#wade: you're going to get to be a stay at home boyfriend you're going to LOVE it
Heard they killed Jason Todd again
I saw a post a while back that said Jason is capable of breaking the fourth wall but doesn't because he's pissed the audience voted to kill him. which obviously means he and Deadpool know each other
Kate walks out of her bedroom, glances at her kitchen table, and does an immediate about-face.
She exits her room again about a minute later, looking more or less the same.
The scene at her kitchen table is also more or less the same. She scrubs her eyes to see if that makes a difference. It does not.
"You okay?" Wade asks.
Kate thinks about this for a moment. "Yeah. I'm fine." She takes in the two very extremely large men wearing red masks who are armed with swords and several guns apiece, sitting at her table like this is a normal occurrence. "This just seemed like a conversation I was going to want a bra on for."
"That makes sense."
Wade says nothing else. Does not explain why he is in her apartment, or, for that matter, how he is in her apartment, or who his companion is.
"Wade," she says, finally. "How did you get in my apartment? Why are there two of you in my kitchen? Is this an alternate you?" She doesn't wait for an answer because she's noticed something else. "Is someone cooking?"
"I'm making muffins," says the new one. Now that she's waking up, the differences between them are easy to see. His mask is hard, less expressive, and a single color. His voice is also different. He's broader than Wade. He looks like he could stop a semi with the massive breadth of his shoulders. Kate thinks about what a sturdy perch he would make before shoving the thought to the side before she gets distracted
"Sure," she says, once she is no longer thinking about standing on those broad shoulders. "Okay. Why?"
He shrugs. "Seemed like the polite thing to do."
"The polite thing to do was commandeer my kitchen?"
A realization starts sucking at Kate's feet like so much mud, dragging her to a stop as she starts to understand Deadpool's intentions. "Wade, who is this man and why is he here? You better not be ditching some random dude in my apartment."
"Woah, hold on now." Wade holds his hands up in surrender. "He's not some random dude! This is my good buddy, Robin."
Robin (?) sighs in what is clearly exasperation even though none of his face is visible. "Robin? Seriously, Wade?"
"ShhhHH, I told you she'd take it better if you were a bird, shut up!"
Robin heaves another dramatic sigh and moves to the oven, his eyeless mask potentially peering intently into the appliance before he opens it up and pulls out two trays of muffins. She watches as he plates two up and sets them on the table with a butter dish she knows isn't hers.
Wade reaches for them and Robin slaps his hand away.
Wade pouts. Robin comes back with a cup of coffee. Kate sits.
"So you know how we're fictional characters, right?"
Kate doesn't stop eating. "Sure."
"Wait, she knows too?" Robin asks, sounding far too excited for this early in the morning.
"She knows, she just doesn't believe."
"Then how will she--"
"Do I need to believe?" Kate points out.
"Not really," Wade says. "Like I was saying: fictional characters. In Robin's universe, the readers voted to kill him. Again."
"That's fucked up," Kate says before his words really register. "Wait, what do you mean again?"
"They did it years ago when he was an itty bitty teenage sidekick. It was a whole thing."
Kate lets that digest. It doesn't sit particularly well.
"And I know you're wondering Wade, what does this have to do with me, your favorite Hawkeye? Well I'll tell you. I yoinked baby bird here out of his universe to come hang in ours! At least until the writers stop being bitch ass punks."
"And when you say our universe, you mean--"
"With you, yeah."
Kate ponders this for a moment. The muffins are really good.
"You can stay, but you have to cook," she decides. Wade cheers, tugging his mask up to land a kiss on her cheek. She can't help but feel a bit smug about that.
"I'm out of here!" Wade bounces to his feet and is halfway to the window before Kate can process. "Have fun, but not too much fun! And Bird Boy, if you get bored, Hawkeye's dad is some two-bit crime-boss hack, you could use him as an in to take over the criminal underworld again!"
He slams the window shut behind him.
"Take over the criminal underworld again?" Kate repeats. "Does that mean--"
Robin sighs. "I'm a crime lord back home."
He says this like it is a normal thing. Like he's just said he's an accountant back home.
"You're a crime lord named Robin?"
Another sigh. "I was Robin. Now I'm Red Hood."
"Ah. Obviously. Of course." Kate is swiftly losing her ability to deal with this morning and is contemplating relocating back to bed. "Should I call you Red Hood?"
He sighs, reaches up to unlatch something with his helmet, putting it to the side. "My name is Jason."
Kate gawks at him. "No. Absolutely not. You're not allowed to be prettier than me in my own home."
Jason, murdered crime lord, blushes.
Yeah, she can work with this.
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woncon · 23 days
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part two: engine failure
pairing: poly!stray kids x gn!reader
You only have one fan at home. It's a cruel thing. But the water is for everyone! The lake water is cooling, and you can relax with your boys. You can lay out on the mat, compete in swimming, or even make offers that wouldn't be appropriate for a grandmother swimming nearby to hear. There's a lot going on this day: injuries, bets and a kiss fest. The nine of you brushing the edge of indecency, like waves on the rocks off the shore. It's really wholesome.
genre: mini-series, fluff, suggestive, crack/humor, summer fic, established relationship, polyamory, a day on the beach
warnings: feet injuries, bets, hyunjin talking about gilfs, water fight, bite marks, making out, minho wants sex on the beach, a titanic-reference, unreasonable frequent use of the word 'hyung'
word count: 4.9K
a/n: shoutout to @honeytwo again. she is an angel!!💗
[part 1] / [part 3]
summer go loco / stray kids mlist
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Minho went first into the water. No sooner had his feet left the last step than he plunged into the water, spraying a cooling spray over you. When he emerged, he looked like a water god or a merman or your godmerman boyfriend. Droplets of water raced down his face and over his freshly smeared chest as he pushed his hair out of his eyes. You couldn't tell if you were drooling so loudly or someone else was doing it near you at the same time. It could easily have been a collective reaction to Mr. Lee Minho.
"Are you guys gonna stand there all day?" he inquired with a sly smile, when you were all still sculpting on the stairs, staring at him.
You snapped out of your stupor and gripped the mattress you'd been entrusted to care for. Chan stepped into the water and then helped moving the mattresses into the water. Fortunately, the surface was mirror-smooth and there was no need to worry about being swept away by wild waves. Chan alone was able to shepherd each one until you all got into the water to claim one for the hour or even the day.
Felix squashed his shoulders with one hand, then climbed into the doughnut-patterned wheel. Changbin followed, and leaning his muscular arms on the mattress, he began to pace inwards.
"Cold!" cried Jisung, and stepped back ob the previous stair.
"No, you're the one who's hot," you replied, and to back up your claim, you walked into the water. Your feet sank softly into the mud, the cooling water wrapping around the lower part of your belly. You hissed, because the contrast with your skin was really stark, but you got used to the water almost immediately. "You'll soon get used to it," you promised, and then you sank down until water caressed your shoulders. It was ticklingly pleasant to cool off in the heat.
"Or I could help you get over it quickly," Jeongin offered, his soaking wet T-shirt floating around him while he opened his arms for the other. Jisung shook his head violently. "Why are you being so resistant now, hyung? You really wanted to be near me on the beach."
Jisung didn't say anything, but instead waded into the water at a fast pace. But there were shells hiding under the mud in several places. Sharp shells. He successfully waded into one.
"Ouch!" He threw himself onto the nearest mattress, which happened to be the double.
Chan looked at the wound and found it was bleeding only a little. Jisung assured you that it didn't hurt that much, of course he didn't object when you instructed him to stay on the mattress. He reached out in a starfish formation. He even closed his eyes. You smiled at how calm his ever-moving self seemed. You didn't despise the thought of him resting. You would have liked to have done something for the cause, which is what you did. You grabbed the end of the mat and aimed for the red and blue buoy not too far away.
The boy squinted as he called your name questioningly.
"I'll take care of you, rest your leg."
Still, learning from his example, you swam leaning on the mattress like Changbin rather than striding. The water splashed softly around the mattress as you picked your way. The sunlight glistened like diamond crystals on the surface. It was like you were bathing in melted diamond ice. You enjoyed being here and were proud that you had made it up to come. If no one else had thought of it, you'd still be at home, tossing and turning in the stuffy living room hoping for salvation from the low-powered fan.
As you patted yourself on the back in thought, Seungmin approached Chan.
"Do you think you could race me to the buoy?"
Chan blinked uncomprehendingly in response.
"You know," Seungmin grinned. "Your old bones and tired lungs. We're putting you in danger now, too, by not putting you in a stirrup. At your age..."
"You'll fucking lose." Chan's eyes darkened.
"We'll see, grandpa," Seungmin said defiantly, and prepared for the start.
At the same time, they kicked off and took aim at the buoy. Long arms dragging and splashing water marked their way. Minho, Jeongin and Hyunjin, the self-appointed judges, watched their fierce competition intently.
"Maybe we should take Seungmin seriously," Hyunjin stated, putting his arm under his head on the garish neon single mat with a sigh. In the other hand, he clutched his chilled Monster.
"What do you mean? He can beat Chan hyung?" asked Jeongin. "Seungmin hyung really pissed off Chan hyung again. I think Chan hyung will win. Can I have a sip?"
"Are you sure you want it from the can?" Hyunjin's bold offer only elicited a grimace from the younger man. "I haven't given up on kissing you today, just saying." But he handed over the drink anyway. "I think Chan will win, too. But damn, we should take it seriously that Seungminnie thinks he's a gilf!"
Minho laughed in disbelief, and Jeongin almost let the fizzy sip out through his nose.
"A what does he think he is?" croaked Jeongin. He slapped his palm against his chest through his soaked T-shirt.
"Gilf. Sexy grandpa he'd take to bed. I asked him the other day if it was a real kink of his, and he gave me a pillow over my face."
"Looks like you got your answer," Minho said wisely.
"Think about it for a moment! Granddaddy kink. Punish me, Papa Chan, I've been a bad grandchild!"
"Could it be that you have such a hidden tendency, baby? You're very passionate about the subject," Minho mused.
"No thanks. I'll be interested in wrinkly old men when you become wrinkly old men. We have about thirty-five years before then."
"If you ask Seungmin, Chan only has a few years left. All in all... Don't hold out your hand, hyung, I won't give it back. I've got half-naked old men in my head, and it's your fault!"
"If we'd kissed, I'd have kept my mouth shut, and I wouldn't have talked about such things!"
The competitors were almost at the buoy when the discussion of gilfs was over. They were still neck and neck.
"Do you want to bet?" Minho turned to them after taking stock of the situation. "You on Chan, me on Seungmin?"
"On what?"
Minho shared his idea of the stakes with a wide, impish grin on his face. The others were in.
Chan pulled another one with his arm and grabbed the buoy. He only realized that one hemisphere was bird-shitted after shaking the wet strands from his face. Though even the fact that he'd probably touched a dried blob didn't put him off. He grinned and threw himself into Seungmin's neck.
"Well? Who's the grandpa?"
"Hyung!" Seungmin stomped in the water in frustration. "Don't push me down! My feet won't reach!"
Chan let go, still chuckling contentedly.
"Here we come!" you tempoed towards them with the mat. "Hang on!"
You were determined to get to them as quickly as possible. Too much so. Your right leg couldn't take it. It cramped from the calf to the sole of the foot.
"Oh, fuck!" Immediately you staggered and hovered, clutching the mattress. "Engine trouble! Engine trouble!"
"What happened?" sat up Jisung.
"I got a cramp," you hissed in agony. "It's like I've had sharp stones placed in my leg."
"Can you climb up?" Chan and Seungmin came to help you.
"I don't know."
Jisung pulled you up onto the mat, the ones in the water pushing you. They were careful not to touch your aching feet. You stretched out on your belly when they're done putting you up.
"Sungie, will you cuddle our new injured while I try to rub out the knot?" Chan looked helpfully at your friend after he touched the edge of your foot, and you immediately hissed.
"Of course, hyung." Jisung hugged your sprawled out self and rested his head on yours.
Chan squeezed your leg, slowly working his way through it; his thumbs on the sole of your foot, the edge of his palm on the edge of your foot, his fist on your ankle, the knuckle on either side. It was pleasant and painful at the same time. This sensual uncertainty was expressed in your sighs. Meanwhile, Seungmin slowly pushed the mattress full of aquatic casualties outwards.
"Okay." Chan stopped massaging. "How is it?"
"Better," you muttered, half-climbing Jisung. So far, he hadn't complained about your wet skin on his sun-drenched skin. So, as soon as you no longer needed to dangle your legs off for Chan and were properly positioned, you snuggled right into Jisung's arms. You wrapped your arms around his waist, and your legs around his. You rested your head on his chest and breathed with him. His heart pounded soothingly, the sound mingling with the tiny ripples of the waves and the soft noises of Chan’s and Seungmin’s quiet conversation. Your body felt heavy on the mattress, but also light.
"I think I'm going to fall asleep."
"Keep dreaming about my wedding, okay? I'm really curious to see what happens after the ceremony."
"Chaos, I guess," you smiled. "We usually make chaos in real life, too."
"I like our own private chaos," Jisung admitted.
"Me too."
By the time Seungmin and Chan reached Minho and the others, you were asleep.
"We saw right that Chan hyung won, didn't we?" asked Jeongin, as he ceremoniously splashed another dose of water on Hyunjin to keep him from getting too warm. He was hot enough on his own.
Chan nodded. "I won."
Seungmin rolled his eyes.
"It was a clear win. Anyone who saw otherwise should buy new eyes," Hyunjin advised, winking at Jeongin.
"Your opinion doesn't matter," Seungmin huffed. "You see the world in pink."
Hyunjin pushed the Barbie-coloured sunglasses down the bridge of his nose. He hummed.
"Looks like it's not the sunglasses. I still see a sulking loser who underestimated a sexy twenty-six-year-old-"
Hyunjin splashed into the water so loudly that you woke up and looked around, lost as to what the hell had happened. A helicopter? Or were the aliens coming?
You had to realize that the situation was worse. Hyunjin rose from the water. With wet glasses and hair. Oh yeah, he didn't even want a drop of water in his hair, and now it was all hanging in a stringy blonde bun on the back of his head. It's unfortunate that he fell-
"You asshole..." the boy cursed lowly, frighteningly.
"What are you waiting for? Run!" shouted Jisung.
Seungmin turned and ran towards Changbin and Felix, who were chilling in the distance. The only chance he had, as far as you knew, was to reach them. Felix could calm down the enraged Hyunjin the easiest.
But considering that less than half an hour ago, Seungmin raced with might and main to defeat Chan, his strength was not yet fully recharged. In contrast, Hyunjin's every muscle was fuelled by anger and revenge. He threw himself after Seungmin like a bloodthirsty monster, lashing out at the water with fierce speed. The distance shortened with every movement.
Seungmin had little chance, and was soon losing it. Hyunjin grabbed him and dragged him under the water like a siren that had been sucking bones for days instead of chubby sailors. The waves crashed over their heads, and the water held secrets of what was happening between them.
Hyunjin came out first. He took out his hair scrunchie and shook his blond locks like a buckled golden retriever. As he walked to Changbin and Felix, he no longer looked stiff and tense. Seungmin just stuck his head out of the water. He looked like a sad puppy. When he emerged fully from the foam, he came crawling back to you, and he wasn’t in the mood for playful insults. He rubbed his hips and lowered his head. 
"It was... It was something," Chan said.
"It was an accident. I just wanted to shut him up," Seungmin muttered.
"I think that's what Hyunjin wanted too, but not with your hand," replied Minho. 
"He's in a kissing mood today, and he keeps talking about you. Probably even now," Jeongin added.
"I can imagine the things he says. What an asshole I am, and- Jisung, what are you doing?"
When Jisung pulled Seungmin closer to the mat, you noticed what he was rubbing on his hip. A reddened bite mark, clearly made by Hyunjin during their water fight.
"I'll give you a healing kiss," Jisung explained, and even though his back was turned to you, you knew how his eyes glittered because Seungmin's expression softened and he didn't fight back. So with eager caution, Jisung showered the bite mark with tiny kisses.
"When Sungie's done with you, you can have this place," you patted the float.
"Are you sure?" asked Seungmin.
"You need it more than I do." Though you weren't exactly sure whether you meant the mattress and the relaxing float without the swim or Jisung's hugs, you offered both to Seungmin anyway, to make him feel better.
Someone gently stroked your thigh. You looked down and Chan looked back at you uncertainly. "Are you really well enough?"
You nodded.
"I don't feel any pain at all anymore. And the new injured needs my place."
"Today seems to be one of those days, doesn't it?" Chan smiled faintly. "We’re unlucky."
"Definitely. Yesterday was a food-burning day, today is vulnerable. I wonder what tomorrow will be like."
"I've got a couple of tips," Minho rejoined the conversation.
"Of course, hyung." Jeongin drummed on the pillow part of the orphaned, single person mattress. "Except that every day is cat cuddling day."
Jisung had finished kissing and was laying his head on Seungmin's belly, the other stroking Jisung's hair.
"Aw, you're sweet... Our little sweeties" sighed Chan.
"Even you could get hurt, hyung," Seungmin said, still with no edge in his voice. "The older you get, the older your bones-"
"I suggest you don't finish that sentence if you don't want anyone else to bite you," Chan advised, and though he was still grinning with his dimples visible, his eyes were dull.
He found it hard to take it when Seungmin - or Jisung sometimes - called him old, and went out of his way to prove that in his mid-twenties he was not old at all.
Seungmin returned the smile, but his mouth remained closed. You switched places with him, and your toes sank back into the mud. Meanwhile, you saw Minho whispering something to Jeongin. You could read four words: maybe, Hyunjin, right and gilf. Although the last one didn't seem like a real word. You probably misunderstood.
"You're whipped," you shared your judgment with Chan, who still looked at Seungmin and Jisung.
He chuckled.
"Can you blame me?"
"No. I understand." You could imagine your heart beating to the same rhythm in that moment as an ancient sign of agreement. As if to test you, Chan pressed a kiss to your wrist.
"Are either of you going to get on the mattress, or are you just going to keep looking at each other from now on?" Jeongin asked.
"Climb on, baby!" you poked your head towards the mattress. "You deserve it. While I was sleeping sloppily, I thought I heard something about you winning a contest?"
"Yeah, I did. After all, my old bones aren't so old after all." He could not conceal his pride in the matter.
"Not at all. None of you are old. You're not old. Maybe after retirement. But then only maybe."
"Or I won't retire," Chan shrugged.
"Yeah, I expected that from you," you playfully nudged him with your shoulder. And he returned it.
"I'm starting to regret betting against you," Minho said as Chan sprawled out on the mat, and it was clear that he wasn't (just) going to the gym to stare at Changbin. "Your old bones are still pretty fit."              
"Thank you? I think?" Chan covered his eyes with his forearm to keep the sun out. The flexing of his biceps was an aesthetic delight. "What did you bet?"
"Cocktails," Minho replied. "I can't tell you any more, or there'll be no surprises."
"Surprise?" Jisung cocked his head, but Seungmin grumbled something and pulled him back. Maybe they kissed? Since no one was holding the twin matress anymore, they drifted away from you at a slow pace. You didn't have a good view of what was happening between them.
"Should I be scared?" asked Chan.
"If you don't like it, I'm not going to throw myself on you and bite your body to pieces," Minho reassured him. "I'll only do that if you want me to," he winked, his fingers stroking Chan's stomach muscles. "And there's not much room around here anyway..." Minho touched the outline of a bite mark. Chan's muscles tightened under his touch.
You leaned closer to examine the artifact. The skin did indeed bear teeth marks. In more than one place. You couldn't tell at a glance whose. Or if it was even a creation of one person.
"Poor, poor Chanie hyung," Minho shook his head. "Did the vampire come for your abs?"
"Um, er, let's get back to cocktails," Chan suggested. From the way he had his whole face tucked under his forearm, you guessed he'd like to be a turtle at this point.
"Cocktails, hmm?" Minho grinned. His thumb slipped under Chan's swim trunks and slowly caressed his hip. "If you're up for that, you can have sex on the beach with me."
"Only the cocktail." Chan replied neutrally. He was immune to most sexual overtures. He didn't collapse off the mattress like you almost did, or look like he was about to run out of the world at any moment like Jeongin. Nor did he fly off into the reeds like the duck that had been swimming nearby. He was good at hiding his embarrassment, especially with such forearm gifts.
However, if someone approached him with a cute flirty line, he become a fluttered mess.
"Are you sure you just want the cocktail? I saw a willow tree on the beach, wide enough to cover us if we-"
"Just a cocktail, hyung, nothing else," Jeongin said, and turned on his disapproving stare. He did almost as well as Hyunjin. Then he formed a funnel from his hand and exclaimed. "Will someone please save me from Minho hyung?"
Though he was obviously addressing your fellow boyfriends, some of the scattered bathers and fishermen of the lake snapped their heads to him. It's lucky Jeongin hadn't blurted out that Minho's sexual proposition had blown his mind. There were children swimming in the water with their families. Which reminded you of the Jisung-Seungmin duo and to catch them before they got too deep into, well, something on the mattress. And they were getting closer to the stones.
Minho already made his way towards them after acknowledging Jeongin's theatrical outburst with a cheerful titter. You didn't have to deal with that any longer, so you could calmly volunteer to protect Jeongin.
"I'll save you, Innie!"
"You're probably worse than him."
"Excuse me?" The other words caught in your throat in surprise.
You were used to being praised. You were nice because you helped with the cooking. You let Changbin hold your hand, unlike Hyunjin, and things like that. You were a good example. Until then, it seemed.
"You turned everyone on the beach against me. Remember?"
"I didn't have to turn," you defended yourself. "Everyone wanted you."
"I thought you were better than this." His accusatory words got to your heart and your hand clenched into a fist. What drama! And Jeongin has yet to deliver the coup de grace. "But you're just like them."
"Well... I couldn't hide it forever," you sighed dramatically, then threw a kiss at him.” Yes, the grandmother in me wants to squish your cheeks until they're red. And my cuteness aggression is like a giant monster..." You curled your fingers into claws and grinned as you moved towards him. "It's going to get bigger and bigger until I can quell the impulse by smooching all over your face!"
You threw yourself towards him,  causing Jeongin to cry out. He splashed water at you, then tried to run away, unfortunately you didn't want him to get away. You both ended up playing catch around Chan in the water until you got so close to the mattress that the poor guy fell off. Both of you stopped and watched anxiously as he emerged from the foam. 
You really hoped he hadn't washed his hair recently.
"Hyung, are you okay?"
"Did you get hurt?"
Chan shook his head like a dog. The mattress flipped upside down and floated beside him.
"You two..." he whispered. "Come here!" With that he splashed water in your direction, laughing as he chased after you.
You were running around in the water, water level varied according to the silt, so you didn't have to swim all the time, and there were no shell traps hidden in your path.  Still, Chan caught you both. He hunted you down separately. The boy rested up from the race and showed once again that he was far from grandfatherly. When he caught you, he swung your struggling bodies onto his shoulders and carried you back to the mattress, where he laid you side by side.
"Are you having a good time, by the way?" he asked, swimming to the side where your upper bodies hung off the mattress. You nodded vigorously, but Jeongin merely shrugged.
"It's alright."
"Not our best beach time," he explained. He didn't look bored, just listless. At that moment, you decided you wanted to see his happiest smile. 
Before sunset.
"It could still be the best," you told him. "What would you like? I'd love to take you to the buoy and everything."
The boy frowned. "What happens if your leg cramps up again?"
From the look on Chan's face, he shared Jeongin's concern. You've put their fears to rest.
"Then you'll be Rose and I'll be DiCaprio."
"No! I don't want you to be DiCaprio!" Jeongin made a rather desperate face. He practically begged you not to be DiCaprio. You took his hand and looked romantically into his eyes.
"You still love me, Innie?"
"Of course I love you, stupid." Jeongin patted you on the head, then grinned. "Otherwise, I wouldn't have groped you on the beach."
Jeongin spoke proudly of the groping. Even if you had explained to Hyunjin that there were cracks in the boy's image of innocence, he would not have believed you. Jeongin hid it with precision if he wanted to.
"I'll give Innie a lift. I think I need to cool him down," Chan decided. "Are you coming with us?"
You shook your head.
"I don't think I'm swimming anymore today." The mention of the cramp and its possible return put you off. On the other hand, you had to strategize how to cheer Jeongin up.
The two headed for the buoy, and you craned your neck to see if either side of the two-person mattress was free. You couldn't see it, but Changbin waved in your direction. You waved back and headed that way.
"My love!" he greeted excitedly, wrapping you in his arms. You didn't resist even a little. "We haven't seen each other since we came in. Will you let me push you?"
"Just what I needed, someone to push me."
"In that case, we're perfect for each other."
If you were Chan, you would have thrown yourself into the water in embarrassment or giggled. You were only almost Chan, so you were simply mentally kicking your feet, and you wanted to cover up the fact of your own embarrassment with Changbin's, so you grabbed his face and pressed a tiny kiss to his lips.
You climbed up onto the mattress. Now that you were alone, you were completely stretched out. Then you took the lay of the land. Not far from you, a bald man was swimming. There was a zoo of mats in the direction of the man's progress: crocodile, dolphin, unicorn, penguin. To the right of the zoo, you spotted two familiar blondes with a donut float, and Jisung and Seungmin, who seemed intent on throwing Minho into the water.
You closed your eyes and enjoyed Changbin's generosity in the gently rippling water. The next time you opened them was when a wet body crawled onto the mattress beside you. He dripped down your shoulders and arms as he positioned himself and took your hand. He smelled of lake water, sunscreen and tropical deodorant.
"I thought you were Minho."
"If I were Minho, I wouldn't have reached for your hand," Felix replied. You smiled at that, and you couldn’t argue with this statement.
You stroked the back of his hand. Felix's hand felt tiny in yours. It was almost lost, so you were glad to find it with every flick of your fingertip.
Intimately, you were lost in each other's gaze. There was some kissing on the doorstep, no doubt about it. In truth, it's a miracle you've come this far and haven't seen anyone making out, or found yourself in the middle of a make-out session. You couldn't be sure about Jisung and Seungmin when they were on the mattress, and you didn't want to ask Minho what he saw. You wouldn't get rid of his references for at least a week.
"Minho is here now," Felix reported.
"Nice ass," Minho hummed, and gave Felix another slap.
"'Hi to you, too,” you greeted him with a playful sneer.
The moment was not broken, just merely transformed. It was an interesting trump card of your relationship: you couldn't spoil each other's moments, only transform them or make them more complete.
"What fun are you doing?"
"Well, I think we were about to kiss before you grabbed Felix's heavenly half-globe..."
Felix's nicely arched eyebrows furrowed.
"My heavenly what?"
"You heard me right," you countered.
"I just want to hear it from your lips one more time."
"Maybe after you kiss me."
"Yeah?" Felix grinned wryly.
Before Felix could kiss you, however, you spied around the mattress. No families with small children or curious entities anywhere. Great. It was impossible to kiss Felix briefly, and it was reassuring to know that no one would witness you getting lost in his mouth and seeing the afterlife in a flash. Except, of course, for Minho, who watched with interest from behind Felix and leaned in closer to see everything, and Changbin, who was leaning against the end of the mattress, no longer pacing but watching you.
"What is it? Do you want someone else too?" Felix stroked your cheek.
"Binnie seems very devoted..."
He looked like he would let the whole world burn down just to be part of this moment.
"Don't worry about him now. He's had more kisses than he can count." Felix's fingertip brushed your bottom lip. "How many did you?" 
"In the water or out of it?"
"Not much, then. I'll fix the problem right away. Just relax," he murmured against your skin, and as eager as you were to relax, you only got more and more agitated. Your condition wasn't helped by the fact that you had a view of Minho's burning stare over Felix's shoulder and wet hair. By the time Felix took your bottom lip between his teeth, you were wriggling like an egg about to hatch. When he let go and licked slowly over your lips, and his palm sliding over your chest, it was over. You ran out of patience and grabbed his hair, pulling him closer. Your tongues clashed, your teeth clacked, and you didn't want to stop. How could you when Felix's hand was gripping your hip, moaning higher and lower against your mouth? It just wasn't enough in any way.
Suddenly, you reached over him and sat on him holding onto his shoulder. You started to lean towards the water, then, just then, you broke away from his mouth. Minho was in a good position, propping you up with his chest to keep you from falling off the mattress into the water, which was guaranteed not to be as warm as your passion for kissing Felix.
"Congratulations, darling," Minho murmured, wiping a little drool from the edge of your mouth. "You have won the award for the most desperate kisser of the day.
"I thought you weren't going to stop," noted Jisung, who was leaning against the other side of the mattress, his torso wrapped around the delicious doughnut-patterned floating mat. You didn't notice when he arrived. Of course, kissing Felix, you wouldn't have noticed if it had rained, or a meteor had hit, or even if you'd got old.
Felix laughed at Jisung's comment. Underneath you, nicely falling apart. His hand was still on your ass, panting. You reminded yourself of the owners of the unicorn floaties and the fishermen uncles. You needed to calm yourself down before you did something unwise. There was no grass nearby to touch. Water remained the only option available
You slipped out of Minho's arms and splashed backwards, holding your nose. The cool, sweet waves washed over your body, but didn't clear your thoughts.
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stay taglist :: 💕@lemonn015
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andreabandrea · 9 months
the 'stay at home girlfriend' tiktok thing makes me so mad because people are right to be upset about how working sucks and you cant afford anything anymore and the 'minimum wage' is a starvation wage so why do anything at all, but they wrongly frame it as a gender issue rather than realizing that work sucks for everyone, and we can fix it instead of going back to relying on men for everything. no fault divorce, women being able to have their own bank accounts, women being able to own their own apartments and homes, etc-- these things are still new and were fought for by feminists, and people who grew up with them dont realize how lucky they are to have them. i would have thought that the repeal of roe v wade would have opened peoples eyes to how easily all our progress can be taken away and how conservatives will stop at nothing to do so. and i feel like people who think being a trad housewife is awesome have never spoken to an older woman in their lives.
it completely undervalues the amount of work that homemakers actually do, and glamorizes the lifestyle severely, also. i mean, god. reading "My Mother Never Worked" by Bonnie Smith-Yackel (if you take away nothing else from my post, read this) changed me forever, and i remember getting so upset hearing comedians like ali wong framing being a housewife = sitting around watching TV all day. being a homemaker is grueling, unappreciated work. you will cook, you will clean, you will have children and care for your family, you will tend to the house, if you are living out your cottagecore fantasy, you will spend hours of utterly backbreaking work taking care of crops and animals (they dont show the hours shoveling shit out of hay in stardew valley), and most of all, you will take care of your dipshit husband who hates you but who you rely on for everything. and if you're just a stay at home "girlfriend" doing all this, you have nothing like alimony for the time you weren't technically employed when you get dumped by your idiot nazi boyfriend like you would if you were legally married.
when things look hopeless, look to those who are actually taking action instead of letting yourself give up. hope is a skill. look at all the companies that unionized last year. i'm not going to end this rant by making a holier-than-thou list of things you can and should be doing, i know how hard it is to just survive in the modern day-- but at the bare minimum, don't let this dangerous alt-right-but-#girlboss rhetoric spread.
i am however going to end this by saying that these people are also technically right that they shouldn't have to work at all (hence wishing to be a housewife, even if thats misguided)-- i would redirect them by telling them about instead of making it a gender thing, this is a dream that a lot of people have had, and we shouldn't let employers change the conversation. this dream's not even that far in the rearview mirror in the USA. within the past ~50 years, it wasn't uncommonly thought that automation and machines would take over all basic manual labor and people would eventually have to work fewer and fewer hours, and eventually not at all-- but now, people worry about a robot stealing their job. i'm not going to go into all the steps that would be needed to make this possible (UBI, universal healthcare rather than healthcare tied to employment ...), but i feel like just reminding people of this conversation is powerful. don't let employers control the conversation.
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papirouge · 2 years
you know what gets me about radfems who say "you can't be anti-choice and feminist" is the way many of them talk about straight women, mothers, and pregnancy comes across as very sexist anyway... if you're straight you're stupid and deserve to get beaten by your male partner, if you're a mother you're contributing to the patriarchy, pregnancy is evil because it "ruins your body," any complications women have during pregnancy are because our bodies are just "not meant to be pregnant" and maternal injuries and deaths get blamed on pregnancy, not incompetent healthcare providers, etc.
this is not to mention the very rude comments about stay at home wives and pro-life/anti-abortion women... when Roe v Wade was overturned last year pretty much every pro-life blog got flooded with anons hoping the bloggers got raped or had a fatal pregnancy, as in "I hope you get what's coming to you," but wait--isn't this how men talk about women they don't like? and of course the routine drama on radblr about SAHMs is always kinda weird... not that conservatives have a healthy opinion of stay at home mothers, but laughing and celebrating when a SAHM gets abused is next level depravity imo. and in radblr it's fine that women get abused by their husbands because "she was asking for it," hmmm I thought only rape apologists talked like that. they separate women into "good women" and "bad women" and of course bad women need to shut their mouths. strange, isn't this how men act when faced with women who disagree with them lol
like, it's ok to be a raging misogynist as long as you support abortion :-) honestly no different from the men they complain about so much
hmmmm to be fair, you're talking about a pretty extreme brand of radfem. Those openly mocking abused women and throwing slurs are regularly called out by more "regular" radfem. But it's true those doing so come off as truly miserable and sad. It's interesting that a bunch of them dated men and did awful dating choices, yet feel entitled to lecture women in happy relationship how fake their life is bc men are unredeemable and will ultimately hurt them...
One thing I hate LOATHE about radfem and is pretty common with them is their entitlement to speak over ALL women.... while gatekeeping their community. For example their will insert themselves into tradfem discourse and clown them (with sassy comebacks whose only purpose is to humiliate them), but literally freak out if they find out you're pro life or Christian and follow them. I got blocked by a bunch of radfem blogs/pages for simply reblogging/liking stuff (never arguing just rebloging stuff I agreed with). But somehow these women see no issue to invade spaces they know aren't in their lane (tradfem, prolife, Christian) and talk to them in a patronizing way. The intellectual superiority complex is HUGE in most radfem.
But as a long time rad orbiters, I can tell you radfem definitely have blindspots and whenever you point them out to them they suddenly get less cocky...👀 I mean, go and tell any radfem how inconsistent they are in inquiring women to question ALL their choices......while invoking to NEVER question abortion 🙃 they'll clown "choice feminism" but radfem are the biggest choice feminists when it comes to abortion. "Her body her choice! Don't question it - don't you EVER remotely say women might be pressured in any way into abortion!!" The only times radfem will aknowledge forced abortion it's when the boyfriend is the cause, which is convenient bc it allows to 1) shit on men again 2) deflect from the SYSTEMIC aspect of abortion culture. Bc radfem whole narrative is that society is anti abortion.....when reality shows the opposite (companies are literally PAYING for women's abortion)
THAT BEING SAID, I've just seen a post saying that radfem were as bad as Tate stans and that's where I draw the line. Because as I said, radfem actually do police each other when some go overboard with misogyny (against tradfem, pro life women, etc.) or blind hate against the male sex (there was a discourse with deranged radfem calling to kill male babies, and they got cooked by other radfem for being crazy). There are several posts floating aroud radblr basically saying "no pro life woman deserve to get rape threat / no tradfem deserve to get rape threat / no conservative woman deserve to get rape threat"
That 'community control' doesn't really happen with Tate fans. None of them will make posts to call out toxic members going too far against the female sex or say that "no liberal woman deserves to get rape treat". Also, unlike Tate bros, no radfem is actually encouraging women to be violent with their boyfriend or pimp them out - which both are criminal activities... So it's insane to see ppl put out equivalence between both groups when we all know which one is radicalizing young ppl into considering the opposite sex only good to get beaten into submission and sex trafficked...
Ultimately, radfem want men to leave them alone and have nothing to do with them - Tate stans seek to manipulate and (sexually) exploit women. They aren't the same.
Radfem online toxicity hardly translate into reality - meanwhile there are already a bunch of self identified MRA walking Tate coattails who committed crimes against women.
There's definitely something true in the saying that women are held in a higher standard than men because comparing terminally online deranged fujoshi writing shit takes about men online to people actively defending an 🌠alleged🌠 sex trafficker beating women on tape because they think that's the only thing women are worth for is hysterical.
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In Defense of Lagoona
"Hey, I can help you like Lagoona again!  Or possibly understand her?  It doesn't really gel until GSR, but: Lagoona doesn't often ask an authority figure for help.  I remember her saying 'you gotta tell Bloogdood,' I think about Nefera's nonsense, but otherwise most of what Lagoona does regarding authority figures is stand up to them-- Mr. Hack about his prejudices, Gil's parents-- or just defy them, in the case of Mr. Hack and the frogs.  When she accidentally hurt Kala's feelings as a kid, and Kala reacted meanly, Lagoona... evidently didn't go to her parents, or if she did, she didn't get the help she needed from them.  She never got the help she needed, despite her parents trusting her, to the point where, once she could move halfway around the world AND onto the surface to go to Monster High, she WENT, leaving her down-under family behind (for most of the year, at least).  When Gil bolted in Skull Shores, she thought he was leaving her rather than going for help or backup.  When GIL came back with an army of sea creatures, Lagoona's parents were NOT WITH HIM. Lagoona has trouble understanding that Gil's parents aren't just racist but controlling, because her parents may be very loving and chill and trusting, but they also don't seem to step in unless the danger is immediate (as Lagoona felt it was when she blundered down the hill into Farnum's grasp) or... no, actually that's all I can think of.  Even in GSR, Wade Blue stayed mostly out of Lagoona's business, welcoming the group in, not questioning why anyone had tails, zero on-screen issues with putting up not only five extra teenagers, but five extra teenagers including his daughter's long-term boyfriend, not checking up on Kelpie's hero-worship of Lagoona's childhood bully-- but getting between the Kraken and the kids when the danger was right there. Gil's parents are a threat to him; to his safety, his happiness, his freedom. "We'll protect you," but it's stifling at best. Lagoona's parents aren't a danger, but they can't be relied on to step in when she needs them. "You can do it," but it means you're cut adrift, on your own. No wonder Lagoona thinks Gil should "just" stand up for himself; no wonder she thinks there's not much his parents can do about it if he defies them, or that the brave thing to do would be fling himself between her and Farnum even if he's grossly outnumbered.  Lagoona is as shaped by her parents as Gil is by his."
I don't hate Lagoona but I find her pestering of Gil to stand up to his parents kinda selfish. yea it makes HER feel good to rid the world of racism and that's all well and good but whose the one who gets hurt if this goes sideways? Gil. Gil is the one who suffers directly while Lagoona gets to go home and sleep at night and not worry bout it.
However you have brought up many points I had not considered and I appreciate this attempt to repair Lagoona's reputation in my eyes! I don't WANT to dislike Lagoona I just want her to think a head. And you are correct! Gil is a product of his upbringing -a failed product since he did not inherit his parents hatred, but a product none the less! as Lagoona is hers and I can tell you everything about Lagoon's upbringing from 2 scenes in GSR. The first one is where we meet her father, Wade Blue.
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Wade opens the door to Lagoona and her friends with wide open arms! he lets all his kids out, he's ecstatic to meet everyone.
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Lagoona tells him she now has a tail and he just laughs it off as some new fad those crazy kids are into! Lagoona has changed species and he is welcoming and accepting from the get go.
Her Dads first response to something new is Love.
The second scene where we learn a lot about Lagoona's family is in the flash back where Lagoona is a little kid, her entire family shows up to watch her at the dance recital!
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We see her Mom, Dad, 2 aunts, 2 uncles, her 4 siblings AND her grand parents.
Lagoona has a support system!
Who does Gil have? He doesn't have any siblings that I'm aware of he only has his parents who are perpetually pissed at him.
Gil does not have a support system.
Is this a fault on Lagoona? No, absolutely not! I am thrilled she has such a supportive family! it explains a lot about the things I like about Lagoona! she is welcoming! she views every new person she meets as a potential friend! Shes upbeat and optimistic! these are wonderful traits! however, this becomes a problem with Lagoona's sunny optimism takes the form of naivete.
You mentioned that Lagoona doesn't often go to an authority figure to help and you're right! she doesn't! I think this is directly tied to how she has been raised. Lagoona's parents DON'T show up with Gil to save her from Farnum, They let their daughter go to a school on the opposite side of the world, they are very hands off parents, they trust Lagoona to know what is best and they leave her to her own devices because they believe in Lagoona "She has this!" and for the most part? they're right! She DOES have this! Lagoona is captain of the swim team! she has lots of friends! a boyfriend! her grades are good and she excels! she isn't just surviving at Monster high, She is thriving!
Gil's parents don't even trust me to make a good choice in who he dates... Sad.
You know I have been trying to clear Gil's name is my media analysis of Gil in my postings Part 1 and Part 2. since for some reason he gets a bad reputation. I believe his bad reputation comes from his parents being awful people. They don't trust Gil, they baby him and they seem to want to control his life and they are outwardly racist to his girlfriend. None of this is Gil's fault but it has somehow colored fan perception of him.
Now just to be absolutely crystal clear: I do NOT think Lagoona pushing Gil to confront his Parents is malicious. I think she genuinely believes this will help! Her parents are so supportive and they communicate with her that why wouldn't Gil's parents be the same way? This is because Lagoona has such a positive relationship with her parents that she thinks once Gil informs his parents they're wrong they will trust and accept their sons advice... that doesn't happen. But that's the problem then isn't it? Lagoona's idealistic world view got Gil punished. This SHOULDN'T be considered a character flaw the world NEEDS idealistic people! We need that sunny optimism we need hope! without these things nothing positive would ever get done! but it does backfire on Lagoona and get Gil punished. Lagoona is at fault here not because she's idealistic... it's because she did not listen to the warnings her partner gave her, Gil knows his parents better than she does and she should have differed to him... but she didn't. that is where she screwed up.
Gil should have stood up for himself... To Lagoona and put his foot down that he knows them better than she does and they will not take the news of them dating well. But he didn't because Gil loves Lagoona and will do anything to make her happy, even if it goes against his own better judgment. This is stupid...but Gil is 16 and in love and girl pretty... they're allowed to be stupid to a certain degree.
In my original analysis of them I was perhaps I little harsh on Lagoona. She is also just 16 and a kid. but she is a kid who has been given way more freedom and trust from her parents than Gil has and she should be a little more understanding of his needs like he is to hers.
Thank you very much for your thoughtful response! I appreciate you!
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thebisexualdogdad · 2 years
Hi hi! Could I request some ftm reader x Wade Wilson hc's? If you don't write for Deadpool that's fine!
Wade Wilson x FTM!reader
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● so Wade literally could not give less of a shit that you are trans 
● when you told him on your third date his response was "cool so can we get extra jalapeños on our nachos? If the answer is no well than that may be a dealbreaker" 
● He's constantly flirting with you and telling you all the damn time how hot you are
● "hey there you sexy man, want to slide down my pole like a firefighter?" 
● puns, so many puns 
● "whatcha reading there Wade" 
● "it's a book about anti gravity, I just can't seem to put it down!" 
● golden girl marathons when you're feeling down 
● he's a very clingy cuddler when you sleep 
● you'll wake up to him completely on top of you and snoring so loudly
● Wade's favorite t shirt that he wears all around town says 'I love my trans boyfriend'
● date nights usually involve sneaking into places
● movie theaters, clubs, Celine dion concerts etc
● he knows your testosterone injection schedule 
● "pull your shirt up my love it's time for your boy juice"
● Wade and Yukio often make tik toks together while you and warhead watch in the distance 
● and he's always referencing memes 
● going to a bar and playing pool
● "loser has to clean out the litter box" 
● "Wade you don't have a cat what is the litter box for??"
● Wade constantly asking you the weirdest questions 
● "okay so fuck Marry kill, colossus, dopinder or blind Al?" 
● "I don't want to do any of those things to any of them!" 
● "would you rather poop skittles or have everything you eat taste like farts?" 
● "Wade that's disgusting" 
● coming home to find Wade in food comas 
● "the delivery guy insulted me for ordering 5 pizzas for myself and said I couldn't eat it all… so I ate all 5 pizzas and now my tummy hurts"
● that or he will be covered in blood  
● "hey babe, so you might want to stay away from 73rd street for a few days, I may have crashed a couple cars into some buildings in a fight… You mind stitching this up for me?" 
● Wade will snap the neck of anyone who tries to be transphobic to you 
● "hey that's my boyfriend bitch!" 
● he's yelling 'trans rights motherfucker!" As he's stabbing them 
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derelictdumbass · 3 years
"jesus you're hot." "what?" or "you don't understand, they're way out of my league..." + Deadpool?
I am finally getting to this after a million years, thank you for sending this in Alexys !! 💜💜
Title: After Party Blues
Ship: Wade Wilson x Dean Sinclaire
Words: 925 (a short one this time bc my brain is still soup but I wanted to write)
Wade followed Dean into their small apartment with heavy steps, the frown he'd been fighting off all night deeply set into his features as he closed the door behind them. Finally safe in the comfort of their home he lets out a loud groan and his shoulders sag as he leans back against the wall. Dean hums in understanding and leans against his chest, wrapping his arms around his waist as Wade runs his hands down his face. Dean had said he could wear his suit to Tony's party, no one would care, but he thought he could handle being out without it for a bit. He was wrong. Comments, that he admittedly egged on, were made and now his skin was itching and his stomach was a heavy pit.
He wraps his arms around Dean's shoulders as he nuzzles into his chest, a small smile replacing his frown as he looks down at the messy mop of brown hair. He kisses the top of Dean's head, he felt a bit bad he hadn't been able to have as much fun at the party because he was checking on him constantly. He appreciated it obviously, he needed it, but he couldn't help but think he would have had more fun if he had been by himself. He tries to shake that thought away, no way he'd have fun without his one man party Wade Wilson. Dean leans his head back and rests his chin on Wade's chest and the mercenary feels a lot lighter under his loving, tired, gaze. He smiles as he meets Wade's blue eyes and they just gaze at each other for a moment in calm silence.
"That kinda sucked huh?" 
Dean almost whispers and Wade chuckles with a nod, leaning down to rest his forehead against Dean's. Dean steals a small kiss, and nuzzles their noses together; it makes Wade giggle and his heart beats stronger behind his rib cage. He really couldn't stay in a bad mood with his boyfriend around, it was just impossible. Especially when he was being affectionate and cuddly. Even more especially when he had such a dopey smile on his face.
"It did kinda suck," Wade murmurs, eyes closed as he gently rocks himself and Dean. Dean rubs comforting circles into his lower back and with his gentle touch the pit in Wade's stomach disappears, his whole body relaxing against his lovers.
"I think you looked really handsome tonight," Dean hums, pressing another small kiss to the corner of Wade's mouth and then his cheek, right over one of his myriad of scars. Wade melts, blue eyes opening and looking down at Dean in the most unintentional puppy dog manner the other man had ever seen. Loving laughter erupts from the brunette and he lifts his hands between them to hold Wade's face, caressing his cheekbones and looking at him with a tender gaze.
"Shower then bed?" He suggests and Wade nods with a small pout, making Dean giggle and lean in to give him one more kiss before stepping away. Wade follows him through their small living room, shedding his clothes as they go and throwing them half-hazardly to the side. Dean removes his jacket as he walks into their bathroom much more mindfully than his boyfriend. Wade goes straight to the shower, now completely naked, and turns on the water, cringing as it starts off ice cold. As he's glaring at the stream of water like it killed his most beloved pet he hears a dreamy sigh from behind him and turns to see Dean's eyes trailing down his body with a very appreciative gaze. 
"Jesus you're hot," He mutters shamelessly and Wade, the ever false confident merc, feels his cheeks heat up from the attention. Somehow Dean was always able to make him feel like a shy highschooler, maybe it was because Wade knew he meant everything he said and maybe it was the way his gaze was devouring him from head to toe in such an intoxicating way. Wade does a small pose, leaning against the wall and letting the now warm water run down his body as he blows a kiss to his lover. Dean grins and sheds his shirt, something about the unbroken eye contact and smooth motion sending a shiver up Wade's spine. If he was hot Dean was on fire, or melting, or… A good metaphor Wade couldn't think of at the moment. He was hot.
He continues his posing as Dean finishes undressing, a grin taking over his dramatic kissy face as Dean's hands rest on his hips and he leans his softer body against his scarred one. Dean peppers some lazy kisses to Wade's collarbone as his hands run up his sides. Wade leans into Dean and lets out a long sigh, the hot water and Dean's comforting touch relieving all the tension of the day. He runs his own hands up Dean's thighs, resting on his hips and pulling him closer. 
"I love you," He murmurs, words he never would have said so honestly and freely before he met the brown eyed angel looking up at him right now. The smile that blooms across Dean's face is like a beam of sunshine and sparks a fire in Wade like nothing else. Dean pulls him down for another kiss, it's sweet and gentle and it makes the party completely disappear from his mind. Now it was just him, the love of his life, and the anonymous person reading this fic. What could be more perfect.
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hughiecampbelle · 4 years
Dating Finn Would Include:
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Meeting by accident
You know what the Peaky Blinders are all about, you've been warned about them all your life, so you stayed away as long as you could
You never saw it coming though
Finn hits you with the door while you're out on a walk
Slams it right into as he and the Peaky Boys leave
As soon as he realizes, he feels terrible, apologizing profusely, making sure you're actually okay and not just saying it for him
You catch him blushing when he helps you up, smiling at you when he glances back, catching up to his boys
You give it more thought than you'd like to admit
You know you shouldn't, you that family is dangerous, but even in those seconds, you could tell he was different from his brothers
You hated the fact that you hoped to see him again
And you did, after that it felt like he was everywhere you went
Finn remembered you immediately, still feeling bad about the door incident, introducing himself properly this time
You get to talking, and the conversation comes easy
He can make you laugh like no one else can
Eventually you're meeting up almost every day, in secret where neither your family nor his could catch you together
He's always holding your hand, keeping you close, wanting to protect you from every danger he brought with him
Finn warned you, apologizing for what he was dragging you into, but you always hushed him and his worries
You knew what you were getting into when you started dating
It was worth it to have him as your boyfriend
Finn is so loving and affectionate
He always has to be close, holding your hand, putting his head on your shoulder, hugging you from behind
He's constantly kissing you, especially your cheeks
When he's whisked off with his brothers for a job or simply because he lost track of time, he says goodbye with a kiss on the cheek
He loves being read to
The sound of your voice is so calming, so sweet, he often falls asleep
You can't help but love those moments
Stealing his hat any chance you can get
He teaches you the best ways to use the blades just in case
He even surprises you with your own in a ring
Small, but only used for self defense
You love it, of course, both beautiful and thoughtful
He just wants to be sure you're safe even when he's not around
You worry about his safety, too
Everytime he's a few minutes late, everytime you don't hear from him for hours at atime, you fear the worst
He even caught you panicking once, after he got stuck at a family meeting, unable to tell you, crying, hugging him so close, so desperate
"I, I thought something happened to you."
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."
He always makes sure to let you know he's okay one way or another if something comes up
Cleaning him up after a job
"If you just held still, it wouldn't sting."
"But it huuurts."
"Finn Shelby, I won't hear you whine another second."
You two have quiet dates together
Sitting together in a field, laughing at all the ridiculous things his brothers say, talking under the stars about all your fears and worries about life, stealing drinks from the bar and hanging by the river, drunkenly wading through it, forgetting all about the shoes you left behind
Sometimes you sneak into big parties and bars or go to London for the day, but you like it better when it's just the two of you
You always joke about the first time you met, which makes his face redden in seconds
"It's a love story for the ages, Finn! It's romantic!"
"I hit you with a door, y/n."
Giving one another sickeningly sweet nicknames
"Yes, Bunny?"
He feels like he can be himself around you
He can relax, he doesn't have to be like his brothers or what they expect
Finn watches you do your school work, proud that you stuck with your education, that you care so deeply about it
"You're gonna get far in the world, y/n."
So. Much. Cuddling.
Finn wraps his arms around you when you lay on his chest, thanking his lucky stars you were there, that day, in the street
He can't lie, he loves to be the little spoon, too
You hide it as long as you can, even from friends
Isaiah knows all about you, even met you a few times to cober for the both of you when you go on dates
Your boy unable to keep a secret
But your friends would never approve of him, neither would your family
The name Shelby made them close minded
His family definitely catches on to it, though
Maybe not the specifics, but they can tell he's acting strange
You simply blame the changes on school, on more work and meeting up with "tutors" and that's enough for the people in your life
Not for his, though
They notice h's happier, more cheery, staying out later, waking up earlier, more distracted about nothing in particular, his head in the clouds
He used to want to be part of everything that happened in the business, now he couldn't wait for the work day to end
Once attached at his brothers hips, now he wanted nothing more than go out without them and be on his own
"Why are you in such a hurry?"
"No reason. . . "
"I think he's got a little crush."
"Shut up, John."
Both Polly and Tom corner him, demanding to know what your name was and how long the two of you have been sneaking around for
"I'd love to meet this y/n over dinner, tonight."
"What? No!"
"Don't worry Finn, we'll all play nice."
When he tells you, you freak out
You didn't expect them to meet so soon, and you knew the second anyone saw you in the Shelby home, word would spread faster than a fire, and your family would find out soon enough
Plus, what if they didn't like you?
"They'll love you, I'm sure of it."
"How can you be sure?"
"Because I love you, and that should be enough for them."
"I love you, too."
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