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lizdejesus23 · 7 years ago
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I’ll take them together any way I can. @barackobama @vp44 #barackobama #presidentobama #joebiden #vicepresidentjoebiden #vpjoebiden #hopeneverdies
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kevinmscheid · 6 years ago
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“She can do the most difficult task, she can duel, she can joust, she can charge, she can chase, she can climb, she can rhyme, she can wrestle & race. She’ll show you her courage...” #elizabethwarren #elizabethwarrenforpresident #firstladymelaniatrump #plur #donaldtrumpnotforpresident #elizabethwarren2020 #vpjoebiden #berniesandersismagical #bonnaroo2020 #happyrooday #highfivefriday #radiatepositivity #neveralone #roochute #bonnaroo #towriteloveonherarms #bassnectar #theradiatepositivityproject #rainbowgathering #alightintheattic #stickerslaps #kandi #burningman #vote2020 #burningmantemple #teamusa🇺🇸 #welcomehome #theplayaprovides #burningman2019 🌈🔥💦 (at The White House) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1hoqKTneoT/?igshid=cpk5xec824gj
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4evahaka · 6 years ago
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Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms And VP Joe Biden #KeishaLanceBottoms #AtlantaMayor ##FAMUGrad #BADST1937 #DST1913 #VPJoeBiden #JoeBiden #AtlantaGotAMayorNamedKeisha {💕💚#REPOSTEDBy: #4evahaka2 #FAMU1908 #CreditToOwner💕💚} https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv7xgM7Apne/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=133t6z19z94m3
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iamreanne · 8 years ago
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#DearVP&MrsBiden I feel like crying because Mrs. Biden spoke at my first College Graduation Commencement back in 2012. It was a shocker for me because I didn't know she was going to speak. What a woman! Sweet and Sincere. Amazing speech! Thank you Mrs. Biden for all that you have done for us! VP, you are by far my favorite VP of all time! It was a "big f&@$ing deal" as you stated to POTUS at the HISTORIC health care bill signing event. Thanks for being a part of Obamacare! What a historic moment that they cannot take away from the Obama administration! You are part of the reason we all voted for former President Obama. Thank you for being you! Forever grateful, RE 👍🏾😭😊😒 #ilovethebidens #thankyoubiden #thankyousecondlady #thankyouVP #VPbiden #thankyoumrsbiden #obamaadmin #obamaadministration #joebiden #vpjoebiden #toughyetsweet
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socialsf · 8 years ago
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#gonnamisstheseguys #joeknows #vpjoebiden meanwhile back at the #whitehouse #morningslikethese #welcometomonday
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kevinmscheid · 6 years ago
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“Bassnectar is dope af🔥” #vicepresidentjoebiden #🇺🇸usa #firstladymelaniatrump #bassnectarfamily #plur 💦#barrontrumpisamazing #radiatepositivity ❤️#burningmantemple2019 #donaldtrumpispresident 🇺🇸#bassnectar #bonnaroo 🎶#welcomehome #happyrooday #theplayaprovides #burners #kanyesundayservice #parishilton #kimkardashian #chancetherapper #thebigday #mayorofbonnaroo #kalliope #daftpunktrashfence #burningman2019 #bonnaroo2020 #theradiatepositivityproject #vpjoebiden #kidcudi ✨#elizabethwarrenforpresident #berniesandersismagical 🎈#highfivefridays (at The White House) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1upPkknFPs/?igshid=15r7oj86ovgs8
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4evahaka · 8 years ago
#ObamaAndKids #PresidentObamaAndKids #PresidentObama #PresidentBarackObama #POTUS #FirstLadyMichelleObama #FLOTUS #WhiteHouse #VPJoeBiden #UncleJoe @michaelskolnik
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4evahaka · 7 years ago
#ChanceTheRapper Sings “Come Back #Barack” on #SNL #SaturdayNightLive #ComeBackBarack #PRESIDENTBarackObama #Obamas #ObamaAdministration #BarackObama #VPJoeBiden #JoeBiden #POTUS #FLOTUS #MichelleObama #FIRSTLADYMichelleObama #ObamaBiden (#VideoVia @nbcsnl)
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4evahaka · 8 years ago
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#TheOBAMAWhiteHouse #AKASAtTheWhiteHouse #AlphaKappaAlpha #AKALegacy #AKAHistory #AKAHistoryISBlackHistory #AKASThroughTheYears #AKA1908 #AKA109 #PresidentBarackObama #FirstLadyMichelleObama #VPJoeBiden #DrJillBiden #POTUS #FLOTUS #44thPresident #BarackObama #MichelleObama @prettykonnected
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4evahaka · 8 years ago
#PresidentAndVP #PresidentBarackObama #FirstLadyMichelleObama #VPJoeBiden #DrJillBiden #TurnBackTheHandsOfTime.. #TyroneDavis Voice
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4evahaka · 8 years ago
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#PresidentAndVP #PresidentBarackObama #FirstLadyMichelleObama #VPJoeBiden #DrJillBiden #TurnBackTheHandsOfTime.. #TyroneDavis Voice
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4evahaka · 8 years ago
#PresidentAndVP #PresidentBarackObama #FirstLadyMichelleObama #VPJoeBiden #DrJillBiden #TurnBackTheHandsOfTime.. #TyroneDavis Voice
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4evahaka · 8 years ago
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#PresidentAndVP #PresidentBarackObama #FirstLadyMichelleObama #VPJoeBiden #DrJillBiden #TurnBackTheHandsOfTime.. #TyroneDavis Voice
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