svyatoiy-arch · 3 years
❝   I DON’T WANT TO ASSUME ANYTHING  . . .   ❞      her voice trailed off,  an eyebrow cocked as poorly concealed amusement flashed across her features.     the sun was setting beyond the domes of the little palace,  &  with its retreat,  the facade of the sol koroleva slipped away.     [  one difficult to maintain in the king’s presence more than anyone else’s.     she was glad to be rid of it now,  even if it must be reclaimed come morning.  ]     try as she might,  alina could not relieve herself of the heavy weight of her responsibilities,  her grief,  her misdeeds  . . .     but turning a blind eye for a stolen moment or two was possible on her good days,  when the night’s return did not immediately summon her to the solitude of her chambers.
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❝   but i am assuming this means i won’t have to   fend off any wayward  &  misdirected proposals from you anymore?   ❞
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❊   starter for:   @volteney​​​​
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horrorlived · 3 years
@volteney​      :      short   starter.
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❝   i've   been   working   on   this   clay   harvester   for   several   years.   the   design   is   incredibly   special   to   me.   aside   from   prospective   investors   &   my   own   sister   ,   no   one   has   laid   eyes   on   my   notes   or   my   earlier   designs.   ❞   the   notebooks   in   his   hands   are   held   protectively   ,   as   if   all   the   riches   in   the   land   were   kept   within   those   scraps   of   scribbled   paper.   after   a   beat   ,   thomas   finds   himself   offering   the   notes   over   to   the   other   gentleman   ,   an   action   that   can   only   be   attributed   to   the   high   level   of   trust   he   must   have   for   the   other.   ❝   i   have   heard   of   your   work   &   i   must   ask   your   opinion.   i've   had   trouble   with   certain   parts   of   the   mechanism   ,   but   i   am   unsure   if   i   should   start   over   or   simply   remove   certain   parts   &   try   once   again.   your   opinion   would   be   most   appreciated.   ❞
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sommerfelds · 3 years
          shoshana’s fingers flex, sending a ripple through the waves lapping the shore before them.       more a tick  -  a channeling of energy  -  than anything else.  her gaze flickers to the other tidemaker, narrowing slightly.  if nikolai wants a favor, there could be any number of reasons why  ...  and she certainly isn’t   sold   on the idea.   (  not unlike her brother, he likes to cause trouble, and while she likes to make her own subtle mischief, it’s always on  her  terms.  )   ❛   what’s in it for me.   ❜       //       @volteney.  sc.
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kyberborne-a · 3 years
just love how nik and jyn are soulmates and friends and family and two halves of a whole idiot forever in any way or shape or form and any verse there could be <3 poetic cinema <3
UGH vic i literally adore their relationship so so much. they absolute ARE soulmates and they just click together so well regardless of the circumstance stances we throw them in which brings me an endless amount of joy! we could literally write them as bugs or something and it would still be brilliant and oscar worthy you can’t prove me wrong 
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korolteney · 3 years
the love train has left the station and it Is heading right towards you !! and your blog !! and even mister darkness himself !! tbh it amazes me how much love i can have for aleksander because your portrayal adds so much to him where the narrative lacks sometimes. i adore how much thought and care you put into writing a character like him without shying away from any of his parts while also making them work as a whole and fleshing him out. and i am so, so happy with what we have plotted between our muses, what we added to canon and what we explored away from it, and i can’t imagine writing with any other aleksander! i just love everything you do on here 🖤
beep beep how’s my portrayal ?
My lovely! Thank you so much for these kind words! I truly adore our plots and honestly, I have been able to develop mister drama-wears-black thanks to your helpful insight and amazing ideas about our characters! Thank you for choosing to write with me all this long-ass time!!!  🖤 🖤
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storyreels · 3 years
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                    ❝   there are many loves but only one war.   ❞   ━━   @volteney​
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it has been a difficult day to say the least   ,   a moment of weakness shining through as mako pulls in her knees close to her chest   ,   tears falling down her cheeks   ,   though she tries not to let it show   ,   tries to hide them despite nikolai sitting right beside her. there has only been one war   ━━   the same war that has ruled over her all her life   ,   &   it’s managed to swallow up every person she’s ever loved   ,   every person she’s gotten close to   ,   the waves of the water dragging them down to the depths with ever kaiju that emerges. sometimes she feels cursed   ,   as if she’s paying for the death of her parents   ,   which she feels partially to blame for. we never would have stayed in tokyo that long if not for me   ,   she thinks. if i hadn’t gone with them   ,   maybe they would still be here. maybe i’d be doing something else rather than work tirelessly for a war that we may never win   ,   that may never end.
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the recent death of another pair of jaeger pilots not only hurts her heart   ,   but serves as a reminder of how easily it is to lose those you love. it reminds her of the fear she has opening up to others   ,   of how fearful she is to lose any more than she already has. nikolai has become someone of real importance to her   ,   someone she wanted to keep in her life for as long as possible. the very idea of him ever succumbing to the kaiju threat in some way frightens her to no end   ,   burrowing her head against her knees as she hides the flow of tears  ,   embarrassed that she’s allowed herself to be seen this broken.   ❝   it is one war   ,   but it has stolen so much.   ❞   her voice cracks as she responds   ,   cursing herself for her inability to hide her emotions in this moment. this war has taken a lot from everyone   ,   not just her    &   she knows this  ,   but there are days where she truly feels the most affected by it   &   she wants it to all just end   &   to be allowed some happiness   ,   even if just for a little while. her head turns slightly to look at the fellow engineer   ,   doing her best to keep the tears at bay.   ❝   &   i don’t want it to take anymore from me. if anything were to happen to y   ━━   ❞   she stops herself   ,   not quite ready to admit something so personal. he doesn’t deserve that right now.   ❝   i simply do not know how much more i can take   ,   nikolai. i truly don’t.   ❞
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kyberborne-a · 3 years
i mean i have said it before only like two days ago but !!!!!!!!!! i love your portrayal so much and you know it . i absolutely adore seeing your writing on my dash and your portrayal all around . it just feels so distinctively like you but also so distinctively like jyn all at the same time . she exists so well in your voice and you handle her with so much enthusiasm and love that i always love to see everything you post , may it be a reply or a headcanon post ( or even just your tags hehe ) and i always look forward to seeing you on the dash when i come online . world-building is SO much fun with you , it's one of my favourite things to do and we just have so much fun together when we do it , and i just can't wait to see where else you go with jyn and what else we will write together . love jyn , love you , love your writing !!! <33333
beep beep how’s my portrayal ?
vic. vic. the fact that you came in here AGAIN just to tell me this has my heart doing the little spin emoji 💞 i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again, i am so blessed to be your friend and to be able to write with you. the matter in which you characterize nikolai is just so spot on, you’re one of the only blogs where i read all of your threads and posts because i truly just love how you handle him!! he is perfect and he is MY nikolai <33 
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korolteney · 3 years
Halloween starter for @volteney.
The clock struck 9 o clock as Aleksander Morozova slowly strolled towards the meeting point with tonight's date. It wasn't strange for sorcerers to bring humans along in today's rituals, yet Aleksander himself had never partaken into that custom... until tonight. He was unsure himself of the reason why he even suggested it to this human boy he just met, but if his intuition guided him to take this path, so he must.
He did not really disguise himself to another creature on this Holy day. Why should he? Tonight he was in his PRIME and there was no reason to pretend to be something else. Instead, he donned his coven's black uniform along with his midnight cloak, displaying his family's crest with pride and honour (the sun in eclipse). Meetings between witches due to such occasions were often more a display of power than upholding the ancient ways. And his mother insisted that the covens ought to be reminded he was a darkling.
And so with his basket of ingredients at hand, Aleksander arrived in front of the house where the party was supposed to take place, awaiting for his human.
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svyatoiy-arch · 3 years
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›     starter call.     ❊     @volteney​
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❝   i know this is really difficult for you,  considering you were in love with me last year ...   ❞      she trailed off,  a teasing tone to her voice as mirth flickered in her golden gaze.     she poked his knee with her foot,  the grin she’d been attempting to conceal flashing across her face for a split second.     ❝   but be brutally honest with me,  kolya.     ───     does the white hair suit me or not?   ❞
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kyberborne-a · 3 years
protective sentence starters | accepting ! @volteney said: “  you’re  my  family.  of  course  i  came.  ”
she doesn’t know what’s happening. the ship had stopped moving a long time ago, only the gentleness of waves making the wood under her feet rock every so often. a few minutes ago, she’d heard the sound of fighting and shouting above deck, but she hadn’t gotten her hopes up, just increased her struggles, hoping to break her hand to somehow slip the bindings from her wrists. with a blindfold covering her eyes, her world is dark ; she doesn’t know how long she’s been trapped on this damn ship, whether it’s been hours or days. the only thing that tracks the passing of time is the occasional piece of stale bread, a sip of water, or an interrogation in fjerdian that usually ended with a blow to her cheek or gut.
when the blindfold’s ripped from her head, jyn reels back as much as she can with her wrists bound above her head, blinking rapidly as light fills her vision. her muscles tense immediately, readying for whatever the drüskelle have prepared for her now ; it’s not like she can fight properly with her hands together ( they’re cowards, beating a woman when she has no chance to defend herself ), but that certainly hasn’t stopped from trying. her face is covered by bruises from a fist or the butt of a gun, and they’d long since gagged her to keep her from spitting profanities. she’s tired, her stamina flagging, panic rising up in her gun every time she shifts and feels the cold metal of the cuffs against her skin, but she still takes a step backwards, ready to lash out, to try and kick her attacker’s legs out from under them –
but it’s not a drüskelle. it’s not even a fjerdian. it’s nikolai. 
as soon as her eyes recognize his face, she sags, her knees almost giving out on her, being held up solely by her restraints. after he gets the blindfold off, the gag comes next. the words slip out of her mouth unconsciously, repeated over and over – “ the cuffs, get them off, get them off. “ she’s too focused on the grating feeling of metal against her skin, too tight, cutting off her blood flow, her oxygen, eyes wide with panic, to worry about being vulnerable around him. he’s the person she trusts most – if anyone had to see her like this, in this state, she would want it to be him. nimble fingers unlock the restraints from both of her wrists in quick succession and she very nearly falls into his arms once she’s freed. her face is swollen, one of her eyes blackened, a staticky feeling in arms as circulation returns – but still, she leans into him, pressing her face against his chest. “ i didn’t think you’d come, “ she whispers wearily, the words slipping out before her brain can think about them. she hadn’t expected him. after all, he’s a king and she’s just a soldier, he has far more important things to do than chase a drüskelle ship halfway around the world. her eyes close, feeling safer than she has in a long time. “ you’re here. you came. “ you came for me.
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korolteney · 3 years
@volteney​ for a smol starter
        “   I will NOT abandon them.   ”    he vehemently stated, his cool silver hues ignited by some inner flame that threatened to break loose. It was no surprise that word of grisha captives soon meet them in this frosty land of the Drüskelle. And even though the reason they came to this forsaken land was for RAVKA, Aleksander’s allegiance lay first with the grisha. He cared not if those captives were Ravkan, Suli, Kerch or Zemeni. He once made a vow to protect his people, and he would rather perish than break that promise.     “    I am not asking for your help, nor your permission, BOY KING. I will free those grisha even if it’s the last thing I am going to do.    ”
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svyatoiy-arch · 3 years
@volteney​​ said:     “   i’m leaving out the side door.   ” [  folklore prompts,  accepting.  ]
IT WAS NO DOUBT AN EVENT OF IMPORTANCE,   a party hosted by the king of ravka to honor the boyars who’d fought by his side in the war   ─   or rather,  those who hadn’t perished & still remained   ─   but alina couldn’t help the fact that it was terribly,  awfully,  horribly boring.     she’d never been good at these things & with time she suspected she would be able to learn nikolai’s tricks and find some way to endure it with a smile,  but her stubbornness refused.     i am the sol koroleva now,  a figurehead of ravka,  but i will hate parties still.     the moment the conversation with a boyar from the west and another from the south began to quiet down,   she found a way to excuse herself   [  not with a bow,  never with a bow.     before the war she would have curtsied & left only when they beckoned her to,  but now it was they who bowed their heads to her.  ]   and bid them farewell with a kind smile,  turning only to steal a glass of champagne or kvas,  she didn’t care which it was,  from the nearest server.     her gold gaze scanned the room while she sipped on her drink,  desperately searching for a friendly face to attach herself to,  when the slight breeze created by a window left ajar carried a familiar voice to her ear.
                                                   ❛   i’m leaving out the side door.   ❜
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spinning on her heel, she found the voice’s patron at once,   hovering behind her with his signature smile on display.     it seemed that nikolai had particular a way of finding her when she was in need of a severe mood booster.     in response,  alina sighed in relief and moved closer,  a true smile replacing the one perfected for the gatherings at court.     when she spoke next,  it was in a hushed voice so only he would hear her.        ❛   i hate parties,  and there is no one i pity less than your future queen who will have to go with you to all of them  . . .     so i beg you to take me with you,  or else i’ll do something we both will regret.   ❜
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