#vv ∶ is anyone in the mainstream ∶ meme replies ∶ vv
outofthemaiinstream · 5 years
Our Relationship In A Gif
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outofthemaiinstream · 5 years
Amira: Be honest.... you like k-pop don't you Liam...👀👀👀 Exposing her bf on MAIN? More likely than you think
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“I- I- y-yes. I do. I very much enjoy k-pop. I was even in a k-pop band once.”
He groaned, rubbing his temples for a moment as his nose wrinkled up, glancing over at Amira with a small frown. It was almost a pout.
“Amira. Mon trésor. Why would you do this to me?”
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outofthemaiinstream · 5 years
"And I had that thought. That only black out drunks and Steve Urkel can have." - fated-faith
Out of Context John Mulaney
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“If you are wondering “did I do that,” I know you well enough to know that in a lot of cases, you most certainly did.”
At first, Liam didn’t look up from his phone, finishing up a post he was making to Instagram. But in the end, he turned his attention to Faith, brow slightly arched. He didn’t look like he was judging her, really… he was just watching her, waiting expectantly.
“So while I sometimes do worry about the sort of things you get into, I must admit that I am immensely curious as to what, exactly, it was that you managed to do this time.”
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outofthemaiinstream · 5 years
Our Relationship In A Gif
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outofthemaiinstream · 5 years
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You understand the problem. You see the cracks in reality and you want to crawl into them. You see things that other people don’t notice. You are well positioned to make a change in this world. Use your potential to make a real difference. Your anger is a gift.
Tagged By: @purpleshopkeep, @best-wolf-boi Tagging: Anyone who hasn’t done it yet!
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outofthemaiinstream · 5 years
So... plans on going to Japan?
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“I’d certainly love to go, but it depends on time. And I don’t see the point in going while our compatriots are off doing… whatever it is they plan on doing. For… reasons. That I have.”
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outofthemaiinstream · 5 years
Kicks the door to the inbox open
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“Damien, I- what the hell?”
He was just staring up at him, expression downright baffled. It always came back to him not really hating Damien, didn’t it? All the same, though, this was… unorthodox. Why would Damien be here for this.
Well. A bet was a bet. He did have to stretch up- Damien was taller than him. But for his trouble…… he kissed Damien, very quickly, on the cheek.
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outofthemaiinstream · 5 years
"Liam, I m-made you cupcakes!"
no longer accepting
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Liam couldn’t eat. Oz knew that. But he also knew that those weren’t necessarily to eat. They were beautiful, honestly… well made, well decorated. The perfect cupcakes for an artistically taken picture.
He couldn’t resist a very faint smile, stretching up to kiss the fear creature on the forehead. He was definitely grateful.
“Thank you. These will look lovely photographed.”
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outofthemaiinstream · 5 years
"Consider me up for this, merely because I am curious how you kiss with fangs such as your own."
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That was… unexpected. He gave Miranda a long, cautious look, considering that proposal. Then he sighed, rubbing his chin with a sniff.
“I kiss the same as anyone else, but if you swear not to have me arrested.”
He doesn’t kiss her on the lips, obviously. But he does press a kiss to her cheek, as requested, and waits to see how she responds. No fangs added at all.
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outofthemaiinstream · 5 years
me, yeeting Faith into your inbox - fated-faith
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He’s not going to be direct with Faith. He hasn’t been in a very long time. But he does take her hand and lean down to press a kiss to her knuckles. It’s as close as he’ll get these days.
There isn’t too much water under the bridge, but…
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outofthemaiinstream · 5 years
How’s Your Date?
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“I am a luxury few can afford.”
tagged by: @thezomblr
tagging: @fated-faith, @zombfear, @loveyourfears
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outofthemaiinstream · 5 years
"Hey, do you want me to kill that guy for you? Because it sounds like he sucks and I will totally kill that guy for you. Okay."
Out of Context John Mulaney
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“Not that I don’t appreciate your enthusiasm, Brian, but I don’t think that behavior warrants murder. Not at the moment, at any rate.”
Not to say he didn’t want to steamroll the guy into the pavement. Honestly, the behavior of some monsters… as if monsters who were human before were any less than other monsters. Damn anti-vampire-anti-ghoul racists. Honestly, though, thinking about it… he probably wouldn’t have objected.
And the more he thought about it, the more he realized that Brian was very likely going to kill the guy anyway. But if he put up an objection, he at least could hold on to that tiny little piece of morality.
“Honestly, I thought people like that would be all but extinct by now.”
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outofthemaiinstream · 5 years
"I had a run in with a two year old"
Out of Context John Mulaney
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The look on Liam’s face was somewhat difficult to truly define, somewhere between confusion and genuine interest, gold eyes focused on the fear monster for a very long moment.
In the end, curiosity finally won out over confusion, and he cleared his throat, blinking a few times as he stood straight beneath the shade of his umbrella.
“All right… you’ve hooked me, Oz. What in the world happened in which you would have any necessity to have a run in with a two year old? That sounds like quite a story.”
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outofthemaiinstream · 5 years
" What were bullets free back then? "
Out of Context John Mulaney
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“Well… I suppose in a sense, they were.”
Liam wasn’t entirely certain what had brought on the question. Being in the French Revolution hadn’t exactly been an illustrious time full of gleaming stories to tell. It was full of violent, gory deaths, and a lot of maudlin tales told by young revolutionaries in cheap, seedy bars.
He probably considered that part of his life somewhere in some of the highest points, when it got right down to it.
“You did have to buy them usually, of course. But it was just as easy to pluck a box of pellets from some fallen soldier sprawled out dramatically upon the barricades.”
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outofthemaiinstream · 5 years
Instead they see a 28-year-old man trying his best.
Out of Context John Mulaney
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“I find that minimum effort is the easiest way to manage one’s life, but honestly, if it works for you…”
Liam had been alive long enough that trying hard was well beyond his point of caring. He preferred “existing” more than anything. It was tiring, being immortal. And he didn’t really have to put too much effort in these days, considering how easy it was to get blood these days.
“But honestly, I don’t think you need to put too much effort into people thinking you’re trying your best. Everyone does, after all, insist you are the absolute best boy.”
Of course, he did sort of agree. Not that he would ever say that out loud.
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outofthemaiinstream · 5 years
‘ self care is going into a cornfield at night to get abducted by aliens. ’
✰ * º ❛ even more popular text posts ask meme. ❜
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“Miranda, you don’t want to be abducted by aliens.”
He really did worry sometimes about her. Especially with statements like that. Granted, there were some times he could think of when he would like to vanish into the aether, but he wasn’t going to say that right now.
Though besides his initial response, he really couldn’t help but wonder exactly what had prompted her to make such a bizarre statement. The only thing close to an alien any of them knew was the Interdimensional Prince, and she wasn’t legitimately considering that, was she?
“What brought this on, anyway?”
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