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mitjalovse · 1 year ago
A lot of debuts by those who still have their careers did show an early fortitude they strengthened later on. I return to dance music again to give you an example of Paul Van Dyk's debut. One thing that still surprises me on that one might be the fact the pieces sounds indebted to the early 90's, yet I notice his methodology already. One can say that he progressed with technology, yet most of his marks were already set on his debut. However, we should not hold that against him – most of his characteristics cannot be located on the records of any of his peers. He has a certain classicism that doesn't fall out of fashion and a part of me wishes Paul Van Dyk would try to work in another genre, since I believe he would be able to make that work.
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mo-ok · 4 hours ago
Dw i looked it up his name is Patrol Gattai VooV Guardian Robot
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hello who is this big fella right here bc he is very very cute
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layskettlecookedchips · 5 months ago
miya osamu x reader
'The library’s pretty empty save for you and me and OH that couple making out loudly in the shelves somewhere'
hii guys, this is my first post! i also haven't written in awhile so there's that but i got inspired to write this one for my bb, osamu <33
warnings: none!
fluff, strangers to lovers, reader has crush (read: voov has crush) on osamu, hopeless romantic type beat
hope you guys enjoy! any feedback is much appreciated :-)
xoxo, voov (´⌣`ʃƪ)
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If Miya Osamu could have any wish granted at the moment, it'd be having never agreed to tutor his dunce of a brother, Atsumu. It was already embarrassing enough having Atsumu make a grand (and might he add very loud) entrance, scaring the poor librarian at the counter, but this takes the cake. While Osamu's head is buried in his history textbook, his poor attempt at covering how bright red he was turning, Atsumu's head was buried in his classmate's face, tongues interlocked with such intensity you'd think he had come back from war. 
Osamu cleared his throat, a futile attempt to capture the box blonde's attention. It was late, thank God Osamu thinks, at least the coast is clear save for the poor girl at the front desk. He starts packing up his things. No way Atsumu was going back to studying and no chance in hell was Osamu waiting for him either. Grabbing his backpack, Osamu heads for the front but stops right by the front desk.
The time read 12:13am. The library had closed 13 minutes ago. You had everything set up, right on time too! All you had to do now was walk around to look for any lingering patrons and lock up. Easy as pie, except right as you neared the corner to the table where the last guest was sitting, you heard familiar, wet noises coming from behind the bookshelves. With a slight jolt and a small yelp, you ran back to the front desk, hoping the ever-so-lovely couple didn't hear your hurried footsteps. Taking a deep breath in, you let out a sigh. Library rules kept you from leaving until the last patron leaves so you got out your book. Might as well catch up on where you last left off while you wait. Before long, you're pulled into the fantasy world of storytelling, not noticing a flushed Osamu approaching your desk.
You were no stranger to the Miya twins. You don't think anyone could be with the way they carried themselves across campus. Atsumu, bubbly and confident although sometimes it borders on arrogant, was your seatmate in your shared history class. You knew much more about him than you would have preferred (Atsumu's quite the yapper, you quickly find out) but he grew on you as the semester passed by. However, as much as you knew about Atsumu, you also knew about his twin brother. Sprinkled between Atsumu talking about the newest "love of his life, for real this time!" and the hilarious stories from volleyball practice are stories from his childhood, most of which involved getting into some sort of fight with Osamu... You knew Atsumu would never admit it but he really did look up to his brother and you could tell from the tenderness in his face and the light in his eyes that he gets recalling how one time they got into a fight over who got the last onigiri that their Mom had made for them. (The story ends with Atsumu stealing it and Osamu beating him up, as do most of his stories.)
From what you gather, Miya Osamu was kind yet stern. Always keeping to himself but making sure his loved ones were taken care of, whether through a home cooked meal or a quick message ensuring their return home was safe and sound. Hardworking and always striving to do his best, Osamu was someone you admire. You found yourself dreaming about Osamu more often than not despite never meeting the twin yourself. The stories Atsumu told were enough to light a fire in your hopeless romantic heart but of course, it was just a silly little crush. Nothing more, nothing less. That is until you were face-to-face with the silver-haired twin, your face now flushed for an entirely different reason.
It's not uncommon you'll find Osamu apologizing for his twin brother. He clears his throat, ears dusted with a faint pink hue, 
"Hi there, I just wanted to apologize for my brother. He tends to get carried away quite easily..", Osamu trails off as he looks up to make eye contact with you. 
Maybe it was the creeping exhaustion or the way the moonlight came through the windows but in front of him was a view that took his breath away. There you sat, a rosy hue across your cheeks (presumably from how his company was increasing in volume..) with your head deep into a book, trying to do everything but pay any attention to the awkward situation you were in.
"O-oh, it's no big deal! Um, this happens more often than you'd think, really..", You let out a breathy laugh, embarrassment leaking out of your pores. 
Sure, Atsumu was quite the sight for sore eyes so you knew his twin would be of similar caliber but the sight of Osamu in front of you was enough to stun you into silence. Maybe it's the stories Atsumu would recount or your silly daydreams that would preoccupy you on the slower days at the library but your heart skipped a beat at the sight of a flustered Osamu. The moonlight did him nothing but favors as it hits his grey hair, highlighting the specks of silver from years of toning. Atsumu's stories fill your mind as you look up at his twin. In front of you stood the man that had been plaguing your mind and all you could do was stare. (Not a hard thing to do considering the way his compression shirt was fitting just right tonight..)
"I hope you have a great rest of your night..." Osamu trails off again before catching sight of your nametag, "..Y/N. What a cute name."
Osamu bows as he takes his leave, not before giving you a smile sweet enough to make your knees weak. The noises from the back are interrupted with the incessant ringing of Atsumu's cell phone. "If you don't hurry up and finish sucking face, I'm leaving your dumbass here and making you walk home." Osamu hangs up and waves bye to you before walking out the door with a hurried Atsumu (and his company) right behind. 
Nights at the library were usually slow, with patrons trailing in and out and the occasional question to look up specific books. There wasn't much to expect which is why you took the job offer in the first place. You enjoy the peace and quiet but tonight, as the moonlight follows the twins out the sliding entrance doors, you were a little more than happy to deal with some noise. 
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theworldvsyoshiko · 2 months ago
So, the thing I've been posting screenshots from for a while now: Now that I have a stable mod list and stuff, I wanted to go back and do a 13-year-old mechanitor start, going to the Archonexus victory. Aka the thing I kinda tried to do with Yoshiko before my mod list imploded. Tonight I finally finished, so here's some stuff.
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This is Camilla 'Suski' Hooper (more on the surname later.) She's inhuman and unaging at this point, so she only looks 20, but she's been on this planet 16 years now, and she was 13 when she arrived, so you do the math. After a decade and a half of putting up with this bullshit, she's pretty good at basically everything:
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Between using the Big and Small mods and never having to scrap her save, she's also had lots of opportunities to genetically modify herself from her Baseliner start. Her genetic complexity is 93, and I think 100 is the game's limit. This is what her genome looks like right now:
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Her custom catgirl xenotype is, of course, named
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She was also a centaur for a few years, but she's over that now. It was just a phase.
If you remember that trick Mephizel had that allowed her to turn into a giant extra-demonic version of herself, Suski has one of those too. Hers is angelic though, so:
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Vara included for scale. Vara is a normal-sized person. Due to the way the power works, Suski is fucking massive when she uses it. If she isn't bigger than Damage was, then they're both at the cap.
For those keeping track, this of course means that she's a giant psychic cyborg vampire catgirl angel. I feel like I might be forgetting something.
Suski has two other things going for her that Yoshiko didn't get. Number one: she's gotten laid so much:
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Her ideology has random name inheritance when two pawns get married, and as it turned out, she was the one to inherit the other person's name pretty much every single time. Other surnames she's had include: Tan, Voov, Gutzgun, Macaulay, and Steiner. At this point I'm not even sure what her original surname was. I think it was Macaulay.
If you're paying attention, you might have noticed that two of her partners are also named Camilla. They were obelisk clones of her. The first colony had the cloning obelisk, and she got really lucky with it. There were like 5 copies of her running around, and they all had great compatibility with each other. They were a polycule. At one point almost every bed in the colony was in a single giant bedroom, because they were all in an interconnected web of romances.
The other advantage she has is a legendary assault rifle, which she named after herself:
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If you're like 'wow, Hostility of Suski is actually kind of a fitting name for her personal firearm' then don't worry, she gave it an unrelated engraving.
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I'm not counting this as an advantage, but she also got a lot of mileage out of the fact that I'm a lot more familiar with psycasts now. I only really used one or two on Yoshiko. Suski will turn herself invisible, teleport herself into the middle of a pack of enemies, make one go berserk, summon up a lightning storm over them, enrage the nearby wildlife, and then run away unnoticed. She's a fucking evil sorceress.
The Archonexus, on the other hand, is... kinda boring, as predicted. Playing three consecutive colonies to high wealth is definitely more fun than playing a single colony for the same amount of time, but once you have a ridiculously competent person or two to bring along, it trivializes the first half of each colony. Plus, Suski's personal value is $43,000, which is a hell of a head start toward the required wealth mark.
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carlostck · 4 months ago
@garmaballs @cable-salamdr
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when life gets you down, remember you can draw lego ninjago characters as little sonic guys
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honeybunniesofoats · 4 months ago
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hebrewbyinbal · 3 months ago
Love these Dreidel treats by @erin.eats.mtl 🕎
Dreidel is /se-vee-'von/ סביבון in Hebrew
Turning or spinning is /see-'voov/ סיבוב
So you can see where the dreidel gets its name from.
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kalansonkauaikusu · 1 year ago
vooov voov cekiliin yooldaan vahsi batiidan geeliyoorlar amerikaliilaar eskidii bunlar Turkish koovbooylaaar
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getting up in arms about someone's french pronunciation is stupid but I just watched a video where a woman pronounced veuve "voove" about 35 times and it was a lot
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aestheticauniversalis · 2 months ago
The First
International Online
Theoretical Conference 
on Philosophy of Aesthetic Consciousness
The First
International Online
Theoretical Conference 
on Philosophy of Aesthetic Consciousness
The Call for Papers
   In 1974 George Dickie published his Art and the Aesthetic: An Institutional Analysis, one of the most effective studies in contemporary aesthetics. The effects of this book were really tremendous and used to be involved in all segments of the aesthetic field both in the theoretical and in the practical mode. The last, practical, and even art-market one sometimes seemed to be dominating and covering the very deep and really fundamental philosophical ground of this theory leading to ontology of human consciousness and logic of family resemblances. In 2018 AU started from publishing of the translation of the key fragments of this great book according to the personal permission made with his own letter by the Author to AU Editor-in-Chief Sergey Dzikevich. In 2025 the full text of translation comes into academic circulation (Moscow, Prospekt Publishers).
   These circumstances made the AU International Editorial Board as a sign of gratefulness to the book that turned to be the theoretical fundament of all activity of the journal to initiate The International Online
Theoretical Conference on Philosophy of Aesthetic Consciousness that is to stress the world aesthetic community intentions on the ontological and epistemological nature of aesthetic judgements as well as processes of their circulation in society. The Conference will be held by the journal once in every two years since September of 2025 with publication of its Proceedings in AU special issues in English and Russian languages. 
   The AU Editorial Board is waiting for your papers to The First International Online Theoretical Conference on Philosophy of Aesthetic Consciousness THE INSTITUTIONAL THEORY OF ART AND THE AESTHETICAS A FORM OF AESTHETIC CONSCIOUSNESS (September, 25, 2025, 10.00-17.00 Moscow Standard Time) till September, 1, 2025 on [email protected] according the following thematic panels:
1. Consciousness and aesthetic consciousness.
2. Aesthetic judgements and aesthetic conventions.
3. How aesthetic conventions are turning institutionalized.
4. In the foggy sea: intellectual experiments in contemporary art making.
5.The aesthetic and the logic: corelation between contemporary art practices and contemporary theories of mind. 
    Your paper must be in English (translation will be made by AU), not longer than 10 pages, other conditions are described at http://aestheticauniversalis.ru/en/for-authors/conditions/
     We will give you the answer on inclusion to the schedule to September, 15, 2025.
      The online parameters of the Conference:
VooV Meeting
The 1st Int'l Online Theoretical Conference on Aesthetic Consciousness
Time: 2025/09/25 10:00-17:00 (GMT+03:00) Moscow Standard Time 
Click the link to join the meeting or to add it to your meeting list:
                                            The best regards,
                                             Sergey Dzikevich,
                                              AU Editor-in-Chief
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lazycat42 · 1 year ago
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eclectic-insights · 1 year ago
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Link in my bio 🤯 Should Vanguard S&P 500 Value ETF (VOOV) Be on Your Investing Radar? http://dlvr.it/T21pgh
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we-tokyoboy · 1 year ago
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tachvintlogic · 2 years ago
The human just stared at them. "Is that weird?"
"Of course it's weird! Having that much liquid covering the surface is absurd."
"No?" said another alien nicknamed Shrimp. Like the human, they were wearing an environmental protective suit as the ship was calibrated for Furgilian atmospheric conditions. "That's not weird, my planet is 95% water. What's your planet covered in?"
"Methane, but not nearly that much. It's only 10% covered, and if I remember correctly my planet is a bit bigger than both of yours from your gravity requirements."
"Oh, that's explains why it's so cold outside the suit," said the human.
"Were you not wearing the suit at some point!?" exclaimed Shrimp.
"No, I would die if I did. I'm like 60% water. I would freeze instantly."
Voov looked between the two of them, suddenly feeling the odd man out. "How do your planets have so much water?"
"I think ours are closer to our stars."
"Yeah," said the human, "the water came from comets in the outer solar system. The water helped keep the temperature range of the planet stable between night and day."
"Wait," said Voov, "you get most of your heat from your star? Not from thermal activity underground?"
"Exactly," said Shrimp, "most planets I've been to get a majority of their energy from the star."
"Huh," said Voov. So they're the weird one this time.
“You humans sure have a strange sense of humor. Sure, your planet totally has huge bodies of water that cover most of the surface. As if something so scarce would just be found falling from the sky. I guess when we reach your home world tomorrow you can show us all these fantasies in person!”
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linguistlist-blog · 2 years ago
Second International Conference on Discourse Pragmatics
Call for Papers: Conference host Zhejiang International Studies University (ZISU) Conference organizers School of English Studies, ZISU Institute of Discourse Pragmatics, ZISU Conference co-organizers Journal of Zhejiang International Studies University Springer John Benjamins Dates and venue Dates: October 20-22, 2023 Venue: Tencent/VooV Meeting (online) Registration fees Free of charge Conference language English Conference theme Discourse Pragmatics: Current Topics and Future Trends K http://dlvr.it/Sqb2Hz
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i-dont-want-your-hysteria · 5 years ago
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