#vulpes incelta
*Cut Companion’s Art Night at the Cafe of Broken Dreams*
Victor, painting a beautiful and tumultuous landscape to represent his inner conflict and relationship to House: well pardner, ah had no idea that cazadors were invasive to the Mojave!
Ulysses, painting a photorealistic portrait of the courier eating shit outside Goodsprings: they are a weapon unleashed by the old world that have become their - and our - destruction. It is hubris to think we can control such terrible power.
Vulpes, trying so fucking hard not to call them homophobic slurs bc JE Sawyer told him he’d get extra Vulpes mush if he behaved for once in his fucking life:
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corsairesix · 4 years
My favorite thing about Fallout New Vegas is that there are two characters whose only purpose is to replace Vulpes Inculta, since the assumption is that the player will kill him as soon as they meet him.
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discosnail · 7 years
Vulpes Inculta Is An Incel
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yiffinq · 4 years
im still vulpes incelta
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god-of-chainsaws · 5 years
Vulpes incelta is an anti-vaxxer
Get that furry out of my clinic
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incrediblysincere · 5 years
Finally managed to do the thing I neglected to do in my first fnv playthrough: to waltz right into nipton and punch vulpes incelta in the head until he dies
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mollymauklesbian · 6 years
vulpes incelta
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Vulpes Incelta
Erin I truly forgot that I had reblogged that and was wondering why in the hell you sent me Vulpes’s name,, anyway
“Okay, let’s start with his speech in Nipton. He says that Nipton was a town of whores. Vulpes is clearly whorephobic and probably a swerf. But also, he says that Legion men would visit the town. Do you see any of them being punished? No. Once again, only women face the consequences of a two-person act. Misogyny at work. And don’t even get me started on the history of gay men and trans women working as prostitutes...” (1/49)
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In a perfect world where New Vegas had enough dev time to implement Victor, Benny, and Vulpes as companions like they had planned, I think I’d want their companion quests to be: 
- Victor’s explores what it means to be the sole creation of Robert House, and what it means to be a distinct securitron seperated and individualized from the rest of the network. (Ideally I’d have liked to have seen this explored with Yes Man as well.) Flesh him out as a character distinct from “standing in the Lucky 38 and operating the elevator” after the first act of the game is over. 
- Benny’s is more philosophical like Veronica’s, exploring the relationships to the other Chairmen as the leader of their “tribe”, and why he chose to work with the Followers to overthrow House as leader of New Vegas. 
- Vulpes’s involves giving him as many wedgies as humanly possible. 
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this came to me like a fever dream but the theory that Benny Vulpes and Victor were planned companions just makes me imagine the main companions as popular kids sitting together at a lunch table and Victor, Vulpes or/and Benny are the kids who want to sit with them
Glory Railroad, who also should have been a companion, sits as far away from the three of them as possible because she doesn’t want to be associated with Furry Adam Sandler and Chandler Bing
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corsairesix · 4 years
Gays I respect/gays I don’t respect but it’s Arcade Gannon and Vulpes Inculta
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corsairesix · 4 years
The first time I got into Fallout tumblr, I was legitimately confused that there was a Vulpes fandom. Not because he’s terrible, just because he’s the guy you murder to death after meeting him once in Nipton
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corsairesix · 5 years
Fallout New Vegas but this NCR propaganda poster
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is replaced with this
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One thing that I absolutely love about New Vegas is that V*lpes Inc*lta canonically sucks ass at his one and only job. A level 4 courier can kill him in Nipton with the explosives they find in the first town. He walks onto the strip in a dumb suit and every named character in a 50 mile radius goes “hey, isn’t that Caesar’s furry bitch boy?”. If you remove his uwu hat and sunglasses he looks like Adam Sandler. He just sucks.
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corsairesix · 5 years
Fallout New Vegas Characters as Twitter Accounts
Arcade: Anarchist who gets called a Tankie by liberals
Ulysses: Marxist who gets called a Tankie by liberals
Veronica: weird twitter shitposting account who every so often gets political
Chief Hanlon: US Senator who knows how to use Twitter
General Oliver: US Senator who has no idea how Twitter works
The King: musician stan account
Benny: has the word “guru” in bio
Caesar: Nazi
Vulpes: Furry Nazi
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V*lpes Inc*lta and Legate Lanius are the epitome of the “virgin vs chad” meme 
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