verrcter1 · 7 years
Skyhold, the pinnacle of society: at least that was how he saw it. The massive beast glided overhead, a loud braying echoed through the fortress as the flare flew right into the sky. He tosses the donkey from his maw just as he allowed himself to begin to plummet towards the ground. His wings tucked close to his body as he fell backwards, ember eyes focused on the traumatized animal with savage amusement. His prey had evaded him for the better part of the hour, and that wouldn’t go unpunished. Suddenly, Forst maw shot open: letting out a jet of flame to engulf the poor mammal just before he shoved his wings open. The slowed decent allowed the dragon to snatch the scorched donkey from the air and then skillfully flip onto his stomach; just in time to soar pass the battlements with admirable ease. This display was unnecessary, but if the Inquisitor’s dragon was one thing: it was prideful. Though, all of that fuss for a single donkey? That was a bit much, even for him.
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corrinlavellan · 7 years
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Lovely ladies
Volthen Lavellan @volthen
Corrin in,,,,fancy clothes??? its terrible 
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jnnyed-blog · 7 years
@volthen   //   sc.
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          ❝     i ain’t never trusted magic, inquisitor.  it doesn’t do nothin’ but cause trouble.     ❞
sessara could attempt to work alongside the mages, but the notion never came to fruition & she almost always felt a sense of dread in her belly when around them. 
          ❝     but i believe in what you’re doing.     ❞
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volthen · 6 years
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volthen · 7 years
a kiss for a half egg?
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volthen · 7 years
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volthen · 7 years
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volthen + detail
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volthen · 7 years
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“ i do not think there is any SHAME in not succeeding, but it would be wrong not to TRY. “
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volthen · 7 years
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volthen · 7 years
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working on those emoji requests !! who can recognize that gorgeous nose ??
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volthen · 7 years
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volthen is, in most instances, outwardly upbeat and caring. the inspiration for her character is someone who bears the weight of responsibility, and does not harden before it but grows softer. (that isnt to say that people that harden are bad or doing it wrong ! that is just not how volthen is)
but: this does not mean that she gets happier. under the weight of responsibility her existing conditions--anxiety and depression--get much harder to bear, much more present to her. she struggles with fears of inadequacy, that she may let her friends down and possibly be responsible for deaths all across thedas.
her feelings of not being good enough, of being unwanted, started when she was taken away from her birthclan and her parents. there they slumbered, ever present on dark nights when she took to the woods in solitude, and they developed until her unfortunate presence at the conclave. 
her depression tells her that she is not good enough, that she is worthless and weak, and that she will disappoint everyone as she has done before. every misstep hits her hard, every failing carves its way into her heart. 
sometimes she feels living itself is futile, and pointless, and she wishes for it to be over in any way possible. sometimes she sees the thoughts for what they are--not hers, but some intruder armed with a poison dagger to distort and corrupt her thoughts. but without discussing these thoughts, they fester--and rarely does she ever let on that anything of the sort is going on, one would have to look incredibly carefully to find the sadness in her. one would have to know her well to see it--some of her friends in the inner circle have perhaps noticed it by now, but most outsiders will be unaware. 
volthen has a lot of empathy and feels the pain of others, can sympathize, and it can be hard to ignore sometimes, and more so when she is inquisitor, because she feels responsible for the pain of others especially those under her watch. 
some signs of her depression on particularly bad days:
✦  not eating.  ✦  lethargy. ✦  constant sighing. ✦  wistfully looking over skyhold from the battlements, especially at night when most are asleep. ✦  headaches & migraines ✦  nightmares and difficulty sleeping. ✦  not engaging in the things she loves (singing, dancing, talking to her friends passionately about various subjects) ✦  her smile looking a little bit broken, as if the action hurts ✦  not responding, getting lost in thought during conversations and needing people to repeat what they said. ✦  (secretly, never mentioned: thoughts of death and suicide)
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volthen · 7 years
me: volthen is a natural blonde
you: why does she have black eyebrows
me: ....volthen is a natural blonde,,
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volthen · 7 years
i.      at first, after the war, the grass was too green and        the ground too soaked with loss, so she pulled a white        blanket over the world and then it was winter. 
ii.     there were more attempts. a little song hummed         in the quiet stillness, time passed among the trees.        but you can’t just take a blanket and make the world        alright, make the world forget. you cant fix it that way.        she knows this. but when? she asks the moon, but it        has no answers. when will this wound clot? she asks        the trees. and the wind, a repetitive drone: no answers,        no answers. 
iii.    and the song she sings: endure, endure, endure.                              not in the absence of violence,                                         but in the abundance of it.
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volthen · 7 years
reminder to please ask artists before you use their art for your graphics ! and credit the artists if they ask for it ! every artist views their art differently and while some may be fine with it others may not want their art being used. it can be very personal and also many artists sell their art, and dont want their stuff used !
#just saw a graphics post for a dragon age thing (not by an rp blog) thay uses art from an artist i know#and it is uncredited ! i know that artist has had many problems with people using their art without their permission#and i know their feelings on it bc art is hard for them. they have a medical disability that impares their ability to draw#but their art is fantastic and they love making it. they have been an artist for yearss#back when i was but a youngling i was looking up to their art#so please ask artists to use their art you never know what it means to them and if they will be upset/hurt !#art is not easy to do it takes time. years of practice for most of us#i was reading a thing about a concept artist that was talking payment and their employer was like ' im paying you this much to make art tha#takes 15 minutes?' and the response was 'you are paying me for the years of experience that made me able to draw this in 15 mins'#anyway. its the same as people using icons that you made or using your theme or any graphics you make#i dont see this as being a major problem in the rp community bc i see most of you credit artists when you use their art#but ! something to consider and be aware of !#like for me: please ask before you use my art because chances are if it isnt of volthen#i drew it as a gift for someone else !#you can also support artists by doing a quick check to see if the original post credited the artist in the tags or the caption#and not reblogging reposts or graphic posts that have used art without the artists permission!#i know its hard but it really does help the artist bc they are posting to share their art#with the hopes that people will like it and interact with them (much like the reason we make rp blogs).
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volthen · 7 years
beefcakequnari replied to your post “”
volthen: bonding time with flowers, bonding time with flowers !!
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