#voltron is toxic
duckprintspress · 6 months
So this poll from @pollsnatural asked if Supernatural was the most toxic fandom people have been in, and the vast majority of folks said no, so now - based on some fandoms in the replies of that post - I'm curious...
Runners up from the linked poll include Teen Wolf, MCU, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Once Upon a Time, sports RPF, Minecraft YouTube, Dragon Age, Mo Dao Zu Shi, One Direction, a bunch of others, and a few abbreviations I'm not familiar with lmao.
I'm guessing "other" will win this poll - tell me which in the tags! I'm curious if there's any Really Big One I should have included (probably MCU...it was hard to juggle "size/popularity of fandom" with "relative toxicity" like if a fandom is huge it's usually just more toxic in general cause there are the same number of weirdos per capita but way more people overall, ya know?)
anyway. yes. poll. do the thing.
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kathrahender · 22 days
Is it just me or the fandom of animes/shows/movies are too damn toxic nowadays?
Like seriously GROW UP ALREADY, and for the love of God, GO ON with your life. If people don't like the canon/fanon ships or the characters you like, just ignore them or block them and enjoy the things you like instead of harassing or sending death threats to other people. If you do that and the other doesn't, you're only proving who's the real morally superior person here. (Hint: if you're the one harassing them, you're not the morally superior person)
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bluemantics · 2 months
Toxic yaoi is OUT! Wholesome, uplifting yaoi is IN! The world is suffering, let me see lovers with hands gently intertwined, making mistakes but determined to learn how to love someone beautiful. Two people who return to their homes after difficult days and find solace in the presence of their partner. Heated fights that end in reverent apologies, kisses to knuckles, slow-falling tears that weave over bruised skin.
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triona-tribblescore · 11 months
NO WAY A FELLO VOLTRON FAN!!! What is your opinion on... Klance?
-bite children
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AHHH VOLTRON MY BELOVED PAST~ loved that show so much oh my god. Lance walked so Leo could run. I love my two gay blue boys!! They even have similar arm markings TwT 🤍🤍🤍
The klance ship was my fav for sure but I wasn't as involved with the fandom as I would be with rise or anything. Just good memories watching it tbh :')))
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magnetformisfortune28 · 6 months
If I had a nickel for every time the dark-haired blue coded bisexual protagonist whose main conflict was not feeling special and worthy got forgotten about for an edgy gay boy with a magic pet I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
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Art credit to @polartss
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catgirl-catboy · 2 years
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watery-melon-baller · 3 months
the more research I do on fandom and shipping culture the more I realize it all comes back to fucking voltron. because of course it does.
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mymistakewriting · 3 months
Just a little PSA Reminder
Hi, I've noticed an influx of follwers lately (mostly thanks to my SalTommy dynamic headcanon posts, it seems, hello I hope you enjoy your stay on my blog!), and it's officially been long enough since the end of season that I feel comfortable in letting everyone know my stance on things. AKA things aren't calming down and I'm getting so tired.
As a reminder, I am a multishipper, just before anyone tries to step to me with anything. That's on my pinned post, I have been transparent about that since day one of this blog, long before I made that post.
So what I come to talk about is the... toxicity in some parts of the 911 fandom. It's making this fandom a place that I do not want to interact in, which sucks because I have some really fun things that I've been working hard on for months that I used to be excited to share - and I'm rethinking a good half of them because some fans can't act civilized.
So for anyone from the 911 fandom that is following more or who just so happens to stumble across my content, let me make my views VERY clear: I love Buddie. I love BuckTommy. I am here for the characters, for their development and for all of the stories that it's possible to tell through them. What I don't love is seeing people use Buddie as a jumping ground to threaten people, to harass them, and to spread false information about people who just want to enjoy a fan space and share work that they've put time and energy into.
I've been in a lot of toxic fandoms over the course of my life. And I really never thought 911 would be the most toxic one I'd be in.
I love these characters, I love their stories. And I appreciate the actors for all the love they put in. So I'll issue one warning: directed towards me or not, if I see threats or bullying or harassment? Not only am I good friends with my block button, I also will not hesitate to report your ass.
Most of us come to fandom to relax away from problems we're facing in real life. Making our safe space into a warzone is incredible cruel. And that doesn't even mention how people have been treating the actors and writers for the show itself.
I welcome any constructive conversation, always. And you're allowed to dislike a ship or character - but if you dislike it, block the tags and ignore it like a fucking adult, okay? You're not 4 years old anymore, please act like it. Because it's exhausting to wake up to another round of bullshit everyday.
And to any 911 fans that follow me: if you're part of the group that is acting so poorly? Unfollow me. Because if I look through your blogs later and find that sort of behavior, you've got reports and a block coming your way.
I'm just here to share headcanons and meta and write stupid little fics about characters that mean a lot to me. And I'll be damned if I let some bratty teenager fuck that up for me when I'm already struggling.
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robotsandramblings · 1 year
also goddamn... so much Voltron: Legendary Defender (the netflix adaptation) stuff in my drafts... even more in my likes...
actually makes me kinda sad. that show was a huge part of my life while it aired. i genuinely loved it so much at first. even to this day, i still consider Keith, Shiro, and Kolivan amongst my favourite characters. i still have many of my favourite scenes memorized. hell i even still have a few songs from the score in my music list!
the show and the characters had so much potential and they just destroyed it all. they "pulled a Game of Thrones" before Game of Thrones did!! (ie. they created such a negative response from fans that it completely erased the show from popular culture; nobody talks about either of these shows anymore, despite their intense popularity while they aired.) (obv GoT was way more widespread popular but you get my comparison.)
don't really miss the er fandom though lmao
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butt-puncher · 1 year
Still thinking abt the missed potential of keiths quintessence sensitivity. Like it rly was a missed opportunity for keith and allura to bond over it or have it come into play w the lore but its never addressed at all. We see it in action and no one says anything abt it
I dont remember keith and lotor interacting either and they rly should have being half galra and all, and also bc keith stole his girl gang
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I'd love to see Lotura get a happy ending.
Hi, anon--SAME. Although what if I told you...a version of one exists in old Voltron canon? In the DDP Comic of Voltron, called A Legend Forged, Lotor and team Voltron accidentally travel 1,200 years into the past and ally to defeat the evil regime run by Lotor's great-great (lots of greats) grandmother. In it, Lotor helps to save Allura from being corrupted by an evil magical entity, and his love for her helps to save the day and Voltron too!
I know it's not the same as the lotura setup in VLD, but it was fun to see Lotor ally with Team Voltron and have it all end well. Lots of snarky, sassy Lotor too. If you're still feeling down, maybe it could help!
Lotura fandom's also got some great art and fics that explore different AUs of what a happy ending could be. I hope exploring those can help as well.
Thanks for the note!
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slav-every-day · 3 months
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bluemantics · 2 months
“Love, please.” Allura pulled on a belt, ignoring her calls. “‘Llura.” She shoved her foot into a boot, snapping the buckles and then reaching for the next.
“Allura, at least look at me.” That, finally, made Allura spin on her heel to face Acxa, who was still dressed in her bedclothes. Her eyes were pleading, softer than Allura had ever seen outside of their bed.
“You don’t have to do this. All those years of fighting, of being stuck in that pod…” she trailed off helplessly, her hands balled tight at her sides. “We’re supposed to be done, okay? You’re supposed to be resting and everything is supposed to be—“
“Be what?” Allura demanded, now fully suited up. She reached for her last object, a light-bow, resting barely-used on the wall. “The universe won’t just stop suffering because the main war ended. We knew this would happen.”
Acxa's hands moved from being clenched at her sides to squeezing her arms, and she stared at Allura’s grip around her sleek white bow.
“Why can’t someone else handle it this time?” she tried again. “Why does it always need to be you?”
Allura paused, turning to stare at her lover with eyes as bright and as blue and as beautiful as Acxa had remembered from when they first met in battle, her pink marks flashing, her head lifted regally high, and oh.
“If I do not fight, then who will?” Allura said.
Acxa looked away from her, this woman and the laurel leaves that gleamed at her brow.
“I love you, but this is who I am,” the princess quietly explained, her hand coming to rest on Acxa's shoulder. Acxa turned away from her touch. The weight felt more like a false promise than an assurance.
“Just... go.”
Allura sighed, and after a brief moment’s hesitation, walked to the door and opened it to the moonlight beyond.
Acxa could only spare a single glance at her retreating back. She was haloed by the moon, her bow luminous, and Acxa simply could not hope to contain this wild thing she’d always been.
And why would she?
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chushanye · 7 months
ain't no way I'm seeing fresh and new Klance content in 2024. LEAVE ME ALONE FREDDIE MERCURY YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD
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amplexadversary · 6 months
Wow, I haven't gotten the urge to deliberately misconstrue the subject of a piece of fanart in a while.
Not with the intent to be malicious or anything like that, but to push my agenda of artificially inflating the relevance of something less popular, but much better written.
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snakemoose · 9 months
ok lets get this over with....
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