#vos watches films
365filmsbyauroranocte · 5 months
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Je verrai toujours vos visages (Jeanne Herry, 2023)
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scribe-of-planes · 5 months
Headcanon that, alongside romance and friendship based movies similar to Earth, Cybertron has movies based on the forming of trine relationships. Obviously they're more popular among seekers, but they aren't unenjoyable for others, including humans.
Now imagine Starscream in continuities where he's without his trine mates. Watching old sappy trine rom-coms by himself and remembering the time the other two begged and dragged him to the theatre to see it when it first came out.
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werewolf-t-party · 1 year
So I'm rewatching Nope and realized the coin goes through Otis Sr.'s EYE
He was looking up
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kiss-me-muchoo · 5 months
𝐈𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬 || 𝐄𝐧𝐳𝐨 𝐕𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐜 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲_ have you seen the MV of wildest dreams? If not… you play the romantic interest of Enzo’s character in a movie and the sparks begin behind cameras too. But he turns you down and finally sees you years after that, realizing he missed you and now he’s jealous.
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠_ age gap, angst, fluff, Enzo is a little bit of an asshole, Enzo’s ex is NOT specified, okay? Definitely not trying to imply anything by that, Spanglish, ANGST AGAIN. We have a Mexican carne asada here y soporten. BIEN CRINGE ESTA MADRE
𝐀/𝐍_ people from Uruguay and Argentina can correct me all they want about the accent, please start listening Cedar, then Widest Dreams for this… BOTH SONGS IN MY PLAYLIST FOR ENZO.
♪ ♫ 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝟒 𝐄𝐧𝐳𝐨 𝐕𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐜 ✰𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐱 (+fics here)
Your character was close to his. They were lovers. So you had to spend a fair amount of time with him consequently. Enzo was a humble and kind man. He was so random and yet so peaceful. Which facilitated the connection.
In the beginning, you thought it was weird that the production of The Society of the Snow had decided to keep more than 50% of the cast for a short film that would promote the movie and create speculation. You didn’t say no because it meant flying to the shores of Spain and enjoying more time with the boys.
So you give in, you take the director’s advice to stick to Enzo and build a connection.
He’s older than you, more mature, more experienced in many ways, but yet you seem to be able to make him laugh.
“Tenés que estar bromeando,” he says laughing.
“No es joda, de verdad me multaron y se hizo un desmadre” you explain giggling, drinking at your water bottle.
Both of you are having a little moment on the beach. It was warm, and it was a free day. The rest of the boys decided to spend the afternoon playing video games and you were not willing to melt watching a TV.
“Recuérdame jamás salir con vos” you roll your eyes.
“Ay vete a la verga, todos saben que soy el alma de las reuniones y fiestas” he shrugged, eating from his sandwich and smiling.
“Si, tenés razón quizá”
“¿Quizá? No, no mientas, Enzo” finally, he laughs loudly.
“Bueno está bien, lo acepto”
“Así me gusta, obediente, mi niño” he blushed. And it made you blush too.
The sound of the waves swiftly colliding makes you feel at peace. It’s been great so far. Filming an action short film, playing the damsel in danger who turns out to be the villain, and having lots of fun with your workmates.
“¿No extrañas tu hogar?” he asks, and you sigh, looking at the sea.
“Trato de no pensar en eso. Dependo mucho de casa, de mi familia. Me cuesta el cambio, pero me adapto rápido” he nods, smiling, and you hate to admit you like how good he looks with his hair slightly shorter.
“Eso es bueno… adaptarse. Aunque cueste… creo que al final es bonito el cambio” you start laughing. Because you remember his Instagram captions and the pauses he always wrote. But he’s think that you are also very pretty, not only the change he mentioned before.
“Si, es bonito el cambio” You keep laughing, and he shouldn’t be smiling so much at you. But you were so funny, you always had something to share and talk about. Enzo was very close about sharing things about him. But with you, he could make an excuse.
So you also stare at him, and you feel your heart start beating faster.
You can’t fall in love with him. But you’re miserably failing.
You look at yourself in the mirror. Your character had a disguise moment, where she had to pretend to be a dancer to get information. So there you are in a bejeweled attire with feathers.
“No mames, qué buena me veo,” you say laughing. Loving how your waist looks and how your hair looks so fluffy. The costume department did an outstanding job of making you look hot
“Como que si… ¿eh?” The annoying twink of Juani had to be there.
“Ponme la de perdió este culo de la Bad Gyal, por favor” Juani starts cackling, already filming you for some random tweet.
“Pero si vos tuviste un ex hace siglos, ya no queda” you roll your eyes, checking on the glitter decorating your eyes.
“Ay, pero no por eso, Juani. Nomás por mamona lo digo” There’s a knock on the door and you turn to see who’s standing there.
“¿Y esa diosa?” You blush, smiling at Fran being the person who knocked at the door before.
“¿Dónde que no la veo?” Of course, Juani had to be an idiot and ruin the moment, but soon he blows you a kiss.
“No es cierto, linda” You roll your eyes and turn back to see Fran giggling. You give him a sweet smile and scratch the back of your neck. He helps you get your robe so you won’t have to cross the whole building with your exhibitionist outfit.
“Tenés escena conmigo” Fran says offering you his arm, which you gladly take.
“Adiós, naco perdedor,” you say to Juani, who starts laughing loudly. As you start walking with Fran across the hallways of the building, you start feeling your heart beat faster. You were going to have a heated scene with Enzo, which made you cringe a lot. First, you appear with Fran’s character in the club which ends with your character tangling up with Enzo.
“¿Nerviosa?” You shake your head, sighing.
“I don’t know…Digo, no lo sé” he nods, as you two walk out of the building to get going towards the set. The shores of Spain were beautiful, Cádiz was warm and it suited your overwhelmed mood.
“Va a estar bien. Que igual si no, nos vamos a dar la vuelta en la noche” that immediately makes you smile. You nod, hugging him.
“Eso me encantaría mucho, Fran” You are on set now. There’s no way back, and when you turn back, you see Enzo, and he’s already looking at you.
You blush, and offer him a little smile before turning away so rapidly. The whole action is watched by Fran and he has his own opinion.
“Has pasado mucho tiempo con Enzo…¿No crees?” You shrug, greeting the makeup staff who are going to retouch your look.
“Teníamos que conocernos a fondo para que esto resultara” he nods again.
“Creo que si se ha dado lo de la conexión” it was weird, because you knew it was true. you had developed a special connection with Enzo. Hours spent talking and having long walks across the beach. The days you decided to cook for the boys and he always was the first to arrive and try to help you set up everything.
“Si se diera la oportunidad… ¿Te quedarías con él?” His question makes you wonder. It took you aback, and while you have full trust in Fran, you don’t know what to answer.
Well, you do know what to answer… but you are afraid to admit it.
“Si… aveces siento que si es con él, Fran. Me hace muy feliz… pero, no creo que Enzo sienta lo mismo” you confess. He smiles, taking your hand.
“Tenés que decirle. Se llevan un par de años, pero… se ven tan bien juntos” he says looking at Enzo.
“De verdad… ¿Tú crees?”
“Es que ve cómo te mira, y/n” In disguise, you turn to your side, and you confirm Enzo is still looking at you.
“Decíle… anda” you smile, a warm feeling growing in your heart. You feel loved, you feel like it might be meant to be. So you plan something.
“Hay que hacer una carnita asada” Fran laughs.
“Pero vos le pones mucho al asado. Jamás había visto uno así” you laugh. Since your type of asado was a northern Mexican carne asada. They all believed it was a great change of style of cooking.
“No lo niegues, Fran. Mi asado es grandioso” he tries to deny it but at the end, he smiles nodding.
“Ey… ¿estás lista, linda?” Enzo asks, appearing with a gorgeous smile. He was wearing a dark suit, his hair looked amazing, very hot.
“Creo que si…” you let him know. After some brief exchange of words with the production, you take your position along with Fran to start filming. And you never miss the way Enzo was looking at you.
Maybe he felt the same.
You started the carne asada before taking a shower and getting ready. Now, everything was ready. The big patio that connected the apartment complex was decorated with a table that Juani and Matias helped you set, with chips, salsas, guacamole, beans, and agua de tamarindo that you had to mix with some alcohol.
Everyone is having fun, and you have helped to serve the food to everyone with Blas. It seemed to be going well, you have a sundress and sneakers on the feeling of the alcohol has you tipsy and you can’t wait to make yourself some tacos with the asado.
You feel someone hug you from behind, and when you turn back, you end up caged around Enzo’s arms.
“Hey… you made it!” You cheer after seeing him, trying to ignore the blush on your cheeks. You hoped nobody had seen the interaction. Or else they would start with cheesy rumors.
“No me lo perdería” you smile, offering him a glass of agua de tamarindo.
“Hice verduras asadas y queso fundido para ti��� he wanted to hug you so tightly again after hearing you say that. You had thought about him and cooked specifically for him. Enzo had been in some dilemma, where he questioned if you could be the one. Although, he still had many obstacles to get to you. And he didn’t know yet that those obstacles would draw him apart from you.
“Ehh.. y/n linda, ¿hay más mas cubiertos?” Agustin asks you suddenly.
“Creo que hay servilletas y popotes en el cuarto de lavar. Voy a ver” you say laughing.
“Te acompaño…” says Enzo, which makes you blush again.
Both of you walk inside the building, and the laundry room is very near, so in less than a minute he opens the door to let you in. With the distance, you finally are able to distinguish the song playing on the patio. You hum along trátame suavemente playing in the background.
No quiero soñar mil veces las mismas cosas
Ni contemplarlas sabiamente
Quiero que me trates suavemente
Enzo can’t help but think you look so adorable. He remembers the way he had to touch you for the scene earlier. Half of him hated himself for feeling that way about you, and the other half questioned if it could possibly be correct.
“Enzo… no alcanzo las servilletas” When he turns back, he sees you trying to climb the washing machine to open the drawers.
“Así no, chiquita.” He laughs and stops you, making you sit on top of the washing machine while he grabs the bag with napkins and straws inside.
“Ay, si… humillame pues” you complain crossing your arms. He drops de bag beside you, and then gives you a silly smirk, which makes you laugh.
“Nada de eso, sis vos sos bien linda así” You cross your arms, avoiding his eyes. This was the closest you’d been around him. It feels alright like having him close to you was normal. Making you realize, you could get used to his aura being so damn close to you.
I like him…
“¿Tú crees?” You let yourself play a little dumb, pretending innocence. And you have the excuse of being under the effects of alcohol.
Te comportas de acuerdo
Con lo que te dicta, cada momento
Y esta inconstancia, no es algo heroico
Es más bien algo enfermo…
you keep humming the song as you try to keep the conversation normal with the man.
“Si… muy linda vos” The outrageous side of you let your arms get tangled around his neck. And it caught him by surprise but he let himself feel the moment. He shyly placed his hands on your hips, and you squirmed.
“¿Qué estamos haciendo?” He asks, accepting that he was getting lost in your eyes.
“No sé” you admit, feeling how his chest was touching yours.
“Bésame, Enzo…” you close your eyes, and seconds later, you know he’s kissing you. Your fingers trace his hair and it’s so soft that it makes him groan in pleasure.
You let his hands caress the plush skin of your hips and legs as you keep pushing him towards you.
This is it, you are falling in love with him.
It’s one of the last days of filming, but for the past two weeks, you have been spending a sickening time with Enzo. He spent two nights with you, he even agreed to go out to the city just for you. You could say the feeling of falling in love was growing very rapidly.
He made you feel safe and every smile he offered was enough relief for your days. He held your hand once while walking through the crowded streets to not lose you and it felt right.
And you hadn’t seen him in two days because he had different scenes to film.
Until now, where your character holds hands with him as she confesses she’s the villain. You feel the air shift, you feel the distance he’s making and you wonder if it was because of the scene or if he was actually being cold to you. The setting is on one hill with a gorgeous sunset in the background, making the scene very dramatic and tragic for the romantic partners.
“Dime que me amas y me entregaré. Por favor…” your character says. Enzo looks at you, and the look he exchanges with you is sad, making you confused on camera.
“Yo te amo, pero sabes que no podemos estar juntos” his character had to say. And for some reason, you felt like Enzo was actually saying that to you.
“CORTE!” The director said. Everything keeps going on. But for you time stops. You look at him, hoping to find some sense of tranquility. That nothing had changed.
Slowly, Enzo dropped your hand and after a brief look… he walked away.
You spend the afternoon collecting shells. You are confused and slightly sad because filming is coming to an end. You don’t know if Enzo actually wanted to give it a try on distance. Because after the kiss on the carne asada, none of you had given status to the relationship.
But it’s not necessary to keep thinking about it, because you see him walking towards you, and your immediate reaction is to offer him a smile.
“Ey.. te perdiste todo el día” you try to sound calm.
“Estaba ocupado.” He says with both hands inside his hoodie. His hair looks disheveled and he seems tired.
“Volví a hablar con ella” There’s no need to address it, you know who he meant, his ex-girlfriend. You don’t say a word, opting for hearing him before talking.
“Hablamos mucho. Quedamos de vernos cuando vuelva a Uruguay” you gulp, each word hurting you more.
“¿Entendés, verdad? Vos sos más joven que yo, somos de lados muy distintos… no iba a funcionar” your eyes get watered immediately. Rage invading you and sadness flooding you.
“Decí algo, por favor. No quiero lastimarte…” you laugh, shaking your head. There are some seconds of silence. You need to choose the right words.
“Alguna vez me miraste, sonreíste y pensaste que… tal vez, ¿tal vez pudo haber sido conmigo?” He sighs, looking away, at the sea.
The longer he remains quiet, the more you have the answer. He never felt the same as you, but he never tried to stop you either. He played along.
You just start walking away, hand on an extremely tight grip, the shells and sand irritating the skin on your palm.
“Nunca quise hacerte daño” he yells as you have walked a fair amount of steps away.
“Si nunca sentiste algo por mi, nunca debiste haberme dejado encariñarme contigo.” He lowers his gaze and you feel even more enraged.
“No puedes ni levantar la cabeza. Fucking shame on you…” you spit with disappointment.
“Y jamás debí haber aceptado conocerte tanto” you finally say. Walking away at once and fighting the tears as you try to pass the boys who are playing video games again.
“Ey… ¿estás bien?” Juani asks and you nod, but he follows and once his hand touches yours, you can’t help but collide on his chest, letting the tears fly away silently. Juani doesn’t say anything, not yet, he just hugs you tightly.
The next afternoon, Enzo goes to find you in your room, but he’s surprised by the fact that you’re gone.
“Filmó su última escena y se ha ido a casa” Santi told him.
“¿Cómo?” Enzo is in shock, he just sighs, closing his eyes.
“Se quiso ir antes…”
“Le dijo… muchas cosas a Juani y a Fran” Santi adds, and Enzo can tell what had happened. And of course, he accepted being guilty.
“Necesito hablar con ellos” and with that he lefts.
But the talk didn’t help a lot. He just realized you were gone by the time he was able to be alone in his room again. Enzo was confused and tired and he also just wanted to go home. But as he understands you’re gone and he won’t see you in a long time, he feels a little lost. And empty…
A lot of things change. You grow, you forget, you change. You go back to your normal life, college goes great, and everything is normal until it’s time to give a promotion to the movie and the short film. You kept a lot of contact with Fran, Juani, and Matias, but it won't be the same as if you didn't end up on good terms with Enzo.
About him, you learned he didn't make it with his ex-girlfriend. He was single and apparently good. You don’t hate him, but there’s a lot of resentment. And as the premiere was around the corner, rumors had appeared on the surface of social media. Rumors of you and Enzo, and all the drama. You didn't pay attention to those, but you were expecting at least one question regarding the issue in the upcoming interviews.
You were offered to be dressed by some perfect designer who had similar ideas to you. He made a silk dress in a champagne color for you. With tiny crystal beats and a gorgeous skirt. You loved the dress, it suited you so well too.
So at the beginning of the night, you don’t think about anything but making a good impression on the cameras. All that mattered was the promotion of the movie.
As soon as you arrive at the gala, you start shivering because of your nervousness about seeing your friends again. You were the last one to arrive so you weren’t able to greet them.
And that’s when you see Enzo. He seems fine, in a completely dark suit and his stupid perfect hair. When he finds your sweet eyes, his heart beats faster, you look so perfect. Your hair, your brows, your eyes, the pink lips, everything seemed to make you look so perfect. And he can tell you look older, your childish and plush cheeks are gone, and your short hair too. He remembers all the good memories he made with you and he feels sadness taking over. He missed you so bad after going back home. And he wasn’t able to hear anything from you because he didn’t dare to ask Juani or Fran for example.
“Te ves preciosa,” says Agustin hugging you. You smile at him and thank him. All the boys want to greet you and all is being recorded. The only one you don’t greet is Enzo, who stays afar posing for the cameras. Until most of the photographers keep asking to take a picture of you and the man who broke your heart.
“No te acerques si no querés” Juani advises you, whispering in your eye. You sigh, looking at how Enzo is getting closer.
“Creo que ya no tengo de otra…” you whisper back, pretending to have a big and honest smile on your face.
Enzo exchanged looks with you, and he was able to sense how awkward you were feeling, which didn’t soothe him. So he pretended to place his hand on your back but he never touched you, and you didn’t even glare at him a second the flash hit your face. You ignore the growing pain of having him so close but being so far away at the same time.
They want you to do a little interview with him. So you get close to the cameras to answer some questions.
“Entonces y/n… ¿qué crees que fue lo mejor de grabar el largometraje?” You giggle, easy question.
“Definitivamente que pude volver a estar con los chicos. Fue mas sencillo y podíamos divertirnos con mayor libertad” the woman nods, assuring that she was recording your answer.
“Y Enzo… ¿fue difícil grabar estando en una relación?” You know he didn’t like the question, and you suddenly felt worse or awkward.
“Eh… no. La verdad es que llevo rato soltero.”
“¿Hay alguien que podría llevarte a dejar de estarlo?” He laughs and you just want to run away. You really don’t care, and you don’t want to know the answer.
“Hubo una chica con la que estuve en Cádiz hace casi dos años. Nos la pasamos muy bien y las cosas no se dieron, mi culpa. Me gustaría hacer las cosas bien por ella…” it must be you, and it can’t be. You don’t believe him, you just turn around and look for any of your friends. So when you see Matias making you a sign to join im, you take the opportunity.
“Me llaman por acá. Un gusto, y gracias…” you thank the woman with a smile and leave quickly, knowing Enzo has eyes set on your back.
You won’t cry, but you can’t help but feel so weird about everything. You had been great without him. Seeing him back made you go back to that summer in Cadiz and how great it was your life at the time. But that is gone, and so are the memories you made with him.
Everyone knows you disappeared after the projection of the movie and the short film. You don’t like feeling his eyes across the dark room. You can’t rest knowing the party that followed the projections was going to be very painful. By showing clips of the behind-the-scenes, everyone saying words to each other. You are not in the mood for that. And it’s all because of him. Because he had to be an asshole and not think clearly. You couldn’t even call yourself stupid because he gave all the green lights that actually looked like green flags.
And as you question everything in pajamas, looking at the open balcony of your hotel room with red swollen eyes when there’s a knock.
You drag your feet to the door, and once you open it, he’s there.
The suit is still on, but he has a specific gesture on his face.
People often said looks said more than words, and Enzo was the perfect example.
You tilt your head, reading his face. His face says that he’s sorry, he feels sad, and he’s desperate to have you back. And he frowns after seeing your sad face. Your red eyes and look that said how confused and hurt you were.
So both of you stare for a little longer, literally glorifying each other faces. Remembering the soft touches, all the things you talked together. How happy you made each other.
“Podemos arreglarlo…” he finally says.
And slowly both of you smile, sad and broken smiles.
You open your arms and he immediately goes to hug you. His hands find their way to your waist, his face hidden in the warmth of your neck.
“Tú recuerdo jamás me dejó” and you smile again, closing your eyes, letting your face get comfortable on his chest, letting more tears fall.
“Si es contigo…Siempre fue contigo” he admits, knowing he’ll never let you go again.
Antes de que me digan que que pendeja esta la y/n por perdonarlo tan fácil, pues en mi cabeza cuando Enzo la fue a ver a su cuarto fue como muy fuerte. De esos momentos donde la tension es mas fuerte y no se necesitan tantas palabras para saber que la persona está literalmente a tus rodillas suplicando so…
I already have an idea for a new fic with Enzo that it’s going to be AHHHHH. hint? Everyone loves you, that’s it
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Clint Eastwood and Manis the orangutan in the role of Clyde on the set of the 1978 film Every Which Way But Loose.
近來在各大網站的朋友頁面常看到一則短文關於他生活智慧的分享,於是查了一下... 啊!原來他下個月就要94歲生日了,無論他幾歲都很令人著迷!
《什麼是真正難得的享受?What's True Luxury?》 智慧告訴我們,無形的、真誠的經驗比物質財富更有價值。Wisdom tells the value of intangible, heartfelt experiences over material possessions.
👍 Wisdom by Clint Eastwood 
別在手錶或手鐲中追求奢華, 也別在豪宅或帆船中尋找它。
奢侈就是歡笑和朋友, 奢侈是不要生病, 奢華是雨水打在臉上, 擁抱和親吻才是奢侈。
別在商店裡尋找奢侈品, 也別在禮物中, 別在舞會裡找他 也別在慶典之際。
奢侈就是人們愛你, 奢侈是他們尊重你, 奢侈就是父母健在, 奢侈就是含飴弄孫, 金錢買不到的小事才是奢侈。
Don’t look for luxury in watches or bracelets, don’t look for it in mansions or sailboats,
luxury is laughter and friends, luxury is not being sick, luxury is the rain on your face,
luxury is hugs and kisses.
Don’t look for luxury in shops, don’t look for it in gifts, don’t look for it at parties, don’t look for it at events.
Luxury is being loved by people, luxury is being respected, luxury is having parents alive, luxury is being able to play with your grandchildren, luxury is what money can’t buy.
Ne cherchez pas le luxe dans les montres ou les bracelets, ne le cherchez pas dans les manoirs ou les voiliers.
le luxe c'est des rires et des amis, le luxe c'est de ne pas être malade, le luxe c'est la pluie sur le visage, le luxe c'est des câlins et des bisous.
Ne cherchez pas le luxe dans les magasins, ni dans les cadeaux, ne le cherchez pas lors des fêtes, ni lors des événements.
Le luxe c'est que les gens vous aiment, le luxe c'est qu'ils vous respectent, le luxe c'est que vos parents vivent, le luxe c'est de pouvoir jouer avec vos petits-enfants, le luxe sont ces petites choses, qui ne s'achètent pas.
PS. I love his superb acting skills and the movies he has acted in. 🫶 Lan~*
Clint Eastwood, 93, makes rare public appearance with Jane Goodall, 90, at hometown event
Actor and director Clint Eastwood was seen attending a conservation event hosted by Jane Goodall as he sat front row at her talk and then was seen chatting with Jane backstage
By Tatiana Krisztina, Showbiz Reporter
19:09, 15 Apr 2024 | UPDATED19:57, 15 APR 2024
from www.mirror.co.uk
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I need to rant
...about the absolute erasure of Pedro and his contributions that is seemingly policy now among The Mandalorian production and show runners. I have been seeing rumors on and off for years about the ostracizing people have witnessed towards Pedro. No more so than during season 3, and after watching the Disney Gallery: The Mandalorian “The Making of Season 3” special, I am now disappointed at how they did nothing but prove there’s something rotten happening on that production in regards to Pedro.
I’ll make my position clear AF:
Pedro is the Mandalorian, Din Djarin.
 Lateef and Brendan are the stuntmen who help bring the Mandalorian to life. They are collaborators, just like all the costumers, choreographers, set designers, extras, etc that are part of the series. They are NOT the Mandalorian. We don’t give top billing to the stuntmen who do Deadpool over Ryan Reynolds, or erase James Earl Jones being Darth Vader, even though he was never in the actual Vader suit. So, I say it is bullshit that Pedro has been bumped to the side as if he’s some interloper in a production that he was the foundation of - nay, the star and driving force in crafting the persona and the physicality and LITERAL VOICE of the Mandalorian, Din Djarin. Seasons 1 and 2? He was in the suit more than half the time. Season 3 was different, yes, but to not even include an interview snippet of Pedro talking about his contribution to the season? Not having a single shoutout or acknowledgement of his participation? No one even said his fucking name in passing! 
I found the entire thing so abhorrent and disgusting that I frankly no longer have any excitement or enthusiasm for this series continuing beyond the already announced 4th season and film Filoni is going to do. Not if Pedro is going to be treated as a fucking gopher that isn’t good enough to be acknowledged. 
And what pisses me off the most? Pedro has been NOTHING BUT HUMBLE AND COMPLIMENTARY AND VOCAL about how Lateef and Brendan are massive influences in his performance and in collaborating to make the character the presence he is on the screen. He’s given those stunt fucks their flowers countless times, shouted out Filoni and Favreau, the writers, directors - literally everyone, and no one can even say, “Yeah, it was a fun season, but it needed more Pedro! I missed his presence”? BDH leaving comments praising the stunt fucks and tacking on Pedro as an afterthought? Like wtf is going on? 
Need I remind everyone about the fact Pedro has a scar on his nose because of the negligence of the set production people leaving a piece of real wood thrown on the ground by the makeup trailer, and he walked out and stepped on it and got whacked in the face by it?! He literally bled and got stitches for this series and never complained or said a disparaging word! But they can’t even say his name in passing on the 3rd season which was pretty reviled and panned for it’s lack of plot and continuity behind the scenes special?! I want him to do his VO work, collect his check, and give this series the deuces.
Pedro deserves better, and clearly got it on TLOU production, which I’m thankful for. He's a kind and generous person who doesn’t deserve this level of disrespect.
Rant over 😤
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oinkinpigprince · 2 months
If possible, could I request a Male!reader x Gwimbly? Reader loves shitty 80s horror movies and loves to infodump about them. Reader in general loves retro stuff.
🗣️ sorry if this is a weird request 😭 I just want some Gwimbly content.
HAHAHAHAHA I’VE BEEN EXCITED FOR THIS ONE, IM GOIMG GO GET YOU SILLY :333333 gwimbly is so silly to me, he has a lot of mental health issues and several complexes. He’s a total bum and I love him for it( O vO)
Gwimbly x male! Reader
Gwimbly loves that you’re into old movies cause this man is stuck in the 80s/90s when he was famous, he has a few issues
Loves anything 80s, games, movies, clothing, he collects old memorabilia from the 80s once he finally got off the streets again and that might include some classic horror films!!
You’re gonna need to train this man to listen to you, he’s so scattered brain. He’ll listen to you but you may need to remind him every once in a while to focus
Kinda just nods and goes “oh yeah” “really” really low key if I’m being honest. But he does retain a lot of info about what you’re actually saying
He’s such a little wanna be critic, he’ll critique the movies you watch like he knows so much about acting and story telling just because he was in the gwimbly games. Just shush him and he’ll shut up
Gwimbly does enjoy horror he’s just (surprisingly I know) more into videogames and that includes horror games
Have you seen the baby sitter blood bath games? You two would really enjoy playing those, the mix of videogames and old horror nostalgia mixed together
He gets spooked easily though, and gets really defensive. He’ll yelp and say “that didn’t scare me. No-no it didn’t, that was just surprise.” He might punch your computer so reader beware
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Hello hello! Somehow it’s mid-january already, 2023 has flown by at Mach 10 speed, and better late than never, here's my favourite films of 2023 (meaning that left the most lasting impression on me). This is still going to probably change in the next few days, but here’s my fluid Top 20 at the moment. Disclaimer: I have included films that were released late 2022 (particularly in France) that I watched in 2023. 1. ANATOMIE D'UNE CHUTE (dir. Justine Triet) 2. JE VERRAI TOUJOURS VOS VISAGES (dir. Jeanne Herry) 3. KILLERS OF THE FLOWER MOON (dir. Martin Scorsese) 4. SHE SAID (dir. Maria Schrader) 5. THE HOLDOVERS (dir. Alexander Payne) 6. CORSAGE (dir. Marie Kreutzer) 7. PAST LIVES (dir. Celine Song) 8. SIMPLE COMME SYLVAIN (dir. Monia Chokri) 9. LE RÈGNE ANIMAL (dir. Thomas Cailley) 10. OPPENHEIMER (dir. Christopher Nolan) 11. A THOUSAND AND ONE (dir. A.V. Rockwell) 12. ANNIE COLÈRE (dir. Blandine Lenoir) 13. THE UNKNOWN COUNTRY (dir. Morrisa Maltz) 14. SISI & ICH (dir. Frauke Finsterwalder) 15. REALITY (dir. Tina Satter) 16. SALTBURN (dir. Emerald Fennell) 17. MAY DECEMBER (dir. Todd Haynes) 18. PASSAGES (dir. Ira Sachs) 19. ARE YOU THERE GOD? IT’S ME, MARGARET (dir. Kelly Fremon Craig) 20. BARBIE (dir. Greta Gerwig)
I’m also proud to have completed the 52 Films Directed by Women Challenge! Here's the list in case you're looking for something interesting to watch: 52 Films by Women | 2023 challenge I’m hoping for a gentle 2024 for everyone, we all need it. Big love 💗
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ascle · 2 months
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Les anglicismes!
Aujourd’hui nous abordons un sujet très sensible, les anglicismes. Sensible historiquement, parce que depuis la conquête anglaise, le Canada, bien qu’il se targue d’être bilingue, n’a eu de cesse de vouloir assimiler son côté francophone. Sensible géographiquement, avec la proximité et l’omniprésence de la culture américaine qui lessive le cerveau. Sensible diplomatiquement, parce que la guerre franco-québécoise sur « qui c’est qui en dit plus que l’autre » horripile un côté comme l’autre.
Ceci étant dit, démystifions l’anglais au Québec! (Liste non exhaustive)
Les traductions
Afin de protéger sa langue, le Québécois utilisera dans son langage familier (ou pas) une traduction littérale d’un mot anglais. Ainsi:
Week-end devient fin de semaine
Good morning devient bon matin
Shopping devient magasinage
Shopping center devient centre d’achat
Toothpaste devient pâte à dents
Chips devient croustilles
Crackers devient craquelins
On dit « prendre une marche », venant de « take a walk » pour une promenade à pied.
Le traversier se prendra au lieu du ferry.
Vous chausserez vos patins à roues alignées et non pas vos rollers.
Même la signalisation routière s’adapte et le « stop » 🛑 devient « arrêt »
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Les p’tits nouveaux
Les nouvelles technologies se développent à la vitesse de la lumière. La terminologie anglaise est donc souvent adoptée par les différentes langues. Au Québec, un point d’honneur est fait à franciser un mot.
Au lieu de:
E-mail , podcast (podcasting), tweet, spoiled (une série ou un film), binge-watching, selfie, spam, phishing ou hashtag
Courriel, balado (baladodiffusion), gazouillis, divulgâcher, visionnement (ou écoute) en rafale egoportrait, pourriel, hameçonnage ou mot-clic
L’emprunt morphologique
Une autre tactique québécoise est d’utiliser un mot anglais et de lui ajouter quelques lettres afin de le franciser.
C’est le cas de:
Fitter (to fit): rendre possible
Exemple: Je suis très occupée, mais j’vais essayer de faire fitter ça dans mon horaire.
Feeler (to feel): se sentir
Exemple: La pièce de théâtre a été annulée, une des actrices s’est évanouie! A feelait pas pentoute.
Focuser (to focus): se concentrer
Exemple: Hey j’ai l’impression de parler dans l’vide. Focus!
Choker (to choke): se désister, manquer de courage.
Exemple: On devait être 5, mais finalement Celine nous a choké.
Exemple: Je voulais la tutoyer, mais j’ai choké.
Truster (to trust): faire confiance.
Exemple: Je ne la trustais pas fak j’espionnais son Tumblr sporadiquement.
Ah pis d’la marde!
Finalement, pourquoi se compliquer la vie? On utilise aussi directement les mots anglais. Il sera donc fréquent d’entendre:
Anyway: de toute façon
Fun: amusant
Gang: groupe d’amis (prononcé « gagne », plus souvent positif que négatif)
Party: fête (prononcé « parté »)
Chum: ami ou petit ami
Joke: (féminin) blague, plaisanterie
Job: travail
Gaz: essence
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sunskate · 2 months
Tessa and Scott episode 1 (pt 1 pt 2) sorry i'm not giving any useful context if you've never seen it - it's a good (bad lol) piece of VM history the opening at the carnival in Toronto says "one year ago" - it looks like warm weather, but the show premiered Jan 2, 2014, so when did they film that?
the first performance of DALD 🥺 (seriously, who has those hard drives with the footage lol). interesting to see part of the no touch here compared to the legendary one from Sochi
Marina saying "love you love you a lot" to them when she's about to stab them in the back 💀
Jean-Marc Généreux, the dance/connection coach - Scott says they've been working with him since 2002. VM would have been 12/13 and 14/15 yo they're supposed to be playing out a romantic storyline in the SD: T: right away he (Jean-Marc) saw there was something missing J: so, i want you to look at this guy like he's uh T: like he's David Beckham? J: uhh maybe, or a piece of meat, like a good - like filet mignon - and you'd really like to have a bite (why does she do this? if it was reversed, and Jean-Marc said to Scott, look at her like you think she's attractive, and he said, oh, like she's Jennifer Lopez? that would be rude and invalidating)
i'd forgotten how strange it is, the way they talk about each other -
S: "Tessa and i have a -- *very* -- complex relationship" (arching eyebrow, significant look) ok, how 😅
T: "sometimes we are best friends, sometimes we're just business partners, there's an ebb and a flow to our relationship that is ongoing" -- spending more and less time together is normal, but does your status as best friends change so much? do your friendships work like this? these two were working so closely together, but they'd grow apart enough that she'd call it being "just business partners"? that feels off. from other stuff they've said, it feels more like there were reasons one would hold the other at arm's length and that they didn't talk these things out
Scott seems very inside himself and high key conscious of the camera. very little of the lighter side of him in this show. Tessa also very conscious of the camera but more wanting to do a good job - like watching someone inexperienced acting in a high school play - a little stilted. these producers didn't know what to do with them to get them to be more natural. too bad they wanted to make a reality show and didn't focus more on the skating and the training and let their personalities show in the process
S: VO "after this season, our lives are going to be totally different" T: "what are you going to miss the most" S: "i'll miss - i'm going to miss the structure. 5 o'clock in the mornings" T: "yeah 😐" lol not going to be baited into saying anything personal for national tv. either he thought it was going to be a different kind of show or was talked into it and never bought in. i wonder what the two of them really think of this now
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kickingitwithkirk · 2 years
When Reality is Worse than the Lies they told Me
Summary: “My dear, you sound jealous, like a jilted lover.” Vought’s observation made Liberty huff, “you were the one who decided not to pursue anything more than a brief fling with Soldier Boy during that orgy back in ‘52.”
Pairing: Soldier Boy x Reader
Word Count: 2635
Square Filled: @anyfandomdarkbingo -gluttony
Part I Part II Part III
*Do not read if you find anything offensive-triggering about/on/from The Boys series
*More warnings will be added in additional parts
Warnings: cursing, verbal arguments, racial/derogatory slurs, sexual situations, loads of marijuana/drugs, PTSD, sexist Supe, physical altercations, firearms, knife-wielding, outdated slang, toxic male attitudes, Soldier Boy thinking he’s the man and learns about online porn, medical experimentations, reliving long-buried memories, possible death by a chicken, non/con drugging, dub/con sex, manipulation, BDSM themes, sex toys, gynecological procedure, possible incest
A/N: I’m using season 3 as a template for this so it will contain spoilers from the series mixed with original ideas.
A/N II: the characters are running the show so blame them for this is.
*divider by @firefly-graphics
*gif credit to creator
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Vought R&D Lab
March 1st
There was a stir outside his office that made Jonah Vogelbaum look up from his reading to see Frederick Vought, founder, and CEO of Vought-American, crossing the lab accompanied by his first successful Comp V test subject, Liberty.
“Jonah, how did phase two of the experiment go?” Vought inquired of his head R&D scientist.
“Better than anticipated, I couldn’t have set up the introduction any better,” Vogelbaum said, leaning back in his chair.
“As previously discussed, we called Soldier Boy in for what he believed was routine testing and had the subject set up a predetermined spot so we could film the encounter. Let us move to the projection room so you can see for yourself how it went.”
Nodding his acquiescence, Vought got up and, holding his elbow out for Liberty to take, proceeded the researcher to the designated room. 
Once the party was seated Vogelbaum signaled for the projectionist to start.
The film opens in the sterile white lab with scientists and others carrying out various tasks around a colorful area rug with cartoon animals where a thirteen-month-old girl in a sunny yellow dress sits trying to stack wood blocks her tiny hands lack the coordination needed.
A minute later a pair of men in deep discussion appears in the frame, “I was walking him out and, as prearranged, Ms. January accidentally drew his attention,” an attractive woman drops some files she’s carrying.
The man dressed in a military-style outfit gallantly helps pick them up, giving her his trademark smirk as she flirtily smiles back. Thanking him for his help he watches her walking away appreciating the sway of her hips under the pencil skirt when he gets a surprised expression and asks Vogelbaum something that made him laugh and waves for him to follow. 
“As his physiological tests have indicated the unusual presence of the subject sparked his curiosity.”
The camera pans down to the girl then a pair of well-fitted brown and maroon boots appear in the frame before Soldier Boys squatting down.
“We made a good choice investing in the Arriflex 35 IIC, color quality is much better,” Vought offhandedly commented.
The camera zooms in for a closeup of Soldier Boy breathing deeply cocking his head puzzled.
“Seems the hypothesis of adding the attractants in utero came to fruition.” Vought comments sounding pleased.
The Supe makes an inquiry and Vogelbaum smiles gesturing for him to sit down before getting up and disappearing from frame.
“I find it reprehensible,” Liberty voiced with disgust.
“My dear, you sound jealous, like a jilted lover.” Vought’s observation made Liberty huff, “you were the one who decided not to pursue anything more than a brief fling with Soldier Boy during that orgy back in ‘52.”
“Soldier Boy has never shown a predilection towards pedophilia,” Vogelbaum comments, “in fact, despite his libertinism, he still possesses strong personal morality, an interesting holdover from when he was human, and becomes incensed when presented with scenarios that violate them. The reactions he is displaying are purely subconscious physical responses to pheromone attractants the subject is producing.”
The girl picked up the block and held it out to the Supe who mirthfully smiles when Vogelbaum, just in view, snaps a picture with a 35 mm camera.
“So what do your physiological tests say about his stance on incest?”
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Soldier Boy lay there unsure of what happened last night. 
Butcher and his school-boy bitch leaving gave him the opportunity to fall back on a highly questionable but tried and true technique of extracting information because he had enough of Y/N’s evasiveness. 
What he hadn’t expected was how fast it'd hit her and after being called out was left sitting there pissed off with a hard on when everything went 180.
After finding the shadow box she started having a conversation with someone the Supe quickly figured out it was from when he visited Vought over the years. Shaking her awake she suddenly bursts into tears, and without thinking sat down wrapped his strong arms around her began softly singing the tune she’d hummed.
He felt Y/N move, burrowing closer to his warmth, a leftover from the Russians tests, felt her leg brush against his morning wood making his hips twitch and rub against her cunt felt warm wetness dampen his sleep pants.
The Supe remembers how prudish women were expected to be when it came to fucking in the decades proceeding the sexual revolution, one reason he co-started Herogasm with Liberty, fucking firecraker that one.
Man, all those years the puss flowed freely in his direction, or did it? 
He never lied all the times he told Crimson Countess he loved her but she’d been plain vanilla, almost never initiated relations, and going anal was an absolute no go so what was he supposed to do but find it somewhere else? 
Now he couldn’t stop hearing Grace Mallory’s fucking annoying but maybe accurate assessment that women gave in to his pressure and manipulation of them. Were they actually scared of what he’d do to them if they didn’t let him fuck them?
You felt his hip rub against your snatch and crack an eye open to see the Supes morning wood tenting his sleep pants and for some unfathomable reason can’t resist some tit for tat for last night. 
Nuzzling his neck, fuck his scents making you crazy, slip a hand under the waistband lightly brushing fingertips along the top of his hardening cock, teasing his slit before tracing the pulsing vein underneath ending by cupping his bare balls. 
“I feel you took my advice,” you breathily whisper and nibble on his ear while firmly squeezing them making his hips jump, “umph yeah, my cock and balls look fabulous..” withdrawing your hand, ”..hey, the fuck?!” 
“I didn’t suggest it to feed your fucking ego!”
“Who’s being a cock tease now!”
“Alright,” running your fingers through his treasure trail, “what’ll you give me in return for finishing you off?”
Soldier Boy subconsciously sucked on his bottom lip contemplating..fuck, no man should make that gesture so sexy you could come untouched just watching him.
 “Whatcha want?”
“Mmm, to frenchtoast me.”
His head popped off the pillow.
You shift to look him in the eye, “I'm craving to frenchtoast and then have you whip the cream.” 
Sitting up tugs his shirt over his head, “only if you get me off how I want first,” the Supe waits to see if you’ll take the proposition.
You move to kneel on the bed and unbutton your sleep shirt as he shoves his pants off and leans back on a forearm sliding his other hand down his broad chest, fingers trailing like yours did gather the precum he’s now leaking, and started bucking his hips up and down, fucking himself into his fist like it’s a fleshlight. 
The recesses of your mind scream some things off but your craving is overwhelming and rational thought evaporates. 
If he wants to tease, you can too.
Tossing the shirt, you spread your thighs and push two fingers into your sodden channel mimicking him.
 “Stop,” he harshly orders and your immediate obedience made him smirk before lying back on the pillow and growling, “bring it up here,” you knee up the mattress and when he circles his index finger, turn before straddling his face.
“Fuuck baby,“ his breaths warm over your bare skin, “so beautiful without bearded clam,” takes his time his calloused fingers explore your bare mound before parting your lower lips, “haven't even started and dripping with passion for me, have to have a taste..so fucking sweet,” his tongue delving deeply makes you keen loudly.
“Hmm, I like that,” he pushes you up enough to watch you kitten licking his drooling slit, “don’t worry, I won’t forget to whip the cream,” he teases.
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You’re sitting naked on the kitchen table, legs hanging off each side playing with your clit completely titillated by his assets: resplendent features dusted in cinnamon freckles, brawny shoulders, still feeling it in your hips where he stretched you to accommodate their breadth when he..
“I can’t hear how wet you are,” Ben casually but sternly comments when he finishes eating.
You can’t stop the full body quiver when pushing two fingers deep into your sopping, overused pussy making it squelch, vaguely aware no one but him has ever made you so lecherous you’re obeying everything he orders you to do.
“Never had such a cum drunk fuck duck like you,” he seizes both your ankles lifting up places your feet flat near the tabletop's edges, “show me that pretty plug.”
Laying back you lift your hips up and the change of angle makes your inner muscles clench your fingers as his play around the plugs' large, bejeweled end starts slowly withdrawing it, stretching your rim around its widest point then reinserts it, repeating the action again and again.
“I want you to squirt all over my hand and this table now.”
His command sent your overstimulated self off the cliff.
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The vibrating of your phone is incessant and annoying the fuck outta you. 
Tossing back the covers notice the wetness coating your thighs and reaching down barely brush your pussy when a massive orgasm slams through you and collapse back onto the bed, unable to vocalize as your body’s pulsating for fuck knows how long.
When you're reasonably lucid again get up knocking the cell on the floor, its lock screen lit up displaying two days have passed and you had no fucking clue how but knew who to start with in figuring it out.
Finding Soldier Boy asleep in the recliner with several bottles of liquor on the end table pisses you off and gave into the impulse to slap the bejesus outta his face.
“The fuck was that for!”
“Wha’ yu’ guv m’?”  Your words are slurred and he squints, not initially understanding, “I ground up the leftover benzos in some apple juice for us to get some sleep because we’ve been non-stop fucking for two days and my dick needs a break!”
Shaking your head take a breath and try to enunciate, “wha’ the fuc ya put in tha’ bunt Ben’amin?”
“Reefer mixed with MDMA..”
You stupid fucking bitch, letting your guard down with Soldier Boy and shouldn’t be surprised at his duplicity. 
Of course, it’s your luck he used the one drug that overrides the compound you take to keep your system functioning normally start panicking, wobbling in the direction of the kitchen get as far as the doorway when he grabs and presses you between him and the wall feel his hardening length against your bare thigh, “where the hell do you think you’re going?”
“Bas’mnt..need meds..stop ‘is..”
“Fuck me dead!” He scoop you up bridal style strides for the basement door kicking it inwards descends down the stairs and sensor lights flickered on revealing a small lab caught sight of the medical bed depositing you on it. 
“Where’s the stuff?”
“Fridge, am’r bott’l,” Ben opens the countertop fridge retrieves the colored glass vile searches around for a syringe to draw it up.
“Cab’it, ster’l bag,” finding the right one grabs a steel tray with the bag laying in it deposits it on the swing arm table opens it, “what the fuck’s this?” 
He picks up a funny-looking instrument with an attached light reminding him of a duck’s bill when it dawns on him.
“Can’t inje’t, skin like yor’s, ya hav’t go in cer’ix.”
Any other time the look of horror crossing his face would’ve made you laugh but now was sooo not the moment, “are you shitting me? I can’t do that!” 
 “Not li’k I can re’ch.”
“I didn’t sign up for this,” you give him an imploring look, “alright, alright..good thing I already know my way around your pussy.”
He helps you place your feet in the stirrups, “you’re gonna have’ta talk me through this,” he holds up the speculum, “how the hell does the duck-thing work?”
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“I’m not a bad guy.”
Soldier Boys slouched in leather wingback lifts the liquor bottle to his lips draining a third before dangling it over the chair's arm between his fingers, watching Y/N sleeping in his bed.
“That’s what I told powder puff when he asked about midtown and you know the kicker, I meant it. I never mean to hurt anyone that doesn’t deserve it but shit happens, that’s life. I was the guy who stepped up and did what was needed, like a real man does.
Vought should’ve let me choose my own team. Fucking Payback..bunch of no-talent, second-rate wannabe hacks! Couldn’t even hit a fucking mark on the first let alone the tenth take and if it wasn’t for me, they'd been farmed out to some bumfuck city..fucking ingrates,” chugging another third.
“When they turned on me, all of them put together still couldn’t take me out, needed some fucking Commie nerve gas, and know what’s ironic, I wanted out, but they couldn’t let me graciously bow out, settle down and have a family, had to have a big, theatrical shitshow with me going out in a blaze of glory, turn me a fucking martyr.”
Fucking Vought. 
“Don’t get me wrong, it was great at first; all the booze, broads, and bennies I wanted. Then after the war came the fucking acclamations,” he paused remembering, “yeah, it was great.  Then a couple of decades go by I began wishing I’d actually done those things my bio says,” takes a swig, “Omaha beach, killing Nazis by the dozen, being a real hero not used as a fucking prop, a pretty face to slap on their fucking propaganda and those stupid movies,” draining the bottle drops it. 
“You think I wanted to make that cheesy calypso album in ‘57? Always wondered if I had strangled Legend, would it have got me outta it? Hell, I could’ve been the next Jerry Lee but noo, had to do what I was ordered because of my fucking contract.”
Getting up he staggers to a dresser where lying on top are a handful of files dating from 1965-1985.
“The evidence is right here,” he taps the files, “what’s happened between us since I walked through your front door..all your goddamn fault for hiding the truth!”
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*Transcripted from damaged video/audio recording: Vought R&D (11/d/1978) archived (05/27/85)
-Research assistant is scribbling notes when Vogelbaum joins them outside testing lab#4 viewing window.
-The subject is face-up on padded table, strapped down with the strongest restraints after destroying the original ones, somehow still twisting around in them. 
-The subject's naked skin is splotchy and covered in sweat mixing with what written file states is vaginal fluids they are currently profusely excreting.
-Research assistant to Vogelbaum.
“The subject's fecundity schedule has been consistent, and, in this cycle, vials have stayed stable the last four days, a vast improvement since its initial induction.”
-Research assistant flipped some paperwork, “however, other tests still suggest waiting a minimum of three years for the subject to be physically mature enough for maximum yield.”
-Vogelbaum is nodding.
“I’ve been advised by Stan Edgar the upper echelons are deliberating a change of circumstance for Soldier Boy due to the uptick in his recent antics and we should consider developing alternative plans if they come to fruition.”
-Research assistant.
“Dr. Steptoe and Edwards have contacted us concerning our interest in their research and they have a test case that's looking very promising.” Researcher informs Vogelbaum, making him smile.
“Excellent. Continue monitoring the subject's vitals and as long as they remain stable, hold off giving the correctives, let’s see how long this estrus lasts.”
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SPN TAGS: @donnaintx @lyarr24 @flamencodiva @b3autyfuldisast3r @lassie-bird @nancymcl @spnbaby-67 @leigh70
Dean/Jensen: @thoughts-and-funnies @stoneyggirl2 @akshi8278 @beabutterfly987 @smoothdogsgirl @siospins2
Soldier Boy: @charred-angelwings @spnwoman @impalaspixie @globetrotter28 @let-me-luve-you
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brokenfoxproductions · 10 months
This is my
Ultimate Scooby-Doo Marathon*
*these are only what I currently have on DVD because I don't have WiFi. I watch this when I'm sad, start to.... Whenever I decide to stop. I'm doing this today and probably tomorrow lol
Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island (my favorite tbh)
Scooby-Doo and the Witch's Ghost (close second. The hex girls made me queer and pagan as a kid.)
Scooby-Doo and the Alien Invaders (Shaggy X Crystal forever)
Scooby-Doo and the Loch Ness Monster (so much fun, I love Del)
Scooby-Doo and the Monster of Mexico (culturally inaccurate and a little bit racist but Charlene is a great realistic villain)
Scooby-Doo and the Legend of the Vampire (the Hex girls AND glam rock Velma? My heart!)
Scooby-Doo Pirates Ahoy (so much fun, I love Chip)
Scooby-Doo Camp Scare (hilarious and Mark Hamill returning as a VO was awesome)
Scooby-Doo 2 live action (I put it first because I believe in the prequel theory. Plus, Linda Cardelini and Seth Green have great chemistry)
Scooby-Doo 1 live action ("My name is Mary-Jane." "That's like, my FAVORITE name!" 🥰)
Scooby-Doo's Greatest Mysteries (1960s-70s first series episode collection) (a nice calm break after the live action movies and it provides context for the next one)
Scooby-Doo Franken Creepy (all the greatest mysteries villains return!)
Scoob! (A wholesome, chill, but underwhelming CG tale about friendship before shit gets weirder)
Scooby-Doo Music of the Vampire (so cheesy wtf)
Scooby-Doo and the Curse of the 13th Ghost (would be better if I had a compilation DVD of the 13 ghosts of Scooby-Doo, and I'm working on that.)
Scooby-Doo Return to Zombie Island (please don't pretend this is canon. But it's fun for my kids and Matthew Lillard is great.)
Scooby-Doo Moon Monster Madness (I..... Don't know. I wouldn't have this one if it wasn't on the same disk as two of the others. It's.... Legally a Scooby-Doo film.)
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frydawolff · 10 months
The 10 companies facing a possible strike are: Activision Productions Inc., Blindlight LLC, Disney Character Voices Inc., Electronic Arts Productions Inc., Epic Games, Inc., Formosa Interactive LLC, Insomniac Games Inc., Take 2 Productions Inc., VoiceWorks Productions Inc., and WB Games Inc. “Work under the video game contract “includes a great deal of ‘performance capture,’ where trained professionals, many of whom are stunt performers, provide digitally captured performances used to give expressive movement to video game characters,” the guild said. “Unregulated use of AI poses an enormous threat to these artists’ professions.” The union is fighting for protective language in the contract that will require informed consent and appropriate payment for the creation and use of digital replicas and for training AI systems with our members’ performances.”
Unavoidable when I'm sure studios would love to pay minimal reuse fees via AI. VO's not gonna be a viable job in about a minute.
Spent last night with a crew of AI devs. The c-suite went on about how soon all film and TV scripts will be written by AI to appease the bottom line. He asked if I've seen Barbenheimer, I said no, "I just signed up for Criterion Channel and stopped watching all new streaming shows and movies."
He got stuck and didn't have a response for somebody making it a point to consume legacy human entertainment, presented in curated collections managed by humans.
The immediate future is bleak in a way I don't think anybody is really prepared for.
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thelaurenshippen · 8 months
Finally listed to Rebel Robin (the Audio show, not the book) and honestly it was not what I was expecting, I guess more in-line with the actual Stranger Things tv show. But of course that wouldn’t make sense.
Anyways, when listening to it I honestly find it really poetic, I don’t know if the subjects it tackles relates to the current climate but I find it now more important than ever.
One question I have is how do you direct Actors (those who act on screen or a visual medium) to perform for audio?
(the SAG strike is over!! while podcasts were never struck work, bc Surviving Hawkins is a Netflix/Stranger Things show, I was considering anything related to it to be struck, so haven't wanted to post or promote it in any way! but we're finally done!)
I'm really glad you listened to the show and that it surprised you and felt relevant - it was a careful balance of making the show feel like it fits into the ST universe while also understanding that it takes place well before Robin knows anything about the Upside Down, so the story is going to be very different from any other ST story.
in terms of directing screen actors in audio...so many of the principles are the same! most of the actors I work with are TV/film actors not voiceover artists (though of course screen actors do VO and VO actors do screen, there are differences when it comes to those career paths).
(this got so long, putting it under the cut)
the thing that is hardest about screen acting in my opinion is the fact that you have to hold a million details/tasks in your head at once while also acting. stage acting is similar - you have to remember your blocking, make sure to project and be turned out to the audience, etc., but usually when you're acting on stage, you're doing the same show over and over again. for film - and especially TV - actors every day brings new scenes, new blocking, new physical actions. you have to hit your mark exactly, make sure you're in your light, find your eyeline, work with props, and memorize lines that you've sometimes been given that day. and then you have to make sure to give an emotional performance on top of that.
plus, in a show like ST, you're often interacting with things that are not there (every time I watch the demobat fight in the most recent season I'm so curious how they did it/what was providing the tension for them to pull on the bats, hit them, etc.). a lot of the actors I work with come from genre stuff, where a lot of their work is imagining that the green box they're in is actually a spaceship and the green stick they're holding is actually a magical staff or whatever. which adds another layer to the work.
which is all to say--audio is the opposite of that. you don't memorize your lines, you just have to make sure you're speaking into the mic, and that's it. but you also are only using your imagination to conjure up the setting and the actions your character is taking. so a lot of my work as a director is making sure the actors feel free to experiment, make mistakes, and be physical, even if we can't see it. oftentimes, a screen actor will come into a recording feeling like they have to do a particular thing, treat voiceover differently. my job is often just to remind them to treat it like anything else.
pretty much every actor I've ever worked with has commented on just how fun it is to focus on only the acting and nothing else. there's of course so much fun to be had running around and fighting monsters, but I find that voice acting provides a nice bit of variety. with Maya - and with the nature of the SH scripts - it was just about creating an atmosphere that felt conducive to natural conversation. because of ST filming scheduling, we actually didn't get to record her and Sean together at all, which was a bummer, but we still had someone reading the other characters' lines so it would feel like two people having a conversation.
in terms of specific direction, I'm usually focused on finding different shades of emotion from take to take - let's do this one angrier, let's do this one where you're scared and trying not to show it, etc. the only time I ever really have to voice direct is if something is getting mumbled or mispronounced or if I need something physical - the character running, smiling, etc. in those instances, I'll just tell the actor exactly what I need and we'll just pick up that individual line.
I hope this answers your question! especially since I wrote such a massive answer, lol. but the long and short of it is that directing is the same across mediums in many ways: you're focused on story, emotion, and chemistry and the lovely thing about podcasts is that you get to focus on those things and those things alone.
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chalkrevelations · 2 years
So, I’ve mentioned this in tags before, but I feel the need to pull it out into an actual post:
I watch the sex scene between Pai and Sky in Ep 11 of LITA, and I’m staggered by the fact that Peat was older, when this scene was filmed, than Bible was when the Vegaspete sex scene in Ep 12 of KP was filmed.
According to my calculations, Peat was 25 at the time his scene was filmed, while Bible was 24 when his scene was filmed. And I’m just ... flabbergasted. From both directions. Because Peat is playing - convincingly - so much younger than his actual age, not only chronologically but also emotionally, as a character in a relationship where he finally can let go of some of the survival behaviors that have been masking the way his emotional development was stunted by trauma. And meanwhile Bible is playing a character who’s had to grow up too fast, has likely been overly parentalized where Macau is concerned (although that particular aspect is only a drop in the bucket of his trauma), and has only just had a small taste of being able to let that guard down before he’s back in a position where he has to take care of Pete through this new minefield (which he manages to do in Ep 12 but - as we see in Ep 13 - can’t maintain, yet, in the aftermath). The comparison just really hits me (and makes me wonder how much of it is supported by KP being clearly approached as an adult undertaking, in which the actors were expected to act like adults, and it was expected to be marketed to and appeal to adults, in contrast to the tropes of so much of the rest of Thai bl).
And another thing that strikes me, re-watching the LITA Ep 11 scene with Pai and Sky, is HOW MUCH of Peat’s acting younger in this scene is dependent on his voicework. Sky is undeniably - and once again - the more aggressive one in the encounter - but that’s undercut A LOT when you hear his voice, both his actual voice as he talks to Pai, and his inner voice in the VO. Watch it with the sound turned off, and just from body language and physical interaction, Sky doesn’t seem as young or uncertain. Which makes me think - until Sky talks to Pai, and until Pai is able to start hearing verbal and tonal cues, understanding and dealing with Sky is likely to be a very different experience. Which may be part of the difference in Pai’s approach and reaction to their initial sexual encounter (when Sky’s verbalizations are limited and his speech patterns are clipped) and the intimacy in Ep 11.
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colleyuriko · 7 months
Tanz der Vampire, Hamburg, 21.12.23, 19:30
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Graf von Krolock - Rob Fowler
Professor Abronsius - Till Jochheim
Alfred - Vincent Van Gorp
Chagal - Oleg Krasovitskii
Herbert - Jonas Steppe
Koukol - Alexander Ruttig
Sarah - Sandra Bitterli
Magda - Anja Backus
Rebecca - Carina Nopp
Tanzsolisten: Paolo Valenti / Andrea Giola / Kezia Coulson
Gesangssolisten: Lorenzo Di Girolamo / Simon Loughton
Ensemble: Jessie Vos, Frederik Stuhllemmer, Keny Oslen, Ian Vrolijk, Artem Salastelnyk, Demi Hubers, Nicole Klünsner, Rachel Bahler, Anne Hoth, Carina Fitzi, Chloe Lee Hill, Alice Giammerioli, Ginevra Serra Cassano
Orchester: Stage Operettenhaus, Dirigent: Martin Gallery
I had such a good time. I'm dumping my thoughts behind the readmore.
Everyone was fantastic, I was really curious to hear Rob Fowler as the new von Krolock and Anja Backus as Magda live especially.
The stage in Hamburg appeared a bit narrow compared to what I've seen online from other shows, I was a bit nervous with all the capes flying around during Rote Stiefel. During Einladung zum Ball Krolock's cape caught on the door to Alfred and Abronsius' room, but it was a quick fix with a tug lol.
I was actually really amazed Sarah took Krolock's hand towards the end of Einladung zum Ball and started to rise out of the bath. And during Totale Finsternis she went in for a kiss (that didn't happen) but holy shit, this Sarah was on it.
I really enjoyed Alfred, but it only just hit me how jarring it is to have Für Sarah right before Die Gruft. One song is about how brave he'll be, but the other how he's scared. Sure you can play it off as funny and ironic, but it tripped me up a bit this time round. It was so charming to hear Für Sarah live. And bless Vincent Van Gorp for having to crawl back on stage again during Tanzsaal to grab Abronsius' helmet he needs for the quick change.
I was trying to keep my eyes on 5 different characters during Tanzsaal, I think I missed Herbert doing something to the Vampire in the blue wig's sleeves. >.< I enjoyed this Herbert. I was a bit nervous because my mother was with me and I don't quite know her opinions, but imo this Herbert was not as giggly as some I had seen in recordings and so Wenn Liebe In Dir Ist seemed less as a joke. I know we as a fandom love Herbert and you may have a different opinion, but the whole 'make the bite attempt look like SA' as the punchline of the scene and whatever Chagal and Magda have going on are the things I warn people about when I recommend the musical.
I also liked this less screechy Abronsius. I thought the sound system could have done his fast songs more justice and it's a shame that this version of the musical doesn't have Abronsius call for Alfred at the very end any more. I love the Finale, but it kicked in so suddenly I missed some of the callback to the beginning of the musical and the tragedy of it a bit.
My mother had clocked that Sarah's family was Jewish with the Menorah during Das Gebet but she asked me if it was a recent addition. I was glad I had looked into it once. As far as I understand it, Roman Polanski (who is Jewish, that's the only thing I am focusing on here) had written 'Fearless Vampire Killers' to get back at Vampire Stories being based on antisemitic stereotypes. The Satire being that Chagal was actually Jewish this time. You want a Jewish Vampire? You're getting one, that kind of attitude. I read that the film was even supposed to have a scene in it where Chagal couldn't have his coffin in the graveyard with the other vampires because he was Jewish. Even as a Vampire he would still face antisemitism, to hold a mirror up to the vampire genre, but this was deemed too controversial by the the editors or someone and it was cut out of the film (which I have never watched, btw. Didn't really want to give Polanski more of my time than I had to, because of the Reasons). So my theory is that Magda and Chagal get pushed into the crypt in a wooden box as an allusion to this cut scene. But yes, in short, the Chagal family have always been Jewish. Whether or not Tanz der Vampire succeeds in being satirical or not I cannot judge for sure. (I had the compulsion to look all of this up because Chagal singing about it's totally OK sucking other people's blood worried me... I wanted to know what place this was coming from)
I was happy that Magda and Chagal got to sing some of the "Was ist dabei..." at the end if Geil Zu Sein ist Komisch outside of the coffin as well. It gave the performers a bit more time visible on stage.
One thing I thought was a bit of a shame was that the mirrors for Wenn Liebe in Dir Ist were rather narrow and in parts obscured by a column so that it was really hard to notice the dance double playing the reflection. We were also sat right in the middle of a row looking straight ahead to the stage. I don't think my mother noticed the dance doubles in Tanzsaal, either. I knew to look out for them, but it wasn't easy to see from the middle.
Sitting right at the back we also got the full blast of the flash lighting that happened during Einladung zum Ball, Carpe Noctem, and the second Finale. It was really unpleasant. If you are light sensitive, I'm afraid this would ruin your visit to the show. I don't know how it is in other areas of seating, but it's worth asking about if you ever do want to see it and are photosensitive in any way.
I had briefed my mother beforehand that the melody she was going to hear was Total Eclipse of the Heart because I didn't want her to be thinking and wondering where she had heard it before and be distracted from taking in the show or nudging me to say what the song is.
EDIT: I just remembered, the switch from Sarah to dance double Sarah in Rote Stiefel in this Hamburg production is a magic trick. All of a sudden there were two Sarahs and I don't even know where she came from. Super cool.
I think I mentioned everything I wanted to dump down soon after seeing it.
Oh wait, I am so glad I got to see Carpe Noctem live. Black Vampire my beloved. Grateful the dancers seem to be able to freestyle to some degree. Andrea Giola didn't do that jump where Black Vampire does the splits in mid air, and I'm grateful because otherwise my mother might have brought up when I used to do gymnastics XD
Made a shirt for going, btw. Didn't quite finish, but it was wearable ^^;;
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Actually, I'm just going to add this thought here too while I'm at it: I'm just so enamoured by the fact that not all performers in a musical are native speakers and will learn the songs for their role in a language that is not necessarily known to them. When I was little, I was told if I want to do anything with languages I should become a translator and my mother kept talking about politics, being an ambassador, etc. But even now I never felt that kind of job is me. I'm not saying a musical performer's job is easy, it's very demanding and takes incredible dedication, but I'm a bit sad no one ever highlighted the language aspect to me. When Drew Sarich mentions in interviews he was sent to Germany with nothing but a lead role and a language coach and now I feel like his German sounds cleaner than mine, or Ivan Ozoghin says he only had two weeks to learn the German versions for Krolock, I'm still so impressed even though I will also learn Japanese songs I like by heart like the little weeb I am. What I am trying to say is: the arts also have space and reasons to learn another language, the musical industry is more international than I had ever thought it was, and there is more to "I want to do something with languages when I grow up" than being corporate. I now have a 9-5 office job that has nothing to do with languages, but sometimes I do wonder what turns my life could have had if my parents didn't have this vision of me in a business suit.
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