#vixx series: KDA in excelsis
chronicfangirling · 5 years
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KDA In Excelsis: Ch19 (The King’s Avatar AU, CEO!Hakyeon, Gamer!Hongbin, VIXX x OCs ) Character Charts [x]
Hana entered the tent bar and gaped at the sight of Choi Sooyeon and Kim Minah, each clinging to one of Hongbin’s arms.
Before she could say anything, he cried: “This isn’t what it looks like!”
“No?” she raised an eyebrow.
“Really... because it looks like they’re being annoying drunks and won’t let you leave.”
“Oh...” Hongbin nodded. “Then it’s exactly what it looks like.”
Sooyeon giggled, waving a fist to punch his chest, but ended up smacking him in the throat instead. “Uh-oh, you’re in trouble.”
Hongbin coughed, glaring at Sooyeon, then turned back to Hana, frowning. “You know what, I don’t have to explain anything to you.”
“I didn’t say you had to,” Hana sighed, walking to the tent bar lady to place an order. Suddenly, she heard him call from behind.
“Wait!--I don’t have to but I want to.”
Hana looked over her shoulder and met his gaze, both of them not saying anything.
Sooyeon broke the silence: “O-M-G, could you two like--fix your issues in private?!”
“We could have, if the two of you would stop clinging to me!” Hongbin shouted.
Hana walked over to the group, but before she could do anything, two dashing, well-dressed men burst into the tent bar at the same time. Hakyeon and Taekwoon attempted to elbow each other out of the way as they rushed to the table.
“What are you doing to Sooyeon?” Hakyeon screamed in an accusatory tone. 
“What are you doing to Minah?” Taekwoon yelled at the same time.
“It’s obvious that they’re the ones who are doing something to him!” Hana cried, standing before the two men, her hands planted on her hips.
The two CEOs glanced at Sooyeon and Minah clinging to Hongbin, then bowed their heads sheepishly. “Oh, right...” Hakyeon murmured.
“Get your women off of me!” Hongbin demanded.
Hakyeon gulped, before launching into a rapid spiel: “Umm, well, she’s not really my woman, that is--I’m here in my capacity as a CEO who’s concerned for an employee...”
Pale skin flushed, Taekwoon stammered: “P-P-Preposterous, that’s so improper, didn’t you learn any manners--”
“These sempais are so useless sometimes...” Hana rolled her eyes, then spun around to stare down Sooyeon and Minah. “Are you two really not going to let him go??”
Sooyeon immediately released Hongbin and latched unto Hakyeon, nuzzling against his shoulder. “Hakyeonie!!”
Hakyeon gulped again. “Hakyeon...ie?”
Hana tapped her foot as she returned Minah’s scowl, without blinking. Finally, Minah wobbled away from Hongbin. “Pft, you deserve to sweat a little more for what you’ve been doing.”
Hana rolled her eyes again. “And what exactly is it that I’ve been doing?!”
Taekwoon had been hovering close to Minah, and stabilized her with a hand on her elbow. She looked at him, then her eyes closed and she fell against him.
He caught her, murmuring softly: “Kim Minah, are you... awake?”
He blinked. “No?” 
Her eyes still shut and her body limp in his arms, she said: “My friends told me to pretend to sleep when something like this happens.”
“Something like... what?”
“She means when a man she’s interested in helps her when she’s drunk, duh!” Sooyeon cackled, thumping at Hakyeon’s chest lightly with catpawed fists. Then she shook her head, swinging a catpaw at Taekwoon who was becoming redder by the second. “Aww, it’s really obvious that you’re a rich boy who inherited being CEO and didn’t earn it. You don’t seem very smart--eek!” She nearly fell when Minah pounced on her. 
Minah yanked at the ends of Sooyeon’s scarf. “You take that back!” 
Sooyeon managed to push the other woman away and hid behind Hakyeon, wrapping her arms around his waist. “Hakyeonie! I’m scared!”
Hana found herself stumbling a little when Hongbin shoved her behind him as Minah tried to lunge for Sooyeon again. “Weren’t you supposed to be asleep?” he snapped.
Minah paused, the wheels in her head almost visibly turning, and then she fell into Taekwoon’s arms again, making him turn so red he looked ready to burst.
“Princess, here you go! I cooked fresh tteokbokki for your order.” The tent bar lady arrived with three containers of tteokbokki.
Hongbin snatched it, up and away of Hana’s reach, and paid for it with his free hand. Taking the old order of tteokbokki, he dumped it on Hakyeon. “You dispose of this, because this was your woman’s waste.”
Leaving Hakyeon to blubber his protests, Hana and Hongbin walked out of the stall and were met by Mingyu, BamBam, and Yugyeom, all pouting at Hongbin.
“You ditched Mom and us so you can hang out with two other women?!” Mingyu shrieked.
Leaving Hongbin to complain on his own, Hana took one of the tteokbokki boxes and shared it with Yugyeom and BamBam, walking away.
Behind them, Mingyu was howling: “Explain!” 
“I don’t have to explain to you and I don’t want to explain to you.” Hongbin retorted, following them.
There was a scuffle and a choked rebuke from Hongbin when Mingyu caught him in a headlock and dragged him on the way. “Explain!”
“He’s like a violent puppy!” Hongbin groaned.
“Yeah,” Hana agreed. “I think he takes after you in that regard.”
Hongbin scoffed and Mingyu shoved him away, both of them yelling: “No way!”
BamBam looked them up and down, before declaring: “Yes way.”
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chronicfangirling · 5 years
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KDA In Excelsis: Intro Feat.: The King’s Avatar AU, CEO!Hakyeon, Gamer!Hongbin Pairing: VIXX x OCs Premise: Choi Sooyeon idolizes former pro-gamer Cha Hakyeon, and joins his team, Hundred Blossoms, as their battle simulation programmer. Her ultimate goal is to help him win the championship and best his long-time rival, Jung Taekwoon. But first, she must gain the approval of finicky captain Lee Hongbin, deal with crazy jealous bitches, and avoid the tricks of the pretty, petty gamers. A/N: Uses the TKA-verse, but with a different story. It’s a gaming AU, but nothing too technical mostly nerds flirting with each other.
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chronicfangirling · 5 years
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KDA In Excelsis: Ch21 (The King’s Avatar AU, CEO!Hakyeon, Gamer!Hongbin, VIXX x OCs ) Character Charts [x]
“Mom, you were so cool.” Yugyeom declared when Hana returned to the seats, standing up to hug her.
“Okay, okay, let her breathe,” Hongbin grumbled when Yugyeom showed no signs of letting go, pulling back the boy to take the seat at his left, so Hana could take the empty chair on the right.
“That was soooo cool,” Sooyeon gushed from the row behind, leaning forward to give Hana a bottle of strawberry milk.
“It really was, I’ll bet Taehyung didnt know what he had coming!” BamBam jabbed at the air, then handed Hana a box of strawberry Pepero from his snack stash.
“... You worked hard.” Hongbin opened a bag of honey butter chips and placed it on her lap, even as he kept his gaze straight ahead.
“Could you all pipe down, I’m trying to focus!” Mingyu whined, shaking his head.
“Aww, is our baby nervous for his match?” Hana teased. When Mingyu opened his mouth to retort, she stuffed a stack of crisps in his mouth. “I’m sure you’ll do fine.”
“You’re not supposed to win anyway, it’s bad form for a rookie to win against their sunbae,” Hongbin pointed out.
“Winning is the least of my worries,” Mingyu snarled.
“Why? I trained you. If it’s just Lee Taeyong, you have a chance to beat him if he gets careless.” Hongbin shrugged.
“--versus Lee Hongbin!” the emcee announced.
“Huh?” Hana blinked at Hongbin as everyone else exchanged looks. “Were you supposed to battle?”
Kihyun scooted over from the Tiny Herb seating and told her. “Umm... Jeon Jungkook challenged him.”
“Jungkook? Of Samsara? But Hyogi said the plan was for Jungkook to challenge him...” She gaped at Hongbin.
“I guess his super rookie went rogue,” Hongbin muttered.
“Your friend has balls.” Mingyu elbowed BamBam, nerves forgotten. But BamBam and Yugyeom were both looking at the Samsara seating in apprehension.
Sanghyuk’s narrowed eyes were gleaming cold. Jungkook had stood up before the captain, his head bowed. “Captain I... I just wanted to try--”
“You’re more curious about another team’s captain than your own?” Sanghyuk broke into a grin but the sharpness never left his gaze. “Just try not to lose too badly. That hyung doesn’t know how to hold back.”
“Hongbin....” Hana looked up at him, biting her lip.
His fingers flitted over her shoulder in the ghost of a pat. “It’ll be fine.”
The two players faced each other on the stage. When asked why he had challenged Hongbin, Jungkook responded: “Because... this may be my only chance... to battle the one called Gaming God.”
The emcee mock-gasped. “But your captain is the new MVP, and being called the new Legend in Glory, but you’d rather challenge his rival?”
Jungkook looked at loss for words, and Hongbin interjected: “Jungkook is privileged enough to have the MVP as his Captain, so it’s natural for him to take the opportunity to battle players he won’t otherwise have contact with.” The younger player inclined his head gratefully.
They both took their places and entered the volcano environment, their characters battling on the thin strip of rock across the lava. Jungkook’s Golden Persona immediately rushed Water Hyacinth, before the sharpshooter could take an advantageous position. Water Hyacinth blocked, remaining passively defensive even when Golden Persona missed a beat in the combo.
Golden Persona chained a Furious Dragon Strikes the Heart and Water Hyacinth neatly side-stepped. Going into cooldown, Golden Persona retreated, jumping to the rock pillar at the center of the pool of lava and creating a Magic Shield, but Water Hyacinth only stayed at the ready.
“Why aren’t you doing anything?” Jungkook demanded through gritted teeth.
Hongbin maintained his character’s defensive stance. “Because...”
“Because you don’t know how to hold back?” Jungkook cried. “Then don’t! Show your reckless hoobae what happens when they get in over their head!” Golden Persona shifts into the stance for Dragon Breaks the Ranks. “Please don’t make me that pathetic rookie you couldn’t even deign to make even 0.1% of an effort for!”
“Hongbin!” Hana clapped her hands over her mouth.
“He won’t have enough HP to take that!” Mingyu jumped to his feet, deaf to the complaints of the people behind him.
Water Hyacinth ran forward, as if to meet the attack, until he was almost at the foot of the pillar where Golden Persona perched. With a deft shot, he launched himself in the air just before Golden Persona fired a beam of light, hovering over it. Water Hyacinth poised to take a series of shots and Golden Persona readied to deflect, but the shots struck the pillar and shattered it, sending the latter to the lava.
“Crap!” Jungkook yelled.
Water Hyacinth shot a paralyzing shot at Golden Persona so he couldn’t move, then sniped him in the head for half his HP. Falling into the lava finished him off.
“That’s what I’m talking about!” Mingyu jumped in celebration.
“Lee Hongbin wins!” The emcee bellowed. “With his usual one-hit one-kill flair!”
“So awesome, Dad!” Yugyeom crowed, clapping like a happy seal. He stopped for a moment, shaking his head. “Sad for Jungkook but...” he clapped again. “But so awesome!!”
“Hey, wasn’t that a bit mean to the rookie?” Sooyeon questioned.
Hana nodded, sighing with both relief and exasperation. “A little... but Hongbin can only do either 0 or 100.”
Mingyu mimed firing a gun at Sooyeon. “Better 100 than a 0.”
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chronicfangirling · 5 years
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KDA In Excelsis: Ch6 (The King’s Avatar AU, CEO!Hakyeon, Gamer!Hongbin, VIXX x OCs ) Character Charts [x]
Hana scowled when she peered in the training room, seeing Sooyeon already at her laptop. “She listens well, huh? Coming in even earlier than Binnie.”
Behind her, Mingyu scoffed at the sight. “BamBam and Yugyeom are delaying Hongbin-hyung in the dorm.”
“Good.” Hana walked in. “Sooyeon, my mouse broke, could you please get me a new one from the fourth storage room?”
Sooyeon glanced around the empty room. “You’re asking me?”
“Do you see any other Sooyeons around here?” she asked. “Or is that too much to ask from a staff member who works personally with Lee Hongbin?”
“Noona, I’ll do it, how could we trouble Ms. Choi Sooyeon, when even Hongbin-hyung has to move his schedule around her?” Mingyu leaned against the door frame, shaking his head.
“Oh, it’s not like that... I’ll do it!” Sooyeon stood up and scurried away.
“The fourth storage room is at the far end of the west hall!” Mingyu called after her, then texted the other two youngsters. “We're good to go...”
A few minutes later, Hongbin walked in, followed by BamBam and Yugyeom. His damp hair was tousled and there was a displeased twist to his mouth, but Hana still thought he looked cute. “Binnie!”
“Hey,” he muttered. “You better be glad you’re no longer living in the dorm, or you’d have to deal with suddenly losing cold water in the shower because two kids decided they just had to hand-wash all their clothes this morning.”
“Seriously?” she giggled, and BamBam and Yugyeom nodded sheepishly. They couldn’t have thought of a better diversion than that?
Hongbin glanced around, his eyes catching at Sooyeon’s station, but he said nothing and sat at his station across hers. Mingyu and Yugyeom started sparring in-game, and BamBam whined about being left out, so she told him to spar with her, grabbing at his ear when he tried to run away.
There was a clatter that made her and the kids jump. Hongbin had stood up suddenly. “It’s 8:05 AM.”
"It is.” She blinked innocently.
He chewed on his lip, pondering, then finally asked: “Has anyone seen Choi Sooyeon?”
Knowing she was a terrible liar, she settled for keeping silent, while Mingyu launched into a bald-faced lie: “Hana-noona and I got here before anyone else.”
“Yikes, everyone knows that Hongbin-hyung hates it when people are late to training most of all.” BamBam clucked his tongue. “How many teammates were immediately sacked because they did it once?”
“Continue sparring,” Hongbin said. He settled to work again.
Two hours later, Chansik, Jaehwan, and Wonshik arrived from their other schedules, the latter two looking around: “Where’s Sooyeonie?”
“You tell me about it,” Hongbin griped. “Actually, you should tell her not to come in tomorrow. And ever again.”
“No, wait, Sooyeonie wouldn’t flake out like this, there must be a good explanation,” Wonshik insisted as Jaehwan pulled out his phone and made a call.
Hana gaped as a buzz reverberated through the room. Hongbin picked up a phone from Sooyeon’s station. “This... is Sooyeon’s phone?”
“It is!” Jaehwan nodded. “But why would it be here if she’s not...?”
“It means she’s here.” Pocketing, the phone Hongbin started to stride out of the room.
She stood up, in his way. “Let’s just wait for her to come back--” He side-stepped her, and jogged away. With a short squeal of frustration, she followed him.
Reaching the end of the west hall, he stepped slowly, pricking his ears at the sounds of knocking and a doorknob being twisted.
“Hongbin,” Hana called, but he ignored her and turned the doorknob. Choi Sooyeon fell through the door, stumbling into his arms.
“I’m late, aren’t I?” Sooyeon cried. “I was going to come right back, but I couldn’t find a good mouse for Hana, all the stuff here is old, and the lock was malfunctioning so...” She caught sight of Hana and backed away from Hongbin. “Hana... I’ll ask where the new hardware is--” she took one step forward and her knees buckled and Hongbin seized her arms to support her.
Hana couldn’t suppress a huff of incredulity, and hearing it, Sooyeon tried to extricate herself from Hongbin. “I’m okay, I was just standing in one position for so long so my legs are a little... and maybe I was nervous because it was so dark.”
But Hongbin didn’t let her go. “Sooyeon, Hana told her to get her a mouse here? Even though she knew this is the old stockroom and the lock is faulty?”
Sooyeon pressed her lips tightly and Hana started: “Actually, what happened was--”
“I’m talking to Sooyeon.”
“I volunteered to help,” Sooyeon insisted. “Mingyu was going to do it for her, but I butted in, so...”
“... That’s one thing in common you have, at least. You’re both awful liars.” Hongbin led her away.
Hana blocked his way. “Hongbin...”
“Didn’t I tell you I hate it when you become like this?” Hongbin muttered. She drew back, letting him pass.
“Sooyeon! Hongbin!” Hakyeon rushed towards them, breathless. “Jaehwan called me, what happened...?” He glanced at Hana and she avoided his gaze.
“Hyung, I told you to take care of any non-technical problems that come up because of your decision,” Hongbin admonished. “Why did I end up doing this?”
Hakyeon bowed his head. “You’re right, I apologize for being late. I’ll just--” He reached for Sooyeon, but Hongbin continued walking past with her.
“Hyung, you just go... back to work. Hagihara Hana... you’re excused from today’s training.”
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chronicfangirling · 5 years
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KDA In Excelsis: Ch4 (The King’s Avatar AU, CEO!Hakyeon, Gamer!Hongbin, VIXX x OCs ) Character Charts [x]
Sooyeon surreptitiously peeked over her monitor at Hongbin, who engaged the battle sim with a calm face but intense eyes. Amazing... no wonder girls go crazy for him.
Heck, if he weren’t so prickly, maybe I too--
“Hey guys!” Hakyeon peeked in the training room.
“Boss! I mean--Hakyeon!” Sooyeon waved.
“Ah, it’s you...” Hongbin turned back to his laptop disinterestedly.
“Why are you here... not that it’s not okay,” she hastily said.
“I was worried about you guys only eating junkfood while working late nights.”
“Yeah right,” Hongbin muttered. “We’re managing, so you can leave without worries.”
“Yah!” she elbowed him in the ribs. He looked at her as if she had lost her mind, but she didn’t back down. “Don’t make him leave! He’s--um, your CEO. And he’s worried.”
“I’m glad that at least one of you appreciates my concern.” He stepped fully into the room and waved two bags of takeout enticingly. “From now on, I’ll bring you guys food, and if I can’t do it myself, it will be delivered.”
Suddenly, Hongbin broke into a dazzling smile, his dimples in full display. “Hyung, why didn’t you say so? Free food and the ones who bring them are welcome anywhere.”
Both of them laid out the food on an empty table, Hakyeon telling her to relax (”Sooyeon, just sit, this will be ready in a while”) and Hongbin telling her stay back (”You better not think of taking any sweet and sour pork before I do”). As soon as Hakyeon had distributed the chopsticks and plates, Hongbin grabbed several pieces of sweet and sour pork. Seeing that, Hakyeon quickly got a serving each for her and himself.
“Typical Hongbin, always excited for free food,” the older man teased.
Hongbin smirked. “Hey, you’re my hyung, aren’t you? It’s your moral duty to feed me.”
“You’re the player who’s called Gaming God!” she blinked at him in disbelief. “You’ve gotten MVP awards and you’re in the runner-up team. Why would you be so excited to mooch off your hyung?”
“The prize money isn’t all that much,” he pointed out as he took the rest of the sweet and sour pork. “The real money is in the endorsements and the events, and I don’t do those.”
“Yeah, if he and Hana ever get married, she’d be the breadwinner,” Hakyeon quipped.
Hongbin frowned. “Why do you have to bring that up?” His bottom lip pushed out, he picked up his lunchbox and moved to another table, pointedly turning his back to Hakyeon.
She shot to her feet, worried that Hongbin was truly angry, but she caught Hakyeon’s eye. “Why did he react like that? I didn’t think it was so serious...”
“That’s just how Hongbin is.” He shrugged, motioning with his chopsticks for her to take more food.
“He’s so... prickly.” She sat down and took some egg rolls.
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chronicfangirling · 5 years
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KDA In Excelsis: Ch1 (The King’s Avatar AU, CEO!Hakyeon, Gamer!Hongbin, VIXX x OCs ) Character Charts [x] 
"That’s all for now, Ms. Choi Sooyeon, we’ll call you about the results,” the interviewer said.
“Wait!” Sooyeon cried. The interview hadn’t gone well and she needed the chance to prove herself. “I would really, really, really like the opportunity to work as a programmer for the Hundred Blossoms team.”
“Yes, so we will review your application and--”
“You don’t understand,” she babbled. “I’ve followed Cha Hakyeon since he debuted in Season 5 of Glory Professional League. He’s the reason I became more interested in playing Glory, and why I studied videogame development. Even though he stopped competing, I’m going to make sure his team wins the championship.
“That’s why, I have to work here, no matter what.”
The interviewer looked like she was about to throw out Sooyeon, but they both turned to a voice at the door that said: “You want to work at Hundred Blossoms?”
Sooyeon gasped. It was Cha Hakyeon himself.
With long-legged strides, he walked to the center of the interview room and looked at her application. “Programmer Choi Sooyeon... weren’t you recommended by Wonshik and Jaehwan?”
“Yes! We’re friends--but umm, that’s not the reason they recommended me!” She held out a folder with both hands. “Please... just look at the specs of this new module I’m proposing.”
Hakyeon took the file and browsed it, too quickly for her liking. When he started to hand it back to her, she shook her head and started rifling through her backpack.
“I have another one here, it’s--”
“Excuse me?” he called.
"Mr. Cha Hakyeon, sir, I promise, this one is good--”
“Ms. Choi Sooyeon.”
At the firm voice she stopped and faced him to retrieve her file, unable to stop herself from sighing.
“Please be ready to present your module to the team the day after tomorrow.” he said.
“The day after tomorrow...?” she echoed.
“Yes. Tomorrow is another full day of rest for the players, so you can’t start work then.”
“I’ll be working here--!!” she clapped her hands over her mouth too late to muffle her shriek.
The interviewer looked scandalized, but Cha Hakyeon merely smiled at her, extending a hand. “Yes. I look forward to working with you, Choi Sooyeon.”
She took it with a shaking hand and bounced on her heels, stopping herself from jumping. Cha Hakyeon--knows my name!
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chronicfangirling · 5 years
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KDA In Excelsis: Ch11 (The King’s Avatar AU, CEO!Hakyeon, Gamer!Hongbin, VIXX x OCs ) Character Charts [x]
As Sooyeon walked to the subway station, she glanced around. Get a grip, you’re not being watched. Why would anyone watch you anyway? You’re just a programmer for Hundred Blossoms, it’s not like you’re Cha Hakyeon, or Lee Hongbin, or Hagihara Hana.
She was distracted from her feeling of dread when she passed by a familiar alley. “Hey, isn’t this where that cafe on Hana’s Instagram was?"
Hakyeon liked that post... and said he liked the coffee too. Sooyeon, he has been buying you dinner for so long. Shouldn’t you at least get him coffee? She grinned.
“It’s only right, there’s totally nothing weird about getting him coffee. It’s only a token of appreciation. And so it’s even more not weird, I'll also get coffee for the others, it’s an investment, a little bribe goes a long way, yes it does...” she blabbered as she entered Coffee Hanyakbang.
Since it took some time for ten orders of coffee to be manually poured-over, she played a game on her phone to chase away that weird feeling of dread in the pit of her stomach.
“Coffee for Choi Sooyeon!”
“Yes!” she called, scurrying to the counter and taking a carrier in each hand. She whirled around, tried to avoid a tall man that loomed before her, but she tripped on his foot. Her carriers fell on his open laptop, and to her horror, coffee burst from the cups. That feeling of dread dropped in her stomach again, at full force.
“I’m sorry!” she cried, grabbing a wad of tissues and trying to mop up the laptop, but it was hopelessly soaked. “I--I’ll pay for a replacement!”
“It’s the latest GT75 Titan.” The strangely familiar man gave her a smile that warmed his wide-set eyes.
His eyes are twinkling! She gawked at his eyes, then gawked at his sharp jawline, broad shoulders, and his sheer height. Oh... wow... he could literally throw me around, and I don’t know if I’d even mind--
“Excuse me, Miss? Did you hear what I said? That’s 7 million won at retail price, and with customization--”
“Wait, what? 7 million??!” she croaked, ripping her eyes off his handsome figure to compose herself. She seized the laptop and shut it. “I-I’m sure that if it’s dried thoroughly and inspected, it will be okay!”
He shook his head. “This is the unit I use for work, I can’t just dump it in rice and hope for the best.”
“But...” She looked at the coffee cups rolling on the ground. “Why did those burst anyway..?”
“Oh, are you saying it’s this coffee shop’s fault? Miss!” he called a barista that looked like she had barely graduated from junior high school. “Did you prepare this order?”
The girl shook in her shoes. “Yes, I--”
“It looks like you didn’t prepare them properly and caused this accident. What are you going to do now?”
“I, I didn’t... I can’t...”
“Someone else has to take responsibility, since it’s not this Miss’ fault.” He gestured at Sooyeon.
The girl started sniffling. Sooyeon quickly said: “I didn’t mean her specifically, I meant the coffee shop--”
“Excuse me, Mr. Han?” The manager came forward. “We recognize that our employee has made a mistake and didn’t secure the cups properly, but the respected customer has also been negligent.” She bowed at Sooyeon. “The shop will pay upfront for half of the damages, and the employee’s wages will be garnished. We’re so sorry, we hoped to never inconvenience one of our regulars like this.”
“Isn’t that great?” He grinned again at Sooyeon, that twinkle in his eyes looking more dangerous than ever. “Now you only have to pay for half of the damages.”
“But that’s still three and a half million,” she rasped.
“Why don’t you give me your employer’s number?” he suggested. “I’m sure I can come to a similar arrangement with them.”
“No--never!” she gasped. Hakyeon finding out that I did something so clumsy--never!
“Then what else do you propose?” he drawled.
“How about... I’ll pay you in installments?” she asked. “I’ll pay you 500 thousand won every month--no, 700 thousand won every month!”
“Which means, I’ll be able to get a replacement in... six to seven months.” He tapped his sculpted chin in exaggerated pondering. “That’s with depreciation. It will probably be obsolete by then.”
“Even my entire bank account can’t cover all of it!” she cried. “I’ve only just graduated... even if I give you that fund, I would still need at least a month to pay back the rest!”
“That’s why I told you to let me talk to your employer.”
“Anything but that!” She pressed her hands together and looked up at him with what she hoped were passable puppy eyes. “Please!”
“Are you glaring at me?” he snorted.
She immediately bowed her head. “Nope! Not at all! Please don’t misunderstand!”
“Since you tried soooo hard... I’ll give you a month but on the condition--”
She bounced on her feet to hug him on impulse, but he side-stepped her and she nearly crashed into a table.
“Let’s see if you still want to hug me after hearing about my condition. You have to do errands for me the entire time that you’re paying me back.” he finished.
She gave him a withering look. “You mean... like a shuttle?”
“Do I look like a high school student to you?”
“You certainly have the bank account of one.”
She huffed. “Yeah, I don’t think I want to hug you anymore.”
“And for that, I’m extremely grateful.” He held out his hand for her business card and gave her one in return.
“Han Sanghyuk?!” she cried, blinking at him then his business card, and back at him again. “You--you're even more good-looking in person!”
“I’ve been told that before.” He laughed outright, then suddenly sobered, his eyes narrowing. “Flattery is cheap, indeed. You need to work harder than that, Choi Sooyeon.”
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chronicfangirling · 5 years
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KDA In Excelsis: Ch15 (The King’s Avatar AU, CEO!Hakyeon, Gamer!Hongbin, VIXX x OCs ) Character Charts [x]
Hongbin walked carefully with a cup of vending machine coffee, nearly spilling it when the door to the training room slid open with a bang and Hana strode out purposefully. “Hongbin.”
“Hana.” He thrust the cup at her. “I thought... you might want coffee now, so--”
She snatched the cup from him, draining it in one go before crushing it and returning it to him.
“Umm, that thing I said, I’m really sorry... umm--”
“I know.”
He looked away, tossing the cup in a nearby trashcan. “Anyway, we could go have lunch with the kids now, I’m buying...”
“We don’t have time for that,” she sighed. “Hongbin... Hakyeon is meeting with that sempai.”
He frowned. “What are you talking about?”
“Jung Taekwoon.”
His frown deepened. “But Hakyeon-hyung said he's having lunch with a friend...”
“And took Sooyeon with him? That friend is Jung Taekwoon.”
He blinked at her, dread pooling in the pit of his stomach. “How do you know this?”
"... Hyogi told me,” she admitted, glancing away. “Hyogi, he... he persuaded Jung Taekwoon to make an offer for Sooyeon’s employment contract.”
“Hyogi... did?” Hongbin leaned closer, but she refused to meet his eyes. “Are you... are you sure it’s really about Sooyeon’s contract?”
“That’s what he told me.”
“... Let’s go.” He clasped her hand in one of his, placing a call to the staff with the other as they walked briskly to the parking lot. “Which restaurant did you book CEO Cha?”
Hongbin pulled into the road, not stopping even as Hana yelled that he didn’t have his seatbelt on. Barely paying attention to the route, he slammed at the horn every time he was forced to stop.
“Calm down,” Hana murmured. “There’s no way Hakyeon is going to sell Sooyeon’s contract...”
Out the corner of his eye, he saw her hand reach for him, falter, then curl back unto her lap without making contact. He clenched his jaw. Han Sanghyuk... you better not.
Knowing that they would be in the VIP room, Hongbin strode past the restaurant staff, ignoring their pleas for him to stop. He glowered at the host who moved as if he was going to physically restrain Hana, pulling her closer to him.
“Jung Taekwoon!” he called, opening the door with a slam. Seated at the long table, Hakyeon and Sooyeon, and Jung Taekwoon and Kim Minah, all looked at him.
“Hongbinnie, is that any way to greet your hyung after so long?” Taekwoon asked.
Hongbin planted himself on the other side with Hakyeon and Sooyeon, but didn’t take a seat. He swung his arm backwards before releasing Hana’s hand, so she ended up hidden behind him.
Still, Taekwoon peered past him and smiled. “Princess Hana. Always a pleasure to see you.”
“My teammates aren’t for sale,” Hongbin snarled.
“That’s too bad,” Taekwoon lamented. Steepling his fingers, he turned his smile to Hongbin. “If not your teammates, what about you?”
“That’s too bad.” He shrugged. “I would’ve made a historical offer for you. Enough to actually upgrade your team’s equipment and maybe even finish that white elephant project that’s your battle simulator.”
“Now you’re just being absurd,” Hakyeon said. “You know Hongbin is never going to go to another team.”
“Does he really think that if he throws enough money, he’ll get whatever he wants?” Sooyeon sneered.
Taekwoon’s smile widened and Minah said nonchalantly: “That’s usually how the world works, yes.”
The door slammed open again, punctuated by a cheerful voice that made Hongbin’s blood run cold: “Please tell me I didn’t miss anything!”
Han Sanghyuk sauntered inside, that cat-like smile pasted on his face.
“Just Hongbinnie saying he’s not joining us, Hyogi, nothing new.” Taekwoon was almost cooing, as he always was, whenever talking to Sanghyuk.
“Bummer,” Sanghyuk drawled insincerely, standing before Hongbin and making the most of his few centimeters of height advantage. “In that case, we’ll have to take Choi Sooyeon.”
Sooyeon made an indignant noise of protest. “No,” Hongbin responded, coldly.
Sanghyuk leaned forward and whispered, so only Hongbin could hear him. “Just kidding. You know there’s only one I want. Shall I pluck that flower now? The one and only Hana.”
Hongbin seized his collar. He heard a gasp and felt a tiny hand rest on his arm. He glanced down at Hana.
“Hongbinnie...” She shook her head.
Sanghyuk chuckled, gazing down at Hana. “This is so touching. Are you seeing this, noona? This hyung is so concerned about Choi Sooyeon.”
Heavy sadness glazed over her eyes and she bit her lip. Hongbin’s fist tightened around Sanghyuk’s collar until he coughed. “You better stop running your mouth, Han Sanghyuk.”
“Stop!” Hana cried, both hands restraining the crook of his arm now.
Even as he coughed, Sanghyuk grinned. “You’re too heartless, hyung. No matter how you feel about a woman, you should at least give in if she’s pleading with you like that.”
He released his grip on Sanghyuk and put down his arms carefully, mindful of Hana who was standing right under him. She clutched at his arm for two seconds, then turned to Sanghyuk. “Hyogi, are you--”
“He’s fine!” Kim Minah retorted. She had stood up to straighten his shirt, swatting his hands away when he tried to avoid her.
“As you said, I’m fine!” He waved at everyone else. “This hyung tried to murder me, but I survived somehow.”
“Aren’t we done here?” Hongbin asked Hakyeon, his voice rough with fury.
“Yes.” Hakyeon stood up; Sooyeon scrambled to follow him. “I don’t think I need to go so far as to rip up that offer document, Taekwoon?”
“That’s CEO Jung to you,” Taekwoon retorted as he stood up as well.
“Then let’s go.” Hongbin glanced at Hana; she was still gazing at Hyogi with concern. “Hana, we’re going back to training.”
“Yeah, you should make more time for training.” Minah crossed her arms over her chest. “And less time for scandals.”
“A rookie secretary isn’t in the position to tell a professional player that.” He heard Hana scoff and swivel to follow him.
“Princess Hana.”
Jung Taekwoon’s gentle voice caught Hongbin’s ear. He stopped and looked over his shoulder to find that Hana had paused as well.
“Not everyone is informed enough to appreciate your worth as an individual player, but those who know better would welcome you into their team,” he continued. “Keep that in mind.”
“Let’s go!” Hongbin growled. Hana flinched and Sooyeon grabbed her arm, pulling her away.
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chronicfangirling · 5 years
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KDA In Excelsis: Ch9 (The King’s Avatar AU, CEO!Hakyeon, Gamer!Hongbin, VIXX x OCs )  Character Charts [x] 
"Hongbin, Hana and I are making spaghetti, could you get the groceries?” Hakyeon asked, when they all gathered in the dorm kitchen.
“Yeah, but I need to use your car, Chansik borrowed mine.”
“Well Jaehwan and Wonshik took mine, so you’ll have to walk.” Hakyeon stuffed the grocery list in Hongbin’s jacket pocket before the latter could complain. “Take the kids to help you carry them back.”
Mingyu, BamBam, and Yugyeom raised a ruckus about having to walk to the mart but Hakyeon threatened: “Anyone who won’t help out isn’t getting any dinner!”
Mingyu headlocked Sooyeon: “That means you have to go with us too!”
Hakyeon blinked. “That’s not necessary, Sooyeon could help us here...”
Hana was glancing from Hongbin to Sooyeon, then raised her hand. “I’ll go too!”
“No, you’re staying here,” Hongbin refused.
“Why?” she countered.
“Let’s just wait here, Hana,” Hakyeon suggested. “You don’t want to get tired before cooking, the mart is pretty far.”
“Sooyeonie.” Hana caught the end of Sooyeon’s sweater sleeve and looked up at her.
She blinked rapidly. “You’re looking like you should be kissed again.”
“Again?!” Hakyeon and Hongbin echoed.
“You’ll go with me to the mart?” Hana asked.
“I’ll go with you anywhere,” she said, still blinking.
“Let’s go.” Hana linked arms with Sooyeon and steered her towards the door.
“You don’t even know the way!” Hongbin griped. He grasped Mingyu by the collar and followed them out of the dorm.
“This is no way to treat the future captain of this team!!” Mingyu choked out, seizing BamBam and Yugyeom by the hems of their shirts and dragging them with him.
“Yeah, yeah, you can say that when you’re captain,” Hongbin scoffed.
They traipsed to the mart, everyone in mostly high spirits as the kids played with each other on the way. They bought every item on Hakyeon’s list and filled the rest of the cart with snacks. When the items were bagged, Hongbin seized several bags, leaving them with two each and telling the kids to give the smaller bags to the women.
The way back to the dorm seemed to take longer, now that they were weighed down by bags. Sooyeon managed to keep up with Hongbin as he walked steadily, but the kids trailed behind, complaining, Hana trudging silently with them.
Suddenly, Sooyeon heard Hana’s gasp and a slight scuffle. She and Hongbin turned to find her with Mingyu grasping her elbow. “You’re okay, you’re okay,” the youngster murmured.
“What happened? Are you dizzy? I told you to stay in the dorm!” Hongbin was hovering around her, frowning.
“It’s not that, I just stumbled,” Hana explained, but Hongbin knelt before her, presenting his back. “What are you doing?”
“I’m the captain,” he insisted. “I take care of my team members.”
"I'm fine.” She backed away from him and tried to hide behind Mingyu.
“Move,” Hongbin ordered. Mingyu took one big step away from Hana and Hongbin looped his jacket around her skirt and tied it.
“Hey!” she shrieked when he carried her in his arms. “Hongbin!”
“I don’t want to have to explain to Hakyeon-hyung that you got sick.” He marched ahead, despite Hana’s complaints.
“Wow.” Sooyeon clapped slowly. “What drama is this?”
“That’s great and all, but look.” Yugyeom pointed at the shopping bags that Hongbin had left on the street.
“So extra.” BamBam shook his head.
“Hana-noona got into videogames because her body is kind of weak,” Mingyu explained. “But not that weak. He’s so dramatic sometimes.”
“So unnecessary.” BamBam lamented.
Yet Sooyeon noticed that they all had wry grins on their faces as they picked up the additional bags, not letting her take any more.
When they arrived at the dorm, Hana was sitting on the kitchen counter, with Hongbin standing beside her. “Finally!” she hopped down, tugging at Mingyu’s bags, but Hongbin snatched them away.
“I want to eat cheese tteokbokki and ramen,” he said.
"But the kids wanted spaghetti,” she said.
“They’re getting too spoiled. There’s no need to cook tonight, they can live with these.” Hongbin started boiling water for the ramen.
“Where did Hakyeon go?” Sooyeon asked, but the youngsters merely shrugged, engrossed with microwaving the tteokbokki packets.
She climbed to the loft and found Hakyeon in the living room between bedrooms, lightly tapping on the keyboard of an old PC.
“Sooji, do you think we could win this year? Our Taekwoonie is such a difficult rival though...” he murmured. “Too bad you’re not here to see the results.”
Sooji...? Who’s Sooji? She noticed him start to swivel around, so she ducked and padded down a few steps. Then she climbed again, with noisy footsteps. “Hakyeon? Are you here?”
“Oh, you’re back.” He approached her with a smile. “We should start cooking now.”
She held up her hands, blocking his way. “You don’t have to, we’re eating tteokbokki and ramen!”
“Those kids would never eat a vegetable unless I made them.” But he walked back to the living room anyway and took a seat on the couch.
She ventured: “Hey... could I ask you something?”
“What is it?”
Who’s Sooji? “... Umm, how about we play a game?” She knelt before the TV and grabbed one of the controllers of the PS console.
“Oh, so I see you want to challenge me. I may not be able to play professionally anymore, but don’t underestimate my skills.” He sat beside her and rolled up his sleeves as he flexed his arm, and she couldn’t help but gawk.
“You’ve gone quiet, are you backing out?” he teased.
“No, I’m not!” She turned to the TV, hoping he wouldn’t notice her blushing. “Let’s go!”
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chronicfangirling · 5 years
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KDA In Excelsis: Ch8 (The King’s Avatar AU, CEO!Hakyeon, Gamer!Hongbin, VIXX x OCs ) Character Charts [x]
“Sooyeonie!” Hana called when she finished her battle sim time. “I didn’t think anything would ever come of this to be honest, but at least... it can work with a witch’s movement now.”
“Are you really saying that?” Sooyeon narrowed her eyes. “Or are you going to pull the rug from under me?”
“Take it or leave it.” Hana shrugged. “I only have so much energy to spend on being catty and you’ve already used up my quota.”
“Okay, okay!” Sooyeon bit her lip. “What grade is it now?”
“I guess... if I had to give you a grade, it would be... a 7.”
“Really???” Sooyeon squealed, throwing her arms around Hana, who squeaked and tried to squirm away. “7 out of 10!”
“It’s 7 out of 100, now let me go,” Hana cried.
“I don’t care, it means I’m making progress and I was waiting for an excuse to do this anyway.” Sooyeon grinned, lifting her off the floor. “Ohmigosh, you really are soooo little!”
“Are you looking down on me now just because you made progress?!”
“To tell you the truth, I wasn’t the one who--yah!” she yelped when she was grabbed by the back of her collar, forcing her to let down and let go of Hana. She whipped around and glared at Hongbin. “What?!”
“Just acknowledge it and say thank you.” he groused.
“Oh, yeah. Thank you!” she exclaimed, taking a step towards Hana, but Hongbin barred her with an arm.
“You’re not being paid to manhandle my players.” he said.
Hana raised an eyebrow at their proximity but said: “Yeah... that’s all I wanted to say.” She left to discuss a dungeon run with Chansik.
Sooyeon rounded at Hongbin.“ Why are you making me say that I’m the one who made progress, when you’re the one who stayed up late running the simulator with her witch account?”
“She doesn’t have to know that,” he snapped and returned to his station.
She clawed her fist at his retreating back. Prickly, so prickly... like a hedgehog, which she apparently likes... such a cute girl but with such weird tastes. She took deep breaths and skipped to the youngsters, grinning at them.
“Mingyu, BamBam, Yugyeom--you know I’m really thankful that you’re helping out, don’t you?”
They forced their mouths to curl into smiles. “Sooyeon... noona, you know we have no choice now that Hana-noona has gotten chummy with you, don’t you?” Mingyu muttered through clenched teeth.
She smiled sweetly at him. “I know, and I don’t really care at this point, I just want to be able to do my job.”
“When I’m the captain, I’ll definitely protect my players from time sink projects like this,” he grumbled.
Evening training ended and the youngsters cheered. Hana stretched her arms over head: “Ah, it’s so nice to be free so early and not have any other schedules! Maybe I can sleep early.”
Immediately, Mingyu, BamBam, and Yugyeom thronged around her. “Tteokbokki! Mom, let’s get tteokbokki! Tteokbokki, tteokbokki!”
It didn’t go unnoticed to Sooyeon that Hongbin coughed and looked at Chansik. The vice-captain shooed away the kids, saying: “If the three of you could stop bothering Hana for one day, I’ll begin to acknowledge you as men.”
“Whoever said we wanted to be men, anyway? We’re babies!” BamBam pouted, with Mingyu and Yugyeom immediately following suit.
“Shameless. Hana, since you’re going straight home, let’s go together. I’m headed to uni.” Chansik said.
"This is why there are rumors about us.” Hana shook her head but walked with him anyway. “I’ll go with you kids next time.”
The kids groaned as they followed Hana and Chansik out, leaving Sooyeon and Hongbin. Like clockwork, Hakyeon entered the training room at dinner time.
“You don’t have to bother bringing these yourself, hyung. You’re busy enough as it is.” Hongbin said.
“I need to eat too, so I might as well have dinner with you and Sooyeon,” Hakyeon said.
Hongbin narrowed his eyes at her. “You two can have dinner together.” He picked up his lunchbox and walked out of the training room.”
“Goodness,” she huffed. “He’s like a teenage girl with a grudge.”
“Why is Hongbin upset with you anyway?” Hakyeon asked.
“Oh that... you know how you made sure that Hana and I would somehow become friends? 75%--no 90%--of that friendship is because I was backed into agreeing to talk her up to Hongbin... tell him her good points and all.”
He burst into laughter and she pouted at him. “Sorry, I’m not laughing at you... It’s because... Hongbin doesn’t need anyone telling him about Hana’s good points.”
“That’s also what he said. But if he doesn’t realize them, then doesn’t he need to be told?”
“What makes you think he doesn’t realize?”
“What?” She was distracted by Hakyeon popping an egg roll in her open mouth. “Wow--this is good!”
“You should eat more.” Hakyeon transferred several pieces on top of her rice.
“Anyway, that’s why Hongbin doesn’t want to be social right now. I know it doesn’t really matter, but it’s a bit uncomfortable.”
“It’s going to blow over after a while. Hongbin just easily gets awkward like that.”
“Oh... you know him really well, huh?”
“I’ve known him since he was literally a child after all. Sixteen year-old Hongbin... declaring that he’ll be the best player ever, so I should accept him in the team if I want to win.”
At Hakyeon’s fond smile, her chest twinged and she looked down at her food, feeling her cheeks burn. But when he continued talking, she couldn’t help but peek at him.
“There were just a few of us then; me, Hongbinnie, Taekwoonie, and also...” he paused and shifted his food, though it looked like he no longer wanted to eat.
“And also...?” she prompted.
But instead, he said: “You know it too, don’t you? Jung Taekwoon, CEO of Samsara... he used to play for Hundred Blossoms.”
She nodded enthusiastically. “I watched you debut together. But then you both retired, and he went to manage Samsara, and he said he achieved his goal by beating your team...” She sighed.
“Don’t be sad. It only means I have to pay him back for that.” Hakyeon winked. “We’re always stuck at second place behind Samsara, but the goal is to change that. Isn’t that why you’re here too?” He held out a fist at her.
Knocking her fist with his, she grinned. “Yup!”
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chronicfangirling · 5 years
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KDA In Excelsis: Ch7 (The King’s Avatar AU, CEO!Hakyeon, Gamer!Hongbin, VIXX x OCs ) Character Charts [x]
"Choi Sooyeon, remember, no matter how nervous you are, don’t drink too much alcohol in front of your most esteemed Cha Hakyeon, got that?!” Sooyeon slapped her cheeks purposefully and ducked inside the tent bar.
“Is that you sem--you!” Hana glared at her from her table. “What are you doing here?”
“Hakyeon... I mean, the Boss... invited me for a drink.”
“No he didn’t, he invited me.”
They gaped at each other and Sooyeon knew that Hana’s shock mirrored her own. Before she could react, she was pushed into the seat opposite Hana’s and a pair of handcuffs captured her wrist on one end and was linked to the table with the other. “Jaehwannie!” She gasped in disbelief at her friend as he pocketed the keys.
“Kim Wonshik!” Hana shrieked, tugging at her own cuffed wrist. “Let me go!”
“Sorry, Boss’ orders.” Wonshik danced away from her free hand as she flailed it at him, trying to either hit him or steal the key.
“I’m going to kill you!”
He shrugged. “I know, but I’d rather be dead than unemployed.”
“Hakyeon-hyung says we can’t let you leave until you make friends with each other. You know where to call us, Sooyeonie.” Jaehwan motioned for Wonshik, and they both left the tent.
The two women stared each other down, until the tent bar lady brought them several bottles of soju, a plate of tteokbokki with fishcakes, and several other snacks. “Your boss already paid for everything, and he said not to let you two leave until you’re looking reaaaal friendly, so I suggest you start drinking.”
Hana huffed and tried to pour a bottle in her shot glass, only to find out it was still closed. “Ahjumma! These aren’t opened yet!”
“Yeah, open them by yourselves.”
“But we’re half cuffed!” she waved her free hand.
“Then work together!”
“You’ve got to be kidding me!” she shrilled.
Sooyeon winced at the sound. “You know what, I’ll quickly open all of those bottles, just hold them still.” With Hana holding the bottles, she twisted the caps off. “There, now we can just drink and not deal with each other.”
Hana grimaced at her then took three shots in succession. Sooyeon sighed and started drinking as well. After she finished her second bottle she was already feeling dizzy, but to her shock, Hana was reaching for a fourth bottle.
“Hey, are you sure you should be drinking this much?” She tried grabbing the bottle but missed.
“Don’t you dare try to lecture me, you’re not Hakyeon!” Hana poured herself another shot, grumbling: “Why did you even come to drink with him?”
“He’s my boss, it’s not like I could say no.” Sooyeon pouted. “And I don’t want to say no...”
“You could tell him you feel like you weren’t good enough to be near him,” Hana snapped.
“Hey!” Sooyeon slammed down her shot glass before she could take a drink, spilling soju. “Do you think you have the right to act like this to me, after you poisoned my food and locked me in the storage room?!”
“Please. Wonshik told me you hated cilantro and have a mild allergy to shrimp. I wasn’t going to do anything serious to you, I’m jealous, not a psycho.” Hana raised an eyebrow at her. “Also, every employee is told during orientation not to go to the fourth storage room without explicit authorization, but obviously, you zoned out on that.”
“Oh...? I was looking around for Hakyeon when I was given an orientation...” Sooyeon muttered. “Still, that wasn’t very nice of you, was it?” 
“I never said it was.”
“As long as you know....” Sooyeon grumbled.
Hana downed another shot. “Why should I be nice to you anyway? You’ve already latched on to Binnie, now you’re making eyes at Hakyeon-sempai too?!”
“I--I wasn’t making eyes at him!” Sooyeon stuttered. “And I wouldn’t latch on to your ‘Binnie’ if he were the last man on Earth!”
“Excuse me?” Hana gasped. “He's the best man on this Earth!”
“Aww, it’s true love, you think he’s perfect.”
“He is perfect!”
“He may have that face and he may be a gaming god, but he’s pretty much ignorant about everything outside of games and he’s reaaaally prickly! Like a hedgehog!”
“Hey! I like hedgehogs, I love hedgehogs, I have a hedgehog, his name is Sasuke.” Hana slapped the table. “So don’t you dare say anything bad about hedgehogs or Binnie!”
Sooyeon rolled her eyes. “Look, I wasn’t going to mention this, but the man won’t even do any events or endorsements; he’s letting you and the kids do all that stuff while he’s bumming around--”
“He’s not bumming! From the beginning, Hongbin only wanted to be known for his playing, not for his looks. That’s the reason why he’ll never take on endorsements.”
“I’m just saying, I don’t see him the way you do. I’m not a threat.”
“... Really?” Hana gazed up at her, eyes shining.
“Cute,” Sooyeon gasped. “Look at him like that and you’re going to get yourself kissed.”
“No it won’t!” Hana broke into sobs and flung her free arm on the table, burying her face in it. “I guess he just likes girls who are taller and brighter and cooler...” She peeked from her arm.
Sooyeon clapped her free hand on one of her blushing cheeks. “I’m flattered you think that way of me but--”
“I didn’t specifically say it was you,” Hana retorted.
Sooyeon folded her hand on the table. “Oh.”
“Hey.” Hana clasped her hand, eyes still shining but her cheeks and lips much pinker after crying.
“Miss Hana, I already warned you that looking like that is going to get you kissed--”
“If we’re not rivals after all, maybe you could help me?” Hana suggested. “Hongbinnie... seems to listen to you. Maybe you could put in a good word for me?”
“I dunno, if you’ve worked with him for years and he doesn’t appreciate whatever you have going on there, maybe he’s just not ever going to be into you...” Sooyeon’s words trailed off when Hana became progressively more downcast. “I mean, maybe he’s just a bit dumb not to realize how amazing you are, and if I talk to him, he will, yeah?”
"We weren’t always like that...” Hana murmured. “He knew I joined the team because I was in love with that amazing gamer streaming his plays as Water Hyacinth, yet we were close friends. But at some point, Hongbin changed... and I guess I did too. It’s hard not to get frustrated when I couldn’t understand why...” She drained her shot glass, finishing her fourth bottle, and promptly passed out, falling backwards.
Sooyeon yelped, but Wonshik was there in a flash, catching Hana and freeing her wrist.
Sooyeon gawked at him. “I thought you left?”
“Nah, if Hana injured her hands, then the captain would’ve fired me then killed me, which would be the worst,” Wonshik explained, as he examined the unconscious woman’s hands.
Jaehwan uncuffed her, fluttering his eyes. “Aren’t you relieved, Sooyeonie?”
She rotated her fists.  “Yeah, I am! Especially since I can do this!” She thumped them both on their heads, smirking at their whines. “Quit whining and take both of us home!”
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chronicfangirling · 5 years
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KDA In Excelsis: Ch14 (The King’s Avatar AU, CEO!Hakyeon, Gamer!Hongbin, VIXX x OCs ) Character Charts [x]
Sooyeon’s right leg fidgeted uncomfortably as she looked round and round the restaurant’s private room that was bigger than her entire apartment. The seats were plush leather and the long table too immaculate for it to have actually been used much for food.
"Relax.” Hakyeon smiled at her.
“How am I supposed to relax?” she squeaked. “I’m meeting the CEO of Samsara!”
“It’s just Jung Taekwoon.”
“Jung Taekwoon, the only son and heir of the Jung Group of Companies, yeah, just him.” she muttered sarcastically. “An actual chaebol dude, as if it’s not intimidating enough to deal with these legends and gaming gods and princesses...”
“I brought you here earlier so you could have time to be more at ease.” He nodded at a waiter, who bowed and left the room. “Maybe have a bite to eat.”
“How am I supposed to eat?” she whined. But when the waiter returned with a cart of dishes, she managed to fill her plate and dig in.
She was struggling with a too-large bunch of jjajangmyeon when the sliding doors at the other side of the room opened and a tall man entered with a woman--she was of average height but her figure and carriage made her seem almost as tall as him. She quickly slurped up the rest of the noodles and gulped down the glass of water that Hakyeon offered, both of them standing up to greet the other pair.
“Hey.” Sooyeon nudged Hakyeon as she vigorously rubbed at her face with a cloth napkin. “Who’s that beauty?”
“Huh?” Hakyeon glanced at her, then the other woman. “You mean Kim Minah?”
“Is that his wife?”
“His fiancee?”
Sooyeon sidled up to the other woman before she could take her seat beside Taekwoon. “Hi, beautiful! I mean--hi, you’re beautiful.”
Kim Minah gawked at the hand offered nearly at her face. “... Excuse me?”
Jung Taekwoon’s eye twitched, lips pushed out almost in a pout. Hakyeon suppressed a snort, disguising it with a cough, before speaking. “Let me make the introduction, even though I know you’ve already heard of her. This is Choi Sooyeon, our new programmer at Hundred Blossoms. Sooyeon, this is CEO Jung Taekwoon, CEO of Samsara, and his secretary, Kim Minah.”
Sooyeon nodded politely at Taekwoon before turning back to Minah. “You’re the secretary to a CEO? That’s pretty impressive, you seem to be my age!”
Taekwoon reached out as if to grab Minah by the elbow, but she was too far away. Still grinning, Hakyeon walked to Sooyeon and lightly grazed her shoulder with a hand. “Sooyeon, why don’t you take a seat so we could begin the meeting?”
“Oh, but--” Sooyeon looked back over her shoulder even as Hakyeon led her back to her seat. Minah swiveled to her seat to find Taekwoon reaching out for her. The other CEO jumped back, nearly toppling his chair over, and took ten seconds to regain his balance before composing himself and sitting straight.
“CEO Jung, is something the matter?” Minah asked.
“Nothing,” he said so quietly that Sooyeon could barely hear him.
“I know we’re both busy right now and we’re way past the stage of dancing around each other with pleasantries,” Hakyeon said. “Why don’t we go straight to the point?”
“Good.” Taekwoon nodded at his secretary, who handed a folder to Hakyeon.
Sooyeon leaned close as Hakyeon opened it. Employment Contract... Choi Sooyeon... She gulped.
"If Hakyeon-hyung finds out Samsara is interested in your contract, he’ll probably sell you in a heartbeat.”
“I can’t sell Sooyeon’s contract the same way...”
Which is it?
Hakyeon shut the folder and pushed it back to the other side of the table. “I already told Hyogi this: the answer is no.”
One corner of Taekwoon’s mouth quirked up slightly. “CEO Cha, I didn’t mean to offend you. Samsara could definitely double the offer for your consideration--”
Hakyeon pressed a palm upon the folder firmly, stopping Taekwoon from taking it back. “There will be no consideration, CEO Jung. Choi Sooyeon’s contract is absolutely not for sale.”
“Being determined is one thing, but being stubborn is another,” Taekwoon said. “Does Hundred Blossoms have what it takes to bring that battle simulator to completion? I don’t deny that your people are talented, but there’s only so much time and you don’t have enough resources.”
“Thank you for your concern, but we’re going to manage.”
“When Samsara completes it, we’ll even offer you a subscription to the base app for a discount.”
“... For someone who doesn’t mean to offend, you’re doing a good job of doing it.” Hakyeon slid the folder with such force that Taekwoon had to slap it on the table to stop it from hitting his chest. “I’m going to see that battle simulator to completion. For sure.”
Taekwoon smirked outright. “Do you actually think you’ll be the one fulfilling Sooji’s dream this time?”
Sooyeon flinched. Sooji... Her eyes flickered across the table and saw that Minah was staring at Taekwoon, frowning curiously. Sooji again... who’s Sooji?
Hakyeon’s poise cracked, his face showing unease for the first time. “I promised. Same as you...”
“We’re not the same.” The other man retorted. "You’ve never been able to fulfill any of your promises, CEO Cha. I fulfilled the promise of winning the championship and I’ll also be the one to fulfill the promise of completing a battle simulator. Me, as always.”
“The only thing you know how to do is to abandon people.” Taekwoon’s voice rose.
"Yah!” Sooyeon yelled. Everyone turned to her; Taekwoon and Minah both looking taken aback, while Hakyeon seemed to be in a daze.
“... Yah?” Taekwoon echoed softly.
"That’s what I said,” she declared, trying to not let her voice shake. “You don’t know anything about Hakyeon.”
Taekwoon chuckled, gazing at her with sympathy. She found herself scooting backwards in her seat. “Choi Sooyeon, I believe you’re the one who doesn’t know anything about Cha Hakyeon. Don’t let yourself be fooled.”
She saw Hakyeon bite his lip and look down. She shook her head adamantly. “I don’t care what you think. I believe in Cha Hakyeon, and that’s not going to change just because some snobby rich boy of a CEO waves around his money and his pretty secretary and his infuriatingly soft giggles. You got that?”
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chronicfangirling · 5 years
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KDA In Excelsis: Ch18 (The King’s Avatar AU, CEO!Hakyeon, Gamer!Hongbin, VIXX x OCs ) Character Charts [x]
The flap of the tent bar billowed violently and Kim Minah burst inside, glaring at Sooyeon as soon as they locked eyes. She marched towards Sooyeon’s table and opened her mouth to speak, but before she could utter a single word, Sooyeon gushed at her. “You made it! Wow, not everyone could pull off that red suit... and that neckline. Sit down, I already got soju and tteokbokki and ramen, but you can order something else, or another order of ramen, unless you don’t mind sharing?”
Minah blinked, falling into her seat as if she had been tipped off-balance. “Excuse me, but--”
“Ahjumma!” Sooyeon called. “Please tell my friend what’s good!”
“Kimchi ramen,” the other woman said immediately. “I don’t really eat anything else here.”
“Oh, you’re not fond of junkfood.” Sooyeon nodded. “That must be why you have such a good figure.”
Minah raised her chin. “... Why are you talking in such a friendly manner?”
“Why?” Sooyeon giggled. “Because we’re friends after all!”
“... When did that happen?”
“Come on! We’re the same age, we’ve shared a meal and now we’re sharing a drink, and we’re texting--we’re most definitely friends!”
“... Are you drunk? Already?” Judgment dripped from Minah’s words.
“I’m only at my first bottle of soju, so no. But I might need a second bottle to ask...” Sooyeon leaned forward and whispered--a little too loudly, judging from Minah wincing-- “Who is Sooji?”
 The secretary massaged her ear. “I told you, I don’t know, and I don’t--”
“You don’t care?” Sooyeon clucked her tongue. “That’s so cold-hearted of you. Jung Taekwoon’s obviously very fond of you, but you can’t even spare a thought for such a big wound in his heart?”
“I do care! But...” Minah sighed. “I don’t think it’s any of my business--especially because he is not fond of me!”
“Oh... you honestly couldn’t tell.” Sooyeon patted her arm in sympathy. “You’re slow. I guess you’re only a pretty face, huh?”
“Excuse you? I graduated at top of my class!” Minah threw back a full shot glass and slammed it on the table.
“Me too!” Sooyeon refilled the other woman’s shot glass then held out her own for a toast.
With another sigh, Minah clinked glasses and drained the glass. “Obviously, I’d have to be drunk to get through this night.”
“Me too.” Sooyeon pouted. “No matter how I look at it, I can’t accept that Hakyeon is hung up on a woman who isn’t even around anymore.”
Minah raised an eyebrow and took another shot. “She must be something else... CEO Cha is one thing, but CEO Jung is another. He has standards after all.”
Sooyeon chomped vigorously on a piece of tteokbokki. “You’re sure talented at peeving people.” She shook her head and clapped her hands on her cheeks. “No, we can’t fight amongst ourselves. We’re comrades after all.”
“We’re not comrades.”
“Look, you claim to think highly of Jung Taekwoon. Are you not bothered one bit that he’s all broody and angry and fighting with his old friend because of this Sooji?”
Minah bit her lip. “It’s none of my--”
“Forget about it being your business or whatever. Does it bother you?”
Minah took a deep breath and finished another shot glass. “Of course it bothers me.”
Sooyeon grinned, refilling both their glasses. “There! It wasn’t so hard to be honest, was it?”
Six bottles later, both of them were slumped on the table, building wobbly towers with tteokbokki and toothpicks. Minah was muttering: “And I know, I should just focus on our Hyogi, because I was lucky enough to find him after we lost touch after high school. That’s why I can only call him CEO Jung and not Taek--”
“Ahjumma, please give me four orders of tteokbokki--no, six orders of tteokbokki. With extra fishcake, please.”
The familiar voice made both Sooyeon and Minah sit up and squint at the tall man that just entered the tent bar. At the same time, he shuffled on his feet and caught sight of them, his round eyes widening further.
“As the princess likes, captain?” the tent bar lady chuckled fondly.
“It’s how I like it!” he insisted. Sooyeon snorted and Minah huffed.
“Yah, come over here, Lee Hongbin!” Sooyeon drawled.
“Yah?! Lee... Hongbin??!” He gaped in disbelief and approached, his arms crossed over his chest. “How did the rookie just address the captain?”
“Oh get over it, we’re not even at work.” Sooyeon rolled her eyes. She pointed at him--or tried to, but her arm wavered and her finger pointed at a spot to the right of his feet. “Tell me, who is this Sooji who’s so important to Hakyeon and Jung Taekwoon?”
Hongbin frowned. “Yoon Sooji? Haven’t you heard? A programmer who worked for Hundred Blossoms... who was working on a battle simulator... that was pretty similar to yours.”
“Oh?” Sooyeon tilted her head. “Then why did you hire me then? And where’s the battle sim? Was it no good?”
His face dulled into a somber expression. “Well... you know how Hakyeon-hyung and Taekwoon-hyung were injured in a bus accident?”
“Yes?” Sooyeon nodded. Minah too, leaned forward curiously.
“There was one fatality in that accident and...”
Sooyeon gasped. “You mean Yoon Sooji is dead? Oh, poor Hakyeon!” She burst into sobs. “And poor me! There’s no way to beat a dead ex-girlfriend!” She sobbed harder. Minah twisted open a fresh bottle of soju and drank straight from it.
Hongbin glanced alternately at the two of them. “Ex-girlfriend... How did Sooji-hyung become an ex-girlfriend?”
“Sooji-hyung?” Sooyeon and Minah chorused. They gaped at each other and exhaled with nervous laughter; Minah spilling the soju into her glass and Sooyeon dabbing her eyes with the cleanest napkins on the table.
“I thought Sooji as in a female Sooji.” Minah shook her head.
“Me too! Jaehwannie and Wonshikkie said it sounded like a pretty girl’s name! Oops.” Sooyeon knocked her fist lightly against her head. “I’m still sad for Hakyeon, but I guess for my part... I shouldn’t worry.”
“You... shouldn’t... worry...?” Realization dawned on Hongbin’s face and he smirked down at them. "You sure about that?”
Nodding at each other, Sooyeon and Minah each grasped one of his arms and forced him into a seat.
“Tell me, what kind of relationship did Hakyeon and Sooji have?” Sooyeon cried.
“And Taekwoon too!” Minah snapped a pair of chopsticks against the edge of the table. “You better talk!”
“I don’t have to answer your questions! I’m leaving!” He tried to stand, but they both held fast to the sleeves of his jacket and were nearly dragged off their seats. “Let go of me!”
“No!” Sooyeon cried.
The tent bar lady placed Hongbin’s takeout paperbag before him. He tried to squirm out of the two women’s grip and called out: “Ahjumma! Please help me!”
But she only returned to her post saying: “You better go quickly or the tteokbokki will swell!”
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chronicfangirling · 5 years
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KDA In Excelsis: Ch17 (The King’s Avatar AU, CEO!Hakyeon, Gamer!Hongbin, VIXX x OCs ) Character Charts [x]
Hakyeon peered inside the training room. “Hey kids--I see you’re all still working hard?”
There were scattered hellos and acknowledgments; Hana only raising a hand as she continued her dungeon run with Hongbin and the three youngest members. Sooyeon sat up straight and said: “Hi! It’s going really well.”
“I’m glad to hear that.” He smiled at her and approached. In anticipation, Sooyeon inched her chair sideways to make room for him, but he walked right past her desk and pulled a chair beside Hana. Sooyeon frowned, scooting backwards to peek past Hana’s monitor that blocked the view.
“Farming skill books?” he asked.
“Un,” Hana muttered. “The level cap has been raised for a while, but the kids’ characters still aren’t maxed...”
“That’s enough for you tonight,” Hongbin called. “Chansik will fill in for the next runs.”
Instead of complaining as she usually did when Hongbin would run a team without her, she only murmured: “Okay.”
From her screen of all the members’ monitors, Sooyeon could see Hana’s character wander around a field, idly gathering herbs. Despite Hongbin’s dismissal, she could see him peeking over his own monitor, in Hakyeon and Hana’s direction.
“Hongbin-hyung! That skeleton nearly stabbed Yugyeom!” Mingyu scolded.
“Sorry!” Hongbin frantically tapped on his keyboard.
“Hana...” Hakyeon’s tender tone made Sooyeon lean towards Hana’s desk. “You’re worried about Jung Taekwoon, aren’t you? Don’t be.”
Did he just move closer? With what kind of eyes is he looking at her? Sooyeon leaned backwards, trying to see.
“It bothers me... that he can push us around whether in Glory or in the real world because he has money.”
She heard Hakyeon sigh. “I promise you, he’s never going to take another precious person away from Hundred Blossoms, ever again.”
His arm stretched on top of Hana’s monitor and disappeared. Is he patting her head? Is he ruffling her hair? Leaning backwards some more, her chair suddenly tipped over and she screamed. “AHH!”
She landed on the carpeted floor, more shocked than hurt. As she laid with her back on the floor and her knees in the air, she could see everyone standing up and checking on her.
“What the heck?” Mingyu scoffed, shaking his head. “Hopeless, this noona is hopeless.”
“Sooyeonie, are you okay?” Jaehwan cried in a panic, but it was actually Wonshik who came over to help her up.
Hakyeon and Hana were also staring at her, puzzled, his hand still resting on top of Hana’s head.
“Ow,” Sooyeon whined.
“Does it hurt?” Wonshik hurriedly helped her up. “Oh no...”
“Yes! I mean, no...” She scrambled to her feet. “I’m okay!”
"Since we’re all standing up anyway... why don’t we go to the convenience store?” Hongbin asked out of nowhere.
“Convenience store run! Whoooooo!” The kids cheered; Mingyu raising both hands and repeatedly high-fiving both BamBam and Yugyeom. Chansik, Jaehwan, and Wonshik were already taking their coats. But it was only when Hana smiled and started tugging at Hakyeon’s sleeve that Hongbin grabbed his coat and herded everyone out the door.
Walking in the streets, Sooyeon trailed behind, still watching Hakyeon and Hana. He was offering the end of his long scarf for her hands, but she tucked them under the scarf wrapped around her neck instead.
“My hands are cold too.” Sooyeon pouted.
Beside her, Hongbin frowned. “What? I’m not giving you my gloves.”
“I didn’t ask.” she retorted. From the corner of her eye, she noticed a stranger surreptitiously turn his camera phone on the two of them. Hongbin didn’t seem to notice, nor care, but she saw Hakyeon look over his shoulder, slowing his steps, and falling in pace beside her.
“Hey!” He smiled at them. “Sooyeon, I hope you don’t mind that we’re going further. The store at the other street is bigger and has more food and more seats.”
“Hey!” She grinned up at him. “I don’t mind! It’s nice walking together like this.”
“It’s not that far anyway.” Hongbin shrugged. His round eyes sharpened when he suddenly frowned.
Up ahead, Chansik had taken the place beside Hana, offering his coat pocket. She slipped both hands in it. But what Hongbin was frowning at was another stranger with his phone pointed at his unsuspecting teammates.
Hongbin strode quickly to catch up with the pair, jostling the unknown man into dropping his phone in the process. A single glare from Hongbin silenced the man’s indignant ‘Hey!’
Chansik made a show of welcoming Hongbin: “My friend! I’m glad you’re here!” He proceeded to transfer Hana’s hands into Hongbin’s pocket, ignoring the captain’s protests. “I need to check on the kids.” He jogged ahead, catching up to Mingyu, BamBam, and Yugyeom who were already opening the door of the convenience store.
“What are you having, Sooyeon?” Hakyeon asked.
“Ramen!” she exclaimed. “With cheese! Some kimchi? And a hot bar. Oh, but I want some dumplings too... But I kind of want some kimbap... I want to taste them all, but I can’t finish them all!” She pouted at him.
Hakyeon laughed. “You want to split food, don’t you? I’ll do it, even without you being cute like that.”
She blinked, pressing her fists against her hot cheeks. “You think I’m... what...?” But Hakyeon was already putting ramen and other food items on a tray.
As she followed him, she peeked at the other members of the team. Jaehwan and Wonshik had taken full lunchboxes, while Chansik took pizza and chicken. The kids each had trays with a pile of food, while Hana clutched at a triangle sandwich.
“Noona, is that all you’re having?” BamBam asked.
“I’m not really hungry,” she said.
“When have I ever heard that before?” Mingyu teased.
“I mean it!” she cried.
Hongbin glanced at her and put two skewers of fishcake on his tray. “Should I have them plain tonight?”
She wrinkled her nose. “Plain broth isn’t that good.”
“Tteokbokki sauce is the best, isn’t it?” He took a bowl of instant tteokbokki and popped it in the microwave. “Dumplings in the ramen?”
She shook her head. “Cheese?” he prompted. She nodded.
Yugyeom motioned at Hongbin, and pointed at the assortment of triangle kimbap.
Hongbin’s hands hovered over the rack. “Tuna mayo?” He passed it over when Hana wrinkled her nose. “Not stir-fried chicken... Bulgogi and spam of course.” He took two of each.
Mingyu grinned, putting a box of brownies on Hongbin’s tray. “Dessert is necessary too. We should microwave them later, and put ice cream on top.” Hana’s eyes lit up.
“Sometimes, you’re pretty useful,” Hongbin muttered.
“That means a lot to me, hyung!” Mingyu exaggeratedly clutched at his heart, gasping.
When they all sat down at the tables outside the store, Sooyeon was completely content despite the cold, gawking at Hakyeon as he sat close to her and set up their shared food.
At the other table, Hana had ended up with both Hongbin’s gloves and ramen, after he had offered her one chopstick-full of noodles. A corner of his mouth quirked up as he chewed on her ignored triangle sandwich, watching her eat tteokbokki and fishcake in between mouthfuls of ramen.
Mingyu returned from the store with a fresh bowl of ramen and placed it in front of Hongbin. “I knew this would happen.”
“I was mistaken. You’re one hundred percent useful.” Hongbin said.
“Tell me something I don’t know,” Mingyu snorted. “Was it delicious, Hana-noona?”
She looked at the empty bowl and then at Hongbin and gasped. The kids laughed as Hongbin smirked, wiping his thumb upon a drop of soup from the corner of her lips. “It’s fine.”
“I meant it, I wasn’t that hungry!” Hana denied. "It just smelled really good so...”
“I also got extra triangle kimbap.” He placed a bulgogi-flavored piece in front of her.
“I’m telling you, I’m not that hungry!” she insisted.
“Okay, okay,” Hongbin sing-songed, handing her a bottle of strawberry soda.
Chansik grinned at Hakyeon. “Remember how Hyogi would always take her word for it, but she’d stare at his food, and he’d end up giving her half of it?”
Hakyeon chuckled. “Good thing Hongbin always knew to take extra food or poor Hyogi would’ve starved.” He offered Sooyeon a piece of kimbap and she took it, trying not to giggle. “If you want more food, we can get more. It’s not good to go hungry while working.”
“I know,” she cooed through a mouthful of kimbap. I’m relieved that Hakyeon can talk about Han Sanghyuk easily, despite everything...
But I guess the person that no one talks about is Sooji... I really wonder...
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chronicfangirling · 5 years
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KDA In Excelsis: Ch20 (The King’s Avatar AU, CEO!Hakyeon, Gamer!Hongbin, VIXX x OCs ) Character Charts [x]
The cherry blossom embellished uniforms of Hundred Blossoms stood out beside the green of Tiny Herb where they sat in the section of the arena reserved for players and their staff.
Sooyeon sighed. She had been looking forward to the All-Star weekend to watch the events from the staff seats: special games with Glory superstars, rookies against seasoned players, and even amateurs against pros. But she just had to flub up everything and show her most ridiculous drunken face to Hakyeon. It was official--she would have to avoid him for the rest of her life because there was no way she could ever face him again. I can’t even remember how he took me home last night... I just know he did. Ugh! Not only did I get drunk in front of my boss, I did it before a big event!
Luckily, he wasn’t at the seats, so she could gawk at the players and watch some matches before he came back. Sooyeon tiptoed carefully towards the team.
Yugyeom and BamBam were playing the push palm game close to Hana, who had the sleeping MIngyu’s head in her lap. Mingyu’s legs were sprawled across several seats and Hongbin’s lap; the captain looked ready to push his junior teammate off, but was stayed by the latter’s childlike sleep-chewing. Chansik, Jaehwan, and Wonsik were already wandering around, talking to other teams. 
Players in the black stripe of Samsara started taking seats beside Hundred Blossoms, and BamBam and Yugyeom both rushed to hug Jeon Jungkook, chatting with him animatedly. Han Sanghyuk hadn’t arrived yet, but Jung Taekwoon and Kim Minah were present, the latter looking flustered even though Taekwoon didn’t seem to be acting out of the ordinary.
Sooyeon winced when Hongbin glared daggers as she sat in the row behind them. “Umm, you know I’m sorry, right?” When Hana whipped her head around, Sooyeon bowed. “I’m sorry to you too!”
“Nevermind that,” Hana huffed. “You’re avoiding Hakyeon, aren’t you? You know it’ll just be worse the longer you let it drag on.”
“Hey! What’s wrong with Mingyu? Is he sick?” Sooyeon asked, in a poor attempt to change the subject.
Hana shook her head in disapproval but replied: “Nothing. He’ll wake when he has had enough sleep.”
Like clockwork, Mingyu sat up, wiping his face with his sleeves. “Did I miss anything?”
“Your challenge was announced and you defaulted, the entire event is over now,” Hongbin deadpanned as he attempted to straighten Mingyu’s sleep-tousled hair. Mingyu gasped and turned to Hana, who shook her head.
“Hongbin-hyung!” Mingyu sulked. He didn’t sulk for long though; he waved at Jungkook who was still talking to Yugyeom and BamBam, but it was towards the Tiny Herb players he walked.
“Sooyeonie, let’s go,” Hana beckoned for them to follow Mingyu. Sooyeon noticed that Hongbin trailed behind them nonchalantly.
“Mingyu!” A teenaged boy hugged him. Then he hugged Hana. “Hana-noona!”
“Hello, my little fairy!” Hana strained to reach up and pat his head. “When are you transferring to our team?”
“Hana-noona! I told you to stop stealing my friends!” Mingyu complained. He rounded at his friend, growling: “And you! Stop stealing my work mom!”
“Wait for my contract to be over, so I can transfer for free.” The other boy smirked at Mingyu and reached towards Hongbin for a one-armed hug.
“You’re welcome to transfer anytime,” Hongbin said, jutting his chin towards Mingyu, “we’d even sell that one so we can get you.”
“Hey!” Mingyu protested.
“Sooyeonie, this is Minghao from Tiny Herb,” Hana said, though Sooyeon had already recognized the boy as the rookie Xu Minghao. “Minghao, this is Sooyeon, our new programmer.”
“Hello, Sooyeon-noona." Minghao shook her hand.
“Mingyu!!” A honeyed voice announced the appearance of a glowing, pretty face. 
Sooyeon gaped in shock. Yoon Jeonghan, image model of Tiny Herb!
Jeonghan smirked. “Whose baby are you?”
“Hana-noona’s, obviously.” Mingyu rolled his eyes, yelping when Hongbin backhanded his chest. “What? Do you want me to say yours, too? Gross!”
“I’m your captain,” Hongbin pointed out.
“So disappointing,” Jeonghan sighed, then smiled at Minghao. “Minghao, whose baby--”
“He’s mine by right.” Another good-looking man approached. “I raised him after all.”
Yoo Kihyun, vice-captain of Tiny Herb! Sooyeon gawked. Another pro player/CF model who’s even more handsome in real life.
“Kihyun-hyung!” Mingyu hugged him, grinning with affection.
“Hi, Kihyun.” Hana smiled.
"Hey, Hana... Mingyu, and Hongbin too...” Kihyun said, though his eyes never left Hana’s face.
“Hello,” Hongbin grumbled.
“You’ve got to forgive our vice-captain,” Jeonghan chuckled. “You know we’ve got no women at all in our team and support staff. So he’s going to make the most of staring.”
“Shush...” Kihyun hissed between gritted teeth as both Mingyu and Minghao burst into laughter.
Hana glanced at Sooyeon, noticing her starstruck silence. “Kihyun, Jeonghan... this is Choi Sooyeon, the new programmer for Hundred Blossoms.”
Kihyun blinked at her uncertainly as he shook her hand. “Umm, I’ve heard of you...”
But Jeonghan declared loudly: “Hongbin-sunbae’s girlfriend, right? It was all over SNS!”
Sooyeon’s jaw dropped, and she watched Mingyu cut a hand across his neck for silence, Minghao slap a hand on his forehead, Hana's eyes drop like a sad puppy’s.
“Hey, you shouldn’t gossip,” Kihyun scolded. 
Hongbin’s gaze sharpened with judgment. “It’s not just gossip, it’s completely false.”
Unfazed, Jeonghan batted his eyelashes at all of them. “Oh, was that fake news? You could’ve said so!” He threw an arm around Kihyun’s shoulders and winked. “So Hana-noona is still the de facto First Lady of Hundred Blossoms?That’s kinda too bad, because Vice-Captain is once again trying to work up the nerve to ask her out.”
Hongbin’s eyes flashed so dangerously that Sooyeon thought they’d shoot lightning. Hana looked taken aback. “No, I wasn’t!” Kihyun denied. “I’ve never! Not at all!”
“Don’t make weird jokes, Jeonghan,” Hana chided.
“Tsk, such a coward.” Jeonghan pushed Kihyun away and threw an arm around her instead. “Then maybe I’ll ask you out instead.” Hongbin’s glare turned to him.
“You’re dating Seungcheol,” she retorted.
“He’d be happy to date you too,” Jeonghan teased. “I always think of ways to spice up my dating life.”
There were squeals from the fans’ section. “It’s the flower best friends!” They turned their phones on Jeonghan and Hana who both smiled, leaning closer to each other.
“Oh yeah.” Sooyeon nodded. “Everyone thinks they’re best friends since they did that jasmine tea CF. I thought the same too...”
“It’s ridiculous,” Hongbin snarled under his breath.
“You know I’d sell you to Satan for one corn chip,” Jeonghan sneered at Hana.
“I know, you gave him the family discount,” Hana sneered back.
“Want to work on a spring campaign for next year?”
“Sure. I’d totally smile at you and even kiss you as long as I get paid.”
“All these useless hyungs, in the end, I’m the one who gets this woman I don’t even need,” Jeonghan sighed dramatically.
Mingyu coughed urgently. “Ahem, ahem, don’t be so sure!”
The fans broke into even louder screams. “Ahh! It’s Han Sanghyuk!” “I knew it! It’s Hana for him!”
All of them swiveled to see Sanghyuk approaching, and Sooyeon could see the same tension she felt emanate from the rest of their group. Hongbin’s hand twitched and he started to reach for Hana.
“Excuse us, Captain!” Two women, one petite and the other one statuesque, both clad in Samsara’s black-striped jacket and pleated skirt, ran past Sanghyuk and beat him to Hana’s side. There were more squeals as Bae Joohyun and Lalisa Manoban joined the group.
“Sorry hyungs, we’re going to steal this pretty noona for a while,” Lalisa snatched Hana away from Jeonghan.
“Or forever,” Joohyun said, winking. Sooyeon heard Mingyu choke on air and Minghao exhale in wonder.
“Steal me away too, Joohyun-noona,” Jeonghan cooed, hearts in his eyes. Kihyun had to grab his younger teammate by the back of his jacket to make him stand still, though he himself was so flushed he looked ill.
“J-J-Joohyun-noona! H-H-Hi!” Mingyu stuttered. Minghao waved a trembling hand. Hongbin bit back a snort.
“Hi, Mingyu, Minghao.” She waved back. Mingyu and Minghao elbowed each other, blubbering incoherently.
“And bye!” Lalisa interjected, pulling Hana away.
“Sooyeonie!” Hana clasped Sooyeon’s hand and pulled her along as they climbed the stands. “Unless you want to stay...”
Sooyeon shook her head, staring speechlessly at Joohyun. The image model of Samsara smiled at her.
“Oh my goooood,” Sooyeon whispered. “The-most-beautiful-woman-in-the-wooooooorld.”
Lalisa led them behind a large group from Blue Rain. All four women peeked at the group they left: Mingyu, Minghao, and Jeonghan were posing cheerfully for the fans while Kihyun stood uncomfortably between Hongbin and Sanghyuk as they side-eyed each other.
“Whew, talk about awkward.” Lalisa wiped the back of her hand across her forehead in exaggerated relief.
“I owe you ladies one.” Hana hugged them both in turn.
“No, you don’t.” Joohyun playfully shook a finger. “It’s only right we look out for each other, those... boys, have us vastly outnumbered.” She wrinkled her nose in distaste. “How does our captain have the slickest moves in-game, but has the subtlety of a bludgeon in real life?”
“Hyogi isn’t that bad,” Hana said. She gestured towards Sooyeon. “So, I brought a friend. This is Choi Sooyeon, our new programmer. Sooyeon, you know Joohyun and Lalisa, of course.”
“Ah...” Both Joohyun and Lalisa eyed Sooyeon cautiously.
Lalisa ventured. “I saw her on SNS... umm, is she...”
“That rumor with Lee Hongbin isn’t true!” Sooyeon cried.
"Oh, okay!” They both laughed, sounding relieved.
“I’m kind of hungry, should we hang out by the vending machines?” Lalisa suggested. Joohyun had held hands with Hana and walked ahead, so she linked her arms with Sooyeon’s, flashing the cutest smile Sooyeon had ever seen. “Should we, Sooyeon-noona?”
Not even caring about her strange manner of address, Sooyeon grinned. “Yes!”
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chronicfangirling · 5 years
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KDA In Excelsis: Ch13 (The King’s Avatar AU, CEO!Hakyeon, Gamer!Hongbin, VIXX x OCs ) Character Charts [x]
“I’m expecting a special guest, so make sure the living room is spotless.” Sanghyuk drawled. He was slouched on the couch and his feet were propped up on the coffee table as he played on his newly-acquired Nintendo Gamecube.
“Yes,” Sooyeon huffed, sweeping the floor. The sheen of sweat was already on her face and arms from dusting off the walls and the furnishings.
“Don’t forget the underside of the couch.”
“Okay, but you’re going to have to stand up,” she pointed out.
“But I’m playing!” he whined, kicking out his legs like a gigantic toddler.
“Fine, fine!” Huffing again, she crouched on the ground and ran the broom under the couch several times.
“And don’t use a vacuum, I can’t stand the noise.” He shook his head dramatically. “So just go through the entire floor area twice with a damp cloth.”
“What?!” she cried.
“I said, go through the entire floor area twice with a damp cloth!” he shouted.
She tossed the broom down with a clatter. “Are you kidding me?”
“Do I look like I’m kidding?” He fixed a cold stare upon her that made her shiver, then he broke into a smile that squeezed his eyes into endearingly straight lines. “I could just call your employer for better arrangements if you don’t like our current one--”
“No!” she cried. “Don’t. Please.”
“Okay!” He turned back to his game. “I’m counting on you, Choi Sooyeon! You can go back to Hundred Blossom’s training or whatever as soon as you’re done.”
She had barely finished wiping the floor when the door buzzed. “Get that,” he said, without glancing at her.
Huffing again, she stomped to the door and flung it open without bothering to check the camera.
“Sooyeon, are you alright?” Hakyeon urgently grasped her shoulders, drawing her so close that she thought he was going to hug her. But he stopped short and simply looked her over.
“Hakyeon, I-I-I--”
“You must’ve had a hard time.” he sighed. He stepped between her and Sanghyuk before walking towards the other man.
“W-W-Wait!” she spluttered, running after him. “Han Sanghyuk, you said you wouldn’t call him!”
“He didn’t,” Hakyeon said.
“I didn’t.” Sanghyuk confirmed, standing up. “I simply knew our Hakyeon-hyung’s ability. It would never take him long to figure out the real situation.”
“Hyogi...” Hakyeon approached the younger man and hugged him, much to her shock. “You haven’t changed one bit.”
“I could say the same to you.” Sanghyuk teased, squirming as if to escape from the hug, but throwing his arms around his former CEO before the latter could withdraw.
“Still causing trouble.” Hakyeon clucked his tongue. “Wasn’t it enough that you had us scrambling around trying to calm the fans over your SNS updates?”
“What?” Sanghyuk shrugged. “Don’t I have the right to have fun with a long-time friend and share that fun?”
“Since Hana is your friend, then please be more considerate of her situation.”  Hakyeon stepped away, moving in front of Sooyeon, as if to shield her. “And since Sooyeon isn’t your friend, please be mindful of your boundaries.”
“Right to the point.” Sanghyuk mimed shooting a shuriken right between Hakyeon’s eyes. “Then I’ll have to get straight to the point too, I’m making an offer for Choi Sooyeon’s employment contract.”
“Even if you had the right to make that offer--which you don’t--the answer is no.”
“Think of this as a preliminary offer. After all, if I say to make an offer for Choi Sooyeon’s contract, Taekwoonie-hyung will present you with an offer within the next business day.”
“If it’s Jung Taekwoon making the offer, then the answer is an even more definite no.”
“Why?” Sanghyuk smirked. “Is she really that valuable to the team? But I thought I was valuable too, and yet you sold me.”
Hakyeon opened his mouth wordlessly for a couple of seconds before managing to say: “You were--”
“And I doubt she’s actually valuable, given how crude that mess of code she calls a battle simulator is.” At those words, she found herself inching to fully hide behind Hakyeon. Sanghyuk continued: “So your reasons must be personal. But I thought I was personally important to you too, and yet you sold me.”
“Hyogi... I did.”
“So sell that Choi Sooyeon.” Sanghyuk was glaring now.
“I’m sorry, Hyogi. I can’t.” Hakyeon said gently. “That I sold your contract doesn’t mean you were less treasured in any way. The circumstances are different, so I can’t sell Sooyeon’s contract the same way--”
“How is that different?” Sanghyuk hissed. “You’re going to get as much money for her as you did for me--more even!”
“The answer remains the same.”
Sanghyuk flung himself back on the couch and said in the most dismissive manner possible: “I wish I could say it was a pleasure to do business with you, CEO Cha Hakyeon, but you neither did business nor was it a pleasure.”
“For what it’s worth, it was nice to see you again, Hyogi. I’m glad to see you looking so well.” Hakyeon inclined his head and led Sooyeon out of the penthouse apartment, his palm just grazing her upper back.
It wasn’t until they were seated in Hakyeon’s car that he spoke again. “I’m sorry.” His knuckles turned white as he gripped the steering wheel.
She shook her head vehemently. “No, no--I’m sorry! It was my fault, I was too clumsy and careless.”
“I already knew something was wrong but I didn’t ask some more...” He shook his head. “If I had made you feel that you could rely on me about this matter, then I wouldn’t have even needed to ask.”
“Hakyeon...” She gulped down a watery hiccup, feeling one hundred times worse. “It’s not that...”
He sat up straight and when he turned to her, his face was composed, with a blandly gracious smile. “Please know that I’m genuinely concerned about everyone in the company.”
She grabbed his wrist before he could start the car. “Hakyeon! I do know that, okay?”
He blinked at her. “Oh... okay.”
“Okay,” she stressed. She released him, suddenly awkward.
They reached the office and when they entered, all the players were at their stations, doing drill--except for Hongbin who walked around, supervising. When he passed by Hana’s station, he placed a packet of coffee almonds on top of a pile that included a brownie, melon milk, and matcha Pocky. Hana didn’t even glance at him. Reaching into his jacket pocket, he doubled back and dropped two different brands of choco pie.
Sooyeon gaped, squinted, then swiveled her head to Hakyeon who looked similarly puzzled. She ventured: “You know what, I’m just going to go to work...?”
He nodded. “Yeah, do that.”
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