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my guy pretty like a girl and he got fight stories to tell
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dominateeye · 7 years
Just watched Caroline Lucas win the BBC General Election Debate. I think we'll see a few more Green MPs this year!
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macroverb · 8 years
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I am voting Clare Bailey #1 today - let's re-make history! #AE17 #Sbel4Bailey #HateWaste #VoteGreen2017 http://thndr.me/nvw3bi
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dominateeye · 7 years
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There were only propositions and bond proposals on the ballot today, but this is the first time I've ever voted in person!
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dominateeye · 7 years
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dominateeye · 7 years
Neoliberalism and centrism exist not to make the world better, but to enforce the status quo.
There is a difference in the fundamental beliefs of the main four parties of the USA. The Green Party believes that if you are suffering, it is unjust, and the government should ensure your suffering stops.
The Democrats believe that if you are suffering, and it is not profitable for their donors, the government should transition you to a different kind of suffering, one that their donors profit from and therefore their party profits from.
The Republicans believe that if you are suffering, it is your fault, and the government should give you no help in stopping it, especially if you can’t stop it on your own.
The Libertarians believe that others have the right to openly make you suffer, and the government should ensure that they keep that right by any means necessary.
When you go to the polls, you can vote Green and make life better, vote Democrat and keep it the same, or vote Republican or Libertarian and make it worse.
I’d like you to join me in making life better.
Vote Green.
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