#w / vilho
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flickerstar · 2 years ago
Writing is fun. You make characters. You give them names, likes, dislikes, relationships, goals, and all the other fun quirks that come with writing a novel.
But what no one tells you is that you may very well fall in love with them. I’m speaking from experience, because I’ve fallen in love with two of the characters out of the hundred or so I have created.
So, why not I share these two characters with you all? Here they are!
Felix Kaizer Adelric: Army General of Switzerland. A rather gentle soul, focused on building a strong sense of trust between him and his soldiers.
He was born in Russia, and used by his own military to create a virtually “invincible” army, as he is a seer, able to foresee the deaths of others. He is tortured whenever one of Russia’s soldiers dies, but is kidnapped by Germany as they wish to use his ability to better their military. While in Germany, he is brainwashed to believe he was born there, hence allowing him to fight to escape the Russians when they kidnap him back. He successfully escapes his captors in Switzerland, and joins their military, rising to become the nation’s Army General.
He is sent to Forchheim, the city he was brainwashed to believe is his birth city, to protect its borders from a terrorist organization’s supposed attack. While staying at his assigned post, he realizes one of the soldiers he is assigned to look over- Reko- has gone missing. Felix finds Reko being attacked by one of his own peers, and kills them, ensuring Reko is okay before heading back to his post. He finds the entire area in ruins, his superiors picking valuables off of their own soldiers for money. Felix kills them, leaving him and Reko as the only survivors.
Felix spends the three months off he receives for recovery in his office, contemplating taking his own life, but never building up the courage to do so. When the night finally does arrive, Reko interferes, hugging Felix and telling the young man that he loves him, which puts Felix at peace.
Currently, Felix is leading Switzerland into its war with Russia, as the latter country desires to finish what they couldn’t twelve years ago in Finland- killing all the mechanical soldiers. And that’s where Reko comes in.
Reko Levo Erkki: A mechanical soldier, created by the young genius prodigy Kirsi Vilho. These soldiers were mass produced by the young man, as requested by Finland’s government at the time, so the nation can better respond to threats. Unfortunately, news of Kirsi’s work reached Russia, and rumors of a possible war began to circulate. Reko was the last soldier Kirsi created before going into hiding.
Reko lives with a childless couple that decides to adopt him and raise him until he can eventually enlist into Finland’s military and become their best soldier. But Reko does not get that future, as his adoptive parents are killed by the Russians, and the boy escapes the Russian soldiers who try to kill him, joining an orphanage that is burned down in the war with the goal of trying to kill Reko again and any remaining Finnish mechanical soldiers.
Reko lives amongst the rubble and debris of a war-torn Finland, barely able to survive from day-to-day. Until a group of Swiss soldiers- with orders to rescue any survivors and chase away the last of the Russian soldiers- arrive in Finland. This is how Reko meets Felix. Originally, the two do not get along, but Felix continually attempts to chat with Reko, and the boy eventually begins to respond and appreciate the time Felix takes to talk to him and build a friendship.
Now, mechanical soldiers have one goal: protect the country in which they are created. This means Reko is loyal to Finland, so when he finds himself in Switzerland, he wants to do everything in his power to go back. And that is the case for awhile, until he begins to build a stronger bond with Felix. Reko learns emotions from Felix. Mannerisms. Even German. He learns what it means to be human from Felix, and it is actually what Reko’s true purpose was.
Kirsi originally made mechanical children for couples who couldn’t have children, or others who just wanted a child. But he gave that up when the government requested he make soldiers. These soldiers did not understand emotions, and were extremely violent in nature. Reko, being the last soldier Reko created, was half-soldier, half-child, so to speak. He is able to understand emotions and learns more about humans (hugely thanks to Felix), but is still violent.
Reko comes to love Felix, and vows to do anything to protect him and ensure he does not suffer, especially after knowing what occurred in Forchheim. He unhesitatingly kills (or rather attempts to kill) anyone who dares to even insult Felix, and is determined to face the Russians that threaten Switzerland with a new vow of loyalty to both Switzerland and Felix.
I absolutely adore their relationship! Felix and Reko have nothing but familial love for one another. Felix keeps Reko grounded and stops him from killing anyone who even throws a dirty glance in Felix’s direction, while Reko ensures Felix remains the gentle and loving person he is by threatening those who aim to ruin Felix’s life.
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alsanibdk · 3 years ago
“¿Fumas?” // @vilhok​​
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“iugh… ¿acaso luzco como alguien con tan mal gusto?” cuestiona con gesto casi de asco en facciones. 
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lieatmik · 3 years ago
𝑑𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑜 // @vilhok​​​
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“te seré sincero… nunca me han gustado estos juegos” admite observando el asiento donde se encuentra, con detenimiento. justo en ese momento alcanza a detectar en el suelo un objeto, del lado donde se encontraba su acompañante. “¡ah! ¿ves eso de ahí? ¿qué es? ¿como que brilla o bebí demasiado hace rato?” inquiere sin moverse porque por la mínima acción haría que el cesto en el que estaban se moviera. 
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lieatmik · 3 years ago
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‘ ¿alguien sabrá cómo relajarse por aquí? ’ soltó lo suficientemente alto mientras alzaba cristalino hasta carmesís, poco interesado por quien poidría escucharle. cansado del sentido de la moralidad falso que parece inundar isla luego de noticia. ‘ por los ancestros, el ambiente está tan tenso que hasta podría cortarse. ’
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“yo me siento bastante relajado” admite desviando su atención hacia el más joven. tal vez la ducha calentita que se dio y el té que bebió es la causante de tal relajación. “¿por qué lo dices?” 
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hellzeldagirlsfanfic · 4 years ago
The Cost of the Throne Chapter 6
[Pervious] * [Next] * [First]
The death of Joe had caused a massive riot across Ckville.
The people of Ckville were tried of nobles of their city getting away with everything and Joe’s death had been the last straw.
The people gathered at the entrance of the noble quarter, screaming, shouting and demanding to be let in. They wanted Lord Kay and his men to be responsible for the death of the young soldier and the other injustices that Lord Kay had committed. Soon the gathering became violent.
The guards’ of the noble quarter started to attack the people hoping that it would disperse but that only lead to deaths of more people. And those deaths lead to the people fighting back.
The fighting had been going on for a month now.
The hospitals in Ckville are neutral ground. So many citizens would flock to the hospital for protection from the violence and destruction outside on the streets.
And like previous riots, Saint Mirajane was swamped with many patients with severe injuries and limbs that needed to amputate. Along with families taking shelter, every available nurse was called in to help.
To add to the mayhem Vilho hadn’t returned from the capital yet. It was most likely that he was being kept outside the city walls until the riots had clam down. Meaning that (Y/N) was still in charge.
Even with Viji help the patients just kept coming. Nearly all the beds were filled.
Her and Viji managed to get a break during a quiet moment in the riots.
“Vilho must be going crazy outside the walls,” Viji said.
“You can say that again,” (Y/N) sighed into her cup of tea. “I wish he was here so one of us could sleep,” She complained with a yawn.
The two of them were drawn away from their conversation by a loud noise coming from Viji’s office. The two women looked into the office to see Viji’s husband trying to entertain their hyper-act daughter. Viji sighed at her family.
(Y/N) smiled at the small family before downing the rest of her tea.
“Why don’t you spend some time with your family whilst it’s quiet,” (Y/N) told her.
“Are you sure?” Viji asked.
“Yeah,” She answered. “I’ll get Debbie to get you if happens. Though you’ll probably hear it before someone comes to get you,” (Y/N) said.
The month of riots had made (Y/N) forget her worries about Vergil and the marriage as her mind was more focus on her patients.
*** A few more days pass with an influx of patients that filled the rest of the hospital beds. (Y/N) and Viji had to work through the nights to make sure that every patient that came in during those few days was taken care off.
When the two doctors were finished it was a quiet period during the riots.
“(Y/N), go and take a nap,” Viji told her.
“What!?” (Y/N) gasped. “I can’t do that! We still have to go around and do the rounds,” She said.
“You did yourself the another when you gave me some time with my family,” Viji told her. “Any way you need it. You hadn’t slept much during this riot and you weren’t sleeping well before the riot so, you definitely need it,” She said walking away to start doing the round herself.
(Y/N) was left standing in the hallway by herself. She sighed then run a hand through her (dirty) hair.
‘I guess she right,’ She thought as she made her way to her office.
(Y/N) threw herself onto the old couch crammed into the corner of her tiny office. Soon as her head hit the couch’s arm she was fast asleep.
A scream pierced through the hospital.
‘What’s going on?’ She question.
The (H/C) shook her head to get rid of her dizziness. Once it was gone (Y/N) dashed out of her office.
It sounded like the scream came from the entrance hall.
When she got to the large hall she could see the citizens and patients were backing away from a small group of people not far from the front door.
The group consisted of men dressed expensive and refine armour and what looked a uniform underneath. The men were brandishing their weapons. These men were most likely hired by a noble to cause trouble. But to attack hospital!
As (Y/N) weaved through the crowd she spotted a familiar face in the middle of those men.
Anger filled her vein as she pushed her to the front.
“Dante!” (Y/N) yelled. “What the earth are you doing…” She started to yell but faded away when she got a good look at the looked at the man in the middle of the intruder.
He had the same face as Dante along with the same pure hair and steely blue eyes. But this man was completely different from her friend. He was clean-shaven and his hair slick back. The clothing that he was wearing were expensive and superior to anything that the nobles in Ckville would wear.
‘An outsider,’ She realised. “Who do you think you are!? Walking into a hospital branding your weapons!” She yelled at them as moved closer.
The man surrounding him raised their weapons as she drew closer, protecting the handsome white man in the centre.
The man’s steely blue stared right at her, giving her an uncomfortable feeling. A feeling she that she had felt once before in the dark and lonely tunnels of the Cedar Labyrinth, outside the king’s office as he told his advisors the fate he had planned for her.
“(Y/N)!” She heard Viji yelled from the crowd behind her.
The doctor turned her head to search for her colleague taking a step back. When she did a hand gripped her upper arm. (Y/N) snapped her head back to see that the white-haired man was gripping her arm.
“Let go of me!” She demanded.
The man didn’t let go but pulled her closer to him. His guard removed their weapons to let her closer to him as possible.
(Y/N) tried to get out of his grip but it was too strong.
(Y/N) could only think up of one plan to get herself free. So using her free arm she slapped the man across his face with the back of her hand. The shock allowed her to free her captured arm. (Y/N) made sure to put some distance between her and the men.
“Your Majesty,” The guards all gasped.
‘Your Majesty…’
Her body froze at those words.
It was him; The man who plans to end her life that she worked so hard for.
The man with the white was Son of Sparda.
The half-demon who wanted to marry her for power.
“(Y/N)!” Viji called to her when she finally got through the crowd.
“I’m sorry Viji,” She whispered. “I’ll be leaving you in charge of the hospital,” She informed the other doctor.
“What!?” Viji exclaimed.
She watched as (Y/N) raised one of her arms. Her fingers were straight with her thumb tucked into her palm. The younger doctor poured her magic into her arm and then into her hand. When there was enough magic gathered she’d fired a shoot at Vergil.
(Y/N) didn’t stay to see if the shot hit him as she merged into the crowd of fleeing patients and citizens. She could hear a guard yelling for her capture. She darted down a hallway to the back the hospital and into the room where they stored the dead bodies, waiting for families to collect them. The room had a small door so the bodies could be discreetly removed, the perfect way for her to escape the hospital.
Once out of the hospital (Y/N) quickly moved into the filthy back-streets of Ckville. Her mind was making a list of things that she needed to do in the next couple of minutes so she could escape the city safety.
‘I got to get to the boarding house and get the money,’ She thought. ‘Then I should leave the city through the sewers, that would be for the best,’ She decided.
As she moved fast though the back-streets to the boarding house or she would of if the guards that Vergil had brought with him didn’t get in her way.
“Stop right there Lady Rozeningale!” One of them shouted at her.
“Lady,” (Y/N) snarled. “I get to be called Lady now that your kind plans to marry and not the bastard of Rose-Griffiths,” She snapped at them.
They seemed to be taken back by her comment. They seemed to be uncomfortable about comment maybe because of the content or because she was swearing. Using their discomfort (Y/N) shoot a spell that would only knock out the men. Once the guards were down (Y/N) resume her back to the boarding house.
“And it’s Doctor,” She corrected the guard.
She entered the boarding house by using the rear entrance. The building was eerily silent. She had never been in the boarding house during a riot.
‘Everyone probably sheltering,’ She thought as walked through the loud and clutter hallway.
(Y/N) climbed the stairs that lead up to the second floor, where her room was located. She carefully opened the door and looked into the room to see if anyone was in there. No one, the room was just as she left a month ago.
She swiftly opened then closed it behind her. She made her to her bookcase and push it so she could get. To the money, hidden under the floorboard. She threw the box into a bag and grabbed a cloak.
When she turned around her heart nearly stopped.
Vergil was standing in-between her and the door.
‘When did he entered!?’ (Y/N)’s mind screamed.
There was no way he entered from the door, it was old and need a good oiling.
Her eyes moved from stoic face to his leather bond hands. Clucked in his left hand was a sword, the Yamato, a powerful devil arm that the half-demon had inherited from his father. He probably won’t use it on her hopefully but it was still frightening to have such a blade nearby.
(Y/N) examined the room behind the king. The door was the obvious way out but there was also a window in the other wall behind him. The window led straight to the streets below. She would need to good distract if she was going to made break for the window.
“Whatever you’re thinking I suggest you forget. Just come quietly,” He told her. His voice sounded familiar somehow, it was baritone, clam and sent shivers down her spine.
“I’m sorry but you’re not mother,” She shot back. “And I don’t bow anyone, especially the king of Quebel!” She snarled as she shot another spell towards him.
This spell was slightly different than the one she threw at him earlier. It was mixed pure mana canon and her natural fire abilities. She shot towards the door, she aimed it at the wall next to the door. When the spell hit the wall it causing a large amount of smoke as the flame ate away the wall.
‘I’m sorry Mrs Hudson,’ She apologised to her landlord.
The smoke was thick and black, successfully shielding (Y/N) from Vergil’s eyes. Once the smoke had filled the room (Y/N) cast an illusion spell to trick Vergil that she was making a mad dash to the hole she made in the wall. It seemed to work as she sees his shadow move in the direction of the illusion. Then she made her mad dash to the window brushing against the half-demon on the way. (Y/N) crushing through the window onto a stall on the streets below.
The woman let out a groan as she picked herself from the floor. She stumbling to the alleyway near the boarding house.
(Y/N) scrambled to the nearest entrance to the sewer. She closed the sewer entrance behind then dropped down to the darkness under her.
Once she got her bearing and summoned a light source (her trusty old lamp) the (H/C) started made her way out of Ckville. Her home of fourteen years, the city that gave her a chance to live her life the way she wanted and the place that teach her some much about life.
(Y/N) tried and fail not to cry. She wiped her tears as she left her happy life behind.
The fleeing woman lifted her lamp a bit higher for its light to hit the figure dressed in blue.
A scream was let out by the woman as she got a look of the man that was chasing her. She dropped her lamp as he draws closer to her whilst she moved further away from him.
Vergil stopped once his feet met the still lit lamp. The orange light illuminated his furious face.
‘How!?’ (Y/N)’s mind screamed again. ‘How did he know I was down here!?’ She shrieked in her mind.
“Enough with this cat and mouse game!” He shouted at her.
The angry filled her veins.
“No!!” She screamed back. “I will not allow anyone but myself to control my life!” She added on.
The angry in her veins flowed into her hand. Flames erupted from her hands. (Y/N) threw endlessly steamed of flames at Vergil. Harsh breaths left (Y/N)’s lips at she finished fiery assault on the Dark Slayer. He was nowhere in sight, not even a charted body. Had she destroyed every inch of him?
She stepped closer to the area where she had last sited the Son of Sparda.
“It’s time to end this game,” Vergil whispered from behind her.
(Y/N) didn’t have a moment to move an inch as a sharp pain travelled through her neck. The tiny flame in her lamp disappeared as she faded from the world.
*** That was the first thing (Y/N) notice when she regained consciousness. The next things she noticed that she laying on her right side which was laying on a very comfortable surface and she a little bit warm. Her (E/C) eyes open onto a dark pair of legs. She followed those legs up until she met a handsome face. (E/C) met blue.
At first, she thought it was Dante but then her memories returned from before she lost consciousness.
She bolted up. She could hear her heart in the ears.
They stayed still, staring at each other like predator and prey.
She knew that was in a carriage heading out of Prildo Ira heading towards Quebel.
She didn’t know how long they were staring at each other before she lunges towards the carriage door. Her attempted fail as Vergil wrapped his arms around her waist.
“No!!!” She screamed at him.
(Y/N) struggled against her captor with no success. Her struggle only led to Vergil restraining her efficiently. He had gotten ahold of her wrist across them over her body restricting her movement.
“Let me!” (Y/N) demanded as she tried to wriggle free of Vergil’s hold.
She tried to activate her magic but not a single ounce of mana came to her to aid. This lead to more panic in her system. Had they sealed her magic?
The man behind her, stayed quiet as he let the woman in his arms use up all of her energy.
“Let me…,” She begged as she felt her hope waining. “Please…,” She whispered as tears started to fall from her (E/C) eyes.
But nothing left white hair man’s lips as the woman in his arms lend forwards, she began to sob.
(Y/N) hated it. She felt like she was a child again powerless and weak, sitting the darkness of Cedar Labyrinth unable to change her own fate herself. And everything she had done since she left that darkness of Cedar Labyrinth. It was all for nothing, all training and leaving to be dragged back to where it started.
She cried herself to sleep in the arms of the man who was taking her away from the life she’d loved.
Vergil waited until he could hear her soft breaths.
He pulled her back to his chest letting of her wrist once she laying on it. He then turned her on his lap so she was on sitting sideward. He rests (H/C)’s head in the nook of her neck and supported her head with his left hand. Vergil reached in dark embroidery coat and pulled handkerchief. He wiped her tear-stained cheeks then wiped her nose. Once done he placed a kiss on her head.
Vergil looked down at (Y/N)’s face and the dark bags under her eyes. He noticed them earlier when he had laid her down in carriage but didn’t notice how dark they were. She also was stupidly easy to carry so he took a peek under surcoat and tunic, she unhealthy thin, it wasn’t too bad that you could see her ribs but it nearly there. Not to mention that she smelt bad.
Vergil sighed.
“It’s going to take a lot of work to make you into a queen that history will remember,” He mumbled as he placed another kiss on her forehead.
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sotorubio · 4 years ago
a while ago ppl were making their own country's imaginary skam casts n that was rly fun so i decided to do one for finland! for the names i didn't put much effort into them but i might add two different ones based on what's the closest name to the norwegian one n what i think fits them the best even if it doesn't sound the same (also this pic crew didn't have different body types but chris would still be a fat character n different body types for the others as well)
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1. eeva / ilona
giving myself a bi eva bc i deserve it. her season would be p much what og is like but in s4 she doesn't end up w her jonas (joonas) bc i think it's more meaningful if they just stay as friends
2. noora (let's just keep that)
so instead of OG's spain thing this one's definitely sweden n she meets eeva in swedish class. i kinda want to make her a swedish speaking finn but for the sake of the plot ig she has to go to a finnish speaking school but that would be a nice detail to add. her season would be similar to eskam s3 bc domestic abuse rates in finland r astronomical n that would be a rly important story to tell.
3. sana (i think she could have the original name too bc afaik it wasn't norwegian in the first place?)
her season would follow the og storyline to an extent but like noora isn't getting back together w anyone so there's none of that n i would also get rid of any weird girl squad drama that isn't actual discussions abt the squad's casual racism/islamophobia. during sana's season the isak/sana dynamic is replaced w sana/eeva n she has great moments w noora but in the season noora actually grows as a person n unlearns her white feminist ideology
4. vilja or vilma / emilia or emmi
so i would rly like to finally get lesbian vilde that's baiscally it please and thank u. she could have the whole thing w the william (vilho / veeti) but it would lead to her realizing she has experienced comphet. but also vildes have always been the p ignorant one of the group n they literally never learn or grow as characters so i would like to see that be a thing for her where she starts off like that but makes the effort to educate herself n change for the better n then maybe After that she discovers her sexuality bc i'd like to see both arcs but i don't want her to be a bad person while she IDs as a lesbian that'd be bad rep
5. krista (her nickname's krisu bc then p chris can be kristian n they'll share the nickname!)
i want her to have the fun n bubbly essence of og chris but like give her some actual depth n not reduce her to the funny friend :/
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then isak n even! i think we would benefit more from a wlw storyline but i got bored making female picrews so here we r smfjkdd also any well-done lgbt season would be much needed
1. all the rly similar ones to "isak" sound like they're for middle aged men or older so i'm just going w iiro / matias
2. eelis / valtteri (couldn't even find a name that i think would actually be good for him but going w this one 🤷‍♀️)
so i think this season can be p much the same except the even doesn't cheat n gets to speak for himself. i think the isak could have a beard but that should be handled better than in OG n preferably the girl would be aware of it so no cheating or outing. i also think it would be a good thing to have sami representation so maybe one or both of the guys could be sami (maybe the even bc he could have a sami name n he could be changing schools from up north or the series could be set in Oulu 🤔 i was initially thinking the capital or Tampere)
also the even is rly gnc w pretty long hair n accessories + in the show he would wear gnc clothes too, his thing could still be film i guess but his Art Thing would be make up! like that's what he'd post on IG instead of drawings n i like the idea of the isak finding a make up tutorial video from him when he's looking him up fmgjdk
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organisationskoval · 2 years ago
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415) Nouseva Suomi, Powstań Finlandio, Wschodząca Finlandia, Rising Finland - fińskie stowarzyszenie polityczne założone 5 października 1940 r. Miało ono na celu „pielęgnowanie ducha wojny zimowej”, promowanie idei zjednoczonego narodu, reorganizację pola partii burżuazyjnej oraz stworzenie silniejszego przywództwa i zwiększanie osobistego odpowiedzialność. Według organizacji jej celem było zgromadzenie obywateli wokół symboli narodowych, których wartość „dostrzegł cały nasz naród w wielkich próbach wojny o niepodległość 1939-1940”. Organizacja została założona przez Vilho Helanena, dyrektora ekstremistycznego nacjonalistycznego i skrajnie prawicowego Akademickiego Towarzystwa Karelii (AKS), który był także przewodniczącym zarządu. Helanen był również gorącym zwolennikiem narodowego socjalizmu i Adolfa Hitlera. Wielu było członkami AKS lub skrajnie prawicowego Patriotycznego Ruchu Ludowego (IKL). Wschodząca Finlandia miała wielu wpływowych członków na ważnych stanowiskach, w tym ministra spraw zagranicznych Eljasa Erkko. Wschodząca Finlandia i jej program zapożyczony od nazistów odbiły się szerokim echem w prasie. Wschodząca Finlandia wyróżniała się wśród wielu skrajnie prawicowych organizacji tym, że wspierała współpracę ponadpartyjną i współpracowała m.in. z Narodową Partią Postępu. Jednak wezwania Helanena do reorganizacji państwa wzbudziły podejrzenia niektórych tradycyjnych partii. Ponadto przewodniczący faszystowskiego IKL, Vilho Annala uważał Wschodzącą Finlandię za konkurenta dla własnej partii. Wschodząca Finlandia jest znana z tego, że utworzyła Väestöliitto, Federację Rodzinną Finlandii, wraz ze Stowarzyszeniem Fińskiej Kultury i Tożsamości w celu zwiększenia populacji i promowania dobrobytu rodzin, które działają do dziś. Organizacja pierwotnie mocno promowała eugenikę i przymusową sterylizację.
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osobypostacieludzie · 7 years ago
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Vilho Lampi ( Vilho Henrik Lampi ) - był fińskim malarzem najbardziej znanym ze swoich autoportretów i obrazów Liminki i ludzi, którzy tam mieszkali. Lampi urodził się w Oulu, ale przez większość życia mieszkał w Limince. Studiował w fińskiej Akademii Sztuk Pięknych w latach 1921-1925, a po ukończeniu studiów wrócił do Liminki, gdzie mieszkał i malował swoje najsłynniejsze dzieła. Lampi popełnił samobójstwo 17 marca 1936 roku, skacząc z mostu do Oulujoki podczas wizyty w Oulu.
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organisationskoval · 2 years ago
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407) Isänmaallinen kansanliike, IKL, Fosterländska folkrörelsen, Patriotic People's Movement, Patriotyczny Ruch Ludowy – faszystowskie i nacjonalistyczne ugrupowanie polityczne w Finlandii w latach 30. i I poł. lat 40. XX wieku. Patriotyczny Ruch Ludowy został założony 5 czerwca 1932 jako kontynuacja antykomunistycznego i coraz bardziej faszystowskiego Ruchu Lapua, który po nieudanej próbie zamachu stanu został rozwiązany 21 listopada tego roku. Założycielami IKL byli Herman Gummerus, Vilho Annala i Erkki Räikkönen. Na przewodniczącego został namaszczony przywódca Ruchu Lapua, Vihtori Kosola, który wówczas przebywał w więzieniu. Członkowie IKL nosili czarne koszule z niebieskimi krawatami, wzorując się na ubiorze włoskich faszystów. Było wśród nich wielu pastorów i członków ruchu protestanckiego, zwanego Herännäisyys. Program Ruchu zawierał hasła silnie antykomunistyczne i nacjonalistyczne, występując przeciwko prawom języka szwedzkiego w Finlandii. Występowały nawet akcenty antysemickie. Zamierzano przyłączyć do Finlandii część sowieckiej Karelii. Ruch miał być głosem moralności chrześcijańskiej w fińskim parlamencie. IKL miał swoją organizację młodzieżową Sinimustat, której członkowie przechodzili przeszkolenie paramilitarne. Na jej czele stał charyzmatyczny pastor Elias Simojoki. Młodzieżówka została rozwiązana w 1936, ale na jej miejsce powstała rok później Mustapaidat. IKL startował w wyborach parlamentarnych w 1933 w koalicji z prawicową Narodową Partią Koalicyjną, zdobywając 14 miejsc. Wkrótce Narodowa Partia Koalicyjna zmieniła swoją politykę, zrywając sojusz z IKL i przejmując część jej działaczy. Z kolei rząd podjął działania zmierzające do zahamowania rozwoju IKL. W 1934 r. zostały uchwalone przepisy wymierzone w skrajną propagandę partyjną, zaostrzające sankcje za naruszanie porządku publicznego i prowokowanie rozruchów, a następnie delegalizujące partyjne bojówki i noszenie uniformów wzorowanych na wojskowych przez członków organizacji cywilnych. W wyborach parlamentarnych w 1936 r. IKL zdobyła 14 miejsc. Nowa lewicowa koalicja rządowa złożona z socjaldemokratów i ludowców prowadziła politykę wymierzoną w IKL. W 1938 r. minister spraw wewnętrznych Urho Kekkonen wszczął śledztwo przeciwko przywódcom Patriotycznego Ruchu Ludowego, ale sąd nie zdecydował się na zdelegalizowanie IKL. Wybory parlamentarne w 1939 przyniosły Ruchowi tylko 8 miejsc. Po wojnie zimowej z ZSRR, przedstawiciel IKL pastor V. Annala wszedł w grudniu 1940 do koalicyjnego gabinetu rządowego, w którym były reprezentowane wszystkie liczące się partie polityczne. Był ministrem transportu. W odpowiedzi Ruch zaprzestał atakowania parlamentarnego systemu politycznego Finlandii. Po zakończeniu działań wojennych w 1944, IKL został zdelegalizowany pod presją ZSRR. W 1993 IKL pojawił się ponownie na fińskiej scenie politycznej pod przywództwem Matti Järviharju, ale ma niewielkie poparcie społeczne.
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osobypostacieludzie · 7 years ago
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Erkki Räikkönen ( Erkki Aleksanteri Räikkönen ) - był fińskim nacjonalistycznym przywódcą. Urodzony w Petersburgu jako kantor, uczęszczał na uniwersytet w Helsinkach, zanim wziął udział w niefortunnej misji, by uzyskać niepodległość dla Karelii w 1921 roku. Podobnie jak większość osób, które wzięły udział w tym wydarzeniu, wstąpił do Akademickiego Towarzystwa Kareliańskiego (AKS), pomagając założyć ruch wraz z Eliasem Simojokim i Reino Vähäkallio. W 1928 r. zrezygnował z członkostwa w Itsenäisyyden Liitto (Independence League), grupie stworzonej przez Pehr Evind Svinhufvud, najbardziej podziwianą postać polityczną Räikkönena. Räikkönen podjął tę decyzję w odpowiedzi na zakaz ruchu Lapua, ruch, który opuścił skrajną prawicę w Finlandii bez szerokiej bazy organizacyjnej (grupy takie jak AKS mają małe, elitarne członkostwa). Wraz z Hermanem Gummerusem i Vilho Annala Räikkönen był założycielem Patriotycznego Ruchu Ludowego w 1932 roku. Nie pozostał długo członkiem, ale wkrótce grupa stała się czysto fińska (izolując szwedzkojęzyczny Räikkönen) i zbliżyła się do nazizmu, któremu się sprzeciwił. Po opuszczeniu ruchu zadowalał się redagowaniem pisma Suomen Vapaussota, jednocześnie angażując się w ruch Gustawa Wazy, prawicową organizację dla szwedzkojęzycznej populacji Finlandii. Ostatecznie wyemigrował do Szwecji w 1945 roku i przeżył tam swoje życie na emeryturze.
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osobypostacieludzie · 7 years ago
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Vilho Annala - był fińskim urzędnikiem państwowym, ekonomistą i skrajnie prawicowym politykiem. Po raz pierwszy zdobył uznanie jako student na Uniwersytecie w Helsinkach, redagując studencką prasę związkową Ylioppilaslehti w latach 1916-1919. Następnie pracował w Bureau of Statistics, służąc w redakcji konserwatywnego dziennika Uusi Suomi. Uzyskał doktorat w 1932 roku i został jednym z czołowych urzędników w Finlandii. Annala dołączyła do Ruchu Lapua i została przewodniczącym Okręgu Helsińskiego w lutym 1931 r. Ideologicznie Annala był pod silnym wpływem korporacjonizmu włoskiego faszyzmu. Poparł kooptację klas pracujących w ruchu Lapua i sprzeciwiał się wpływom bogatych przemysłowców. W kwietniu 1932 r. Annala dołączył do Hermana Gummerusa i Erkki Räikkönena w ramach założenia Patriotycznego Ruchu Ludowego (IKL) i pełnił funkcję przewodniczącego klubu od 1936 do 1944 r. W latach 1933-1945 reprezentował także partię w parlamencie Finlandii. Podczas gdy oficjalnym przywódcą był Vihtori Kosola, prawdziwa kontrola ruchu spoczywała na Annali i jego bliskim poruczniku Bruno Salmiala. To Annala podyktowała politykę ruchu, chociaż jego twarde poglądy doprowadziły do ​​potępienia zarówno przez rząd, jak i ewangelicki Kościół Luterański w Finlandii, które uszkodziły grupę. Annala pełnił funkcję Ministra Transportu w rządzie jedności Johana Wilhelma Rangella w latach 1941-1943. To był jednak ostatni rzut dla IKL, gdy grupa wkrótce potem wyblakła, a Annala opuścił politykę.  Wraz z karierą polityczną nad Annala został akademickim powrotem na Uniwersytecie w Helsinkach. Służył tam jako profesor ekonomii politycznej w latach 1951-57.
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osobypostacieludzie · 7 years ago
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Herman Gummerus ( Herman Gregorius Gummerus ) - był czołowym fińskim uczonym klasycznym, dyplomatą i jednym z założycieli Patriotycznego Ruchu Ludowego (IKL). Urodzony w Sankt Petersburgu w rodzinie szwedzkojęzycznej, Gummerus stał się ekspertem w dziedzinie ekonomii i społeczeństwa starożytnego Rzymu i wykładał na Uniwersytecie w Helsinkach w latach 1911-1920 i ponownie w latach 1926-1947. Początkowo studiował w Helsinkach, a następnie specjalizował się w historii starożytnej pod kierunkiem Eduarda Meyera na Uniwersytecie w Berlinie. Jego studia nad Rzymem dotyczyły w szczególności życia na wsi w późniejszym okresie imperium, na którym pisał szeroko. Rozprawa doktorska Gummerusa Der römische Gutsbetrieb als wirtschaftlicher Organismus nach den Werken des Cato, Varro und Columella (1906) badała duże majątki rzymskie, wykorzystując głównie źródła literackie. Następnie przeanalizował system ekonomiczny imperium rzymskiego w artykule (Industrie und Handel, RE IX (1916), coll. 1381-1535) opublikowanym w klasycznej encyklopedii Pauly'ego-Wissowa, tym razem systematycznie wykorzystując w swoim badaniu artefakty archeologiczne. Technika Gummerusa wyprzedziła pracę Michaela Rostovtzeffa o dziesięć lat. Wczesny zwolennik fińskiej niepodległości, Gummerus został uwięziony za to w 1904 roku, spędzając czas w Twierdzy Piotra i Pawła. Następnie redagował czasopismo Framtid i przed utworzeniem anty-rusyfikacji Wetterhof Bureau (później Fińskiego Biura) w Niemczech w 1915 r. Po osiągnięciu niepodległości Gummerus został powołany na stanowiska w Sztokholmie i Kijowie, gdzie rozszerzył swoją działalność antyrosyjską i gdzie pomógł ustanowić legację podczas krótkiej niepodległości Ukrainy. Został wysłannikiem do Rzymu w 1920 r. (stanowisko, które piastował do 1925 r.) i wzbudził podziw dla rozwijającego się ruchu faszystowskiego we Włoszech. Po powrocie do Finlandii, a także z przywódcami ruchu "Lapua", w większości uwięzionymi, dołączył do Erkki Räikkönena, kolegi szwedzkojęzycznego, i Vilho Annali, by stworzyć IKL jako nieco bardziej umiarkowaną kontynuację. Kierując się nieodłącznym konserwatyzmem, Gummerus pragnął sojuszu wyborczego z Narodową Partią Koalicji, ale wkrótce odkrył, że ranga IKL nie była tym zainteresowana. IKL również zajął zdecydowane stanowisko w sprawie znaczenia języka fińskiego, podążając za przewodnictwem Akademickiego Towarzystwa Karelii i dalej izolując szwedzkojęzyczny Gummerus. W końcu opuścił ten ruch w 1934 roku i nie zajmował dalszej roli w aktywnej polityce. Pomimo swojej językowej tożsamości Gummerus zaczął krytykować Szwecję, atakując Niebieską Księgę byłego szwedzkiego ministra spraw zagranicznych Johannesa Hellnera, który twierdził, że Szwecja była zainteresowana kultywowaniem Finlandii jako dobrego sąsiada w kryzysie na Wyspach Alandzkich. Gummerus argumentował, że chociaż mogło tak być, to szwedzkie postawy wobec niepodległego kraju, w którym wzbudził nieufność i podejrzenia między dwoma krajami.
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