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UMJI 'Pull Up & Maniac' [240526]
#umji*#viviz*#stage*#viviz umji#kim yewon#viviz#viviz eunha#viviz sinb#gfriend#dazzlingidolsedit#ultkpopnetwork#femaleidolsedit#ggnet#beautyidolsedit#kgoddesses
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eunha ♡ maniac — 𝟐𝟑𝟏𝟏𝟎𝟒
#viviz#eunha#vivizedit#femadolsedit#femaleidol#femaleidolsedit#ggnet#kgoddesses#kpopggedit#idolady#viviz*#*#ksource#idolnexusedit#kpopccc#kpopco#kpopedit#ultkpop#ultkpopnetwork#kpopdols#flashing tw
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The Concert
Eunha X Male Reader | 11571 words
TW: Incest

"See ya mom!" my little sister Eunha shouted as she headed out the door.
She was going to her friend Umji's for a sleepover or something. If you asked me, the little denim skirt she was wearing under her poor-attempt-to-cover-it jacket said Umji's parents probably weren't home and it probably wasn't going to be just her and the other girls. More likely it would involve as much booze as high school kids could get their hands on and a bunch of horny teenagers leering at my little sister's outfit. I cringed at the thought, but she'd gotten past my parents so... whatever, I wasn't going to cause trouble.
Truthfully, I wasn't being completely honest with my parents either. Then again, they wouldn't get nearly as upset with me if I wasn't telling the truth as Eunha. I was in college and she was in high school. After all the shit I'd pulled in my senior year, my little sis was unlikely to get away with anything. She was lucky to sneak by without them seeing what she was wearing as she walked out the door. Her bare legs weren't exactly easy to miss.
It wasn't the first time either. Only two weeks ago I'd found Eunha passed out on the back stoop to our house. Obviously she knew some of the same tricks as I; if you were just quiet enough when opening the back door you could avoid walking past our parents' room on the way to your own after curfew.
I was on my way in and there was my little sis "sleeping" with her head against the post as if she'd just decided to take a seat on the way in, or so she told me when I shook her awake. But before I did... well I couldn't just un-see what she was wearing; besides, I hadn't the wits to complain. A little skirt that was fanned out where she sat, a snug cotton tank top that's black in color complemented her skin perfectly... she looked cute. I remember thinking then that if she was just another girl at the party I was coming from I probably would have tried to take her home.
That night she had gotten a little too drunk and walked home; she needed every bit of the support I offered as I took her upstairs to bed. Though that night was no different than the two or three times before when I'd found her in a similar state, I hoped she would finally take my advice not to come home so drunk again. Maybe next time I wouldn't be there to sling her over my shoulder on the way up the stairs. And I don't know many guys who would have covered her up so our parents didn't see her clothes all bunched around her chest and waist after I'd dropped her drunken self on the bed.
I think she knew I had done it, because she was especially nice to me that next day. I guess we understood each other better than I thought sometimes. It was probably the same reason that we exchanged that glance of knowing when we heard each other's answers to the question "what are your plans tonight?" from our dad. Sure I had the brotherly instinct to be worried about her in that outfit she couldn't quite hide under her coat. But I wouldn't stand in her way I was sure she'd be smart... enough.
And that was pretty much the last thought I had of her after I walked out the door. I took my truck over to my friend Minho's where we were meeting a few more friends. Minho had gotten us four tickets to an outdoor concert and our other three friends were going to try and sneak in - it wasn't too hard anyway. As soon as we were all loaded in the cab and truck bed both, a couple of cases of beer tucked between legs, we took off to a place a few miles outside the city.
When we got there of course the drinking started. there was more booze than I thought; I knew I'd have to leave my car behind. We all agreed to meet back at Mina's house where apparently nobody was home and then it was off to the front gate. Mina's friend Momo had caught my eye so I made sure to be near her when we went past the gate and inevitably lost a few stragglers. Momo was a tiny brunette with way bigger tits than I would have expected - probably due to a helpful bra. Her cute face didn't hurt but damn... I wondered if she had caught me staring one of the few times I couldn't take my eyes off her chest.
But once I got in... whoa... I didn't worry too much that Momo would be my go-to girl for the night because there were thousands of others. Hundreds...thousands, well I guess I am not great at approximating numbers but the venue was probably bigger than a football field in total. I saw the back fence where my friends would likely try and get in and headed to it.
"You jerk..." I heard from the bushes while standing there flirting with Momo.
It was Mina followed by a smiling Sung, the most drunk of our bunch that night, and I could tell he had just smacked her bare leg and probably a good handful of her ass. I couldn't help but laugh and neither could Momo. She put a hand on my arm and leaned in. I had to admit, she was pretty hot compared to a lot of the girls there; maybe I wouldn't have to even try that hard.
We all got together and stood in-line for a beer while I admired Momo and the other girls walking around in all manner of outfits and some in practically nothing at all. The music we were seeing was heavily electronic so from my little experience I knew this would be nothing short of a rave. I was starting to feel pretty dazed and that's probably why I was getting handsy with Momo.
By the time the music had started I'd lost count of my beer intake. I was holding her and Momo was rubbing against me. There really isn't a better feeling than the rumble of bass deep in your chest and the warm skin of a pretty girl close to you. Especially when she's feeling the same warm tingling that was pulling me closer to her.
At some point, I don't know when, we got separated. Perhaps it was the tan-skinned exotic looking girl who was leaning back with her hand caressing my neck. I looked down and she was wearing a top with fabric that crisscrossed her body so her sides were left bare. Her abdomen was just as tan as the rest of her and from the times she looked back at me I could see her eyes were no less alluring.
I think we made out for some time, but after talking to her for only a moment or so I realized, unfortunately, that she was either too dim-witted or too drunk to pass for more than a good-looking dance partner. The music was phenomenal, I was just the right amount of drunk, and I was flitting around from girl to girl and dancing like a fool. I was having a better time than I could have hoped for and even more so when I finally found my group of friends again. I remember thinking we should go to concerts like that more often when a really popular song came on and we started rough-housing and hollering as it began.
In the middle of the song there was a sudden jolt in the tempo and we were jumping up and down to the beat. I looked back. The crowd was jumping too, waves rippling back over the ocean of fans. Colored lights panned this way and that with the music, the beat of drums being absorbed by a dense blanket of people.
I was jumping and fist-pumping and doing all of the dumb stuff that seemed to be perfectly acceptable in that moment. Once I jumped and caught a glimpse of a guy crowd surfing. Again I jumped and saw the huge cloud of smoke that was hovering over the crowd. Once more and I caught a glimpse of what had to be the least dressed girl at the party. Naturally, I looked for her again.
Her whole back was bare, and it was all I could see of her through the throngs of people between us. I couldn't be sure but naturally I hoped her front was bare as well. She was jumping around wildly like me, and when she somewhat turned my way once or twice I could see she definitely wasn't wearing anything to support her breasts. They weren't huge, but from the side they looked like a nice little handful. It wasn't the first shirtless girl at the concert but usually the topless girls weren't the best to look at. This one had a toned little body and she looked like she knew how to use it.
I wandered forward without saying anything to my friends. A pang of guilt struck me for ditching them after we'd spent half the concert looking for each other, but I had to get closer to this girl. It was denser the closer I got to her. Not only was she farther up but it seemed like many of the guys around had the same idea as me. I pretended like I was pushing through to find my friends; that always seemed to work. All I ever got was the occasional grunt or mutter of frustration. I am a pretty decent sized guy so most people avoid conflict with me, I suppose.
I was about ten feet from her and my heart started to pound. I realized I was nervous. Something about the way this girl wasn't letting any of her leering onlookers near and seemed to be totally in her own world had me breathing fast and wondering what I would say. I watched her bob her head side to side, extend her arms up in the air and sway with the droning music the band was striking up in that moment.
The closer I got the better she looked... or maybe that was just the booze. When she turned to the side I saw a purple butterfly sticker over her nipple. Holy crap was that hot. It was almost as if seeing so much of her and yet being denied her fully naked form made me want her ten times more. The guts on this girl to wear so little to a concert that was sure to be full of young men with low morals... I resolved to take a shot.
I could see she had dirty pink hair now, and the only thing she seemed to have on besides two butterfly stickers was a short denim skirt. It wasn't unlike the one my little sister was hiding on her way out the door. I guess both of these girls knew how to get attention, though I hoped nobody had ever seen my Eunha without a top on, or so my protective instinct cautioned me. I finally made it close enough to make a move on the cutie, but not without a strong shoulder from a guy in a polo slightly larger than me. He yelled something and though I tried to ignore and walk past, I guess he wasn't pleased that I was getting between him and the nearly naked cutie. He grabbed my shoulder...
"Hey asshole!" he shouted and spun me his way.
I looked at him and tensed, wondering if I was going to have to defend myself or throw a punch.
"Relax man," I said, "I'm just looking for somebody."
"Fuck you!" he responded unreasonably, "you're just trying to get to the front!"
Usually, that would be true, but this time I was just trying to get near the most intoxicating girl I'd seen at the show. I readied myself to fight when I heard a voice behind me:
The big guy's eyes darted over my shoulder. My fists were clenched and my already pounding heart had converted my nervous energy to adrenaline... yet the voice caught me off guard. The wide-eyed goon's gaze convinced me it was safe to turn around. And that's when I saw her.
denim skirt, some streaks of body paint across her abdomen and the two butterfly pasties I'd seen before were all there. The phenomenal body, perfect, firm breasts and adorable face I'd seen before too... on my little sister Eunha.
How could I not have seen? How didn't I know from the second I'd seen the familiar skirt? Why had my brain begged me to get closer to her when I must have known, subconsciously even, that this moment would come?
"Oppa!" she shouted again and then ran toward me. Her perfect little breasts jiggled as she pumped her legs and then jumped right at me. I caught her just in time, and it turned me toward the guy who had picked a fight. He glared, but it didn't seem he was going to interrupt us.
I could feel Eunha's tits pressed against my chest, and her toned legs firmly holding her in place. I was confused, a large part of me unwilling to let go of that magnetic pull that had drawn me to her. My little sister was practically naked in my arms and everyone around who had been staring at her for however long was watching us. Nobody could know who she was to me, or so I hoped. My eyes quickly scanned the crowd to see if any of our friends were watching. Her cheer friends were happily distracted near the front of the stage and there was at least a few hundred people between us and my group. I dared take my eyes off the crowd and look Eunha in the eye.
"Hey big bro," she said, still hanging on me like a monkey.
"Hey troublemaker." I said.
She smiled, a big, toothy grin, the way I always loved. Her gaze was a little friendly for a sister, as if the fact that her boobs were squished between us and our hips were locked together wasn't enough. I might have wondered where that was coming from, but I could smell whatever fruity vodka drink she'd had plenty of on her lips.
"YOU LIED!" Eunha pulled back while still seated in my arms and said loudly over the noise. "YOU told mom and dad that you were going to Minho's!"
"Oh yeah?" I asked, "and what about you?"
She scoffed, "what about ME?"
"I thought you were going to Umji's to practice some new cheer and sleep over?"
Eunha snickered guiltily. "Well, maybe I lied a little... you won't tell will you?"
"It depends," I threatened emptily.
Eunha was obviously one of those adorable drunks; I could hear it from the sing-songy inflection in her voice. But if you asked me she should not have been any kind of drunk with the hungry eyes I had seen fixed on her. Once again, maybe it was brotherly instinct or maybe I just knew what those guys were thinking.
I looked again at my little sister in my arms. I didn't know what to think. After all, I had come to her with much different intentions. She was still the same girl who'd just about stopped my heart when I saw her only from the side. Yes, I could see her flexing and moving her hips when I got close enough and her bare back was what had initially caught my eye. Her appearance had captured my attention, but her presence had drawn me in.
I wondered what our parents would think. Set aside Eunha's utter state of undress, and both of our irresponsible intoxication. What would they say if they saw Eunha wrapped around her brother with her teenage chest and tiny hips held tight to me. What would they say if they saw her moving up and down to the beat of the music, causing her to rub up against my already confused manhood... wait...?
She WAS doing it. Whether intentionally or not, that little minx... she was bouncing herself rhythmically and it was simply not the kind of contact a little sister should be making with her brother. She had to know... but as I looked at her again and saw that carefree smile and open mouth yelling out to the band, I knew I couldn't hold it against her.
I also knew I couldn't hold IT against her either. I was reacting to her attentions in a way that made me all the more conflicted. I lifted Eunha from me, quite easily except when she fought to hold on to me. I always loved her playfulness.
When I set her down again I was treated to another uninhibited look at her beautiful body. My little sister's tits or not, my hands struggled to stay at my sides and not reach out and touch the perky mounds that sagged not an inch on her chest. And those stickers, those fucking butterfly stickers... There was something so appealing about them - a childish and playful symbol that decorated my seductive and naughty little sister.
"You don't approve..." she said with a frown. Eunha must have caught me looking her up and down.
I used it as another excuse to gaze. Her tight tummy was streaked with paint like somebody had grabbed for her. I burned inside thinking it might have been some asshole in the crowd.
"What do you want me to say?" She had turned around now and was looking at the band while talking to me over her shoulder. Her cute butt was no less provoking; it sat proudly under a skirt that was too short to wear anywhere in my opinion.
She turned and her fingers grazed my face, just like the girl before had. I shivered at her touch; I wasn't supposed to like her doing that. "I dono..." she replied coyly. "Tell me I'm pretty at least..."
She turned again and bit her lower lip. GOD she was either a brilliant or totally natural seductress. I would tell her anything at that point.
But I still managed to hold back. "Well yea you're pretty..." I told her. I had to blink off the surging/tingling feeling of the alcohol as I tried to finish my thought. "...I just don't like all these guys staring at you."
I looked around. Maybe I was overreacting.
"Well now that my big brother is here, I think you can stop worrying." I felt her butt brush against me while she was dancing. She grabbed my arm and slung it around her. I could feel her naked front warm against my forearm.
"Shouldn't you be with some girl or something, not hanging with your little sister?" Eunha teased.
"Uh uh, now that I've found you, I'm not taking my eyes off you!" I replied quickly.
Eunha smiled and pressed her head against my shoulder, flattered. I hadn't meant it like that...
"That's not what I meant... I'm just saying..."
She turned away, seemingly pleased enough with the compliment I'd unintentionally paid her. I gave up, frustrated with her and simultaneously disarmed by her confidence.
"What about you Ms. butterflies?" She let out an incredulous 'uh!' like I'd somehow offended her by acknowledging it. "I'm surprised you haven't chosen one of your many admirers."
She was quick to respond too, "Well I'm with you aren't I?"
She looked me in the eye for a few seconds, and before I could say anything she turned back around. I would have argued, I should have, but it was true. She couldn't have known how I'd found her but I was guilty nonetheless. Eunha was by far the most interesting girl I'd come across the whole night, among thousands.
I couldn't keep my composure for too long either. I was still plenty drunk and so was she. After a minute or two of inner conflict and debating whether I should take Eunha home, leave her by herself or stay there with my scantily clad little sis, the music chose for me.
I really did love this band, and before I knew it I was dancing around just like before. This time, however, I was finally with a girl I actually wanted to be around. She was holding my arm, spinning around and I was enjoying watching her have a good time. Heck, I was having a great time myself, slowly forgetting to be careful with my hands... and my eyes with my newfound dance-partner.
I got somewhat lost in it all. Eunha was so gorgeous, and the music so entrancing... when I look back I remember my hands on her hips, running daringly up her side. I remember feeling her backside nudging against my front and the swelling it caused in my jeans. People were looking at us now and again, but nobody knew our secret. There was an attraction there that shouldn't have been, but it was ours and ours alone. I could dance with my little sister however I wanted, touch her wherever I wanted, and feel however I wanted. As long as she was by my side at this concert, nothing was forbidden.
Eunha stumbled once. I laughed at her and she feigned that she was upset. She even looked cute doing it. I worried for a moment that she might have been too drunk. Then she went back to dancing with me, leaning more heavily and being a little less inconspicuous about her affections. I felt her hands on mine. They guided me to her belly, where I could feel the feel the ridges of body-paint, the tautness of her skin, and even the dangly piercing that marked her belly-button.
She rolled her head back into me, with eyes mostly closed.
I had to act; I could have let this whole thing run its course and lead me wherever I was headed. But I knew where that would take me, and I was her older brother. I had a responsibility to Eunha and I was going to take care of her.
"It's time to go." I said, taking hold of her shoulders and saying into her ear.
"Mmmmh...okay." She said, standing up straighter and grinding her ass into me. I winced and breathed deeply.
Taking her hand I moved to our left. My car was somewhere parked out in the woods. We'd driven up close enough to hear the opener but off the beaten path to conceal the excessive drinking that usually took place before the concert. My friends wouldn't be coming back to the car, but I needed to take Eunha somewhere, if only to sleep it off.
I was determined as I began to weave through the crowd. I thought Eunha was going to just follow drunkenly along. She started to resist. 'What the heck!' I thought as I had to pull at her arm more firmly. I looked back and saw her brows furrowed and an angry glare.
I realized pretty quickly that my little sister had been acting a bit drunker than she actually was. Maybe she was using it as an excuse to be so carefree when we were dancing earlier. She hadn't resisted when we first left, but maybe she was expecting something else - not her brother chaperoning her to the car.
When we got clear of the densest part of the crowd I stopped and addressed my fuming little sister. What a sight she was: half-naked in denim and black and throwing a mini-tantrum. It was hard for me to stick to my purpose instead of acting on the urges I was feeling toward Eunha. I had to be the responsible one here, I didn't know just how much my little sister had to drink and how she was feeling about the way we were dancing earlier. I suspected she would have let it go further if I hadn't stopped.
"So...what..." Eunha said as she planted her feet and stared me down, "you're just gonna take me home and that's it?"
"No." I responded, "I was going to take you back to the truck and we can listen to the rest of the concert from there."
"Oh...okay." The corners of her mouth showed an embarrassed smile.
She took my hand, put it around her waist and walked, more amicably this time, side by side with me to the truck. It was getting a little colder now and I knew Eunha would be chilly, I could feel goosebumps on her bare skin. I pulled her tightly to me, my fingers pressing in to her warm, soft side.
When we finally got to my truck we were a ways from the crowd. The music still filled the empty woods around us and shafts of light penetrated the canopy of darkened treetops. It was an eerie place, made warm by the presence of Eunha at my side.
I hopped up into the truck bed and bent down to help my little sister up with me. Locking my hands under her arms I swiftly pulled her up and set her down in front of me. I couldn't avoid how close she came as her toes found the metal bed. I think she was impressed by the way I manhandled her, and I by the ease with which I could lift the tiny cutie. I don't care if she was my sister or not; feeling her youthful body slide into place pressed firmly to my front was enough to make my eyes roll back.
We stood there for a silent moment, neither of us knowing what to do next. Usually, with tension so thick I'd want nothing but to feel her lips on mine, but that wasn't an option. She nuzzled me, touching the tip of her nose to mine and breathing deeply. She was awaiting my next move.
After what felt like an eternity I reached down for the blankets in the storage locker, unfurling them and setting a few for us to lay on. I quickly positioned myself in the corner facing the concert to escape from our suggestive pose; Eunha followed and once again nuzzled under my arm.
My head swam with racing questions. Why were we acting like this? Why couldn't I just act the big brother and keep Eunha safe until she was sober enough to bring home? Why did every touch of her skin feel so electric?
It had to be the booze, or at least that's what I told myself despite the fact that it'd been an hour or two since my last drink. As soon as I settled in, threw a blanket over the two of us and felt my little sister snuggled up to me my worries began to melt away. The music, once again, captured me and the safety and warmth of our getaway was just what we both needed. A few people passed the truck but nobody close enough to notice us. It felt private, like we were all alone with nobody to bother us.
"I'm glad you found me," my little sister said, breaking the silence and staring up at me with her chin on my chest.
"I'm glad I found you too," I replied, "I don't know how much longer that pack of circling dogs would have left you alone."
Eunha giggled, "you think they saw something they liked?" She was clearly getting some enjoyment from goading me.
"More like they didn't see something... your clothes!"
Eunha laughed adorably and was clearly unphased this time by me calling out her outfit. In fact, she flipped the blanket off of us and opened up to me, causing her breasts to shake in place and her front to be utterly exposed to my view.
"You mean I'm not wearing enough?" she said, glancing down at herself and inviting me to do the same.
I couldn't NOT look. I set my eyes on her, seeing her perky breasts laying hardly any flatter and her athletic frame leading down to her bunched skirt. I had my eyes fixed upon her, but hers had found something else. She'd revealed her beautiful teenage body to me by flipping the blanket back, but she could see my lower half as well. And I was totally hot for her; there was no hiding the bulge in my shorts.
Eunha was clearly taken aback. As of yet I hadn't given her any direct indication that I was feeling lustful thoughts toward my little sister. And though she'd danced quite suggestively with me, we could still go home without feeling we needed to hide anything.
Yet my hardness had Eunha's mouth agape. Except it was not in disgust but rather something else. She knew what was going on in my head. I needed to be quick to act, to snub out the suggestion that I'd made unintentionally with my erection. But I was not in any position to think or act quickly. I didn't intend to... it was all too much and it was like Eunha was begging me to do something rash.
I planted my hand firmly under her breast, my thumb and forefinger plying the soft padded skin between them. Above sat the thin shroud of her butterfly and higher still a wide eyed and still open mouthed gaze from my little sister. She felt wonderful, and I finally had my hand on her teenage breast as I'd wanted to all night. I moved my fingers around, massaging her daringly.
Eunha's head rolled back a bit and she breathed in apprehensively. When I touched her more firmly next it elicited a soft "uhhh..." from her open mouth.
I kept moving my fingers in circles, handling her wonderful chest and marveling at the firmness of her unhindered breast. She let me continue long enough to build confidence. I took more of her in my hand and she sighed again, I could feel my little sister's hips begin to move involuntarily.
"Mmmmhh...Oppa" she cooed again. "We shouldn't... this is really naughty."
But her hips betrayed her words. They had found my leg and I could feel the heat from between hers as she urged herself against me. I explored her chest with my hand, moving it between her two breasts and up to her neck, then back to her other breast, feeling the butterfly sticker on my palm.
I wanted to feel more, so I pried at the edge of one sticker.
"Uhhhh Oppa... you can't," she protested, while continuing to gyrate on my leg.
I chose to listen to her body instead, and slowly peeled the wing of the butterfly backward. I watched her intently; she made no move to stop me. When I'd peeled enough to see the faintest denim of her small nipple she trembled with sensation. I pulled it off the rest of the way and saw in full what I'd been hoping for all night.
I intended to get to her other sticker but I immediately placed my hand on her breast and tested it gently. Her nipple must have been sensitive because she trembled once again.
I guess the heightened intensity of her further nakedness worked to my advantage because soon after, as my hand was sliding open-palmed over her taut stomach I felt hers moving slowly as well. First I felt it on my hip, then the soft spot of my pelvis, and then... as if it were her first time, her fingers lightly touched the bulge in my shorts.
It was my turn to groan. I had been tortured by Eunha's body all night and now she was finally moving to help relieve me. At first her hand dared not progress, resting enticingly over my hard cock with only layers of clothing between. But as I got more aggressive with my own hands and I helped pressure my knee back toward her grinding hips, my little sister found her confidence.
She wrapped as much of her hand around me as the fabric would allow and I gasped in response.
"Wowww," she whispered. It must have been bigger than she expected.
All the while, as my little sister was gaining the tenacity to take things further, I was already doing so myself. The sight of her exposed breast and my hand descending from it down her flat stomach was amazing enough, but my intentions to go lower had my heart pumping twice as hard.
My fingers reached the elastic waistband atop her denim skirt.
I could feel her breathing in and out, her abs tightening rhythmically.
We were both waiting for what I would do next. After a moment, I had waited long enough; I had to have more of my teenage sister.
I urged my fingertips between, feeling the soft skin and gentle curve of her hipbone as I did so. When I was just short of my target, Eunha's hand quickly found mine. Her palm came to rest atop mine, with the skirt between us.
Eunha's eyes looked up at me, full of desire and apprehension both. She bit at her lower lip before saying, "You should stop... unhhh... don't you think you should stop?"
She was probably right. If I didn't hold back now, things could go a lot further. I didn't know if my little sister was virgin but deep down I longed to find out. I wanted to have her in so many ways, to fuck her like she had been practically begging me all night. If the brother in me didn't intervene I might end up acting out every lust-filled vision I'd dreamt up while at Eunha's side all night, taking her in every position I'd longed to since I first caught glimpse of the beautiful cutie.
The decision was easy then. With Eunha's hand still firmly upon my member, and mine beneath her skirt as my eyes beheld her young, nearly-naked body, I threw caution to the wind. My fingers pressed down upon her mound and I watched as my little sister writhed in pleasure. Whether her protest was empty or not, the second my fingers pressured from outside her panties she was gone.
I rubbed in small circles where I could feel the precipice of her tiny opening. Even through the cloth of her bikini underwear I could feel that my little sis was wet for me. She lifted her hips when I didn't press hard enough. The hand that had been there to stop me now pushed my fingers more firmly against her.
Eunha's other hand fumbled around my shorts as she struggled to multi-task. Hard as it may have been for her to cope with her brother's attention to her aching sex, she eventually worked her hand inside my shorts.
Something clicked in me when she finally grasped me firmly, her hand on my bare cock. I was fully overcome with desire, love and lust for my little Eunha. Her pretty face looked focused upon returning the favor I was working on her pussy. Her eyes flitted to mine occasionally and then back to her hand as it worked up and down within my shorts. When our gazes met, there was no more worry or guilt, only the love and understanding of brother and sister with a clear lust for more.
She must have gotten frustrated by the obstacle of my shorts because moments later she hastily tugged the elastic band over the tent that had been formed there. My sizable penis sprang free to the open air and Eunha's longing eyes. They widened as she revealed what her hand already knew to be more than she had expected.
I took her brazenness as invitation, quickly dragging her skirt and panties both down to her knees. Eunha's face cast a second of shyness as I looked down, making sure the blanket hadn't covered my little sister's lower half as I disrobed her. She was totally bare, and from what I could tell her opening as small as I'd ever seen. If I intended to make love to her that night, she was likely to need a lot of time to adjust to my size.
Eunha continued her ministrations and explored all over me, gently grazing my head with her fingertips and testing the weight of my full balls with her hand. I touched down to my little sister's bare pussy for the first time as well. She quivered as I contacted her warmth. With two fingers I straddled her clit and stroked the full length of her young quim.
"Oooohh...fuuuuuck,.." Eunha mewed, "I can't believe we're doing this... feels so... ughhh... good."
I kept at her, rotating my fingers about her button and watching her squirm when I touched her just right. Seeing her back arch, abs ripple and her pretty breasts shift as I pleasured her, I nearly exploded. Eunha's hair was tussled over one eye; with my arm that was wrapped around her I pushed it back and rolled her toward me.
We kissed for the first time.
She tested my lips, pecking at them. I attempted to meet them more firmly but she teased me. I pulled her more tightly to me, yet still she withheld. I could sense her smile and then the breathy giggle that followed it, her breath tickling my chin.
I leaned in closer and caught her. Our lips touched firmly at last, and we both paused. We had already crossed many lines, but kissing my little sister felt equally as intimate, if not more. I pried my lips open a bit. Eunha did the same, pecking at me again. Then she pressed firmly to me, our noses intertwined and my hand left her wanton opening.
Within seconds our tongues were touching for the first time, lightly at first. But then it was more eagerly. I wanted to feel everything my little sister had to offer. Eunha sat up to get a better angle at which to kiss me but I had a bigger plans. I wanted Eunha atop me, in all her beauty, sitting in my lap and kissing me without inhibition.
I fumbled to remove my shorts the rest of the way and then Eunha's skirt. My efforts elicited a laugh from my little pink sis, but she was silenced as soon as I had my hands on her hips and pulled her atop me.
Her knees rested softly on the blanket beneath us.
Her hips had come to rest so that my erection was securely pinned beneath her bare pussy.
She looked down, with heightened awareness at the new contact we were making. I flexed my cock to make it all the more intense for her, for us both. Looking up, with one breast bare and the other still hidden beneath the remaining butterfly, I reached for it. Pausing a moment, as if I hadn't been fondling her other breast for the last ten minutes, I felt her soft skin and teased it.
Then I peeled the sticker off all in one motion. It didn't seem too painful but Eunha inhaled sharply all the same. Now she was totally naked to me. The reality aroused me: my little sister completely naked with her brother's cock actually touching her teenage pussy, But the sight spurred me to action. I urged my hands up her abdomen, holding her firmly and bringing them to her perfect breasts.
I relished the look on Eunha's face as she felt my hands upon her. I couldn't know exactly what was going on in her head but somehow I knew she was as willing a participant as I.
"God you are so beautiful Eunha," I told her, watching a big smile form on her face. She leaned down and kissed me with gratitude. I bet she looked wonderful from behind in her prone position.
After a few seconds she broke the kiss. "You are a good brother, Oppa. I love you so much."
"Somehow, I don't think Mom and Dad would agree," I said, glancing down between us were my erection was planted firmly between her tiny bare lips.
Eunha responded by thrusting her hips forward and backward along the length of my shaft. We both gasped in unison at the sensation. Our contact was near the real thing and at any moment one of us could have taken control and consummated the incestuous act we were building toward.
"Mom and Dad don't know how you protected me from all those creeps... ugh... " she moved back and forth again, "And they don't know how you tried to be good when I was being so naughty with my dancing. Oh fuck..." My little sister's words had made me involuntarily thrust my hips toward her, increasing the contact with her slit.
I had written off so much of Eunha's behavior tonight as drunkenness and now she was admitting to doing it on purpose. The tricky little tease; maybe all of those times her hand or butt had come in contact with my crotch in front of the stage weren't quite so accidental. I doubted it now.
I had one hand massaging her breasts, and another one forged a path between them and up to her neck. I half-encircled it gently and caressed her sensitive skin there.
"Oh Eunha," I said as she once again rolled her hips along my rod. "I want you so badly sis... you're driving me crazy." She obviously took that as an invitation to tease me more, lifting from my hips and letting my tip prod at her pussy. My baby sis pushed just softly enough that I was forbidden entrance before she lowered herself off again and I was rendered helpless.
"I don't want to take advantage... uhhh... " I said as she lifted up and directed my head to her pussy again. Watching me intently and capturing my gaze, she bore down on my tip enough that I held my breath and wondered what she'd do next. If I lifted my hips even an inch now my little sister would be as skewered on me as she was playing at.
She rolled her hips and my head again missed its mark. She was torturing me once more, and I was near taking control and teaching her a lesson. But Eunha had done it so she could lean in and kiss me. It's not that I didn't enjoy making out with the beautiful goddess, but I had been too close not to go further. As if she could read my mind, she removed her lips and hovered close to mine
"Oppa..." she assured me, "I want this."
With that I watched my teenage sister lift her hips from my lap and reach between us. She took hold of my cock and pointed it directly where we both wanted it. She lowered just enough to hold me in place before fixing her eyes upon mine.
All I could do was marvel, placing my hands on her hips lightly and giving my little sister complete control. I watched her, open-mouthed and wide-eyed, gazing down between us as she applied more weight. I could tell from the way her opening resisted me that she would be far tighter than I could have hoped.
"Ohh fuck bro... you're soo big... I gotta go slow."
I longed to be inside her, but I wanted Eunha to be as comfortable as possible. "It's okay sis, take your time."
She was plenty wet, her sliding back and forth already had my shaft glistening in the moonlight. She was the most beautiful sight I'd ever seen. Her dirty pink hair framed her face just so, her eyes were closed for the moment as she concentrated on lowering, torturously slowly. Her toned body held breath as she tried to continue.
I felt my head finally part her little pussy lips and wondered if she could feel me throbbing to be inside her.
And then there was resistance. Eunha's eyes were still closed so I could not search them for answer. I watched her bite her lip as she pushed past what was obviously an uncomfortable obstacle.
"Uhhhh...owwww..." she howled in a mixture of pleasure and pain.
Eunha didn't open her eyes again until she had come to rest. My staff was fully immersed in my little sister and she was panting despite being completely still.
"Oh Eunha," I said, finding her eyes desperately upon mine. "Are you a virgin baby sis?"
She grinned, though her furrowed brow revealed she was still adjusting to having her big brother filling her so completely.
"Not anymore.." she quipped. Eunha was always clever; even, it seemed, when impaled on her brother's cock.
"I didn't... ughhh..." I could feel her pulsing from all the sensation being so full was causing her, "I didn't know Eunha..."
She moved to bring our faces together again. Even the slightest movement seemed to bring her more sensation to cope with and deep breaths by which to do so.
"It's okay Oppa..." she took another breath, "I wanted it to be you..."
I was enamored. My gorgeous sister had given me the most treasured gift she had to offer. Her wonderful personality, her perfect teenage body, and now her eighteen-year virginity was mine. My hands gripped her hips more tightly. We kissed, and simultaneously I helped Eunha lift her tiny pelvis up along the path my erection allowed.
She hummed against my lips. I could feel her tense as my head brushed over her broken hymen. When her entrance finally gave way to the ridges of my tip we broke our kiss. She let the head linger at her opening, threatening entrance at any second.
"Are you ready Eunha?" I asked her.
"Uh huh," she complied.
We both assisted in lowering her down, feeling me slide into my little sister and fill her so perfectly it was like I was meant to be there.
Eunha howled, "Oooooouuuww... fuck Oppa...slower..."
We both watched as inch after inch disappeared into her. I might have urged her faster if not for the marks her nails were leaving in my arms as she held on and took me deeper. Instead I just held her and savored every second that my little sister allowed me to be inside of her. As I watched her naked little body sink lower I remained amazed that I was truly making love to the younger sister I'd known and loved all my life.
Eunha had always been adorable. She'd been the youngest cheerleader when she started high school, she loved to drive boys crazy with whatever outfits our parents would let her get away with, and she had come into her pretty teenage body early on.
Her breasts had been the same size for years, often tucked visibly into the tight-fit clothing she wore. She always had the dimples and cute cheeks, though her blue eyes were equally distracting. Years of being active had sculpted her frame. As I looked at her now I saw that the little sister I'd watched grow up for years had a body to marvel at: thin at the waist with the hint of hipbones, a slender abdomen and the bulge of her ribcage before those mouth-watering teen breasts.
I reached around to grab Eunha's butt. It was firm like the rest of her but definitely something to hold on to. I did so as she continued her up and down movements on my cock.
"Fuckk... Oh God Oppa..." she called out,
"Eunha... ughh... you're so tight sis..." I didn't know how long I could last with my baby sis controlling the tempo and squeezing my shaft so securely.
"Ohmyyygod... I can't believe we're... mmmmhhhh..." she was upping the pace at which she lifted her hips and brought them down to meet mine. I could feel my tip prodding her deep inside, the very end of her tight channel soft against my tip. "I can't believe I'm fucking my brotherrrr...uhhhh"
My hands moved about. One gripped her hip tightly and started to urge her more roughly up and down. The other gripped her side and breast alternately, I wanted to feel as much of her tiny body as I could.
The music still droned in the background. Both of us had ceased hearing it long ago, listening only to each other's breathing and sounds of ecstasy. The lights flickered between the trees and the moon shone down on us from above. Not far off were thousands of people fixated on the loud music and dancing. I thought nothing of it, instead ensnared by my nude baby sister humping herself atop me.
I shifted, sitting upright with my back against the window to the cab. Eunha didn't miss a beat, pressing her breasts firmly against me and rocking her hips in our new position. She lowered herself fully onto me, with her clit pressed against my base. My little sister may have been a virgin, but she was quickly discovering all the ways sex could make her feel.
She rolled her hips around. Locked together my tip sought new ground inside of her and she writhed as it prodded her deep within.
She gasped aloud, "ohhhHHH... Fuuuck bro... It's so far in me..."
"I know Eunha, you feel amazing," I told her, "I don't know how much more I can take."
It was like that only encouraged her. "You can't come yet Oppa... uhhh..." she grabbed on to my neck and shoulder and started rocking her hips in a way no girl I'd been with before had ever done.
"I'm not wearing a c...shit Eunha slow down...I'm not wearing a condom!"
The feeling of my little sister urging my cock in and out of her was racing me toward release faster than I could control...
"Don't cum yet... just wait..." she pleaded.
She didn't slow down, I was afraid of what might happen if she kept it up. The little teenage troublemaker confirmed my fears.
"I'm not...ohhh..." she could feel my hands trying to slow her down, she pushed them from her... "I'm not on birth control ... you can't yet I'm really ... fuuuucking close."
My head was dazed, my hands didn't know what to do and my mind was torn trying to stop me cumming in my little sis and wondering what would happen if I did. It was then that Eunha nuzzled her head to mine and locked her hips again. She gasped in my ear and then called my name.
I was going to be able to hold out. Getting my little sister pregnant was less a concern now as was watching her have her first orgasm with a man, let alone me: her brother.
"Ooooooouuuhhhhh... Daaaaaaan..." she howled, shaking so much I had to hold her to make sure she wouldn't fall from my lap.
I withdrew from her what little distance I could with the quaking little girl in my arms and pushed back inside, thinking I would only add to her orgasm. It was a grievous mistake. My little sister cumming in my lap and the one last, pivotal thrust had built me too far.
When I felt her mound connect with me, I couldn't withhold the first jet of sperm that I sent as deep into my little sister's pussy as was possible. Nor could I stop the second, or the third. Eunha was so firmly planted with me inside and her body trembling from her electric climax that I couldn't have dreamed of removing her.
Nor did I want to. In a few fateful seconds I flooded my little Eunha with cum. She pushed at my chest early enough to lean back and look deep into my eyes while my tip was spurting its final, purposeful rope of semen into my little sister's fertile womb. If the time was right, there was no question that I'd filled Eunha with enough of her brother's cum to assure that we were both in a bit of trouble.
We looked down. The juncture between us was slick with our combined fluids. I could see the denim gleam of my cum attempting to work its way out. It had reached as deep within her as it could go and now sought another way out.
The evidence of our incest was unmistakable, and the look that we shared after we both saw it was fraught with wonder. What was Eunha thinking? She had to know what her brother had just done and what it meant; was she upset with me?
She answered with a kiss.
She leaned in and hugged me close. It felt reassuring having her pressed against me. It was even more comforting the passion with which we entwined our tongues and made out until Eunha backed off to speak.
"Sooo... you came inside me..." Her voice held no disappointment whatsoever.
"Yeah... I'm so sorry... I couldn't stop it, when you..." but she stilled my voice with a finger upon my lips.
"Uh uh," she denied me, "don't be sorry. I knew you might unless I stopped... but I didn't want to." She smiled mischievously. Her look was incredibly naughty, notwithstanding the fact that her tiny pussy was still dripping with her brother's cum and his cock still hard and lodged inside of her.
I was once again overcome with love for my little sister. She wasn't just the perky teen that I used to babysit. She was that, but she was now a hot little high schooler that had just given her virginity to her brother and done a fantastic job for her first time. It made her unspeakably naughty and desirable. She was my own personal eighteen year old sex-symbol, and I couldn't wait to see what trouble she would drum up next.
"It's just that I'm at... like... the best time to get pregnant right now, or at least that's what my schedule from SexEd says" she told me, biting her pointer finger like she had for years when she did something naughty.
"Oh..." was all I could say.
I was still so hard in Eunha's slick tunnel; the danger we were in did nothing to quell that. I'm quite certain that it only made matters worse, because I was already having thoughts that I wasn't done with my little sister for the night.
She looked down, "Oh my God, you came so much! I can feel it in me! It's really warm," her face showed an obviously faked look of concern, "what if you put a baby in your own baby sister?"
"What should we do?" I asked her, incredulous.
She looked deep in thought for a moment and then said, "I think you should fuck me again, just to be sure."
I must have heard her wrong. She must not have meant she wanted us to have unprotected sex again, right there in the truck bed. When she slowly pulled herself off of me I was certain that I'd just heard what I wanted to.
She got on all fours in front of me. There was cum trailing from her bald teen pussy, I ached to feel it wrapped around me again.
"Will you fuck me like this?" she asked, looking over her shoulder at me. "Doggy right?" she looked excited to know the position.
I was paralyzed. The reality of everything... the fact that I had my little sister naked in the bed of my truck, that I'd just pumped her fertile pussy full of my sperm without birth control, and now... she wanted me to do it again?
"Come on brother! You already fucked me once, and you filled me up with all that sticky cum." She shook her behind at me, taunting me. "Don't you want to fuck me again Oppa?"
I cautiously moved forward, my erection wagged in front of me, revealing my mind to her.
"Pleaaase...?" she said with a whine.
Her whine turned to a whimper when I touched my tip to her entrance once more. I slid it up from a few inches below, bringing with it the spunk that had escaped. Looking my little sister in the eye and seeing her bite her lip in anticipation, I pushed my tip between her pussy lips and in one long stroke I sank back into her, aided by our own fluids.
Though she'd already taken my size minutes before, it was obvious that she still had to adjust to each stroke.
"Ouwww... fuck it's big... ouuuhhh... be gentle with me... ugh... Oppa," she said after I'd started to thrust into her rhythmically.
I slowed down, but as my hips met her butt I pushed hard and prodded the soft spot at her cervix. We both drew inward a deep breath when I did, and then Eunha whimpered again as I withdrew.
I grasped her as I thrusted, my thumbs each pushing into her cheeks and fingers wrapped firmly around her hips. My little sister was small enough that my hands almost entirely encircled her hips. The slick sound of me penetrating my sister was audible on the night air, and I realized that the music had finally stopped. The cries of my little sister were adorable yet I hoped they didn't draw too much attention.
"Fuck me Oppa... fuck your little sister!" She encouraged me. I'd hardly ever heard her swear. Though, with my hard cock buried inside Eunha, I knew I was learning a lot about the tiny pink-haired cutie tonight.
"Oh Eunha..." I called to her, "I love you little sis, unhhh... you feel so good... I'm so glad I found you tonight."
She reached back and grabbed my hand, then got up on her knees. I held her with my hand across her chest, palming her breast as she turned. "I love you too Oppa...ughh ... oh Fuck..." she yelped, our upright position had brought a new angle at which I was penetrating her. "I'm so happy you found me too..." she turned to kiss me. I kept urging my cock into her deeply "Jesus...fuck...I've wanted you to fuck me...uhhh for a long time," she whispered.
I was surprised. I'd thought of my little sister many times before, even imagined her when I was with other girls. She was so adorable and her tight little body had been torturing me for many years, but I wrote it off as me being a typical horny young guy. I didn't think Eunha had similar feelings.
She seemed to read the surprise on my face. "Uh huh," she affirmed, "yeah I've thought about you a lot... mmmnhh uhhhh..." she tried hard to push her ass back toward me was I met it with the slapping sound of my own thrusts.
"Remember when we went camping...ughhhh owww... with Mom and Dad?" She was having trouble talking through panting fits, but she seemed to be aroused telling me, "You kept waking up spooning me?" she asked.
"Uuuuhhh keep fucking me," she demanded as I paused, remembering the weekend.
"You had a stiffy the whole time..." I remembered, those two nights were torture and I felt so guilty wondering if my little sis had felt my hardness against her each time.
"I remember Eunha..." I put my hand around her neck, holding it daringly but gently there.
"I did that on purpose...ooohh oooh fuck..." she gasped as I impaled her harder. "I kept hoping you'd just give in and fuck me... just like you are... uhh... right... now."
My head was spinning. My little sister was blowing my mind and taking every inch of my cock at the same time. I was like an animal as I pulled out from her and quickly turned her to sit on the tool chest. She was so light and our lovemaking so aligned that we barely missed a beat.
Looking at her, seated atop the metal box and with her arms and legs around me, I pointed my cock without touching it and entered her again. I was watching her face intently. Her mouth opened. She cooed as I shoved into her again. She spasmed as I bottomed out.
"Fuuuck Oppa..." she complained, "it feels bigger like this."
I didn't stop. I withdrew and then sank home again. Eunha jerked forward as I prodded her deeply. I could have slowed down but I was so mad with lust that I didn't desire to in the slightest. I just kept pulling out of my little sister and driving into her, taking her completely.
"Oppa... uhhh I can't take it... wait... ohhh God..."
She was too weak to hold me off and I knew that if I kept fucking her I'd send her into another orgasm. I thrust again and again. Eunha's abdomen flexed. The soft flesh between her hips mounded to accept my cock into her. I grasped my little sister's hips and held her tight as I impaled her and made her mine.
When it had built enough, Eunha's climax seemed to deny her the ability to control her movements. Her hands fumbled at my chest and hips. Her legs tightly clutched around at my backside and her head rolled to the side. I felt her quim grip me and then she was cumming hard. Fluid coated our union and my little sister screamed out.
Some hundred feet away a group of concert goers must have heard her. They were walking back to their car like me and could probably see the two of us making love in the bed of my truck. My little sister was trying to contain herself but when I didn't stop pushing inside of her over and over she could do little to quiet her moaning.
The spectators would see the tiny pink-haired girl writhing and calling out through a voracious orgasm. They'd see a man, quite a bit larger than her, obviously driving her to such action with strong thrusts. Only we would know the truth, and having onlookers didn't stand a chance of stopping me from finishing off my little sis.
I did slow down so she could catch her breath. She looked at me, almost frustrated. "Oh my God..." she said, still trying to inhale and exhale deeply. She watched me, and quickly sensed by the very slow in and out movement of my hips that I wasn't finished.
"Aww, do you wanna cum Oppa?" she said, sounding like she was taunting me. "Do you wanna cum inside your little sister again?"
I did, desperately. I resumed my urgency.
"But you could get me pregnant Oppa..." she warned. "Are you gonna shoot your sticky cum inside your naughty little sister again...uhhh...even thou...oh fuck... even though I'm not on birth control?"
Her legs were pulling at me. One of her hands had my neck and the other found my balls, gently massaging them.
"But Oppa...oooOOO" she whined, "I'm only eighteen!...Ohfuckyourbig..." she cried as I buried my cock into her tight pussy roughly. "You shouldn't fill up your little sister...uhhh...with your... hot...sticky... cum "
I was close, and Eunha's words had brought me there. I'd never heard her swear before, let alone talk dirty with her brother's cock disappearing in and out of her as she practically begged for it.
"I'm gonna...ohhh... Eunha..."
I held onto her and let my lust do the rest. Her tiny frame writhed and accepted me, her teenage breasts shaking with each thrust.
"It's okay baby..." she told me, "cum for me big brother...ohhhh... cum in my little pussy... cum inside your little sister... get me ...FUCKKK... get me pregnant... I want it."
That was it, Eunha's tiny body, her hand massaging my balls, and her teasing words had brought me to my knees. I erupted into her.
It didn't seem possible, but nonetheless it felt like more than the first time. As I released rope after rope of forbidden semen into my little sister, I buried myself as deeply into her as I could. It jetted perfectly at the entrance to her womb. I coated her insides for the second time that night. And when I had all but filled my baby sis with everything I had, she trembled into a short but rewarding orgasm of her own. I could only move an inch or so within her without stimulating my own hypersensitive tip, but when I did I could feel a few last pumps of my cum added into little Eunha as she quivered through her own climax.
I held her close to me until I felt her pleasure subside. I picked her up and lay us down in the corner of the truck bed with the blankets around us. We were too hot to lay beneath one just yet but I made sure to keep Eunha warm as we lay there together.
Eunha spoke first.
"That was..." she seemed short of words, "the best thing that's ever happened to me."
I smiled at her affection. She snuggled close.
"You were perfect little sis. You ARE perfect."
She had the biggest grin on her face from my compliment. I loved seeing her so satisfied.
My hard member had not yet left her. If I wasn't so exhausted from, first the concert, and then the most amorous and sapping lovemaking I'd probably ever experience, I would have fucked my little sister again. I think she felt the same. She was totally limp in my arms, but we were both content to remain locked together at the hips with brother's cock within his own little sister.
"Now you came inside me twice!" she stated, "I can't believe how it feels, there's so much in me!"
She was right. Both times I had unloaded more into my little sister than I thought possible. I made a motion to slide my cock, finally, from inside of my teenage sister. Eunha stopped me.
"No...mnnnhhh... I want to keep it in me, just stay there a while." she instructed.
I obeyed, wincing as I returned the inch I'd pulled out of her tunnel. Both Eunha and I felt certain that she would be pregnant; there was no harm in letting my spunk warm her a while longer.
We simply remained there, quiet but for the sound of crickets and the distant voices of men disassembling the stage. Somewhere my friends were probably wondering where I was. The guys I had arrived with were probably still trying to get with one of the girls they'd brought or met at the concert. None of them would know, and I could never tell what had happened after I'd taken off toward the girl with butterfly.
I looked down at her, remembering how badly I'd wanted exactly this as I saw her across the crowd. But it was better than I had ever imagined. I had just made love to the most beautiful girl at the concert, and the most wonderful girl I'd always known.
"I love you bro," she said to me after a few moments.
"I love you too sis."
"You were better than I ever dreamed." she insisted, "I hope you aren't done with me now?" Her face had that puppy-dog look she always used on my dad. I loved it, but it wasn't necessary.
"No way Eunha," I promised, "I'm your brother, and I'll never be 'done' with you."
"Good," replied my little sister, "because I want you to fuck me and fill me up like you did everywhere we go... "
"Sure little sis," I laughed.
"In your truck...on my bed... at my school... in mom and dad's bed..." she prattled on. I caressed her abs and breasts lovingly as she spoke. When she mentioned our parents we both paused.
"What'll we tell Mom and Dad?" she asked.
"Nothing, obviously!" I responded without hesitation.
"No, silly, what will we tell them when I'm pregnant with my big brother's baby?" as if it was assured.
"We don't know that yet Eunha."
"Well if you didn't just get me pregnant, Oppa, you will soon," she said, matter-of-factly. Somehow, I loved the thought. My baby sister Eunha, walking around in public with the bump of her big brother's child...
I made love to my little sister again that night, hours later after we'd snuggled up in the cab of the truck and fallen asleep. I awoke to her spooning with me like she had that night long ago when we were camping. This time, my cock found the right place: inside my cute, eighteen-year-old, unprotected and willing little sister Eunha. It found there over and over again until I came inside her without a care in the world but to have Eunha in my arms.
Months later, the story could change if we kept up the way we were. But for now, both my little sister and I were glad that we'd gone to the same concert.
#gfriend smut#viviz smut#eunha smut#gg smut#kpop smut#male reader smut#gfriend#viviz#eunha#smut#kpop#viviz eunha#gfriend eunha
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The Greatest Cumback

Yes, I made the title a joke. I felt like it was necessary, and I also got a small laugh about it. Also, this is practically all smut.
Length 3.5K
Gfriend X Mreader
They bowed before waving their hands. “Hello! We are Gfriend!” the girls said in sync before Sowon stepped forward. “And today, we have a very special fan meeting.” The eldest looked at her members, smiling, and felt proud to have everyone back together. “Buddy!” she shouted to the small crowd below. Are you ready?” The crowd screamed back at Sowon. The girls laughed hearing your reaction. “It’s been a long time, right, everyone? Then let’s get started!” The fansign went like any other; you got your album signed by the members and got the chance to talk to them about how happy you were to see them together again.
Once that was done, though, you got back to your seat and waited for what was next. Eunha came to the front, waving at you all. “Everyone! We have something special for you today. We wanted to show you just how much we love you all, and we’re doing something special for that. Um…” Eunha starts laughing, struggling to think about how to phrase what is coming next. “Well, to show you that we all thought about offering ourselves to you.” There was some audible confusion coming from the crowd, enough for Eunha to have to explain it more, “Don’t make me say it! You get it, right? You get to…” Eunha shyly mimics sex before covering her face. “Anyway, we’ll pull straws to see our order. While we get set up.” The other members stepped forward, with Yerin holding a small can with popsicle sticks.
“Alright, who’s choosing first?” Yerin asked.
“We should let the baby choose first!” Eunha yelled, hugging Umji from behind. The others agreed, and Umji shyly reached in, grabbing one of the sticks. “Two! Umji’s going second!” Eunha yelled into the mic.
“Eunha! You’re supposed to keep it a secret!” SinB yelled, smacking the older woman’s back. The group laughs before pulling their sticks and making small comments about where they got.
“We’re ready! Now, let’s get ready.” The girls laugh as they move back. Curtains created small rooms that would separate the members. The staff got you to line up, following the same path as you did for the fansign. While you waited, you got to listen to the girls moans as they had sex. Inching closer to the front, you were getting hard knowing that your turn was coming.
You got to Yerin first; she was laid back on the table, cum flowing out of her cunt, but she was ready for more. She beckoned you and held her legs open for you. “Don’t be afraid,” She teased you, her voice still full of energy. “I don’t bite unless you want me to.” You chuckle at her comment and move closer to her, grabbing your cock and rubbing it against her creamy lips. Yerin groans, enjoying the feeling of your cock rubbing against her. Reaching up, she grabs her breasts, squeezing them as you prepare to push inside her.
It’s easy; you slip inside her walls, instantly squeezing down on your cock as you bury yourself inside her. Yering throws her head back, reveling in the way your cock stretches her cunt. “Ah, Buddy, you're so big.” The smile on Yerin’s face makes you want to give her more.
“Yennie,” you say softly as you lean over and kiss her. Yerin can feel your sincere love and wraps her arms around you, holding you close as she gives herself to you. You hold onto her waist tightly, never wanting to let go. You groan as you feel Yerin’s walls flex around your cock; she is signaling you to move. You tap her thigh in understanding before beginning to thrust; you pull out slowly, letting her walls come back together before splitting them apart with one firm thrust.
“Oh, fuck,” Yerin moans, unconsciously squeezing your sides with her legs, “Keep going. Show me how much you love me.” You nod and begin thrusting into Yerin at a quicker pace. You bite your lip, struggling to contain yourself. Your eyes wander to Yerin’s breasts, watching as they bounce from your thrusts. Seeing your interest, Yerin wraps her arms around your head and pulls you toward her chest, pushing it out. Your tongue runs between her tits; Yerin purses her lips, letting out soft moans as you move from between her breasts to her right one. You latch onto her nipple, moving your tongue around the hard nub. “Ah, oh, keep going,” Yerin says, feeling a tightness develop in her core. Her breathing quickens as you continue thrusting into her; Yerin pushes herself closer to the edge by running her finger around her other nipple. Her moans begin to grow louder, and she arches her back as her walls tighten around you. “I’m cumming,” she grunts before letting out a loud roar, euphoria washing over her as she cums on your cock, coating you in her creamy nectar. You weren’t far off from your climax; a few more thrusts and you buried yourself inside Yerin, adding your cum to the mixture already inside her. Through staggered breaths, Yerin smiled, the warmth of your cum spreading across her body. Your cock continued to throb inside the young woman, pumping her full of cum. Yerin groped her breasts, squeezing them as she felt the last few spurts of cum enter her body.
You pull out of Yerin and are waved to the next member. You give Yerin a small wave, and she returns it, smiling. She leans on her elbows and gets ready for the next fan.
You move along the table, and next in line is Umji, the maknae you love so much. She was bent over the table, her skirt thrown over her back. She was moaning softly, cum running between her legs. She looks over her shoulder and smiles at you, “Thank you for your support.” Umji reaches back, grabbing her cheeks and spreading them apart, her asshole winking as it tries to shut. The sight got you hard. Umji’s fat cheeks were bright red, enticing you closer. You grabbed your slippery cock and rubbed it between her cheeks. Umji’s groans were low; she let go of her ass, allowing the soft flesh to rub against your cock. It was wonderful; you initially moved slowly, but your craving for more grew. You adjusted yourself and slid into Umji’s asshole, her tight walls immediately squeezing your cock. You grabbed her waist, holding her tightly as you pushed the rest of your cock inside her. You both moaned, the pleasure flooding your bodies. Umji kept her head pressed against the table, looking over her shoulder to see the pleased expression on your face. She flexed her muscles, tightening her walls around you and making you call her name.
You stayed buried inside her while you let yourself calm down, not wanting to cum just yet. You moved your hand to her soft ass and squeezed the tender flesh. Umji’s moans continue as you play with her ass; they’re soft, almost dreamlike. You massage her cheeks, giving them strong squeezes before letting go and repeating the process. You’d shake them in your hands, watching her cheeks jiggle.
Once you were ready to continue, though, you stopped, moving your hands back to her waist. You pull out slowly before impaling her on your cock. Umji’s whines filled the air as you began to fuck her. Her tight asshole constricted around your shaft. The warmth of her body made you want more; you sped up, holding her against the table as you pounded away at her ass. “Ahh! Oh fuck, you’re so big, you’re so big,” Umji grunted as she felt your cock stretching out her little asshole. Her slick walls allowed you to move quickly, making her cheeks clap against your body.
“Umji, you’re so tight, you’re so tight.” You groan, almost drooling, as her tight body grips your cock. Umji's moans became more depraved as she begged you to keep going; the cute maknae that you had watched for years was begging for your cock. You were going to give her what she wanted. You held Umji down as you slammed yourself inside her repeatedly, her lewd moans growing louder and louder as she neared her climax. Umji gripped the table’s edge, her body tingling as she reached the edge. You slipped your hand under Umji and pushed her over the edge by rubbing her clit.
Umji whined as she came, her walls clamped down on your cock, and you were forced to bury yourself inside her, filling her asshole with your cum. You were bent over Umji as your cock continued to shoot out more cum into her stomach. Umji mumbled something you could barely hear. You kissed the back of her head before pulling out, struggling as her walls refused to let you go. You spank the young woman before finally pulling away, your cum oozing from Umji’s asshole. It winks at you as it tries to shut around nothing, letting more cum run out.
You thank Umji before moving on to the next idol, feeling tired from your last two orgasms. Kneeling on the floor, breasts and face covered in a layer of cum was Sowon. She grabs a towel and quickly wipes her face clean. She beams a smile at you, tilting her head slightly. “Thanks for coming, and thanks for cumming,” She says with a chuckle. The leader reaches for your cock, stroking you slowly. “You must be tired; let me take care of you.” Sowon scoots closer and places your cock between her tits, squeezing the soft mounds together and enveloping your cock. She moves them along your shaft at a slow pace; as the tip pokes up from between Sowon's big tits, she takes a small lick, tasting your salty cum. Sowon smirked and continued to pump your cock between her tits. “Seeing so many people try to get into the event was nice. Did you miss us?”
You gulp, struggling to form thoughts while Sowon continues to pleasure you, “Yes, Of course. I missed you all.” Your words made Sowon’s smile shine brighter; she paused her titjob to kiss the tip.
“It makes me happy to hear that; I missed Buddy too.” Sowon takes your cock into her mouth, bobbing her head slowly as her hand moves along your shaft. You groan as her skilled tongue moves along your cock, caressing it before returning to the tip to swirl around it. The sight of the beautiful woman giving you a blowjob was becoming too much. You place your hand on the top of her head but let her continue at her own pace. You groan loudly; Sowon pushes herself further and reaches the base of your cock, her tight throat wrapping around it. You feel it begin to vibrate as she moans onto your cock. Your legs grow weak, and you hold Sowon to your pelvis as you cum down her throat. Strength leaves your body as you fill Sowon’s throat with your cum. She manages to pull away and shuts her eyes, letting the last of your cum paint her face.
She smiles, and as you look at the painted woman, you notice her moving a vibrator into her cunt. How you didn’t notice it before surprises you, and Sowon seems to take notice as she strokes your cock, trying to get you hard for the next member. “Did you think I won’t be doing something like this? I need to cum too.” Sowon says with a giggle. “Now it’s time for you to move on. Please continue supporting us.” You nod, telling Sowon how you will. She flashes you one last smile before kissing the tip of your cock and letting you move on.
While you did cum again with Sowon, you felt a little more energized, ready to meet the next member. Having moved through half the members, you knew your time was nearly up. Walking through the curtain, you move from one of the tallest members of the group to the shortest member. Eunha was lying back on the table, already worn out from the experience. You chuckle as you see her legs hanging loosely over the table’s edge. As you look at her body, you see the cum marking her stomach and chest; her thighs are glistening as well, clueing you into what had been happening to her. Eunha gives you a tired wave, struggling to get herself into a seated position. “Hello!” She says, mustering as much energy as she can. “I’m sorry, I don’t have the most energy right now. You’re more than welcome to use me, though,” Eunha moves her hand down to her cunt, spreading her lips. Cum dripped from her sore cunt, dropping onto the floor. As you inch closer to the shapely woman, you stare at her thighs, the thick thighs you had often seen shake and jiggle as she performed.
You grab Eunha’s legs and, much like some of the people before you, place your cock between her thighs. You press her legs together and move between her soft legs, releasing a low groan as you slide between her legs and brush against her cunt. Eunha moans softly, feeling your warm cock tease her cunt. Despite being tired, your actions made her want you inside her. She began to whine as your cock rubbed against her clit. “Can you put it in?” Eunha asks, pouting at you. You nod quickly, not wanting to disappoint her. You spread Eunha’s legs and align yourself with her messy cunt. Pushing into Eunha’s tight cunt she groans, “Ah, keep going.” You bite your bottom lip and continue pushing in, her walls wrapping around you as you split her in two. A slight bulge is visible as you bury yourself inside her; the small woman places her hand over the bulge and groans. “Oh fuck me, please, please, please.” You pull out and ram your cock back inside Eunha. She holds her hand against the bulging area, making her feel tighter. You can feel your cock throb already as you begin thrusting. “Don’t cum yet; please don’t cum yet.” Despite Eunha’s plea, you could only thrust a few more times before you filled her cunt with your cum. Eunha threw her head back and moaned loudly as your cum flooded her body. She wrapped her legs around you, refusing to let you go, “Keep going, I want to cum.” Eunha was breathless, her chest heaving as you tried to make her cum. You continue thrusting, groaning as her walls tighten around you. You want to joke around with Eunha, calling her out for switching her tune so quickly, but you’re being drained of your energy. Eunha pushes you further into her tight pussy, making you quiver as you reach another climax.
At the very least, this time, Eunha cums with you, her walls clamping down on your cock. You thrust a few more times, coating her walls in your cum before burying yourself inside her to leave the rest of your load in her womb. You place your hand on either side of Eunha’s head, needing support. Staring at the young woman, she has a blissful expression on her face; her eyes are half-lidded, and she looks like she’s about to fall asleep. Eunha keeps her legs crossed another minute before finally you. You pull out of her messy cunt, and thank her before moving on. Eunha gives you a peace sign before lying back and resting.
As you move on, you see it’s Yuju. She was licking her lips and laying back against the table; she gave you a small wave before walking over to you and cupping your cheek. “I bet you’re pretty tired. What would you like to do?” She was utterly right; you were tired. You didn’t want to do much of anything; you wanted to rest.
“Can you give me a handjob?” You ask. Yuju giggles and nods, bringing you over to the table. She places her hand on your cock, giving it a gentle squeeze before moving her hand along your shaft. With her other hand lifted her shirt as she offered you her tits. You leaned in and latched onto Yuju’s modest breasts, sucking on them as her smooth hand ran along your cock. You moaned into Yuju’s chest as she used her palm, rubbing it against the tip.
“You’re so cute,” Yuju laughs, “I wish I had some milk for you. You’re like a baby.” Yuju slowed her hand, holding the base of your cock and slowly moving her thumb around it massaging your length. “Honestly, I’m glad for the small break. I’ve been hearing Eunha say she’s tired for so long now it’s getting annoying.” Yuju looks over at Eunha’s side, the curtain keeping her from seeing her friend, but her low moans are still coming through clearly. You groan as Yuju moves her hand up to the tip of your cock, her thumb moving in slow circular motions around the tip. “You can cum whenever you want.” Yuju pauses, looking at you with a smile. “Thank you for coming today and supporting us. It really means a lot.”
“I wouldn’t have missed it for the world,” you grunt through gritted teeth.
Yuju laughs again, seeing you struggle. “Your cock is throbbing, you don’t have to hold back. Cum for me.” As if it was an order, you cum in Yuju’s had a few spurts of salty liquid shooting out onto her hand. “That’s it, let it all out. Oh, well, I guess you don’t have very much left, huh?” Yuju chuckles as she pulls her hand away and licks your cum from between her fingers. “It was nice to see you. I hope you can come to more fan meetings.” She says, beaming a smile at you as she waves you off with her other hand.
There was only one member it could be at the very end, and it was SinB. Moving to her section, you see the young woman bouncing herself onto a dildo, one hand rubbing her clit while the other gropes her tits. SinB’s mouth was covered in saliva. It made sense that, in the end, most people were too tired to have sex. You suspect SinB got some sex, but not enough to satisfy her. You step up to the young woman and present her with your cock. SinB smirks and opens her mouth, sticking her tongue out for you. You push your cock inside the warm hole, feeling SinB’s tongue run along the underside of your cock. Her lips form a seal as she bobs her head, cleaning your cock of the cum and nectar on it. You tilt your head back and groan, reveling in the feeling of her tongue swirling around your cock.
You begin to thrust gently, wanting SinB to take more of your cock. She willingly accepted it, allowing your cock to stretch her throat. She stays at the base of your cock; nose pressed against your skin, tongue lapping at your balls. As you pull back, SinB laughs, “Oh, that’s so good. I wish you’d fuck me, though. Maybe you could come to our dorm someday.” SinB said with a wink before swallowing your cock again.
You nod, groaning, “That would be great.” You held SinB’s head and mustered the rest of your strength, thrusting into the back of her throat. The lewd sounds of SinB gagging and moaning on your cock fuels you, giving you the energy to continue. Saliva splashes onto SinB’s face, covering her chin. Her eyes become bloodshot, and tears run down her face as she starts to run out of breath. You pull out, giving SinB a chance to breathe. As she does, you slap her face with your cock, degrading her. She moans, letting you slap her with your cock as she bounces on her dildo. You slip your cock back into her mouth, slamming it into the back of her throat. SinB opens her mouth wide, letting you use her like a toy. She could feel your cock throbbing against her tongue. SinB moved her hand to her clit, wanting to cum as you skull fucked her. In a matter of seconds, you began cumming down her throat. SinB stares at you, her eyes half-lidded as she drinks every drop of cum.
“Thank you for the cum,” SinB mutters, wiping her chin. She pushes two fingers into her mouth, playing with her tongue as she gathers her breath. You return the thanks from SinB and move on, heading back to your seat, absolutely drained.
When everyone had finished, there was a moment of quiet before the girls emerged from behind their curtains, naked, with their bodies marked by the various fans present. The girls leaned on each other for support, struggling to stand up. Sowon held her microphone. “Buddy! Thank you for showing us your love tonight!” You all clapped, showing your support for the girls. “We’ll make sure to try hard for you guys!”
#kpop smut#male reader#m reader#gfriend smut#viviz smut#eunha smut#yuju smut#yerin smut#umji smut#sowon smut#sinb smut
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Check out my announcement here.
Main Masterlist
Poll Winner: Praise Kink – Jang Wonyoung, IVE
Day 1: Virtual Reality – Jeon Heejin, LOONA/ARTMS
Day 2: Roleplay/CNC – Shin Ryujin, ITZY
Day 3: Blackmail – Baek Jiheon Fromis_9
Day 4: Mirror Sex – Park Jihyo, TWICE
Day 5: In Heat – Liz (Kim Jiwon), IVE
Day 6: Threesome – Kim Yoohyeon and JiU (Kim Minji), Dreamcatcher
Day 7: FemDom/Immobilized – Han Julie, Kiss of Life
Day 8: Glory Hole – Huh Yunjin, Le Sserafim
Day 9: Spanking – Jang Kyujin, NMIXX
Day 10: Mind Reader – Kwon Eunbi, Soloist
Day 11: Suspension/Stuck Play – Nakamura Kazuha, Le Sserafim
Day 12: Size Queen – Lee Chaeryeong, ITZY
Day 13: Werewolf – Son Hyeju, LOONA/Loossemble
Day 14: Oral – Lee Chaeyoung (ISA), StayC
Day 15: Breeding – Winter (Kim Minjeong), Aespa
Day 16: Mile High Club – Oh Haewon, NMIXX
Day 17: Massage – Ahn Yujin, IVE
Day 18: Voodoo Magic – Karina (Yu Jimin), Aespa
Day 19: Face Sitting – Cho Miyeon, G-IDLE
Day 20: Tender/Body Affirmation – Joy (Park Soo-young), Red Velvet
Day 21: Free Use – Eunha (Jung Eunbi) GFriend/VIVIZ
Day 22: Cuckqueen – Belle (Shim Hyewon) and Won Haneul, Kiss of Life
Day 23: Friends with Benefits – Choi Lia, ITZY
Day 24: Tentacles – Fukutomi Tsuki, Billlie
Day 25: Deflowering/Mommy– Irene (Bae Joohyun), Red Velvet
Day 26: Collaring – Kim Hyunjin, LOONA/Loossemble
Day 27: Sex Dungeon – NingNing (Ning Yizhuo) Giselle (Uchinaga Aeri) Aespa
Day 28: Size Difference Kink – Im Yeojin, LOONA/Loossemble
Day 29: Public – IU (Lee Jieun) Soloist. ft Kang Seulgi, Red Velvet.
Day 30: Orgasm Control/NNN – Natty (Anatchaya Suputtipong), KIOF
#kpop fanfic#kpop fanfiction#kpop smut#girl group smut#male reader#reader insert#le sserafim smut#red velvet smut#kiss of life smut#nmixx smut#loona smut#artms smut#loossemble smut#itzy smut#gidle smut#gfriend smut#viviz smut#iu smut#izone smut#kwon eunbi smut#ive smut#twice smut#stayc smut#Kinkvember#Kinkvember 2024#aespa smut#dreamcatcher smut#fromis 9 smut#billlie smut#gender neutral reader
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* ✪ . 🍥 ⁺

#baesol#loc creds to contexty#eunha#viviz#kpop moodboard#alternative moodboard#lq moodboard#random moodboard#messy moodboard#coquette moodboard#pastel moodboard#y2k moodboard#grunge moodboard#edgy moodboard#retro moodboard#bakery moodboard#clean moodboard#beige moodboard#white moodboard#brown moodboard#gg moodboard#pink moodboard#eunha moodboard#viviz moodboard#kpop icons#kpop layouts#soft moodboard#fashion moodboard
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Moon Rabbit
Length: +12k words
Genre: Smut
Gfriend/Viviz Eunha x Male Reader
(Author's Note: This is like 90% story and 10% smut, but I hope y'all enjoy anyways :> Thank you to @msafterhours for beta, this story wouldn't be alive without you <3 Enjoy!)
Amongst the monotonous drone of the harsh fluorescent lights and the mysterious smell emanating from the bathrooms, it’s hard not to feel a little pessimistic about life. It would be so easy to air out your long list of grievances to anyone that’ll listen, but complaining to the kind of people this place attracts—late night travelers who’d struggle putting two and two together— is always more trouble than it’s worth.
“Welcome to 7/11!”
The ring of the entrance chime followed by the soft yet enthusiastic voice of your coworker is a constant that you have yet to get used to, even after a whole three weeks of hearing it nonstop. You told Eunha plenty of times before that she doesn’t have to greet the customers, yet she continues to do so anyway, something about “responsibility” and “upholding the company’s image”—as if the company’s image isn’t rotisserie hot dogs and gallon-sized slushies.
At best, she’ll get a polite nod, at worst, they scoff and act as if a simple gesture is the worst thing that’s ever happened to them. Her greetings might be more suited to the morning crowd, but she insists that she’s not much of a morning person. You don’t exactly care enough to verify her statements, so you’re content with her keeping you company during the night shift.
“Let me know if you need help with anything!” Eunha calls out to the customer as he aimlessly wanders through the aisles. You’ve grown accustomed to the late night visits from these kinds of people, guys in their early 20’s who seem either too drunk and/or faded to respond properly; hopefully, he’ll just quietly pay for his things and leave without any trouble.
“Yo,” he utters, carelessly dropping a single beer can and a box of large condoms onto the counter. You give him a curt nod, trying not to make a face as the violent stench of weed attacks your nostrils. Figures.
“Hey bro, do you know if that chick over there has a boyfriend?” He looks over at Eunha as she stocks the shelves, baggy eyes tracing her body through a half-lidded gaze. You simply shrug. Whatever she does outside of work is none of your business.
The man chuckles to himself, grabbing his things off the counter. “Watch this.” He saunters over to her and engages in a conversation that you can’t quite make out. Even as you try to distract yourself with other work, you can’t help but tense up slightly, stealing glances towards your coworker.
Eunha puts on her signature smile, nodding her head to everything he’s saying. Occasionally she’ll laugh, more so out of politeness than anything. If you would have to describe her with one word, “polite” would probably be enough. Maybe overly so, but hey, who’re you to judge her of all people about small talk?
Then, you notice a small crack in her expression. The corners of her lips drop ever so slightly. Her eyes widen just a smidge. Now he’s walking towards her, backing her up into a corner, like a predator stalking its prey.
You’ve learned not to stick your nose into other people’s business; even the simple act of lending an ear has cost you time and energy that ultimately led you to getting kicked to the curb the second you’re no longer of use. It’s exhausting. You’d do anything to forget that kind of pain, even if it means your existence is a bit lonelier. And yet, despite your better judgment, you grab a spare broom and begin sweeping towards the problem, stepping in between them right as Eunha’s back hits one of the fridges.
“Excuse me,” you mutter, your eyes never leaving the ground.
“Bro, what the fuck are you—”
“I’m trying to do my job,” you state, jerking your neck to glare at him. The man scoffs in annoyance before stomping towards the exit, grumbling incoherently while he knocks a couple chip bags off the shelves.
“Thanks,” Eunha says, breathing a sigh of relief. “He kept asking for my number and wouldn’t stop after I said ‘no’. I don’t know what would’ve happened if you weren’t here.”
You shrug, continuing to sweep the rest of the store. In hindsight, there might not have been a need for you to intervene in the first place; Eunha is a grown woman that can probably take care of herself, and what kind of damage could a guy like that do anyways? Yet, despite everything, you still chose to play the hero. What’s done is done.
As you go back to your place by the register, you notice Eunha beaming brighter than ever before despite no one else being around.
Eunha groans, face planting into the counter. “I’m bored.”
“You could deep clean the coffee machine,” you suggest, eliciting an even louder groan from her.
You think about telling her to switch to the afternoon shift, but refrain from it in the end, figuring she probably has her own reasons for wanting to work this late. You chose the night shift out of necessity more than anything. Countless sleepless nights led you to the conclusion that you might as well get some compensation for your suffering.
Eunha’s face suddenly lights up as she goes over to the fridges and grabs two beer cans. “We should drink!” she says.
“Those are for the customers,” you state.
“I’ll pay for them, dummy. Besides, there’s literally nothing else to do. No one has stopped by for hours.”
You stare at her pleading face, slightly impressed by how well she manages to pull off “puppy-dog eyes”. You don’t consider yourself much of a drinker—going down that road only left you with an unbearable sickness that made “taking the edge off” not even worth it—but a hunch in the back of your mind tells you to go for it anyways. Maybe “puppy-dog eyes” actually do work; maybe the boredom’s gotten to you too.
“Woohoo!” she cheers. “Let’s go sit out front! I wanna look at the stars.” Eunha grabs the cans and a large bag of chips from the shelf before running out of the store with the excitement of a kid in a candy store. With a sigh, you follow behind her.
Your breath catches in your throat as the outside chill hits you like a speeding train, sending an unpleasant shiver through your spine that makes you regret even considering this stupid idea. You turn to retreat back to the warmth of the store, but a brief glimpse of Eunha waving you down with such genuine enthusiasm pulls you in, and before you can even think to stop yourself, you’re already grabbing the beer can from her outstretched hand.
“Isn’t it beautiful tonight?” she comments, gazing up at the stars above. It’s… nice. Better than the harsh fluorescent lights of the store, for sure.
“Yeah,” you utter, taking a swig from your can. You grimace at the bitterness, a reminder of why you stopped in the first place.
“Woah pal, I don’t need to hear your life story,” she quips, chuckling at her own joke. “Isn’t this better than being stuck in that smelly old store all night?”
You shrug. “It’s… alright, I guess.”
She stares at you for a while, studying your expression with a focused squint.
“...What?” you mutter, suddenly feeling self-conscious under her gaze.
“Nothing, sorry.” She shakes her head, her gaze falling to the unopened beer in her hands. A tense moment passes before she finally clicks it open and takes a small sip, wincing as she swallows the bitter liquid. “Um, do you… hate me or something?”
You turn to her in confusion. “Hate” isn’t a word you associate with Eunha. Truly, you don’t think anyone could hate someone like her. Maybe you get a little irked by her inability to set up the shelves properly, but nobody’s perfect, least of all you. In fact, you don’t have any strong feelings about her one way or another. She’s just your coworker.
Just that.
Nothing else.
“No, not at all,” you reply.
A small grin forms on Eunha’s lips. “That’s good. I was worried that maybe I did something and that’s why you never talk to me.”
Huh? “I talk to you.”
“Yeah, no, I mean, like, really talking. Not just about work and stuff,” she explains. “We’ve been working together for, like, months and I barely know anything about you!”
“It’s barely been three weeks,” you correct her, earning a dramatic eye roll. “Do you really need to know anything about me to work here?”
Eunha grimaces at your answer. “I guess not, but it would be nice to know if I’m working with a serial killer or not.” She takes another small sip from her can, tension seeping into the frigid air between you two.
“I’m not a serial killer,” you state.
“Well, I wouldn’t know that if you didn’t tell me.”
“I could be lying.”
She turns to you, studying your expression with an intense focus. “Hmm… I don’t think you’re lying.”
“You think?” You raise an eyebrow at her.
She shrugs. “For starters, aren’t most serial killers supposed to be charming to lure in their victims and stuff? No offense, but you’re the least charming person I’ve ever met.”
“Better than being a serial killer I guess.”
She chuckles to herself, dissolving any lingering tension in the air. “So you have a sense of humor. That’s good to know.”
“I guess I do.”
Eunha lifts her can towards you, flashing you a warm smile that wards away the bitter winds. You watch as the corners of her lips curl at a certain angle, her eyes squinting ever so slightly to make room to smile even wider. How impossibly white and symmetrical her teeth are, as if god or whoever is up there took their time creating her. In hindsight, she’s probably perfect for this job - kind, inviting, instantly putting you at ease with a single glance. A smile seems so natural on her, it feels like the sky would fall if it disappeared from her face for even a moment.
“Hello?” She waves her hand in front of your face. “My arm is getting tired here, are you gonna cheers me or not?”
You shake your head. “Right. Sorry.” You clink your can against hers before bringing it to your lips. The bitter taste of alcohol is nonexistent at this point, replaced by subtle yet present undertones of sweetness. You peek through the top of the can, confirming that it’s still the same old cheap beer it was mere seconds ago. Yet, for now, it’s just a little more bearable.
To put it lightly, this fucking sucks.
The shadows dance and jeer at you from your ceiling as if to celebrate your misfortune. All you can do is watch the show play out as you barely cling to life. An earlier Google search of your symptoms tells you that it’s just “a common cold”, but you’d swear Death itself has a personal vendetta with you, cursing you with rusty lungs and cinder blocks for limbs. Regretfully, you retrieve your phone from your nightstand, sending Eunha a text that you aren’t able to make it to work tonight.
A sudden weight jumping onto your chest causes you to drop your phone onto the floor. Two yellow marbles coldly stare at you through the darkness, silently judging your poor condition.
“Y-Yokai, please… I can’t b-breathe…” With weak hands, you try to gently push your cat off of your chest, but it’s no use. Every time you try to get close, the little beast nips at your fingers.
This is it. This is how you die. You never believed in the superstition about black cats, but perhaps you should’ve heeded its warning. Maybe this is his way of telling you that he never liked you in the first place, in spite of all you’ve done for him as his caretaker. Years from now, when someone finally notices that you’re missing, they’ll find your corpse with Yokai resting right on top, like he’s gloating about outliving you. You shut your eyes, quickly accepting your fate. On the brightside, maybe you’ll finally get some sleep for once.
A knock on your front door causes him to jump off your chest to inspect the noise. You silently thank the stranger at your front door as your lungs finally fill with air. As far as you’re concerned, they just saved your life.
WIth a blanket wrapped around you, you struggle against your headache and stumble towards the door. The person on the other side makes you wonder if you should add hallucinations to your list of symptoms.
“Hi!” Eunha beams at you, a plastic bag in her hands. “I brought you some stuff to help with your cold!”
“H-huh?” You stand there in shock, a million questions floating through your head. “What about the store?”
She shrugs. “I closed it for a bit. I’m sure the two customers that would’ve shown up tonight will live.”
Never in a million years did you expect anyone, aside from the occasional delivery man, to show up to your doorstep, let alone with the purpose of providing you aid. It’s… nice. You’re probably better off with a good night’s rest, but god knows you’ll never get one.
“Are you gonna invite me in? It’s rude to keep a woman waiting, y’know,” she teases.
“R-right.” You step aside, allowing her into your apartment that hasn’t seen another human soul the entire time you’ve lived in it. As luck would have it, another person arrives on the one day that you’re unable to clean anything. “Sorry about the mess.”
“It’s alright—Oh!” Yokai leaps from the shadows, stopping just a few feet in front of her to inspect the stranger entering his home. “Hi there! Oh my gosh, you’re so cute!”
Eunha kneels down to his level and offers her hand towards him. Taking the invitation, Yokai approaches her with cautious yet curious steps, his eyes dilated and ready. After a seemingly tense moment, his pupils soften as he presses his small face into her palms, accepting her enthusiastic pets.
“I can’t believe you never told me about your cat!” she playfully berates you. “What’s its name?”
“His name is Yokai,” you answer, collapsing haphazardly onto the couch. “Found him on the street when I first moved here.”
She raises an eyebrow at you. “You named your cat after Japanese demons?”
You shrug. “It seemed fitting at the time.”
Eunha chuckles, giving him one last pet before placing the bag on the table. “I brought you some cold meds, green tea, and a can of chicken soup. Is it alright if I use your kitchen to heat up the soup?”
You wave her off. “Thanks, but you don’t have to do that.”
She rolls her eyes at you, grabbing the can and walking over to the kitchen in defiance. “If I didn’t want to do this, I would’ve just dropped it off and left.”
With barely any energy left to argue, you resign yourself to resting your head against the armrest, listening to the clanging of metal and the creaking of wood as Eunha searches your cabinets for a pot. Three flickers followed by the gentle poof of the stovetop bring you back to simpler times when your mother would cook meals for you as a kid. That comforting feeling of knowing that everything would end up okay even if the current times are tough.
A feeling you haven’t felt in a long time.
Hope isn’t something you like to cling onto; you know at this point that hoping for something as supposedly inevitable as sleep is a waste of time. Some nights you’ll get lucky, the stars will align and you’ll fade into bliss as soon as your head hits the pillow, but those nights are so few and far between that they might as well be nothing but coincidences. It was much harder during the earlier days. Countless checkups, thousands of desperate Google searches and Reddit posts, downing melatonin like the next gummy could solve all your problems.
And yet, as the savory scent of chicken soup lingers closer, you can feel your eyelids grow heavier and heavier.
“Hey, sleepyhead,” Eunha says, nudging you gently. “The soup is gonna get cold if you don’t eat it now.”
“Right.” You sit up, finding yourself mere inches from her bright smile, the steam from the soup wafting in between you two. She brings a spoonful of the warming liquid to your lips, blowing on it first to cool it down.
“Open wide,” she says.
“I can feed myself.”
She rolls her eyes dramatically. “Humor me for a sec. Besides, when’s the next time a pretty girl like me is gonna spoon feed you soup?”
You stifle a chuckle at her shamelessness, reluctantly parting your lips. The saltiness washes over your tastebuds, warming your entire body as the liquid slides down your throat. It’s the same cheap chicken soup you’ve eaten before when money was scarce, yet something about it feels different; like it’s healing your heart, not your stomach. Perhaps your illness is messing with your tastebuds, but whatever the reason, it tastes way better than it normally would.
“See, was that so hard?” Eunha teases. A buzz from her pocket interrupts her from giving you a second spoonful. “Sorry, I need to take this real quick, it’s my boyfriend.”
So she does have a boyfriend.
“Yeah, go ahead,” you say, retrieving the bowl from her. She gives you an appreciative grin before walking over to the kitchen and answering the call.
Whatever goes on in Eunha’s personal life is her business, not yours. Yet, you can’t exactly stop your ears from catching onto glimpses of words, attempting to decipher some kind of meaning through the fog. None of it is coherent, but her disappointed sighs and harsh whispers don’t exactly paint a pretty picture—certainly not one you expect from a loving couple.
After a brief moment, Eunha walks back into the living room, her expression noticeably darker than before. The smile that she usually dons is jarringly absent and her eyes are glossy, as if she’s on the brink of tears.
“Sorry, um… I have to go,” she mutters, unable to meet your eyes. “I have to pick up my boyfriend, he’s, uh… been drinking again.”
You can’t help but feel worried at her sudden downtrodden look, unfamiliar on her face. “That’s alright. Will you be okay?”
“Uh, yeah, I’ll be fine.” She tries to put on a reassuring smile, but the look of dread dripping from her eyes and the lack of soul in her expression only leaves you more anxious than before. “He gets like this sometimes. It’s… nothing, really.”
An unfamiliar feeling grows in the pit of your stomach, an urge to provide some ounce of comfort. But this isn’t your place to intervene; that’s what you keep telling yourself, at least.
“I’ll, uh, see you tomorrow then? Or whenever you feel better.” Eunha quickly gathers her things and heads towards the door, but Yokai jumps in front of her.
“Bye, Yokai. I hope this isn’t the only time I see you,” she says, offering him a few gentle pets. Right before she disappears behind the door, Eunha looks back at you, holding an expression you can’t quite read. The door shuts with an audible click, and the vast emptiness of your apartment envelopes you once again.
Suffice to say, you don’t get much sleep that night.
“So…” Eunha tilts her head to give you a better look. “What do you think?”
You shrug. “It’s… pink.”
Her lips curl into a pout, unsatisfied with your answer. “This is the first time you’ve seen me dye my hair and that’s all you can say?”
It’s another quiet night at the store, somehow quieter than usual. These late night chats with Eunha have become a sort of tradition between you two, a tradition you’ve grown decently fond of these past few weeks. Nowadays, she doesn’t even bother with the alcohol, instead simply asking you if you want to watch the stars with her. The chilly nights are still a bit bothersome, but the company more than makes up for it at this point.
Conversations mostly consist of listening to her talk about things in her personal life, her school, her friends, and occasionally, her boyfriend. Sometimes she’ll ask questions about your own life. You try your best to answer, but frankly, you don’t consider there to be anything worth noting. She’ll pry a bit, but respects your choice to be quiet about these things. A gesture that you’ve come to appreciate.
“What am I supposed to say?” you ask her.
“Anything,” she says. “Whatever’s on your mind. I just wanna know what your opinion is.”
“But it’s your hair, why should my opinion matter?”
“Maybe it doesn’t, but that doesn’t make me any less curious.” She shifts herself towards you, giving you a good view of her new look. “So, tell me. What do you think?”
A loaded question for sure. You know better than to be too honest about these kinds of things, but you also know that she won’t be satisfied unless you put effort towards a real, honest answer. You lean in to better analyze her features, tracing every single detail of not just her hair but the visage that it crowns.
She’s cute, you think. You know. The bright pink of her hair brings out the porcelain of her skin, giving her the appearance of a doll, well crafted and loved by its creator. Every single feature is perfectly and meticulously placed, down to the spacing of her eyelashes and the angle of her nose. It’s no surprise the amount of stories she has about getting hit on in random places. Maybe if you had a bit more confidence and a bit less sense, you would’ve ended up like one of those stories. But you know better than to indulge those kinds of thoughts, especially one about a coworker.
“It looks… nice,” you utter after a moment of thinking.
Eunha softly chuckles to herself. “I guess that’s about as good of an answer I’m gonna get from you.” She leans back against her palms, releasing a deep breath into the night. “You’re pretty fun to talk to.”
You raise an eyebrow at her. 99% of your conversations consist of her talking while you listen and offer the occasional nod. She might as well be speaking to a brick wall with a conscience.
“I’m serious,” she says, laughing at your expression. “Y’know, a lot of girls like a guy that can listen as well as you do.”
“Thanks, I guess.”
Her lips quiver in hesitation before speaking again. “Do you… have a girlfriend?”
You shake your head no.
“Boyfriend? Partner? I don’t judge.”
No again.
“Hmm…” She nods, her mind falling into deep thought. “That’s surprising.”
“Is it?” you argue. “If I remember correctly, you said I was ‘the least charming person you’ve ever met’.”
“That was a joke!” she exclaims. “I’m sure there’s someone out there that thinks you’re charming.”
You shrug, letting your gaze float to the stars in contemplation. You’ve had your fair share of relationships in the past, good and bad. You thought you would spend the rest of your life with the last girl, but as fate would have it, that just wasn’t in the cards for either of you. The days spent lazing in each other’s arms suddenly turned into nights where being in the same room was unbearable, and the minor quirks you once adored became the topic of all your shouting matches that punctuated the end of your relationship.
So now you’re here, working at a convenience store during the ungodly hours of the night and going home to a cat that likely wants you dead.
“That’s a possibility,” you say, not wanting to sound too nihilistic.
“Come on, give yourself some credit.” Eunha pats your shoulder supportively. “I’ve seen how some of the female customers look at you.”
You can’t help but grimace at her words. “They’re not really… my type.”
“Then what is your type?” she asks, eyes wide with intrigue.
Another loaded question, one that you honestly don’t know the answer to. Or perhaps, an answer that you don’t want to materialize, for fear of the can of worms it would open, so you take the easy way out.
“I don’t know. I’m not really interested in dating right now.”
“That’s lame, dating is… Well, it should be fun,” she says. A glimpse of something hides beneath her expression, nigh imperceptible if it wasn’t for that brief glint in her eyes. “I’m going to a club with my friends this weekend for my birthday, you should come! Maybe I can set you up with one of them.”
“No, absolutely not,” you adamantly refuse. A club is the last place you would ever want to go to on a weekend. Bumping against sweaty strangers in a cramped space while bass boosted garbage spews from the speakers isn’t your idea of fun.
“Please, it’s for my birthday!” she begs. “It’ll be fun, I swear!”
She clasps her hands together, pouting her lip and flashing you those large puppy eyes. “Please~”
You don’t consider yourself to be spineless or a pushover; the exact opposite, in fact. The less you do for others, the less issues you’ll have going forward.
But it is really, really difficult to say no whenever she gives you that face.
You sigh, averting your gaze to hide the blush creeping against your cheeks. “...What does your friend look like?”
Eunha squeals in delight, fishing her phone from her pocket. “Here.”
She hands you her phone, displaying a photo of a woman around your age. Long, wavy hair cascades perfectly down her shoulders, framing her delicate features, while a dress made of fiery purples and reds clings to her slim frame, giving her an air of class and maturity. A woman that’s, to put it bluntly, way out of your league.
“Her name is Yuju,” Eunha explains. “She’s really into music, and she takes pole dancing classes on the weekends. Pretty hot, eh?”
“I suppose,” you say. “You think she’ll find me ‘charming’?”
“Ye—Hmm… I guess we’ll find out.”
Not reassuring in the slightest. You’ve gone and doomed yourself to a weekend of brushing backsides with the worst people you can imagine, people who have no regard for personal space or public perception, all for a woman you don’t know.
Well, not a woman you don’t know. It’s for Eunha’s birthday, after all. Her and those damn eyes.
Eunha is good company. You like having her around, even if you’ll never admit that to her. She’s good—decent at her job, and in between the stench of hot dogs and the occasional rude customer, there’s comfort in knowing that there’s someone like her on this godforsaken planet.
You can’t say the same about her friends.
“OMG, you’re so tall!”
“Eunha, your friend is so handsome!”
Skip the pleasantries entirely, you’d rather be anywhere but here right now. They don’t even try to hide their early signs of intoxication as they sway to the muffled beats leaking through the walls of the club and onto the streets outside. Eunha, seemingly sensing your discomfort, stays by your side.
“They can be a handful at times, but they’re nice,” Eunha says.
“Eh… What about her?” You discreetly gesture towards one of her friends that’s been sending you death threats through a not-so-subtle glare the second you arrived.
“Oh, that’s SinB. She’s, uh… She’s friendly once you get to know her.” Eunha gives you a small yet reassuring grin, which honestly does little to comfort you. You appreciate the gesture nonetheless.
The line creeps ever closer towards the entrance of the club, signified by the trashy music growing louder with each step. Just a peek through the door and you’re already grimacing at the thought of having to spend a single second in this wretched haven of hedonism.
“Which one is Yuju?” you ask, trying to get your mind off of the impending dread building in your stomach.
“She’s running a little late, stuck in traffic.” Eunha smirks at you, waggling her eyebrows. “You excited to meet her in person?”
You shrug. “I don’t know. I guess?”
She rolls her eyes at you. “Word of advice, try not to be too much of an emotionless robot in front of her.”
You open your mouth to argue, but the bass blasting from the speakers drowns out anything you try to say. Not like you can even think of a proper argument with how overwhelming everything is.
As you follow Eunha deeper into the club, you instantly regret not making up some lame excuse at the last minute and bolting. You can barely take two steps without bumping into anyone, a task made more difficult with the lack of proper lighting and the disorienting stench of some unknown substance floating around. The smell emanating from the hot dog machine at work is more favorable to this.
“Here you go, girl!” one of Eunha’s friends exclaims, gesturing towards a seating area sectioned off with velvet rope. On the table sits a light up centerpiece reading “Happy Birthday, Eunha!” surrounded by an abundance of expensive-looking alcohol. Her friend must be loaded because there’s no way Eunha could afford any of this with a convenience store salary. Consequently, your present for her pales in comparison to this kind of extravagance.
“Oh my god!” Eunha squeals, hopping with excitement, “Thank you so much, this is insane!”
The way her face lights up with happiness almost makes coming here worth it. So, you do your best to endure, downing shot after shot with everyone else while trashy music bleeds into your brain. Eunha steals glances at you from the far end of the booth, offering an apologetic look as her rowdier friends bombard you with incoherent words and shot glasses overflowing with poison. You meet each look with a smile and a simple wave, yet it’s becoming an increasingly herculean task to not let the lingering burn of alcohol in your throat manifest itself onto your visage.
A woman with long wavy hair approaches Eunha, and the two pull each other into a giddy embrace, exchanging words and excited giggles. You can’t quite make out their conversation—not like you’re trying to eavesdrop—but with the way Eunha is pointing at you and the vaguely familiar silhouette of the other woman, you’d have to guess that she’s probably Yuju.
“Hello!” she hollers, her voice straining against the distorted thump of the speakers. “Are you Eunha’s friend?”
Yuju extends her hand towards you, sporting a polite grin. “It’s nice to meet you.”
In any other scenario, maybe you could’ve had a decent conversation with her. Hell, maybe you could’ve even fallen in love with her. You’re not blind; she’s certainly an attractive woman. But in a place like this, where you’re constantly fighting the urge to up and leave, it’s impossible to try and form any kind of connection. And you genuinely try. More for Eunha’s sake than yours, but the attempt is still there.
Halfway through the barely discernible wall of words, you feel a pressure on your thigh. It creeps upwards slowly, inch by inch, stopping just shy of your crotch. Yuju bites her lip at you, her eyes half-lidded and heavy with seduction, leaning in until you can feel the heat from her breath against your ear. Thus far, you’ve been guessing her words and trying to formulate a response based on what you could lip read. But what she whispers into your ear rings true, like the whole world went silent just so you could hear her.
“Let’s cut the bullshit already and get to the fun part. I haven’t had dick in so long, I just need to feel you inside me.”
The rush of adrenaline sparked from her words alone leaves you reeling as you feel yourself being tugged around by this woman you just met, struggling to keep balance in the sea of faceless strangers. The sounds, the sights, the fucking everything about this place melts reality like goo seeping through your fingers, where the only constant is the fire in your windpipe and the sign for the women’s bathroom growing larger with each step.
This kind of spontaneity is probably good for someone like you. These days, you barely make an effort to make friends as it is, the thought of going out and actively trying to date didn’t even cross your mind until recently. It’s not like the thought of having sex with Yuju doesn’t excite you a little, you are human after all. With all the bleak memories you have from your last relationship, maybe it’s time that you let it go and let something good happen to you for once.
But is this good? You’re about to have sex with a woman you just met, in the bathroom of a club of all places. Exciting, sure, but good? You don’t even have a condom on your person, and judging by her current state, it doesn’t seem like Yuju has one either. All you have is your wallet and Eunha’s gift.
By some act of divine intervention or your own instincts, your eyes snap to the middle of the dance floor. Through the sea of drunken silhouettes, you see Eunha, frozen against the continuous wave of moving bodies. Her smile is gone. There’s a man there, slowly encroaching on her. Maybe they’re just talking. Her friends are around, surely they can protect her if she’s in any danger.
But they’re not there. Most are still at the booth, inhaling bottle after bottle without a second thought, while one pulls you towards the bathroom, too horny to consider the consequences of her own actions.
The man touches Eunha’s shoulder. She tries to swat him away, but he’s bigger than her. Much bigger. Like a vicious wolf cornering a poor rabbit.
Without another moment of hesitation, you break free from Yuju’s grasp, shoving your way through the crowd with complete disregard for everyone except Eunha. Most people will think you’re the biggest idiot for throwing away an opportunity with a woman like Yuju, but you wouldn’t be able to live with yourself if you choose meaningless sex over the safety of your only friend.
You grab the man’s wrist, pulling Eunha behind you. “Get away from her,” you growl.
“Fuck off.” He tries to shove you aside, but you stand firm, refusing to budge in the slightest. You’re probably—no, definitely—a fool for trying to stand up to a guy built like a fridge. The scrawny guy at the store is nothing compared to this giant meathead. But as you feel Eunha cling onto the back of your jacket, her hands trembling in fear, you know that you’ll stand before the wolf time and time again to protect the poor rabbit.
Before things can get even more heated, you grab Eunha and make a dash towards the exit, knocking over a few people in the process. Even so, you don’t stop running until the cool air of the outside bites at your cheeks.
“Shit,” you pant, leaning against the wall of a neighboring building to catch your breath. “Are you ok—”
Eunha wraps her arms around you, pressing her face into your chest. Every breath she takes quivers like the last leaf on a dying tree, desecrated by a furious storm. All you can do is hold her, trying to provide some ounce of comfort as she sobs in your arms.
The world is cruel to you, a fact you came to terms with long ago. It’s stolen many of the things you held dear, leaving you to cling to the pieces left behind and try to rebuild your life out of nothing. You built walls, avoided people entirely, did everything you could do so you never have to feel that kind of pain again. And after all that, you’re left to simply exist. Survive. Not ‘live’ in the way people somehow wake up with the sun and breathe in the dawn of a new day with hope in their hearts. Just be.
And then Eunha came into your life, walking into the doors of the convenience store with her bubbly smile and boundless energy. All the time you’ve worked alongside her, listening to her greet every single customer with such enthusiasm, enduring her brutally honest criticisms of your personality, succumbing to her demands every time she flashes those damn eyes at you, she’s made you look at life differently, whether you liked it or not. She didn’t even have to chip away at your walls at all—you tore them down yourself and built a grand entrance into your soul just for her. Because you wanted to. Because you like the way she smiles like nothing bad could ever happen, you like how she manages to find the good in everything and everyone, and you like that she still wants to talk to you despite your brick wall of a personality.
To see her like this, breaking down in your arms, on her birthday of all days, is nothing short of soul crushing.
“Thank you for that,” Eunha murmurs, her voice tiny and fragile. “Um, can we go?”
“Sure,” you reply in a calming tone. “Where to?”
“Anywhere but here.”
The two of you wander the streets in silence, nothing but the muffled hum of faraway chatter and the occasional car passing by to keep you company. She stays deathly quiet, a state you’ve never seen her in. With everything that just happened, you don’t blame her, but you can’t help but feel chills at her solemn expression. It’s like the sun’s gone dark, leaving the whole world in a forever winter.
You pass by a 7/11, not thinking much of it, but Eunha stops underneath its glowing sign. “...You wanna drink?” she asks, giving you a small yet hopeful smile.
Alcohol is probably the last thing either of you need at the moment, yet you find yourself nodding anyway. It’s hard saying no to that face.
Time ticks by at a pace more glacial than the frigid winds buffeting you as Eunha chugs down her second can of cheap beer, crumpling it in her hands as if to release all her pent up emotions inside. On a normal day, you would’ve found it a little funny, maybe even cute, to think that the living embodiment of a summer day has inner turmoil that she can only externalize through the crushing of an aluminum can. But on tonight of all nights, the shrill crunch becomes a harsh reminder that life’s cruelty shows no mercy.
“Are you okay?” you utter, unable to move your gaze from the ground. Of course it’s a stupid question—who would be okay after almost getting assaulted?—but, it’s a start, if anything.
“Um… I don’t know.” Her despondent voice is punctuated by the metallic crash of aluminum against concrete. “Do you want the short version or the long version?”
“I have time.”
Eunha inhales deeply, letting the chilling winds of the night fill her lungs, before breathing it back out into the elements. “No. I’m not okay, and I haven’t been for a long time. I know, it sounds a bit dramatic, but it’s just…” she sighs, “It’s just how I feel.”
“I don’t think you’re being dramatic at all,” you reassure her, earning an appreciative grin in response.
“Um… God, I really don’t know where to start with this,” she says, her face falling into her hands. “School has been kicking my ass lately, which isn’t that big of an issue in the shitstorm that is my life, but it’s there. Last week, one of my professors chewed me out for accidentally submitting the wrong file for an assignment, so I spent the entire day just crying in bed.” A small laugh leaves her nose at the fact, void of any humor.
“And then my friends. They’re great and I love them with all my heart, but they can be such a handful.” With each word, she sinks deeper and deeper into herself as the burden she’s been silently carrying threatens to end her. “Sowon—the tall one that paid for the table—she has a reputation for sleeping around campus, which is fine, I’m not gonna tell her what she can and can’t do with her own body. But her life is filled with so much drama, and I end up having to play therapist for her, and it just gets so exhausting.”
You nod in understanding, keeping silent as she spills out her grievances. It’s not a pleasant sight, but pain rarely is. This image that she’s built up for herself as this happy-go-lucky fairy of a person, the image that you’ve consumed without question because doing otherwise would be like the sky falling around you, tears itself down to reveal the ugly truth underneath: That she’s human. And all humans suffer, even the ones that you wish didn’t.
“You remember the night I came into work with my hair dyed?” she asks after a long pause, her gaze fixated on the crumpled can below. “I broke up with my boyfriend that morning. I just… couldn’t handle all the hurt and neglect anymore, so I left.”
The revelation comes as a shock to you, even if all the signs were there in hindsight. “I’m sorry to hear that,” you offer, nervously fidgeting with the tiny box in your pocket.
“Y’know, he always hated when I dyed my hair. Said I looked like a slut whenever I did it.” The word sounds so crass against her gentle voice, like a grisly wound on unblemished skin. You feel an unfamiliar anger boiling inside of you at the notion that someone would even think to hurt her.
“And with how things turned out tonight, maybe he was right—”
“Hey,” you lightly interject. “I don’t think you look like… that at all.”
Her dejection cracks a little, giving way to a small smile accompanied by the faint hum of a chuckle. “Thanks. Maybe if that other guy thought the same as you, I wouldn’t feel like this.”
With a deep breath, you retrieve the small box from your pocket and hand it to her. “Here.”
“What’s this?” Eunha takes the box from your hand, her brow raised in curiosity.
“Your birthday present. It’s not much, but… yeah. It’s not much.”
Tentatively, she opens it up, revealing a necklace with a rabbit pendant hanging from it. Her face lights up, and for a moment, you forget that she was ever sad in the first place. A newfound sense of determination wells within you, and something that you’ve kept hidden deep inside finally comes to light: you would do anything to protect that smile.
“This is so cute, I love it!” she remarks, fiddling with the chain as she tries and fails to put it on. “Uh, a little help?”
“Sure.” You take the necklace from her, and as she pulls up her hair to reveal the delicate skin of her neck, your hands begin to tremor nervously, making it nearly impossible to secure the necklace.
“Is everything alright back there?” she teases. “I can feel you shaking.”
“Y-yeah, no, it’s fine.” The stutter in your voice dashes any attempts at trying to sound natural. It’s a simple act, putting a necklace around your friend, but something about it feels so intimate, like the first hint of warmth after a long and arduous storm. Once you finally secure the clasp in place, a breath you didn’t know you were holding empties from your lungs.
“Thanks,” she says, admiring the rabbit pendant. “Thanks for everything, really.”
“I didn’t do much.”
“But you did something,” she reasons, her voice lilting with an air of melancholy, “You did a lot more than anyone else ever did for me.”
Eunha’s eyes wander upwards to the stars, the same ones you’ve spent nearly every night under, listening to her talk about everything and nothing all at once. Tiny blips of light a billion miles away, the only witnesses to your midnight conversations about the mundanities of life. To them, your little exchange of words seems small and meaningless, but to you, these talks with her mean everything.
“I’ll make sure to pay you back one day,” Eunha utters.
There’s no need. Your existence is more than enough.
In a past life, you used to curse how consistently time seems to move without regard for anything else. After one of the worst nights of your life, how dare the sun have the audacity to rise up in the morning like your whole world hasn’t just collapsed? The lights peaking through your blinds felt like a big “fuck you” from the world. Everyone struggles, get over yourself, you lazy prick. Before you realized it, the negativity took up every corner of your mind, constant noise rattling around your head every second of your existence, bleeding into the nights that seemed endless as you could do nothing but stare at the ceiling.
But nowadays, those thoughts seem so long ago, like a vague memory. Maybe it hasn’t gotten easier to sleep, but it’s quieter now. Peaceful, even. It barely even occurred to you how much time has passed since then until a certain coworker of yours decides to remind you.
“Happy birthday!” Eunha pops up from behind the counter, donning a dingy party hat and holding a cupcake with a single lit candle embedded in it.
“H-huh? W-what—”
“Make a wish!” She pushes the cupcake in your face, a potential fire hazard if your hair was just an inch longer. Confused by the sudden onslaught, all you can do is stand there like an idiot, eyes tracing over the silly hat adorning her rosy head. It’s cute though.
“It’s your birthday, right?” Eunha pouts, reading your confused expression. “Or did the calendar lie to me?”
You pause for a moment, running the numbers in your head as you try to remember how much time has passed. “Right,” you utter, not quite meeting her eyes. “Yeah, it’s my birthday.” Without another word, you grab a broom and begin sweeping as a couple approaches the store, hoping their impending presence will get your mind off the topic. With how life has been going these past few years, it’s getting harder and harder to find a reason to celebrate.
The gentle chime of the entrance rings throughout the store, yet Eunha’s cheerful greeting that usually follows is hauntingly absent, you nearly greet the customers yourself just to fill the unusual silence. Before you can check to see if she’s alright, you’re interrupted by a male voice.
“Hey, you know where the beers are?” the guy asks. You silently gesture towards the fridges, taking the opportunity to eye the couple. The girl seems generally unremarkable, not unlike the usual customer at this hour, but something about the guy feels oddly familiar, despite his face not matching anyone in your recent memory. Something about the way he drapes his arm carelessly over the girl like she’s an accessory rather than a person, or the way he doesn’t even bother to look through the tiny store for more than two seconds before asking for the answer just pisses you off.
“Thanks, pal,” he says, clapping your shoulder in a way that feels anything but friendly as he passes by. Out of all the expletives, middle fingers, and death threats that have been thrown your way by people far worse than this guy, none of them have managed to strike such an anger-inducing chord with you as that simple pat on your shoulder. But why?
You look over at the counter to check on Eunha, only to find a lone cupcake and a party hat peeking out from behind it. “Are you alright?” you ask, brows furrowed as you peer over the counter at her. All you receive in response is a panicked look and a harsh “Shhh!”.
“Hey pal, can you ring me— Eunha?” The two of them lock eyes in some weird staring contest, while you and his girlfriend or whoever she is are left completely out of the loop. You glance back and forth between them, trying to gain some semblance of understanding in their eyes for what feels like an eternity, until it finally clicks in your head.
The hint of familiarity despite never meeting him and the abundance of bad vibes he exudes all make sense — he’s Eunha’s ex-boyfriend.
You hastily scan his pack of beers and his box of condoms. “$20.55.”
“Why don’t you go wait outside for me, babe?” you hear him whisper to his new girl, unashamedly staring at her backside as she saunters out of the store. Eunha sighs, standing up from her hiding spot and leaving the party hat to dangle sadly in between her fingertips.
“So,” he continues, not even sparing you a single glance, “You’re still working in this shit hole?”
“Yup,” she replies, gaze glued to the floor. “Gotta pay rent somehow.”
He scoffs. “If you just come back to me—”
“I’m sorry, what the fuck?” You freeze at her sudden outburst, not used to this side of her. “Are you seriously asking me to come crawling back to you after everything you fucking did!?”
“Look, babe—”
“Don’t fucking ‘babe’ me, you asshole!” Her breath starts to get heavier as tears well up in her eyes and her fingers turn white around the dainty string of the party hat. “And don’t you have a new girlfriend anyway!? What the hell is wrong with you!?”
“What, you mean her?” His head flings back in a guttural laugh at the insinuation that he would find himself in a committed relationship with his “new girl”. Hell, if things weren’t so tense, you would be laughing at that idea too. “She’s just who I’m banging for tonight since you fucking left!”
“For fuck’s sake,” she groans, pinching the bridge of her nose. “Just pay for your shit and leave. Please.”
He scoffs. “Quit being a fucking bitch and—”
“If you leave now, I’ll let you have everything for free,” you interject, each breath heavy and quivering with anger. For the first time since this whole altercation, he acknowledges your presence and simply scoffs, eyeing the two of you back and forth. With a smirk, he grabs his things off the counter and backs away, chuckling to himself like there’s some kind of inside joke that neither you nor Eunha are a part of. As the door chime rings to signal his exit, you hear the huff of a harsh syllable underneath his breath that turns the next few moments into a vague blur.
You’ve never considered yourself to be particularly athletic—average at best, but still decent enough to not be picked last during childhood games. Yet, as you grab the cupcake from the counter and haphazardly chuck it through the air, you swear that Shohei Ohtani himself would’ve been impressed at the accuracy of your pitch as it arcs perfectly and splatters against the back of that asshole’s head. You freeze in disbelief of your own actions, barely registering the pink frosting-covered look of rage stomping towards you.
Eunha pulls you out of the doorway and quickly locks the door before pulling you into the break room, away from the view of the windows. Banging glass and muffled expletives are soon replaced by the monotonous whir of the fluorescents as she shuts the door behind her.
“Oh my god, are you insane?!” Eunha exclaims, trying and failing to suppress a grin.
“I-I, uh… I don’t know. Probably.” A breathy chuckle escapes your lips. And then another one. Soon, you’re keeling over the floor in laughter, replaying the impact of the cupcake over and over in your head.
A second chorus of laughter mixes with yours in a symphony of hysterics as Eunha joins you on the floor. Your head starts to ache and your stomach grows sore, but the first bout of genuine joy you feel after years of nothing but cold isolation overpowers any kind of pain.
Being here, in this moment with her, is the best birthday gift you’ve ever received.
Even after the clock passes midnight and your birthday officially ends, Eunha still insists on doing something to celebrate. That sweet piece of payback against her ex was more than enough for you, but as always, it’s hard to say no when her eyes light up with so much excitement.
You wait in the solitude of your living room, with nothing but Yokai to pass the time. He purrs contently on your lap, being oddly well-behaved for once. Maybe he knows Eunha is coming and is in a better mood than usual. Are black cats telepathic?
As if on cue, he jumps off your lap and scurries towards the front door, a millisecond before a barrage of knocks and a muffled “Ayo!” sound off from the other side. It doesn’t take a genius to know who the owner of that voice is.
“Surprise!” Eunha exclaims, balancing a store-bought cake and a champagne bottle in her arms.
“I’m not sure if it counts as a surprise if I know that you’re coming,” you joke, taking the contents from her arms.
“Yeah yeah, whatever you say, birthday boy.” Yokai impatiently nuzzles his head against Eunha’s leg, practically begging for her attention. “Well, hello again, cutie! Did you miss me?”
He purrs in response to getting showered by Eunha’s affection. You place the cake on the dining table and peer curiously at the champagne bottle, only to find the words “Sparkling Apple Cider” written in fancy gold lettering.
“Apple Cider?” you question.
“Yeah,” Eunha responds. “Did you want actual champagne or…?”
“No no, this is great.” You flash her a reassuring grin, which she returns in kind, punctuated by the cute swell of her cheeks.
“Phew, I’m glad. I thought I read you wrong for a second.” She plops comfortably onto your couch like she’s been to your apartment a thousand times before, Yokai swiftly taking his place onto her lap. “So, what do you usually do for your birthday?”
“Nothing, really,” you sheepishly admit. “If it wasn’t for you, I probably wouldn’t have remembered it was today.”
“Whaaat? That’s no fun.”
“Yeah, well…”
You trail off as the ghosts of your past come back to haunt you. Each year, the faces around the table seemed to become fewer and fewer until it was just you and the cat. Eventually, you just stopped bothering with it. It’s just another day, indiscernible from every other one. Sure, you could go on about why no one bothered to contact you, but It’s not like you’re completely blameless—why didn’t you reach out? Every night spent with your eyes forcibly pried open, you basically had all the time in the world to one, single message to anyone. And yet, you didn’t.
It’s your fault alone that things ended up this way.
You feel a soft pair of hands suddenly wrap around yours, forcibly pulling you out of the black hole in your mind that threatened to envelop you.
“Why don’t we make this one extra special then?” Without waiting for you to answer, Eunha pulls you towards the kitchen and pushes you down into a chair.
“What are you doing?” you ask, confused yet charmed by her usual antics.
“Just wait a sec,” she says, rummaging through your cupboards like a mouse looking for cheese. You watch in amused silence as she searches through every nook and cranny for… whatever it is that she needs. You can’t quite wrap your head around why she’s going through all of this effort, in the dead of night, for you of all people. You’re just her coworker in a dingy little convenience store.
Although, it’s hard not to feel insanely lucky when she turns to you with that impossibly bright smile that only you get the luxury of seeing.
“Okay, here we go!” Eunha exclaims, taking the plastic lid off of the cake and fiddling with a single match.
You tilt your head curiously. “Is that a—”
“I forgot to get candles and this is all that you have, alright?” she playfully snaps at you. Finally, once the match is lit, she places it gingerly in the center of the cake. “Make a wish, birthday boy!”
As you gaze into the small, singular flame before you, it dawns on you that you have no idea what to wish for. Money? A bigger house? The ability to have a good night’s sleep? Blowing out a silly little candle isn’t going to magically change your life overnight, no matter what the occasion is.
But as you look past the flame, you see Eunha gleaming back at you, waiting with bated breath for you to make that wish. The passion, the excitement, the hope swirling around in just her eyes alone sends a wave of warmth throughout your body that seeps deep into the fibers of your bones. A wish finally forms inside of your head.
You blow out the match, extinguishing the flame and letting your wish float into the air along with the smoke.
“Woohoo!” Eunha cheers. “What did you wish for?”
Heat rushes to your cheeks as you suddenly feel sheepish under her gaze. “I-I, uh—”
“Wait, don’t tell me!” she frantically interjects. “I forgot, if you say your wish out loud, it won’t come true!”
A chuckle brushes past your lips. If there’s even a tiny chance that what she said is true, then you’ll gladly take a vow of silence just to keep your wish close to your heart.
Eunha cuts two generous slices of cakes for the both of you while you pour the sparkling cider into mismatched mugs - the only drinkware you have that even comes remotely close to fitting the occasion. Your apartment becomes enveloped in a comfortable silence, save for Yokai’s content purring on the couch and an occasional “Mmm” from Eunha in-between mouthfuls.
As you peer to the side, you notice a small glob of frosting on the corner of her lips. “You have a little something here,” you chuckle, gesturing to the area. She tries to wipe it off, but somehow completely misses the mark.
“No, it’s still there,” you say, unable to hold back a smirk at her failed attempt. Without thinking, you reach out and gently wipe the frosting from the corner of her mouth with your thumb. The soft warmth of her cheek sends a jolt through your body, and only then do you realize just how close you are. Her eyes widen slightly in surprise, but she doesn’t pull away. For a moment, time seems to stand still as you gaze into the deep obsidian of her irises, your thumb still lingering on her lips.
Eunha’s cheeks flush a rosy pink that mimics her hair, and you quickly retract your hand, clearing your throat awkwardly. “Um, got it,” you mutter, avoiding her gaze.
“Thanks,” she says softly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
The air between you feels charged, as if closing the distance even a little bit would shock you. You steal a glance at her and find her doing the same, quickly turning away after a mere whisper of eye contact. For that split second, you notice her eyes shimmering with an emotion that you can’t quite place. The silence stretches on, growing heavier with unspoken words.
Eunha breaks the tension first with a soft chuckle. “So, uh, how was your birthday? Sorry I couldn’t do much more than this.”
“N-no, it’s fine. I thought it was great, actually,” you admit, a small grin tugging at your lips.
“Yeah?” she says, beaming at you. “I’m glad.”
“Me too.”
She stands up and begins to gather her things. “I should probably head home now. It’s getting—well, I guess it’s already late.”
A pang of disappointment hits your chest. “Right.”
Each step feels like you’re wearing cinder blocks as you walk her to the front door. Yokai perks up from his spot at the couch, mimicking your own feelings of panic as Eunha nears the exit. Why are you acting like this? You’ll see her at work tomorrow. Despite your attempts at rationalizing, the growing urge to stop her is becoming harder and harder to ignore.
As she takes a step outside of your apartment, she turns to you. For a moment, she simply gazes into your eyes. You can’t quite read them—it’s hard when you’re too distracted by how unbelievably pretty they are—but it feels like she’s waiting. Waiting for you to say something, maybe? With the thumping of your heart growing louder in your ears, the ability to focus suddenly becomes an uphill battle.
“I, uh, I had fun tonight.”
You take a breath. “Y-yeah, me too.”
“I guess I’ll see you at work then?” Her voice lilts up, as if she’s asking a question. A loaded question, even. An answer sits on the tip of your tongue, desperately waiting to be heard by her ears. Just a couple words, and yet it feels like overlooking a cliff with no end in sight. A free fall into new, terrifying territory.
But, as you’ve learned time and time again, it’s hard saying no to that face.
“A-actually,” you begin, your voice almost getting caught in your throat, “it’s late and it might be unsafe tonight, so… I was wondering… do you want to stay the night?”
If you had more than just pure adrenaline pushing you forward, you could’ve probably used a better choice of words. Something smoother and less uncertain. Something more charming, as Eunha would put it. But all of these thoughts sink to the back of your mind when you’re suddenly attacked by the softest lips you’ve ever had the pleasure of experiencing. Like muscle memory, your hands wrap around Eunha’s delicate waist, gently pushing her into the door until it shuts with an audible click.
All the second guessing, the worrying, the negativity, everything is completely thrown out the window as you sink into her lips. You let yourself get lost in her touch, pulling her close to you like she’s your matching puzzle piece. In the midst of needy touching and sharp breaths, a wave of calmness washes over you. Like all of this is meant to be.
“W-wait…” Eunha gently pushes you off of her, worry filling her expression.
“What’s wrong?” you ask. “Do you not want thi—”
“I do want this. I want you, more than you could ever imagine, but I just…” she sighs, her grip on your shoulders weakening slightly. “I really like working at the store and talking to you every night and feeling like my life isn’t a constant trainwreck. I need that consistency in my life. If we do this, no matter what happens tonight, I need you to promise me that nothing will change between us.”
She looks up at you with desperate, pleading eyes. You know, probably more than anyone, just how much pain she holds inside, invisible to the outside world. The two of you are alike in that way. The only difference is that she kept on trying to live despite her scars, while you stopped trying because of them.
“I’m not a perfect person by any means,” you start softly, gently caressing her cheek. “Before I met you, I felt like I was barely even human. I was just a body without a soul, wandering aimlessly. But then, I met you and everything changed.”
Eunha sinks her face into your hand, peering at you with those damn eyes. You’ve seen them light up like fireworks during her highest highs and pour like a perilous storm during her lowest lows, but you’ve never once seen them completely empty, void of any emotion. For once, you feel hope that things can get better, and she is the living, breathing reason why.
“Whenever I’m with you, nights don’t feel as cold and the stars seem to shine brighter than I thought was possible,” you continue. “Breathing becomes easier and I laugh harder than I ever have before. Life doesn’t just become bearable—it becomes enjoyable. And that’s all because of you.”
As your words linger in the gap between lips, you feel the haze that clouded your mind for so long finally lift, making way for light to shine through. A pure, warming light with pink hair and porcelain skin and cheeks like puffed up marshmallows.
“I take back everything I said before,” Eunha says with a smirk. “That was the most charming thing I’ve ever heard.”
Before you even have time to roll your eyes, she’s kissing you again with a newfound passion. You’re quick to follow her lead, running your hands over the curves she’s been hiding underneath her work uniform and taking mental notes of the spots that produce a cute moan. Each sensation feels like a spark of lightning being shot through your veins, driving your every movement. You want—no, need to please this woman, show her exactly just how much she means to you.
With all the adrenaline in your system, you end up pinning Eunha against the front door with an audible thud. “Someone’s eager to get things going,” she teases, short-breathed and rosy-cheeked.
“How can I not be when you’re so—”
“MRRAAOOOUWWWW!!!” Yokai cries out, his yellow eyes full of judgement as he looks at your crude display of affection from the couch. Attention whore.
Eunha chuckles. “Maybe we should—”
You take her hand and practically drag her to the privacy of your bedroom, her excited giggles trailing behind you. As soon as the door shuts behind you, Eunha is already laying on your bed, resting comfortably as if it were her own.
“Got room for one more?” you quip.
“If it’s you, definitely.”
With an easy smile, you make your way towards her, fingers grazing up her thighs to her toned stomach and around the sensuous curve of her bosom before resting right next to her head. The moonlight peaking through the window illuminates her eyes, allowing you to see the passion and the neediness aimed directly at you.
“You’re so beautif—mmf!“
Eunha suddenly claps her hand over your mouth. “Listen, you’re very cute, but I desperately need you to take my clothes off. Now please.”
You waste no more time, diving into the crook of her neck and producing a yelp from her throat as you pepper it with kisses. Excitedly, your hands slip under her shirt to massage her full breasts. You’d be lying if you said you never imagined it would be like to cup her breasts, but actually getting to feel them in your hand is a different sensation entirely. So soft yet so firm, and perfectly bouncy. By the noises she’s making, it’s safe to assume that she’s enjoying this just as much as you are.
Eunha reaches down and strokes the outline of your cock through your jeans, her movements fueled by a primal lust. “Oh my god, I can already tell you’re so much bigger than my ex. Please, I need you inside me right fucking now,” she begs, already fidgeting with your belt.
You chuckle, not used to her lovely voice spewing out such heinous demands. Whatever the princess wants, she’ll get.
Loose clothing begins to decorate your room while a symphony of pleasurable cries and wrinkling fabric accompanies the scene. Moonlight casts shadows on your walls, depicting the beautiful act of debauchery taking place. This room, which only harbors memories of dreadfully sleepless nights, becomes a haven for you and Eunha to begin something new and wonderful.
“Can’t believe I almost let Yuju have all of this for herself,” she giggles, eyeing your length as it nears her dripping sweetness.
You lean down to briefly take her lips in yours, running your hands over her now unclothed body, bare in all its glory. “I don’t wanna think about any woman other than you right now,” you say in a low, growly tone.
“Mmm, good answer.” Eunha abruptly wraps her legs around your waist. “Now fuck me, birthday boy.”
Your cock drags against her folds, lubricating it with her juices. You feel her shiver underneath you as you lightly graze against her clit. She’s so beautiful. Completely exposed and vulnerable, all for you. With a single movement of your hips, you enter her honeypot, the two of you sharing a moan as the tip slides in.
“Shit,” you groan, drawing in a heavy breath, “We forgot a condom—”
“We work at a convenience store, we can just get a Plan B tomorrow!!” Eunha snaps before donning an apologetic look. “Sorry, I just mean—”
You interrupt her with a peck on the lips, smirking at her. “I know what you meant. I’ll shut up now.”
Pure instinct takes over as you begin to buck your hips into her, years of pent up energy and the desire to make her feel loved fueling each thrust. The crescendo of her voice every time your bodies meet is a tune like no other, and you do everything in your power just to hear that noise again and again and again and again. Sink your fingers into the meaty flesh of her thighs, lap at her perky tits, pin her arms over her head so her only choice is to succumb to the overwhelming sensation of lust.
“Perfect” doesn’t even begin to properly describe Eunha. From her bubblegum optimism that managed to melt your cold heart to the velvety tightness of her pussy as she takes you in so fucking well, there aren’t enough words in existence to explain just how much she means to you. So instead, you do your best to deliver the message through every movement. The fire in your pelvis as you fuck her heat, the soreness of your tongue as you worship every inch of her body, everything you do is testament into making sure she knows just how much you mean to her.
Love her in a way that her ex could never do.
Love her until all the pain and suffering she went through is forgotten.
Love her the way you’ve been unknowingly aching for her since the moment you laid eyes on her. Repay her for all that she’s done just by existing.
“K-keep going! Just like that!” she groans, the grip of her pussy tightening with each second. You do as she says, fucking her at the pace that she likes and hitting every spot that produces that oh-so-pretty noise from her lips. With how amazing she feels, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the building feeling in the pit of your stomach.
She grabs your face, forcing you to look at hers. “Inside me, baby. Please. I need to feel you. I want to feel you.” She peers at you with those eyes, glimmering with the light of a full moon, and pleads for you to stay inside her. How silly. Why would you beg when I would give you the whole world at the drop of a hat?
In one final thrust, you climax in her arms, wave after wave of pleasure rushing through you. Eunha shoves her face into the crook of your neck, a guttural moan escaping her lips as she experiences her own orgasm. Months of working alongside her and getting to know her, culminating into a beautiful moment of release for the both of you—and this is only the beginning.
“H-holy… shit…” Eunha pants, tracing lazy circles on your shoulder. “That was… better than I could have ever imagined.”
“Are you saying you’ve imagined this before?” you tease.
“What, you think I’m gonna work with someone that’s as sweet and as awkwardly-cute as you and not occasionally think about fucking him?” she retorts with a smirk.
The both of you share a laugh in each other’s arms, bathed in the moonlight and sweat of passion. Before long, the exhaustion of today’s events gets to the both of you, and you feel your eyes grow heavier and heavier—a sensation you haven’t felt in a long time. A final kiss marks the beginning of many more nights to come. Nights where the shadows are still and the morning become a moment to look forward to.
#viviz#gfriend#jung eunbi#eunha#viviz eunha#gfriend eunha#kpop fanfic#kpop gg#viviz x male reader#gfriend x male reader#viviz x male oc#gfriend x male oc#viviz eunha x male reader#gfriend eunha x male reader#viviz eunha x male oc#gfriend eunha x male oc#smut#eunha smut#viviz eunha smut#gfriend eunha smut
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Bad Bunny
Jung Eunbi (Eunha) x Male Reader
Kinkvember Chapter 2
Main kinks: public sex, free use, sex with a stranger, spanking
Word count: 5639.
Eunha is a bad bunny. She may look cute from the outside, but once she gets inside the walls of any bedroom, she transforms herself into the neediest slut ever known. However, in this month of November, you had decided you would abstain from having any sex with her and let her prepare for her group's comeback.

But Eunha's horniness knows no boundaries, and her comeback preparation couldn't go ahead without sex. And if you weren't going to give it to her, no problem; she would find it somewhere else.
Eunha invites a guy to your house for a hot night of sex. He fucks her in every possible way, giving her the relief she needs while you preach your abstinence. However, one little mistake ended up leading to her demise.
On the next day, you do your duty as a good boyfriend and collect the garbage to take it away. However, when you start separating it, you find a few condoms mixed in it. You noticed a few holes poked in them and quickly connected the dots. "Damn, that bunny is so horny she couldn't go over a day without sex," you say.
You take the garbage out but grab one of the condoms, waiting to confront Eunha when she arrives from the latest practice. It doesn't take long for her to come, and as soon as she does, you ask her.
"What is this, Eunha?" you say, pointing to the condom. "I don't know," she answers, clearly lying as you can see her pale skin blushing. "Eunha, did you have sex with another guy while preparing for your group's comeback? You ask her. "Sorry, baby, I couldn't resist; I'm just a horny bunny," she answers. "Please forgive me; I love you," she continues.
Eunha's needy face makes your heart melt. You truly want to forgive her. But first, you need to set some conditions. "I forgive you, baby, but you cannot disobey me anymore," you tell her. "Okay, baby, I promise I will be very obedient," Eunha answers. "Well, I will start enforcing it right now; you better obey every command I give you and let me do whatever I want to you," you answer her. "Yes, baby, do it as you please; I deserve to get punished; I'm a bad bunny," she says.
"Let's take a walk then," you tell Eunha. "Sure, baby," she says. But as soon as you two get out of your house, you cuff her hands. "Baby, what are you doing?" she asks. "Shhhh, you told me you would let me do whatever I wanted," you say to her. "Alright, do it," she says.
You walk Eunha across the street in the direction of the construction site on the other side of it. You walk her through it, making sure she doesn't trip over anything with those knee-high boots she's wearing. You get her towards one of the fences at the construction site, pushing her against it. "Punish me, baby," she says. And indeed you will.
You grab scissors and cut Eunha's top right at her boob area. "We can't do that, baby," she says. "Today we can, follow my lead, you cheating bunny," you say to her, groping her perfect pair of tits and giving them a few spankings in between. "Bad bunny," you say as you spank them.
You pin Eunha against the fence and bend her body over, showing off the part that made you fall in love with her: the perfect round cheeks of her butt. You do one of your favorite things to it: spank it a few times before you pick up the scissors to cut her panties off. "You won't need those today," you say to Eunha.
You stick your hands on Eunha's pink fuckholes and start massaging them. "We can't do that in public, baby; it's too risky," she says. "Of course we can, and if you stay quiet, nobody will see," you say to her as you keep fingering her pussy and anus in broad daylight.
You once again reach into your toolcase and push out a nipple clamp, and you use the chain coming out of it to tie Eunha to the fence. "Today you're Daddy's free use girl," you say to her. "Yes, daddy, please use me," she says.
"Arch that pretty butt for me, little bunny," you tell Eunha, who obliges. As soon as you do, you cut the remnants of her panties off, leaving her big ass out in the open for you to spank it unchallenged. A construction worker arrives from behind, leading you to instinciteively pull Eunha's skirt back to cover her ass.
"You can't stay here," the worker says to you, who obliges and takes Eunha along with you, but not before flashing her nipples to them. You walk Eunha across the street and then reach a very heavy traffic avenue, crossing it as the drivers stop and get greeted with more nipple-flahing from Eunha. On the other side of the avenue, some curious guys look at your girlfriend, wondering what kind of stuff you're doing to her, as they see her tied up with her torso fully exposed, some even perverted enough to try to touch her.
Eunha is now completely naked from her waist up, but you just don't care and take her across the crowd walking down the streets. In fact, you lift her skirt up too, offering them a glimpse of your girlfriend almost totally naked, with many guys turning their necks around to look at her big ass, even better when you spank it in front of those horny dudes and even get some drivers to honk at Eunha flashing them, while you keep greeting the people walking across the street with your girlfriend's hot body.
You get even bolder, bending Eunha's body and flashing her ass to the people on the street and the guys on the avenue. They really enjoy it. Indeed, that fat pale piece of ass is a marvel to look at: so plump, round, and already red from the spankings you gave her.
Eunha grinds herself on a street sign and puts up a little show for the drivers stopping at the red light. "I wish Yuju was there; she could easily do some pole dancing at that sign," you say to your girlfriend, who is basically naked except for the bar of her skirt wrapped around her waist. The transients can see everything from her: her pink pussy, her perky tits, and especially her fat ass.
You take Eunha to the parking lot of a supermarket nearby and decide it's time to start putting some heat up in her pussy, as you finger it while crossing the lot. "Don't squirt; you can only cum when Daddy tells you," you say to her. Eunha obliges, managing to keep herself uptight and not cum.
Eunha gets put on her knees as you unzip your pants and finally show her your cock. "You missed it, right?" you ask her. "A lot, daddy," she answers and then quickly dives to bob her head on it like a good horny bunny. You grab her head from behind and push her even deeper, slowly fucking her doll-esque face. "Oh yeah, you're such a good Barbie doll," you tell her as she takes your cock in her mouth with ease in that parking lot.
You push your pants back up and walk Eunha across the parking lot a little bit. "What do you say?" you ask her. "Thank you, Daddy," Eunha answers. "Good girl, I think you deserve some more of Daddy's cock in your mouth," you reply.
You pin Eunha towards a garage door and violently fuck her face. You don't care about her head slamming hard against it; in face, the more, the better. Your thrusts are filled with rage, ready to teach that cheating bunny a lesson as your cock bulges under her throat and her head keeps slamming the wall. You then walk her around a bit and switch to doing that against the door of one of the parked cars. God, it's so good using that slutty bunny's pretty face like a toy.
You toy with Eunha, slapping your cock against her naughty tongue. That only makes her even hornier, as she seizes the opportunity to bob her head against your cock. "Calm down, little bunny," you say to her, quickly regaining control and pushing her to gag on your cock. "You're such a bad bunny," you say to Eunha, slapping her face.
"Tell me you want more," you ask Eunha. "I want more, Daddy," she answers. "Again," you reply, spitting in her face. "Please, I want more, Daddy. Give me that big cock; I want it inside me," she says with more detail this time. You push your cock a bit more on Eunha's mouth, and she answers by quickly bobbing her head on it, getting it perfectly wet for her fuckholes. She doesn't care about the cars passing through the lot and watching; all she wants is to be a good girl full of cock.
"Where do you want it first, pussy or ass?" you ask Eunha. "Pussy, daddy," she says, and you follow. You truly missed that tight pink hole of hers, groaning as soon as you get in. "And how do you say it?" you ask her. "Please, daddy, fuck my pussy," Eunha answers.
You pump Eunha's pussy at a steady pace, her making tons of effort not to moan and get noticed by someone else. Instead, you're the one groaning as her tight hole squeezes your fat cock quite hard. "Say thank you, Daddy," you tell her, giving her ass another spank. "Thank you, Daddy, for having such a big cock for this little bunny," she answers.
"Such a good whore, getting daddy's cock for everyone in the street to watch; I hope they film us and sell the tape," you say to Eunha. "Oh, oh, oh, ohhhh," Eunha softly moans as you attack her little pussy. You keep groaning as Eunha's walls tighten around your shaft, more so when you spank her ass.
"Come here, clean it," you say after a while. "You made my cock very dirty with that slutty pussy," you continue. Eunha promptly follows your orders, ducking down to taste her juices. "Good girl," you say as she licks the side of your shaft and then takes it deep in her throat before you grab her head and speed up the process by fucking her face.
You lift Eunha's right legs up and spread them until her boots hit the door of the car on the opposite side. With her in prime position, you get back to fuck her pussy from behind while reaching to grab her hair. You fuck her harder this time, Eunha's legs barely able to stay at the car's door while her pussy feels the wrath of your cock. "Are you struggling, whore? Maybe you shouldn't have cheated on me, stupid bunny," you say to her, spitting on her face.
You completely dominate Eunha, now reaching one hand to finger her pussy as you pound it. You fuck her full of rage, punishing her nonstop for being such a bad bunny. You now even stretch her mouth with both hands, humilating her at any possible opportunity.
"Get down, bitch, you are getting too much fun from my cock; now clean it again," you say to Eunha, stopping fucking her pussy and going straight to more facefucking. "Filthy little whore," you say, spitting on her face before doing some cock slapping and then face slapping. "Time to get on your feet; this round is over; I'm taking you somewhere else," you tell her.
You walk Eunha across the neighborhood, never missing a chance to spank her pale butt and make it even redder. You two finally reach your destination, a shabby alleway in front of some long abandoned buildings. You keep spanking her pussy and tits at the alleway. "You like it?" you ask her. "Yes, daddy, spank me; I'm a bad bunny," Eunha says.
You follow what she asks, hitting Eunha's whole pale body with a whip. Her thicc thigs, her beautiful face, her perky tits, her pink pussy, nothing escapes your wrath. "Turn around," you say, delivering some pain to her ass next. "Look at you; you're all dirty," you tell her.
"Eunha, I'm still being very soft to you; you know I can spank you much harder than that, right?" you ask her. "Of course, daddy, spank me harder, I beg," she says. "Alright, I won't deny it," you tell her, hitting her ass at full speed now. Eunha seems to take it fairly easy. Her pale skin has made her the target of much spanking over the course of her career, to the point that she's addicted to it. "Daddy, I think you're going to make me cum just by spanking me," she says.
"Not yet; you aren't clear to cum yet. And you know what? This filthy alleway is the perfect place to clean your dirty hole," you say to her. "But first, you have to beg it for me," you tell Eunha.
"Please, daddy, fuck my ass," Eunha answers. You like that she already knows what hole you were talking about. "Say it again," you tell Eunha, but you actually block her from answering by shoving your cock in her mouth once again. "Please, daddy, fuck my tight, dirty, slutty ass," she says as soon as your cock is out of her mouth.
You turn Eunha around at the alleway and put your cock in her ass, her tight hole making you struggle to put in there. Eunha clings her head against the wall, trying to cope with your thrusts. "Ohhhh, ohhhhh, ahhhhh, ahhhhh, yesss," Eunha moans as you pick up the speed. You also groan, trying to dig deeper in her anus and pushing really hard. "I'm so thankful for having a daddy that fucks me so good in the ass," Eunha says in between meany moans.
"Holy sh*t, you're such a fucking tight bitch even though you get fucked in the ass every day," you say to Eunha. "Yes, daddy, I always make sure to make things very difficult for your big fat cock or for other cocks when I'm being a bad bunny and cheating on you," Eunha answers, confessing last night wasn't the first time she did it.
"Let me sit; I want to see you bouncing on that cock," you say to Eunha, never pulling out of her at any second. You lie on the dirty sidewalk floor as she impales her dirty butthole on your cock and rides it like a champ, giving you a privileged view of her fat ass. "Come on, stupid bitch, just bounce," you tell her. Eunha follows and picks up the pace, getting your cock all the way inside her tight asshole.
"Good girl," you say to Eunha as the sounds of her cheeks clapping on your pants get louder. "Yeah," she moans, grinning her teeth as your big cock seems to be too much for her tiny butthole.
"Get up," you tell Eunha, asking her to pull out of your cock. "Now sit down and suck it clean; I want you to get your dirty anus off my cock," you say to her, shoving it in her face once more and pushing her head against your manhood. "Fuck yeah, you like being fucked in the ass like this?" you ask her. "Yes, daddy," Eunha answers.
"There you go," you say as you force your cock balls deep in Eunha's mouth until she gags. She goes insane and starts licking your balls. "You're such a nasty girl, aren't you?" you ask her, grabbing your cock and slapping in on her face while spitting on her.
You fuck Eunha's pussy hard and fast for a little bit, punishing the slutty bunny with a hard pounding as a guy appears on the street. "Turn around, against the wall," you order to Eunha, letting the guy grope her tits while you spank her. Eunha bends over and shows her ass to the dude as you hit her big butt.
"Dirty slut, your punishment is far from over," you say to her, lifting the bar of her skirt. You take Eunha to a playground, tying her up to one of the equipments and putting a blindfold in her eyes. Eunha's body is completely suspended as you put your cock back in her ass. "I'm ready to use that asshole a little more," you say to her, toying as your cock goes in and out of her anus.
"Fuck, ahhhh," Eunha moans as you thurst your cock deep in her ass and finger her horny cunt, her legs fully spread and suspended in the air as you fuck her ass in a missionary position. "Please, daddy, keep fucking my ass," a blindfolded Eunha says as you increase the pace, finger-fucking her pussy as well at the same pace you attack her asshole. You spank her pale butt like always, leading to more moans from the porcelain princess.
"Dadddy, can you fuck my pussy too?" Eunha asks. You accept it and switch holes, taking her cunt even harder as her body jiggles all over the playground equipment with the speed of your thrusts. Some kids appear at the playground, but you just don't care; to you, they will just be having a free class of sex education. Besides them, a stranger appears and gets side by side with you, who lets him finger Eunha's pussycat and eventually gets inside it.
You step aside as the stranger fucks Eunha's pussy. "Have fun," you tell him. The guy seizes the opportunity, pounding Eunha hard as you spit in her blindfolded face. "Stupid slut, can't resist any cock that comes in your way, can't you?" you say to Eunha, jerking your cock off and slapping on her face while the stranger fucks her hard and spanks her butt too.
"You like his cock, don't you?" you ask Eunha. "Yes, daddy, I can't help myself; I'm a bad bunny that loves cock," she answers. "Do you want him to cum in your pussy?" you ask her. "Yes, Daddy, would you let him?" she asks.
But the authrorization doesn't even need to come, as you inserting a vibrator on Eunha's clit makes her walls clench harder, making the stranger unable to resist as he fills her pussy full of his cum. You uncover Eunha's eyes, letting her enoy her cunt getting stuffed to the brim of a stranger's semen, much to her glee.
You and the stranger take Eunha under a shabbed railway bridge in the worst part of the neighborhood as you three go down an access stairway full of graffiti defacements and dirty walls. "Let's have some fun," you say, stripping Eunha fully naked and offering her to the strange. "Make him happy, you dirty slut," you continue, spanking her ass with the whip once more.
Eunha unbuttons the stranger's shorts, jerking his cock off until it gets hard again. She can feel the remnants of his sperm still covering his shaft. You get Eunha on her knees and push her to suck his cock; all that while you spank her back, make things worse for the horny bunny. Eunha savors his shaft under your watch as the stranger gropes her tits.
After some jerking off, you take your cock back in Eunha's pussy, making her get spit-roasted alongside the stranger. You fuck her furiously, spanking her tits and making her pay for being such a cockslut. Eunha gets completely bent over as she pleases both cocks.
"Where do you want our cum, you fucking slut?" you ask her. "In my ass," Eunha answers, prompting you to pull out and deliver her a nice fat load in her pretty slutty face as the stranger can't also resist the warmth of her mouth and soon glazes it with his cum. "What a cum bunny you are, dirty bitch," you say to her, spitting on her cum-filled face once again. "Thank him, bitch," you say to her. "Thank you," Eunha politely says to the stranger as he leaves.
The humiliation isn't over for Eunha though, far from it. You make her walk her across the neighborhood with both of your cum in her face, taking Eunha to the busiest square at the place. Where you take the jacket you had put on her and strip her completely naked once again, taking her back home with no clothes on.
Or so she thought.
To punish Eunha, you decide to go back where it all began, tying her to the garbage can as the pickup truck comes to take the used condoms she wore yesterday, showing what you truly think about her: a filthy, dirty, worthless horny whore that is completely disposable after sex.
A few hours later
It's freezing cold outside, and Eunha remains tied to the trash can. You finally have mercy on the little bunny and bring her back inside your house. Her skin is so pale now she looks like Snow White.
Eunha gets tied up and her body suspended in the air as you start to ask her some questions, ready for a night of dominance. "You look like such an innocent bunny; why are you here?" you start. "I want Daddy to give me as much pain as possible," she answers. "You better be very obedient, because if you don't behave, I'll deliver double the pain," you say to her.
"Yes, daddy, I'm so addicted to the way you spank my porcelain skin," Eunha says. You tease her, touching her body from top to bottom, before pinning her against the wall hard. "Look me in the eye and say it," you tell Eunha. "I want to be spanked, Daddy," Eunha answers. "Why, bunny?" you ask her. "Because I deserve it for being a bad cheating bunny," you say.
You start touching Eunha's pussy, edging her, and then stopping it. "You see, baby, I can give you the pleasure, but I can also take it away," you tell her. "Whatever you want, Daddy," Eunha says. "Then let me do it, Bunny," you say, making her moan hard. "AHHHH, AHHHHH, AHHHHH," Eunha moans. "Are you going to cum?" you ask her. "Yes, daddy, I'm going to cum," she says.
"No, you're not," you tell Eunha, pulling your hands out of her pussy and denying her an orgasm. You bring out the vibrator and start stimulating her again, showing her your intentions. "I'm going to fuck your throat, your pussy and your ass; use you like a little toy; is that what you want?" you ask. "Yes, daddy," she answers.
"You wanna cum?" you ask her again. "DADDY, I'M GONNA CUM," she answers, begging for it as you put the vibrator in her pussy and spank her tits. "OHHHHH," she screams. "Is that what you want, little bunny? Then say it to me," you ask again. "I'M GONNA CUM, I'M GONNA CUM, I'M GONNA CUM, PLEASE DADDY LET ME CUM," she screams. "PLEASE DADDY, PLEASE," she keeps screaming, running out of breath.
You push Eunha's body down until her face gets lined up against your shaft, feeding her mouth with your cock. She bobs her head on it, but not for long as you take the initiative and fuck her throat until she gags, reaching it balls deep in her mouth. "Yes, daddy, feed me that big cock," Eunha begs and gets it as her face gets pounded like it's a second pussy and she chokes all over it.
"Open your fucking mouth, bunny," you say, spitting on Eunha's face. "Keep it open; I'll take it all the way down," you say as saliva comes out of Eunha's chin. You use it to lube your hands and massage her needy cunt until Eunha squirts all over the floor.
"Please, daddy, use me harder," Eunha says as you suspend her body back up, lining your cock to her pussy and inserting it inside her. "FUCK," Eunha gasps, already very sensitive from your edging session. "H YEAH, DADDY, USE MY PUSSY," Eunha says. "Beg harder," you tell her, pulling out after a couple thrusts. "PLEASE, DADDY, MAY I HAVE YOUR BIG FAT COCK IN MY SLUTTY BUNNY PUSSY?" Eunha screams.
"Do you think you're ready?" you say, spanking her pussy. "Yes, daddy, I'm more than ready," Eunha answers. You spank her butt and then go back in her pussy, grabbing her by the ass and fucking her hard, making her body shake as you clap hard against her cheeks. "FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!" Eunha screams nonstop. "AHHHHHHH," she says as she squirts on your naked body.
"Fucking taste it, you bunny slut," you tell Eunha, feeding her juices straight into her mouth. "You want more?" you ask her. "Yes, daddy, please, give me more," Eunha answers as you do just that, fucking her pussy hard. "OHHHHH YESSSS, MAKE ME CUM, DADDY," she moans.
"No," you stop. "You will only cum when I say so," you say, smacking her pussy and enjoying the squirting coming out of it. "AHHHHHH," Eunha screams as she cums. "Thank you, Daddy," she says, looking like an utterly submissive bunny.
You give more hard thrusts into Eunha's sensitive cunt, enjoying the clapping sounds that come out of your bodies colliding against each other. You choke her and then turn her around, starting spanking her fat ass cheeks. "AHHHHH, DADDDY," she screams. "Thank you, Daddy," she then says as they turn red.
"I didn't tell you to speak," you say to Eunha, kissing the bunny and punishing her by jerking your cock off against her clit, making her squirt before pounding her like a crazy. "OH GOD, YES, YES, YES, DADDDY," Eunha screamed. "Thank you, Daddy," she says again as you pull out and stare at her.
You untie Eunha, dropping her at the stairs of your house and opening her legs, tying her up to the handrail before you insert your cock in her ass. "Yes, daddy, please, fuck my ass," she begs. "Yes, daddy, stretch my ass," Eunha begs as you go deeper in it and spank her tits. "You're such a bad bunny," you say.
You show no mercy to Eunha's tight butthole, making things harder for the little bunny as you play with her pussy. "OH FUCK DADDY!" Eunha screams. She whispers inaudible words to you as you keep spanking her whole body. "AHHHHH," Eunha screams as you hit her nipples hard. You tease her cunt with more rubbing. "Ohhh, daddy, please, make me squirt," Eunha begs as you resume the anal pounding, leading her to moan with her mouth wide open.
"Fuck, yes, daddy, yes, daddy," Eunha moans as you now choke her and destroy her butthole. "AHHHHHH," Eunha screams as your cock hits the depths of her anus. You look at your dirty bunny girlfriend calling you Daddy, her pale skin now completely red. "Take every inch of your cock inside me, AHHHHHHH," Eunha moans.
"Spank my tits, daddy, choke me," Eunha begs as you fuck her harder, getting more and more animalesque. "OHHHHHH," she screams as the spanking never stops. Her tits, her cheeks, her face—everything is a target.
"I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum, please, daddy, let me cum again," Eunha says, but you ignore her, saying focused on fucking her ass. Her thicc thighs and big butt are now almost with her flesh exposed after so much spanking.
"Oh yes," you say as Eunha starts letting out a geyser of squirt out of her pussy. "AHHHHHH," the little bunny screams as you stare at her wasted face, never pulling out of her ass and pushing it deep, making her squirt again almost as if the tip of your cock had pressed some kind of button buried in her anus.
Eunha squirts multiple times with the anal session you give her. "OH GOD, FUCK ME, DADDY," she screams and begs. "Daddy, it feels so good," she says as you can't stop destroying her butthole and enjoy her squirt all over the stairs steps. "Fuck daddy, you use my ass so good; I want more; I'm a needy bunny for daddy's cock," Eunha says.
"Then turn around," you tell her. Eunha obliges as you tie her knees to the stairs, and your cock quickly finds her already sore butthole for more fun. "Oh yeah, you're so deep, daddy," Eunha moans, more so when you turn her cheeky butt into your prime target of spankings. Eunha's cheeks get massacred, getting hit every time you hit deep in her ass. You enjoy seeing the exposed red flesh from so many hits you deliver on them, only pushing you to go harder. Despite all that pounding, her asshole is still as tight as ever and queefs with your cock inside it.
Spank, spank, spank. That's all you do now. "Daddy, you're gonna make me cum with so much spanking," Eunha says as she gets used like a little toy. A fuckbunny. "Pull my hair, Daddy," she pleads, and you follow. "I'm your dirty little slut daddy; yes, daddy, treat me like a free use fuckhole," she begs, her body shaking with the speed of your poundings.
"Daddy, you like making bunny cum?" Eunha asks you. "Yes, I love using that bunny until she cums," you tell her, staying focused on pounding her ass. Eunha is completely wasted, but she doesn't want you to stop, jiggling her butt as you fuck it. "I'M CUMMING FOR YOU, DADDY," Eunha announces. You slow down, toying with her gaped anus going in and out of it, giving her sensitive hole a little stabbing.
But your kindness is short-lived. You soon mount on top of Eunha and deliver her the most aggressive anal pounding of the night. "OH FUCK, YOU'RE HITTING ME SO DEEP, DADDY," she screams. Eunha's ass gets used hard as you are like a raging bull fucking a cow—I mean, a bunny. Your thrusts are full of energy and power, making Eunha roll her eyes as she struggles to cope with the heat.
"I'll do anything for you, Daddy," Eunha says. "Well, then let me use that big, fat, cheeky, red ass," you say, tossing all adjectives about her butt while pounding it hard. "I'm a bad bunny," Eunha says. "Yes, you are," you tell her, choking your slutty girlfriend.
"AHHHHHH," Eunha moans as she cums again. You spank her butt multiple times after pulling out of her ass. "Yes, daddy, harder," she begs. "You want more?" you ask her. "Yes," she answers. "Beg," you reply. "Yes, daddy, please, give me more; spank me like a bad bunny, harder," she says.
After beating Eunha's cheeks like a drum, you reach to finger her throbbing pussy, making her moan and then hitting her every time she screams. "Stay quiet, bitch, I'm going to punish you," you answer, getting back in Eunha's ass and fucking her like crazy, showing no mercy for her and not getting her feeling getting in the way of your anal destruction. "Oh yeah, daddy, you fuck that tight little asshole so well," she says.
The stairs creak as Eunha screams and groans. You finally stop as Eunha begs you to cum again, whispering like a needy bunny. "I need you; I need you; please, Daddy," she says, very out of breath.
"Then come here," you tell Eunha, tying her arms to the ceilling by a chain. "That's right, bunny, sit right down this cock," you command to her as Eunha drops down it with her ass. "OHHHHHHH," she gasps as your length impales her. "Ohhhhh, daddy, ahhhh," Eunha moans as she starts bouncing on it, her legs spread at 180 degrees. "Oh fuck, it feels so good in my ass," she moans.
"That's it, little bunny; now I'm taking control," you say, pounding her from down low. "AHHHHHHH," Eunha squeals as your cock drills her asshole one final time. You manhandle her queefing anus, groaning like a monster and massaging her cunt to make her squirt. "OHHHHHH FUCKKKK!" Eunha screams. She gets pounded to oblivion, losing sight of her surroundings.
"YES DADDY, YES, DADDY, YES DADDY, FUCK ME, FUCK ME, FUCK ME, I'M GONNA CUM," Eunha says, losing her breath and grinding on your cock. "Please, make me cum," Eunha moans as she's basically levitating with your thursts. "Take it all," you say, your balls smashing against her clit. "Yes, daddy, I will take all that cock in my a... fuck," Eunha moans. You and her reach orgasm at the same time as she squirts on your body and you explode inside her asshole.
Eunha grinds on your cock as your cum flows out of her asshole. You free her and start jerking your cock off against her face. "I think I'm going to cum again; you're just too sexy, Eunha," you say to her. "Cum for me, daddy, cum for your little bunny," she says, sticking her tongue out. Her pretty face begging for it makes you lose it again, covering her blonde hair and sexy face with your white seed shortly after again.
"Thank you, Daddy," Eunha says as she licks your shaft and cleans it one final time. You go to bed and leave Eunha lying on the floor at the stairs, her body full of cum as you finish punishing that bad bunny. "You'll be sleeping here tonight," you say to her.
"The next day you wake up and don't find Eunha there, until you go to the kitchen and find a scene that makes you spill your milk: Eunha upside down and completely tied up. As she sees you, she asks you something.
"Daddy, can you punish me again?"
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ordered the changbin bootyshake special at the restaurant
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Live To Breed
VIVIZ SinB/Hwang Eunbi
Gangrape, Mentioned Death, BBC Tribesmen, Breeding, A Lot Of Cum, Vaginal Fuck, Anal, Pregnant Fuck, Some Other Heavy Stuff.
3,919 Word.

The day started like any other for VIVIZ, but shit was about to hit the fan in the most fucked-up way possible. SinB, the feisty one, Eunha, and sweet Umji were bouncing around in their jeep, deep in the heart of the African jungle, looking for some thrill.
The girls were living their best lives, laughing and joking, when all hell broke loose. A freaking stampede came outta nowhere, like some shit from a horror movie. The driver hit the brakes, but it was a lost cause.
The jeep went flying, and SinB went airborne, straight into a goddamn tree. Her clothes ripped like wet tissue paper, and she was left bruised and bleeding, screaming her lungs out.
"FUUUUCK!" SinB howled in agony, her voice raw as a guttural scream. Her sexy outfit was in shreds, exposing her smooth skin, now marked with scratches and cuts that would make a horror flick proud.
She tried to get her ass up, but her body was like jelly, trembling and weak. Where the hell were Eunha and Umji? She cried out for them, her voice fading in the vast jungle.
The jungle, usually buzzing with life, went dead quiet, like it was mourning the crazy shit that just went down. SinB's pleas for help bounced off the trees, her voice cracking with each desperate call.
The pain was a bitch, clouding her vision, but she fought to stay conscious, refusing to black out. As the sun started its slow descent, painting the sky with fiery colors, a crew of hulking dudes appeared, straight out of a tribal wet dream.
These motherfuckers were ripped, their dark skin glistening with sweat, and all they wore were tiny-ass loincloths that left nothing to the imagination. Their bodies were inked up with tribal tats, and their eyes held a wild intensity.
SinB's mouth hung open as she took in the sight, momentarily forgetting her pain. These dudes were built like gods, and their sheer size made her feel like a tiny doll.
They muttered to each other in some ancient tongue, their deep voices rumbling like thunder, probably discussing the hot mess of a woman in front of them.
"Help... please, help me," SinB managed to whisper, her voice scratchy and weak. The men's eyes narrowed, their gazes intense enough to burn holes through her.
They didn't give a shit about her plea, probably thinking she was some crazy jungle spirit. The biggest dude among them strode over, his muscles flexing with each step. He scooped SinB up like she weighed nothing, causing her to whimper.
This beast of a man carried her through the jungle like she was his prize catch. SinB's eyes darted around, taking in the unfamiliar sights of their camp. It was like a scene from a National Geographic documentary, with buff dudes going about their business, their bodies glistening with sweat and dirt.
These savages didn't waste time with pleasantries. They ripped what was left of SinB's clothes, leaving her in her skimpy underwear, her curves on full display.
She tried to cover up, but these guys didn't give a damn about modesty. They cleaned her wounds, their rough hands exploring her body, and wrapped her up with some dirty-ass cloth.
"Fuck off!" SinB tried to fight, but it was like a kitten swatting at a lion. A sharp slap landed on her face. "Ugh!" She tasted blood, her lip split open. Another jab to her ribs had her gasping, reminding her just how helpless she was.
The men finished patching her up and shoved some weird-ass herbal shit down her throat. SinB choked and spluttered, her eyes watering from the bitter taste.
Satisfied, two of them grabbed her, ignoring her weak struggles, and hauled her ass to a nearby barn. Inside, it was like a damn dungeon, filled with terrified women from different corners of the world.
The women were a sorry sight, some crying their eyes out, others moaning in pain, their bellies swollen with pregnancy. SinB's heart hammered in her chest as she realized she'd landed in some tribal sex cult's lair. She tried to scream, but her voice was shot.
Just then, all hell broke loose outside. A group of the tribal dudes, their massive cocks swinging free, dragged a screaming woman outta the camp. Her pleas were met with laughter and crude catcalls.
The men's laughter was like a sick chorus, their eyes wild with lust. SinB's blurry vision focused on their massive dicks, already hard as steel, ready to invade some poor woman's body.
The men wasted no time, and the woman's screams echoed through the camp, a haunting soundtrack to the night's twisted festivities. SinB's eyes fluttered, her mind overwhelmed by the day's events.
The last thing she saw before passing out was the terrified faces of the captive women, knowing their fate was about to get a whole lot worse.
The night had turned into a fucked-up, twisted sex fest, and SinB was front-row center for this sick tribal ritual. Her eyes popped open as the barn erupted with screams and moans.
The women, who were once crying their eyes out, were now getting pounded by these tribal beasts, their cries echoing like a damn horror movie.
"Oh fuck, mercy, please! No more!" a woman begged, her voice raw from screaming her lungs out. But the men just kept pounding her from every angle, their dark, sweaty bodies slamming into her like wild animals.
"Harder, you motherfuckers! Break me in half!" another chick screamed, her body bucking as two dudes took turns drilling her, their cocks stretching her holes like she was some damn sex toy.
The scene was brutal, but damn, it was hot as hell. Even the preggo ladies weren't off-limits.
"No, not my ass! My baby... oh, fuck, no!" a pregnant woman wailed, her eyes rolling back as a dude hammered her ass, not giving a damn about her swollen belly. The sight was enough to make SinB's stomach churn.
SinB's eyes were like saucers, taking in the savage display of raw, animalistic fucking. Her body ached to run, but she might as well have been glued to the ground. She tried to crawl away, but it was like trying to escape a pack of hungry wolves.
"Please, just let me go, you bastards!" SinB's voice was raspy, barely a whisper.
These dudes weren't having any of it. They grabbed her like she was their personal plaything. One dude chuckled, his deep voice sending shivers down her spine.
They pinned her down, their rough hands holding her arms and legs, spreading her wide open like a buffet. SinB screamed and kicked, but it only made these animals harder.
"Let me go, you animals! Help!" SinB's pleas were desperate, but they just laughed, their eyes wild with lust.
The dude on top of her, his cock already hard as steel, ripped her panties off like they were nothing. "No, stop! Get your hands off me!" SinB shouted, her voice breaking as he groped her tits, squeezing and twisting her sensitive nipples until she saw stars.
Pissed off by her resistance, the dude stood up and stomped on her stomach, making her gag and cough. Before SinB could catch her breath, another dude was on top of her, his thick cock aiming straight for her mouth.
SinB's eyes widened as his cock invaded her, stretching her jaws to the max. This dude was packing an anaconda, and it hit the back of her throat, making her gag and choke.
He grunted, face-fucking her like a pro. SinB's throat bulged, moving up and down, her eyes watering, snot and spit flying as he pounded her face. Another dude cheered, slapping her ass hard enough to leave a mark.
The dude pounding her face went to town, his balls slapping against her chin, making her gag and choke some more. SinB's body shook, her bound hands clawing at the dirt, her throat working overtime to take that massive cock.
He growled, his hips slamming into her aching throat. SinB's eyes rolled back, tears mixing with the spit and snot as she struggled to breathe. Her throat was on fire, but this dude wasn't letting up, his cock throbbing, ready to unload his cum down her throat.
The barn had become a twisted, hardcore sex dungeon, where SinB's screams and the other women's cries were the soundtrack to a night of brutal, non-stop gangrape.
The tribal black men were on a roll, and SinB's mouth was their fuck toy. These motherfuckers took turns shoving their thick, veiny cocks down her throat, face-fucking her like she was their personal cum dumpster.
SinB choked and gagged, her eyes watering like a waterfall as she tried to take their massive cocks. One guy gripped her hair like a leash as he pounded her face. SinB's throat was getting fucked raw, her gag reflex going crazy, but these animals just kept going harder.
Another guy shouted, slapping her face with his thick palm. SinB's cheeks stung, but he didn't give a shit as he jammed his cock down her throat, making her eyes bulge like a cartoon.
"Can't... breathe!" SinB managed to gasp between the thrusts, her voice muffled and desperate. But these savages just laughed, their rough hands holding her head like a pet, forcing her to take their cocks.
One after another, they blasted their hot cum down her throat, making her swallow their seed like it was her job. SinB's belly was swelling, her throat on fire, and she felt like she was gonna puke her guts out.
"No more... gonna puke!" she whimpered, her eyes pleading for mercy but a hard slap landed on her cheek, making her see stars.
One man growled, grabbing her hair and forcing her mouth open for his throbbing cock. SinB gagged, her throat convulsing as he face-fucked her with zero fucks given.
These native men were all about getting their rocks off, and they didn't care about her comfort. Some even used her hands and thighs to jerk off, covering her skin with their hot, sticky loads. SinB's body was a mess, covered in sweat, cum, and bruises.
The barn was a horror show, with women's screams and moans filling the air. SinB's eyes darted around, witnessing shit that would give her nightmares for life.
"Help... I'm pregnant! Have mercy!" a woman begged, her belly shook as two men double-battered her pussy and ass. The poor chick was screaming, but they just kept pounding until she went quiet, her body limp and her holes bleeding.
A man grunted, his cock buried deep in the ass of a woman who was clearly out cold. SinB watched in horror as he pumped away, not giving a damn about the blood or the fact that she wasn't even conscious.
“No, no, no– Oh god!" another woman cried, her body arched and bruised as three huge black men took turns violating her. Her screams turned to whines, then silence as the pain overwhelmed her.
SinB's throat was on fire, and her stomach felt like it was gonna explode from all the cum she'd been forced to swallow. When a cock finally pulled out of her mouth, she puked, spewing a mix of cum and bile.
"Fuck— argh, can't swallow anymore!" she begged. But they didn't give a shit. A sharp slap landed on her mouth, making her eyes water.
A man barked, grabbing her hair and shoving his cock back in her mouth. SinB gagged and choked, her throat working achingly to take his thickness as he fucked her face with no mercy. These tribesmen made sure to mark her as their territory.
They flooded her mouth, on her body, and even made her lick their balls. SinB's body trembled in disgust, her throat and mouth abused, but they just kept going, their cocks throbbing and unloading their semen wherever they pleased.
Time had lost all meaning for SinB as the assault on her mouth continued. These tribal studs had been using her face as their personal cum dump for hours, forcing her to swallow load after load, even as she puked it all up.
Her stomach felt like it was gonna burst, her belly swollen and hard, a testament to the endless cumshots she'd been forced to take.
SinB's body was a mess, her once flawless skin now glistening with sweat, her hair sticking to her forehead.
Her lips were swollen and bruised, gaping open as if they'd forgotten how to close, and her throat was on fire, like she'd swallowed a flaming blade. She couldn't feel her face anymore; it was just a numb, throbbing mess.
Her curvy body had gone limp, her arms splayed out on the dirty ground, but the men held her head up, ensuring her mouth was always available for their pleasure, cocks sliding down her throat, making her gag and choke, her eyes rolling back in her head.
SinB's mind was fuzzy, her body exhausted, but the men showed no signs of stopping. Her throat was so fucked, it felt like a permanent part of their cocks was lodged in there. She couldn't even swallow her own spit without pain.
As another thick release was forced down her throat, SinB's body went into overdrive. She convulsed, her eyes rolling back, and for a moment, she thought she was gonna pass out. The man finally pulled out, letting her fall to the ground like a ragdoll.
SinB gasped for air, her body twitching uncontrollably, her throat and mouth leaking cum and saliva. She lay there, unable to move, her eyes pleading for this nightmare to end. The men, however, seemed to be just getting started.
They stood around her, stroking their hard cocks, their eyes wild with lust as they discussed their next move. SinB prayed for death, for the sweet release of unconsciousness, but the gods weren't listening.
Suddenly, a massive man stepped on her swollen stomach, making her cry out in pain. He twisted his foot, and SinB's body betrayed her, spewing cum and pee, her throat and pussy leaking like broken faucets.
"Oh god– fucking hurts…" she whispered, her voice barely audible. The man just laughed, his deep voice echoing in her ears. He then grabbed her ankles, dragging her out of the barn, away from the screams of the other tortured women.
SinB's heart sank as she realized this was far from over. She was being dragged to the center of the camp, where a crowd of over fifty tribal men awaited, their bodies naked and glistening with some ritual oil.
"No… just kill me," SinB mumbled, her voice weak and defeated. She wanted this torture to end, but the men had other plans. The idol's worst fears were about to be realized as the tribe prepared for a night of depraved rituals.
SinB was done fighting, her body limp as a rag doll as the men chained her up like a sacrificial lamb in the middle of this tribal orgy. They tossed her onto the wooden platform, her stomach heaving, causing her to spew out the cum she'd swallowed earlier.
The men were quick to secure her, chaining her wrists and neck, ensuring she was their helpless plaything. Her curvy body was on full display, the torchlight highlighting every inch of her skin.
A dude with a lean build grabbed her hair, forcing her to look up at him as he poured some weird-ass green liquid down her throat. It was some tribal shit to keep her awake and ready for their sick games. SinB gagged on the bitter taste, but at this point, she was beyond caring.
The crowd went wild as the first man stepped into the spotlight, his cock so big it swung between his legs like a damn pendulum. This dude was a fuckin' beast, and he was about to tear SinB a new one.
He crouched down, his hands gripping her soft hips like they were made for him. He lifted her ass, positioning her on her knees, showcasing her plump, round cheeks. The motherfucker poured oil on her ass, his touch making her tremble.
SinB's ass was a sight to behold, and this dude knew it. He massaged the oil into her skin, his thick-ass thumb getting dangerously close to her tight hole. With a deliberate move, he pushed his thumb into her asshole, making her scream like a banshee.
"Fuck! Stop, you bastard!" SinB cursed, her body going rigid as she felt her ass being stretched beyond its limits. The dude's thumb worked her hole, making her scream and beg, her struggles against the chains useless.
The pain was off the charts, her ass on fire as he finger-fucked her, preparing her for the main event. SinB twisted and turned, her body a mess of desperation, but the dude held her hips like a vice.
Before she knew it, his thumb was out, and his massive cock was at her entrance, ready to breach her tight hole. With one brutal thrust, he impaled her ass, making her eyes roll back.
"Ahhhh, fuck! It's too big! It's splitting me— it's in my guts!" SinB screamed, her voice shaking.
His cock was a monster, tearing through her sphincter like it was nothing. She felt it stretching her insides, poking places no cock should go.
The man held her hips, his cock buried balls-deep, and started pounding her ass like it was a punching bag. SinB's body jolted with each thrust, her pee spraying out as her bladder broken.
The crowd went nuts, their cheers filling the air as the man brutalized her ass, his cock owning her with each brutal stroke. SinB's screams were music to their ears.
The big dude was merciless, slamming his cock into SinB's ass like a jackhammer, her body taking the full force. Her legs were straight, toes pointed, as she endured the sensation of being impaled, her asshole stretched to its limits. It felt like she was trying to poop out a watermelon, but it just kept going deeper.
SinB's eyes were rolled back, her mouth hanging open, drool dripping down her chin as she groaned and whimpered. Her pale tits scraped against the rough wood with each jerking motion.
The man grunted like a wild animal, his hips snapping forward, driving his cock even deeper. SinB's ass clenched around him, milking his cock as he pounded her hole.
The pleasure was too much, with a few more deep thrusts, he exploded inside her, his hot cum filling her ass. He pulled out, his cock glistening with lube and cum, leaving SinB's ass gaping and sore.
She collapsed onto the platform, her body trembling, unable to move or speak. But there was no respite for the idol.
Another tall, muscular guy stepped up, his cock already slick with oil. He knelt behind her, slapping her leaking pussy, making her jerk and whimper. SinB knew the routine by now, and she bit her lip, bracing herself for the incoming invasion.
A few men gathered around her head, their cocks in hand, stroking and getting off on the sight of her oily, abused body. One dude even stepped on her head, his foot pressing down as he admired the show.
The man behind her positioned his thick cockhead at her pussy lips, teasing her entrance. SinB's body tensed, anticipating the pain. With a slow gesture, he pushed inside, making her moan and arch her back.
"Ahh, shit, shit— My pussy, uhhh!" SinB cried out as his swollen tip popped through her tight pussy lips, stretching her beyond her limits right away. Her pussy clenched around his cock, resisting the invasion, but he kept forcing his way in, inch by inch.
The man was tenacious, his cock a battering ram, pushing past her resistant flesh. SinB screamed and shook, her body a mess of pain as he yanked her onto his cock, burying it deep in her pussy.
Her pee sprayed around his girth, an indication of the intensity of the insertion. The men laughed, their eyes wild with unsatiated lust as the man kept punching her inner walls, his cock slamming against her cervix with each thrust.
The sudden pleasure was intense, causing SinB's body to tremble and convulse, her pussy clenching around his cock as she climaxed, her juices flowing and mixing with his. But the pleasure was short-lived as his cock kept pounding, hitting her cervix with lethal impact, causing searing pain.
"Ahhh! Fuck, stop!" SinB cried, her body arching off the platform as the man lost control, his hips snapping forward, driving his cock deeper. Blood trickled down her thighs as her pussy was torn and ravaged, the pain almost unbearable.
The man was in a trance, his cock throbbing as he emptied his load deep inside her, breeding her pussy with his cum. He pulled out, his cock glistening with her juices and blood, leaving SinB's pussy gaping and sore.
The men weren't done with her yet. They forced her to drink more of their herbal drugs, keeping her conscious. They even splashed water on her, cleaning the blood and dirt from her body, their rough hands scrubbing her skin.
SinB's body was chained tighter, her wrists and neck secured, ensuring she couldn't escape the breeding that awaited her. More tribesmen lined up, their cocks hard and ready to take over her abused holes.
Day after day, the ritual continued, with over 60 men taking their turns with her every single day. They raped her solo, double-penetrated her, and even tried triple penetration, stretching - tearing her holes beyond their limits. SinB's screams and moans were a constant soundtrack in the camp.
The only sustenance she received was their cum, fed to her by force, enough to keep her alive and fertile for their breeding games. Her memories of her past life as an idol faded, replaced by the constant sensation of huge cocks filling her sore, aching holes.
For weeks, SinB's disappearance was headline news in South Korea. The authorities found Eunha and Umji's bodies, but SinB remained a mystery. Little did they know, she was deep in the African jungle, being bred by a tribe of men.
Weeks turned into a blur for SinB, her body now permanently marked by the tribe's ownership. Her once flat stomach now sported a slight bulge, a result of the countless times she'd been bred.
The men had moved her to the barn, where she joined the ranks of other pregnant women, all awaiting the birth of their tribal offspring.
SinB was on all fours, a leash around her neck, her body of stretch marks and bruises. Two tribesmen stood beside her, their rough hands massaging her swollen breasts, tugging at her nipples until milk squirted into a bucket, proof of her fertility - the only reason that kept her alive.
Behind her, a group of men took turns with her ass, their cocks pounding her hole to stimulate her milk production. Her pussy, already dripping with cum from the men who had just used her, was a constant reminder of her fate.
The once vibrant K-pop idol was gone, replaced by a shell of a woman, her body a vessel for the tribe's pleasure and procreation.
SinB's mind was a haze, her memories of her past life fading with each brutal fucking. She was now a breeding machine, her body existing solely to produce the next generation of this unknown tribe.
#kpop smut#girl group smut#tw noncon#viviz smut#viviz sinb#Viviz sinb smut#sinb smut#commission#hwang eunbi#gfriend smut#gfriend sinb
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eunha ♡ maniac — 𝟐𝟑𝟏𝟏𝟎𝟓
#viviz#eunha#femadolsedit#femaleidol#femaleidolsedit#ggnet#kgoddesses#kpopggedit#idolady#viviz*#*#ksource#idolnexusedit#kpopccc#kpopco#kpopedit#ultkpop#ultkpopnetwork#kpopdols#flashing tw
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SNSD Village
Season 1 Episode 2 : A busy Sunday
(Tiffany X Yoona X Eunha X Minju X Male Reader)
You check your phone as you walk out of your room. After waking up, your throat is feeling kinda dry, so you’re on your way to the kitchen. It seems like Tiffany sent you a message an hour ago. You smile when you read what it says. She wants to make another video. She uploaded the other two yesterday.
“I got some positive feedback, so why not go for another round?”
“I’m down, but I was gonna head to the gym later.”
You remember that you also have to work on your homework with Minju and Eunha separately today. Your Sunday is already packed.
You sigh as you walk down the stairs. Maybe you shouldn’t have slept this long.
“No problem. Meet me there.”
Raising an eyebrow at Tiffany’s message, you reach the end of the stairs. What is she up to? Does she expect you to sleep with her at the gym? You have to admit, you’ve never really had sex in public. But maybe, if no one is there…
You get yourself a much needed glass of water, before leaning against the fridge in the kitchen. While you drink, you quickly respond to Tiffany.
“Would you mind putting some clothes on?”
Your mom is now coming down the stairs. She told you last night that she has an important meeting at another company on Tuesday, which means she will be out of the house until then.
“I just woke up.”
You see that Eunha sent you a message too. Probably about the homework she has to do.
“That doesn’t mean you can just walk around in your underwear.”
Lifting your head, you earn a disapproving look from your mom.
“Especially when my assistant is here.”
Your heartbeat stops for a second, before you turn towards the living room. There she is. Chou Tzuyu gives you a slim, but visibly amused smile. Now you’re very aware of the fact that you really are almost completely naked. But you try to play it off. In your eyes, you’ve worked out more than enough recently, to feel comfortable in your own skin.
“Good morning, Miss Chou.”
“Good morning, Mr. Seo.”
You smile at her, hoping you don’t look awkward.
“How are you doing?”
“I’m good. Thank you.”
Now she looks around you, focusing on your mom.
“Ms. Seo? We need to leave now, if we want to catch the plane.”
“Right, Right. Give me one more minute, Tzuyu. Why don’t you start the car? I will be there in a moment.”
Chou Tzuyu slightly bows in your direction, before heading towards the door.
“Behave yourself.”
You turn around, your mom now grabbing a cup of coffee Tzuyu probably bought her on her way.
“Mom, you don’t have to tell me that, everytime you’re gone for a couple of days.”
“Oh, really? Do you want to go over this again?”
You roll your eyes.
“Good. Now, Jisoo will be staying with you two, while I’m gone. And I will ask her what you’ve been up to, once I’m back, got it?”
“Yes, mom.”
You finish the water and place the glass on the counter.
“She will be here in two hours. So please stay here with Seri until then.”
“I will.”
Your mother grabs her purse and walks past you.
“Give me a kiss.”
She smiles at you, before presenting you her cheek.
“Mom. I’m not a child.”
A glare from her makes you shut up and place a kiss on her cheek.
“Have a safe flight.”
You mumble, before you watch her heading out.
“I’m struggling with homework. Could you maybe come over and we can do it together?”
You read Eunha’s message as you walk back upstairs. You already planned on doing homework with Minju today and now you are determined to not miss out on going to the gym. So you first think about saying no. But maybe the three of you could work together?
“I have a lot of stuff to do today. But I was going to do the homework with Minju anyway. I’m gonna ask her if it’s okay if you join us.”
“Thanks, oppa. I appreciate it.”
You send Minju a message, before taking a shower and getting dressed.
“Oppa, I’m hungry.”
“I know. You already told me that.”
You reach for a drawer and take out Seri’s favorite snack. Cookies.
“But only two. Jisoo will be here later and she will make you lunch.”
You hand Seri the cookies. You watch her as she starts to munch on them. They aren’t big, at least for you, but Seri is holding one with both hands.
“You’re cute.”
You pat her head, before opening the fridge.
“Thanks, oppa. I get that a lot.”
You barely suppress a laugh as you fix her a glass of milk.
“Yes. Mom says it everyday.”
“She is not wrong.”
You slide the glass over the table.
“But she never says it to you.”
“Yeah, because I'm not as small as you, shorty.”
After taking your mom’s leftovers from last night out of the fridge, you put them in the microwave.
“I think you’re cute, oppa.”
“Well, thank you, Seri.”
You lean against the fridge as you watch her take on the second cookie. She threw a fit, when your mom bought a different kind than usual a week ago. But it seems like Seri has forgotten all about that already. Actually, she even declared that these are now her favorite.
The sound of the front door opening makes you look up from your phone. Minju just texted you that she is fine with Eunha being there too. But since her sister has a friend over, the three of you can’t work at her house. After informing Eunha, she happily invited the two of you to come over to her place.
“Oh god, yes! Make them watch!”
Tiffany cries out as you keep up the pace. She is bent over the big, silver stability ball. Only her hands and feet are touching the ground.
After you’re little roleplay a couple of minutes ago, you are now fucking her from behind, while filming her with one of her cameras. Tiffany made you pretend to walk in on her pilates class and then accused you of staring at her inappropriately. After some back and forth, she then acted surprised by your visibly hard cock in your shorts, completely forgetting about the imaginary people who are attending her class. She said something about adding some chatter and gasps here and there during editing, to really make it seem like there are more people in the room.
But right now, it’s only the two of you.The second camera is placed between you and Tiffany and the other people, filming her from the front, while you capture the view of her ass from behind. She is still wearing her white sports bra, but the sweater she tied around her waist is already lying in some corner of the pilates room. Her white leggings are only pulled down to her knees, so her ass and thighs are exposed.

Being stuck in this compromising position means for her, that she can’t do anything, but take your pounding like a good pilates instructor.
You hear her nails scratch on the wooden floor as you tighten your grip on her waist. Pushing her forward a little, you make sure that her cleavage is perfectly captured by the other camera. You put the camera you were holding down on the floor to your left, making sure it films the both of you. Now that you have two free hands, you hold her waist with both of them, squeezing her skin, as you fuck her as hard as you can. The sounds of your hips meeting her nice, tight ass echo through the room, accompanied by her moans.
“You like being watched, huh?”
You give her right cheek a slap.
“Yes, make me your bitch.”
Tiffany whines as you give her another spank.
You lean over her a little more, pressing her body further into the plastic ball. Tiffany lets out a deep breath as the air gets forced out of her body. Another spank makes Tiffany’s head drop. Her weak body is getting thrown around by your thrusts, her face now covered by her hair.
“Don’t hide.”
You reach down, pulling her head up by her hair. Tiffany groans in pain and pleasure as she feels her scalp burning and your cock sending spikes of ecstasy through her body.
“Let them watch.”
Another hard and deep thrust from you makes Tiffany’s whole body sink further into the ball. It enables you to reach forward with your other hand as well. Now, one is holding her hair in a fist, while the other is rudely holding onto her chin.
“Let them see what a whore you are for my cock.”
You are speaking through your teeth by now. Tiffany’s pussy is slowly becoming too much for you to handle. Her wet slick is making it so easy for you to fuck her hard, so now you’re in way too deep.
This wasn’t your idea to begin with. This over the top degrading and manhandling her. That was all Tiffany. To use her words:
“Use me like a toy. I want this to look really dirty.”
And now you’re holding her hair and jaw, while fucking her from behind, making her groan and moan into the camera in front of her.
“Yes! Fuck me deeper, please!”
It’s hard for Tiffany to talk with your hand on her chin, but she still manages to do so, earning a couple of particularly deep thrusts from you.
“Tell them how much you love it. Beg for it.”
You pull her hair a little harder, making Tiffany yelp in response.
“I need it! I love your cock!”
You take a step closer, so you’re now almost standing above her ass, instead of behind her.
“I can’t live without it anymore! Please! Give it to me!”
When she first explained how nasty this was gonna get, you wondered why she would do something like this. But now, her way too exaggerated words even turn you on. They make you treat her even rougher.
“I’m gonna cum so deep inside of you.”
“Oh, gosh! Please breed me! I want to show how well I can take your cum!”
You untangle your hand from her hair and place it on her chin as well. Now, you’re holding her jaw with both hands as you fuck her from behind, arching her back like a bow. Her cleavage is on display for the camera once more. But the only thing you care about right now is to finally cum inside of her.
Tiffany’s cries and whines have been reduced to weak moans, because she can’t open her mouth properly. You fuck her as hard as you can, feeling how her pussy is squeezing your cock. How her walls are trying to coax you into breeding her.
And finally, you do exactly that. You paint Tiffany’s pink walls with your sticky cum. A comfortable warmth spreads through her body as it welcomes your seed. You thrust as quickly into her as before, but with much less power. You’re falling off your high, your thrusts chasing after every tiny bit of pleasure you can get from Tiffany’s cum filled pussy.
“Oh wow.”
Tiffany laughs, back to her old self.
“Seems like you got really into it at the end there. Nice touch with holding my jaw. I liked it.”
You feel a weird sense of pride as Tiffany compliments you.
“Thank you.”
You look down as you slowly start to pull out of her. Yeji’s mom doesn’t move, even when your cum starts to run down her thighs. Only a weak moan escapes her lips.
“Do you need a hand?”
A proud smile is playing around your lips.
“Don’t act all cocky. “
Tiffany is still facing away from you, but she probably heard it in your voice.
“Just give me a moment.”
Once she gets off the ball, you hand her the pack of tissues that she brought in her bag. You watch her clean herself. Even after just fucking her, you can’t help but admire her body. You wonder if you will ever get tired of it.
“Let me change into something else and then we can go again?”
You didn’t expect her to be this into it. But then again, it is basically how she makes a living. So it does make sense that she wants to shoot as much content as possible in one go.
“What? You can’t keep up?”
Tiffany’s teasing smile makes you shake your head.
“I can go for another round right now.”
You step closer again.
“I see.”
With the same smile, Tiffany reaches down and wraps a hand around your cock.
“Fucking a younger guy really has it’s benefits.”
You feel her stroking you and you reach down to let a finger glide along her labia.
She sighs, her voice already shaking a little, her pussy still sensitive from the rough pounding she just took.
“Just let me get changed.”
Tiffany shoots a more seductive smile your way.
“Trust me, you’ll love it.”
You already thought that Tiffany looked amazing in the outfit she wore for the first video. But you feel yourself getting fully hard as soon as you see her standing in the door again. The white sports bra doesn’t just show off her nicely shaped bust, but also her tight midriff. You have to admit that, despite her age, Tiffany really has an amazing body. Her legs are clad in black leggings, which are mostly hidden by the black and yellow jacket she tied around her waist.
“Alright, young man. You up for round two?”
You try to sound relaxed, but you’re sure Tiffany heard that your voice was an octave higher than usual.
“Now, this will be the second part of the video we did yesterday. ‘My daughter’s classmate is back to work me out again’”
“Well, that’s a catchy title.”
It does sound a little over the top. But you do have to admit, if you saw that title on some porn site with Tiffany on the thumbnail, you’d click on it without another thought.
“Don’t get cheeky with me.”
Tiffany raised an eyebrow at your comment and is now reaching for her water bottle.
“Just because you’re dicking me down doesn’t mean you can come up with some snappy replies here and there.”
“What do you mean ‘here and there’? That’s just me.”
“Really? And where is the boy, who almost begged me to have sex with him yesterday?”
“I didn’t beg for anything. I was just hoping you would see this as an opportunity for you.”
Tiffany chuckles.
“For me? I have a feeling that you might be getting more out of this than I am.”
Her slightly raised eyebrows and her mocking tone seem to insinuate something.
“You mean the sex? I could call a girl in my class right now and she would be down for some fun.”
You try to sound relaxed, despite knowing that that’s not entirely true. She might. But you aren’t certain.
Despite always being more comfortable with skinship than others, Eunha has become more handsy recently. At least it seems like that to you. Her sitting on your lap in school did happen before, but the fact that she let your hand rest on her thigh… Interesting, to say the least.
But all of your thoughts on Eunha are quickly thrown to the side, when Tiffany steps in front of you.
“Although I don’t believe you, I think we should start with round number two.”
You nod, waiting for her lead. It still feels odd to you that this feels way more like work or a transactional relationship than it should be. But then again, you’re getting to have sex with Tiffany, so who are you to complain?
After she told you what to do, you sit on a bench nearby. Tiffany makes sure the camera is facing you, but not showing your face.
“Okay then.”
She nods at you, which is the signal for you to pretend as if you’re drinking.
As you do so, Tiffany starts the recording. She waits a moment, before walking into the frame.
“Oh, how are you doing?”
Her sudden cheerful attitude almost surprises you. She is able to switch so quickly. You wonder if Tiffany ever thought about being an actress.
“I’m good, thanks. I’m surprised to see you here, Ms. Hwang.”
“Why would you say that? Do you think all of this comes from nothing?”
She gestures down on herself. The camera, focused on her face, captures her satisfied smirk, when you look her up and down.
“No, I just-”
Tiffany puts a finger on your lips to shut you up.
“Listen. The gym is empty. We’re alone here. And I still remember what you did to me that night.”
“What are you trying to say, Ms. Hwang?”
“I want you to properly stretch me out again. Right here.”
She straddles your lap and you can feel her tight ass rubbing against your clothed cock. The second camera films the two of you from the side.
“R-Right here? But what if someone-”
Tiffany shuts you up once more, but with her lips this time. She makes sure to slowly grind herself on your cock, while the two of you deepen the kiss.
“I can’t wait to ride you again. I already started to miss your dick inside me.”
She speaks into your mouth, her words making you even harder than before.
You feel her tugging at the waistband of your shorts. Reaching around her, you grab two handfuls of her cheeks. Tiffany quickly pulls your shorts off your cock. Just enough, so she can wrap her hand around it. The other reaches for her bra, squeezing her own tits. You quickly undo the knot that holds up the light jacket around her waist. After throwing it away, you hook your fingers between her waist and her leggings.
“Don’t bother. Just rip ‘em.”
You look up at her with genuine surprise. You’ve never tried this before. But Tiffany’s lust filled eyes make you act quickly. You grab the black fabric right above her pussy. It’s already damp. Digging your fingers into the soft material, you pull at it. Tiffany gasps in arousal as she hears how you rip open her pants. You reveal her cleanly shaven pussy, her lips and the skin around it visibly wet. You’d have loved to give it another taste, but Tiffany has other things in mind. She spits into her hand, before wrapping it around your cock once more. Her wet hand now stroking your cock has you thrust up towards her.
“I can’t believe you’re this hard for me.”
Tiffany lifts herself off your lap and aligns your tip with her brown folds.
You watch how your length slowly disappears inside her already familiar pussy. Her eyes close quickly after. Your hands on Tiffany’s waist start to move her up and down. Her thighs flex on top of your lap as she follows your lead. Her own hands sneak around your neck, which pushes her chest further in your direction.
Tiffany’s moans become louder as the two of you pick up the pace. You thrust upwards, whenever you pull her down on you. You hit the deepest spots inside of her, which makes her hold onto your neck even harder. Her nails slightly dig into your skin.
“Really make me bounce on it, baby. I need it so bad.”
Her sigh makes you reach around her and grab her cheeks once more. The thin material almost makes it seem like she isn’t wearing pants at all. Having more leverage now, you lift Tiffany higher every time, before letting her fall onto your cock.
“Gosh, yes!”
Her cry tells you, you’re doing it right. Tiffany feels how you part her walls, how you stretch her out, with every bounce you make her do. Her eyes have been shut tightly this entire time. The pleasure overwhelms her as she completely forgets about the cameras surrounding the two of you.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!”
Her lewd words are timed with every bounce, with every spike of pleasure you send up her spine. By now, her head is buried in your shoulder. Her hands have fallen down onto your back, her body slowly getting drained of its energy. That energy gets replaced by ecstasy. You can feel it too. How Tiffany keeps tightening around you. How her ripped open pants get wetter. She isn’t moving at all anymore. You’re doing all the work, lifting her up and down.
While you do so, the growing urge to just ruin her entire being becomes unbearable. Making her bounce on your length is nice and all. But you need to be more active. You really need to rail her, like you did before. Tiffany has awakened something in you. Something primal. Something that needs to use her body for its own pleasure.
You stop lifting her up. Tiffany lets out a cute whine of disappointment. If only you knew how close she was to-
You stand up, still buried deep inside of her.
“What are you doing?”
Her weak sigh leaves her lips, her mouth right next to your ear.
“I need to fuck you so bad.”
You speak through your teeth as you walk towards the pilates cadillac. Only glancing behind you once, you make sure the two of you are still getting filmed. Once you reach it, you do your best to let Tiffany down gracefully and turn her around. The feeling of her pussy doing this circular motion around your cock almost makes you creampie her right then and there. But you hold it together. Grabbing one of her legs, you lift it over one of the bars. Her ass looks even better from behind now. You make her take a step to the right, making sure the camera captures such a beautiful view.
Except for a moan here and there, Tiffany has kept quiet so far. But now that you’re thrusting into her again, her lips become busy once more.
“Fuck yes, harder!”
One of your hands is still holding onto her waist, while the other now reaches around her. You can’t help but give her tits some nice squeezes through her top. Tiffany’s moans become louder as she feels your hand groping her mounds, occasionally pinching her nipples on accident, due to the thin material.
“Shit, you’re good.”
Your hips smack against her thinly covered ass from behind, while you keep holding onto her waist and tits. But you can feel how Tiffany tightens around you once more. You feel her juices dripping down your cock.
“Your young cock feels so fucking good!”
Tiffany becomes louder and her words dirtier. It gets worse the harder and faster you fuck her. You catch a patch of red skin underneath your hand and you feel how she pushes your other hand further down. Your hand wanders over that tight midriff of hers. You still can’t believe you are able to touch it right now. So often did you stare at it, when you saw her around the neighborhood or at a school event. You always wondered how sexy she would look, with your cum all over her toned tummy.
“Right there, yes.” Tiffany mewls, your hand now reaching the torn part of her leggings.
You keep your pace steady, making sure your cock thrusts into her tight snatch as deep as it can go. At the same time, you now let your fingers touch her clit, turning her into a begging mess.
“Rub it harder, yes. Give it to me. Use me.”
You groan, feeling how Tiffany’s tight pussy slowly pushes you towards your orgasm. But you do your best to hang on. You can’t stop now. The feeling of her juices on your cock, how her walls give you these tight squeezes at random intervals….It just feels too good to stop.
Your fingers on her clit keep rubbing it, forcing Tiffany to shut her eyes once more, her mouth spewing more and more curse words. But soon, you can feel a new level of tightness. Her walls squeeze you harder, her body seems to have become warmer. Her moans are more frequent. And then, it happens.
“Oh! What the fuck?!”
You almost lose it as well. The both of you are surprised. But Tiffany is cuming on your cock. You feel her pussy tightening around you. Her walls massage your cock, her cute moans are higher than her usual ones. Unable to see it, you can only feel how her juices make your cock dripping wet. Some of her liquid spills out of the connection between the two of you, leaving a long trail on her skin, before it disappears underneath her pants
“Oh my god.”
Tiffany has calmed down and you think you’re ready to keep going again. It was almost too close for you. But you can’t help but smile, knowing you just made her cum.
“That was actually amazing.”
She is still breathing heavily. You’re not quite sure what did it for her. The position? The fact that you’re filming? The way you fucked her? Or the way you played with her clit? Maybe a mixture of some of them.
When she turns her head to look over her shoulder at you, you see a tired, out of breath Tiffany. But her eyes tell you to do it again. Make her cum around your cock, until she loses control.
You move her again, this time laying her down on the pilates cadillac. The black fabric feels cold against her bare back, but Tiffany is only distracted for a second. A moment later, she feels you entering her once more. You kneel on the bench she is lying on, now holding onto both her thighs.
“That’s it. Right there.”
She moans, her pussy stretching around your cock easier now. Both, her hole and your dick, are wet with her juices, which ensures a smoother fucking.
“Lift my hips.”
Her moan, or rather order, makes you hold onto her waist. You lift her up, but not without a little bit of embarrassment. You would like to think that you are fine with learning more from her, but at the same time, you already want to be the best. You want to turn her into a mumbling mess, without her needing to tell you what feels best for her.
You raise her ass off the fabric, wanting to prove how well you can do. Soon, Tiffany’s hands land on her white top once more. You watch her groping and massaging her own tits through the thin material.
“That’s it, baby. You stretch me out so good.”
Your fingers dig further into the skin on her waist. One side is already red from the previous position you put her in. This way, you can drive yourself even deeper inside of her. The angle makes it possible. Gliding along her smooth walls, you suddenly hit a slightly rougher spot. The touch makes Tiffany’s back arch as she throws her head back.
“Fuck, yes! That’s the spot! Right there!”
She sounds almost desperate. As if she is afraid you wouldn’t be able to hit it again. But your next thrust lands on the same spot. You tip grazes along its small length, sending jolts of pleasure through Tiffany’s system. As you feel your own orgasm starting to approach, you pick up the pace a little, hoping you don’t cum too early.
Soon, the both of you are almost there. You can feel the familiar signs around your cock. Tiffany’s tight walls, her juices, her lips, which stick to your length whenever you move. And Tiffany can feel your cock throbbing, how you get thrown off your rhythm. Your thrusts become irregular, which surprisingly turns her on even more. The fact that she is about to make you cum again. That you can’t fight her pussy.
One last, deep trust is all it takes for the both of you to groan in union. You shoot your cum deep inside Yeji’s mom once more, while Tiffany milks your cock with her tight snatch. Her pink walls squeeze every drop out of your cock, until you’re completely spent.
After the two of you have recovered, you scoot back a little. You watch how your cum leaves her freshly fucked pussy. When you look behind her, you realize that this last part was barely filmed. Tiffany’s head was definitely in the way. But you don’t really care right now. You are still catching your breath, while one last jolt rushes through Tiffany’s body. You feel proud of yourself, knowing you made her cum. Twice. This feels even better than just fucking her, or getting to cum inside of her. The fact that you were able to make her orgasm and it even got captured on camera, places a dumb smile on your face.
You empty your bottle after your third rep of squats. While sweat drips from your soaked hair, you walk towards the water dispenser in the corner of the large room. Tiffany left barely fifteen minutes ago. After she looked presentable again, you accompanied her outside and waited for her to drive off, before you started your workout. The loud sound of the water hitting the insides of your bottle echoes through the otherwise silent building. That’s why you’re more than just surprised, when you hear a door open on your right. It’s the women’s locker room. The men’s is on the left. Turning towards the door, you are greeted by a gorgeous and welcoming smile.
“Hello, Ms. Im.”
“You’re Minju’s friend, right?”
Im Yoona doesn’t stop smiling at you as she walks out of the locker room.
“Yes. We have most of our classes together.”
“Of course I know you. My daughter talks a lot about you. Plus, I’m your mother’s friend, remember?”
That’s true. Ms. Im and your mom are more than just business partners. But lately, you barely do anything but focus on school and working out, so you don’t see Ms. Im often.
She leans forward a little, before putting her hand next to her mouth as if she doesn’t want anyone to read her lips. The gym is completely empty, but she only whispers.
“One might think she wants to be more than just friends.”
You’re not sure what to say. Minju is a pretty girl. But just a friend.
“I got you there, didn’t I?”
Ms. Im lets out a satisfied laugh, visibly amused by your flustered reaction. While she collects herself again, you finish filling up your bottle.
“You should come over more often though. Minju mentioned the two of you are doing your homework together today?”
You nod. Since your place is closer to school than Minju’s, the two of you usually hang out at yours after school.
“In the afternoon, yes. Ms. Kim told us to write an essay.”
“Ah, history. That’s why Minju asked you to work together.”
You’re surprised that Ms. Im knows that that’s your strong suit.
The two of you walk towards the other side of the gym, where you left your towel.
“Are you going to continue?”
You look up at Ms. Im’s question, after sitting down on the floor.
“Uhm, yes I am.”
You use the towel to clean the sweat off your face.
“Well, you’re totally wet. I don’t know if sweating this much is healthy.”
“I’m sorry.”
You feel a little embarrassed, remembering that you’re a soaked mess. You probably don’t smell so great either right now.
"No, it's fine. I just don’t want you to do too much. You look like you’ve already been working out a lot recently.”
“Thank you, Ms. Im. I’m just… You know, trying to get a little more physical.”
“Oh, I can see that.”
You feel an embarrassed flush on your cheeks. You’re not used to getting compliments. Especially not from a gorgeous woman like Ms. Im. Now that you’ve calmed down a little, you’re finally able to take in her outfit. She is wearing tight black yoga pants and a gray sweatshirt. But the sweatshirt is only covering the upper half of her upper body. You marvel at Ms. Im’s toned midriff for just a moment.
“Thank you, Ms. Im. You look very…”
You search for the right words to describe Minju’s mother. After getting drained by Tiffany twice in a row, your dirty mind is still active. Sexy or fit don’t really seem appropriate.
“Very much in shape too. But I usually don’t see you often here.”
“Thanks, sweetie. I do a lot of my workouts and stretches at home. Privacy and all that, you know?”
When she mentions that she stretches, your dirty mind is working overtime once more. It almost feels like Tiffany has corrupted you. Now, you just want to place your hands on her thighs, run them over her leggings, feel her ass, touch that midriff and-
You stop yourself. She is still Minju’s mother. This isn’t right.
“I get it.”
You smile at her, before taking a gulp of your water.
“But what are you doing here then, if you don’t mind me asking?”
Ms. Im lets out a melodic chuckle at your curiosity.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?”
With a teasing wink, Ms. Im disappears into the room you and Tiffany defiled earlier. You just hope you cleaned up everything.
You continue on with your workout. You and the two girls decided on 4 pm, which is in two hours. So you still have about an hour before you have to head home. After taking another sip of water, you pick up two dumbbells and continue with your routine. Watching yourself in the mirror, you catch how sweaty you are yet again. Ms. Im probably didn’t mean anything by it, but her comment made you a little self conscious now. You finish the first set with ease. The second one is a struggle towards the end. And the third makes your arms burn. Your sweat is dripping off your brows now, you can taste it on your lips. Just when you’re about to start set number four, you see the door to the pilates room open behind you through the mirror.
Ms. Im walks out of the room. You can’t help but stare, especially since she opened her sweater while she was gone. She is now showing off her black sports bra, which is matching her pants.
You only realize she is walking towards you when your eyes meet through the mirror. Putting the dumbbells back on the rack, you reach for your towel. Turning around, you wipe your face, just when she comes to a hold right in front of you.
“I’m sorry to interrupt your workout, but would you mind lending me a hand?”
Once more, your dirty mind goes into overdrive. It wouldn’t have been a problem anywhere else. But her choice of words, the empty gym… You can’t help but fantasize just a little.
“Of course, Ms. Im. How can I help you?”
“Well, I play a dance teacher in an upcoming drama.”
Minju’s mom is a famous actress. She is in a lot of good movies and dramas. So you’re actually excited to hear that she is working on something new.
“And so I’m working on my flexibility and learning a couple of dance moves. But I’m still having some trouble with specific positions. Since no one else is here”
She gestures around the empty gym.
“I had hoped you could spare me a couple of minutes.”
“I’d love to.”
Ms. Im beams up at you, before taking your hand and leading you inside the pilates room.
“By the way, do you know who’s bottle this is? I found it here.”
She points at the blue bottle, which is standing on the dresser to your right.
"Ah, yes. That’s Ms. Hwang’s. We worked out together earlier today.”
Ms. Im turns around to look at you. Her expression looks a little weird to you. Her brows are furrowed, her lips pressed together. Does she know that Tiffany…You hope not. You don’t want her to think you slept with Yeji’s mom.
“Yes, since she is a fitness coach and all that, she gave me some pointers. We ran into each other outside.”
You’re surprised to see her scoff. She mumbles something under her breath, before she leads you past the mats and the pilates cadillac.
You could’ve sworn you heard her say:
“Sons too now? Slut.”
But why would Ms. Im assume you slept with Tiffany, just because you two worked out? Weird. Maybe you heard wrong. Or did she catch her sleeping with someone else and now thinks you slept with her too because of that?
Your thoughts come to a halt, when you see Ms. Im choosing a song on her phone. She presses the plus button on her speaker a couple of times and the room starts to fill with music.
“I’m sorry Ms. Im, but I’m not really a good dancer.”
“Did you never learn how to dance?”
“Just a little. With my…ex.”
She definitely caught your pause. Because her face changes a little.
“Oh no. The two of you broke up?”
Ms. Im’s voice is full of empathy. She strokes your arm, looking at you with pity.
“Yeah. Couple weeks back.”
“I’m sorry, dear. I know how much that sucks.”
While it is nice to get comforted, you also feel a little off. You don’t need anyone's pity. You’re not five anymore. You can deal with this on your own.
“It’s alright. We didn’t have a big fight or something.”
“Is that the reason why you’re working out so much recently? Trying to get over your breakup?”
“I think I’m over her already. But thank you for caring.”
Ms. Im looks like she is about to say something, but decides to stay silent.
“If you show me what you need me to do, I will try my best.”
“That’s sweet of you, honey.”
You can still see the sympathy in her eyes, but she starts to explain what she needs you to do.
After the fourth song you feel like you’re already an expert. Ms. Im really is a good teacher. You can now move to the rhythm easier, while focusing on actually helping her practice. Your hands are connected, while her other one is resting on your shoulder and yours is placed right on her waist. You’d usually wear something more formal like a dress and a suit for this kind of dance, but it’s nice nonetheless.
Being aware that your hand is occasionally grazing her naked waist makes you a little nervous. This is Minju’s mother after all. Your mind keeps going places it shouldn’t. If you would just pull her a little closer, so her body is flush against yours…Or lean down a little, admiring her gorgeous eyes… Let your hand move further up, so it’s fully placed on her naked skin…
So many inappropriate thoughts are running through your head, that you couldn't hear what she just said.
“I think I got a hang of this. It feels natural now.”
“Oh, sure.”
The two of you come to a hold. Ms. Im turns off the music, before walking up to the ballet bar close to the wall where the mirrors are.
“I hope you still have some time to spare? There are one or two positions I’m still struggling with.”
“No problem. I have more than enough time.”
You smile at her as you step closer.
“Great. So, there is a scene in the drama , where I teach a ballet class and I need to show off my flexibility…”
Ms. Im takes a hold of the bar on her left side and raises her right leg. You watch in awe as it goes higher and higher, until her foot is almost the same height as her chest.
“Wow, that’s pretty impressive.”
“But I need to get my foot on the same height as my head. So if you wouldn’t mind lifting it for me further, I would really appreciate it.”
You hesitate for a second, not exactly sure on where to grab her. But you eventually decide on her thigh and her calf, pushing her leg upwards.You don’t stop, until you see her furrow her brows and hiss in pain.
You mumble, about to lower her leg again.
“No, it’s fine. Give me a second.”
The two of you don’t move for a couple of seconds, until Ms. Im nods.
“Okay, keep going.”
The determination on her face makes you lift her leg further. You’re almost there, but she shakes her head, obviously in pain again.
“You almost got it.”
You try to encourage her and Ms. Im gives you the signal to keep going. You feel yourself leaning against her a little as you push her leg up to her limit. Eventually, her foot does reach her ear. You see her other leg shake slightly, but she doesn’t say anything. Looking down, you lock eyes with her. When you catch her stealing a glance of your lips, you realize how close the two of you are. You back away a little and lower her leg. Ms. Im sighs in relief.
“Thank you. Can we try again?”
You help her out five more times. When she lifts her leg for attempt number six, you watch her foot finally reach her head on its own. Ms. Im lifts her head to look at the ceiling, doing her best to copy the exact stance. You only last a second. You can’t help but give her center a quick glance. Since her leg is raised high, you have a perfect view of the outlines of her lips. Barely visible, but they are definitely there.

You immediately focus back on her face as she slowly puts her leg down again.
“I think this was enough for today. Thank you for helping me.”
“It was my pleasure, Ms. Im.”
You see her putting on her thinking face, her elbow resting on her other arm, her chin placed in her hand.
“I feel like I should help you out too. And I think I know just the thing.”
Your eyes widen, when hers focus on your shorts.
“Ms. Im?”
“Well, you say you’re over your ex, but you’re clearly not. So why don’t I help you see clearly again, hmm?”
You’re surprised when she suddenly steps forward and reaches for your crotch. Her hand cups your length through the thin material of your shorts.
“I don’t know-”
“It’s okay, honey.”
Ms. Im smiles up at you.
“I can see, you still like her. But trust me, it’s not healthy for you to keep thinking about her this way.”
You swallow hard, fully aware that your friend’s mother is gently stroking your cock through your shorts.
“Ms. Im, I don’t know if this is really appro-”
“Come on, honey.”
She whispers, her hands already pulling down your elastic waistband.
“Let me give you a treat.”
Her eyes focus on your crotch again, when your shorts drop to the floor, your boxers with them.You see her smirk as she wraps a hand around your shaft.
“Looks like I’m in for a treat too.”
You can’t believe this is actually happening. Ms. Im, Minju’s mother, squats down in front of you, her hand still around your cock. She looks up at you with a caring smile, before slowly opening her mouth and guiding you inside. You hold your breath, feeling hers on your skin. But before she closes her lips around your shaft, she pulls back.
“Just teasing you a little.”
Her mischievous smile makes you bite your lip. Suddenly Ms. Im places her lips on your naked thigh. She gives you a kiss and then sticks out her tongue. You let out a deep breath as you feel her licking up your thigh, towards your crotch. You can see how your sweat leaves your skin and finds itself on her tongue.
Still too stunned to do anything, you watch her do the same to your other thigh.
She kisses your abdomen, right above your cock.
You can’t believe that this is actually happening. This is way different from what you have with Tiffany. For some reason, this feels more intimate. Her smile tells you how much she likes the taste of your sweat as she licks her lips. You never expected Minju’s mother to act like this.
Her hand is still giving your cock long, slow strokes, while she peppers the skin around it with small kisses. She gives you an occasional lick, which sends goosebumps up your spine every time.You never had anyone do this to you before. But it looks like Ms. Im is thoroughly enjoying it. She gives your inner thighs a long, slow lick on either side. You hear her humming with satisfaction, before she backs away again.
“Your body tastes so good. I could do this for hours.”
Pictures of Ms. Im, cleaning your whole body, flash through your head. You feel yourself getting harder at the thought. This feels dirty to you. Too dirty for Minju’s mother to do it. Or even consider doing it. But there she is, squatting in front of you, with your dick in her hand.
“You can relax, honey. I can feel how tense you are.”
Ms. Im gives you another loving smile as she gives your thighs gentle squeezes.
“Let me take care of you. And enjoy yourself.”
She places both hands right next to your cock, her palms pressed flat against your skin. You hold your breath as she leans forward yet again, mouth open to welcome your cock. You feel her warm breath, You see how your cock disappears inside her mouth. And finally, Ms. Im wraps her lips around you.
With her eyes closed, she stays in place, her tongue swirling around your tip. Your dick is getting wetter by the second as she warms it with her mouth. Her tongue keeps dancing along on your skin, until it finds the underside of your shaft. She presses it flat against your cock from beneath. And then Ms. Im starts to move her head. Lips still wrapped around you in a tight seal, she begins to slowly fuck her mouth with your cock. You can’t help but thrust forward a little, whenever she moves further towards you. Your hands hang loose on either side of you, your fingers scratching the empty air. Reaching forward, you place your hands on her head. Ms. Im moves a little faster, but you make sure that she is the one who is controlling the pace.
When she moves back far enough to let your cock fall out of her mouth, she looks up at you with a satisfied smile playing around her lips.
“I can’t tell what it is. But your cock…”
She doesn’t continue. Instead, she gives your tip a kiss, her eyes closed as she seems to be enjoying the taste.
It’s not like you’re complaining. Actually, it’s kinda hot to hear Ms. Im say how much she loves your taste. But you never had the same reaction with your ex or Tiffany. The thought of Tiffany reminds you of your earlier session with her. Is that it? Does Ms. Im like how Tiffany’s pussy tastes on your cock? Who could blame her? Tiffany tastes amazing. You can vouch for that.
“I haven’t had such a delicious dick in ages.”
Ms. Im continues to swoon over your cock. You still vividly remember how Tiffany orgasmed around your cock. How she drenched you in her juices.
“I really can’t get enough of it.”
Ms. Im takes you into her mouth once more. Her eyes closed, enjoying the taste. You feel her tongue roaming all over your cock, making sure she is giving attention to even the smallest of places. Right underneath your tip, circling around it. And then moving along your length, letting you feel her tongue almost slip out between her lips. As Ms. Im increases her pace further, you occasionally feel yourself hitting the wall in the back of her mouth. It almost seems like she is teasing you, by only giving you an idea what her throat might feel like. She becomes sloppier as well, the result of sucking you off too quickly. You see a strand of spit escape the corners of her mouth here and there. Your whole cock is glistening with her saliva by now and yet she won’t take you deeper.
Which you are actually thankful for. Because you doubt you would last much longer, if Ms. Im would start to deepthroat you now. Tiffany’s throat game is deadly, and Ms. Im seems skilled enough to make you cum immediately too.
But to your surprise, she moves her head back, until your cock falls out of her mouth. You let out an involuntary sigh of disappointment, when you leave her warmth.
“You’re doing great, honey.”
Her teasing smile shows that she knows that you won’t be able to take her blowjob much longer. You feel her hands, which have moved to your cock, stroking your length once more.
“Tell me. Is there a place you ex wouldn’t let you cum, after a blowjob?”
You slowly nod.
Ms. Im hums in understanding as she places your length right over her lips.
“Poor boy.”
Her sympathetic tone and eyes, which are looking up at you, are making you shudder.
“I promise you can do whatever you want. Let me help you to forget her.”
You take a deep breath. You’re reminded of the fact that this is Minju’s mother. Your friend’s mother. She knew you since you were little. The two of you shouldn’t be doing this. But your lips move, before your brain can take control.
“I’d like to cum on your face.”
You hold your breath, afraid you asked for too much. But Ms. Im’s reassuring smile makes you sigh in relief and anticipation.
“I was hoping you’d say that.”
Her lips move against your cock as she speaks.
For a moment, you feel like Ms. Im is very similar to Tiffany. How she acts, how she uses this seductive tone, the way she smiles at you as if she knows exactly what you need, even if you don’t know that yourself.
You watch her open her mouth, taking your cock back inside. Your ex honestly can’t really compare, you realize. Ms. Im was right. She does help you to forget about her. Her and Tiffany, to be precise. You wonder if it’s because of their age? Their experience? Maybe. It just feels different with the two of them. Better. More natural.
The sound of Ms. Im, fucking her face on your cock yet again, brings you back to reality. This time, her hands aren’t placed on your hips, but wrapped around your base. She doesn’t use them though. Only her lips and tongue work to make you cum eventually.
Now that you’ve realized how similar Ms. Im and Tiffany are, you also catch some differences. Ms. Im’s lips are wrapped around your cock in a tighter manner. Tiffany likes to take more of you in one go. The younger of the two uses her tongue more, while Tiffany likes to use her throat.
But Ms. Im doesn’t take all of your cock. Just enough to make you hit the wall. She could probably take all of you, if she wanted, but it really does seem like she is playing with you. Just thinking about how she is toying with you turns you on even more. Her blowjob shows that she isn’t just doing it to make you cum. She likes it too, she plays with you, giving you what you need, but not enough of it. Until there is no return.
Ms. Im lures you in, making your own orgasm sneak up on you. It builds slowly, then it drops again, but then she picks it back up again. And suddenly, you feel the inevitable urge to cum. Your fingers dig into her scalp a little, your hips bucking forward. Within a matter of seconds, Ms. Im has pushed you to the edge. The edge, which you’re now about to fall from.
You can’t warn her. Can’t hold back. The last part of her blowjob defeats you within seconds.
But Ms. Im feels how your cock suddenly becomes harder. How it pulsates inside her mouth. How you thrust into her, ready to finally cum.
But she isn’t quick enough for the first hit. Or maybe she did it on purpose?
A long streak of your cum hits the back of her mouth. Before you can release more, Ms. Im opens her mouth wide, pulls your cock out and aims it at her face. You try your best to watch as your orgasm overwhelms you. You see how you paint most of her face. Her nose, her left cheek, her lips. Your cum stains her beautiful face. But instead of complaining like your ex would’ve done, Ms. Im smiles up at you, letting out a satisfied sigh.
“Your cum tastes just as good as your sweat. Warm. And salty.”
She licks her lips and you can only marvel at how beautiful she looks with your cum all over her face.
You never thought about someone being into sweat. Specifically yours. But Ms. Im returns her attention to the rest of your body now. With a cum covered face, she licks along your thighs once more. Her eyes closed as she enjoys the taste.
You feel completely drained. The combination of your prior workout and Ms. Im’s blowjob proves too much for your body. Your legs slightly buckle as her tongue swipes over the skin right above your cock. Trying to recover your strength, you stand in place for a while, watching how she licks more sweat off your body. But when you feel Ms. Im’s tongue dip lower, giving your balls a drawn out lick, you feel your cock slowly hardening again. You wonder if she would give you another blowjob, if you asked her for it. The thought of her sucking your dick again, almost makes you fully hard once more. Just when Ms. Im wraps her lips around one of your balls, you hear chatter outside.
Fuck, someone is coming. By the sounds of it, a group of women. Which usually means they’re heading right for this room. The room you’re in. The room in which Ms. Im is still sucking the sweat off your balls.
“Ms. Im, someone is coming.”
She doesn't respond, her eyes closed, while yours scan the room for something to wipe her face with.
“Ms. Im, we need to hurry.”
“Hm? Right.”
She almost looks like she woke up from a trance. She gives your cock one last long lick, which sends sparks up your spine, before she gets back to her feet. You quickly rush over to get her the small box of tissues, which is standing next to Tiffany’s forgotten bottle.
You watch her clean her face for a second, before you pull your boxers and shorts back up, which you almost tripped over on your way to get her the small green box.
Kim Minju waves at you as she sees you crossing the road, on your way to Eunha’s place. As she walks closer, she notices how your hair is still wet. You probably took a shower before you left the house.
“Hey, Minju!”

She can’t help, but send a smile your way. Momentarily forgetting that she is kinda angry at you. She asked you to come over to her place, so the two of you can work together. She doesn’t need a third wheel. Especially not someone like Eunha. The other girl always does what she wants. She gets away with almost everything with her stupid aegyo and the boys in class always have red faces, whenever Eunha decides to wear one of those ridiculously short skirts.
It’s not like Minju hates her. That’s not it. And she isn’t jealous either. Eunha isn’t a ten out of ten. And there are worse girls than her in your and Minju’s class. But she was hoping for a quiet and relaxed Sunday afternoon with you, before Eunha’s party starts. And Eunha will probably get a little too comfortable with you again. Like touching your shoulder or arm or thigh, or even sitting in your lap again. Minju shakes her head. She should try to stay positive. Afterall, this is mainly Eunha’s personality. Most of the time, that's just who she is.
The two of you finally meet in front of the driveway. You give Minju a quick hug, before you walk towards the front door. Minju trails after you, taking a glance at the cars parked nearby. She saw Eunha drive the white Mercedes once. That was the only time Minju was ever really jealous of her. Because she doesn’t have her drivers license yet. Minju has always been more focused on studying for school. She can always get it later anyways.
“Hi, guys!”
You must have rung the doorbell without Minju noticing, because Eunha has opened the door already and is giving you a hug. Minju escapes a scoff, when she sees what Eunha is wearing. Relaxing afternoon, goodbye. Luckily, she is standing too far away, so the both of you didn’t hear her.
Minju takes another look at Eunha’s outfit as she walks up to her. She is wearing a skimpy pink top with a white bra underneath, the edges peeking out from under the pink fabric. Her whole midriff is exposed. And her skirt is way too short. Minju can even see a hint of Eunha’s white panties, because the hem of her skirt is almost at the same height as her center.
The two girls exchange a quick hug, before Eunha invites you and Minju inside.
“You guys want anything to drink?”
“Maybe some of the stuff you have for the party?”
Your joke earns you an elbow to the ribs by Minju.
“You’re not drinking now, oppa.”
“Then a coke, if you have some.”
“Make it two. But zero please.”
“Sure. Make yourselves comfortable.”
Eunha gestures at the dinner table. If only you had known how often you’d sit at that table in the future.
You and Minju take your places next to each other. While Minju is already taking her stuff out of her bag, you quickly check your phone. While you reply to a message in your class's group chat, you get a notification. A picture sent by Tiffany. You open it. Your eyes grow wide, focused on the picture. But when you hear Minju rustle around next to you, you quickly glance at her. She is busy with herself. Thank god. You tilt your phone a little away from her, hoping she won’t be able to see what you’re looking at.
The picture is a full body shot of Tiffany in a mirror. She is clearly showing off her ass, while she is standing sideways. It’s clad in tight white lace panties, which show off every curve of her peach. Now, you see the text that was sent with it.
“A gift from one of my subscribers. They want you to fuck your friend’s mom again.”
You swallow hard as you feel yourself getting hard once more. How is that even possible? You came three times already today. The words friend’s mom make you realize what you just did in the gym. Minju’s mother gave you a blowjob. Your friend’s mother. You came on her face even. A cold shudder runs down your spine just thinking about what would happen if Minju finds out.
“Would you mind putting your phone away?”
You almost fall off your seat at Minju’s words.
“Yeah, sorry.”
You say unnecessarily loud.
Eunha has just reached the table, placing two cans of coke zero in front of you and Minju, while also holding a glass of apple juice for herself. She takes her seat on your right and you take your tablet out of your bag. Minju has already started working a little it seems. Her own tablet already shows off a couple of notes.
“Alright then.”
Minju looks at the two of you.
“Ms. Kim said that our essay has to be about the Roman gods. So do we just name them and say what they stood for? Maybe add a legend or two?”
You have to admit you haven’t really thought about the task, until now. But Ms. Kim often gives the class only vague tasks for homework, because she likes to see how everyone interprets her words. You like it. It gives you freedom. And while she is usually quite strict, especially if you did nothing at all, the bar isn’t very high.
“I think everyone would do that though. It can’t be that easy.”
“Well, her last topic was the birth of Rome. And now gods…”
Minju gets lost in her train of thought, while you are searching for an answer as well.
“What do you think?”
You turn to Eunha.
“Well, didn’t she say something about the birth of Rome having two versions? A historical one and a fictional one?”
“True. Romulus and Remus. But apart from their father supposedly being Mars, I don’t know how the gods tie into this.”
Eunha’s pen hits the floor underneath the table. It slipped out of her hand. But instead of getting up and crawling under the table, Eunha leans in your direction and downwards. Suddenly, her head is resting in your lap, her cheek pressed flat against your thigh. You hold your breath as she blindly searches with her fingers for the pen. Once she gets it, Eunha gets back up.While she does so, she places her hand on your thigh as well. Her pinky dangerously close to your crotch.
“Sorry, my bad.”
She gives you a cute smile. If you would’ve turned around, you would have seen Minju, rolling her eyes.
Now you need a moment to collect yourself, before you’re finally able to come up with an idea.
“Maybe it’s not just about Roman gods. I mean, there are similarities between Greek, Roman and Egyptian gods. Ms. Kim could’ve thought about that.”
“But then, she would’ve said that.”
You nod at Minju’s comment, but Eunha shakes her head.
“I think you’re right. It makes sense. Since the Romans did kinda copy the Greek gods, right?”
“They did. You think that’s what she was talking about?”
“You’re the best at history.”
Eunha pats your thigh, giving you a cute smile.
“I trust you.”
“Fine. Let’s go with that then. Minju?”
You turn towards her, trying to ignore Eunha’s hand, which is still lying on your thigh.
“Sure. Where do you want to start?”
The three of you get to work. While Eunha makes a list of the most important gods, you and Minju search for their Greek and Egyptian equivalents. Minju is very aware of what is going on in the shadows though. Eunha’s hand, which sometimes lingers on your thigh too long. Her naked leg touching yours, when she scoots a little closer. And especially how Eunha occasionally fixes her top, while you talk to her. It’s not jealousy that is fueling Minju’s growing anger. It’s the fact that Eunha even dares to do all of it right in front of her. And that you don’t even seem to notice. Minju expected you to tell Eunha to stop. Or at least acknowledge it in some way. But to her, it looks like you’re completely oblivious.
Which is definitely not true. Because from the moment Eunha placed her head on your thigh, you keep trying to focus on your homework. Eunha is cute. And hot. There is no doubt about it. And if Minju wasn’t here, maybe you’d fool around with her a little. But Minju is here. And you don’t want to make her feel uncomfortable.
“The next one is Venus. I forgot what she stands for?”
Minju rolls her eyes once more. But instead of saying anything, she takes a big sip of her coke, trying to drown her anger.
“It’s the goddess of love and sex.”
Eunha wiggles her eyebrows at you. You clear your throat, trying to prevent any escalation.
“Yeah. Her Greek equivalent is Aphrodite and her Egyptian one is Hathor.”
“That’s the goddess with the cow head, right?”
Minju writes it down after getting your confirmation.
“What do you think the sex goddess looks like?”
Eunha’s question makes you silently dig your fingers into your own thigh. She couldn’t be more obvious. And if Minju didn’t notice yet, she now must know for sure.
“I’m not sure. I mean, she isn’t real, right?”
“Well, if she would be. What do you think she’d look like?”
Minju hesitates for a moment. She can sense how you’re trying to avoid the question. But she's had enough of this. She can’t let Eunha toy with you the whole afternoon and she can’t stand the fact you only seem to notice now what’s actually going on.
“There are a lot of different statues of all three of them. You can just check them out and-”
“Oh come on, oppa. Tell us. What do you think she would look like?”
Minju places her hand on your shoulder. Her question makes your heart drop. You swear you heard a slight hint of anger in her voice. And while the two of you annoy each other from time to time, you’re still great friends. You don’t want to hurt her. You think about it for a while, trying to come up with an answer, which would get you out of this once and for all.
“Like my ideal woman. My type.”
“Yes, but what is that?”
You focus on your can of coke, which means you miss the anger filled eye contact the two girls share. Minju is annoyed by Eunha and by you. And Eunha can’t believe Minju is now trying to compete with her for your attention. This was her idea after all. It’s not like she always had a crush on you. But Eunha did notice how you grew up over the last couple years. You work out more and take care of yourself better. But when she sat in your lap a couple of days ago, she could feel that you were more than happy to have her sit on you. Eunha couldn’t help but slightly grind on it for a second, hoping you wouldn’t notice. She got curious how big you actually are. That’s why she planned on seducing you today. Minju coming along completely ruined this day for her.
“I don’t know. A beautiful face? A fit body?”
“That’s all?”
Eunha places her hand on your thigh once more.
“There must be some other features on a girl’s body you find attractive, right?”
“Come on, oppa.”
Minju makes you focus back on her.
“Tell us. We don’t bite.”
Minju’s smile does seem genuine, but you are not one to take these kinds of risks.
“Sorry ladies, need to head to the bathroom real quick.”
You quickly get off your chair.
“Down the hall, on your left.”
“Thanks, Eunha.”
You leave the two girls alone. Once you reach the bathroom, you sigh in relief. That was close.
“What the hell, Minju?”
Minju plays innocent.
“Oh, please. Keep it in your pants.”
“Excuse me? You are the one who is barely wearing anything to begin with.”
“This is my house. I can wear whatever I want.”
Eunha gets off her chair to put away her empty glass.
“Why are you suddenly trying to get in my way anyway? The two of you have been just friends for years. You suddenly got the hots for him, or what?”
“Eww, no.”
Minju makes a disgusted face, but even she can’t fool herself anymore. The stupid, dumb, childish boy she once knew is already mostly gone.
“But I don’t want my friend to start seeing a slut like you.”
“What did you just call me?”
Even when she is angry, her hands at her waist, her brows furrowed, Eunha is still hella cute.
“Have you even looked at yourself?”
Minju, who is still sitting, gestures at Eunha, who is standing in front of the table.
“I can see your panties from here.”
“That’s the point. Do you think he saw them too?”
Eunha wiggles her eyebrows and gives Minju a satisfied smile.
“Trust me, Minju. I don’t wanna be rude or anything, but you don’t have much going for you, that you could show off anyway.”
Minjus scoffs in disbelief, rolling her eyes.
“Who says I want to show off anything to begin with? And I do have enough to show off.”
Eunha shakes her head.
“You don’t have big tits. Or ass. Not even thighs.”
She lifts her leg, placing her foot on a chair.
“Look at mine. Do you know how many guys stare at my thighs at school?”
Eunha places her foot back on the ground with a victorious smile playing around her lips.
“All of them.”
“Oh, really? If I wanted to, I could make every guy fall for me. But I’m just not a slut like you are.”
“Prove it then.”
Eunha crosses her arms in front of her chest.
The two of them stare at each other for a while, without saying a word. Eunha doesn’t want to back down. She knows that she has bigger thighs and a great butt. On the other hand, Minju isn’t sure what she should do next. But when she hears the bathroom door open, she acts quickly.
Eunha raises an eyebrow as Minju reaches for the zipper on her top. She starts to pull it down. The two girls keep eye contact, right until you walk back into the dining room.
“There you are.”
Eunha reacts first, giving you a cute smile, while Minju lets go of her zipper. She quickly glances down, to see how far she pulled it down. She sighs in relief. Not too far, but enough for you to notice the top of her black bra. Now Minju regrets not putting on the one with the lace on it, when she was deciding on what to wear earlier.
“How do you guys feel about snacks? I’m starving.”
“Sure, thanks Eunha.”
You reciprocate her smile, before sitting down.
Minju pulls her collar a little to the sides, making sure you have a better view of her cleavage. But her jaw almost drops, when she sees what Eunha is now doing.
The older girl reaches up to grab a box of sweets, which were placed inside one of the higher drawers. But she is way too small, so she has to get on her tiptoes. Your eyes are focused on her as well now. Because as Eunha stretches upwards to get the colorful box, her skirt raises as well. You get a very good view of her thighs, then a hint of her white panties. And eventually, Eunha basically shows off her whole ass. If you weren’t hard before, then you are definitely hard now.
Minju’s body heats up in anger. No way that wasn’t intentional.
You quickly turn around to look at Minju. She didn’t catch you staring, did she? As you look at her face, you notice how her top is now more open than before.
“So for the second part…”
She is focused on her tablet while she speaks, but you can’t focus properly. You’re busy with giving her cleavage a glance, and another one, and another one, and-
You shake your head. What is the problem with you today? How is it possible you’re still this horny after going two rounds with Tiffany and receiving a blowjob from Ms. Im?
“Here you go.”
Eunha places the box of sweets in front of you as she sits back down. But instead of sitting normal, she puts one leg up, her foot resting on the chair. She reaches for a chocolate bar and starts to eat it with her chin on her knee.
You’re almost too scared to look down. At this point it feels like the two of them are doing this on purpose. But that sounds ridiculous. Minju has been your friend for years. Why would she suddenly try to make a move on you? And Eunha? Well, she is always a little handsy, but today it’s a little much. Or is this your dirty mind speaking again? Are you trying to make more out of this than it actually is?
You pick a chocolate bar as well and start to eat it to calm your nerves, as the three of you get back to it. But your situation doesn’t improve much. Now Minju is the one who places her hand on your arm more often than you can count. She touched your hand as well, while she was reaching for the small box. And at the same time, she leaned over, giving you a proper look down her top. You’ve never seen this much of her. And only now do you realize how pretty Minju really is. Not just her chest, but her face as well. Her big eyes seem to constantly look at you with affection, her brows furrow, whenever she concentrates on the task at hand. And her lips look better than you remember.
Meanwhile, Eunha has unbuttoned two more buttons on her top, saying it’s way too warm for her. She is basically giving you a full view of her clothed pussy and her thighs look better than ever.
But Eunha notices how your attention slowly drifts more and more towards Minju. And you can’t deny it either. While Eunha is beautiful and all, it’s Minju with whom you share a deeper connection with. Your eyes keep wandering between her tablet and her chest, while the two of you start to finish the assignment. Eunha gets annoyed by your lack of attention. After all, this is her house. And she is the one who planned on having fun with you. Not Minju. You and her are turned towards her tablet, your backs almost facing Eunha by now. To be fair, Eunha isn’t really working anyways.
“Fine then.”
She thinks to herself, ready to finish this once and for all.
Eunha lifts herself off her own chair and gets closer to you. In one swift motion, she lands on your lap, pretending nothing is happening, while looking at Minju’s tablet as well.
You try to protest, but you know it’s already too late. She must feel how hard you are. How your clothed cock is slightly rubbing against her panties as she gets comfortable on top of you. And Minju is starting to scream on the inside. How can Eunha be this daring? This slutty? Right in front of her? And why aren’t you stopping her?
Minju tries to suppress her emotions to the best of her abilities. You aren’t her boyfriend. So technically, it’s not her place to say anything. But still…. She can’t just sit here and watch.
As subtle as possible, Eunha takes your left hand and places it on her naked thigh. She smells like vanilla, her scent almost making you forget about Minju. But when she lets your fingertips slip in between her thighs, you quickly look at your friend. Minju has slightly turned away, so you can’t read her face. Unbeknownst to you, she is pretending to get a text from Yeji, just to get her out of here.
“Sorry, guys. Yeji just sent me a message. She needs my help, so I better get going now.”
Your hand escapes Eunha’s dangerous trap to hold Minju’s shoulder.
“You’re leaving already? We’re almost done.”
“I think it’s an emergency.”
“Okay, Minju. It was fun to work with you today.”
Minju can tell Eunha’s smile is fake from a mile away.
Once the front door closes behind her, Minju hangs her head. What is she doing? Why is she getting so worked up about this? She clears her throat and zips up her top again. Minju shakes her head, her cheeks still slightly red from her anger. No. You can do whatever you want. You aren’t her boyfriend. And she doesn’t like you like that anyway. It’s more like Minju is almost envious of Eunha. She doesn’t want to walk around with a skirt that shows off her panties. No, that’s not it. But Minju wants to have the same confidence as Eunha. She’s always been a little more introverted and she definitely missed out on stuff because of that. But it always seems like Eunha is always just doing what she wants. That’s what Minju is really bothered by.
You try your best not to stare, but it’s in vain. Who could resist? Your eyes are focused on Eunha’s panties, which are only partially hidden by her skirt as she closes the front door. When she turns around, you quickly look at her face instead.
“Do you want to finish this?”
Eunha’s sweet smile makes you nod.
You watch her walk over to the table. But instead of sitting down in her own chair, she straddles you once more. But this time, she is facing you.
“Eunha, what-”
“You said you want to finish what we started.”
Her smile turns into a mischievous grin, before she leans forward to press her lips against yours.
“This is too fast!” Screams the voice inside the back of your head, but your hands have already taken a hold of Eunha’s full thighs and your lips are already inviting her tongue inside.
You finally push her back a little.
“What? Don’t you think I’m sexy? You kept looking at me this whole time.”
Her lips land on yours once more. And you have to admit, you don’t know how to respond. You did imagine how it would feel like to have those thighs wrapped around your head. Or how cute Eunha’s moans would sound like. But that was just imagination. Because you didn’t think she actually wanted you.
You break the kiss, your head falling back as Eunha grinds herself against your hard dick. She uses this opportunity to tilt her head and attack your neck. Determined to mark you, wanting to show Minju that she got you, she sucks and bites your skin. Her own hands roam your back, keeping you close and pressing your chest against hers. You feel the heat inside her body, especially at her center.
Your fingers dig further into her thighs, making a moan escape her lips, before you start to actually move her back and forth in your lap. Her clothed pussy rubs against your pants and you can’t wait any longer. You need to feel her. Now.
You stand up slowly, Eunha instinctively wrapping her legs around your hips. The two of you quickly reach the sofa in her living room. You sit down on it with Eunha still in your arms. The whole time she kept on kissing your neck and cheek and is now backing away.
“I can feel how hard you are. Let me help you out.”
Her cute wink makes you let out a deep breath, before you watch her climb off of you. But instead of getting onto the carpet, she makes you move over, so that you’re lying down. The sofa is big enough for her to kneel next to you and it only takes you a moment to realize why she did that. While Eunha starts to take your pants off, you reach behind her, her skirt barely covering her ass. You give her right cheek a hard squeeze, making Eunha gasp.
“You can play with my body all you want, oppa.”
You slightly raise your hips, making it easier for her to finally pull your pants off. At the same time, you feel the fabric of her panties against your fingers. You hook one finger underneath it, right when Eunha wraps a hand around your cock.
“I knew it.”
Her eyes, which were focused on your cock now look at yours.
“You have a really nice dick.”
Before you can reply, you see her opening her mouth and leaning down. A low groan escapes your mouth as you feel Eunha’s lips wrap around your tip. Even if you see Tiffany’s blowjobs just as foreplay, this would already be your second of the day. First Ms. Im and now Eunha. Unconsciously, you dig your fingers into her full cheek, right next to her pussy. It makes Eunha lean forward a little further, taking your dick deeper into her mouth.
“God, Eunha…”
You feel her smile around your length. Wanting to repay her, you reach for her panties and pull them slowly to the side. They’re slightly damp already. You let one finger glide around her labia, collecting a little bit of her juices. But you come to a hold, when Eunha starts to properly suck you off, her tongue dancing around your tip. For a small while you’re unable to do anything but watch. Eunha looks so hot in this position. Bent over on your side, her mouth around your dick, her cute face showing signs of pleasure and her ass completely visible, due to her skirt, which has fallen down around her hips by now.
Eventually you do pick up where you left off. Reaching a little lower, you let your fingers glide over her clit, which is partially covered by her lips. Eunha moans around your cock, making your head roll back in response. Soon after, you let a finger slip into her pussy. A lustful hum sends vibration into your cock and all the way up your spine. Once you’ve established a proper rhythm, you and Eunha pleasure each other at the same time.
While she sucks you off, you finger her. You can feel how Eunha’s pussy becomes wetter, how it occasionally clenches around your first and now your second finger as well. At the same time, Eunha can feel your hard shaft inside her mouth. It does take her some effort to properly suck you off. She did feel you before through your clothes, but you’re slightly bigger than she anticipated. Not that she is complaining. Not at all. Eunha is already thinking about her next move. As she lets her lips glide along your shaft, she is already planning on taking you inside of her properly. Does she want to do it right here? In the living room? The thought alone gets her going as the pace of your fingers quickens. She imagines herself bent over the backrest, your cock being the thing that moves in and out of her and not your fingers.
Eunha’s eyes close, her body slightly sways back and forth, her lips still sealed tightly around your shaft. You do your best to satisfy her, not wanting to disappoint. After all, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Your classmate giving you head.
You need to take a deep breath when Eunha decides to go even deeper. You feel the back of her mouth hitting your tip. She gags once, twice. Her spit coats your shaft. Your head rolls back and your eyes stop at a picture of her. Of Eunha and her sister. The two of them on holiday, at a visibly hot place. Her crop top and skirt are almost as short as the ones she is wearing right now. You can’t help but glance at her sister. You haven’t seen Wonyoung in almost a year, but she is as sexy as Eunha is. For a moment, you imagine how hot it would be to have both their mouths around your cock. You doubt you would last long with the Jung sisters. Especially if they would start doing more than just giving you head.
You let out a deep groan as you think about the two of them a little too long. Eunha can feel your hips bucking upwards as you almost start to fuck her mouth. Your fingers inside of her move faster now, fueled by the images inside your head. The teasing from earlier and now this… You know you won’t last much longer.
Eunha’s eyes roll to the back of her head as she feels your thumb circling her clit, while your other two fingers keep pumping in and out of her. Her body becomes weak due to the pleasure that is rushing through her system now. She slumps down a little, almost impaling her mouth on your cock. Her warmth around almost your entire length makes you almost cum right there.
And then the phone rings. Your eyes grow wide and Eunha quickly lifts her head off your cock.The two of you look at each other. You catch a thin strand of her saliva sticking to her chin.
“Yours or mine?”
Eunha quickly gets off of you and heads for the table. As you watch her, reality seems to finally hit you. This actually just happened. You got a blowjob from Eunha. And you had your fingers inside of her. You can’t help but smile. After getting the opportunity to sleep with Tiffany and receive head from Ms. Im, one would think you’d be used to it, but who could get used to that? You feel like the luckiest person on earth. How did you manage to pull this off?
Eunha quickly glances at the caller’s ID, before picking up.
“Yes, Zuha?”
“Hi, unnie. Just wanted to let you know we are done with buying the stuff for the party. Do you want anything else?”
“Uh…No I’m good.”
Eunha suddenly remembers that you’re still here. Half naked.
“A-Are you already on your way back?”
“Yes. I’ll be at your place in around five minutes. The party is starting soon.”
“Okay, thanks Zuha.”
Eunha hangs up and turns around. She knows it’s dangerous to continue. But her eyes automatically focus on your cock. Just a little longer…She feels her core still tingling. She has five more minutes anyway.
“We have five minutes.”
The determination in Eunha’s eyes puts a little bit of pressure on you. Does she expect you to make her cum right now? You watch as she steps closer. But this time, instead of kneeling next to you, Eunha straddles your face, placing both her thighs on either side of your head. Before you can react, Eunha is already pressing her pussy against your mouth as she leans down to swallow your cock once more. As her taste takes over your mouth, you wrap your arms around her waist and pull her even closer. The two of you focus on pleasuring each other once more. You feel Eunha slightly grinding against you, while she feels how you slightly thrust upwards whenever she takes you in deep.
You both know you have only limited time. And eventually, Eunha is the first to lose it. You feel her tremble on top of you. Her moan around your dick sends you right to the edge as well. You place your hands on her ass, making sure she stays in place as her thighs shake. But the feeling of her soft cheeks and the way her mouth coats your cock with her saliva finally prove too much for you.
You join Eunha in her orgasm. For a couple of moments, the two of you are just a shaking mess, until you both calm down. Only as you lap up Eunha’s juices, which are glistening on the skin around her lips, do you realize that you just came inside her mouth.
Eunha climbs off of you and then turns around. Her cheeks are a little red from her orgasm. And when she opens her mouth, you see your cum inside of her. She closes her mouth and gives you a sexy smirk. You can tell she is playing around with it with her tongue. By the way her right cheek bulges, it seems like she pushed all of your cum into that one cheek.
“If only we had enough time…My pussy is just so wet right now.”
She lifts her skirt and your eyes dart back and forth between her wet pussy and her cum filled mouth. You can’t decide on what’s hotter. But Eunha quickly helps you decide by opening her mouth once more, pushing your cum around with her tongue again.
“You should give me more of this later. It tastes very good.”
“Fuck, Eunha.”
You get up as well and take a step closer.
“Stay here after the party. I need you to use my body to make yourself cum.”
She closes her mouth once more and your eyes widen when you watch her throat bulge slightly. Eunha gulps down your cum with a satisfied smile on her face. She opens her mouth again, showing off that she swallowed the whole load.
You’re about to say something, when you see a car pull onto the driveway through the window behind her. The two of you quickly try to look normal. You put your pants back on, while Eunha pulls down her skirt a little further. Just when you finish packing your things, you hear the doorbell ring.
“Hi, Zuha.”
The two girls share a quick hug, while you down the rest of the Coke Eunha gave you earlier. Kazua seems to have noticed you, because she calls your name.
“Hey, how are you doing?”
You haven’t seen her for a couple of days. The only class the two of you share is Ms. Kang’s PE class.
“I’m great. Are you going to help us set everything up?”
Before you can answer, Eunha shakes her head.
“He was just here because we did our homework together. He was just about to leave.”
She turns around to face you.
“You’re coming back later, right?”
Eunha gives you a seductive wink.”
“Yeah, I’m just gonna change and be right back.”
You feel a little awkward talking to Zuha after cuming inside Eunha’s mouth mere moments ago. But Eunha seems to be unbothered as she helps the younger girl get all the booze out of her trunk, while you head back home.
You laugh triumphantly, raising your arms. The ping pong ball just landed inside the red plastic cup across the table from you. You ignore Yeji’s glare with practiced ease as you give Eunha a high five. Your teammate changed her clothes as well. Instead of wearing a pink top and a black skirt, she is now wearing a pink top with a white skirt. They are both bigger now, which means no one can see her panties while she just stands around. But her skirt is still short enough to show off her thighs. And by the looks of it, you aren’t the only guy at the party who appreciates Eunha’s outfit choice.
“Eunha unnie!”
One of her friends calls her and a moment later, Eunha disappears inside the small crowd in her living room. You head for the kitchen to get yourself another drink. While reaching for the bottle of whiskey, someone bumps into you from behind, before she takes her place next to you and holds out her cup.
“Pour me one, loser.”
You roll your eyes as you open the bottle.
“Suck a bag of dicks.”
Someone just turned off the lights, so you can’t see her face, but you know it’s not Yeji. She would never talk to you voluntarily.
“Right back at ya.”
You fill your cup, before you let the bottle hover over hers.
“Changed my mind.”
You hear her scoff as you put the whiskey back down and put the lid on.
“You suck.”
She reaches for the bottle.
“Says the cheerleader who has the flexibility of my great grandfather.”
The two of you would have continued your daily amount of banter, if it wasn’t for Minju, who suddenly appears on your other side.
“Oppa, wanna dance?”
“Not really, no.”
Minju ignores you and takes your hand. You’re reminded of her mother from earlier today. Another wave of guilt washes over you. You quickly drown your feelings with the whiskey in your hand as she drags you towards the middle of the living room.
It seems like the music becomes louder as you watch Minju starting to dance. Her body moving to its rhythm.
“Come on.”
Her smile warms your heart as she sees you just standing there. You take her hand and Minju playfully lifts it over her head and twirls around underneath it.
Soon after, the two of you are surrounded by only lights. Only the two of you exist. And the music. The music makes Minju move. Move against you. Her back presses against your front. Her head just right where your heart is. Her arms are raised as she lets the feeling of ecstasy rush through her body. You look down on her with a smile on your face. Minju’s happiness captivates you too. You reach down, placing your hands loosely on her wide hips. You feel the black denim on your skin. Minju keeps on moving her body to the music as you hear her laugh. You move closer, pressing yourself flush against her from behind. The two of you were never this close. But now, Minju is dancing in your arms.
After a while, you feel her ass brush against your crotch once. And then again. And again. You can feel how Minju almost grinds herself back against you as she dances in the middle of the room. In the middle of the crowd. You don’t know if it’s intentional or not, but Minju starts to make you hard. Your hands on her hips were already a start, but her ass against your clothed cock quickens the process.
A moan almost escapes her lips as Minju feels your length between her cheeks. Up until this day, there was never any sexual tension between the two of you. You were always friends. Nothing more. And yet, Minju can feel how right this is. How good it is. It’s the first time she is even thinking about your cock. Even during the competition earlier, she didn’t really think about sleeping with you. It was just to prove to Eunha that Minju can be as sexy as she is, if she wants to be. But now, your length makes her let out another moan. The loud music stops it, before it reaches your ear. Minju closes her eyes as she keeps dancing. As she keeps grinding against you.
Minju’s warm body against yours almost makes you forget what you planned on doing today. But when your eyes fall on Yeji, who is talking to Kazuha, you remember vividly. For some reason it almost turns you on even more. That Yeji will be seeing a video of you fucking her mother.
Minju makes you focus on her once more, when she reaches for your neck. Your eyes leave Yeji and you look down on the girl in front of you. She slightly pulls your head down while she keeps her eyes closed. You wouldn’t dare to kiss her right now. Not even on her forehead. But you can smell her shampoo as you get close enough. You close your eyes as well, inhaling Minju’s scent. You wonder what could’ve happened next. But the music stops. Everyone around you stops dancing. Minju turns around to look at you. Before she can say something, you take your phone out of your pocket.
“I gotta show you something, Minju. It’s important.”
She nods and you take her hand and lead her outside the living room. Once the two of you reach a quieter place, you take a deep breath. The dancing just now makes you see Minju in a different light, but you have to focus.
“Here. Someone sent it to me.”
You click on the video and let it play. You see Minju narrowing her eyes as she takes a closer look.
“T-This is…They are…”
Her eyes are now wide open as she realizes it’s a video of two people having sex. It looks like the guy is holding the camera.
“I wanted to show it to you first.”
You try to sound as concerned as possible. You hate to lie to Minju, but if this is the way to finally make Yeji pay, so be it.
“You see the woman? Isn’t that Yeji’s…”
You don’t finish the sentence, but Minju surely understands what you are hinting at.
She leans in closer, wanting to make sure you are wrong. But when the camera zooms in on the woman’s face, Minju lets out a gasp. She looks up at you with shock in her eyes.
“Who sent this to you?”
“That’s not the worst part, Minju.”
You point at the lower right corner of the video. The hallway is almost completely dark, but your phone is bright enough for Minju to read the watermark.
Minju’s worried face almost makes you confess, but you stay strong.
“I-I have to tell her.”
Minju has already walked past you, but she stops and turns around.
“Can you send it to me? She won’t believe me otherwise.”
You see the disgust on her face. She doesn’t want that video to be on her phone. The video of her best friend's mother having sex. But she has to tell Yeji.
“Thank you.”
Minju disappears inside the living room and you lean against the wall behind you. You sigh, shaking your head. Now that you did it, you wonder if this was too hard. What if it destroys Yeji? Will she confront her mother?
While you’re having second thoughts, Minju has already reached Yeji.
“Come with me.”
Another shot of whiskey burns your throat. You just saw Minju and Yeji disappear upstairs and you know there isn’t a way to undo this. And now that you did it, you feel horrible. But then again, Yeji has tormented you since you can remember. You are just the first person to strike. You’re sure that Yeji has something up her sleeve as well.
“Slow down, oppa.”
Eunha appears next to you and grabs your cup, before you’re able to drink more.
“You don’t look so great.”
“I’m fine.”
You reach for the bottle, but Eunha slaps your hand away and shakes her head.
“No more drinking, oppa.”
“I said I’m fine.”
“I don’t believe you. You look down. But that's okay. There are other ways to lift your mood. Better ways.”
Her last words make you look at her and her smirk tells you what she has in mind.
Eunha places a finger on your lips, while her other hand reaches for one of yours.
“I’ve been so fucking wet since you made me cum.”
She kisses your cheek as you feel your fingers brush against the hem of her skirt.
“Do it again.”
“There are people here.”
“So? No one is watching. And because of the counter, no one can see my lower half.”
You know it’s true. And the idea of being able to have your fingers inside of her again makes you hard. You know you shouldn’t. It’s too risky. And yet you don’t fight it, when Eunha guides your hand along her thigh.
You aren’t surprised by her lack of panties. She already told you what she planned on doing with you later on. Her hand rests on your arm as you insert two fingers inside her snatch once more. Eunha is facing the crowded living room and you stand behind her. She is forced to look at all the people here, trying to pretend like nothing is happening. Eunha can almost feel like somebody's watching her. In the far right corner of the living room. But she doesn’t dare look up. Her eyes close as you put your thumb on her clit.
You can tell that Eunha is still wet from earlier. Her breathing is already getting faster. She begins to lean back against you as the pleasure turns her legs into a shaking mess. She reaches forward with one hand, supporting herself on the counter in front of her. The other hand is still holding onto your arm, her nails slowly starting to dig into your skin. Eunha tries to stand straight, but she falters as your thumb begins to circle around her clit.This got her going before, so why not do it again?
Soon, Eunha’s full body weight is on you and her ass is pressed against your clothed cock. Her breathing is shallow and quick as if she just went for a run. You’re actually impressed by how quiet she is, but then again, the music is quite loud. You see that her eyes are closed, before she buries her face in your shoulder. It sounds like she lets out a cry. A second later, her whole body shakes. Her pussy contracts around your fingers and you almost feel how her clit is pulsating against your thumb.
She sighs into your shoulder, visibly satisfied after her orgasm. But now you are hard. And you can’t help but let your, with slick covered, hand run over her naked thigh. Eunha notices how your dick pushes against her ass from behind. With a cute smirk on her lips, she reaches behind herself.
“Let me help you too, oppa.”
It takes her a while, because she can’t see what she is doing and because she only uses one hand, but eventually, Eunha has unzipped your zipper and fished out your cock. Your pants stay on and so does Eunha’s skirt. You lean forward a little, sliding your cock between her thick thighs.
Another sigh leaves her lips and you try to act normal by not looking down on what you’re doing. That’s why you’re now able to see Minju and Yeji walk through the living room. They are heading to the front door. Yeji’s head hangs low, her face covered by her hair. Minju seems to be comforting her as her hand rests on her friend’s back. You feel a sting of regret in your chest, but Eunha quickly makes you focus back on her.
“Fuck my thighs, oppa.”
You plant a kiss on the back of Eunha’s head and start to thrust in and out of the gap between her thighs. The thought of Minju and Yeji is soon gone as you take your pleasure from Eunha. You’re careful to not go too fast or hard, afraid someone would notice. Instead, you enjoy Eunha’s softness with slow and long strokes. Both your hands hold her waist, keeping her in place.
“You feel so big…”
Eunha’s eyes are closed once more, her head slowly sinking back against your shoulder again. You’re tempted to give this beautiful face a kiss, but now you feel it too. The same thing Eunha felt earlier. The feeling of someone watching you. Your heart pounds faster and you slow down your thrusts. You look around, trying to make out the person who is looking at you two amongst the crowd. When you don’t find anyone suspicious, you shrug off the feeling. Maybe you’re just nervous. Or it’s the alcohol in your system.
Another sip of vodka burns Kazuha’s throat. Her eyes are fixated on what’s going on in the kitchen. You’re still standing behind Eunha. Earlier, it seemed like you had a hand under her skirt, almost as if you were fingering her. But now, Kazuha is sure that you’re actually fucking Eunha. Slow and careful, but not unnoticeable for anyone who looks at you more carefully. The older girl’s head has dropped back against your shoulder and Kazuha can see her pleasure wrecked face. Eyes closed, nose slightly scrunched, lips twitching. She can’t believe the two of you would do something this daring. She already suspected you, when she saw the two of you earlier. The way Eunha was dressed only meant one thing. And now she got proof. After another gulp of the burning clear liquid, Kazuha can’t help but place a hand loosely over her shorts.
Her fingers just slightly press against her core. She’d never do anything intimate in such a public and crowded place. But the sight of you fucking Eunha only a few meters away from the crowd turns her on. Kazuha bites her lip as she presses down on her core a little harder. Very very slowly, she moves her hand up and down. The alcohol and the increasing need slowly makes her body burn up. If only she could…
Her fingers linger on her belt. In that moment she sees someone walking towards you and Eunha. She sighs in disappointment. Kazuha watches how you quickly step back and reach towards your pants, while Eunha, still a little out of it, straightens her hair and her skirt. The two of you pretend like nothing happened. And after a couple of words, Eunha and her friend exit the kitchen.
“Goodbye! Get home safe!”
As soon as the door closes, you press Eunha flat against it. The two of you quickly lose yourselves in a heated make out session. After getting interrupted earlier, the both of you are too horny to even wait a second. Eunha’s house is now empty. Everyone is gone. Only the two of you are here. And you make use of that.
Because you are still hard from earlier, Eunha doesn’t bother with giving you another blowjob. As soon as your pants are off, she spits into her hand and reaches for your shaft. The two of you look into each other’s eyes as she strokes you, coating your cock with her spit.
“I need you so bad. Fuck me hard.”
Her words make you kiss her once more, your hands roam her body. You enjoy the feeling of her curves under your palms. Eventually, you push her towards the couch. Eunha quickly throws away a jacket someone left there and puts an empty bottle on the table next to it. Now that you have enough space, you bend Eunha over the armrest. You are doing this quickly. You can’t wait any longer to finally feel Eunha’s pussy properly.
“Fill me, oppa.”
She sighs as you lift up her skirt, exposing her ass and her pussy as well. Your hand slides over her wet labia, making sure she is wet enough, before you align yourself with her core. Slowly pushing inside of her, you press Eunha further into the soft armrest. The two of you take deep breaths as each of you try to get accustomed to this new feeling. Your length makes Eunha feel full. She can tell how you’re stretching her out. At the same time, you can’t help but compare Eunha’s pussy with Tiffany’s. She is tighter. That much is clear. But Tiffany is also a little smoother than Eunha on the inside. Maybe that’s because Tiffany is just wetter than Eunha. Either way, both of them feel amazing. And now, Eunha’s snatch lures you further inside. Her body wants to feel more of you.
You place your hands on her back, leaning over her. Now she can’t escape, fully trapped in between you and the armrest. After pulling out almost entirely, you thrust back inside.
“Holy fuck…”
Eunha’s lust filled sigh makes you smirk as her body gets rocked forward.
“How was I able to wait this long? It feels so good…”
You’re not sure if she is talking to herself, but you lean down further and kiss her neck.
“You’re so hot, Eunha.”
Another thrust makes her move once more. Her face is now on the same height as the small coffee table next to the sofa. Eunha can’t help but stare at the picture that is standing on it as you give her another thrust. Her and her sister on vacation. The one you saw earlier.
“I’m such a slut. Fuck me hard.”
She whines, turned on by the thought of having her sister in the picture watch her getting fucked.
You notice how her eyes are glued to the photo. You hesitate as you keep fucking her, but eventually you decide to speak your mind.
“Wonyoung is so hot, Eunha.”
“You really think so?”
Her breath quickens, but she almost sounds disappointed. You can feel how tight her pussy is around your cock. How it holds onto you, whenever you retreat.
“Of course. I bet she is the thightest.”
“Oh, fuck!”
Eunha didn’t think this would turn her on so much. She bites into the leather armrest, trying to prevent another yelp.
“And her face…I just want to ruin it. This little brat.”
Eunha’s eyes roll to the back of her head as your cock reaches her deepest depths. She cant’ belive she is getting fucked in her parent’s living room. Right in front of a picture of herself and her sister.
“Yes, ruin her. Make her cheat on her stupid boyfriend. I bet your cock is way bigger than his.”
Her whines make you kiss her neck again, before whispering into her ear.
“Do you like it when I talk about fucking your sister, while I use you as a fleshlight?”
Another whine. Eunha nods weakly, your cock seems to push all of her energy out of her with every thrust.
“Yes, I like it. I like it when you use me like a slut.”
You fuck her harder, too turned on by her words to hold yourself back.
“That’s what you are, Eunha. A slut.”
The word rings in her ears as you pound her from behind. She can almost feel how it invades her mind, how it makes her feel good.
“Yes, I’m a slut. Your little slut, oppa.”
Her cries have you press down on her back further. You can feel how her body tenses under your weight. How her pussy clenches around your length.
“That’s why you always wear these short skirts. You love it when everyone can see your thighs and ass.”
“That’s true. I love to feel like a slut.”
You push Eunha’s body further over the armrest, until she almost falls over. Your thrusts now reaching even deeper inside of her. Her ass is now at the perfect angle for you to give it a nice slap.
"Harder, oppa!”
Eunha cries out, when you hit her cheek. The flesh ripples even more, because you keep fucking her. Her walls tighten around you with every following thrust.
“Damn, Eunha. You’d do anything for my cock, wouldn’t you?”
“Yes, I would. Anything.”
Another slap almost makes her sob.
“You’re such a pathetic slut, Eunha. I’d rather fuck your little sister.”
The volume of her whines increase with two more slaps on each of her cheeks. Her head is hanging so low by now that Eunha has to look up to see the picture of her sister.
"Do it, oppa! Please! I’m just a worthless slut.”
Her cry almost makes you feel pity. Her pussy still has a tight grip on your cock and her walls massage you during every thrust. How could you ever think about someone else while you fuck her?
“No you aren’t, Eunha.”
Your kiss on her lower back is more affectionate this time. More loving.
“You are a good girl. And so fucking hot.”
Instead of spanking her, you now squeeze her cheeks softly, soothing the pain from earlier just a little.
“I’m not. You are right, oppa. I’m a huge slut.”
Her whine makes you fuck her harder. Your hands are both now holding onto her waist. You rock her body back and forth. Every thrust makes Eunha lose control further. Her legs can’t support her anymore. They are too weak by now. She is just hanging off the armrest, while you fuck her from behind.
“Don’t put yourself down like that. You’re beautiful, Eunha. I’m in love with your body.”
You hear her gasp and moan at your words. Eunha’s body is all warm and light. Her pussy is taking your cock so well, her walls stretching around it to take in as much as possible.
“Thank you, oppa. I really want to be a good girl for you.”
“Then ride me.”
You peel her off the armrest and lift her up. She’s lighter than you expected. As you move her around to sit on your lap, her foot hits a bottle on the coffee table in front of you. She knocks it over and it falls to the floor.
“I’m sorry, oppa.”
Eunha whines, but her pussy tingles as she looks down to see your cock lying against it.
“I changed my mind. You really are a bad girl. A slut.”
Eunah whimpers as you lift her and ease yourself inside her once more.
“I-I’m not a slut. You said-”
“I lied. You’re nothing but a set of holes.”
A moan leaves her lips as she glides along your length.
Her disappointed sigh makes you lift her up and drop her again.
“Shut it.”
You wrap your arms around her waist, pulling her close.
“I wish you were Wonyoung. She is way prettier than you. And tighter.”
Eunha whines as you make her ride your cock. You lift her up far enough, so her feet are planted on your thighs, while her pussy moves up and down on your cock.
“But I’m doing my best. Isn’t my pussy tight enough for you?”
“You mean this pathetic little cunt?”
You give her clit a light slap.
Eunha gasps and moans. Her body shakes. You feel bad for a moment. Was that too much? Did you hurt her?
“I’m sorry, oppa. You’re right. Wonyoungs pussy is better than mine.”
Her sobs tell you that it did hurt. At least a little. You kiss her neck, wanting to ease the pain.
“But please use me, while she isn’t here. I’ll do my best for you.”
“I don’t know if that’s gonna be enough, slut.”
Throughout the next couple of hours, Eunha proves what a good slut she can be time and time again. By now, the two of you made it to her room. You don’t remember how many times you’ve already filled her pussy up, but Eunha seems as hungry for your cum as before. Now she is riding you again. You lie flat on her bed, while she keeps bouncing on your cock. Her clothes are all gone by now. Her naked body captivates you, your eyes currently focused on her tits. You reach up to them. You play with them, squeeze them, pinch her nipples. It all makes Eunha ride you faster.
“Am I a good slut for you, oppa?”
You were able to taste the alcohol on her lips during your kiss at her front door. But now it seems to be completely gone as she leans down to give you another kiss.
“Yes, you are. Such a tight, good little slut.”
Her proud smile turns into an O as your tip grazes her deepest spot. Her tight pussy squeezes you hard. Her hands on your chest make her nails dig into your skin.
Her cry rings in your ears as Eunha almost collapses on top of you. But you hold her in place. Her limb body too weak to move. You start to thrust into her from underneath. A couple of weak moans leave her lips. You’re close as well. You can feel it. Her small orgasm has pushed you towards the edge. Her walls still give you irregular squeezes. Her cute face wordlessly begs you for another load.
You tighten your grip on her hips. A couple of more ups and downs, until you finally hold her in place. Eunha’s ass is pressed against your lap as you shoot your cum deep inside of her. Your classmate moans, feeling your seed invade her pussy.
You let go of her waist and she sinks onto your chest.The two of you stay in place after a long night of partying and sex. You feel her chest heave and her face on your chest. You listen to Eunha’s breaths. They become slower and slower. And eventually, she falls asleep.
You wake up alone. It’s a slow process. But eventually you are able to realize where you are. Still at Eunha’s. You hear her rummaging around downstairs. After a couple of minutes, you finally reach the foot of the stairs. You’re worn out and still tired. But since today is a holiday, you don’t have to go to school.
It seems like Eunha has already cleaned up most of the party from yesterday. You spot her standing in the kitchen. She is wearing nothing but a black bra and matching panties. You can already feel how the sight of her makes you hard again. Why are you so horny lately?
“Hello, there.”
Eunha gives you a bright smile. Walking up to her, you watch what she is doing. Breakfast.
You walk up behind her and wrap your arms around her waist.
“Is that oatmeal?”
Eunha definitely caught your lack of excitement.
“It is. But only for me. Your breakfast is over there.”
She points at the bag of cereal on the edge of the counter. A bowl and milk next to it.
You start to make your own breakfast.
“Is this Wonyoung’s?”
You catch her hesitating, before she nods.
“It is.”
You reach out for her arm.
“Sorry about last night. I got carried away a little.”
Eunah smiles at you.
“It’s fine. It was kinda…hot.”
You smile back at her and pour the milk into the bowl with the cereal.
“But just to make things clear: This was just pure sex. Nothing more.”
You look at her and nod.
“No problem."
You walk up behind her again. You just can’t help it. She just looks so good when she wears only underwear. Eunha bites her lip when she feels your cock press against her cheeks.
“But I hope we can have some more fun now?”
“I’d love to.”
Eunha leans back and captures your lips with hers. You let your hands wander over her chest, giving her tits a couple of squeezes.
“But I’m sure my mom is coming home soon. We will have to be quick.”
“Don’t worry. This won’t take long.”
Eunha chuckles as she feels you pulling her panties off her hips. Your boxers lie on the floor a second later.
“Oh, yes.”
Eunha sighs, her hands pressed flat against the surface of the counter in front of her as you push inside. Her pussy feels familiar to you by now. Warm and tight. Just wet enough for you to fuck her properly after a couple of slow thrusts.
“We definitely need to do this again sometime.”
She sighs dreamily, eyes only half open as she feels you slowly pushing in and out of her. The two of you are still sleepy, so you don’t go too hard. Another moan leaves Eunha’s lips as you push a little deeper. Her head falls back. You kiss her upper back, her shoulders, her neck. Her skin feels smooth under your lips. You close your eyes as the two of you get lost in the pleasure that both your bodies provide for one another.
Suddenly, the two of you freeze.
“Was that a car?”
“Shit, shit, shit! My mom!”
You can see the fear in Eunha’s eyes. It was already dangerous enough to throw a party at her house, without permission. But if her mother catches her while she gets plowed in her kitchen…
#kpop#kpop smut#kpop girls#kpop gg#male reader#snsd tiffany#snsd yoona#girls generation tiffany#yoona girls generation#lim yoona#eunha smut#viviz eunha#gfriend eunha#eunha#izone minju#kim minju#minju#snsd village
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Be Sure Of It

Here we are with Eunha. In the end, I kept it as only her because I had this idea. Honestly, though, I may use the building mentioned for some other smuts. It would be pretty easy to insert other idols there and just have a universe around it. Also, it was a little tricky to write this because I had to think about whether to refer to Eunha using the stage name versus her real name.
Length 3.2K
Eunha X Mreader
You waited nervously at the restaurant, tapping your fingers on the table as you waited for your date's arrival. You peered out the large windows, hoping to spot her; her profile was on your phone, so you didn’t mistake someone else for her. Then, you saw her across the street, her bag slung over her shoulder as she hurried towards you. Relief washed over you as you recognized her, and she noticed you, too, waving with a bright smile. She walked around the corner, stepped inside, and headed straight toward you. “Hi! I’m Eunbi; sorry for keeping you waiting!” She exclaimed, slightly out of breath, as she sat down and reached over the table to shake your hand.
“It’s nice to meet you too. I was a little worried you wouldn’t show up,” you admit, feeling a mix of relief and nervousness. Your heart was pounding, and you couldn't help but wonder if she felt the same way.
“I’d never no-show a date. It’s hard enough to get one with my job.”
You nod your head, trying to remember what her job was. “It was as a-”
“A health girl,” Eunbi interrupts, “I’m glad you remember,”
“Yeah, I tried to remember everything you had on your profile. I must have gone over it a hundred times before today.” You feel immediate embarrassment as those words leave your mouth, and you hang your head, feeling like you just made a big mistake.
Eunbi laughs, though, “Really? Were you that interested in me?” Looking up, you see Eunbi resting her head on her hand, her cheek squished.
“Um, yes,” You say quietly, feeling a warm flush spread across your cheeks as Eunbi's laughter fills the air. You could feel your cheeks turning red, and you were sure she could see it, too.
“Don’t be shy; that makes me pretty happy. I don’t get many matches because of my profession. Those that I do get usually only want one thing. So, what made you interested in me?
“I thought you were cute and saw all the pictures of you cosplaying. I thought it was cool.” You say shyly.
“Ah! You looked at them?!” The excitement in her voice was evident, “Which one was your favorite?”
“I liked you as Haruko from Slam Dunk,” you reply, pulling up the picture. “I liked your smile; you looked really happy in it.”

Eunbi purses her lips, trying to hide her smile. “Thanks,” she giggles. “No one really likes those old shows anymore, but I think they’re pretty fun.” You and Eunbi spent the date discussing old shows and sharing that interest. It was enjoyable; the two of you enjoyed sharing your thoughts about which shows should be remade and which should remain classics. As your time together came to a close, you ordered an ice cream and headed out the door together. You walked around, continuing your chat until you found yourselves in the city’s central park.
Eunbi came to a stop, sitting on a nearby bench and waiting for you to sit next to her. “Tonight has been really fun, and I want to go on another date.” She says quietly, her happy energy from earlier fading as she becomes serious. “But are you sure you are okay with dating someone like me? It’s just- I mean, a lot of guys say they’re okay with it, but they really aren’t. They try to get me to quit as soon as we’re together.” It’s clear to you this was something Eunbi had gone through multiple times; the anxiety in her voice and the fact she was staring at the ground the entire time she spoke was enough. “I-I just…”
“Eunbi, I’m okay with it.” You say, placing your hand on hers. Eunbi raises her head, turning to face you. “It must be hard on you, looking for someone, but I’m okay with you having that sort of job. I’ll never make you quit; that’s your decision.” You take a deep breath, “I’d like to take you on another date, Eunbi.”
Eunbi sniffles, and a small smile appears on her face. “Thanks for saying that, but,” she pulls her hand away and reaches into her bag, pulling out a small business card. “I think you should see me at work before you decide if you want to go on another date with me.” Eunbi pushes herself off the bench and stands up. “Anyway, thanks for tonight. I had a lot of fun. You know where to find me, " she says softly.
You rise slowly and walk over to Eunbi with the business card still in hand. “Yes, I do. Thanks for tonight, Eunbi.” You wrap your arms around her and hug her, feeling her arms hesitantly wrap around you before cinching in. After a moment, the two of you break apart and head separate ways for the night.
That night, you looked at the card before going to bed, feeling excited about the next step. You wanted to go on another date with Eunbi, so you had to visit her first. You notice the name change on it; she didn’t use her real name. She used Eunha.
A few nights passed when you decided to visit Eunbi at her workplace. While the place was open all day, Eunbi worked in the evenings and nights, so that’s when you had to go. It was in the red-light district. You weren’t familiar with it and wandered around, trying to find the place. Neon lights glowed from every building, painting the street with various colors. You continued past the barkers, trying to get you to walk into their establishment. You turn your head, viewing both sides so you won’t have to do another lap. Then you spotted it; it was a large building that took up an entire block. Much like the other buildings in the area, it bathed the street in bright pink neon lights. You cross the street, getting closer, when you notice the women dancing inside, inviting men to enter. They wore revealing outfits, from bunny suits and sexy maids to wedding dresses, with some just in lingerie. The ground level had them separated into their own rooms. You come to a stop, though, as you pass by a crowd; glancing at the window, you see one of the women having sex, fucking like a rabbit in heat with her breasts pressed against the glance. You pry your eyes away and look ahead, noticing she isn’t the only one. Other women in the rooms ahead were also having sex.
You refocused yourself and continued toward the entrance, heading inside and finding a similar situation, with women in rooms, some dancing and others having sex. On occasion, there would be room blacked out, giving you the hint that some people wanted to be watched. Once down the hall, you found a board of faces—a picture of a woman and their face on it. Some were greyed out, signifying they were with a client. “You have to put money in first, sir.” You hear from behind you. Turning around, you find a staff member sharply dressed in a suit behind the counter. The man repeats himself, pointing to the bottom left of the giant screen. You notice a smaller pad was there to take payment. “If you’d like any information about the ladies before choosing, please feel free to ask me.”
“Is Eunha here?” You ask nervously.
The staff member looked down at something before meeting your gaze and responding matter-of-factly, “Yes, she is. She is on the top left-hand side of the board.” You nod and pay for an hour's session before returning to the larger screen and looking for Eunha. You spot her picture at the top and press it, confirming your choice after.
“Good choice, sir. Here is your room key, " the staff member says, pulling out a keycard. “She is on the second floor; once up the stairs, go to the right side at the end of the hall, turn to the left, and she will be at the end of that hall.” The man extends his arm, showing you the staircase. You take the keycard and give the man a nod before heading up the spiral staircase, finding a large lounge with a couple of men sitting idly. You glance at the other two hallways before heading to the right. You feel your heart beat faster as you make the final turn and head to the end of the hall. You stand outside the door and take a deep breath before tapping the keycard and opening it. You step inside and find Eunha waiting on the other side. She’s in a school uniform that’s been cropped and is wrinkled. The skirt, if you could call it that at this point, ended a few inches from the waist. Eunha had on a pair of crotchless panties, and you could see how slick her thighs were with her; there was cum running down her legs. On the top half of her body was an open button-up shirt that she had tied together in a loose knot, her nipples poking through the thin fabric.
“Oh! It’s you!” Eunha says with a smile on her face. “You actually came.”
You nod, “I said I would.”
Eunha chuckles, “I guess you did.” You both stand there awkwardly, unable to continue. “Please have a seat.” Eunha moved back to the kingsized bed. She throws herself on it and pats the spot next to her. After sitting beside her, Eunha places her hand on your thigh. “I guess you can see what my last customer did to me,” Eunha says, looking between her legs. “I barely had time to get the room ready again.” She sighs, looking down at the floor and kicking her feet softly. “This is what I meant; I understand if you don’t want to date me. Who would want to have a girlfriend that’s constantly getting fucked by others.” You feel the sadness begin to seep through into her voice.
You shake your head, “Eunbi, I told you I don’t care. I knew that going into this, I’d have to be okay with you having this job. Look, I know we’ve just been on a single date, but I like you, and I want to see where this goes.”
“You mean that?” Eunha asks, her voice wavering. You nod at Eunha and place your other hand on hers. Though small, your action was enough to give Eunha some confidence in you. She sniffles before giving you a bright smile. “I guess we should get started then, right?”
“I guess so.” Eunha presses her lips against yours, pushing you onto the bed and straddling you. You feel the passion behind the kiss, the corners of her mouth pulled into a smile. She lifts your shirt past your arms and over your head. Eunha was confident in every action. She moved down slowly, raising her ass in the air as she worked at getting your pants down, unbuckling your belt, and unbuttoning your pants. She stares you down as she bites down on the zipper tab and pulls it down. You can see a growing hunger in her eyes as she crawls over you and steals another kiss from you. You feel her hands move down your side as she tries to pull your pants off you.
You help her get them off, along with your underwear. Eunha’s hand grasps your shaft, moving up and down slowly as she meets your gaze. “You’re already nice and hard for me.” She whispers, her grip growing tighter. You see her smile grow as you moan her name. Eunha moves her other hand down, cupping your balls. “These are so big and heavy. I haven’t eaten all day. You have a lot of cum for me, right?” She gives you a pout before moving down your body and pressing her face against your cock, letting the tip rest against her forehead. She kisses the shaft and takes in your scent before wrapping her hand around it again. Eunha shuts her eyes and presses her lips against the base of your cock, inching upward toward the tip. She was moving toward more sensitive areas, and with each kiss, precum leaks from the tip of your cock.
Finally reaching the tip, Eunha opens her eyes again. She smiles at you before pushing the tip against her lips, slowly spreading them and allowing you inside her warm mouth. You feel her tongue run up and down your shaft as she rubs the head against the inside of your cheek. Her hand strokes the base of your cock, ensuring you’re getting the most out of it. She pulls back slowly, letting her saliva drip onto your cock, her tongue sticking out.
Running her hand up and down your shaft, Eunha spreads her saliva across your cock. “This is going to be good,” she mutters, leaning down and wrapping her lips around your cock. You groan, enjoying as Eunha bobs her head, her tongue running along the underside of your shaft. You rest on your elbows, watching Eunha, noticing as she moves one hand down and fingers herself, occasionally pulling out to rub her clit. You place your hand on her head, earning you a glance from Eunha. She continued, slowly down and taking more of you in. You lean back and groan loudly as you feel yourself hit the back of her throat.
Eunha pulls back slowly, slobber running down her chin and onto your cock. She slaps herself with it, dirtying herself further. She strokes your cock quickly as she speaks, “You’re so close; I felt your cock twitch. You can cum whenever you want; you don’t even have to warn me. I’ll be able to drink it all up.” Eunha smiles at you before making your cock disappear again.
You struggle to hold on as her tongue lashes at the tip of your cock. Eventually, you’re forced to cum; you buck your hips upward into Eunha’s mouth and cum inside. She presses her hand against your pelvis, pushing you down as her lips form a seal around your cock, and she drinks every drop. She bobs her head slightly as you cool down from your climax. Eunha slowly comes to a halt and leaves your cock with a pop, “Ahh, that was so good,” She moans, licking her lips.
Eunha places her hand on your cock, stroking it to get you hard again. “That must’ve felt really good for you; you came a lot.”
“It was amazing,” you groan, her grip tightening as you get hard again.
“I’m glad you enjoyed it. Now it’s time for the best part.” Eunha straddles you, rubbing your cock between her folds as she aligns you to her entrance. She reaches forward, grabbing your hands and interlacing her fingers with yours as she lowers herself onto your cock. You slip in easily, her warm and slippery walls snuggly wrapping around your cock as she rests against your pelvis. Eunha’s soft moan fills the room, and you move up her body until you meet Eunha’s gaze. She gives you a soft smile that you can’t help but return. She keeps her hands with yours as she begins to bounce on your cock, soft moans flowing from her lips. Eunha leans against you, your hand holding becoming the only thing keeping her up. You lowered your eyes, noticing the knot that kept her shirt together come loose. Your eyes became glued to Eunha’s chest, watching her tits bounce as she rode you. “Ah, hold on,” she moaned, letting you off your hands to throw off her shirt. Eunha placed her hands on your chest and began moving again, her slow movements picking up speed with time. You placed your hands on her waist, holding her as she rode you. Eunha kept her eyes shut and threw her head back, groaning as she felt your cock go deep inside her. “You’re…going to… make me cum,” Eunha said, struggling to get her words out.
“I’m going to cum too.” You grunted, your cock throbbing against her tightening walls. You begin thrusting into Eunha, going deeper as your bodies collide. “I want us to cum together,” Eunha nods her head, biting her bottom lip as she nears her climax. You both cry out as you reach your peak; Eunha slams herself down on you, impaling herself on your cock and cumming with you. You pull Eunha into a kiss as she collapses on top of you, her chest heaving as you both slowly come down.
“That was amazing,” she says, still out of breath. Eunha unmounts you and places herself on your bicep, taking a few deep breaths before looking into your eyes as you lay there together.
“I’ve seen you at your work now. So I can ask you out on another date, right?” After a few minutes of staring into your eyes, her face turns red. She covers it with her hands and turns her back to you. “Eunbi? What’s wrong?” You ask, trying to turn her back around.
“It’s embarrassing!” She shouts into her hands.
“Ahh! I said all those things in front of you!” Eunbi buries her face into the mattress and kicks her feet.
“Those things?” You ask curiously.
“Those things about your cock and balls. It’s so dirty!” You laugh at her answer, making her raise her head. “Don’t laugh! I only say those things here because people like to hear that!” She explains, her tiny fists knocking on your chest. “You’re never going to hear me repeat those things! They’re too embarrassing to say to someone I’m dating!”
You laugh again, enjoying how embarrassed she was. “So, does that mean we’re going on another date?” Eunbi pauses her tantrum, realizing what she said. She peers up at you, and you ask again, “Eunbi, would you like to go out on another date?”
Eunbi feels a warmth in her heart as she hears your question being asked so sincerely and nods. “I’d like that; yeah, let’s go on another date,” she says softly before embracing you. You spend the rest of your time lying together. When your time runs out, and you're forced to separate, Eunbi kisses you on the cheek. “I’ll text you, okay?”
“Yeah, of course.” You respond before kissing Eunbi one more time before you go. “Have a good day at work.” She smiles and waves as you shut the door behind you. You get home sometime past midnight and lay in bed. You couldn’t sleep, though; your body was filled with energy after your night with Eunbi. You thought you would feel tired, but that wasn't the case, and just as your mind began to drift, you got a single-word message from Eunbi.
“Breakfast?” It made you chuckle, and you agreed to meet her for breakfast in the morning. The two of you met for breakfast, chatting about old cartoons like you had on your first date. Eunbi felt content, happy to have found you, and hoping the relationship continues. The wariness of a new relationship was still on her mind, but seeing that you went further than many others had dared to, she felt a sense of comfort with you.
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Wagering Emotions
Kinkvember Day 21: Free Use
GFriend/VIVIZ Eunha (Jung Eunbi) x Male reader
16.8k words
AN: Hi guys! Are you proud of me? This girlie is finally leaving the house for something besides school! 😅 I started this fic right after yesterdays since I knew I had limited time today. Even so It's a bit of a long one, so I hope you're comfy and enjoy! 💖

“Oh, God—harder! Yes, right there!” The sultry cry was followed by a series of sharp, breathless moans that reverberated off the thin apartment walls. “Ugh, you’re so deep in me—don’t stop!” The woman’s voice dripped with exaggerated pleasure, her words climbing louder with each gasp. The rhythmic creaks of a bed frame added to the cacophony, creating a soundscape that was impossible to ignore.
Eunha clenched her pillow over her ears, but it was no use. The noises seemed to seep through the fabric, crawling under her skin like a relentless itch. Each gasp and moan hit her with jarring sharpness, as if mocking her failed attempts at peace. The bedframe’s incessant squeaks provided a rhythm to the chaos, an unrelenting reminder of what was happening mere feet away. She sat rigid on her bed, her teeth gritted so tightly her jaw ached. Her heart pounded in her chest, not from embarrassment but from pure, boiling frustration.
The moans built higher and higher, peaking with a sharp, guttural scream. “Ohhh—yes!” The sound stretched out, lingering in the air as the bedframe gave one final, forceful creak before silence fell.
The stillness that followed should have been a reprieve, but it wasn’t. It only magnified the absurdity of the situation, the weight of her irritation pressing down on her chest. She let the pillow fall from her hands, her gaze fixed on the cracked ceiling as her breath came in uneven bursts. The faint scent of lavender from her diffuser drifted through the room, its calming intention now nothing but a cruel joke.
This was her sanctuary—her home. Or at least, it was supposed to be. Instead, it felt like she was the intruder, an unwelcome guest in her own space.
It wasn’t just the frequency of these escapades, though they had escalated to near-nightly rituals. It was the complete disregard—the audacity to treat their shared apartment like a personal playground, to push her patience to the breaking point without so much as an acknowledgment.
With a sharp inhale, Eunha swung her legs over the side of the bed, the cool wood flooring grounding her as her frustration surged. She shoved herself into her oversized hoodie, the fabric heavy against her skin, and stormed toward the hallway. Each step was deliberate, her bare feet making soft, muted thuds on the worn hardwood. The flickering bathroom light at the far end of the hall cast erratic shadows on the walls, making the narrow space feel both claustrophobic and foreboding. The air was heavy, thick with a lingering warmth that seemed to seep through the apartment from your room.
As she reached the hallway, the muffled murmur of voices caught her ear. A giggle—soft and self-satisfied—floated through the stillness, followed by the unmistakable sound of your door creaking open. Eunha froze, just for a moment, letting her anger sharpen as her gaze fixed on the corner where the hallway turned.
When you appeared, the sight of you leaning casually against the doorframe was almost enough to send her over the edge. The lazy smirk curling at your lips, the easy, unbothered confidence in your posture—it was infuriating. But it wasn’t just you. Draped against your arm, looking equally disheveled, was Umji— one of her closest friends.
Eunha’s breath caught in her throat as her gaze locked onto her. No. No way.
Umji’s hair was a tangled mess, loose strands clinging to her flushed cheeks. Her makeup was smudged, faint streaks of mascara trailing under her eyes, which darted away as soon as they met Eunha’s. A collection of red marks decorated her neck in uneven patterns, stark against her pale skin. Her lips, swollen and trembling slightly, glistened faintly as though they’d just come up for air. The hem of her mini-dress hung unevenly, the fabric wrinkled and askew as though hastily pulled back into place. Most noticeable, though, were her legs—wobbly, hesitant steps that made the sound of her heels on the hardwood uneven. She clutched your arm for support, her fingers curling into your sleeve like a lifeline.
“Hey!” Eunha’s voice sliced through the stillness, sharp and unyielding. The sound echoed down the hallway, and both you and Umji froze.
You turned slowly, clearly unhurried, the smirk on your face deepening as your gaze met Eunha’s. “Something on your mind, Eunha?” you asked, your voice a drawl of mockery. The lazy tone only fanned the flames of her irritation.
But Eunha barely registered you. Her focus was locked on Umji, who flinched under the weight of her glare. Her posture shifted awkwardly, her hands fluttering uselessly at the hem of her dress, as though she could somehow straighten out what had already been done. Her cheeks were flushed a deeper red now, her lips parting as if she wanted to speak, but no words came. Her gaze darted back to the floor.
Eunha’s fists tightened at her sides as she took a step closer, her pulse pounding in her ears. The hallway felt oppressively small now, the dim light casting jagged shadows across the walls and your smug face. The faint scent of Umji’s floral perfume lingered in the air, mingling with the unmistakable musk of sweat, creating a cloying atmosphere that made Eunha’s stomach churn.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Eunha finally said, her voice low and trembling with fury. Her words were directed at Umji, whose trembling hands fidgeted with the hem of her dress.
“Eunha, I—” Umji began, her voice cracking as she looked up, her tearful gaze locking with Eunha’s.
“You what?” Eunha snapped, taking another step closer. “You knew. You knew how much I’ve complained about him—how much he’s driven me insane. Hell, I spent hours venting to you, and you always agreed with me. Told me I was right to hate him. And now you’re just… this?”
“It’s not like that,” Umji said, her voice barely above a whisper. Her shoulders curled inward as though she were trying to make herself smaller. “I didn’t plan—”
“Didn’t plan it?” Eunha interrupted, her voice rising. “That’s all you’ve got? You didn’t plan to hook up with him? Do you realize how screwed up this is?” Her voice wavered, her anger laced with hurt that she couldn’t quite hide.
“I didn’t mean for it to happen,” Umji pleaded, her lips trembling as fresh tears filled her eyes. “It was—it was stupid, okay? I made a mistake.”
Eunha let out a sharp, bitter laugh. “A mistake? That’s what this is to you? A mistake?” Her voice cracked as she gestured at the red marks on Umji’s neck, the uneven dress straps, the swollen lips that spoke of the hours Eunha had unwillingly endured through the walls. “You’ve seen how much he’s made my life hell, and now you’re just another name to add to his list.”
“I know I messed up,” Umji whispered, her tears spilling over now, streaking her smudged mascara further. “I didn’t mean to hurt you, I’m sorry.”
Eunha shook her head, her chest heaving as she fought the wave of emotion threatening to overwhelm her. She turned her glare to you, standing there with that smug, satisfied smirk plastered across your face like this was all some kind of twisted joke. “And you,” she spat, her voice dripping with contempt. “You’re disgusting.”
You shrugged, your smile deepening as you raised your hands in mock innocence. “Hey, don’t blame me for what she wanted.”
The casualness of your response nearly made Eunha snap. Her nails dug into her palms, but she forced herself to take a deep breath, swallowing the venom that threatened to spill over.
“Unbelievable,” Eunha muttered, turning her attention back to Umji. Her voice dropped, quieter now but no less sharp, each word laced with the sting of betrayal. “I can’t even look at you right now.”
Umji opened her mouth, her lips trembling as though she wanted to explain, to apologize, but Eunha didn’t wait to hear it. She spun on her heel, her steps echoing sharply down the hallway as she stormed toward her room. The flickering light overhead illuminated the unshed tears brimming in her eyes, though the heat of her anger kept them from falling. The ache in her chest twisted deeper with every step, but she didn’t dare let it show.
At the threshold of her room, she paused, her knuckles whitening as she gripped the doorframe. She turned, her glare icy and unwavering as it locked onto you. Her voice was curt, sharp enough to cut through the suffocating tension. Enough was enough.
“Look, we need to talk. Now.”
You sighed, the sound heavy with reluctant amusement. “I’ll text you later, okay?” you said smoothly, glancing at Umji as though she wasn’t Eunha’s closest friend, but just another girl in a long string of conquests. Your words carried a deliberate nonchalance, almost as if you’d chosen them specifically to twist the knife deeper.
Umji hesitated, her nervous giggle betraying her unease as she glanced between the two of you. Her hands fluttered to smooth her rumpled dress, but the fabric clung stubbornly to her curves, refusing to cooperate. Her face was still flushed, her tears still wet, and she seemed to shrink under Eunha’s glare. With a small, almost inaudible “sorry,” she wobbled toward the door on unsteady legs, her heels clicking softly against the floor. The sound seemed to echo in the tense silence as the door clicked shut behind her.
The apartment fell into an oppressive quiet, broken only by the faint hum of the refrigerator. Your demeanor shifted slightly, the amused smirk on your lips fading into something more guarded. You leaned casually against the wall, crossing your arms over your chest as you regarded Eunha with a faintly raised eyebrow. “What’s this about?”
Eunha didn’t ease into it. Her voice, trembling with hurt and fury, spilled out before she could stop herself. “You know exactly what this is about. Maybe I could’ve lived with the random girls. Maybe I could’ve dealt with it. But Umji? My best friend? You knew who she was to me, and you still went ahead and—” She choked on the word, her hands trembling as she gestured toward the now-empty hallway. “You went ahead and made her just another body. Another notch on your bedpost. Do you even realize what you’ve done?”
Your expression didn’t change, but your gaze flickered, just for a moment, something unreadable passing across your face. “It’s not like I forced her into anything,” you replied, your tone calm, detached. “She wanted it. That’s on her, not me.”
Eunha stared at you, stunned into silence for a heartbeat before her anger reignited, hotter and sharper than before. “Are you serious right now? She wanted it? She’s my best friend! She’s not just some random girl you can screw and forget about. She’s—” Her voice cracked, and she shook her head, tears brimming in her eyes. “She’s supposed to matter.”
“And what do you want me to do about it?” you asked, your voice maddeningly calm. “It happened. It’s done. Are you mad at me for having fun, or at her for making a choice?”
“Both!” Eunha shouted, her voice echoing through the apartment. “But you—you knew better. You knew exactly what this would do to me, and you did it anyway. Like you didn’t care. Like I don’t matter at all.”
Her chest heaved, her glare blazing with all the hurt she hadn’t yet put into words. Her hands shook as she tried to hold herself together, her nails digging into her palms.
“I’m sick of this,” Eunha snapped after a moment, her tone trembling with barely-contained anger. “Every night, it’s some random girl, and I have to hear everything. I live here too, you know.”
You shrugged, your tone light and dismissive. “Can’t help it if they get loud.”
Her jaw dropped, disbelief flashing across her face before anger surged in to replace it. “Oh, please,” she hissed, her cheeks flushing crimson. “Those moans? They’re all fake, and you know it. You’re not that good.”
The familiar smile crept back onto your face, a gleam of amusement dancing in your eyes. You leaned forward slightly, the air between you growing heavy. “Jealous, are we?”
Eunha stiffened, narrowing her eyes as the heat in her face climbed. “Jealous? Of those bimbos you bring home? Hardly.”
Your smirk widened as you took a half-step closer, closing the already narrowing space between you. “Sounds like jealousy to me. Otherwise, why would you care so much about what happens in my room?”
Eunha’s eyes blazed, “Because it’s my apartment too!” Her voice rose, conviction lacing every word. “I have the right to set some ground rules here. This is supposed to be a home, not a dating service. We need to set some ground rules.”
The tension between you hung thick in the air, almost tangible. The faint hum of the refrigerator from the kitchen seemed deafening in the charged silence that followed. Your gazes locked, a silent battle of wills playing out in the dimly lit hallway. This wasn’t just about noise anymore; it was about respect, boundaries, and the collision of two people whose lives were incompatible in ways neither was willing to admit.
“Ground rules, huh?” you said finally, your voice low, almost teasing. Your arms remained crossed, but the mischievous sparkle in your eyes returned. “Okay, I’ll bite. What do you suggest, then?”
Eunha hesitated, her frustration bubbling to the surface in an exasperated huff. “You can’t bring anyone home anymore.”
You blinked, clearly taken aback for a moment, before letting out a bark of laughter that echoed off the walls. “What? You’re serious?”
“Dead serious,” Eunha replied, her tone firm, her arms crossed tightly in defiance.
You shook your head, the corners of your mouth twitching upward. “That’s not going to happen. I’m human; I have needs.”
“Then take them somewhere else, get a hotel room I don't care,” Eunha shot back, her voice steady but laced with challenge.
You tilted your head slightly, studying her with a curious intensity. The tension between you seemed to thrum louder, like a taut string about to snap. Slowly, a wicked grin spread across your face, your eyes lighting up with an idea.
“How about we make things interesting?” you said, your tone dripping with intrigue.
Eunha’s frown deepened, suspicion coloring her features. “How so?”
“A bet.”
“A bet?” she repeated, her tone steeped in skepticism. Her arms remained folded, her glare unwavering.
Your grin widened, a wicked gleam dancing in your eyes. “Yeah. Since you think they’re all faking it, how about this—we both go down on each other, and the first one to make the other cum wins.”
Eunha blinked, momentarily taken aback. The air in the hallway seemed to thicken, her breath hitching in her throat as the weight of your audacious proposition settled between you. “You’ve got to be joking,” she said, her voice steady but laced with disbelief.
You shrugged nonchalantly, the faint hum of the refrigerator in the background punctuating the charged silence. “You said I wasn’t that good. Prove it. If you win, I’ll stop bringing girls over entirely. But if I win…”
Eunha raised an eyebrow, her lips pressing into a thin line. “What’s in it for you?” Her voice carried a sharp edge, but there was a flicker of curiosity beneath it, almost imperceptible.
You leaned in slightly, the dim light from the overhead fixture casting a shadow across your face. Your voice dropped to a low, teasing tone, each word dripping with confidence. “You. Anytime, anyplace, for a week.”
Eunha’s breath caught, her pulse quickening as the sheer boldness of your words hit her. Heat crept up her neck, but it wasn’t just anger—it was the challenge, the audacity, the smugness in your tone that fanned the flames of her pride. There was no way you could win, not against her. She was hellbent on the fact that every moan that came out of your room was nothing but an act—girls faking it to stroke your ego because they didn’t know any better. Nothing about you screamed impressive..
“No way we are doing a week; that’s too long,” Eunha countered firmly, crossing her arms over her chest in defiance. Her heart raced, but she kept her tone steady.
You were unfazed, leaning back slightly with an exaggerated shrug, as though victory was already in your grasp. “Okay, what about over the course of a week? Three sessions of use with you, same as before, any time, any place.”
Eunha’s jaw tightened as she considered your alternative, the weight of your words settling like a dare she couldn’t refuse. The light buzz of adrenaline coursing through her veins made her palms feel clammy, but she straightened her spine, meeting your gaze with fire in her eyes. “Fine,” she said, her voice unwavering. “You’re on.”
Your grin widened, the corners of your mouth curling with triumph, as if you’d already won. “Let’s make some ground rules, then.”
The quiet apartment is suddenly alive with the undercurrent of challenge. The faint creak of the floorboards under your steps seemed louder in the silence. The terms were simple—no hands allowed, and the first one to cum would lose. It wasn’t just a game of skill, but of endurance, control, and unspoken stakes that neither of you fully acknowledged.
As the final terms were set, you led Eunha to your room—a space she’d passed by countless times, now feeling alien and charged with a dangerous intimacy. The air hit her first, thick with the unmistakable scent of musk and lingering arousal. The faint trace of Umji’s floral perfume mingled with something far more primal, twisting in Eunha’s stomach like a knot. Her throat tightened. She couldn’t ignore it—the room still carried her best friend’s presence, an unwelcome ghost that clung to the atmosphere and prickled at Eunha’s skin.
She steeled herself, pushing aside the pang of discomfort. She wasn’t here to wallow or falter. She was here to win. Today, this was her game.
The door clicked shut behind, and the sound echoed like a gunshot in the still room. You wasted no time, your movements deliberate as you peeled off your shirt with casual confidence, the dim light from the bedside lamp casting sharp shadows across your skin. Anticipation danced in your dark eyes, glinting with amusement as they traced her figure.
Eunha swallowed hard, a swell of nerves rising in her chest as she met your gaze. But she refused to falter. She reached for the hem of her shirt, pulling it over her head with a decisive motion, baring herself piece by piece until she stood completely exposed before you—naked and unflinching. The cool air of the room kissed her skin, raising goosebumps that she refused to acknowledge. Her chin tilted up defiantly, her resolve unshaken.
With a playful glint in your eyes, you gestured toward the bed, your lips curling into a smirk. “Ladies first?” you quipped, your voice dripping with amusement.
Eunha shot you a fierce glare, her jaw tightening as she fought the urge to fire back with something sharper. Instead, she climbed onto the bed, her movements purposeful and precise. But the moment her knees hit the mattress, a wave of discomfort washed over her. The dampness beneath her palms was unmistakable, the sheets faintly musky from Umji’s earlier release. A surge of anger flared in her chest, tightening her throat. Her best friend’s ghost clung to this space—this bed—turning what should have been just another challenge into something deeply personal.
You followed her onto the bed, your movements deliberate and unhurried, as if you had all the time in the world. You reached out, hands brushing against her hips as you guided her to straddle you. Her legs trembled slightly as she adjusted, the heat of your hands sending a jolt through her body that she stubbornly ignored. You leaned back, your smirk deepening as you settled into the mattress, entirely at ease. The flicker of amusement in your eyes burned against Eunha’s pride, daring her to falter, daring her to lose.
Her breath quickened, her pulse hammering in her ears as she hovered over you. The room seemed to shrink, the space between your bodies charged with a tension that felt almost electric. The scent of musk, sweat, and lingering arousal swirled around them, thick and inescapable, amplifying the intimacy of the moment.
For the first time, as her gaze flickered downward, she noticed something she’d never truly paid attention to before—your length, larger than she had cared to admit. The sheer size of you made her stomach flip, a wave of heat rushing through her so suddenly that it took her breath away. Her thighs pressed together instinctively, as if to stave off the reaction, but the faint ache building within her betrayed her efforts.
Her eyes lingered for a moment too long, tracing the prominent veins and the way you moved with an air of ease that only added to the magnetic pull you exuded. The sight was overwhelming, a reminder of your control, and it sent her mind spinning with thoughts she wasn’t ready to face.
A faint flush crept up her neck, her skin burning with a mixture of embarrassment and something she couldn’t quite name. She swallowed hard, forcing her expression to remain neutral as she tore her gaze away, her heart pounding in her chest. Determination flickered in her eyes as she tried to bury the reaction deep inside her, willing herself to focus on anything else.
This wasn’t about distractions or nerves; this was about her pride. Her chance to make you crumble as so many others before you had. She wasn’t just playing your game; she was going to win it.
As she leaned closer, the warmth of your skin radiated against hers, the proximity amplifying every sensation. The mattress shifted beneath you both, the springs groaning softly as the challenge truly began.
She began her assault slowly, her tongue tracing along your length, savoring the way you twitched beneath her touch. A smirk curled her lips as she realized you were already responding—a thrill of satisfaction coursed through her. He’s already losing, she thought, emboldened by the spark of confidence igniting within her.
Yet, the tables turned as your hands gripped her hips, pulling her down toward your waiting mouth with a deliberate, unyielding strength. The unexpected forwardness startled her, and she couldn’t help but gasp. Your tongue found her folds, teasingly exploring her with excruciating slowness. The touch sent shivers radiating through her core, making her body tense involuntarily.
Stay focused, she reminded herself, though the heat building inside her made it harder to concentrate. She picked up her pace, taking you deeper into her mouth, swirling her tongue with precision. Each low groan that escaped your lips reverberated through her, sending jolts of satisfaction surging through her. She poured every ounce of her determination into conditioning your reactions, her confidence surging with every twitch, every shallow breath you took.
She sensed her victory was close—your breath quickened, and she could feel you throbbing against her tongue. A few more moments, and she’d have you. She could almost taste the win.
But then, without warning, you shifted, your tongue pressing against a hidden, sensitive spot deep within her. The sudden, sharp jolt of pleasure ripped through her, a sensation so intense it stole her breath. A startled gasp escaped her lips before she could stifle it. And then you followed it up, your mouth latching onto her clit, sucking and teasing with just enough pressure to send her spiraling further into a haze of pleasure. Each flick of your tongue and gentle graze of your teeth seemed designed to dismantle her resolve, targeting every weakness she didn’t know she had.
Her body trembled, betraying her will as waves of ecstasy built within her, each one cresting higher than the last. She struggled to focus, to push forward and finish what she started, but it was no use. You were relentless, and her body was betraying her. Every stroke of your tongue felt impossibly perfect, a symphony of sensations that left her teetering on the edge.
And then it hit her.
The orgasm crashed over her like a thunderclap, a shockwave of pleasure so sudden and intense it left her reeling. It wasn’t just unexpected—it was overwhelming. Her breath hitched, a strangled moan escaping her lips as her entire body bowed against her will. It was unlike anything she’d ever felt, a climax so raw and consuming it rivaled her best and obliterated any sense of control she thought she had. Her thighs clamped reflexively around your head, trembling with the force of the pleasure wracking her body. She couldn’t stop herself—the sensation was too much, too all-encompassing to resist.
As the waves of ecstasy reached their peak, you thrust slightly deeper into her mouth, her lips stretched around you as she choked softly on your length. The sensation of being taken so completely sent a fresh jolt of pleasure surging through her, intensifying her climax beyond what she thought was possible. Her body shuddered violently, her muscles tightening as her cries became muffled, the act heightening the overwhelming rush of release.
Every nerve in her body felt electrified, every inch of her skin hypersensitive to the slightest touch. Her heartbeat pounded furiously in her chest, each thrum echoing like a drumbeat in the heavy silence of the room. The way you filled her, the weight of your presence pressing her further into surrender, only amplified the depth of her response, dragging her into a state of pure, unrelenting bliss.
The waves of pleasure seemed endless, each pulse pulling her deeper into the abyss. Her mind blurred, the edges of thought dissolving into a haze of sensation that left her powerless, her breaths coming in shallow, desperate gasps. Time stretched and warped, the peak of ecstasy feeling like an eternity as it consumed her completely.
When the tremors finally subsided, she collapsed against the mattress, her body limp and her mind clouded with disbelief. Her chest heaved with each ragged breath, her limbs heavy as if weighed down by the aftershocks of her release. The room felt distant, blurred by the haze of ecstasy still humming through her body.
Her lips remained around you, the weight of you resting on her tongue unnoticed at first as her mind buzzed with the intensity of what she had just experienced. Slowly, instinctively, her tongue began to move, tracing along your length in lazy, absent circles. It was almost reflexive, her body responding without thought, as if it craved the connection even as her mind struggled to process the reality of it all.
For a moment, she was lost in the act, her senses dulled and her body still pulsing with residual pleasure. But as clarity returned, the realization struck her like a cold wave. Her cheeks flushed a deep crimson as her senses snapped back into focus, and she quickly pulled back, her lips parting as she released you.
Her heart pounded as she shifted away, her hands trembling as she tried to gather herself. How could this have happened? The thought lingered, sharp and insistent, as she struggled to reconcile the overwhelming pleasure with the reality that it had been your tongue—and her own instincts—that unraveled her so completely.
Eunha’s frustration boiled as you chuckled beneath her, your low, smug laughter sending waves of embarrassment coursing through her. Pulling back, you rose to a sitting position, your dark eyes gleaming with satisfaction. “Looks like I won,” you said, your voice dripping with self-assured confidence.
A mix of humiliation and indignation simmered in her chest. “No! You… you cheated!” she blurted, scrambling off you in a frantic attempt to reclaim some semblance of dignity. Her movements were hurried and awkward, betraying her flustered state as she tugged at the rumpled sheets to cover herself.
You arched an eyebrow, the corner of your mouth curling into a smirk that only deepened her frustration. “Cheated?” you repeated, your tone light, teasing. “Sounds like a sore loser to me.”
Eunha’s jaw tightened as she glared at you, her hands balling into fists at her sides. “You… did something! I don’t know what, but there’s no way! That wasn’t—it doesn’t count!” Her voice wavered as she scrambled for excuses, her mind racing to rewrite what had just happened. “I didn’t even cum—so you didn’t win,” she mumbled, her words tumbling out in a desperate attempt to shift the narrative, even as her own body betrayed her.
Your smirk widened, and you leaned forward, the playful glint in your eyes sparking a fresh wave of heat in her cheeks. “Didn’t cum, huh?” you asked, your voice low and taunting, the kind of tone that made her heart pound in equal parts irritation and something else she refused to name.
Before she could retort, you moved swiftly. Your fingers brushed against her slick folds, gathering the unmistakable evidence of her release. She gasped, her breath catching in her throat as her body jolted at the unexpected touch. You brought your fingers to your lips, savoring the taste with a deliberate, slow flick of your tongue.
Then, closing the distance between you, you captured her lips in a searing kiss, your hands firm against her waist. The taste of herself lingered on your lips, undeniable proof of what had just transpired. “Doesn’t it taste just like cum?” you teased, your words a whispered challenge against her lips.
Eunha froze, her mind spinning as the truth crashed down on her. The heat of your mouth, the unmistakable taste, the trembling in her thighs—there was no denying it. She had climaxed, and you had won.
But she wasn’t ready to admit it.
“That doesn’t mean anything!” she snapped, her voice sharp, though it wavered slightly at the edges. She pulled back, her hands trembling as she gestured wildly, trying to regain control of the situation. “You… you probably did something weird—something dirty! I wasn’t even ready! It’s not fair!” Her excuses came out in a rush, desperate and unconvincing even to her own ears.
Your chuckle deepened, rich and mocking, as you watched her unravel. “Face it, Eunha,” you said, your tone dripping with amusement. “I won, fair and square.”
Without any more options, she stumbled to her feet, her movements hurried and frantic as she reached for her discarded clothes. “Whatever,” she muttered, her voice thick with humiliation as she avoided your gaze. “This was a stupid bet anyway.”
But before she could make her escape, a sharp smack echoed through the room as your hand connected playfully with her rear. The stinging heat made her yelp, and she spun around, glaring at you with wide, furious eyes. Her face burned crimson, the mixture of anger and lingering embarrassment practically radiating off her.
“Deal’s a deal,” you said, your voice low and teasing, the grin on your face infuriatingly smug. “I’ll be collecting my prize soon.”
Eunha’s heart pounded, your words settling deep in her chest and sending a strange, unsettling mix of dread and anticipation coursing through her. She couldn’t bring herself to respond, her mouth opening and closing uselessly as she scrambled for a comeback that refused to come.
Without another word, she stormed out of the room, her footsteps echoing sharply down the hallway. The slam of her door reverberated through the apartment, a sharp punctuation to the moment. Alone in her room, Eunha pressed her back against the door, her breath coming in shallow, uneven gasps as her emotions swirled in chaotic waves—anger, embarrassment, and something she refused to name.
The next day, the morning sun filtered through the sheer curtains of Eunha's room, casting delicate golden patterns that danced across the floorboards like restless shadows. The warmth of daylight touched her skin, but it did little to temper the knot of discomfort and anticipation twisting in her stomach. She lay face down on her bed, her laptop propped in front of her, fingers hovering over the keyboard. She typed half-heartedly, forcing herself to focus on the screen. Yet, the weight of your presence in the room made it impossible.
Your quiet breathing behind her felt louder than it should, filling the air with a tension she couldn’t escape. She bit her lip, her body prickling with awareness against her will. This was her sanctuary, her room. A place where she was supposed to feel safe and in control. Yet now, under your gaze, it felt different. Oppressive. Confusing. The line between intrusion and something else entirely blurred in ways she wasn’t ready to face.
“Ready for your first session?” Your voice, low and deliberate, broke through the quiet. The words cut through her thoughts, making her body tense instinctively. She froze, her breath catching, unsure whether it was defiance or dread keeping her silent.
The bed dipped under your weight, and suddenly, you were there, behind her. She stiffened as your hands brushed over her hips, slipping beneath the hem of her shirt. The soft rustle of fabric was deafening in the quiet room.
She wanted to protest, to tell you she wasn’t enjoying this, but the words stuck in her throat. Instead, her breath hitched as your fingers trailed lightly over the curve of her back. Your touch sent tingles racing across her skin, her body responding even as her mind recoiled. It wasn’t fair. She hated how her body betrayed her, how it melted under your hands like it had been waiting for this.
You started slowly, your lips brushing featherlight kisses along her shoulders. She clenched her fists, burying her face into the pillow as you worked your way lower. Each kiss left a trail of heat in its wake, your mouth moving with maddening patience down the length of her back. When your teeth grazed her skin, she let out a muffled gasp, her body jerking slightly before settling back into place.
Eunha squeezed her eyes shut, trying to block out the sensations overwhelming her. I can't believe this is happening, she thought desperately, her cheeks burning as your lips pressed against the small of her back. She wanted to hate it, hate you, but the way her body responded made it impossible to ignore. Each touch, each teasing bite, only deepened the confusion swirling inside her.
When your lips brushed against the curve of her plump cheeks, she trembled. Her skin tingled as you lingered, planting slow, deliberate kisses before giving a playful nip that sent a jolt through her. She buried her face deeper into the pillow, her breath ragged, her resolve crumbling.
“You’re already reacting so much,” you teased, your voice soft but smug. “I haven’t even touched you.”
Her heart raced at your words, embarrassment and arousal mingling in a way that made her stomach twist. She hated how much she wanted you to keep going, how her body leaned into your touch even as her mind screamed at her to pull away.
Your hands slid down her thighs, coaxing them apart as your fingers finally brushed over her folds. She gasped, the heat pooling in her core undeniable. Why does this feel so good? she thought, biting her lip as you teased her, never quite giving her what she wanted.
“Look at you,” you murmured, your tone laced with amusement. “Soaking through your sheets, just like your friend.”
Her body trembled as your fingers continued their slow, agonizing exploration. Her breath hitched when you finally slid her shorts down, exposing her fully. She felt vulnerable, raw, and yet… exhilarated.
You gripped her hips, lifting them slightly so her chest remained pressed to the bed. Her back arched naturally, and her cheeks flushed with heat as you adjusted her position, leaving her most sensitive areas exposed. The vulnerability made her heart race, her breath catching in her throat as she felt your presence so close behind her.
Your hands moved deliberately, spreading her cheeks wide. The cool air of the room kissed her exposed skin, making her shiver as the contrast of warmth and chill heightened her awareness. Her breath hitched when she felt the faintest, deliberate puff of air against her sex. The sensation sent a jolt through her, her body clenching instinctively as a soft whimper escaped her lips. Her folds quivered under the sensation, and even the tight ring behind them pulsed faintly in response, betraying her heightened sensitivity.
You chuckled softly, watching as her body reacted under your control. “So sensitive,” you murmured, your voice low and teasing. The way her body responded to even the gentlest stimulation was intoxicating. Leaning closer, you let your breath wash over her again, this time more deliberate, the warm puff grazing her slick skin.
The tremble of her folds deepened, her body betraying her completely as the light air teased her again. Her tight ring pulsated under your gaze, the reaction mesmerizing as you held her there, savoring every flicker of her submission. You’re so sexy,” you said softly, your tone filled with admiration. “Your body loves every second of this.”
She whimpered again, burying her face into the mattress as the sensations overwhelmed her. The deliberate teasing left her trembling, her body attuned to every movement, every breath. You watched her, enthralled by the way she surrendered to the moment, her reactions igniting a fire that neither of you could resist.
When your tongue flicked out, finally meeting her folds, she let out a muffled cry, the pillow swallowing her voice. The first touch stole what little resolve she had left, her hips jerking slightly before your firm grip steadied her in place. The heat of your mouth and the coolness lingering from the air created a dizzying contrast that left her gasping.
As your tongue delved deeper, teasing her sensitive nub, her entire body jolted with the intensity of the sensation. You alternated between soft, teasing licks and firm strokes, your hands gripping her hips tightly to keep her exactly where you wanted her. Her legs trembled, her mind a whirlwind of contradictions—she hated this, hated how you were making her feel, and yet, she couldn’t get enough.
“You like this, don’t you?” you murmured between strokes, your breath warm against her slick skin. “You don’t want to admit it, but your body’s already told me everything I need to know.”
Eunha whimpered, her chest pressing harder into the mattress as she fought against the overwhelming sensations. The way you spoke, the confidence in your voice, sent shivers racing down her spine. She hated that you were right. No matter how much her mind resisted, her body had already surrendered completely.
The safety of her room, once her refuge, now felt foreign. The air was heavy, charged with arousal that clung to every surface. She couldn’t escape it—the pull of her own body responding to you, the way her most vulnerable self was laid bare for your enjoyment. It was maddening. It was exhilarating. And she couldn’t stop it.
Then, to her surprise, you added a finger. The digit entered with no resistance, sliding into her warmth effortlessly as her slickness coated you. When you curled it just right, a sharp cry tore from her lips, muffled by the pillow beneath her. Her body tightened around you, a jolt of pleasure surging through her as her hips rocked back instinctively.
The combination of your tongue, tracing deliberate strokes over her sensitive nub, and the rhythmic motion of your finger inside her sent her spiraling. Her mind became a haze, her thoughts scattering as the sensations grew overwhelming. The tension in her core tightened with every flick, every stroke, building to a crescendo she couldn’t escape.
Her body arched off the bed as the climax hit her like a tidal wave, crashing over her with a force that made her gasp and scream into the pillow. The sound was raw, filled with a mix of ecstasy and disbelief. Warm liquid hit your tongue as her release washed over her, her body responding with an intensity she hadn’t anticipated. It was as if her body moved entirely on its own, separate from her mind, completely out of her control.
Her legs shook violently, her thighs trembling against your face as you held her steady. Every nerve in her body felt electrified, the waves of pleasure rolling through her like an unstoppable tide. Her hands clutched at the sheets beneath her, twisting them until the once perfectly made bed was a disheveled mess. Her breath came in ragged gasps, her chest heaving as the aftershocks left her weak and trembling.
As her body began to calm, her mind reeled from the intensity of it all. She had never experienced anything so raw, so all-consuming. It felt like her body wasn’t even hers anymore, like it had betrayed her completely. The humiliation of that realization mixed with the undeniable satisfaction thrumming through her veins, creating a cocktail of emotions that left her dizzy.
You pulled back slowly, savoring the sight of her undone beneath you. Your lips brushed one last kiss against her inner thigh, a soft, deliberate reminder of the control you held over her. “One down,” you murmured, your voice low and dripping with satisfaction.
Eunha collapsed fully against the bed, her body melting into the mattress as her limbs refused to move. Her breath came in shallow gasps, her skin flushed and slick with sweat. She buried her face into the pillow, her mind scrambling to process what had just happened. Shame flickered in the back of her thoughts, but it was drowned out by the lingering heat of her arousal.
She hated herself for how much she’d wanted it, for how completely she had surrendered to you. Yet, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t push away the memory of your touch. The echo of your lips, your fingers, and the way her body had responded to you replayed in her mind like a vivid dream she couldn’t shake.
Even as she lay there, trembling and spent, a part of her was terrified by how much she craved more. She wasn’t fully yours yet—but the seed had been planted. And deep down, she knew that resisting you would only get harder from here.
“Don’t worry, Mom, I’m fine,” Eunha said softly, her voice light but tinged with just enough warmth to reassure her mother. She leaned back against the couch, the phone pressed firmly to her ear. Her mother’s concern was a comforting constant, a tether to the normalcy Eunha was trying desperately to cling to.
“Are you sure? You’ve sounded tired lately,” her mother said, the familiar tone of worry pulling a faint smile from Eunha despite the storm brewing within her.
“I’m just busy, that’s all. Nothing to worry about,” she replied, her words practiced, as if they could steady her own wavering thoughts.
Her mother’s warm laugh filtered through the line, wrapping around her like a blanket. “You always say that. Don’t forget to take care of yourself, okay?”
“I won’t, I promise,” Eunha said, her chest tightening at the kindness in her mother’s voice. She focused on the conversation, trying to lose herself in its comfort, but the weight of your presence was impossible to ignore.
You were there, lounging beside her on the couch, your energy filling the room like a storm cloud. When her gaze flicked to you, her heart stuttered. The lazy grin on your lips, the mischievous sparkle in your eyes—it was enough to send a rush of heat coursing through her. She swallowed hard, her voice catching slightly as her mother spoke again.
“Have you been eating properly? You tend to forget when you get busy,” her mother said, concern softening her words.
“I’m eating just fine,” Eunha replied quickly, her tone betraying the distraction tugging at her. She gripped the phone tighter, forcing herself to focus on her mother’s voice even as your hand brushed lightly against her thigh.
Her body jolted at the touch, her breath hitching, though she tried to disguise it with a soft laugh. “Really, Mom, everything’s fine,” she said, the words feeling hollow as her pulse raced.
Her heart skipped a beat as your hand moved up her thigh, warm and commanding. Your fingers traced slow, deliberate circles over her skin, igniting a storm of sensations that made it nearly impossible for her to focus on her mother’s words. The phone trembled slightly in her hand as you leaned closer, your breath ghosting against her ear. “Ready for round two?” you murmured, your voice low and teasing.
Before she could process the words, you acted. With a swift, practiced motion, you pulled her into your lap, your hands firm yet gentle as they guided her into place. Her breath hitched as her body pressed against yours, her mind spinning from the sheer audacity of it all. The world outside—her mother’s voice on the line, the faint hum of the city beyond the window—faded into a muted blur as you moved with ease.
The hem of her shirt lifted in your hands, your fingers brushing her bare skin as you removed it with an insouciance that sent shivers through her. Her cheeks burned as the air touched her exposed skin, but her body betrayed her resolve.
A breathy moan escaped her lips when you shifted below her, the sound of your movements mixing with her moms voice. Her breath hitched as you reached down, slipping your hand beneath the waistband of your shorts. Her body tensed, her head turning slightly as if she wanted to see, but she stopped herself, the anticipation overwhelming. The moment was thick with tension as you freed your length, the weight and heat of it brushing against her skin briefly, sending a shiver racing up her spine.
Eunha swallowed hard, her pulse quickening as the reality of what was about to happen set in. For the first time, she realized just how much she had underestimated you. Her mind raced, but her body stayed still, her breath shallow and uneven as you positioned yourself
Eunha swallowed hard, her pulse quickening as the reality of what was about to happen set in. For the first time, she realized just how much she had underestimated you. Her mind raced, but her body stayed still, her breath shallow and uneven as you positioned yourself beneath her. The weight of your hands on her hips steadied her, though the heat radiating between you only heightened her anticipation.
She hovered above you, her entrance brushing against the head of your length, and a sharp intake of breath escaped her lips. The first press of you against her made her thighs tremble slightly, the stretch unfamiliar yet electrifying. Slowly, you guided her downward, the head of your length pushing into her with deliberate, measured pressure.
Her walls tightened instinctively, gripping you as her body adjusted to your size. A gasp broke free from her lips, her head tilting back as the sensation overwhelmed her. Inch by inch, you filled her, the stretch igniting her nerves as her body accommodated the fullness. It wasn’t just the physicality—it was the sheer intensity of the moment, the raw connection that sent her senses spiraling.
Eunha bit down on her lower lip, her teeth sinking into the soft flesh in a desperate attempt to stifle the sounds rising in her throat. The effort was futile. Each movement sent a wave of pleasure radiating through her, the heat pooling in her core intensifying with every passing second. Her breath hitched as you bottomed out, the depth leaving her trembling in your lap.
You paused, letting her adjust, your hands firm on her hips as you held her steady. Her heart pounded against her ribcage, her body caught between the sharp stretch and the intoxicating pleasure. Her nails dug lightly into your shoulders, a wordless reaction to the overwhelming sensation of being completely taken.
Her mother’s voice on the other end of the phone became a distant murmur, a faint and meaningless thread lost in the overwhelming symphony of sensations coursing through her body.
Each deep, measured thrust sent shockwaves rippling through her, igniting every nerve as though you’d found a secret, untouched place within her. Your hips snapped upward with precision, each motion deliberate and unhurried, as though you were savoring every reaction. At the same time, your hands pulled her down, controlling her movements to ensure that every thrust hit its mark, driving her closer to the edge. The friction was intoxicating, the way her body yielded to yours making her thighs tremble as the pleasure intensified.
Her breath hitched as you shifted your focus, your lips trailing over the curve of her neck before descending to her chest. Your tongue traced a path over her skin before taking one of her breasts into your mouth, your tongue flicking expertly over her hardened nipple. Her free hand flew to her mouth, muffling the moan that threatened to escape as waves of pleasure surged through her. The warmth of your mouth and the deliberate pace of your movements ignited a fire that spread through her like molten lava, leaving no part of her untouched.
Her thighs quivered as she fought to stay silent, her nails digging into your shoulders as if clinging to the last thread of her composure. But it was a losing battle. Each thrust, each flick of your tongue, and every teasing bite pushed her further into a realm of bliss that shattered her carefully constructed facade. The conversation with her mother became meaningless—a forgotten backdrop to the intensity of what was happening between you.
You pressed deeper, your movements deliberate, each one unraveling her defenses layer by layer. Her breath hitched as you shifted slightly, your fingers tightening on her hips. Her mind swam in a haze of pleasure as you grazed your teeth lightly against the sensitive bud. The sharpness of the sensation sent a shockwave through her, her entire body jerking against you.
And then you slipped a finger into her tight ring, the unexpected intrusion sending her over the edge. Her back arched violently, her head tilting back as her body trembled uncontrollably. The combination of sensations—the fullness of your length inside her, the teasing graze of your teeth, and the pressure of your finger—coalesced into an overwhelming wave of pleasure that consumed her completely.
The crescendo hit her like a tidal wave, stealing the breath from her lungs as her orgasm crashed over her with ferocious intensity. Her thighs clamped tightly around your hips as the pleasure tore through her, her moans growing louder despite her efforts to hold them back. In a panic, she fumbled to mute the call with her mother, but the moment she did, a loud scream burst from her lips, unrestrained and raw.
Her body quivered against you, every muscle tensing and relaxing in rhythm with the pulsating pleasure coursing through her. Her nails raked down your back, leaving trails of fire in their wake as she rode the waves of her climax. Her forehead pressed against your shoulder, her gasps ragged and desperate as the aftershocks rippled through her.
And then she felt it.
The warmth bloomed deep inside her as you finished, your release spilling into her in long, deliberate pulses. The sensation sent a fresh jolt through her already trembling body, her walls clenching around you involuntarily as if to hold you in place. The heat filled her completely, leaving her both stunned and overwhelmed. Her mind reeled, trying to process the depth of the intimacy while her body betrayed her, savoring the connection.
As her breathing slowed, her thoughts darkened. Images of the countless one-night stands you had brought home flashed through her mind—the strangers whose laughter and moans had echoed through these walls, the women she had heard but never seen. Now, she was one of them. Claimed, used, another conquest to add to your list.
Her chest tightened at the thought, but her body still hummed with the remnants of pleasure, betraying the conflict swirling within her. She couldn’t deny how incredible it had felt, how consuming and raw the experience was. But the realization of what she had become—just one of the many—sent a pang of shame through her, mixed with an undeniable longing for more.
For a moment, the world dissolved into nothing but sensation. Her body was a trembling, overwhelmed mess in your grasp, and all she could feel was the heat of your skin, the pressure of your hands holding her, and the lingering pleasure that left her utterly spent. The room was thick with the scent of sweat and sex, a visceral reminder of the line she had crossed.
“Two down,” you murmured against her neck, your voice low and teasing, each word sending another shiver down her spine. The words hung in the air, heavy and electric, as you pulled back just enough to meet her gaze. The intensity in your eyes made her heart race all over again, her body igniting anew despite the exhaustion flooding her limbs.
Her hands shook as she scrambled to end the call, stammering a breathless goodbye to her mother before collapsing against you. Her cheek rested against your chest, her breath coming in shallow, uneven gasps as her mind spun with disbelief.
How had she allowed herself to get here? How had she unraveled so completely, lost so thoroughly in sensations she had once sworn she could resist? Yet, even as she wrestled with the whirlwind of emotions swirling inside her, a part of her couldn’t deny the truth. Deep down, beneath the lingering embarrassment and self-reproach, there was a flicker of anticipation.
She wanted more.
After two consecutive days of passion and intensity, the abrupt break that followed was a mixed blessing for Eunha. On one hand, her body welcomed the respite—the soreness in her thighs and the dull ache in her hips lingered like an intimate reminder of the fervent connection you shared. On the other hand, the absence of scheduled sessions left her restless. Her mind became a storm, every stray thought spiraling back to you.
Each moment apart felt like an eternity. Her memories replayed like a fevered dream—the way your hands had explored her body with unerring precision, the intoxicating sound of your voice murmuring against her skin, the way you pulled her under your spell with every electrifying touch. She couldn’t escape the lingering echoes of your presence, the phantom feeling of your fingers tracing her curves. The ache of longing bloomed inside her chest, a dull, throbbing need that refused to be ignored.
She hated how much she craved you. Her body, once entirely her own, now seemed attuned to the thought of you, as though it anticipated your every move. Her breath would hitch at the memory of your thrusts, stirring a deep, primal hunger that sent shivers through her spine when she let her mind linger too long. How did it come to this? She couldn’t decide whether it was desire or dependency, but whatever it was, it consumed her.
As the days stretched on, the tension between you became almost unbearable. Eunha caught herself stealing glances at you in the shared spaces of your lives. You moved with infuriating ease, your calm confidence a stark contrast to the chaos roiling inside her. Every fleeting look you gave her, every shared smile or casual brush of your hand against hers, felt like a spark threatening to ignite the tightly coiled tension between you. Her pulse would quicken whenever your eyes met, her breath catching as the air thickened with an unspoken promise.
And yet, you kept your distance. Aloof but ever-present, your quiet self-assurance was a maddening reminder of her own unraveling. Each encounter left her nerves frayed, her thoughts tangled in a web of anticipation and longing.
In the quiet hours, Eunha’s thoughts betrayed her. She would sip her morning coffee and imagine your lips brushing hers, your hands gripping her waist. She would read under the warm glow of sunlight, only to find herself yearning for the warmth of your body pressed against hers. The ache of your absence seeped into her dreams, your touch haunting her even there. When she thought of the inevitable final session, her heart would race, her mind spinning with fantasies of how it might feel. The thought was intoxicating—and utterly crushing in its reminder of the emptiness that filled the spaces between your meetings.
Finally, on the last day of the week, Eunha sat at her desk, her laptop glowing faintly in the dimly lit room. The document on the screen was an empty void, the blinking cursor a silent accusation. She stared at it, fingers hovering over the keyboard, willing herself to type something—anything—but her mind was a chaotic swirl, and the still-blank page spoke volumes. No words came. No work was done.
Her heart thudded painfully in her chest, anticipation coiling tight in her stomach. She didn’t need to glance over her shoulder to know you were there. Your presence was magnetic, filling the air with a weight that pressed against her like a physical force. The faint rhythm of your footsteps approached, each step resonating like a heartbeat in the otherwise silent room.
The air grew charged, humming with unspoken words and unresolved tension. It was an invisible thread connecting the two of you, tightening with each passing moment. Eunha’s fingers twitched over the keyboard, a futile attempt to pretend she hadn’t already surrendered to the moment before it even began.
You came up behind her without a word, your hands sliding over her shoulders with deliberate ease. The heat of your touch sent a ripple through her, her body responding instantly. Her breath hitched as a shiver raced down her spine, her concentration on the empty screen obliterated in an instant.
Your fingers kneaded her tense muscles with just enough pressure to make her melt against the chair. Each movement was slow, confident, deliberate. She could feel the warmth of your body close to hers, the faint scent of your cologne mingling with the sterile hum of the office air. For a brief moment, she closed her eyes, torn between surrender and resistance, her thoughts spinning as she tried to reconcile the electric pull of your presence.
“It’s time for the last session,” you whispered, your breath warm against the shell of her ear. Your voice was low, rich, each word wrapping around her like a caress. The syllables lingered, thick with promise and urgency, igniting a spark deep within her.
Her body tensed under your touch, caught between the intoxicating pull of your words and the anticipation coursing through her veins. She turned her head slightly, her lips parting as if to speak, but the words died in her throat. The moment hung suspended, taut and electric, as though the air itself awaited her next move.
Before Eunha could find her voice, you effortlessly pulled her up from her chair. Her laptop screen dimmed, forgotten, as you turned her toward the desk in one fluid motion. Her breath hitched as you bent her over the cool surface, the sensation of the hard edge pressing against her chest grounding and thrilling all at once. She gasped softly when your hands slid down her sides, warm and deliberate, moving with practiced ease.
You worked methodically, your fingers grazing her skin as you peeled away her clothes. Each layer fell away like petals from a flower, leaving her bare and vulnerable under your touch. The chill of the air kissed her exposed skin, sending goosebumps rippling across her body, and the heat of your hands against her only deepened the contrast. She gripped the edge of the desk, her fingers curling tightly around it as anticipation built in her chest.
Her skin tingled with anticipation, every nerve alive and sensitive as you positioned yourself behind her. This dance, though familiar, felt new each time—each touch, each shared breath igniting a fire that burned brighter than the last. The air between you was thick, charged with the tension of the moment, and the faint scrape of fabric as you removed the last barrier between you only heightened the anticipation.
Your hands gripped her hips firmly, steadying her as you align yourself with her entrance. The heat of your length brushed against her folds, eliciting a sharp inhale as her body quivered beneath you. But instead of easing inside, you teased her—grazing her entrance with just the tip, almost like a kiss.
Her breath came in uneven gasps, her fingers curling tightly against the edge of the desk. Each deliberate nudge, each tantalizing brush of your head against her, sent jolts of pleasure through her, teasing her already heightened senses. Her body reacted instinctively, her hips rolling back in an effort to meet you, seeking the fullness you held just out of reach. But just as she pushed against you, you pulled away, your teasing smirk audible in the low chuckle that escaped your lips.
Her thighs trembled, her body caught in the maddening limbo between anticipation and relief. You continued the game, pressing just enough to stretch her slightly, letting her feel the promise of you, before retreating again. The sound of her labored breathing filled the room, punctuated by the soft creak of the desk beneath her. The tension built like a coiled spring, her body humming with need, every nerve screaming for release.
Finally, you gripped her hips tighter and pressed forward, the slow, deliberate stretch as you entered her drawing a sharp gasp from her lips. Her back arched instinctively as she adjusted to your size, her fingers digging into the desk for support. The moment was raw and electric, her body trembling as the fullness consumed her.
As you began to move, you shifted your grip, one hand trailing down to deliver a sharp, stinging slap to her bare cheek. The sound cracked through the air, followed by a jolt of heat that made her gasp. Her body tensed under your touch, a mix of surprise and exhilaration coursing through her. Another slap followed, the sting sending ripples of pleasure racing through her as she clenched around you.
“You like that,” you murmured, your voice low and teasing as you rubbed the reddened skin, soothing it before delivering another sharp smack. Each impact sent her higher, her body responding to every combination of pain and pleasure as you set a rhythm that left her breathless.
Your thrusts grew deeper, more deliberate, each movement precise and commanding as you drove her closer to the edge. The heat of your body pressed against her, the cool surface of the desk beneath her, and the lingering sting of your spanks combined to heighten her senses, leaving her utterly at your mercy. Her hips rocked back to meet your thrusts now, her movements instinctive and desperate, as though her body had been made to follow your lead.
Eunha clung to the desk, her breath coming in shallow gasps as her mind spiraled into the haze of passion. Rational thought dissolved into nothingness, replaced by the primal need to surrender completely. The sound of your bodies moving together filled the room, a symphony of heat and desire that left her trembling and undone.
Before Eunha could steady herself, your hand slid up her back, tracing her spine with deliberate slowness before gripping the base of her ponytail. The sharp tug tilted her head back, arching her spine and forcing her to press closer against you. The motion was commanding, almost primal, and paired with the rhythmic slap of your hips against hers, it sent a new wave of shivers coursing through her body.
The sting of your earlier spanks lingered, the heat radiating from her reddened skin intensifying the contrast between pleasure and pain. Your grip on her ponytail tightened, using it as leverage to drive yourself deeper. Each thrust was deliberate, precise, and powerful, eliciting soft cries from her that grew louder with every movement. You felt her clenching around you, her body gripping you tighter with each spank and every commanding tug of her hair.
“You’re squeezing me so hard,” you murmured, your voice dripping with teasing satisfaction. Another sharp slap landed on her cheek, and she cried out, the sound breaking into a breathless moan as her body trembled under you. “You like this, don’t you? Being bent over your desk like this, letting me take you however I want.”
Eunha could barely form a coherent thought, let alone respond. The mixture of pleasure and domination was overwhelming, her body instinctively rocking back to meet you. Her hips moved in time with yours, each thrust sending jolts of pleasure spiraling through her as her nails scraped against the desk, seeking any semblance of grounding in the storm you were creating.
Suddenly, your eyes flicked to her laptop, the screen darkened from inactivity. With a curious smirk, you reached over her, pressing on the trackpad to awaken it. The screen lit up, revealing a blank document, the cursor blinking idly as if mocking her attempt to focus.
You leaned forward slightly, your chest pressing lightly against her back, your lips brushing her ear as you murmured, “You were just waiting for me, weren’t you? Faking work just so I could come and interrupt.”
The words struck her like a lightning bolt, their truth sending her already racing heart into overdrive. She let out a shaky breath, her throat tightening as her mind reeled from the vulnerability you so effortlessly exposed. Yet, it only heightened the sensations coursing through her, the mix of humiliation and desire spiraling into something she could no longer resist.
Your pace quickened, each thrust driving deeper as the sound of skin against skin filled the room, mingling with her ragged gasps and breathless moans. The steady pull of her ponytail guided her body into perfect alignment, each movement drawing you closer to her deepest, most sensitive spots. Her walls clenched tighter around you, her body reacting instinctively to the rhythm you commanded.
“You’re so tight,” you groaned, your voice tinged with both exertion and satisfaction. The grip on her ponytail tightened again as your free hand traced down her back, gripping her waist to hold her steady. The push and pull of your motions became a dance of raw intensity, every movement calculated to pull her further into the abyss of pleasure.
Eunha’s breaths turned to sharp cries, her voice rising in pitch as her body betrayed her, hurtling toward release. Her thighs trembled uncontrollably, the tension within her building to an unbearable crescendo. Each thrust, each slap, each tug of her ponytail sent her spiraling closer to the edge, her body arching as if begging for the final push.
And then it came. A powerful thrust paired with the sting of another spank tipped her over, the orgasm crashing through her like a tidal wave. She let out a scream, her body quaking violently as every fiber of her being surrendered to the ecstasy you’d drawn out of her. Her walls pulsed around you, gripping you with a ferocity that only amplified your own pleasure.
Her forehead pressed against the desk as her moans softened into shaky breaths, her body trembling beneath you as aftershocks rippled through her. Your pace slowed but remained deliberate, drawing out every last ounce of her pleasure as you admired the way she clung to you, utterly spent.
“Look at you,” you murmured, releasing her ponytail and running your hand down her back, soothing the reddened marks left by your grip. “Completely undone.”
Eunha could barely form a reply, her breath still coming in uneven gasps as she slowly emerged from the haze of her climax. Her fingers flexed weakly against the desk, her legs quivering as she struggled to regain her footing.
But even in her exhaustion, a flicker of anticipation lingered in her chest. The intensity of what she’d just experienced wasn’t just overwhelming—it was addictive. And as much as she hated to admit it, she couldn’t wait to see what came next.
As the tremors of her orgasm subsided, you pulled out, her walls gripping you one last time before reluctantly releasing you. The slickness of her release coated your length, gleaming in the dim light as you admired the way her body trembled beneath you, her breath coming in ragged gasps.
With a swift yet deliberate motion, your hand came down on her ass with a sharp spank, the sound cracking through the room like a whip. She let out a startled gasp, her body jolting slightly as the sting spread across her reddened cheek. Your hand lingered, kneading the warm, tender flesh as you smirked, savoring the sight of her arching beneath your touch.
“I just love your ass,” you murmured, your voice low and teasing. Your fingers traced the curve of her cheek, your tone dripping with admiration as you added, “So perfect. I could play with it all day.”
You punctuated your words by gripping both cheeks firmly, your thumbs sinking into the soft flesh before giving them a playful jiggle. The motion sent another wave of heat through her already oversensitized body, drawing a soft whimper from her lips as her legs quivered beneath her.
“You’re amazing,” you continued, your hands continuing to explore her, alternating between gentle squeezes and sharp slaps. The way her skin bounced under your touch captivated you, and you couldn’t resist watching her reactions—the way she trembled, the way her breath hitched with each motion.
Her body arched slightly, the mix of tenderness and dominance in your touch making her head spin. Every squeeze, every jiggle, every deliberate spank reminded her of how utterly at your mercy she was—and how much she relished it.
Your hand lingered, kneading the tender flesh, your fingers digging in just enough to draw another shiver from her. The mix of dominance and care made her head spin, and she couldn’t help but bite her lip as you leaned down to murmur against her ear, “We’re not done yet.”
A flicker of protest flashed in her hazy mind, and she opened her mouth to speak, her voice weak and breathless. “I… I don’t think…” she began, her words trailing off as the weight of your presence pressed against her. But even as her mind tried to form a coherent objection, her body betrayed her, arching instinctively into your touch.
“Shhh,” you murmured softly, your tone soothing yet unyielding. “I know you can take it.”
You stepped away briefly, leaving her bent over the desk, her body still trembling as she tried to collect herself. The sound of a drawer opening and the faint rustle of movement sent a thrill of anticipation racing through her. She bit her lip, her nails digging into the desk as her body tensed with a mixture of apprehension and excitement. When you returned, the cool sensation of lube on your fingers as you coated your length made her breath hitch, a fresh wave of nervous energy coursing through her.
With practiced ease, you spread her cheeks, revealing her tight, puckered hole. She let out a shaky breath, her voice catching as she whispered, “Wait… I’m not sure about this.”
Her words were feeble, lacking conviction, and you simply chuckled, low and teasing. “Trust me,” you said, your tone filled with quiet confidence.
Her breath hitched as she felt a cold drop of lube land directly on her hole, the sensation startling yet oddly thrilling. Her body tensed, and she squirmed slightly beneath your hands, but the warmth of your palms steadying her hips kept her grounded. You positioned yourself, the tip of your length pressing lightly against her ring. You didn’t push in yet, letting her feel the pressure, making her hyper-aware of what was about to happen.
You stayed there, your presence a quiet, commanding force as she processed the moment. Her heart raced, her breath shallow, as the reality of her vulnerable position washed over her. The heat of your length against her and the weight of your hands on her body sent conflicting waves of tension and anticipation coursing through her.
“Anywhere I want,” you reminded her, your voice low and teasing, sending a shiver down her spine.
You began to press forward, the tight ring of muscle yielding slowly as you eased in. The stretch was intense, her gasp sharp and unrestrained as she clutched the edge of the desk. “I—wait, it’s too much,” she stammered, her voice shaky, her body trembling under you as her nerves warred with the raw, growing pleasure.
“You can take it,” you murmured, your hand stroking her back in reassurance even as you pushed further. Her protests faltered, her breath coming in shallow gasps as the sensation overwhelmed her. She could feel every ridge, every vein along your length as you pushed deeper, her body adjusting inch by inch. The mix of discomfort and raw pleasure left her dizzy, her legs quivering as she struggled to hold herself steady.
Halfway in, you paused, your hands steadying her hips. Her breathing was ragged, her body adjusting to the fullness. You reached down with one hand, your fingers finding her clit, circling it gently. The sensation made her cry out, her body clenching around you as the pleasure collided with the stretch of your entry. Her walls pulsed with every deliberate flick of your fingers, sending ripples of sensation through her core and tightening her grip on your length.
“Breathe,” you murmured, your tone firm but reassuring as you let her adjust.
You then proceeded and when you finally bottomed out, you held the position, the sensation of her tightness surrounding you utterly consuming. She was warm and slick, her body trembling as she adjusted to the new fullness. Her breathing came in shaky gasps, her body betraying her as the mix of pain and pleasure exhilarated her in ways she hadn’t expected.
She felt incredible—nothing like she had ever experienced before—and it ignited something deep within her. Her hips began to shift, pressing back against you in tentative movements. The message was clear, and you smirked, taking it as your cue to start.
Your thrusts began slowly, deliberate and deep, each one drawing a soft cry from her lips as the rhythm built. Your hand remained between her legs, teasing her folds and circling her clit, amplifying the sensations that coursed through her. Every motion was calculated, every thrust designed to send her higher, to push her further into the haze of ecstasy that clouded her mind.
Her body responded instinctively, her hips rocking back to meet you as the rhythm quickened. The sound of skin against skin filled the room, mingling with her gasps and moans. You felt her clenching around you, her body tightening with every stroke, every flick of your fingers against her sensitive nub.
“Admit it,” you murmured, your voice low and teasing, the words brushing against her ear like a caress. “You love being used by me. I unlocked something for you, didn’t I, Eunha?”
Her breath hitched at your words, her body trembling beneath you as she struggled to reply. Her voice came out in broken gasps, her words tumbling free before she could stop them. “Yes… yes… it feels so good,” she cried, her voice trembling with raw need. “I’m so full with you…”
A wicked grin spreads across your face as you tighten your grip on her hips, driving into her with renewed intensity. Her cries grew louder, her body writhing beneath you as you pushed her closer to the edge. The pressure of your fingers on her clit, the heat of your body against hers, the stretch of every deliberate thrust—it was overwhelming, consuming her completely.
The build-up was relentless, her cries becoming more desperate, her body trembling as she teetered on the brink. The room echoed with her sounds—moans, gasps, and finally, a scream that tore from her throat as her climax hit. It was raw, unrestrained, the kind of sound she had once dismissed as fake when it came from the women you brought home before her. But now, those same sounds were spilling from her lips, unbidden, as the waves of pleasure ripped through her.
Her ring clenched tightly around you, her body convulsing as the orgasm consumed her. Every nerve in her body felt electrified, her cries piercing the air as she lost herself completely to the sensation. You didn’t stop, your hands gripping her hips with a firm intensity as you thrust deeper, chasing your own release.
When you finally spilled into her, the heat of your release filling her tightest depths, it was like nothing she’d ever felt before. The warmth spread through her, a sensation so alien and overwhelming it triggered another wave of pleasure that slammed into her like a tidal wave. Her back arched sharply, her thighs quivering as the combined sensation of fullness and release sent her spiraling into an even more powerful climax.
Her entire body trembled violently, her ring pulsing around you in rhythm with the aftershocks of her ecstasy. She was lost in the overwhelming sensations, unable to distinguish where her pleasure ended and yours began. Her voice broke into gasps and sobs of pleasure, the intensity leaving her breathless and lightheaded.
You leaned over her, your breath warm against her ear as your hands steadied her trembling form. Your fingers pinched her clit once more, a teasing stroke that sent her collapsing against the desk as the aftershocks rippled through her again. Her mind was a haze, her body slick with sweat, and all she could feel was the lingering, overwhelming sensation of being utterly claimed.
As her breathing slowed, her mind began to catch up to what her body had just experienced. The heat of your release still lingered deep inside her, a visceral reminder of how completely she had surrendered to the moment. For a fleeting second, she felt a rush of pride—this was hers now, the pleasure, the intensity, the connection. And yet, a part of her couldn’t shake the realization that this sensation, so intimate and raw, had once been shared with others before her.
But none of that mattered at this moment. All she could do was gasp for air, her body trembling against yours as the room spun around her, the aftermath of your shared ecstasy leaving her utterly undone.
“Such a good girl,” you murmured, your tone filled with satisfaction as you felt her body quiver beneath you. “All done. I knew you had it in you.”
Her legs gave out as the aftershocks rippled through her, leaving her limp and utterly spent. You held her close for a moment, letting her catch her breath, before you began to pull back. Slowly, deliberately, you exited her, and the sensation left her gasping softly. The emptiness hit her like a sudden void, her body instinctively clenching as if to draw you back in, but you were already gone.
Her eyes fluttered shut as the cool air brushed over her now-gaping ring, the absence of your presence making her feel incomplete. A strange, hollow ache settled deep within her, as though a part of her was missing. She bit her lip, suppressing the odd sense of longing that threatened to bubble up, her mind torn between shame and the raw need still thrumming through her veins.
You stepped back, letting your gaze linger for a moment on the sight of her. She was utterly undone, her body slack and trembling, her skin glistening with sweat. The way she looked—spent and marked—sent a surge of satisfaction through you. Before leaving her entirely, you raised a hand and delivered one last sharp smack to her reddened cheeks, the sound cracking through the room.
Eunha flinched at the sudden sting, a soft whimper escaping her lips. Her body shivered in response, her cheeks burning with a fresh wave of heat as the mark of your control lingered on her skin. The smack felt like a punctuation to everything that had just happened, a reminder of the claim you had staked on her.
As you stepped away, she remained draped over the desk, her breath coming in shallow, ragged gasps. Her mind swirled with disbelief and exhilaration as the realization of what had just happened fully hit her. She had never felt anything like this—never thought it was even possible. Her body still tingled, every nerve hypersensitive, and yet the absence of you left her feeling unmoored, yearning for something more. She leaned against the desk, spent and vulnerable, the weight of the moment settling over her like a warm yet haunting blanket.
By the end of the week, Eunha had stopped fighting the inevitable. She had surrendered to your connection, letting you take what you wanted, each encounter intensifying the bond that tethered you together. Every touch, every glance, every whispered word deepened the intimacy between you. And in the quiet aftermath, when your breathing had steadied and her body still buzzed with the memory of your touch, she found herself wanting more. Not just the physical connection, but the unspoken exclusivity that seemed to linger in the air between you.
She wanted to be the only one you touched, the only one you claimed, the only one you used.
But then the week ended, and reality came crashing down.
You walked through the door with another girl, your laughter ringing out like a cruel reminder of everything she wasn’t. The sight hit Eunha like a blow, sharp and unforgiving. Her heart sank as she froze in the doorway of her room, her fingers gripping the frame as if to steady herself. SinB. Of all people, it had to be SinB.
Her mind raced as she watched you chat effortlessly, your hand brushing SinB’s arm like it was the most natural thing in the world. The way you smiled at her, leaned in just slightly as you spoke, set Eunha’s blood boiling. This wasn’t just disrespect—this felt personal. Jealousy burned hot inside her, laced with a bitter sting of betrayal. After everything you’d shared, how could you act so indifferent? And with her friend, no less.
SinB giggled at something you said, the sound twisting in Eunha’s stomach like a knife. Her jaw clenched as she watched the two of you move down the hall, your casual smirk cutting through her like a dagger. Her stomach churned as you opened your bedroom door, ushering SinB inside like this was just another meaningless encounter.
The door clicked shut, and something inside her snapped.
Before she could think twice, Eunha’s feet carried her down the hall, her heart pounding in her chest as rage surged through her. Without hesitation, she shoved the door open, the force of it startling both you and SinB.
“Eunha!” you exclaimed, your voice tinged with surprise as you turned to face her.
“Get out,” she spat, her voice trembling with fury as her gaze locked onto SinB.
SinB blinked, confusion etched across her face as she looked between you and Eunha. “Uh… excuse me?”
“I said, get out,” Eunha repeated, her tone sharp and unyielding. Her eyes burned with a fire that left no room for argument.
“Eunha, what is going on?” SinB asked, her voice rising in disbelief. “Why are you acting like this?”
“You know exactly why,” Eunha snapped, her voice cutting through the tension. “Just go.”
SinB hesitated, her expression a mix of confusion and annoyance, before grabbing her purse and muttering something under her breath. She glanced at you as if for an explanation, but you said nothing, your calm gaze fixed on Eunha instead. SinB huffed, brushing past Eunha as she left the room. The sound of the front door closing was loud in the ensuing silence.
Eunha’s hands clenched into fists at her sides as she took a step closer, her anger spilling over. “What the hell is wrong with you?”
You tilted your head slightly, your expression infuriatingly casual. “Care to elaborate?”
“SinB?” she hissed, her voice low but trembling with emotion. “Are you just making the rounds of my friends now? Is that it? First Umji, and now this?”
Your smirk deepened, but there was a flicker of something else in your eyes—curiosity, perhaps. “I didn’t realize I needed your approval.”
“You don’t,” she shot back, her voice cracking under the weight of her emotions. “But I trusted you, and you… You’re doing this on purpose. You’re trying to—” She cut herself off, her chest heaving as she struggled to find the words. “Are you trying to humiliate me? To make me feel like nothing?”
You stepped closer, your voice calm, almost soothing. “You’re taking this awfully personally, Eunha.”
“Of course I am!” she snapped, her eyes shining with unshed tears. “You used me, and now you’re—what? Moving on to the next? Except it’s not just anyone, is it? You’re picking my friends. You know exactly what you’re doing.”
The tension in the room was thick, the air crackling with the weight of unspoken emotions. You studied her carefully, your gaze steady as you leaned back slightly. “And why does it bother you so much? Why does it matter who I bring here?”
Eunha’s breath hitched, her anger faltering for a moment as the question hung between you. She swallowed hard, her fists loosening at her sides. “Because it’s not just about them,” she admitted, her voice softer now but no less raw. “It’s about me. It’s about what I thought we had.”
The silence that followed was heavy, the distance between you feeling both too much and not enough. For the first time, Eunha’s vulnerability was laid bare, and the weight of her words hung in the air like a challenge.
Eunha’s hands trembled as she stood in the center of your room, her chest heaving with the effort to keep her emotions in check. The silence between you was deafening, her words hanging in the air as she tried to make sense of everything she was feeling. The betrayal, the anger, the jealousy—all of it swirled inside her like a storm, but underneath it all was a need she couldn’t deny. A need for you to understand what this had done to her.
You raised a brow, completely unfazed by her confession. “What’s your problem?”
Eunha’s chest tightened, her heart pounding as she struggled to find the right words. “After everything… after this whole week, you just go back to bringing some other girl home like it was nothing?”
Your expression darkened slightly, though your tone remained calm. “Our deal’s over, Eunha. I didn’t think it was a big deal anymore.”
“It is a big deal!” she shot back, her voice cracking with a mix of frustration and vulnerability. Her eyes burned as she stared at you, willing you to see how much this mattered to her. “You used me all week. You touched me like I was yours, like I was the only one. And now you just… move on like none of it mattered?”
You stepped closer, your movements deliberate and measured, the space between you shrinking as your voice dropped. “What did you expect? It was a bet, Eunha. You lost. That’s all there was to it.”
Her breath hitched at your words, the weight of them landing like a blow to her chest. She shook her head, tears prickling at the corners of her eyes, though she refused to let them fall. “No. You can’t tell me it didn’t mean something. You can’t just act like I’m the same as the rest.”
Your gaze softened for a fleeting moment, though your casual demeanor didn’t falter entirely. “And what if you’re not?” you asked, your tone quieter now, almost teasing. “What are you trying to say, Eunha?”
Her hands trembled at her sides as the words tumbled out before she could stop them. “I want to be the only one. The only one you… use.”
The air between you grew heavy with the weight of her admission. Her chest heaved as she looked up at you, her eyes burning with emotion. For the first time, her vulnerability was laid bare, her need for you undeniable.
You stepped closer, the distance between you almost nonexistent now. “That’s what you want?” you murmured, your voice low and deliberate. “You want to be mine?”
“Yes,” she whispered, her voice trembling but firm.
Your hand reached out, brushing a strand of hair from her face as your lips curled into a smirk. “Prove it.”
She blinked, her breath hitching at the challenge in your voice. “How?” she asked softly.
Without answering, you stepped back, gesturing toward the floor in front of the couch. “Kneel,” you commanded, your tone calm but firm.
Eunha hesitated for only a moment before sinking to her knees, the plush carpet soft beneath her as her hands rested awkwardly at her sides. Her body trembled under the weight of your gaze, her heart racing as she obeyed. The silence between you was deafening, broken only by the faint rustle of fabric as you pulled your phone from your pocket.
She watched with a mix of curiosity and apprehension as your fingers moved across the screen. You sent a quick text before sliding the phone back into your pocket, your smirk deepening as you took a seat on the couch in front of her.
You leaned back, your posture casual, one arm draped over the back of the couch. “Don’t move,” you said simply, your voice carrying an edge of command that made her heart skip a beat.
Eunha nodded, her eyes flickering with uncertainty as she knelt there, her body tense under your unyielding stare. Time seemed to stretch endlessly, the weight of the moment pressing down on her as she fought to keep still. She wanted to ask what you had done, what would come next, but the intensity in your gaze kept her silent.
Minutes later, a knock echoed through the apartment, and her stomach twisted with nerves. Her eyes darted toward the door, but she didn’t dare move. She could hear your footsteps as you stood and made your way to the door, opening it with ease.
“Hey,” came Umji’s voice, her tone curious. “You texted me to come over? What’s going on?”
“Come in,” you said smoothly, stepping aside to let her enter. Eunha’s breath hitched as she heard the door close, her body frozen in place. Umji’s eyes landed on her almost immediately, confusion flickering across her face as she took in the scene.
“What is this?” Umji asked, her voice filled with disbelief as she glanced between you and Eunha.
You moved to stand behind Eunha, your hand resting lightly on her shoulder. “She wanted to prove something,” you said casually, your tone laced with amusement. “So I thought you might want to see.”
Eunha’s cheeks burned under Umji’s gaze, her body trembling with a mix of humiliation and anticipation. She felt your fingers trail down her arm, your touch both grounding and electrifying as you leaned down to murmur in her ear.
“Don’t make me wait,” you said softly, the words sending a shiver through her. “Start.”
Her hands moved to the hem of her shirt, her movements slow and hesitant as she began to undress. Piece by piece, her clothing fell away, leaving her bare and exposed under the sharp contrast of your commanding presence and Umji’s incredulous stare.
“What the hell is going on?” Umji demanded, her voice rising slightly, but she didn’t look away.
Eunha’s breath came in shallow gasps as you guided her closer to the couch, your hand tangling in her hair as you brought her face to your length. “Just watch,” you said simply, your voice calm yet commanding.
Eunha’s lips brushed against you, her movements tentative at first as she began to please you, her cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and arousal. Her warm breath ghosted over your length as her tongue flicked out, testing and teasing before she grew bolder. Slowly, she wrapped her lips around you, her head lowering as she took you into her mouth. Her hands gripped your thighs for balance, her touch light but steady as she worked to find her rhythm.
Her efforts were cautious but deliberate, each stroke of her tongue a mix of careful exploration and mounting determination. The sound of her soft, wet movements filled the room, a symphony of submission that drew your attention back to her. Occasionally, you reached down, your hand tangling in her hair to guide her movements, pushing her head down further. Each time, she responded with a muffled gasp, her body tensing momentarily before she adjusted, taking you deeper.
“Good girl,” you murmured, your voice low and soothing, your praise making her cheeks burn brighter. The words sent a surge of motivation through her, and she worked harder, her lips gliding smoothly along your length, her tongue swirling expertly around you.
For Eunha, this was the biggest test. Every motion, every flick of her tongue was charged with the weight of proving herself. She knew this was more than just an act of submission—it was a declaration of her place, her claim on you. A small, unexpected part of her stirred with arousal at the thought of Umji watching. Showing her friend who was truly yours, who had earned this, awakened a pride she didn’t know she possessed. It was intoxicating, this mixture of vulnerability and power, and it drove her further.
You leaned back against the couch, letting her set the pace for a moment before gripping the back of her head firmly and pressing her down. Her eyes widened as she took you deeper, her throat constricting slightly as she adjusted to your command. She let out a muffled sound, a mix of effort and surrender, before pulling back just enough to catch her breath. You allowed her a brief reprieve before guiding her again, her lips tightening around you as she resumed her work with even greater intensity.
Across the room, Umji stood frozen, her arms crossed tightly as she watched the scene unfold. Her gaze remained locked on Eunha, her expression a mixture of shock and disbelief. There was curiosity too, evident in the way her lips parted slightly as though to speak, only to remain silent. The sight of Eunha—once brimming with disdain for you—now fully submitting to your control was nothing short of a revelation.
“You’re really putting on a show, aren’t you?” you remarked, your voice dripping with amusement as your hand rested lightly on the back of Eunha’s head. “Keep going. Show her why you’re the only one.”
Eunha’s eyes flickered upward, meeting yours for the briefest moment before closing again. She redoubled her efforts, her movements growing faster, more fluid as her arousal fueled her determination. The wet sounds of her work filled the room, punctuated by her soft hums and the occasional gasp when you pushed her deeper.
Your breathing quickened as she found her rhythm, her technique honed with every passing second. Her lips tightened around you, her tongue pressing firmly against the sensitive underside as she bobbed her head. You groaned softly, the sound spurring her on as she worked to bring you closer to the edge.
When your climax hit, it was with a sharp exhale and a tightening of your grip on her hair. You pressed her down, holding her in place as you released, feeling her throat constrict as she swallowed without hesitation. Her cheeks hollowed as she took everything you gave, her obedience absolute.
As the waves of pleasure subsided, you leaned forward slightly, your hand loosening in her hair. “Tilt your head back,” you commanded, your tone low and firm. Eunha obeyed, tilting her head until her face was angled perfectly toward you. “Open,” you added, and her lips parted slowly, her breath coming in soft pants as you inspected her.
Your release pooled at the back of her throat, glistening under the dim light. The sight sent a surge of satisfaction through you, and you allowed yourself a moment to admire her submission before leaning forward slightly.
“Hold it,” you murmured. With one hand steadying her chin, you spat lightly into her mouth, the act deliberate and possessive—a seal of her surrender. “Now swallow.”
Eunha’s throat bobbed as she complied, her lips closing around the mix of sensations with no hesitation. Her eyes flickered upward, meeting yours briefly before darting away, her cheeks flushed with a mix of humiliation and pride.
“Good girl,” you said, your voice tinged with satisfaction as you wiped a thumb across her chin, catching a stray drop before it fell. You pulled her back slightly, your member still glistening as you began to tap it lightly against her lips, the soft, wet sounds drawing a faint blush to her already heated skin.
Your hand shifted to her cheek, guiding her head as you tapped her face twice, the subtle smack sending a shiver through her. The sound was muted yet deliberate, a reminder of her place and the power you held over her. Her lips parted instinctively, and you pressed the tip of your length against her once more, smirking as her breath hitched.
As you pulled back, your gaze flickered to Umji, who had remained rooted in place, her arms crossed tightly as she watched the entire scene unfold. Her expression was a mix of shock and disbelief, her lips parting slightly as if to speak, though no words came.
“I think we’re done here,” you said, your tone casual as though nothing unusual had just occurred. You gestured lazily toward the door, your attention still focused on Eunha’s flushed face. “We can’t meet up anymore.”
“What?” Umji managed, her voice rising slightly with disbelief.
You shrugged, the smirk on your lips unfaltering. “You see how it is. Eunha’s the one who belongs here now.”
Umji blinked, her gaze flickering between you and Eunha, still kneeling at your feet. Eunha’s chest rose and fell with uneven breaths, her hair disheveled and her cheeks still stained red from exertion and submission. Yet her eyes remained fixed on you, a silent devotion radiating from her as she knelt motionless, her body awaiting your next command.
Umji shifted on her feet, crossing her arms tighter as she glanced down at Eunha. “Eunha,” she said, her tone softer now, tinged with disbelief, “are you really okay with this? With him?”
Eunha didn’t respond. She didn’t move. Her gaze remained unwaveringly on you, as though Umji wasn’t even in the room. The lack of acknowledgement was as loud as any reply, leaving Umji stunned into silence.
“Well,” Umji said after a moment, her voice quieter. “I guess… I guess that’s that.” She hesitated, her gaze lingering on Eunha one last time before she turned toward the door. “Goodbye.”
The door clicked shut behind her, and the apartment fell into silence. You exhaled softly, leaning back against the couch as your hand slid through Eunha’s hair, the gentle motion drawing her gaze upward to meet yours.
“You’ve earned it,” you murmured, your voice low and approving. “You’re mine.”
Eunha’s lips parted slightly as a faint blush spread across her cheeks, her eyes shining with unspoken emotion. Slowly, she moved forward, her knees brushing against the carpet as she climbed into your lap, her arms wrapping around your neck with surprising tenderness. Her lips found yours in a soft, lingering kiss, her body melting against yours as if she belonged there—because she did.
Her breath was warm against your skin as she nestled against your chest, her head resting on your shoulder. The tension from moments before dissolved into something quieter, softer, as she clung to you. Her fingers traced absent patterns along your collarbone, her voice a soft whisper in the stillness.
“Thank you,” she murmured, her words carrying a weight that hinted at something deeper—a surrender not just of her body, but of her trust, her heart, and her place by your side.
You rested a hand on her back, the other threading lazily through her hair as you held her close. The silence between you wasn’t empty; it was full of an unspoken understanding, a bond forged through everything you had shared. At that moment, there was no doubt. Eunha was yours, and she wouldn’t have it any other way.
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