#w; jack corvin
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itskarasykes · 2 years ago
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"Definitely not. Just trying to respect your desire to move on. Unless you want to get all touchy feely? I'm all ears, Corv." Everyone had something that they didn't like discussing. But funerals already put people in somber moods, it was hard not to keep with the theme in conversation, too.
"I mean, that would be what we'd all hope for," Kara murmured, her arms lifting to fold across her chest as her gaze pulled away from Jack and instead searched the crowds once more. If it were that simple, just about anyone could be a detective and crack the case. But when people didn't want to talk and secrets were being held close to the chest...It certainly wasn't just as hand wave-y through the air like Corvin tried to make it seem. The Mercers weren't exactly the easiest bunch to get along with, let alone put together a case for. Hope had a lot of friends - and alongside that, a lot of enemies. But who among them wanted her dead?
Probably someone standing in this very room.
"So, do you know anyone here, or you just paying your respects?"
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"what, you immune to personal tragedy?" corvin huffed, trying to lighten the mood again and distract from his sour mood. but he did think his own tragedy was not unique, it was entirely of his own doing. but people didn't deserve to suffer forever for mistakes. except for him, maybe. but most people didn't. he had to wonder if what happened to hope was a mistake of her own making or someone else's personal tragedy being taken out on her. from the way everyone was talking to day she was both princess diana and also a saint.
"other than find out what happened before they do? find out if there's information being held over them or if they were up to some shady shit that got taken out on their daughter. make sure they know the police already know about it. but... could only be a distraction. hard to say. i haven't been investigating. this would be your expertise."
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toteredennicht · 8 years ago
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Diese Woche gesehen (28. März bis 1. April 2017): Sechs Episoden von Dezernat ’M’ (Originaltitel: M Squad), Fernsehserie, USA, 1957-1960. Erstausstrahlung: 20. September 1957 (USA), 20. April 1966 (BRD). Sender: NBC (USA), ZDF (BRD). Laufzeit: ca. 25 Min. pro Episode. Bild: s/w. Drehbuch: Jack Laird, Stuart Jerome, Joel Murcott u.a. Produzent: John Francis Larkin, Maxwell Shane, Richard Lewis u.a. Produktion: Latimer Productions, Revue Studios. Regie: Don Medford, Herman Hoffman, Don Taylor u.a. Regelmäßige Stammdarsteller: Lee Marvin, Paul Newlan. IMDB-Bewertung: 8.6/10 (für die gesamte Serie)
Anfang der Woche habe ich die zweite DVD-Box von Dezernat M erhalten, die jüngst (17. März 2017) bei Pidax erschienen ist (veröffentlichter Titel: Dezernat M, Volume 2). Alle Laufzeiten, die nachfolgend genannt werden, beziehen sich auf diese DVD-Veröffentlichung.
Bislang habe ich mir sechs Epiosoden angeschaut:
#1. Wie vom Erdboden verschluckt (OT: The Phantom Raiders). EA: 07.11.1958 (USA), 20.07.1966 (BRD). Staffel 2, Folge 7. Laufzeit: 24:16 Min. Regie: Bernard L. Kowalski. Drehbuch: Merwin Gerard. [CTVA] | [IMDB]
Handlung: Eine Motorrad-Bande überfällt Tankstellen. Jedesmal verschwinden sie spurlos. Als sie bei einem Überfall einen Tankwart niederschießen, verliert einer von ihnen eine Armkette. Der Hinweis führt Frank Ballinger auf die richtige Spur. Dazu begibt er sich „undercover“ in eine Bar, die von Motorradfahrern besucht wird.
Lee Marvin: Detective Lt. Frank Ballinger
Paul Newlan: Captain Grey
John Brinkley: Robert „Bob“ Michaels
Yvette Vickers: Sally
Nicky Blair: Joe
Ed Nelson: Lenny Maston
Elizabeth Harrower: Mrs. Michaels u.a.
#2. Gift im Auto (OT: Contraband). EA: 19.12.1958 (USA), 28.09.1966 (BRD). Staffel 2, Folge 13. Laufzeit: 24:10 Min. Regie: Don Medford. Drehbuch: Merwin Gerard. [CTVA] | [IMDB]
Handlung: Rauschgiftschmuggler verstecken Pakete mit illegalen Substanzen in Fahrzeuge, die aus Europa importiert werden. Bei einer Lieferung entdeckt die Polizei ein Päckchen, bevor der Wagen ausgeliefert wird. Ballinger und sein Chef lassen den Wagen nicht aus den Augen. Sie wollen die Schmuggler auf frischer Tat ertappen. Aber die Gauner schlagen ihnen ein Schnippchen ...
Lee Marvin: Frank Ballinger
Paul Newlan: Captain Grey
Ross Martin: Bert Corbin [oder Corvin] a.k.a. Mr. Arlington
Marti Stevens: Miss Eve Parker
King Calder: Roger Taylor
Bill Cord: Det. Dave Price
Thom Carney: Howard Harley u.a.
#3. Ein Zeuge muss sterben (OT: Prescription For Murder). EA: 26.12.1958 (USA), 27.07.1966 (BRD). Staffel 2, Folge 14. Laufzeit: 24:06 Min. Regie: Mark Sandrich Jr. Drehbuch: Palmer Thompson. [CTVA] | [IMDB]
Handlung: Ein Zeuge, der gegen den lokalen Mob-Boss Lucky Cortello aussagen möchte, wird vor seinem Haus niedergeschossen. Dabei erleidet er einen Kopfschuß, den nur ein Experte behandeln kann. Um das zu verhindern, läßt Cortello die Frau des Spezialisten entführen. Ballinger muß nun gegen die Zeit rennen, um sowohl das Leben des Zeugen als auch das der Arztgattin zu retten.
Lee Marvin: Frank Ballinger
Paul Newlan: Captain Grey
George Neise: Dr. Stephen Renzig [oder Renzik?]
John Beradino: Lucky Cortello
John Duke: Patch
Helen Mowery: Anita Renzig [oder Renzik?]
George Brenlin: Bennie Harris a.k.a. William Henry u.a.
#4. Ein Star in Gefahr (OT: The Last Act). EA: 06.02.1959 (USA), 03.07.1968 (BRD). Staffel 2, Folge 19. Laufzeit: 24:59 Min. Regie: David Lowell Rich. Drehbuch: B. X. Sanborn (d.i. Bill S. Ballinger), Don Sanford. [CTVA] | [IMDB]
Handlung: Der Star eines geplanten Musicals wird bedroht. Ist es eine Schutzgelderpressung oder steckt etwas anderes dahinter? Ballinger läßt die Darstellerin bewachen und beginnt zu ermitteln.
Lee Marvin: Frank Ballinger
Paul Newlan: Captain Grey
Donald Buka: Jerry Stewart
Elaine Edwards: Laura Dennis
Jim Bannon: Sam Harding
Stewart Bradley: Ernie Roper a.k.a. Mr.Smith
Robert Gibbons: Mike u.a.
#5. Freiwillig gestellt (OT: Voluntary Surrender). EA: 06.03.1959 (USA), 24.07.1968 (BRD). Staffel 2, Folge 23. Laufzeit: 22:53 Min. Regie: Virgil W. Vogel. Drehbuch: Joel Murcott. [CTVA] | [IMDB]
Handlung: Der Kleinkriminelle Harry Frost bezichtigt sich selbst, einen Einbruch begangen zu haben. Er sei betrunken gewesen und habe danach ein schlechtes Gewissen bekommen. Als Frost aber 500 Dollar Kaution aufbringen kann, obwohl er -- eigenem Bekunden nach -- Pleite ist, wird Ballinger stutzig. Denn gleichzeitig hat ein Einbruch stattgefunden, bei dem die Hausbesitzerin ermordet wurde. Will Frost sich ein falsches Alibi geben?
Lee Marvin: Frank Ballinger
Paul Newlan: Captain Grey
Bert Remsen: Harry Frost
Mary Adams: Mrs. Frost
Mary Treen: Miss Cosgrove, Haushälterin
Paul Dubov: Gil Kirby
Virginia R. Lee: Dorothy „Dottie“ Warren
Hal Baylor: Det. Finley u.a.
#6. Der Mann mit dem Narbengesicht (OT: The Terror On Dark Street). EA: 24.04.1959 (USA), 31.07.1968 (BRD). Staffel 2, Folge 30. Laufzeit: 23:56 Min. Regie: Sidney Lanfield. Drehbuch: Jack Laird. [CTVA] | [IMDB]
Handlung: Auf der Dark Street treibt ein narbengesichtiger Mann sein Unwesen, der Passanten überfällt, niederschlägt und beraubt. Als ein wohlhabender Architekt aus seiner Wohnung spurlos verschwindet, wurde ebenfalls ein Mann mit Narbe im Gesicht gesehen. Die Ehefrau des mutmaßlichen Opfers gibt sich ahnungslos. Weiß sie mehr als sie zugibt? Ballinger beginnt mit den Ermittlungen.
Lee Marvin: Frank Ballinger
Paul Newlan: Captain Grey
Jocelyn Brando: Esther Bonzell (IMDB: Bonsel)
Carleton G. Young: Arthur Princely
Barbara Drew: Mrs. Vinton
John Milford: Charles Saturis
Jack Rice: Mr. Carmedy u.a.
Beim zweiten Filmfall Gift im Auto (OT: Contraband) wird gezeigt wie Autos aus Übersee im Hafen von Chicago ausgeliefert werden. Wie kann das sein? Mit meinen Geografie-Kenntnissen ist es vielleicht nicht weit her, aber soviel weiß ich, daß Chicago am Lake Michigan liegt, einem Binnengewässer! Seehäfen für den Warenverkehr nach Übersee gibt es an der Atlantik- und an der Pazifikküste. Man denkt zum Beispiel an New York oder San Francisco. Wie kann ein Frachter, der über den Atlantik kommt, in den Michigansee gelangen?
Quellen: [Classic TV Archive]; [Wikipedia (de)]; [Wikipedia (en)]; [IMDB]; [Pidax]; [OFDB]; [Serien im Deutschen Fernsehen]
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neurogenpapers · 8 years ago
Novel genetic loci associated with hippocampal volume.
PubMed: Novel genetic loci associated with hippocampal volume. Nat Commun. 2017 Jan 18;8:13624 Authors: Hibar DP, Adams HH, Jahanshad N, Chauhan G, Stein JL, Hofer E, Renteria ME, Bis JC, Arias-Vasquez A, Ikram MK, Desrivières S, Vernooij MW, Abramovic L, Alhusaini S, Amin N, Andersson M, Arfanakis K, Aribisala BS, Armstrong NJ, Athanasiu L, Axelsson T, Beecham AH, Beiser A, Bernard M, Blanton SH, Bohlken MM, Boks MP, Bralten J, Brickman AM, Carmichael O, Chakravarty MM, Chen Q, Ching CR, Chouraki V, Cuellar-Partida G, Crivello F, Den Braber A, Doan NT, Ehrlich S, Giddaluru S, Goldman AL, Gottesman RF, Grimm O, Griswold ME, Guadalupe T, Gutman BA, Hass J, Haukvik UK, Hoehn D, Holmes AJ, Hoogman M, Janowitz D, Jia T, Jørgensen KN, Karbalai N, Kasperaviciute D, Kim S, Klein M, Kraemer B, Lee PH, Liewald DC, Lopez LM, Luciano M, Macare C, Marquand AF, Matarin M, Mather KA, Mattheisen M, McKay DR, Milaneschi Y, Muñoz Maniega S, Nho K, Nugent AC, Nyquist P, Loohuis LM, Oosterlaan J, Papmeyer M, Pirpamer L, Pütz B, Ramasamy A, Richards JS, Risacher SL, Roiz-Santiañez R, Rommelse N, Ropele S, Rose EJ, Royle NA, Rundek T, Sämann PG, Saremi A, Satizabal CL, Schmaal L, Schork AJ, Shen L, Shin J, Shumskaya E, Smith AV, Sprooten E, Strike LT, Teumer A, Tordesillas-Gutierrez D, Toro R, Trabzuni D, Trompet S, Vaidya D, Van der Grond J, Van der Lee SJ, Van der Meer D, Van Donkelaar MM, Van Eijk KR, Van Erp TG, Van Rooij D, Walton E, Westlye LT, Whelan CD, Windham BG, Winkler AM, Wittfeld K, Woldehawariat G, Wolf C, Wolfers T, Yanek LR, Yang J, Zijdenbos A, Zwiers MP, Agartz I, Almasy L, Ames D, Amouyel P, Andreassen OA, Arepalli S, Assareh AA, Barral S, Bastin ME, Becker DM, Becker JT, Bennett DA, Blangero J, van Bokhoven H, Boomsma DI, Brodaty H, Brouwer RM, Brunner HG, Buckner RL, Buitelaar JK, Bulayeva KB, Cahn W, Calhoun VD, Cannon DM, Cavalleri GL, Cheng CY, Cichon S, Cookson MR, Corvin A, Crespo-Facorro B, Curran JE, Czisch M, Dale AM, Davies GE, De Craen AJ, De Geus EJ, De Jager PL, De Zubicaray GI, Deary IJ, Debette S, DeCarli C, Delanty N, Depondt C, DeStefano A, Dillman A, Djurovic S, Donohoe G, Drevets WC, Duggirala R, Dyer TD, Enzinger C, Erk S, Espeseth T, Fedko IO, Fernández G, Ferrucci L, Fisher SE, Fleischman DA, Ford I, Fornage M, Foroud TM, Fox PT, Francks C, Fukunaga M, Gibbs JR, Glahn DC, Gollub RL, Göring HH, Green RC, Gruber O, Gudnason V, Guelfi S, Håberg AK, Hansell NK, Hardy J, Hartman CA, Hashimoto R, Hegenscheid K, Heinz A, Le Hellard S, Hernandez DG, Heslenfeld DJ, Ho BC, Hoekstra PJ, Hoffmann W, Hofman A, Holsboer F, Homuth G, Hosten N, Hottenga JJ, Huentelman M, Pol HE, Ikeda M, Jack CR, Jenkinson M, Johnson R, Jönsson EG, Jukema JW, Kahn RS, Kanai R, Kloszewska I, Knopman DS, Kochunov P, Kwok JB, Lawrie SM, Lemaître H, Liu X, Longo DL, Lopez OL, Lovestone S, Martinez O, Martinot JL, Mattay VS, McDonald C, McIntosh AM, McMahon FJ, McMahon KL, Mecocci P, Melle I, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Mohnke S, Montgomery GW, Morris DW, Mosley TH, Mühleisen TW, Müller-Myhsok B, Nalls MA, Nauck M, Nichols TE, Niessen WJ, Nöthen MM, Nyberg L, Ohi K, Olvera RL, Ophoff RA, Pandolfo M, Paus T, Pausova Z, Penninx BW, Pike GB, Potkin SG, Psaty BM, Reppermund S, Rietschel M, Roffman JL, Romanczuk-Seiferth N, Rotter JI, Ryten M, Sacco RL, Sachdev PS, Saykin AJ, Schmidt R, Schmidt H, Schofield PR, Sigursson S, Simmons A, Singleton A, Sisodiya SM, Smith C, Smoller JW, Soininen H, Steen VM, Stott DJ, Sussmann JE, Thalamuthu A, Toga AW, Traynor BJ, Troncoso J, Tsolaki M, Tzourio C, Uitterlinden AG, Hernández MC, Van der Brug M, van der Lugt A, van der Wee NJ, Van Haren NE, van 't Ent D, Van Tol MJ, Vardarajan BN, Vellas B, Veltman DJ, Völzke H, Walter H, Wardlaw JM, Wassink TH, Weale ME, Weinberger DR, Weiner MW, Wen W, Westman E, White T, Wong TY, Wright CB, Zielke RH, Zonderman AB, Martin NG, Van Duijn CM, Wright MJ, Longstreth WT, Schumann G, Grabe HJ, Franke B, Launer LJ, Medland SE, Seshadri S, Thompson PM, Ikram MA Abstract The hippocampal formation is a brain structure integrally involved in episodic memory, spatial navigation, cognition and stress responsiveness. Structural abnormalities in hippocampal volume and shape are found in several common neuropsychiatric disorders. To identify the genetic underpinnings of hippocampal structure here we perform a genome-wide association study (GWAS) of 33,536 individuals and discover six independent loci significantly associated with hippocampal volume, four of them novel. Of the novel loci, three lie within genes (ASTN2, DPP4 and MAST4) and one is found 200 kb upstream of SHH. A hippocampal subfield analysis shows that a locus within the MSRB3 gene shows evidence of a localized effect along the dentate gyrus, subiculum, CA1 and fissure. Further, we show that genetic variants associated with decreased hippocampal volume are also associated with increased risk for Alzheimer's disease (rg=-0.155). Our findings suggest novel biological pathways through which human genetic variation influences hippocampal volume and risk for neuropsychiatric illness. PMID: 28098162 [PubMed - in process] http://dlvr.it/N87Gjx
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neurogenpapers · 8 years ago
Novel genetic loci associated with hippocampal volume.
IoN UCL PubMed: Novel genetic loci associated with hippocampal volume. Nat Commun. 2017 Jan 18;8:13624 Authors: Hibar DP, Adams HH, Jahanshad N, Chauhan G, Stein JL, Hofer E, Renteria ME, Bis JC, Arias-Vasquez A, Ikram MK, Desrivières S, Vernooij MW, Abramovic L, Alhusaini S, Amin N, Andersson M, Arfanakis K, Aribisala BS, Armstrong NJ, Athanasiu L, Axelsson T, Beecham AH, Beiser A, Bernard M, Blanton SH, Bohlken MM, Boks MP, Bralten J, Brickman AM, Carmichael O, Chakravarty MM, Chen Q, Ching CR, Chouraki V, Cuellar-Partida G, Crivello F, Den Braber A, Doan NT, Ehrlich S, Giddaluru S, Goldman AL, Gottesman RF, Grimm O, Griswold ME, Guadalupe T, Gutman BA, Hass J, Haukvik UK, Hoehn D, Holmes AJ, Hoogman M, Janowitz D, Jia T, Jørgensen KN, Karbalai N, Kasperaviciute D, Kim S, Klein M, Kraemer B, Lee PH, Liewald DC, Lopez LM, Luciano M, Macare C, Marquand AF, Matarin M, Mather KA, Mattheisen M, McKay DR, Milaneschi Y, Muñoz Maniega S, Nho K, Nugent AC, Nyquist P, Loohuis LM, Oosterlaan J, Papmeyer M, Pirpamer L, Pütz B, Ramasamy A, Richards JS, Risacher SL, Roiz-Santiañez R, Rommelse N, Ropele S, Rose EJ, Royle NA, Rundek T, Sämann PG, Saremi A, Satizabal CL, Schmaal L, Schork AJ, Shen L, Shin J, Shumskaya E, Smith AV, Sprooten E, Strike LT, Teumer A, Tordesillas-Gutierrez D, Toro R, Trabzuni D, Trompet S, Vaidya D, Van der Grond J, Van der Lee SJ, Van der Meer D, Van Donkelaar MM, Van Eijk KR, Van Erp TG, Van Rooij D, Walton E, Westlye LT, Whelan CD, Windham BG, Winkler AM, Wittfeld K, Woldehawariat G, Wolf C, Wolfers T, Yanek LR, Yang J, Zijdenbos A, Zwiers MP, Agartz I, Almasy L, Ames D, Amouyel P, Andreassen OA, Arepalli S, Assareh AA, Barral S, Bastin ME, Becker DM, Becker JT, Bennett DA, Blangero J, van Bokhoven H, Boomsma DI, Brodaty H, Brouwer RM, Brunner HG, Buckner RL, Buitelaar JK, Bulayeva KB, Cahn W, Calhoun VD, Cannon DM, Cavalleri GL, Cheng CY, Cichon S, Cookson MR, Corvin A, Crespo-Facorro B, Curran JE, Czisch M, Dale AM, Davies GE, De Craen AJ, De Geus EJ, De Jager PL, De Zubicaray GI, Deary IJ, Debette S, DeCarli C, Delanty N, Depondt C, DeStefano A, Dillman A, Djurovic S, Donohoe G, Drevets WC, Duggirala R, Dyer TD, Enzinger C, Erk S, Espeseth T, Fedko IO, Fernández G, Ferrucci L, Fisher SE, Fleischman DA, Ford I, Fornage M, Foroud TM, Fox PT, Francks C, Fukunaga M, Gibbs JR, Glahn DC, Gollub RL, Göring HH, Green RC, Gruber O, Gudnason V, Guelfi S, Håberg AK, Hansell NK, Hardy J, Hartman CA, Hashimoto R, Hegenscheid K, Heinz A, Le Hellard S, Hernandez DG, Heslenfeld DJ, Ho BC, Hoekstra PJ, Hoffmann W, Hofman A, Holsboer F, Homuth G, Hosten N, Hottenga JJ, Huentelman M, Pol HE, Ikeda M, Jack CR, Jenkinson M, Johnson R, Jönsson EG, Jukema JW, Kahn RS, Kanai R, Kloszewska I, Knopman DS, Kochunov P, Kwok JB, Lawrie SM, Lemaître H, Liu X, Longo DL, Lopez OL, Lovestone S, Martinez O, Martinot JL, Mattay VS, McDonald C, McIntosh AM, McMahon FJ, McMahon KL, Mecocci P, Melle I, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Mohnke S, Montgomery GW, Morris DW, Mosley TH, Mühleisen TW, Müller-Myhsok B, Nalls MA, Nauck M, Nichols TE, Niessen WJ, Nöthen MM, Nyberg L, Ohi K, Olvera RL, Ophoff RA, Pandolfo M, Paus T, Pausova Z, Penninx BW, Pike GB, Potkin SG, Psaty BM, Reppermund S, Rietschel M, Roffman JL, Romanczuk-Seiferth N, Rotter JI, Ryten M, Sacco RL, Sachdev PS, Saykin AJ, Schmidt R, Schmidt H, Schofield PR, Sigursson S, Simmons A, Singleton A, Sisodiya SM, Smith C, Smoller JW, Soininen H, Steen VM, Stott DJ, Sussmann JE, Thalamuthu A, Toga AW, Traynor BJ, Troncoso J, Tsolaki M, Tzourio C, Uitterlinden AG, Hernández MC, Van der Brug M, van der Lugt A, van der Wee NJ, Van Haren NE, van 't Ent D, Van Tol MJ, Vardarajan BN, Vellas B, Veltman DJ, Völzke H, Walter H, Wardlaw JM, Wassink TH, Weale ME, Weinberger DR, Weiner MW, Wen W, Westman E, White T, Wong TY, Wright CB, Zielke RH, Zonderman AB, Martin NG, Van Duijn CM, Wright MJ, Longstreth WT, Schumann G, Grabe HJ, Franke B, Launer LJ, Medland SE, Seshadri S, Thompson PM, Ikram MA Abstract The hippocampal formation is a brain structure integrally involved in episodic memory, spatial navigation, cognition and stress responsiveness. Structural abnormalities in hippocampal volume and shape are found in several common neuropsychiatric disorders. To identify the genetic underpinnings of hippocampal structure here we perform a genome-wide association study (GWAS) of 33,536 individuals and discover six independent loci significantly associated with hippocampal volume, four of them novel. Of the novel loci, three lie within genes (ASTN2, DPP4 and MAST4) and one is found 200 kb upstream of SHH. A hippocampal subfield analysis shows that a locus within the MSRB3 gene shows evidence of a localized effect along the dentate gyrus, subiculum, CA1 and fissure. Further, we show that genetic variants associated with decreased hippocampal volume are also associated with increased risk for Alzheimer's disease (rg=-0.155). Our findings suggest novel biological pathways through which human genetic variation influences hippocampal volume and risk for neuropsychiatric illness. PMID: 28098162 [PubMed - in process] http://dlvr.it/N86C1H
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itskarasykes · 2 years ago
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"Sure, copy that." Kara was starting to think most everything was an inappropriate topic for a funeral besides all the wonderful memories everyone suddenly seemed to have of the deceased. Which, good for Hope that she had so many apparent loved ones. But Kara didn't have all that much to share on the girl that turned up dead in their sleepy little town.
"Yeah, maybe so." She didn't really know what else to say about that, really. It came with the job, she supposed - dealing with families of the victims. They always wanted to find out what happened or punish who was responsible until things panned out a different way than they expected - then there was backpedaling and confusion that convoluted everything into a whole nightmare of a mess. "I would not be surprised if the Mercers are more difficult than any others, but there isn't much that we can do about that, is there?"
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"sore subject." he repeated, feeling tension in his jaw. he was more worried about how he was going to be cracking all his teeth than he was about cigarettes killing him. "not really good conversation for a funeral. more stiff drink conversation."
and he didn't do stiff drinks anymore. so it was a conversation they never needed to have. if he could avoid it, he'd never have the conversation for the rest of his life.
"you'd be surprised how many families will fuck over an investigation to save face. if they know the killer. if they decide the world doesn't need to know because they have a relationship with the person. or if there is something the killer has over them they'd prefer not to get out. means they might try to ruin the whole thing. which screws over both of us."
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itskarasykes · 2 years ago
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"Sore subject?" Normally Kara wasn't the type to press where it hurt, at least when it wasn't in a teasing manner with those she was comfortable around. But Corvin had an irritating way about him, and it felt good to give him one back - at least momentarily. It was true that she didn't know all that much about Corvin's scenario, just what had been going around the grapevines. And, truth be told, she didn't really care, either. They weren't friends. Clearly. She didn't see that changing any time soon if he stayed up on that high horse of his. "I'm not presuming to know anything about anything. Just seems like it's been a while since you've worked something like this is all. Don't get your panties in a twist."
She watches absently as Corvin goes about gathering his vices, a cigarette appearing between his fingertips. An eyebrow quirks up, but she holds her tongue. No need to dig in any further. Besides, there were plenty around today looking for ways to cope, and smoking probably wasn't the worst choice - but it wasn't a great one, either. Second hand smoke killed just as easily as it did the one sucking it down. "I'm honestly not all that interested in what the Mercers want. I'm just looking to find justice for Hope. If they interfere, it seems they'd only be hurting themselves."
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"don't talk about shit you don't know, yeah?" corvin clenched his fist in his jacket pocket. he knew that kara couldn't know all the details of that last murder he worked on. and he had been working nonviolent crimes, drug addicts, petty theft, easy work. "cops have that habit. seeing what they think is the whole picture and jumping to the end."
he dug around until he found a cigarette. sweet relief. "i don't need to be ready until you have a clue who is going to be on the stand. but it is going to be messy. the mercers are going to be fucking hell to both sides of the investigation, especially if they don't like the suspect. throwing around enough money for a several hundred person memorial gathering, seems like? i'm surprised they haven't hired investigators to come in behind you."
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itskarasykes · 2 years ago
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Kara didn't necessarily see Jack as standing on the opposite side, but he definitely was a roadblock in many ways. Whoever their prime suspect ended up being (or, even better, whoever they proved committed the crime), was going to be defended on the stand by Corvin. And clearly he was going to do his very best to ensure they didn't get convicted.
She couldn't imagine standing in his shoes, attempting to get people off that may have very well committed the crime in question. But he wasn't there to get the guilty off. He was there to ensure the innocent went free. At least, that was how she was how she tried to look at it.
But she had no plans of putting the innocent in the hot seat in the first place.
"That will be difficult for you then, since there won't be a better suspect than the one sitting beside you, Corvin. You sure you're ready for the big leagues?"
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"i can't blame you. i suppose i'm here doing the same thing. it's been a while since i had to do a murder defense, but the thing is... half the battle is having a better suspect than the one on the stand. get the jury thinking it was someone else. gives them the reasonable doubt." he sipped at his coffee, letting it burn his mouth and the bitter taste clear his mind about the last violent crime he had to work on.
he looked out at the sea of people in black and shades of gray they considered close enough. "besides, who takes time off work in our industry."
the crime and punishment industry, that is. he supposed they were on opposite sides, defense versus police. but the goal was to make sure the right person got convicted.
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itskarasykes · 2 years ago
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Damn it, she'd been caught people watching, hadn't she? Then again, who wasn't people watching? At least half the town had to be here just to see whatever there was to see. Or maybe, as Corvin had so dutifully pointed out, someone might just be here to bask in the glory of their so far successful murder.
"Probably more than half the town, if I had to guess," Kara hummed, glancing at the coffee cup in his hand and thinking for just a moment she might steal a sip from it before deciding better of it. It looked like a shit cup of coffee Corvin probably paid like a buck fifty or less for. Get what you pay for, she guessed. Though then again, Starbucks was also way over priced.
There had to be a happy medium right? --- She was getting off track.
She hummed thoughtfully, arms folding across her chest as she surveyed the scene. "Can it be...both? I mean, definitely here to pay respects, but..."
@itskarasykes | corvin | at the funeral
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"more than half the town out here today, makes it seems awfully hard to spot if someone is here to gloat, hm?" corvin walked up behind kara, a cup of cheap coffee in one hand. he traded out his usual jacket for one in black, and his black tie hid a coffee stain from earlier in the day. he took a sip and swept his eyes over the green field that people had gathered on to share stories and awkward hugs.
"you here to investigate or pay respects?"
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itskarasykes · 2 years ago
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"Great, seems like we're in agreement then." Kara was all for the one who did it getting a 'just' sentence - because the just sentence should put them behind bars for a good long while in a murder case. And yeah, for Mercer Hollow, a dead Mercer was a pretty big deal, no matter what way you sliced it.
"It's all relative, big boy. Last I heard you had yourself all nice and cozy defending people who crossed the street at the wrong place. Not to mention the last time you handled something like a murder case it didn't turn out so good for you. So instead of being a dickhead, how about an honest answer - are you ready for this?"
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corvin scoffed at that prospect, "best suspect is the one who did it, and if its the person beside me, all i'm tryna do is get them a just sentence." he could practically hear his law professors touting the beauty and poetry of a just system, the importance of fighting for not the cruelest punishment but the fairest one, how everyone gets an advocate regardless of deserving one.
"if you think one dead girl in the woods that was probably a jealous classmate or a pissed off ex is the big leagues, you've been in a small town too long, dollface." he knew the term would be digging his thumb in. but funerals made him testy and emotional and his last real 'big league' case ended with him fleeing a city and spiraling out of control and nearly firebombing his whole career. he wasn't interested in another big league mass murdering sociopath. he was barely interested in defending a twenty-something burn out with a knife. but violent crime was low in mercer hollow and the number of lawyers with experience defending murder was low, and those willing to step on the mercer's bad side was lower.
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