carolemm · 1 month
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Vivonne : joli petit village étape sur la route vers l’Espagne.
Les propriétaires de l’hôtel restaurant Le Saint-Georges ont eu l’amabilité de nous servir un repas tout à fait honorable après 14h : fait notable dans ce genre de petit village. On a déjeuné au pied de l’église à l’ombre d’un bel arbre, émerveillés par le ballet des hirondelles.
Un peu plus loin, on peut longer les rives de la Vonne, du Clain ou du Palais.
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deceiver-a-day · 3 months
Welcoming Hermanhilda Vivonne Home
• [x] establishes that your current location is Hermanhilda Vivonne’s home
• [x] welcomes Hermanhilda Vivonne
• [x] sets aside past quarrels
• [x] is always sincere
• [x] offers rest
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"he's screaming again, isn't he?"
vivonne bay, australia
by nikhil mahajan
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dolphin1812 · 1 year
Gillenormand’s house is very fancy, with all of the paintings and other decorations serving as a dramatic display of wealth (although he’s not as wealthy as he used to be - we learned in the last chapter he only has an income of 15000 francs, which, while it’s much more than most of the characters we know, is implied to be less than he had before). The most interesting detail about his furniture is this:
“he had a boudoir of which he thought a great deal, a gallant and elegant retreat, with magnificent hangings of straw, with a pattern of flowers and fleurs-de-lys made on the galleys of Louis XIV. and ordered of his convicts by M. de Vivonne for his mistress.”
M de Vivonne was the brother of Louis XIV’s mistress, Mme de Montespan, and was in charge of the galley fleet. Many prisoners there were textile artisans and were allowed to work as such in winter, when the galleys weren’t sailing (this information comes from Donougher’s notes). From the perspective of the narrative, this boudoir brings us back to thinking about convict labor and how it was used in France. Jean Valjean served on the galleys as well, suggesting continuity with the punishments of the ancien régime and that Gillenormand’s ostentatious decorations rely upon the harmful system of labor that underpaid Valjean and then made it difficult for him to find well-paid work afterward, regardless of his skills or strength. Unsurprisingly for something made for Louis XIV’s mistress, it also prominently features the fleur-de-lys. That Gillenormand owns something from the monarchy highlights his wealth and/or status as well as his monarchical leanings, as he displays the symbol of the monarchy so proudly in his home.
The brief descriptions we get of his character in this chapter should basically be considered warning signs in the context of this book:
“His manners were something between those of the courtier, which he had never been, and the lawyer, which he might have been.”
“Courtiers” aren’t a big part of this novel, so this detail mainly tells us about his aristocratic pretensions, but lawyers and other members of the legal profession certainly are, and they’re usually quite cruel. The best examples were Tholomyès and Bamatabois, who used their authority to harm others with impunity. The actual lawyers we saw at Champmathieu’s trial were the subjects of mockery at their best. That he “might have been” a lawyer suggests that we should probably be wary of him.
Hugo ends the chapter by tying Gillenormand not to the monarchy, but to the backlash to the French Revolution. The “incroyables” were aristocrats who led lives of luxury as a sort of backlash to the Revolution, more specifically to the Terror. Gillenormand further reveals his political beliefs by explicitly criticizing the French Revolution at the end of the chapter, too, solidifying his position as a character who’s opposed to the reforms called for by the book and as a representation of the backlash to social and political change.
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cliozaur · 1 year
- This chapter is steeped in materiality! The objects in M. Gillenormand's house only reinforce the impression we already have of him from the previous chapter. It's amusing to observe how subtly this old gentleman's character is sexualized when you take a closer look. We gain insight into two rooms: the bedroom and the boudoir, which are the most intimate spaces in a house and likely indicate the master's preferences for certain bodily pleasures. This notion is further supported by the information that, in addition to being married twice, he had numerous mistresses. His fondness for tapestries depicting pastoral scenes and the 'magnificent hangings of straw' he inherited from a great-aunt, originally commissioned by 'M. de Vivonne for his mistress' (crafted by convicts on the galleys, but that's another story), also point in that direction.
- “a vast, nine-leaved screen of Coromandel lacquer” around his bed as a “specimens of Asia on a small scale” (from the previous chapter) in his bedroom.
- “the lawyer, which he might have been” – we know (or will learn) that Marius was expected to become a lawyer after his studies. Wasn’t it the realization of somebody else’s ambitions?
- And if anyone still had doubts about his political views, here is confirmation that he is ardently anti-revolutionary.
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winterhalters · 7 months
Do you think Louis XIV's "distancing" with Athenaïs de Montespan was due to the fact that he found her to be too similar to him? I read it somewhere and I find this hypothesis quite interesting, but i suppose the truth is more complex and we should take into account other factors: time, Montespan growing old and losing her physical attractive, the Poisons Affair, religion... Ok the other hand, wasn't this "sinilarity of their personalities" what drew him to her and made him forget the less demanding, less pleasure-loving, less political La Valière? Thanks
The thing that rubs me the wrong way with the idea that they were too similar is that it doesn't take into account what the standard for 'popular' was at the time. Wit was in, demure was out. Of course Montespan shone brighter than anyone at a time where her wits were appreciated and glamorized. Both of them were a product of that era specifically so it kind of cancels the whole 'i recognize you and you recognize me' idea. Popular kids are popular because they conform to a norm, and eventually excel at it. There's also a significant aspect of her life as a royal mistress and her way to it that's overlooked more often than not, and it's that Athénaïs was a package deal. Her sister, Thianges, and her brother, Vivonne, were arguably two of the closest friends of Louis and Philippe's since childhood, if such thing ever existed. I'm not saying that Athénaïs was groomed to become a royal mistress, but she had significant (and suitable, mind you) connections already in place when the opportunity presented itself.
Overall I'm more of a mind that he genuinely thought himself to have outgrown her, which is rich considering he likely brought out the worst in her in some way. She grew more and more neurotic as the years went on and it was largely because he wasn't faithful to her (let alone the queen) and she couldn't handle being the butt of the joke. She also grew more and more distant with the kids at a time he became more and more involved in their life, which prompted her to overcompensate at the end when she realized it was a turn off for Louis, not to mention her multiple dalliances with domestic and foreign policy, which frankly annoyed him (all of which later blowing up in her face during the Affaire des Poisons). To me it's at best unlikely Montespan truly ever was involved in the Affaire des Poisons, so i don't believe it was the reason Louis finally broke up with her; i think if anything the way she reacted to Fontanges was the real deal breaker for him, assuming the way she treated everyone including their children wasn't already, and the Affaire was the right time to make it official.
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michelhenot-blog · 10 months
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Instantané du 22 novembre 2023 : champ de courge ©Michel Hénot Snapshot Photographer. Des hectares de citrouilles pour en extraire la graine Vivonne F 86
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anastpaul · 11 months
Feast of Saints Simon and Jude, Apostles of Christ, Lord of Miracles/Señor de los Milagros de Nazarenas, Notre-Dame de Vivonne / Our Lady of Vivonne, Savoy, France and the Saints remembered on 28 October
Feast of Saints Simon and Jude, Apostles of Christ:https://anastpaul.com/2018/10/28/feast-of-the-apostles-sts-simon-and-jude-28-october/AND:https://anastpaul.com/2019/10/28/feast-of-saints-simon-and-jude-apostles-of-christ-28-octoberAND:https://anastpaul.com/2022/10/28/saints-of-the-day-28-october-feast-of-saints-simon-and-jude/ Lord of Miracles/Señor de los Milagros de Nazarenas – A…
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eandamj · 5 months
KANGAROO ISLAND 24 & 25 April 2024
On the 24 April we drove from Penneshaw in the north-east of Kangaroo Island to the far south-west part to Flinders Chase National Park. It took about 2.5 hours and enabled us to see some extraordinary landscapes. The National Park dominates the west side of Kangaroo Island and virtually the whole of this area was on fire in 2019/20. The fires lasted 10 weeks. (The fires burnt a huge amount of the whole of Kangaroo Island but as the west side had the wildest areas and less farmland, the west side of the island was devastated.). One of the great sights of the days was all the regenerative plant growth easily seen all over the west part of the island.
Once we had entered the National Park and paid our entrance fee, we drove to the south coast to Admirals Arch and Cape du Couedic Lighthouse.
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We walked around the lighthouse and went to a viewing point to see more of the coastline. We then drove to the end of the land to see the island visible in the lighthouse photo.
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The power of the southern ocean was amazing to watch against the cliffs. There was a long board walk to see Admirals Arch which was a huge disappointment as the board walk was under repair and do we couldn’t see fully through the arch! Here is a view from a distance of where the board walk ends above the rocks with the dark arch in the middle. All the surrounding rocks were covered in sea lions as this was also a sea lion colony.
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We then drove to see the next headland along the southern coast. This was to visit the Remarkable Rocks - and indeed they were! Here is the coastal scene as we approached:
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And here are the Remarkable Rocks which are essentially the remnants of a granite dome subject to erosion:
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It was as we walked to the rocks to see the surrounding plant life regenerating after the fire. We were surprised that we were able to walk over them. Close up the rocks were amazing:
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And this rock looks like a dinosaur:
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On the drive back across the island we saw lots of examples of plant regeneration following the fire:
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We visited another picturesque bay on the south coast on the way back to Penneshaw. This is Vivonne Bay:
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On the morning of the 25 April we drove just 25 minutes to Pennington Hill to see the view. The lookout point is accessible by about 350 steps. The view of the Pelican Lagoon and sea beyond was wonderful:
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We visited Pennington Bay before returning to Penneshaw for the ferry back to the mainland. After crossing to Cape Jervis we drove the Fleurieu Peninsula back to Adelaide. During the drive we came across two kangaroos sitting feeding by the roadside! The trip to Kangaroo Island has been a great success and we feel blessed to have seen so much wildlife and superb scenery.
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ejcmedia · 5 months
Psychologue en centre pénitentiaire : “quand je ne suis pas au travail, je n’y pense pas”
Frédéric D. est psychologue clinicien au Service médico-psychologique régional (SMPR) du centre pénitentiaire de Poitiers-Vivonne. Cette profession singulière nécessite une “capacité de cloisonnement”, mais aussi une écoute des autres et une éthique qui suscitent parfois l’incompréhension. Au centre pénitentiaire, les téléphones portables sont interdits. Frédéric D. ne peut utiliser que le…
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angeliquefilme · 6 months
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memoriasdelecturas · 1 year
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“Para mí, la memoria voluntaria, que es sobre todo una memoria de la inteligencia y de los ojos, sólo nos da del pasado aspectos sin veracidad, pero si un olor, un sabor recuperados en circunstancias muy diferentes, despiertan en nosotros a nuestro pesar el pasado, nos damos cuenta hasta qué punto este pasado era diferente de lo que creíamos recordar, lo que dibujaba nuestra memoria voluntaria, como los pintores malos, con colores sin veracidad. En este primer volumen, el narrador, que habla en primera persona (y que no soy yo) recupera de repente años, jardines, seres olvidados en el sabor de un sorbo de té en el que ha mojado un trozo de magdalena; sin duda lo recordaba todo, pero sin color, sin encanto. He podido hacerle decir que, como en el juego japonés en el que sumergimos tenues bolas de papel que, una vez dentro de la taza, se estiran, se retuercen se convierten en flores y personajes, todas las flores de su jardín y los nenúfares del Vivonne, y la buena gente del pueblo, y las casitas, la iglesia y todo Combray y sus alrededores, todo ello toma forma, se vuelve sólido y brota, con la ciudad y los jardines, de la taza de té.
Yo creo que el artista sólo debería pedir a los recuerdos involuntarios la materia prima de su obra. En primer lugar, precisamente porque son involuntarios, se forman solos, atraídos por una semejanza de un instante, tienen un cuño de autenticidad. Además, nos devuelven las cosas en una dosificación exacta de la memoria y del olvido. Finalmente, como nos hacen saborear la misma sensación en circunstancias muy diferentes, la liberan de toda su contingencia, nos devuelven su esencia extratemporal, que es precisamente el contenido de la belleza del estilo, esta verdad universal y necesaria que sólo traduce precisamente la belleza del estilo.
Si me permito razonar así sobre mi libro es porque no es en modo alguno una obra de razonamiento, porque sus menores elementos proceden de mi sensibilidad, porque los he percibido ante todo en el fondo de mí mismo, sin comprenderlos, porque me ha costado tanto esfuerzo convertirlos en algo inteligible como si hubieran sido tan ajenos al mundo de la inteligencia como… ¿cómo expresarlo? Un motivo musical. Me parece que piensan que se traza de sutilezas. ¡Oh, no! ¡Todo lo contrario! Les aseguro que se trata de realidades. Lo que no hemos tenido que aclarar personalmente, porque estaba claro ya (por ejemplo, idea lógicas) no es realmente nuestro, ni siquiera si es real. Son sólo “potencialidades” que elegimos arbitrariamente. Además, sabe usted, es algo que se ve inmediatamente en el estilo.
El estilo no es un embellecimiento en modo alguno, como creen algunas personas, ni siquiera es un problema de técnica, es –como el color en los pintores- una cualidad de la visión, una revelación del universo particular que ve cada uno de nosotros y que no ven los demás. El placer que nos procura un artista es el de darnos a conocer un universo más.”
Marcel Proust | La relación entre el estilo y la visión
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crazy-so-na-sega · 1 year
"Un altro motivo di meraviglia fu il vedere che le "sorgenti della Vivonne" che io mi figuravo come qualcosa di tanto ultraterreno quanto la Porta dell'Inferno, in realtà non erano che una specie di lavatoio nel quale saliva qualche bollicina".
-Marcel Proust -Il tempo ritrovato
la coscienza del fatto che alle suggestioni non si sfugge, dovrebbe servire a fare attenzione alle proprie. Dovrebbe...
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vivonne bay, australia
by nikhil mahajan
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alvrnina · 5 years
so i spent my day creating fusions of all my ocs!!
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Vivonne (Viv and Yvonne): A strong, sisterly bond forms these two into the most stable form of the bunch. This fusion is beautiful, elegant, refined, and showmanlike, dazzling everyone around her with her graceful, dance-like movements. She also gains flight-capable feathers, and her strength lies in her immense speed and agility. She can also whip up powerful gusts of wind with her wings and feathered tail.
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Klaine (Klaus and Yvonne): Between Yvonne’s tough, cool outward personality, her well-hidden sweet side, and Klaus’s relaxed, carefree nature, this fusion has a bit of a cool older brother-like personality. He gains control over electromagnetism, enabling him to generate and harness massive amounts of electricity to use for a variety of purposes. Klaine can be pretty arrogant at times and likes to show off his abilities, although he does his best not to let his displays of strength damage anyone or anything around him. He’s very protective over the other Hoodians, whom he cares for like younger siblings, and he’ll strike down any threats to the Neverhood without a shred of mercy.
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Vivius (Viv and Klaus): This behemoth of a fusion is a fire-breathing powerhouse, but unfortunately, he doesn’t have much restraint and can be pretty unstable and dangerous as a result. While Yvonne and Viv bring out the best in one another, Viv’s rambunctious side is unfortunately brought to the forefront by Klaus’s silliness in this fusion, and coupled with this massive beast’s sheer size and strength, his goofing around can get out of hand pretty easily. He can also be quite hot-headed, and it’s not a good idea to get on Vivius’s bad side.
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Klavinne (Klaus/Viv/Yvonne): The ultimate combination between the three, although it is immensely difficult for them to remain stable in this form for a long period of time. This colossal beast retains the fire, wind, and lightning abilities of the three lesser fusions, making it a formidable foe. The piercing roar it lets out before it charges into a fight is enough to make the ground beneath it tremble like a leaf in the wind. Its glowing wings radiate so much heat that if a normal klay so much as touched them, they’d be baked into bisque in seconds.
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and of course, here’s how they stack up with one another size-wise!! Klavinne’s an absolute unit!!
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rigaswatches · 2 years
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Dans une rue de Vivonne ♥️♥️♥️ #duck #family #love #vivonne #life #lifestyle #lifeisgood #globetrotter #nature #naturephotography #naturelovers #animallovers #animals #animalphotography #loveit #doglover #dog #goldenretriever #cockerspaniel #streetphotography (à France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfBQXd_rV53/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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