#w/ amica
aestherin · 2 years
a-a-a-ako po si zushikiss 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 -RABIZZISM (END OF THE ANON ERA???)
wait. pause. sandale.
t-t-t-totoo b-ba yan?
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jinxproof · 3 months
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Lia Crowe | © Thiemo Sander
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ciaoteamo · 2 years
pairings: reader x pennywise
summary: just spelling out names this time🤭
warnings: 18+ content
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further warnings: buckle up amica
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Pleasure. He understood that he could be animalistic during sex. And most times, that wouldn’t save you any room for pleasure. But trust and believe and he’ll make up for it after, pulling endless orgasms from you.
Edging. You could not edge this man if your life depended on it, he was too strong and would be high off of arousal. You’ve tried, only for him to finish the job himself by accident.
Naked. Listen, Pennywise was a simple man, no need for lingerie, strip teasing, or anything. After all, clothes just get in the way.
No. Remember when i said he could never say no to you? well i might have lied just a bit. The sole thing he won’t allow is toys. It used to be something minor, you didn’t think about it much. But them imagining him writhing from a vibrator on his glossy tip… it was intriguing to say the least.
Yes. Obviously he says yes to a lot of things. There could never be a dull moment between the two of you during those 10 months.
Watching. If there was a V i’d put voyeurism. But since he would sometimes disappear for days at a time, he could only watch/hear you. And sometimes you’d give him something… worthwhile.
In Heat. Oh man, don’t even get me started on this. When he was in heat, his pheromones were so strong that you’d feel like you were in heat too sometimes. You could feel the lust from a mile away. Your vagina could never forgive for those days lol.
Sweet spot. He had some very odd sweet spots. Most of them were on his legs and arms. Normally, people would have them on the torso or near the head. But, you guess he wasn’t exactly normal to begin with.
Ending. He absolutely sucked at aftercare in the beginning. And there wasn’t an issue with you until he went into heat. He left you an absolute mess. You could hardly get up to shower.
He felt bad afterward and allowed you to show him the ways aftercare. Since then, he’s gotten so much better.
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ilpianistasultetto · 1 year
Come si dice dalle mie parti.. "er piu' pulito c'ha la rogna".. Mi e' capitata tra le mani la notizia del matrimonio di Alessandro Sallusti, giornalista ed opinionista che tutti i giorni trovi in tv a supportare quella parte politica che non perde mai occasione per rivendicare i valori della patria, della famiglia e i valori della religione cattolica. Questo signore e' uno che si e' sposato, avuto figli, poi divorziato. Diventa compagno dell''altra cristiana e patriota, Daniela Santanche'. La coppia e' grande amica di un'altra coppia sposata, Dimitri Kunz D'Asburgo Lorena e Patrizia Groppelli. Ad un certo punto la Groppelli che fa? Si separa dal coniuge, visto che aveva le prove di essere stata cornificata. Con chi se l'era spassata il marito? Ma con l'amica del cuore Santanche'. Poi e' storia recente..i due cornificati Sallusti-Groppelli scoprono di essere fatti l'uno per l'altro e fanno coppia fino a pochi giorni fa, quando hanno coronato il tutto con il matrimonio (solo civile).
Insomma, storie che Beautiful diventa una telenovela per principianti.
Premesso che ognuno vive la propria vita privata come meglio crede, io da uno cosi la morale non me la faccio di certo fare. Mai!.
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arrowfox1 · 8 months
What about to hug recurring peppino please? :)
*kneel down while did cute look*
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Peppino:uh thanks amica? Strana ragazza..
He usually does not get too many hugs cause he's either really busy or not in the mood but since you asked so nicely! ^w^
Also there's no one else in that picture.
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jujulebee · 9 months
@inquisitorial-il-posto #Dazzling as always amica mia!
ur flattery will get u everywhere w me vita mia<3 im having lunch w my dad 2day but maybe later if ur not 2 busy we could get dinner?
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energone · 2 years
ok. i’m subjecting u all to my ship opinions
cyclonus, tailgate, and whirl are all married to each other. they’re a throuple. this is the single truth and i will not hear anything otherwise.
rewind and cd are married and both of them are also dating brainstorm, who is dating perceptor and is also amica w benefits w nautica. this is the truth that speaks to me but many other similarly appealing truths exist.
dratchet are married and rodimus is drift’s amica with Frequent benefits who has threesomes w him and ratchet. ratchet is kind of like. bemused about it all. i think it’s funny
minimus and megatron are married but it takes them 37334637483748735 years to get to that point.
thank you for listening.
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Grazie a @mafaldinablabla il tag! Finalmente una scusa per parlare un po' di me su questo blog dove parlo solo di me.
Come persona autocentrata I'm living the dream✨
1. Are you named after anyone?
No, cioè mio padre dice spesso che, essendo mia madre del Friuli Venezia Giulia, mi abbiano chiamato così in onore della regione. Ma è solo una battuta.
I miei secondi nomi sono in onore delle mie nonne, tho.
2. Quando è stata l'ultima volta che hai pianto?
Sono in periodo esami e mi sta per venire il ciclo, i dati e la scienza confermano quindi sia avvenuto da poco, ma non ricordo con certezza. Fidiamoci.
3. Hai figli?
Ha! No! Meglio morì.
4. Fai largo uso del sarcasmo?
Una spolverata di tanto in tanto, ma cerco sempre di metterlo al punto giusto con le persone giuste. Non vorrei mai far sentire qualcunɜ a disagio con una mia battuta, e il sarcasmo, se mal dosato, ha la tendenza a far sentire scemo il prossimo.
5. Quali sport pratichi o hai praticato?
Quattordici anni di nuoto agonistico, con conseguente maratona dallo psicologo :)
W lo sport!
6. Qual è la prima cosa che noti in una persona?
Se ha lo sguardo gentile.
Poi, appena ci parlo, se ha senso dello humor.
7. Qual è il colore dei tuoi occhi?
Non per fare quella speciale a tutti i costi, ma ho un occhio verde e uno azzurro. La butto là.
8. Scary movies o happy endings?
Non penso che le due cose siano agli antipodi. Ciò detto, i film horror non li guardo perché mi fanno paura :/ Quindi "Happy endings", immagino, sebbene sia una categoria così ampia che potrebbe significare molte cose.
9. Qualche talento particolare?
Mia mamma dice che sono molto saggia (lei non sa che in realtà io sono tre anziani impilati l'uno sull'altro in a trenchcoat). Mi è stato detto che faccio sentire le persone accolte e al sicuro, il che, se vero, è una cosa preziosa che mi inorgoglisce. Inoltre, la mia amica Sara una volta ha detto che sono una delle poche persone al mondo che quando dice "mi faccio i cazzi miei" effettivamente si fa i cazzi suoi, e penso sia uno dei migliori complimenti mi siano mai stati fatti.
10. Dove sei nato?
A Roma, zì.
11. Quali sono i tuoi hobby?
Beh, anche se lo faccio di lavoro, direi disegnare. Cantare, magari, ma non penso di essere molto brava (non che serva essere bravi per avere un hobby, ma vallo a dire tu al mio perfezionismo), e ascoltare un sacco di musica. Leggere. Nonostante tutto, nuotare. Presumo guardare serie TV di merda e poi recensirle al mio amico Luca in audio da 10 minuti.
12. Hai animali domestici?
Sì! Una gatta di nome Frida! È rotonda 🟠
13. Quanto sei alta?
Guarda, solitamente ti direi "nella media", ma pochi giorni fa due miei amici ubriachi mi hanno dato della nana. Vedi te.
14. Materia preferita a scuola?
In realtà a me è sempre piaciuto studiare tutto ciò che non fosse matematica, sono una persona curiosa, direi. Ciò detto, lettere, storia, letteratura inglese, storia dell'arte e, per nessun motivo al mondo, fisica.
15. Dream job?
Se potessi illustrare libri di cucina, sarei al culmine delle mie mire lavorative. Ciò detto, illustrare libri in generale e, perché no? pure scriverli sarebbe il sogno. Coronabile?
In this country?
I n t h i s e c o n o m y ?
Io sono su Tumblr dall'alba dei tempi, ma essendo profondamente asociale su internet, non ho mai intrecciato rapporti veri e propri (la persona con cui ho più interazioni è quella che mi ha taggata, per dire). Pertanto, magari questa è un'occasione per avere un contatto più ravvicinato con alcunɜ bloggerz che vorticano nella mia orbita e nella cui orbita vortico @acidyellowlava @clovdiest @chaoticpizzaloversblog (ciao!)
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alicesfeelings · 1 year
Il nonno della mia amica ha fatto due pensierini, uno a lei e uno a me.
W i nonni 🥹
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elendiliel · 2 years
Operation: Rescue
(Again, the divisions between fics don't quite match the series; this one is mostly "Persuasion", plus the pre-credits sequence from "Synthesis".)
More than usual, inspiration credits to @justawannabearchaeologist's "TFP Wheeljack in TFA" series, which I highly recommend.
Ratchet was gone.
Not dead, Glitch was pretty sure even before Arcee wrangled that clarification out of a still-not-quite-with-it Bulkhead. Over the comm from Hangar E, the Wrecker sounded dazed and confused, but not sad or angry, or even empty, as people often seemed as they processed a loved one’s death. (During her training, the young field-tech had seen that all too many times.) But the senior medibot was still missing, and almost certainly in Decepticon servos. Having been in that position herself, Glitch didn’t want to think about what Ratchet might be going through, not while she had no way of helping him.
So as the bulk of Team Prime’s Autobots waited for a groundbridge back to base from Antarctica, she did her best to think of something she could do to help, and her fatigue-addled processor latched on to a fact the team’s youngest member had once let slip. Kneeling down, she scooped up a double servoful of snow, compacting it into a neat sphere and adding to it until it was about the right size. The marks of her delicate digits were obvious to her sharp optics, but there was nothing to be done about that. She held it out to her leader with the cryptic explanation, “for Raf.”
Optimus Prime looked at her in confusion for a moment, then took the snowball from her; it fitted neatly into one of his much larger servos. “Ah, yes. I did promise, before an expedition to the Arctic. I did not know he had mentioned that to you.”
“Only in passing. He doesn’t blame you; he knows you had more important things on your processor. But I thought it might cheer him up.” Raf was almost as close to Ratchet as he was to Bumblebee, his partner and best friend; the medic’s capture was sure to hit him hard.
“Good thinking.” Just then, Bulkhead and Smokescreen finally figured out how to operate the groundbridge, quite possibly helped by Raf and/or by Arcee haranguing them over the comm. The Autobot away team were at last able to leave the frozen wastes for the now-damaged hangar they still called home, already preparing to bring their missing comrade back.
As Optimus began his part of the search for clues as to the whereabouts of his oldest friend, he found his path blocked by what appeared to be a bronze statue around a third of his height. Glitch was standing in front of him, arms folded, immovable as the Hall of Records, and probably about as amenable to reason. “With respect, sir, you need to get your skidplate on my repair table. Now.”
Her strange dark blue eyes bored into his – very unusual, for her – and her face was set in an expression peculiar to medics, one that, without being threatening, promised severe consequences if one did not comply. Optimus had seen it on his Amica’s face many times, sometimes – though by no means always – directed at him, and should have known better than to disregard it. But with Ratchet’s life at risk, the difference between should and did was quite substantial. “I have to search…”
“The others can do that. They didn’t take such a pasting from a Predacon.” Her face and voice softened slightly; her resolve, Optimus was sure, had not. “You’ll be of far more use to Ratchet without dents in your armour the size of my head and I don’t know how much internal damage. We all need you in full working order, especially him.”
A very palpable hit, Optimus thought as he gave in and made his way over to the medical bay. (One factor in his decision might have been her logical next move, threatening to take him there herself using her magnets; she not only could but would do so, and being carried around like a bundle of L-beams was hardly consonant with the dignity of a Prime.) He had always had an appreciation for the uses of words in place of weapons. Orion Pax had had no formal combat training, though Megatronus had tried to teach him the basics, and, one way and another, Megatron had taught Optimus Prime far more. He had grown up surrounded by words, and his own words had earned him the title of Prime long before Primus set his seal on the Council’s decision, while Megatron’s had brought so many mecha to his cause, convincing them that it was just. Most of his followers, and even more of Optimus’, had joined with the Allspark as a result. Megatron himself had so nearly done the same, and Optimus knew he would have mourned his former friend. Their planet was dead, and its best hope of resurrection was in the hands of an insane warmonger, all because of their words. But words could also calm, comfort, encourage, inspire, and heal, among much else. They could be deadly weapons, but also powerful tools, like the ones Glitch intended to use on him.
“How did you know that would work?” he asked her as he made himself comfortable on her repair table. (She had a point, he realised; now that he was no longer ignoring his injuries, a habit for which Ratchet had so often scolded him, his whole frame ached from his battle with Predaking.)
“You’re more like your counterpart than you let on.” He knew that was high praise. She spoke often of her universe’s Optimus Prime, always with deep respect and sincere affection; Optimus was sure he would like his alternate, should they ever meet. By her account, the other Prime (who was not the leader of all Autobots, merely of a maintenance crew, as a result of a tragic accident and his own sense of honour) was kind and gentle, immensely brave and unswervingly loyal, a master tactician and a powerful warrior when he needed to be. Compassionate enough to give sanctuary to a wounded former Decepticon, despite her semi-arachnid nature and his deep-seated fear of spiders (something of which Optimus had learned on Glitch’s first day in his reality, when Miko had seen a spider in the base and the newcomer had stopped Wheeljack from killing it, instead coaxing the “tiny friend” onto her hand as she apparently did “back home”, laughing as it ran all over her arm before she managed to release it outside). Forgiving enough to cover for a former friend who had done nothing but insult and belittle him for centuries. Still young, still making mistakes, but willing to learn from them and to ask for help doing so. Optimus was sure he would make a fine leader of his Cybertron given the chance. (He noted, too, the shift in her choice of words – “your counterpart”, not “my Optimus”. She was starting to consider his universe and Hangar E another home, and Team Prime another family.) “He’d be tearing his helmet fins off by now if something like this had happened on his watch.” She grimaced. “Perhaps literally. Which would at least distract both him and whichever medic happened to be nearest, with a lecture about irresponsibility.”
“I can imagine.” A little too well; Optimus sought to change the subject slightly. “Was… the other… Ratchet ever captured?”
“Once. In the war. Bounty hunter named Lockdown. Nasty piece of work – former Autobot and cyber-ninja, now mostly works for the Decepticons. Takes his victims’ mods as trophies.” She sighed, her already low mood falling still further. “Ratchet wasn’t even his target. Arcee was; she had intel the Autobots needed and the ‘Cons wanted. Ratchet just happened to be there. And he was the one she asked to wipe her memory to protect the intel. She got her wish – much against his will.” Glitch seemed to shake herself mentally. “Ratchet got them both out of there, though. And while it took him four million stellar-cycles and Sari’s technopathy, he brought her memories back, as well.”
“I am glad to hear that.” Although it reminded him of their current situation. “I can only hope that our Ratchet fares as well.”
“I’m sure he will. Some things are constant across the multiverse; Optimi are kind and brave, Bumblebees are fast and loyal, Starscreams can’t shut up and keep trying and failing to kill their Megatrons, Soundwaves have overly high opinions of themselves… Ratchets are clever and resilient. By the time we find him – and we will – I wouldn’t be surprised if he were partway through his own escape.”
“Nor would I,” Optimus agreed. It would probably help that Ultra Magnus and Glitch had, between them, significantly wounded the Decepticons’ chief scientist Shockwave – in fact, the field-tech still had a few traces of his Energon clinging to her shell, as well as some dents the Prime would have to persuade her to have fixed – which would keep both him and their medic Knock Out busy for a while, and thus delay any interrogation of their prisoner. Optimus hastily put that thought from his mind, focusing on the best way to rescue said prisoner as swiftly as possible.
Once he was fully repaired, of course, although that would not take long. While not yet in Ratchet’s league, Glitch was a competent medic, and more like her senior colleague than Optimus had entirely realised before – Ratchet in reverse, perhaps. Beneath the cynical, pessimistic exterior, Optimus knew his Amica cared at least as deeply as the Prime himself did – for his fellow ‘bots, for their humans, and of course for Cybertron. Their aeons-long war had taught him to keep that potential weakness hidden, bottled up until it could no longer be contained, but showed itself in a single outburst – “like the quietest volcano ever,” Rafael had once said. Glitch, conversely, had one of the most open, compassionate sparks Optimus had ever known. She would reach out even to a Decepticon who had violated her mind, purely because he needed someone to do so. Her skill in combat, both verbal and physical, came as quite a surprise to anyone who crossed her. How had Nurse Darby put it, that time the field-tech was scolding Smokescreen for concealing and exacerbating an injury, even as she repaired him? “It’s like being attacked by a swan. You know it’s possible, but you never really see it coming.” (Optimus’ experience with Earth waterfowl was decidedly limited, so he had taken her word for it.)
That skill would surely be of much use very soon. Once the team had located Ratchet, and thus the warship on which he was presumably being held, they would need every advantage they possessed to rescue their friend and put a stop to Megatron’s latest attempt to cyberform Earth. Optimus did not think anyone could prevent Glitch from taking part in that operation if they tried. Although she hid it well, her face a mask of professional calm and her hands perfectly steady, Optimus saw the same deep, simmering, controlled anger in her that he felt himself (and not just because, on returning to base, she had, carefully and deliberately, put a deep dent in one of the handrails of the stairs to Agent Fowler’s office with a reverse roundhouse kick). Being a field medic, she had trained as a protector as well as a healer, and she had demonstrated a level of resistance to Soundwave’s sonic attacks while the Decepticon was their prisoner. She felt that she should have stayed behind to help guard him; that Ratchet’s capture was her fault. Optimus knew that it was not – that, if anything, it was his fault – but saying as much would only cause her to lash out, then feel even more guilty, so he remained silent and allowed everyone else to do their jobs.
“It would stand to reason that Ratchet must possess something the Decepticons want.” Well, I thought that was obvious, Glitch thought, watching Prime, Arcee, Smokescreen, Bulkhead and Ultra Magnus compare notes on the available data – and lack thereof – on Ratchet’s whereabouts. She was perched on her own repair table, allowing Wheeljack – at Prime’s insistence – to take care of the dents in her armour left by a Predacon attack and subsequent collision with a wall. Her saddle had absorbed most of the latter impact, and her self-repair module was equal to a little circuitry damage, but Prime had been right; they all needed to be on top form to get their friend back.
“Well, whatever the ‘Cons are after, Ratch won’t give it up… right?”
“Not willingly.” Glitch qualified Bulkhead’s statement. “But once Shockwave patches in to his processor… I couldn’t keep Knock Out out of mine altogether, and the patch wasn’t designed for ‘bots like me. And Shockwave invented the flipping thing, remember. Even Ratchet won’t stand a chance.”
“Good point,” Wheeljack agreed. He had as much experience of the cortical psychic patch as she did. “You and Magnus sent ol’ tank-brain off leaking pretty badly, which should buy us some time, but we’d still better move fast. I don’t like the thought of Sunshine in ‘Con hands any more than you do.” Sunshine? The engineer-turned-Wrecker still defied full understanding.
“Synthetic Energon,” Ultra Magnus said, apparently out of nowhere. He must have been considering Arcee’s question about why the Decepticons only took Ratchet. “Only he and Glitch have any detailed knowledge of its composition, and as I understand the matter the Decepticons only associate him with it. And there were boxes that could have contained synthetic Energon in Shockwave’s laboratory, were there not?” That last part was directed at Wheeljack, who had destroyed said lab with Magnus’ approval.
“Sure were. Made for one Pit of an explosion.”
“And Shockwave was very interested in the results,” Glitch recalled. She had returned to the area shortly after the incident, to recover Magnus’ signature weapon and what was left of his dominant servo. “Something that looked a lot like cybermatter. Synth-En must be an ingredient. The Decepticons can’t perfect it themselves, so they kidnapped an expert.” As her universe’s Bulkhead had been kidnapped for his space-bridge expertise. Classic ‘Con move.
“This is all very interesting,” Agent Fowler broke in, “but has nobody else noticed that the Decepticons now know exactly where our base is? Their fleet could be on its way as we speak.”
“A valid point,” Prime acknowledged. “Can you organise aerial surveillance to give us advance warning, should they mount an attack?”
“Already done, as best I can. You know what the higher-ups are like – or maybe you don’t, seeing as how you are a higher-up, in more ways than one.”
Prime’s stature notwithstanding, the joke still went right over his head. As ever, he stayed focused on practical matters. “Your own air squadron, even with my help, could not hold back Starscream’s Seeker Armada without risk to human lives. But perhaps we can safeguard this base another way…”
Misdirection, maybe. Glitch thought suddenly of a Decepticon who had hidden in plain sight in Autobot society for centuries, fooling even her. Of a wrongly convicted mech’s desperate attempt at revenge, changing places with the ‘bot who reported him. Of another Optimus infiltrating a group of Decepticon agents. Of another Bulkhead tricking an unscrupulous businessman into admitting that the cars he had based on Bulk’s alt were “gas-guzzling death traps” – on camera. And, of course, of the general stupidity of ‘Cons, and, frankly, most people in one way or another, herself included. “Do we have any paint lying around?”
A few circuit-shredding hours of waiting later, just as the rest of the team remarked on the general lack of ‘Connery and Ultra Magnus started to plan a more proactive strategy, their precautions proved necessary. Starscream’s fleet was coming in fast. Unit E’s Skystrikers were scrambled in response, but only succeeded in holding them back for a short time before a pair of missiles found their target and blew it to scrap.
“Mess hall sure is a mess,” Smokescreen commented as the Autobots watched the hangar’s remains burn. We could do with Optimus – the other one, Glitch thought. Or Heatwave.
“We are fortunate the Decepticons could be fooled by a simple paint job,” Ultra Magnus remarked.
“Hardly anybody looks beyond the obvious,” Glitch added. A sentiment that applied to people as well as to aircraft hangars. Others frequently judged her on her small stature (by Cybertronian standards), her slender build, her museum-piece alt. Or her academic’s accent, old-fashioned customs and formal speech patterns. They didn’t see her planet-sized spark, her sharp mind or even, too often, her medical mods. Even her bronze plating went against the unwritten rule that medics wore red and white. (If a rule weren’t written down, how the helium was a ‘bot supposed to read it?) And the fact that she looked even younger than she was didn’t help when she needed to be taken seriously. Being used to such treatment didn’t make it any less annoying.
Returning to the still-intact Hangar E, Wheeljack took another look at the fragment of Soundwave’s drone Laserbeak that Smokescreen had managed to sever during the Mini-‘Con’s rescue of its master. It turned out to be a piece of transponder – ideal for analysis by Raf and Glitch. Mostly Raf, really; Glitch was used to Autobot and Decepticon systems from her home universe, and Raf was a natural at picking up anything computer-related, even Bumblebee’s audial code. Ratchet had been teaching him Cybertronian computer code, and the decryption process reminded the human painfully of his mentor and friend. Glitch knew just how he felt. She hadn’t seen her mentor in months.
There wasn’t much time to dwell on the subject before Wheeljack came up with another of his crazy ideas. Giving the chunk of ‘Con wings and letting it fly home. Glitch could have kicked herself for not thinking of that. Maybe that was one reason why the Wrecker and the field-tech got on so well, despite one being an explosives expert and the other a part-time chemist who specialised in preventing explosions; they shared a direct but unorthodox approach to life.
“Now there’s something you don’t see every day,” Smokescreen said, referring to Wheeljack collaborating with Raf and Glitch on their homemade drone. As Bulkhead explained that, “being a Wrecker was all about the team,” Glitch shook her head slightly. Wheeljack had been a scientist before he was a soldier, and scientists didn’t work alone. (Well, Shockwave did, but he had gone past “unhinged” and all the way to “flat on the floor”.) She would, however, have been happier about working with him were he not constantly borrowing her tools without asking. (Or, in fairness, realising.)
“A-ba-ba-ba, what d’you think you’re doing?” she demanded, rescuing her sonic screwdriver before Wheeljack could use the wrong setting to try to uncross a few wires. His reply was drowned out by Raf, doing his best Ratchet impression, telling Miko that, “I needed that!”
“Three of ‘em,” Smokescreen sighed. You didn’t know when you were well off, Glitch thought, though she knew he wouldn’t get the reference.
In spite of Miko’s well-meant attempts to help, the drone (named “Chip” by Raf) came together pretty quickly, although only Glitch’s reflexes and magnets kept it away from Agent Fowler and Jack, who were having a private conversation up on the platform by the agent’s office. The remote still had some bugs in it.
Soon afterwards, though, those last few problems had been solved and Chip was ready for launch. Soundwave would have spotted a GPS beacon a hic away, so the team was using a physical tracker – Prime. With good enough cloud cover – usually easy to find on Earth – he should be able to get close to the Decepticon warship before they knew he was there. (Unless someone became curious about the reappearance of Laserbeak’s signal, of course, but they would jump that bridge if they came to it.) After a round of encouraging farewells to Prime (Glitch’s contribution was, “look after yourself”) and once OP himself had complimented Raf on his work, the budding engineer launched his latest creation and the Autobot flier took off after it. Operation: Rescue had begun in earnest.
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pollonegro666 · 2 years
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2022/12/10 Nos encontramos con esta amiga que trabaja de relaciones públicas en una tienda de zapatos y bolsos y se quiso hacer una foto con nosotros.
We ran into this friend who works in public relations at a shoe and bag store and she wanted to take a picture with us.
Google translation into Italian: Abbiamo incontrato questa amica che lavora nelle pubbliche relazioni in un negozio di scarpe e borse e voleva fare una foto con noi.
Google Translation into French: Nous avons rencontré cette amie qui travaille dans les relations publiques dans un magasin de chaussures et de sacs et elle voulait prendre une photo avec nous.
Google Translation into Portuguese: Conhecemos uma amiga que trabalha em RP em uma loja de calçados e bolsas e ela queria tirar uma foto com a gente.
Google Translation into Arabic: التقينا بهذه الصديقة التي تعمل في العلاقات العامة في متجر للأحذية والحقائب وأرادت التقاط صورة معنا.
Google Translation into German: Wir trafen diese Freundin, die in einem Schuh- und Taschengeschäft in der PR arbeitet, und sie wollte ein Foto mit uns machen.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Ne takuam këtë shoqe që punon në PR në një dyqan këpucësh dhe çantash dhe ajo donte të bënte një foto me ne.
Google Translation into Armenian: Մենք հանդիպեցինք այս ընկերուհուն, ով աշխատում է PR-ով կոշիկի և պայուսակների խանութում, և նա ուզում էր նկարվել մեզ հետ:
Google Translation into Bulgarian: С��ещнахме една приятелка, която работи в PR в магазин за обувки и чанти и тя искаше да се снима с нас.
Google Translation into Czech: Potkali jsme kamarádku, která pracuje v PR v obchodě s botami a taškami a chtěla se s námi vyfotit.
Google Translation into Croatian: Sreli smo prijateljicu koja radi u PR-u u trgovini cipela i torbi i htjela se slikati s nama.
Google Translation into Slovak: Stretli sme sa s touto kamarátkou, ktorá pracuje v PR v obchode s topánkami a taškami a chcela sa s nami odfotiť.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Srečali smo to prijateljico, ki dela v PR v trgovini s čevlji in torbami, in želela se je slikati z nami.
Google Translation into Estonian: Kohtusime selle sõbrannaga, kes töötab PR-alal kinga- ja kotipoes ja ta tahtis meiega pilti teha.
Google Translation into Suomi: Tapasimme tämän ystävän, joka työskentelee PR-alalla kenkä- ja laukkuliikkeessä, ja hän halusi ottaa kuvan kanssamme.
Google Translation into Greek: Συναντήσαμε αυτή τη φίλη που εργάζεται σε PR σε ένα κατάστημα παπουτσιών και τσαντών και ήθελε να βγάλει μια φωτογραφία μαζί μας.
Google Translation into Dutch: We ontmoetten een vriendin die in PR werkt in een schoenen- en tassenwinkel en ze wilde met ons op de foto.
Google Translation into Norwegian: Vi møtte denne vennen som jobber med PR i en sko- og veskebutikk, og hun ville ta et bilde med oss.
Google Translation into Polish: Spotkaliśmy koleżankę, która pracuje w PR w sklepie obuwniczym i torebkowym i chciała zrobić sobie z nami zdjęcie.
Google Translation into Romanian: Ne-am întâlnit pe această prietenă care lucrează în PR la un magazin de pantofi și genți și a vrut să facă o poză cu noi.
Google Translation into Russian: Мы встретили эту подругу, которая работает пиарщиком в магазине обуви и сумок, и она хотела с нами сфотографироваться.
Google Translation into Serbian: Упознали смо ову пријатељицу која ради у ПР-у у продавници ципела и торби и хтела је да се слика са нама.
Google Translation into Swedish: Vi träffade den här kompisen som jobbar med PR i en sko- och väskaaffär och hon ville ta en bild med oss.
Google Translation into Turkish: Bir ayakkabı ve çanta mağazasında Halkla İlişkiler'de çalışan bu arkadaşla tanıştık ve bizimle fotoğraf çektirmek istedi.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Ми зустріли цю подругу, яка працює в PR в магазині взуття та сумок, і вона захотіла з нами сфотографуватися.
Google Translation into Bengali: আমরা এই বন্ধুর সাথে দেখা করেছি যিনি একটি জুতা এবং ব্যাগের দোকানে PR কাজ করেন এবং তিনি আমাদের সাথে একটি ছবি তুলতে চেয়েছিলেন।
Google Translation into Chinese: 我们遇到了一位在鞋包店做公关的朋友,她想和我们合影。
Google Translation into Korean: 구두와 가방 가게에서 PR을 하고 있는 친구를 만났는데 같이 사진을 찍자고 했어요.
Google Translation into Hebrew: פגשנו את החברה הזו שעובדת ביח"צ בחנות נעליים ותיקים והיא רצתה להצטלם איתנו.
Google Translation into Hindi: हम इस दोस्त से मिले जो एक जूते और बैग की दुकान पर पीआर में काम करता है और वह हमारे साथ एक तस्वीर लेना चाहती थी।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Kami bertemu teman ini yang bekerja di PR di toko sepatu dan tas dan dia ingin berfoto bersama kami.
Google Translation into Japanese: 靴とバッグの店でPRの仕事をしている友人に会い、一緒に写真を撮りたいと言いました。
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Бут кийим жана сумка дүкөнүндө пиар тармагында иштеген бул досубуз менен таанышып, биз менен сүрөткө түшкүсү келди.
Google Translation into Malay: Kami bertemu rakan ini yang bekerja dalam PR di kedai kasut dan beg dan dia ingin bergambar dengan kami.
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਅਸੀਂ ਇਸ ਦੋਸਤ ਨੂੰ ਮਿਲੇ ਜੋ ਇੱਕ ਜੁੱਤੀ ਅਤੇ ਬੈਗ ਸਟੋਰ ਵਿੱਚ ਪੀਆਰ ਵਿੱਚ ਕੰਮ ਕਰਦਾ ਹੈ ਅਤੇ ਉਹ ਸਾਡੇ ਨਾਲ ਇੱਕ ਤਸਵੀਰ ਲੈਣਾ ਚਾਹੁੰਦਾ ਸੀ।
Google Translation into Pashtun: موږ له دې ملګري سره ولیدل چې په PR کې د بوټانو او کڅوړو پلورنځي کې کار کوي او هغې غوښتل چې زموږ سره عکس واخلي.
Google Translation into Persian: ما با این دوست که در یک فروشگاه کفش و کیف در روابط عمومی کار می کند آشنا شدیم و او می خواست با ما عکس بگیرد.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Nakilala namin ang kaibigang ito na nagtatrabaho sa PR sa isang tindahan ng sapatos at bag at gusto niyang magpa-picture kasama kami.
Google Translation into Thai: เราเจอเพื่อนคนนี้ซึ่งทำงานด้านประชาสัมพันธ์ที่ร้านขายรองเท้าและกระเป๋า และเธอต้องการถ่ายรูปกับเรา
Google Translation into Urdu: ہم نے اس دوست سے ملاقات کی جو جوتوں اور بیگ کی دکان پر PR میں کام کرتی ہے اور وہ ہمارے ساتھ تصویر لینا چاہتی تھی۔
3 notes · View notes
eobdtooluk-blog · 1 month
Lonsdor K518 Pro Update Hyundai Auto IMMO Car Models
Lonsdor K518 Pro/K518 series key programmers updated Hyundai Auto IMMO car models on August 13th, 2024.
Tumblr media
Newly added Hyundai models:
HYUNDAI\Select from type\Smart key\General area\Type 13 (CAN)
HYUNDAI\Select from type\Smart key\USA\Type7 (w/o key slot CAN)
HYUNDAI\Select from type\Immobilizer\Type 10 (CAN)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Accent\1995-1999\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Accent\1995-1999\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Accent\1996-2000\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Accent\1996-2000\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Accent\1999-2001\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Accent\1999-2001\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Accent\2003-2005\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Accent\2003-2005\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Accent\2006\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Accent\2006\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Accent\2011-2017\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Accent\2011-2017\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Accent\2011-2017\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Accent\2018-2021\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Amica\1997-2000\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Amica\1997-2000\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Atos\1998-2003\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Atos\1998-2003\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Atos\2005-2006\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Atos\2005-2006\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Avante\2012-2015\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Azera\2012-2017\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Centennial\2000-2008\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Centennial\2000-2008\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Elantra GT\2013-2017\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Elantra i35\2010-\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Elantra i35\2010-\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Elantra\2001-2003\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Elantra\2001-2003\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Elantra\2001-2006\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Elantra\2001-2006\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Elantra\2004-2006\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Elantra\2004-2006\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Elantra\2012-2016\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Elantra\2019-2020\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Elantra\2020-\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Elantra\2020-\Read PIN code (6A smart key)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Elantra\2020-\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\ELANTRA\2002-2007\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\ELANTRA \2002-2007\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Galloper\1999-2003\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Galloper\1999-2003\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Genesis\2008-2013\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Getz\2003-2005\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Getz\2003-2005\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Getz\2003-2006\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Getz\2003-2006\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Grandeur\1998-2005\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Grandeur\1998-2005\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Grandeur\2012-2017\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Grandeur\2012-2017\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\H-1\2009-\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\i10\2008-2013\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\i10\2008-2013\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\i20\Smart key\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\i20\Smart key\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\i20\Smart key\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\i25\2012-\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\i25\2012-\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\i30\2018-2011\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\i30\2018-2011\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\i30\2018-2011\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\i45\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\i45\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\iX35\2010-2015\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\iX35\2010-2015\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Kona\KONA Electric (OS EV)\2018-2020\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Kona\KONA Electric (OS EV)\2018-2020\Read PIN code (46 smart key)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Kona\KONA Electric (OS EV)\2018-2020\Read PIN code (8A smart key)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Kona\KONA Electric (OS EV)\2018-2020\Read PIN code (47 smart key)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Kona\KONA Electric (OS EV)\2021\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Kona\KONA Electric (OS EV)\2022\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Kona\KONA Electric (OS EV)\2023-\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Kona\KONA ELECTRIC (OSE EV)\2020\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Kona\KONA ELECTRIC (OSE EV)\2020\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Kona\KONA ELECTRIC (OSE EV)\2020\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Kona\KONA ELECTRIC (OSE EV)\2021\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Kona\KONA ELECTRIC (OSE EV)\2022\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Kona\KONA ELECTRIC (OSE EV)\2023-\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Kona\KONA Electric (OSi EV)\2020-2022\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Kona\KONA Electric (OSi EV)\2020-2022\Read PIN code (46 smart key)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Kona\KONA Electric (OSi EV)\2020-2022\Read PIN code (8A smart key)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Kona\KONA Electric (OSi EV)\2020-2022\Read PIN code (47 smart key)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Kona\KONA Electric (OSi EV)\2023-\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Kona\KONA Hybird (OS HEV)\2020\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Kona\KONA Hybird (OS HEV)\2020\Read PIN code (46 smart key)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Kona\KONA Hybird (OS HEV)\2020\Read PIN code (8A smart key)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Kona\KONA Hybird (OS HEV)\2020\Read PIN code (47 smart key)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Kona\KONA Hybird (OS HEV)\2020\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Kona\KONA Hybird (OS HEV)\2020\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Kona\KONA Hybird (OS HEV)\2021-2022\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Kona\KONA Hybird (OS HEV)\2021-2022\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Kona\KONA Hybird (OS HEV)\2021-2022\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Kona\KONA Hybird (OS HEV)\2023-\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Kona\KONA Hybird (OS HEV)\2023-\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Kona\KONA Hybird (OS HEV)\2023-\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Kona\KONA N (OS N)\2022\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Kona\KONA N (OS N)\2023-\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Kona\KONA (OS)\2018-2020\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Kona\KONA (OS)\2018-2020\Read PIN code (46 smart key)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Kona\KONA (OS)\2018-2020\Read PIN code (8A smart key)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Kona\KONA (OS)\2018-2020\Read PIN code (47 smart key)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Kona\KONA (OS)\2018-2020\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Kona\KONA (OS)\2018-2020\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Kona\KONA (OS)\2021-2022\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Kona\KONA (OS)\2021-2022\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Kona\KONA (OS)\2021-2022\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Kona\KONA (OS)\2023-\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Kona\KONA (OS)\2023-\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Kona\KONA (OS)\2023-\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\MATRIX\2002-2006\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\MATRIX\2002-2006\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\PALISADE (LX2)\2018-2019\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\PALISADE (LX2)\2018-2019\Read smart key (4A smart key)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\PALISADE (LX2)\2018-2019\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\PALISADE (LX2)\2018-2019\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\PALISADE (LX2)\2020-2021\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\PALISADE (LX2)\2020-2021\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\PALISADE (LX2)\2020-2021\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\PALISADE (LX2)\2022\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\PALISADE (LX2)\2022\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\PALISADE (LX2)\2022\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\PALISADE (LX2)\2023\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\PALISADE (LX2)\2023\Read smart key (4A smart key)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\PALISADE (LX2)\2023\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\PALISADE (LX2)\2023\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\PALISADE (LX2)\2024-\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\PALISADE (LX2)\2024-\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\PALISADE (LX2)\2024-\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Santafe\2001-2005\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Santafe\2001-2005\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Santafe\2001-2006\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Santafe\2001-2006\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Santafe\2007-2009\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Santafe\2007-2009\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Santafe\2014-2018\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Santafe\2014-2018\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Santafe\2019-2020\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Santamo\1999-2003\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Santamo\1999-2003\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Sonata\1999-2004\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Sonata\1999-2004\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Sonata\2005-2006\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Sonata\2005-2006\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Sonata\2005-2007\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Sonata\2005-2007\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Sonata\2011-2014\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Terracan\2001-2006\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Terracan\2001-2006\Immobilizer\Type 1
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Terracan\2001-2006\Immobilizer\Type 2
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Trajet (XG)\2001-2006\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Trajet (XG)\2001-2006\Immobilizer\Type 1
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Trajet (XG)\2001-2006\Immobilizer\Type 2
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Tucson\2004-2006\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Tucson\2004-2006\Immobilizer\Type 1
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Tucson\2004-2006\Immobilizer\Type 2
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Tucson\2009\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Tucson\2009\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Tucson\2010-2015\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Tucson\2010-2015\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Tucson\2015-2020\Smart key\Type 1
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Tucson\2021-2022\Smart key\Type 2
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Tucson\2021-2022\Read smart key (4A smart key)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Veloster\2011-\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Veloster\2011-\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Veloster\2011-\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\VELOSTER\2011-\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Veracruz\2007\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\Veracruz\2008-2012\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\XG25\1999-2005\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Middle East\XG25\1999-2005\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\Azera\2018-2021\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\Azera\2018-2021\Read smart key (4A smart key)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\Azera\2018-2021\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\CRETA\2020\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\CRETA\2020\Read smart key (4A smart key)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\CRETA\2020\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\Elantra\2012-2016\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\Elantra\2012-2016\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\Elantra\2012-2016\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\Grandeur\2018-2020\Read smart key (4A smart key)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\Grandeur\2018-2021\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\Grandeur\2018-2021\Read smart key (4A smart key)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\Grandeur\2020-2021\Read smart key (4A smart key)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\Grandeur\2020-2021\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\Grandeur\2020\Read smart key (4A smart key)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\Grandeur\2020\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\HB20\2020\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\HB20\2020\Read smart key (4A smart key)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\HB20\2020\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\i10 Grand\2020-2021\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\i10 Grand\2020-2021\Read smart key (4A smart key)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\i10 Grand\2020-2021\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\i10\2020\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\i10\2020\Read smart key (4A smart key)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\i10\2020\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\i30\2008-2010\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\i30\2008-2010\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\i30\2008-2010\Immobilizer\Type 1
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\i30\2008-2010\Immobilizer\Type 2
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\iX25\2020\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\iX25\2020\Read smart key (4A smart key)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\iX25\2020\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\iX35\2014-2017\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\iX35\2014-2017\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\Nexo\2019-2020\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\Nexo\2019-2020\Read smart key (4A smart key)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\Palisade\2020-2021\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\Palisade\2020-2021\Read smart key (4A smart key)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\Palisade\2020\Read smart key (4A smart key)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\Palisade\2020\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\Porter\2006-\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\Porter\2006-\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\Santafe\2014-2018\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\Santafe\2014-2018\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\Santafe\2019-2020\Read smart key (4A smart key)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\Santafe\2019-2020\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\Santafe\2019-2021\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\Sonata\2005-2011\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\Sonata\2005-2011\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\Sonata\2020-2021\Read smart key (4A smart key)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\Sonata\2020-2021\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\Sonata\2020-2022\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\Starex\1997-2007\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\Starex\1997-2007\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\Venue\2019-2020\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\Venue\2019-2020\Read smart key (4A smart key)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Asia\Venue\2019-2020\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\South America\Accent\2018-2022\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\South America\Accent\2018-2022\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\South America\Atos\1997-2003\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\South America\Atos\1997-2003\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\South America\Attitude\2004-2011\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\South America\Attitude\2004-2011\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\South America\Attitude\2004-2011\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\South America\Azera\-2009\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\South America\Azera\-2009\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\South America\Azera\-2009\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\South America\Azera\2010-\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\South America\Azera\2010-\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\South America\Azera\2010-\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\South America\CRETA\2018-2019\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\South America\CRETA\2018-2019\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\South America\Elantra\2012-2016\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\South America\Elantra\2012-2016\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\South America\Genesis\2008-2013\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\South America\Genesis\2008-2013\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\South America\HB20\2012-\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\South America\HB20\2012-\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\South America\HB20\2012-\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\South America\i10 Grand\2014-2019\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\South America\i10 Grand\2014-2019\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\South America\i10 Grand\2014-2019\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\South America\i10 Grand\2020-2021\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\South America\i30\2008-2011\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\South America\i30\2008-2011\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\South America\i30\2008-2011\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\South America\i30\2012-2016\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\South America\i30\2012-2016\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\South America\iX35\2014-2017\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\South America\iX35\2014-2017\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\South America\Santafe\2007-2012\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\South America\Santafe\2007-2012\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\South America\Santafe\2007-2012\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\South America\Santafe\2010-2013\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\South America\Santafe\2010-2013\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\South America\Sonata\2011-2014\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\South America\Sonata\2011-2014\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\South America\Sonata\2014-2019\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\South America\Sonata\2014-2019\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\South America\Tucson\2006-\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\South America\Tucson\2006-\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\South America\Tucson\2021-\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\South America\Veloster\2011-2014\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\South America\Veloster\2011-2014\Read PIN code (46 smart key)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\South America\Veloster\2015-2018\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\South America\Veloster\2015-2018\Read PIN code (46 smart key)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\South America\Veracruz\2007-\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\South America\Veracruz\2007-\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\India\Accent\2001-2006\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\India\Accent\2001-2006\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\India\CRETA\2020\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\India\CRETA\2020\Read smart key (4A smart key)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\India\CRETA\2020\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\India\EON\2010-2019\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\India\EON\2010-2019\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\India\i10\2007-\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\India\i10\2007-\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\India\i20\Smart key\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\India\i20\Smart key\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\India\i20\Smart key\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\India\iX25\2020\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\India\iX25\2020\Read smart key (4A smart key)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\India\iX25\2020\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\India\Santro\2007-2014\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\India\Santro\2007-2014\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\India\Sonata\2000-2005\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\India\Sonata\2000-2005\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\India\Sonata\2009\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\India\Sonata\2009\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\India\Tucson\2004-2006\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\India\Tucson\2004-2006\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\India\Tucson\2005-2009\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\India\Tucson\2005-2009\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\India\Tucson\2005-2009\Immobilizer\Type 1
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\India\Tucson\2005-2009\Immobilizer\Type 2
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\India\Verna\2007-2009\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\India\Verna\2007-2009\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\India\Verna\2010-2017\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\India\Verna\2010-2017\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\India\Verna\2010-2017\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\New Zealand\Genesis\2013-2016\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\New Zealand\Genesis\2016-2019\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\New Zealand\i40\2012-2015\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\New Zealand\KONA\2017-\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\New Zealand\KONA\2017-\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Africa\Accent\2006-2012\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Africa\Accent\2006-2012\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Africa\Accent\2006-2012\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Africa\Accent\2012-2016\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Africa\Accent\2012-2016\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Africa\Accent\2012-2016\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Africa\Atos\2005-2006\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Africa\Atos\2005-2006\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Africa\Elantra\2007-2011\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Africa\Elantra\2007-2011\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Africa\Elantra\2011-2015\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Africa\ELANTRA\2007-2011\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Africa\ELANTRA\2011-2015\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Africa\Getz\2003-2006\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Africa\Getz\2003-2006\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Africa\Getz\2006-2009\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Africa\Getz\2006-2009\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Africa\H-1\2007-2018\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Africa\H-1\2007-2018\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Africa\i10 Grand\2014-\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Africa\i10 Grand\2014-\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Africa\i10 Grand\2014-\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Africa\i10\2010-\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Africa\i10\2010-\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Africa\i10\2010-\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Africa\i10\2015-2019\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Africa\i10\2015-2019\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Africa\i20\2012-2014\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Africa\i20\2012-2014\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Africa\i20\2017-2018\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Africa\i20\2017-2018\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Africa\i20\2022-\Read smart key (4A smart key)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Africa\i20\2022-\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Africa\i30\2008-2011\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Africa\i30\2008-2011\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Africa\i30\2008-2011\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Africa\iX35\2010-2013\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Africa\iX35\2010-2013\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Africa\iX35\2013-2015\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Africa\iX35\2013-2015\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Africa\iX35\2013-2015\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Africa\iX35\2013-2015\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Africa\Sonata\2011-2014\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Africa\Sonata\2011-2014\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Africa\Tiburon\2003-2008\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Africa\Tiburon\2003-2008\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Africa\Tucson\2005-2011\Read PIN code (46 chip)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Africa\Tucson\2005-2011\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Africa\Tucson\2005-2011\Immobilizer
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Africa\Tucson\2015-2018\Smart key
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Africa\Venue\2019-2022\Read smart key (4A smart key)
HYUNDAI\Select from vehicle\Africa\Venue\2019-2022\Remote
HYUNDAI\Select from type\Smart key\China\Type7 (w/o key slot CAN)
Please update your K518 Pro Key Programmer, etc to check the newest car models.
0 notes
mitchbeck · 10 months
0 notes
Witam, Sprzedam bezpośrednio dwupokojowe mieszkanie własnościowe w kamienicy z monitoringiem, z pięknym zamkniętym dziedzińcem, wyłącznie dla mieszkańców (m.in. ogródek, boisko do koszykówki). Budynek zlokalizowany na Starej Ochocie na ulicy Szczęśliwieckiej. Mieszkanie: Niezwykle ciche 36-metrowe mieszkanie, wysokie 270cm, znajduje się na 1 piętrze kameralnej 4-piętrowej, odnowionej kamienicy. Składa się ono z salonu z aneksem kuchennym, sypialni z garderobą, łazienki oraz przedpokoju. Do mieszkania przynależy piwnica. W mieszkaniu przeprowadzany został gruntowny remont: nowa instalacja elektryczna (trójfazowa); nowa instalacja wodno-kanalizacyjną; zamontowane nowe grzejniki; nowy kamienny parapet; na ścianach położone gładzie oraz sztukateria; nowe drzwi wejściowe (Gerda) oraz wewnętrzne (Porta); nowe panele winylowe w jodełkę o najwyższej klasie ścieralności; nowe gresy szkliwione; kompletne wyposażenie łazienki w baterie oraz armaturę; montaż prysznica z odpływem liniowym oraz zabudowy WC Geberit; nowe punkty oświetleniowe spot, kinkiety oraz żyrandole; nowa zabudowa kuchenna na wymiar wraz z pełnym wyposażeniem AGD Amica/Beko/Candy (okap, piekarnik, płyta indukcyjna, zmywarka, pralka, lodówka z trybem No Frost). Mieszkanie wykończone w podwyższonym standardzie jakości. W pełni wyposażone. Niski czynsz ok. 380zł, ogrzewanie miejskie, fundusz remontowy, prąd według zużycia. Mieszkanie posiada pełną własność z założoną księgą wieczystą. Grunty uregulowane. Możliwy zakup na kredyt. Mieszkanie sprzedawane razem z widocznym wyposażeniem, dodatkowo płatnym 20.000zł. Komunikacja: Okolica jest świetnie skomunikowana. Parking samochodowy zlokalizowany pod samym blokiem. Osoby podróżujące za pośrednictwem komunikacji miejskiej mają swobodny dostęp do : linie tramwajowe - ul.Grójecka ok. 600 metrów linie autobusowe (pod samym blokiem) ok. 50m dworzec zachodni 650m Okolica: Cicha i spokojna okolica z dużą ilością drzew zlokalizowaną bardzo blisko samego Centrum Warszawy. W pobliżu szkoły, sklepy spożywcze, Park Zachodni, Park Szczęśliwicki, Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej, Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny, Wydział Matematyki Informatyki i Mechaniki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Hala Kopińska,Hala Banacha, przychodnia, kościół, restauracje. W niedalekiej okolicy CH Blue City oraz CH Reduta. Mieszkanie idealne zarówno dla studenta, pary, jak również inwestycja w najem krótkoterminowy / długoterminowy. Mieszkanie od 01.01.2023 jest wynajmowane za kwotę 3.000zł plus opłaty więc może stanowić też dobrą formę inwestycji. Możliwe przejęcie lokatorów. Oferta bezpośrednio od właściciela - bez pośredników. Agencje nieruchomości proszę o telefon tylko i wyłącznie w przypadku kontaktu z konkretnym klientem. Ze swojej strony nie oferuję żadnego wynagrodzenia dla agencji. Oferta ma charakter informacyjny i nie stanowi oferty handlowej w rozumieniu Kodeksu Cywilnego.
0 notes
alicesfeelings · 2 years
Non ho mai avuto un nonno, così magicamente i nonni delle mie amiche strette diventavano anche i miei. Poco fa, ho ordinato un pensierino al nonno della mia migliore amica che indovinate un po'? È anche mio nonno!!!!!!
W i nonni. 👴🏻❤️
3 notes · View notes
pastelpaperplanes · 3 years
Do yo have any rarepair for bumblebee?
Bulkhead/Bee would be CUTE!!! I’ve seen some sweet fan art of them way back when :’)
Does BlurrBee count as a rare pair? I know they’re kinda well known but hey whatever—I like the push/shove dynamic the COMPETITIVENESS of it >:3 super fun
57 notes · View notes