kb-p2730 · 2 years
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Dead Lord
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Vojd Studios
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hccn-overseer · 1 year
I 13, 7/12/2 23 - The seer
Issue Masterpost About the Overseer
Hello, everyone, and welcome to a very special edition of The Overseer. We would like to begin this week by including a trigger warning for kidnapping and very heavy talk of it. Please consider your own health before reading if this is a topic that is sensitive or triggering for you, and take care of yourselves above all. Normal issues resume next Wednesday, so see you then! - Staff of The Overseer
This week’s issue is accompanied by a PDF version created by the lovely C̴͇͆ẖ̶͂e̶̛̬e̶̜͘r̸͇̀! Pick it up here to check it out!
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Now onto othe news n the cut!
W̷e̵e̷k̵l̷y̴ ̴W̸e̸a̷t̴h̵e̸r̷ ̵R̴e̵
The Hermitcraft Charity Event!
By Ỉ̸͍l̶̥͋e̶͚͑a̸̮͠ Zei
Well welcome back to The Overseer™! 
Today’s talk will be about the Charity event that was held here on Hermitcraft server not long ago and specifically about the games that were built for it. 
The games that were built were: 
Basalt Assault by non-other than Tango of The Tek variety  
Battle Bane by Etho Slab (Ethos Lab) 
Bucket Rush by Ex-I-suma-Vojd (Xisuma Void) 
Derailed by ImpulseSV (author definitely didn’t laugh alot about the game name.) 
Dunk Tank by CubFan one tree five (spelling mistake is for a reason. It’s funny.) (One of the game by him was also Total Chaos!)  
Ice Bucket challenge by non other than queen of heads, hearts and body parts! (False Symmetry!) 
The Horse course by The married couple (Etho and Bdubs) 
And the finally, the last but not the least: Panda Rescue by GTWScarrrr (GoodTimesWithScar!) 
Let’s see what some people think of those, shall we?   [Quotes taken directly from subjects]  
“I dropped my popcorn as soon as Basalt Assault started, and I wasn’t even sad! The game was worth dropping my popcorn tenfold. In fact, I’m gonna go home, make some popcorn, and drop it on the floor in *honour* of the game.” 
“I was working in the Entity the day of the event so I couldn’t watch it. But I kept hearing bang after bang outside the window. It was terrifying, but invigorating. It’s impressive how an event can make you excited even if you’re not watching it.” 
“I almost pooed myself when the first bang in basalt assault went off – it was bloody terrifying. But a 10/10 show nonetheless.” 
“The whole charity event was an absolute blast and it was amazing seeing Hermits and the community come together as a whole to raise money for Gamers Outreach, which was the charity they chose to support! It was absolutely a blast how much was raised all together‼” 
“So I will say battle bane because I am an Etho girl and it was great to see it being played.” 
“i don’t know why but i got very much into bucket rush, definitely one of the highlights for me. Its hard to describe the feeling but watching was a mix of being extremely funny, extremely stupid, and extremely nerve racking.”  
“i have got to say i have a soft spot for horse course, it was such a funny game to watch since No One seemed to know what they were doing. A few of my coworkers and i heard of the racket that was leading to the games, and i had seen the games before they were played, i remember myself along with some other people were crowding around to get a glimpse of the games being played. because of that and the non-stop energy i have got to say watching and experience some games up close has got to be a special experience for me." 
Well it certainly seems like people like these games and the Charity event as a whole! I certainly do and I’m glad everyone came around to help with organising and helping the event to happen. 
That would be it for now! Join us again in reading next .
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By J̷̺̚a̴̧͝m̷̖͗í̸͕ê̴̠ Uncle Rob (He is now everyone’s uncle)
If you’re like me and not artistically inclined, then feel free to stop by Painted Wings. They’ll paint your elytra any colour you want! It’s like tattoos but for wings. Don’t you want to spite your parents just a little?
Are you good at getting plants to cooperate? Cool! I haven’t been able to grow anything since 9th grade biology. If you want to gather at a totally safe space this Friday the Garden Club will be behind Impulse’s shop. 
Do you like the Scar Safety Services? Well, I identify as a threat. Be sure to call your local Scar UNSAFE Service office to get your base fixed up and ready for any type of visitor.
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G̸͙̓ă̵̞m̴̖̔è̷̤ŝ̵̳ ̵̭̂à̷̖n̴͎͛d̸͓̉ Fun and Games
By Kidnapper (Fizzello)
What's a better way to appreciate our many contributors this week, by making a word search using their names! The goal is to find all the names at the bottom of the word search. And if you see any "questionable" words in there; do what anyone would do. Ignore it! You can't see them if you don't acknowledge them. 
Good luck, fellow citizens! 
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Did you find all of them? Congratulations! Did you not find all of them? There's always next time! Did you find some words you probably shouldn't have? No you didn't!
Anyway, onto the answer key!
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Wow, that's a bunch of names! And no other words. If you see anything circled that is not one of the names; ignore it! Those are errors that were not able to be filtered out in time for this week's paper. And nothing else! 
Nothing else.
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Weekly Weather Report
By Nes
Due to unforeseen circumstances we are unable to report the weather how we typically do, however you’ll be pleased to know this week we here at The Overseer offer you an indepth look on the weather in a basement! 
Thursday - Basement is expected to be damp in the morning, dew is likely to seep through the cracks in the ceiling. Hopes are high it will dry up during the day so we don’t soil our socks… again. High is estimated to be a cool 5C down here thanks to the air conditioner we were so kindly provided. 
Friday - It continues to be damp in the basement, luckily today there appears to be minimal leakage from the upper floors. However the air conditioner is either broken or has been unplugged, leaving us at a miserable 20C temperature throughout the day.
Saturday - As the days pass I would like to humbly suggest that whoever kidnapped us get someone down here to look at their basement, as there is a lot of leakage due to the rain today. With a high of 17C, we are in dire need of more buckets.
Sunday - Rain continues into the morning and fills the basement to about waist level for most of us. Good news is the air conditioner is back on and gives us a lovely breeze and a high of 10C.
Monday - False alarm, air conditioner was broken by the flooding. While the rain has stopped, what replaced it isn’t much better. It’s rather dry in the basement if you ignore the flood, and we have a high of 30C.
Tuesday - Flood is mostly gone today thanks to the work of everyone tossing buckets out the small window we have. Sun appears to be out, the conditioner continues to be broken, and it is a high of 34C, hopefully that will help dry off our clothes.
Wednesday - It did not help dry off our clothes. Instead they smell rather musty, no one is amused. Air conditioner continues to be broken, skies continue to be clear, and we have a high of 40C today. 0/10 would not recommend staying in the basement.
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Editor's Note: Found these scraps of paper lying in my office along with the other articles. Not sure if I'm supposed to print these too but at this point I'm too afraid to ask. At the back of one piece of paper it says 'Astrology Corner'
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And that's all for this week's news folks! Thank you for reading and have a wonderful week!
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aurevoirmonty · 11 months
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"À la suite de la construction du chemin de fer transsibérien sous l’énergique impulsion du Ministre Witte, émerge une idéologie pragmatique et autar­cique, l’“eurasisme” qui veut se mettre au service de l’espace russe, que ce­lui-ci soit dirigé par un Tsar ou par un Vojd (Chef) soviétique. Les idéologues “eurasiens” sont Troubetzkoï, Savitski et Vernadsky. Pour eux, la Russie n’est pas un élément oriental de l’Europe mais un continent en soi, qui occupe le centre des terres émergées que le géopoliticien britannique Halford John Mackinder appelait la Terre du Milieu."
Robert Steuckers, Le Crapouillot, 1994
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viky-somebody · 2 years
ah yes, the hermitcraft server and its members,
Bídubs, Kabfen, Dokem Sedmdesát Sedm, Fols Symetri, Grián, Džemináj Téj, AjDževin, DžouHilz, Impuls Es Ví, Šešvami vojd, Íto, Hypnotajzd, GudTajmsVifSkar, Mambo Džambo, Perlesent Můn, Zombí Klýo, Eks Bí Kráfted, Tý Ef Sí, Velsknajt, Vinted�� Býf, Zedaf, Stresmonstrum, Iskal, Tango Tek, Keralis and Rendog
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yespat49 · 7 months
La gauche et l’immigration : jusqu’au bout… jusqu’à la nausée [L’Agora]
En mars 1953, les Lettres Françaises, un coin-coin intello lié au Parti Communiste Français, publie en Une le portrait de Staline. Mais Staline jeune. Sans la grosse tête, la vérole et les verrues. Le “Vojd” est mort en début de mois et toute la communisterie mondiale est en deuil. Au goulag ça sort l’alcool de limace par contre. Pour l’occasion, Aragon a demandé à Picasso de lui faire un dessin…
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wrecursion · 10 months
you know how different language have different "densities", like different lengths of words and number of words used to say the same thing. now look at this russian word: времяпрепровождение (vremyapreprowojdeniye). 19 letters, 8 syllables. you know what that is in english? pastime.
the first root is время (vremya) - time. then there are two prefixes - пре (pre) usually adds the meaning of doing something to the highest degree and i don't know why it's in this word and in casual speech people don't even use it in this word; про (pro) means doing something for a duration of time. вожд (vojd) is the second root that means "lead" but with the previous suffix and in the context of time it means "spending time". it's a weird root on its own, it has a bunch of different forms with no rhyme or reason to them i mean look at this shit
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and then we have ение (eniye), a suffix that turns verbs into nouns, and implies that it's a process. (well technically that last -е is an inflectional suffix but it always follows -ени- in nomenative case)
you english speakers are soo lucky to have all those snappy short words while over here we have to deal with those behemoths lol
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Streda, 13. júla
Nie každý, kto mi hovorí: “Pane, Pane,” vojde do nebeského kráľovstva, ale iba ten, kto plní vôľu môjho Otca, ktorý je na nebesiach. (Mt 7,21-27)
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sinceileftyoublog · 3 years
Tribulation Interview: Shadow Sounds
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Photo by Ester Segarra
Ever since I saw Swedish goth metal band Tribulation open for the much more outwardly macho Cannibal Corpse and Behemoth in 2015, I’ve been impressed by their steadfast commitment to their spectral aesthetic, even when surrounded by the most brutish of metalheads. Their new album, the appropriately titled Where the Gloom Becomes Sound, feels like the apex of their interests and style: mythological themes, magic sounds, sparkling and rising songs that are as meaty as they are layered and complex. Opener “In Remembrance” begins with spooky arpeggios before chugging drums and guitars kick it into high gear, buoyed by lead singer Johannes Andersson’s icy growls. Creaking piano interludes like “Lethe” are just as essential to the album’s mood as guitar-forward rockers like “Hour of the Wolf” and “Daughter of the Djinn”. And the louder songs don’t so much build to a crescendo as gallop to them on the back of drummer Oscar Leander, falling back gently. Simply speaking, Tribulation can do it all, and Where the Gloom Becomes Sound is just the latest evidence.
Guitarist Jonathan Hultén composed most of the songs on the record but happened to amicably leave the band late last year, replaced by Joseph Tholl from VOJD (who plays on opener “In Remembrance”). The band’s still committed to properly rolling it out, as it’s released on Metal Blade next Friday. Last week, I called guitarist Adam Zaars (who just had a child a month ago and spoke from a Sweden facing some travel restrictions due to both COVID-19 and a large amount of snow) to speak about why Where the Gloom Becomes Sound still feels like an album that belongs to Tribulation as a whole. Read our conversation below, edited for length and clarity.
Since I Left You: The circumstances surrounding the new album are unique, since it was mostly written by Jonathan, and then he left the band. Have you found it difficult to move on from that and take in the album and present it without him?
Adam Zaars: Yes and no. It’s still a Tribulation album. It just so happened that Jonathan wrote more songs on this one. He wrote 7, and I wrote 3. For the previous two albums, we kind of split it 50/50, more or less. The album before that, I did most of it. We still make every song into a Tribulation song at the end of it, as a collective effort, somehow. It still feels like an album with Tribulation songs and not an album with Jonathan’s songs. To that extent, it’s not really that strange. Then again, he did quit, and now we have our new guitar player, Joseph. In a way, I just want to start writing a new album with him and the rest of the guys. [laughs] There’s also that aspect to it, kind of wanting to start something new.
SILY: The context and themes of the record include myths and magic. Do you find it necessary to really dive into that to fully understand or appreciate the album?
AZ: It’s not anything new to us. For some reason, the bio makes it seem like it’s a big thing now. It’s always been [a big thing]. But it’s an apt language, I guess, to use in a Tribulation context. We’re not a political band. We’re trying to express something that’s quite difficult to describe in words. Since we’re doing that with the music, drawing on myth and religion and the like, it just kind of feels like it comes from the same world. That’s really why we’re doing it. It isn’t mundane at all. The opposite, I guess.
SILY: The way you use your instruments, there is a certain magical aspect to it. On “Funeral Pyre”, the guitar takes on an almost theremin-like quality, and on “Leviathans”, the actual sound of the instrumentation is like a leviathan and crashing waves. Did you take those ideas and the love for mysticism all the way into your instrumentation?
AZ: Yeah, kind of. The thing you hear on “Funeral Pyre”, it is a guitar, but we’ve had this idea that we always wanted to use a saw that makes a similar eerie, ghastly sound. That’s where the idea came from. We didn’t end up using a saw--we used a guitar instead. But definitely, sounds like that have an otherworldly quality to them.
SILY: Have you ever seen someone play a saw live?
AZ: Have I?...I don’t think so.
SILY: There’s a street performer in Knoxville, TN who plays one. It’s crazy to watch how that can create that sound.
AZ: I would love to see that.
SILY: Is Joseph trying to learn these songs at the moment? Are you preparing to play them in some capacity, or looking more forward to writing new material?
AZ: He’s done some. We just recorded a video for “Funeral Pyre”. But we’re so busy with promoting the album at the moment, so we haven’t really rehearsed, which is kind of strange, I guess. We played with Joseph for so many years in the past. Me and Joseph started our first band together when we were 13. He’s definitely going to learn the songs. We’re not going to view this album as something that shouldn’t have happened. We all view it as a Tribulation album. Hopefully, we’ll play them live too, when that happens.
SILY: To what extent did you use the sequencing of songs to tell a narrative, whether a concrete narrative or a broad one?
AZ: The only thread running through the album, that’s also a bit conflated in the bio, is the idea of the five elements. We do write about it in the lyrics. Jonathan had been reading about the five elements of Western esoteric tradition, and at the same time, I was reading about the five elements of some Indian traditions. As we always do, we used what we had because of the synchronicity. We’d both been naming our songs as working titles, like “Fire”, “Water”. [laughs] Because of that, it was apparently something that we should be exploring or using. That’s really the only underlying theme of the album.
SILY: Was there anything different about the process of writing these songs and coming up with their different arrangements and tempos as compared to with your previous records?
AZ: Not really, I would say. You always think about trying to get the songs in somewhat different tempos and keys and what not. I always find myself worrying about, “Oh no! All the songs are in the same key!” Then, I go back to them and realize that isn’t actually the case. It has a way of working itself out on its own, and I don’t think it was any different on this album.
SILY: Tell me about the stories behind the videos for “Hour of the Wolf” and “Leviathans”.
AZ: The “Leviathans” video, we worked with a guy from Gothenburg, and he had made a video for Dark Tranquility. He made that whole video just by using their front cover, animated. We were really impressed by what he had done with it. He had also done some really cool cover art for Graveyard and a few other bands. The first idea was to build on the cover and let him play around with the illustrations in the album booklet. He did that, started doing that, and it was clear to me when I saw what he was sending that it would be much better if he just did whatever he wanted because the images that I sent him and the ones he made on his own didn’t really match. He just made the video in his studio by focusing on this watery side of the lyrics and the idea of this leviathan.
The second video, we recorded with an old friend of ours, who also did the video for “Strange Gateways Beckon” back from The Children of the Night. We went out to a castle a the lake, not too far from Stockholm, on a really, really cold day. [laughs] You can see that in the video from Johannes’ breath. We just built on the theme of that song, to some extent, at least. “The Hour of the Wolf” is the ghost hour, we say in Sweden, the early morning when you can’t sleep when the demons and anxiety come. We built around the more ghastly kind of theme of it. Johannes really went into character in that video in a way I hadn’t seen him do before, which was really cool.
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SILY: What’s the inspiration behind the cover art? 
AZ: No inspiration, I would almost say. You can’t really connect the title, the cover, and the lyrical content in a satisfactory way. That was the idea behind it. The title, Where the Gloom Becomes Sound, is the basic thing we’d been trying to do since our first album, which of course reflects what we’re trying to do with the music. The same goes for the cover. It spoke to us. It came about because we were in the studio discussing the cover and the title, and we never really have any of that finished until the album was almost finished. That was the case this time around as well. We always try to make the studio as Tribulation-friendly as possible, to decorate it somewhat. Johannes had brought a poster he hung up in the control room, and it kind of dawned on all of us that we already had the cover--it was right there. Luckily, it seemed like no one else had used it before, and hopefully, nobody uses it in the future. It’s a pretty cool piece of art by this Belgian artist. Supposedly, it doesn’t exist anymore. My first idea was to find it and take our own picture of it, but it probably got destroyed in the war. The photo you see on the cover is from the late 19th century, a print in an art magazine. It already kind of has this antique vibe to it, which works well with what we’re trying to express in general.
SILY: Are you planning on eventually touring these songs, or doing livestreams or socially distant shows?
AZ: We do have a tour booked. It was supposed to happen now, in January and February, but it’s supposedly happening in September/October. We don’t know whether it’s gonna happen or not. But we’re still hoping. It’s a tour of Europe. It all depends on what’s happening. If the plague continues, I guess we’ll have to do some kind of a live stream. We started thinking about doing that at this point. At first, we didn’t really want to do it, because what we had seen so far [from others’ streams] wasn’t really what we wanted to do. But of course, we could always do it our way. If we’re not gonna tour, we’re definitely gonna stream something, and even if we do tour, we might end up streaming something anyway.
SILY: Have you thought about how you’re gonna adapt these songs to a live setting?
AZ: Yeah, I think it’s gonna work fairly well. I’m remaining positive it’s going to work...“The Hour of the Wolf” is a basic rock song, really, and some of the other ones are a bit more complex, I guess. Then again, we’ve managed to do it before, so I’m not that worried about it, really.
SILY: What else is next for the band?
AZ: Not entirely sure. Again, it really depends on what the current situation evolves into. Who knows? Regardless, since we’re a new band right now with Joseph, myself, personally, I really want to write some new material. It seems silly: The album isn’t even out. We recorded it in May and June, but that seems like ages ago. This year has been the longest year ever. It’s a bit early for [new music]. [But] you have to take advantage of enthusiasm and creative bursts when they reach you. I feel like we’re in one of those right now.
SILY: Is the band currently able to gather in the same room and collaborate in person?
AZ: Yeah. I recently moved away from Stockholm, so I’m about 4 hours away from them. It’s difficult to travel, of course, but me and Joseph have had some rehearsals over Skype [for “Funeral Pyre”.] That’s one way of doing it. We could still be in the same room. There aren’t any restrictions saying we can’t as long as we’re all symptom-free and all that. But I wouldn’t really want to get on a train right now.
SILY: Anything you’ve been listening to, watching, or reading lately that’s caught your attention?
AZ: Yeah, I watched the new series by John Turturro about Umberto Eco’s book The Name of the Rose, which is one of my favorite books ever. I kind of like the old movie version with Sean Connery--it’s got a fantastic soundtrack. This one has 8 episodes. Even though it can’t really compete with the book, I thought it was pretty good. It has all the ingredients I want: theological discussions and monks and just being Medieval in general.
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vojdy · 5 years
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venicewalls · 5 years
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anthese · 5 years
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anovapluto · 6 years
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Мила Вождь. Конь Зима.
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voice-of-thevoid · 7 years
ṭһє ṿȏıԀ һѧṡ ғȏȗṅԀ ṡȏṃє զȗєṡṭıȏṅṡ ṭȏ һєʟƿ ʏȏȗ ʟєѧяṅ ѧɞȏȗṭ ıṭ!
ıṭ ѧʟṡȏ һєʟƿṡ ıғ ʏȏȗ һѧṿє ṅєяṿȏȗṡ ɞȗṭṭєяғʟıєṡ ƿʟѧɢȗıṅɢ ʏȏȗя ıṅṡıԀєṡ
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coolnelson92 · 4 years
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Master Vojd
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miluj-svoj-zivot · 4 years
Kto som? A kým som bola? ...
- v skratke...
Som dievča zo Slovenska 🇸🇰
Trpela som depresiami cca 6-7 rokov. Začalo to asi tak v 11tich, najsilnejšie depresie som mala 3 roky (od mojich 13-16 rokov)...
Stratila som všetko... - vieru, záľuby a hlavne lásku k sebe samej.
Sebapoškodzovanie, fajčenie, alkohol, potom neskôr aj tvrdé drogy. 
Dlho som to potláčala v sebe a zabíjala to drogami, to samozrejme neliečilo nič, len to potláčalo moje pocity, niekedy ani to nie...
No jedného dňa sa vo mne niečo zlomilo a zistila som že musím niečo zmeniť, a tak som sa začala celá postupne meniť... Trvalo to niekoľko rokov kým som sa dostala na úroveň na ktorej som teraz, a stále mám každý deň čo robiť...
A kto som teraz ?
To neviem povedať, som len pouhý poustevNIK na tejto planetke 🌍. Ale čo viem s istotou je to, že milujem život a som zaň nesmierne vďačná. ❤️
Čomu sa venujem ?
Budem sa tu venovať zdraviu, pozitívnym myšlienkam, duchovnému rastu, detoxom/pôstom, možno sem tam pridám nejaký šialený príbeh z môjho života (keďže môj život je dosť divoký)... Skrátka budem sa venovať všetkému čo mi vojde do cesty a pridám všetko čo sa mi bude páčiť... 
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