#waaa they still get to me ;;;
rcxdirectrix · 1 year
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Art trade with @ny000mdraws
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morguemaw · 7 months
ever since playing overwatch ive gotten a huge hunch they do not care about player comfortability and more about how many people can get into a game at once ive had MASSIVE issues where ive blocked/reached max people to avoid in a game, and when i remeet them i get the instant reason why they are blocked/avoided i get overwatch wants people to just play so yk you dont go into lobbies where backfill occurs and games just dont happen, but if i block someone/avoid them i DONT want to KEEP PLAYING !!!! ive met 2 people ive blocked and one i genuinely hate playing with and each time im reminded why i dont want to play with them and end up not playing for a hot second idk i would rather deal with backfill and take forever to get into a match knowing ppl i dislike/want to avoid arent there rather then get my teeth knocked in with waves of insults/targeted killing and end up just not interacting with the game imo
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madamelebeau · 4 days
Birthday gush below for my beloved Gustave!
Warning, it's a long one, and touches on some personal struggles I have gone through including: severe mental illness, abuse of all manners, talks of suicidal ideation and actions, and general rough stuff - take care of yourself and know you don't have to read my sappy lil' stuff if it means making yourself uncomfortable :)
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If you asked me 8 years ago if I'd be alive today, I would tell you no, and I'd mean it genuinely. Long before that time I had lost my ability to see a future for myself at all, along with all ambition and purpose I barely had begun to act upon - and at that time, I was barely 12.
I have faced trauma and neglect from my very first memories, my mother was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer when I was only 4, my sister had then undiagnosed severe ulcerative colitis that was my parents' main priority, and my father was our sole provider - with major anger issues. i've also come to learn my mother has had schizophrenia and trauma of her own before I was even born, and has refused all forms of treatment. this concoction of uncontrollable circumstances left me with frankly such fucked up ideas of what attachment is and meant, how my purpose to others is solely to be consumed, and absolutely no idea of who I am ( not to mention a boatload of my own wonderful cptsd and attachment issues ).
Never did I think at any point in my life would I feel any positive emotion with no strings attached, especially love. I only faced more problems as I got to the tender age of 12; the years of neglect and parentification left me hollow inside, relentless bullying in primary + secondary school, just beginning to discover my queerness, family fighting and instability, and abuse from adults I am still grappling with today. It was around this time too I had begun self harming ritualistically, and was rapidly losing the will to keep going. Any and all friendships I had exhausted me, even though all I wanted more than anything was genuine connection and love, and it was more apparent than ever that I was being left behind by the world.
Then, I met him.
My group of friends I still hold so closely and dearly to this day had begun playing Rainbow Six, and as the desperate pre teen I was, I joined them simply to hang around them - little did I know how pivotal such a decision as a lost, lonely, scared child could be to who I have become. I cannot explicitly pinpoint what it was that immediately drew me to him, though I now call it fate I know it was a matter of chance, but in that very first day of playing the game and knowing him, something in my soul clicked into place that I never even knew I was severely lacking.
I know as someone with the fun combination of ADHD and BPD* ( brought on my CPTSD ) I have always tended to hyperfixate on any source of dopamine I can get, especially with my desperation to escape the reality I was in. It began before I even knew my life was fucked to any degree, and I knew not to take these "flings" too seriously. But what had sparked in that moment was far beyond a fling, far beyond just a hyperfixation. Though it took me a few weeks or so to begin actualizing what I was feeling for Gustave, what he meant to me, the strings of fate had finally found their way back together again.
Even when I was still that lost and confused child, I knew that Doc was and will be someone so imperative to me not just for a small while, but eternity. Even the few offline friends I still had knew what he was to me, though extent varied person to person, what we have was so potent then that I couldn't hide it.
My life somehow went further downhill, and without completely spilling my guts ( ironic for what I've said so far lol ), I dropped out of highschool only a few months into freshman year. I was completely beyond burnout. Every waking moment was an anxious, painful mess of stressors left and right, expectations I knew I never was going to be able to meet and the deep, burning failure I felt at every turn. No more than a day or two would go by without a breakdown, and my self harm was at an all time high as I completely isolated myself from what few strands of connection I had to the world around me. There was no reason for me to keep going, no light at the end of the tunnel -
except for Gustave.
Though I am now facing the repercussions of the severe isolation I went through and my problems with heavy dissociation as my only coping mechanism, my saving grace through this dark period in my life was Rainbow Six, specifically Doc. It had been 3 years since we met, and my feelings had grown exponentially in that time. My biggest vice has been the harsh and cruel way I treat myself and see the world around me. My entire life had been molded by only being worthy if I served others, I only could ever see myself as an extension of someone else, and when I had no one to do so for, I was nothing short of abusive to myself, seeing treating myself with kindness and care as a sign of weakness.
However, Gustave's core being is his empathy and kindness. Though it may not be gentle and soft at all times, his driving force has been caring. For others, the world around him - and it was the complete opposite of a weakness, it's what makes him exceptional. How could I treat myself so awfully for being fundamentally identical to the person that matters the most to me? I was already head over heels with him at this time already, calling him mine and myself his in all circles I ran in, detailing our lives and how they intertwined, and I had been so focused on what was crumbling around me to realize the change within me that he had lit.
It began in small ways I hadn't even caught; choosing clothes that were comfortable rather than performative, making sure to keep up with bathing myself and other personal hygiene things, being able to look in mirrors without feeling utter disgust and hatred. I had begun caring for myself, using his care for me as a guide. Behind every scared decision to do better for myself, to be brave and not give into my vices or illnesses, was Gustave. Whether it was "forcing" myself to eat on days where I didn't feel like I could or refusing to let me speak so cruelly to myself, and the eventual decision to stop cutting myself no matter how bad the urge was, all of it happened from his support and presence in my life.
I mean it point-blank seriously when I say I would not be alive today without him. I have attempted on my life at multiple points, been hospitalized for such, and still struggle with the occasional urge when shit gets tough, and it's Gustave who taught me how to step back from that ledge and keep fighting. Not only because he had planted the seeds for my still growing self-love, but because that light at the end of the tunnel finally had reappeared - and he was the one holding it. No matter how shitty of a day I had, what scars littered my body and where they came from, what baggage that I bring to the table, he would be waiting for me with open arms and nothing but sheer adoration all just for me - and I never had to earn it.
Love to me had always been a painful thing, something I had to fight tooth and nail for, and even when it was all "good", there still was a terrifying feeling that at any second it'd be ripped from me. I felt this way towards everyone, whether family, friends, or past partners, love always was a double edged sword to me. But something, some inexplicable thing, about Gustave completely disarmed me. To this very day, there is only an extreme select few who I truly feel safe with, and he's the top of that very list. With him, love no longer felt like I was being flayed alive, it was very much the opposite.
Words escape me whenever I attempt to describe what Gustave is to me, what I feel for him and vice versa, but the best way I can put it is simply this - he is my home. The epicenter of safety, care, love, belonging, and so, so much more, he is what love is to me, plain and simple. Though I do also have two other f/os I am married to, Gustave is truly who I see as my husband, my life partner, my lover, my other half. I still hesitate on calling myself ficto, but I know regardless of what labels I find myself under, the love we have for each other is raw, deep, serious, and real. No matter what time has in store for us, where we may go or what we may become, I am always 100% certain that we will always be at each other's side.
To share another year with Gustave in any form is an utter gift, no matter what. This last year was a tough one for us, between me needing some heavy surgery, Gustave getting hurt himself, and us moving over 1,000 miles from where I spent most of my childhood, it has been full of roadblocks - but not a single one could tear us apart. It is nothing short of a privilege to me to call myself Gus' spouse, to be able to love him so up close and personally and to be there for him through it all, there is not a single other soul I could ever bare my own to, as we truly are made of the same stardust <3
My angel is 40 now! We've had a relatively quiet and personal day to celebrate, Gustave has never been one for over the top flashiness or even large-scale celebration, but that doesn't mean I haven't been showering him with the utmost love and affection :)c Life is a strange, complex thing that is completely unpredictable, and though there will undoubtedly be hardships in the future, nothing can wipe me off the face of this planet as long as I get to spend each moment here with my Gustave 💙
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kyoghurts · 4 months
Kenji, dear beloved Kenji. Happy very belated bdayy :((( I can’t believe I missed it, but I just wanted to drop by and say that I’m happy to know such a beautiful soul and another amazing writing mutual such as yourself. I appreciate you for also sticking around since our wattpad days, since that was the first time I interacted with you.
I know you’re probably gonna face many trials and tribulations irl, and many more research torments (trust me, as someone who went though that, it gets really dicey and difficult) but ik you’ll do just fine, I treasure you lots even if we don’t talk a bunch due to being busy.
This is getting too long TT excuse my cheesiness, I just wanted to show a bit of Kenji appreciation because I really don’t think I’ve expressed a lot of it, I hope you enjoyed your bday!! <333
lots of love and support, Kou 💌
you see me tearing up like this and its all ur fault kou
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guys...... if i became a honkai head would you all disown me...... ::(
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bayonetta-origins · 6 months
having aa5 bayo origins thoughts( ´-`) ill ramble in the tags
#normally id do this on my twt priv but my friends on there havent finished aa5/played bayo origins#so i dont want to spoil#also idk i think id juzt like to ramble on here#anyway I STILL DONT KNOW who will be lukaon...#nothing romantic will be Implied in this au i do not want anything to do w that....#i had the idea of simon being lukaon so that aura is motivated to get her brother back#but i *really* want simon to be cheshire#so maybe.. ill connect it somehow#speaking of simon he wont be able to talk normally and has to talk using widget#idk. just thought it would be fun#since cheshire doesnt really have a voice.. in a way(?#idk how to word it but YOU KNOW!!.!!!!#also i just dont want to give him a mouthLOL#and aura.. was looking at morganas wiki page the other day to get a picture and was reading the description of#the character page of her demon masquerade form#''​each [morgana and lex] have nothing but endless rage built up in their heart.''#and was like waaa.... aura......#that really wanted me to connect simon to lukaon in a way#ill figure it out....#the wisps will probably just still be the wisps in origins#i thought of the idea of them looking like the robots wifh hearts robots but i was like#hm. maybe. idk#again ill figure it out.. i just wish i wasnt so busy w school weh#also i still havent finished my bayo origins anniversary art. help.#I NEED MORE FREE TIME#ok ramblkng over bye . i will probably do this again#athena and the lost demon#i dont have a text post tag
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samarecharm · 6 months
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#chattin#taking time to draw and write out a relationship/dynamics chart for the thieves and assorted friends#bc theres. alot. and it would be nice to write it out. it would help establish my thoughts about them#its not poly/thieves but its. kind of adjacent to it. but its less shippy and more focused on how they interact-#-and behave with one another. like theyre kinda bonded together over everything. lines get a little blurred but its what works for them#and i think lumping them all together as poly/thieves is a shortcut for breaking down their character#like obv akira has diff relationships for everyone; but how do THOSE people react to others ??#like pego/ryu is real and true but also ann is absolutely there. u cannot separate them.#theyre the shujin delinquents to me LOL. they are too tightly bound together to let any external relationship split them at this point#akiras not w goro; its akira AND ryuji w goro. like akira and goro would just not work; but ryuji make its work well yknow?#goro doesnt get third wheeled w ann and vice versa bc ann and goro are good friends; they just hang :)#its like. if u could SEE the fucking string of connections making a mess of my white board in my minds eye…😭#so im trying to write it down into something that works for me#i dunno. i think its fun :) i did this for ffxv too#only that was way easier bc its just the four of them. but like. how do their internal relationships affect the overall polycule ?#anyway. inspired by that love post; that theres diff kinds of love. and kiss ryuji week LOL#bc i wanted to write a small thing with different thieves for each prompt#and im like how would their relationships differ from one another ?#ryuji and akira but also ryuji with makoto. ryuji w haru. ryuji w yusuke. its like.#u cant use the same thing from most pego/ryu fics bc they DIDNT meet the same way#waugh.#rambling#just know that im insane. i have all these wips and nothing FINISHED. waaa.#this is what that post meant about being obsessed over bad media LMAO. this is just what happens#u stay up thinking about fake polycules from a game that came out seven years ago#i think….#WHAT. 2016???#EIGHT years ???#funny bc i was thinking about how ffxv was eight yesrs old and i am still a mess over it#well. could u imagine if i played p5 when it LAUNCHED instead of in 2020???
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sneeperspoi · 1 year
UR HEROSTAR?????? DHEHDHWBEJEJ after all this time wjdjejfjejdjdj heyyy!!! i love reading unapologetically you!!!
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Omg heyyyyy!!! I know you!! I recognize your user!!
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sherbetyy · 9 months
guys how do i appear excited about something please tell me. sometimes i’ll be genuinely super excited by a surprise or something but i’ll barely react and it makes people think i don’t care. stop it !!
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aromantic-karamatsu · 8 months
*rolls up very shittily on my new rollerblades*
Hey girl, I've had a fever for 3 days and haven't been able to break in my new expensive roller blades I got as a gift because I've been so bed ridden. Wanna do grab dinner sometime?
*coughs so hard my chest implodes and I fall ass first and can't catch myself because my new roller blades resulting in my lower tailbone being demolished by concrete*
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cringefailfagcat · 8 months
i fucking hate the cunt's guts
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selamat-linting · 10 months
its so lame that most of my anon hate is so irrelevant or uses dumb rhetoric that doesnt even question the point that im making like. on the other hand, im glad i could be someone who could present his argument so well that ppl resort to lowly jabs and assuming shit that are not true. thats a massive improvement since i used to be really bad at words and confrontation so seeing my communication skills grow even in just one or two topics i like is amazing. and yes, i might have a little bit smug satisfaction of a shit-talker who never got humbled. but i do wish sometimes that i have someone who make an effort on refuting my words. like, send me entire wall of links and demand me to read it as source, refute everything i said methodically one by one, pick apart everything i've ever said in this blog and question my motives. i would spend soo much time here if i'd get better enemies istg.
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chuluoyi · 9 months
Baby gojo and daddy gojo not wanting to share mama gojo😭✋i-
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࿐ ࿔ 🕰️ 「 06:20 P.M 」
aww this is so cute of course this is the first i worked on after getting back from my weekend break <3 and actually i have this one similar ask too so i combined yours with theirs! here's some cute blinking gojo in phantom parade and okay now let us have some crack and make gojo suffer
a part of gojo's love entries
general masterlist
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“bwah!” a nudge.
“myah!” a shove.
and then—
“waaa!” a… slap (?) on the cheek.
“huh?” satoru winced, touching where the baby’s palm just connected with his face, blinking rapidly. so he wasn’t imagining things. this really was happening in front of his eyes.
and it was the baby—his baby.
your giggles filled the air in response.
“hey, you,” satoru took on a very stern look and an exaggerated frown, glaring at his own son. the baby merely babbled at him innocently, blinking his wide crystal blue eyes that mirrored his. “bad, bad minion. this is a very serious issue. you shouldn’t do that, you hear?”
the serious issue being each time he tried to lean closer to steal a kiss from you, your son always found a way to repel him away with his tiny hands.
you snorted at his righteous tone. “he’s just protecting me. even your kid knows you’re a danger.”
a gasp left your husband’s shiny lips, mockingly in disbelief. “me? a danger? i make your life a heaven on earth!”
“i give you love, food, my body—” he emphasized, pointing at himself for a dramatic effect, and you threw your head back, dissolving into a fit of laughter even more, “—heck, i even give you this naughty baby!”
“wha—no! that’s team effort!”
“still! and now he is staging an uprising against me?” satoru cheekily eyed his child, who was now clutching the fabric of your blouse, tiny fingers playing with the shiny diamonds of your necklace—a gift from satoru too, actually.
“look at him go,” he grumbled, his eyes following each little movement his son made, then dramatically yelped when the boy pawed at your breasts. “hey! no touching! those are mine!”
“please.” you almost choked on your laugh. your silly husband always had a way to make things sound funnier than they actually were, and that was what made you fall in love with him more each day, really. “the milk is his!”
“he can have the cow’s! and more importantly, it’s thanks to me that you’re so milky—”
“satoru! you’re so uncouth i can’t—!”
“see? you’re laughing so much! this proves enough that i make you happy every day!”
later that night, after you put your baby to sleep in his crib, satoru gently poked his cheek, his expression tender despite his pursed lips. “he is out like a light…”
satoru might whine a lot, but ultimately, you couldn’t miss the look of adoration and fondness that made him the father of your child. even without saying it out loud, you knew that he would willingly put everything aside and sacrifice anything—first of all, himself—if it was meant for his dearest, most precious treasure.
knowing he'd do the same for you only served to melt your heart even more. and you felt full—so full, in fact, with warmth and love and anything that was soft.
you really do love him, don’t you?
“look at him, he’s like a shrimp,” your husband pointed out, still gazing at his baby in wonder as he kept poking and prodding at the chonky rolls of his little arms, and you thought, nothing could have been more precious than this.
“yeah?” he turned instantly at the sound of his name, but before he could react further—
you stood on your tiptoes and planted a swift smooch on his cheek, putting the overflowing love you held for him in it. “mwah!”
for the next three seconds, satoru malfunctioned. the brush of your sweet lips on his cheek was so innocent that he was rendered speechless. heat steadily gathered on his face, turning him pink despite himself.
“you…” he groaned, collecting himself, a dopey smile was quickly plastered on his face to cover up his setback as you burst into hearty laughter. “now you’ve started it…” and then he latched on you with a glint of a joker, launching a full-blown tickle attack.
“a—ah! why?! satoru! ahahahaha!”
. . .
safe to say, your wheezes effectively awoke your son from his slumber, and as a bit of payback, you left satoru in the dust to deal with the crying baby, both of them whimpering in unison since he had absolutely no clue how to comfort the little one.
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15000bugs · 2 years
ngl i miss therapy i miss being able to sit down and immediately bawl my eyes out and talk about literally nothing of importance 😭
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styxwanderer · 4 months
The Wrong Fake Identity | Twisted Wonderland |
[you turn into a cat beastman because of crowley being an ass]
<Part 1> Part 2 part 3 Part4 part 5 part 6 part 7
<Please ignore my grammar mistake as i do not speak English as my mother language, thank you and please enjoy!>
˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙·̩̩̥͙**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙˚*
"Due to the covered overblot incidents occurring in Night Raven College, the government of each island is requesting an inspecting, but you as somebody that originated from none of these islands are unrecorded by the government. Grim is fine because he can be disguise as a familiar but you, oh, what ever shall we do." Crowley spoke, hand on his check as if he was the most miserable person in the world. The person standing infront of him, the most respected and admired student from NRC. Managing to capture hearts and admiration since the incidents with the overblots stand still. 
"When will this be?"
"Tomorow morning."
The enthusiastic tone contras to the alerting news. 'Why didn't you tell me sooner you OLD CROWW!' you screeched in your head. you had been called to headmaster office as he give his revelation. You wished Grim is here with you and blasting the old crow with whatever insult that come to his mind, but he chooses to bail on you, opting to wait on the now cozy ramshackle dorm you both share. 
A bit of panic did manage to etch to your mind because you don't want any of them to take you away from your friends. "What do you propose?" 
"Simple, you will be locked away hidden in the cottage island you found near that ca-"
" Fuck no." 
" -or you accept this envelope I had gracefully taken time to buy with my own money and try your best to act accordingly. Oh, how good of a person am I."
" Why do you even suggest the first, when you'd had gotten me a fake id?" his shenanigans starting to irk you. you could even feel a vein popping out.
" For the drama of course. then after this go to sam to get your photo taken for the id"
you sigh as you opened the envelope containing your passport and id. 
" Headmage.."
" What the fuck is thisss?" you point of the id specifically on the species where a bold letter is etched on it.
"Ah did i get the wrong one? oo.. oohohoo, my bad.. but it's too late for a chance now. Oh, look at the time, it has gotten so late! you better get to Sam now before he closes his shop. The inspection is tomorrow so good luck!" he pushed you out of his office and slam his door on your face.
' THE FUCKING AUDACITY OF THIS BITCH ! ILL PICK YOUR FEATHERS TILL YOU GO BALD OLD Crow' you grumbled as you begrudgingly make your way to Sam. 
Save to say, at the end of the day you left Sam anticipating the next day chaos and you are left with the illegally obtained transforming potion and a complete id and passport. Grim is laughing nonstop at the revelation enjoying whatever torture that will come to you the day after. 
Crowley had been cursed at least a hundred times in your head. you drank the potion to change you into a beastman as you fall asleep.
" i wonder what beastman you will become." Grim said as you both nuzzled up to sleep.
The morning come sooner than you wished, the lights blinding you awake. 
"God dammit when did the sun get shinier"
you went to scratch your ears only to find it gone. This had made you jolt awake, bolting to the giant mirror you go, accidentally waking Grim in process. 
"UWAAA!! what's the rush y/n?" Grim sleepily asked.
The mirror reflects your new figure, and you could only be one thing, and that is MORTIFIED. 
you screeched in distress. 
" WAAA!! what's your damage dude." Grim spoke now fully awake as he went to approach you who are crouching holding your new ears.
" i... I had become..."
" NYAHAHAHAHAHA!!! out of all beasts you have to become a cat! i can't wait till Ace and Deuce sees this!!!" His loud laugher filled the room. You don’t even know there is such thing as a cat beastman. You had thought all beastman is the undomesticated version of every animal, yet here you are in a tip pointed ears of not a wolf, not a lion but a GOD DAMN CAT. Your tail swishing in distress.
"Just you wait Grim, once you have a misfortune, I'll laugh it up your face!!" your retort went on deaf ears as he kept laughing
Poor you can only power through the embarrassment, not at all excited to meeting any of your friends. 'They're gonna have a fieldtrip about all of thisss' you cried. 
a brilliant idea come to mind, you decided to just go class with a hat and tuck your tail hiding it under your jacket. wishing the day had not start but ended. 
from your understanding back in your world, you know how many sickfucks is there obsessing over cat girls/boys. you hope today is different. please lord. 
the bell has rung signing students to enter the classrooms, that includes you in a hat and jacket to hide the transformation. Ace and deuce spotted you as you entered the class.
" Yo! y/n! what's with the hat and jacket?" Ace greeted you as you went to your usual seat. 
" aren't you hot in all of that layer?" deuce followed
" Listen, Y/n got --" 
in a speed of light, you quickly grab his muzzle shutting whatever information u rather not share with this mischievous creature.
" If you don't shut up, I won't buy you the premium tuna can anymore!" you huffed. 
"no fairrr!!" Grim whined 
the conversation was cut short as crewel entered the building
“Right, pups, get to your seat. Today we will have an inspection authorized by the governments since there is several overblots that occurred in this past month.”
“What? Why did they just tell us now?” Ace questioned
 The whole class was shocked by the revelation. 
“quite pups, as your homeroom teacher I expect you to be on your best behaviour. Now –“  crewel stopped in his track as he stared at your soul. 
‘Professor Crewel, please let go of my uniform misconduct, just this time.”
“y/n I believe the headmage had given you solution for this inspection, you would not need the whatever disguise you are wearing.”
“ uhm.. no this is not a disguise actually--”
“As I mentioned, there would be a inspection so I cannot oversee your uniform misconduct. Now take it of.”
You were sweating bullets. ‘FUCK!’ your head is ringing with alarm. You don’t know what to do so you just sat still. Crewel started to approach you.
“oi, what’s the big deal y/n c’mon he is getting mad!” Ace said
“They might have an allergy reaction to their head! Deuce chimed.
‘ thanks, but not helping deuce!!’ you mentally shriek as crewel is now standing Infront of you. 
“ now stop with this tom-foolery, I expected better from you.” He reached for your hat.
“AH! Wait-”
Crewel had yanked the hat off showcasing your cat ear. 
The silence before the collective gasp makes you want to curl up in your blanket. 
“PUWHAHAHAHHAH!!! You can’t even be a legit legit beastman !! ” Ace laughter break the silence as you flush in both anger and embarrassment. 
“ Pfftt, Domisticated beastman..” deuce joined in.
“ SHUT UP!!”
Crewel cleared his throat gaining an abrupt silence from the Adeuce duo, tapping his whipping stick repeatedly. 
“ Headmage, Crowley-“
“ haaaaaa, show me the id and passport.”
You quickly took them out of your bag and place them on your desk as he inspect both of them. 
“HAAAAA… unfortunately I still cannot allow you in that atrocious get up, so remove your jacket and hat” he signed loudly again, engraving in his mind to kill the old crow, after all you are always his favourite students, how could that crow torture you so relentlessly. Maybe if he get to give you the adoption paper this crow wouldn’t dare to mess with you anymore?
You sigh, relenting to your fate. Any speck of pride you have over yourself vanished. As you let your tail swish free. 
Ace is trying hard not to laugh over your embarrassed red faced. But honestly both are just captivated by your new look. The way your ears twitch and your red face, the way your new feature give you a docile look. Both ace and deuce suddenly find their textbook or the corner of the room fascinating as their face are getting darker.
These reactions are of course not limited to ace and deuce but to the other students as well. Crewel watch in disdain as his precious ( soon to be) children is getting flaunted by these beasts. He mentally take note to keep you safe from there unruly teens, but priority. His number one priority now is to get Crowley in his chokehold. 
The bell signing for lunch ended the class, causing you another brain aneurism, because now you have to go to the packed cafeteria, with guaranteed display to everybody attending NRC.‘FUCK FUCK FUCK’ 
“c’mon prefect lets go get lunch!” deuce said
“I’m so hungry!! Lets go hurry before they ran out of the good stuff!”
 “Easy for you to say! You don’t have a cat tail or ears…” you suck holding grim as you hesitated to walk out of the classroom.
“how bout this! I can hide you with my body!” Deuce said enthusiastically
“haaaaa, alright.. thanks” you went to cling to his back as you let grim down opting to squeeze the article on his back, using your meat shield to your fullest potential.
Deuce face burn bright with how close you are to him, ‘this is like a hug from the back!’ he squeal internally. 
“r-right! Just stay close to me!” if he was given the opportunity then why not use it. He will definitely treasure this moment till the day that he passes.
“H-Hey! I can be your shield too you know!.”
“Deuce beat you to it, pal.” Grim jeered
You peek from your meat shield giving Ace a tongue out as you went back to hiding. What can a guy do when your insult is also cute. He can’t but just try to save his pride as he hides it with his teasing, just like a kindergartener. 
The four of you arrives at the cafeteria as a realisation dawn on you. You needed more meat shield. 
You dragged ace to line with deuce as you slid you press yourself against the wall creating and effective human wall, Ace didn’t mind being a flesh wall he just hoped he is  facing you instead of the other way around.
It all went swimmingly the four of you were spotted by your other friends.
“ what the hell are you up to?” Epel asked still unaware that you are clinging to their back hiding behind them. 
“Oh us? We are just here to get some lunch right? Deuce?” 
“o-Oh yeahh righttt! We are hiding anything at all.” 
Ace hit deuce foot as he grumbles at his idiocy and deuce to panicked to retort.
“yeahhh.. right” Epel narrows his eyes suspiciously.
“seriously guys today is the inspection day at least behave yourself while these governments representative are observing us.” Jack huff, crossing his arms disapprovingly.
“seriously! We aren’t ,making any trouble promise!” Ace the pro mischief maker he is, retorded without fail
“I double that” deuce half-shouted.
“ohh? The why did your heart rate is higher than normal?” the humanoid,Ortho joined in ganging up on acedeuce duo, 
“eep!” Sebek’s loud voice seems to ring harder on your ears making you let out an involuntary sound. 
“ Not so loud crocodile boyy, my ears are ringing.” Grim grumbled as he hold his ears.
“ I feel you now Grim.” You mentally said.
“ AH what is that!” epel accused as he slip past the human wall you created and be greeted with you.
“no wait!” Deuce tries to save but he was too late.
You in cat ears and tail.
Your ears continuously twitching. 
You have tail.
“uh hi? Epel?” 
Epel wondered if the mushroom in his plate is the right kind of mushroom or is he about to die and be greeted by one final sight of you. 
Is this bliss?
IS this heaven…?
“ oi.. Epel? Whats the problem?”
The other three curious of what Epel was seeing push through.
And there you are as a beastman. A cat beastman.
Jack howl.exe has stopped working
Sebek zigvolt.exe stopped working
Ortho.exe has taken rapid shot 
He is making sure his brother gets to see you like this as well. The picture is auto sent to Idia’s device.
Jack’s fluffy white tail began frantically wagging
Sebek the loudest of the loud manage to be the quietest.
The three of them felt blood rushed up their heads, while Deuce and Ace share a sense of ‘i get you.’ Vibe to the other four. 
In collective silence the four of them created a bigger human wall shield continuing adeuce duo’s wall.
“the wall keeps getting bigger and bigger! Yeahh! This will tell people that the great Grim is passing through!! “ Grim shouts.
 You would laugh at his antics but now just not the time. 
You pick grim up as to cover yourself with him as well, using his body to cover as much face as you can while u hunched trying to be invincible. 
Of course this meant letting go of ace and deuce much to their disappointment. 
The sixth of them wish they were born as some werebeast so easily carried by you and 
“We need explanation but for now let’s get some food.” 
With the group all agreeing to stay in formation you went. To get the food in line. 
You had manage to make grim cover your ear while u get food for him and you, you of course give him extra chicken for all the hard work.
Everything was going swell, or so you thought.
In a speed that u had never achieved before you jump very high up into a table in an offense position hissing. Only then you had realized you fucked up. 
Grim had fallen off your head showing full out your new cat ears and tail.
‘Oh great sevens.’ You wanted to mentally bash yourself because what the fuck is that reflex.
The old bat had froze in his track as his eyes widened at your new form. He found your new form rather endearing, plus what kind of reaction can you show now? 
The whole cafeteria had gone silent so have your before jack covered you up with his jacket and scooped you up off the table and ran. All the other first year in tow.
“ MIND YA OWN BUSINESS, There is nothing to see here!” You could hear Epel shouted. 
“Run run run!” Ortho speed hover. 
You could hear vil shouting to Epel for him to stop and order to Rook who is still in a paralyzed mode.
You could hear Riddle threatening Ace and Deuce to stop or not he would cut off their heads which only make them ran faster. Trey and carter trying to calm their dorm leader while also thinking of a plan to steal u away. 
Floyd was whining about how they are taking the little shrimp-cat away from him to jade. 
Azul still stuck in his trance.
Kamil shouting for you to come back, 
jamil silently planning murder to get u back.
Leona chuckling saying something about a hunt to ruggie who is also chuckling in amusement.
Silver shocked with how sebek is involved, but then again you are involved so he should’ve expected it and also your new form. Malleus also is laughing, amused.
Truth be told the first year gang had scoop you up not only to save you but also to fulfill their desire, your new form that had enhance your cuteness should only be for them and theirs only. They found you first! Not those second or third year! You belonged to them! You are one of us! They do not want any body to see you like this. They don’t deserve it.
Although Sebek won’t mind sharing this sight with Malleus he thinks no body deserves to see you like this especially with their lust filled eyes.
Lilia chuckle as he snapped out of his trance.
“Kufufufu, it seems the kitten has been kidnapped by a big bad rebellion.. it’s time to teach them to know their place isn’t.” 
“ father.. what are you planning?” 
“Truly a wise word, Lilia. Whatever shall we do to teach these rebellious kids to never steal from a dragon.”
“You mean a lion?” Leona  now annoyed with the declaration. 
“ you and them? Ha you are most incompatible with them.”
“Are you sure about that? She is a beastman now, and most beastman are in the reigh of sunset savanna, ultimately my kingdom. Plus i am the original of their beastkin, she would be most compatible with me.”
“She could live in luxury in briar valley as the wife of a king instead of just some lousy king.”
“Ha what is that?”
“Or a general wife you kno.”
“Not you too Lilia!.”
“Excuse me! I know them more and better than any or you!” Riddle now involved in the conversation.
“ oh my, i can’t even imagine the fate they will have if you get to her.”
“Ha what do you mean by that?”
“What i meant is simply, your “rules” is definitely going to be atrocious to follow. If she were with me she would live happily in riches.”
“And wet underwater? Oh how bad that would be for her poor skin. She would much rather go with me draped in fame and gold.”
“ as if! She would rather be with me!”
“Is that a challenge?”
“Fine let’s settle it like a sensible being. The one who manage to capture her first would have the right to be with her.” The lion declared.
“Such a wise statement coming from you, Rook prepare yourself.” 
“Ouii, a game of hunt! I agree.” Standing tall beside the fair king, he readied himself. 
“This whole thing is dumb, of course they would choose me, but for the sake of your dignity i will participate this game. Besides i have to collar a few underclassmen of mine” The red hair boy stands.
“Oo sounds fun, Jade, Floyd we will have a change if schedule, it seems to be perfect day for hunting.”
“Yes, Azul.”
“As if you all could beat me the crown prince of briar woods himself.”
With the whole dorm agreeing to play the game of hunt, they set the hunt to begin after school finished (curtesy of Riddle), lets just say you might want to wish that your group got a memo of this and tries to save you from them and not take you for themselves of course .
“Of course they wouldn’t choose me.” 
“But… if i can catch them then they will have no other choose, hahaha.” The flamey blue haired guy spoke
[3251 word]
>>To be Continued<<
.·:*¨༺ ❈ ༻¨*:·.
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reccyls · 2 months
Beyond the Merging of Then and Now (Gilbert story)
Gilbert's 4th anniversary story sale, where child Gilbert is brought to the future to meet Emma and current Gilbert
Today, Prince Gilbert was in an unprecedented foul mood.
Young Gilbert: Miss, play with me.
Emma: Umm...
Gilbert: Absolutely not. Emma is mine, so you should back off.
Young Gilbert: But you're me as an adult, aren't you? So if something is yours, then it's mine too.
Young Gilbert: Ah, sorry. I didn't mean that you were a thing, miss. I'll be more careful with my words.
Young Gilbert: So... we really can't play?
(I have no idea why a child Gilbert appeared...)
(This must be the sweet and innocent version of Gilbert that I kept hearing about.)
(He's so much cuter than I thought, and so polite too!)
Emma: Of course we can. What do you want to play?
Young Gilbert: Really? I want to go for a walk!
Emma: I was just thinking that the weather today was perfect for a picnic.
Young Gilbert: A picnic!
Gilbert: Little rabbit, don't give in so easily.
Emma: I have to. He's just so cute I want to give him everything he asks for.
Gilbert: You don't give me everything I ask for.
Young Gilbert: You're so petty, adult me.
Young Gilbert: I'm feeling fine today. I can do it.
Gilbert: Because you're so useless that it disgusts me, young me.
Gilbert: And yet you still think you can take a single step outside of this room?
Gilbert: You have no idea how badly you're doing.
Young Gilbert: Miss, please believe me.
(That's right. Prince Gilbert had been sickly ever since he was young.)
(In that case, it'd be best for him not to push himself too hard--)
Emma: I... okay.
(Who could say no to those puppy dog eyes!)
Gilbert: ......
Emma: A-as soon as his condition takes a turn for the worse, we'll come back immediately.
Young Gilbert: ...I really turn out like that when I grow up?
Gilbert: ...Do you promise?
Gilbert: I'll sulk if you spend all your time paying attention to that thing instead of me.
Gilbert: You do, you little fool.
Emma: Gil...
Gilbert: You'll understand soon, just how stupid I was as a child.
--scene change, hallway--
Young Gilbert: Hah.... hah.....
Emma: Wha!? Are you okay!?
Young Gilbert: I'm okay...
Gilbert: What did I say? Don't just go along with what he wants.
Gilbert: No matter how healthy he claims to be, a few steps and this is what he's reduced to.
Gilbert: You can see for yourself right now, can't you?
Gilbert: How pathetic.
Emma: Anyway, let's go back inside now!
Young Gilbert: I don't want to.
Emma: But it's going to be really bad if you start getting any worse.
Young Gilbert: Albert says that all the time... He says I shouldn't leave my room...
Young Gilbert: But I want to feel the wind... Real wind, around my whole body. Not just the wind that comes in through the window... *cough*
Young Gilbert: Wait, miss... I'm okay, so just a little bit longer...
Gilbert: Albert told you time and time again why you shouldn't leave your room, and you just don't get it. Honestly, I'm starting to get angry.
Gilbert: Well, it doesn't matter. Time to keep your promise, little rabbit.
Emma: Ah! Right! Gil, is it okay to bring him to your research lab?
(Gil is right, it would probably be better to return inside immediately...)
(But I can't say no to little Gilbert!)
(What to do...)
Gilbert: What?
Emma: It's partially open, you can definitely feel the breeze there.
Young Gilbert: Research lab...?
Gilbert: No way.
Emma: After this I promise to do anything you want.
Gilbert: ...Well, if you put it like that, fine.
Emma: Thank you!
(I feel like I just made a very scary deal, but now's not the time to worry about that.)
Emma: Um, Little Gil? I'll carry you there, come here.
Young Gilbert: Really? Okay then-
Gilbert: You know there's no way I'd actually allow that, right?
Young Gilbert: Waaa!?
Emma: Gil! Don't just yank him up by the collar like that!
Gilbert: It's me, so it's fine.
Emma: Do you want me to break up with you!?
Gilbert: .......
Young Gilbert: Oooh, she got angry at you.
Gilbert: What's that? You want me to drop you?
Young Gilbert: I'm sorry, please don't drop me.
Gilbert: Ugh... Why won't you just disappear?
--scene change, research lab--
(...I thought Gilbert really liked kids.)
(Why does he hate his past self so much?)
Young Gilbert: Wow, this place is amazing! I didn't think the castle could have a room like this!
Young Gilbert: There's so many plants everywhere, and the wind feels really good... I want to stay here forever...
Young Gilbert: I don't feel like I'm really alive when I'm stuck in my room all day...
Young Gilbert: But if I stayed somewhere like this, I really feel alive.
Gilbert: ...You say that, and yet you're running a fever after just a few minutes in the breeze.
(He really, really wanted to go outside.)
(Is that why Prince Gilbert had this room made as an adult?)
Emma: Huh?
Young Gilbert: I-I don't have a fever.
(And that's not a suspicious denial at all... Come to think of it, his face does seem a little flushed.)
Emma: Little Gil?
Young Gilbert: This is normal.
Emma: Let me feel your forehead for a bit.
Emma: Oh no, you really are warm...
Gilbert: Of course I am. I'm not weak like you .
Young Gilbert: Ugh...
Young Gilbert: ...But adult me is okay?
Emma: Are you sure? You're not pushing yourself too hard?
Young Gilbert: That means I get all better when I grow up.
Young Gilbert: So I'm okay.
(...To say that to a young child...)
Young Gilbert: Mmhm. Um... I've always been weak, since I was born.
Young Gilbert: The doctor told me that I probably wouldn't live for very long.
Gilbert: ......
Young Gilbert: But, if this really is the future, then that means I survive.
Young Gilbert: I'm really happy to know that.
Emma: Gil...
Young Gilbert: Hey, if I can go and walk outside, that means I can help with official work too, right?
Young Gilbert: Is Albert doing okay? Do you help Albert with his work?
Young Gilbert: I always wanted to be able to help Albert when I got better.
Young Gilbert: And mother too... I have to take care of her too, because she always worries about me.
Young Gilbert: Where are they right now?
Young Gilbert: Miss? Why are you patting my head?
(........I'm sorry.)
(...I can't say any more than that.)
Emma: ...You're a good kid, Gil.
(He really doesn't know anything.)
(Not about the darkness in Obsidian, because his brother and mother had kept it hidden from him.)
(That must be why Prince Gilbert can't stand his child self.)
(Because his innocence is a result of ignorance.)
Young Gilbert: I am?
Emma: Yes, you are. I'm rooting for you to get better soon.
Young Gilbert: ...Thank you, miss.
Gilbert: Are you just going to pat him, when I'm standing right here?
Emma: ...Is it okay?
Gilbert: Of course it is.
Young Gilbert: But you're a grown up.
Gilbert: That doesn't matter. All that matters is that I like my little rabbit a lot.
Young Gilbert: I like her too!
Gilbert: Oh? Are you asking for a fight?
Emma: Stop right there, no fighting! Please get along with each other.
Gilbert: It's impossible.
Gilbert: ...Looking at myself at this age, it's just too much.
With one hand, I ruffled Little Gil's hair, and the other did the same for the adult Prince Gilbert.
The movements were the same, but the underlying emotions behind each gesture was different...
Looking up at the sky, I felt my eyes blurring, just a little.
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