kevinarsenault · 10 months
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A wave one of emojis for a fellow new public server coming next year!
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mammalianmammals · 11 months
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Arctic Fox (Vulpes lagopus), family Canidae, outside Inukjuak, Quebec, Canada
photograph by Matthew Regan
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los-plantalones · 11 days
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My super secret grape spot is slowwwwly turning purple 🍇
These here are fox grapes, aka frost grapes because after the first frost they get very sweet – before that they’re pretty tart.
But like most other wild fruits, you GOTTA taste them before picking them. Sometimes they taste like the most delightful grape jelly of your life. Sometimes they’re acidic as hell. Other times they’re just okay.
But honestly – i haven’t met any wild grape that doesn’t make an awesome jam, jelly, or syrup. It just depends on if you want to eat them fresh!
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seabeck · 1 year
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Some cool lichens I saw today! Seek was able to ID a few but it really struggles with crustose ones.
and a bonus, brown eyed wolf lichen!
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lichenaday · 7 months
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Letrouitia vulpina 
This crustose lichen has a smooth or cracked thallus that varies in color from green to yellow to orange. It has distorted apothecia with a red-orange to brown disc and a yellow-orange to bright orange margin. It grows on tree bark in rainforest and humid costal forests in tropical regions of Africa, Asia, Australia, Oceania, and the Americas. And it's really really cute. Can't get enough of this color combo. Very hunter-orange-camo chic.
images: source | source | source
info: source
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mycoblogg · 1 year
FOTD #070 : wolf lichen! (letharia vulpina)
wolf lichen is a fruticose lichenised fungus in the family parmeliaceae. it occurs across the pacific northwest & is common on branches that have been stripped of their bark. they have a history of being used for medicine (by indigenous people of the northwest plateau) & dyeing (by the klamath people).
the big question : can i bite it?? no - this fungus is poisonous to meat-eaters. (vulpinic acid)
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l. vulpina description :
"the thallus, or vegetative body, has a fruticose shape — that is, shrubby & densely branched — & a bright yellow to yellow-green, or chartreuse color, although the color will fade in drier specimens. its dimensions are typically 2 to 7 cm (0.8 to 3 in) in diameter. the vegetative reproductive structures soredia & isidia are present on the surface of the thalli, often abundantly."
[images : source & source] [fungus description : source]
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bumblebeeappletree · 7 months
Lichen is a natural way to create various colors for your textile and craft projects depending on the type you forage and how you process it. Beard, wolf & lungwort (usnea, letharia vulpina & lobaria pulmonaria) are great lichen to start with since they are often blown away from their host and more easily collected from the forest floor. This tutorial will show the boiling water method of making dye from each type of lichen, as well as the resulting color swatch samples (wool, silk, bamboo & cotton).
0:00 Introduction - Lichen of PNW
1:32 Lichen varieties
3:53 Latin names
4:13 Ammonia method
4:55 Mordant
5:37 Foraging lichen
6:24 Lichen Dyes tutorial resource
6:52 Processing methods
7:47 Rock beard lichen
8:44 IFFS lichen dye samples
12:18 Boiling water method
13:58 Dyed fiber samples
15:25 Wrap up
16:48 Sneak peek of next tutorial
18:01 Blooper
Lichen - beard, wolf & lungwort
Pot with lid
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Hi Sarah, I just wanna say that your paintings are amazing, love ya!! xx
thank you <33
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vothnthorvaldson-blog · 8 months
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Letharia vulpina (wolf lichen) and Bryoria fuscescens (pale-footed horsehair lichen).
Jasper National Park, AB, Canada. October 12, 2023
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photonine · 2 years
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Snow and Lichen
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princeescaluswords · 2 years
If you could redo the scene with Lydia and Allison seeking help from Peter with her Banshee powers, how would you change it?
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Oh, this is the easiest question I have ever received from you in the years we have known each other. I have multiple reasons for my answers, and they remain bedrock firm.
I would have burnt the entire concept of that scene to the ground.
Reason #1: What is this man doing here? At this point of the narrative, which characters would be able to trust or even willingly approach Peter? The scene literally points out what Peter did to Lydia and what Peter did to Allison. Earlier in the episode, Lydia recognizes that Peter is trying to manipulate her through her mother. In Galvanize (3x15), Derek demonstrates that he doesn't trust Peter and learns something about him from Talia's spirit. Season 3B shows everyone fighting for their lives against the nogitsune, while Peter fights for what Peter wants. The entire season of 3A showed Peter being selfish, Peter scheming, Peter lying, and yet they're still coming to him in crisis situations. It's just dumb.
The answer, of course, is that the production had to justify resurrecting Peter and keeping Ian Bohen on the payroll without changing Peter's essential nature. Only fools would want to involve themselves with a vicious serial killer and proven con artist, but the production is willing to paint every single character as a fool in order to keep White Male Snark on the screen. And the worst part is -- the plot makes it clear that the action isn't even worth it. All Peter does is smirk at both of them and then yell at Lydia until she figures it out herself. Allison says "Peter doesn't offer help; he offers you the chance to be manipulated into giving him what he wants" and that's exactly what happens! Peter manipulates Lydia into giving him what he wants. You might think they learned their lessons, but Lydia will do the same thing three episodes later.
Reason #2: Wasn't Lydia supposed to be the smart one? As I said before, she recognizes what Peter's doing when he accosts Natalie at the school, but somehow still thinks that her only recourse is to go him? Did she not have Derek's number? Could she not have waited twenty-four hours for Deaton to return? I'm pretty sure she could have tracked down Morrell in that time. Her best friend is the Argent Matriarch; the Argents have no knowledge or contacts with knowledge about banshees? Instead, she sees the trap, she walks into the trap, she gets caught by the trap, and she will be pay the price three episodes later. What's worse, we're not even considering she's made to crawl to the man who violated physically and mentally, who possessed her and made her hurt people, and by the time the show ends, she will supposed to be grateful for it. There will never be a single scene where her suspicion and negative feelings for Peter will be shown to be justified as an end in and of themselves.
Reason #3: Allison will be killed later this season, why did they have to assassinate her character first? Just like Lydia, she knows what's going on, but she goes along with it anyway. She has other options, one of which is turning to Lydia and saying "I know exactly what it's like to listen to an evil man because you're feeling helpless, and I can't stand by and let you make the same mistake!" But no, she has to stand there in that loft and get treated like she's an interloper and, even worse, get equated to Kate. "Your aunt had one of those." When Lydia agreed with him, "cut it out, both of you," their wonderful friendship was damaged as Lydia tosses Allison over the cliff for Lydia's right to get used by a murderer.
Reason #4: Malia never really had a chance, did she? Malia's story was compromised from the beginning, because they were never going to let Malia do to Peter what she did to Corinne. She was never going to get the chance to reject Peter in his entirety, even after he used fatherly affection to try to get her to kill Scott. She was going to be written again and again into having to slight her real families (the Tates and the pack) by making nice with this monster in order to give Ian Bohen a reason to be on the show, and that bullshit starts right here, where Peter's entitlement to be her "Dad" (be right back, throwing up in my mouth a little bit) becomes more important than anything else.
What could have been done instead? How about Deaton, who will literally help Lydia do the thing she wanted in Superposition (6x02) a little more than a year later. Morrell, who works at an institution that has housed multiple banshees. Or maybe an early introduction of Lorraine. Anything but make two female characters who had both struggled with being more than just an accessory to a male character go to an entitled white male shitbucket and ask for help they know will come with strings attached. As funny as it was, the scene was against theme, against characterization, and against aesthetics. It was total fan service of the worse possible type because it fed the audience's idea that ruthlessness = competence and that to achieve victory you have to do things like value your abuser and tolerate their selfishness.
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kevinarsenault · 2 years
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mammalianmammals · 10 months
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Fennec Fox (Vulpes zerda), family Canidae, Rabat, Morocco
photograph by Ahmed El Hainouni
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dailyscottficrec · 2 years
Oct 8th, 2022
Breaking Slowly by manicmidnight
Author summary:
Even when it’s over, he can see that cruel twist of the lips behind closed eyelids, can hear the mocking laughter that rings in his ears, feel the pain that courses through him and out of him, and it’s dizzying and he’s tired, he’s exhausted, give him a break, please.
Reasons to love the fic: This is an angsty little Lutharia Vulpina tag from Scott's POV, and it's short but so, so impactful. The last line will leave you reeling.
Be sure to let the author know if you enjoy the fic!
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teenwolfiedit · 5 months
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TEEN WOLF (2014) Letharia Vulpina - 3x19 dir. Russell Mulcahy.
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seabeck · 10 months
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Letharia vulpina - Wolf Lichen
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