#for the shower bit i guess ashshshsh
derelictdumbass · 3 years
"jesus you're hot." "what?" or "you don't understand, they're way out of my league..." + Deadpool?
I am finally getting to this after a million years, thank you for sending this in Alexys !! 💜💜
Title: After Party Blues
Ship: Wade Wilson x Dean Sinclaire
Words: 925 (a short one this time bc my brain is still soup but I wanted to write)
Wade followed Dean into their small apartment with heavy steps, the frown he'd been fighting off all night deeply set into his features as he closed the door behind them. Finally safe in the comfort of their home he lets out a loud groan and his shoulders sag as he leans back against the wall. Dean hums in understanding and leans against his chest, wrapping his arms around his waist as Wade runs his hands down his face. Dean had said he could wear his suit to Tony's party, no one would care, but he thought he could handle being out without it for a bit. He was wrong. Comments, that he admittedly egged on, were made and now his skin was itching and his stomach was a heavy pit.
He wraps his arms around Dean's shoulders as he nuzzles into his chest, a small smile replacing his frown as he looks down at the messy mop of brown hair. He kisses the top of Dean's head, he felt a bit bad he hadn't been able to have as much fun at the party because he was checking on him constantly. He appreciated it obviously, he needed it, but he couldn't help but think he would have had more fun if he had been by himself. He tries to shake that thought away, no way he'd have fun without his one man party Wade Wilson. Dean leans his head back and rests his chin on Wade's chest and the mercenary feels a lot lighter under his loving, tired, gaze. He smiles as he meets Wade's blue eyes and they just gaze at each other for a moment in calm silence.
"That kinda sucked huh?" 
Dean almost whispers and Wade chuckles with a nod, leaning down to rest his forehead against Dean's. Dean steals a small kiss, and nuzzles their noses together; it makes Wade giggle and his heart beats stronger behind his rib cage. He really couldn't stay in a bad mood with his boyfriend around, it was just impossible. Especially when he was being affectionate and cuddly. Even more especially when he had such a dopey smile on his face.
"It did kinda suck," Wade murmurs, eyes closed as he gently rocks himself and Dean. Dean rubs comforting circles into his lower back and with his gentle touch the pit in Wade's stomach disappears, his whole body relaxing against his lovers.
"I think you looked really handsome tonight," Dean hums, pressing another small kiss to the corner of Wade's mouth and then his cheek, right over one of his myriad of scars. Wade melts, blue eyes opening and looking down at Dean in the most unintentional puppy dog manner the other man had ever seen. Loving laughter erupts from the brunette and he lifts his hands between them to hold Wade's face, caressing his cheekbones and looking at him with a tender gaze.
"Shower then bed?" He suggests and Wade nods with a small pout, making Dean giggle and lean in to give him one more kiss before stepping away. Wade follows him through their small living room, shedding his clothes as they go and throwing them half-hazardly to the side. Dean removes his jacket as he walks into their bathroom much more mindfully than his boyfriend. Wade goes straight to the shower, now completely naked, and turns on the water, cringing as it starts off ice cold. As he's glaring at the stream of water like it killed his most beloved pet he hears a dreamy sigh from behind him and turns to see Dean's eyes trailing down his body with a very appreciative gaze. 
"Jesus you're hot," He mutters shamelessly and Wade, the ever false confident merc, feels his cheeks heat up from the attention. Somehow Dean was always able to make him feel like a shy highschooler, maybe it was because Wade knew he meant everything he said and maybe it was the way his gaze was devouring him from head to toe in such an intoxicating way. Wade does a small pose, leaning against the wall and letting the now warm water run down his body as he blows a kiss to his lover. Dean grins and sheds his shirt, something about the unbroken eye contact and smooth motion sending a shiver up Wade's spine. If he was hot Dean was on fire, or melting, or… A good metaphor Wade couldn't think of at the moment. He was hot.
He continues his posing as Dean finishes undressing, a grin taking over his dramatic kissy face as Dean's hands rest on his hips and he leans his softer body against his scarred one. Dean peppers some lazy kisses to Wade's collarbone as his hands run up his sides. Wade leans into Dean and lets out a long sigh, the hot water and Dean's comforting touch relieving all the tension of the day. He runs his own hands up Dean's thighs, resting on his hips and pulling him closer. 
"I love you," He murmurs, words he never would have said so honestly and freely before he met the brown eyed angel looking up at him right now. The smile that blooms across Dean's face is like a beam of sunshine and sparks a fire in Wade like nothing else. Dean pulls him down for another kiss, it's sweet and gentle and it makes the party completely disappear from his mind. Now it was just him, the love of his life, and the anonymous person reading this fic. What could be more perfect.
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