yuji showed her how to flick the remote when she jumped and how to hold the go button down when the countdown was at 2 
She rlly did leave him in the dust
Yuji and Nobara lean their whole bodies with the controller while Megumi sits completely still
Nobara gets way into this game I stg she screams and yells and kicks her feet I hate it
She tries to bump your and Yuji's controllers to throw you off
"Noba-chan, I'm on your team"
"I don't give a fUCK STOP BEATING ME"
Slap fight ensues
At some point, Toge comes and knocks on the door because he can hear the screaming from all the way down the hall
"Are you guys...okay?" -Inumaki language
Nobara just complains, so he leaves
You and Megumi are so fucking good at this game
Nobara starts targeting you two with shells until she realizes you're on her team and they don't hurt you
All you can do is sigh
At some point, Sukuna comes out 
He thinks he's a sports commentator
He announces every little thing, like when someone falls or gets shelled
Which always makes Yuji look away from his screen
Sukuna proceeds to bully Yuji for running into walls, falling off, etc.
You laugh but quit when Yuji pouts
Nobara doesn't stop laughing
Despite Yuji being an idiot and having to be carried by Megumi, blue team wins
Nobara throws her controller and screams some more
Yuji breaks out into hysterics for some reason
Megumi sighs. He gets ready to go home but-
"Sit down Fushiguro that was just a warm-up round"
Okay, fine, he'll just beat her again
Nobara pulls you and Yuji to the side
"We gotta beat Fushiguro"
Yuji was bribed with food
No teams this time
"Let's do Rainbow Ro-" "NO" 
Daisy's Circuit it is 
"Hey Yuu-chan can I play a song"
"Sure name-chan"
"Hey Alexa play Move Bitch by Ludacris"
This is Nobara's song. She is invincible with this song.
Maybe it really was a warm-up round, Nobara is doing much better this time
She's in first place
It looks like Megumi is getting bored, he's falling back, losing his lead
Now if his calculations are correct, when you're in last place you're more likely to get-
"Kugisaki, do you love me?"
"What the fuck, are you going soft on me Fushigu- don't you fucking dare"
"Goodbye Kugisaki"
Nobara doesn't finish the race due to the fact she is throwing a temper tantrum. She throws her controller so hard she breaks the wheel, controller and puts a dent in the wall
He hides it with a poster btw
Megumi wins.
"Avenge me, name-chan"
"Noba-chan we have one last race we can still beat him"
Nobara is PUMPED
Oh my god when no was looking Megumi chose Rainbow Road
Okay pause
Whoever falls off the most is gonna be the person who fell of the least's bitch for the week
Sinister laughing ensues
In conclusion: Yuji is now your bitch
Yujikuna gets bitchslapped for making dirty remarks
Nobara is the first to tap out due to lack of controller and ends up feeding you chips while you race
You tap out and end up snuggling with Nobara as the boys pull out another game that's two player
You two fall asleep while watching them bicker over which way to go
Megumi pauses the game and the boys just end up scrolling through their phones and talking-
-Until Yuji falls asleep in the beanbag chair
Finally, Megumi can go back to his room...
...Except, you three are so cute
Its kinda like a sleepover
Y'know, he doesn't hate you guys
He's just really bad at emotions
Should he stay
Yuji does have another beanbag he can crash on
...He'll just say he fell asleep going through Twitter or something
Goodnight... Friends
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gaudeixcc · 6 years
Peleton News – Confessions (G18 Tour special – April 2018)
This year’s tour was a little fractured to start with.
JT, my honorable (although diminutive) co-chair has been living in Munich for some time, so has reluctantly lobbed all administrative tasks my way. He still of course has a pointy figure hovering over the keyboard most hours of the day to fire off a bullet-like reminder should any delegated task fall in to the overdue category.
My approach this year had been to further convolute the whole process by sub-delegating further down the value chain. This year RTA picked up route-planning duties, shouldering the full burden once Moley had thrown the metaphoric towel into the Gaudeix corner.
JT arrived the night before to settle into Hotel Mariposa and to busy himself ready for our arrival next morning, where, his welcoming party preparation of sundry nibbles, iced towels, freshly pressed mango juice and 6 flutes of chilled Champaign could be seen exactly nowhere.
Quietly bikes were built and readied.
I don’t with to appear overly-critical at this early stage, however I feel it is important to highlight areas where improvement could be made.
My first area of improvement relates to a mathematical ratio.
13.2 is an acceptable ratio.
60 is a completely unacceptable ratio.
Back in the day when I rode motorcycles for my thrill-seeking pleasure, the most expensive item of an accessory nature was the helmet. An oft quoted saying was ‘If you’ve got a £10 head, get a £10 helmet’.
I valued my head at considerable more than £10 and hence why I could be seen peacocking about the place in the latest stealth MotoGP inspired bonce-protecting loveliness from Arai, makers of the very best.
And the same is true of bikes and their bags.
If you’ve got a ratty old Trek which you equally be happy to see as landfill as opposed to nestled between your legs, then by all means bag it with a carrier from Tesco.
If on the other hand you have a carbonfibre creation, with composite wheels, electronic shifting and less weight than a fat sparrow, then for fucks sake, buy a proper bag.
Is there a correlation between 2 visits to a bike shop for fixing 2 bikes hurled into fifty quid bags?
Answers on a postcard…
Next year we are going to be introducing the video referee to dish out ‘after the event’ fines and tickets to offences against cycling such as this little atrocity.
Anyway, peleton delayers aside, we had quite a good tour from a reliability perspective.
No flats at all in 3 days of riding.
Not bad going considering the excess baggage about 50% of the peloton where wheeling about the place.
It can be a harsh life travelling with a pack of cyclists. As a group, we are generally slow to acknowledge quality but lightening-fast to highlight weakness.
This year’s theme was most definitely fatness.
It all started when Dripping decided to relax on day one and let his guard down.
The relief a fat Victorian lady must feel when at the end of a day grazing on mutton, savory puddings and broiled swan, she releases the strings on her corset, was probably how Dripping felt as he gently supped an ale whilst not ‘tensed’ or ‘sucking it in for dear life’ sitting quietly in the sun.
It was harsh and cruel for Mac to take a picture of Dripping at rest in such an unguarded state. The resulting snap caused almost immediate physiological damage, which was then added to by verbal slappery of the worst kind from almost all.
Macca’s boobs got a much lower level of attention than would otherwise have been.
But the real crime in the whole torrid ‘fatgate’ affair, was a quietly outed photo from Colchester Mac which showed what looked like a Michelin Man ballooned around a struggling Cannondale, legs bouncing hard off an impressive midriff as the owner snuffled and puffed his sorry arse up a hill.
That night James in a moment of shocking and completely unexpected kindness said to me ‘You’ve put on a bit of timber this year’…..
It’s about as nice as he’s ever been to me in the 15 years of friendship we have shared.
Meanwhile, back in the Peloton, Whatsapp was on fire as fat Michelin man took a breather from cycling, sat down, drank a beer, guzzled food and then promptly took a micro-nap to allow his body to digest this latest onslaught of calories.
The peloton…. They can be mighty cruel to those built for comfort.
Anyway…let’s move on. Let’s talk compliments….
‘Love the tattoos’
‘You’re girlfriend is very pretty. The plastic she has had inserted in the chest area is both proportionally perfect and pleasing to the eye’
‘Nice denim’
‘Wow.. impressive steed’.
All of the above are probably good ways to make a hells angel feel special.
Alternatively, you could surprise the life out of him by slapping him on the arse as you cycle past at 15 mph…. showing shock and dismay on your face and general surprise that he hadn’t apparently heard your tinckly bike-bell.
I arrived at a stationary Peloton to find Macca being verbally abused by a very angry biker who was busy calling us all arseholes……. I mean he was right…. Must have been a lucky guess.
This was another visible demonstration of Macca’s intolerance to a good swathe of human kind.
On the flight out, Moley’s seat on the plane had been taken by a Turkish lady of more senior years and built like I will be if I don’t stop eating constantly.
She was resting up from the exertion of having had to climb the stairs at the rear of the bus and drag her cabin bag the 6 yards to her seat. The bag was then occupying Macca’s seat whilst she appeared to be cuddling it.
This was clearly a cue for some helpful soul to then lift it into one of the overhead lockers and help her out.
Macca, ignoring this cue like the plague, barked at her. He informed the startled greek lady that he owned the seat, not her bag, and would she kindly get a shift on and move it.
The plane went awkwardly quiet.
Trembling, the lady dressed in black wobbled to her feet and with oscilating bingo wings hoisted the bag upward. There was a moment or 2 when none of us could be sure the bag was going to make it. Like an Olympic weightlifter going  for a PB, there was a pause, a grunt and then a final push… the bag was in.
Macca looked on in bland indifference.
She sat down, glazed with a sheen of garlic and thyme perspiration.
I think secretly Macca was hoping for an engine issue, a wayward turbofan blade and the exiting of the Greek weightlifter from the above-wing window seat.
He fumed quietly for most of the flight.
I suppose I should at some point talk about the cycling.
As with all these tours there is a lot to cover. But, as with most years, I generally can’t be arsed doing so and instead revert to the well-established highlights list.
So, here goes for G18, Malaga;
• Dripping confessing to having voted tactically in previous tours when it came to the yellow cap. Berlusconi-esque in its political nefariousness • C&N orange camo base layer • Mrs RTA’s contribution to the tour…. Can’t name it for legal reasons, but it went down exceptionally well • RTA’s ghost-like completion on date realisation • General higher standard of dress quality (although I still feel the shame and hurt from the explicit savaging I got from Dripping on the yellow cap voting paper… he went into enough detail to require and appendix FFS…) • Damo’s use of the back pen on photos • Whilst he did fuck all in his season of pink, Damo did at least sort out everyone elses mechanical catastrafucks whilst on tour • RTA’s route planning. Magestic. Simply nailed it to the floor. The pink was going one way only after 3 days of beautiful scenery • I hate losing. I especially hate losing to Dripping. I especially especially hate losing to Dripping twice. First time I made an error of timing. After having nearly lost a lung hunting down my prey I should have tailed his sorry ass for half a K before nailing the finish. I didn’t and paid heavily. Day 3’s mechanical was akin to running out of petrol 50 yards short of the finish line. I was running in the red and Drip snuck in and nicked my lunch. Absolute bastard. • Col Mac’s ‘Spam’ top • Macca’s deep-seated suspicion of foreign restaurants… he had me convinced that the preparers of our final meal where going to triple the bill, hack our phones, empty our accounts, spit in our food and quite possibly steal our children. What they actually ended up doing was serving us food which was simply sensational and probably the best meal I’ve eaten in the last 12 months, and then go on to charge us very modestly for it too. • Strange fact number 1. Everything edible in Malaga is cooked in beef fat. • Strange fact number 2. There is nothing wrong with 7 over 40 year olds drinking pink gin with berries in the glass. Completely hetrosexual and in keeping with the modern men we are. (On reflection, I think Colchester Mac way have swerved the gin actually) • If I have to hear one more bloody time about how good wahoo is…… you didn’t invent the fucking thing for the love of sweet baby Jesus… • Shit Garmins • The descent on day 3…on day one going up it I nearly died…. On day 3 coming down I could have cried…. Probably the best descent this peloton has tasted. • This year’s tour caps…. Top quality. • A vintage year that saw our first triple-cap…. ! Yes, my (well deserved) orange nailed a hat trick of caps (although only 2 physical caps probably maketh the point moot). • Desire takes many forms. But few have the strength and longing that have been displayed with the force of a Dripping wanting yellow. He may have ‘bought’ the cap, but god it was worth it to see his little face!! • Murdering 9 oranges to make 1 drink
And finally, whilst we have our highlights list, we also have a lowlights list. This one is my own personal list…. Only 2 entries… and neither of them spotted or witnessed by the Peloton;
1. On unpacking my bike and reassembling, somehow my fat fucking fingers and squinty eyesight have managed to crush the Di2 cable that runs the front mech…. FFS… bike now on turbo in just the little ring…. Horrible humble and apologetic call to Damo/Amy coming shortly. I can actually feel Damo’s eyebrows raise as he reads this…. (and can actually here him say ‘well you’re a fucking idiot aren’t you’…..) 2. Do you know what Raybans hitting tarmac at 20 mph sound like? No? It took me a while to figure it out too…. Well, 10 miles worth of fast riding to be precise…. And then I sulked quietly for 20 mins when I realised that day 2 would be the last time I went our armed with more than one pair of sunnies…… I kepy it quiet because Trusler would have definitely shit himself laughing at that one…..
So there we have it. Drip and Mac need new bike bags if they are to show their cycling faces ever again, Macca needs to take a tolerance pill twice daily, Damo needs to tut in my general direction, JT needs to not mention sunnies to me ever again, Moley needs to get his shit together in readiness for G19 and RTA needs to take a well deserved bow to a round of applause from the Peloton.
Malaga, G18…. Magic.
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19th June 2017
My alarm was on for 0900. Steve didn't realise until he was in bed that he started work at 1330 rather than 0730. Good job he had a look. I had to be up regardless to pay my rent that was due. We have to pay before 1000 on Monday's otherwise we get charged, they're not kind about it either. We had a warning once because we paid at 1015. Next time, we get our deposit taken from us. Stupid hostel. We tried to get in the shower after breakfast but there wasn't any hot water. This hostel constantly has water problems during the day. The have people in and out sorting the pipes out so they always turn it off between 1100-1430 which is ridiculously annoying, especially when you need to go to the toilet and you can't flush... Steve left for work at 1230. I started to sort my box out under the bed when Sophie knocked. She came up for a chat and so that I could do her neck bandage too. By the time she left, it was 1330. We were both starving so we agreed to meet on level 3 for lunch together, once I got dressed. I was still in my PJ's. I am in desperate need to find new pyjamas. I've had the same ones since I've arrived here in Australia (I know, my mum calls me a grubby b***h for reasons like this one). They are washed frequently but they've become horrible. I've tried loads of PJ's on in stores but I can never find any that fit. Either the top is too small, the trousers too big... It's so irritating. I need some that are suitable to go into a kitchen full of 30 strangers too. Who knew it'd be so difficult? Any who, I went downstairs and Sophie was making cheese rolls. She always has pumpkin seed fresh rolls from Coles and she grills cheese on them. It looks delicious. I made beans on toast as the last few slices of bread were going off and we had the BBQ beans in the bag for God knows how long. Main reason being: I pinged the tin flicky thing off so there was no way of me getting into it. Luckily, a guy called Corey managed to use one of those big tin openers. It's the size of my arm attached to one of the cooking benches. I haven't a clue how to use it. We sat down eating and Megs came home from work. It was her short day at work so she managed to make a cheese sandwich and join us. We all needed to do a food shop so we left for Aldi shortly after. We had to walk the 7-8 blocks to the store as something happened involving a lot of Police, therefore the trams weren't moving well. It takes forever to walk, especially around 1500 as the pavements are so packed with people, you're constantly dodging in and out. People crossing over you and overtaking, walking too slowly. It wouldn't be so bad if we all didn't have to wait at the traffic lights to cross the roads. We got to Aldi and we split up. Mainly because I try not to buy the almond chocolate that they both buy. It's my favourite and I can do without it! I got to the end of the isle and my phone started to ring... I answered it and it was Rebecca's PA Lily. How exciting! She was offering me a job - OH MY GOD! WAHOO. The job starts TOMORROW at 0900-1700 for 6 weeks!! I stood there in the corner staring at tampons looking like a weirdo. I tried to get away from people hearing what I was saying but I must've been attracting people to stare at me. Lily stated that I received amazing feedback from Lisa, my old boss at ANZSOG. In fact, Lily rang me twice in the same day to tell me how good my feedback was. I felt really happy about that. The job is for Momentum Energy doing data entry. Simple really. The job could get extended for 6 months which is great. I will not be staying for that long but they don't need to know that. I'll just say my plans have changed. Job accepted. I carried on doing my shopping excited as anything. I couldn't wait to get back and tell everyone, mainly Steve. I treated myself to an Aldi bottle of wine - $2.50. I know what you're thinking - HEY BIG SPENDER. What an absolute bargain. Shiraz Merlot, not my favourite, but beggars cannot be choosers. I bought a whole lot of food shopping and it came to $28. Not bad for two people. Sophie got to the conveyor belt and realised that she didn't have her bank card. She went to take everything off and put it back but I told her I would pay. I'd be mortified if that was myself. She could pay me back whenever, I wasn't bothered. We left Aldi and walked to the tram stop. The other two walked, I struggled. The bag was so heavy I was carrying it like a baby. My arms were killing me. Sophie offered to take one strap and we share the weight but the bag wouldn't have held if we did. It was that heavy. I struggled the whole way home with my left arm going dead. We got to the lift and a male asked if I needed any help. I declined as I was almost there, nice chap though. Scottish I think. I was sure I was looking like Popeye with my left arm muscles bulging out. Just called me Arnold from now on. Did you know, women lose the most calories when shopping because they carry so many bags? Fun fact for you. I put the shopping away, as did Meg and Soph. We sat down and Mel walked in from work. I told her my exciting news and she was buzzing for me. I told her where it was and she replied with "Jack works there!". I couldn't believe it - how strange! Lily did say I'd be working with another temp from Robert Half, although she said the name was Kayleigh. Maybe Lily got it wrong. I was dead excited to know somebody. Steve and Dan walked in from work about 15 minutes later and I told him the good news. He was buzzing for me. At least that's 6 weeks worth of work coming our way. We weren't going to be homeless any time soon - wahoo! Mel looked mortified and said "Charlie. Jack just got fired - you're his replacement". I was horrified. What do I say to that? Mel is my closest friend here and I just replaced her boyfriend at work. Awful. I felt awful. Mel got up and went to ring Jack. She spent like half an hour on the phone to him. Sophie told me not to feel bad as it wasn't my fault. Of course it wasn't, I still felt bad though. It could've been anyone that replaced him. Mel came back and said he wasn't angry (which I hoped he wasn't). Not that he had any reason to be angry at me. I was just gutted and overthinking things. I no longer wanted the role, especially as they fire people. Steve and I had dinner and I missed BINGO. I finished cooking too late but the others went off without me. I didn't mind, I needed to go upstairs and get myself sorted for work in the morning. We got upstairs and we had a new roommate. I didn't know where he was from but he was kind of rude. He placed all his bags in the way of my bed and Steve's bed. It was just strange. He has every bit of room in this dorm and he chooses to put it all over our area. I got showered and placed my stuff under my bed so I could reach it in the dark. I can't wait to get ready in the mornings with the light on again. What a dream that would be. Also, it would be nice to get dressed not squished in a toilet cubicle. I FaceTimed my mum for a bit. After that, bed time. At least, I thought it would be until roadworks started outside. It seems here they do all their building work during the night. I'm so angry that this is allowed. It's ridiculously loud and right outside our window. Diggers, road grinders and all sorts going consistently. I wanted to scream.
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justapalspal · 7 months
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I finally finished that little 10k+ oneshot yesterday—well worth the read. This one adds to my “five mid-canon fics” and “five under 50k fics” tallies, and checks off “yami b centric” and “ryou writes to amane” on my bingo card, wahoo!!
I also finished the last two chapters of the fourteen chapter fic, adding to my “five under 50k fics” “five completed multichap fics” and “five AU fics” tallies! AND checking off “trapship shenanigans” on my bingo card!!
Wowwee, the sheer amount of crossing things off at this point! I have another three possible bingos just one square away from being complete each!!! Four almost bingos total!! Good gosh!
FIVE MID-CANON FICS — 2/5 -> 3/5
FIVE UNDER 50k FICS — 3/5 -> 5/5 CHECKED OFF!!
Yesterday’s Total Comments: 3 comments!!
Overall Comment Total (So Far): 54 comments!!
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