#vladimir vasilovich
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hannaswritingblog · 7 months ago
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× Vladimir "Vlad" Vasilovich [Anastasia] general aesthetic
And I have known my share of royalty.
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notaplaceofhonour · 8 months ago
I know it’s unlikely because he was a nobleman in Tsar Nicholas II’s court (and maybe it’s just that he looks like Papa Mousekewitz because Don Bluth can only draw two men) but Vladimir Vanya Vonitsky Vasilovich in Anastasia will always be Jewish to me
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evermorehqs · 2 months ago
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Eleanora Ashwin is based on Cinderella from Cinderella. She is a 29 year old human, elementary school teacher, and uses she/her pronouns. She has no powers. Eleanora is portrayed by Aisha Dee and she is open.
Life could be so magical, so dreamlike, if you let it. If you opened your mind to listening to your heart and lived warmly and openly. That was Eleanora's life...until her father died and everything changed. Dreams turned into nightmares, love turned into indifference and even resentment. Everything that the young girl had been taught turned against her and left her wondering if this was what life really was. Had she been living in the whimsy of childhood for so long that she had been blind to how horrid her stepmother was until she had no choice but come face to face with it? She was far too young to experience the mistreatment that she endured but she learned quickly how to keep the small spark of hope and love alive inside of her, no matter how much her stepmother and stepsisters tried to quash it out of her. Ella was nothing if not resilient and if someone had to hold onto the hope that things could get better, it was her. Waking up in Evermore was a disorienting experience for Eleanora. She awoke knowing she was not home, something was off. She remembered that her father had died, that she was left to the care of her stepmother but she could not specifically remember what they had put her through. There were feelings of discomfort and distrust whenever she saw them but she could never quite grasp the reason why. Maybe it was a blessing to forget the specific kind of torture she was put through, but you couldn't be sure. Would it have been better for her to remember? Or was ignorance truly bliss? Either way, Ella had found the wind beneath her wings in Evermore, realizing that while things were different, others remained the same. Her love for helping people, for teaching, for singing and creating - none of those things had been taken away from her so what was the rush in trying to leave.
❀ Layla Holms: A fellow teacher that has helped Eleanora with all kinds of projects and questions. Layla has quickly become someone that she relies on and looks up to somewhat like a mother. ❀ Vladimir 'Vlad' Vasilovich: There is no denying that Vlad is a great story teller and he knows a lot about history that Eleanora likes to tap into for fun lessons for her students. ❀ Aurora Reverie: It's hard for Eleanora to believe that love and dreams can change the world and, if there was one person who could understand that, it was Aurora and she's grateful to have her around.
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ao3feed-anastasia · 6 months ago
A Gathering Storm
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/mnHvFNh by Silver_linings6 How did Vlad and Dmitri become friends? Words: 351, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Anastasia (1997) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Other Characters: Vladimir Vanya Voinitsky Vasilovich, Dmitri Sudayev Relationships: Vladimir Vasilovich & Dmitri Sudayev Additional Tags: Father-Son Relationship, Inspired by Anastasia (1997) read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/mnHvFNh
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unsentimentaltranslator · 5 months ago
Um excuse you, Sophie Stanislovskievna Somorkov-Smirnoff is very famous, partly because of her ongoing flirtations with Vladimir Vanya Vonitsky Vasilovich.
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askstorykids-hq · 1 year ago
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Welcome to Addersfield, home of Illedale University. Let’s see what information we have about you for the town hall’s records, shall we?
Name: Tatyana Vasilovich
Parent(s): Sophie Smirnov & Vladimir Vasilovich Film/Show: Anastasia Face: Nicole Wallace Age: 23 Major (if student): n/a Occupation: n/a
Name: Kentaro Mochizuki
Parent(s): Puck & Seline Film/Show: Gargoyles Face: Ryo Yoshizawa Age: 24 Major (if student): Shakespeare Studies / Gothic Architecture Occupation: n/a
Name: Hazel Gilbert
Parent(s): Jeremy Film/Show: The Vampire Diaries Face: Ciara Bravo Age: 18 Major (if student): English Occupation: n/a
Zan, Rory, and Destini, you have 24 hours to send in your blog URL/post in-character on your multimuse. The follow notice for a new blog will be posted as soon as possible. Thank you for your application and welcome to the group!
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hitchell-mope · 4 years ago
Supergirl Anastasia au
Kara. Anastasia
Mon El. Dimitri
J’onn. Vlad
M’gann. Sophie
Eliza. Dowager empress
Lena. Rasputin
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ourladyofghouls · 4 years ago
i demand appreciation for my favorite guy vlad from anastasia, both the movie version and the musical version bc like wow I do not see nearly enough love for this rad old guy like?
movie version we’ve got this guy right, he’s in his late 40s probably and very VERY easily could’ve been made into comedic relief or the “punching bag character” and in the original script that was pretty much his entire purpose, like you could make a drinking game every time his weight was brought up and you’d be dead. that would’ve been so easy but nah ah ah INSTEAD we got this tritagonist who actually has motives, flaws, a personality, a purpose in the story, etc etc. And yeah he was funny at times but most of the jokes were centered around him and Dimitri playing off each other or how he reacted to certain things (the scene right before learn to do it is a prime explain. loving the flower crown my friend). And he has a cute gf! who he loves! like gomez and morticia levels of love and she isn’t made into a joke either! and they get their happy ending and I love that and he’s also a genuinely nice dude. i feel like he could give me great life advice and even greater hugs
but the musical version? oh my god my main comfort character in the whole wide world is this guy. like he’s so wildly different from his movie counterpart sown to the last name but honestly I don’t even care because they expanded on everything the movie provided. he doesn’t really have much of a backstory? cool. now he’s a continent-wide known criminal who conned his way into the aristocracy. personality isn’t as developed as it shouldve been? okie doke let’s make him the main comedic part and give him more songs and an interesting character arc. no context for him and his aforementioned cute gf? not a problem let’s give em a song and a story where she was having an affair with him and he stole her wedding ring but he realizes he fucked up and now they’re in love again. got written out of the script right before the climax of the movie? put that bastard in the closing number. this guy is such a delight and all I wanna know is if he and lily are open to adoption bc hi i’m adopting age thank u
idk i just think he’s pretty darn cool and I never see any love for him. like i think there’s exactly one fic on ao3 that kinda centers around him which is weird considering he’s! one! of! the! main! characters!
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royal-confessions · 3 years ago
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“Grand Duke George Mikhailovich of Russia looks very much like Vladimir Vasilovich from the Anastasia animated movie.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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anarrayofwits · 6 years ago
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Dimitri, come here. I believe I have discovered why she likes me over you.
Dimitri: *eyes roll in his skull* And why is that?
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How’s Vlad?
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We’ll leave the other half of the duo up to your imagination.
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porthavenhq · 5 years ago
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。✧*  STATS
Name : Vladimir Vanya Vonitsky Vasilovich Origin : Anastasia Age : Up-to-player (45+) Gender : Up-to-player Faceclaim : Up-to-player (must be plus-size) Availability : Open
Was once a member of the Council of Ministers of Russia.
After Nicholas Romanov was assassinated he feared his political opinions could get him killed too and stepped down. He somewhat went into hiding and his former wealth slowly drained away. 
He met Dimitri years later and became the younger man’s partner in crime.
They’ve just arrived in Porthaven with a girl they believe could pass for the missing Grand Duchess Anastasia.
Without Vlad’s vast knowledge of the Romanov descendants, they’d have no hope of trying to pass off Anya as Anastasia. 
✓ jolly, respectful, humorous ✖ teasing, deceitful, non-confrontational
Dimitri Antonov : Partner in crime. He’s become like a son to Vlad. Anya Petrov : The woman they’re training to pass off as Anastasia.
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hannaswritingblog · 3 years ago
notice board
🌟 last update: November 15th, 2024 (11:25 PM CET)
🔹 this blog is active and I post fanfiction here whenever I feel like it
🔹 my inbox is always open and you can send me suggestions (or requests, if that's what you want to call it) both for fandoms and fanfiction
🌟 latest fandoms changes
MCU was removed from the fandom list.
🔹see full fandom list
🌟 5 latest works
Sabrina Spellman/CAOS headcanon 🎃
Coraline headcanon 🎃
Selina Kyle/Gotham gif imagine 🎃
Luna Lovegood/HP gif imagine
Vladimir Vasilovich/Anastasia aesthetic
🌟 for more links and info check out the navigation post
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libertasrpg · 5 years ago
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We welcome Anastasia Romanov to the city. She’s 24 years old and is a socialite. Ana is often mistaken for Emilia Clarke. She’s open.
→ Background Information
The Romanov family are descendants of the Romanov Royal family who ruled over Russia for many years. But now, Anastasia is the only surviving Romanov. The Romanov’s were a well loved celebrity family in Russia, best known for their reality TV series. The younger members of the family were kept off camera until they were 18 to save them from the cruelty of fame. When Ana was 16, she was sat away to a boarding school in the remote Russian country side. Little did she know that while she was away, her family home was attacked and her family were murdered. She had been expecting to leave when she was 18, but the school kept her there instead until she was 21. Anastasia found out about her family upon leaving. It took a couple of months of worth before Ana was granted access to her family funds. But she got there eventually.
→ Relocation Explanation
It wasn’t until her older years that she was really exposed to the real world. It was then that Anastasia realized, not everyone loved her family. The Romanov’s may have been a well-loved celebrity family, but they were also greatly detested. The moment she turned eighteen, Anastasia spent all of her time trying to change how the haters saw her family. Nothing could be done though. So, Ana did what some saw as the cowardly way out. She found the most remote, most random place city and moved there.
→ Living Situation
Anastasia is currently living alone. When first moving to the city, Dimitri tried to insist that she share a place with him. However she refused. She lives on the outskirts of the city, so that she can spend some time in the countryside surrounding everyone. It brings her great peace to be there. It helps keep her grounded. Ana’s home is filled with pictures from her travels. At every opportunity, Ana takes trips out of the city. She prides herself on spending the holidays in a different place every year.
→ Her Personality
While Anastasia comes from a well off family, she doesn’t act spoilt in the slightest. Her time in boarding school made her an incredibly grounded person. Unlike some socialites, she enjoys the company of those who have normal jobs and live normal lives. Vapid is a word you’d never use to describe her. Ana is also extremely charitable, and goes out of her way to help as many people as she can and as regularly as she can. She likes using her popularity and fame for the good. If there’s anything she enjoys, it’s highlighting and tackling issues such as inequality and injustice.
→ Her Qualities
Empathetic, smart, resourceful, caring
Sarcastic, stubborn, impulsive, irrational
→ Her Relationships
Dimitri Ivanov (Love Interest): Ana and Dimitri met in the couple of months after Ana first left her boarding school. She was very stripped for cash at the time and very distressed. Dimitri was kind from the get-go (despite having bad intentions to begin with) and Ana’s always remembered that.
Vladimir Vasilovich (Close Friend): A genuinely kind soul, Anastasia immediately felt safe around Vladimir. His history of working with the Romanov’s makes Ana feel like she was in the company of family.
Grigori Rasputin (Enemy): Grigori is the name most thrown around when discussing the deaths of the Romanov family. Most theories point to him being behind the murders. Ana can’t think of any reason to not keep them in mind.
→ Possible Connections
Robert Haddock (Friend): With a soft spot for animals, Anastasia often spends time out in the woodland bordering in the city. It is during these trips out that she’ll spend time talking with Robert about the animals.
Vanessa Bloome (Friend): Anastasia enjoys having fresh flowers around the home, so is regularly contacting florist Vanessa. They’re both friendly people so might find it easy to get along. Plus, the more friends outside the socialite world for Ana, the better.
→ Faceclaim Change:
Allowed | Not allowed | POC must | Discuss with admin
Suggestions: TBA
Anastasia is based on Anastasia from Anastasia.
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evermorehqs · 8 months ago
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Winston Deavor is based on Winston from The Incredibles 2. He is a 43 year old human, DevTech co-CEO, and uses he/him pronouns. He has no powers. Winston is portrayed by Lee Pace and he is open.
Hope can be a powerful thing; even more powerful than any tech his company could ever create in a lab, something which he doesn't think is a bad thing...unlike his sister. Hope used to run rampant in the city, in the world, when supers were allowed to save it. They brought a feeling of comfort and strength to his existence, a feeling that he saw and inherited from his parents and their belief in superheroes. Throughout his entire life, Winston never doubted the superiority of the supers, the way that they were chosen for something more than the rest of them and he wasn't mad about it - absolutely not, especially considering his parents were close friends with two of them. He never held their powers against them. If you were born with them that just meant you were destined for something greater. While he admired them with every fiber of his being, he never wanted to be them, heaven forbid. He already had enough responsibility on his shoulders from the moment he was born as the Deavor heir and only son. Tech ran through the Deavor veins, both his and his younger sisters. Sometimes he wondered if it was stronger in her than him but they both had their strengths. While Evelyn was a pro with creating new tech, Winston was the face and the sales. He understood it, don't get him wrong, he was a genius in his own right, but she loved it more than he did, and they were an unbeatable team in the industry. The only real crack in their relationship was supers themselves but that could all be put to the side when it came to building their company to the superpower it is today. But once they crossed over into Evermore to investigate some research at the University, everything changed. Winston couldn't remember a thing outside of DevTech and his family's legacy, nothing about the Supers or anything that had happened to their family. It is strange, he feels like there are things missing but his goal to create tech to help has not faded. He knows there's a life outside of Evermore but how to get there? Now that's the million-dollar question.
❀ Hades Aidoneus: Winston thought he'd met the best of the best when he met the supers but then he met Hades, an actual god and even he knows there's no one more powerful and worthy of awe than a god on earth ❀ Vladimir 'Vlad' Vasilovich: Vlad is easily one of the most fun people in this town and Winston is thrilled that they've managed to become friends. There's no one he calls faster for a trip to the pub for trivia night and many drinks ❀ Fallon Osborne: Most of his life, Winston has been tasked with creating the next generation of technology, working around the clock. Fallon, whether she realizes or not, has reminded him that it's okay to slow down and enjoy the moment
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ao3feed-anastasia · 1 year ago
I Can't Tell
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/Gzoxtw8 by Val_Creative Anya slips on an icy patch of road on their way to Paris and hits her head. The dreams afterward feel familiar. Words: 821, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 44 of Flash Fiction Friday Fandoms: Anastasia (1997) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Characters: Anya | Anastasia Romanov (Anastasia 1997 & Broadway), Dimitri | Dmitry (Anastasia 1997 & Broadway), Vladimir Vanya Voinitsky Vasilovich, Pooka (Anastasia 1997) Relationships: Dimitri | Dmitry/Anya | Anastasia Romanov (Anastasia 1997 & Broadway) Additional Tags: During Canon, Unresolved Romantic Tension, Hurt/Comfort, Injury, Dreams, Repressed Memories, Arguing, Mutual Pining read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/Gzoxtw8
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housecatincarnate · 5 years ago
"It's one, two, three, and suddenly I see it at a glance. She's radiant, and confident, and born to take this chance. I taught her well, I planned it all, I just forgot romance. Vlad, how could you do this? How will we get through this? I never should have let them dance..."
-Vladimir "Vlad" Vanya Voinitsky Vasilovich
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