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nyupreservation · 8 months ago
Surveying Spain: Working with Spanish Civil War Posters at NYU Libraries
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Hi, my name is Mia Lindenburg. I am a graduate student undergoing NYU’s Dual Degree program, where I will get an MA in literature and an MLIS. This semester, I have been working with NYU’s Barbara Goldsmith Preservation & Conservation Department, mentored by Lindsey Tyne (Conservation Librarian), Laura McCann (Director of Preservation), Weatherly Stephan (Head of Archival Collections Management), and Felix Esquivel (Collections Manager, Special Collections), to survey the Spanish Civil War Poster Collection (ALBA.GRAPHICS.001). This internship has helped me to prepare for a future career in special collections libraries, where I will be required to work with delicate material similar to what I see in this collection. I am very thankful for this opportunity and how it has allowed me to delve deeper into archival work with a hands-on approach.
In addition to working with the Preservation department, I have been lucky enough to work with the Archival Collections Management (ACM) and Special Collections departments, allowing me to see the different perspectives of handling a large and often complicated collection. This blog post will demonstrate the different ways in which these departments added to my learning experience and show some of the special facets of working with this collection in particular.
Before I began surveying this collection, I had to create an infrastructure that would allow me to compile the data I would be collecting. I used the software AirTable to build this database. First, I had to move the data that had already been collected into my table. This came from Archives Space (AS), an archives information management software used by NYU Libraries. This had much of the preliminary data I would need to fact-check against in the survey, such as poster locations. After I had brought the AS data into the table, I created fields that would duplicate the AS fields but with the descriptor (survey) to show any differences. Additionally, I made new fields for things we might want to consider, such as condition and size. 
“I tu? Que fas per la victoria?”
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ALBA-ES 46, copy 4 “i tu?” (Photo by: M. Lindenburg)
The first set of posters that I want to discuss is ALBA-ES 45 and 46, also known as the two sides of “I tu? Que fas per la victoria?” a Catalan poster depicting a bloody soldier advocating for his audience to participate in the war, to support the cause. This collection has many copies, encapsulated (meaning this poster is inside a protective mylar sleeve) and unencapsulated, of this poster. The copies pictured below interest me because they were particularly delicate. You can tell from the photos that they were split into pieces, making flipping the posters to inspect the back difficult. These will need a lot of conservation work, although they may not be an immediate priority since so many copies are in fine condition.
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ALBA-ES 45, copy 4 “i tu?” (Photos by: M. Lindenburg)
“Allisteu-vos a les milicies antifeixistes”
The poster “Allisteu-vos a les milicies antifeixistes,” belongs to a series of posters collected at The Franklin Institute in Philadelphia as part of a circulating exhibit.
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ALBA-ES 116, recto, “Allisteu-vos a les milicies antifeixistes” (Photo by: M. Lindenburg)
These interest me because of how they were mounted for the exhibition. Rather than encapsulating the posters or leaving them untouched, this exhibitor chose to attach muslin across the back and use cardboard and grommets to hang them.
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ALBA-ES 116, verso, “Allisteu-vos a les milicies antifeixistes” (Photo by: M. Lindenburg)
Annual Xmas Eve Ball
Poster ALBA-US-15, uses a mounting technique commonly used with posters associated with the Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade (VALB).
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ALBA-US-15 (Photo by: M. Lindenburg)
It is mounted on a paperboard, which makes it somewhat heavy and unwieldy when grouped in folders. Take note of the headline of Zero Mostel, which shows the support the VALB received, even from celebrities.
Archie Brown is a signature I’ve encountered a lot in this collection.
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ALBA-ES-8 (Photo by: M. Lindenburg)
Brown was born in 1911 in Sioux City, Iowa. He was brought into the world of labor activism at an early age. 1934, he was arrested at a Young Communist League (YCL) event in San Pedro. But he continued with his activism despite this. In 1937, Brown got tuned into the struggles in Spain, particularly after his brother was recruited to the International Brigade. In San Francisco, Brown was denied a passport because of his radical reputation. So, he went to New York City and stowed away on a ship to France, where he would travel to Spain. He joined the forces of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade and, even after the war, continued to fight as a soldier and an activist.
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Archie Brown, 1982 (Photo by: R. Bermack). Image Source.
Harry Hakam is an interesting character, partially because of his frequent correspondence with other members of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade.
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ALBA-ES-77 (Photo by: M. Lindenburg)
Hakam was born in Brooklyn in 1913. In February 1937, he sailed to France, arriving in Spain in March of the same year. He served primarily as a battalion runner, returning to the US in 1938. However, it’s his correspondence that makes him shine. His collection marker (Hakam) is found on many posters that share others’ names, meaning he likely sent these posters back and forth between fellow members.
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Harry Hakam. Image Source.
We don’t have as much information on Al Erdberg, but we do know from the Harry Hakam Papers (ALBA.046) and the fact that Erdberg shows up in the Hakam posters that they had correspondence. Erdberg was likely part of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade or a state-side supporter. This would be an interesting figure to research further.
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ALBA-ES-30 (Photo by: M. Lindenburg)
A big problem I encountered when surveying these posters was with the housing rather than the posters themselves. Often, I encountered groups of ten or more posters in a folder, making the folder heavy and difficult to move. Further, if these posters are in mylar encapsulation, they become even heavier. To remedy this, the posters need to be rehoused into sturdier folders. I began some of this work with Laura McCann this semester, and the rehousing of the posters will continue through the summer. 
Some of the posters I found had velcro stickers left on the mylar encapsulation. These are likely from previous exhibition techniques, where the posters were attached to a wall using velcro. However, this technique is now deemed problematic, so Lindsey Tyne and I used a process to remove these stickers. We used a hot iron to heat small metal spatulas, which we then used to melt the adhesive of the sticker and lift the velcro off. This is a delicate process, but we got into a rhythm and moved fairly quickly.
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Mia removing velcro (Photo by: L. Tyne)
This collection has taught me many things. I have learned to be patient, think carefully, and always be on the lookout for new observations, among many other smaller skills. If I were asked to advise someone starting a similar project, I encourage them to take note of their natural rhythm so that they can figure out which order of surveying works best for them to maximize efficiency. I would also tell them not to be afraid of asking questions, even if it’s clarifying something they think you already know. This has been an incredible experience, and I feel so lucky to have been a part of this collection. Thank you for taking the time to read my post!
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kozy-ogawa · 9 months ago
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2024.4.19 Spincoaster presents aimi “I’m OK” Release Party @ BLUE NOTE PLACE
R&Bシンガーaimiの新曲“I’m OK”のリリースパーティを観に恵比寿ブルーノートプレイスに行ってきました。
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今回の新曲“I’m OK”はジェネイ・アイコを手掛けたLEJKEYSのプロデュースとのこと。
今回aimiのもとにはLEJKEYSから直接メールがきたというが、アイコやユナ、旧知のアンダーソン・パークやダムファウンデッドも含めてアジアにルーツを持つアーティストとの仕事が多いアジア系の彼が、アイコの『Chilombo』を聴いて改めてR&Bに開眼したaimiと結びついたのは、偶然だったのかもしれないが必然だったとも言いたくなる。 R&Bシンガー aimi、LEJKEYSとの必然とも言えるタッグ 「I'm OK」に満ちた癒しのエネルギー - Real Sound|リアルサウンド
バンドセットのステージはとても素敵だった。 aimi(Vo.) with 竹田麻里絵(Key.) Zak Croxall(Ba.) Willie(Ds.) 竹田麻里絵さんの演奏は初めて聞けたし、Nao Yoshiokaのステージも務めるZakも一緒だった。
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aimiのR&Bの原点について考えると、こちらの楽曲“Lady Boy”ではないかと自分は考えている。
「日本のR&Bは連帯が必要」 aimiが語る、R&Bと〈STAY READY〉への強い想い|日刊サイゾー
Nao YoshiokaやSincere、MALIYA、XinUのファンである自分にとては最近のJ-R&Bの動向に対してのワクワク感が止まらない。
Nao Yoshiokaライブレポ
近年の国内シーンはなかなか〈R&B〉というカテゴリー自体では注目されにくかったものの、アーティスト単位では非常にバラエティ豊かな才能を揃えてきたからだ。オーセンティックなジャンル性を継承���ながら王道のR&Bの豊かさを確かな歌唱で伝えるシンガーたち――中堅のNao Yoshiokaから、昨年傑作『Chosen One』を作り上げたaimi、VivaOlaとも繋がるSincereまで――は良質な作品をリリースし続けているし、対してポップス畑に近いところでもXinU、CELINA、大比良瑞希、NEMNEといったニューカマーが続々現れ、ストリーミングのプレイリストを沸かせている。 もちろん、同様の領域ではJASMINEからiri、RIRI、MALIYAといった一~二世代前の実力者たちがいまだにリリースペースを落とすことなくエッジの立った曲を出し続けている状況もある。 「w.a.u以降」のR&B―露出に頼らぬ自律性で真価を示す歌い手たち|日刊サイゾー
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こちらの本の詳細についてはアジカン後藤がホストを務める ポッドキャスト番組APPLE VINEGARにてaimiが話をしている。
2つ目は新たなポッドキャスト番組Detox Lounge(デトックスラウンジ)の告知。
R&Bシンガーaimiとダンサー/DJのYacheemiがナビゲートする、R&B Loversのための憩いの場。さまざまな表情を持つR&Bの中でも、特に癒し効果にあふれた楽曲・アーティストに焦点を当て、Let'sリラックス&デトックス。あなたの音楽ライフをゆるやかに彩ります。
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ilstar · 5 months ago
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𝐋𝐀𝐃𝐈𝐄𝐒, 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐋𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐍 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒 𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐌 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐎𝐒 … ☄︎ presenting # ILSTAR, a private and independent multi featuring canon and original hyv characters, primarily from honkai: star rail, as written by vos. rebooted in june 2024 and previously @ windforced. 21+ mutuals only and low - fluctuating activity. please read the rules on 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐝 before following or interacting ! permanent interaction + plotting call here.
☆ 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐥 albedo @kridprinze , inspo @duskoath & @mskfool & @palamatum .
please note ! if you are a genshin impact solo muse, i kindly ask that you do not follow or interact with me first unless we are already friends / mutuals on any of my other blogs. you will be blocked if you neglect to follow this rule.
☆ 𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 @halovien / @oneireth . @mrrebbit / @nohymn / all lucian shaped blogs .
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✦ pinned layout inspired by @/girlfox. featured art.
001. interaction is mutuals only, and i'll only follow those who i can actually see myself writing with. this might also take a day or two, given that i want to read through your information properly first. my activity is not consistent, but i try to keep everyone updated and i'm almost always good to talk ooc.
002. i have condensed all except one of my muses onto this multi. you still find albedo at @kridprinze. i'm going to allow myself to focus in on whichever characters spark the most joy at any given time — this can mean my roster is changed often or i write replies etc for one / two muses more than others. for the sake of not losing steam, it's going to happen, so if this doesn't mesh well with you we might not be the best match.
✦ current primary muses: robin * , delorean * , caelus * , aventurine , & kazuha
also featuring: gorou, chiori, navia, lyney, bennett, yoimiya, luka, trialling serval & ga ming, and writing noè upon request / plotting .
003. this blog isn't spoiler free. i'm up to date with hsr and try my best to tag spoilers for up to two weeks following a new update — however this is my disclaimer to you if something slips. leaks discussion is always tagged. i haven't played a genpact aq since before 5.0 so if you're plotting with my genpact muses, don't expect me to have any clue of the current state of that game.
004. i love shipping!! but i'm being selective in partners and will only do so with those i feel i have a good ooc communication with. i'm sorry, but i'm over the pushiness and i won't pander to forced dynamics. it's just here for clarity. ships are exclusive, meaning i won't write romantic relationships between my muses and duplicates of others. this is open to discussion on a case by case basis, but i would appreciate reciprocation on that front.
✱ this is just here for ease of reading and to establish some basics, it's not my comprehensive rules. please find them on carrd when you have the time :)
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frostbittenfemme · 1 year ago
From: Flatline
To: Level 5 clearance staff
Subject: Classified
Following the attack on the South Iacon laboratory and the destruction of research by Subject 001 , I have made the decision to relocate to an off world laboratory immediately.
All subjects contained in Vos imperative to my research will be transported via the spacebridge on site in preparation for processing. Those who are marked are to be executed immediately and sent to be smelted and cold constructed into new frames at the Kaon location.
As you have seen Subject 001 is not to be messed with; she is incredibly important to Project Eugenesis and should not be engaged by anyone other than myself. I repeat DO NOT engage.
The next testing phase will be initiated shortly.
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chrisgates · 2 years ago
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001. monster. imagine dragons. // 002. the red. chevelle. // 003. in the woods somewhere. hozier. // 004. animal i have become. three days grace. // 005. the cave. mumford & sons. // 006. coming undone. korn. // 007. hollow moon (bad wolf). awolnation. // 008. send the pain below. chevelle. // 009. unsteady. x ambassadors. // 010. appetite for destruction. vo williams. // 011. unwell. matchbox twenty. // 012. bullet with butterfly wings. // 013. monster. hidden citizens.
listen here.
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themultiverseheroines · 5 months ago
"I see...then extermination it is," said V-001 as she pressed a button causing her, her counterpart, and the Wookie Sith to be teleported off the planet. The starfighters begin to fall back as the Cube Borg ship is shot down.
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However, a large fleet of enemy ships began to appear and begins setting its cannons towards the planet surface. Ahsoka knew this is bad and they needed to get out.
"Hurry! We need to get to the ship!" Ahsoka replied as she motions for to get to the ship before they get shot down.
The cannons fired towards the ships are deflected by the shield generators' of each ship. While the Orions have shells that can produce electromagnetic acceleration, the shields used by the enemy seem to be unfazed.
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The enemy ships soon begin taking aim and begin orbital bombardment over the planet. Targeting the areas where their military and ships are located, before going for the cities.
Quinlan Vos managed to get as many people to the ships outside the city, including their own as he sees Ahsoka coming towards them. "We need to get going now before they set their sights where we're at."
Closed RP w/@mazamba
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Ahsoka Tano was dead. Or at the very least, that's what the galaxy assumes after finding her lightsabers where her ship crashed. Killing all her men onboard, including herself. However, this was not completely true.
Ahsoka survived Order 66, an order from the Sith Lord, who was the chancellor of the once Galactic Republic. The order caused the Clone army to turn on their Jedi commanders and kill them all. Ahsoka, despite not being a Jedi anymore, was still considered one by the soldiers. Thankfully, she not only survived, but saved one of her Clone friends, Captain Rex.
The two faked their deaths and went their separate ways. To avoid the other from getting hurt.
Ahsoka left onboard a ship and found herself traveling beyond the Outer Rim, before finding herself being transported through a portal. One that caused her to find herself adrift on her ship. In a new galaxy that she was unfamiliar with and was in need of some help.
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christophe76460 · 13 days ago
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O2Vie 001-2025/09: La fin d’une chose vaut mieux que son commencement (fin)
Jérémie 29.11 : “En effet, moi, je connais les projets que je forme pour vous, déclare l'Éternel, projets de paix et non de malheur, afin de vous donner un avenir et de l'espérance.”
Laissez-moi commencer par vous dire que Dieu vous connaît personnellement, avec vos envies, vos projets, vos rêves, vos peurs et vos impossibilités. Il connaît le nombre de cheveux que vous avez sur votre tête, et il chérit chacun de vos jours et vous aime parfaitement, au cœur même de chacune de vos imperfections. Le monde nous déforme, mais Dieu nous transforme. Aujourd’hui, il vient vous rejoindre là où vous en êtes, et transformer vos inquiétudes en confiance et vos blessures en force ! Les plans que Dieu a pour vous sont des plans de bonheur, d’épanouissement, d’abondance. Mais parfois, les épreuves de la vie nous entraînent vers des évènements douloureux. Parfois, nous perdons pied face à la maladie, aux injustices, à un mariage qui bat de l’aile ou à l’absence d’un être aimé.
Parfois, vous demandez peut-être : “Mais Dieu, où es-tu ?”
J’aimerais vous encourager aujourd’hui à ne pas mettre de point là où Dieu ne met qu’une virgule. Il est celui qui vous délivre, il est capable de voir au-delà de votre blessure et de créer pour vous une porte de sortie. Votre destinée ne s’arrête pas au malheur, parfois même Dieu peut l’utiliser pour vous faire entrer dans ses plans.
Il a mis une virgule, un “et puis”, à votre vie. Continuez d’avancer. Il y a un Dieu qui vous console et qui croit en vous !
Les projets de Dieu pour votre vie sont extraordinaires et ils sont loin d’être à leur aboutissement. Mais soyez rassurés que celui qui a fait ses glorieux projets ira jusqu’au bout !
Que le Bonheur et la grâce vous accompagnent !
Bonne & Heureuse année 2025 ! Que Dieu vous donne de prospérer à tous égards !
Pasteur Joël LOTSU & L'Equipe Eau de Vie
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basilepessoart · 3 months ago
"Qu'est-ce que j'ai de moins que Balasko ?? Vas-y salaud, prends-moi comme une ouvrière !"
Pour poursuivre sur le texte précédent (Quelque Larbin de Racaille (Fb)), on écrit "des rôles-culte". 2 fautes en 2 mots, TOUT est comme ça, t'as un média, tu fais même pas gaffe, c'est partout, BFM, Figaro, presse régionale, Actu.fr, etc, comme si la bourgeoisie s'était fait enculer par des ouvriers entre "deux sandwiches à l'homme laid". Basile Pesso, 18 octobre 2 024 (Fb) Avec remarquable extrait de Grosse Fatigue de Michel Blanc (1 994), extrait avec Blanc et Carole Bouquet, une des plus magnifiques actrices du cinéma au moins français.
Et pour ceusses qui croient que "le rap français est un truc de racailles", le remarquable Obsolète (2 001). J'en reparlerai possiblement. Maîtrise de la langue rare.
MC Solaar, Obsolète (Désolé pour le nouveau bug Tumblr qui enlève des lettres grasses sur mon Tumblr, pas sur vos boards)
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amantysjoaillerie · 4 months ago
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La Maison Amantys met son expertise joaillière à votre service pour créer le bijou en diamants de vos rêves entièrement sur-mesure.
• Paris | 5 rue de l’Échelle 75 001 • Bordeaux | 4-6 Cours de l’Intendance 33 000
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objecteiespai · 9 months ago
 25 / 04 / 2024 - 16 / 06 / 2024
Pure Gold. Reutilitzar! Revalorar! és una exposició de l’ifa - Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen d'Alemanya-, amb la col·laboració del Goethe-Institut i el suport del Disseny Hub Barcelona, que aborda la reutilització de residus i la seva transformació en objectes de disseny a través de propostes artístiques. L'exposició es complementa amb una plataforma virtual i amb tallers locals. Els pilars d'aquest projecte són l'ètica, la responsabilitat, la internacionalització i la cocreació.
El Disseny Hub Barcelona presenta una selecció d’obres feta pel seu comissari, Volker Albus, i l'amplia amb obres de reconegudes figures del disseny local amb peces de les col·leccions del Museu del Disseny-DHub. 
L’exposició ha comptat amb aportacions comissarials de diferents regions del món, des d’Europa fins Asia, passant per Àfrica o el Pròxim Orient, el que permet oferir un ampli ventall d’exemples de com la reutilització és un sistema d’aportació de valor en la creació de nous objectes.
A més, del 7 al 10 de maig, el DHub acollirà un taller adreçat a la comunitat local del disseny i la creació que vulgui mostrar el seu coneixement sobre la reutilització i la transformació de residus en objectes de disseny a través de la creació de vídeos en stop-motion. Els resultats d'aquest taller es mostraran a la plataforma virtual de Pure gold en forma de tutorials. Dirigiran els tallers Axel Kufus, Annika Unger i Anja Lapatsch.
Volker Albus
25 / 04 / 2024 - 16 / 06 / 2024
Del 7 al 10 de maig, i en el marc de l'exposició temporal PURE GOLD. Reutilitzar! Revalorar!, tindrà lloc un taller adreçat a la comunitat local del disseny i la creació que vulgui mostrar els seus coneixements sobre la reutilització i transformació de residus en objectes de disseny mitjançant la creació de vídeos stop-motion.
Els resultats d'aquest taller es mostraran a la plataforma virtual PURE GOLD en forma de tutorials. Els tallers estaran dirigits per Axel Kufus, Annika Unger i Anja Lapatsch.
Per a inscriure-vos en el taller, si us plau, llegiu abans els següents documents:
Disseny Hub Barcelona
Registre gratuït. Les persones interessades envieu un e-mail amb una carta de motivació i informació sobre les vostres creacions a: [email protected]
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cassandrahaswell · 1 year ago
#voiceactor #voicereel Non binary non union Actor based in Essex and London available for work internationally. Animation,Audio drama,Video-game,Charecter showreel contact info social media and credits below the cut.
Contact Email : [email protected] Website : https://www.cassandrahaswell.co.uk/ IMDB : https://www.imdb.com/name/nm8720265/ Casting call club: https://www.castingcall.club/cassandrahaswell Backstage : https://www.backstage.com/vo/CassandraHaswell Socials Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/cassandrahaswell/ Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@cassandrahaswell Twitter : https://twitter.com/Thescarletblaze
 @scpunredacted  Un[REDACTED] SCP-001 - ROUNDERHOUSE's Gold Proposal: AMONI-RAM Part One SCP UNREDACTED by nobody : https://www.youtube.com/@scpunredacted/videos https://open.spotify.com/show/5pclusbHm5bPh6y9ufRJA6  @2114TheSeriesOfficial  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMkjH4bbQ9c  @scpunredacted  Un[REDACTED] SCP-6573 - It’s the Thought that Counts https://open.spotify.com/episode/0bLTN6AroutcgubzxiLtFg?si=417449479fb143d2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcBFyUukxf8&t=176s  @scpunredacted  Un[REDACTED] SCP-001 - ROUNDERHOUSE's Gold Proposal: AMONI-RAM Part One SCP UNREDACTED by nobody : https://www.youtube.com/@scpunredacted/videos https://open.spotify.com/show/5pclusbHm5bPh6y9ufRJA6 Dominion Audio Drama Episode 3 https://twitter.com/DominionNemo https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/dominion/id1696460664  @scpeeps  The Offshoot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqWK6rjw6ac
0 notes
porsinoestoy-blog · 1 year ago
Escribir siempre me resulto sanador.
Algunas veces lo hice para ordenar mis pensamientos, que suelen ser un caos en mi mente cuando se repiten en loop y no los exteriorizo. Otras veces me ayudó a recordar. Cómo me sentía, cómo me encontraba en mis diferentes procesos. Lo que pensaba o lo que estaba viviendo. Porque mi memoria no siempre es la mejor en algunos momentos, y a mi en lo personal, me gusta acordarme de cada cosa que viví, que logré, que compartí y hasta lo que perdí.
Recordar no siempre puede ser algo lindo. Dependiendo el enfoque que utilices para acordarte de lo que viviste podés celebrar esos capítulos como victorias ganadas, o podés quedar estancadx. Viviendo del pasado, de lo que fue. De lo que ya no está. Hundiéndote en el lamento, dejando que la culpa te coma.
Aprendí con el tiempo a ver cada suceso importante de mi vida como una lección, a veces como pruebas y desafíos, batallas ganadas y algunas perdidas, pero todas fueron aprendizaje.
De todo lo que experimenté, siempre encontré mensajes ocultos. De todo lo que sentí, muchas veces me resguardé en mi misma. La soledad a veces puede ser adictiva. Cuando encontrás tu lugar de paz donde nadie puede juzgarte, ni lastimarte, a veces es difícil volver a mostrarte vulnerable. Romper con la coraza que vos misma construiste con el pasar del tiempo, con la experiencia ganada, con las batallas perdidas y con las desilusiones que encontraste en el camino.
Me volví fuerte. Quise ser indestructible. Creé un escudo protector que sin darme cuenta forjó a mi alrededor algo más grande con lo que batallo hoy. El sentir que me ven como alguien que sin importar lo que viva, todo lo puede. Y si, sé que puedo con todo. Eso es lo que más orgullo me dá de lo que soy. Pero también, siento. Y mucho.
Siento tanto que a veces mis emociones me nublan las vista. Siento tanto todo, que la realidad en la que vivimos muchas veces me lastima. (Por no decir "me destruye") Y en esa misma realidad, intento con las herramientas que tengo y con la mejor de mis intensiones, ir detrás de lo que sueño.
Armar un mundo nuevo requiere valentía. La valentía la ganás cuando enfrentás los miedos. Lo que te paraliza. La ganás cuando te cansás de estar quieto y dás el primer paso hacia lo desconocido.
Las veces que me refugié en mi misma por no afrontarme a mis miedos muchas veces fueron decisiones inteligentes que tomé para cuidarme y otras veces fueron las mismas decisiones lo que me fue alejando de lo que "soy".
Me encantaría que me recuerden por ser valiente en mostrarme transparente, vulnerable, apasionada, y resiliente. Una loca más que sin importar las circunstancias camina para adelante.
Vivo, muero y resucito. La que hoy escribe esto es alguien que quiere mostrarles la capacidad que tenemos de aprender de nuestros caminos, entrelazarlos y convertirlos en una razón para continuar.
Mi mente siempre va más rápido de lo que llego a escribir. Por eso es que no escribo en los cuadernos. Y por más que esto me deje expuesta, sé porque lo hago. Me perdí mil veces intentando encontrar las maneras y de explicarme a mi misma el motivo de la necesidad de compartir lo que vivo, hasta que finalmente encontré el significado: por si no estoy.
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37karas · 1 year ago
📣 Nouvelle promotion pour mon album de musique electro et techno "Guerrier Maasaï" produit par 37karas ! 🔥🎧
🎶 Ce son hard tek va vous faire vibrer avec son mélange explosif de free tekno, acid et progressive. Et ne manquez pas la future bass à l'ancienne. 💥
🔑 La clé Camelot est en 8A et le titre est joué en 140BPM. Sortie officielle prévue le 24 mai 2023. Vous n'allez pas en croire vos oreilles ! 🎉
🛒 Trouvez tous mes morceaux sur ma page Bandcamp et plongez dans l'univers de "Guerrier Maasaï". Faites grimper le nombre de vues sur YouTube et boostez le nombre d'auditeurs sur Spotify ! 🚀
💥 Préparez-vous à une déferlante d'énergie pure, à coup sûr !!! 💪💥
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pmsticaret · 2 years ago
PMS Dış Ticaret, İş makinaları yedek parça sektöründe her zaman gelişme göstererek pazar alanını her geçen gün genişletmeye devam etmektedir.
Carraro, ZF, DANA ve diğer markalardaki OEM kalitesiyle sektörün öncü isimlerden biri olan PMS Dış Ticaret yedek parça satışlarının vazgeçilmezi olarak Dünya’nın her yerine gönderim sağlamaktadır.
OEM yedek parçaların yanı sıra Carraro Yedek Parça, ZF Yedek Parça, Dana Yedek Parça ve diğer markaların orijinal yedek parça tedariğini yapan firmamız ihtiyacınız olan yedek parçaları Dünya’nın her yerine sorunsuz ve hızlı şekilde teslimatını yapmaktadır.
Şanzıman ve Diferansiyel yedek parça satışı yapan firmamız bünyesinde OEM ve Orijinal olarak iki kategoriye ayrılsa da kalite açısından hiçbir fark yoktur. OEM Carraro, ZF, DANA ve diğer markalarda dahil olmak üzere OEM ve Orijinal Yedek Parça arasındaki tek fark fiyattır. OEM yedek parçalar, orijinal yedek parçalara nazaran daha uygun fiyatla aynı performansı sağlamakta ve ihtiyaçlarınıza cevap vermektedir.
İhtiyaç duyduğunuz ilk andan sorununuzun çözüldüğü ana kadar PMS Dış Ticaret profesyonel ekipleri ile size destek olmaktadır. www.pmsticaret.com web sitemizi ziyaret ederek Şanzıman ve Diferansiyel yedek parçalarımızı inceleyebilirsiniz. Satış ekimiz ile Instagram, WhatsApp, Mail iletişim kanallarını kullanarak ekiplerimize ulaşabilir, yedek parçalar hakkında bilgi / fiyat / teklif alabilir, sipariş verebilirsiniz.
Siparişinizi verdikten sonraki aşamada ürününüz profesyonel ekiplerimiz tarafından özenli, dikkatli ve hızlı şekilde hazırlanarak en kısa sürede kargoya teslim edilmektedir.
Kargo süreci boyunca profesyonel Satış Ekibimiz parça, siz müşterilerimize sorunsuz teslim edilene kadar sürecin takipçisi olmaktadır.
Carraro, ZF, DANA ve diğer markaların yedek parça satışı yapan firmamız herhangi bir sorun ile karşılaştığınızda ekiplerimiz çözüm için bir telefon uzaklığınızdadır.
ZF Axle
10425805A , 4472 881 060 , 0750.185.001 , 4143000177 , 4474853073 , 4474.158.033 , 4460314009 , 4460 205 010 , 04604637 , 4460 205 358 , 4472.335.974 , 4143000168 , 4112.298.924 , 4149310061 , PMSC104-774 , 4460 051 023 , 04601009 , A52042 , PMSC140-105 , PMSC119-305 , 4474805187 , 8052577 , 2050131 , PMSC119-752 , 7029474 , A2464035227 , PMSC119-369 , PMSC119-422 , 4472 086 052 , PMSC139-947 , 4131304021 , 4472 020 019 , 4472353679 , PMSC140-011 , 04/602169 , E624565153 , PMSC119-948 , 4474 805 105 , 4472319043 , 4472049237 , PMSC119-738 , 4474053073 , 3315623 , 4474008111 , 4474052018 , ZGAQ-00063 , 5006727 , PMSC099-862 , 7014048 , 15265528 , L22/9020076 , 4112033157 , 5716793A , 0092.203.049 , 4644252042 , 5991954 , 4474 852 018 , R75844 , 10472934 , 8603829 , 4474 305 257 , 04605380 , 4143 070 054 , PMSC118-930 , 7622696 , 4474 052 106 , 4472 351 572 , 4472304180 , 7010398 , 4472699033 , 5008244A , 3150362500 , 4474854066 , PMSC119-805 , 4112 033 157 , 4460 205 203 , 5008243A , PMSC139-702 , 0750 185 001 , 4112.230.036 , 4474.354.108 , 5009468A , 4472074095 , 4474354108 , 4475.338.090 , 4472336577 , PMSC139-957 , 4474306156 , 4472 699 033 , PMSC118-533 , PMSC105-185 , 2200100 , PMSC118-495 , 4644 252 001 , 15267528 , VOE20450311 , PMSC119-749 , 5005081 , PMSC124-628 , 36.44201-0000 , 4143 870 054 , 0092203049 , AT259198 , 4482.320.005 , 04604830 , 04604988 , PMSC107-046 , 4474 306 156 , 4460205203 , PMSC119-965 , 04/604830 , 4112 298 924 , 4644.351.049 , F279.100.301.260 , 4472.336.578 , 4472 353 679 , 04/601145 , 4474 351 051 , 7366060 , PMSC107-870 , PMSC070-410 , 4644.308.478 , 4472 099 205 , VOE2050131 , 5991948 , 4481221008 , 9R8197 , 5005244 , 119376A1 , VOE15176514 , PMSC119-377 , 5008645 , 10472934A , PMSC119-955 , 4472020019 , 4472020081 , 4143 800 186 , 7012038 , 4472.336.342 , 10429988A , PMSC104-801 , PMSC118-315 , 4472874095 , PMSC119-981 , 04604997 , 4061.318.052 , H22/4505100 , PMSC119-331 , 5717199A , F279100301260 , PMSC141-949 , 4112034007 , PMSC118-910 , ZGAQ00274 , PMSC102-078 , VOE16018347 , 4472 098 202 , 4644308624 , 4646 308 013 , 5716519A , 4474852018 , 4472 049 237 , 15500191 , 4642 352 027 , 7621972 , 15271903 , 4472 319 241 , 04602169 , 4642 308 383 , 04/604921 , PMSC107-452 , 5991157 , 4474.158.038 , 04/601748 , 4472339049 , 002200100 , 4644 308 211 , 4472318121 , 15268767 , 5716791 , 4474158017 , 4642.208.090 , 4644.351.015 , 500243308 , 4644252001 , 5006617 , 5009469 , VOE2126950 , 4112034050 , PMSC107-997 , 4143.000.168 , 4143.820.053 , 4642 308 170 , 4472.353.679 , 4143 000 186 , 4472335974 , T144665 , 4112 230 036 , 5007822 , 4474 352 118 , 4475.101.212 , 4472829120 , 4474853074 , 4644 351 049 , 4472074066 , 5991110 , 4642308424 , 79086881 , PMSC119-971 , 15176514 , PMSC119-751 , 5717127A , 4460 261 203 , 4642.208.091 , 7014772 , 4472 848 206 , 4472 020 081 , PMSC119-303 , 83944897 , 04/603630 , 4472077029 , 4474.254.031 , 4642208090 , 4061318052 , 10013011A , PMSC118-467 , 4143.000.021 , PMSC104-761 , 4642.208.024 , 4644 311 083 , PMSC107-230 , PMSC118-320 , 4474.306.156 , 4474852106 , 0730103522 , PMSC118-839 , 4474158040 , 4642208091 , T197985 , 4642.308.144 , 10429988 , 5008645A , 4472336578 , 4472874066 , T182771 , 4131.303.200 , 4472 874 061 , ZGAQ00063 , 4474 852 067 , 10425804A , 140200081 , 4472319050 , 4460.205.358 , 1699993GETG20839 , 4644.308.211 , 121425A1 , 4474 053 073 , PMSC140-637 , 4464301270 , 4472347037 , PMSC093-032 , 4472 074 060 , 10425798 , 4474 806 118 , PMSC119-399 , PMSC140-634 , 4482 320 005 , 5008242A , PMSC119-348 , 4474805105 , 4143 820 053 , 5005967 , 4472.319.241 , 4474 351 075 , 4474.158.017 , 2290141 , 4474807037 , 4474 008 111 , 04/605167 , 4474 309 212 , 4472848206 , 4460261203 , 5008613 , 4472022042 , PMSC119-946 , 4472049206 , 10425800A , 4472881060 , 4472074096 , 04604162 , 4472 020 027 , 4461 361 066 , 2906352 , 4472077048 , 4472 077 503 , 4112 835 018 , PMSC140-719 , MX052726 , PMSC105-892 , 4472.304.180 , 4472874061 , 4474052106 , 4472 074 096 , 4472373071 , 4627332040 , PMSC119-815 , 0730 103 522 , 4472 077 001 , 252213 , 79086882/9601629 , 04/604637 , PMSC140-721 , F282.300.020.060 , 1699993 , 4642 208 091 , PMSC106-608 , ZGAQ-03795 , 04/604997 , 4474 385 067 , 4481318003 , PMSC118-356 , PMSC118-983 , 4472 048 206 , 4472048206 , PMSC119-741 , 0501 002 605 , 7014899 , A52086 , 333-8039 , PMSC103-420 , 4620333197 , 5991164 , 4143.870.028 , 4472.336.577 , 4620.319.037 , 4143.000.177 , 4472.317.020 , 4472 339 056 , 10007279 , 4464301224 , 4472336582 , 513602 , 4472098202 , 4474052067 , PMSC119-976 , 4472 077 029 , 4475 618 002 , H22/4505101 , PMSC119-436 , PMSC119-747 , 04605381 , 1409296 , 4143 800 177 , 04/604162 , 4460.261.203 , PMSC105-255 , 4143800177 , 4642 208 024 , 4472351572 , PMSC103-989 , 4644251012 , 4644.251.012 , 4460205010 , 387145A1 , 6090716 , 7623458 , 10425801A , 3317982 , 4644 308 618 , 8479235 , PMSC119-800 , 04603630 , 4472.319.237 , PMSC119-394 , 4461.361.066 , 75605000 , PMSC118-905 , 4472.322.053 , 4472374107 , 4472 335 923 , 4474 805 187 , 4474 158 038 , 5991028 , 4472.351.572 , 4472 029 119 , 4474 155 039 , 5214300 , 4475618002 , 4460205358 , 4472 374 107 , 7615173 , PMSC119-362 , 5006388 , PMSC119-793 , 4475065032 , 4644 251 012 , 4143000186 , 75285951/9582358 , 20450311 , PMSC105-189 , 4620.333.197 , 5010223A , 10007279A , PMSC142-048 , PMSC119-973 , 3150341800 , 4474852067 , 4472.384.025 , 7621857 , 4644 308 478 , 73143437 , PMSC104-608 , 4472 874 060 , MX252213 , 5717121 , PMSC124-788 , 04/605381 , PMSC094-256 , 5716795A , PMSC119-383 , 4474 852 105 , PMSC139-842 , 4474.158.040 , 04/605220 , PMSC105-931 , 4644351015 , 4472 874 062 , 4475338089 , 5009581 , 10425805 , 4112 035 014 , 4472 874 095 , 4472.319.049 , 04602666 , 3338039 , PMSC107-256 , 4131.303.201 , 4472 319 049 , 4460.314.009 , 5008248A , 73143434 , 10007281A , 09398146 , 5717121A , H224505101 , 10476868 , 4642.208.092 , PMSC119-036 , 6645091 , 10425798A , 7027833A , 4472 304 180 , 4112.834.050 , PMSC118-911 , K9000718 , 5904662322 , 4472.318.121 , 4642 308 424 , 4642208024 , 4112 834 050 , 10016720A , ZGAQ03795 , 36442010000 , 4472 318 121 , 5009468 , PMSC105-326 , 4474.351.075 , 10476865A , 4461361066 , 3216750R1 , 4642 208 090 , 4472 829 152 , 5009035 , ZGAQ-00274 , 4644.308.213 , 04601145 , 0092 203 049 , 4112.835.018 , 10425804 , 4642308170 , 4474351075 , PMSC118-536 , PMSC118-327 , 4472020027 , 10472931 , 04602121 , PMSC119-817 , 4472099237 , PMSC119-387 , 4469.221.009 , PMSC118-907 , 22922431 , 4644.252.001 , 5005886 , PMSC119-969 , 15271029 , PMSC113-708 , 4472029152 , PMSC140-722 , 4472 319 043 , PMSC142-047 , 4620319037 , 5006386 , 04/602121 , 4474 008 145 , PMSC118-825 , PMSC119-389 , PMSC119-799 , 4474.155.039 , 4112.035.018 , ZGAQ-01727 , 4112.033.157 , 4644 308 213 , 7027833 , VOE2200100 , 4061 318 052 , 4143000021 , 4474 854 066 , 4460.206.002 , 4644 352 071 , 5007560 , 4112.035.014 , PMSC119-744 , 4472874060 , 4474.254.027 , 4460051023 , 4472099205 , 4474054066 , PMSC119-950 , MX252267 , PMSC107-174 , 4644 351 015 , 4143870054 , 10476865 , 4472874062 , 5716795 , PMSC106-062 , 4143870028 , PMSC119-569 , 4644352071 , 4143 070 028 , 4481.318.003 , 09397796 , 4472077001 , PMSC140-015 , 4143.800.186 , 4143.070.054 , 4644 308 624 , 120030A1 , 4472 384 025 , PMSC118-841 , 4474 158 017 , 2908622 , 5008881 , 4143.070.028 , 4475.338.089 , PMSC119-358 , PMSC140-106 , PMSC105-518 , 4481 318 003 , PMSC104-773 , L63121 , 4474 807 037 , MX252029 , 4472874096 , 5009469A , PMSC118-323 , PMSC119-765 , 04/601144 , 61429801 , 4472322053 , 5008242 , 4472.336.582 , PMSC083-488 , 4472.335.923 , 4482320005 , 4642352027 , 4481.221.008 , 139900330742 , PMSC119-411 , PMSC094-216 , 4143 000 177 , 04605220 , 20732R1 , 4472 336 342 , 4474007037 , VOE52359557 , 5991962 , 5010223 , 04/604988 , PMSC140-738 , 5008612 , 52359557 , 4475338090 , ZM 2906352 , 4472 336 582 , 5991144 , 4474806118 , 4460 206 002 , 4472877503 , VOE6645091 , 5006387 , 81635C1 , H22/4505200 , 4642.352.027 , PMSC118-521 , 152942 , PMSC118-469 , 4474852105 , 4472 074 066 , 4644.308.624 , 75285951 , 4472336342 , 4112035018 , 4460.205.010 , 0730.103.522 , 4112 034 050 , 4644.352.071 , 4143800186 , 352059 , PMSC118-838 , 5006538 , 4112035014 , 4627.332.040 , L229020076 , 11988829 , PMSC105-560 , PMSC107-251 , 4475101620 , 73140523 , PMSC119-406 , 4472 336 392 , 8482214 , 4112.034.007 , 4469221009 , 4112 298 902 , 4131 303 200 , 4620 333 197 , 4474 808 111 , 5717212 , PMSC119-768 , 4642208092 , 5010430A , 4644.308.618 , 102-3683 , 5010430 , PMSC119-431 , PMSC107-254 , 4472 317 020 , 7382339 , 4474 007 037 , 4475101212 , 0022922431 , PMSC105-207 , 4460 314 009 , 4472 074 095 , 10016490A , 04601144 , 4472 099 237 , 8052391 , 79111860 , 4481 221 008 , 4620 319 037 , PMSC091-430 , PMSC118-796 , 103599A1 , PMSC105-220 , 4112.034.050 , 4112298902 , 4143820053 , 4474158033 , 5904646649 , 4475 065 032 , 4472 874 096 , 4143070028 , 4472 022 042 , 1297 336 010 , 4112298924 , PMSC090-258 , 4131 304 021 , 4472 336 577 , 4112835018 , 4474 054 066 , PMSC083-358 , 4131.304.021 , 4472317020 , PMSC077-635 , 4472 335 974 , 4472.374.107 , 1023683 , 4472 322 053 , 5716929A , 6090118 , 2126950 , 79111860/9582683 , 4460 205 228 , PMSC118-326 , 4112.298.902 , 4149 310 061 , 252029 , PMSC118-801 , 8031363 , 4472029119 , 4464 301 224 , 5717086A , 4474352118 , 4472319237 , T230816 , 4472 373 071 , 4143070054 , 020732R1 , 4474 354 108 , 04604921 , 4642.308.383 , 4642308144 , 87744110 , 4644308211 , 4474 853 074 , 4646308013 , 04605179 , 4474 254 027 , PMSC091-395 , 4472319049 , 4112834050 , 4112 034 007 , 4472 347 037 , PMSC118-826 , 4131303201 , 4112 035 018 , PMSC119-041 , 7622773 , 10476867 , 04/602666 , 4475 338 089 , 0052359557 , 4475 338 090 , 4474 305 258 , 4474254027 , 8025277 , 4472 829 120 , 2962969M1 , 4472353515 , PMSC104-594 , ZM 2908622 , A0003510801 , 10007281 , 10440771 , 4474254031 , S300468 , 4472 077 048 , 75310553 , 5716929 , 4131 303 201 , 5006246 , PMSC119-953 , 4472074060 , PMSC119-963 , 169-9993 , 4143 870 028 , 4464 301 270 , 5904670001 , PMSC139-975 , 5008248 , 4472 339 049 , PMSC119-813 , PMSC127-548 , 04/601009 , 4472 319 050 , 4474 158 033 , 4474008145 , 4474.309.212 , 4472 029 152 , 4644351049 , PMSC139-969 , 4131303200 , PMSC119-820 , 4474 158 040 , PMSC150-451 , 4644311083 , 4460.051.023 , 4472 049 205 , 4472 336 470 , 252267 , 8051919 , PMSC140-869 , 4642 208 092 , 4474305258 , PMSC118-362 , 4474 052 018 , 4475.101.620 , 4474309212 , 4472 353 515 , 4644308618 , PMSC118-846 , F282300020060 , PMSC107-929 , 4143 000 168 , PMSC103-339 , 4474.305.257 , 4475 101 620 , 10016490 , PMSC119-298 , 04601748 , PMSC119-370 , 4472077503 , 10489557 , PMSC107-872 , H224505200 , 4472319241 , 04/605380 , 1297336010 , 4642 308 144 , PMSC105-253 , PMSC119-737 , 4472.336.470 , 4474 853 073 , 04605167 , 79086882 , 4143.000.186 , 04/605179 , 4472.347.037 , PMSC118-904 , AT259184 , 0501002605 , 4460206002 , PMSC119-746 , H224505100 , 4474385067 , PMSC107-896 , 4474155039 , 4472336392 , 4474 052 067 , 4472336470 , 571462908 , 7029474A , 4472049205 , PMSC085-624 , 4474808111 , 4469 221 009 , 4474158038 , PMSC118-832 , 4143.870.054 , PMSC119-662 , 4472339056 , 4644 252 042 , 4472335923 , PMSC103-332 , VOE22922431 , 4475.618.002 , 4474 254 031 , PMSC140-006 , 4472 877 503 , 4642.308.170 , PMSC104-593 , 5717153 , 4646.308.013 , 4472384025 , 4472829152 , 4472 336 578 , 16018347 , 4627 332 040 , PMSC118-342 , 7623121 , 5007809 , 8603834 , PMSC119-748 , 4474 852 106 , 002290141 , 4143.800.177 , PMSC107-255 , 002126950 , 4474.351.051 , VOE11988829 , PMSC071-485 , PMSC107-905 , PMSC119-568 , PMSC105-401 , PMSC096-693 , 4460205228 , 4472086052 , 4112230036 , 4644308213 , 4143 000 021 , 4642308383 , 4644308478 , 8603668 , 4472 049 206 , 240200310 , 4474351051 , PMSC090-530 , 4472 849 206 , 4474.305.258 , 4475 101 212 , 4472 319 237 , 9R-8197 , 052726 , 4474305257 , 4472849206 , 4472 874 066 , 0750185001 , 73140749 , PMSC118-848 , 4460.205.228
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newzikradio · 2 years ago
Voici un pack DJ afin d’animer vos mixes et live proposé par madness Muv, propulsé par Dream Sound Media et NewZIK Radio. Obtenez le ici : https://gum.co/2021MMDSF16   Madness Muv – Action Lazer 001 Madness Muv – Action Lazer 002 Madness Muv – Action Lazer 003 Madness Muv – Action Lazer 004 Madness Muv – Action Lazer 005 Madness Muv – Pull Up Train 011 Madness Muv – Pull Up Train 012 Madness Muv…
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snapdragon-sorrows · 2 years ago
[ PROLOGUE: 001 ]
Everything hurt.
Sasha de Vos came to consciousness and let out a quiet groan. Her head was pounding and everything seemed foggy. She kept her eyes shut for a few moments to gather herself before they fluttered open, scanning the area.
She couldn’t see much due to the darkness of the room, but what she could see was a wooden interior that seemed to be rotting and rugged. A red rug was splayed out across the ground, and some other people were laying on the ground. They seemed to be waking up as well, evident from their groaning and confused grunts. She squinted her eyes, trying to count how many other people were in the room. It seemed to be fifteen other people— sixteen, counting herself. Usually it would be kind of crowded with that many people, but the room they were in was big enough to fit all of them comfortably. Sasha pushed herself into a sitting position and looked around some more, trying to understand anything she could at this moment. A few other people were getting up as well, sitting or standing up already.
She ran through who she was in her brain, trying to gauge how much she remembered.
Okay. She was Sasha de Vos, the Ultimate Live Action Roleplayer. She liked lots of things, like Pokémon and fantasy books. She had a step-sister and a stepmom along with her mother. She lived in Belgium.
“Is everyone okay?” A raspy but kind voice rang out. Sasha looked over at the origin of the voice— it was a girl with black curly hair and pink devil horns, wearing a light orange apron over a pink turtleneck sweater. She had a long red skirt on, and bandages covering parts of her arms. Interesting. She radiated a kind, almost motherly vibe that Sasha felt herself liking.
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“Ummm, I’m okay!” Sasha chirped, getting to her feet and starting to dust off her clothes. She was wearing an oversized sweater and her favorite skirt. She remembered putting this on before she left the house this morning— at least, she thinks it was this morning. Actually, now that she’s thinking back, she can’t remember how she got in this situation. That’s weird. She usually had such a good memory…
The girl who previously spoke nodded her head and knelt down next to someone who wasn’t awake yet. They were wearing a waitress outfit and had curly black hair tied into a ponytail, similar to the other girl’s except for the two green braids lying on their shoulders. After a few moments, their eyes opened, revealing a bright green color as they looked up at the girl kneeling next to them.
“What the fuck? Mom?” She asked, sounding bewildered.
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The girl gently laughed and shook her head.
“No, I am not your mother. My name is Mio Akiyoshi. I am the Ultimate Nursing Student. It is nice to meet you,” She said, holding her hand out for the girl laying down to take.
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Sasha took a mental note of Mio’s name and appearance. Ultimate Nursing Student, huh? Sasha was an Ultimate, too! That’s so cool! Sasha was the Ultimate Live Action Roleplayer; or LARPer, as she liked to say.
“Oh. Kehehe… I should have known. You smell like a mortal,” The girl laying down said, getting to her feet without Mio’s assistance. She then posed, putting a peace sign in front of her face and holding her elbow. “I am Leilani Alana, the Ultimate Demon!” She announced, her voice echoing around the rundown shack. The girl, apparently Leilani, then closed her eyes, laughing ominously.
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Mio stared at her for a moment before slowly nodding. “Alright, Ms. Alana. It is a pleasure to be of your acquaintance. I am going to go make sure everyone else is alright now,” Mio said, dipping her head down and moving closer to Sasha.
[ NEXT ]
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