#vroom vroom ep
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1111iza · 2 months ago
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partoftheairforce · 1 year ago
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also!!!! a very happy birthday to the vroom vroom EP
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bloody-fate · 9 months ago
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musicfromtheceiling · 3 months ago
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Jonah is having fun in the F1AU (no)
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taiscloset · 3 months ago
everybody that was a charli fan knows that charli always wanted to be a known mainstream big pop star and pop off and w brat she did that idk why u ppl think she didnt want this like brat is a watered relaxed down charli but still fun like ur not a genius for pointing it out
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cyanidecrepes · 7 months ago
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she’s so julia
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computerexploder · 2 years ago
oh my god i didnt know the bottoms trailer was out and they used trophy i love it here
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righthandarm-man · 8 months ago
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@dizzolving your mind
Charli xcx should drop a song called "I Can Say Faggot" and then turn her phone off for several days
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mirrorball-leclerc · 1 year ago
snow angel - track one
series masterlist // next
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liked by alex_albon, blakelively, mickschumacher and others
rheareynolds soft launches are a thing right?
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user1 nah cause how did lando no wins fumble her?
↳ user2 the better question is how did nowins ever bag her in the first place
user3 imagine fumbling the rhea reynolds. lando no bitches truly fucked up.
alex_albon i expect credits for that third picture. i was scarred for life.
↳ rheareynolds you're the one who barged in demanding we watch a movie.
user4 she's gone for a year, besides promotional purposes for her ep and comes back with a soft launch?
user6 can't believe a m*n stole my wife. she was for the girls and the gays only.
lilymhe can't believe some blonde bitch stole my wife.
↳ rheareynolds still yours baby. always 😘
↳ lilymhe good. blondie could never compete with me
↳ user7 i thank god everyday that rhea's break-up with no wins didn't take this wonderful duo from us.
vancityreynolds what the fuck? who is that? better not be some vroom guy again.
↳ rheareynolds don't you have children to take care of? blakelively you're overgrown toddler is loose again.
↳ blakelively oh how adorable! i expect to meet him when you're ready.
↳ vancityreynolds you're supposed to be on my side?
↳ blakelively i only married you for your sister.
↳ rheareynolds suck on that ryan!
↳ user8 this family is my everything.
charles_leclerc when did you start dating? why was i not informed of this?
↳ georgerussell63 or me?
↳ maxverstappen1 why did alex know before us?
↳ rheareynolds i told lily, who told alex. you think i wanted that guy to know?
↳ alex_albon i can read your comments rhea.
user9 no wins really thought everyone would drop rhea the moment they broke up these guys love her.
↳ user11 as long as this one doesn't cheat on her, we don't really care.
↳ user12 something no wins never could do
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george russell who is he?
charles leclerc we demand answers rhea!
pierre gasly i just like gossip
max verstappen oh so suddenly now she can't answer?
alex albon i love knowing something you guys don't
lily muni he reminder you only know because i accidentally told you
esteban ocon you people are stupid.
max verstappen excuse me? esteban ocon i would recognize that blonde head of hair anywhere lance stroll i would too. it’s mick
rhea reynolds BOOOOO! way to ruin my soft launch dumb and dumber
rhea reynolds you’re gonna look at mick and say not to him?
lily muni he i wouldn’t. that’s like saying no to a puppy alex albon they truly are the golden retriever and black cat trope.
lance stroll you’re fucking welcome
pierre gasly for what?
lance stroll for setting them up on a blind date? well lily helped.
lily muni he yeah i did! they’re great for each other
charles leclerc at least we know he won’t cheat on her like n*rris
rhea reynolds my brother would be proud of the censorship of his name. he still calls him no bitches to this day.
george russell well ryan is an icon and l*ndo has no bitches.
alex albon doesn't he have a girlfriend? charles leclerc i thought they broke up? max verstappen doesn't matter, in our hearts he will always remain bitchless max verstappen and that is not me saying his girlfriend is a bitch. i've never met her. rhea reynolds i heard she was nice girl. i just hope l*ndo didn't cheat on her like he did on me
daniel ricciardo what'd i miss?
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liked by oscarpiastri, maxverstappen1, estebanocon and others
rheareynolds saw you bitches say on twitter i was trolling with my last post. i'm not, i am no longer bitchless. some people can't relate.
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estebanocon i'm telling him you called him a bitch
↳ rheareynolds do it you french fuck, i'll tell him you called him an overactive golden retriever puppy.
↳ estebanocon you wouldn't dare.
↳ rheareynolds try me bitch
user4 he may be bitchless but you still think about him
↳ user5 that's not the flex you think it is sweetie.
maxverstappen1 get this shit off my phone. it's gross.
↳ rheareynolds you dad is gross but you don't see me complaining do you?
↳ maxverstappen nice to know you're back to your old self
↳ rheareynolds and better than ever baby!
luisinhaoliveira99 is it me? am i the drama?
↳ rheareynolds no baby, it could never be about you 👩🏼‍❤️‍👩🏻
↳ user8 this just got messy with a capital M
vancityreynolds rhea lobster reynolds, i demand to meet him.
↳ rheareynolds mom (blake) said you could meet him when i was ready.
↳ vancityreynolds and i'm supposed to care because?
↳ rheareynolds hey blakelively your overgrown toddler is back at it again!
↳ blakelively leave the poor girl alone ryan.
maxfretwell i would love to inform you that sushi just let out an unholy screech
↳ rheareynolds must be because he's bitchless, can't relate.
daniel ricciardo oh, so that's what i missed!
↳ user9 not this man being confused on what's going on. me fr.
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it's mick isn't it?
how the fuck?
i'm your older brother dumbass. besides, mick's the only blonde esteban hangs out with. that i know of.
you're not as stupid as everyone says you are.
who the fuck is saying i'm stupid?
your mom
i know, and she says you're stupid.
i still expect to meet him, as your boyfriend.
of course you do.
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rhea reynolds added one person
rhea reynolds ryan figured it out.
mick schumacher i told you he wasn't as stupid as you thought he was.
max verstappen you're supposed to read the group chat dumbass
charles leclerc l*ndo just called carlos to complain.
rhea reynolds good. he deserves to suffer.
mick schumacher she wrote an album about him
lily muni he is there another song about me? 🥰
alex albon you two said what can i do was a joke! rhea reynolds lily, babe, that song wasn't about you? lily muni he WHAT? EXCUSE ME? rhea reynolds it was about a hypothetical with this other girl, who's not important. but i told you it was about you because you were so happy? lily muni he don't ever talk to me again. i'm heartbroken. pierre gasly it's giving charles and max.
max verstappen bitchless just called and asked me if i knew who you were dating and how you knew luisa.
rhea reynolds i met her while she was dating n*rris. monaco is not that big.
alex albon tell him she's dating some actor like ross lynch or something
lily muni he how long did it take for you to come up with a blonde actor? alex albon too long
lance stroll tell him it's luisa in a blonde short wig.
charles leclerc that'll shut him up for a while.
rhea reynolds tell him it's taylor swift in a short wig.
daniel ricciardo thank god i don't have to hear his screeches anymore.
rhea reynolds that's one upside to being unemployed. daniel ricciardo i have a job? rhea reynolds but do you though?
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¡leclerc-s speaks! i'm indulging in my love for both mick schumacher and renee rapp + blake lively. i was originally going to make the oc a lively but i kinda wanted her name to have same alliteration renee's name has and nothing with an L went well so i chose reynolds instead. anyways, hope y'all enjoyed this!
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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1111iza · 2 months ago
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legallybrunettedotcom · 8 months ago
idk if you've already talked about brat but i'd love to know your opinion on the album (if you've listened to it)
hi, jade! i have listened to it, quite a lot now. i have a lot of conflicting, incoherent thoughts. so when it dropped, i thought well, that was okay. fun pop, dance music. then i go online, i open youtube and suddenly see there's a bunch of videos, essays, reviews etc. about the album all with the title or thumbnail saying "revolutionary", "changed the music" etc etc. and i'm like am i going insane? does this album deserve this much attention and discourse? it's quite difficult to escape the album if you're online a lot, so some of those songs just nestled inside my ear. decided to give it a few more listens and it definitely grew on me. like maybe i do want to be going crazy to this in a club. it's obvious sophie's spirit is still somewhat present here, two of them collaborating on vroom vroom ep did change the pop music and we've seen this shift towards something more experimental and avant garde in pop. i think charli's always been a bit too mainstream for indie, and too indie for the mainstream. brat is unique, but also still very much charli. i think what she did expertly is crack the marketing strategy. we know music alone isn't enough anymore, you need a whole "aesthetic", you need to build your own world and lore. y2k, party girl persona but make it vulnerable. the specific shade of green on the cover is now associated with this album and everything that comes with it. "oh, green eye-shadow, that's so brat of you." how long that reference will last, we're yet to see. we're still very much in the whirlwind of brat summer after all. using lowercase as song/album titles has been quite popular for a few years now and ig it's this attempt at casualness, yk carefully curated carelessness, but it also reminds me of those lyric videos i used to watch when i was 12. when the remix with lorde dropped, ngl, i did tear up a bit, but i also can't help but be a bit cynical, like this too is marketing. the music video for 360, i didn't enjoy the song that much, 365 is better but also i understand you can't have one without the other, but the music video specifically sums up the entirety of brat imo. the criticisms i've seen of it are all on point, like "myopic, self-referential for ppl who live in 4 neighbourhoods in nyc/la, reminder that you're not on the list" all of that is correct, but on the other hand, it's pastiche, you have these internet famous women congregating in an ugly restaurant deciding who will be the next it girl and choosing a random waitress, a reminder that everyone can be a hottie, the it girl, the cool girl whatever. ok, that's cute, but like... i'm still not on the list. it's difficult for me to believe you aren't enjoying your fame and pedestal status, but i think she's also aware how easily you can be replaced as soon as the public gets bored. i also felt a bit insane when people started analyzing the lyrics, like specifically the song apple and being flabbergasted that it's about family and familial trauma, because the apple has been such a widely used metaphor for family since the 19th century. it felt like she was receiving the taylor swift treatment, which is funny considering that one song, yk acting like this has never been done before. of course it hits if you don't read and you don't listen to a lot of different music. in general my problem with a lot of discussions surrounding musical artists nowadays is how a lot of people seemingly have no understanding that music wasn't invented a mere 10 years ago. i'm ranting, and i'm saying a whole lotta nothing, but all in all, i do ultimately enjoy the album, like it's obviously fun and silly, and sexy and i love dancing to it. it will probably end up on my favourite albums of 2024 list, but i just don't see it as revolutionary. i could say "oh that's mother" and "those that get it, get it and those that don't, don't", but i feel like that kills any meaningful conversation and the art of criticism, which is not something i'm good at, but it's not just about "consuming" art, we have to discuss it too.
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immaterial-pearl · 4 months ago
Hennessy's charli albums ranking.
Brat tied with Crash.
Vroom Vroom ep.
Pop 2 tied with How I'm feeling now.
True romance.
Jordans charli albums ranking.
Pop 2.
Number 1 Angel.
How I'm feeling now.
Vroom Vroom ep.
True romance.
Ronan's charli albums ranking.
How I'm feeling now.
Vroomvroom ep.
Pop 2 tied with Number 1 Angel.
True romance.
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spiralfucker · 1 year ago
Last night was my first day of officially being a man (got my sex changed on all my documentation) and I celebrated by drinking gay little premixes and giving gay head and listening to vroom vroom charli xcx EP life is beautiful and awesome never give up
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nolricebowl · 1 year ago
I’m watching the Pit Babe cast Boys Journey and let me just say…oh my god. This show is a roller coaster of emotions and I’m only in the begining.
Ep 4 actually broke me, I rarely cry watching stuff but when I tell you I was ugly sobbing hearing these boys pour their hearts out about their families and lives. The way I related so much to Michael, my heart sunk when Benz talked about his grandparents, and then there was Nut’s story that broke my heart.
They’ve been through so much and truly deserve every good thing that comes out of this show bc they are all so talented. It’s amazing how so many ppl form different backgrounds can come together to tell a story.
This started out as my silly little vroom vroom show but now it’s so much more.
To be continued as I watch the hour long ep five with more of their stories, wish me luck.
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brat and it’s completely different has really done something to me like chemically physically spiritually etc…. i’ve listened to the vroom vroom EP more times this week than i have in my entire life
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autisticbokutoenthusiast · 1 year ago
pit babe ep 3 stray fever thoughts
- they are NOT playing with these episode lengths like damn
- still love the intro like come on color grading
- black turtleneck suit jacket combo this man is one of the baddies
- “he’s the one who babe calls daddy” i feel like is maybe more of a translation thing…. but awlright
- i see babe already pulling out the puppy eyes… its joever for me if we’re being honest
- ok how many of the characters are tony’s adopted children cause im gonna go with any and everyone until proven otherwise
- sonic again with the fits. at least he commits and we must stan for that
- oh this is kinda nostalgic for fixing cars with my dad…
- ok alanjeff kinda funny. like alan whining about his current crisis and jeff in the corner eating noodles and being judgy i love it
- oh way knows people ?? he has conversations that don’t revolve around babe??
- ok coloring. i love you blue sets
- oh so babe is rich.
- he has a tortured soul and hot wheels collection your honor how could i not wanna hit
- oh this subplot goes wild actually like the super children thing…. delicious little backstory. plus peep the others there too
- awwwwww they’re so cute. not ready for the pain that’s coming. obsessed with this cute lil song playing like we switched genres for a sec here
- vroom vroom mf making it sound like the pits of hell up in here. i would. need my noise blockers
- wait whose dean did we meet him yet. is this the one yall shipping with winner
- obsessed with jeff and how he moves through the world like a prey animal
- oh here’s pete. here’s the poor little meow meow ig
- they got sponsored time to go crazy on those chicken nugggies
- help winner being a loser again. kim needs to knock some sense into him or something. NOT HIM SUGGESTING SABOTAGE THEN GOING “ oopsie 🤪” djjdjdjdjdjdjdj
- is one of them an omega and can it be kim and jeff
- tony eating his evil little treats, unfortunately a slay
- here we go the famed milk placement
- not charlie in his casuals with that big ass watch who is this kid. also babe sleeping …. i need to do atrocious things to this man
- it’s such a brave choice having a digital clock as a prop
- what did way see… i think way is one third wheeling moment away from exploding
- ooo is way mind controlling rn… that felt strange
- he plays car video games it’s his special interest
- oh shit this kinda making me sweaty
- i get babe if i try to focus without listening to my tunes i lose my fucking mind
- can someone deck winner oh here we go pfjdjejrjrbd winner stumbking this clown can’t even end the fight ejejdj
this ep was my fav so far feels like we’re settling into the rhythm of the world and also descending into chaos, fun
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