#w: whisker's red
evilsartcorner · 10 months
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ask-dbd-adawong · 2 years
Someone leans against a tree, halfway hidden behind it. "You are here too? Ada..."
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Hearing the familiar voice, she turned around. She hadn’t even notice the man’s arrival; were her senses getting dulled already? Not letting the shock show on her face, she spoke in her typically collected tone, “Wesker. I should’ve known you would be here as well. It seems there’s somethings in the past people can’t run from after all, with my old co-worker being one of them.”
She walked closer to him, now leaning against the other side of the tree. “Did you need something, Wesker? If it’s another job, I’m afraid that’s something I can’t accept at the moment. My freelancing has been temporarily shut down due to unforeseen circumstances. A shame, I know. Though, if you just came here for small talk, I guess I can indulge you then.” The woman smirked.
( @albert-whiskers )
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clockys-soul · 20 days
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Updated designs for these guys!
Here’s some Ideas/Headcanons I have for the tribes:
For all tribes:
-they don’t use any weapons outside of daggers maybe (bro you’re a quadrupedal creature, using a spear or sword or bow is not gonna work how you want it to, and you have claws and teeth plus fire or venom??? You have weapons built in bro) it just looks dumb to me, like what are you doing.
-Dragons Never stop growing like crocs
-Most aggressive and bad tempered but not unfairly so, they don’t trust strangers and are much less friendly out of caution.
-prefer poultry and red meat, fish not so much, they also like to smoke their meat for special events.
-Hatchlings are capable of flying and breathing fire within a few months of their lives, quicker than most other tribes.
-their horns are the longest of any tribe and they take great pride in them, most (especially nobles) adorning them with jewelry.
-when on the ground they sometimes use their wings as extra arms, holding onto something for example.
-they are the best blacksmiths out of tribes, their craftsmanship is respected even amongst other tribes.
-they are almost completely fireproof, which is why they rely on their teeth and claws when fighting amongst themselves, their flames range is also the furthest and they can breathe fire the longest without stopping.
-Firescales have to touch another Skywing for a longer time to do damage.
-they have the best endurance when it comes to flying and they are also the fastest. They hold annual races.
-like birds of prey, they have insanely good eyes. They can see the furthest out of all tribes.
-during the before mentioned races they paint their wings with cool patterns just like they do during war, however the patterns are different, the Warpaint pattern is darker and rougher.
-their teeth are similar to that of medium to large theropods, they rely mostly on their fire an less on their bite as it’s a bit lower due to their longer necks.
-their eggs are white and long. Usually only laying one per clutch.
-relatively sociable, suspicious at first but especially once they get to know you they act like they never had a problem with you in the first place.
-obviously they prefer fish but also crustaceans and other sea creatures, SeaWings living more up north, hunt seals.
-second strongest bite force, also their main weapon.
-very round scales and thick skin.
-Hatchlings need to stay underwater for the first few months of their lives as their lungs finish developing.
-Short but very curvy horns, their "whiskers" vary severely between individuals.
-their glowscales vary in size and sometimes even in quantity, I think they use them mostly region-wise (face, tail for example) and then by how often they flicker (like morse code maybe?).
-Most of their jewelry consists of seashells and pearls, but also of platinum and Gold.
-they are expert tattoo artists (just like sandwings) and they take pride in their underwater murals.
-their sails/frills also vary a lot, there are several variants, some more wavy.
-Seawing families living in colder water up north have developed a bit of blubber over the generations.
-they have pharyngeal jaws (like sharks), their teeth are also a bit more flat like most sharks.
-Medium to large in size. (Everything in the ocean is big so why not)
-their eggs are round, a bit reflective and darker shades. SeaWings may lay up to 5 eggs per clutch but usually ist between 2 and 3.
-small to medium in size.
-amicable tribe, they often help dragons stranded in the desert.
-they have the second most fire resistant scales, while hotter fire and longer exposure will do eventually do damage getting blasted for a bit does nothing.
-they have keen senses, their sense of hearing and smell being the best.
-they can go without eating or drinking for weeks without issue.
-they have naturally warmer scales (like Skywings do).
-Sandwings love jewelry and accessories in general, they like decorating themselves with all kinds of stuff, like tattoos and piercings.
-Hatchlings hatch with more pronounced markings (like lion cubs), sometimes they stay that prominent even into adulthood.
-sandwing eggs are dark in color, Sandwings lay up to 2 in a clutch.
-sails are unique and every Sandwing looks different, they like to adorn them with piercings and other accessories.
-they also like to take sun naps, not nearly as long or often as Rainwings but they enjoy the sun.
-rely mostly on their barbs but also claws and teeth when fighting, less so fire.
-Medium to large, (trees can get real big)
-eggs are long and pale. They may lay up to 3 eggs a clutch.
-omnivorous but mainly meat, fruits and vegetables are usually just a side dish or snack.
-their scales change to duller hues in during winter, patterns stay the same though.
-hatchlings are pale and only get more saturated if exposed to sun, like rainwings.
-they have lots of golden accessories along with colorful cloths and gemstones.
-leading tribe in toxicology, they know their plants and how to use em, and they love their spices.
-they have the second longest tail of all tribes and like Rainwings use them to hold onto branches when perched in Trees.
-while they are typically shades of Green or Brown/Orange, they may also have accents of all kinds of colors to varying degrees.
-they have Treehouses but also build stone temples, their Royal Palace is a rather large one with large gardens.
-all silkwings have "fur" but some have less and some have more, typically it’s a line down their spine to their tail tip.
-they are omnivorous, mainly eating fruits and the like, but every now and then they will eat meat to balance out their diet.
-they have the shortest claws out of all tribes, which makes sewing and the like much easier for them, which it’s why it’s what most Silkwings do as a job.
-their wings patterns and shape is their most unique feature, they are also relatively quiet during flight.
-while Silkwings are typically very colorful they may have black accents (almost every butterfly has black so how tf are the butterfly dragons not gonna have some)
-they have the weakest biteforce, and rather weak claws, they are naturally pacifists.
-Silkwings have long thin tongues, cuz why not.
-it’s common for Silkwings to braid and generally style their hair, adding cuffs and other things like hair clips.
-they also have relatively weak scales, they’re a rather weak tribe, but flamesilks are about as fire resistant as Sandwings.
-eggs are small and round, per clutch it’s usually 3-4.
-laziness is not normal, before the main story Rainwings were much more active and kept track of their eggs
-eggs are round and small, very similar to snake eggs, 2 max per clutch.
-Rainwings are the second smallest tribe.
-their frills are essentially and extension of their ears.
-they require meat at least 3-4 times a week.
-only tribe, aside from Hivewings, to have fangs.
-their jewelry consists of flowers, gemstones and feathers mainly, but cloth is also often used.
-longest tail out of all tribes, parents sometimes carry hatchlings with them.
-shorter horns, usually curvy.
-scales get duller with age, and elder ones change scale color less.
-very curved claws to help em climb, also useful when hunting.
-Short wings like harpy eagles so flying through trees is easier.
-eyecolor cannot change neither can the horns nor claws or mouth.
-the older the individual the duller the scale color.
-largest tribe, also strongest tribe.
-due to needing to have a higher body temp to be able to breathe fire, they rely on teeth, claws and overall strength.
-strongest bite force, one bite can amputate a leg with ease.
-they may have different variants of tusks, male typically have larger ones.
-slowest flyers, the prefer the ground.
-Fire is more magma like, more liquidity.
-the usually have 2 sets of horns, 1 large and 1 small.
-eggs are large and typically tan to dark brown with spots, 6 eggs per clutch sometimes even 8.
-younger individuals are typically kinder, and more likely to help.
-they have shorter but incredibly strong tails.
-wings are more round in shape, and are used as extra legs sometimes.
-require a lot of meat, all different kinds, prefer red.
-jewelry usually consists of different kinds of metals and such, imbedded with gemstones and old tusks.
-mudwings love play-fighting and sparring and will do so often with their siblings, very good fighters.
-strong bite, maybe 3rd strongest.
-more nocturnal, but are perfectly functional during the day.
-their flames have tints of different colors, unique to every individual.
-some have more star scales than others, depending on how starry the night was when they hatched.
-strong sense of smell and very good eyesight.
-veils, and a bunch of jewelry imbedded with gems and crystals, they like their silver and gold.
-eggs are oval and black with hints of different colors.
-their wings have accents of different colors at the edges or in the middle, usually the brightest part of their body.
-Fire is very Smokey, their range isn’t that far either but it’s the second hottest fire.
-typically only 1 egg per clutch, 2 is rare.
-Mindreaders will have one teardrop scale for each moon they were born under, so all 3 would be 6.
-Prophets will have one starscale on their forehead for each moon they were born under, all 3 would be 3.
-padded feet like t-rex makes them quite even on the ground.
-blood varies from violet to more turquoise on the spectrum.
-claws are long and curved for extras grip but instead of be serrated, it’s their feet that are.
-the older the individual the more spines the will have.
-prefer to eat fish, but often eat red meat as well.
-eggs are long and white. Typically 1-2 per clutch.
-furs, silver and platinum are often seen, but royals will wear gold.
-teeth are long and thin, very similar to orcas.
-spines start growing along the horns as well, making them look similar to antlers.
-they are almost completely frostproof, as in, they cannot be hurt by frostbreath, or hypothermia.
-Frostscales are a thing, essentially the same as Firescales but frosty.
-about as trusting as Skywings, they are not particularly respectful either until you earn their respect.
-Medium to large in size, they grow incredibly large.
-venom is more similar to Sandwing venom, and all of them have fangs and a barb, the strength of the venom varies though.
-most agile flyers, maybe even second in speed.
-teeth are thin and needle-like, the rely on their venom to weaken their opponents.
-piercings and warm colored Jewelry are a must, usually imbedded with ambers and other similar stones.
-loud during flight.
-blood is dark, almost black.
-eggs are oval and black, typically 1-2 eggs per clutch.
-very curved claws, good for holding onto things, for climbing too.
I may add some more as I come up with it!
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squerlly · 6 months
flames of desire chapter 5: bonding exercise
Alastor x (f! bunny reader) -Fluff- chapter 1
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your POV:
through out my time here in hell I have grown accustomed to the musty hot atmosphere of the underworld and the loud mornings of screaming, gun shots, and road rage, its hell after all and there technically isn't any rules. me and angel hang out a lot more, behind his sex jokes and playful demeaner hes a great friend. husk and I are cool I suppose, according to him I'm more tolerable. Nifftys a bit crazy and energetic but I enjoy helping her clean sometimes, but one person that's been on my mind a lot is Alastor. hes always watching me, I catch him staring at me with that weird smile, I wonder if his face hurts from smiling all the time...none of my business what he does I just wish he wasn't so eerie. I was in the lobby this morning when Charlie called us over for a "bonding exercise", seeing everybody gathered in there seats I sit on the couch next to angel, "good morning everybody thank you for comingggg, I would like to have you all here for a little bonding time yayy!!!..." the silence was defiantly loud... "uhm- well I though we could all do something fun like drawing!" standing behind her vaggie comes out with paper, markers, and crayons "oooo colors" niffty giggles "what's does this look like kinder garden?" "angel please try and at least participate" letting out an annoyed grumble he agrees "fineee..." "great! were all going in partners and you will draw each other, that sound fun right!!?" oh no... "charlies with me, husks with angel, and Alastors with y/n, nifftys can uhm..." "oh oh can I be the judge!!!" "sure..." "you gotta be fucken kidding me..." "aww cmon whiskers I'm not that baddd~" walking to there partners I turn to see Alastor sitting on the arm chair looking at me with a wide grin on his face, "fuck me..." I grumble walking over to sit on the floor beside him "well my dear looks like its just me and you" "yeah... me and you" grabbing two pieces of papers and some crayons "I cant even draw..." "oh don't worry I'm sure you will do just fine!" "why am I doing this again..." "cheer up dear this is supposed to be fun after all, I cant be that hard to draw" "yeah your right just need two colors" scribbling on the paper I start at the base of his face, doodling his creepy smile and red hair, looking up I see him studying me curiously "what's the matter, am I hard to draw?" I say smugly "not at all dear your quite easy to draw" ouch, thanks...
Alastors POV:
I never really focused any time on things such as art, yes I can cook and maybe play the piano but drawings not one of my few good skills although ill give it a shot. I would have never guessed I would be sitting here doing one of charlies silly little projects, attempting to draw y/n I look at here for a while, this is the closest I have ever really been next to her, my she really is small it makes me want to squeez her tiny little body, her head could fit in my hand easily. I have noticed a few things while observing her, her ears twitch when she's focused on things like now, her pink bunny nose twitches when she's scared, and her fluffy tail wags when she's exited or annoyed what a strange individual...
your POV:
"ok guys once your done with your drawings you will show them off to your partners!!", as a few minutes pass by I have finished my drawing and well I'm quite disappointed in myself, man I should have taken art class in high school "I finished if your ready to show them" hell no... "I- I'm done but I don't think I wanna... "oh I'm sure its not that bad" giving the drawing one last glance I turn the page I show him the drawing facing away to hide what little dignity I had left. hearing a quiet static buzz noise I look back up seeing him looking at the drawing with a questionable face "I know its badd!!!" "w-well I wouldn't say that dear its just..." "just say its bad!" "its interesting" "well what does yours look like?" turning his page my jaw drops to the floor, what is this creepy deer man not good at "its not my best work but-" "are you kidding me Al this is good!" standing up I grab the drawing, it was in crayon but it looked just like me. pausing I try to tone down my excitement seeing alastor wide eyed from my reaction "I'm glad you like it dear" "what cant you do" "well I did say I was a man of many talents but drawing isn't one of them" "do you uhh mind if I keep this..." "not at all dear~" "you don't have to keep mine you can just throw it-" "nonsense its mine isn't it?" "yes.." "then I will keep it". for once he seemed to have a genuine smile on his face, not some creepy ass smile, its kind of nice...
Alastors POV:
I don't know why but I wanted to keep her silly little drawing, its...cute?. it looks nothing like me but its quite amusing seeing her all embarrassed. I was surprised to see she liked my drawing, her eyes lit up with a small smile on her face, it feels good to know my work is appreciated even in the... strangest things it gives me a sense of pride, I might hang it in my radio tower...
your POV:
looking at everybody else I saw Charlie bouncing on her heels looking at a little doodle vaggie made how cute~, husk made a sloppy doodle of angel and angel just drew himself. niffty was running around looking at others drawings, eventually she got around to ours, climbing on my shoulder she looks at Alastors drawing "ooooOooo you look so cute in the picture!!" I smile a bit "thanks niff" grabbing her off my shoulder I set her down "well that's the end of the exercise, how was it!" "ehh it wasn't to bad" "it was alright" "whatever...im going back to the bar" Charlie puts on a little smile "well do one again next week, maybe we could make cookies together or do all about ME's oh oh!! what about-" "ok hon slow down" "sorry". this was nice, hell isn't that bad, at least not here. better than home...
hey guys!!! I was supposed to release this earlier but I'm a little sick right now from the cold weather but I refuse to let you guys down! I made this chapter a little longer than usual so I hope you guys loved this cute chapter as much as I did, love you guys have a good day/night
for more content or chapter please click this masterlist
@pooplyface1423 @strippezzz
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clovenhoofedjester · 7 months
jellicle lineups; part 2/4
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rumpleteazer | 💰 🍹 🃏
PIGTAILS RUMP! PASTEL RUMP. blond rump. that is all. i really love that design. so i use it. the face markings are also meant to look like a stereotypical robber mask. i realized she looks a little fox-like while drawing her, which i didnt mind ! its fun !
her clothing design was already laid out for her so i left it virtually unchanged, asides from the pattern itself. imagine wearing clothes w a print of your best friends hair . that is rumpleteazer
even though 1 of her 3 words are impressionable, i think she is smarter than she lets on. i also think skimbleshanks is her dad. she'd be about 21 in human years
mungojerrie | 💸 🎰 🍾
PIGTAILS JERRIE AS WELL, BITCH ! i saw a jerrie w pigtails after i drew this and i felt so vindicated. i also based his design directly on 2019 mungojerrie because ommgggg transgender calico? trans little calico? i thought he deserved some pearls too. as well as a bell collar! it makes cats sneakier.
his clothing design is left unchanged too, asides from some fluff. he is also wearing a print of his best friends hair . smile 😃
hes just a funny fella. he totally doesnt have a history or anything. hed be 21 in human years
coricopat | 🍷 🔮 ♟
coricopat is pretty close to their replica design—the biggest difference being that the red in their design is warmer/purpler. that and the silver collar! i also had no idea what i was doing with her fit, so expect it to change in the upcoming art i do of him. i just wanted something gothy and flowy
hes also based on thalia, the muse of comedy. to keep the greek mythology theme going, and because i thought it was funny, and because (2x) i like... The Gimmick
i swear to god this cat knows things we dont. hed be like 22 in human years
tantomile | 🎭 🍩 🗝
tantomile is also close to his replica design. she has a gold collar. like i said w/ coricopat, the outfit is subject to change
as she was based on melpomene, the muse of tragedy, i decided to sacrifice identical makeup for the white mark on their muzzle being downturned like the frown of the tragedy mask :] giggle. smile
listen to all advice tantomile gives you. shed be also like 22 in human years
george | 🥏 🧋 🛹
i just had to give this (technical) swing some love. bless this happy background cat and his little :D smile. i decided to give him a simple little fit and made his fur/markings less plain white w some stripes. i think i also based his makeup off a victor costume ??
i think hes pouncival's older brother. hed also be 23 in human years
mr. mistoffelees | 🪄 ☕ 🌬
my silly, my funny. my little guy. i based their general Vibe on his john napier concept art, obc mistoffelees, 1990 paris mistoffelees, 2019 mistoffelees, and like. a fairys kiss of brentoffelees. i wish id have given him a bit of that il sistina style but i already had so many things going on LOL
it was definitely a very fun challenge to balance all of these. i also draw attention to the single white shoe—the cutest detail of timmy scotts misto
i definitely prefer a more visually unnerving, grown misto. and absolutely torn between portraying him as mute or verbal because on one hand... mute misto is so good. on the other hand.... oh my god. timothy scotts voice.jesus christ . i think hed be 23 in human years
the rum tum tugger | 🎤 🍽 🪞
WELCOME TO MY TWISTED WORLD. i really tried to keep tugger as cis guys i really did. but the thrall of a visually transgender tugger was too much to ignore. i already explained a lot of his design choices in my first posted drawing of it but like... blauhh... thigh garter, heart, golden whiskers/lashes. they are there. i also made his makeup a wee more theatrical w/ white on the chin to visually separate him from partridges tugger
i also decided to base his fur more on his obc design. like. terrence mann tugger. platinum blond spotted mane and head fur and such. i think it looks really good
im trying to hit the sweet spot between the goofy/serious/whiny/promiscuous portrayals of the him..... the man contains multitudes, you see. hed also be like 24 in human years and it goes without saying that hes one of deuts sons
AND THATS IT. stay tuned for more !
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munson-blurbs · 2 months
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@corrodedcoffinfest Day 27: You'll Be In My Heart
Word Count: 729/Rating: M/Pairing: None/CW: canon-compliant, Eddie's funeral, dead dove!!!/Tags: Eddie Munson, Gareth, Grant, Jeff, Jeff's POV, Metallica, Corroded Coffin, funeral, death
Divider credit to @silkholland
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Life, it seems, will fade away Drifting further every day
Today was the second time Jeff had stood in as Corroded Coffin’s frontman.
The first time was two years ago. Eddie had gotten laryngitis right before a gig and asked Jeff to take over rather than cancel the show altogether.
“You know all the chords and the lyrics,” he’d croaked into the phone. Jeff could hear the smile in his voice. “Go out there and kick ass.”
With abundant trepidation, Jeff took center stage that night, his nerves easing and confidence growing with each note he played. The sound wasn’t as full with only one guitar, and his voice wasn’t as powerful as Eddie’s, but he was good. Good enough to warrant praise from the band’s fearless leader.
Getting lost within myself Nothing matters, no one else
“Don’t let this go to your head, now,” Eddie had teased, clapping a hand on Jeff’s back, “but you made me damn proud. Not just the way you played–Grant and Gareth told me you were a total fuckin’ rockstar, by the way–but for stepping up when we needed you.”
That first time was a celebration. The second time was agony.
Jeff stood behind the microphone at St. Mary’s Catholic Church, feeling Gareth staring at him from where he sat at his drum set. Grant kept his gaze on the strings of his bass, eyes shiny with the threat of tears. If he made eye contact with either of the other two young men beside him, he’d almost certainly begin sobbing.
I have lost the will to live Simply nothing more to give There is nothing more for me Need the end to set me free
Despite having sung the Metallica cover hundreds of times, the lyrics felt foreign coming out of Jeff’s mouth. His voice was warped in his own ears the way a well-loved cassette sounds when the tape unspools.
The crowd was tiny but mighty, if not confusing. Among the expected attendees was Eddie’s Uncle Wayne, who had been the one to ask Corroded Coffin’s three remaining members to play at his nephew’s funeral. It seemed macabre to have a band with the word ‘coffin’ in its name to play such an occasion, but Wayne had insisted upon it.
“It’s what Eddie would’ve wanted,” he’d said, his whiskered jaw trembling the same way it was now.
Things not what they used to be Missing one inside of me Deathly lost, this can't be real Cannot stand this hell I feel
Dustin Henderson sat beside him, lips tucked into his mouth as he swallowed back tears. A running joke among the Hellfire Club was that Dustin hadn’t shut up since the moment he learned to talk, but he’d barely spoken a word since that godforsaken earthquake hit. 
Behind them sat the Sinclairs. Jeff couldn’t help but notice the way Lucas and Erica’s fingers intertwined, eyes stained with the harsh redness that only came from nonstop crying. The whole Wheeler family was situated next to them, along with Mike’s girlfriend from California, her buzzed hair just like Eddie’s back in junior high.
Emptiness is filling me To the point of agony Growing darkness taking dawn I was me, but now he's gone
The most surprising guests were Steve Harrington and Robin Buckley. Jeff watched a mascara-tinged tear trail down the awkward band geek’s freckled cheek, the former King of Hawkins High digging into his suit jacket and offering her a Kleenex. He hadn’t been aware that those two were friends nor that they were close enough to Eddie to attend his funeral, but he lacked the energy to question it.
No one but me can save myself, but it's too late Now I can't think, think why I should even try
A calming presence enveloped Jeff as the song neared its conclusion, bringing the same tingle of joy that he’d had when Eddie had lauded him after his first foray into lead guitarist. He wasn’t sure how he’d go on–how the band would go on–without Eddie’s guidance, but he’d solve that problem when his world hadn’t been turned on its head. His job now was simply to be the leader that Grant and Gareth needed. The leader that Eddie had taught him to be.
Yesterday seems as though it never existed Death greets me warm, now I will just say goodbye Goodbye
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snoopsnoop07 · 4 months
By Sophie, Phoenix and mai😈😈 (English ain’t my first language btw - Phoenix)
DON'T READ IF UR SAD😨😨😭😭 No miners allowed😡 or ur going to get it lil bro, you’ll become the sussy imposter from among us.👿👿
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It was a beautiful sunny morning I thought as I looked out my apartment window. Today was the day my glorious king skibidi bae Ino Takuma comes back from work. I sighed and looked at a picture of him that was sitting on my desk. Ugh he looks so fine in the photo. (What The photo looks like)
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Ima go 𝓫𝓸𝓷𝓴𝓮𝓻𝓼 if I don't see my lil kitten soon I thought to myself. I get my ford f150 ready and start to drive to his workplace. While I was hitting the road there was an enormous gigantic car that looked like a cyclops that was a big back. It comes to me at full light speed and it crashes into me. Our car rolls up and down and left and right and it starts to float. Out of curiosity I open my door but then I slip and fall. I start to fall down quick as my body sways like an inflatable, I almost sharted myself until someone snatched me. My eyes were closed in fear but I heard something in the distance… ~now, now daddy's home darling~ no need to fret lil one” I open my eyes and I’m met with bright and luminous blinding blue eyes. I couldn't even tell it was blue because of how bright it was. It could almost make the whole city shine “shine bright like a diamond!!!” *the man covers ur eyes* “guessss whoooo” “Omg!!! It's Satoru Gojo!!!!” I smile and tears of happiness fall off my face “you crying?” He smirks. “O-omg gojo!!! Have you seen my bf???” I stammered. “No sussy Neko Chan!! We can go look for him though!!!” gojo said while smiling really goofy while sticking out his tongue REALLY wide while widening his eyes like a psycho ”
“First you gotta come back with me to my apartment and ur sussy bf will be there waiting 😈😈 we’re gonna give u the most devious little surprise” Gojo says smirking devilishly
Fast forward to gojos apartment
“It’s freaky time 😈😈😈😈” Gojo says as he slowly teasingly takes off his top. “G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-gojo San!!!! Nani are you doing?!?!” I exclaim. Suddenly, Osamu miya and Ino walk in!!! I blush and suddenly all my clothes start to grow wings and fly away. “Come here bbg” Osamu said while winking and licking his lips. “Let me ask you something…. You know where the place nonia is?” “w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-what is nonia?” I nervously stammer. "NONIA OF UR BUSINESS HAHAHAHAH” Ino laughs while laughing."ughhhhhhhhh that's not DATEBAYO ino🤬🤬🤬'' I growl “stop not being fanum tax baby gronk rizzler ino. Now let’s get freaky” gojo mentions and suddenly he whips it out like BOING BOING BOING and OH MY GOD??!!!! IT'S BOUNCING ON THE WALLS???? I then spread my legs apart “pls fill me up with the power of friendship and pls make me a sussy baka Ohio sigma skibidi baby gronk fanum tax grimace shake 10000 level gyat” I shake and bounce my ass for them “let me ask you Y/N…. Are you naughty? Or nice?..” Ino whispers in my ear
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“because either way… we are about to give you the most devious backshots' ' Osamu mentions as he grimaces and oils me up. Gojo lifts me up and lays me down on the mattress “don’t worry… we’ll take real good care of you” Gojo says with an evil grin as he smacks my ass so hard it leaves a skibidi red hand print! Gojo then whips out his ohio grimace cock and shoves it in me. “ owchies!!! That’s going to leave a mark!!” Gojo starts to thrust at the speed of Phoenix slurping a grimace shake XD. “NUGHHHHHHHHH, YOUR TIGHTER THAN THE IMPOSTER FROM AMONG US NUHHHHHGGGGGGGGG '' gojo screams. “G-g-g-gojo senpai i'm going to bust😩😩” I said “BUST FOR ME MY LITTLE KITTEN WHISKERS NOWWWW, UGHHH, UR SO SKIBITI AND SIGMA'' gojo yells. Then gojo came. I lay on the bed breathing heavily but then I hear, “my turnnnnnn~” I look up and I see Ino my glorious pookie wookie dookie! “Uh ohhhh” I say
69 ohio Gyatt rizzler minutes later
We are all worked up, oiled up, and resting with each other on bed while making all the place wet. Until we hear a loud BOOM outside. It was a big radioactive explosion!!’
WARNING ANGST ALERT!!!! Do not read if emotional😞😞🙁🙁🙁🙁 PS. You might develop depression if you read this….
“G-g-g-g-g-g-guys… I’m scared…” I stutter “don’t worry dookie pookie… it will be us against the world” Osamu holds my hand “Y/N… we will meet in the next life” Ino whispers in my ear. I blush so much I look like a rotten tomato “Y/N… arigato.. sayonara~” Gojo smiles at me with his rotten Victorian child teeth. The radioactive bomb explodes our place and us and ends up disintegrating into bits of dust… just like Freddy Mercury (lead singer of Queen, y’all should know this🤬🤬) sang…. Another one…. Bites the dust…
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lilikitsune18 · 6 months
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Well this took longer than I thought it would. Behold the Catnap/Sleep Demon design for the apocalypse au by @neodracunyan that I hinted that I was working on in the Dogday/Eclipse Hound post…….which was over a week ago………but I did get around to doing it so at least that’s something.
Sketches +alt sleep demon w/out smoke under the cut.
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(Lil note)
His teeth are retractable
His knees can be normal when he wants them to be
Those “whiskers” on his face are not whiskers they are extra vents in his face that red smoke can be released from.(allows more to get out faster)
The charm on his katana turns yellow like his critters charm when he’s not doing his whole sleep demon thing
Running around on all fours means that he gets very dirty and I’d like to think that since cats don’t like water or baths Dogday just does any thing in his power to try and get him clean. Cartoon logic can apply to such a scenario with situations ranging from chasing him with a hose to dragging him by his tail into the nearest car wash. (If it’s funny and could get him clean then it could happen. a.k.a. Comic relief)
Sleep demon wears socks and fingerless gloves because he wants to protect his (paws? Hands? Feet? Idk) from debris on the ground that could cause injury (think broken glass)
That’s about all I got for right now I have ideas for some of the others that nobody else has designed yet but I also have no idea where I’d find the time to work on them till at the earliest mid may? (Maybe sooner than that we’ll see) Till then stay cool whomever got to the end of this. Cya later.
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redtail-lol · 1 year
Okay ball update
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I'm going to attempt a full ID.
[Image ID: A ballsona in the LGBallT style. The flags as pictured are:
Main ball: Asexual (black, gray, white, purple) on the left; cupiosexual (light gray, dusty light periwinkle, white, light pink) on the right.
Third eye: Everique (pastel red, orange, yellow, green, and blue with white stripes between each stripe, and a dark purple stripe through the yellow stripe. In the middle of that is a lighter purple circle outlined by the darker purple and with a darker purple heart. The purple is all outlined in white too.
Eyeshadow: Para-oriented (blue, dark blue, slate gray, white, slate gray, teal, turquoise) on the left, para-oriented ace (blue, dark blue, slate gray, white, gray, dark purple, purple) on the right.
Whiskers: Doe lesbian (brown, light brown, lighter brown, white, very light pink, light pink, pink) upper left, cotton cloud lesbian (pink, light pink, lighter pink, thin pink, white, thin gray, silver, light gray, gray) middle left, sea femme enbian (dark cyan, saturated dark blue, blue, slightly lighter blue, purple, light magenta, pink, white) lower left, femme mspec (dark violet, hot pink, orange, light yellow, sea green, blue) upper right, femme bi lesbian (dark violet, violet, red, salmon, white, light pink, magenta-plum, violet) middle right, femme omni lesbian (pale purple-ish pink, light purple-ish pink, purple, dark blue, bright sea foam green) bottom right.
Tails: Acespec (navy blue, desaturated purple, desaturated pink, desaturated cream) on the left, arosespec (soft forest green, blueish off white, desaturated purple, desaturated navy blue) in the middle, arospec (green, light green, yellow, dark teal, darker teal) on the right.
Left ear: Bi lesbian (dark indigo, violet, pink, orange, cream) outer, bi lilaen (dark violet, desaturated violet, lavender, blueish off white, periwinkle) inner, bi gay (fuschia, desaturated fuschia, light desaturated purple, desaturated dark periwinkle, blue) inner ear tuft
Left ear halos: Les4Bi (desaturated red, red, slightly pastel orange, orange-ish off white, desaturated magenta, desaturated purple, dusty indigo) in the front, Bi4Bi (dusty pink, dusty violet, dusty blue, dusty sea green) in the back
Left ear earrings: Woman/girl (burnt reddish orange, orange, pale yellow-orange, yellowish off white, reddish light pink) upper circle, hypergirl (silver, white, pink, black, pink, white, silver) upper rectangle, cisfem enby (desaturated gold, white, dusty magenta-violet, darker and desaturated magenta-violet, dark warm gray) lower rectangle, girlby (pastel orange, yellow, white, pink, violet, dark gray) lower circle, Bigender (sky blue, light sky blue, white, purple, white, light pink, pink) uppermost ring, Bigender W+NB (slightly dark gold, yellow, white, purple, white, light pink, pink) upper-middle ring, multigender (sky blue, indigo, violet, hot pink, desaturated orange) middle ring, Bigendermeld (dark sky blue, slighty dark sky blue, light silvery blue, purplish off white, light purple, purplish off white, very light pink, pink, dark fuschia) lower middle ring girlbymesh (hot pink, purple, yellow, white, yellow, purple, hot pink) lowermost ring.
Right ear: Lunian (dusty dark indigo, purple, dusty sky blue, greenish turquoise, sea foam green) outer, lobelian (dusty dark blue, dusty purple, light lavender, purplish off white, dusty pink) inner, stellian (dark magenta, burnt orange, light yellow, purple, dark blue) inner ear tuft
Right ear halos: Mspec4Mspec (blue, sky blue, light saturated green, pale orange, dusty pink, purple) front, Amphic (purple, light sky blue, white, pinkish red, white, light sky blue, purple) back
Right ear earrings: Genderqueer (pinkish violet, white, light yellow, grass green) lower circle, deminonbinary (gray, light gray, yellow, white, yellow, light gray, gray) lower rectangle, aporagender (pink, dusty lavender, yellow, dusty lavender, sky blue) upper rectangle, cisgender (bright pink, bright sky blue) upper circle. Resembles the Fetrah flag (an anti LGBT group) but I'm either stealing their flag and repurposing it or I'm accusing them of stealing my cis flag, whichever I find funnier. There is a black chain between the lower and upper circles. Transneucisfem (dark gray, gold, yellow, white, light pink, slightly dark pink, dark red) lowermost ring, feminine (dark red, red, pink, light pink, pinkish off white, light pink, magenta, violet, purple) lower middle ring, primagirl (purple, hot pink, thin pale yellow-orange, yellow, thin pale yellow-orange, hot pink, purple) middle ring, femme (reddish salmon, orange, pinkish off white, plum, purple) upper middle ring, presentationflux (dark pink, pink, light pink, purple, yellow, purple, light cyan, cyan, dark cyan) uppermost ring.
Beanie: Lesbian (purple, violet, pink, white, salmon, pale orange, light yellow) main
Beanie patches: Evenic (bluish purple, light purple, yellow, orange, dark magenta, very dark violet) upper left, sun sapphic (orange, light yellow, white, purple flower with yellow center, light pink, slightly dark reddish hot pink) right
Beanie rim: Gay enbian (bluish purple, sky blue, very light blue, light lavender, purplish pink, plum, dark dusty violet) left, gay (bluish purple, sky blue, light saturated green, dusty orange, pink, violet, dark dusty violet) middle, gay lesbian (magenta, red, orange, yellow-orange, white, dusty orange, pink, violet, dark dusty violet) right.
Beanie rim pins, left to right: Aquarian (dark cyan, sky blue, light sky blue, bluish off white, light pink, violet, purple), saltwater aquarian (dark cyan, cyan, greenish turquoise, sea green tinted off white, silvery purple, indigo, dark indigo), bi enbian (dusty blue, bluish purple, desaturated periwinkle, purplish off white, desaturated lavender, violet, dark violet), planetary stellian (dark magenta, neon light orange, neon yellow, bright purple, dark blue), planetary bi gay, (reddish pink, bright neon pink, periwinkle, neon bluish purple, saturated dark blue), omni gay (light pink, magenta, very dark purple, purple, light blue), planetary omni gay (light pink, hot pink, very dark purple, bright neon purple, bright neon sky blue), full moon springtide lunian (very dark dusty blue, bright indigo, sky blue, sea foam green, white), full moon springtide bi lesbian (dark purple, violet, neon pink, salmon, white) omni lesbian (dark purple, plum, saturated periwinkle, lavender, cream), full moon springtide omni lesbian (dark dusty purple, purple, periwinkle, silvery purple, white).
Beanie flower pin: Midnight sapphic (yellow middle, purple petals, dark purple clips)
Scarf: Demiromantic (white, thin green, and silver with black chevron) left, neurodemiromantic (very thin silver, white, very thin silver, very thin green, thin lime, very thin green, very thin white, silver, very thin white) middle, autidemiromantic (same as neurodemiromantic but in an infinity shape) right.
Scarf pins, left to right: She/they (purple, pink, dark magenta, white, yellow, bright purple, dark purple), lilae lunian (purple, dusty sky blue, greenish turquoise, pink, violet, dark purple), aneuspec (dark purple, light purple, silvery blue, blue gray, dark blue gray), neuroeuphoric (light lavender, light purple, purple, magenta, pale orange), quoieuphoric (dark purple, light purple, black, white, black, green, cyan), neuroquoieuphoric (dark pink, pink, black, white, black, green, cyan), lilaen (dark purple, dusty pinkish purple, light lavender, pinkish off white, pink), omni lilaen (pink, dusty darker pink, dusty dark purple, light sky blue, bluish off white).
Left scarf tail: Acemid (Purple, lighter purple, periwinke tinted off-white, sky blue, dark cyan) tassles, cupioromantic (light salmon, lighter salmon, white, dusty light lavender, light gray) lower patch, cupiospec (pink, desaturated light pink, light pink, white, light purple, purple, black with light sky blue diamond in the middle) middle patch, cupiorose (gray, light purple, white, light pink, pink) upper patch.
Right scarf tail: Aspec (black upper left quadrant, plum lower left quadrant, green upper right quadrant, gray lower left quadrant, white star in the middle) upper patch, lovecoric ace (orange, pale orange, yellow, thin slightly light purple, purple, thin slightly light purple, yellow, pale orange, orange) middle patch, angled aroace (gold, light yellow, white, greenish teal) lower patch, ánisic aroace (dark reddish orange, orange, orange-ish off white, dusty purple, dark violet) tassles.
Left main wing: Mspec (green, cyan, blue, indigo, purple, violet, hot pink, orange, golden yellow) main feather, pluralian (purple, white, purple with yellow flower symbol with green stems and reddish pink stem tips) uppermost inner feather, plurian (blue, bright green, yellow, pink, dark purple) upper-middle inner feather, multi (purple, white, light sky blue, magenta) lower-middle inner feather, multiceter (purple, white, yellow, green) lowermost inner feather, bi (pinkish red, purple, dark blue) uppermost outer feather, tulim (green, white, light sky blue, light purple) upper-middle outer feather, syn (blue, indigo, violet, magenta, pink) middle outer feather, periso (blue, periwinkle, purplish off white, slightly light red, yellow, pale orange, dusty reddish orange) lower-middle outer feather, spectra (pink, purple, white, neon turquoise, sky blue) lowermost outer feather.
Right main wing: Primlunic (purple, desaturated purple, pale pink, dusty pink, pale yellow) main feather, Enbisian (dark purple, bright violet, bright orange, reddish pink) uppermost inner feather, trixenamoric (light yellow, very light pale orange, light orange-ish red, thin pink, white, thin pink, light pink, lavender, periwinkle) upper middle inner feather, venusic (very light pale pink, very light pale yellow, very light pale desaturated orange, light desaturated red, very light desaturated brown, light desaturated brown) lower middle inner feather, faunic (tan, light brown, brown, desaturated reddish pink light pink) lowermost inner feather, iridian (dusty navy blue, desaturated violet, saturated salmon, purplish off white, saturated salmon, dusty red, dusty dark magenta) uppermost outer feather, hecatolic (light sky blue, light desaturated sky blue, silver, light slate gray, slate gray, stormy blue gray) upper middle outer feather, axinitian (dusty magenta-violet, pink, orange, yellow, white, yellow, orange, pink, magenta-violet) middle outer feather, agatic (dark red, fuschia, magenta, light dusty purple, yellowish off white, light yellow-orange, orange, red, dark red) lower middle outer feather, asterian (very light pale pink, pink, light purple, purple, magenta, orange, yellow) lowermost outer feather.
Upper left wing: Neptunic (bluish teal, light teal, sea foam green, very light pale blue, light periwinkle, periwinke) main feather, omni neptunic (turquoise, bluish light teal, bluish teal, dark blue, dusty light indigo, light purple, light periwinkle) upper inner feather, bi neptunic (pinkish red, pink, light magenta, pale light magenta, sky blue, light blue) middle feather, enbian neptunic lesbian (periwinkle, teal, sea green, pinkish off white, light dusty violet, dusty pink, light pink) lower feather, neptunitrixbian (dark reddish orange, light orange, light orange-ish yellow, light pale yellow, bright sea green, sea green, dark teal) uppermost outer feather, neptunisaph (dark dusty pink, magenta, pink, pale yellow, green, dark teal) upper middle outer feather, neptunitrix (slightly dark dusty blue, slightly dark dusty purple, pink, light yellow, sky blue, saturated slightly dark blue, dusty dark purple) lower middle outer feather, thalassic (greenish turquoise, periwinkle, purple, magenta, pink) lowermost outer feather
Upper right wing: Femique (dark blue, dusty indigo, violet, pink, light pink) main feather, tribade (dark reddish pink, slightly dark red, white, hot pink, light pink with a very dark red moon symbol) upper inner feather, Fenin (orange, very light pale orange, light pale yellow, very light pale orange, orange) middle inner feather, violettian (violet, dusty pink, desaturated yellow, silver, dusty purple) lower inner feather, despian (very dark saturated indigo, dark greenish teal, saturated periwinke, light desaturated lavender, very light pale yellow) uppermost outer feather, hibarian (magenta-violet, hot pink, yellow, turquoise, blue) upper-middle outer feather, Liersic (white, light violet, reddish pink, salmon) lower-middle outer feather, femaric (black, white, pink) lowermost outer feather
Lower left wing: Enbian (dusty dark indigo, dusty dark purple, slightly lighter indigo, indigo, dusty slightly dark purple, dusty purple, slightly dark dusty lavender) main feather, enviolet (dark blue, lavender, very light pale pink, light pink, very light pale pink, lavender, dark blue), upper inner feather, enbian lesbian (dusty dark indigo, dusty purple, light lavender, very light pale yellow, dusty blue) middle inner feather, ammolic (dark violet, desaturated purple, yellow, pale orange, dark dusty reddish orange) lower inner feather, begonia (light pale salmon, light pale desaturated salmon, very light pale desaturated salmon, white, light gold, very light desaturated gold, light pale yellow) uppermost outer feather, Brownitian (dusty green, slightly lighter desaturated green, light dusty green, desaturated light lime, brown, slightly darker brown, dark brown) upper-middle outer feather, carnian (dark reddish pink, saturated salmon, light pale orange, yellowish off white, purplish pink, dark purple, very dark blue) lower-middle outer feather, fincuan (violet, light pink, yellow, pale orange, reddish orange) lowermost outer feather
Lower right wing: Trixic (dusty violet, light magenta, light pink, pale yellow, golden yellow) main feather, vaporic (dusty dark violet, dusty violet, pale light pink, white, golden yellow) upper inner feather, bi trixic (dusty dark indigo, dusty purple, dusty pink, white, light gold) middle inner feather, steam vaporic (light pale violet, light pale magenta, light pale salmon, white, light pale yellow) lower inner feather, orbisian (light pink, pink, magenta, purple, saturated dark blue) uppermost outer feather, sapphixic (light magenta, light pink, light golden yellow, light pale yellow, light pale pink, pink) upper-middle outer feather, trixic lesbian (dark desaturated red, desaturated orange, desaturated gold, white, desaturated reddish pink, desaturated slightly dark blue violet, dusty dark purple) lower-middle outer feather, enbitrix (dark purple, purple, lavender, lighter lavender, slightly light orange) lowermost outer feather
Infinity halo: autism (red, orange, yellow, lime, green with a small white line perpendicular to the others)
Horizontal halo: Schrodinger's Omni (slightly light slightly dusty blue, blue, slightly darker blue, dark saturated blue, black, dark pink, slightly lighter dark pink, desaturated slightly dark pink, desaturated pink) front, aroace lunian (dark green, desaturated tealish green, light tealish green, white, light blue, dusty purple, dark desaturated violet) back
Hanging orbs, front, left to right: demi omni lesbian (dark purple, plum, saturated periwinkle, lavender, cream, with a black chevron), demi bi lesbian (dark indigo, violet, pink, orange, cream, with a black chevron), arospec omni lesbian (dark purple, plum, saturated periwinkle, lavender, cream, light green, slightly darker light green), arospec lunian (dusty dark indigo, purple, dusty sky blue, greenish turquoise, sea foam green, light green, slightly darker light green), acespec omni lesbian (dark purple, plum, saturated periwinkle, lavender, cream, light cyan, periwinkle), arospec bi lesbian (dark indigo, violet, pink, orange, cream, light green, slightly darker light green)
Hanging orbs, back, left to right: dove lesbian (desaturated red, light red, tan, white, silver, brownish light gray), artemis lesbian (light gray, silver, light silver, white, bright green, teal, slightly darker teal with the black outline of a moon, and a black outline of an arrow), ace lesbian (dark dusty purple, desaturated purple, light pale lavender, white, dusty light purple, purple, darker purple), aspec mspec lesbian (bright lime, bright salmon, hot pink, dark violet, even darker violet), acespec lunian (dusty dark indigo, purple, dusty sky blue, greenish turquoise, sea foam green, light cyan, periwinkle), acespec bi lesbian (dark indigo, violet, pink, orange, cream, light cyan, periwinkle)
Negative slope halo (yes if this were a line on a graph the slope would be negative): Azalean (reddish pink, desaturated pink, light pink, white, purple, plum, dark pink) front, mspec sapphic (light yellow, gold, orange, hot pink, magenta, pinkish off white, magenta, hot pink, orange, gold, light yellow) back
Hanging orbs, front, left to right: orchid ace (blue, indigo-blue, light periwinkle, bluish off white, light periwinke, light purple, purple), bigender mspec lesbian (cream, very desaturated light pink, very desaturated reddish pink, violet, dark purple, desaturated slightly dark periwinkle, light blue) hydrangea bi (pink, slightly lighter pink, very light pale purple, pinkish off white, very light pale purple, indigo, blue), disabled (gray, pale red, pale yellow, white, pale blue, green, gray), lesbiall (dusty indigo, purple, magenta, salmon, orange, yellow, yellowish off white) cupio iridian (desaturated reddish orange, dusty orange, very light pale yellow, dusty green, desaturated darker green)
Hanging orbs, back, left to right: queer mspec lesbian (very dark purple, magenta-violet, lavender, very light pale yellow, light gold), meow lesbian (saturated salmon, salmon, light dusty salmon, light pink with cat ears and a tail, a red heart nose, white inner ears, white tail tip, and white whiskers, light purple, slightly darker light purple, purple), catvesi (purple, magenta, salmon, thin yellow, sky blue, slightly light blue, purple, with a purple star), cupio hecatolic (desaturated reddish brown, light gold, pale yellow, dusty indigo-purple, greenish gray), cupio axinitian (dark pink, pink, pale light green, light dusty periwinkle, dusty periwinkle) new sapphic (orangeish red, light yellow, white, sea green, purple)
Positive slope halo: Multi-oriented (very light pale desaturated lavender, desaturated pale light blue, very light pale cyan, very light pale green, very light silver, white, very light silver, very light yellow, very light pale orange, very light pale salmon, light red) front, orientation collector (black, dusty dark red, dusty dark orange, dark yellow, green, blue, purple, black) back.
Hanging orbs, front, left to right: binitor (dark gray, light blue, dark gray, with a dusty red x), queerfuck (dark purple, black, dark red, blue, black, dark purple, with a white eye outlined in black and with a black swirl), demetic (very dark saturated indigo, slightly dark dusty blue, light blue, light periwinkle, bluish off white), pollo (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple on the left side, reverse order of the same colors on the right, with a white circle in the middle), artemisian (dark blue, purple, turquoise, purple, dark blue), label hoarder (pastel red, pastel orange, pastel yellow, pastel blue, pastel purple with a white infinity halo outlined in pastel pink)
Hanging orbs, back, left to right: enboric (black, white, light green), marina lunian (dark violet, dusty dark purple, teal, green, bright sea green), nomin (yellow, light gold, very pale orange, very light pale pink), omni bi lesbian (tan, hot pink, violet, dark purple, sky blue), selenian bi (dusty violet, purple, light purple, periwinkle, light periwinkle) amethystian (pale yellow, desaturated pale pink, violet, dusty purple, dusty dark purple)
Inner halo star: QLW lesbitrix enbian (dark orangish red, reddish orange, orangish yellow, yellowish off white, light magenta-pink, purple, dark indigo with a dark pink moon and purple flower both outlined by light pink)
Inner halo diamonds: enbigirl (dusty purple, purple, lavender, very light pale orange, reddish orange, red) top left, trixigirl (purple, pale lavender, very light pale orange, reddish orange, red) top right, bigender lesbian (dark reddish orange, salmon, light pink, white, light pink, light purple, purple) middle left, nonbinary lesbian (dusty orange, light gold, very light desaturated yellow, white, desaturated pink, dusty dark magenta, black) middle right, demi-enby enbian (dark purple, slightly lighter dark purple, purple, periwinkle-silver, silver, gray) bottom left, nonbinary bi (pink, lighter pink, dusty purple, indigo, dark dusty blue) bottom right.
Outer halo orbs: aurora lesbian (dark indigo, violet, light pink, very light yellow, turquoise) top left, xLx collector (hot pink, reddish orange, light pale orange, light pale yellow, yellowish off white with dark magenta, violet, and purple heart symbols) bottom left, black cat lesbian (bluish black, dusty very dark blue, dusty dark blue, dark gold, burnt orange, dark red, darker red) top right, anti radqueer radinclus (turquoise, light green, orange, dusty pinkish red, dark desaturated brown with a white 4-point star and 5 white long hearts surrounding it in the center) bottom right.
Heart above halos: inclus (pale desaturated pink, pink, blue, pale desaturated blue with a white heart shape in the middle)
Floating symbols: Lykoi lesbian cat (dark pink, hot pink, yellow, white, blue, purple, dark purple with brown markings making up the face of a lykoi cat) at the top left corner, lydian orb (gold, pale gold, white, pale lavender, lavender) between the upper and middle left wings, neurocollector spade (dark purple, dusty violet, violet, black, teal, dusty teal, dark teal with a gold infinity symbol in the middle) next to the upper and middle left wings, termcollector heart (black, thin bluish black, very dark blue, thin dusty dark blue, blue, thin indigo, bright purple, thin dusty purple, violet, thin slightly dark violet, dark violet, thin very dark violet, black) next to middle and lower left wings switchblade sapphic (switchblade with a yellow handle and the classic pink-white-pink sapphic flag with the sapphic flower) just below the termcollector heart, pencontrasexual diamond (desaturated pinkish red, dusty purple, dark gray, dusty blue) between the acespec and arosespec tails, trident trixic trident with enby and woman symbols on its sides (slightly dusty purple, purple, slightly lighter purple, yellow, orange, slightly darker orange, slightly dark desaturated orange) overlapping with the arosespec tail, queerian diamond (dark purple, dusty lavender, white, pink, saturated dark violet) between the arosespec and arospec tails, candy cane bi candy cane (very light pale reddish pink, pale salmon, light pale lavender) next to right tail scarf, labelfuck clover/club shape (as it's known in playing cards) (black with two rainbow stripes outlined in white. The black is not pure black but pretty close, but the very top and bottom are pure black) just above the candy cane, QLW enbian orb (dusty dark blue, purple, yellowish off white, dusty pink, dusty dark magenta) between the upper and middle right wings, mspec lesbian ally diamond (dusty pink, pink, yellow, white, purple, pink, dusty pink with a light pink moon and darker purple-ish pink flowers) to the right and upwards of the QLW enbian orb, nuclear bomb neptunic (the neptunic flag, as described earlier, but plastered onto a nuclear bomb shape)
That's all. That's everything. This took so long. But now I can officially say, End ID.]
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These are all the fanfiction AO3 links to Copia related content, both as Cardinal and Papa. Please see pinned post on Tumblr for other Papa content!
If you don't see something you are interested in please feel free to send an ask when open as well as commission me through the heart mug site. Link in pinned post!
Multi-Chapter Works:
⛧  The Cardinal’s Prime Mover (COMPLETE) >>> Copia & OC Sister Rosalia Sister Rosalia is a young Sister of Sin in the Church of Satan who is a dutiful and average girl until she falls for the Cardinal... hard. (NSFW-Romance/Pregnancy Loss/Sex w/the intention of pregnancy/Angst) Copia x Rosalia Sequel Snippets (Mini sequels to the Papas in Love stories): 🜏 Late Night Serenade It's been a long night for Prime Mover Lia, up all night with the baby. When Copia awakens to join her, they share a sweet moment together. (SFW-Fluff/Romance/Comfort/Daddy Copia) 🜏 Birthday Candles Prime Mover Lia's birthday is around the corner and Copia is struggling to come up with the perfect gift. Lia only has one thing she desperately wants in mind. (NSFW-Birthday/Romance/Fluff/Sex w/the intention of pregnancy) 🜏 The Major Leagues Sister Imperator has Copia doing another wild promotion event for Ghost, this time it's the opening pitch for the White Sox. Will his Prime Mover Lia help him gain the confidence he needs to go through with it. (NSFW-Ghaseball/Breeding Kink/Romance)
⛧ Death & Flowers (IN PROGRESS) >>> Copia & OC Sister of Sin Ollie It hadn't been serious, it never was with him. While Papa was suave and Ollie enjoyed their time together it wasn't meant to be. She knew it wasn't something meant to last…something permanent but—here she was. It was only one missed pill and life forever changed. (Romance/Comfort/Unexpected Romance/Pregnancy/Death) ⛧ The Red Dress (COMPLETE) >>> Corrupt Copia & OC Celeste Celeste is a stagehand at a local arena when her night goes south after a Ghost concert leaving her cornered by ghouls. Her life changes forever when she is told that she is to play a crucial role in the destiny of Papa Emeritus IV, and that the gimmick is real. (Dubious consent/Breeding Kink/Pregnancy/Violence/Dark Romance) ⛧ Something Blue (IN PROGRESS) >>> Copia & OC Astrid Sister of Sin Astrid is anything but excited for Cardinal Copia to return home from tour. As his assistant, she leads a life of monotony and boredom from which she longs for more. When the Cardinal returns, anointed as Papa Emeritus IV, she is faced with an unwanted and unavoidable situation predicated on her family's position within the church. Will Astrid rise to what has been asked of her or will she destroy everything and leave it all behind? (Romance/Comfort/Unexpected Romance/Angst)
One Off Works:
Whiskers The Cardinal's little ratto wakes you up... (NSFW-Romance/Vaginal Sex/Fluff) The Monstrance Clock is Ticking You've been invited to help Papa III and Cardinal Copia with a very pressing matter. (NSFW- Three-way w/Terzo, Breeding Kink, Sex w/the intention of pregnancy) Sweet Taste of You Copia has been begging you since the moment it began to let him, today you decide to let him get a taste... (NSFW-Lactation Kink) The Souvenir You had never felt more excited. Attending a ritual was something you had been dreaming about since you first heard Mary on a Cross, now some years ago, faintly playing over the speakers at the record store. Fast forward and here you were, against the odds, somehow managing to get a spot at the rail. (NSFW-Three-way with Cirrus, Breeding Kink) My Lioness Cirrus has grown close to the Cardinal now Papa. Now as they return home from the tour she is left to deal with her feelings and her Papa's request. (NSFW- Part 1/2/Copia x Cirrus/Breeding Kink/Sex w/the intention of pregnancy) His Pride and Joy Cirrus has grown close to the Cardinal now Papa. Now as they return home from the tour she is left to deal with her feelings and her Papa's request. (SFW-Part 2/2/Copia x Cirrus/Pregnancy/Fluff) Candy Wrappers It's Halloween night at the Abbey, Papa IV/Copia decides to spend it sharing his love of horror films with ghoulette Cumulus and a sister of sin. The 3 decide to watch John Carpenter's HALLOWEEN and pig out on candy while it storms outside. (SFW-Fluff/Halloween/feat. Cumulus Ghoulette) What Would I Do Without You You aren't feeling well so your beloved Papa Emeritus IV comes to care for you. (SFW-Fluff/Romance/Comfort) Well Read Copia returns to the Abbey as Papa IV. No longer the Cardinal that you befriended in the library. Now you like awake at night your mind set on him when you decide to do something. (NSFW-Romance/Fluff/Love Confession) The Burning Ones Cardinal Copia is in love with a Sister of Sin he has known the majority of his life and now on the precipice of being Papa he must chose between her and possibly losing the Papacy. (NSFW-Older Sister of Sin/Romance/Fluff) On a Pale White Horse You've entered your second trimester and the need to have your Papa in the most carnal of ways is growing--there's just one catch his nerves. (NSFW-Romance/Pregnancy/Lactation Kink) They Come At Night The Cardinal has been sneaking out at night, tonight you find out where he goes. (NSFW-Three-way with Terzo/Vampire Terzo/Dracopia/Blood/Resurrected Terzo/Dark Romance/Period Sex) The Show Papa Emeritus IV has returned from tour and now you and Dew are to put on a show. (NSFW-Copia likes to watch/Feat. Dewdrop-Sodo Fire Ghoul) The Quiet Ones Papa Emeritus IV has hit the height of his heat cycle and is despite for a hole to fill when there's a knock at his door. (NSFW heat cycle/Copia x Rain ghoul) Too Small Couch A night spent cuddling and binge watching your favorite shower with your lovers, Cardinal Copia and Papa Emeritus III. (SFW-Hanging w/Terzo/Fluff/Comfort/Humor/Non-Gendered reader)
Open Road You've been dating Cardinal Copia for a bit now and after learning about your love for motorcycles he decides to surprise you with a ride. (NSFW-Motorcycle ride/Romance/Fluff) Ghex on the Beach Papa Emeritus IV has finally returned home from tour and heading straight back into his Papal duties when he tells you to pack up you're going to the beach. (NSFW-Chapter 13 theme/Romance/Fluff) According to Plan Papa Emeritus IV plans to pop the question to you, but nothing is going right. (SFW-Proposal/Angst/Romance/Fluff/Humor) Mending Wounds Copia and his Prime Mover have reached the moment where consummation of their relationship must take place, but the couple must deal with the unhealed wounds of her past. (NSFW-Mentions of SA/Comfort/Fluff/Angst) Papa's Blanket Fort Copia surprises you with yet another thing he never kid as a kid, something you planned to fix---right here right now. (NSFW-Humor/Fluff/Comfort) The Promise Cardinal Copia and you have been dating some time now, both of you nervous to take things to the next level until a bit of serendipity finds you both alone together. (NSFW-Romance/Fluff/Loss of Virginity) The Keyhole After staying up to do paperwork for Sister Imperator, you head back to the sibling dorms in the dark of night. When a noise catches your attention, you can't help but let your curiosity get the best of you and go to investigate finding the noise and a light peering from the keyhole coming from inside Papa Emeritus IV's office. As you discover the source of the mysterious sound, things change forever. (NSFW-Voyeurism/Romance) Okie Dokie Your shy Cardinal invites you to meet in your favorite spot of the chapel, deciding tonight is the night he commits to you in an act of carnal pleasure. (NSFW-Romance/Fluff/Chapel Sex/Virgin Copia) The Cherry Stem Your recent break up and late-night depression sends you into a hole in the wall bar when you meet a man who is intrigued by the trick you can do with a cherry stem. (NSFW-Romance/indoctrination of a new Sister of Sin/Public sex) The Fires of Indignation You are excited but ever so anxious as the time when you become Copia's Prime Mover draws near. One night when you forget your notes for your part of the ceremonies you are confronted with a grudge held against the Emeritus family bloodline. (NSFW-Violence/Feat. Alpha Ghoul/Mentions of Pregnancy/Blood/Revenge) Jesus He Knows Me Father DeFroque is a pious leader of the church who spends some quality time worshiping his true lord of Easter Eve. (NSFW-MFM/Degradation/Oral/Priest kink/Facial/Blasphemy Kink) As A Man Would Cardinal Copia has fallen hard for a Sister of Sin but keeps his distance knowing that he hides something about himself that will keep them apart forever. (SFW-Angst/Romance/Hurt/Copia is Death) Inspiration When your Cardinal invites you to meet him in the main hall of the Abbey wearing nothing but your nightgown and a smile, you are in for a night of pleasure. (NSFW-Romance/Public sex) Now We Wait Copia has something he has been wanting to talk with you about and now is the perfect time. (NSFW-Romance/Breeding kink/Sex w/the intention of pregnancy/Copia POV)
All Just For Show Papa Emeritus IV has reached the final show of the Re Imperatour and you know what's coming next... (NSFW-Angst/Hurt/Comfort/Violence) For Us Copia has had something on his mind, and you are determined to find out what it is. (NSFW- Romance/Breeding Kink/Sex w/the intention of pregnancy/Transmasc reader/Angst) Unwind Being a sibling of sin is hard...especially when dealing with the wrath of Sister Imperator. Copia helps you find a way to relax. (NSFW-Romance/AFAB Reader/Vaginal Sex/Anal Sex/Anal fingering) Gentle Sin Copia has been keeping his feelings for you secret for so long. What happens when you confess you are feeling them too? (NSFW-Romance/Love Confessions/Copia POV/Angst) And Then It Hit Him You have news for your husband, Cardinal Copia on the brink of his ascension to the Papacy, but will he stop long enough to listen? (SFW- Romance/Fluff/Pregnancy) Rush You know exactly how you ended up here and exactly how much trouble you'll get into if caught...but that's not stopping you and Cardinal Copia from consummating your feelings. (NSFW-Rushed Sex/Vaginal Sex/Confession booth/Cardinal Copia)
Copia One Off Works Featuring Other's OCs):
Something Within Your Eyes (feat. OC of @sistersaccharine) Sister of Sin Saccharine is elated to learn that Papa Copia has invited her to meet with him tonight at the stroke of midnight which just happens to be her birthday. (SFW-Romance/Fluff/Love confession/Dancing) This Night Was Made For Us (feat. OC of @sistersaccharine) Sister of Sin Saccharine has big plans for her first Lupercalia celebrations with her lover Papa Emeritus IV... Little does she know he has a surprise of his own. (NSFW-Romance/Proposal/Valentine's Day/Lupercalia/Fluff) Stay With Me...Forever (feat. OC of @sistersaccharine) The day has finally come for Sister Saccharine to marry Copia. Won't you be our ghuest at the wedding? (NSFW-Romance/Wedding/Fluff)
Selfless (feat. OC of @vampghoulette) Caldera, an hardworking and selfless Ghoulette begins to feel anxious about the upcoming Re-Impera tour. Knowing Copia's time is coming to and end she struggles during preparations for the tour. As she tries to help Copia and Aether find out how she's feeling and help ease her concerns in more ways than one. (NSFW-Spit roasting/Angst/Three-way/Comfort/Body Issues/OC Ghoulette) A Whisper of a Thrill (feat. OC of @a-tired-sparrow) Deacon Via is the head of the Human, Ghoul, and Other Anomalies Resources Department at the Ministry. Their everyone's go to person and a frequent confidant and of Papa Emeritus IV. While they have never told Copia about their affections, an unexpected phone call and a meeting changes Via's life. (NSFW-Love confession/Nonbinary character/Romance/Fluff) Not Another Sleepless Night (feat. OC of @a-tired-sparrow) Deacon Via and Papa Emeritus the IV have been enjoying an intense romance until the beginning of the Imperatour threatens to destroy what they've built when Via can't let go of their work back home to leave with Copia on tour. (NSFW-Romance/Angst/Nonbinary character/Tour bus sex/Fluff)
⚠️COPIIA-Unrelated/Non-related AU⚠️
As the Night Settled In (Spin off from Let There Be Night) Copia pulls an all nighter after becoming Cardinal and gets some much-needed release when he gets back to his lover. (NSFW-Romance/MFM/Established relationship/UNRELATED/NON-RELATED AU)
Thank you for reading!
May he walk with you in Darkness, leading you from the Light
⛧ PM Ren
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elfqueen006 · 24 days
Yall be honest with me... how much potential is there for like .. a white rabbit hybrid jack x reader?? I mean he already looks like he has whiskers and a little red nose just level w/ me
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shy-urban-hobbit · 7 months
C/W implied suicide via extermination.
Angel took another drag on his cigarette as he leaned his top set of elbows on the wall, the red light that passed for daylight in Pentagram City turning the smoke pink in a way which was momentarily far too reminiscent of Val. He didn't usually come up to the roof but he just needed to be somewhere that wasn't inside right now and Charlie's 'no smoking indoors' rule which everyone usually ignored provided the perfect excuse when the streets were currently more dangerous than usual. 
The atmosphere had been tense ever since the girls had returned from Heaven with the news that the hotel was now target number one for the next extermination but now with just hours left, it had become unbearable. 
The fighting hadn't helped either. Husk had had the nerve to call Angel fake but even a blind man could see the only thing those two could actually agree on right now was the need to keep the hotel safe. Angel never thought he'd say it, but it was unnerving not seeing Charlie and Vaggie presenting a genuine united front on every single little thing.
"And here I was thinking this would be the perfect place to get away from you clowns for a few minutes."
Angel rolled his eyes and threw up a one fingered salute he wasn't really feeling, "Fuck you, Whiskers." 
"Maybe if we live to see the end of the week."
Husk leaned on the wall an arms length from the spider, giving him that assessing stare that Angel both loved and hated. It was as gratifying as it was annoying to have someone who could see right through any and all defences he put up, "How you doing, Kid?" 
"Oh, I'm just peachy, can't ya tell? Practically dancin' on the inside." Angel snarked, meeting Husk's gaze in a silent dare to call him out on it. Husk merely stared back (why the fuck did he think it was a good idea to get into a staring contest with a cat?), "Just thinkin' is all."
"What Charlie said about-" Husk jabbed a claw upwards. That had been one of the main sources of division between the princess and her (ex?) girlfriend for days after they got back until they broke the news to the sinner in question. Charlie had been adamant that Angel had a right to know, whilst Vaggie was of the opinion that at this point it was just adding insult to injury with the extermination so close. In the end, Angel had made the decision for them after cornering Charlie and demanding to know why she looked like she was about to start crying whenever she looked at him. Husk had privately been in agreement with Vaggie though - maybe it would have been kinder to let Angel live out what might be his last few days in blissful ignorance of the fact that Heaven would basically rather see him perma-dead than admit they'd fucked up. 
"About me apparently bein' this close to gettin' into Heaven? Nah." Angel threw the remaining half of his cigarette over the edge with an elegant flick of his wrist, suddenly he wasn't in the mood any more, "Can't miss what ya never had, right? Was just thinkin' about how six months ago I wouldn't have given a crap about any of this. The six month extermination, makin' Heaven's personal shit list. None of it." He pulled a fresh cigarette out of the pack in his breast pocket and lit it without taking a drag as he began to pace, giving Husk the impression it was more so he had something to do with his hands, "Even back when I was alive I used to -what'd you call it - self destruct all the god damn time and when I got down here, if it weren't for Val lockin' every soul he owned in the studio durin' the extermination I would've taken my chances outside every time."
He gestured in the air with one of his free hands, "Before this goddamned fucking hotel and every fucker in it, I didn't give a crap what happened to me but now, for the first time in my god damn fucking life, afterlife. Whatever-" he paused to take a long drag, the cigarette trembling slightly in shaky fingers before Angel let out a laugh like the one when he'd torn Husk a new one in the bar that night - disbelieving bordering on hysterical - before looking away like he was about to admit something shameful, "I really. Really don't wanna die tomorrow, Husk." 
"And you ain't gonna." Husk snapped out as his wings spread, causing Angel to startle slightly at the harshness of his tone, the cat demon took a breath to try and calm the swell of emotions Angel's confession caused to rise up, "I mean. I've seen you shoot, you've got some serious skill. Vaggie knows any possible tricks the exorcists might try, Charlie is the literal princess of Hell with all the powers that come with it. Alastor sees this place as his territory now, trust me, if anybody knows how much that creepy fucker doesn't like other people coming after his things..." he gave a small shudder he hoped the other didn't see. 
"...and you?" 
Husk would be lying if he said the question didn't catch him off guard but Angel had been honest with him. Only fair he returned the favour, "I ain't letting any of those winged fuckers touch you."
And there was that smirk Husker hated (loved) so much, "'Cos you wanna be the only winged fucker who gets ta-" 
"Don't even finish that sentence, asshole."
Husk moved to stand next to him, draping a wing over the other to shield him from the wind that had picked up during their talk, "I got your back, kid." 
Angel shifted his weight to lean against the shorter demon, giving a small mental cheer when the other didn't move away and let him kiss concrete, "Back at ya, Husky."
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almightyhamslice · 10 months
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I didn't forget abt them I just wasn't totally sure where to place them since they're meant to be encountered AFTER the story concludes. They're not even the last drawing in my Star Stacker series though! Very close to the end though... just two more drawings left!
Gryll is an alien witch who travels through the cosmos looking for people to stack stars with! They always conjure up the blocks themself, so their 'playmates' don't have the excuse of not having a game board or blocks... and if others don't know the rules of the game, Gryll explains it to them in agonizing detail! Gryll strikes me as being rather long-lived, but also incredibly carefree and not concerned about their own mortality & just living in pursuit of fun! They might be the same species of alien as (or perhaps an offshoot of) Marx's species? The two might've even played a game together once upon a time. Gryll can be irritating when it comes to asking others to play their games, but they do care about fairness-- they NEVER cheat because it removes the fun for them! They already know they're the best player, but they want to prove themself in an honorable way.
Other than their fixation on star stacking, Gryll is also very fond of onions! Their three onion companions are named Sugar, Salt, and Pepper; Sugar has no leaves, Salt has short leaves, and Pepper has long leaves. I think for Gryll, cultivating onions is less like farming plants and more like caring for animals? Like chickens, maybe? Though the onions themselves are smarter than that, so maybe it's more like taking care of parrots or crows? Point is they're really common on Gryll's homeworld and they like to have a few of them following them through space at all times. So they don't get lonely! Though, Gryll does also like the flavor of edible onions.
Overexplanation of my gijinka design under the cut!
Design wise I did kinda base Gryll's appearance off Marx (mostly cuz they both have huge shiny eyes and are from outer space! Though notably, Gryll has invisible/detached arms that are covered by arm warmers, and no external ears (maybe I will remove Marx's ears as well?). I knew I wanted to emphasize that they have detached arms, but very clearly visible legs! Though I also wanted them to have more stripes in their design, so I decided they should go to their arm warmers. Similarly, I thought they could use more red, so I added a little red shawl. My gijinka design has bare legs since I think they're a very striking feature of Gryll's in-game design-- Gryll has actual legs rather than connected shoes or floating shoes, which not a lot of Kirby characters have! Their top is cut on the sides; it's more androgynous that way I think, and it's also a nod to how Gryll was accidentally depicted with actual arms in one of their in-game panels. I interpreted the lines on their face as whiskers/patchy facial hair, again because it feels more androgynous to me! And I think it makes them look cute. I suppose it could just be blush or paint but I like whiskers!! Basically, I totally overthought Gryll's design lol! I think it's because this is their only appearance so I don't rlly have room to redesign them! Unless I feel like it later lol.
anyways heres my funny drafts of Gryll! They used to have striped sleeves but I wasnt satisfied w that rlly.
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They remind me of a Rayman character or perhaps Rayman himself? (has only played Rayman 1 and failed miserably at it)
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bestworstcase · 11 months
hi it's me again this might be too much of an ask but do you think it would be possible to do a list of all the allusions that Salem is/has? not her own personal ones (rapunzel etc.) but the role she has in other people's stories (I ask because I made a joke to someone about hansel and gretel and went "hazel and gretchen" -> "salem is the witch to hazel's hansel in a world where neither hansel nor gretel survives" which also factors into the "gretchen is the spring maiden and died during Summer's Mission" theory in which case raven would be her witch) not just all the ones where she's The Witch (archetype) but also other antagonists or roles like the wolf to ruby and summer (wherein summer is both the grandmother and the woodcutter) or the fairy godmother to cinder if that's too much to ask of you I understand in which case I'll have to make a chart with my own red string and thumbtacks
um so basically:
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<- this is how the story goes.
to break it down:
in approximate order of importance, these are: maiden-in-the-tower tales, the marvelous land of oz, cinderella, and the little prince. structurally it isn't as complex as the above diagram makes it appear because the petrosinella -> persinette -> rapunzel -> petrosinella circle and the ozian narrative are the same narrative through different eyes. cinder and oscar are the proverbial twins and summer rose is important connective tissue gluing everything together.
maiden-in-the-tower: - salem is always the maiden - ozma is always the prince - the god of light is always the captor
petrosinella: - the og divine rebellion - failed bc dark sided with light
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persinette: - the ozlem kingdom - ozma Left Her to escape the curse
rapunzel: - war for the relics - ozma is the blinded prince + the pilot - both are stranded in the desert - truth will rise etc etc leading to:
petrosinella, again: - the broken fairytale to be mended - the hound is the dog - cinder is the lion - summer is the wolf - "you saved yourself" <- the girl in the tower comes due
the marvelous land of oz: - ozma is ozma - ozpin is the wizard + tippetarius --> meaning he "chose" his curse - the god of light is mombi (cursed ozma) - salem is glinda (searching for ozma) - oscar is jack pumpkinhead (tip's "son" + existential dread) - summer rose is general jinjur (holding the emerald city) - qrow is the scarecrow (ruling in the wizard's absence) --> the scarecrow and jinjur fight over the crown - ironwood is nick chopper (emperor of winkie country) - lionheart is the soldier with green whiskers (coward, traitor) - raven is the woggle bug (=maiden of knowledge) --> mutters in silver wishing pill only the bug can use - mutters about silver eyes and mombi's rose - glinda forces mombi to tell the truth, free ozma, and then relinquish her magical power. hello
cinderella: - salem is the grave of her mother / the fairy godmother - summer is the stepmother (probably) - ruby and yang are the stepsisters - the crown...?
the little prince: - ozma is the pilot, see prev re: blind in the desert - oscar is the little prince - (ruby in V9 is also the little prince) - (summer is her rose; salem is the sheep)
hansel and gretel: - hazel is hansel, gretchen is gretel - salem is the witch - ozpin is the evil mother - gretchen dies in the woods under mysterious circumstances - hansel pushes the witch into the oven because it's what gretel would have done. laugh!
sherlock holmes: - watts is dr. watson (but evil) - salem is holmes (but evil) - mumbles. cinder is adler (outmaneuvers them both)
the scorpion and the...: - tyrian is the scorpion - "f. pickerel" is a frog - qrow is also a frog - salem is the turtle
little red riding hood: - ruby is little red - the Idea Of Summer Rose is the mother - the Real Summer is the big bad wolf + the huntsman - salem is the grandmother - witches can be right giants can be good etc - the key here is that the grandmother is the goal; ruby is trying to beat salem. the wolf is the obstacle; summer joined salem. the huntsman is the resolution; summer joined salem for a good reason.
book of job conspiracy theory: - salem is job - ozma + rwbyjnor is eliphaz et al - the god of light is the satan - the god of darkness is the deity
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ᴅᴀʏ ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ: Self Care w/ Wanda Maximoff
a/n: yes, this takes place in wandavision, you technically take vision's place, so are you dead? maybe? i don't really know, it's not very plot heavy besides tommy and billy, but i just wanted you guys to know that this does take place in the wv universe during the suburban era. so, you can interpret this however you would like too. as always, this is x fem plus size!reader!
masterlist | comfortember masterlist | AO3
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This happened every single time you had got done putting Tommy and Billy to bed, Wanda watching you from her your shared one as you did your skin care routine.
"Yes babe?" You asked your wife with a smile, not taking your eyes off of the mirror as you scrubbed the makeup you had worn earlier that day out of your pores. "Nothing, Darling, just admiring." You turned your head, your face still smeared with cleanser. "Would you like to join me?" She raised an eyebrow at you before throwing the covers from over her body, padding over to stand next to you.
"So, what do we do first?" You guided her through the steps, dampening her face with water before applying the face wash, massaging in the mixture for her as her cheeks puffed up in a smile, blissful giggles slipping from between her lips.
"Okay, and after we wash this off, were going to put on face masks!" You said excitedly, your wife basking in your enthusiasm as you took turns hunching over the sink, washing off the residue before drying your faces. Your gripped her by her hand, dragging her back to your bed where you sat with your backs to the pillows, Wanda sitting across from you with her legs crossed.
Her hair was pulled back, some loose red strands falling over her face, some thin pieces sticking to her sharp jaw due to the water that she had missed with the hand towel.
"Okay, so do you want to be the panda or the cat?" You asked, raising up both items. She looked at the panda then to the cat, before landing on the panda again. "I'll be the panda today." You grinned, tearing open the packaging. "Great choice, hun." The liquid that surrounded the paper leaked onto the pads of your fingers as you leaned forward, making sure the holes lined up to her eyes and lips as she held back a squeal.
"It's cold!" She muttered through weighed down lips. "You'll be able to get your payback, don't worry." You said through a shit eating grin. She was quick to reach for the cat mask, ripping it open and all but smacking it on your face. You shivered at the cold contact, but your body temperature rose at the feeling of her delicate touches, the light pressure of her fingertips delivered comfort to you. You admired her focused expression, the way her lips were pressed together, eyes narrowed as she tried to even out the whiskers.
"You look so cute!" She giggled. You laughed too, a happy smile on your face.
It was so domestic, like everything has been lately, and you hoped that it would never end, ever.
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ೃ⁀➷ my lovely taglist!: @alina02 @louderfortheback @minervadashwood
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the-world-of-ignavus · 4 months
Language of the Regency: Modern Tema
Phonetics and Phonotactics
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Onset: m n k p ny ŕ ch sh h s  th d g w p l rr b t
H Clusters: hw hŕ hl
P Clusters: pr
Nucleus: m n ny rr ŕ y k h v f l b w ch th sk
Coda: n t l ŕ ch
Vowels: a i e o u
A Clusters: aa ao ae au
| | | |
Word Order
Primary - SOV | Subject Object Verb
Ma in-rridi haku lit. I the bird hunted I hunted the bird
Secondary - SVO | Subject Verb Object
Ma haku in-rridi I hunted the bird
Predominantly Head Initial Language
Nouns - Adjectives | Narru naŕa (white river (lit. river white))
Noun - Numbers | Lokal yun (two rocks (lit. rock two))
Noun - Genitives | Mao fisal fiwa (mother’s whiskers (lit. whisker of mother))
Noun - Relative Clauses | 
Article - Noun | In rridi (the bird)
Demonstratives - Noun | Avi narru (this river)
Adjective - Adverb | rraheŕi wiwa (pretty stupid)
Yes/No Particles | Post-Sentence
Ma kimakaal, yami I am coming, yes
Question Words | Post-Sentence
Ha otokaal, nyak? Where are you going?
Proper Noun - Common Noun | 
Modifier Order | opinion-number-material-size-color-purpose/use
Modifier Example
In sulil rreeŕi teŕ datayame piyuŕe lit. the bowls pretty three wooden small The three pretty small wooden bowls
Compounds | Adjective-Noun
Awataya (forest (lit. place (of)-tree))
| | | |
Noun Class System
Modern Tema retained the group-of-four nouns that initially formed their melting class system, with agreement emerging in both adjectives and articles. As Tema began to be formally recorded and studied by its speakers, with active lessons towards foreigners, they assigned proper names for the four classes.
Solar Nouns (-ŕu) The first noun class originally came from all things good and safe. Made of edible prey, safe and comforting things, familiar friends, close kin and things associated with day-time and toms, its other names are Sun Nouns, Red Nouns and Day Nouns. Regarding family members, swapping them into the Solar class is an indication of closeness or familiarity. 
Pat ihŕaŕu (fresh prey) > Fresh, prey that is safe to eat
Hŕan sayaŕu (big deer) > a large, non-aggressive deer
Ka basu piyuŕu (my small den) > my small den that I love
Iŕa aŕa sanyaŕu (the bright sun)
Lunar Nouns (-sa) This second noun class is associated with the moon, contrasting the first class and is made of challenging or frightening things, ethereal feats of nature, intimidation, the night and mollies. It expresses a formal relationship with others and is often used to convey respect and deference to others when spoken.
Hŕan sayasa (big deer) > a large, aggressive deer, perhaps a stag
Ka mao chiŕasa (my kind mother)
Neaŕa sahwasa (a quiet night)
Aaku niskalusa (a careful hunter)
Lightless Nouns (-ye) The third class born from things of great suspicion, danger or prone to causing death or some form of sickness. It absorbed several locations from the previous location classifier that have long since been deemed ‘cursed’ or full of negative energy.
Amuk ayisiwaŕeye (a terrible weasel)
Shuniprri vachiye (a vile kinslayer)
Nyiŕ Choyikal Kaprru (The Skull Lands)
Ayoŕeye (poison (lit. lightless herb))
Mortal Nouns (-ŕe) Named as such to mark an obvious difference from the other three classes, the mortal nouns made of things constructed by mortal paws - being mostly condensed down as ‘tools.’
Chofi piyuŕe (a small pouch/satchel)
Nunei naaŕeŕe (a long tether/leash)
Nabo samaŕe (a hot pan)
Keyinaya malaŕe (an empty waterskin)
In addition to these basic methods of sorting words, Tema allows a little modification to appear on the noun itself to create a simple, concise identifier.
Hŕanuŕu (good/fresh deer (meat)) or ‘a safe or non-aggressive deer.’
Hŕanasa (scary deer)
Hŕaneye (bad/rotting deer (meat)) or ‘a dangerous deer that has killed.’
Listing prey animals while adding a class modifier is usually indicative of the animal being spoken of as prey, with the implication of ‘meat’ being announced while using a separate adjective indicates a living creature.
Hŕanuŕu sayaŕu (large deer meat) vs. Hŕan sayuŕu (a large deer)
Grammatical Number
By now, Tema has officially adopted the paucal number into their paradigm, leaving the singular unmarked.
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There's not much to say, so here are a couple of examples:
In aŕasil teŕ piyuŕu | The three small fires
In narruch piyusa | A few small rivers
Tense and Aspect
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The discontinuous, -mano expresses that an action or event is no longer true. For example;
Ma in asish matamano | I caught the fish (but I no longer have it)
In this case, the affix -mano implies that though the speaker had once had possession of the fish, this is no longer true. Perhaps the speaker dropped the fish while bringing it in, or they gifted it to someone after catching it. Whatever the reason, the speaker no longer has possession of the fish. 
-sahwa (still, unchanging) is still in full effect here. As a reminder, this -sahwa forms the continuative aspect clarifying that an event is still ongoing at the current moment and at least in Tema, had likely been happening for a very long time.
No haku (They are hunt/are hunting)
No hakusahwa (They are still hunting)
In the first sentence, the hunters are merely hunting deer - the implication being that they’ve either left recently or the hunting is happening in a normal span of time. The second sentence implies that the hunters have been out for a long time, long enough to be worth noting or to be a cause of concern.
And of course, combining it with the habitual aspect (hakulisahwa) is still used to express disbelief or incredulity. With the loss of the noun classifiers, the difference between pejorative disbelief (exasperation, annoyance) and positive disbelief (amazement, awe) has become conveyed near exclusively through context and tone alone. 
No hŕan hakulisahwa (they are still hunting deer)
Can be meant in either a concerned way (they are still hunting deer (but they should be back by now)), in a way that expresses annoyance and frustration (they are still hunting deer (but we don’t need/want them to)) or in surprise and amazement (they are still hunting deer (even though there’s ample discouragement to)).
 Often, the rest of the sentence is enough to convey which meaning is being brought up here:
No hŕan hakulisahwa e in niva koyun aamicheŕu They are still hunting deer and the snow is getting heavier
Here, the speaker is mostly concerned with the safety of the hunters. The deer itself is unimportant, but the fact that they’re still hunting in in-opportune conditions.
Wi oto e no hŕan hakulisahwa We are leaving and they are still hunting deer
In this example, the speaker is irritated by the hunters as their hunting is happening at a bad time. Likely, the group cannot leave the area before the hunters return, and their long hunting trip is holding everyone else back.
Omi ayeŕanit ihŕayiat ilk ŕi Menya e no hakulisahwa hŕan That stag broke Menya’s leg, and he’s still hunting deer
And in this example, the speaker is impressed or incredulous by the hunter - Menya. A stag has previously introduced a higher degree of danger, enough so that the speaker would be inclined to believe that Menya would stop hunting deer for a while, but he did not.
Mood and Modality
The basic independent forms of the basic pronouns have become entrenched in place although, a pair of new words have been attached to the second and third-person singular as a way of expressing formality:
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These words came from the association of the royal and noble families as divine guardians of the mortal people, coming from the sheyan (spirit). This change has also been reflected in the dependent markers:
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And of course, our example word in the form of yi (to see):
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With this in mind, the independent forms are often interpreted as more formal or ‘proper’ speech, clarifying all of the individual parts. It’s sometimes considered ‘childish’ as it’s the way cubs and non-native speakers are first taught to speak the language before moving into the dependent versions.The dependent forms are then thus, viewed as casual or informal conversation.
Ma yanya haku iko ha I enjoy hunting with you (formal) Vs.  Yanyama haku iko ha I enjoy hunting with you (informal)
Following along, the formal second and third personal singular forms are extremely form and imply that someone to talking to or about someone of great status, usually the royal or noble family. Interestingly, using the independent formal version is used of the crown heir and the king and queen, while the dependent formal version is used on everyone else in the royal family:
Ma yanya haku iko hayan I enjoy hunting with you (formal/heiress or rulers) Vs. Yayama haku iko hayan (I enjoy hunting with you (informal/nobles, non-inheriting heirs)
Another distinction is the use of both dependent and independent markings when trying to emphasize something:
Ma yanyama haku I enjoy hunting
This sentence for example would read as ‘I really enjoy hunting’ or even ‘I, personally, enjoy hunting’
Articles and Demonstratives
There is no indefinite article in middle mogglish - all unmodified nouns are considered to be indefinite by default:
Maŕo (cat, a cat)
Owninuŕ (rat/mouse, a rat/a mouse)
Chovu (fox, a fox)
The definite article has now been settled into multiple forms that change based on noun class:
Iŕa maŕo (the (safe/familiar/) cat)
Hiŕ maŕo  (the (intimidating/unfamiliar) cat)
Nyiŕ maŕo (the (scary/dangerous) cat)
Saŕu sarril (the den)
The demonstratives remain similarly unchanged.
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Proximal things refer to nouns close to both the speaker and the listener while distal are things far away from the speaker but often close to the listener.
Avi iŕu narru (this river (near us)) Vs. Ime iŕu narru (that river (near you))
In this example, both of the demonstratives used also fall under the ‘visible’ column - which means the speaker can see the river. This does not however, mean the listener can see the river - the visible and non-visible distinction applies to the speaker alone and sometimes is used as a short-hand when a lost or difficult to find thing has been located:
Avi narru! ((I found/I can see) this/a river (near us))
On the other side of things, non-visible things are - as one might guess - things that the speaker can’t see. It’s also of course, used to remark upon something that the speaker isn’t aware of the location of something.
Rri iŕu narru (this river (that I can’t see/can’t find)) OR  Omi iŕu narru (that river (that I can’t see/can’t find))
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