#vocational training in Canada
edwisefoundation · 3 days
What Are the Short Courses in Canada for International Students?
Looking to enhance your skills with a short course in Canada? These vocational programs are gaining popularity due to their practical, job-oriented curriculum, shorter duration, and cost-effectiveness. Canada offers various short courses like Associate degrees, Diplomas, and Certificate programs, which can help you build the skills necessary for today's job market. Whether you're interested in a new career path or looking to enhance your current qualifications, these courses provide valuable opportunities for international students.
For a detailed guide on the types of short courses available in Canada, their benefits, and how they align with the Post-Graduation Work Permit Program, click the link.
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simonh · 9 months
Victoria Composite High School vocational classes: Electronics Lab, Edmonton, Alberta, 1966 by Provincial Archives of Alberta Via Flickr: Provincial Archives of Alberta, PA.3565/5
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blurredcolour · 10 months
You Arms Pull Me In Like The Tide Pulls Me Under | Epilogue
Your Arms Pull Me In Like The Tide Pulls Me Under Masterlist
Dick Winters x Female SOE Agent!Reader
The end of the war is just the beginning of the rest of your lives.
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Photo Credit: East Islip Historical Society
Warnings: Discussion of War Hardships, Permanent Injury/Disability, Holiday Party Setting, Inevitable Historical and Military Inaccuracies, Language, Mature/Explicit Themes - 18+ ONLY.
Note: This is a work of fiction based off the portrayal of Dick Winters by Damian Lewis. I hold nothing but respect for the real life individuals referenced within. Non-English is denoted in italics.
Word Count: 1244
Nixon, New Jersey – December 20, 1946
The sprawling home of Stanhope Nixon was overflowing with guests, alcohol, and music as the annual Nixon Nitration Works holiday party was in full swing. Catering staff were milling about with silver trays of canapés and champagne while the management staff and their wives ate, drank, and made merry amongst the millwork and art that adorned Lewis’s father’s New Jersey home.
Lewis himself was busy playing host alongside his father, with his British war bride Irene in tow, as Dick kindly introduced you to his immediate supervisor. The modest diamond engagement ring and matching wedding band on your left ring finger refracted the light against the glass of champagne Lewis had planted in your hand upon your arrival, snagging your attention as it still tended to do, even eight months on.
The end of the war had come around the same time for you and Dick, with the Japanese surrender for him and with your discharge from Major Wilke’s command upon the arrival of the Allied prosecutorial team in Nuremberg furnished with a fleet of translators freshly released from Bletchley Park and other frontline duties. It had been bittersweet to be no longer needed, but as you had admitted to Dick that dreamy summer day in Austria, you were quite finished with your time in Europe.
It had taken over five months for Europe to let you go, however. Returning to England had been the easy part, your uncle’s widow in Oxford welcoming you back with open arms. With your more ambiguous service record under CWAC, however, return to Canada had taken rather longer. Priority on troop ships was naturally given to the boys in uniform, and then the girls who had enlisted in Canada. You had waited impatiently for your turn, working with your aunt to alter the wedding gown she had squirreled away from her own marriage in 1936. It had been her hope for her own daughter to wear it someday, but she had insisted as you were the closest thing she would ever have to such a person now, you ought to have it. So, it had become your joint project to turn it into something more modern for whenever you could find yourself standing in front of Dick Winters again.
That chance had not presented itself until March of 1946. Dick had arrived by train in your hometown in Canada, insistent on asking your father’s permission to marry you in person. He brought a ring, as promised, and married you one week later. Immigration paperwork had taken six weeks to clear, but you were grateful that it was nothing like the delay women from overseas endured. By the time you arrived in Nixon, New Jersey, Dick had a modest house and a car waiting for you, true to his word again. By the fall, you’d started offering private French lessons and you and Dick were seriously discussing whether or not you would attend vocational school to become a public-school teacher. Life was good, better than you could have ever imagined.
This party, however, had begun to drag on. Your feet were beginning to hurt as you stood around in your heels and you were feeling the strain of trying keep up with the myriad of conversations swirling around you amid the din of music and laughter. Dick’s hand on your lower back had you turning to him as he leaned into your left ear. “Let me show you the library.” His thumb swept along the fabric of your dress soothingly and you nodded gratefully as he excused you both.
Leading you down the hallway confidently, you wondered how many times he had been in this house, but felt your shoulders relax as the oppressive wall of sound faded away behind you. Guiding you around a corner, you couldn’t help but gasp as you stepped into a room filled with an expansive collection of leatherbound books, a fire laid in a stone hearth with a cozy seating area in front anchoring the space.
“Did we just find heaven?” You whispered conspiratorially and he chuckled as he kissed your temple, leading you to sit on an overstuffed leather sofa.
Setting down your now-empty glass on the low table in front of you, you sighed as you pressed a thumb between your brows. “I’m sorry it was so obvious I was having a hard time in there.” You apologized softly.
Sliding an arm around your shoulders, he gave a gentle squeeze. “Only to me, honey.” He assured you.
The sound of footsteps in the hall had both your heads turning sharply, concerned your sanctuary was about to be disrupted, but it was only Lewis who appeared in the doorway. “I thought I saw you two sneak off here.” He smirked, a glass of whisky in one hand and a bottle of Canada Dry ginger ale in the other. Kicking the door shut behind him, he came to sit in one of the armchairs across from the pair of you.
“Apparently we were not as subtle as we hoped.” You laughed as he poured half the bottle into your empty glass before handing the remainder to Dick, raising his own glass of amber liquid in a toast.
“Happy Holidays.”
“Happy Holidays, Lew.” Dick replied before your glassware came together in an awkward symphony of mismatched ‘clinks’ before you each took an appreciative sip.
“And to think we spent the last few scattered hither and yon.” Lewis remarked.
“Eating potatoes…” you muttered.
“Or nothing at all.” Dick added thoughtfully.
“Couldn’t get beef, Vat 69…nylons…” Lewis gave a nod in your direction, and you glanced at the closed door before eyeing him over the rim of your glass.
“Oh, I suppose it was a bit of a nuisance, but I honestly did appreciate having silk in my parachutes.” You took a leisurely sip, waiting for his reaction.
It unfolded slowly, his eyes widening before he sucked in a breath laced with droplets of his treasured whisky before coughing violently, pointing at you. “I knew it.” He wheezed eventually as you tried not to laugh too brightly at his expense. Dick held no such qualms, laughing richly beside you.
“Of course you did, you saw my last day firsthand.”
“But you finally admitted it! Please, you have to tell me everything…” He leaned forward eagerly, and you swallowed, wishing more than anything that you could.
There was still a great deal you hadn’t even shared with Dick; The Official Secrets Act preventing you from divulging anything. How you longed to share everything with them – the training schools in Scotland, the slosh of an aggressive amount of rum in your belly as you had fallen no more than ten seconds to hit the ground outside Lyon, your harrowing journey across the Pyrenees mountains into Spain to find passage back to England with your fresh side wound nagging at every step. The determination that had driven you back to Normandy just weeks after you return to London, and the eight months of exhausting, tension-laced work that had preceded their arrival. How you longed to share everything, to commiserate and to laugh. To be honest.
“Someday, Lewis. Someday it won’t be treason to talk about it and I will tell you everything.” You promised.
“To someday, then.” He grinned, raising his glass in another toast. “And believe me I will hold you to that.”
Laughing warmly, you raised yours in return. “To someday.”
Your Arms Pull Me In Like The Tide Pulls Me Under Masterlist
Tag list: @allthingsimagines, @bcon24
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razzek · 5 months
Top 5 MOST useful tools for blind people just starting out
Top 5 most fave tools for the blind overall
Top 5 least useful
Top 5 fucking weirdest and/or funniest
This is a big ask and I will do my best to answer, with the caveat that I am just a single blind person with memory issues who doesn't remember everything my blind friends have told me. XD I am counting other people as tools in this list because a person with eyes sometimes is a handy tool for us. XD
Top 5 MOST useful tools for blind people just starting out 1. White cane 2. Blindness skills training through centers, government programs like Vocational Rehabilitation, Orientation & Mobility specialists, and anywhere you can find it 3. Membership with the National Talking Book Library aka NLS in your state (US); I think the UK is RNIB and Canada has one, not sure about other countries 4. Supportive family and friends and other blind people if you can find them 5. Screen reader (NVDA is free for Windows, iPhone has VoiceOver, Android uses TalkBack)
Top 5 most fave tools for the blind overall 1. White cane and/or guide dog 2. Text to speech, screen readers, audio books, audio described movies and tv 3. Accessible smart phones (often iPhone but Android is catching up) 4. Bump dots (stick-on tactile dots you put around your home) 5. Braille and refreshable braille displays/notetakers
Top 5 least useful 1. Sighted people inventing crap without talking to any blind people ("smart" canes, "smart" shoes, dangerous devices you hold in your only free hand that claim to tell you what's in front of you but actually don't, screen reader breaking "accessibility" overlays, etc...) 2. That ring which only shows one braille cell at a time (that's not how anyone reads) 3. Strangers giving/yelling vague directions ("It's right over there!", "Oh my god watch out for the stairs (that you are halfway down)!", giving directions to the guide dog who doesn't speak English or any language because they are a dog...) 4. Hot liquid measuring devices (always broken, the noise they make is so fucking loud it's caused me a lot more injury than just sticking my finger in the hot liquid, will wake up the neighbors) 5. All but one use case of AI claiming to be for the blind, at least as far as I've seen
Top 5 fucking weirdest and/or funniest 1. Ping pong balls (good for measuring hot liquids) 2. Funnels (really helpful for pouring liquids) 3. The lanyard strap that sticks to the back of your phone so you can wear it around your neck (looks silly, is incredibly useful) 4. White cane holster (yes it's a thing, I have at least three XD) 5. Things being organized Very Specifically (close your eyes and YOU try to find the remote after someone put it in a random place! XD)
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horsesource · 3 months
"The steady progress of urbanization, industrialization, and specialization and the sharply increasing life tempo and competitiveness decreased the tolerance for retarded individuals, and less and less was there a place for them in the community, socially or even physically.
In the late nineteen forties and early fifties into this situation broke the movement or, more appropriately, the rebellion of parents of mentally retarded children. Throughout the United States and Canada, in England, France and Scandinavian countries, in Australia and New Zealand these parents stood up and demanded that their children not be denied the privilege of schooling, vocational training, and meaningful occupations [..] Overall the field of education reacted negatively. [..] educators responded with a terminological sleight-of-hand, the effect of which is still haunting community planning.
They introduced a supposed philosophical and methodological difference between educability and trainability. Mildly retarded children, those with an I.Q. above 50, were termed educable; the moderately retarded were considered ineducable but trainable. Also, many prominent leaders in special education believed that this 'training' was not a responsibility of the public schools but a 'welfare' job. Those below the 'trainable' level, the educators chose to call 'custodial' cases, suggesting that nothing more than safekeeping could meet their needs.
In the ensuing years this viewpoint failed to prevail as, under pressure from parents, legislation was enacted in more and more states making the education of the so-called trainable child a mandated task of the public schools."
Gunnar Dybwad, Whom do we call Mentally Retarded?
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helpjuju · 1 month
Dear humanity
I am Ahmed from Gaza. I am married and have three children: Jumana, 8 years old, Suhad, 6 years old, and Muhammad, 3 years old. Although they are young, they have survived previous wars, but this current war is the most difficult because I am not with them and cannot provide water, food or a safe place.
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Our lives changed on October 7, when my children were home with their mother. The sounds of bombing were getting louder everywhere, and with every missile strike, my children’s bodies were shaking. My wife and children left our house in a hurry and moved to another house, then to school. Later, our house was surrounded, burned and completely destroyed. It wasn't just the loss of our home, it was the loss of safety and security and our dreams, including those of our children. They destroyed our home and ruined years of our lives.
I also lost my job. Job opportunities in Gaza are extremely scarce due to the blockade that has been in place for more than 17 years.
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Despite my persistent attempts and improving my skills through education and traininig, I was able to open an office for vocational education and training. But I lost my office after its infrastructure was destroyed. I also had a store that sold electronic games, and that was destroyed and burned as well. As a result, my family and I no longer have any way to earn a living. I went to Egypt before the war to take some courses for my business, but I am now stuck in Egypt while my children are with their mother in Gaza due to the closure of the road from Egypt to Gaza due to the war.
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I have not seen my children for 8 months due to road closures, and I am desperately searching for a way to save them from the ravages of war. Being away from my children, I feel tremendous pressure and feel extremely responsible for every moment my children and wife spend in fear and devastation. I dream of bringing my children and my wife to Egypt to a safe place where I can build a better future for them, full of safety and hope. They deserve life in all its meanings, including comfort and peace.
I appeal to the whole world to hear my cry, the cry of my wife, and the cry of my children in Gaza. We need a helping hand to wipe away our tears and build a bridge of safety for us.
Perhaps this fundraising campaign represents a beacon of hope amidst the darkness. It is truly the only hope we cling to so strongly.
The aim of the fundraiser is to save my children by traveling to Egypt. Travel costs per person are $5,000, and I also need to cover transportation costs, renting a house in Egypt, and meeting my children's clothing, healthcare, and other humanitarian needs for several months up to a year.
Approximately $1,000 to cover GoFundMe transaction fees (%2.9+$0.30 per transaction)
To learn more about me, please visit my
TikTok account www.tiktok.com/@help.juju
Donations campaign details: 
Travel fees for the mother = $5,000 
For children: 3*2,500$=7,500$
 Total travel fee = $12,500
Passport issuance fees = $1000 
Visa fees for Canada and plane tickets for the family are $8,000
Accommodation in Egypt, including renting a house, buying clothes and toys for the children, entertaining them, and conducting a medical examination for the children to check on them. My family of four in Gaza and me alone in Egypt, we are all facing unimaginable challenges. To give us a chance for a better life, we are seeking to raise 58,000 Euros.
There are taxes on money in banks as well as on the crowdfunding fund (GoFundMe) which also has a percentage.
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wildwildwasteland · 2 years
CBC articles love to say shit like "Canada doesn't have enough [job] and we don't know how to fix it" as if training for even the lowest paying vocations is not becoming prohibitively expensive and needlessly gatekept based off high school electives
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What made you want to become a nurse ?
hey @coldbrewman1 ! sorry I'm not sure when you sent this, I'm not super active on this blog anymore and mostly just post a mash up of things on my main @starfish-enterprise .
anyway! I don't have a super profound answer to this question. I've always been interested in medical things/the human body as long as I can remember. I remember looking at human body books I had as a little kid and stuff like that. this turned into watching medical shows, reading lots of random stuff, and sneakily watching medical reality/reenactment shows when I wasn't supposed to be watching TLC 😆
I've been pretty involved in scouts Canada since I was six going up through the program, and through scouts I had opportunities to do first aid training which I really liked. I also met a lot of amazing people who are lifelong friends who shared my same interests, and starting in highschool I was able to be involved in a "vocational program" focused on first aid and medical training and providing volunteer first aid for camps, scouting events, and community events. I have been able to be part of the medical service for three national scout camps with thousands of kids and it's amazing!
doing this volunteering kind of solidified in my mind like okay something medical is definitely what I want to do. originally I really wanted to be a paramedic, and the year after I graduated from high school I got my emergency medical responder license. I never ended up getting paid to work with that license (I did volunteer,) but I did volunteer under that scope. where I live it can be difficult to make a good wage starting out as a paramedic. BC has a provincial paramedic service, and it's a union (which is great) so it's all seniority based, so getting a full time position in a city can take a long time. on call hourly pay is terrible, and you usually start in a rural area where you might not get a lot of calls, so if you don't get any calls you could make just $14 for a 12 hour shift.
my mom discouraged me from pursuing that for various reasons, and she also really encouraged me to get a university degree, which is what most people do in my family. I didn't want to do just like a random biology degree, because I don't necessarily work well when I can't see a clear trajectory and a concrete end goal of what I'm working towards, if that makes sense. even doing a degree with the goal of med school still has a lot of possible routes to get there, and it's so much school, which is not my favourite lol. I also knew I still wanted to do something medical/health care related, so that led me to nursing! I applied to a few universities in my last year of high school, and I was accepted to nursing programs at Queens and Western universities in Ontario. I almost went to Queens, but I didn't feel ready to go straight into university after high school.
I took a year off, did that EMR course and licensing, worked at a grocery store and as a nanny, and did volunteer ski patrol (more first aid) at my local ski hill.
during that year I applied to my local nursing program which I wasn't able to apply to straight out of high school due to various course credit stuff which they have since changed. I was lucky enough to get in on my first try, which is amazing because there's often a long wait-list for this program. then I finished and became a nurse!
tldr: I like medical stuff, becoming a doctor is a lot of school, and paramedics don't make as much money 😆
anyway, I don't a have a super profound answer or anything, it was just a good career choice that worked for me. nursing wasn't a calling to me, its not really my passion, it's my job. it's a job that I really like and sometimes love, but it's my job, not my life. I think we need to hear more of that because it will help nurses get paid more and change public perception. I'm not nursing for altruistic reasons, and honestly I don't know anyone who is. the narrative of nursing being a calling or whatever needs to change imo.
sorry about my little diversion at the end there! there's the long convoluted answer 😆
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tonyburgessblog · 1 year
Labor Day Monday
Today is Labor Day in the United States. It’s a day set aside to recognize the labor movement and it’s workers. Labour Day is celebrated in Canada on the first Monday of September. There is plenty of work to do and sometimes not enough folks to fill those spots. Vocational education is needed now more than ever to train people to do the work of building homes, repairing air conditioning,…
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sahijustin · 1 day
Germany Opportunity Card
Germany Opportunity Card: A Gateway to Skilled Immigration
Germany has long been a top destination for professionals looking for opportunities abroad. With a booming economy, cutting-edge industries, and a strong demand for skilled labor, the country is taking steps to make its immigration policies more flexible. One of the key initiatives that has been introduced to attract foreign talent is the Germany Opportunity Card—a concept designed to simplify and streamline the immigration process for skilled workers.
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What is the Germany Opportunity Card?
The Germany Opportunity Card is part of Germany's skilled immigration reform aimed at addressing labor shortages across various sectors. This card is designed to make it easier for qualified non-EU nationals to move to Germany, seek employment, and contribute to the nation's economy. The primary goal of this initiative is to attract talent in fields such as IT, engineering, healthcare, and other technical professions.
Unlike traditional immigration pathways, the Opportunity Card works on a points-based system, considering various criteria such as qualifications, work experience, language skills, and age.
How the Germany Opportunity Card Works
The points-based system is one of the most notable features of the Germany Opportunity Card. Similar to systems in countries like Canada or Australia, applicants are awarded points based on factors such as:
Educational Qualifications: Applicants with university degrees or vocational training relevant to the German job market are given priority.
Work Experience: The more professional experience a candidate has in their field, the higher their chances of receiving the Opportunity Card.
Language Skills: German language proficiency plays a significant role. However, English speakers can also benefit, especially in fields where English is the primary working language.
Age: Younger applicants are given more points, reflecting Germany’s need for younger professionals to contribute to its long-term economic growth.
Ties to Germany: Having studied in Germany or already having family or job offers in the country can increase an applicant’s chances of qualifying.
To be eligible for the Germany Opportunity Card, applicants must meet a minimum points threshold. This ensures that only highly qualified and motivated individuals can take advantage of this immigration route.
Why is the Germany Opportunity Card Important?
Germany, like many other developed countries, is facing a significant skills shortage, particularly in technology, engineering, and healthcare sectors. As the workforce ages and fewer young people enter the job market, businesses and industries are struggling to fill positions with adequately skilled employees. The Germany Opportunity Card is a proactive solution to this challenge.
By offering a flexible pathway for skilled professionals to enter the country, Germany aims to ensure it remains competitive on the global stage. The Opportunity Card not only boosts the country’s workforce but also strengthens its status as a hub for innovation and growth.
Final Thoughts
The Germany Opportunity Card is an exciting development for both Germany and skilled workers worldwide. It offers a promising pathway to a thriving job market and an excellent quality of life, while also helping Germany address its labor shortages in key sectors.
As Germany continues to refine its immigration policies, the Opportunity Card is set to become a cornerstone of the country’s efforts to attract global talent. If you’re a skilled professional looking for new opportunities abroad, this card could be your ticket to success in one of Europe’s strongest economies.
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vijaypandit011 · 19 days
Maximize Your Chances: How to Secure a Scholarship to Study in Canada
Canada has arisen as one of the most sought-after objections for global understudies. With a-list colleges, different societies, and valuable open doors for exploration and development, However, the cost of studying abroad can be daunting, which is why securing a scholarship to study in Canada is crucial. This guide will assist you with expanding your possibilities of getting a grant and making your fantasy about concentrating in Canada a reality.
1. Comprehend the Sorts of Grants Accessible
Prior to plunging into the application cycle, understanding the various sorts of grants accessible in Canada is fundamental. Grants can be extensively classified into merit-based, need-based, and program-explicit grants.
Merit-based Grants: These are granted to understudies with exceptional scholastic accomplishments, authority abilities, or extracurricular contribution. Numerous Canadian colleges offer legitimacy based grants to draw in top ability.
Need-based Grants: These grants are granted to understudies who show monetary need. They are intended to help understudies who might not have the monetary assets to seek after advanced education.
Understanding the kind of grant to concentrate on in Canada that lines up with your profile will assist you with fitting your application as needs be.
2. Research and Distinguish Grant Amazing open doors
When you have a reasonable comprehension of the sorts of grants accessible, the subsequent stage is to explore and distinguish the particular open doors that match your scholastic foundation and profession objectives. Begin by investigating grant data sets, college sites, and government gateways.
A few notable grants to concentrate on in Canada include:
Vanier Canada Graduate Grants: For doctoral understudies major areas of strength with abilities and high scholarly potential.
Canada-ASEAN Grants and Instructive Trades for Advancement (SEED): For understudies from ASEAN nations chasing after post-auxiliary training in Canada.
Lester B. Pearson Worldwide Grants: For extraordinary global understudies who show scholarly greatness and authority potential.
Furthermore, numerous Canadian colleges offer their own grants to worldwide understudies. Make a list of opportunities for a scholarship to study in Canada that align with your qualifications and interests, and take note of their application deadlines.
3. Set up Areas of strength for a
A solid application is critical to tying down a grant to concentrate on in Canada. A strong application is key to securing a scholarship to study in Canada. Here are a few hints to assist you with setting up a convincing application:
Compose a Powerful Mission statement (SOP): Your SOP ought to obviously verbalize why you need to concentrate on in Canada, your intellectual and vocation objectives, and how the grant will assist you with accomplishing those objectives. Feature your extraordinary assets and encounters that make you a meriting up-and-comer.
Get Solid Letters of Suggestion: Letters of proposal from teachers, coaches, or bosses who can vouch for your scholastic capacities and character are pivotal. Pick recommenders who realize you well and can give explicit instances of your accomplishments.
Tailor Your Resume/CV: Your resume or CV ought to be custom fitted to feature significant scholastic accomplishments, research insight, influential positions, and extracurricular exercises. Make certain to incorporate any honors or praises you have gotten.
Get ready for Meetings: A few grants might require a meeting as a feature of the determination interaction. Practice normal inquiries and be ready to examine your scholastic foundation, profession objectives, and purposes behind needing to concentrate on in Canada.
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4. Remain Coordinated and Comply with Time constraints
Applying for a scholarship to study in Canada requires careful planning and organization. Monitor application cutoff times, required reports, and accommodation strategies. Missing a cutoff time or neglecting to present all expected materials can bring about your application being dismissed.
Make an agenda for every grant to concentrate on in Canada that you are applying for, and tick off things as you complete them. It's likewise really smart to begin the application interaction ahead of schedule to stay away from last-minute pressure.
5. Look for Direction and Backing
At last, go ahead and direction and back up all through the grant application process. Contact college counselors, grant workplaces, or instructive advisors for help. They can give important bits of knowledge and input on your application materials.
Joining on the web gatherings or virtual entertainment gatherings of understudies who have effectively acquired grants to concentrate on in Canada can likewise be useful. You can gain from their encounters and get tips on the best way to fortify your application.
Tying down a grant to concentrate on in Canada is a serious cycle, however with cautious preparation, examination, and readiness, you can expand your odds of coming out on top. By understanding the sorts of grants accessible, distinguishing valuable open doors that match your profile, and presenting serious areas of strength for a, you'll be well an route to accomplishing your scholar and vocation objectives in Canada.
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1 (obsolete) A corporate group; a group of colleagues.
2 (in some proper nouns) A group sharing common purposes or goals.
3 (politics) An electoral college.
4 An academic institution. [From 1560s.]
A specialized division of a university.
College of Engineering
(chiefly US) An institution of higher education teaching undergraduates.
(Ireland, Philippines) A university.
(Canada) A postsecondary institution that offers vocational training and/or associate's degrees.
(chiefly UK) A non-specialized, semi-autonomous division of a university, with its own faculty, departments, library, etc.
Pembroke College, Cambridge
Balliol College, Oxford
University College, London
(UK) An institution of further education at an intermediate level; sixth form.
(UK) An institution for adult education at a basic or intermediate level (teaching those of any age).
(UK, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, South Africa) A high school or secondary school.
Eton College
(Australia) A private (non-government) primary or high school.
(Australia) A residential hall associated with a university, possibly having its own tutors.
(Singapore) A government high school, short for junior college.
Silvio Pasqualini Bolzano inglese ripetizioni English
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simonh · 9 months
Victoria Composite High School vocational classes: Data Processing, Edmonton, Alberta, 1966 by Provincial Archives of Alberta Via Flickr: Provincial Archives of Alberta, PA.3565/6
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novumtimes · 2 months
Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly met Chinese counterpart in Beijing in effort to ease tensions
Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly met with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Beijing on Friday as both countries appear to be taking steps to ease ongoing tensions that have strained bilateral relations. After the sit-down, a senior government source told CBC news the ministers held a “constructive and productive meeting” — the first face-to-face talks in Beijing involving a Canadian foreign minister in nearly seven years. The meeting “achieved the goals that we [Canada] set out to achieve on the bilateral front,” the source said. “We wanted to voice our concerns. And we wanted to work on things of common interest between Chinese people and Canadian people.” The source said those common interests include climate and the environment, tackling the fentanyl trade and working to improve trade relations. “This is ‘pragmatic diplomacy’ in action — having a productive conversation, conversations, and identifying challenges and concerns,” the source said. Relations soured after China’s detention of Canadians Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor — detentions Canada maintains were arbitrary — and have been set back since by reports of Chinese political interference and the prospect of Canadian tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles. After the meeting, China issued an official statement saying that while “China-Canada relations have experienced difficulties … this is not what China wants to see, and it requires serious reflection from Canada.” “There is no fundamental conflict of interest between China and Canada. The people of the two countries have a long history of friendly exchanges,” the translated statement said. “China-Canada relations have long been at the forefront of China’s relations with Western countries.” Foreign Affairs Minster Mélanie Joly and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi sit down for diplomatic discussions with their teams on Friday in Beijing. (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China) The statement does not mention possible trade irritants between the two countries, China’s arbitrary imprisonment of Kovrig and Spavor or allegations that China has interfered in Canadian politics. Those allegations cover alleged Chinese interference in elections, its efforts to set up “police stations” to intimidate and track the Chinese diaspora in Canada and the role of a Chinese diplomat in efforts to target the family of Conservative MP Michael Chong, who has been critical of China’s treatment of its Uyghur Muslim minority in Xinjiang province. While China says it is seeking improved relations, its official statement also says that some issues are not open for debate.  “Issues related to Taiwan, Tibet, Xinjiang, and Hong Kong are all China’s internal affairs and no external interference is allowed,” the statement said. Human Rights Watch says at least one million Uyghurs and other Muslims in Xinjiang have been arbitrarily detained in what China calls “re-education” or “vocational training” camps, in prisons or “pre-trial detention” facilities.  In 2021 a majority of MPs — including most Liberals who participated — voted for a Conservative motion declaring that China’s actions in the western Xinjiang region meet the definition of genocide set out in the 1948 United Nations Genocide Convention. The final tally was 266 in favour and zero opposed. Two MPs formally abstained. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and almost all of his cabinet colleagues were absent for the vote. Global Affairs Canada has yet to release an official statement detailing its version of the meeting.  Source link via The Novum Times
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The Rise of Nepalese Manpower: A Success Story in Foreign Job Markets
Over the past few decades, Nepal, a small landlocked country nestled in the Himalayas, has seen a significant transformation in its socio-economic landscape. One of the most remarkable aspects of this transformation is the rise of manpower agency in Nepal in foreign job markets. From construction sites in the Middle East to nursing homes in Europe, Nepalese workers have established a strong presence, contributing not only to the economies of their host countries but also sending vital remittances back home, thus playing a pivotal role in Nepal's economic development. This blog explores the factors behind this rise, the success stories, and the challenges faced by Nepalese workers abroad.
Historical Context
The history of Nepalese migration for work dates back to the early 19th century when young men were recruited into the British Gurkha regiments. However, it was in the latter half of the 20th century, particularly post-1990s, that large-scale labor migration began to take shape. Political instability, limited job opportunities, and economic challenges in Nepal pushed many to seek employment abroad. The liberalization of the economy and globalization further facilitated this trend.
Factors Contributing to the Rise
Economic Necessity
Nepal is an agrarian country, and while agriculture employs a significant portion of the population, it often does not provide sufficient income. With limited industrialization and high unemployment rates, working abroad became a viable option for many Nepalese. The allure of higher wages and better living standards in countries like Qatar, the UAE, Malaysia, and South Korea attracted a large number of workers.
Government Policies
The Nepalese government recognized the potential of foreign employment early on and established policies and institutions to facilitate labor migration. The establishment of the Department of Foreign Employment and the Foreign Employment Promotion Board played crucial roles in regulating and promoting overseas employment. The government also signed bilateral agreements with several countries to ensure better working conditions and rights for Nepalese workers.
Training and Skill Development
The demand for skilled labor in various sectors abroad led to the establishment of vocational training centers in Nepal. These centers provide training in fields such as construction, healthcare, hospitality, and IT, equipping workers with the necessary skills to compete in the global job market. The emphasis on skill development has significantly enhanced the employability of Nepalese workers.
Network and Community Support
Over the years, a strong network of Nepalese communities has developed in major destination countries. These communities provide crucial support to new migrants, helping them navigate the challenges of living and working in a foreign land. The presence of established Nepalese diaspora also creates a positive feedback loop, encouraging more people to migrate.
Success Stories
Middle East Construction Workers
One of the most notable success stories is that of Nepalese construction workers in the Middle East. Countries like Qatar and the UAE have witnessed rapid infrastructural development, leading to a high demand for construction labor. Nepalese workers have been instrumental in building some of the most iconic structures in these countries, including stadiums for the FIFA World Cup 2022 in Qatar. Their hard work and dedication have earned them a reputation for reliability and skill.
Healthcare Professionals
Another area where Nepalese manpower has excelled is the healthcare sector. Nurses and caregivers from Nepal are highly sought after in countries like the United States, Canada, and Australia. Their proficiency in English, coupled with their training and compassionate nature, makes them ideal candidates for healthcare roles. Many Nepalese nurses have advanced their careers abroad, contributing significantly to the healthcare systems of their host countries.
Entrepreneurship and Business
Beyond blue-collar jobs, Nepalese migrants have also made their mark as entrepreneurs and business professionals. In countries with significant Nepalese populations, such as the UK and the US, Nepalese entrepreneurs have established successful businesses ranging from restaurants to IT firms. These businesses not only provide employment to fellow Nepalese but also contribute to the multicultural fabric of their host societies.
Challenges and Issues
Despite these success stories, Nepalese workers face several challenges in foreign job markets.
Exploitation and Abuse
Reports of exploitation and abuse of migrant workers, particularly in the Middle East, are not uncommon. Issues such as withholding of passports, non-payment of wages, and poor working conditions are prevalent. Although bilateral agreements and international advocacy have led to some improvements, much remains to be done to ensure the protection of workers' rights.
Social and Psychological Impact
Working abroad often means being away from family and loved ones for extended periods. This separation can have profound social and psychological impacts on both the workers and their families. Issues such as loneliness, stress, and cultural adjustment are common challenges faced by Nepalese workers abroad.
Economic Dependence
While remittances play a crucial role in Nepal's economy, there is a growing concern about the country's over-reliance on foreign employment. The dependence on remittances can be a double-edged sword, making the economy vulnerable to fluctuations in global job markets and political changes in host countries.
Looking Ahead
The rise of Nepalese manpower in foreign job markets is a testament to the resilience and determination of Nepalese people. However, there is a need for a more sustainable approach to labor migration. The Nepalese government, along with international organizations, must continue to work towards ensuring the rights and welfare of migrant workers. Additionally, efforts to create more job opportunities within Nepal through industrialization and economic diversification are essential to reduce the dependence on foreign employment.
In conclusion, the story of Nepalese manpower in foreign job markets is one of both success and challenge. The contributions of Nepalese workers to the global economy and their own country's development are immense. As Nepal continues to evolve, it is crucial to build on this success while addressing the underlying issues to ensure a brighter future for all Nepalese workers.
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edwisefoundation · 3 months
Canada Student Visa Requirements for Nepalese Students
Planning to study in Canada? Here's a comprehensive guide to the Canada student visa requirements for Nepalese students. Explore the necessary steps and documentation to ensure a smooth application process.
Why Study in Canada? Canada offers:
High-quality education with top-ranked universities
International exposure and potential for permanent residency
Multicultural society and a safe environment
Growing Nepali communities
Eligibility Criteria:
Acceptance from a Designated Learning Institution (DLI):
Must have an unconditional letter of acceptance from a DLI (public universities, private academic schools, technical and vocational training institutions, language schools).
Valid Passport:
Passport should be valid for at least 6 months beyond your application date.
Proof of Financial Support:
Show funds of CAD $10,000 to $15,000 for the first year, plus tuition.
Provide bank statements, loan approval letters, affidavits of support, or scholarship letters.
Good Health:
Undergo a medical examination from an approved panel physician.
No Criminal Record:
Submit a police certificate showing no criminal record.
Genuine Student:
Demonstrate that you intend to leave Canada after completing your studies.
Required Documents:
Application Form:
Complete and accurate.
Valid Passport:
Original and valid for at least 6 months beyond your planned arrival date.
Acceptance Letter:
Original unconditional acceptance letter from the DLI.
Proof of Financial Support:
Recent bank statements, loan approval letters, or affidavits of support.
Educational Documents:
Certified copies of transcripts, marksheets, and degree certificates.
Statement of Purpose (SOP):
Outline your reasons for studying in Canada and how it aligns with your goals.
Letters of Recommendation:
At least two letters from professors, teachers, or employers.
Passport-size photos as per Canadian specifications.
Visa Application Process:
Research Schools:
Shortlist Canadian institutions based on programs, fees, location, scholarships, etc.
Register for IELTS:
Take the IELTS test and achieve the required scores.
Apply to Institutions:
Submit applications with necessary academic documents and test scores.
Undergo Medical Examination:
Book an appointment with an approved panel physician and obtain medical test results.
Submit Visa Application:
Complete the online application on the Canadian government website and pay the fees.
Get Biometrics:
Provide fingerprints and a digital photograph at the Visa Application Centre (VAC) in Kathmandu.
Wait for Passport Request:
Submit your original passport at the VAC once your visa is approved.
Travel to Canada:
Carry all your documents and report to immigration authorities at the port of entry to receive your study permit.
By following these steps and preparing thoroughly, you can successfully obtain a study permit to pursue your academic dreams in Canada. For more details, Click here!
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