#vpet diary
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pomskii · 2 years ago
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He’s got legs now. Good for him.
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nineties-effect · 1 year ago
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arcthebreeder · 1 year ago
02/07/2024, 11:20 (GMT-5)
After 2 weeks without any updates I can confidently say that the Digimon DOCK is finally fixed🎉🎉🎉.
The process was more an annoyance than anything, since the parts needed to fix the issue took their time to arrive, but at last, someone who actually knows how to weld and I got to fix it, and my Digimon are finally back to where they belong, a modded sports watch.
During the two week break, I had to go to my county's capital city and work a little bit on my personal work. During this time I took some photos that, strangely, had a little noise, and I even found some random pics I don't remember taking, but I'm pretty sure it's just some accidental pics I took while taking my phone out of my pockets. Whatever the case is, I'll analyze the noisy pics when I have the chance and if it's (somehow) something interesting, I'll talk about it.
As of now, my main objective is to retake the investigation regarding BEMmon and their overall habits, and, if I have any luck, find that Adult BEMmon once again and see if we can get any information about it.
I've seen some policemen acting weird lately, hanging out with well dressed men and women, which makes me think they are linked to the group of weird people who messed up my Digimon DOCK before, but I'll have to see that later, anyways, now that I have my Digimon DOCK again, I can say without a doubt that I'll keep you updated.
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stevie7599 · 5 months ago
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he took a nap at 4 pm!
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maripr · 3 years ago
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Look who i got
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koicarrot · 3 years ago
Group shot!!
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Dorugamon digivolved to DoruGreymon, and Bearmon is now Leomon X (dear god who gave him kNIVES-)
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Monochromon is now a bitey little MameTyrannomon! Really love the sprites, they're such a little gremlin
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Beelzemon: BM, after claiming his crown, passed away peacefully 😔
Haven't raised the Metal Empire egg yet, so lets go!
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Kapurimon's sprites are so great. 10/10 Top Tier
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Kapurimon digivolved into Kokuwamon this afternoon! (They're setting up a carnival next to where i work, thought the ferris wheel made for a good background)
Bonus: my gf unearthed my her old pocket neopet
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admiralskywhale · 5 years ago
Digi-Diary, day 2 10/24/2019
Okay, I'm gonna tryyyy to make this a short one because I am tired and a lot has happened
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First, Emmerich evolved into an Agumon! (Again, apologies for vertical orientation, I was at work and didn't have a whole lot of time to take pictures. Unfortunately, many of these pics will be sideways) Once a digimon reaches its third stage (called child in Japanese, and rookie in English), it can finally fight! I went ahead and did several matches just to see what they were like. They're pretty simple, but also kinda neat. Right now, battling wont do much for us, but it's good to get familiar with the concept right away. (I dont have pictures of stats this time around, but Emmerich ended the day with a 90% win rate) More importantly, this is the point where the effort stat starts making a difference. Depending on your effort level at the child stage, your digimon could evolve into one of several different digimon after 24 hours have passed. Previously, it was only the number of care mistakes made that determined which evolution path you got, but now, effort will start making a difference. Getting your first child digimon also unlocks one other thing
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Another egg! On this edition of the virtual pet, you can actually raise two digimon at the same time. Things proceed largely the same as they did with the first egg, except...
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You get to choose which egg you want! There are a total of five eggs you can obtain at this point, including a copy of the first egg you received. I chose the fourth egg, which will eventually have...unfortunate implications for Emmerich later down the line that I wont get into now. Anyways, after a minute, we get a Yuramon
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This is Kazuhira, and he's just as dumb as our first baby. After five minutes, he becomes a Tanemon, whose sprite I love dearly
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Adorable. I did much the same thing with Kazuhira as I did with Emmerich when he was a Koromon: feed him, clean up after him, and train him sixteen times to get his effort up to max for no real reason. This happened pretty early on in the day for me, so while I left work with him still as a Tanemon...
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He was a Biyomon by the time I got home. I didn't battle with him nearly as much as I did Emmerich (hence Kaz's 100% win rate), but i did make sure to get his effort up to max because it actually matters now. Anyways, that's all for today's entry, and I'll leave you all with a pic of the two of them sleeping together
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dm-tamer2020 · 4 years ago
Odaiba-Hatch Diary Day 1
After work last night I came home and layed on my bed for 10 minutes before I fell asleep hard af, woke up to Gabumon X crying for me early in the am. He probably got mistakes already 😓
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But I'm still hopeful he'll grow strong and healthy, only time will tell....
Unrelated, I plan on taking some photos of my vpets and stuff, just to update my collection on here and such. 😁 I don't have a *bunch* of merch, but I have some cool stuff~
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tamafoxygame · 6 years ago
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📟✨💙✨#CasioJD365 PetAvenue 💙✨💚📠 This is a real time machine, friends! 😱✨🕰 OMG! Press one button and you're already jumping from 1990 to 2019. ⚡️🚂💨⚡️ 😆✨🤗 But seriously, this thing is pretty interesting thing. And it's not just a calculator with animations, as I thought before (although in this series Casio were calculators, and electronic notebooks, etc.). This device is a cross between an electronic diary (for example, there are such functions as divination and interior design), a virtual pet (cat and dog care) and an organizer with an alarm clock, a calculator, a phone book, etc. I'm so glad that I could buy it in my collection! The next time I have free time, I will tell you more about this device and show it's functionality. 😄 #tamagotchi #tamagotchicollector #tamagotchioriginal #tmgc #tamagotchicase #vitrualpet #game #тамагочи #бандай #bandai #japanesetoy #kawaii #vpet #tamagotchisanriomix #gamer #tmgccollection #tmgccollector #tamagotchimeets #tamagotchimix #tamagotchifan #tamafoxygame #たまごっち #чехолдлятамагочи #вязаныйчехол #виртуальныйпитомец #коллекциятамагочи #humanplayer https://www.instagram.com/p/B1b-FF6IaLT/?igshid=1g47q8ee5jdn9
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arcthebreeder · 1 year ago
11/27/2023, 08:55 (GMT-5)
So! A few days ago, on the 25th, I went to a local space center with my best friend, and I used this opportunity to sneak into their system, not for any nefarious reason, I was just curious about which digimon would be wandering around there, and, no surprise, a lot of space related digimon like Ebemon were living there, of course, I took this little trip with Loogarmon and Regulusmon who... Was kind of, nostalgic...? One could say, when seeing exhibits about the 53 Kalypso for example, I speculate that this may be because Regulusmon's data is mainly composed of information about outer space, the same happened with Canoweissmon, but with meteor related exhibits, and after a long, long time, they appeared to be... Enjoying the company of each other and healing their relationship, I really hope that's not just a one time thing.
Siriusmon is also happy that the two brothers are getting along, and is kinda wondering if Regulusmon may want to join the training sessions.
Oh, yeah, I also used this trip to the space center as a kind of reward to Regulusmon and Loogarmon thanks to their good job in the first round of the tournament, which wasn't that special, I mean, yeah, it was exciting and all, but not anything to write home about, the next round is actually tomorrow, against a tamer that runs a Hexeblaumon and a Rapidmon Armor, which, will be an interesting fight, I wonder who will win, Hexeblaumon's ice magic or Loogarmon's everlasting flames, we'll see! And of course, I'll keep you updated.
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arcthebreeder · 1 year ago
12/16/2023, 08:51 (GMT-5)
After some time I'm finally back from the capital of my country, to sum it up, I was there to graduate from some courses I've been taking since last year.
I didn't do much aside from eating a ton and meeting with a friend, but between all the hustle and bustle I managed to recollect some data of the digimon that wander around the zone, and it's, it's mainly Gerbemon and Numemon, the capital is almost always full of trash, and I guess that extends to the internet.
I only had so much time to talk with my Digimon since I only brought my Digimon DOCK and my phone, and I spent little to no time in the hotel, but during the night, I got to talk a bit with Herissmon and explain to her the situation that happened with her tamer a few weeks back after the tournament, she was obviously destroyed, but both my Digimon and I got to help her feel a bit better, even Regulusmon was there-thereing her, which was both cute and funny.
Regarding Helloogarmon, he is still sleeping, Kuzuhamon still has to activate the protection mandalas every once in a while to keep him resting, and I truly don't know what to do with him, I'm not disposing of him, that's for sure, but this is still a concerning situation at the very least, but we'll have to see how this advances.
I'll keep you updated.
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arcthebreeder · 1 year ago
12/18/2023, 09:20 (GMT-5)
Yesterday night, I went to church to talk to "D" about the whole Helloogarmon situation and also to get some supplies to train Herissmon that he helped me get while I was out.
He recommended taking care of Helloogarmon that same night, since he had a friend who could help us retain him while he coded a control device that could calm Helloogarmon, or at least, bring its destruction hunger to a minimum, so that's what we did.
After "D's" friend arrived, she pulled out her Digimon Dock, one that contained a MarinAngemon a Vaccine attribute, fairy type, Ultimate level digimon and JESmon-X, a Data attribute, Holy Knight type, Ultimate level digimon. We'll call this girl "M" although I'm pretty sure we won't have her being featured in this blog ever again (probably) the plan was simple.
JESmon-X would give "D" a sample data of its Ultimate-Battle-Sword: Seibaken that crushes the fighting spirit of the opponent and after that, Siriusmon, JESmon-X and Dukemon: Crimson Mode would retain Helloogarmon in a fight, meanwhile, "D", "M" and I would code a control collar using the data of the Seibaken, and a talisman Kuzuhamon created that's infused with MarinAngemon's special move, Ocean Love, that is capable of removing the opponent's fighting spirit, tho in a minor scale than the Seibaken, this combination will undoubtedly crush Helloogarmon's will to fight, however, this would result in a digimon with self-defense abilities only matched with those of an inanimate object, and that's not my point, that's why the the talisman has a "Spell" (highly advanced code) that rewrites the parts of the code of the Seibaken and the Ocean Love that allow them to nullify the fighting spirit to a similar code that makes them nullify the part of Helloogarmon's code that makes it crave destruction.
Yes it was complicated AF and we were coding for solid hours, so I got home at 2 or 3 AM I think, but that's besides the point. This little "experiment" was way more successful than I thought (I admit I had almost no hope on it) even tho the fight was tough, since Helloogarmon started fighting since he woke up from the long, LONG sleep I had him in, but in the end we got him to stay still for a second, so I could put the collar on him with a patch.
I'm sure he would be more manageable now, although I'm sure he's still not able to talk, but we'll work around it.
I'll keep you updated.
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arcthebreeder · 1 year ago
11/28/2023, 18:32 (GMT-5)
This time I do have something to comment about the tournament now.
Do you remember that yesterday I questioned what would last longer? If Hexeblaumon's ice or Loogarmon's everlasting flames? Well... We got an answer but, not as expected. The battle played out very normal at the beginning, with Loogarmon aggressively attacking Hexeblaumon and Regulusmon literally devouring the light from Rapidmon Armor's attacks, but the problem begins with Hexeblaumon acting all cocky just because he got the advantage against Loogarmon, which at the very least, hurt his pride. Loogarmon started blowing flames across the whole field until it almost fried my PC, and I'm pretty sure my opponent's too, and... Loogarmon itself.
Loogarmon evolved into Helloogarmon, a Perfect, Virus attribute Digimon that only thinks about incinerating its surroundings, that begun attacking Hexeblaumon nonstop, causing constant burns to it and leaving powerful flames behind every scratch and bite, both the referee and my Digimon had to intervene, trying to shut down Helloogarmon was a total mess, it had to be done by a Sakuyamon X and my Kuzuhamon using some protective talismans or something like that, but that didn't last long, since Helloogarmon burnt all of them and tried to go for Hexeblaumon again.
At this point Regulusmon, even tho he seemed proud of the destruction his little pupil was causing, he decided that it was enough and jumped to stop him, of course, causing even more mayhem in the process, but in the end, a Gran TrES was enough to knock him out and make Sakuyamon X's talismans work, as of right now, Helloogarmon is sleeping under Kuzuhamon's eye and Regulusmon's wings, on the tournament topic, I technically win, so I got to advance to the next round, but I feel bad for that Hexeblaumon, even if he was an asshole, so I gave his tamer some equipment to help him heal, oh, and Rapidmon Armor is ok, don't worry about him.
Though thanks to this little "incident" I now have to change my team, and, of course, Helloogarmon's replacement won't be other than Canoweissmon, so I'll have to make those two get on good terms before the next fight, which is on the 29th.
So, I'll keep you updated.
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maripr · 3 years ago
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My collection grows!
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maripr · 4 years ago
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Tanjirou became Nezuko!
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maripr · 4 years ago
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Got Tanjirou!
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