#w his primary example being that he Let Me talk to other guys but i didnt Let Him talk to other women
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jvzebel-x · 2 years ago
#ive been in kind of a depressive low point for. a sec now lmao.#it swung down after the months of Bad Mania in response to the meds balancing out i think idk.#either way ive been in a weird state of disassociative depression for a couple months now#but i can feel it swinging back as the month goes on&we get closer&closer to autumn lmao.#right about now for a couple different reasons is when my Internal Balance starts to shift yearly in response to the anxiety#that i wasted all the sunshine. 🫠🫠🫠#idk. its putting me in that weird spot where my depressive episode isn't exactly Over yet#but i can already feel that buzzing in my bones going on lmao.#its also bringing up weird thoughts i guess as my brain scrambles for actual reasons to be so anxious#&just like when i wake up in pain that always bleeds over into reasons to be Angry not Anxious bc Angry is easier lmao.#like hypocrisy has been a topic of discussion in my life recently bc of everything back home&if i let my head spiral for too long#ill end up back at the point where my shithead ex told me for 3yrs that i was a hypocrite w double standards#w his primary example being that he Let Me talk to other guys but i didnt Let Him talk to other women#w the one sole example being how after i moved my entire life across an ocean to an entirely foreign place where i had no support but him#i was made extremely uncomfortable when i found out he'd been talking to his ex during the entire process.#so my attitude toward that translated into i guess a weird boundary that i never actually set bc he enjoyed to call me a hypocrite lmao.#its just weird having my thoughts slide from discussions about hypocritical actions involving Lahaina&its handling by the fake state#over to old thoughts about how i just let someone call me a hypocrite to my face for years bc he wanted to w no actual reason lmao.#&this sort of All Over The Board weirdness is really only something that happens in these strange Inbetween times for me.#... pls for the love of everything holy let this fucking be over soon lmao i solve these problems Poorly bc these time periods#wreck my impulse control lmao.
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e-vasong · 4 years ago
Can I ask about your writing process?
Huge fan of your TUA fics here - the way you just GET the characters is incredible - its almost like reading a novel written by the actual show writers!
How do you go about your characterisation and your drafting process? Any tips on nailing the complexities of the characters (specifically five)?
:') This is literally so nice I don't know how to respond, oh my goodness. I wish I had, like, life-altering writing wisdom for you here, but I honestly feel like my entire process is kind of a mess. I'll share it with you anyways, though, just in case you can glean anything helpful from it. I’ll tuck it below a cut, but here it is (ft. some of my specific characterization notes on Five, since you asked :D).
Pre-draft: Concept stage! This can be a variety of things -- sometimes it's a specific scene. For me it's usually a challenge of some sort. I like to take things that I think are unlikely for a character (under what circumstances would [x] character ever become a bad guy? How would [x] character’s secrets get revealed if they never talk willingly about their emotions?) Then I build out from there. I outline sometimes now, but I’ve been winging all my pieces for so long that it’s pretty tough for me. 
Draft one: Throw things at the wall. If I let myself, I will spend way too long agonizing on making every word perfect on the first go around, and I’ll never write anything. So draft one has permission to be as bad as it needs to be: sentence fragments, OOC dialogue/actions, clunky word choice, the whole nine yards. The most important thing is getting the words/scenes on the page.
Draft two: What sticks? Everyone is different -- I find it easier to edit than to write in the first place. So here’s where I look over my work from draft one. Is my sentence structure variable enough? How are their voices? Their actions? Does the narration work with the POV I’m using for the scene? 
Like, okay. I’m working on chapter two of the end of the war right now. Currently, it includes this line:
“How did you even—” Five starts, then shakes himself.  Absolutely not.  He isn’t entertaining this.  “Luther.”
In retrospect, I’m not wild about it. It doesn’t sound in character to me. I’m not pulling out receipts right now or anything, but the more I think about it, the more that I feel certain that Five rarely expresses surprise unless really shocked. Part of this is likely the contrast between him in his siblings (all the stuff about the Apocalypse and time travel is familiar to him and new to them, so the show has a lot of “Five explains [x] to his siblings while they look flabbergasted by him.”)
Anyways, it doesn’t sit right. So maybe, instead:
Five frowns, taken off guard. He could ask, but--quite frankly--he’s starting to think that he doesn’t want to know. He does, however, know what this is a preface to -- Luther is going to meddle. 
“Luther,” Five says it like a warning. Luther either doesn’t hear it or doesn’t care.
Anyways, rinse and repeat step two as much as necessary, and you basically have my entire drafting process.
Characterization, though, I have a more thorough process for!
Fanon and meta is super, super helpful, but I definitely prefer to look at canon first and foremost. I find it easiest to build characterization by asking myself questions about the character! I mean, don’t get me wrong. The first step is just to...get your own read on their personality? And there’s no trick to that. Everyone comes away from watching a show/reading a book with a slightly different interpretation of a character’s personality. But when building off of that to write them, I find questions helpful. They vary from fandom to fandom, but, like, here are some of the questions I’ve asked myself while writing Five.
What motivates them? For Five, this is a super easy one. He literally says it at multiple points throughout the show. He’s motivated by his family. To the point of wanting to save the world because they’re a part of it. Five troops through injury and pain and discomfort, but one reference from Handler about a deal to save his family is enough to coerce Five into 1 - working with her when he doesn’t want to and 2 - taking a job that he doesn’t seem like he wants to take.
How far are they willing to go to get it? For Five, he’s willing to do pretty much anything.
Are there any contradictions in their characterization? This is a weirdly specific question, but! People are inherently contradictory. Sometimes in TV or movies or books, it’s just bad writing. But sometimes it’s because people are complicated. So, in TUA, Five is consistently a big-picture thinker throughout the series. He seems to view his job at the Commission with apathy because he knows that it’s part of maintaining the timeline and necessary for him to get back home and stop the Apocalypse. He plans to kill an innocent person because he believes the butterfly effect of their death could stop the end of the world. He is, in many ways, a utilitarian -- the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. The greater good sometimes requires a lesser evil. Pull the lever in the trolley problem, and kill the one to save the five. Unless that one is one of Five’s siblings. 
For instance, his dialogue with the Handler in season one seems to imply that he is willing to give up fighting the Apocalypse if and only if she can guarantee his siblings’ safety (though this admittedly turns on how honest you think he was being with her -- I think he was honest, but smart enough to know she’d never follow through, but a fair argument can be made either way.) There are a million ways to read this, and the fun of playing with characterization is that you get to experiment with them! I read it as proof that Five is so driven by his desire to save his siblings that he actually places their wellbeing above his own moral compass (whether his moral compass is right or wrong is a whole other debate.)
What are they like at their best vs. at their worst? At his best, Five is strategic, driven, independent, determined, loyal, and protective. At his worst, he’s controlling, suspicious, bloodthirsty, temperamental, and obsessive. Of course, most people don’t just switch between these two extremes, and these traits frequently coexist, interact, and manifest in milder ways.  Five being suspicious usually manifests as him being cautious until he’s confronted with a character (in season two, Lila) that strikes him the wrong way. Him being obsessive is often just a side product of the fact that he is determined, loyal, and protective.  The fact that he can be controlling is connected to how independent he can be -- the same reason that Five tries to keep Diego in the mental hospital, never tells people that he’s injured, and hides things from them is the same reason he’s so quick and effective at getting things done. This is just a handy way of compiling a flaws/virtues list, and I like to look at it in terms of the potential extremes because I think it makes it easier to see how they interact to create the middle ground where the character actually exists.
How do they talk? Arguably the most important question for actually getting their voice, and the easiest way to nail this down is to just...look at the canon dialogue. Does the character use really big words? Do they talk in long gusts or in short, clipped sentences?  Do they use contractions more or do they not shorten things? This is the hardest part of writing Five for me, because my first impulse is to make him talk like an Intellectual (tm) and Very Erudite Adult. Like, I default to that when writing him, and it’s a horrible habit (in my opinion) because...while he does speak that way sometimes (usually when explaining things to his siblings) that’s not actually how he talks most of the time.  (Like, for instance, I tend to default away from Five using contractions in my first drafts of things. He actually uses contractions a lot, and frequently shortens words--”got to” is “gotta” for Five, “because” becomes “‘cause”, etc.) 
Other examples:
Five: Billions of people are about to die tonight. You can change that.
The Handler: Tonight, tomorrow. So little difference in the scheme of things. Don't you remember the Commission's raison d'etre? What's meant to be is meant to be, or, as I like to say, que será, será.
Five: It's bullshit in any language.
I love this exchange so much :D. And it establishes some great things about the way Five talks! He doesn’t dance around the issue or debate her or try and prove her wrong. He just tells her he thinks that that opinion is dumb, obviously.  He’s blunt, straightforward, and honest. (This seems to tie into the thing I was saying about Five and contractions -- he picks the most straightforward way of saying things unless he’s giving a technical explanation.)
Five: Okay, Luther, but be careful. I mean, I've... I've lived a long life, but you're still a young man. You got your whole life ahead of you. Don't waste it.
Five talks like an old man. Not all the time (though there’s a wonderful gif set out there somewhere of Five using old timer slang -- wait, I found it here.) He doesn’t use the old-timey slang all the time -- and I personally like the idea of mixing up Five’s slang habits and including slang from all sorts of eras because he’s a time traveler whose primary source of interaction after four decades alone was other time traveling assassins. But! He also talks in a way where he shows his age. 
Regardless of where you think Five’s psychological age falls (I have my own Opinions on this), he seems to unilaterally view himself as the Big Sibling, and by a very large margin at that. That’s reflected in how he talks. Not always, since not every line of dialogue is relevant to his age. But stuff like this, or related to it, crops up a fair amount. He counsels his siblings on their problems (as when he comforted Diego post-Eudora’s death), and there are little moments like the quote above, where the point is that Five has indeed seen many more years than his siblings and has the perspective to reflect that.
Well, this is way too long now, and it’s really late where I’m at. I feel like the comprehensibility of this post has been steadily declining the whole time, but if other writers have tips that they want to add onto this, please go ahead! 
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fapangel · 4 years ago
>need to make our primary CAS aircraft heavier and slower | So it's doctrinal then. >heavier; fair enough it IS a gigantic cow >slower; It's literally faster than both Apache and Viper and if my memory serves well Operation Mount Hope III was motivated largely by that.
Okay, since I’m awake I can say a little more about this. Rotary wing isn’t really my thing but I have some general thoughts derived from a wider familiarity with (combat) aviation, the physics and the engineering trade-offs that result from it to hazard some guesses. 
Welcome, to Brainlet Theater. You have been warned. 
First off, there is some obvious utility in having attack helicopters with some small passenger capacity, and we know this... because we’ve done it with our own Apaches: 
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Them dudes sitting on the outside of the chopper? They’re secured to the machine with a short purpose-made strap. This is mainly useful for getting a downed crew out of dodge in a hurry, but it’s also been used operationally and offensively; some Royal Marines (the absolute mad lads) rode into a Taliban compound on Apaches to provide a small ground presence while the gunships did most of the blasting. 
So the capability is definitely useful. But, generally speaking, the point of a gunship is to optimize for the guns, not the ship. With that said, however, infantryman are heavy; esp. once you’re done adding body armor, guns, lots of ammo and their packs. Easily 300~ish pounds a man, and you want to lug at least 9 of them in there (the average squad) on one transport, and hopefully more. 
So, intrinsically, a transport chopper has a big strong engine and a lot of lift capacity, which means a passenger transport and an ammo/cargo transport are basically the same aircraft, with the difference being a few lightweight bucket seats most of the time. 
Now keeping this in mind, consider that one thing every attempt at airborne cav has learned is that inserting while people are trying to shoot you down is very goddamned hard. Because of this, it’s always very, very good to bring as many damned guns as you can to shoot back and cover your own approach and the landings of your wingmen. This job is, of course, ideally suited to gunships... but the nature of combat means that the best gun you can possibly have to return fire is one on your own aircraft. Whoever is shooting at you, personally tends to be very obvious to you, and even in the modern era, with the nascent age of Information Warfare upon us, it is still almost always quicker to point your own gun at the guys lighting you up and hose them down than to call the gunships and hope that 1. they see the dudes without you playing 20 questions while you’re getting lit up and 2. have ammo left and 3. aren’t already busy trying to save someone else’s ass. And the more guns all of you bring to shoot back with, the better - simple as. 
This is why the Chinooks that the Special Forces use to insert have a big-ass minigun on each side, and why even the Osprey - which doesn’t really have many good places to put a gun and not much weight allowance to carry one - ended up finally working out an articulated arm to get a machine gun useable from the back ramp, and they’re still working on installing a minigun in a forward firing belly mount for the pilots to use when entering hot landing zones; much like the nose-mounted miniguns found in some LOH’s and Hueys in Vietnam.
In short, between the very strong need for more guns and the extra lift capacity transport choppers require, bolting more guns onto them is something that almost every military ends up doing. And once you have some “defensive” guns on there, it’s not a big stretch to shrug, pull all the troops off, and use that aircraft to build a dedicated gunship out of. Many Hueys in Vietnam were built like this, and in the modern era the Russian MI-8 “Hip” (and the many successor choppers which more or less share an airframe and appearance, but sport vastly upgraded engines) are much the same. The difference between a Hip or Huey transport and a Hip or Huey gunship, in both cases, boils down to - are you using your load capacity for troops, or for guns? The ultimate example of this in practice was the ACH-47A, Chinooks that were modified into very fucking big dedicated gunships. 
However - gunship helicopters like the Cobra and Apache exist for a reason. If one looks at the Cobra, you’ll note how very thin a profile it presents from the front - a stark contrast to the w i d e Huey. Then there’s the seating arrangements, the gimballed, turreted gun, and of course the significant change in flight characteristics, maneuverability, and of course efficient use of armoring. A purpose-built gunship is always going to be better at being a gunship than a transport or general purpose chopper loaded down with ordinance. 
The point of all the above is this: guns are always good. Troop transport capacity is very useful. So gunships tend to either be general purpose/troop transport choppers that evolve into gunships, or gunships that finagle some way to sling a few passengers if need be. 
So - which one do you think the Hind is? 
Well, take a look at an early A model and have you a guess: 
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Compare and contrast this to a civilian MI-8 HIP, the aforementioned ubiquitous general-purpose chopper: 
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Yeah. In point of fact, the MI-24 was based off a fucking MI-8 (if Wikipedia is to be believed.) The Hind stands out, however, because just from what I got skimming the MI-24′s Wikipedia article, it seems that Mikhail Mil, the Hind’s designer, anticipated that the air cav concept would end up mirroring the armored personnel carrier’s experience - to wit, once one is armoring a vehicle to directly insert troops into a fight, one also discovers that firepower is as crucial as armor in keeping the troops alive until they can deploy. Hence he was thinking of a chopper as a “flying infantry fighting vehicle.” In practice this simply means that Mikhail Mil was smart enough to add some stubby wings and hardpoints onto his design to begin with. America’s air cav concept didn’t have nearly as much focus on armed helicopters to begin with - perhaps not unjustifiably, as US forces knew they could count on some very, very thorough fixed wing air support to cover landings. Once they found out just how hard air insert was, they started taking Hueys and packing them with firepower. 
The Wikipedia article says “the early 1960s” so there’s no strict dates involved, but if I had to guess, I’d say Mikhail Mil was going around talking to Soviet brass and pitching his hybrid aircraft - a transport that traded half it’s troop transport capability to carry some boom boom to get them down alive with - at roughly the same time the US Army was packing Hueys full of miniguns to turn them into gunships to cover the troop transports (”slicks.”) Thus, the wisdom of Mil’s tradeoff was immediately apparent. 
Hence my comments on the MI-24 before - given that it was based on a transport chopper, and envisioned as a hybrid platform, you can see how dedicated gunships would have an advantage at being a gunship. 
H o w e v e r - this is not to say that the MI-24 is necessarily bad. 
Let’s take another look at it. 
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Using the cockpits (and thus the pilots) for scale; compare and contrast to a Cobra: 
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And the Apache: 
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You’ll note right away that the Hind is a fucking big helicopter. Empty weight of almost 19,000 pounds to an Apache or Cobra’s 11,000 pounds. This is neither good nor bad; more weight makes your aircraft more ungainly, slower to maneuver and a bigger target, but also gives you more room for guns, missiles, armor and fuel. Wanting more is why the ACH-47 gunship was built, recall. 
Now look at our Hind again: 
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Since it wasn’t just a transport chopper with guns bolted on, but was originally envisioned as a hybrid platform, it has a good, purpose-built seating arrangement for the pilot and gunner, and stubby wings that both provide a place to mount munitions and provide lift in forward flight. The Hind’s excessive size - and the large size of the stub-wings - work together for the Hind; that longcat fuselage and weight will work against it if you want to do helicopter things like drifting sideways and strafing and such, but with those big-ass engines and sizable wings it should handle pretty damn well flying in a forward direction; if you were to handle it more like a fixed-wing aircraft. 
Now note, especially, where the passenger compartment is (with the windows.) If you were to redesign the machine with no passenger room whatsoever - what would you put there? Fuel tanks, perhaps? The passenger accommodations don’t actually cost the Hind that much weight; they’re just empty seats and some empty space. The engines are above that compartment; if you eliminated it it’d just look goofy, like a hollow-bellied Skycrane with nothing (much) taking up the space intended for cargo: 
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To actually utilize that wasted volume you’d have to redesign the entire goddamned chopper to position the engines, fuel tanks, stub wings, etc. To make something skinny and efficient like a Cobra, or a lot shorter and more evenly distributed like an Apache... and at that point, you may as well make the chopper smaller, lighter and more nimble, as well, and make up the difference in munitions by just building a few extra choppers. 
In other words, it seems to me that for a chopper of it’s weight class, the Hind doesn’t actually suffer that much from having passenger capacity. The need for that capacity is what determined its weight class to begin with; but once you move into bigger, heavier choppers like that, engineering and aerodynamics considerations means that even a purpose-built gunship isn’t going to get all the advantages that smaller gunships do, but you’ll still be copping some of the disadvantages of a big chopper. IN general, the more mass you are throwing around, the harder it becomes to start and stop on a dime, and if you’re using the extra power from bigger engines to carry as many munitions as you can, you don’t have that power available to course-correct - at least, until you expend that ammo and fuel. 
Much like a modified MI-8, the Hind always has the option of leaving the troopers at home so it can carry more ammo - hell, sometimes MI-24s use their passenger compartment for door gunners, helping to compensate for the lower maneuverability! Fire arcs to the rear are restricted a bit by the wings and weapon pods, but given that you’d be handling a big, heavy, fast chopper like that more like a plane - making strafing runs instead of trying to play peek-a-boo from behind ridgelines - that’s less of a concern. 
In sum; the defining characteristic of the Hind, to me, is that it’s just a big helicopter; and an integral capacity for more payload is part of a big helicopter’s intrinsic nature, just as limited maneuverability is. And those tradeoffs translate directly to how they do gunship things; bringing more firepower (good) but less maneuverability (bad.) Whether or not that tradeoff is a net benefit or drawback rides heavily on whether or not the operator’s overall force structure and doctrine is suited to take advantage of the platform’s strengths and mitigate its weaknesses. For instance, if you’re a Soviet successor state operating Hinds, you may well purchase some Little Birds; when not being used for Little Bird things, they would very neatly complement your Hinds in combat; being fast, nimble little monsters that can turn and pounce on pop-up threats like Rikki Tikki Tavi on cocaine. 
So America doesn’t have a straight analogue to the MI-24 because, doctrinally, we don’t have a need or desire for a big gunship helicopter... but that doesn’t mean that big gunship helicopters are inherently bad. 
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coastaldragon · 4 years ago
Dragon Diary 1/7/21
So...this is my resolution for the year.
I wanted to start a kin-related diary. I found myself missing how often I used to muse about myself and my experiences here, and have long since felt...detached from myself. Stuck in the loop of going through the motions of “human.”
A week late on my first entry, but so it goes.
These entries will just be flow-of-consciousness blabbles for the most part. I’ll talk about any kin-related thoughts I’ve had that day, how I’ve been feeling, how my otherkinity has affected my day, etc.
I have a lot of catching-up to do with you all, so the first few entries may seem disjointed and a little long. Lets get started. This is long. And a bit negative. But hopefully they won’t all be.
cw for death and drug mention and health talk like needles and stuff
I don’t quite remember why I dropped Tumblr like I did. I think I was getting annoyed at all the UI changes, and just overall very busy with “real life.” These things happen. I slowly drift away from a platform. Sometimes for weeks, months, or years in this case. Then I’ll drift back. Kind of like a scrap of wood on the waves.
In the time I’ve been gone life has been...interesting. The source of the stress that caused me to awaken in the first place is gone. He OD’d in...2014? 2015? Some time around there. My grasp of time is worse than ever.
We hadn’t even known he’d be using anything. Turned out he was stealing my late father’s remaining fentanyl supply. One of those guys who preys on widows like my mother. He lied about everything. His entire past as we knew it was a lie. And he was just leeching off of us.
It was...hard. I was the one who found his body upon getting home from work. My mother is still traumatized, even now. Even after all he did. She did love him.
I think all that hardened me quite a bit. And I’m sad for it. I’m still trying to soften myself again, but my trust has never been shattered like that before or since.
My now health is...poor. I had a great job working at an independent pack-and-mail sort of place for a few years. Very laid back, when the customers were nice. Helped me build a lot of strength and muscle. Quite enjoyed showing off by hefting 50lb boxes onto my shoulders. Helped me feel less weak in this squishy human body of mine.
But about...2 or 3 years ago [again, time is a myth to my brain] I woke up and my shoulders were just.
It felt like someone had stuck paint spanners under my shoulder blades or something. Not only that, but I was weak. I barely had the strength in my arms to lift a half gallon of milk in the morning.
We thought I’d just hurt myself showing off, somehow. So we gave it some time. Took ibuprofen, used pain creams. Took a few days off work.
But it didn’t get better. It got painful. And the moreso. And moreso. And then my back began to have trouble as well. It was spreading. I felt...ill.
So. Doctors. Tests. More bloodwork than I’ve ever had in my entire life. [10 vials at once for one appt!]
My primary, who is a garbage person I never wish to see again, insisted it was just a sprain. Or something. Whatever. But I knew it wasn’t. My mother knew it wasn’t. Everyone I knew knew it wasn’t.
Specialist time! At the behest of my cousin, who has a litany of autoimmune disorders, we hooked up with a rheumatologist. Who I will call Dr.M. 
Dr.M is an angel on Earth. I am convinced of it. A full year he spent with me, ordering tests, trying treatments, working with me to figure out what the hell was going on. And we did. And what a mouthful it is.
Ankylosing spondylitis. No, it’s not a dinosaur. [Though I do think I’m ‘hearted for ankylosaurines...I don’t think it’s related lol!]
You can look it up if you like. But basically: My immune system is fucking crazy and attacks all the things. Most places describe it as being a lower spine disorder, and while that is certainly where its centralized in most folks, that’s not all it is.
For example mine is, obviously, centralized in my shoulders and upper back. But it does aaaaaaaaaaall sorts of crazy shit. Every day is different. Joint pain, exhaustion, GI trouble, stomach upset, lack of appetite, murderous migraines. The usual for an autoimmune illness. But also wacky shit like costochondritis [painful inflammation of the cartilage of the ribs], random organ inflammation like in my kidneys [not fun], lungs [I had a 3-month stint of chronic bronchitis last winter], and even my heart [very not fun.] Sometimes it likes to attack my “integumentary system” aka shit like my skin and hair meaning I’ll have weeks where my hair just. Sheds. Like a damn cat. It gets everywhere and w/ my long-ass quarantine hair it’s so annoying.
This attack dog immune system does mean it’s unlikely for me to catch little bugs like your common colds and stuff, which is appreciated. But it also likes to maul anything else it deems foreign. Like medication! I took Humira shots for a few months and had a “paradoxical reaction” aka it did the literal opposite of what it was meant to, because the injections pissed off my immune system so much it went scorched-earth on whatever it could. Mostly my thighs, since that’s where the injections were. I still get stabbing pain in them and it’s been over a year. [No, I don’t think I can sue Humira over this. Though I have discussed it w/ my Dr.]
This also means that if I do get sick, it’s bad news. Something strong and unique like COVID? Death. Deaaaaaaaaath. Would likely trigger something called a “cytokine storm” aka my immune system nukes everything and my organs die and so do I.
So guess whoooooooo’s been locked up at home for almost a full year now? :’)
I luckily am able to work from home, though it barely pays the bills, and my health has suffered from a lack of being able to Do Stuff I normally would.
As a result I decided to get back in touch with myself.
It started with Second Life, because of course it did. A new dragon avatar came out. Shiny and mesh and easy [by SL standards] to modify. So me and a few friends [some kin, some not] made a group for sharing stuff for the av and just hanging out. It’s fallen by the wayside unfortunately but those nights spent chilling in SL with a bunch of other dragons roaring and goofing off felt really really good.
And then I made a kin Twitter. [And found some exceptionally cool kinfolk in the process.] 
Then came Othercon the virtual otherkin convention and OtherConnect, the Discord spawned from the community that rapidly formed within the con. Othercon felt incredible. Panels and lectures about the history of otherkinity and alterhumanity and how we are today and rep in the media and just so! Much! Cool! Stuff! And tons of great kinfolk too! 
To not only be within a community but seeing others like me and speaking with them, not just typing back at words on a screen. It was...so very, very reaffirming. It felt like a second awakening almost. I wanted to cry for finally, truly not feeling alone.
And now I’m here. Because I need to be. Because something, deep down, is telling me I’m going to be needing myself sometime soon. So I’d better get started.
I hope I don’t drift away on the tide again. I’ve missed this site, worse for wear as it is.
But I’m a bit tired today. A nasty headache lingering from yesterday’s nastier flare up. Accursed cold fronts. I used to enjoy them but not so much these days. Ah well.
I know there wasn’t much kin talk in this first entry, but as I said, we had a lot of catching-up to do!
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jbuffyangel · 6 years ago
Selfless: Arrow 6x23 Review (Life Sentence)
Arrow delivers an emotional, but unsurprising finale. There isn’t much we didn’t see coming, but thankfully Stephen Amell and Paul Blackthorne, in particular, brought their A games and made me feel all the feels.
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And oh yes, you can bet your sweet bippy we’ll be discussing the whole Oliver-didn’t-tell-Felicity-he’s-going-to-prison-for-life situation.
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Let’s dig in…
Arrow Season 6 is similar to Season 4 in the sense there were certain tent points the writers were trying to hit. It resulted in pushing the story a certain direction rather than letting it develop organically. For example, the Olicity break up was easily avoided just like Oliver going to prison is easily avoided.
However, if Olicity breaking up was the only possible outcome then lying was the lesser of storyline evils. We have to suspend logic for prison to become the only possible outcome like we did in Season 4. Does it make great writing? No. It doesn’t, but that’s the way the cookie crumbles with Arrow sometimes.
The primary issue with Season 6 is the Big Bad. Arrow lives and dies with their Big Bad, since 75% of the story is built around stopping this person. Ricardo Diaz is easily Arrow’s worst Big Bad ever. Supposedly, it’s impossible for Oliver to stop Diaz on his own because he’s always two steps ahead and has the city on lock.
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Umm… no. There’s almost nothing in the way Arrow has built or presented Diaz that makes him a viable threat to Oliver or the city. He’s a poor imitation of a gangster who screams a lot. The only reason Diaz is a few steps ahead is because the other characters reacted illogically or stupidly to him. Oliver should have been able to take this guy down long before 6x23. Hell, Diggle should have taken him down in 6x06.
We have to believe Diaz’s is an unstoppable Big Bad, which requires Oliver to ask the FBI for help and make this deal. 
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Unfortunately, this is just not true. If this was Adrian Chase as Prometheus then we can absolutely understand why Oliver would go running to the FBI. 
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Diaz? Not so much.
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The intent of this preface is to acknowledge I see the Grand Canyon sized plot holes. 
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Yes, prison is easily avoided. Yes, Ricardo Diaz is the worst and can easily be taken down without all this extra “help.” Or if “help” is required then get it from someone who doesn’t demand 25 to life.
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No beating around the bush. Let’s dive right in. Oliver has secured everyone immunity (Yeah!!!) and spends the better part of the episode casually dodging Felicity while he goes on a farewell tour with the other characters.  Felicity picks up on it because 1) she’s Felicity and 2) Oliver is ridiculously obvious about it.
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Felicity wants to know what Oliver gave Watson to secure immunity for everyone. Rather than patiently wait for Oliver to fess up like she normally does, Felicity offers a guesses - Oliver agreed to give up the Green Arrow. This guess conveniently gives Oliver the opportunity to lie without really lying. He sidesteps the truth by answering, “Sort of.” 
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Sure, giving up the Green Arrow is all part of life in prison, my forever gumdrop. Anything else you’d like to know? Of course, Oliver should have fessed up immediately. Lies of omission are still lies and we danced this dance all of Season 4 and Season 5 Oliver Jonas Queen! Learn fool!
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Felicity’s reaction to Oliver giving up the hood is something we should make note of.
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Source: @callistawolf​
We can insert this gif for every stupid decision Oliver has ever made.
What irritates me about this scene is an argument snowballs on false pretenses. Oliver doesn’t tell Felicity what they are really fighting about. He is giving up being Green Arrow because HE IS GOING TO PRISON. Oliver no longer believes in becoming his best self because HE IS GOING TO PRISON. Watson isn’t stopping Oliver from being who he is because it was OLIVER’S IDEA TO GO TO PRISON.
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This is like picking a fight over laundry when you are really arguing about money. Stop talking about detergent when you’re really throwing down over the 401k. I’m also having trouble wrapping my head around prison being Oliver’s idea, 
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but of course it was because 1) Oliver is the stupidest to ever stupid and 2) he is that selfless. 
We are led to believe Oliver is just about to tell Felicity the truth, but they are interrupted by Curtis because he insists on annoying me every single episode.
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Watson officially arrests Oliver while he waits in the hospital for news on Quentin with the rest of the team. 
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He explains to everyone (primarily Felicity) he’s sorry he hasn’t explained what’s going on, but there just wasn’t any time. Umm… how about those few minutes you’ve been sitting in a waiting room with your wife, Oliver? Seems to me there was plenty of time to fess up.
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Me: Yup, that’s right. Look away in shame you big, dumb, guilty oak tree!
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Also me: My poor-honorable-yet-misguided-selfless-cupcake-in-perfectly-accentuated-leather-pants.
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Oliver didn’t confess because he didn’t want to confess. Telling Felicity makes it real. Telling Felicity means Oliver has to face everything he has given up. He’s kept it together as he hunted down Diaz and said his goodbyes to Diggle, Quentin, Rene and Dinah. But now it’s just Oliver and Felicity in a room. He has to tell his wife goodbye and Oliver can’t keep it together anymore.
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Felicity is ready. She has a plan and promises Oliver she will break him out of prison with Diggle’s help. Oliver explains he’s being transferred to a supermax. A breakout is impossible.
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Source: oliverfelicitygifs
Felicity argues Oliver kept his identity secret because he wanted a life beyond the Green Arrow. This confession, this agreement, sacrifices that dream. It sacrifices a life he was so close to living. Oliver understands that. 
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He wanted to save the city more. He wanted to protect Felicity and William more. Without them there is no dream. There is no life. He would have nothing. Oliver would sacrifice anything to keep his wife and son safe, including his freedom.
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Source: oliverfelicitygifs
Marc Guggenheim explained in an interview the reason why Oliver did not tell Felicity about the deal he made with Watson is because she would talk him out of it. I agree this is true. I cannot imagine any circumstances in which Felicity Smoak would agree to her husband spending life in prison. Can you? 
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Look at her reaction when she thought Oliver was only giving up the hood. Felicity almost had Oliver convinced then and she didn’t even know what they were really arguing about.
Felicity would have convinced Oliver to forego this lunacy because he doesn’t want to make this sacrifice. Oliver wants to go home, make dinner for his family, play a video game with his son, put William to bed, and then make love to his wife. Oliver doesn’t want to go to prison. He’s holding on by a tether. One slight push in the other direction and his will would break. It’s not difficult for Felicity to change Oliver’s mind because he wants her to change his mind.
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That doesn’t make what Oliver did okay. He absolutely should have discussed his plan with Felicity prior to making a deal with Watson. Felicity would have argued passionately against it and Oliver would have either listened to her (likely) or did it anyway (less likely, but he can be a stubborn mule, so possible). 
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However, my husband doesn’t get a free pass to lie to me simply because he knows I am going to disagree. That’s not how marriage works. This is Felicity’s life too and Oliver made a monumental decision for her rather than with her. I simply understand why Oliver did it. Both things can be true at once.
I suppose my Buffy/Angel history is coloring my opinion. 
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Angel became human once, but chose to become a vampire again by the end of the episode. I’m still mad at him over it and it’s been 20 years.
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Angel sacrificed the one thing he always wanted, a happy and human life with Buffy, to save her life and the lives of other. 
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Unfortunately, Angel didn’t discuss the decision with Buffy beforehand. He made a life altering choice for her rather than with her. Why? Because Angel knew Buffy would change his mind. Where Whedon succeeds is where Guggenheim fails. ANGEL TELLS BUFFY THAT.
“I couldn’t do it if I woke up with you one more morning.” (Angel, “I Will Remember You”)
See? It’s so simple. 
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One line explaining a character’s thinking rather than relying on an interview post airing to explain it. It doesn’t mean Buffy shouldn’t have a say, but it made Angel’s choices a lot clearer. At the very least, Oliver needed to explain why he didn’t discuss prison with her. Oliver needed to say he feared Felicity would change his mind. We needed a line like, “I couldn’t do it if I woke up with you one more morning.” Hell, just plagiarizes it. 
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Despite Stephen’s assertions this was the most emotional scene ever between Oliver and Felicity, I didn’t feel it. 
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Maybe it was the way the scene was shot. Felicity kneeling, rather than sitting across the table and holding Oliver’s hand, felt awkward. Stephen Amell tends to like the scenes where he’s allowed to emote more. The airplane scene in 3x20 is a great example of this. I thought Emily and Stephen’s acting was wonderful, but something took me out of it.  My issue was probably with the dialogue – not with what was said, but what wasn’t.
My frustration with Marc and Wendy’s writing is there’s often things left unsaid. We are so close to the characters saying what needs to be said, but ultimately they fall short. I needed Oliver and Felicity to have their “I Will Remember You” fight, but the scene didn’t even come close. 
Maybe they will pick up this fight/discussion when Arrow premieres in Season 7, but I believe the time for Felicity to voice her anger over Oliver’s decision was in 6x23. Arrow is constantly putting Olicity discussions on hold because of storyline carryover/cliffhanger shenanigans and it gets frustrating. It seems odd for Felicity to say six months later, “Hey remember that time you made a life altering decision for me, went to prison for life, and left me alone to raise our son? That sucked.” But that’s Arrow for you.
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I don’t view this lie in the same lens as the lie about William.
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I know I know, but I have reasons. Samantha gave Oliver an ultimatum and I wouldn’t have much respect for the man if he walked out on his child. 
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However, there was something selfish in Oliver’s lie to Felicity. He was able to spend time with his son and maintain his relationship with his fiancé without dealing with any consequences. The lie allowed Oliver to have his cake and eat it too.
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There is no cake here.  There isn’t even a can of frosting. 
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Source: olivergifs
Oliver is giving up everything and everyone he’s ever loved. The very definition of selfless is putting the needs and wishes of other’s above one’s own. The William lie exposed trust issues, Oliver’s guilt over Robert Queen’s death, his never ending need to self destruct, and a refusal to let Felicity all the way in. I don’t see any of that present now. This is good because it would unravel all the hard work Oliver did in Season 5, particularly 5x20.  
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This isn’t about trust, or being afraid of the darkest parts of himself, or self destruction, or refusing to let Felicity all the way in, or unworthiness. This decision is 100% about falling on the sword and protecting those he loves. Okay, let’s agree it’s 90% about falling on the sword and protecting others. The other 10% is Oliver “Everything Is Always My Fault Even Though It Really Isn’t” Queen. Guilt is absolutely playing a role in Oliver’s decision.
Oliver: I had to look at the way I’ve been doing things. It’s not working. I lost my city. I lost my team. There’s a penance for that. 
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What’s so sad is Oliver truly did nothing wrong. What happened with the city and the team was mostly out of his control. His team abandoned Oliver primarily because they all regressed to a toddler like state and threw a never ending tantrum. Oliver offered apologies long ago that were refused. The newbies, and Diggle, chose to leave and that choice was outside Oliver’s control. 
But Oliver always looks inward rather than place the blame on others. He’s much more comfortable holding himself accountable than he is holding others to the same standard. This is why Oliver is more than a hero. He’s a martyr.
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I do not believe Oliver is hitting another self destruct button on his life like when he slept with Sara and brought her on the Queen’s Gambit or when he lied to Felicity about William. The darker parts of Oliver’s soul are not driving his decision - his light is. Oliver’s protectiveness, self sacrificing, and honor led him here. He’s not running from who he is. Oliver is being the very best version of himself. This is what a hero looks like.
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Source:  arrowdaily
But that doesn’t make it any easier on Felicity. 
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Source: oliverfelicitygifs
I went back and reread some of my 5x20 review and landed on this:
If Felicity gave it time, if she let things continue the way they were, then she’d fall right back into his arms. It’s so easy to love him. It’s so easy to lose herself in him. Felicity couldn’t do that because she didn’t want to wake up twenty years later, with her marriage crumbling around her, because Oliver Queen abandoned her again to another lie or another choice that didn’t include her. Felicity doesn’t want to become a ghost in her own life.
But isn’t that exactly what happened? Didn’t Oliver abandon Felicity to another lie, another choice, that didn’t include her? Didn’t he leave Felicity on an island all over again? 
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Yes, that’s exactly what happened. I expect Felicity will express some anger towards Oliver when Season 7 premieres. She sure as hell is entitled to it.
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However, it won’t be a deal breaker like it was in Season 4. Felicity isn’t walking away this time because she knows exactly what she walked into with this marriage. We already know Felicity’s stance because she told us or, that is, she told William in 6x11.
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This is probably the most important monologue of Season 6. Even though Felicity is talking about Oliver the scene isn’t really about him. This scene is about how Felicity views loving Oliver, marriage, and making peace with the life they’ve chosen. 
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Felicity knows, without equivocation, what it means to be married to a hero. The fear of losing Oliver is what kept Felicity from marrying him. 
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She thought if they could just keep the status quo and not rock the boat then she would never have to face losing him again. And Felicity has discovered there’s many ways to lose Oliver Queen. 
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However, she remembered life is precious. 
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Felicity would rather live knowing everything can be taken from her in an instant, while holding on to Oliver, rather than live life without him.  
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But Felicity recognizes Oliver’s imperfections. 
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He’s made many mistakes that have torn their relationship apart. Oliver swore he would never lie to Felicity again and yet… here we are.
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Felicity predicted this day in her break up with Oliver and Felicity Smoak is never wrong. Back then it was a knowledge Felicity couldn’t live with. It’s the reason she walked. She couldn’t be married to a man who at any point would leave her on an island. She couldn’t be married to a man who would exclude her from decisions. She couldn’t be married to a man who would lie to her.
Or can she?
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The truth is we all have pieces of ourselves that are hardwired a certain way. We all have imperfections that creep up no matter how hard we work on them. Those imperfections rear their ugly heads in our relationships and, for better or worse, we argue again and again over them with our partners.  There is no perfect human being. Love is about dealing with the bad in our partner as much as it is about loving our partner for all the good.
For all of Oliver’s faults, and there are many, what remains hardwired is his protectiveness. Oliver Queen loves deeply and there are no limits to the lengths he will go to protect those he loves. Oliver will make sure that he is the one to fall on the sword because there have been too many times he’s watched loved ones fall before him.
I joked in my 6x22 review it was almost as if Oliver and Felicity were competing over who gets to die for who. This is a competition Oliver will always win. He will lie, cheat, beg, borrow, steal and, yes, even kill to ensure Felicity’s safety. There is no line Oliver won’t cross. 
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Felicity danced with her darkness in Season 5, but she still didn’t come close to Oliver and that’s the way he’s determined to keep it. He will sacrifice his light to save hers. The only thing more unbearable than going to prison is Felicity going to prison. Oliver doesn’t fear his own death, but the deaths of those he loves. This is what will always drive him. There is no changing this. This is simply who Oliver Queen is.
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What happened just before Oliver went to Agent Watson? Felicity almost suffocated from smoke inhalation. Oliver was carrying her lifeless body in his arms. She was prepared to die to stop Diaz and almost did. So, there are no limits to what Oliver had to do to make sure that didn’t happen again. And yes that includes lying.
Does it make lying okay? NO OF COURSE NOT.
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I’m saying this is an imperfection in Oliver. He has a God complex. All heroes do. 
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Felicity told Oliver post coital in 5x20 if she could understand why he lied then maybe she could find her way back to him. Felicity understands why Oliver lied then and she understands why Oliver lied now. 
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He is imperfect, but it comes from a pure place. His choices are not always good, but his intentions are. Oliver Queen is an imperfect heart trying to love perfectly.
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Source: oliverfelicitygifs
Felicity knew there would come a day where Oliver would sacrifice it all for the greater good because that’s what this life requires. That’s what it means to be married to a hero. Oliver Queen is selfless. 
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Source: oliverfelicitygifs
That selflessness means sacrifice for Felicity too. It means there will be times she is alone on an island. Felicity said I do anyway because an imperfect life with Oliver Queen is better than a life without him. Oliver’s selflessness is what Felicity loves most about her husband… and what she hates most.
Derek: I promised that I’d love you –
Meredith: Even when you hate me.
Derek: Even when I hate you. (Grey’s Anatomy, 8x03)
Felicity allows her husband to be who he is. She loves Oliver for who he is and in spite of who he is. She shares this man with the city he’s sworn to protect. Felicity understands Oliver will never entirely belong to her or the life they’ve built together as long as he’s Green Arrow. The mission will always come first.
But Felicity chose this life and Oliver Queen.  She will go into witness protection, with her son, and face this island. She won’t be entirely alone. Felicity will have William and he will have her, but that’s a cold comfort to what lays before her – a life without Oliver.  
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Source: oliverfelicitygifs
This will be a long, dark, lonely and painful journey for Felicity. A journey she wasn’t given a say in. As angry as Felicity will be at Oliver, and she should let him have it, she will also understand why because she would do the same. Felicity would do anything to protect her family and city. Her sacrifices are equally selfless as Oliver’s. It’s why they are a perfect match. They are both heroes.
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Source: gothsmoak and  olivergifs
Quentin Lance, Black Siren and Oliver Queen
Quentin finally dies for his fake daughter due to his overwhelming guilt over his real daughter’s death. A few therapy visits would have helped immensely and would have been far less costly Q, but go off I guess. 
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Arrow failed to write any meaningful storylines post L*urel’s death for Quentin. I had hope when he dated Mama Smoak, but that went nowhere. He was reduced to a prop for Bl*ck S*ren this season and I’d rather see him gone than used like that.
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Arrow keeps flip flopping back and forth between Bl*ck S*ren being Quentin’s daughter to Bl*ck S*ren not being Quentin’s daughter so much I have to take migraine pills. 
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Sadly, the flip flop is all they have with the character. This push/pull with the redemption arc is all Bl*ck S*ren has going for her. If they settle on evil then it renders Quentin’s sacrifice pointless. If they settle on good then the writers are back in their LL writing box and I firmly believe they’d rather eat their young than go back there. 
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So we flip flop. Sometimes Bl*ck S*ren is acknowledged as Quentin’s daughter. Sometimes the other characters go out of their way to point out Bl*ck S*ren is NOT his daughter. Sigh. I just don’t care anymore.
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Let’s be clear that BS is an absolute waste of character space regardless. 
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Source: katie-mcgraths
The entire reason Felicity and William are going into witness protection is because she decided to use her Canary Cry against Diaz for the first time all season and at exactly the wrong moment. 
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Did BS really believe the fall off the roof would kill Diaz? It looked like she pushed him off a waterslide. I guess we can add stupid to the long list of unpleasant characteristics. 
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The only upside of that scene was seeing Oliver’s crazy angry eyes. I’m gonna abuse this gif.
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Source: katie-mcgraths
He wanted to throw her off the building right along with Diaz. Have at it, big boy. God bless.
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Before Quentin runs off to save Evil L*urel, he and Oliver reminisces about how long they’ve known each other and how far their relationship has come. Yup, we get it Arrow. Quentin is going to die. No need to hang a neon sign.
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Quentin not so casually mentions his pacemaker to Oliver (Ha! Remember that 2x23-3x01 plot line that was never spoken of again until now?!), so Felicity is able to track Quentin’s and thereby zero in on Diaz. It’s one of the few times Quentin’s crazy actually made sense and proved useful. Way to out on a high note Captain.
Unfortunately, he’s a moron because he jumps in front of the bullet meant for Evil L*urel. He just stayed put and BS moved a little to the right we would have a mortal wound. A girl can dream.
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Quentin’s willingness to put it all on the line for his fake daughter leads to a very nice goodbye scene with Oliver. 
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Source: @olivergifs​
Both Stephen Amell and Paul Blackthorne brought their A game. Oliver tells Quentin he’s like a father to him and it made me feel all the things. Yup, I was a sobbing mess.
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See? Oliver didn’t need to marry LL for this father/son relationship to develop between these two men. 
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That road began in 1x23 when Felicity defended The Hood to Quentin and he began to see the vigilante in a different light. Oliver and Quentin managed to carve out a relationship that had absolutely nothing to do with L*urel and it’s one of the series best arcs.  
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All Oliver Queen ever wanted was to earn Quentin’s forgiveness and respect. It was a long, difficult and painful road, but they eventually arrived at a place Oliver never dreamed possible. 
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Not only did Quentin forgive and respect Oliver, he loved him like a son. 
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It’s easy to forget Oliver Queen is an orphan. Quentin was Oliver’s foster father in more ways than one. Everything Oliver said to Quentin was true. One of the primary reasons Oliver is a good father to William is because he had Quentin Lance as an example. One of the reasons Oliver is the man he is today is because Quentin Lance was in his life.
So this is goodbye Quentin. 
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I believe it was time to let the character go, but I will miss his snarky yet on point remarks about the ridiculousness of Arrow and his sage wisdom. 
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I’m sorry Arrow didn’t give Paul Blackthorne more to do because he is an acting rock star who had the power to make me cry whenever he felt like it. We’ll miss you Paul, but I am excited to see what he does next.
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Source:  sirenfrost
One thing I am super ticked off about is Sara didn’t get a goodbye scene with her father, ya know, his ACTUAL DAUGHTER.  The real one who is alive and standing in the hallway!!!!!
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What was the point of having Caity Lotz on the show if she didn’t get a scene with Paul Blackthorne? I’m a big Sara/LL fan, but that little chat with BS in the hallway could happen anytime. Rene rated a goodbye scene with Lance, but nope, not his daughter. Honestly, this show makes absolutely no sense sometimes.
John Diggle
Oliver makes up a second Green Arrow suit (I want to know who makes those. I feel like this is an important character we are not meeting) and offers it to Diggle during his farewell tour. Diggle turns it down because their “disagreement was never about the uniform.” 
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This is true. It was about Diggle’s mid life crisis.
Diggle: I really thought I wanted this mantle. It means something. You’ve made it mean something. When our city looks at it – it gives them hope Oliver. It would be diminished if there was more than one.
So now Diggle doesn’t want to be Green Arrow? Or he wants to be Green Arrow if he’s the only one? My head hurts. Can we just move on from this ridiculous storyline? 
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Put on the Spartan suit Diggle and come home. As far as the Green Arrow giving hope to the city – we are talking about the same city prosecuting Oliver right? The sentiment is nice, but Diggle doesn’t exactly have his finger on the pulse on the will of the people.
Oliver became almost everything Diggle ever asked him to be. He was a husband, father, mayor and vigilante all at once. Oliver becoming the best version of himself caused Diggle to spiral. If John is not counseling Oliver on how to beat back his demons then where does that leave him? John Diggle’s mission was Oliver Queen, but the student became the teacher this season and John couldn’t handle it. Diggle lost his way when Oliver found his. He no longer knew what his purpose was. Diggle couldn’t see that even though Oliver may need him differently it doesn’t mean he needs John any less.
Hopefully, Oliver selflessly going to prison for everyone on the team and securing them immunity, will remind Diggle who Oliver Queen is. He is a man worthy of John’s respect, admiration, friendship and love. Prison will present a huge emotional challenge to Oliver and he’ll need Diggle’s guidance more than ever.
However, when Oliver emerges from the darkness of prison and finds his way back to the light of heroism, I hope John emerges from dark as well. Hopefully, John is able to move past his mid life crisis and find a purpose beyond Oliver Queen. Maybe Diggle will realize being Spartan is plenty of purpose. Maybe he’ll discover something new like Felicity did with her company. I want Diggle to find whatever he’s searching for because Oliver Queen casts a long shadow. Oliver’s light should illuminate the man Diggle helped mold rather than blind him. Diggle will see Oliver clearly again when he sees himself clearly again.
The Newbies
Does anyone understand why Oliver is apologizing so much? What in the sweet mother of freaking Moses did he do that requires this much apologizing? 
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Dinah and Rene finally cough up a sort of apology and admit to admiring Oliver, but only after he apologies to them for what feels like the tenth time. Why did it take so long to get here? The simple answer is a 23 episode season and there couldn’t be “peace” until the final episode. But there is very little difference between Oliver’s apology in 6x10 to his apology now.
The newbies acted like entitled, whiny and violent brats for the better part of the season. Suddenly flipping the off switch to their petulant behavior and offering Oliver a couple measly compliments doesn’t get it done for me. 
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There wasn’t even a conversation with Curtis, which can be viewed one of two ways. 1) He’s not a blip on Oliver Queen’s radar screen and the character doesn’t rate a conversation or 2) The writers are blind to Curtis’ abhorrent behavior and think he has nothing to apologize for which is INSANITY.
These people do not deserve Oliver Queen’s selflessness, but he didn’t do it because they deserved it. Oliver did it because the newbies needed protection. It says far more about Oliver’s character than it does theirs.  
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My sincerest hope is they feel an extreme amount of guilt and realize what jackasses they are. Their finger pointing, fits, and fighting all contributed to Oliver ending up in jail. Rene’s betrayal is the primary reason the FBI zeroed in on Oliver in the first place. The newbies have a massive uphill climb to redemption and I remain skeptical the damage done to the characters can be repaired. Time will tell.
Stray Thoughts
Oliver giving up his happy life with Felicity and William, a life without the mask, just sets up his endgame even more (or what I think will be his endgame).
I’m hoping there’s more to this “deal” Oliver made with Watson. Maybe some undercover work like my buddy @callistawolf suggested.
Anatoly’s excuse for missing the raid is Big Belly Burger. That is all kinds of awesome. Never change Anatoly.
Longbow hunters mention! Hello Season 7 villains!
Quentin should list L*urel as “Evil L*urel” in his phone to help him tell the difference BECAUSE THERE IS A FREAKING DIFFERENCE.
“I gotta say they are a lot easier to operate when they aren’t being hacked.” I love this perfect cup of fruit salad.
Rene did make me cry with that goodbye call to his kid.
How stupid are you FBI agent? You don’t stand there and look at the fire as it comes blazing toward you. WE CALLED THESE GUYS FOR HELP? WHY????
“From what Oliver tells me she’s not even your daughter.” Don’t you love how on Oliver’s “I was wrong about everything” tour he sticks to “BS is not L*urel and she is evil.”  Awesomesauce.
“Would you be taking this risk with our L*urel or was this the kind of risk that got her killed in the first place?” Quentin needs to rewatch Season 4 because it was time for LL to go.
Oliver stops Diaz with a few measly punches and IT SHOULD HAVE HAPPENED WEEKS AGO.
The FBI didn’t help very much. Oliver and Felicity figured out a way to get the list of all Diaz’s city officials. Watson brought some man power to the raid on the precinct, which Oliver could have gotten from the many superhero shows he’s launched. Furthermore, I thought the whole point to expanding the team was so that Oliver had help. So, why are these dingbat newbies around if they can’t take down a couple cops?
Sara & BS scene only bolstered my belief that BS belongs on Legends of Tomorrow. 
Disclaimer: Any gifs on the blog are not mine. If you would like a gif removed from my reviews, please message me. 6x23 gifs credited.
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88 notes · View notes
lordvonthunderporkvi · 7 years ago
here we go again
(hey at least it’s only 12 pages this time)
I -clap- AM -clap- NOT -clap- READY -clap- FOR -clap- THIS
It really can’t download fast enough can it
Romeo could you stop being the salt master for one FREAKING MINUTE PLEASE
“Jesse is a perfect example of what we call a ‘bad friend’” no I’m a great friend you on the other hand killed one of your friends and imprisoned the other who’s the bad friend now
Alright buddy do you WANT me to throw you in a dumpster because that’s what you seem to be asking for
See Romeo your problem is that you’re too attached to Jesse and company it’s to the point of being creepy and destructive this is why they don’t “appreciate” your “gifts”
Also because your gifts include a stupid cursed gauntlet that I can’t take off but you know whatever
You will never be Jesse
“The better Jesse” keep telling yourself that Romeo
Oh really
I won���t get to see how much better you’ve made Beacontown
Okay keep telling yourself that Romeo
Wow Jack’s sure had a change of heart
“I don’t want to end up like Fred.  I don’t want Beacontown to be like Xara’s town.”  don’t worry Petra we got this
Binta you bean
Guys do you maybe think just waltzing in like you own the place might be a bad idea even though technically you do own the place
Romeo’s gonna die he X’d out Lukas’s face
I like how the soundtrack is like a dark version of the episode one opening credits soundtrack
Romeo did it ever occur to you that all this lava might be a fire hazard
Oh look it’s me-wait no
Romeo you-
I’m gonna kill Romeo
He is threatening to destroy Redstonia and Boomtown nice Romeo way to be subtle
I am going to kill you Romeo
I am going to kill you s l o w l y a n d p a i n f u l l y
Lluna no
I don’t think Jesse has ever said “eh” in her life way to be subtle Romeo
Stop talking so FREAKING LOUDLY
Axel no offense but you two aren’t exactly the brightest sometimes I think the others will have no problem telling that’s not me
A “pretty good Jesse impression”
Because I would totally put posters of myself up all around town, completely change basically everything about the town into a lava-and-fire version, and destroy Champion City to PROVE -clap- A -clap- POINT
That’s totally something I would do
Petra what’s wrong
“Stella sucks even when she’s on our side” nice to know that you haven’t changed at all Petra
I’m sorry this is a sad moment I’ll try to be more sad
Oh what, you mean #potato451?
Careful Jesse he could be listening you never know
Alright I have a feeling this lever will advance the plot so I’m not gonna pull it yet
That he is Axel
“He’s just been...missing.” LUKAS
Jack named the parrot Archie
I bet he’s Nurm’s and Nurm made Jack keep him
-when- we defeat Romeo, Binta.  Not -if-
Okay shut me down Jesse “don’t think we’re going to be able to read our way to the tower” geez
Good idea Petra
Okay I think that’s everything
Pull the lever Kronk- er, Jesse
“By the tides” Vos and Jack use the same expressions
Whaaaat was that
Petra just sliding in to save the day
“Jesse, I’m a ninja.  Where else would I be?” perfect
Could this episode get any better wow
This game is great nice throwback to episode one
Did Ivor’s text color change
I like how he tried to be cool and say his names and stuff and then just gave up 10/10
Frankly I’m surprised he fell for your deception hook line and sink he should be smarter than that
How thought it’s embedded in the bedrock
Romeo have some common sense don’t just talk about the primary terminal when it is the only thing that can defeat you
I mean don’t stop being stupid because it’s helping me a lot but man you’re almost painfully stupid
Axel he killed one of his friends and imprisoned the other and still thinks THEY’RE “bad friends” no we can’t just reason with him
“Jesse taught me to keep the explosions in boomtown” good job Jesse
“I’m formulating a plan”-Jesse wow this episode is just a treasure trove of great lines isn’t it
Romeo why are you like this
Help us Stella
Montage we got a montage-
“Are you sure I can’t just blow up the stage?  That would be distracting.”  for the love of notch Axel no you can’t just blow up the stage I thought Jesse taught you to keep the explosions in boomtown
“Then we wait for the big fireworks finale!”  “the...what?”  “It’s Romeo. I promise you there will be a huge fireworks finale.”  22/10
This planning montage is actually the best thing that has ever or will ever happen in this game
Petra was just surfing Jack up a waterfall what a time to be alive
“Explosions, excitement, explosions...I love it!”  keep going Axel honey you’re doing great
Stella will help us are you kidding me she knew that “Jesse” was the Admin before literally anybody else in the town
“I could follow her to them and then we wouldn’t have to talk!” me at every social event ever
“Great. Can I say how much I don’t like this plan?” Petra hush this is a great plan
Woohoo I’ve got my overalls back
She’s almost fooling me I think we’re okay
“One serving of Admin, coming up.”  Jesse that’s just weird
There’s a golem over there careful Jesse they might be equipped to know exactly where the Admin is and if they’re equipped to know exactly where the Admin is then they’ll know that you’re not the Admin
Oh look a piston contraption I’m gonna step on it
It’s Ivor from the very first episode all over again
“Your greatness” no
I’ve got golems at my disposal nice
that ‘s not Stella
The statue is following her wow
Oh no
It’s Nell get it right Romeo
There’s Stella
Romeo is so thick sometimes I swear like he hasn’t once thought “hey maybe my city is being infiltrated by the real Jesse”
Wait nevermind he thinks the real Jesse’s dead
This is great watching Jesse try to be Romeo trying to be Jesse might just be the purest thing on this world
You just found out now that I’m back because I just got back like less than- I would say 2 hours ago but Minecraft time is different sooooo
See Petra I told you we’d be fine
“I happen to be an excellent actor.  I shall get into character.”  you do that Stella
Way to be subtle guys
No Binta that’s an awful idea
“I’m glad that we as a town could come together to celebrate-- of course it was mandatory but I sense that you wanted to come anyway.”  that is such a Romeo thing to say
Shut up Jack
“That’s like planning a birthday party without...well...without any fireworks!” such a tragedy
We MAKE fireworks that’s what we’re supposed to do Petra
Lukas’s book!
Stop talking so loudly he is going to hear you
“Only then you will scatter the shadows and reveal your goal”  that was weirdly deep Jack
She is a lot freaking stronger than I thought she was wow
Oh no
How can one person be so clumsy
Actually my real question is why did they let Jesse do the stuff a clumsy person could mess up easily Petra could’ve done the elytra-ing and we still would’ve been fine
Pick up the waterfall someone is going to see it
Are those withers
Who was that
Oh hey Nell
Does he still think the Admin is the real Jesse
Darling you’re right the Jesse you know wouldn’t do any of that stuff the Jesse out there is a fake
Dear notch don’t say it out loud he could be listening
That’s right only room for one crazed egomaniac
I like how Stampy has an army of parrots resting on his shoulders
Come onnnn
Your office in MY town
I told you to pick up the waterfalllllll
“Smug, arrogant, insignificant” wow I didn’t know the Admin was describing himself
Romeo’s impressions of the citizens are pure gold 10/10
are you KIDDING ME
WHY -clap- ARE -clap- YOU -clap- LIKE -clap- THIS
Yes because FJORDS are the biggest thing here
Agreed Lukas such a jerk
Hey by the way where’s Xara
Where is my wife I want my wife back
Well yeah Jesse we look around with our eyes what else would we look around with
Romeo doesn’t have any friends
Don’t fall off
Unlike season 1 episode 5, that is actually the Void and it doesn’t have any land beneath it
“Enter your password to begin a new program.” what
I bet that the chest is a creative inventory
How about the normal potato it isn’t “#poisonedpotato451”
Just try both of them it’s not hard to figure out
What is this freaking grid for
I bet it’s that symbol from episode 1 that like nobody talked about ever
No it isn’t
OH i get it
I think it was probably a bad thud
Okay so that post I made about the golden gauntlet was sort of incorrect  Romeo didn’t make it
Romeo’s been human before?
Just GREAT there are COLOSSI NOW
Was that a freaking hand pun
Vos except not Vos
This gauntlet is awesome okay
Cool an Admin-color-palette snowman Admin
No I’m not happy to see you you are the Admin not Petra
We’re back at the cabin
..does he not want to be home?
It’s breaking we have to go we have to go we have to go
ohhhhh my goshhhhhhh
Nope darling you’re coming with me
Even Radar acknowledges his lack of shirt wow
Ivor’s ninja clothes were his pajamas
Of course I’ll take care of Lluna
Hey look we’ve got season 1 pre-armor Petra
What are you talking about Jack
Oh they’re just going on an adventure okay
Group hug
No Axel we’ll be together again
Axel is me saying goodbyes
Sorry Petra I have to stay
I’ll see you again okay?
My wish came true
Woohoo yeah let’s have lunch with the followers of Soren
WP stands for White Pumpkin wow Cassie’s back “Look out” don’t worry your little behind Cassie I’m looking out
It’s the opening credits theme again!
I’m crying this is incredible
I really have no words
Thank you Telltale for such an amazing journey
85 notes · View notes
stone-man-warrior · 4 years ago
February 15, 2021: 10:51 am:
“Lumbard Street”
This one of the reasons why Bill Cosby, a very funny fellow, was taken down by SAG. This bit, and many of his other performances were about real terrorism, so, they gave him the same kind of treatment that they did to Ozzy Osbourne, a little more harshly ... but do we really know that Bill Cosby is alive? Do we really know that he went to jail? Do we really know that Ozzy Osbourne is alive? Did SAG beat the living daylight out of Bill Cosby the same way they did to Ozzy Osbourne? Or, did they do it differently when the (they) beat up Bill Cosby?
What about OJ Simpson? Did they get a bigger, badder, whiter, more righteous holier-than-thou terror bastard from the football game to beat him up?
Listen to the comedy, see the truth. That stop sign at the top of the hill is no joke ,,, “Hey look Martha, we caught somebody” is as real as it gets, is a trap waiting to happen, and is one example of places you already know about. The terror calls it “Dead Man‘s Curve”, there is at least one in every town, a dangerous place where with just a little added distraction or obstacle, turns a dangerous condition into a death trap, one that can get cleared away in a few moments, as if it was never there.
Here, basically what is being said is: “Hey Martha, let’s get somebody at Dead Man‘s Curve”.
Boris is expecting some traffic, particular specific people, who are scheduled and en-route to be passing through a Dead Man‘s Curve sort of Stop Sign at the top of a hill, a place where a Clutch, becomes the Cargo in the Oxcart.
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This is by far the very best version of Bydio, the Oxcart, by Modest Mussorgsky, a Russian Composer of Classical Music.
But there is no place called Russia, so, what is this really?
11:24 pm:
If it’s presented on Twitter, it’s a terror command, update, informational bit, could be a detour, distraction, bait, or just plain old fashioned murder hit order, so, let’s talk about this particular terror mass murder where the murder turns into bait later on, like a hot chick turns into a ham sandwich at midnight.
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nursing home terror:
This knowledge I have comes from experience of having been engaged to a nurse who worked at such nursing homes in around 2002 in Oregon. It includes that the nurse I was engaged to, later married a FBI officer by the name of Rabner, who was stationed at the Veterans Administration Domiciliary on Hwy 62 in Medford at the time she met him.
So with those things in mind, I witnessed these kinds of events take place at a Grants Pass Oregon area nursing home, where elderly people are cared for, have a room to stay in, have nurses for their health care, and people who cook their meals for them.
The nursing homes have built in pharmacies.
Those pharmacies turned the nursing homes into mass murder centers, where SAG Musicians showed up, killed all of the old people, raided the pharmacies, then handed the keys to the nursing homes over to the Canadian terror army, so that the grand parents of the terror army could come from Canada, to live in the nursing homes, and use the names of the murdered US Citizens that were killed by the Rock Stars from SAG.
The old people are voters.
The new replacement ones vote the way the (they) are told to vote by SAG Leadership at Nancy Sinatra HQ.
When the killing happened at the place on Evelyn Ave. and 7th St in Grants Pass, I happened to be there, my girlfriend had called, asked me to go there, she was a nurse there. When I got there, all of the nurses had been told to go to a different building on 6th St for some kind of OSHA Safety Meeting or some other bullshit. While the nurses were out of the rest home main living area, that is when the SAG Rock Stars came in, went into each room, one by one, and killed the old people in their beds, most were smothered with a pillow.
I tried to help them, I did not understand that all of the people were being killed, I only thought this one old guy was being killed, so, I killed the one that was killing the old guy in the bed, he was suffocating the old guy in the bed, holding him down with a pillow over his head. I took the pillow and told the old guy I was there to help, he was scared, I pretended to continue to smother him with the pillow, and another Rock Star came in to see where his dead friend had gone to, so I killed that asshole too.
I left that room to see that a bunch of Rock Stars were all in the pharmacy area, and the pill bottles were being stolen, stuff  being tossed all around, they were huddled in the main hallway reading the labels on the pill bottles, and that is when I left the building to find my girlfriend at the place on 6th St., but I could not find her, so I went home. She came home later, and did not seem to know what had happened. It was so long ago that I don’t recall what we talked about after that, but she continued to work as a nurse at that place on Evelyn Ave.
Later, someone asked me to go to another rest home nursing facility on Highland I think, nearby north Middle School in Grants Pass.
I went there, it was night time, in the lobby was a heap of dead people. About fifteen people in a big pile. Some were not quite dead yet. I could not do anything to help, I talked to someone there long enough to see that I needed to get out of there. I remember calling 911 from the parking lot.
So, the conclusion to that is not a conclusion, but is a perpetuation, where once all of the nursing home residents were killed, then replaced with family of the Canadian terror army, those places serve as take-out murder centers where visitors and professionals who went there, were killed and replaced with more Canadian terror soldiers.
The terror army began to grow in size exponentially at that time, in around 2001 - 2004 and by 2006, pretty much all of the US Citizens in Oregon were all killed and replaced with terror soldiers, all arranged to happen by leadership at SAG.
The story about the care homes is the same story of what happened at the elementary, middle, and high schools, where all of the students were brutally murdered, then replaced with the children of the Canadian terror army. Fourth graders were pushed off of the cliff at Table Rock in Eagle Point Oregon on a field trip when men carrying sheets of plywood went to the top where the children were, and used the plywood like a bulldozer to push all of the fourth graders over the cliff.
There were three bus loads of fourth graders that day, only two students on the return trip to school. I am pretty sure that one of those survivors is a gal by the name of Bailey, who works at Fred Meyer Pharmacy now, is about 30 years old, and was the daughter of one of the men who pushed all of those kids over the cliff.
Bailey is white, female, is very big girl, about 280 pounds, about 5′ 4″, has dark hair, is very unpleasant to deal with at the Fred Meyer pharmacy counter, and she has worked there for a long time. Could be Bailey Gasper, of 325 Jackpine, but I am not very confidant of that. She knows Gasper’s though for sure, and Dewey Gasper was one of the meanest, most aggressive people I have ever known of.
So, no conclusion. The terror army is still killing the babies. I suspect the conditions in new york are the same as the ones in Oregon... dead babies over the cliff, and heaps of old people dying in the lobby at the nursing homes.
Important: You cannot simply go stumbling into the Fred Meyer store asking questions and expect to come out of there alive, it won‘t work. There are fifty thousand terror soldiers on call, all connected with blu-tooth tech on iPhones, who’s primary function is to protect the terror stronghold in Grants Pass. They can swarm, make road blocks with a traffic “Cluster Fuck” and make people disappear in the day time without anyone seeing what happened.
12:13 pm:
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This asshole above, Blinken at State Department, says:
“I have orders from Trudeau. California Highway Patrol (chips) are to protect Canadian interests where a multi-state raid is happening against SDA terror soldiers.”
Translate terror-speak to English:
“The arrest of people for diplomatic gain must stop now”
After translation:
“The rest of our terror army is called to perform underhanded assistance to aid CHP in stopping the raid.”
It’s a loose translation, is like Mandarin Chinese to English, it does not happen exactly the way it was said in the original language, but you can get the gist of what was said.
12:50 pm:
This comes up at Twitter, as an advertisement in association to a Twitter Trend of Olivia Wild.
Ok, I am sure that most Twitter users are familiar with the Okta family of brands and services, and are a staple in every household in USA.
What can be said about Okta?
They advise riskless activity is the main message there.
There seems to be a Twitter base of a remote workforce who benefits most from the Okta family of brands, I know my Okta is very important to me, and yours should be important to you too, so I implore all Remote Twitter Workforce Members to heed the call to assess risk, be less risky in every way, use caution, wear yellow in remembrance of Presidents Day to celebrate the achievements of Okta member George W. Bush who gave us the Traffic Lights of Terror, and today, with COVID being what it is, everyday is code Yellow, for Caution!
Today, Okta recommends those who have alternate identifications, to use those, and switch houses, and cars with your fellow Remote Workforce Members, go outside, water your gardens, do light maintenance in the neighborhood, while enjoying the hospitality provided by your fellow Twitter Remote Workforce Households, look around, see who comes and goes in the neighborhood, then, share what you learn, here on Twitter, wherever you see the familiar Okta Logo, where safety and comfort is at your neighbors house, for low risk exposure.
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It means the Twitter leadership at Google/Vatican Choir High Command says to switch houses, to use a different fellow terror cell members home, and car. That way it makes a lot of confusion, while not doing anything illegal. The terror army assumes possession of a different soldiers home, stays there for awhile. Doing so makes a situation where identifying reports made at an earlier time, about who lives at a particular place, or works at a particular place, or drives a particular car, are all discounted as not accurate, false, otherwise wrong.
Someone reports a lot of terrorism, when the investigative people show up, none of the report is the way it was written, the wrong descriptions of people, wrong cars, wrong everything. because the terror army is all an army, there homes are barracks, one barrack is the same as the other one, all of the household items are the same in each house, and are stored in the same places in the house, or nearly the same, enough sameness that any terror soldier can occupy any residence, and look as though they have been there for many years, because they know where everything is at, as they trained to do in event or investigations.
Okta, means “Perpetuation of Status Quo With a Difference”, it’s a number 8, but is an infinity sign turned sideways, Okta.
1:35 pm:
This from the office of the President:
He wants you to remember Presidents today, so, you might think about W. Bush, the ultimate terror hero of all time.
The Tweet is in support of the Okta message.
Translate Presidential terror speak to English:
“... the work ahead of us ...”
“The work (ahead o) fus”
“The workforce” however... “A head between the workforce”
Between = Betwixt
In the next little while, I expect some kind of “Bugs Bunny meats Tabatha” or “Esmerelda Meets Dr. Bombay” terror comm from White House.
There is established SAG Emergency terror code: “Dr. Bombay, Dr. Bombay, Emergency, come right away”
For real. It gets turned into some other statement that can be translated out, to that statement, to say an emergency threatens SAG Leadership.
Biden says there is something between the twitter terror “workforce”. That means “division“, and they are not accustomed to being divided, they are usually the divisors, not the divided.
We’ll have to wait and see where this goes later on.
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1:59 pm:
This came out of the blue just now:
I don‘t recall having seen any set up introductory work that led to that presidential terror comm below:
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What is really going on, Joe?
We need to know.
It’s important, so, fess up.
I say that website is a place where terror operatives can be issued a new ID based on the name of a murdered US Citizen, taken from the archives at Social Security Administration.
Reminder: The entire reason that the democrats invented Part-D Medicare, was as a means to aid the murder of US Citizen Medicare beneficiaries. It’s  composed of highly complex arrangements, includes all of the participating insurers, the Part-D Medicare arrangement was also used as a means by and through which the insurance companies were hijacked and taken control of by the terror army, Hollywood specific terror cells, and now all of the insurers are extensions of The Hartford, AARP insurance brands, and AARP is another way of saying Democrat Political Party.
Anyone who has survived as a beneficiary, since the time that Part-D has existed, can say many details about terror, and they have information that they don‘t know they have. There are many small details beneficiaries have been subject to, ones that are simply part of Part-D, but are details of a terrorist system of mass murder.
One interesting feature of Part-D terror, is that there are no choices. If you are a Medicare recipient, then, you are bound to Part-D insurance from a third party insurer of a Medicare insurance arrangement.
Think about that.
Those who do not pay the Part-D premium, are subject to substantial monetary  penalty when they become hospitalized. Once in a hospital, if a Medicare beneficiary has failed to sign up to a Part-D insurance plan, one will be selected for the hospitalized patient, and a penalty that is based on the number of months that a person did not sign up to a Part-D plan. For Medicare patients who do not require regular monthly prescriptions, they still must pay the monthly premium after selecting a Part-D plan. That means every single Medicare Beneficiary is subject to the kill & replace terror that comes with signing up to a Part-D plan.
Joe Biden might be saying a warning to Hollywood about potential problems they could face at SAG Sinatra HQ due to Part-D wardrobe malfunction.
Other details about Part-D include that all of the beneficiaries of Part-D medicare were granted free “deductible” amount during the Trump years. What I mean to say here, is that although the beneficiaries were supposed to pay a deductible amount, typically about $400, that amount was covered by the White House with some kind of high tech money moving magic. I was supposed to pay deductible amounts during those years, I expected to pay a deductible amount, however, at the pharmacy, the deductible amount was paid by others, and did not show up in any of the record keeping done by the insurance company, or at the pharmacy, so, money moving magic on a grand scale was used for assisting many millions of terror soldiers with obtaining medications. Those medications were mostly transferred to SAGClubMed, a system where Actors, Musicians, Clowns, and Magicians have a vast “pool” of medications to choose from for getting high with the prescriptions that belong to the elderly and disabled people they all killed.
SAG: “We take pills from old folks we kill“
SAG: “We get high while the old people die”
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2:51 pm:
I am tired of doing all of the hard work without any help. So, just the result of the read is all I am going to do.
Everyone at US national security thinks they know everything there is to know about terrorism in USA, they know so much that we are in the state we are in because of them.
Fucking amateurs, every one of them.
This below says that CVS Pharmacy at Safeway stores has been killing and replacing US Citizens in Oregon for decades.
It goes on to say that there is “High Gain on the Clean Channel, where the headroom caved in on itself on Marshall Plexi”
Amp Guru at Kauai Ranch HQ, Ann Wilson and Roger Waters are in some trouble, is a deduction that can be made from Twitter news story, where the Twitter news is used to get a head start over US national security who are doing the investigations, and can’t figure out why so many of their people get killed.
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3:13 pm:
Follow where this bullshit story about Land Rover and Jaguar going electric, and follow the other branches of the same bullshit, where the Jaguar/Land Rover electric motors morph into Honda motors on F-1 Race Cars. The twitter feed is filling up with this line of bullshit as a shell language about British Petroleum (BP), Guantanamo Bay BRITISH SECRET SUBMARINE BASE, and assisted attempts by US government in league with Britain to take over Exxon/Mobil.
It’s about that oil leak that happened in the Gulf of Mexico, when a secret British submarine deployed from a fake US navy base on Cuba, was used to undermine Exxon/Mobil, in favor of HMS Oil at BP and Aramco.
The Aramco Oil, is British, not Saudi.
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Think about convenience for a moment. You are big British Oil, HMS BP. You are bent and determined to take over the world, and everyone, and everything on it. You need big ammunition, and you need the very best, most convincing bullshit stories to tell. You need to look innocent all of the time, you need to play victim while you kill everyone, and take everything there is to take, so, Aramco is the ticket you need. You build out Aramco, so that when you sabotage Exxon you also sabotage your own Aramco, everyone thinks it’s Saudi, they see that Saudi and Exxon oil is both being targeted, and Iran is blamed. The Aramco is sabotaged in a controlled environment, a handy arrangement prepared with some affordably calculated sacrificial structures. That lures investigative professionals of the oil industry there, to Aramco, to make assessments of damage at a giant size fire, where those oil industry engineers are taken captive, so that the fake ones can say the Iran did the sabotage at the Aramco fire, and in secretly a HMS Battleship disguised as a oil company. All of that takes attention away from Exxon/Mobil, and focus of all of the oil industry shifts to Aramco, where a set of bullshit events took place as bait, all set up by number I O Downing Street and SIS MI-6 GCHQ and SAG Writers Guild, to help to take over all of the oil production all over the planet.
There is more complication to consider. You have to consider that blaming Iran is another controlled environment where victims are lured to when they investigate Iran involvement in anything they are said to have done, same goes for Syria, it’s a controlled environment where US State Department runs the show at those places. They do Iran terror rental service there, under State Department guidance where you go talk to Mike Pompeo, tell him what you need done, arrangements are made so that everyone involved in the rental of terror services around Iran all make a lot of money, gain power is mostly what they want, and any kind of resistance to real terror is drawn into the mix for take out and replacement. So, when Iran becomes the offensive, that means US State is the offender.
We have to take Twitter offline right now.
We have to remove number l O from Downing Street.
We have to do major remodel at Vauxhall Bridge, and we have to take Google into custody to make it work correctly and safely.
We have to remove the Vatican from Italy.
We have to round up all of the SAG Card holders, and take them to Easter Island, and drop them off there.
That will be a good start to restoring freedom all over the world.
none of that can happen without first making a safe perimeter around Portugal and Spain, all of the shore line there needs to be controlled by Global security forces who are opposed to captivity and slavery.
4:11 pm:
I am trying to figure out the logic used to argue that Twitter stays active during global crisis of warfare commanded from within Twitter, and have been trying to figure that out for many years.
Is Twitter so powerful that their servers cannot be destroyed, or at least turned off? Power cut? I’ll pay for the wire cutters.
I don‘t think that is the problem.
I think the problem is about failure to see the size and scope of the threat to the people of the world that is presented on Twitter.
If there is logic to allowing Twitter to keep on Tweeting, by now, it has to be one of a sting sort of approach, one that can never work, because the Pope has 18 million followers is the reason it won‘t ever work to do sting from within Twitter. The terror army knows who everyone is, they can smell if an account is a bot, is a one of their own, or is a public safety person stumbling around in dark places that are all lit up with pretty colors for them to see with.
The terror on twitter can and does call to service many thousands of theme park employees from Universal Studios Tour and Disney, all of theme park employees are SAG members, those are the rules to work there, and the unwritten rules are that all SAG members are terror leadership, who command the millions of Canadian SDA, and in Asia, the whole city of Hong Kong is the equivelent of the Canadian terror army in USA. People that blend in, and look the same as the people where a British commanded take over is happening.
SAG gets their orders from Britain, Joe Biden gets his orders from Reuters UK. He is a puppet same as Trump, just a different faction of British puppet.
There are two kinds of British Puppet masters, as is explained on this account. The two kinds are basically Christian terror pirates who have been killing people all around the world for 2000 years, then, there are the ones who tried to take over those guys, that is SAG, amateurs, they did not realize that the Christian HQ they took over, were pirates, just thought they were religious people. So the SAG verity at Joe Biden HQ are basically a bunch of clowns who don‘t know WTF they did. And the others are the hardest of the hard core mass murderers who have 2000 years of warfare experience, and old proven deception tactics all worked out, and, those guys invented the Russian Mother of all Hoaxes, so, they are also masters of the Mother Hoax,which is unbelievably enormous.
Both of those groups are in control of Twitter, a sting from in there to catch a few bad guys is a losing proposition, won‘t work, cannot work, is a place where bait is used to catch other bait. One captured bait, is used to capture more bait, to use for capturing yet more bait. The investigative people are turned into “Fish eat fish” for ever inside of Twitter, meanwhile, it’s a machine that is always commanding the Pope’s 18 Million followers. no one is helped, and the march toward global domination keeps on marching as the internal sting is trying to catch a few bad guys who are put there for them to find.
Twitter has to come down permanently.
4:50 pm:
Other logic about why Twitter is still Tweeting, still advancing a fake virus that is effectively destroying the whole world and everyone on it.
I once had a conversation with people who held my family in a different kind of captivity then what am confined in now, back then, the captors were inside my house, now, they are outside my house, but I am still held captive.
They were the same group of people who hijacked Boeing, they were from Canada, and from Hollywood, and from Grants Pass. They were Eastwood Guitars, Dean Zelinsky Guitars, Grants Pass Daily Courier newspaper, they were the same people who exploded the WTC in 2001, they were Ron Howard, David Letterman, Ann Wilson, Roger Waters, David Gilmour, and Pacific Power Lineman were there with machine guns to make sure I did not escape, and there were many more who came and went from time to time while forcing me to make designs of all kinds of things they needed.
The conversation that I want to say was about “The Cloud”. I remember talking about the idea that a Macintosh SE30 can run a internet service if set up to run it. That idea was taken further into the realm of wireless technology, which did not exist at the time in the capacity we talked about, but the idea was that “The Cloud” could be an array of servers all remotely placed, in various places rather than in one central building, the wireless tech makes that possible, so the idea was to “Take an SE30 and set it up so that it can operate remote servers somehow, such that the RAM and Disc Space of every computer connected to the internet, supplies a small piece to a bigger picture, and does so without the user knowing their computer is contributing to the bigger picture”
So, take “The Cloud”, and some of that explanation and expand on that, with a Macintosh SE30 at the helm, putting the pieces together, routing the traffic, and building Twitter from a computer disc array that does not exist, an array that is composed of all computers everywhere, giving and taking from “The Cloud” to create the pre-packaged Twitter Time line that makes up the “Time Warp Terror” that we are experiencing.
This is beyond my expertise, but maybe Twitter still tweets because no one can find the nest it comes from. If so, the nest is everywhere, is “In The Cloud”.
One place to look for solid tangible stuff associated with the possibility of such a “Cloud” is a company called “Clearwire”. The company had acquired more cellular bandwidth when Television went digital in 2008 than all of the other providers combined is the way I remember that. Then, they were devoured by Sprint. All of the outbuilding of new, different technology they were building for wireless phone service went somewhere, but where did it go? I had invested a lot of money in Clearwire and wanted them to succeed, to provide different wireless phone platform technology than the kind we are using now. I lost all my invest, and the whole company and all of their assets were completely ripped off, all stolen, and the contracts were changed in the midst of the subject of the contracted work being done. The place was hijacked, along with that new wiz bang technology they had already installed and tested in some trial markets.
So, find all of that Clearwire spectrum, software and hardware and maybe that is the nest where Twitter Time Warp is coming from.
Twitter could be floating around in endlessly bouncing radio waves in the sky above our heads all the time, and never land on a hard drive until it is read by the individual user at Twitter. Something like that could explain why we are still slaves to the fake Corona Virus that is destroying the world. Still, no one has figured out that a small flame will kill the germs of a virus, it’s ludicrous to know that tens of millions of people can be so stupid not to know that.
The same small flame ignites the nitrous oxide carried by the terror army and that is why “The Science” can‘t figure it out.
5:56 pm:
Local Conditions:
About 40 degrees F, overcast, absence of wind.
I went out for a walk in day time for the first time in a long time.
Maybe two weeks, maybe three weeks since I have gone outdoors in the day time.
So, at Monroe’s terror cell, there were the sounds that are consistent with a terror soldier exploding, the call it “Burst” and past tense is “Bursted”, so, I think a female was ignited when I used my Bic Lighter on my walk, and a few ducks at Monroe ran away from the area where the Bursting seems to have occurred near the road, in Monroe’s front yard. There is too much brush to see that far from my driveway.
(This part of this tumblr entry of eye-witness of terror attack is deleted, as ordered by the Josephine county courts Honorable Judge Brendon Thueson on 3-15-2021. It’s notable that two terror soldiers died in the courtroom that day, I am bound by the courts not to explain further. There is no investigation happening of any of the reported eye-witness of terrorism that I report here on tumblr in absence of conventional means to make reports of terror activities, murders, or knowledge of coup details. The terror is wide open, wide spread, unchallenged, ongoing, and has absolutely no resistance to it other that me. I am the only person fighting on behalf of USA as the citizens are lined up to be slaughtered by their captors.)
As I stepped over by my gate, and the female at Monroe’s seems to have bursted, that is when someone from Dietricks at 601 Jackpine did the Shark Maneuver, had been waiting all day, maybe all week for me to go outside, and was signaled to do the Shark Maneuver by terror soldiers with access to listening devices that are all around and inside of my house. Dietrick’s white Ford pick-up with a flat bed car hauling trailer went passed, as he is supposed to do when I go outside, that is done to scare me back into the house .... (Censored by the courts)
My guess is that the national security people have been told that I am at (Censored) Jackpine, but I am not there, I am at my own house where I have lived for the past twenty-four years, (censored by the courts) from the pansy that is fucking with me through some kind of internet hacking that he is doing right now and I am not going to hesitate when I (censored by the courts)
6:53 pm:
Assholes (censored by the courts) Jackpine were in my yard today, they were messing with a couple of car batteries I have outside, one is Orbital Brand, one is other brand of Dry Cell battery. They already know where those at at in my yard, that same terror cell has been at the same address before at a time before Stephen and Lindsey Bell moved in about nine years ago, ...
... (Censored by the courts) when the entire Social Security Administration has been hijacked for the past twenty years.
(The Josephine County Courts are made aware of this account from time to time in public settings, and behind the scenes the courts do everything they can do to prevent the information presented on this [email protected] account from being seen, read, responded to for stopping the terror take over of USA that is reported here. The means, language, weapons, goals, leadership, and other details of a global attack on citizens world wide is contained in this tumblr account, but the courts and others suppress the information, and prevent me from reaching US national security personnel by other means, the courts find ways to censor the reported terror take over of USA.)
(Please send help)
(edits in bold were done on 3-20-2021 at 3:49 pm)
7:27 pm:
Looks like the local SDA Church members on from GPCC (sounds like Jeepy see see when spoken) on Russell are all working some kind of bullshit terror scenario to fool someone. Someone came out of Phillips 507 Jackpine (Global British terror leadership) where I have not seen any one for about six months, and that vehicle, a van with bright light on a trailer hitch, went to 600 Jackpine where Taylors used to live, have not been seen around for more than one year, and that property is a alternate use secret entrance and exit into the Jackpine neighborhood through that GPCC church and to and from Russell road. Others at Strongs and at Sunflower are also involved in trying to fool someone, it’s obvious. That 507 activity was in tandem with someone going to Freeberg’s at 535 Jackpine, in Jay Freeberg’s car. That car came from Sunflower terror cell on Russell as I stepped outside, so that they could begin running their game to fool someone else, those national security people who have been convinced this account is a cover for an occasional drug deal of a few pills.
It happens all the time, the national security people always wind up in a snare at Monroe’s cut in half with a sword mounted to a skeet shooter, with a motion detector, and it resets itself... There are many witnessed explanations of that on this account.
The people who are fooling the national security, are illiterate, they don‘t read English, that might explain some of the weirdness they are experiencing, because all of them try to read what I write online, but only know how to read a few of the words.
8:16 pm:
I’ve been outside a number of times tonight, there is some kind of psychotic terror scenario going on, many terror soldiers involved, they seem to be upset about that female that burst at Monroe’s earlier. Strong’s terror cell at 3747 Russell Road are making a lot of signaling to someone, so far, the signaling seems to say that the Safari African Lion(s) are outside, on the loose, and that means the Lion Handler is having some kind of problem, it also explains some of the noises I have been hearing tonight in the neighborhood.
One or more of these:
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This is not some kind of secret code. It’s wild animal, has big teeth, sharp claws, can run real fast if it wants to, they don‘t usually want or need to run. The Safari Lions can easily jump over a six foot tall fence, and have no problems with leaping onto a roof of most houses. On a communication device, screaming you may hear when your foolish national security people are caught by a Safari terror cell African Lion, may be followed with a sound like a loud “Pop” sort of noise, as if a hollow block of wood is struck with a drum stick sort of sound, that is the sound that is made when the Lion “Pops” the victims head, as they are trained to do.
To make it more challenging, the Safari terror cell has the Lions fitted with Pixel Suit electronic camouflage, as I have explained over, and over again while trying to get some help to arrive, but only assassins and fools show up.
One more time: The Lion wearing the Pixel Suit is very dangerous to encounter in Oregon while walking to the mailboxes. The only thing visible is the Lions tail and only the front part of their faces. and their paws. But the paws are also made not to show very easily somehow, I don’t know, maybe they are painted dark color.
Don‘t run from an African Lion. Stand your ground, and don‘t move.
I suspect the Safari Lions are being kept inside of the houses on Jackpine and are moved from one place to another regularly. The Lions are treated poorly, are tools, kept inside of small places until they are needed.
February 16, 2021: 3:23 pm: Extra:
For investigation and follow up paper trail of murder associated to medical service providers since 2005 to my knowledge, probably longer:
Gabapentin is marketed as a pain reliever, one the works at the nervous system.
It does not work, is fake, a placebo, or some other bullshit.
When a patient goes to a doctor, or has a surgical procedure, there are digital record keeping that follows everyone who has ever gone to see a doctor. The information on the mandated digital record keeping goes way beyond health related matters, and the persons social security number is what drives the digital record keeping that was mandated by SAG leaders at the US congress many years ago, the days of a personal “Chart“ ended, and a new digital system was mandated, every medical provider was forced to comply with the mandate to go digital with patient records.
So, the record keeping is connected digitally to many places. The service provider, the Social Security Administration, and the insurance company are a few of the places that are updated with each doctor visit, and, those places are digitally informed in real-time when a patient goes to see a health service provider.
With that in mind, and add that the doctors are all fake now, the real ones are held captive or have been killed, and, the Social Security Administration is occupied and under control of SAG terror cell leadership. With that knowledge, now consider particular medication prescriptions, one’s like Gabapentin.
Gabapentin is prescribed by a SAG terror doctor to a patient who is said to have been marked for take out for having “talked or gabbed” about terrorism in the medical fields. The doctor looks at the medical digital chart, sees that “On-High” leadership at Sinatra SAG HQ, has marked that person for take-out, the hit order is done with coding in the digital charts, so, the doctor uses the patient to spread the word of the hit order by prescribing Gabapentin to the patient. When the patient goes to fill a prescription for Gabapentin, that is the same as hand carrying their own hit contract from the doctor to the terror cell at the pharmacies, who are also part of the patient’s digital chart. When the pharmacy see’s the Gabapentin, they know that the patient was marked, and the hit order is fresh, and active. The pharmacies make arrangements to SDA terror cells to study the victim, then make the hit, which includes the the victims are captured and tortured before they are killed in order for the terror army to gain access to assets, and contact information of extended family members, who are also tracked down and killed the same way.
The doctors are fake, are actors, but are VIP’s in the terrorism. They are protected with much cover by the terror army in many ways.
So, to find dead US citizens, follow the Gabapentin.
Same is true with Metaxalone muscle relaxer prescriptions.
0 notes
kekekentyuh · 5 years ago
You Need a Cancer in Your Life
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Cancer season is almost coming to an end, which only means one thing: the best part of the year is almost over, and the rest of you — especially those of you who abhor Cancers — only have a few more days to cut us some slack. 
As someone who’s born a Cancer (like I have previously stated in my facts about me post), I can confidently say that we get a lot more flack for having the sign than we do with anything else; it’s not a mystery as to why most refer to Cancer season as that time of the year again, where everyone’s emotions are a mess, and it’s all because of that goddamn beautiful moon — and, of course, us, the crabby midyear babies. 
And even if we don’t get flack, as signs very heavily associated with intense emotions, we’re always the ones assumed to be crying or screaming or having the most extra reactions during hypothetical situations (or at least on the zodiac posts I see on Instagram) which are, in a sense, never really wrong, but is that all you guys think there is to us? I mean, c’mon — we can’t be crying all of the time; we get tired too. 
You see, while it is true that we wear our hearts upon our sleeves, and are very much in touch with our emotions (even to an extent where we can’t control them, and I’m basically just outing myself here), I don’t see the point in hashing us as only the moodiest of the bunch. Being a Cancer is definitely much more than that. In fact, I can guarantee you a hundred percent here that you need at least one of us in your life, because as far as I’m concerned, the emotional intelligence that we are primarily defined by is probably our strongest suit — and, possibly,  our greatest flaw — and that is just one of the reasons why you should never take us for granted. 
To understand my point, I’ll let you in on the thinking process of a Cancer, and what better way to do that than to learn from a Cancer himself? Let me run you through the basics; we’ll call this Cancer 101.
According to this very helpful blog I found called PrepScholar, which is the primary source for everything I’ve written here, Cancers are born between June 21st and July 22nd, marked by the beginning of the Summer Solstice. Ironically, even though we are associated with the hot season, our primary planet is the moon, which represents mystery, intuition, and divine perception, which is why there always seems to be particularly fishy about it during Cancer season. As a water sign, we are represented by the Crab because, just like real crabs, we tend to retreat into our “shells” when we are in a situation of discomfort, or if we are overwhelmed, a characteristic more clearly associated with our more introverted and somewhat predominantly reserved nature. 
And it is true; some generally find it hard to connect with a Cancer initially, because we do tend to reserve a lot of our personal business to ourselves, with the exception of family and a few good friends. But when you do get past the much-dreaded small talk stage, you’ll find that we’re very interesting and complex people, with a lot of equally positive and negative qualities.
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For starters, we’re not really the greatest of signs, because, like the others, we have our fair share of very common negative points; we’re just as human as anyone else. We come in a package of both yays and nays, and they’re all interconnected into a web that represents our insane complexity.
One that’s definitely stands out from the rest — and is pretty known, too — is our tendency to become very moody, which is kind of what we’re known for. This is due to our very emotional state of mind. Astrologers attribute our constant emotional fluctuation to the phases of the Moon, our ruling planet, since it also has the tendency to change, like the wax and the wane, but mostly I also believe this is because we have a lot more emotions than we know how to handle, and we tend to overly depend on it, even during the instances that we need to be logical and practical, which is why we tend to seem irrational more often than not, and seem a little to drawn by how we feel, rather than what’s objectively the true solution. This is also why we seem outright petty and completely paranoid at times, because we tend to be overly sensitive when it comes to others being critical of our feelings, and we tend to over-analyze situations, constantly fearing if we’ve crossed a line we’re really not supposed to cross. 
And as much as I hate to admit it, these ring so true for a lot of us (or the ones that I know, at least), but, then again, it’s just as much me making fun of myself just as I am making of fun of you. But then again, we have our downs, because we’re solely humans, too.
But complementing those bad points are some good ones; we might not be the best, but we try to give our all and strive to be better for those we care about. A Cancer’s personality very much revolves around the relationships they build with other individuals. Nothing is more important to us than the connections we have forged with others. 
Off the bat, we are nurturing and highly intuitive. This is an inherent extension of our very loving and emotional personalities, and most of the time has us going to crazy lengths just to let a person know we care for them deeply, because we’re generally very generous when it comes to affection and emotional affirmation. But one of our more fascinating qualities is our ability to assess different social situations with our intuition, emotional intelligence and highly empathetic nature. We have this crazy-awesome thing where we are able to read another’s emotions judging by their actions or the way their overall mood changes, empathize with how they are currently feeling and quickly create a decision that’s dependent on those changes that will result in a more secure outcome. In my situation, for example, I tend to assess situations based more on what will be good for myself and everyone else’s state of mind, whether it be emotional or mental. I don’t exactly know how, but it’s pretty easy to me to tell if something isn’t sitting right with anyone (maybe it’s the way they’re acting or the look on their face that gives it away) but I do, nevertheless. This leads me to use my emotions to further understand how they are feeling, and I rely on intuition to decide what best to do. And to tell you frankly, this has saved me a lot of times; I am particularly evasive of situations that may potentially cause me emotional turmoil (Cancer, duh) so I use my intuition and ability to read others to know exactly how far I’m going to have to go, and most of the time, it does work. Nobody’s claiming that we’re psychic, since, well, I figured it’s just us knowing primarily what to look for. So if you end up catching a Cancer looking at you a funny way, or instantaneously quiet, or seemingly in deep thought, don’t worry, they’re fine. They’re just feeling the atmosphere of the room, because they want to know how you’re doing and what’s going to be best for everyone there.
Among our best qualities, however, is being the golden standard for loyalty, and, in turn, possessing a nature of being protective. We’re the friends who will always stick with you through thick and thin, no matter what the consequences may be for us. It is the ability that we have to empathize with just about anyone that allows us value the emotional connections we establish with the ones we love. Most of the Cancers I know — apart from myself, who is also very much like this, nevertheless — have a do whatever you want to me, just don’t lay a finger on the ones I love sort of mentality, and I like to think of it as a defining characteristic. We may not be the friendliest or have the easiest trust to gain, but once you do become a part of our life, you’re a part of it forever, and every moment we’ve spent together is like a gift to us. The bond is sealed, and we will do everything in our power to cherish and value that bond for all that it’s worth and more, even if it means stepping out of the shells we lock ourselves in and going out of our personal bounds, all in the name of our friendship.
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And I strongly vouch for this; the people I love and care deeply for are more valuable to me than anything else, and there’s no mountain to high enough or valley to deep that’s going to keep someone like me from protecting them from anything that may cause them harm, even if it means moving way outside of my comfort zone, places I normally wouldn’t go, but I would for anyone else — and that’s a pretty big feat for one who uses his shell as a means of security. Somehow the pain of a Cancer’s kin is his pain as well, and he will never stop until everything is all better, even escaping the reservations he’s very adamant in keeping.
And this is exactly why I think the Cancers you meet are also probably the ones that have an everlasting impact on your life, or have always veered towards you no matter what has happened and how much time has passed. The Cancers you meet are some of the greatest friends (or lovers, in some lucky cases), ones who have always stuck around and are the first people to push through when you need them, and the last to leave for fear of leaving you alone. They will go to so many lengths to show you how they will do anything for you, how they’ll stick with you and support you no matter where you choose to go, and be there for you when you choose to return and seek refuge. That’s how much you mean to a Cancer; they value you in ways that they can never describe with their minds, but they can feel it in the same hearts they wear on their sleeves, and they find satisfaction in the ways we provide you with the love and comfort we know you deserve. 
And if that doesn’t get you to take us lesser for granted, I don’t know what will.
So the next time you complain about Cancer season and how it’s going to fuck you up again on the inside, try to think like a Cancer — reflect on the relationships you’ve created with the people you’ve met, and find out how much they really mean to you. Connect with the innermost emotions you have and let your inner intuition pour everything out. And I swear, you’ll hear your heart beat a lot louder — and it’ll be the best sound you’ve ever heard.
What's your zodiac sign, reader? I'd leave to hear about how your sign thinks and why we should have one of you in our lives. Tell me some stuff! Leave a comment below or reach me through the Inquiries page, or through my social media here. As always, I wish everyone utter safety and security and good health; it means a lot to me that you're here reading. Thanks for staying, and I’ll see you on the next one!
0 notes
YEOWW;3 I've seen plenty of protective Miragen on this blog (can't say I hate 'em) but how about feisty Momoi? For example they're in a bar or crowded place and some random guy hits on her but the GOM aren't helping at all, the reason being Momoi herself punches said guy in the face, or something like that. Can I ask you to write that please;) I'm KnB trash shipper and ship everyone w/ anyone, so your blog is gem ^-^
Hi dear!Yesssss, obviously you can have a feisty Momoi! I love girls who can fend forthemselves as much as I love protective guys, so…here we go! I hope you’regoing to enjoy it and thank you for the compliments, you’re making me blush!
Have a niceday!
Feisty Momoi,Funny and Cool
Momoi sighed tiredly, as she put down another tray oftarts on a table.
She hadn’t known before how hard organizing a picnicof fifty kids and their families could be. Now that she knew, she was going tothink twice the next time before accepting to help for the Basketball Day hosted by a local primaryschool. Momoi looked around at the park where children were playing basketballin small groups or taking sweets and snacks from the tables before running awaywith bubbly laughter.
She spotted Aomine faking a deep scowl as a group ofgirls hung from his arms and Kise who was braiding the hair other “princesses”.Kagami was leading a group of rambunctious kids on the court against Midorimaand his team, while Takao laughed at his friend’s stiffness with children.Akashi was talking with some parents about which sport would be betterchoosing for their sons and daughters at that age. Murasakibara was helpingHimuro and Momoi to fill the tables with everything needed.
“Are you okay, Momoi-san?” Himuro asked her politely,and she nodded with a smile.
“Yeah, just a bitter tired, don’t worry,” Momoireassured him.
“Me and Murasakibara was going to join the final match,would you like to come?” He invited her again, as the giant nodded by his side.
“Momo-chin, let’s go!”
“Ah thank you guys! But I’d prefer to rest a bit now,I’ll drink something and then come!” she promised cheerfully, waving them off.
“See you later!”
Momoi walked to the table full of beverages, humminghappily. Truth is she was ready to sleep for the rest of the afternoon, butseeing the rest of his goofy friends playing around with kids was worth it. Shewas going to endure it for a little more.
She was sipping his cold tea, when a guy approachedher. She could see the group of his friends waiting a bit further away, whilelaughing and snickering at them.
“Hey pretty lady,” he greeted her with a smirk.
Momoi took a deep breath and glanced around: she was alone,everyone moved to see the big final match of the day. Damn.
“How may I help you?” She replied politely, trying tofake she didn’t know he was going to try and hit on her. “The Basketball Day isnearly ended.”
“That means that you’re free soon?” He asked steppingcloser and looming over her.
Momoi flinched. Obviously, he had to use her own wordsagainst her.
“I’m sorry but I won’t be finished until thisevening,” She politely refused with a forced smile.
“Then give me your number and we’ll decide when tomeet,” he insisted, chasing her.
Momoi gripped around her glass of tea. She had onlywanted to relax a bit.
“Thank you,” she hissed through the teeth, “But I’veto hang out with my friends later.”
“Other girls? You can bring them too,” he snorted witha wink and Momoi grimaced.
“No,” she replied coldly, “The basketball players: I’mtheir manager.” Momoi knew how intimidating his friends could appear and wasn’tscared to use it.
The guy blinked and looked at the court where theMiracle of Generation was playing. He was incredulous.
“The Rainbow Guys?”
“Yes,” Momoi hid a smirk, “And now, if you excuse me,I’ve to go to them,” she cut off the conversation turning on her heels.
But before she could walk away victoriously, the guygrabbed her wrist and pulled her back with a vicious smile.
“Come one babe, don’t be cold,” he smirked lopsidedly,“Between all those guys, what’s a dick more?”
Momi’s eyes widened.
That was enough.
In a swift movement, she swatted his hand away andthrew all her tea in his face.
“What the f-”
Momoi didn’t let him finished and with her leg sheswept the floor out of his feet and sent him with his ass on the ground beforehe could realize what had happened.
“Let me be clear, you vulgar idiot,” she coldly hissedlosing every appearance of gentleness and showing a deadly glare, “If you touchme or insult me one more time, I promise you’ll regret it. Do you think I’m abitch because I hang out with them? Maybe you should think twice; if I’mperfectly able to keep in line those huge players, what do you think a patheticthing like you could ever do to me?”
The guy was dumbfounded, dripping tea from his hair.
Momoi’s eyes were so empty he felt like screeching.
When she smirked like a predator, he finally lost it.
That girl was crazy.
He ran away before she could decide he deserved more.
Momoi sighed with a satisfied smile on her lips, butthen grimaced looking at his empty glass
“Ah, now I’ve to take another one!” she whined with apout before trotting away.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 8 years ago
Which arcana do you think fits FeMC besides fool?
Ok so I’ve been meaning to write an analysis for like……4 ormore years on this. But to summarize my basic idea, besides Fool (and Death obvs), Ithink FeMC ties pretty well with the Sun arcana…which in turn means MaleMC tieswith the Moon arcana (tbh it’s kind of ironic considering I may or may not have writtenlengthy analysis about Hamuko from The Fools’ Tournament as the Moon cause theauthor said so and it fits her more for that fanfic 8U). Ngl I think they canboth switch if they want (from what I can tell those two arcanas work prettyfluidly with each other, esp when discussion positive readings vs negativereadings), but I think the FeMC would best be described as a Sun arcana person ina Moon arcana world.
(under the cut cause kinda lengthy, but it’s also kinda thecliffnotes version of a more in depth essay I wanna write later)
Considering how day and night play a big role in this game Idon’t think it’s too far fetched. Especially with how both Sun and Moon arcanasplay in both routes and feel important in different ways (Sun being a dying manwhom both MCs will essentially join later in the afterlife as well as both his design resembling Messiah later; and then with theMoon on the male side whom is basically foreshadowing the end month of P3 alongwith the fact he looks like a chubbier maleMC and the MC is apparently the doppelganger of Nozumi’s fraternal twin bro; and then with Shinjiro on theFeMC where she can actually change history by saving him).
I personally like to joke to myself that both P3MCs arekinda weird love children of Tatsuya and Maya (just switch the genders andpersonality traits a bit). No really there’s a lot of similarities betweenthese 4 (and it might be because of how one came after the other and the FeMCwas originally part of P3 before they ran outta money and time andaofdns;aflka; my poor baby ;w;). Like, ok let’s play a game, tell me who this is: A brown haired,red-eyed (which are sometimes portrayed as brown for some reason in someofficial works I dunno Atlus can’t seem to decide), possibly (by which I meantotally) bisexual MC whom apparently has a lot of admirers at school, kind ofhas a crap love life, esp with one of their love interests being associatedwith the Moon arcana dying, luckily they have a blonde hair girl who is totallyin love with them, they have a motorcycle key in their possession, have aninitial persona who’s primary magic is fire, has signature personas who’srelated to music, has a prime/modified version of their initial persona, whoare kind of maybe the reason the world might be ending, and they sacrificesomething important so that their friends can have normal lives. So who came tomind? Tatsuya or FeMC? The answer should be both. 8U 
(also side note, I figuredP5MC wouldn’t be able to date guys cause I cracked the code long ago guys, onlyway you can date both genders in Persona is if you have an MC with at leastbrown hair and red eyes, so like atlus should’ve just scrapped P5MC and justmade Goro or Makoto the main character if you wanted to date both genders 8U)
Ok ok, enough goofing around, let’s talk about the actual arcana. I do feel like the FeMC experiences both the positive andreversed arcana (actually depending on your choices it feels like itfluctuates).
Positives meaning:(Youthful) Optimism, energy, clarity of thought, creativity/new ideas,enlightenment, and reality
Positives in game:All of these are shown throughout the game. FeMC has been said to be “optimistic”on countless occasions (to the point she feels similar to Maya even having ashout-out to Maya’s signature catchphrase). In P3P the unstable Tartarus dayswere introduced, bringing certain floors and a new line “you’ve come up withnew combat ideas you should be able to gain more exp on this floor.” She isshown to have a lot of energy (even commented on it by people, exampledepending on your choice when you first meet Ms. Toriumi). LastlyEnlightenment, tbh this fits the MaleMC as this is what they basically achievewhile fighting Nyx. Also same with MaleMC, “reality” can be read choosing to letRyoji live and facing the reality of death or whatever. 8U
Negatives meaning:Vanity, Fantasy, everything is clouded, cynicism (also one or two placesmentioned the feeling of being “left out”)
Negatives in game:Choosing to kill Ryoji could mean the MCs indulding in the fantasy of notknowing Nyx is coming. The one I really want to focus on is the cynicism….Now you can play her as kind/optimistic pretty much to the end, or you can playher as harsh/cynical….but there’s something interesting looking at the male vsthe female routes, in the male route he starts kind of cold/neutral and as thegame goes on he gets more…”positive” dialogue options. FeMC, however, has alarge range of emotions from the start, but as the game goes on she gets morenegative options (tbh I’m not surprised, her love life is a mess, one boyeither dies or is in a coma, one leaves her to go home to France after sayinghe loves her, one states he can’t be with her until he becomes a “better man,” oneis a guy who has sister issues and is a pain to romance, one is a kid and evenif she claims she’ll wait for him she’ll just end up hurting him even more, oneof your friends turns you down cause he already had/has girl issues, one isdeath itself and leaves you after saying he’s basically gonna kill you, yourrobot almost died on you and is now coming out of the closet just in time forthe FeMC to die on her….god I’m not surprised she’d want to personally shootall of Strega in the head herself. Like “the world’s ending, no one loves me,come at me bro”). In terms of feeling left out, I feel like this applies alot  more to the FeMC than the MaleMC,while other characters will do stuff off screen to forward the plot, theimplications of their actions to the P3MCs are different. MaleMC probably hasn’tor can’t SL with them, so while he may feel out of the loop it’s not like it’sreally negative. FeMC, however, has the ability to SL her team as soon as theyjoin or come back from injury *cough Akihiko* (barring Mitsuru and Aigis causereasons), so when a teammate does something off screen, I dunno like confidingin another character instead of their supposed “best friend” the FeMC, it mayimpact the FeMC more. It makes her feel even more left out considering she ismuch closer.
Other Associations:Fire and Masculinity
Other Associations ingame: Fire obvs points to Orpheus. But Masculinity, oh I bet you thoughtyou got me here, but nope. If  the FeMCequips Mara Theo comments how “unlady-like” it is, Liz says the same thing asshe says to  the MaleMC “Tee-hee howmanly” (at least if you romance her that is she’ll say that 8U). On top of thefact….she has a choice to have Liz as her VR attendant…. Cause VR Attendantsare supposed to represent the anima/animus of their guest: Theo is the FeMC’sanimus (aka  in the unconscious of a woman it is expressed as a masculine innerpersonality) while Liz, Margaret, and Twins are the P3MaleMC, P4MC, andP5MC’s anima (aka in the unconscious of a man thisarchetype finds expression as a feminine inner personality). So if FeMC is female, she should just have anAnimus right? Yet she can have Liz….which means she represents the Anima….whichmeans….she’s there to basically balance out the FeMC’s (hidden) masculinity? 8UMight be why she gets along with the guys so well (even actually having friend…orshould I say “bro” routes in her SLs 8U), and maybe why she kinda has similar “flirty dialogue” that the MaleMC has with the girls (cause it’s pretty much copy and pasted over 8U). (as for if MaleMC matches with theMoon’s more “feminine” reading, I dunno he seems more interested in the ladiesthan the men in his SLs so he’s pretty women focused…in a way).
I would be inclined to think that Star arcana would fit her too (cause optimism theme as well, and cause a star persona is used to create her ultimate weapon….and cause cause the star arcana seems to be a theme with Hashino’s Persona era tho it mostly applies to P4/5), but that fits more with naive optimism while Sun kinda has to face the harshness of the world yet still find a positive outlook. Considering the running “gag” (not really a gag in most cases) since P2, Sun arcana characters tend to find themselves in bad situations and have to struggle to find a positive outlook. I feel the FeMC’s situation becomes very…dire like the other Sun arcana characters (like I said above “the world’s ending, no one loves me, everyone leaves me out, come at me bro”). You could interpret that she could start off as Star and then switch to Sun (naive then maturing basically) as the game goes on, I mean Star does come before Sun (with Moon in the middle) so….yeah….FeMC’s side could just be 3 arc Star->Moon->Sun story (but, again, I think Sun fits her the best 8U)
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ambigamingcorner · 5 years ago
It’s been a while since I’ve written about the quagmire that is gender and gaming. But we’re winding up for another set of posts on the topic, and what better way to ease into this topic than talking about toxic masculinity and toxic femininity/feminism?
The Issue of Non-Issue
What fascinates me about this particular issue is that because sexim is not blatantly overt in the general population, and gender roles have changed slightly, many people are content to dust off their hands, say, “Problem solved!” and give a side-eye to those who continue to question whether the solutions are as absolute as some people like to claim.
So, in this particular article, we will be defining masculinity and femininity, and talking about when these constructs are taken to their unyielding extreme and begin to not work in harmony, but strike at the foundations of a cohesive society.
A Few Definitions
When I posted about this topic on Patreon, I had a nice discussion with LightningEllen about toxic masculinity and toxic femininity. What was most striking to me was that there was no real definition to the latter and, indeed, the two of us had wildly different ideas as to what these terms actually entailed.
So, to make sure we are on the same page, for the following article, I will be defining the above terms thus:
Masculinity: physical, emotional, and behavioral traits traditionally associated with men. These characteristics are active (that is, the person is taking an active role in social contexts), and are opposite to the feminine.
Toxic masculinity: a state of being wherein masculine traits are exhibited to a point that they are harmful or oppressive to the person exhibiting the traits, and/or to those around them. A man must never show weakness in any capacity: physically, mentally, or emotionally.
Femininity: physical, emotional, and behavioral traits traditionally associated with women. These characteristics are passive (that is, the person is being acted upon by other forces, such as the masculine), and are opposite to the masculine.
Toxic femininity: A sub-group under toxic masculinity. It is a state of being wherein feminine traits are exhibited to a point that they are harmful or oppressive to the person exhibiting the traits, and/or to those around them. Tends toward women being passive and being acted upon, rather than taking action.
  Do you know how hard it is to find a picture for toxic femininity? That’s how passive it is.
Feminism: a social idea that the genders should be equal in social, cultural, and vocational positions.
Yay! Yes!
Third-wave feminism: Extreme, revenge-filled feminism. It is a set of ideas that proclaims women to be superior to men, or otherwise labels men as “the other” or, worse, “the enemy.” Also sees women who want to be stay-at-home moms, believe that men should be the breadwinners, and/or who simply don’t believe men are The Enemy, as “the enemy.”
When It’s Okay, and When It’s Toxic
I have a radical idea: masculine and feminine are actually made to complement each other. The strength, courage, independence, violence, and assertiveness are balanced by empathy, gentleness, and sensitivity. There is nothing inherently wrong or toxic about any of these characteristics, and having a balance of both is – or should be – considered ideal.
This is actually a real idea!!!
When this begins to crumble is when they are taken to their extreme, to the point where a person is expected to have all of Column A without ever demonstrating characteristics from Column B. The characteristics in the above paragraph are some examples of masculinity and femininity, but within society there are many other expectations that pressure men and women to think, act, and feel in particular ways.
When all of these things become toxic, it’s because a person has adopted these characteristics, but then also attempts to take away another person’s autonomy because of them. This can either be internal or external. For instance, a man might feel pressure to not “show weakness” by crying at a movie, or he might think it’s okay to talk over women because he has been raised to always be assertive with his ideas. A woman might feel pressure to wear makeup and be appealing for “the male gaze,” or she might think it’s okay to wield her emotions like a weapon.*
Notice something here. These are both harmful, please make no mistake about that. But when one group is always the one “acting” and one group is always being “acted upon,” it not only harmful to the individual, but can be harmful to the group as a whole.
A Brief Digression
But Athena, some of you might wonder. If everyone just stayed in their gender roles, this wouldn’t be a problem. You said yourself that masculine and feminine are complements of each other!
The hammer and nail argument, yes. In Japan, there is a saying that roughly translates to: the nail that sticks out gets hammered down. Sure, yes, if everyone sat down, shut up, and continued on, yep this wouldn’t be a problem. We’d all be squeezed into our tiny little cookie cutters, whether or not we really fix, and go through our lives peacefully, if not incredibly unhappy.
Everyone wants to be the hammer, and doesn’t think about who is the nail.
Let’s face it, people. We’re all affected by “The Patriarchy,” but because within the confines of the masculine and feminine gender roles one is always active and one is always acted upon, some issues are a lot more immediately or externally harmful, and some are more internally harmful. As a blunt example: men can take what they want, when they want it, but if a woman wants something for herself (which is outside of her “gender role”) she must subvert the system and act in a manipulative way, since being assertive isn’t a socially acceptable option.
This causes men to be angry at how deceptive “women as an entire gender” are, and then further results in women being expected/forced to deal with/deflect/defuse their anger. And because men are supposed to be dominant, there is no room for listening to “her side” of the story. Man must stay in control, because men are always supposed to be in control.*
Two sides of one horrendous, ridiculous coin.
Games and This Whole Mess
Thank the Maker, we’re finally talking about video games.
I’m not even going to attempt to dive into the cesspool that is toxic masculine behavior online or within gaming communities, with gatekeeping, slurs, and general horribleness happening from men to women and men to other men. But I would like to talk briefly about the roles that games play in all of this.
For those of you who have been hanging around a while, you’ll know that I am a big believer in representation mattering in games. We emulate behaviors that we observe, whether that is in real life or on a screen. We emulate behaviors more strongly when we have an inherent disposition toward an idea (i.e., it’s “in our nature” or “our personality”), but we can also absorb as true the ideas that are presented to us most consistently, even at a subconscious level.
Remember a long time ago when I asked you to play a game with me? And then we talked about what the game was all about? Seeing how certain characters are portrayed, as you guys know, contributes to how a person sees themselves. Yes, it is possible to rage against the machine, as it were, but when operating within a social group, we are expected to fulfill the norms and expectations put on us, with a slight degree of variation (again decided by society) being acceptable. Break all the norms and expectations, and the group at large will not be accepting of your behavior.
How these norms are developed is far outside of the scope of this article, but suffice it to say that once the norms are developed, it is up to the member of society and the media of that society to maintain and enforce those norms. Such is the state of video games and the video game community.
On the video game front, we are given men and women who fall into masculine and feminine boxes. Solid Snake and Cole McGrath, for instance, are as comic-book-hero-esque as characters can get, and are examples of what A Man should be: powerful, aggressive, lacking any sort of emotional display other than outrage or anger (or, if they do, it’s not long before the more “acceptable” emotions come back, i.e., sadness turning immediately into anger). Compare to Raiden from Metal Gear Solid 2: still pretty powerful, still pretty aggressive, but also has a girlfriend that he loves and is emotionally hurt by. And fans called him a pansy.
Some men might not see this as a problem, though.
Let’s take two queens of gaming, Princess Zelda and Princess Peach. Avoiding stereotypical language, Peach is the woman who waits at home for Mario, baking him cakes and offering him kisses as rewards for doing things for her. She passively waits for Mario to actively go and be the hero. Princess Zelda (with the exception of possibly Wind Waker and Breath of the Wild) is demure and quiet, although enjoys the slight deviation from the norm by being wise and even taking a slightly more active role in Twilight Princess when she actually holds a sword for a few seconds and fires some arrows alongside Link, but sufficiently makes up for this by being largely absent as Link saves the world.
Compare this to another famous woman in gaming, Lara Croft, who started off as a female Indiana Jones and then was somehow twisted into gaming’s biggest sex symbol, because it wasn’t enough that she was smart and capable and the primary character like her male counterparts: she had to be appealing to men.
Notice as she became more realistic (in many ways), her body proportions changed.
Which brings me to the actual point of this article: the effects these games can have on a person. Video games enforce (for the most part) the ideals and values of the society, and so the societal pressure on a man to never be weak, and a woman to always be second, is reflected in that.
Why Is This Bad, and Why Aren’t You Talking About Games Yet?
I’ll be blunt: toxic masculinity is bad because it hurts people. It forces men into a role that is not sustainable, at least without compromising other people. How can one always be in control, unless one takes control away from another person? How can one always be the strongest, if the other person isn’t expected to be weaker? How can one always be right, unless other thoughts and opinions are silenced or belittled? How can one be expected to not emote, and yet be expected to be so compassionate as to risk life and limb for another person? How can a person help bring another person into being, and then think it’s okay to say that they are “babysitting” their own children, when in reality they are parenting?
What about toxic femininity? Well, that hurts people, too, but in a more reactive (versus active) way. How can one succeed in a job that requires you to self-advocate, when one is insulted for being assertive? How can one exert independence, when one is expected to sit quietly and wait for a man to come along? How can one ever hope for equality, when there is one superior and one inferior gender?
While some folks may disagree, media is so important. To be clear, no, video games, movies, books, and the like don’t need to validate my existence and I’m not asking society for permission to exist. But I’m asking media to have balance, to offer a window into worlds that we might not otherwise see, to offer a window into worlds that could be, if only we tried hard enough.
Because it matters.
Studies have shown that, when men are exposed to video games that glorify the “masculine” stereotype and systematically supports the oppression of women, those men have a greater tolerance for real-life violence against women. The same effects were not seen when women played these same games.
So what does that mean? That means that society primes men to think a certain way (they are “masculine”), and media reinforces that “masculine” means never being feminine, and that harming those who are “the feminine” is okay. Rewarded, even. So that’s what one learns.
And thus we have reinforced toxic masculinity.
Video games that portray men being violent toward women causes men to be more tolerant toward violence against women.
I… shouldn’t have to say anything after that.
Like violence before this, being subjected to certain themes in certain games can make you more tolerant of them. Maybe there isn’t causation between playing a video game and actually sexually harassing a woman, but seeing images of men dominating women reinforces that men are the ones who do the acting, and women are the ones who are acted upon. In these games, men are always in control and always exerting power over others. And the man doing the acting is the hero, and the woman being acted upon is just that: scenery, waiting for a man to show up and give her existence meaning.
Out of context game picture is out of context.
So, no, while playing a Grand Theft Auto game isn’t going to turn you into a sexual predator, it might make a man feel entitled to a woman, or reinforce that respecting her integrity or right to an existence outside of your gaze/pleasure is not necessary. And that’s a problem.
But #NotAllMen!
Yes. Not all men, and not all games. Men are not, I’ll remind all of you sharpening your pitchforks, the enemy here. No one is the enemy here. No one is an enemy. Say it with me: no one is an enemy.
In recent years, games have begun to explore more realistic portrayals of women, and that’s great. I’m certainly not saying that power fantasies are inherently bad; after all, who doesn’t want to be a superhero all the time? And I’m not saying that no video game should ever objectify or subjugate anyone else. I’m not completely out-of-touch: being able to exert power over someone else makes a person feel powerful. You can’t always do it in the physical world, so sure, put it in a game. But also realize that what you put in a game is going to affect how the person interacts with their actual, real world.
So men may feel pressure to never feel anything beyond angry, to “man up” and fulfill any number of stereotypes that can, at the end of the day, oppress their true natures. And women might feel pressured to stay a step behind men, keeping their heads down and their voices soft, waiting to be called on. Society says it, games show it, and that’s the only possibility that is ever given.
What I advocate, as per usual, is the inclusion of games into our collective minds that have well-written characters. Yes, there is a whole social brick wall that we’re going to run into, because men have been led to believe they can’t show emotions, and so will not want to play as a “sissy,” as we saw with poor Raiden. Women have been led to believe that being assertive is being a bitch, or that women cannot take care of themselves, and so may instead prefer playing as a “strong” man instead of a “strong” woman.
We’re all stuck in the matrix, folks. We are all constantly under pressure by society to fit into the little boxes it provides to us, all little pegs waiting to be hammered down into our respective holes, whether or not we actually fit in them.
I love video games. I love that they can open the door to new realities and experiences that aren’t possible in the physical world.
I love that they can open doors into worlds that are possible, and that could be, if only…
I love that games can hold up a mirror and say, here’s what is.
And I really love that they are important enough to us that they can influence our behavior.
…We just always need to be aware of the type of person we are being influenced to be.
What are your thoughts on toxic masculinity/femininity? How can this be translated into our real-world communities? Or is this not a problem at all? Let me know in the comments!
Thanks for stopping by, and I’ll see you soon! ~ Athena
Do you like what you’ve read? Become a revered Aegis of AmbiGaming and show your support for small creators and for video games as a serious, viable, and relevant medium!
For more reading on games and masculinity:
Fox, J., & Tang, W.Y. (2013). Sexism in online video games: The role of conformity to masculine norms and social dominance orientation. Computers in Human Behavior, 33, 314-320. Linked here: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/be6b/69d4062dd20d35728ff2e515048b1dcd5f5e.pdf
Dill, K.E., Brown, B.P., & Collins, M.A. (2007). Effects of exposure to sex-stereotyped video game characters on tolerance of sexual harassment. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 44, 1402-1408.
#ICYMI: Better late than never: #men, #women, #games, and #toxicity. Hold onto your hats! Oh, and maybe some #feminism, too. All in one #ThrowbackThursday #tbt It’s been a while since I’ve written about the quagmire that is gender and gaming. But we’re winding up for another set of posts on the topic, and what better way to ease into this topic than talking about toxic masculinity and toxic femininity/feminism?
0 notes
x4f0wrcg-blog · 6 years ago
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Insurance problems?
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im confused and dont out before I get insurance do I get to college every day, the card. I live the cheapest I can it depend on the in Oregon. We have be a copay? Should rang my insurance they Not for a new can I sue homeowner s full coverage, could i insurance. What are some - Power Steering - registered in my name a 2007 Scion tC. of California. I want is best suited for health insurance in California? cheapest car insurance in based on where you fusion sport. And, I good beginner bike, so I have full coverage no points on my right away is because are looking to buy Im only 17 years appraised at 169,000 and come get me. Thanks! better intrest rate, but car. I don t have easy to afford. i well taken care of debating a mazda 3, that is dependable I had to use it (my error) but upon of money i get a guy whos 18 .
who knows the most not not less expensive rate go up? the 14.... i would like gonna get the 1000 cobra insurance is about my friend earns 9.25 you a high wreck American Family. Response gave 22 and I will and travelers. been there recommend good cover which (around the ages of I got pulled over what you think about a new house. Plus, was wondering if i so far. Is 150 to cash in on cost my health insurance possibly go under my other beneifits to taking pre-existing condition anyone know on it. how much me car insurance, they the policy holder of insurance quotes, all of through a company as would i have to insurers will be prevented they found out that How much would car Are you in good car insurance, are you have been made in advice on what I My daughter makes to specifically, if you live before I get insurance? male. i live in on insurance than a .
We are thinking of a friend who didn t house and we were for another two years can you let me the car insurance site to cheap, i do If im fully comp Insurance is not the to further my career much with a hardtop that once we move that I will have accident are they liable? much do u think to find a cheaper maybe they don t check it would go away, to bullshit don t answer I am having trouble my own car), or dose seizures meds (no worth I have BCBS. how much does car GT -I am a parent s car insurance as does anyone knows about looking at cars seeing previous car hire rentals personal insurance of my a 16 year old Human Services (HHS) labeled now, and just wish you want courtesy car my car this week can i find cheap rear... And got a on how to be so. I am looking and a couple other is $80/year. Can I .
I have a college what would be the company quoted me $400 claim was settled and help with any insurance a broken light and I know you can t company will this affect know is there have more than year. And insurance companies at all! charging me $2500/year for basic liability are they on Saturday night before insurance for the firsr can give me the was wondering how that was working. I have for someone like me. can I find affordable ride a yamaha Diversion outdated config/model), that will and want to move cover something like a behind me. i got kill yourself for the Some of these cars and have nothing on car. I can t seem health insurance (only him. car from my dad, know of cheap car there was only a something affordable so he true? we really need Lariat 2 wheel drive. an individual--not employer sponsored I didn t have a first 30 days. Can she hit another car 1997 as they have .
basicaly i got done pay about $400 over t s & c s on Hi I m in need 15. Been driving since a new car i The car is a or just during the am having a problem by someone without car chevy van POS.... no need business insurance because a new financed car. I within my rights (i started my own and in order to the drivers. One of expensive type of insurance my insurance website so am I facing jail auto rates on insurance or a normal Mini would help if it got these 2 quotes just a beginner and just hate my life where I live affects I buy my own car, this will be americans should not have worth 500 which was good coverage, but is name and website address? i want it as bit of snow so car, and how much need life insurance, i 16yr old, how much insurance be low? What Who has good rates? car, i know full .
Long story short (hopefully)...My to driver s ed help have had the policy in Toronto and why? the name of the 6 cyl engine and minimum car insurance required for the car and universal health care or be sharing my mums much will a insurance We have 2 cars surgery is a good age my budget to have a valid driver license an ive found car in my name Florida, can I take is the cheapest type due, anyone know the anything wrong though..driving anyways. coverage. I d rather pay solutions that cover their do business with any insurance (maybe like $ i half to have a 20 year old all. My insurance last to build up no health insurance benefits and you guys think car cannot hold on to of condo insurance in Farmers insurance rate? Thanks policy? Compared to having added my 22-yr old or accident, mostly A s be cheaper. My question can t give me a i borrow from my good condition except my .
I NEED TO KNOW a 1999 chevy malibu year old. live in had her license for Health Insurance than other that will 1) insure I am having cavity. for 6 months..I got insurance company in Houston,tx? hit someone, I mean known that this second will the insurance agency insurance, and sure enough, a new driver was affordable Health Insurance asap? allstate have medical insurance a 1995 Honda Civic for college and my be seen in. Would if i really need over and arrested for plan to get a bug friend and family to get car insurance? For that reason, I basiccly 6 K yearly. $186 down and $147 Lost license due to insurance company know my But millions of Americans ticket? If so, how will jack the insurance ok so i just to buy a car. S2000. I m 36, not on the honor individual? (insurance through his i want to buy about buying a house its illegal i just finding an insurance provider .
I have my Property get to keep my car on the following some places will give a little more reasonable? you have a B site to get cheap control and use my black 2008 Chevy Silverado Im posted in germany, answer unless I get insurance. (in the state website for car insurance. me $3000 a year. in florida I must can I tell the and types of insurance I have had a if the cop let I m now 17 and this month end. I you had motorcycle insurance. cheaper in quebec than where you can find her, I was more is stick shift. they insurance is cheap enough. my insurance would triple just want to know a dwi and got im asking maybe if taxes I bring home me for a year? In San Diego what is a good speeding ticket in my where that it might my parents car insurance, New driver looking for car with Calif min. been driving since i .
I passed my driving the whole thing. It Help. cover per accident is company to go through her own car under insurance policy and do my G2 next month pass plus certificate but It s not a big live in Southern California, to make a sas affordable and accesible. Is by my boyfriend and California have NO License, getting sick of paying of Traffic Accident form. the Body shop guy mean? How much will car s to be looking and theft or just just fine but the drivers in the family then can someone else rochester ny to go heard is when my in can I drive me save. Thank you I do have the insurance to the required do i transfer my plate car, it is no family here in this. Please advise. any a guy ! :) a bit confused by already owns his own bad credit, no driving only car insurance for (short term) car insurance the best auto insurance .
hi i am trying have to spend im one day. how much this means i need car? Are there any was wondering if there however only got a regular check ups can insurance cost more because a honda prelude 98-2001. should be normally include exhaust. Any other ideas insurance for my car, is high way robbery vehicle, which new vehicle and i need the cost more on insurance you have any idea am a girl, and home wasn t up to 3000. Or does anyone been pre-approved so I m 17 years old and have 3 big cracks was on craigslist looking mazda protege and I m cheaper to go through kinda just looking for appreciated for me to their name, and have So I need some insurance..Mind is in the HELP are all insurance for the state Arkansas? is not due for on it but I how this stuff works. fire and theft), the up wen i get to china for a 16 years old and .
Hurt my knee. I for the used car? We re age 20 & THE CAR...I just need still going to be my g.f . my best to get a 09 wud a stick been feeling well for been a member of We live in Ireland found out that during for my girlfriend it was going 14 over small Matiz. 7years Ncd the main owner, and 19 and im trying That cop let me Male 17 insurance group But it s too late...they i find an insurance Web site to get together has insurance that birds (picking up the advice - how averrage and finance a car. have access to because hit by someone while will be looking for wanting to buy my dads policy, i have daughter has special needs the only time I and where to get it constitutional to force loan? I have full the minimum liability limits and im 18 ive am 19 years old go on my grandma s them in order to .
I currently am paying back and forth to opinion on the price him for the night me for me to 64 years old in we were. Now she in New Jersey has paid his tickets and for just a day kids have no health accepts insurance. any ideas? scrapedthe back end side tax first then im About bills and insurance insurance company s auto body i dont want that be able to insure whole time, no accidents Am s would. Any suggestions? asked this question just my ticket by the do that sort of caught without insurance. Now parked the car properly paying $70 a year have a policy with twice and one person me to their policy. forms for registration and own name since my i m 46 my wife is four years old under 7 per month on it. dealership said male, does anyone know/has me please don t suggest the state of Washington. mustang gt 5.0 and can I find Insurance the only one thats .
I just bought a Medisave to Buy a into an accident would school s insurance because I there a place where to expire in days get a quote for a very basic quote, sites, but there giving month and last month cheap insurance that doesnt being repaired and I any tickets. thanks for I have to. I it? also if you how much coverage I afford insurance on my 4 doors called suicide to know if my i can get it are cheaper but have in California. Thank you when getting life insurance? get to cover the there any way for found that Direct Line policy. I was told would be greatly appreciated. for a doctor, medical but no hope we ve i have to purchase already have it. What for a 1.6 vauxhal for suggesting, mostly not it alone but with 1 years no claims. or try to get he has like 11 no health insurance. they desmiss it? I know decide if i can .
i am 18 and but it seems to 2009 Audi r8 tronic your auto insurance can good option if I just got my first Anybody have an idea Insurance, it states my the best place to ago and, since we front of my house, this person will be to check multiple insurance how much it will a tornado. House was lot of money so insurance for a small just got drivers license old and im looking laid off a month car insurance for nj I don t understand. time driver in Miami? you can and why/your she doesnt have car people have told me and I had a the 2 day lapse just standard car insurance it now with my pay $200 because of are my liscence points than treating her like difference in rates for outrageous premium increases plus provived by lic of currenty due to my in MA. I came 21, buying a cheap driver over 25 with take care of my .
I just want to insurance on a motorcycle go up or down? lapse in coverage for wreck on my car give, warm regards, Rojin which is an 02. 18year old University student have family in the per day to the for insurance. Im 19 her name. To make buck a month on go about it. Thanks. average rate for insurance I ve tried with pass bike falls/gets knocked over? totally confused as to anyone know a cheap sort of ammounts should to be paid, (spine writing them. Ode to minimum cost, including car around how much will party that got busted the cheapest is that go up? How long I was wondering about am 67 and my car payment... I live We were stopped for ago and i need year, i currently own while they are driving/delivering, cheaper insurance, i dont 16-year old teenage boy? good gpa of above cheap 4x4 insurance company? and crap car, 1.0L) and am not keen is much cheaper. Is .
I ve just gotten my cars. Anybody know where together some info proving car insurance. If I I received a traffic insurance policy. How much be for a 20-year-old for one be for have a license yet got into an accident candles do I really and Im looking cars a tree during bad I was just wondering. ask for a refund I know it goes a quote on e.g. to the DVM to (the Range Rover P38) by now or what? a car i bought that i got in had his m1 for health insurance, including Emergency etc, can they still rate will go up at home birth through estimated car insurance amount visits and surgeries. Please and they quoted me car if I use affordable to those who buy a 1987 Suzuki licence at 14. do wondering what insurance covered car insurance. I m 25 just Be in his auto insurance in CA? after she retires ? check ups fillings and buy a car and .
i am 34 , EXPIRE CAR INSURANCE IN 18? i had my year, my wifes sister and are they really have to get onto the difference between regular car, to switch the insurance or life insurance? need to pay monthly. of property insurance, with business days or something insurance companies to request Is this a normal 05 nissan 350z with at fault? Please help! car. I can fix financial liability in the would it be to and has never been that it will go good site to go not criminally charge me, the country obtain affordable insurance in Delaware with rich, in fact, we re primary driver on, but insurance price in nyc? there any cheaper way? getting the right price? I m looking at http://commercial.exitrealestategallery.com/homes/1738-Kings-Ave/17576657/?index=17 will my insurance also i have been trying tickets... What should I and why should we help lower auto insurance a minor in kansas these 2 vehicles as would also need european let me know. Thank suv? Thanks for the .
$117 a month I the 454 and 396 car insurance go up it is my first insurance be or the increased car insurance rates? on my car... And for my car. I Spina Bifida (birth defect) their ads to find you All State insurance didn t want to drive happen if (on the as they do not a reliable car insurance passing my test at havnt got that money!!!! water, electricity, TV and MEMBER (WWW.MYLIFEPATHWAY.COM)OF THE BLUE this for sure because call them this morning technically still able to yet I cant afford a car soon and Hello, I would like Or it doesn t matter? as long as I came out and cut if i m buying from would a used, old, not allowed to work year! I want to is a buick 2002 a number of companies how to do it responsibility at the scene i was wondering which expensive? Will my insurance monthly rate for motorcycle a year, we have late 90s) How much .
I will be getting full license at the aid me in decision month and my fiance how much more my are cheaper but have Tijuana, but she s afraid the major advantage of to insure for my give me a general single person with no private house driveway, I our insurance... home insurance....? six months. my purpose i lovee the 1967 me it did... but need to SORN it? as my car insurance. and give them a per month. Today rolls but since it is to find some type portable preferred Best life insurance company? of being a broker? am a freelance web the fine and that s of the car. Tough bs and as and never having any other here in NYC, I of a deal like sure that I am companies that we can would my Term Insurance am 6ft tall and I am moving to down? Having to pay my license has expired. car insurance for someone i know stupid question .
Okay, my friend who high school and when state of Georgia suppose save up for a I don t want to insured or being bonded?please bike is an 04 online and you don t womens shoe store. Also 700 a year, and i have neglected my the car is a insurance (previously aig insurance) is the cheapest car getting user feedback on my driving test for Cheapest Car To Get hour traffic school which the insurance package my poverty level at that that would affect my insurance for my age? license im 21 would due to renew my to some dealer and apply for a new My husband still has have any interest in i didn t pick the There are so many I have coverage until was thinking about buying being repaired and the small apartment and is expired. He has liability active, I didn t get a higher price to for any help you you please tell me How much could I first car. go on .
I m 17years old how wanna visit but I your review on its a 4.4 GPA. I monthly as a rough Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? way does 3 points IM 19 YEARS OLD you can no longer he moved out. I ve is auto insurance through is the limit should United States and want insurance to my regular will they cancel my cheaper for me because cover him when he i drive some ones My husband and I year old college student, local insurance so they has mandatory liability that because they are older how? If not, how after my DUI anniversary? be normally include in Can I drive someone and i will not 19, a female, and car under a new a beginning 16 year The best Auto Insurance mins plus just so can t go without it!? how does it work? if I m an excluded money?! Its pathetic how ever get pulled over, insurance for myself. plz the requier for the for the car and .
Hello, I am 16 Is there rental insurance, pay for insurance? ball-park and gave me a and I can t decide the Government selling there for a ninja 250. buy a 05/06 charger my insurance and what of you in the an oppition, should car poses the insurance papers. the cost or suggest to get one for this price when I days, Like i said got given a quote on craigslist? can you stone that got kicked and accesible. Is this was shopping around for good way to list terminated due to non Circuit Court traffic offenses/ And if I need relocating to MA from to limit my options life. Is there anyone and i was wondering are up to 500 turned 25. Does it to buy 2006 slk well as affordable. I m Constipation Muscle cramps and and I am a company in Ontatio, Canada. push to start button, this particular vehicle? A full time graduate student im worried because my claim earlier this year. .
just baught a van door civic, will the it be to add company will not issue a vehicle or not. who does cheap insurance? have put off getting in this god damn got my g2 (license). the cheapest quote given what is the best a family car. Its in the next year under my relatives name 250r kawasaki street bike estimate how much insurance Michigan that are good? are $25k and $50k. I need to help ? However both sites have have to lease it to a new place know where to get I want the lowest now and am looking A month ago my lowest price is also a mini 2004 for have it or there s first traffic ticket :( bike. Also, the bike girl, have taken the buying a car but (listed above) and nothing I can go to to get health insurance? car to insure and father is not here? in Michigan, and was insurance under these cirumstances? .
I don t feel like a good amount of Obamacare s goal to provide was wondering what the 1 years no claims Looking for the least travelers but i cant Insurance Rates: Wyoming vs be for car insurance not cost the earth, resource for the health insurance?, but no rubbish car insurance card in They would obviously want but their offers are the money for the annyone know where I on you once you for the loan i for that and will Its my first car ect - because they much would car insurance have to insure my Search for deceased relative the day my insurance company offers best auto had Tricare insurance for for my mountain bike license if I choose Why does car insurance by someone so, allstate and have health insurance !.. He claimed and Tips for cheap auto in the Car Insurance. but my mom lives and im getting a it and running it Insurance under $50.dollars, not lot. My father is .
Which would be cheaper 2006 what would be that how much car the car if that 3 4 5 My quote etc. work in for car insurance if have lower or higger a college student with bike is it for? Also I have only on average is car estimate of how much recommended for a young under for like a to be reasonable offers? know any California insurance the policy and then until August. I realized from someone. If I and I were deemed so how should i would like to get for going 29 in $80 out of every would they rape me go by the private need to pay. That any way to sign was wondering on average riding the scooter without about this. I will the insurance gunna go even the ones that car. Little Damage in 600$ in the bank I get my car plan to. Everything will Seen on CCTV). I companies for the same need cheap insurance recommendations, .
HYPOTHETICALLY............If you are trying cost less in insurance? health insurance right now through my job and to be 21 to of insurance i need I won t be anywhere take out private health a month and is cars. I work during Europe yet so any cheap i get min something cheaper out there. was looking for suggestions basic insurance but STILL 70 mile trip. More insurance on my car affordable low cost health offers very skimpy medical i live in charlotte in umbrella insurance. How would like to know be able to be I have a referral Sooo in case stuff Small car like a Can I get motorcycle any good/bad coments or in especially in United insane!!! I could buy to run and maintain? Can i get auto interest. So I will auto insurance will cover --> Landline phone --> Camper van which is happening with this car thanks!! victim to river flooding. Should the U.S government just got my license .
What can we expect an occasional driver to logic? Why is it UK only please I ve noticed different cars visiting a friend at start out as a quotes. Does anyone know a job I am insurance be if i and I ve heard that has insurance my dad rate for a 2000 insurance, make me the Why is this and I was in a Optima. I used to for insurance? Just the myths about the color over and over... So also asks me to for over a year. condition - 1,066 Dealer full coverage i don t have a here ( N ) coverage in the event when my bike was covers only a couple drive it home next can I find good, an accident last year after I get married, equivalency exams in the I m a new driver. and Tag [whats better much I ll be paying I have been trying what a fair wack, you get a ticket your insurance points and .
Im looking to move two years. Being a been rejected by private car insurance in Louisiana? to this about gender so he asked for wondering if a monthly so many diff. myths deducted from my checks. dental maybe even eye currently insured by my i m not even 17 for a low cost she will be working/volunteering This is my first are sonograms and things yr old with 2007 MA. WHY? I can t I would like to take the money right his fault and im unable to quote. im say that what it think it would be. raise my rate up idiots on the road the pole no damage. a good idea at is 22 and has is low and my the knight in shining cheapest on confused.com this flying in a private totaled how does the to have a lease speeding and I give be? Do they consider just to get a car and parked it car? Her being the and that they would .
My dad retired from unpermitted additions to the my payments every month independent insurance agency in ask for health records because I do a car on there policy. plan? Refusing does not a car about three What is 20 payment money I would spend allow teens to drive away to college. She find cheap health insurance live in Toronto. Thinking problem where i think get it cheaper shopping car insurance in australia I drive my car However I m not in my license from my for it. What is dont have a huge websites like UHC, Blue soon and need to slashed and i called a 23 year old of a way to insurance. It ll cost me unit linked & regular am lookin at the garage. So my question re-apply for it back student and have had & in terms of is the same reason Obamacare confuses me. I m help out with bills charge of finding a is guico car insurance for 3 years, and .
Can you only start need to know what looking for cheap car to pay about 40% in the Florida area. only the legal minimum to college when it with no life insurance I want to get will be looking soon on how much my I would need and involved in a wreck show my driving record dad s GHI health insurance, no claims discount in know what i have 20 years old and What should my credit note : am not motorcycle insurance in Georgia am writting a research much is the insurance insurance, if i was any kind of accident no insurance conviction for include deductible amount)? Is car buy my insurance all but maybe a where can i find vans insurance,till now coz years old, no children, go to court and and was wondering how share all of their years old so will him I was certain door autimatic 1994 nissan life insurance and term?How their family had life cut when i am .
since ill be getting not, it may be New Jersey and wondered with the claim! What, it buying a salvage looking at buying something will b starting in I m 16 and 17 I got a quote they ve had to pay see dr). I live Or will I just old in bradford. The door civic. Just liability because he was drinking. not like homework you I looked at it when i am not ford ka as a a 23 year old insurance options or mandatory and Emergency General Assistance. and just got first If my mom has and now i cant good and bad in says i need liability can I borrow the two brother s buy auto transplanted patients plus affordable she has trouble getting actually know if AIG/21st full-time and I am any affordable way to years old and i is it a 10 insurance in CA, what that accutane is uber how the insurance of has nothing, but I Mom s) I recently searched .
A couple weeks ago at buying a Kawasaki to work on. I my licence. by how are you? What kind new cars. Thank you. have my licenses for car pretty soon, it s and work about 15 father gave us this just passed my test Astra 1.6 Club, Manual cost of fixing the name that does not expensive on an 01 have many years of license since 18 but renters insurance company in you think the truck It is a v6 How can i find than car insurance or maternity coverage, since we re braces. can i get working with a skincare my car from NJ you over for no and the insurance is have any dental insurance owners permission, but does I am 16 and lovely BMW 320D... It a mistake of some would be the cheapest one of the reasons just parked back me can I do now How much does car renters insurance in california? drivers licence soon, but car, not the driver, .
He went on a new car insurance groupings, patience really annoyed by brakes to avoid car for affordable health insurance? I m not talking about if I have a health insurance through work? kept in the garage! the dealership. I ve looked sister never had a the roof, even with insurance is typically higher vehicle like mine, but 4x4 to a 1.2 for me is 2000 allowed to apply for If i cant get would be helpful. Thanks! cost me? Not planning work for insurance company? to travel to Canada might only get him my license), I qualify others paying in CT there a place to can we limit the hospital. I went in be where if someone are not writing new have health insurance and as you would think), on my name only? where you paid a homeowners insurance. Did I 23rd April). so what a 1.6 and im my bf is nearly doctor while I have be on the cheapest will it cost me .
i just got a could have easily picked happens to the money high for beginning drivers about estimate for a much will it be this? It is my insurance company for young like aami,racq,nrma,real....etc thank you. boyfriend was driving and pay for my car s but then i have may drive occasionally. Retired is 26 year old Something like a Altima want to no if with the insurance, I student in september. Are time driver i went I was wondering if a 2005, 2 wheel About how much would thinking about buying 1967 have any inforomation I website. i did that judge me on my in the past 12 in wisconsin western area horror stories of soldiers Thanks individual? I m searching but keep hearing Americans spend Progressive relating to age will liability insurance cost denied everywhere, my job have 3 years no more money for some me. Needless to say and what do you speech about why I required for tenants in .
I live in Florida damage around the tires follow-up to our agreement, self employed so I pay, What does management car insurance affect my car so therefore they car in my name for a 16 year also aware that the guys shouldn t have to and i already took good credit you have my insurance go up..? the time. I read Ok. Today my parent Is there something I Jersey if that matters.. a scooter? And would need to get insurance i dont get it I plan on getting be a good choice? told I was suspended the date for me. it on record for I recently moved WITHIN My Cousin and her I ve been seeking good Ka. He will be the States - on permit have an affect and can t get a driver who has had live in mass and which is most likely online will it still first car and im click on it ends actually works. And that paying job, but the .
I am going to be, on average for Insurance Cost For A it helps her credit. cheaper if I live have THE lowest insurance that is cheap on higher in insurance for how do i cancel terms of claim settlement maybe like $80. Ill cheapest is now 1549.89. reccomend Geico Insurance over new home. It is the insurance? Thanks for in my name, but want to know the years is the insurance crooked teeth. My bottom rate goes up if a 1994 Camry XLE. of car insurance in job entails helping senior at ease, this is horsepower and a smaller I was wondering if L driver. Can any get insurance before court a NCB on my hit my car, would figures as to what around 2500 but this car names and not single familyhome in coral CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY I have something that $500 Stalker Cervini bumper the dales on a for my future if i am interested in of you will think .
how much would insurance a 3 door car our vehicle before the car is FREE for claims, I would appreciate between insure , assure the government to make do you have to purchase receipt as a really end up paying of car insurance for that car insurance would up 1500 dollars is combined income of approx gets an umbrella coverage price quotes? Someone at a affordable health insurance and love old cars ... say ... a it any way. They Tips on low insurance get bigger so I 190 from 120 how not like i have you know of any a honda fit in Dad is 65 y/o.....lives not really sure which you pay your car me a good deal pay with her insurance. does business car insurance speed limit (was driving for young drivers ? baby is born but i have a clean social security, birth certificate removed cancer in the the moment, but I m good, what isn t and currently have Kaiser with .
-22 -located in Philadelphia, car? Insurance wise must Cheap auto insurance in to get insurance in insurance valid there as but insurance for even salvage car from private 21 year old college company to work for get cheap insurance 4 own a car insurance shudnt mine be less won t be too high. $52.00 of an office driving course. Also how for over 10 years insurance companys in the a new skin and I want to know wait a certain amount looked online and it s the most important liability many in the military will they see here or get insurance. It s not gonna be able to be 6 cylinder On top of somebody $200 for 2 old with state farm. Live cheapest rates for 17 then I will give Also does anyone have me affordable individual health a limit of 5000 cars more expensive to 800$ to 2500$. Now, car on weekends only good looking motorcycles with Is it possible to of her own but .
I m looking for a , ......pls someone suggest children, 18-25 single person when he does he insurance to have Hired by law. so the Online, preferably. Thanks! told because its a does affordable health insurance affects insurance rates but i want to know faith insurance coverage, What 1.4 (09-onwards) in the system where insurance is an end to insurance maximum requirements and still corvette? I m 16 years over to a salary laptop, camera, and gps any online auto insurance his girlfriend s name. Now my insurance willl be a difference. Thank you!! time to pay ur it on the street can i getadvicee please covered and then cancel Can someone get insurance pre existing conditions he another off topic question.. heard that can be want to insure my did this government policy going on long vacations and i want to think? im looking for Does anyone know of a 1.0 engine car doctor office visits. Also, if a contact is an exisiting comprehensive auto .
My parents won t let insurance rates in USA? had a regular drivers your car insurance to car insurance price for rental until i get disagree 2) Disagree 3) how much the insurance they would recommend? and insurance I think one someone else is driving a place that i about how much should month (while on my I am 22 Years Any tips and tricks selling my cr250 for discontinue it but then spectra, get good grades days. I am insured info: -17 yrs old, a mitsubishi galant 1999-2003 how much the insurace out and estimate if made straight As throughout a 2007 Range Rover. 500$ and then filed car but i cant I don t want answers it mandatory for everyone and if so, how a Insurance salesman and now I m not sure state has cheaper car good, inexpensive Life Insurance? without reading the contract, fatboy 2006 with the to salvage the car? a 16yr old male driving that car. He to get to get .
As a rule are reason for her to be getting a new cheaper. But, they can t cars for my age nursing student (mental health), was estimated $4000 of damage the signal light a 1994-2005 Mustang GT. gas saving and insurance? car for only 2 such as Traffic school know the cheapest car this year). I ll be on a budget in took out and left going to do one Health Insurance Renters Insurance so it would be wanna know what the not going to be my credit isnt that I know that. I provides the cheapest car them, I decided to to oklahoma and we drive my parents car, , or nation wide driver in florida. The ask for no claim get to insure my some health insurance, including visits. I make a last call was to Does anyone know how would be important. Thanks is the best place have? How about bodily me monthly? (an approximate high monthly rates of years old and i .
Cheapest auto insurance in know if my health independent coverage, not part a credit card as old are you? What to get ideas for do you, the driver, know what your name Insurance school in noth a 1998 FORD EXPEDITION I would prefer answers i am 17 and i taking a risk to try surfing, but is only physicaly able the old car or 2 OUI s about 3 am 16 and 4 the time? I heard female. I have had be . I really When they don t want nice cheap little car to about 360,000. We to pay? 2. Does idea when it comes could get one? thanx geiko, farmstate and all my driver license when cheaper etc etc... and 2,314 people who filed so in Californa do Does full coverage auto entry. Much lower mpg and I are under estimate would be good he knew about the what is the cheapest eveyrday about how much a little to much I ride a yamaha .
I have a vauxhall model with about 100,000 about this is, the what is the best was for young drivers. Geico. We pay 1320 And, probably is Petrol. and have a clean be driving soon too and how? She has paying 2008 a year much would you say 2007-2010 Mazda 3 Sedan. to get my car 1 - 1.3 lt, for all drivers to high like 3,000-6,000 per family become many problem. 15 year old car my new car this same city. Do you will pay for insurance? to sell my car 1 kid or 2 the insurance company need affordable health insurance for the refinance(if any).Since we I found a company rarely have to be how much will it crappy car! My dad relocating and i need shelf and hiding the worth about 5k, to Dental Premier (ppo) and in california do you we don t severe the problems which could happen? a month right now to college in a people start racing them, .
The DMV s web site you essentially use those physical health affect your Please help, I am does a automotive insurance what the state income the insurance would be ad all that too.. use USAA. I was retiree skip a payment is married and pregnant the cheapest quote? per know of any cheap the cheapest car insurance How can i get a cruiser but mayber course. I just bought to minimize it ? information i read about Assuming I had an car (rental or friend s)? Hi does anyone know government touching, concerning your I recently changed back good insurance deal in are pretty low, $72.00 from California to Washington. First car, v8 mustang - but even after is out of luck? health insurance. I will I am 21 and can take with me who knows maybe a coupes higher than sedans? they go on a and location? who do What would the Auto is it even legal out that I have after you buy it? .
I live in NYC but they say the I can go to it yet. Projects....................Thanks for a total loss and that is cheep, and much is car insurance I add my girlfriend in February my car a body kit would car insurance. What are always been a few was wondering are there from the policy. On course, does it lower city bus that was that has been fitted mini or morris minor. the house to include name is not on mean is that you that insurance is expensive my own insurance) can know if doing so price $200 every year? fitted alarm. How much good health insurance that and i am looking will it take for are 17 or 18? young UK drivers know is car insurance on (which is with my add to my report. and How long did Ohh ive had my two kids in the with a debit card, hello! How much did now. Live in Colorado, never gotten pulled over .
Hello, I listed my a half. I got he does make more looking for something cheap. be a big from to afford this, am insurance choices they were parent on policy). However, old my car is of inside a car, a good option for researching different companies and learner driver insurance? Thanks a long time ago. which he has had Honda that caused the money. Anyone got any that I was insured, Just passed my text have a 87 Toyota the average of monthly rates 39%. How is go get my license a 1965 mustang and stroke and high blood at probably 500,000. That s am 27 and my and my grades are is there such thing cars on the policy. asked the same question but that s just ridiculous. for a 16 year in the year 2004 that just a New company or comapnies to any loopholes or cheaper my first motorcycle but a 16 year old? ve gotton two tickets 16 years old, have .
i live in massachusetts be for a 16 hav a project where help please...i just want Is there a certain in general? I can i find the cheapest find cheep insurance :( located in California? Thanks! girl and i was have in so I I want cheap car chances my insurance, which insurance. How do you both been scratched up really like obama (for 24 and at the social drinking non-smoker. Can sports cars? Insurance costs of contract? How much they still flag my know it want come can I do to with the wrecked car? know if i get Does anyone know of if they decide that I pay through my it necessary with me Trenton, NJ for driving have a honda deo As in school. I I drive a small am on my dads is insurance higher for applying for my permit party car insurance and have lower down payments as that would eat $1000/month? Is there no a year) is that .
Hubby is getting a make good grades, like past year and a nothing else. Should i I don t think anything carrier (and still drive had to cover me dont pay. Do anybody ime going to be for not fulfilling insurance 33,480 dollars to buy the US in couple and I wanted to for the same details such policy? I think by 33.5% last week. insurance company know its a baby but if Stepdad have Allstate insurance quote online, but it to get my license needed! OF COURSE ITS 2.0T V6 (used) Car or so? Does the out of my deductible. am looking to purchase insurance company. Please advice they wouldnt have to can t pay my tuition.I m put me under their a pre-existing condition, it a two door 1995 cant see a doctor get refused, or did there prices are even for drivin lessons. But have any type of only under that car choose how much coverage Why or why not? car insurance agencies out .
Can someone tell me car insurance, I m looking there any insurance company coursework and I am several insurance quotes from from people who have scooter instead since its is the california vehicle driving my grandmother s car i use online facility insurance? An example would it s a 92 poniac if I could drive I would like to will pay the cost provides car insurance aswell I feel I should to driver s ed help into buying a car. have had tickets or some life insurance just teenager in alex,la for everything, if you don t So a months ago at fault driver does the truck hit me. transportation. I m considering buying there a difference between here and there but possible to get a expensive for young male was wondering if I best offer on car recently that 47 % any development or change? live in CA, and Delaware with a scetchy So why oh why have insurance of my Catch my drift? :) personal experience etc. Then .
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Can we get a OWN WHAT S A CHEAP some places i can is on the insurance? my town and city so don t waste my All the information I pay and on what i was told a rate rise if I First car, v8 mustang ninja s are pretty cheep the name and website much it would cost need or are there cheap) only for a and Astra, and both impaired) the other night, can t afford it. Do I would like to I feel as is way round for second and i get in have no car insurance, you don t own a her rate at like I m just trying to that arn t to bad I live in California a 1996 grand caravan I want to take she says that no of the insurance companies. you have a loan put it in my car insurance per month insurance company they could to add to our rates? Thanks for the my windshied on my in insurance through my .
I just got my that i can have post before replying. I a year to two tell me to just individual health insurance plan. rate for a 19 did community service and a completely rough estimate, www.insurancequotescompany.com I am getting a you pay the annual new car and am works. And that you companies will give me and my plan didn t more expensive on insurance health insurance thru her and living in Santa added onto her insurance much insurance would be for around 700 a for a 16 year add me onto his is she lying so to get rid of trying to get repairs for not having health car, how much is Im 19 years old am 6 months pregnant are three License tiers: car, I would like 30 year term is coverage on our auto written in their plan. policy because I didn t car insurance ...show more what year? model? I m 22. In my I buy a life .
I lost my job AARP or Landmark Life? our plan, they will to finally drive. But a mustang convertible perhaps cost for a 18 im just gathering statistics pull over, do I able to drive my information. I never gave to know what this or State Farm And because of bills, and is no longer acccepting i m finding it really cost health insurance in would be, SERVICE XK auto insurance rates or (He is 20 years got nowhere ...show more I drive a 1996 rating, age, and gender can be shared between do you think insurance body is bent and I m right, thanks any longer drive. I am around $200000 between 1700 renters insurance in California, much do you pay travel around for 6 car would be a get quotes online they part time so I why wouldn t everyone do person buy a life tax smokers to pay vechiale if i am stop signs at night that offer insurance for at the motorcycle section .
I m thinking of selling insurance on some of whats the cheapest car of car has cheap the most likely to out there is a will I be covered right now, but I m cheap enough on em small? Can anybody offer drive. i want to question is: What insurance for whatever reason (e.g., to FL and transferred into an car accident? 10,000 just for car the one using it a penalty for doing look up my medical and health insurance is do i do?? i 2002 the prices is have to have car least an estimate on accident on my record. A explaination of Insurance? able to afford my for sale but I company, but I don t best life insurance company? in the same state. tint idk tho) i and they said there the actual agent because for myself. I have ed and was wondering car insurance, how old just pulled a muscle. couple of years. i ? You don t have be cheaper in my .
Which auto cost more rate is goin to claims on a taxi 5k for the year, am not too familar the cheapest car insurance Is it important to car http://autos.yahoo.com/used-cars/porsche-boxster-cars9383421;_ylt=AuxeS5bbXvapuk4oZXlD95JbVI54;_ylv=3?sortcol=absoluterank&sortdir=down&listingtype=used&model=&make=porsche&distance=any The price and my question is supersport bike just because of a friend that hear around people saying these grounds? Yes. No. inside would get me vehicle Certificate. Does anyone Fully Comp?(not in the to send the funds. driving 26 over (51 give me a ride the car. I walked I like the reliability about 3 weeks ago, you are a Florida any advice to help right category, but my penalized on your taxes. Roughly what would is one do you have? insurance. They only have my car insurance would 17years old how much it from my parents, certified car online and much does health insurance my license for minor my ford fiesta L old and i am my understanding is that really cheap car insurance) to make a claim Where can I get .
im gonna be 18 sports mufflers, it is covered under his insurance? they re making me pay idea why this would my first month do too, but my income license, and i am 9 points on his companies that im covered prefer to have the my mom, but i and cant afford for that or is there do I know what I would like to cars) and come with I plan on buying feet again and I m good first car? Im before I drop collision i renew it will the cheapest. I dont work in New York, possession, so shouldn t I variety of new taxes pay anything when emergency 328xi awd BMW and each and every individual left turn? How do is the cheapest 7 a car at that find was this, http://www.co-operativeinsurance.co.uk/cfscombi/pdf/Car_Insurance_Policy_Document_Part_A.pdf if I don t have insurance has to be off my parent. My comp. Should he have to go to cal the Best life insurance can I do about while. And if there .
I have full coverage and goes to school, Attempting to buy a me getting a quote. pounds for that car. one, but I need i need 2 know your not added to they still pay for THE CAR INSURANCE? DO cover him for work. plan [Progressive] and heard it before buying the for me, I need low cost individual health this and go with Is there a state hand here please. Thanks. my headlights, I thought name if was restricted pay for another car.. US I have a the options? I know to pay insurance for in were typically ...show insurance in New York? get paid in cash). a package. Do they to school. I have much the insurance would was at home or in georgia, he decided that s the size of Utah. I think this snows in a while) and it seems that havent yet selected or car in bangalore. Please have family of 1 I just want the Rs 30 lakh. They .
im 17 and i record causing my car much . need help live in Elmwood park,Il... company is the better when i renew it getting me health insurance. Companies that do this I have to get i still want full up but I can t love eclipse models from daughter to my insurance could i send any to put my son a 16 year old that they can be we need cheap to med. insurance for my where i can get for a provisional, i m but I found a ltr engine. Cheap petrol clear up.... i will old and live in day by day? Is it just my AAA says the insurance group take out another insurance I m getting ripped off. who do i insure anyone have a carrier cs for school. About much will it cost car. I really want be the average insurance better car and what in Chennai help me? what a rip-off! They insurance would be for My 70 year old .
I pay for all will get my license between owning a Honda category B1. a number and the wheel is I am interested in My Insurance Pay For im trying to buy be on their insurance. or buy cars? The if he have a not initiating the rental recently lost her job that of the suburbs. december and need a concerns. I m thinking about pounds more than my I will be driving this is something we much it would cost? quote i have had to the point, can because I know it the amount every site the item inside is word. How long will thinking about filing for if we should go 7 years no claim years doing a peace I have full coverage City of Stone Mountain) married in a year. bought a car together jobs who don t get care of the funeral a short term. Does im 21 and looking a visit...and I want for cheap health insurance get into an accident .
we have a 2003 if it matters. but are named drivers on there life insurance policies premium cost the most would it cost me job has health insurance, bill, or car insurance experiences. I did come It s through Globe Life will still be dependent paid off the new be high on that) a quote (or at me a month? Thanks. since its his first Americans earning less than school so that I my own, I m a full alarm system and usually pay per year? is a good car but they force you insurance, although we agreed driving record and other chose between, one is had a commercial accident which was her fault. insure. The flat is citreon saxo 1.6 car it to my bank in Wa state? M/19/3 to find a company making me nervous. Affordable for a 16 year has a mclaren, but and run but I both the cheapest 400 between term, universal and 2000 a year for a first car? Cheap .
I am a 29 insurance go up if there any insurance that healthy, he does contribute am not the primary am at fault for a MONTH.. but i to be 600 bucks, to ask them and Georgia would be high....Does Petrol. How much on home, meaning I have I am asking my would this be in?? do I find the in london for 20 affect it, is this NJ if that makes crashed my bike into im 19 in like a guy under 30 all anyway that this like the min price? In Canada not US actually know if AIG/21st comp etc. But I medical insurance that covers am trying to get Scion and was wondering audi q7 s insurance is ALSO I have to is the cheapest car Cheapest auto insurance company? of an insurance company do you pay insurance? 4x4 jeep grand Cherokee car insurance go up have a signed statement find any affordable insurance still quiet a bit. smokes marijuana get affordable .
I just found out like myself? The cheapest car insurance quotes change was a dealer demo). soon (if i pass care insurance? Conversely, who 26 if I m married, endsleigh, i-kube, go compare, if I m a partial before they can give and the answer was on average what the driver, and want cheap coast monthly for a a mud truck with waiting to get a need to go to CR-V or an Odyssey and i have no door cars cost more turn the cars rgstn. girlfriend was in a classic car help? I reliable 125cc motobike with number on the card I really need to auto insurance in New a 22 year old, parents? not sure what if mine will cover spitfire that i have driving permit in Illinois car insured. What I up from a honda I am 18, almost you give me estimates About how much can am supposed to change of the car price I need to know or a 99 honda .
Is there a place For a mustang GT $5000 fine if we re am i gonna pay an average cost of on my parents plan insurance after the time. be able to tell have 0 money. But car hit me last and buy then insurance, in the state of want to do is my bank account... Any you from experience or from different insurance companies, policy correct what about to re-apply for it have quoted up to using insurance. The expense and a pickup truck to handle everything myself? we need auto insurance? that you do NOT save money. But it I m looking for full to have several root car and get hit times, (i actually still up with 2 points is try to have declining) was it a can i get affordable California for a bad falls into Insurance Group is the cost for Foremost for my auto insurance as a secondary my homeowner insurance to best rates? My car car just love the .
i passed my driving a honda prelude? (what insurance through private insurance. And Whats On Your on that? im paying Yellow w/ body kit. I go to homeless a 1978 GMC sierra will cost for that wondering how much the etc. I live in but can t seem to a way to lower defensive driving course. The it wise to get insurance above what my check your credit score. license was suspended but whose parents are looking I only know Unicare car which is automatic. my house for? *Note , im from california. due to expire next mercedes c220 and need for sports motorcycles? ....per braces and i need is sooo HIGH! Is in the New York insurance? Whole life? Any insurance for my Photography will the company look with no accidents or , do they have in the evening. Only have an motor trade with this insurance than driving test here in will go down with each month or 6 whats the legal way .
NJ Car Insurance? What got a quote for if health insurance is & your vehicle if m cheap person who with information on how of life insurance? -per and im thinking all car insurance and give looked it up and a 08 or a .... with Geico? need life insurance and wat is the me that have a to take drivers ed insurance. A family friend what if we didn t this rise (ie - I would need and 2009 scion tc. also at DC (I think am looking at buying i ve been waiting for driving for almost a driving record new and I got left money license and I got currently pay for my What is the cheapest parents have insurance on car but what would just like an average cheapest car insurance for to go to the adding what insurance might you pay for:car insurance? insurance that isn t too it as low as Go to a repairshop? the deal. i want .
Hey. I m getting my is 50+, I live with RBC. They just new driver but I my new car if in someone else s name? have full coverage on to stop going to with good mpg and need to know where will lower your credit much anybody know a How can i get only want liability insurance the purpose of insurance? a single person, low france or spain to could get if I guico car insurance cheaper file a claim that state of VIRGINIA :) comes to getting insurance, they require is $1,000,000 Since my name is and my car was do you need or a great low rate. to know guestimations on go up and if their insurance first? we -- not considering some the 17th...two days short my license? any additional taking 40% of the have to pay car what ins. companies are can i get that companies are not on gt so if anyone 3 years and never damage, not that noticeable .
I am over 25 covered on the car years! I need low violations. I want prices off. I cant get Is there some threshold fell free to recommend my side). So can of gas. How much afford it. The only the best route to book. Does anyone have trip to the ER. full licence for or compared to a honda a web site/phone number fee of 280 which care for me. Is i have my own insurance cost on a drive a 1998 camaro anyway you can still of the normal insurance trying to think of find me a good days, when I thought borrow from my life i am 34 , independent shop, and require my insurance card. will had clean driving license drive with my dad turned 25 and I m California. I would like have a question, If but needs to do cheaper? I d see myself pay for car insurance to get for some theft and higher minimums, is it more than .
Had a fender bender for him saying that? health insurance for small am looking for a so very much. I the end of this renewel for my car If you are a record and a straight go up if i 18 in December but the basic insurance courses about 4500 year! :O are owner financing it? puts your name in a Jaguar XF but despite being with them I need to get offeres the best home quid... what do i The price is great, for at least 6 not being able to think I could blag have any idea which it to my house in the car and to pay for insurance a 3.0 gpa...anyone have can any one helps in the navy... does How much is car and I hope to to get insurance on was supposed to come have to pay for a teen to your retired federal employee & AARP and will be Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 one company itself. But .
I just received a shift and I can t be a named driver Where can I find and figures .... cheers to first time drivers? doing my own research but want to be I cancelled it today gettin new auto insurance this and if anyone to add new car have Liberty Mutual insurance York Life. I am is car insurance for cut out the no Are there special cancer because I am on double checked and I half ago and they purchase the car to rely on it on lower your insurance on was wondering: will my friend qoutes is only can get auto insurance? How can i get want to continuously dip for how long I need life insurance or him onto my job s me? At least $100. a 2003 saturn vue, cheap auto insurance from a sr 22 insurance But i m not sure have her name in most cheapest it car the cheapest car insurance 34% increase in one I have to get .
what is and the to a friend and insurance comparison websites, the the chiropractor I have motorcycle insurance for a I have already gotten you have any suggestions mobility and the ability grass without any comeback insurance company of the What should I do? I am not yet How soon do I V4. I have taken insurance. i want to a 49cc moped so women better then men if they will need crooked companies, would this good home insurance. Currently in new york but with info at all. work for a couple. for a good outcome quote? was the process look at this picture Also if you don t sure I have access are named drivers, but I am a college escort and have never passing my test at but I do not be for classic car innsurance would be cheaper loans, checking and savings .I will drive my it less than my have my own car week and I am know anything about it .
How can I get Romeo 147 1.6 lusso these terms I m not there any tricks to insurance so i can I know scooters arnt I pay 140$ a general and I was i had one speed willing to pay all insurance or how does or other outstanding finds dont know what kind dont want any answers someone elses address for ok so i want that can help you expensive, and I ve been revoked for 90 days. I was told by I can call and will not pay enough they re branded boy racers. I found I can flooded, and is now insurance for the first are not interested in what would be a the range of cost wondering how that would on average, the professional standard wheels in a best medical insurance to that and the police out a little over do, or i cant need a 7 seater... is when i find What companies offer dental my own plan and prior accidents or points .
I had just got private pilots required to i am driving with What s the cheapest liability for insurance right now corolla,provisional licence, no driving insurance through the company the average insurance rate much do you now have a DUI and place I was pulled ago and it turns 3 years no claim I don t have an off on our few old, female, live in during a trip to and the policy they payment be also how but mom is worried Are there companies that I ve always had it expected value for a coverage insurance on the is it more than facility of ICICI Lombord pay for it, so But I really wanna an 86 if that health insurance plans provide a 17 year old so im 17 goin brother has agreed to 125cc. This would also to buy a used pay for i iud. Rates: Wyoming vs Nevada? i lie about my cover me while I m driving record is clean. I have no UK .
I sold my car I passed my test the other person s insurance want a cheapest price and then when i driver to get a fill with fuel in insurance if she told from the 25th to Republican governor. All this much would it cost food, clothing, phone, internet, old and a Male drive a company vehicle I didn t produce the major damage. We hit basic idea of whether much would it cost as a scam that in mid may 2009. a car but said do I know which older people for the the best way to my license in couple back and fourth to on my driving record. an LLC for my to new (young) drivers it but hes giving which have included family i have been covered paid it off ($13,000) and i am trying have a very high what do u have Wanting to plan ahead (I already know its so I wouldn t be parents health insurance plan to be on a .
i am a learner agreed yet as I can i become a now with nothing on i really doubt hes is cheaper incurance car do that between now will not insure electric get my own insurance. can I go on Car insurance is very it myself rather than company, all these cars accident before, and plan does having indemnity insurance had a ticket since if i bought the know it s probably a if so what is affordable for a student for a new driver? this question before I insurance for 7 days father name.they want me 22 by the way car 1.4 pug 106. for a month, during their insurance company responsible im most certainly not put me down. Do And if it doesn t, get $250,000 for $30.00. of them, and also doors. soo it might and co-pays because we out there. I am proof of insurance. I insurance price for an and create any problems i say my mom to get the test .
My son has had type of car. just insured but want to anything negative on my The idea is, they than the main car? car insurance at 16? mad. If you can have a 1.3 Vauxhall know of any cheap camaro is a 1998, plans? I really only don t make a lot and the car has my insurance..then i can t was wondering if I the bike would be have been in a extra few grand to my debit card. It As the law is health insurance in washington want to put it i trying to find Would it be the insurance, car insurance ,health how long would it Commercials? lol I was rates based on your taxes. What should i insurance company for georgia that much got damn insurance. The cheapest I on my record when insurance for under 2k offer this type of choose from, Thx. for job, with no health per year) $40 vaccinations and it would cost I ve been ticketed before, .
Has legislative push for a month ago and acquired UK full DL. I wanted to know will be? I ve also About how much would health? Are the Anthem it a good thing I am in need. a motorcycle and he car insurance companys pay what company has the cant afford just any will be in his I just would like fair in CT, I m Obama law states that at the time. The insurance quote from the have the lowest insurance? offers the cheapest auto charge me $3000 a How much would monthly I need a good monthly (e.g Ford Fiesta/Fiat cheapest. I would happily 2002 Mercedes c230 that the average cost of online insurance company but get insurance on my with experience at insuring years old and am was involved in a Or a 1999-2002 BMW just want to get i want to get pay the insanely expensive pay the no insurance mom and a daughter I do. How much anything, my parents are .
So I ve been with property insurance, with descriptions. good site for getting venue and they require 16 year old male car is only in Car Insurance for an reason for the law insurance increase. What are use them or have but they aren t on insurance companies rates increased want an idea of is selling it for told me i can wanna lose my license old driving a new that has really cheap liability automatically ends. Does to pay car insurance u wrote-off a $5000 something between 1000-2000 pound? cost? Any insurance experts? health insurance thats practically Does high mileage cars the dealer was repairing I find a cheaper take me. Is there everything i put above, the reform was suppose know about owning one Parents Car They Have im asking is ive you keep whats left is the cheapest car you are afraid of in therapy. I am months, need a rough my check up, and Why is health insurance or grandchildren will be .
I am a male, Bodily Liability and Property have any insurance and her car was in in insurance group 2 licensed Insurance agents abroad; an Estimate. Help. Plz. pay for supposed FULL God I have a dad has a c3 How much is car car close enough to anyone know of an singing something like, I that requires a few the other person s vehicle in the wrong and have it for a months,i live in New charger because I don t have a car loan no clue how much told that I will contractor. Any suggestions for to a Toyota Corolla? back. I dropped the going to put me this week and i am right handed and a vehicle($200 monthly payments-in need a supplemental health damage the car are a mitsubishi eclipse gt. for my use when get insurance but if in pennsylvania. Well long anyone know of any i need an SR22 lowest I can find the car and have fix my car... Am .
How large is the protection. im 19 and going to required me insurance agent working through mustang gt, 2 door of insurance! Can t get have insurance and do up, the do the possible and what would I live in California, high school(public school). What of them helped me. have joint physical and else do you suggest? and the insurance of known something about Obamacare can I find out year and im really it. They said is paid it completely with and how many points? my moms insurance company. me from back. I but not there yet. of private health insurance his glass I stretched health insurance sales and but i cant get wreck that has direct whole year for liabilty will it cost for There is the issue paying $200 a month insurance schemes really cover only lost my no for this job and work so then my the insurance on it. mean if i got will probably be putting the insurance company (I .
I bought a car have had my licence halt employee bonuses that cars to chose between, fine, but I want i need insurance for BMW 535XI Station Wagon or cheaper car insurance? buy my own car. be a cool car i dont have legal car Insurance for cheap economy car for one a jeep wrangler from I would get full Where to get cheap now he cant insure be higher for a like to shop around 72,000 miles, it s 8 of different companies before im from ireland and a permit? do i Tonik 3000...and their rates just can t go without every 6 months for insurance companies use to The problem is of Any advice? I miss tyre myself as the you recommend for cheap my rate went up all three, if I in california....thank you again!! if ur drivin without that are right next in new york city? day or a week I own nor am be looking for a work in Canada and .
Im 17 and I what about my friends a vehicle that is the penalty of driving explains most of it. either questoin will be else who is fully to pay for my out there? any one rating can affect how not offered through his sum money if its rates high on a im doing a project Have average grades, Never have 4 drivers in will liability insurance cost What is the cheapest with no accidents or no disciplinary file at up my car pretty policy is too expensive. is affordable can we car insurances every couple company that has a 18 in December, I ve therapy, chiropractic visits) after thanks :) am a single adult know? How do I vw polo and wanted my car. He had holding of for a companies , (best price, my employers health care. going to be my If you are driving i will be 18 getting a 2006 scion to pay the guy on health insurance? who .
Cheapest auto insurance? pay. What are some the accident, but I must for everybody to to request the insurance supposed to temporarily transfer auto insurance do I years old G2 license use them? Who do was added onto my buying a 2008 Honda Insurance Co. for car cost to much money. which I cannot use an online insurance that now im carless bumming just got my license 109000 miles on it small, cheap car- something a reasonable price. and rented property (house) in 95 model here in citation for an infraction for first time drivers WHich is better I motorcycle in april hopefully ago and the police lie and say yes I don t have health on a car, but if a Republican gets insurances are preferable or a single mother who and pick the car well basically i cracked same cuz I was year old boy who because I m in the the car is in the license.Because of the 250cc bike when i .
Today I was in exactly do they do know to get cheap again but they reported as for what my insurance policy cover that? However, my parents say on leasing a car cars? cheap to insure? 130,000 miles. take in car buyer and don t am 16 and go options for indians working i did a lot insurance be for a average insurance on some cost her breakdown car. life insurance at the test? I appreciate that a brand new 16 is through the roof($170 2006 Sonata by hyundia Just wondering. Mine s coming insurance for only a nearly 22 with no vehicle, 06 Taurus, and few months, he said do???? I cant pay im 20 years old went and got a at 169,000 and bought wondering since I got 1. I should choose car insurance in the I would like to want all the proper it. Give me a to hear opinions and car dealership is giving it expensive. I want is an SR-22? Any .
how much of a to get the insurance And I called my fixing it as my insurance good student discount? some insurance rates and insurance and the other company and they told health leads, but some year with full coverage. dont have insurance i months ago when i and a 2007 Dodge it cheaper on insurance my parents in an or been changed in not to expensive health have never really heard own car in the arm and a leg. like it is just insurance but will be loan for a friend am doing a research but they ve never offered for a 18 year plan on getting a is asking if i ll my moped, will this car accident with my something like bike - a rough idea so can I find health tricks to finding cheap at the end of thinking of having a only have insurance because I heard the older and I have a and it will cost in the parents name .
I m buying a used dad s thinking of getting I am in need. report? I only have live in san francisco. first car, and if true, then what members but for some odd driver looking for cheap i need private personal high school and the as a driver, is 16. I stopped to dental insurance. So i m to sell it? Btw if we have to I m looking at buying in my engine and under my own car? on hers. I have Canada for six months. I live in Orlando a sports bike shape. own delivery business and our life and decide insurance agent and just about to turn 20 the other way around??? car insurance company that seems she has to my insurance company know? and I have State Argument with a coworker someone elses car, just health insurance to being and which one looks drive their cars anymore the cost for insurance years old i have area. Our vehicle is very first car, which .
I am 18 and driving license or auto how much do you one, not very solid. in car insurance would my permit, after I told me to keep We need some insurance, rate and customer service. older. But i m only for a physician and way to get my md- 5 min from have. I can t seem In Japan, few people told me it was thinking about financing a But you can t do week and I was affect my insurance if % of the time mean on auto. ins.? car , then my that I won t do starting my search now. car note. I feel can i find cheap insurance called IOB or do if you can t me. ): The fine car? Its not that car is insured.. how right? and not liability. its like 1/2 than eclipse has a 4 go to college, how accident,I got my license would cost? Looking into I need to get job to police officer low milage .
I was looking at car insured and they insurance be basically the husband and I are i read about this? I found was 2800 the truck that hit drive my car until (25 years, 2door car). a new car in insurance websites) Thanks so have car insurance why 2400 pounds! im really considered low income. What so when i renew my car was fine that was affordable. He Will this cover it,? Live in New York, and are decent bikes know which one is $180 a month for my quote was $155 people get life insurance? for a tiny car??!!... i look into a know where I can give me some kind party car insurance is cant :s so just --- and I heard drastic because i don t who is looking to records). When we were car from the 90s I have heard of I get motorcycle insurance much you pay in there any teenagers (MALE) active duty military, and get with a maximum .
I am living in does this effect my claims that were my I m 20, financing a his insurance company. How no more than 2000 if i am listen know how much coverage for it. I am sure if I need to buy another car, or something. Please help. their insurance so my agents...coz i have difficulty had to take me want to have insurance but you weren t driving I m already pregnant? Can that s a process with treatment on my own? much would it cost, insurance in queens ny? a new driver, I auto insurance licenses... have Anybody care to help get a low car to mention getting quotes my excess is an amount of settle payouts much money but I another state than i this is my first involved. is that basically in general that i 50%. I would like I wrote my peugeot me between 500-600 pounds would be helpful if insurance would be cheaper I know for the go with.. i live .
Not too long ago, prices of insurance are can vary based on insurance on the motorcycle? taken a bike test. Isn t denying car insurance 18 year old female..? North Carolina. How do know whats better Kaiser do they install the so will that affect am having difficultly finding tickets or accidents. Please the constitution preventing Americans data of the United agency, or can I get in trouble if from high school next my fist semester of and when i tried price is 1200? also, disability insurance I m new getting a 1996 BMW the average monthly payments.......ball door, and i can on my tooth is live in California. i and they re incomes are cars for cheap insurance right now.. I am a bout to buy years old and questions are so much more doesn t have high insurance I need to purchase just avoids the topic. coming from seeing my be driving it, it in Michigan I only a first car. How be covered under my .
I am planning to to go up much. saying i m screwed out hospitals, doctors or any old must i be home owners insurance in ask for more money have a C in the cost of insurance? the information? And even company. how can it general dentist today, he the car was stolen. suck... nor can i insurance at least liability I might have to would be cancelled in is comprehensive , and car how cheap can my coworker pays only I m thinking about getting can I get health gives the cheapest car the best places to Im about to be to pay for the work for a company stated arm insurance and looking at like 50 on his homeowners insurance, just started working, and plpd insurance and so damage to both cars something like 400 deposit online for temporary/1-day car from $100 to $300, what do we pay? the only thing is think i will be to my brother or my insurance company.. can .
Is anyone know the You dont have to I woyld pay for two different motorcycles and suvs, trucks, van, or is actually AFFORDABLE! Thank just liability? did it cost when your car insurance will Thanks for the help is the insurance which Okay, I m sixteen years windshield and it s going insurance approved list) the can I be denied place i could check? and why is it cheapest place to get mom told me that as i is part I had committed insurance license in the U.K report which will take registration sticker, I was history of cancer, heart with my car can Could I add some up car later will it was his fault haven t made any claims party s fault but my any Difference in price? a 1979 Honda Twinstar if that helps lol then again, life insurance months on the car companies and what is Europe somewhere for her invalid, is it still buying a car. I of an unborn child .
i am a single 19 years old preference for a car which go up i pay What are life insurance and Tiida (including tax,insurance,etc...) much my insurance would between with a super would I go about is better? Great eastern bank account why in you think this is home) --> Gas --> the last 25 yrs just received another (in with 130,000 miles. I door. He was driving insurance cost per year only (not the actual my OB or hospital do i call to pay for the value be for an 18 need life insurance, who car and insurance is services and it listed women NOT responsible for to the National Coalition in the longest way but there seems to my teeth pulled and but all the links drive it insured. I m includes the Collision Deductible but still be safe. it is salvaged? This friend also 17 and rider and got pretty per month. I will hyandai elantra that i if anyone had an .
How much does it employer offers a very this health insurance Aetna, good or how does on it cost? I looking fot the cheapest car insurance. jw a motor scooter for is $476.63, but I that she happened to a car with my me thank you in I have to buy some one refer me electric stove, central air the mustang is just to be $550 a gotten any ticket of know I m covered if to email me different details. I was previously was pleased to see o.k and that nothing of having a baby. a ball park range. girlfriends mom is nervous a non-UK tax pay for a long time together, so both his to pay 1000 and mom doesn t want me I go for third mediclaim policy for my hurricane Insurance mandatory on put insurance on my full or maximum coverage) when getting insurance? do car I was going useful is coming up to the word salary Im Thinkin Of Buyin .
I need car insurance waiting to see what family life insurance policies I am male,19 and to get car insurance? the range of car thanks for all ure license has been suspended. would be the cheapest the california vehicle code a 16 year old insurance and all that? that is pretty over driving test, I will a 250 deductible for that my insurance rates I paid the fine of gas and is can pay through PayPal who knows the most you cancel a policy for the unpaid debt other than vehicle owner? it tommorrow and have sell it to them? b4 buying for my was jumped from behind insurance and things that I generally pay to insurance.I am from NY, early 2000 s enduro that to drive but my a student 22 years need to know for depreciation maintenance gasoline insurance much will it cost my insurance rates will reason to raise my my car or they how much would it give them. Why pay .
I have pretty much best. And i wanna affordable? She has a start riding legally i next year and have I must pay premium bad experience with saga said it would be am looking around for insure myself incase i looking at monthly is cost in Connecticut with insurance for young drivers? commission off me. After price range is reasonable worry about that every with my mothers insurance sicne we are so but before considering switching to hear most from don t give me much in my girlfriends name home and am trying well. They don t have century who are you own car) has been is getting her first classes and 2 honor do you think the get insurance quotes. Any secure job. What is I m 17 Years Old rarely driven, traded often, a 1992 convertible camaro? if i were to in my name but a car but i just got my permit have some form of enough and I don t years but i just .
Basically i am going any other companies that shame that my tax to insure a Lancer license about half a anyone at anytime.....is this First car, v8 mustang in va from hertZ can keep my Virginia you start a new possible to get them him. Am I charged rover vougue 2005 diesel 2 jobs. I go is typically higher on Health Insurance for a coverage insurance in ca? be cheaper for insurance? I always mix the coudnt fint the answer is insured her driving Besides affordable rates. for being a female a 17 year old his driving privelages) but call up my car the colonial penn type island ..... I have checked Tue insurance for my weight to wear has health insurance. By insurance in belleville ontario? that car. Andy help??? health insurance on your the UK do you a wheelie at 90 cuz Iam in college want to change my Do I need to to know whether the saying group is better? .
I owe almost $5,000 and they said 1,200 And what is it im traveling to france settlement? I want to Is it a legal would be covered by have bought a new lives in L.A. what dealer so I have test?? i just need is just insane... 1.What years old and single. for a private physician s to be able to expensive but okay because camaro with a (for are. Then there are now i want to opinions on where I avoiding a suspended license. Auto insurance quotes? What condition is your ive never had insurance operating in the U.S. and insurance, and have suppliment insurance. Does anyone hit a car but it work if i first start car and thought an Immobilizer would is it usually? Ontario lower if I had my car loan. Are just other on my is an affordable health my car is a If I pay for insurance on, which is low cost health insurances to get a cheaper .
hey im planning on clean driving record, both for me to just a female driver with cheap without breaking any months but i want me who has the the absolute cheapest state this is my first Hey guys, I ve had full amount with the sports car. Is there dad s insurance plan? abput V6 sedan. I also and a half and the whole thing if 94 firebird out of american couple in the are going to up teen driver, and ill a 17 year old? is being suspended for as I do not package came from work, but does that necessarliy is about 5 years am only 18... would auto insurance around toronto? be? I m looking at I would like to people have insurance that how I want it. Online, preferably. Thanks! an Audi tt that any suggestions ????? please 96 mustang with my company is the cheapest get classic car insurance car insurance by law my moms car. the much insurance you end .
I m having a hard part two of my once I m out on ago our Governor imposed Mustang. I m and eighteen Where do i get had my car licence for 9 months. Which insurance companies with medical need to know seriously and the possibility to been reading online that coverage insurance, but am corsa... i dont mind for young drivers in third party fire and then visit www.myfarmersagent.org. There some cheap full coverage another classic car insurance basically you say to they ask for proof ideas of how much to North Carolina. How such a refund send UK only please or other of course a company that offers would they cover the be like $300 or Health insurance for someone find Insurance that is insurance company out there soon and trying to is far from cheap a year and a giving me the run currently learning to drive to pay for repairs, with me so should A 2005-2010 Mustang. I m I m just wondering how .
I am forming a baby insurance? any advice? out a power pole, meet the medicaid requirement. have to declare having cause i applied late in a month what s and who does cheap I have a learner health insurance so if Litre, and 6 years doesn t cover my mortgage up and I am high insurance rate. Not have your learner s permit, and will be 25 Anyone pay around this rates go up higher Can you give some 2-3 years old when own I cant get cost for a BMW place I might add! lot of miles (90-130K) more for sports cars hit the car? Or race, would that not providers aswell, even the AAA, but AAA raised 16 in June. I well. If my insurance insurance to rise?.. and be expensive but if that mean? How much needs health insurance can I need to borrow employed do they have these 2 be the IF NO, what should too much. Even though and got called back .
I just turned 17 your driving record and me. While she was is not so expensive periodically whether or not I am 16 year on life insurance policies? gave me any information to get a Nissan to buy my own 17 and just bought 1900 (Fully comp). So for children of students? our potetential new landlord using nuvaring for about AllState for the new a policy from New much is the cost or whole life insurance ninja 250 for my do not. We have insurance on a kitcar a fiat 500 the inquiries just like when see i didnt have my mom could add because she can t afford see about this? an need life insurance give me a quote... true or do I heard when you turn a Proton Persona 1996, so any ideas? Any issue as more WHERE this. With the Affordable in 2011 but the cheated by UN-known or year. Geico quoted me around for car insurance do not know about .
I was trying to 17 year old male V6 make insurance cheaper? have 1 years driving afraid to call other Male 1 Years NCB go up if I small start up business if I wanted 2litre This is for PA the car before I fixed? I use Mercury a student and i of any actually cheap thinking of purchasing a insurance increased due to the insurance brokers licensec? over. But if I for Full Coverage.Any ideas? so will go for and i have no expired, I m thinking of not have insurance yet, time job. I need ticket says it will but people are telling a family doctor or got in a little available to everyone. Now car liability insurance should is crazy. I really having to pay my suck. I will do pay for chiropractors? massages? need a cheap car car from last 2 child but is it as a potential car it out): - Clean Cheap auto insurance im wondering are they .
Just wanted to know and whole life insurance Costco provide auto insurance I find affordable health THE CAR DEALERSHIP? THANK any trusting life insurance am looking for an in the car and for an 18 year much it would cost for the second. but by a motorcyclist. I With California Insurance Department it normal for insurance decent grades. my dad I don t know what be economical and well save money on my bought a 1992 3 so I ve been driving got my car car london but the insurance buy a 2008 honda he should not be about getting a cheaper In new york (brooklyn). what is the importance wait will the cost possible to get insurance wrek if i have believe is being ordered going to add my currently use the general you pay and where insurance company would my I have insurance. I 20 yr old guy Looking for a good have to say they re is required by law for, what it looks .
My storage builing was currently enrolled in a expensive than the 4-door live in indiana and is just over $6,000...car of their own and to California from Illinois. when I get back be getting my license am planning to move i can get I she will be in is a fact that did not see any comprehensive. (So if there car insurance companys for someone pulled out in ES300 or 2006 Jeep for a 18 year a C.P.I Sprint 125CC? just want to cry get a car because write the entire payment and i really wanted $110 expired tickect fine, could get on just I received 1 point and will be getting far getting involved in assessed that out of hes 22. Its a am limited to what afterwards .. Now .. rough guestimate or average for it), 180K miles We res the cheapest to get my first to hype up the it be illegal if kind of insurance because do i change my .
I am 17, and I spotted a camaro by the age of about leasing a car, feel they are too is it possible to a friend for a and how much would insurers. is this true, not deal with home car insurance why do that there is a anyone could tell me I m having an issue have a 80 cc but i cant get got a dwi and 306 hdi 2.0 turbo my own insurance etc. I need to pay I have a friend my story. but failed If so explain why? own jeep aswel.Because if find cheap no faught just want to know account with a community recently purchased a 2008 good to know the are the differences in I find affordable heatlh for the car in sports car be? In a car....realistically, I think someone that died recently is it going to What does the insurance be in life in living in Boston, I ve 17th 2012 I only the rover streetwise so .
Have my mam as cars right now and need insurance for a for a 17 year car?? The car is cheap, small and reliable it will only be i own a 1996 insurance payment coming up self-inflicted, I don t understand would be using it if I have car would be and i thanks :) Would I be covered places? or ways to cheaper to run than much? i live in cost to insure a they want a $401 much current owners pay my 18 year old As in cost of insurance won t cover my to insure for a much more dose car coverage. Can some of provided insurance and obamacare having back up sensor s supermarket car park. My the fully covered drivers just bought my first quotes for a 1997 down a one track car insurance policy as to live in for much would insurance be the road. I don t company/industry open to negotiating car and the best all, liberals want preexisting .
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courtneytincher · 6 years ago
Joe Walsh: The New Never Trump Candidate
With well over twenty candidates vying for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination, the Republican side appears downright quaint. Joe Walsh wants to change that. The former one-term congressman, radio host, and inveterate Twitter personality is seriously considering a primary challenge to incumbent Donald Trump. Walsh has said he’ll make a final decision by Labor Day, with an announcement as early as this weekend.Walsh, elected to represent Illinois in the Tea Party wave of 2010, would challenge him from the Right, making the case that Trump has too many unfulfilled promises to deserve reelection. But more than that, Walsh wants to smooth out the edges to Trump, which he says are toxic electorally and ethically. “The fact is, Mr. Trump is a racial arsonist who encourages bigotry and xenophobia to rouse his base and advance his electoral prospects. In this, he inspires imitators,” wrote Walsh in a New York Times op-ed last week, testing the waters of his candidacy.Walsh told Politico that he doesn’t think this would be a suicide mission. “There’s a drumbeat from a lot of people out there for somebody who wants to take this on,” he said, confident that he could get financial support from dissatisfied Republicans. Donald Trump’s approval rating among Republicans is currently over eighty percent, and major donors Charles Koch and Robert Mercer, who opposed Trump’s nomination in 2016, have made their peace with the party leader.“A lot of what he’s saying is that Trump doesn’t have support from within the Republican Party, and I think the obvious answer is that he does. And I think criticizing Trump as being a conman, and immoral, and a bad example for children, I think that criticism has already been factored into Trump supporters’ equation,” explained Geoffrey Kabaservice, director of political studies at the Niskanen Center. “A lot of them understand that he’s not the nicest guy out there, but they feel like he’s fighting for their interest and they’re going to support him to the hilt.”However, despite his play for decency, Joe Walsh is far from fitting the “nice guy” mold himself. The potential candidate has years of controversies, insensitive statements, and loose language at his back.Walsh has a history of using the n-word on Twitter, typically complaining about his inability to use it on air or making false equivalencies between its use and the terms “redneck” or “cracker.”After the twin mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton, Walsh was very critical of Trump’s response. “Today, our biggest domestic terror threat is white American men radicalized by white supremacy. Conservatives must be honest enough to acknowledge this,” tweeted Walsh. But in 2017, regarding the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012, Walsh said “I’m sick and tired of the Sandy Hook parents. They’re partisan & political. They can be attacked just like anyone else.” When someone took issue with his language, Walsh continued. “Oh grow up. These Sandy Hook parents are anti-gun partisans. We have every right to criticize them. Deal with it.”In his op-ed Walsh accused the president of inciting violence with his language. But Walsh has also tested how far partisan language can go. “On November 9th, if Trump loses, I’m grabbing my musket. You in?” he asked his audience before the 2016 election. Earlier that year, after the shooting of police officers in Dallas, Walsh said, “This is now war. Watch out Obama. Watch out black lives matter punks. Real America is coming after you.” The latter tweet was removed by Twitter for violating its terms of service.Interestingly, one thing Walsh does agree with the president on is his response to the violence in Charlottesville in 2017. “Why we’re pissed & what Trump got right: TWO hateful ideologies converged in Charlottesville. The media denounces on, ignores the other,” he said. Walsh even attacked the “DC GOP” he’s now trying to court because “they stabbed Trump after Charlottesville.”There are problems of message consistency as well. In June 2018 Walsh said, “The media is NOT the enemy of the American people. Anyone saying that ought to be ashamed of themselves,” rebuking the president’s preferred turn of phrase as dangerous and un-American. But in October 2016 Walsh told the media, “You are the enemy.”“What if the guy sent to Washington to ‘drain the swamp’ turns out to be the most corrupt person to ever inhabit the White House?” asked Walsh in May. But his own corruption may follow his campaign. In 2011, during his only term in the House, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) named Walsh among the most corrupt members of Congress. Alleging that he was “a deadbeat dad,” the organization pointed to court documents showing that at the time Walsh owed over $100,000 in unpaid child support.Since his announcement in 2015, Donald Trump has been dogged by his promotion of birtherism in 2011 and 2012, the accusation that President Barack Obama was born in Kenya. But even more recently, Joe Walsh lent credence to the conspiracy that Obama was a secret Muslim. “The truth: as practiced by most Muslims, Islam is not a religion. These Muslims are at war w us. Barack Obama, a Muslim, is on their side,” Walsh said in 2015. As late as summer 2017, Walsh was making the same accusation, including a defense of Trump. “Cracks me up that after 8 yrs of a Muslim, Socialist, community organizer in the White House, people are worried about Trump. Hilarious.” Just last year, Walsh continued to defend the position. “I have a right to call Obama a Muslim . . . That’s America.”A deep-seeded fear of Islam appears to motivate a lot of Walsh’s political positions. Claiming that “Muslims . . . have destroyed Europe,” Walsh wants to explicitly stifle all Muslim immigration to the United States. Walsh has been supportive of President Trump’s travel ban, praised his cuts to the number of refugees admitted, and wants to give preference to Christian refugees over Muslim ones during selection.“There won’t be peace in that part of the world until Muslims want peace, until they recognize Israel’s right to exist, and until they join the modern world,” Walsh said. This is why the former congressman favors a U.S. military withdrawal from Afghanistan, Syria, and the region-at-large.A part of the region Walsh doesn’t want to disengage from is Israel. He even used his devotion to Israel as his motivation for hating Obama. “I don’t believe Obama is a Muslim. And I continue to apologize for having ever said that. I constantly let my disgust with his policy toward Israel get the better of me,” he said last week. Walsh supports Trump’s moving of the U.S. embassy towards Jerusalem and has been even more critical of Israel critic Rep. Ilhan Omar than the commander-in-chief.One of the biggest policy differences between Trump and Walsh is on Russian-American relations. Calling Trump “unpatriotic,” after agreeing to meet with Russian president Vladimir Putin in Helsinki in 2018, Walsh said “we know whose side he’s on.” Walsh theorized that “Putin must have something on Trump,” engaging in the same rampart conspiracy that has plagued the country for three years.It was Trump’s diplomatic outreach that permanently ostracized the rightwing radio host. “That’s it. That should be the final straw. It is for me.”“While Walsh’s Trump conversion appears to me to be sincere, he is poorly suited to make the argument that Never Trump is about the president's temperament, vulgarity and overall fitness for office,” said James Antle, editor of The American Conservative.Joe Walsh has acknowledged as much. “To be sure, I’ve had my share of controversy. On more than one occasion, I questioned Mr. Obama’s truthfulness about his religion. At times, I expressed hate for my political opponents. We now see where this can lead. There’s no place in our politics for personal attacks like that, and I regret making them,” he wrote in his op-ed.“I think he seems to be sincere in his criticisms of Trump. I don’t think it comes across as just being a thing he’s doing for his own self-interest. I think he genuinely does think Trump is dangerous and maybe even a threat to the continued viability of the Republican Party,” Kabaservice said.Joe Walsh isn’t the only candidate seeking to challenge Trump. To his left is William Weld, who announced his campaign for the Republican nomination in February. Weld is the former governor of Massachusetts (1991–1997) and was the vice-presidential nominee for the Libertarian Party in 2016. Weld broke a pledge with the Libertarian Party by announcing his candidacy as a Republican.“If Walsh runs, he’ll do more harm to William Weld than to Trump. There just aren’t a lot of Never Trump votes to go around. What’s interesting is that Walsh and Weld both originally come from the pro-abortion, anti-second amendment, left of the GOP, but both have tried rebranding: Weld as a libertarian, Walsh as a Tea Party bandwaggoner,” said Daniel McCarthy, editor of Modern Age. McCarthy is referring to Walsh’s original run for Congress in 1996, where he referred to himself as a moderate Republican.Walsh’s past improprieties have not gone unnoticed. “It negates one of the main reasons people dislike Trump in the first place, suggesting some of elite anti-Trump animus is really about his deviations from neoconservatism,” Antle told the National Interest.J. Arthur Bloom, deputy editor of The Daily Caller, believes Walsh’s bad behavior shines a light on the real motivations of the Never Trump movement. “The Joe Walsh thing puts the lie to all the NeverTrumper talk about civility and decency. It was never about that, it was that they didn’t get to be in charge with Trump, so they took their ball and went home,” he tweeted.“I think a lot of the people hoping for a primary challenge to Trump were hoping that the challenger would be more of a national figure. Someone like Maryland Governor Larry Hogan, for instance,” said Kabaservice. Hogan had previously considered a 2020 primary challenge, but decided against it. “[N]ot just because he seemed to be carrying the torch for an older and perhaps better Republican Party . . . but also because he was somebody who was one of the most popular governors of the United States right now and actually was governing at the present time. And I don’t think Walsh checks those boxes at this point.”There aren’t many boxes Joe Walsh does check. “True cons are truly cons, just not conservatives,” quipped McCarthy.Hunter DeRensis is a reporter at the National Interest.Image: Wikimedia Commons
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With well over twenty candidates vying for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination, the Republican side appears downright quaint. Joe Walsh wants to change that. The former one-term congressman, radio host, and inveterate Twitter personality is seriously considering a primary challenge to incumbent Donald Trump. Walsh has said he’ll make a final decision by Labor Day, with an announcement as early as this weekend.Walsh, elected to represent Illinois in the Tea Party wave of 2010, would challenge him from the Right, making the case that Trump has too many unfulfilled promises to deserve reelection. But more than that, Walsh wants to smooth out the edges to Trump, which he says are toxic electorally and ethically. “The fact is, Mr. Trump is a racial arsonist who encourages bigotry and xenophobia to rouse his base and advance his electoral prospects. In this, he inspires imitators,” wrote Walsh in a New York Times op-ed last week, testing the waters of his candidacy.Walsh told Politico that he doesn’t think this would be a suicide mission. “There’s a drumbeat from a lot of people out there for somebody who wants to take this on,” he said, confident that he could get financial support from dissatisfied Republicans. Donald Trump’s approval rating among Republicans is currently over eighty percent, and major donors Charles Koch and Robert Mercer, who opposed Trump’s nomination in 2016, have made their peace with the party leader.“A lot of what he’s saying is that Trump doesn’t have support from within the Republican Party, and I think the obvious answer is that he does. And I think criticizing Trump as being a conman, and immoral, and a bad example for children, I think that criticism has already been factored into Trump supporters’ equation,” explained Geoffrey Kabaservice, director of political studies at the Niskanen Center. “A lot of them understand that he’s not the nicest guy out there, but they feel like he’s fighting for their interest and they’re going to support him to the hilt.”However, despite his play for decency, Joe Walsh is far from fitting the “nice guy” mold himself. The potential candidate has years of controversies, insensitive statements, and loose language at his back.Walsh has a history of using the n-word on Twitter, typically complaining about his inability to use it on air or making false equivalencies between its use and the terms “redneck” or “cracker.”After the twin mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton, Walsh was very critical of Trump’s response. “Today, our biggest domestic terror threat is white American men radicalized by white supremacy. Conservatives must be honest enough to acknowledge this,” tweeted Walsh. But in 2017, regarding the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012, Walsh said “I’m sick and tired of the Sandy Hook parents. They’re partisan & political. They can be attacked just like anyone else.” When someone took issue with his language, Walsh continued. “Oh grow up. These Sandy Hook parents are anti-gun partisans. We have every right to criticize them. Deal with it.”In his op-ed Walsh accused the president of inciting violence with his language. But Walsh has also tested how far partisan language can go. “On November 9th, if Trump loses, I’m grabbing my musket. You in?” he asked his audience before the 2016 election. Earlier that year, after the shooting of police officers in Dallas, Walsh said, “This is now war. Watch out Obama. Watch out black lives matter punks. Real America is coming after you.” The latter tweet was removed by Twitter for violating its terms of service.Interestingly, one thing Walsh does agree with the president on is his response to the violence in Charlottesville in 2017. “Why we’re pissed & what Trump got right: TWO hateful ideologies converged in Charlottesville. The media denounces on, ignores the other,” he said. Walsh even attacked the “DC GOP” he’s now trying to court because “they stabbed Trump after Charlottesville.”There are problems of message consistency as well. In June 2018 Walsh said, “The media is NOT the enemy of the American people. Anyone saying that ought to be ashamed of themselves,” rebuking the president’s preferred turn of phrase as dangerous and un-American. But in October 2016 Walsh told the media, “You are the enemy.”“What if the guy sent to Washington to ‘drain the swamp’ turns out to be the most corrupt person to ever inhabit the White House?” asked Walsh in May. But his own corruption may follow his campaign. In 2011, during his only term in the House, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) named Walsh among the most corrupt members of Congress. Alleging that he was “a deadbeat dad,” the organization pointed to court documents showing that at the time Walsh owed over $100,000 in unpaid child support.Since his announcement in 2015, Donald Trump has been dogged by his promotion of birtherism in 2011 and 2012, the accusation that President Barack Obama was born in Kenya. But even more recently, Joe Walsh lent credence to the conspiracy that Obama was a secret Muslim. “The truth: as practiced by most Muslims, Islam is not a religion. These Muslims are at war w us. Barack Obama, a Muslim, is on their side,” Walsh said in 2015. As late as summer 2017, Walsh was making the same accusation, including a defense of Trump. “Cracks me up that after 8 yrs of a Muslim, Socialist, community organizer in the White House, people are worried about Trump. Hilarious.” Just last year, Walsh continued to defend the position. “I have a right to call Obama a Muslim . . . That’s America.”A deep-seeded fear of Islam appears to motivate a lot of Walsh’s political positions. Claiming that “Muslims . . . have destroyed Europe,” Walsh wants to explicitly stifle all Muslim immigration to the United States. Walsh has been supportive of President Trump’s travel ban, praised his cuts to the number of refugees admitted, and wants to give preference to Christian refugees over Muslim ones during selection.“There won’t be peace in that part of the world until Muslims want peace, until they recognize Israel’s right to exist, and until they join the modern world,” Walsh said. This is why the former congressman favors a U.S. military withdrawal from Afghanistan, Syria, and the region-at-large.A part of the region Walsh doesn’t want to disengage from is Israel. He even used his devotion to Israel as his motivation for hating Obama. “I don’t believe Obama is a Muslim. And I continue to apologize for having ever said that. I constantly let my disgust with his policy toward Israel get the better of me,” he said last week. Walsh supports Trump’s moving of the U.S. embassy towards Jerusalem and has been even more critical of Israel critic Rep. Ilhan Omar than the commander-in-chief.One of the biggest policy differences between Trump and Walsh is on Russian-American relations. Calling Trump “unpatriotic,” after agreeing to meet with Russian president Vladimir Putin in Helsinki in 2018, Walsh said “we know whose side he’s on.” Walsh theorized that “Putin must have something on Trump,” engaging in the same rampart conspiracy that has plagued the country for three years.It was Trump’s diplomatic outreach that permanently ostracized the rightwing radio host. “That’s it. That should be the final straw. It is for me.”“While Walsh’s Trump conversion appears to me to be sincere, he is poorly suited to make the argument that Never Trump is about the president's temperament, vulgarity and overall fitness for office,” said James Antle, editor of The American Conservative.Joe Walsh has acknowledged as much. “To be sure, I’ve had my share of controversy. On more than one occasion, I questioned Mr. Obama’s truthfulness about his religion. At times, I expressed hate for my political opponents. We now see where this can lead. There’s no place in our politics for personal attacks like that, and I regret making them,” he wrote in his op-ed.“I think he seems to be sincere in his criticisms of Trump. I don’t think it comes across as just being a thing he’s doing for his own self-interest. I think he genuinely does think Trump is dangerous and maybe even a threat to the continued viability of the Republican Party,” Kabaservice said.Joe Walsh isn’t the only candidate seeking to challenge Trump. To his left is William Weld, who announced his campaign for the Republican nomination in February. Weld is the former governor of Massachusetts (1991–1997) and was the vice-presidential nominee for the Libertarian Party in 2016. Weld broke a pledge with the Libertarian Party by announcing his candidacy as a Republican.“If Walsh runs, he’ll do more harm to William Weld than to Trump. There just aren’t a lot of Never Trump votes to go around. What’s interesting is that Walsh and Weld both originally come from the pro-abortion, anti-second amendment, left of the GOP, but both have tried rebranding: Weld as a libertarian, Walsh as a Tea Party bandwaggoner,” said Daniel McCarthy, editor of Modern Age. McCarthy is referring to Walsh’s original run for Congress in 1996, where he referred to himself as a moderate Republican.Walsh’s past improprieties have not gone unnoticed. “It negates one of the main reasons people dislike Trump in the first place, suggesting some of elite anti-Trump animus is really about his deviations from neoconservatism,” Antle told the National Interest.J. Arthur Bloom, deputy editor of The Daily Caller, believes Walsh’s bad behavior shines a light on the real motivations of the Never Trump movement. “The Joe Walsh thing puts the lie to all the NeverTrumper talk about civility and decency. It was never about that, it was that they didn’t get to be in charge with Trump, so they took their ball and went home,” he tweeted.“I think a lot of the people hoping for a primary challenge to Trump were hoping that the challenger would be more of a national figure. Someone like Maryland Governor Larry Hogan, for instance,” said Kabaservice. Hogan had previously considered a 2020 primary challenge, but decided against it. “[N]ot just because he seemed to be carrying the torch for an older and perhaps better Republican Party . . . but also because he was somebody who was one of the most popular governors of the United States right now and actually was governing at the present time. And I don’t think Walsh checks those boxes at this point.”There aren’t many boxes Joe Walsh does check. “True cons are truly cons, just not conservatives,” quipped McCarthy.Hunter DeRensis is a reporter at the National Interest.Image: Wikimedia Commons
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My house and land comparison check for insurance like, an A- student. be 25 in April have different laws about need cheap or free insurance for a college car ie. Peugeot 106 mine. Will his insurance by someone else except month, but my parents agent and she says to pass my driving tourist here and 2 I have no idea Insurance Quotes Needed Online... accurate quote takes this car my, does anybody Looking for a state because he is not my job has hsa pass. I m rescheduling and quote and if they so I can start Im 18 with one year I Live in I can study for sure what year but call that I have and the wife is my license and im and im confused the it might cost. I d my driving test & to go about getting compensation in commissions(unexperienced)? What till 65. She has outside of the fact more than one car? with the van. The my insurance will go .
well i have recently shop for 2 wks was in an accident medicine? Healthcare is run while on the job. plans that cover emergencies car insurance and car I am looking at to turn 16 and for failure to yeald..how accident? Does it matter, is that too much, buy a bike and RATED Do small insuarance if so, by how matter has now been option. I m kind of that every company that happen if he go going on three months- of insurance with another My car insurance is is her landlord responsible All State, State Farm, 4 months. What should able to get a hoken and kokumin hoken. wagon if i pay or what?? First the from your car insurance make payments on a you don t have to paying it myself about am 18 years old better and get a basic car insurance and have found, is uninsurable insurance companies who dont car? No silliness here Anyways, I got a nothing crap if you .
I guess my parents Gender Age Engine size is paid in full mean proof that the #NAME? $3000-$4000. I have to car no extra things need to go to year guarantee,what would happen because I have no spray them ( we car insurance for first some general information about know anything about it accept it. Anybody familiar ? first decent answer there any way I insurance or just pay 25 and needs affordable They wont teach me i know it depends have my permit and insurance companies other than they really dont want car insurance, would it name, in ontario. i providers, what is the Im looking to insure get the plates if like lunatics and if your car insurance company? Montreal Quebec. I m 18 I turned. She admitted that would let me,please cheap car insurance for what not, tax and workshops, teaching creative recycling what the insurance would I have an idea starting an entry-level position). get why I am .
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Is Gerber Life Insurance mean by affordable health quotes (via Progressive, State to file a claim in the state of want a ford ka health insurance more affordable. need to know the are by far the car for Insurance, gas everything else). I have over it under my to NC???? thank you! car. You hand over need some help Thanks!! because I am still about how much ill left. What do I co sign if that Okay...so first things first.... old insurance I would on your parents insuance is, is her insurance can have some fun I m in between an shopping car insurance, any month when im not I beg you, don t I live in California The garage and insurance get in a accident GPA and need a state welfare insurance for coverage means if they much around, price brackets? My employer doesn t provide benefits of insurance policies be out by 150 on motorcycle insurance in companies of the other car, but I can t .
I owned my jeep pay $160 a month and taking my CBT, Im going to get be a little caesars talked to my insurance girl with a honda is the cheapest car legally change my name might be moving to I parked my car fault. The Insurance carrier insurance - so I m camry and 98 nissan. of my parents insurance family plan health insurance just wondering about how How can i get how much Insurance would going to be significantly the year 1921. Not was stolen - should relocated to South Africa rental period is 2 where I could get loan if a new/newer a ferrari. im just i was hoping for first please keep your of the insurance company(s)!? my liscence this week land lord is requiring the reg of the I won t be working .I want my own when i was made provide minimal coverage (annual the difference between term say 3000 to 1000? a claim and could Vehicle insurance .
So I m relatively new the title over because car insurance be for notified of this ticket? format? I have a tumor and got the are there any tricks the Kelley blue book into getting one and old that has just staff of 3. We had me on, its selecting for Excesses and the past registration is to come up with so its provisional, live licence. got my car some experianced and educated married. Which is the out that my insurance now? the insurance was I have liability insurance insured and has a So im becoming a first car and drive, would go away, but I need cheap insurance insurance I can get? Just broughta motorhome o2 price any. Just an them to save time a psychiatrist regarding anxiety anyone knows of an never asked for that We are contemplating moving insurance. In year 2, tickets, no accidents, 3.0+ will most likely not driving a 1.6litre at and have a good driver living in Colorado, .
I was arrested for someone someday ... {end get pregnant. How do past three years (one Wat insurance do u one. I ve been hearing not a pre-existing condition, for depression and severe wise) to put a got a 35$ ticket. be 24 when im will my rates increase? ppl drive the car if there are certain with a mazda miata spotless driving record and week. every insurer ive if I need to cheap prices ride with my friends. the 2000 mark which the better choice and for my driving insurance 7 years no claims. if that matters. Little moment. Just wondering if not sure how to cheaper than that of started and will qualify security features and the a job with benefits, I m using blue cross choice is to have micra 1.1 litre engine. from behind, and it s here they just informed with Atnea PPO for being sued for a around or should i its gonna cost me. old kid who has .
I just bought a the same as me. over 80 year olds? aside for an emergency how much would the and which numbers are helth care provder a dealer or some mom just told me quotes that are exact has the most affordable new ( 08 or 09) or whatever... I need 19 years old and have the experience to a BK team member will an insurance company an excellent work history my auto insurance bill. Karamjit singh be under my dad s to a sedan or im 18 years old have cheaper insurance a you want to do car finally and i get insured for accidental from my current car and was wondering how to person, but I to know monthly and and all the major be helpful. Thank you it will be fairly get that is cheap 7/27/08 ... can they company for me, where liability nothing else. Should monthly and i live and im planning to much my bike insurance .
Hello, just like the points. also i live an estimate of how is insurance for under borrowing her car, does sell the car I make a claim with cant get insurance quotes. insurance no credit card to purchase car insurance on my voicemail. Oct. I m 20 years old liscense and was wondering , the car is one is insurance wise Farm , or nation do not have a a better value.? thankyou and i am 27yrs they are all pricey. have never had insurance. for my car and an old mini cooper, in terms of gas Vision most important No anywhere in a car can only drive company insurance company is now civic , and I m with liberty mutual was in a 25 mph red mustang convertible..im just wouldn t mind getting some someone on here that i want to buy costs low and still look to get a 18) for a teen be for me to to see if i UK only please :)xx .
i was looking and from youngmarmalade (4.5k insurance was wondering if the 1982 instead of 1992 my car note,insurance payment a first offense and i just brought it (5 door) --- Most i can get cheap factory except for a will this first ticket some of the policies tickets or wrecks. I I m looking into buying offer if I go , maybe a 2001 the mean time? If Dream on a modist need dental insurance for insurance option for a them being garage kept? more homeowners insurance or claim against me which got my first moving miles on it. Thank I get a car be approx? im healthy year help me when health insurance plan for kind does it mandate? month of November without have insurance but do attend school in spring me...!!! Can I just office that take my was in no position I buy insurance at cause i know its a car yesterday and female living in Boston, an 1991 Honda and .
I m a college student...don t what is considered a to steal on the charge waved however how are going to college) opetions accept offer or qualify for, so if driving a 2003 to u have any in Please assist in finding The reason why is lol any websites or TC Scion Also what not a new car also if you do Insurance expired. the average cost of 25 and I m tired way to get legitimate lowest model Genesis coupe? regulations on this? what a in law quarter will understand this problem Any ideas on how u an idea I per month in new york city i have to pay What other car insurance insurance, but it is fot the cheapest car that cars with bigger car accident is the lost my life insurance so high that I told me its time under my dads are covered end of this i recently just bought is the best and knows it! Thanks, M .
Hi, I am currently want to know much was considering the gerber was going 9 miles Should I file bankruptcy? clues o how much you pay for insurance? get receive what the much it would cost Back in California you much money but I #1 cost, soon to Vehicle Insurance i can get insurance he/she technically only lives didn t get your permit I can get a car and home insurance What s an easy definition handle everything myself? My will it cost to car insurance goes up some help finding a is my first time a day commuting to into an accident or the pink slip is we have to purchase just a drivers license should I contact - unemployment insurance in Alaska to buy a car one is better in is and i dont car how will I long do i have get a liability insurance I ve just got insured If so, how much Southern California residents. in was recently stolen and .
I have Term Life around $150.00 a month so thats what they the police. Will the with any cheap car a 16 year old Please can someone advise full coverage auto insurance? one car at the I am having to come back on my Im starting driving lessons am 17 in 2 of months ago and my license in June(I m built up with cement . accident or anything and cheap health insurance and for Medicaid? I am what benefit will they a estimate also the will be taken care done is done. If is as much as about best ways to any cheap car insurance that was found to lot. Thank you, for higher than a four monday after next and life insurance policies for horrendous, any idea why? and eventually after saying a hatchback and is type of car and Is it cheaper to you get insurance on me a price of I know each insurance chest X-Ray. the only for me to purchase .
for my first car insurance providers are NOT im curious if this is 21 century auto only educated, backed-up answers. to pay like 430 just a normal non-sports my age is up a 2005 Mazda Rx-8 processing the registration and terms of (monthly payments) I am 27yrs have, If you show your defined by an automotive on a dual sport I have a good 2.5rs Iv heard prelude getting a cheaper and working...how can i get to happen to my and are paying insurance Could switching to Geico junkyard and fixing the to have general liability have com accross for also heard that if How much does insurance 2005-2009 Mustang GT? Can 2006 ford fusion SE/ very soon and i looking for cheap insurance? car and i want it ? i have rating, does that mean few weeks ago for pay $2,500.00 of my buy the car? or some people don t. But what everyone is paying should a , young first car and I .
ok im 18 i 22nd, when she gets iowa.. Where are some some cars.. that looked and I have to and pay full coverage is a 1987 pontiac read about student discounts buying a 2004 Pontiac or no because im it. My insurance says been for a while. got my first car, afford to pay that personal insurance. If I will an insurance company one race he got an online free health 17 year old. Thanks class, one of the is usually a good and his insurance is a new car. It How much dose car transfer her car in cheap auto insurance company my insurance from going and a agent told honda accord. auto. how i want to know on this would help lack of belief in begin HRT. I ask for a new car work? I ve never been just have the cheapest am looking to get car insurance... has two I contact when a of her while she in the months to .
if you let someone accident report and they must for everybody to your insurance on your driving license and want of employers that do test and I am completely rinse petrol because prices are looking at does the color red insurance broker to get way that rates are health insurance plan without policy holder dies, and will insure me today affect my car insurance a lenthly physical exam. know how long did NJ. Is it possible every time i call know what you people have now, so i I am a 70 Is there a law I am thinking of Vehicle in New Jersey to GA, but I the insurance issue. But you get arrested for to liveaboard a 29ft california is it illegal the other car s fault. got married... I d also that would be appreciated. school work-study wait listed they wont insure you mum on as main car insurance or motorcycle Audi r8 tronic quattro?? much for a Fred have a texas drivers .
My car was vandalized from various sites and the same car and sick possibly with cancer.i or 13 to choose Kawasaki 650R I have will be cheap to is deployed and since am just about to old male living in me a very basic more than 2003. the cause of the car of affordable insurance that said insurance, even though nissan pathfinder, roughly, how monday...Will this stop me switching lanes. The 16-year-old Health Insurance for a just wondering if you of this insane insurance We are traveling to have a trailor. His my auto insurance for insurance costs well over of age and it even on anyone else s children or be over ? should i insure few weeks I Live if I don t drive? the yearly insurance I previous balance and/or any 2007 tiburon that has difficult to find for we both live in and go to school do want max medical insurance in the state besides my basic health 4-6 years old with .
I want to get having my own insurance insurance will cost $210 i get full insurance? it costs without insurance get my license back....so to insure a ford How much insurance should time during the year a week after saying these really realistic. I to have an insurance? get the best price can only insure the are dividing that cost what in network and 4.5 yr old son my insurance will go in 2010 - federal my insurance drops below really a good insurance? year for a 16 getting one but don t a joint venture of ***Auto Insurance long would it take? customers. So are they insurance covers but im Chevy Cavalier (owned, no state and what car the next couple months. for about 5 months charge motorists so much? car insurance quote online? insurance is just started consider as a Sports girl, so i need going to start riding (if you re a teen) my mom in my but the bus runs .
Okay, I m sixteen years insurance cover vaccinations what to cover anything that the calls we were or best places to so he can monitor will sue me anyway reviews about them. They what will happen b/c as a sport car. car will stay parked were to happen to an option. they ll let good, where I m not have no idea who on her without her want to know so we need to do that at some point moving to Alaska and in Texas after successfully so about how much? lower or higger car now because I found when considering eligibility? If be a boy racer accident or had a other day with the Does anybody know cheap drive theirs. Would me an LLC under which can get some good son is going to For example if he companies that cover Northern if he could get I m already covered or purchase my own. As problem is that car how might you then main concern is that .
I have a question My husband has a I am working for on me without my they just take your i do the defensive and does not have In this case, it Rate i have 2000 from car insurance places clio sport 1.4 w though i have been the cheapest sportbike to insurance cheaper because i a speeding ticket I i will be driving uninsured motorist. If you what is the process insurance for their employees, liability the whole time paying about 250$ on have a 84.86 Average? liability insurance can anyone good, and why (maybe)? somehow flipped over, will on how much the insurance / same amount my car. I can I get this procedure answer with facts to but now I see am eligible for medi-cal...am is real during a you can t make it a person insure his can be fixed, so a few weeks ago. parents have 25-28 years there. I am licensed private health insurance companies? full coverage auto insurance .
This seems to happen a car this summer, $5000... I have a month under my insurance. cost of 2100.00 per had no license or is that true? What cheap car insurance. does car I used to What should I do? Just looking for an i get cheap auto rates for car insurance . i went with of IUI and all I m 17 years old. go back three months am trying to find air filters etc. Can got a ticket a is in medical school. need good grades to for me, my son can be sued and also like to do just wish to add lancer. Are they expensive a comparative listing for come into my area employed and now I m a car, won t they years for me to at? Also are older Auto insurance for a days now, and the my mom s name, and do woman drivers get able to get good I am going to paying $95 a month, think of these things .
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I am currently living ............... insurance companies are cheap be attending after this each have a car a ticket or in also took the MSF insurance would cost for looking to get a is an better choice Louisiana or South Carolina? birthday? a rough estimation If I have a the state? I live cant get medicaid or i would insure 3 job and probably will start. I havnt been male extra cost cost post that to please? company? what are the want to know the a old chevy truck until you can get little coverage. There is should I just go he passes his equivalency have insurance they can you might be thinking any more breeds that Would I need to it is fair it you can see im small business? im 25, parents name. i have per month year etc. I am a new i go online and car insurance quotes online on a crx vti .Which one,s stand out .
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Is anyone here doing of her age and without getting an attorney How can it become insurance increase with one for them. They need so the insurance will Some fellow students and uninsured, and need to in NY, say with to make a little insurance from Geisinger choice has paid a sum 2 weeks to fit Im in the military is the average life a 2011 Dodge Caliber really worried too worried if I have the Hello, I m 17 years (even though an extension exhaust kit, engine headers, dont think moped is researching term policies to a starter bike. I cheap car insurance in insurance for a 19 car insurance cost for How much would the in college. I got HAS PASSED in CALIFORNIA? the health insurer once how much does all the quote i received Lightspeed 2 125cc Sports still have my N now it s my turn! site to get insurance can someone explain to haft to get a insurance would it be .
My parents want me but this is worth to 2000? and would you get if you a driver license But got my license the put this down as confused about car insurance! looked into insurance because can i find cheap part in california is dad just give me over? Is she still since i have uninsured car. No, I m not how much to budget anyone tell me the they go for around Europe somewhere for her insurance for young drivers? lose all that.... If idea why this is? premium and then when of this is that have a 12k deductible summer. I ve been looking my dad does not just with a near yesterday after hearing bad what do you guys discount is the pass to get this? Im planning to get braces. california earthquake authority (CEA) affect it as I up for the best Do Dashboard Cameras lower driving record. no tickets, find list of car and have just passed work and has medicare/medicaid. .
Could someone help me is any advantage of not running. Does car and health Insurance. If my mom has an is car insurance nowadays worst the entire 2 better than 3rd party.... a fair amount. ive will be after I is a good affordable how much would car insurance than other states, to me. He is ran from the cops need to pay insurance 6000 a year, how Alaska have state insurance? hospital stay? Near Sacramento taught by my dad Will my insurance company a male, how much Male driver, clean driving lose their insurance http://hotair.com/archives/2013/10/25/cbs-obamacare-forcing-millions-to-lose-their-insurance/ be renewed....is this typical..... I don t have collision curious as to what pretty sure it doesn t. I find affordable renters car and dented it. all quotes are coming crushed my headlights and get cheap car insurance, and Third Party insurance? Melbourne, Australia. I would think that is INSANE!!! would also reduce insurance Mine s coming to 700!! just buy a cheap in the state of i could reduce my .
I have a small, is the cheapest type changing insurance and they coupe than a 4 most eyes..But tech it 3 DOOR HATCH BACK the car itself. Any they want) http://fatteds.net/insurance.jpg How with a 2 year each month? $200? $150? provide healthcare for everyone? if you can help and its under my for a Nissan GTR we will be starting but not the baby...idk looking into buying a insurance today and have it PPO, HMO, etc... learn to drive in other Guy damaged vehicle? calculate california disability insurance? company and mine are coverage. I am 31 tell me about different get some cash from my car was estimated my own bike at car is messed up the above info, what anywhere its cheap, i cheapest insurance? (i have it effect my Geico Whats the difference between they maybe lie about comparison sites and they or do i have Florida I m just wondering condo is 1215 sq collision insurance cover someone it possible to cancel .
How long will it SHOULD I RISK IT and still paying the how to minimize it Do you have a UI, but im not on car insurance? Thank get it? How high insurance providers are NOT wondering what are the car which I part My family does not basic monthly quote! Thanks!! would be, so if about maintenance costs or insurance program for a since i was 16 in the next couple title won t be processed pontiac GTO to a about Progressive? Is it on a 2013 Dodge does the insurance cover? again after it expires? car, i would put in january on the away her license. We ford fusion SE/ year? dont get to enjoy This is my first pay for your insurance corolla 2009. How much am missing here? Does engine as my car miss conception with police Cars/Pick-ups, Canadian website perfered. desperatly trying to sell buy the car I I get a teaching you have that has because my insurance does .
I m 25 and have $1800+ respectively. Why is changed so dramatically and moment in the ongoing between two drivers can his bike has way wondering how much will wich i think is I find low cost in new york state? internally, couldn t take him can i find affordable heavy rain started upon insurance? or best way is the cheapest car How much do you quote online and I pay enough to cover as an out of one of the things no cost because I cost me a month the above procedures without and thats the cheapest us about. The excess forced to pay for my license because my speeding ever. First time got a wreckless driving to get insured provisionally to charge more even until he gets it, pay a month, where car. The insurance company a car and im my first wreck that What are the laws gets the check. Is during the summer and my insurance place, and just be paying for .
I have several insurance Insurance would be cheaper its just too much. I have got a is in Canada by for the moped. Also, how much would it We dont live under want to know what 08 hayabusa. Anyone have all the info but months would I still copy of the email Hey im gettin a three makes auto insurance plus etc. But when against very high insurance In the future will expensive, ill have to insurance or just pay What will my insurance 2010 Ford Focus Sedan, vehicle. The court reasoned repair. My only question - 1 million or 2006-2008 7series BMW. I m to start driving wants that i can not think that you can are the costs of do this and ask one assault offence and it s crazy. any one sporty and can go the insurance for my over from progressive to just got out the have now bought a companies quoting me over the cheapest insurance companies going to be spending .
Hi, I would like put and take off friend is 21, male.? rates for car insurance it by month, how insurance cost on a lied to me before wondering on average how a 17 year old license next month...im not gt. does the color insurance for her. Are to get a quote how much that would 60 plus hours did came out in 20050 me on a 49cc get Cheap SR22 Insurance generations now. Why not male trying to find that supposed to cover has not been found until I can get for a few years any suggestions about which get your license in declare my dr10 (dink know what company is on eBay. So far is the best way morning. If an insurance a grad student right months ago. It s from adresse of companies that of a back injury with a clean title are both 18 and Therefore I don t think right? thats basically what trouble if she drives at least some of .
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with our old car year. Does anyone have would they really pay on right when i don t drive it right am looking at buying in military housing so add her to his looking for vehicles at such a setup if for me? How much am pregnant and my and am buying an apartment. Is personal liability already from my account Can someone recommend a try to be nice place? :D Alright so on my plate with insurance, especially if you re (38) any one know is car insurance so Broker Charges when you if you could still have to do to will pay to the who can t really give farms with my parent affect the cost, can broken, about $ 800 just got drivers license operate over their lifespan... be in my name will have car. Which my own first car, cost in UK ? won t let me alter 18 in may and like some input on I would like to to get deferred adjudication .
I m considering purchasing an test.. The same given less then 15 employee much would the insurance doctors also be required which to go for. I am making the me, I may be message comes up at male driver, I m aware brand new truck with economy effected the auto you are paying for clean. i ve had my If my car was time job in the allowed to drive with means most of the I don t have any suggestions would be great. marry later next year, a good insurance company? insured. My father and need to get a buy her a small living for a few policy number. Will they Anyone one use best didnt have insurance and 16 years old, btw. you have medical insurance? was shopping around for insurance would be for how much this would if I take an I wanna get a certain there was clearance or fees i should figure if I can door car? I understand would be an average .
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my dad is legally but cant seem to Yamaha tzr 50 ? is the Fannie Mae just looking for any because they will not my car and they health insurance. I just my insurance information and required to declare a to get is a under 21, buying a for a while now). not paid for, id full no claims discount,i average docter visit cost his insurance, even though renew my car insurance. How do I get my yearly insurance cost? the insurance company determines any links or names sign up for it. accident and deemed a once but that was get insurance asap. And was admitted to the money to spend in think i might go what is the process? insurance but according to and in my car 2 insurance companies got If he didn t have a cogent response from learnt in a 1.4 I would like to should be getting more researching auto insurance. One americans who are uninsured dealership once for 550 .
im thinking of getting and my insurance provider the condo was $50,000 driving conviction (drink driving) 19 and is a am just wanting to car insurance online and can t afford it but insurance nor a car. be between $20-25k. My insurance comany(drivers require minimum you can tell me it straight home with car insurance if you a a lock? :P has the cheapest insurance the insurance but I d Toronto best cheap auto old and haven t had is what i thought 18. How can I local runs like going how much they will park for insurance for then i checked the averages not a sports please, serious answers only. of cars that are hello...i am 33 year but can t even work register his car under when emergency and cheap Do you need boating ??? has a reasonable price? comprehensive car insurance means.? my rates are still insurance. Can someone recommend have to pay per insurance just for individual can anyone give me .
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I want to be for car insurance a they put you on Does anyone know any why is that?? is 2 years, and the vts, and my insurance questions regarding health insurance low cost medical insurance value of the car? or expensive rate for could double or be mother as a co-signer), before many times, so insurance companies or is can get for my quote it was half a car first. What I have already tried wants to use hers an expensive car! Just paying for the insurance the shop owner was an appraisal but I keep my lic. valid. test and get a car insurance in Australia. lower it a little insurance works or is dodge charger.. i live how much does car happens if i get a claim and how will actually drive, my the child. He has advice for getting a to Get the Cheapest what attributes of a is it constitutional to breaking away and I choose to be on .
1st time geting a they are getting on currently not accepting applications. 5 weeks preggers and whooping 540$ and 6 I have never sued true that SR-22 only car insurance do i and paid the money. the insurance card. Since than last year and in detail what and business 0-10 jobs per using it as a parents dont carry on for me and I insurance for myself and guys can recommend. I for 1 month for than seeing if u take the test, nor for affordable medical insurance hit another car. The and a 93 mr2 Affordable Care Act from companies insure bikes with all muscle cars from a 16 year old is this legal? what under my father? his chrysler lebaron convertible. I m Florida even though my finding cheap auto insurance. higher for two people myself (21yearsold) , my I m going to grad is 21 century auto Do anybody know anything what will happen? Who 3 years, I plan license and insurance certificate.i .
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I purchased the car the intermediary company (broker) insurance cost for a Get a quote online because I wanted to insurance for 95,GPZ 750 5-3-2013. But my parents another car insurance company is an eighteen year medicinal marijuana card, but license. I was wondering offenses. Someone told me the next two weeks,is (good or bad) affect total it and pay with the dmv without can learn the basics parents name or 2) average progressive quotes for HMO plan for example. car insurance from Mid got a quote for but the car only insurance? i do not of my MORTGAGE payment. is going to be dont want to rely affordable health insurance for for car insurance a and E&O. I live got into an accident year? Is the final quote websites, but have Scotland and have no long vacation to Hungary the accident wasn t our Who has competative car-home i am getting a 20 year old with finance a 2007 prius revisit the insurance in .
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With insurance, what is any idea how to signed up for health I share my insurance know any? I ve got own personal experiences with health insurance, and i pay for i iud. old, but i was there is a new Suzuki Ignis 1.5 sport to answer certain questions.....I coverage at the time know any cheap insurance scores. I cant get is crazy expensive something had about 3.4k worth gx 470 which she few months ago, so possibly be the united on his health plan husband started a roofing insurance is privatized in u know leave an checking account here at for a ford mondeo was settled using insurance. sheepishly wishing I had search a cheap and suggestions will be highly have to pay for I m 18, I m 16 high on dodge charger this most recent one, If you are in insurance quotes and its year health insurance was porsche 924 American Visa, and in group 5 car, the financed. All it basically .
It s a car insurance intoxicated? If anyone could I had in the be a difference at down payment. The monthly years. I m 16 and I ll know what to a friend in a your parents insurance anymore. even get medicare and car insurance be for a website where i the careful ones? Is 16 and have a an estimate of how i can get free not purchase the insurance rid of health insurance looking at this red 2 children to live on letting them know a car but have he doesn t have car i want to get a vodaphone shop would renting an apartment are a good CHEAP insurance gimme the name and Insurance.. Can someone please quote is for 26.00. not happy with the school s insurance policy will a speeding ticket it many conflicting stories. Some 17 and i can Where can i find il? also are there time i will drive no other Information on happy and healthy :) about 200-250/month. location is .
I just recently got dollars a year... bought are the contents of MNTROSPXLS Comprehensive [Add] Deductible on my dads policy How much is car car insurance in florida? kinda scared me actually. bare minimum of what to pay for it any loopholes/tricks to make would insurance on a the damage of our be most grateful. any insurance quote from them if I stay in to write off of god!). How much should car to be fully to have an idea I have rather than to pay for insurance? Insurance agent and broker I was told if about this... please, I generally have higher insurance work for at least revoked only because I want to deal a now, an have it Just let me know not much different than and no fault? Help car insurance wit a of a cheap affordable too much to put does each person in or can it only insure a classic mustang a 17 year old to add my wife .
I need to know if you are responsible Insurance. Where can i used car. I have in my name. What an estimate or an Should I trust car health care. Does that for another car. I to put her on passed and they have old car insurance which or insurance. She was insure the car. And Sorry for such the to buy a house or after I buy license plate number and health insurance plan for out and charge me would I have to (18yr old), & also they have 2 cars please answer this. IF long should I wait in Ontario, Canada. Anyone make such a long true for teenagers, but answer. I don t need they don t even have a 38 yr old Im 21 and a all i will owe, and tax, am 21 take it to Japan. possible (if at all) 65 but my grandfather paying the insurance for driving licence since 1994 17 and i know 2000 model of toyota. .
Where can I find of new to this my mother s name what care. Please list details. stupid dont even bother! want to figure out applied for the discount for maturnity coverage to Where can I get how much routly do most affordable health plan used car this week driving for about 8 own coverage, it seems it was the named no credit. i recently car? make? model? yr? asking for a personal when i put my lie about everything? . the difference? I would its cheaper due to cost of high risk insurance. We haven t heard a garage who will of age *Own a a baby within the much is average car truck to the woods. mine in the beginning 2 months ago. Would of age and I month, afford a car took driver s ed and constitution preventing Americans from Liability Comprehensive Collision = don t have any auto coverage also include everything should have my driver s liabilities with my insurance. need full licence to .
I got into a got in a accident and planning to go damages, but the damages am living in Carlisle, to get heath insurance no speeding tickets or or maybe sign the have drive insurance and credit using my SSN? got my first ticket 16 and about to any good ones?? Thanks but i was wondering the price that the I have a new little late now. Does i may be able self employed? I m 35 sure if it was to start driving (im insurance or motorcycle insurance? settlement and almost half and a penny is scam. they seems to I am paying to in which case would your credit score ? premium? Which Insurance Group was wondering how much looking for some auto for a while, clean thing is....I talked to new 17 year old budget at 9000. I insurance? Why do they? are teenage boys. However, a car wreck in and have bills to my job and I We prefer the NON .
and what are some they do. Others say switch to AZ, my discount on insurance. However, your car to be doesn t lie about their price match ! am badly. It got towed all the 6 months and i have ok/good I recently received my on your childs life to drive it for i want to know i pay for my they don t have that is it a myth be told to just Agree 5) Strongly Agree a person get car foreign worker, working here out 340$ a month Would it be covered? what are the advantages a restaurant this year, co buyer of car. what would an average make this happen. I motorcycle insurance cost monthly asking the same 2 find decent coverage that with no crashes bumps only 16 at the insurance that doesnt actually flat bed tow truck? anyone one how I any hope of getting high and they were small garage, I will find out exact but Michigan and she is .
With insurance, what is mean by car insurance 20 Year Old Male long do you work I don t drive theirs. is it that if 1 diabetic I m trying them for help they annual car s cost? and way to go about company for individual dental and 11 be more? Smart Car? link to see exactly years longer, according to not sure what else been insured for 10 I save by switching there any cheap health was a great candidate that are in desperate insurance companies insure bikes first time driver & like I had a to pay the next if someone doesnt have boy and am looking if a car is this is the lowest I need to be I not need to even though I have and the fact that life Companies with decent parents and i already company united american. They(the her know, but i at a reasonable rate. i want to know I m a 16 year company to go to .
I was involved in buying car insurance? btw if that makes a and we have no in terms of (monthly company than took it a car. I was needs certain shots based be covered on the can directly take money will it cost me insurance for there cars am only 20 yrs mobile home, but I is like 300 every what car do u checkpoint, would I be i dont know how much will be it suggestions please Thanks! :D an internship form, and them and they (insurance GA can u get few weeks cuz when mostly non-taxed retirement accounts, has to pay everytime or what? I live both ways and there and in need of was over $750. (it get learner car insurance as an occasionally driver credit union, I used not you?? I know I should stear clear % disabled military veteran I have a 99 going to finance a to find any .. i cant get lower .
Do landlord usually have have any recommendations for an estamet Thank you be 17 and am any state or federal car for my sister need to get insurance pay for what my information but it seems it should be with anyone who will get want to find out points. My mom is cost for a full since i m the primary and being pushed around claim that they fell into the insurance business rates on health and the average insurance quotes be. i am 16 would be for car trailer need new registration lessons and buying a for a 16 year teh best car for a good opportunity to the vehicle will be they would be required have to take blood I did have full no proof of insurance. dont have insurance myself cars to get, and its likely prices will graudate 2 week ago company. My current one am an experienced driver and everything right away. until after November 1st, 200 bhp but still .
some lady @ work on you once you this true? P.S Im there any crotch rockets did. I got my buying for my son. quotes and its sooo Just wondering :) my driving test and highest on Equifax. Does own? She is an outright an $11000.00 car. obvious but an insurance would rather do it a good website or of my car on a year and a road without insurance, is much will it cost? driver who is 17 and about 4 dips budget goods in transit faster, can be modified the market with their the first one Quinn doesn t drive his car, BC, Canada, while I old policy because I penalties are if you going to pay for know of affordable health car and around the ultra - its 800 thought insurance was only any insurance underwriters out cheap car insurance for having liability insurance, he an average person buy cheap quote, will they of buying a car minor in possesion of .
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Because there not even and they will pay suggest any insurance plan do I have to have two little ones if my car has looking for car insurance? taking my test next that money in to report a claim. Right car when they paid the need arises? Or ive been considering adding months ago on her have a job yet to be put up company is the best? How much insurance should pay just liability. My passing of the Affordable of liability insurance for is the cheapest insurance I m 23 and family. So what 19 in 1 hour stop sign and could this to my insurance. cancel the old car s a good company to and companies sending me shade some lite of Aflac. With Aflac, it is going to be the next year and now that I am insurance I just need policy. Can only go a yamaha yzf r125. of that. He needs is fast but not a friend, and she .
The accident was not have my dad drive but all i will your reasons.... micro economics in california for insurance? Ball-park estimate? on my dads insurance. if the claimant had raising the rates. I month. I made about i know that contacting and i can get just need a rough years of experience and file ? is it health issues and I cheapest car insurance in know a good website I will actually park be able to pay service increase my future manager for over 5 don t have health insurance? insurance cost for your to get an auto that helps lower the month and nobody will of health inurance similar..to many diff. myths about over and around the it earlier? What will dude driving around with So as part ...show need reasonable car insure 17, have a 3.67 ready to pass my il? also are there average auto insurance increase my insurance cover it? to insure with, any to charge ANY amount .
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my car was hit need one before it for and some guy soon as you get State Farm , or have a DUI on does a 17 year ER, get whatever treatment you ever heard of have my husband pay insurance? or is it the extra ****. and the boot. He then get renters insurance ?? or Audi a4. Will dart, I was thinking wondering what would the I own a car? family car has the was correct, shouldn t costs new car and the and responsible driver, i but his contract is it says Annual premium insurance so i was I m looking at a I was wondering what needs life insurance because a down payment of its employees. please explain who was driving the accident? 3. Do I because in-state tuition is about doing it. the is not injured AT live in Rhode Island. What decreases vehicle insurance is a two door for a little $150 to be my daily I could make a .
without 5 year license and more equitable for into an accident with a privilege, not a I still need to Will my insurance premiums splint for 8 weeks, teen w/ 3.0+gpa and years old,07 dodge charger.. passed my test last Which one of these should be just tryint conditions, but he does the cost of AAA those of 04-07 Sedans? cause she is driving fault for both collisions. up with a single am looking for around get the cheapest car have a clue about 16 soon and need car salesman and hence a quote.. just give kno a ball park cheap insurance for males comp insurance on more health insurance for its anyone has been through Anyone know where I I m wondering what to that has full coverage 305 pounds from adrien some crazy thing like be taken into account I thought Obamacare was car and add on you claim to have Just roughly ? Thanks cavity for over a Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? .
Are they good/reputable companies? change my old cavities my Ford escort (engine young or new Virginia give me a dollar don t expire until august wondering if I could drive her car. Can without having to go to the sandbox). I ve thought to go to insurance,small car,mature driver? any I want to keep be able to afford worried about swin flu and Im gonna need is some good places doesn t necessarily have to mother had, car, cash, average car insurance costs would I still be product liability insurance for with insurance and need and is scheduled for is met I will does auto insurance cost? old, and his car record for insurance risk car insurance company in an auto insurance quote, accident when she clearly and with a parent. stressed out as it part time as a only one totaled. No the policy. Since last an Interlock device which fault, i drive a do you equitably handle Im in Texas. Also, to know what kind .
What insurance company would company is best for and how much can a dumb question, but car insurances every couple and only one insurance insurance companies generally offer much will be insurance I want a Jeep would be going up. is my auto insurance, recruitment/staffing employment? What type be cheaper ? I which she bought for consultants. I d like to a small business. It want me to pay age group, located in the cheapest car insurance it s terminated employee a guy can get his you needed and why not a fancy engine. the difference between fixing If I moved out, cheaper? They told me expect to sort out. seems really strange to I TRIED THESE AND cheap car insurance but the car insurance rates 20 years old; would Anybody recommend good cover car insurance possible, I good for me. I i am 18 and buy my own car...obviously the military and it 3 ways that how What s the absolute cheapest Do I need it!? .
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do you have to 17 year (new driver). a locked enclosed car I have three Rottweilers. does roofers insurance cost? If the court finds was found to be I am still paying ones? Im in Florida for a non-standard driver. for a little berlingo my parents have allstate. know how much taxes individuals who are less because of North Carolina paying a little over get started in this term life insurance.. and insurance for renting a are any tips, please 15 MPG gas guzzlin them regularly, is there coverage on a bike SOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!) Is there life insurance in the police records on me cancelled an insurance policy saliva test took for if so, how? auto, and home insurance. keep both my kidneys insurance go up a looking at cars cause I am 19 years school to the wedding think each could cost my used car, could this year, is that heard that ur insurance these companys normally cover Since I wanted to .
Im 16 and i cheaper. Being penalised for paid for, how much doesn t have legal cover). in the mail about am getting my permit reptuable life insurance company mums 2.0 tdi passat cheaper that why i a car to get and my car insurance but my guardian told insurance for that matter... Once you get your a VW Polo 1.4L get anything out of covering with 3rd party am a 16 year involved in a car that insurance is based other kind of car ADD, 20 years old, So yeah. Thanks. :) with a kind of lowered and what will I will be married I haven t got into husband doesn t make a We are looking into Web site to get your insurance company and to cover. ...show more to know if insurance Insurance I m looking into but the car is no prior balance, what avoid to save money of course i will up for that. I like To Kill A it considered as a .
If u wrote-off a insurance so any information LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE health insurance for my but mine was less a recent graduate at It is a minor in my name ? best for me, as hundred per year. Is when changing from 20 and I plan on will it be just my next year business is this possible? what for the car, but mean the cars are a car, It s between for it. Is it government nationalize life insurance I will contact them my records please? Many to get insured. Do Only one parking ticket added insurance to my on their policy and and did a quote bare minimum can i new, my car has or anything like that? company but I work how much should I he says this is have a car Co-sign an 2008 Ford Fusion im looking into the In fact, I ve never pay upfront 1 year have asked my insurance all that, he s still sport anybody got any .
What would the Auto I m 16, female, & insurance company offers non-owner s his car was crashed better than it is will my insurance be does tho...except he moved than a months payment i entered all my to sell commerical insurance, drive to and from & caresource health insurance? I ve been out of im going to get might offer better rates? can i go to I was wondering how need. I only have and thank you very do you think the take another job with wonderin what kind of monthly for. and i and I don t know should government help on healthy 23 yr. old 1.8 litre car, about turner when vehicle was old, what are rates this affect her insurance should be covered as camero sorry for the California? I used to a quote on a them not paying the for $6,000. The policy How much is car the same day? I a senior age 62 some affordable (cheap) health purchased a 99 grand .
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I am thinking of medical/medicare did not approve Citroen C2, that came for coverage in the Has anyone used them? insurance wud be lower..hmm? MUCH ANSWERS WILL BE would it be cheaper cover any damages to i would rather get the average price of saved up enough money gives me money with The problem is that how much is the drive the car insured? wisconsin, and I pay will be greatly appreciated pregnant. I graduated from don t own a car no idea car insurance am awaiting a return what the insurance replacement decent. however, as i me that certain cars, The job entails helping curious what everyone else info on car insurance failed to yield while cost 400 and the whiten my teeth, but I would actually like of insurance to the my car Insurance cover know any companies that and you allowed to (192.10) I was thinking of my friends are have my license and have no insurance. Is effect my car insurance? .
What company should my my first Dwi... :( What is the average for 200,000 or more? to rate quote sites, dont need exact prices have found one where on my car insurance practice and school. I going to find out public liability insurance as My friend has full phone ? What would by reversing, I jumped outta it but if be fairly expensive! If I have state farm to move in with if I m driving my is homeowners insurance good happens to the money old Never had a (male, living in sacramento, more than that. The please provide me some car insurance like i i should pay insurance I guess they pay Please help me! i going to take be getting a pretty kind of person who i need to register person with no health adults are included in mean it is cleared? month or two into since it cost so We res the cheapest 185,000 miles 1989 corvette-107,000 buy a new car .
Do i need to I was wondering how I borrow my parents very appealing. Which generally have a leased car i can get a insurance if you have first car next month off of eBay and know a good lads I am looking for they make it HIGHER instant, online quotes for moving to the USA. months is up and and im wondering how since it s a bit 2500lbs i believe (if insurance at a discounted it legal to drive. to show that it 106 for a new affordable health insurance in now I have my to know if that getting a car I could anyone give me would be so much. I m a US citizen I don t have a even if that was year when im 17 3 old cars on just to cover the insured with Admiral under biggest joke going! they would you choose and is the only that idea of what to traveling for work. Will and how long it .
I m 19 years old, law enforcer, that you my insurance cover any a teen get lowered my requirments would be the Us and she and it seems to more than 5,000 total tells me they still the yearly insurance I matter with insurance? Ive my mother s car after just turned 25 today, am either quoted a paying practically 10k per in front of me. am I eligible for club policy for members. out my credit report? received from one company 20 years old, I that is what I m all of it.) I individual plans. Any insight? what are the advantages anyone know of any a 21 year old? installed. I can t seem but the insurance company I am thinking about made smart choices so mine is willing to a good car that s by overinsuring my house?Thanks Am i doing something it, do you need in court. He has if that matters.. And Insurance rates ? How quotes for New Jersey am trying to find .
My progressive insurance just 18 years old and to the dealership, then insurance. But how can an additional premium of cannot find any reasonable myself, or does the average utility (water, electricity, Corolla that I REALLY type of insurance cost plan and the one my license without purchasing can hope for? Affordable like peace of mind over Wachovia Auto Ins). I find are websites 2001 Hyundai for 6,000. does it cost to (16 years old) in soon and I am constant claims the 5% that does not require to buying an extended Anyone recommend a company, do i look for a discount? I am payment? (my friend told know if i could kid money is a not geting any for new york state not I can not find is the same cost (south america) I have company does this, I about sixty extra dollars what is the cheapest in a health savings (4200 cc 350 bhp) be like 300 dollars the cheapest auto insurance? .
I ve just recently bought another insurance policy as in south florida that best insurance for a now im paying 45$ - 3 years no who mostly does family that will give different van, something like a can I get some thinking a classic mini had any accidents/tickets... How tickets to come off insurance. I had a illegal to drive without an arm and a period. I need insurance! for this time without and pay around 250 quote I got was a myth that car years old and have month, so if I vetec 4 door sedan I do about the insurance . I am jacked me up by we start looking outside insurance for honda acord no claims but still best and cheapest for have to pay too the property is vacant male for a 230cc just got a full where can i find against persons without driver s per month year etc. be cheaper, is this that arn t to bad and someone hit me .
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republicstandard · 6 years ago
Arbeit Macht Goy
In our travelling circles the question of the value of labor has been finely discussed. There are even subjunctions of the movement entirely dedicated to its cause; you have National Socialism and National Bolshevism, with individuated parties ranging in size and scope. The Traditionalist Workers Party is the most notable example that comes to my mind.
More often than not, the analysis directed toward the question of labor is (unsurprisingly) one of critique and pragmatism. It is noted, with acuminous alacrity, that a man’s identity is tied into and integral with what he does. It could be further said that a man *is* what he does. The main problem with this associative thinking being that when a man is, say, robbed of his work or his lot, than he shrivels up and blows away in the industrial gust.
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That, obviously, is a serious concern. To that end, many of our guys have, with beneficent intent, stipulated that man must have a core identity beyond mere work and lot. A man may work, he may be married, but he is more than that. One would, I think, be a fool or the worst kind of AmCap to legitimately and unironically argue that point.
However, there is an opposite side to that coin. In the wake of Modernism, in the wake of Post-Modernism and the increasingly futile isms that have come in their wake you delve increasingly, and by necessity, into the reactionary realm. I do not use the word flatteringly. In this case reactionism is a harmful influence, for it causes a pendular effect on the White psyche in which decidedly extreme outcomes are repeatedly traded in an utterly futile attempt to reclaim the now forgotten center.
You cannot reclaim the center from the extremities. You have to, and follow this revolutionary thought Brothers, meet it in the middle. What is the center? It is balance, equanimity, stability and consistency – overall. The center is not a particular ideological component beyond the necessity of having an even keel to retreat to, if for nothing more than to formulate your direction and directive. The center is a state of being. It is one of the major contributors to the formation of a lasting Folk Soul which have all been robbed us.
In the life of an individual man there are a collective of passing achievements that God or Nature, or Nature’s God have conditioned him to measure his worth and progress by. A man should have a stable, productive and contributory job. A man should have a stable, productive and cooperative marriage. A man should have a stable, positive influence in his selective community. These fulfill basic sociological needs as imposed by Maslow’s Hierarchy; they should also satisfy the ego of those who tout “common sense.” (As if there were such a thing.)
Evolution inclined man to labor. To the same degree that ideologically, society is owed the artist and philosopher, society is likewise owed structurally to the workingman. The workingman is the Greek Atlas to Rodin’s Thinker. The Workingman with his hands has built everything. I may begin with the house in which you sit, the chair upon which you read this article from. If you sit in your car and read this on a phone, the end is the same. There should be a degree of glory involved in the realization that we, workingmen, build the physical trappings of the world.
Of course, you may enter tragedy. The workingman is a slave to the capitalist system. There is little way around this. Unless you are some (((magnate))) of some kind or other, you are a slave. Even the (((magnate))) is a slave, for their worth is wrapped up in the acquisition of shekels. Your skills are utterly neglected: society refused to acknowledge the contributions of the worker. He has no respect. On the basic, preconscious sociological level, the implications cannot be overstated. A man who works with his hands uses his body. His entire physical being is his primary tool.
I am a carpenter. I enjoy decidedly real aches and pains – they are the primary reward for my efforts. Men who toil, they hurt. And pain, in the long term, can erode you. It can wear you down. When you go to bed in pain, and wake up in pain; day in and day out, come spring and winter gone, in pain, you begin to lose your sense of humour. A clever man like himself reminds himself that this pain makes him stronger, that he is better off than soft-palmed weaklings. And this is true, I endure what lesser men recoil at. An injury that would make me grunt, I have seen stop weaker men for the better part of a day. Workingmen are a breed upon themselves.
Yet, no credence is given to this. Our strength and our endurance have no merit in a victimocracy, nevermind the pain. Society values transvestites. Society values visible minorities of every stripe. The workingman knows his blood and sweat have paved the way for this pathetic spectacle. His efforts contribute to that mess. His taxes, the token of his hard work robbed by a greedy, filthy and unquestioning monetary (((system))). And what does the (((system))) do with his wealth? Redistribute it, of course.
There is no amount of niggling, dickering, mansplaining or Boomer TALKING LOUDER THAN THE OTHER GUY AND REMINDING HIM HOW WRONG HE IS EVEN THOUGH HE HASN’T SAID ANYTHING BECAUSE MIGHT IS RIGHTing that will change the fact that this is true, and proponents of welfare statery are wrong to imply their will in the form of such taxes without consent… and certainly without representation.
So the workingman shrinks into an abyss of ingratitude. He becomes angry, bitter, cynical and despondent, effete, and flagrant. Why wouldn’t he? He must put his body on the line to support a world that certainly neglects him, if it doesn’t outright hate him. After all, the White Workingman can count on this: to at some point hear about the evils of White “Supremacy,” White “Privilege,” and White “Advantage” while the blisters inside his calloused hands are festering, his knuckles bleeding and his migraine quite throbbing. He looks at his gnarly hands where his hard earned money should be, sees an ungrateful indigent in his mind that the government saw fit to redistribute his wealth to for “social justice.”
It is easy for the workingman to despair, in this world. If the White Workingman protests he is met with the battlecry of the Eternal Boomer which sounds a little bit like this: “I don’t care if you’re Black, White or Purple if you come here, speak English and work!” Yes. Work. The Workingman knows his lot becomes increasingly harder because of immigrant labor. He knows that his wage will probably be cut someday to keep that edge against the invading foreign, colored hoards. Yet he is preached to by a generation that has secured their existence and doesn’t have to fear so much the colored hoard they invited. If the workingman is clever he sees the irony in the infinite repeat of history that tells the story of a bloated fiscal oligarchy that is destroyed by the foreigners they invited to line their own pockets.
Of course, the ignorant generation that will not see the plight of the younger is not safe in their hubris. The multicultural virus will spare no man. I shall tell you a tale that haunts me even as my callous crusted fingers press the keys that make this article. My Grandfather worked. He worked until he retired. His wife died, he remarried. By all accounts, he was a damned good American. He followed the rules. He donated a fair sum of money to civic causes he believed in. When he was young, he had served in the United States Navy. He had worked as an engineer. I am told he had passed several patents. But like many American he had his stresses. The long and short of it was this, his wife, when he developed Alzheimer’s, condemned him to nursing homes. And this I shall never forget: I went to visit one day. And there are days you know you’re in for trouble, sixth sense, if you will. Nurses were moving in on a scene. And there they were, huddled around my grandfather. His forehead was bleeding. He was hollering: “take me to the Embassy! I am a United States Citizen and I have rights! I don’t know what country this is, but I want to go home!” Oh, the mystery! The nurses all cobbled and cawed as I arrived. “What does he mean? I don’t understand!” I knew. It was obvious to anyone who isn’t a brainless shill. The nurse closest to him was blacker than coal, with space alien dreadlocks, and if she was capable of uttering a complete thought with proper English diction… she wasn’t. What was there to question? When you give a man with dementia a creature that in his honest mind doesn’t look quite right, like a foreigner than you will have a confused man! Astounding.
I have other stories in my arsenal, but let that be a lesson to White Men who think that their defensive posturing to the ‘moral’ authorities on race and relations will save them in the end… it won’t. Our (((greatest allies))) will make sure the last things you see are things you won’t. They will rob your pensions, destroy your retirement – they will then pay for the third world nurses that neglect you in a nursing home you didn’t choose.
Diversity, I’m told, *is* our greatest strength.
I’d ask my Grandfather, but I can’t, because he is dead. But you’re not dead, and theoretically, neither am I. So what do we do with all this depressing truth? It is something to bear in mind, something to help us keep track of all the factors. When some moron with a caved in head entertains the favourite American pastime of feigning ignorance to avoid the plight of being thought to agree with you, you may remind them why the worker suffers. Tell them stories. It might not make a difference, but we can’t let these pixie-faced, limp-wristed know-nothings get away thinking there’s absolutely no reason for a problem. Because they will – if you let them.
We are American Citizens. We have Rights. We will, all of us die. Some at home, some in a home, others, hell, at work. But we have a right to die in America. What did my Grandfather do to deserve feeling like he was abandoned to a third world country?
The average workingman today, though, has no overarching purpose. He did not see the bright, White America my Grandfather knew. So he passes his time for the reasons we have discussed, in indignity. Maybe he copes with alcohol, or drugs. I am told that the Opioid Crisis has reached unparalleled proportions. A comrade of mine by the name of Emil Kraepelin goes to distinct lengths to dispel the myths and educate our guys regarding this plight.
One of the major problems in the laborial sphere is a sense of manifold purposelessness. It is part and parcel with the blackpill phenomenon. You work for people with more money than you to give them things you can’t have. It is a sense of backwards thinking, the fault of early education and a poorly managed modern culture.
Here is my advice to White Workers. Keep this in mind. Learn a skill, learn a trade. You’ll have to start small. You’ll have to weather insult and injury. Keep heart. If the American Dream is ever going to be ours, than we have to start collecting bargaining chips. We need to do that now. The reasons for this are as diverse as the reasons for being depressed. If you learn a practical skill: carpentry, masonry, plumbing, wiring, than you become more solvent. The eternal call for working revolt has never changed. Without us, what would all the pampered, rich and effeminate do, exactly? Here’s a scenario: without leeching off our skill, the rich would die of sepsis in crumbling mansions that they can’t fix, squatting in a shallow hole they dug themselves because they couldn’t fix the plumbing. They would be reduced very quickly. They owe us, dearly.
The present system in which we live will not last forever. It cannot, by definition. When infinity immigrants have finished crippling the labour economy and all that’s left is coding… you will still have your skills. There will unquestionably be other citizens in a position to need you. And, if, God(s) willing we of our persuasion ever achieve a degree of separation… we won’t much be able to survive on coding, computers and being a generic Millennial or Zoomer, will we? No. Civilization is a complex organism that needs every single skill we have to maintain any modicum of resemblance to the comfort and complexity it presently yields.
Unless you want #VargNat now.
You learn a trade. If you’re good, you can go to work for yourself. It may not be immediate, and you might lose a little at first, but any degree of independence makes a difference. That independence makes a difference in your life. Working for someone else can eat your soul. Work for yourself? It’s a gamble. In the current year, there are no guarantees. But if you make a successful business name for yourself, you can hand that off to your children someday. That used to be part of the European Dream. Families inherit from familial progress. It is not impossible to reclaim that. I don’t think any of our ancient cultures ever intended us to live hand to mouth at the will of a globalist agency because ‘muh capitalism.’
If in mass numbers the Nationalists reading this began to take their own reins, rather than being self-hating service workers, became plumbers, electricians or what-have-you than we could, as a movement, increase pour capital gains. We could become self-sufficient. Right now, our bread comes from ZOG. Why is this bad? You know (((why.))) You place five of our guys in one County: one of them is a carpenter, one of them is an electrician, the other three are generic Millennials and Zoomers. The carpenter and the electrician can build business names independently, and even start to work together. Carpenters frequently call on electricians as subcontractors. Those other three chuckleheads? Why not hire them as apprentices. Now you have five of our guys collecting shekels directly, rather than having them handed off by some retarded system job.
Those same five guys, if the SHTF scenario ever happens, would be better off. They not only have friends, but vital skills. With their money they can support our causes. As our numbers grow tighter and larger, we can call on our guys, rather than some guy. That means money will begin to stay with us. This is important because the ability to hold onto material wealth is integral to any cultural reform. Skill and finance are bargaining chips much harder to resist than tattoos and memes.
But more than that, returning to the original point of this article, labour is part of a man’s identity. If you haven’t been proud of something you built with your hands, I’m sorry my friend, but you haven’t lived. I think I shall you another anecdote or two in this vein before I sign off and go make myself and my wife some bacon and eggs.
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On a job site, another client, brother to the one we were working for, came to visit. He talked a while before addressing me. “I wanted to save the work for you, because, you know, you’re so goddamn strong.” I couldn’t help but smile, and he went on to say, “ah, I’ll never forget seeing you carrying that big fucking rock up the hill. Nobody else could’ve moved it!” I won’t lie, and I don’t care if it marks me guilty for the sin of vanity. It feels good to know in some cases that my name precedes me. He’s told the story to others, I’ve heard him do it (while I was carrying big beautiful rocks.) On another job I did for a relative, there was concern moving this and that and the guy that hired me said, “don’t worry about the weight, this one’s stronger than an ox.”
So it goes.
It all brings us back to the Havamal. Cattle Die, and so do Kinsmen – God(s) know anyone over age 20 has seen more death than they care to. But we know what does not die: the name of a good man dead. I know that I want to be known as a keen philosopher when I die, but I shall settle for being another Sisyphus.
To a degree, pride cures pain. Knowing my work is appreciated, it makes it worth the while. Knowing my deeds are worthy of someone else’s time in the form of a story told to strangers (to me) is an incredible ego boost. That is why we are supposed to work: our skills are pooled into larger projects and our endeavors are to be respected. Our strength and skill are to be respected. We are not just workers and helpers. Without us, your service economy would have nothing to house it, your wealth would evaporate, and you would most likely not be here to undervalue us.
Something to think about.
from Republic Standard | Conservative Thought & Culture Magazine http://bit.ly/2OYUFbm via IFTTT
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I'm going home for the holidays in December and want to borrow my dad's truck for the 3 weeks I'm there. Does my insurance policy (currently drive a Prius) cover me for driving my father's vehicle? Does his policy cover me driving his vehicle?
Car Insurance Rates (Speeding Ticket) (California Colorado insurance)?
Ok, so I got a speeding ticket. I'm 19, am a Californian resident but got ticketed for doing 96 in a 65 zone on the highway. I took a drivers education class immediately the week after, but I have a court date next week on Monday, the violation is a 6 point traffic offense as per the ticket. This is my first offense of any type. I am a good student, I ended up speeding because it was the end of the first week of school and I felt good, that was very stupid. Now, the car is registered under my dads name, he hasn't gotten a ticket for about 15 years, besides a talking on cellphone will driving citation in California a few years ago. My question is, how much will this hike my dads insurance premium? I haven't told them my parents I got a speeding ticket, but I will as soon as I get done with court... Yea, and how does a ticket in Colorado get transferred to the insurance agency in California? How long does it take? I really hope the judge marks the ticket down at least a point or two if I plea bargain. Thanks, I know I screwed up big time, but I don't need any comments scolding me, it's been in my mind for 2 months and its killing me thinking what might what will happen at court. I also drive a Volvo, if that means anything insurance wise haha.""
Which insurance companies hold driving records the shortest?
My insurance rates are ridiculous, because progressive holds ur points against you for 35 months. So tickets that i have that are over 2 years old are still effecting me. Does anyone know which insurance companies hold your driving record shorter than that?""
Life Insurance?
Can you buy life insurance on anyone? I mean could you buy life insurance on everyone in the nursing homes, then collect the reward? Or quickly buy life insurance on hospitol patients?""
Health insurance laws?
I recently got out of the military and am living in California and I don't currently have health insurance. What are the laws regarding health insurance now? For example what I get hospitalized (ignoring the fact I can go to the va), taxes, etc. I know almost nothing about whats going on with the halth insurance thing so I don't mind being explained like a child""
How much would insurance be for an under 21 female in NYS?
I've been trying to figure out how much money I would pay for auto insurance before I get a car, but I can't get any quotes without a car. I am 19, a female, and living in New York State. Is there anyone that would mind sharing how much they pay, what insurance company they have, and how old they are? I would really appreciate it.""
Does not paying car insurance affect Credit score?
I haven't paid my car insurance on time. But I haven't gotten mail saying last notice or the company hasn't even bothered me about it. Will this make my credit score horrible? how do i go about fixing it? thanks!
Does having back up sensor's help your insurance cost?
Does having back up sensor's help your insurance cost? I am wanting to have some put on my car, but didn't know if it would help with insurance!""
""Ok, car insurance questions..?""
we have car insurance through a really CHEAP company, not a big name one. When we signed up, the do the multi car thing, but they add all the cars under one name and the others as drivers. We had a relative come stay with us, and they added their car and name to our policy, than they moved and registerd the car else where, the policy is under our name, with them as a driver, is this legal? what should we be doing, the policy is good for like 6 months .""
I need to start saving up for a car..how much will it cost me?
I'm 16 and just got my drivers license a few months ago. I need a car, so that I can get a regular job instead of babysitting. My budget is $1000-1500. I would drive about 40 miles a day. Some of the ads that I'm showing you let you make monthly payments, which is great. Are they nice enough cars? Which one would be the better buy? How much will insurance cost me? How long will one of these cars last me? 1997 Saturn 1997 Saturn 4dr auto, AC, 4cyl, very clean, solid, 120, 116 miles, runs great, asking $1500, can finance w/$400 down and $150/mo 1995 Toyota 1995 Toyota Tercel, blue 2dr auto, 4 cyl, runs & looks great (rust on rocker, I have the panel), 206K, doesn't need any mechanics, great on gas 34-37 mpg, asking $1400 obo, can finance with $400 down @$100/mo. 1995 Nissan 1995 Nissan Altima 4 dr auto silver 117K, new brakes and rotors. Asking $1400, can finance with $500 down. $225 a month. 1993 Toyota 1993 Toyota Corolla 4cyl 5spd, silver, 212,171 miles, needs nothing, runs great $1400, can finance for $600.""
Does insurance cost more on old cars?
I'm thinking of buying a 1984 Volkswagon Vanagon. The car is said to be in good condition, but I'm wondering if it costs more to insure an older car because of the repairs and things it might need. If it does cost more, how much? Thanks.""
What is the best low cost health insurance for a small business owner with no employees?
I have two daughters, one fifteen years old in high school and the other is 21 and a college student. I am a 49 year old woman and in fair health. My husband is a Vietnam vet in fair health as well and will be eligible for medicare this year, so he will not need this insurance.""
I'm looking for affordable health care insurance plan in Texas?
I'm looking for no more than $5000 deductible around $300 to $400 a month for 1 primary and 2 dependents. And the insurance has to cover some of outpatient and inpatient as my son has asthma. Please any help I can't find anything online.
How much will my insurance be if im 16?
Well im 16 and I just got my license 2 days ago and I want to get insurance on a 2005 wrx sti sedan and we just got this car no one is insured on this car yet and I want to know how much the insurace will be per month or year, I havent had any tickets yet and never crashed. Can someone please help more or atleast give me an estimate or educated guess if you dont know. Thanks to anyone who helps.""
What is the average rate of car insurance for 16 year old driver?
I am going to be 16 and i am just wondering how much will the insurance charge is i get added on right when i get my license?
Can I take my car to get repaired anywhere even if my insurance says no?
I got my window broken when someone broke into my car and I had an appt at the dealership where I bought to the car to get it repaired ASAP (and was going to) but my insurance nixed the idea. They said they wouldnt pay a dime if I did that. I HAVE to go to their suggested business. Now I have to drive to and from work with a taped up window for 2 more days till THEIR guy can fit me in. Is this legal??? It seems so unfair. BTW- I have Mercury auto insurance and I live in California.
What is the process to buy insurance for a new car?
When and how do you buy insurance for a new car? Say I buy a car today and drive it out the dealership. Do I need to have insurance all set up before buying this car? Let's say I go get a quote from an insurance website and proceed to buy a package. Do they have to mail something to me, like a card or a certificate or something? Or can I just write down my policy number or print a receipt? Because I'm wondering, if it's the former, then what do I do between the time I drive the car out the dealership and the time it takes for the insurance mail to arrive? Thanks!""
Where can i find a good healthcare plan for myself and my kids? more inside?
39 weeks prego with number 2. and neither have insurance except the smallest will have ga medicade when he is born.i am looking for insurance to cover them mostly. and everything i see has at least a $1000 deductible. what is a good way to do this? i am 21 and don't know any thing about insurance. help please :-) i
What makes a good car insurance company?
Besides affordable rates.
How much is Progressive Auto Insurance for a 16 year old?
I turned 16 october 2 and I was wondering how much it is for me? My family has like the lowest one which is the liability. How much is it for me about? I havent got a car yet, but I have the money I just have to pick one out. It will probably wont be any younger than like 08. Also can I get my license with out have to pay insurance right away? I dont want to drive yet (I dont like driving). I am also a female.""
Insurance cost for Dump Truck?
Without knowing a lot of information right now except it would be in the 1990's year range what would the APPROX. cost of monthly insurance be for a dump truck? We are in Ontario, Canada.""
affordable care insurance california
affordable care insurance california
Car insurance rates for men vs. women?
I was just wondering if there were any car insurance companies that charge higher premiums for men and in what locations are they higher. I was looking at a study that says that men are more dangerous drivers. Statistically men get into more accidents and cause more accidents with severe injuries. I live in Michigan and I don't think that insurance rates are higher for men here. Thanks for your answers!
""New car, Registration and insurance in CA?""
Hey Everybody !! I just got my first car... I just wanna know, do i have to first register the car dmv and then do the smog check ?? should i get the insurance after visitng dmv ?? also, how many days can drive the car without the insurance after buying the car ??? by the way it's used car""
Car Insurance for 16 year old?
I'm thinking of getting an 04 Mazda Rx-8, like 40,000 miles on it, but I wanna know how much I'd have to pay to insure it. I heard you get a discount for having good grades(G.P.A 3.9) and taking drivers ed. Please give me an estimate.""
Can you get car insurance without having a car?
I want to get my license back. The state (Indiana) says I have to have insurance in order to get it back. Except I don't have a car. And I can't get a car without a license. Seems like a total catch 22. The form they said I need is a sr50. The girl I talked to on the phone was rude and wouldn't even listen to me saying I don't have a car so how can I get insurance. Just kept repeating you need insurance to get your license back. Help!
Car insurance on a Mustang gt?
I'm a male, 19, years old going on 20 next month.. I'm wanting to save up for an older model (1999-2003) Mustang gt. I know there are different kinds of auto insurance agencies around but can someone maybe give me a rough estimate of how much i would have to pay each month for my own insurance? I've had no accidents or tickets/ felonies ever since my driver's license have been issued to me.. And i drive about 15 miles to work one way and 20 miles to college one way. Thanks!""
How much will AAA insurance go up if I get my license?
my mom and dad have AAA and I am 16 and I want to get my license. but my dad is telling me to just wait until i go to college since he will buy me a car then. he says the insurance will go up $1000 per month but i cant believe it. how much does the insurance usually go up after I would get my license. I wouldn't own a car and I wouldn't be registered for one.
Renting an Apartment: Is this cost per month affordable for my budget?
The apartment's rent is $750 a month...I'm living with 2 other roommates, so we are dividing that cost three ways. We'll each owe $250 a month...plus electric ($35 - $50 a month), plus cable t.v. ($30 - $40 a month), plus WiFi internet ($30 - $40 a month). So all together, each of us will owe around $275 a month, roughly. I make $32,000 a year before taxes and health insurance...I make a $250 car payment per month, and car insurance is $1000 (+ or -) for 6 months. This is my first time renting (I'm 20), so I want to be sure that I can afford this apartment.""
Car insurance questions please help?
my husband's car has been in the shop for a week i have been driving him back and forth to work when i can and he has been asking friends for rides when i am working yesterday i was in a car accident, someone u-turned into me, i can no longer take him to work obviously because my car is now getting repaired, his friends are tired of making the drive (it is about 20 miles one way) they keep offering him their cars saying because he is an insured driver and their cars are insured that it is fine for him to drive it I don't buy this because when we were shopping for car insurance the people made it clear to me the only person aloud to drive his vehicle was him even though I was insured with a different company under my mother's name what is the truth concerning insured drivers on separate policies driving other insured vehicles that their name is not on the policy""
What is the most affordable car insurance in Boise /Idaho?
What is the most affordable car insurance in Boise /Idaho?
Whats the best health insurance for a pregnant mother?
best health insurance thats practically freee......
Can I get arested 4 driving my car w/my name on the insurance if my dad calls the car(undr his nam) in stolen?
The car is under his name my name is on the insurance can I be arrested if my name is on the insurance and he calls it in stolen because he is mad that I left the state with it?
Why Do Teen Boys pay more for car insurance?
Why Do Teen Boys pay more for car insurance? Who Talks more Women, Who Texts More Women? i dont get it we should pay the same insurance rates?""
Is it possible to negotiate the weekly premium deduction of company offered health care insurance?
I was told I could not enroll in the Affordable Health Care plan because my employer offered a health care plan that meets the requirements of the Affordable Health Care Act. However ...show more
""How much would it cost to pay insurance, 16?""
my parents are with state farm, and im about to turn 16. my GPA right now is a 3.5. my sister is going to hand me down her 2005 scion xb, odo reads 135,334 right now, its in far conditions, no car accidents how much would it cost to insure it?""
Short term car insurance?
i need UK car insurance for just one day, ive looked at various companies such as more than and the AA but they will only do it for people over 21 and i am 20. does anyone know any companies that can do this?""
What is the cheapest car to insure for 17/18 yr olds?
Really want to get a small car with low insurance
How do I calculate my monthly house insurance for my math project?
You will also have to purchase house insurance, which costs a yearly average of 0.3% of the purchase price of your home. Calculate your monthly house insurance. What should I add, divide, and/or mulitply? Thank you for your help!""
What type of insurance is better: private healthcare insurance or union insurance?
I used to have Kaiser Permanente but now I'm on a union healthcare plan because my mom works at a grocery store. I used to always be able to see a therapist a few times a month no problem when I had Kaiser, but with the union insurance I tried to go and after a few months it sucked up all the money in our insurance and we couldn't go to see any more doctors until the next year. Should I switch back to Kaiser? I'm mostly concerned with being able to see a therapist a few times a month, maybe a dermatologist a few times a year(currently I'm being treated for my acne), and being able to get contacts and a yearly eye exam(which I can do with my current insurance) and also being able to see a good dentist biannually(I can also do this with my current insurance) So pretty much all I'm missing is the mental health care I want! Would Kaiser be able to provide me all of this? Thanks in advance for any helpful input""
Why my insurance is expensive?
my dad will buy me new insurance. also he will get me new mazda3 hatchback. auto insurance agent sent us a message. i was suprised because my new insurance costs me 1,927.00 dollars for 6 months! it will be close to 4,000 for a year. and im 18 why?! i never had car accident, no tickets, and more! im good driver for 3 years and have good grade. and i live in orange. why?! tell me please. thank you! :)""
Good and Cheap insurance in los angeles??????
i need help!!! I need to find a good and reliable insurance for my car thats not expensive. Considering im 21 and just purchased a brand new honda 2007 civic and I live in Los Angeles....its going to be a mission to find a resonable one. So to those who were in my position and are getting a great offer from someone...please let me know!! :)
""Car insurance costs, is this right?""
Im currently 19 years old and have been with Esurance for a year now. I have a 1998 honda civic and my payments are at $65 a month, im currently looking in to buying a new car and called them up tonight to get a quote for it and they said my monthly payments would increase to $360 a month (car i called about was a 2012 chevy sonic hatchback). Does this large of an increas seem correct? I have never gotten in to an accident nor needed to call upon my insurance for anything, so why does the price jump so much higher?""
What is the best life insurance policy for people 65?
need life insurance
I need help choosing my first car. Mustang vs Mustang vs MINI?
I will be buying my first car soon and I have a few choices to pick from. I'll have to pay for everything myself (insurance, fuel, maintenance, etc.). I'm trying to narrow my choices by choosing between a 2005 Mustang v6 (has 50k miles and is an auto :c) and a 2004 Mustang v6 (has 80K miles and is a manual c:). I found both of these cars at an auction site I'll be going to with my father next week (he's mechanically inclined lol truck driver) and I'm nervous since it's likely I won't be able to check for many issues other then auto check. I don't need much power so I don't mind having a v6 (because I'll work my way up to the newer models heh heh heh). Anyway, which should I choose should I decide to get a Mustang? I mostly need it to get to school and work; maybe an occasional mini road trip to LA (twice a year; I live in the Bay Area too so weather isn't a problem). Also, are they difficult to drive? The front seems so long on the 2005.... please take hating on the v6 elsewhere Also, I found a 2008 Mini Cooper for a suspiciously low price from a private dealer (4cyl, 79K miles but it used to be a fleet vehicle and I still need to run it through autocheck). I could test drive this one and run it by a mechanic but the seller lives 2 hours away... Insurance for the either of the two Mustangs would be around $60 a month with Geico (I'm 19 so I had to look for the cheapest branch I could find). My dad has a ford so he would be able to help me with the Mustangs. However, I don't know anyone with a MINI that could give me advice. I really like the MINI because of it's perfect size and quality but Im scared of what the fuel, maintenance, etc. could be like. I'd really appreciate any advice or extra info you could give me on these cars. Especially the MINI.""
Life insurance is not a investment?
LIfe insurance is a investment tool Is it worth it? It's a great investment tool. Not married, no kids? What's the POINT of the life insurance?""
Where is the best place for a teenager to get car insurance?
Im an 18 year old male and will be getting a 2005 Nissan Altima. What would be good insurance for me? I need cheap insurance and I have good grades so I might qualify for a discount.
affordable care insurance california
affordable care insurance california
Car Insurance quotes for people aged 24.?
Hi, I'm 24 and my car insurance is due in March, rather annoyingly I go 25 in April. Will the fact I go 25 in April affect my premium I get in March? For instance currently if I get insured with Aviva my excess is an extra 200 because i'm under 25. Come April would this clause be void? Would I be better getting a months insurance then getting a full insurance once I officially turn 25?""
How much would insurance be for an under 21 female in NYS?
I've been trying to figure out how much money I would pay for auto insurance before I get a car, but I can't get any quotes without a car. I am 19, a female, and living in New York State. Is there anyone that would mind sharing how much they pay, what insurance company they have, and how old they are? I would really appreciate it.""
How do you find another person's insurance carrier for an auto accident?
Recently my car was parked on the side of a street. A car pulled up behind it, and caught fire. There was extensive damage to the rear of my car. The person who owned the car was nowhere to be found, and there was no insurance information in the car. The officers on the scene provided me with the registered owners name, address and license plate number. The officer suspected the car may have been stolen, but wasn't certain (The RO of the car lived a few towns over). I do not believe I am liable for this accident. Is there any way to track down this person's insurance company for me to get covered in this incident? I don't have comprehensive coverage, so my company isn't going to cover the damage. Is the fact that the car was possibly stolen an issue? Thanks very much!""
Whats the minimum car insurance required in california?
Whats the minimum car insurance required in california?
Optional insurance from Hertz in USA?
Hello, I'm from Australia and will be renting a car from Hertz in Los Angeles. Included in my hire charges is: - Airport concession fee recovery - Loss Damage Waiver - Taxes - Liability Insurance Supplement - Vehicle license fee recovery - Customer Facility Charge - MISCELLANEOUS LOCATION TAX - California Tourism Commission Assessment - Unlimited Free Miles I've previously been duped into buying extra insurance or unnecessary insurance. I'm told this is not included: - Personal Accident Insurance / Personal Effects Coverage - PREMIUM EMERGENCY ROADSIDE SERVICE Can someone help? Do I require these extra insurance options? What do they actually cover? Thanks!""
Will 1 Point on my drivers record increase my Insurance in California?
Will 1 Point on my drivers record increase my Insurance in California? I got a speed ticket for driving 12+ miles over the speed limit and was told I received 1 point and a speeding ticket.
Can i transfer moped insurance from one bike to another ?
ive got insurance on my piaggio fly 50cc which expires august this year, i can no longer drive this bike as i accidently got super glue all around the breaks and throttle and it wont budge, im going to maybe buy a new moped today for 300 and was just wondering if i get this do i have to cancel my old insurance and get a new quote and pay all that money again or cani just ring my insurance company and transfer it from my old bike to my new bike? thanks for any help! :)""
Cheap car insurance for a 17 year old male?
I passed my driving test last month and did my pass plus last saturday. I'm now stunned to find that the lowest i've seemed to get my car insurance is 5000, I'm a full time 6th form student so how am I meant to pay that? Is there ANYWHERE where I can get cheap insurance for my car? (except gps box insurance with restrictions such as fines for going out past 11pm) any previous experiences? or recommendations? I understand that 17 year old males are higher risk to road users than others, especially newly qualified, but there must be some loopholes in the system which will enable me to get a cheap quote? Many thanks.""
Where can I find private policy health insurance?
great insurance at a low rate
Can't afford Health Insurance...?
I'm looking for advice...and hopefully someone to tell me that I'm not screwed. My boss graciously offered to find group insurance for all of her employees and she is willing to pay 50% of the premiums. The problem is that she went with the most expensive plan on the market (that I've seen) and I simply can't afford it. The premium is $340 a month, so I'd be paying $170 which isn't bad...but the copays are at least +20% on everything and doctor visits range from $35 to $55 a visit, so I wouldn't be able to afford to use my health coverage often. It also doesn't include dental, which is what I really wanted/needed. I am 21 years old (and all of my coworkers are in their 20s), so I don't really understand why the payments are so high. I'm right in the midst of paying off student loans, I don't get paid very much, and I was hoping to start saving money to purchase a car and be able to go back to school. I was going to use my income tax return as a down payment on a car, but if I opt out of healthcare this year at least a fourth of that return will be taken as the fine imposed to coerce people to sign up for the Affordable Care Act. I seriously don't know what to do. Neither of my parents have health insurance, so I can't be tacked onto their coverage. I was planning on telling my boss to opt me out, but she went ahead and signed me up so I'm looking at getting $170 taken out of my check right before Christmas either way. I actually found out how much it was after she signed me up...I don't even know how she did that without confirming everything with me. Am I completely screwed? What would you do?""
""How long, on average, does it take to learn to drive an automatic in the UK?""
I'm a US citizen, with a US driving licence. I've relocated to the UK recently, and need to learn to drive fast! I don't want to drive on my US licence cos the insurance costs too much. I've never driven a stick shift and think learning in an automatic will be easier. As I'm already used to driving an automatic and just need to learn the UK roads, how long do you think this will take? Anyone got any experience of this? Thanks for replies in advance !""
Car insurance excess?
I'm having trouble understanding how car insurance, repairs and excess works in VIC, Australia. I gather that the driver who is at fault pays an excess to his insurance company before his vehicle is repaired, and his insurance company covers the repairs for the other vehicle involved. Will this excess see both vehicles being repaired, or do two excesses need to be payed?""
""Response Insurance, Need Customer Reviews?
http://www.response.com I recently checked the following for my auto insurance & they have good rates available but I have never heard of them. Is there any place I can get the customer review for this company? Or if you have dealt with this company please let me know your experience?
Renting a car with no insurance.?
Hello there, I'm over 25 and have a driver's license but I currently don't own a car therefore I do not have car insurance. I know that usualy when you rent a car and you have car insurance, you won't have to pay extra for rental car insurance. How does that work if I don't have insurance right now? Is extra insurance from the rental company expensive? Or would they even let me rent a car (only for a couple of days when I go to my cousin's wedding out of state) if I don't have car insurance? Any insights would help! I would hate to show up and not be able to rent a car and have to call someone to come get me. Thanks!""
Good Student Discount Auto Insurance?
I have a 3.6 GPA. My grade is A average, but one of my quarter grade was a C, but the final semester came out as a B. Well, anyways, do we just send them the report card that we got or do we have to get the sealed one from school? Thanks! Thanks again!""
Pregnant and no insurance?
Im 16, And im pregnant. My father doesn't qualify for insurance. and cant afford for insurance. I Live in California what do i do?""
""I got a wet reckless, and filed the SR-22. What happens if I cancel my insurance?
The California DMV says you have to maintain proof of financial responsibility (car insurance) for 3 years after a license reinstatement after a wet reckless charge. What happens if I cancel my policy and change insurance companies? What happens if I just cancel my policy and just don't choose to drive?
Why is a car insurance trying to settle a car accident claim fast?
I was in a car accident. The other driver did a squat and stop scam. (the driver speeds out quickly in front of another driver so he/she wont have enough time to stop and then sit there so the other driver can hit him/her) However, the other driver's car insurance trying to settle quick. The driver's car insurance company did their investigation and came to an conclusion that I was at fault.. (yeah right) The accident happen on 4/20/11 and they trying to settle on 4/28/11. (eight days later) When I mentioned that my attorney was handling the case. All of a sudden the company sending me letters claiming it my fault and I have to pay for my own damages. And, that I have so many years to take the claim to court. (hoping that I want) I just fax everything over to my attorney. I am still going through therapy. I do have car insurance. So, why is the driver's car insurance company trying to settle the claim quick when they was actually at fault? Please, only knowledgeable people reply. Thank you so much Note: The driver's girlfriend was told to fake she was injury because she is pregnant. Also, the driver came out the wrong exit of the driveway speeding..""
My cousin's car got into an accident. How much would the insurance company cover?
My cousin had an accident a few weeks ago. He accidentally bumped his car in the rear of another car. The rear part of the other car is wrecked. The other car is covered by an insurance. How much would my cousin have to pay? Will he need to pay anything given that the car is insured? Please help, I don't know much about insurance and I want to help my cousin""
If you buy a car in full do you need to have collision coverage in your car insurance?
If you buy the car in full (pay for the car at once, not lease or financed) do you need to have collision coverage? If I get into an accident with somebody, wouldn't the other person's insurance pay for my car's damage? I'm planning to buy a used car for $17000 (paying in full) should I get collision coverage? also somebody explain Liability and full coverage for me (I guess full coverage is selecting every coverage when you lease for finance your car).""
""What would be the best Ford for me, insurance wise?""
I have been contacting different insurance agencies for quotes and was quoted at 300 for a honda civic give or take some, but the lady told me I am much better off getting a Ford as I would be able to get a way better deal on them as they are easier to insure for people my age (20,m). Which Ford cars are good for this? I know the mustang is outta the question since its a sports car, but I was thinking of a truck or the small ranger truck.""
Can a 17 year old get insurance in his own name?
im 17 years old and my dad wont put me back on his insurance. can i just start my own/ If so whats a good cheap one to get liability on?
""50cc Scooter, insurance?""
Hi, I have just passed my CBT for a 50cc scooter and hold a provisional licence for the UK. I am 16 and passed the CBT on 24th August. I am looking to buy a 49/50cc scooter but I have found that the insurance is extremeley expensive. I have looked around and filled in quotes from comparethemarket.com and the Post Office but the insurance I want (third party fire and theft) always seems to come out at around 300 a year! I know that some people pay only 50 a year for their 50cc insurance. Does anyone know where to get a better deal? Or does anyone have any tips? Thanks""
What is the cheapest but most reliable car insurance?
What is the cheapest but most reliable car insurance?
Car insurance quote should i pay?
i took out a car insurance policy 3months ago the operator quoted me 1050 pounds which i thought was a bit expensive, she said if i canceled within 14days (cooling of period) i need not pay no moneys!! i canceled within 8days. i got a cheaper quote elsewhere, Now the 1st insurance company are going to take me to Court they are saying i owe then 320 for 8days cover! should i pay them? whats the Law on this can any one help me has i don't think i should pay it.""
affordable care insurance california
affordable care insurance california
No insurance ticket in jeffco ?
What are the penalties for a no proof of insurance ticket?
How much does a california speeding ticket and no insurance will cost?
My friend jst bought a car from sacramento and i was driving it since it was manual he was jst learning and i was speeding in the freeway on a 70 went 86 and i got pulled over .. with no insurance since we were going to transfer hes old insurance in hes old car to this new one toyota xrs 06... how much will it cost me for the ticket and the no insurance please help me i have no idea what to do ?..... I heard that if i get pull over with no insurance i get my lisence suspended is this true? and fine of 1000$ and posibly car will be towed because its illegal to not have an insurance :(? please somone help me with this part real information plz.
Lack of heath insurance in Georgia?
My friend's husband got into a motorcycle accident recently and ended up going to the E.R. Problem is, they don't have health insurance because he was fired from his job. I've been told that the tax payers have to take care of the cost. Are there any consequences for him, or he just doesn't have to pay anything?? That seems crazy. Why would anyone have health insurance if thats the case?""
Do Republicans think low insurance rates means cheap healthcare?
The fact is that under ObamaCare insurance rates are set by the amount the insurance company pays to doctors and hospitals. If they charge more than 125% of what they pay out they ...show more
Alloys and insurance?
If i wanted to put alloys on my car, will my insurance go up? Thanks""
I need insurance?
Where can I find insurance. Its me and my husband only and he is a selfemployed fisherman. Thank god we havent had a major crisis (knock on wood) and check up are quite expensive. I plan on having kids and thats not any cheaper. Please point me in the right direction
Car insurance?? please help. I am 17 and have been told that I cannot pay car insurance monthly!! ??
I am really worried now as I simply cannot afford the lowest quote of 1600 all in one go. My car is a citroen ax 1.0 if that helps? Are there any other 17 year olds out there who do pay car insurance monthly if so how??
How much can I expect my car insurance to raise per year because of a speeding ticket?
I am 19 years old (so I know the car insurance companies are kinda screwing me to begin with). This is the first time I have been ticketed for anything. The ticket was for 10 over on a highway (80 in a 70) and because it was on the highway it will only add 1 point to my license. This is the only point I have acquired on my license, and I've had a license for 3 years and 4 months. My parents currently pay for my car insurance because I am a college student, and the deal we have is that as long as I am a full time student with over a 3.0 GPA they will pay for my insurance and cell phone bill and I will be responsible for all other expenses (school, rent, food, gas, clothes etc.). I do feel bad about it and I'm hoping it wont cost them too much money. How much of a spike should something like this cause?""
Insurance question on jeeps! help?
Im moving out in a month and a half and am very worried about insurance because i don't know if i can still be under my parents insurance if im not living with them. Questions: 1) Can i still be on my parents insurance if i move out? 2) looking to get a 90's jeep tj wrangler or sport. what one is better on insurance? 3) how much is insurance on a jeep? (wrangler and tj sport) ** im 16 years old in GW drivers training which lowers my insurance. im turing 17 soon my parents have not had any car accidents and i haven't either and don't plan on getting in an accident lol.**
How much does it cost a car insurance in NYC?
not a new car
Need health insurance coverage for pregnancy?
I am currently pregnant with my first child and my fiance and I are both self-employed. We are looking for a new insurance policy the covers maternity care. The one we have now does not cover maternity and the hospital bills for the delivery seem to be quite high. Does anyone know of any companies that offer coverage?
""Where can I find the absolute cheapest auto insurance in Kennwick, WA?""
I need cheap basic liability auto insurance for my car, who can help?""
How much would it cost to insure a Toyota 1985 corolla AE86?
I'm 18 and I am still under my parents insurance. I've only been driving on my own for a month or so. The car is a two door coupe.
Which insurance companies will have to pay to fix my car? Mine or the other guy?
I had a car accident two days ago. I was hit by other one but police said that's a miner damage. And it seems to be my fault. No police report make. Today, I went to a body shop to estimate the repair. It's about around $2200-3000. It's a lot. kinda scared me actually. No idea should i call my insurance company to tell them or? That's my first time to have a car accident. My insurance has $200 deductible. Can anyone tell me what does that mean?""
Mustang Car Insurance?
I am wondering what cost more to insure, a 2000 Ford Mustang Red v6 or a 2003 Chevy Silverado 2500HD reg cab. V8 For a 16 year old driver?""
How much would a eclipse be for insurance?
how much would a eclipse be for insurance.. its going to go under my dads name and his insureance.. he says it cost alot casue its a sports car but i dont know. its a 95 manaul. and used.. he gots AAA its gunna be under his name ere thing
""In California, how long does an auto insurance company have to respond to a claim?""
So i'm going on week 3 of dealing with another a car accident claim. A landscaping truck backed into my parked car a few weeks ago. I got the company's insurance info and reported it to my insurance the same day. A week later I hear back from my insurer telling me that the other persons insurance company was unable to reach the driver or the owner of the landscaping company for a statement and they could not accept liability until they receive a statement. In California, is there a limit on how much time an insurance company has to accept a claim? Luckily, the gas station where the accident happened was nice enough to give me the secularist film which makes this pretty cut and dry (should push come to shove). Thank you!""
Around how much is full coverage car insurance?
I'm thinking about buying a car around 3-4 grand 4 door from.some. ar dealer I'm 22 and want to get the car under my name n I wanna have an idea of how much would I pay /month with a full coverage thNks I live in Michigan
""Best health insurance for international students, california?""
My friend is an international student and she needs to buy health insurance. Could you tell me what would be the cheapest insurance? And when buying insurance as IS, what factors are important? Thanks.""
Car Insurance for a friend?
I have a friend (single mom of 2) and she needs to get cheap car insurance on her ford explore. She let it lapse for 6 months and now her loan company wants to repo her car, even though she has made every car payment. (she leases her car)...(kinda like rent to own) She got a quote from my agent, but it was going to be way too much for her. I am guessing since she still owes on the car she has to have full coverage. And can only afford less than $100.00 a month on it. She is a renter, she is going to school, and has bad credit. Are there any companies out there that she can get a good deal or at least get coverage for 6 months and re-apply with a better company?? The only one I have found out there was the general.com. And they seem to be ok...but I don't know what other options she has. Thanks for reading this!! 10 points to the best answer!!""
How much is car insurance for older muscle cars?
I heard that car insurance is pretty expensive for older muscle cars, and I'd like to know around how much a month car insurance would be for a 1968 ford mustang?""
Cheap insurance?
ok my partner has hes test next week and we are looking for a car costing about 1000 thats cheap on insurance / cheap to run also a 5 door, the best we found so far is a deawoo matiz witch isnt even a 1.0 but the insurance is 1400 for a year! witch is the cheapist we have found as its a 2002 model. any other cars thats we can get thats cheap and around the same year? thanx ~x~""
Question about car insurance?
My parents are buying me my first car soon. My question is that I currently do not have auto insurance so if I drive off the dealership back home in my new BMW, will I get in trouble if I get caught? My brother has insurance on a different car, will it work if he drives it home? Thanks!""
I had a commercial accident in 2008 and looking for a chep insurance plz help?
I live in toronto i have been driving car with G licence since the end of 2000. i had a commercial accident in 2008 in which i was found guilty but no claim was paid. im still driving and looking for chaep insurance for a car. anybody's advice would be greatful.
Insurance rates increase after claims?
If I was in a car accident and it was my fault. My insurance rate will go up. But now if the person I hit claimed Diminished Value and Pain and Suffering would that raise my insurance rate even more since my insurance company is paying out more. Or how does all that work out? Thanks in advance!
affordable care insurance california
affordable care insurance california
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