#vixx lr whisper dance practice
tae-rina-yung · 5 years
Best moment in kpop : Leo in Whisper dance practice. Fight me.
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xxinkeyxx · 7 years
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monochromatic-vixx · 7 years
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LR is feeling it
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bigseuegsobtob · 7 years
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vixxleoo · 7 years
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Taekwoons LEGS 2.0 ft. Wonshiks LEGS🔥 [’Feeling’ dance practice]
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kpopmultifan · 7 years
VIXX LR has released the dance practice for “Whisper,” the title track of their 2nd mini-album.
buy “Whisper” on iTunes
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atrocitycl · 7 years
VIXX LR - “Whisper” Review
(Music Video) / (Dance Practice)
VIXX LR – Whisper
Reviewed on October 28, 2017
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So, unlike the many fans and listeners who praise VIXX LR’s latest song, I argue the opposite: that, if we move beyond stylistic preferences, we will find that “Whisper” is an incredibly incoherent song. That lack of organization is why I struggle to critically enjoy the song—even if, as many have said, the vocals and the like are rather appealing.
Personal Message: It has been an entire month without any reviews, and I greatly apologize for this. While better time management would have prevented this situation, I had to pause writing reviews and subtitling videos for the sake of keeping up with my studies. However, all is going well in my life and I hope to better allocate my time so that I can maintain a consistent schedule with reviews. After all, my university life is only going to get busier in the future—not less. So, I hope and plan to develop a schedule that will allow reviews to carry on, and of course, to be more concise with reviews.
Regarding this review, it finally addresses a one-month-old (if not more) request. To the requester, I apologize for the massive delay (and likewise to the reader who also requested Sunmi’s “Gashina”). As of now, I believe I might have to temporarily stop accepting requests—or at least, I will have to put a disclaimer on their finished dates. That said, if reviews become far shorter to write, this dilemma toward requests might be unnecessary.
On topic, however, VIXX LR—a sub-unit of VIXX—will be the artist we focus on. “Whisper,” while no longer quite a newer song, is at least still VIXX LR’s latest song. Many fans and listeners cherish the song: comments from various sources appear to praise the duo’s vocals, and regarding the song’s composition and production, many also favor the song’s “chill” stylistic approach. Although stylistic preferences are certainly acceptable and are by no means wrong to have, I personally question—challenge, even—many listeners’ and fans’ take to “Whisper.” A song’s style is not sufficient for determining whether a song is excellent in quality or not; we need to go deeper and account for the composition at play. Unfortunately, though, analyzing “Whisper” in this aspect brings many concerns. So, unlike the many fans and listeners who praise VIXX LR’s latest song, I argue the opposite: that, if we move beyond stylistic preferences, we will find that “Whisper” is an incredibly incoherent song. That lack of organization is why I struggle to critically enjoy the song—even if, as many have said, the vocals and the like are rather appealing.
Song Score: 5/10 (5.25/10 raw score) - “Average”
- Vocals: 6/10
- Sections: 5/10 (4.86/10 raw score)
Introduction, Rap, Pre-Chorus, Chorus, Rap, Pre-Chorus, Chorus, Post-Chorus, Bridge, Chorus, Conclusion (Post-Chorus)
1.     Introduction: 6/10
2.     Rap: 6/10
3.     Pre-Chorus: 4/10
4.     Chorus: 3/10
5.     Post-Chorus: 4/10
6.     Bridge: 5/10
7.     Conclusion (Post-Chorus): 6/10
- Instrumental: 4/10
- Lyrics: 6/10
Tell me your love to the point where I melt Tickle my heart Show me your love Yeah we’re burnin’ up, baby Whisper yourself into my heart
Especially more so today Time seems to freeze when I see you I can’t handle you, it transcends narcissism My instincts have already gone up I try to calm down my excited heart but it breaks down Calm down, down, down My body is slowing down right now, now No limit, limit, what is your limit? Tell me ahead of time Everything has levels But you’ve erased that process You are my song, yeah baby I’m different from the other wolves who only look for you at night I look for you every moment of every day, girl
You can have all of me, it’s alright Do you know what I want? Carefully, right now
Softly, whisper to me, girl Whisper to me It’s quiet but it feels dangerous You have me specifically flexin’ It’s a secret sign Our own party without anyone knowing Whisper language
I can use both arms and legs but I can’t fully express everything I don’t care about a party filled with losers My focus is on you Chillin’-chillin’ we need a secret This is something that happens on a screen I’m feelin’ like a Gosling I’m sure of this feeling Love you, love you, love you, love you, love you Really love you I can’t figure you out but my head is already there I hope at least half of my predictions will be the answer I hope this night connects us We can be quiet Because I think this is strangely more fun
You can have all of me, it’s alright Do you know what I want? Carefully, right now
Softly, whisper to me, girl Whisper to me It’s quiet but it feels dangerous You have me specifically flexin’ It’s a secret sign Our own party without anyone knowing Whisper language
Whisper Yeah tell me, tell me your love Whisper Yeah I can even hear your breath, love Whisper Yeah tell me, tell me your love Whisper Yeah I can even touch your voice, real love
Don’t hesitate anymore, feel your vibe However you feel, movin’ Falling into the black hole, my black hole You don’t care about the meaning of beauty But you just show yourself to me I’ve already gone crazy but you drive me crazy again You make me fly until the end
Once again, whisper to me, girl Whisper to me Burn me up, like you’re testing me You analyze me like you’re flexin’ It’s a secret sign Our own party without anyone knowing Whisper language
Whisper Yeah tell me, tell me your love Whisper Yeah I can even hear your breath, love Whisper Yeah tell me, tell me your love Whisper Yeah I can even touch your voice, real love
Analysis: Before boldly critiquing the composers’ work, I find that we still need to acknowledge what many fans and listeners have established: sonically, “Whisper” pleases our ears. We find this sentiment supported by individually focusing on each section. For example, the rapping sections are rather developed. If we listen to the first rap section that occurs, we should notice that Ravi’s part is more than just a straightforward, typical, rhythm-based rap. The composers also introduced moments where the rap drastically slows down and instead adds in tune versus rhythm—this being clearly heard with the pitch-enhanced (or pitch-edited) bits that are dispersed throughout. This all works in favor, though, of creating rap sections that function more than as a song’s break. After all, notice how in many K-Pop songs the rap sections tend to provide a mere change of pace in a song. But, in “Whisper,” with the rapping being rather flexible and complex—and later in the song, also being mixed in with Leo’s singing—this allows listeners to interpret the rapping as a main core of the song’s aural appeal.
But, all of that said, “Whisper” as an entire song is incoherent—and sadly, no amount of individual, aural appeal can compensate for the song’s lack of organization. Consider the song in this manner: as if it was an essay. Yes, I can already hear the skepticism with this analogy: “This makes no sense; the only thing we see is your teacher-side showing.” But, bear with it for a few more moments. Imagining that “Whisper” is an essay, we can understand that its individual aspects—its individual paragraphs—are beautifully and thoughtfully written. However, we notice a problem with this essay: Although each paragraph is strong individually, none of the paragraphs make sense when we put them together to form an actual essay. One paragraph focuses on a certain topic, but the next paragraph switches to an entirely new topic—and again, individually we acknowledge that those single paragraphs are perfect. The same applies to “Whisper.” While its individual aspects are solid—such as the singing or the rapping—none of these aspects easily connects to the other. As individual chunks of a song, “Whisper” is great; as a unified, single song, “Whisper” is not great.
Diving into examples of this incoherence, let us focus specifically on the conflict that occurs between the rapping and singing. Again, both on an individual level are excellent but the song lacks in relating the two together. This is why the choruses are structurally jarring despite how Leo’s singing soothes us. When the choruses arrive, listeners are disorientated by the sudden changes: despite a rap section building up to the choruses, rather than a chorus that builds off that hyping, it instead begins from a new beginning. In other words, given that the rapping and even the pre-choruses seem to be working together toward a climactic point, it is odd that the choruses fail to follow through. Instead of the choruses being a notable, climaxing point where the rap sections and pre-choruses come together, it appears as if the choruses completely begin its own song. The instrumental at the choruses, for example, are not similar to the rap or pre-chorus sections and instead take a sudden calm approach. Furthermore, Leo’s singing style—while definitely serene and beautiful—does not complement Ravi’s rougher rap lines.
What would have been preferable, I argue, is if the duo’s vocals were similar in style or perhaps even alternating in a dynamic fashion. Towards the latter half of the song, post-choruses are introduced and these sections take on an interesting form: a blend of both Leo and Ravi—a blend of singing and rapping. If this was established sooner in the song, I foresee this incoherence problem being prevented. Or, as mentioned as well, if the two vocal styles were able to relate directly this would be another potential solution. If Leo’s singing at the chorus, for example, was slightly rougher and focused on intensity so that it would match Ravi’s rapping style, there could have been a clear connection there. The opposite holds as well: if Leo’s softer, graceful singing is to be kept, then Ravi’s rapping could have followed a softer demeanor to match. Overall, without having an aspect that relates the two’s rapping and singing, it leaves “Whisper” sounding divided. In these duo situations of blending in rapping and singing, I find that Mad Clown’s and Soyou’s duo song of “Stupid in Love” provides a strong example of balancing the two different vocal performances. In “Stupid in Love,” Mad Clown’s rapping is definitely of a faster and more intense style. However, Soyou’s singing style still matches due to an instrumental that remained consistent and how, even if her pacing is slower, her own vocals were kept in a more direct, rough manner versus being airy and soft.
All in all, if not for this lack of cohesion in the song, I would predict “Whisper” excelling due to not only having solid rapping and singing, but also due to a powerful chemistry between those two aspects. As it stands, though, that is not the case. Without that cohesion—that sense of connecting the song into smooth, single piece—it does not matter how brilliant the rapping or singing are. Fans should definitely still enjoy the song for its “chill” style, but in terms of discussing the composers’ decisions and analyzing the song in this critical manner, I argue “Whisper” is a relatively weaker song—or at least, it lost a lot of its potential. Of course, however, disagreements can and should occur—this is why I write reviews, after all. For discussions. For creating a space where fans can critically and maturely discuss why they believe a song is strong or weak. And, in the end, “Whisper” still manages to hold onto a five—a rating that indicates that, overall, the song is not exactly bad, but neither is it necessarily good.
Whether this was a smart decision or not, I decided to use some of my usual “homework time” to instead write this review—but, I find that this was a worthy decision. Sunmi’s “Gashina” should be finished soon, and afterwards, I will see if I can realistically end October with two more reviews. Six posts has been my goal and I intend to keep it that way, but perhaps four might be more plausible for the next few months.
Once again I apologize to requesters and readers for the lack of content, but I do greatly appreciate any time given towards this blog. Until then, look forward to—hopefully—October ending with Sunmi’s “Gashina” and “[w]hisper to me” that I need to fix my work habits.
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feelsfordays-yt · 7 years
[VIXX LR] ‘Whisper’ Dance Practice! (legs for monthsss)
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myanw · 7 years
Idk why but this is so mesmerizing to watch 0_0 (That ending tho i did not see that coming)
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ilovetiramisu · 7 years
빅스LR(VIXX LR) - 'Whisper' Dance Practice Video
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rklino · 6 years
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                               february evaluations !! min yoongi performing vixx lr’s whisper.                                                             featuring ... @rkjeon.                                                 trigger warning: mentions of anxiety.
after how much work the last two months have been, yoongi’s glad to have a somewhat easier, more open evaluation than before. he gets to work with a person of his choosing, gets to do a song they choose-- and it all feels easier. it’s a lot with the title of public trainee under his name, but he supposes it’s okay. it isn’t that bad. it’s not like he’s an idol; just because the world knows his name as a trainee doesn’t equate to anything else.
the dance in itself is pretty lax, yoongi thinks. but he likes the beat of it, thinks the message of the song fits love enough for it to be a match. it gives jeongguk and yoongi a good chance to work together, an event he knows will be happening a lot; any time spent with the other he’ll take, because yoongi is greedy when it comes to jeongguk (but he won’t ever admit it outloud). practice is spent with idle joking, whispered talks and sweet glances when they can. they're still in a public setting, at work no less; but the time spent is nice and it feels easy, so it should have been a warning to what the day of the evaluation actually entailed.
and when they do start, everything is fine. jeongguk's voice is music when it hits the air, the beat of the song complimenting it nicely. the beginning of the dance doesn't have much dancing, so yoongi lets himself settle. and once it moves to his own part of the song the rap comes easy, the moves more sharp than his own chosen enjoyment, but not difficult to manage. he keeps his expression relaxed-- because yoongi does feel relaxed; even the eyes of trainers alike can't keep him from feeling at ease when he's dancing.
it's only when the music stops that yoongi allows surprise to color his features. the steps in his dancing stagger as he rights himself, and for a moment he's confused, eyes flickering from jeongguk to the watchful eyes around them. no one is surprised, some brief looks of amusement but they don't stop them, they don't do anything at all; panic scratches at his insides. jeongguk's voice falters and stutters a bit-- not sounding nearly as confident without the backing track. it takes a moment for them to figure it out again, but yoongi's mind is racing a mile a minute. trying to remember the counts, remember the placing. jeongguk doesn't even falter with the dancing-- easy and smooth so yoongi follows along with that, though he's much more clumsy, his movements a bit stilted without the music for a moment. it's difficult being caught off-guard and righting yourself, and yoongi doesn't have himself put together enough to execute it without looking like a fool.
he misses the first syllable of his part that starts up as they're in silence, cheeks and ears tinging red from embarrassment; from sheer humiliation. it's incredibly hard to keep on beat when the beat isn't there, and he tries so hard to imagine the song playing in his head; he's heard it so many times in practice, so many runthroughs he should be able to hear it in his sleep-- but his head is buzzing with white noise and his heart is beating a mile a minute. jeongguk's smiling and laughing everything yoongi twists and turns in the choreography, and he wants to laugh about it too. be amused and find humor in the situation, but the panic and anxiety is clawing at his gut, wishing, wanting to break out. and as the seconds tick down, the dancing gets easier-- but his live rapping struggles to keep up without the aid of the music.
it's a mess, to be sure. jeongguk does fine in his eyes but yoongi does awful-- absolutely awful. every moment that passes he wants out of the room, surprised that he hasn't left already out of sheer determination to not leave jeongguk alone in the performance. he knows this happens, knows that idols have to deal with this from time to time; but yoongi isn't an idol, doesn't even know if he likes being a trainee yet either. it's a mess, he's a mess. so much for things being easy.
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xxinkeyxx · 7 years
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rkjeon · 6 years
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                                       FEBRUARY 2019 EVALUATION - acapella                                               performing whisper by vixx lr                                                                  with @rkmyg
jeongguk’s genuinely happy when evaluations come around again, giving him the easiest excuse to spend more time with yoongi to work on the performance. he never really thought about the fact that they could end up in different companies, and their time spent together if few and far between because of it.
he’s also especially clingy towards yoongi in general lately, still suspicious that his parents are going to show up again.
he’d wrinkled his nose up at the fact that they had to sing or rap at first, not confident in his ability. he can sing, yes, but he still hasn’t taken the time to work on it very much. even during training he mostly focuses on dancing, always trying to stay ahead.
the song turns out to be rather easy, atleast from a dancing standpoint. the original singer, however, is leagues above jeongguk’s capability. his voice is higher, sweeter, and jeongguk has to lower the tone just to hit the higher notes during their evaluation. yoongi had given him praise during practice, so he can’t be that bad, the younger smiling thankfully at him for it.
jeongguk much prefers yoongi’s parts in the song to his own, enjoying the breaks in the dance to be able to just watch his boyfriend perform until it’s his turn again.
as soon as the build up before the chorus comes, the music is suddenly gone, leaving jeongguk completely flat footed as his body just continues with the dance like nothing happened. meanwhile, his mouth trips over the lyrics for a second before catching back up, smiling hard as he works through the pressure of having to finish their evaluation without any background music. it’s slightly awkward, since they hadn’t practiced it that way, and he’s trying hard not to stifle a laughter when he sees that yoongi is off beat as well, trying to just find amusement with the situation.
the look on yoongi’s features isn’t amusement though, and jeongguk’s smile is quick to fall from his face and replaced with a small frown, worried.
when they finally finish, jeongguk’s quick to hurry to yoongi’s side, pressed against him with concerned looks as they leave the room.
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quasilogical · 6 years
Tell me this - Are the boys from new group VERIVERY the backup dancers from the VIXX LR dance practice video for Whisper? If so, say no more, I already love them.
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kpopmultifan · 7 years
VIXX sub-unit VIXX LR has released the dance practice for “Feeling,” a track from their 2nd mini-album “Whisper.”
Buy “Feeling” on iTunes
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defxoul · 7 years
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VIXX LR - whisper dance practice
@jiminstinybabyhands‘s tiny baby steps towards christmas 8/24 🎄 
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