delphindraws · 6 years
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Movie night went amazing, thanks for asking 🖤❤💙
My gift for @kaiivar for the VLD Poly Exchange! Hope you enjoy it and happy Valentine's Day~
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sasuhinasno1fan · 6 years
The perfect double surprise
So @ebhenah, I tried twice and hated both of my attempts so I really hope you enjoy this. I mixed your date night and planning a surprise prompts and changed it up just slightly. Enjoy.
Edit: @vldpolyexchange
Adam was focused on grading papers, music helping him focus when a pair of hands slammed on his shoulders.
He pulled his earphones out and turned around to see Matt laughing at him. Adam let out a huff. He liked Matt as a friend and also as his boyfriend’s other boyfriend, but he could be such a little shit sometimes.
“What the fuck asshole?”
“Not my fault that you don’t pay attention. I was trying to get your attention for 5 minutes.” Adam rolled his eyes. “Anyway, what are you and Shiro doing for Valentine’s day?”
Adam stopped himself from stiffening. As much as he’d love to go out with Shiro for Valentine’s, Shiro had been busy with work recently and he thought Matt should get the chance to spend the day with him. Now if he could finally get the confirmation email for their surprise.
“Um, I don’t know if we’re doing anything. What about you?”
“I don’t know if I have to work that night. We’ll see.” Matt answered.
Adam’s phone buzzed and he picked it up to look at the screen, stifling a smile. It was the confirmation email he’d been waiting for when he purchased tickets to an orchestra who would be playing some of the songs from Matt and Shiro’s favourite video game.
“Anything good?” Matt asked, leaning in trying to snoop.
“Just one of my students trying to give me a sob story about their boyfriend dumping them so they can’t finish an essay. Nothing I haven’t heard around this time. Now another question. This is my apartment; how did you get in?”
“I might have stolen Shiro’s keys.”
Adam sighed, already done with Matt. “My boyfriend is dating a kleptomaniac.”
“Hey, this klepto managed to hack into a terrorist mainframe and find their location.” Matt said, boasting about his job as a government hacker.
“Ah yes, my hero. If you’re gonna stick around for Shiro, at least go and cook something.”
“Fine. Only because we all know you’d poison all of us if you were let into the kitchen.” Matt teased.
Matt covered the pot to let the keep the finished pasta warm when his phone rang.
“It’s your favourite person.”
“My stuck up and terrifying boss, Kolivan?”
“Asshole! It’s Lance!”
Matt laughed. “Calm down.”
“I can just hang up and tell Hunk to take his reservations back.” Lance warned, making Matt drop the spoon he was moving.
“No, no, no! I’m sorry!” he hissed.
Valentine’s was coming up and he wanted to treat Adam and Shiro to a date night. He didn’t mind spending the day with his video games. The two deserved it, so he asked Shiro’s brother’s boyfriend if he could ask his best friend to squeeze them onto the reservation list.
“That’s what I thought.” Lance said, sounding princely. “Hunk got Shiro and Adam onto the list but it’s under your last name because Hunk can’t remember how to spell Adam’s obnoxiously long last name and the hostess kept struggling with Shirogane for some reason so he got frustrated and just put your name.”
“Ouch.” Matt said.
“I mean, some people still struggle with Keith’s last name, which isn’t far from Shiro’s but whatever. Point is, they’re on the list. You’re welcome.”
“Thank you. Are you sure you don’t want me to hack into the system at Keith’s job and get him the night off?”
“I don’t think the police force would enjoy that but thanks. He already said I can come over and have Chinese in one of the conference rooms with him.” Lance said.
“Alright.” Matt heard the front door open and the nails of Shiro’s dog Lion running in. “Gotta go. Thank you again. Whatever you need next time, it’s yours.”
“I’ll hold you to that.” Lance said before hanging up.
Matt left the kitchen and pouted as Lion ran over to Adam. “Hey, she ran to me last time. What gives?”
“Oh, so I guess my kisses won’t suffice.” Shiro said, dropping his bag on the couch and walked over to Matt, who opened his arms to let Shiro pull him in to kiss. “You left the door unlocked by the way. If your going to steal my keys at least make sure the two of you are safe.”
“Everyone in this building has seen Adam mad, I’m sure they know not to rob the place.” Matt joked.
Shiro laughed at his boyfriends. “Not that I’m not happy to see you, but I left from your apartment this morning. What are you doing here?”
“I had to ask Adam something and I wanted to tell you something anyway. Besides, I made dinner.” A white furry body shoved her way between them. “Easy girl, you can join us.”
While Lion scarfed her dinner down, the three had sat down and dinner, talking about their day from Shiro’s job as a therapy dog trainer, the schemes Matt got into at his job and the insanity Adam dealt with in the classroom that day. Shiro took the plates to the sink and brought over a tub of Italian gelato and three spoons.
“So, what did you guys want to do for Valentine’s? It’s on Thursday.” Shiro asked, letting his boyfriends dig into the tub first.
“I have a surprise.” Adam and Matt said at the same time, making Shiro look at them.
“Is it the same thing?”
“I hope not.” Matt said. “Let me go first! I got you and Adam reservations to the restaurant Hunk works at for Valentine’s day. It’s under my last name so don’t give yours.”
Adam slowly pulled his spoon out of his mouth. “Um, Matt. I got you and Shiro tickets to that orchestra, the one who was doing a whole set of songs from that video game you like. It’s on Valentine’s day.”
“Oh.” Matt said.
Shiro looked at his boyfriends. He was really happy that each of them wanted him to spend the day with the other and he wanted to fix this. “Adam, when’s the performance?”
“Uh, 6:30 for an hour and a half.”
“Reservations?” Shiro asked Matt.
“8 because you two don’t like dinner at 7 for some reason.”
“Well then, I don’t see why I can’t do both.” The bispecaled boys looked confused so Shiro explained. “Matt and I will go to the concert and I can drop him back home and meet Adam for dinner. And if it’s ok with you guys, Adam and I can bring back dessert and we can all end the night with a movie.”
“That’s actually…” Adam started.
“A really good idea.” Matt finished.
“I’m glad you think so. Thank you you two. I’m sure there presents will be fun. And don’t worry, I’ve got something for you two as well.
“This is strange.” Matt sad, letting Adam fix the cuffs of his shirt.
“You doing an extremely casual cosplay of that character you and Shiro can’t stop drooling over?” Adam asked.
“Oh please, this is so not the first time I’ve casually cosplayed for an event like this. I mean, Shiro and I went to go see the BNHA movie the other day and we dressed in a version of their school uniform.”
Adam looked completely confused. “What? You know what, I don’t want to know. It’s enough that my boyfriend is a complete nerd. I don’t want to think about what you two nerds get into.”
“I mean you can watch.” Matt joked, Adam frowning at him. “Joking. But I was actually talking about this whole situation. I mean, Shiro, our boyfriend, spent the night at my apartment and we stayed here just so we could help the other choose outfits. Like we were like best friends or something.”
“Well, I consider you a very good friend.”
“I do to, it’s just, I also know you as my boyfriend’s other boyfriend who makes me feel compersion because you make Shiro really happy.” Matt said.
“You make him happy too. Goodness knows that if you never came along, I’d be dying trying to understand his gaming obsessions.”
“Hey. Usually we only go out with Shiro and we’ve never tried to go to something we all enjoy. My little sibling works at the local planetarium and there’s a ‘Myths behind the Stars’ event happening soon and I know you like the Greek myths a lot. I mean all of us are interested in space, maybe we can all go.” Matt suggested.
Adam’s smile was grateful. “I’d like to do that. Even though you and I aren’t dating, doesn’t mean we can’t all go out. You’re ready by the way.”
“Thanks. And thanks again for the tickets.”
“Of course. Are you sure the suit I have is fine for the restaurant? I heard what Hunk said, it’s a high establishment.”
Matt rolled his eyes. “It’ll be fine. Jez look at us, completely worried about what our boyfriend will think when we both know he’ll be completely head over heels for us anyway.”
“We are acting a bit crazy.”
Both their phones buzzed as their group chat got a new message.
“Shiro’s here. I’ll see you when we switch out.” Matt said.
“Have a nice time.”
Shiro was waiting for Matt in front the apartment, smiling when he realised what Matt was wearing.
“I’m letting you know it took everything in me not to do the same.” He said as Matt climbed in.
“Well great minds do think alike. Now let’s go. Adam said there’s supposed to be a small museum of things from the game before we go into the theatre.”
“Yes sir.”
They arrived at theatre and became the two nerds Adam had called them as they took in everything on display. When they finally got into the theatre, they were really excited for the concert.
“I’m really happy Adam got these tickets for us. It’s a shame we can’t get him into gaming.” Shiro said, resting his cheek in Matt’s hair, while the shorter one looked through the program.
“I think he’s happy with that. Hey, do you remember when you think I thought he didn’t like me?”
Shiro couldn’t help but laugh at the mess the relationship had been when Matt first joined. “Adam thought you didn’t like him.”
“He was so sophisticated.”
“And you were a complete nerd and he thought I’d just leave him for just you, just like you thought I’d dump you just to stay with him. Thank god we got that cleared up.”
“Bonding over the same insecurities, fun.”
“But I’m glad it worked out. I don’t know what my life would be without the two of you.”
Matt pulled his head away so he could smirk up at his boyfriend. “If it wasn’t for the fact that I was going to be spending the rest of the night with you and Adam, I’d think you were trying to get lucky.”
“Very funny. I’m serious.”
“Yeah, I know you are. You’d be lost without us.”
“Yes I would.” Shiro happily admitted, pressing a kiss to Matt’s lips.
“And don’t you forget it.”
“Reservation for 2 under Holt.” Adam told the hostess.
“Of course. Yes, here it is. Right this way.”
Adam took Shiro’s hand and squeezed through the unfortunate group of people who didn’t have reservations and were waiting. They were seated at a table, Shiro pulling Adam’s chair out before sitting himself. They were left with the menus and not long after a familiar face came to their table, wiping his hands on his apron.
“Hey lovebirds.” Hunk cooed.
“Hunk. Thank you for getting Matt the reservations.” Adam thanked.
“Of course. Poor guy kept begging, I couldn’t exactly say no. you are lucky that the person in charge of reservations though liked me. Don’t bother ordering from the menu, I have a set menu set up for you two.”
“Oh, you don’t have to.” Shiro tried to deny.
“Chef’s orders.” Hunk said, placing his hands on his hips.
Shiro sighed. He knew that pose. Hunk would push and push until he got his way and he always got his way.
“Can I at least request that dessert be taken home though. We have a very nerded out person back at the apartment.”
“I got Shiro and Matt tickets to see this orchestra that was playing songs from their favourite game. Matt was still gushing about it when we switched.” Adam explained.
“Aww, Shiro, your boyfriends wanted to surprise you other halves.” Hunk gushed.
“Yeah, I’m a pretty lucky guy.” Shiro said, staring at Adam with a fond look as he took his hand.
“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of dessert. I’ll take these. Enjoy the night you two.” Hunk said, taking the menus and going back to the kitchen.
“I really am lucky you know.” Shiro said, taking Adam’s other hand, squeezing lightly at his fingers.
“I know. How was the concert though? I’m surprised I didn’t ask that on the ride over.”
“I thought Matt’s reaction would have been enough. It was amazing. Thank you for the present.”
“Your welcome. Though I think this dinner is more than enough repayment.”
Shiro couldn’t help but remember what he and Matt had been talking about while waiting for the event to start. “You know, it still surprises me that I’ve got the two of you. I remember in beginning when I started dating Matt, I was so worried you two wouldn’t get along because each of you were so sure the other didn’t like him.”
“Guess that’s proof that even V relationships still have to have communication.” Adam said, still remembering how ridiculous worried he’d been that Shiro would dump him for Matt. Now look at them, a prefect working machine to give their very deserving boyfriend all the love he needs.
“And I’m very glad that it worked out. I told this to Matt and it’s still very true, I don’t know where I’d be without the two of you.”
“Probably overworking to help people and maybe adopting too many dogs.” Adam guessed.
“You make it sound like adopting dogs is a bad thing.”
“Sweetie, Lion is enough of a handful and you’ve got me and Matt. You don’t need any more bundles of love.”
“Yeah, I guess I can’t complain with these amazing points.”
“Ohh,” Matt awed over the dessert Hunk had sent Shiro and Adam home with. Netflix was up and Shiro was choosing his pick of the three movies they’d watch for the night. “This is that lemon raspberry crepe cake Hunk makes. How did he do this? There’s no way this was on the menu.”
“It’s Hunk. I learn to just not question it.” Adam suggested.
“I do the same with Keith. And my sibling. Those two would get along.” Matt said.
Shiro uploaded his movie to their list when he remembered something. “Oh, I haven’t given you guys your gifts.” He passed the remote to Matt and got up off the couch.
“Grab some plates while your up. And a knife?” Matt asked.
“And forks, we’re not heathens Mathew.”
“That’s not what Shiro told me after last weekend when he stayed here because I had a long shift.” Matt teased, grinning as Adam turned red and threw a pillow at him.
Shiro came back with the requested items and two wrapped boxes. He checked the little marks he made on the side before handing them each to the right person. They opened the boxes to reveal a picture frame with three sets of pictures.
“Oh, this is my favourite picture of you and Matt.” Adam said looking at the photo next to the one of him and Shiro when Shiro first adopted Lion. Matt and Shiro were at the beach and Matt was on top Shiro’s shoulders.
“Hey, your pictures are different than mine.” Matt noticed. His favourite picture of Adam and Shiro wasn’t of them with Lion, it was them on a Ferris wheel with the night lights in the background. The one with him and Shiro was at their first convention together where someone happened to ask to take a picture when Shiro started carrying Matt on his back.
The last picture however was the same for them both. Adam, Shiro and Matt had a day off and decided to spend it in Disneyland and Adam insisted they all get matching headbands so they all wore matching sequenced Micky Mouse ears.
On the bottom, under the last photo the words, ‘It doesn’t matter who it started with, my life and love are complete with you two’ were etched on the bottom.
“Oh, Shiro.” Matt said looking at the words.
“Do you like them?” Shiro asked, seeming nervous, “It’s nothing like the two of you did but I wanted you two to remember how much I love you guys.”
“They’re perfect, thank you.” Adam said. “Come here.”
Shiro already knew what they wanted, and leaned down so his cheeks were presented, which had kisses pressed onto them.
“Happy Valentine’s day you two.” Shiro said.
“Happy Valentine’s day. Now can we eat the cake?” Matt asked, not even sorry as Adam and Shiro laughed at him.
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Title: War of Hearts
Rating: T
Warnings: N/A
Relationships: Matt Holt/Keith/Shiro
Additional Tags: Pining Idiots, College AU
"But my matchmaking worked and now they're together. I'm happy for them, I really am, but it's so hard. Katie, they're both so hot, and every time I'm with them, it's like I'm third-wheeling a newly married couple."
Matt is a pining idiot who sets up his crushes.
This is for @firecrackerstorm as part of the @vldpolyexchange event. Happy Valentine's Day, Miles! ❤
Multitasking and using this to fill my "Attraction" prompt on my Romance Bingo Card!
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ebhenah · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Allura/Lance/Shiro (Voltron), Keith & Shiro (Voltron), Hunk & Lance (Voltron), Keith & Lance (Voltron), Matt Holt & Pidge | Katie Holt & Shiro, Allura & Coran (Voltron), Keith & Romelle (Voltron) Characters: Shiro (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Matt Holt, Pidge | Katie Holt Additional Tags: Polyamory, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Domestic, Aged-Up Lance (Voltron), established Shiro/Allura/Lance, broganes, polyship, VLD Polyship Valentine's Exchange 2019, Voltron Polyamory Exchange, POV Lance (Voltron), Cuban Lance (Voltron), Cosplay, Makers, Mentions of previous accident/injury for Shiro, Mentions of previous surgeries for Shiro, Mentions of prosthetics and physical therapy for Shiro, Amputee Shiro (Voltron) Summary:
Being part of a trio sounds way more exotic and scandalous than it really is. Lance is very happy with his life. He lives with his very hot boyfriend and equally hot girlfriend; runs a business with his best friend that lets him fly and jump out of planes; and has hobbies and friends he loves. Really, when the biggest complaint you have about your life is that your partners work too hard sometimes, things couldn't really get much better. Right?
@vldpolyexchange @crafty-scrafty
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VLD Valentine PolyExchange
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Giftee: @backupmakeshiftlifeinwaiting  for  @vldpolyexchange
Prompt: Hanahaki au / Mutual Pining, Shiro/Allura/Lance. Sorta a darker, sadder theme for valentine’s day. I am a sucker for angst, I saw it in the list of prompts I wanted to do it. Sorta have Shiro and Allura together, both sharing the feelings for Lance. While Lance feels the same, but in love with two people... causing twice as many flowers. What to do? Q.Q
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vldpolyexchange · 6 years
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Gift for @hedonistink from @kaiivar
Posted on twitter due to being NSFW.
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crafty-scrafty · 6 years
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This is my @vldpolyexchange gift for @jadengrace1!! I went with the ship for Allura/Lance/Hunk/Keith because the more the merrier!! Except in this case, I guess because I went with angsty cuddles. Keith probably did something dumb and self sacrificing on a mission and partners are worried about him.
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galrafloofandlove · 6 years
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Sweet, bitter, sweet // 1.8k // Teen and up audiences // Keith/Shiro/Kuron // A/B/O dynamics
My gift for @hazelcathair for @vldpolyexchange!
Read it here
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ebhenah · 6 years
Lance struggles with being alone on Valentine's Day and two crushes that have been lingering since his Garrison Days aren't really making it any easier. Especially since one of them he has to work with every day and the other has become his sister's best friend during his absence. I wrote this for the VLD Valentine PolyExchange put together by @vldpolyexchange​ on tumblr as a gift for @angeltortured-artblog. It is my first time participating in an event like this and I had a blast. I really hope my giftee enjoys the story (and doesn't mind that I went way, way, way overboard on the word count!).
My prompt was "Lance is upset it's Valentine's day, his favorite holiday. He's alone, but he doesn't know that more than one love is just waiting for him." and the polyship I chose from the list given to me was "James/Keith/Lance" This story was a lot of fun and I think that I might have a new favorite OT3 because of it!  As always, I live for feedback so please comment away!
 Enjoy Ebh
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