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obstlich · 15 days ago
Monday: restoration assignment, soil ecology podcasts
Tuesday: work 12-3, readings after class, restoration assignment cont
Wednesday: work (meeting at 3), quiz, restoration assignment cont? Def finish by wed night, grammar
Thursday: concept paper draft
Friday: die Arbeitslosigkeit
Saturday: ag readings/response, clean bathroom
Sunday: study for restoration exam and vokab
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deandacosta · 6 months ago
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inkblue-computerhead · 5 years ago
List of German Adjectives Similar to English Adjectives to Make German A Bit Easier for You!!
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Level A, Subject #2
Abrupt: Abrupt
Absolut: Absolute
Aggressiv: Aggressive
Aktiv: Active
Allein: Alone
Amüsiert: Amused
Apathisch: Apathetic
Appetitlich: Appetizing
Arrogant: Arrogant
Attraktiv: Attractive
Balanciert: Poised
Bitter: Bitter
Blind: Blind
Blondine: Blonde
Charmant: Charming
Cool: Cool
Demotiviert: Demotivated
Distanziert: Aloof
Diszipliniert: Disciplined
Dynamisch: Dynamic
Effektiv: Effective
Egoistisch: Egotistic
Egozentrisch: Egocentric
Extravertiert: Extroverted
Extrem: Extreme
Fair: Fair
Falsch: False
Fantastisch: Fantastic
Faszinierend: Fascinating
Fasziniert: Intrigued
Fein: Fine, Refined
Fett: Fat, Fatty
Fettig: Greasy
Fit: Fit
Flatternd: Fluttering
Frei: Free
Freundlich: Friendly
Frisch: Fresh
Frustriert: Frustrated
General: General
Gestresst: Stressed
Glamourös: Glamorous
Glänzend: Gleaming, Shiny
Grauenvoll: Gruesome
Grausam: Cruel
Grotesk: Grotesque
Gut informiert: Well-Informed
Halb: Half
Hart: Hard
Hilfreich: Helpful
Hungrig: Hungry
Ideal: Ideal
Idealistisch: Idealistic
Illegal: Illegal
Immens: Immense
Informiert: Informed
Inspiriert: Inspired
Intelligent: Intelligent
Interessant: Interesting
Interessiert: Interested
Intolerant: Intolerant
Introvertiert: Introverted
Irritiert: Irritated
Jung: Young
Kalt: Cold
Klar: Clear
Kolossal: Colossal
Kommunikativ: Communicative
Kompetent: Competent
Kompliziert: Complicated
Kompromiss:  Compromise
Konsequent: Consistent
Konservativ: Conservative
Kontaktfreudig: Outgoing
Kontemplativ:  Contemplative
Kooperativ: Cooperative
Kreativ: Creative
Kritisch: Critic
Lang: Long
Liberal: Liberal
Lose: Loose
Loyal: Loyal
Massiv: Massive
Maximal: Maximum
Melancholie: Melancholy
Melancholisch: Melancholic
Mikroskopisch: Microscopic
Miniatur: Miniature
Minimal: Minimal
Modern: Modern
Motiviert: Motivated
Musikalisch: Musical
Naiv: Naive
Natürlich: Natural
Nervös: Nervous
Neu: New
Nonchalant: Nonchalant
Normal: Normal
Nostalgisch: Nostalgic
Optimistisch: Optimistic
Panisch: Panicky
Parteiisch: Partial, Biased
Passiv: Passive
Perfekt: Perfect
Persönlich: Personal
Pessimistisch: Pessimistic
Pompös: Pompous
Popul��r: Popular
Praktisch: Practical
Radikal: Radical
Raffiniert: Refined
Realistisch: Realistic
Rebellisch: Rebellious
Reduziert: Reduced
Reich: Rich
Religiös: Religious
Robust: Robust
Romantisch: Romantic
Salzig: Salty
Sarkastisch: Sarcastic
Schick: Chic
Schleimig: Slimy
Sensibel: Sensible
Solide: Solid
Spontan: Spontaneous
Sportlich: Sporty
Stürmisch: Stormy
Sympathisch: Likable, Pleasant
Taktlos: Tactless
Taktvoll: Tactful
Temperamentvoll: Lively, has much character
Tolerant: Tolerant
Total: Total
Typisch: Typical(ly)
Verbessert: Improved
Verboten: Forbidden
Warm: Warm
Weise: Wise
Send me a message if you see any mistakes <3
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ahellaloadofhistory · 5 years ago
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Schwarzkaffee - Black Coffee
Milchkaffee - Coffee with Milk
Latte Macchiato - Latte Macchiato
Cappuccino  - Cappuccino
Tee - Tea
Heisse Schokolade - Hot Chocolate
Einen Kaffee, bitte. - A Coffee, please.
Was können sie empfehlen? - What can you recommend?
Ich möchte - I would like
Zum Mitnehmen - To take away
Haben sie...? - Do you have?
Wo ist der Zucker? - Where is the sugar?
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beatsforbrothels · 5 years ago
Eto - Vokab
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vollzeit-kaffee · 6 years ago
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ANIMALS | Original Post | Tumblr Post: Thematic Order
[English ⋆ German Singular ⋆ German Plural]   
Dog ⋆ der Hund ⋆ die Hunde
Cat ⋆ die Katze ⋆ die Katzen
Fish ⋆ der Fisch ⋆ die Fische
Cow ⋆ die Kuh ⋆ die Kühe
Pig ⋆ das Schwein ⋆ die Schweine
Mouse ⋆ die Maus ⋆ die Mäuse
Horse ⋆ das Pferd ⋆ die Pferde
Wing ⋆ der Flügel ⋆ die Flügel
Animal ⋆ das Tier ⋆ die Tiere
Bear ⋆ der Bär ⋆ die Bären
Polar Bear ⋆ der Eisbär ⋆ die Eisbären
Red Panda ⋆ der Katzenbär ⋆ die Katzenbären
Panda ⋆ der Panda ⋆ die Pandas
Bee ⋆ die Biene ⋆ die Bienen
Beetle ⋆ der Käfer ⋆ die Käfer
Bird ⋆ der Vogel ⋆ die Vögel
Chicken ⋆ das Huhn ⋆ die Hühner
Duck ⋆ die Ente ⋆ die Enten
Crow ⋆ die Krähe ⋆ die Krähen
Spider ⋆ die Spinne ⋆ die Spinnen
Wolf ⋆ der Wolf ⋆ die Wölfe
Tiger ⋆ der Tiger ⋆ die Tiger
Elephant ⋆ der Elefant ⋆ die Elefanten
Pet  ⋆ das Haustier ⋆ die Haustiere
I was only going to include the first extra five since they are some of my favorite words (obviously, I very much enjoy the word Bär(en)), but I couldn’t help myself. If anyone is interested, there is a pretty extensive list for animals of all kinds over here! If I made any mistakes please correct them. ʕ•̀ω•́ʔ✧
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brodasweb · 4 years ago
MP & Vokab - "Here We Go Again" (Prod. De Statik Selektah)
MP & Vokab – "Here We Go Again" (Prod. De Statik Selektah)
Publicado por: undergroundhiphopblog 29 de agosto de 2021 Básicamente, dos chicos tachan los elementos de su lista de deseos para trabajar con algunos de sus artistas favoritos, diputado Y Vokab se conecta con la leyenda de la producción Statik Seletah para el segundo sencillo del "Lista de cubo”EP. diputado 2021-08-29
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rapgeekz-blog · 4 years ago
#BigKab interview out now Link in bio. #RapGeekz #RapGeekzRadio #HipHop #Texas #NewMusic #BullyOnTheBeat #Vokab 🤓🚀🇨🇱🌑💸 (at Houston, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/COO4ghMnZVp/?igshid=zd5pqc1d77z6
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tryingtostudyblr · 6 years ago
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I definitely didn’t forget to post...
Made banana loaf
Maths revision
German vocab learning
Greek vocab learning
Music revision
Sorry I didn’t post yesterday, I felt a lil ill and may have accidentally fallen asleep 😂 we’re just gonna ignore the lighting in that last photo though
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howdoistartover · 3 years ago
3/100 days of productivity
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today I'll focus on:
grammatik 2h
vokab 4h
h:oren & sprechen 1h
lesen 1h
schreiben 1h
selfcare 1h
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thewordisbond · 6 years ago
MP & Vokab team up with Masta Ace on "What Comes To Mind "
Posted on https://www.thewordisbond.com/mp-vokab-what-comes-to-mind-featuring-masta-ace/
MP & Vokab team up with Masta Ace on "What Comes To Mind "
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What Comes To Mind f/ Masta Ace by MP & Vokab featuring Masta Ace Seattle duo MP and Vokab team up with hip-hop legend Masta Ace for their sophomore single "What Comes To Mind ". Over a vintage styled, piano-driven backdrop the trio go back and forth over what comes to mind when they pick up
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novossamples · 3 years ago
Listen/purchase: The Bucket List EP by MP & Vokab
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inkblue-computerhead · 5 years ago
Basic & Everyday German Phrases I Learned While Re-watching Captain America: The Winter Soldier
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So basically what I did was that I tried to stop the guilt from not watching an actual German movie in a while. So I just slapped some German subtitles on CA:TWS and I actually ended up with some pretty cool and simple phrases!
So you can thank me later, when you know how to say “Who the hell is Bucky?” in German.
Schon klar, hab’s kapiert: Aha! Got it. 
Schäm dich!: You should be ashamed of yourself / Shame on you
Man gewöhnt sich dran: Takes some getting used to.
Hat mich gefreut: It was nice to meet you.
Sie haben sicher einen guten Grund: I’m sure they have a good reason.
Relax, das ist nicht so kompliziert: Relax, it’s not that complicated.
Bis auf Sie!: Except you!
Sie irren sich in mir: You’re wrong about me.
Da können Sie lange warten: Don’t hold your breath.
Du kannst stolz auf dich sein: You should be proud of yourself.
Nichts ist, wie es war: It’s just not the same
Ich war machtlos: Nothing I could do.
Du bist ein schlechter Lügner: You’re a terrible liar.
Es ist mir eine Ehre: It’s an honor.
Das habe ich nie bedauert: I’ve never regretted that.
Das war kein Zufall: That wasn’t an accident.
Damit du es weißt, das ist nicht persönlich: Just so you know, this isn’t personal.
Ich nehm’s aber persönlich: It kinda feels personal.
Ich war noch nie lebendiger!: I’ve never been more alive!
Beweise es!: Prove it!
Ich schulde dir was: I owe you.
Wer zum Teufel ist Bucky?: Who the hell is Bucky?
Dich trifft keine Schuld: None of that is your fault.
Das wurde auch Zeit: About damn time.
Ich bemerkte es: I noticed.
Mach dich fertig: Gear up.
Wenn ich der einzige bin, dann soll es so sein. Aber ich wette, das bin ich nicht: If I’m the only one, then so be it. But I’m willing to bet I’m not. 
Ich arbeite dran!: I’m working on it!
Keine Sorge, ich erledige das: Don’t worry, I got it.
Das lasse ich nicht zu: Can’t let that happen.
Zwing mich nicht dazu: Please don’t make me do this.
Weg damit!: Drop it!
Keep in mind that the English sentences are the English dialogue from the film, so the German translations aren’t direct translations from English to German. But they work, in context. 
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musicalleyinc · 7 years ago
Atom Smith - Flashin' Like Gatsby Minimix by Freshly Squeezed (Record Label)
Flashin' Like Gatsby is a new 4 track EP on Freshly Squeezed. It’s the debut solo release by ATOM SMITH – formerly of the Californian duo THE GENTLEMEN CALLERS OF L.A. It offers a distinctly west coast take on the largely European phenomena of Electro Swing which is only now beginning to get some traction in the US. As one half of THE GENTLEMEN CALLERS, ATOM developed and produced almost a dozen releases, including multiple projects for film, television, and performance, notably the world renowned MUTAYTOR, a 20 piece traveling tribal electro circus. ATOM has also made the ubiquitous international DJ appearances from Glastonbury to his home-turf Burning Man Festival to Coachella among many others. Flashin’ Like Gatsby mashes up hipster-hop, ghetto funk and electro swing in a distinctive and uniquely Californian (low-rider) way, featuring 2 tracks in collaboration with L.A. rapper BURKEY of VOKAB KOMPANY fame, sandwiched between a sample heavy (and guaranteed crowd-pleasing) version of the saucy 30’s Blues classic IF IT DON’T FIT (DON’T FORCE IT) by BARRELHOUSE ANNIE featuring LIMBOS AKIMBO, and a more traditional scat-jazz club banger in the EP’s closing number MISTER CAD featuring Andy McBain on clarinet. After the completion of what we thought was the 12th and final release in our Blue Cover Series culminating in the massive 27 track retrospective compilation THE COMPLETE BLUE COVER SERIES (2012 - 2017) - we’ve found Flashin’ Like Gatsby a completely irresistible and worthy addition to this set and so we’re back once again starting a second helping - BLUE COVER 2.0! Look out for forthcoming releases in this ‘just-won’t-quit’ series from likes of PiSk, JAWN, K.D.S, CHARLIE BEALE, FAB SAMPERI and many more… but until then, we are really excited to kick off the new series with this super strong opener… via Blogger http://musicalleyinc.blogspot.com/2018/04/atom-smith-flashin-like-gatsby-minimix.html
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bestdjkit · 5 years ago
Underground Vibes | 052
Zes, Midranger, zodivk, and more are featured in this week's installment of "Underground Vibes."
"Avenue" - Zes
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Signed to San Holo’s bitbirdimprint, Zes has been delivering quality music for some time now. An immensely talented producer, vocalist and instrumentalist, Zes is a one-man show who proves his abilities once again with his latest EP Somewhere in the Middle and “Avenue,” one of its standout tracks. 
"Unswept Thunder" feat. Miyoki - Midranger
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Versatile producer Midranger recently released his first single this year, enlisting Miyoki for the deep cut “Unswept Thunder.” Out via Nightblue Music, the track is a massive step forward for the artist, marking one of his most stunning releases to date.
"Better Without Me" - Simbai & Brenton Mattheus
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Simbai and Brenton Mattheus manage to combine R&B and electronic music in a tasteful way on “Better Without Me.” The thoughtful track starts off with infectious vocal lines and a minimal instrumental before switching into an elegant drop filled with subtle sound design and brass stabs.
"Coffee & Chill" Ft. Lily Fangz - Vokab Kompany & MIDIcinal
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Combining hip-hop and electronic music in a forward-thinking way, rising band Vokab Kompany have created a masterpiece of an album with Small Viktories on Gravitas Recordings. “Coffee & Chill” is a standout track with its slick bars and laid-back instrumental. 
"Distance" (zodivk Remix) - Play Nice
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Mysterious producer zodivk has been flooding the Internet with charismatic flips and reworks for some time now, and his latest official remix of “Distance” by Play Nice is no exception. It's a soothing, 3-minute journey filled with soulful vocals and groovy percussion. 
"Slow It Down" - Tyler Lawrence
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"Slow It Down" serves as a sweet departure from Tyler Lawrence's recent sound, seeing him combine quirky pop aesthetics with wonky, impressive drops for his second single of 2020. 
"Traversing The Endless Road" (Bosa Remix) - Desert Dwellers
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For their remix of Desert Dwellers’ “Traversing The Endless Road,” talented duo Bosa turn the downtempo tune into a minimal, four-on-the-floor gem filled with deep sonics, managing to combine ethnic sounds and vocals with thumping kicks and rumbling sub bass.
"Disruption" - Maxim Lany
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Continuing to release on Armin Van Buuren’s Armada Music imprint, Maxim Lany is back with yet another dance-floor killer, offering minimal yet impactful sound design on "Disruption."
"Special" feat. Delanie & Austin Salter - blckbrn
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Rising talent blckbrn enlisted Delanie and Austin Salter for â€œSpecial,” his third single this year. The track is an amazing combination of trap, R&B and electronic music, driven by a duet by Delanie and Austin Salter.
Underground Vibes | 051 Underground Vibes | 050 Underground Vibes | 049
from Best DJ Kit https://edm.com/features/underground-vibes-052
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vollzeit-kaffee · 6 years ago
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Top 1000 Common Words ~ L.A.P Summer Challenge! [link to original post] // 5000 German Words (Top 87%)
Fell off the wagon for a short bit. It’s amazing how many days go by without me realizing when life decides to be a little hectic, ugh. I’m back on track now, though! Fifty vocab words below. It doesn’t equate to 10/day, but I figure tackling what I have and starting from 10 again tomorrow is better than dumping 80 words at once.
9.7.2019 - 16.7.2019 Wörter 80/1000
altmodisch ⋆ oldfashioned
am Apparat! ⋆ speaking! (on the phone)
am schwarzen Bret  ⋆ on the bulletin 
am Wievielten? ⋆ one what date?
amerikanisch ⋆ american
an ⋆ on a vertical surface
an Bord ⋆ on board
analog ⋆ analague/analog
anbauen ⋆ 1) to grow or cultivate (crops) // 2) to extend; build an extension
anbieten; bot an; angeboten ⋆ to offer
anderer, andere, anderes ⋆ other; different
ändern ⋆ to change (1)
anders ⋆ different (1)
anderswo ⋆ somwhere else
anderthalb ⋆ one and a half
anfang Juli ⋆ beginning of July
anfangen; find an; gefangen  ⋆ to begin; start (2)
anfunkeln ⋆ to glare at
angeln ⋆ to fish (1)
angenehm ⋆ pleasant; enjoyable
Angst haben  ⋆ to be afraid
Angst kriegen ⋆ to get scared
ängstlich ⋆ anxious
anhalten; hielt an; angehalten ⋆ to stop vehicles
anhand ⋆ on the basis of; with the help of (+ genitive)
anhören ⋆ to listen to sb/smth
ankommen; kam an; angekommen ⋆ to arrive
anmachen  ⋆ to put on; turn on
annehman; nahm an; angenommen  ⋆ to receive; accept; believe
anordenen  ⋆ to put in order; arrange smth (1)
anprobieren ⋆ to try on
anrufen; rief an; angerufen ⋆ to call (phone)
anschalten ⋆ to switch on; turn on
anschauen ⋆ to look at (1)
anschnallen ⋆ to fasten a seatbelt
ansehen; sah an; angesehan ⋆ to look at (2)
anspringen; sprang an; angespringen ⋆ to start a car
anstatt ⋆ instead of
anstrengend  ⋆ strenuous; exerting; stressful
antworten ⋆ to answer
anziehen; zog an; angezogen ⋆ 1) to dress; 2) to attract
anzünden ⋆ to light a candle, cigarette, etc
arbeiten ⋆ to work
arbeiten an ⋆ to work on
arbeitslost ⋆ unemployed
Argentinien  ⋆ Argentina
ärgerlich ⋆ annoying
ärgern ⋆ to annoy
argumentieren ⋆ to argue
arm ⋆ poor
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