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LIFE with Fender https://fendernews.jp/life-with-fender-vol61/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CvTgcazNsyC/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
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ブリード vol61 ミエ - 無料動画付き(サンプル動画)
ブリード vol61 ミエ - 無料動画付き(サンプル動画) 時間: 57分 女優: ミエ ***********************************
【DVD村】 https://uradvd-mura.com/ ストリーミング・ダウンロード・DVD 大手メーカーから個人撮影まで $1.49~ ***********************************
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筆電+平板6種情境多工合一!可翻轉筆電「ConceptD 3 Ezel」讓行動創作者盡情揮灑創意
行動辦公已成為全球工作常態,創作者筆電成為許多行動工作者的最愛,尤其對於靈感隨處而生的創作族群,能夠多工合一的創作者筆電更是深受喜愛,近期 Acer 推出的可翻轉筆電「ConceptD 3 Ezel」採用 Acer 獨家Ezel 軸承,讓創作者能靈活且優雅地在 6 種使用模式間切換,為創作者提供最直覺的創作體驗,同時搭載第十代 Intel Core i7處理器以及 GeForce GTX 1650Ti 顯示晶片、高達 1TB PCIe SSD 等高規格,強大效能可滿足創作者隨時行動工作的需求,加上螢幕通過 PANTONE 色彩認證,並具有 Delta E <2 的色彩精確度,絕對能讓創作者盡情發揮創意喔!
近年來影音創作熱潮持續風行,全球創作者人數大幅成長,「ConceptD 3 Ezel(CC315-72G-73DF)」可翻轉筆電即專為創作者而生,從設計系學生、YouTube網紅、藝術家,到影像工作者、插畫家和動畫師等,都��透過 ConceptD 3 Ezel 盡情發揮創造力;ConceptD 3 Ezel 搭載第十代 Intel Core i7-10750H 處理器以及 NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650Ti 顯示晶片、高達 1TB PCIe SSD 儲存空間與 Windows 10 Pro 專業版,強大功能不僅可滿足繪圖需求,也能處理動畫製作和3D建模,讓創作者盡情創作無後顧之憂。
第一眼見到 ConceptD 3 Ezel 你一定會被它的絕佳外型給迷住!採用優雅時尚的全白鎂鋁合金機身設計,帶給人簡約的視覺感受,在各種場合皆可展現出時尚風格;機身採用微弧氧化處理,具備抗腐蝕及抗氧化性,筆電不易黃化,更具有防污高耐磨塗層,塵土、油性筆、咖啡等污漬也不易沾留,此外,鎂鋁合金比同厚度的鋁質材料輕了 20%,但具有將近兩倍的耐用度,對於時常需要外出工作的創作者而言,是羽量級輕盈的耐用設計。
榮獲「2021 年台灣精品獎」以及「2020 年 Good Design 設計大獎」等多項大獎肯定的 ConceptD 3 Ezel,最大特色是採用 Acer 獨家 Ezel 軸承設計,提供多達 6 種使用模式,包含可調整的「漂浮模式」、方便繪畫的「斜立模式」、便於討論的「共用模式」、適合呈現創作的「展示模式」以及方便瀏覽的「平板模式」和傳統操作的「筆電模式」,適用於各式工作情境,創作者可以任選喜歡的模式,輕鬆地創作、合作並分享,大幅提升創作時的工作效能。
首先,是能幫創作者捕捉靈感的「浮動模式」,透過 Ezel 雙軸承浮動模式可確保螢幕穩穩地固定在任何角度或位置,在創作繪圖時可以如同畫架般,協助創作者高效地創作,快速捕捉靈光乍現的一瞬間。
拜 Ezel 雙軸承之賜,ConceptD 3 Ezel 不僅是一台專業筆電,更是一台超大尺寸的平板電腦,想要上網瀏覽網頁、查詢資料時,即可選用「平板模式」來檢閱內容,體驗使用 15.6 吋大平板寬廣無礙的視覺感受。
最後是大家最熟悉的「筆電模式」,操作方式與一般筆電相同,創作者可以安心地工作,專注自己的創作上,多達 6 種的使用模式,讓創作者能多工合一的盡情創作,翻轉創意玩出無限可能。
對於創作專業族群而言,色彩精確度是專業性必備的絕對條件,ConceptD 3 Ezel 具備 PANTONE 驗證的 15.6 吋 Full HD 觸控顯示器,影像生動又吸睛,同時螢幕採用色彩校正技術,能忠實呈現 PANTONE 配色系統色彩,涵蓋 100% 的 Adobe RGB 寬廣色域,並具有 Delta E <2 的色彩精確度,可完美確保色彩忠實再現,百分百呈現作品的精緻細節,此外,降眩光的康寧大猩猩玻璃螢幕,創作者無論何時何地皆可隨心所欲,將創作的每個細節發揮極致。
為滿足電影攝影師、3D 動畫師、AI 專業人員等的各種需求,ConceptD 3 Ezel 符合獨立軟體廠商(Independent Software Vendor,ISV)測試與認證,創作者可輕鬆選擇合適的工具提升工作效能。此外,只要購買 ConceptD 3 Ezel 即隨機附贈知名影音剪輯軟體「威力導演」。
當創作者專心創作時,最無法忍受的就是惱人的吵雜風扇,ConceptD 3 Ezel 內建高效率雙風扇以及 Acer 最新散熱技術互相搭配,產生獨特的「渦漩流動」空氣動力,不僅能將噪音等級降至 40 分貝以下,更確保筆電與內部元件在效能極限狀態下仍可保持低溫,當你在家或咖啡廳工作時,不會也吵到其他人。
ConceptD 3 Ezel 具備任何創作者可能需要的連接埠,搭載 ThunderBolt 3 Type-C 連接埠,最高 40Gbps 的檔案傳輸速度,可快速傳輸最大容量檔案,此外,還有兩個 USB 3.2 Type-A 連接埠、SD 7.0 讀卡機、Mini DisplayPort 連接埠,滿足所有行動工作需求;還有相當貼心的設計,左側電源鍵上的指紋辨識器可透過 Windows Hello 安全登入,無需密碼即可輕鬆存取裝置,提供創作者外出工作時的安全與便利性。
ConceptD 3 Ezel 配置孤島式全尺寸鍵盤,剪刀腳鍵盤觸感厚實和 1.55 公釐鍵程,帶來靈敏舒適且安靜的打字體驗,鍵盤右上角有 3 個創作導向快速鍵,可用來快速存取剪取工具、應用程式切換和色彩取樣等功能,此外,觸控板較前一代大 27%,可有更多捲動和瀏覽的空間,並同時支援多點觸控手勢,同時鍵盤具備琥珀色 LED 背光,讓創作者可在低光源狀態下完成工作。
對於設計師來說,觸控筆是揮灑創意的必備工具,ConceptD 3 Ezel 左側機身隨機搭載 Acer 主動式觸控筆「Active Stylus」,透過 4,096 級的壓力敏感度,能快速精準且自然地書寫體驗,還可使用漂浮模式找到理想的繪畫角度,更具備快速充電功能,只需充電 15 秒,便能不受拘束地使用 90 分鐘,讓你盡情釋放創造力。
除了隨機搭載 Acer 觸控筆與威力導演剪輯軟體,現在購買 ConceptD 3 Ezel 隨機附贈微軟藍牙滑鼠,軟體硬體通通照顧到,真是太貼心啦!
針對專業創作者設計的 ConceptD 3 Ezel 內建第 10 代 Intel Core i7-10750H 處理器,時脈最高可達 5.0GHz4,並搭配上 6 核心與 12 個執行緒,讓你可以迅速地創作你的作品,實現無可比擬的多工處理能力!搭載GeForce GTX 1650Ti 顯示晶片,提供強大的圖形��速功能,不管是加濾鏡、特效運算等操作都相當流暢,加上 PANTONE 配色認證,讓創作者精準調校出影像色彩,創作出毫不妥協的完美作品。
ConceptD 3 Ezel 還有個很厲害的功能,只要打開內建的「ConceptD Palette」應用程式,即可輕鬆掌控管理全機狀態,包含螢幕色彩空間模式、系統監控、音效設定等,可快速調整色調數值或其他設定值,並監控系統CPU、 GPU以及記憶體使用情況,創作者可更直覺在應用程式直接完成,掌控筆電的各個層面。
開啟 ConceptD Palette 後,可選擇色彩空間模式,ConceptD 3 Ezel 具備 Adobe RGB 與原始模式兩種,可以根據創作者需求自行選擇,而音效模式則有音樂、遊戲、語音與電影 4 種,監控系統則可以監看筆電 CPU、 GPU、記憶體、溫度、風扇等使用情況,另有應用程式中心,可將常用的應用程式加入,提升工作便利性。
ConceptD 3 Ezel 擁有最長達 18 小時的電池續航力,以及由 Wi-Fi 6 (Gig+) 所帶來的快速可靠連線能力,不管是工作或娛樂都是你最佳的隨身夥伴!
靈感總是出其不意地出現,但有了「ConceptD 3 Ezel」就無需再擔心,專為行動創作者設計的 ConceptD 3 Ezel 可說是個用途多元的創意工具組,白色優雅外型相當時尚,深受設計族群喜愛,在硬體規格搭載第 10 代 intel Core i7 處理器及 GeForce GTX 1650Ti 顯示晶片,同時配備 PANTONE 認證顯示器,提供專業創作者極為強大的執行效能,陪伴你隨心所欲地盡情創作。
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The colorized cover of Vol61 for the Special manga has been revealed!
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1. Engage in Vigilant Self-Awareness
People who are white or perceived as white have more privilege and fewer barriers to resources than Black people and other people of color. If we do not know our power, we can abuse it unintentionally or fail to leverage it toward antiracism. Constant self-reflection enhances our ability to disrupt white privilege when we see or enact it. Some questions to ask yourself include
How does your identity provide or prevent access to necessary resources?
How does your power and privilege show up in your work with students, take up space, or silence others?
What single narratives are you telling yourself about students, and how does that affect grading, behavior management, and other interactions?
Do you and the academic materials you use uphold whiteness or lift up the voices and experiences of people of color?
Studies show that Eurocentric values and content dominate U.S. schooling, so these reflection questions are also relevant to educators of color who may have internalized negative messages about Black or Brown people.
2. Acknowledge Racism and the Ideology of White Supremacy
When we let our discomfort or ignorance shield us from recognizing our country's racist history and present, we are part of the problem. Failing to acknowledge racism not only erases histories, cultures, and identities, but also ignores ongoing differential treatment based on race. For example, U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos ignored three decades of research showing students of color are disciplined more harshly than white students when she decided to rescind Obama-era guidelines aimed at discipline equity. In addition, schools and districts have spoon-fed lessons on grit to mostly students of color, suggesting that we must "fix" them by making them grittier so that they can adapt to—rather than disrupt—racism and inequality in schools.
Acknowledging the social construct of race and racism and the ideology of white supremacy recognizes the problem so that we are not harmful in our ignorance and so that, together, we can strive for solutions. For educators of color, the work means continuing to call out racism and recruiting white coconspirators to join in antiracist work.
3. Study and Teach Representative History
No matter what subject you teach, history (including African American history, which is U.S. history) is important. Knowing our country's whole history helps us make sense of how our current education system perpetuates inequity.
For too long, we have taught U.S. history devoid of a true depiction of Black excellence and have focused on erasing the truth of racial oppression and uplifting whiteness. Our curriculum superficially talks about slavery and civil rights (notably, textbook provider McGraw-Hill called enslaved Africans "immigrants" and "workers"), and teaching practices risk traumatizing Black students by enacting mock slave auctions, slave games, and underground railroad games. Alternately, resources such as Henry Louis Gates Jr.'s PBS documentary series on Reconstruction or The New York Times Magazine's 1619 Project provide a comprehensive opportunity to learn and discuss history and race with colleagues and students. The Zinn Education Project and Rethinking Schools also have teaching materials that explore topics like the Tulsa race riots and colonization.
4. Talk About Race with Students
The educators I work with are mostly white (which matches the lack of teacher diversity on a national level) and often share that they do not feel comfortable talking about race. But when we shy away from open conversations about race with young people, we sow the seeds of prejudice by inadvertently sending the message that something is wrong with people from another race.
To open up conversations with young people, use stories from history and literature as a starting point, and ask students to take on the perspective of a character about whom they are reading. Reading literature and role-playing enhance empathy and other social cognitive skills. Teaching Tolerance's resource, "Let's Talk: Discussing Race, Racism, and Other Difficult Topics," includes suggestions for working through discomfort. The Educational Leadership article "Helping Students Discuss Race Openly" also has a great list of steps to begin the conversation. (And the September 2019 issue of this newsletter includes guidance from educator Liz Kleinrock on how to lead students through challenging topics like race.)
5. When You See Racism, Do Something
We have to fight against racism—and other isms and phobias. All students deserve to live and learn in the comfort of their own skin. To combat racism, consider how the academic resources, policies, admissions, hiring, grading, and behavior management practices at your school might be racist. Whom do the practices and policies benefit and whom do they disadvantage? Are Black people and other people of color disproportionately affected negatively by disciplinary, pedagogical, and administrative practices? For example, what hours are family-teacher conferences held? Which families are excluded from these hours? Which students are most disciplined based on dress code or physical appearance? In 2018, a high school wrestler was forced to cut his locks because the referee argued that his hair was not compliant with regulations. Ask yourself whether a particular "rule" is applied to all people or just to some. Engage in vigilant awareness of your implicit bias to ensure that you are not part of the problem, too.
Most important, when we see racism—whether at the individual or policy level—we must have the courage to act. White Fragility author Robin DiAngelo provides guidance for engaging in gentle but firm conversations with offenders that prevents the defensiveness that race conversations inspire. Share data on specific practices and use stories to humanize the data. Build partnerships with racial-justice organizations in your communities to integrate their work in teaching and learning. Form a taskforce to assess data, policies, and practices with an antiracist lens to disrupt systemic decisions that historically have disenfranchised people of color. Be mindful that these efforts should not be carried solely by the people of color in your school, who are living and struggling with racism on a daily basis.
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#morningcoffeewithflava #coffee #conversation @indiemusic with #ladyflava on #flavasloungeradio On this mornings show you heard the musical flava of the following Indie Artists from Around The World: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/flavaslounge/2022/01/29/morning-coffee-with-flava-vol61 1) Ralph Lofton- Let Me Love U 2) Emmy Meli- I Am Woman 3) Jacob G- Paper Winds 4) Ashanti Munir- Early Morning Love 5) Brian Christopher- Thankful 6) Nissim Black- Higher 7) JSWISS- Beautiful Morning 8) Joyce Spencer- Sax-O-Phunk 9) Kenya- Never Giving Up 10) Robin Anthony- Keeper of The Flame 11) G Fields- Bungee 12) Allen Stone- Unaware 13) Cleveland Jones- Be Kind 14) Sheree Brown- Sorry "Bout Bein" A Ghost ft Ryanne Pens 15) Nina Bradlin- Dance Me To The End of Love 16) Maimouna Youssef- The Blooming 17) Keasha- My Lane 18) Rob Young- Step 19) Dakeye- Hey You 20) Queen ARIES- Come My Way ft Michael Black 21) Tito Jackson- Love One Another 22) Duffmusiq- Urban Love 23) John Carey- Come Into My Dream (remix) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZW2UhhloFa/?utm_medium=tumblr
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キャリア物語Vol61 7.9Fri夜7:00 #clubhouse 団塊ジュニア世代、生涯現役世代の50歳からのパーソナルブランディング&パーソナルマーケティング。 ・ ゲスト:タカノタカシさん フラワースタイリスト× 写真家 × クリエイティブディレクター 【SHIKATANOKATA】代表 パーソナルブランド構築の専門家 ⭐︎プロフィール撮影、ロゴ制作、楽曲制作、ウェブサイト、業務運営などの仕組みづくり 【FRAGILE】 ⭐︎フラワースタイリスト育成と花屋&お花教室運営サポート👍 https://www.instagram.com/p/CRF8jJ7NEGX/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Mp3 320 kbps | 01:30:00 | 207 MbTecchno, House, Dance01. Sven Kuhlmann, Alexander Schmidt - Fire Eyes (E.M.C.K. Remix) 4:5202. Michael Dörlitz - One Hundred Seventeen (Daughter Lea Original Mix) 5:5603. Minimal Vanessa - Moneymaker 3:3704. Sven Kuhlmann, Edlington - Feel Alright (Alex Denada Remix)
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LIFE with Fender https://fendernews.jp/life-with-fender-vol61/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CvTgcazNsyC/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
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This article provides tips for how to make your school more sustainable. There are so many easy ways that teacher’s can increase the sustainability of their own classrooms. Some tips that I want to implement in my future classroom are; to save paper by keeping a one-sided copy bin and to use wash cloths over wipes.
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1.全球首款摺疊螢幕筆電「Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Fold」
Lenovo ThinkPad X1 系列一直以來都是聯想最創新的產品,榮獲 43 項 CES 大獎的「ThinkPad X1 Fold」是全球第一款可摺疊筆電,提供過去不可能實現的全新使用及攜帶方式,可享受分割畫面體驗,同時擁有大尺寸顯示器,再與數位筆、鍵盤或手勢搭配運用,更是實現多工美夢的最佳利器。
ThinkPad X1 Fold 搭載內建 Intel Hybrid Technology 的 Core 處理器,足以應付繁忙的一整天工作需求,配備完美摺疊的出色 OLED 螢幕可提供完整的 13.3 吋 2K 顯示器,要上網瀏覽、串流視訊或觀看簡報時,可當做平板電腦使用,並依靠內建支架或選配畫架來支撐,提供一機多用的全方位體驗。
2.「ConceptD 3 Ezel」創作者筆電 6大使用模式完美多工
近期深受設計族群喜愛的可翻轉筆電「ConceptD 3 Ezel」,榮獲「2021年台灣精品獎」以及「2020年 Good Design 設計大獎」等大獎肯定,最大特色是採用 Acer 獨家 Ezel 軸承設計,提供多達 6 種使用模式,包含可調整的「漂浮模式」、方便繪畫的「斜立模式」、便於討論的「共用模式」、適合呈現創作的「展示模式」以及輕鬆瀏覽的「平板模式」和傳統操作的「筆電模式」,適用於各式工作情境,大幅提升創作時的工作效能。
針對專業創作者而設計的 ConceptD 3 Ezel 內建第 10 代 Intel Core i7處理器,可以迅速地創作你的作品,實現無可比擬的多工處理能力!當編輯影像圖檔時,搭載 NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650Ti 顯示晶片,提供強大的圖形加速功能,不管是加濾鏡、特效運算等操作都相當流暢,加上 PANTONE 配色認證,讓創作者精準調校出影像色彩,創作出毫不妥協的完美作品。
3.全球最輕13.3吋翻轉筆電「Dynabook Portégé X30W-J」
以日系輕量商用筆電為主打的 Dynabook,近期推出堪稱全球最輕13.3吋翻轉筆電「Portégé X30W-J」不但性能依舊強大,更可轉換 5 種形態配合使用需要,無論方便支援觸控筆功能的「平板模式」、多人會議進行簡報的「分享模式」或是適合視聽娛樂的「休閒模式」等皆可無縫切換,非常靈活實用,同時搭配 AES 感應觸控筆可感受如同紙本的書寫感,需要行動辦公的上班族絕對不能錯過。
Protege X30W-J 以鋁鎂合金打造輕薄機身,重量僅 989 公克,卻通過美國軍事耐用性認證 MIL-STD-810G,輕盈、纖薄卻又強韌耐用,配備 13.3 吋觸控顯示器,亮度 460 尼特,以低功耗提供高亮度、高彩度的清晰畫質。筆電搭載第 11 代 Intel Core i5、i7 處理器、Intel Iris Xe 顯示晶片,並且通過最新的 Intel Evo 認證,擁有一秒喚醒、超長電池續航、快速執行、Thunderbolt 4 和支援 WiFi 6 等能力,還可支援長達 16 小時續航力,充電 30 分鐘即可恢復 40% 的電力。
4.高效商務生產力「Surface Pro 7+ 商務版二合一筆電」
針對當今疫情下的商務工作需求,微軟日前推出全新「Surface Pro 7+ 商務版二合一筆電」,不只具備基本的 Wi-Fi 功能,另有 LTE Advanced 版本,當在家中 Wi-Fi 頻寬有限或者在外辦公時,LTE 行動上網功能就能幫助使用者保持對外聯繫,提供高效商務生產力。
Surface Pro 7+ 商務版採用最新第 11 代 Intel Core 處理器,處理效能提升 2.1 倍,續航力最長可達 15 小時;並支援 USB-C 與 USB-A 兩種連接埠,可外接顯示器以及其他周邊設備,並運用 USB-C 快速充電,讓工作體驗更完善。針對語音、視訊通話甚至日常娛樂等,筆電支援 1080p 的前置與後置鏡頭,還加上Dolby Atmos喇叭與雙重遠場麥克風,此外,還能添購 Surface 系列鍵盤、滑鼠、手寫筆及擴充基座等使用,提昇行動工作靈活性。
5.靈活切換四大模式!「ASUS ZenBook Flip S UX371」
華碩日前推出標榜世界最薄 OLED 翻轉筆電的「ZenBook Flip S UX371」,搭載 Intel 第 11 代 Core 處理器外,機身厚度為 13.9 mm、重量 1.2 公斤,同時具備 13.3 吋 4K UHD 觸控顯示螢幕,同時符合 Intel Evo 平台認證,具有效能、長續航力、輕薄的特色,提供行動工作族群全新的行動工作可能性。
ASUS ZenBook Flip S最大特色是可靈活切換筆電、帳篷、分享與平板四大模式,採用 360 度 ErgoLift 金屬軸承設計,通過 20,000 次螢幕轉軸循環測試,任何角度都能穩固地支撐螢幕,滿足全方位的工作及娛樂需求,更提供高達 15 小時電池續航力。筆電配置 13.3 吋 4K UHD OLED 觸控螢幕,支援 178 度廣視角、HDR、DCI-P3 廣色域;並且以 16:9 顯示比例搭配 3.9mm 窄邊框,結合 Harmon Kardon 認證的雙立體聲喇叭,帶來劇院般的視聽饗宴。
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New images from the next Pokemon SwSh Special chapter via Corocoro. (Js, it'd be cool to get a Legends chapter too, but I don't think there's enough time, considering we're likely going to be seeing Gen9 announced sometime later this year.)
And unless I missed something, I'm thinking this is the first time we've seen Vol61's cover for the XY arc.
We also have a new pokeani title that's been revealed: JN101 (March 11): "One Stick, Thwackey!" (And the return of Infernape for the Leon ep!)
#pokemon special#pokemon sword and shield#pokemon adventures#chairman rose#sordward and shielbert#eternatus#pokemon piers#champion leon#pokemon raihan#pokemon journeys#pokeani#ash ketchum#grookey#anipoke
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Freq vol61
3/22(fri) 22:00-¥2000(w/1D) KiethFlack1F
Guest DJ ダブ山ジャズ男
DJs SOUL MADNESS BG MKT Shiraishi Kazuki Koga ゆるみマンデーズ
Freq vol62
3/23(sat) 22:00- ¥2000(w/1D) DJ BAR HIVE
GUEST DJ ダブ山ジャズ男
DJs BG Kazuki Koga
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[콘서트] Mint Festa vol61 ~ Perseus (2018.11.11~2018.11.11) at 라이브홀 https://www.sangsangmadang.com/show/detail/1137
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#flavasgroovelisteningparty #listeningparty #flavasgroove #flavasloungeradio #flavaslounge #ladyflava #indiemusic #iloveindiemusic The Musical Flava you will hear on this show tonight, come from some very Talent Indie Artists from Around the Globe: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/flavaslounge/2021/09/01/flavas-groove-listening-party-vol61 1) FKAjazz- Beautiful Magic ft Devin Bing 2) Kim Dawson- Try ft Wil Blades 3) Tygressa- Tell Me 4) Will Preston- Let's Play 5) Bradd Marquis- Eventually 6) Brian Christopher- I'm Ready 7) Ashanti Munir- Early Morning Love 8) Teri Tobin- You Are ft Dre King 9) Jonathan Winstead- Body Language 10) Petawane- I Got What You Need 11) Terrie Rimson- Date Night 12) Alli Starr- Old Flames 13) Queen ARIES- Come My Way ft Michael Black 14) Felixx- Playlist 15) Chris Jasper- Show Somebody Love https://www.instagram.com/p/CTQ_E1OrRrh/?utm_medium=tumblr
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