Hi! I’m Diana I’m 23! Pronouns she/her | NSFW 🔞| I don’t post here usually please do not message me!!!;p
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Not Just Anybody | baby daddy!sukuna x f!reader
summary: everything's going good, amazing actually. your baby girls happy, healthy, and turning one. your co-parenting relationship with sukuna has never been better, you smile a little more and fight less. yet despite all of the progress you've made, you continue to be unaware of anger and resentment that continues to build up inside of him.
genre: hidden child trope, toxic relationships, ex-fwb to co-parents to lovers, angst, fluff, smut, emotional cheating
part three | part four | part five
notes: again, tag list is closed! this part is also 9.3k words, so u may want to split it up or save it for later ❤️

Sukuna’s house is different from yours– it’s sharper, darker, colder. It’s devoid of warmth, a stark contrast from yours, yet there’s a certain calm in the air when you wake up there in the morning. It could just be the fact that there's no random toys laying around, something you don’t get to wake up to much often.
Or maybe the fact that you actually got to sleep in for once in your life since Sukuna was the one who kept an eye on the baby monitor– waiting for any sign that Sayomi was starting to wake up. The goal was to catch her before she started crying so you could sleep in.
Maybe this was your gift for keeping a little human alive and happy for an entire year— a full night of uninterrupted sleep and waking up at 10:00 am.
You weren’t sure why he was so adamant on having you two sleep over the night before her birthday, but after a whole week of him practically begging you without giving a real reason why, you finally said yes.
It made sense when he surprised you with Yomi’s very own room. He wasn’t sure what to get her for her birthday and decided it would’ve been perfect since she didn’t have one at his house in the first place. The room itself was the complete opposite from the rest of the house, filled with different shades of pink and soft textures– very cottage fairy vibes.
You avoided saying that though, only because he would’ve made fun of you for wording it that way. But it was beautiful, it became the one spot in Sukuna’s dark home that the sun had shone on.
He also revamped the room that was next to hers for you, just in case you didn’t feel completely comfortable with letting her spend the night there alone. He didn’t have to go that far, you would’ve stayed in any room or even the couch, but you appreciated the extra effort. Your room definitely wasn’t as fancy as Ms. Sayomi’s, but you could tell he had you in mind when decorating it. Soft white linen sheets, some art pieces hung up on the wall and a couple of plants laying around. It had a similar vibe to your home.
The party isn’t until Saturday, but you still wanted the day of her actual birthday to be special. You took the day off from work and Sukuna took the day off from practice. Some close family will be coming over a little later for an early dinner. It’ll be your parents, along with Jin, Yuji, his other brother Choso and Choso’s long time girlfriend, Yuki.
You haven’t met Yuki yet, but you’re fine with having her around your daughter. She’s been with Choso since their freshman year of highschool. Just from what you’ve heard so far, you get the feeling that she won’t be someone temporary in Yomi’s life— something you won’t outwardly say to Sukuna, at least not in that same exact wording. The last thing you need is him getting offended that you still don’t want him to introduce her to Yorozu.
They’ve been official for a little over three months now, you told yourself that you’ll allow it once they reach the one year mark. And no, you don’t think you’re being harsh on the timeframe, you hold yourself to the same standard as well. You want Sayomi to meet a future step-parent, not a girlfriend or boyfriend.
You take one last look at your phone before heading downstairs. The closer you get to the staircase, the more your daughter’s laughter fills the air. She’s grown to be quite the daddy’s girl, Sukuna really doesn’t have to do much and she’s already smiling at him.
“Mm!! Hi mama!” She excitedly greets you when you come into view, it’s the one sentence she can say just about perfectly.
Sukuna’s feeding her breakfast and you're pretty sure he was just eating her food as a “joke”, hence the laughter.
“Good morning, birthday girl!” You lean down and give her several kisses on the cheek. “Are you eating breakfast with your dad?”
She tilts her head when she looks at you and babbles some random sequence of words that are only known to her, then finishes it off strong by saying “dada”.
“Sounds fun babe!” You enthusiastically say, it’s always better to just act like you know. Sukuna ends up laughing, having no idea what the hell she just said either but he likes the passion behind it.
“Did you sleep good?” He asks in place of a normal greeting, continuing to feed Yomi the rest of her oatmeal.
“I actually did.” You say, brushing some of the baby’s hair off of her forehead. You’re a little afraid to look anywhere else, Sukuna’s in nothing but a pair of short rugby shorts. You try to not think that everything’s about you, but you’re seriously having a hard time believing he didn’t do this on purpose.
Whether it was on purpose or not, the one thing you know for sure is that this man is not above accusing others of lusting over him and trying to objectify him– all it takes is a glance while Sukuna’s in a silly goofy mood.
“What about you two? Did she wake up super early today?”
“She woke up so fucking early,” he sighs and complains. “She got up at 5:00 am, so I gave her a bottle–”
“Did you measure it correctly?”
“Who knows, she’ll survive.” He waves off your concerns and continues. “Anyways, I gave her a bottle and took her back to my room. We both fell back asleep, then she woke me up at 8:00 am by picking my fuckin’ nose.”
“That’s so gross Yomi, he has germs up there.” You squish her cheeks and tease her.
“She would not be here right now if you thought I had germs.” He murmurs, feeding her the last spoonful of her food.
“What did you say?”
The day goes by slowly. You end up having to go back to your house real quick to grab a couple things, like makeup since you forgot it for some reason. Other than you brief trip home, the three of you lounged around up until family members started showing up.
The first to arrive was Sukuna’s side. As always, Yuji’s excited to see his baby cousin. No introductions were needed for Jin and Choso since you’ve already met them, so you introduce yourself to Yuki and spend some time getting to know her.
She was also nice enough to bring a smash cake for Sayomi, something that you and Sukuna slightly felt guilty about since you both completely forgot a cake and candles.
You don’t even know how it slipped your mind– probably happened because her actual party is on a different day and this is literally your first time celebrating your child’s birthday.
You quickly let it go after Sukuna told you a lot of kids in this world don’t get to have cake on their birthdays. In that moment you truly understood why he is the way he is.
Your parents arrive around an hour later. They don’t bother providing an explanation, even with Sukuna glaring at them as he patiently waited for one. Ever since they retired, they’ve started to run off of their own time, a.k.a it’s not 6:00 pm unless they say it is.
It’s kind of funny when you think about it, but you still feel bad for the people that have actual appointments with them. The only reason why your mom shows up to her workout classes on time is because they threatened to kick her out for constantly showing up late.
Well deserved in your opinion, but you kept it to yourself.
Even with how.. particular your parents can be, everyone gets along surprisingly well. As expected, they really liked Jin, but it was Choso that ended up capturing their hearts. They even made a comment about how they’d adopt him if they could.
Unfortunately Sukuna, who was already drinking, overheard that.
It’s one of those days where you’re not sure if he’s being serious or not. You were leaning towards him being serious since they gushed over all the guests, except him. He also started listing off reasons why he’s better than all of them, and since it’s Sukuna, he never ran out of reasons.
It’s impressive how obsessed he is with himself.
“Do you guys want a refill?” Choso gestured at your parent’s empty glasses, interrupting Sukuna and giving him another reason in his head.
“On top of that, I don’t interrupt others, especially when it comes to proving to others that I respect my elders.” Sukuna continues to ramble, he was also way more fucked up than he was when he first started. “Which is ageist, or however the fuck you pronounce it. Listen– mom, dad– I don’t care about how old someone is, there is no age limit to getting your ass beat.”
“Did you just call me an elder, Sukuna?” Your dad asks, deciding that getting called old was far more concerning than Sukuna basically saying his hands were rated E for everyone.
“Me? Never!” He tries not to laugh as he begins to twist the narrative. “Choso said that shit, not me.”
“I never said that!” Choso defends himself. But it’s too late, Sukuna was going to win this argument by any means necessary.
“You didn’t have to say it, you showed them that you thought they were old by offering to refill their drinks.” He turns away from your parents and smirks at his brother who was just trying to be nice. “They’re strong, independent people. Their arms aren’t go to break off by pouring themselves a well deserved drink for being the best grandparents in the world.”
“Wow.” You turn to look at your parents who are floored by how he just doesn’t shut up when he’s drunk. “He holds you guys in such high regard yet you couldn’t even buy him his first pair of earrings.”
“Don’t you start with us now too.” Your dad says, you couldn’t tell if it was a warning or plea.
“God forbid women have hobbies.”
“Giving your father a headache is not a hobby.” He scolds you, he doesn’t get too far since you start laughing.
“Okay, okay. I’ll stop, I’m done.”
“Good ‘cause I was just getting started.” You already know who said this.
After chugging two massive glasses of water and listening to his daughter have a meltdown that he’s convinced was for fucking fun, Sukuna sobers up. You all decide it’s the perfect time to do a test run for the smash cake. She’s going to eat some of course, but everyone’s more interested in seeing how Sayomi would react to a group of people singing happy birthday to her. It might not be the most accurate result since there will be almost a hundred people at your house on Saturday, but it doesn’t hurt to try.
So you guys give it a try. She’s slumped back in her high chair, staring at the cake like it’s more of an inconvenience than it is a delectable treat. Sukuna tries to tickle her neck and she just frowns and slaps his hand away.
But no tears. This is good.
Her expression changes when you light the candle on top, making her a little more interested than before.
“Mama no?” She asks and you nod.
“That’s right babe, no.”
She points at the lit candle, “no?”
“No.” You say again, she seems to get it. Even if she didn’t and eventually tried to grab at it, you were close enough to stop her. “No touching, that’ll give you an ouchie.”
After fully explaining why fire was bad and doubting she understood or even listened, you moved on to the moment everyone’s been waiting for— the singing.
It’s kind of ridiculous how far you all would go to see what her emotional limit is, but you’re left with no other choice. On any other day, it’d be fine— cry your fucking heart out. But it’s her first birthday party, you’d rather not bring her to the point where she gets in one of her moods and then sleeps for the entirety of the day. If it’s something avoidable like not singing happy birthday or keeping balloons away from you, you’ll do it.
It goes well at first, she doesn’t seem to care, but something bothers you.
“Can you sing along with everyone?”
“No.” He responds stubbornly, crossing his arms as if it’d prove a point.
“Why not?”
“I don’t like singing.”
“You’re singing happy birthday,” you scoff at him. “You don’t have to hit Mariah Carey notes to properly sing it.”
“I don’t care. I gave her a room that’s bigger than some peoples homes, the fuck does she need me to sing to her for?”
Not only did Sukuna sing beautifully, but Sayomi also didn’t cry for all the 12 times you’ve rehearsed the song. She even smiled at one point, so you have high hopes for Saturday. Everyone was quick to go home after that, which is understandable. You all had lost track of time, it was already pushing 9:00 pm when you brought the cake out.
You were the last to leave since you had to pack up all the stuff you had brought for the overnight stay, but there was no rush. Yomi was already fast asleep in Sukuna’s arms, so you were able to take your time making sure you didn’t forget anything important.
“You sure you two can’t spend the night again?” He asks as you walk toward the driveway.
“I can’t, my parents are staying with me for two nights.” You remind him once again, too tired to even get frustrated at having to repeat yourself.
He most likely does remember and just thinks he can talk you into it.
“So?” He chuckles, genuinely not understanding why that’s an issue.
“They’re staying with me because they want to spend that time with her.” You hold back a smile from how you actually have to break it down for him. “They want to see her at night before she sleeps and they want to eat their breakfast with her in the mornings. I doubt they’d stay if the house was empty.”
“That’s dumb but alright.” He mutters, placing a kiss on Yomi’s head right after. “Gonna feel empty here.”
“Are you still tipsy?” You ask, looking at him with slight disbelief.
“Maybe.” He says in response, yet the long pause beforehand tells you yes. “I’ve said worse than saying my house feels empty while drunk.”
“I believe that.” You end up smiling when thinking about how he tried to turn your parents and Choso into enemies. “I’m surprised you’re saying that in the first place. I doubt it’ll feel empty here if you invited your girlfriend over.”
The suggestion brings genuine laughter to the man, eventually having to cover his mouth for a moment because Yomi began fussing around in his arms.
“Say her name.”
“Why would you want me to do that?” You immediately shoot him an annoyed look.
“I don’t think I’ve ever heard you say her name before.” The smile on his face is way too warm for someone that’s just realized something like that. “It’s always ‘your girlfriend’ or just her pronouns.”
“I think you’re thinking too much into it.” You laugh with him. “I wouldn’t even know how to confirm or deny that, it’s never crossed my mind.”
“Maybe.” He shrugs, not caring that much if it were true or not. “But yeah, I could invite her over.”
“You should.”
“Definitely should.” He easily agrees. “Probably won’t though.”
“Don’t complain about being lonely then.” You softly scold him. The way you said it makes him realize hasn’t felt this much warmth from you in years.
Having her here wouldn’t fix that.
He probably shouldn’t say that.
It’s not the same as having you two here.
He probably shouldn’t say that either.
It would never make a difference in the way you see him.
“I know.” He ends up saying, then forces out a low laugh. “I probably just need sleep.”
“I think so too.” You end up taking Yomi into your arms and begin walking to your car, he follows right behind out of habit. “You’re not used to someone waking you up so much in the morning.”
“M’not– I’ll get used to it though.” He says, watching you put her into the car seat.
His chest tightens a little more than usual this time around as he watches you gentle secure the rest of the straps.
“It’s fine if you don’t, I never did.” You let out a little sigh after stepping away from the backseat. “It’s just easy to get over it because she’s cute.”
“She's the cutest,” he chuckles and shuts the backseat door. “I might be a little busy tomorrow, so if I don’t get the chance to visit then I’ll just see you Saturday morning.”
“Sounds good. Have a goodnight.” You offer him a little smile before getting in the car.
“You too.” He can’t find it in himself to smile back right now, but allows his eyes to linger on you a little longer. It’s the one thing you don’t get on him for and hopes you continue to just let him have it.
As pathetic as it sounds, it’s all he has left.
“Nice of you to come out the night before your daughter's party.” It’s one of the first things Suguru says after you finally sit down and look at the menus.
It was a new restaurant in the area that has quickly gained popularity from their food and laid back ambiance. It was still fancier than most, but one you could definitely relax and enjoy your dinner in.
“You have no idea how much I needed this.” You admit, sounding more than relieved to be here with him. “It’s been such a long week trying to get ahead with work just so I could take some extra days off for Yomi.”
“I bet.” He chuckles. “How’s work been for you?”
“It’s doing good! I have 2 potential clients that reached out this month. I'm considering hiring an intern for extra help and to see what having an employee would be like.”
“Why an intern? Just so you can say goodbye without feeling bad if you end up not liking it?”
“That’s exactly why.” You laugh with him. “It’d be good for them too, they’d be getting the experience and a nice letter of recommendation for wherever they’d want to go next.”
“That would be good for them.” He agrees and takes a sip of his drink. He’s a whiskey on the rocks kind of guy and you don’t know how he does it. “I remember getting so stressed out trying to land a good internship while I was in college, I never want to go through that again.”
“Did you end up getting a decent one?”
“More than decent, it was one of the top ten financial firms in the country.” He reveals, acting a little shy about it. “But my manager was such a fucking dick.”
“That sucks, I'm sorry. I feel like it’s more common than not. I had 2 during college and 1 right after and they were all really rude. I just stuck through it to fluff up my resume.”
“Yeah, same here—“
“Here you go, Sir.” A waitress ends up interrupting the conversation to drop off your plates. “And here’s yours Ma’am. Was there anything I could get you two before I step away?”
“Yeah, a refill on this please.” He says, sliding his empty glass over to her. “Want more wine?”
“Yeah sure.” You smile and slide the empty glass over to her. “Same as the last one please.”
“Of course, I’ll be back with those shortly.”
The rest of the dinner is kind of just that— small talk with some personal stories sprinkled into the mix.
You try not to talk about your daughter too much during dates. You make it known that she's your everything, but you’ve found that it’s nice to take a break from talking about things like milestones and teething.
Or the crippling anxiety you get whenever you think about how dangerous the world can be, and that you can try your best to protect her from it, but you’ll reach a time where you can’t and that terrifies you.
But that’s a conversation that you save for your family and therapist.
Suguru isn’t the first guy you’ve gone on dates with, but the one thing that’s made him stand out from the others is how he doesn’t seem to care that you’re a mom.
He knows you’re busy a lot of the time and isn’t pushy when it comes to seeing you. He’s never made any backhanded comments about your life being ruined, like a couple of men have said in the past. You also like that he asks questions about her and seems genuinely curious, instead of asking just to be nice.
Are you trying to find Sayomi a stepdad? Not really. You’re just having fun. Going out on dates and having girls nights for a couple hours, 3-4 times a month has helped you feel like yourself again in a short amount of time.
It’s not like you bring people home to meet your daughter, so there was no harm in having some nights out.
As you both begin to walk through the dining room, Suguru takes your hand in his and it’s oddly nice. You’ve slept with him a couple times before, but your internal reaction to something as innocent as having your hand held made you realize how touch starved you truly were.
But the night is young, you’ll have time later to sulk about how lonely you feel sometimes.
The cold air immediately hits you when you two step outside. Springs deceiving as always— you find yourself sweating at some parts of the day, then barely able to talk from how violent you shiver at night.
Except the usual feeling of wanting to run into a car with a heater on full blast fades away when you get a glimpse of pink hair and mass walking up to you from the corner of your eye.
This man couldn’t sneak up on anybody no matter how hard he tried.
The moment you turn to face him, you can’t tell what he’s thinking. When he first saw you walking out of the restaurant, he wasn’t quite sure if it was you or not.
He hasn’t seen you dressed up in almost 2 years. The times that he actually has shouldn’t even count since he’d rip the clothes right off of you, leaving you bare for him to enjoy.
Then you got a little closer. Instead of your words, he was able to hear only the sound of your voice. You obviously don’t use it on him because you don’t like him anymore— for whatever fucking reason— but you used to use that same exact tone with him.
He doesn’t even completely realize what he’s doing until Yorozu’s following behind him, asking where he’s going— and he suddenly realizes he’s walking straight over to you.
There’s no plan in mind, there’s barely any thoughts except for what are you doing here and who did you leave his little girl with.
“Oh, Sukuna!” is all you can fucking come up with right now. You two obviously aren’t together but you can’t help but feel like you got caught doing something bad, especially with the way he was looking at you. “Surprised to see you here, have you been here bef—“
“Where the fuck is Sayomi?” He cuts you off with a question that sounded more like an accusation. He didn’t even bother to introduce the woman he’s with or introduce himself to the man you’re with.
He doesn't give a fuck about either right now, all he can see right now is you as he began to seethe.
“At home?” You let out a light laugh, mainly from how uncomfortable you’ve become in record fucking time. He makes it seem like she’s all alone at home or waiting in the car for you while you finish your date. “She’s spending time with her grandparents right now.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” He continues to question you, looking back at Suguru once before going back to glare at you. He takes a small step forward and Yorozu lightly wraps her hand around his arm, you’re not sure if it’s an attempt to calm him down or hold him back. “I thought you were with her this whole time.”
“I didn’t know I had to.” You begin to defend yourself, but he just starts laughing, it makes it hard to continue speaking but you do anyway. People are starting to look and you don’t need him to cause a scene. “Are you mad? She’s safe at home right now.”
“Of course I’m fucking mad!” He begins to raise his voice, taking another step closer. “You didn’t fucking tell me other people were watching her tonight!”
“What do you mean other people?! They’re my parents!”
“That’s not fucking point! I thought you were with her this entire time!” There’s a strain in his voice as he begins to fully unload on you, it causes Suguru to step forward and hold his arm out in front of you. He doesn’t know what Sukuna’s like, you haven’t given him too many details, but with the way Sukuna’s looking at you right now, he’s fully prepared to block him from getting to you.
Seeing that pisses off Sukuna even more.
“I don’t see the fucking issue, Sukuna!” You throw your arms out in defeat, “I don’t even see why I should be telling you where I’m going.”
“Babe, it's okay.” Yorozu steps in and tries to get him to relax, he drank a little bit before coming here, he could do anything right now. “I’m sure Sayomi’s safe.”
“No, no— YOU DON’T FUCKING GET IT!” He suddenly snaps at her, before pointing his finger at you. “Let’s get one thing straight, I don’t give a FUCK about what you do or where you go. What I care about is where MY DAUGHTER is and who she’s with. This whole fucking time I thought she was with her mother! I don’t care how simple it seems to you, I need to know that kind of shit!”
The whole street’s looking at this point and you swear you’ve never felt smaller. Sukuna continues to release years worth of anger on you, all while his girlfriend continues to try to soothe him while throwing little glares at you, and you just continue to shrink beside Suguru, who did not sign up for this shit tonight.
“Jesus fucking christ– OKAY! I’m sorry, I’ll fucking tell you next time!” You yell back. “I didn’t think it was going to be a big deal.”
“That’s his daughter, of course it’s a big deal.” Yorozu says, backing him up. Your eyes almost widen in surprise— you weren’t expecting her to say anything at all, now she’s trying to make you look worse than he already is.
“I didn’t mean it like that. Are you fucking serious right now?” You grimace and take a step forward, but you end up getting stopped by Suguru who still has his arm out in defense.
He wasn’t planning on saying anything, letting the parents sort this through and all, but even he reached his breaking point after seeing that the girlfriend was ready to go at it with you. Sukuna didn’t look like he was going to do anything about it anytime soon either.
“Listen man.” Suguru turns to him, trying to sound as sincere as possible. “We get where you’re coming from, we understand. I can promise you she didn’t have any bad intentions behind this.”
Sukuna laughs then stares him dead in the eye, clearly not really to settle down just yet. “Who the fuck is we? ‘Cause last time I checked, it was her that hid a child from me for almost an entire fucking year and I doubt anything like that’s ever fucking happened to you. So tell me, do you actually fucking understand? NO.” He then turns back to you, “And now you’re keeping shit from me again, is this just who you fucking are?!”
“No it’s not! I already said it wouldn’t happen again!” You cut him off in frustration and your eyes slowly become glossier and glossier. “I apologized, Sukuna! I don’t know what else you want me to say.”
“It sounds like you’re just trying to get him to shut up!” Yorozu says. “You were defensive from the start and don’t sound remorseful at all.”
“How do you expect me to act when it was him that immediately started attacking me?! He could’ve talked to me about this in private but he chose to yell at me in public.”
“He wasn’t attacking you, he was worried about where his daughter was since you never told him you were leaving her with other people.” She refutes.
“Okay ms. Sukuna whisperer,” you mutter and laugh. She literally just repeated everything he said. “I’m sure he’s real worried from how he’s letting his fucking girlfriend fight in his place.”
“I’m my own fuckin’ person, sweetheart.” He chuckles, “no one’s fighting in my place.”
“Coming to your defense then.” You roll your eyes as you correct yourself. “Something a grown fucking man does not need, yet here we are.”
“That’s what couples do.” He says bitterly.
“Oh, I’m sure. Tell me, do couples also blow up every others fucking phones when they don’t get a text within 5 minutes?”
“Or how about that one time you wanted to spend the day with Yomi after she got her ears pierced and you couldn’t because someone else was demanding your attention?”
“You couldn’t even use your phone because of how many calls you were getting back to back!”
“Nothing? Okay! I’ll let you two go then, so you can enjoy being a normal couple.” The look you give Suguru immediately tells him that you’re ready to go and begins to step back, waiting for you to take the lead.
“Back to your boyfriend's house then, huh?” Sukuna continues to throw jabs, showing you once again that he just likes to fight.
You tried so hard to get away from him, so hard to avoid being on the receiving end of his anger, yet here you are. He doesn’t even let you walk away.
You were fucked since the moment he laid his eyes on you.
You take one big deep breath, trying to get it together because Suguru had already seen enough. Sukuna and Yorozu have also had the pleasure of watching you lose your temper. The small attempt to calm yourself does nothing to soothe the burn in your eyes, you eventually blink away the tears that have slowly built up within the last 10 minutes and they steadily flow down your cheeks.
If only they knew this was all from frustration and not fear or remorse. You don’t regret a thing you said.
“No.” You finally respond to his question. “My mood’s ruined and I don’t feel like staying out and making it everyone else's problem, I’m not like you.”
“So now it’s my fault?” He asks, getting defensive all over again.
“No.” Your voice slightly raises and you sniffle right after. “It’s mine– I don’t communicate enough, I hide things from you, I have the fucking audacity to defend myself when it comes to you. How dare I try to do that after all I’ve done to you?”
“You know I didn’t mean it like that.”
“No, I don’t know, but I felt it.” Your voice slightly trembles. “You take any chance you can get to remind me how much of a piece of shit I am. Sometimes I wonder what life would’ve been like had I never left you and I don’t think it’d be any different from this.”
You finally begin to walk away from the two, with Suguru following along. Sukuna tried to say some other things to you, but it was all muffled out. Maybe it was from some of the wine you drank, or maybe it was just the pent up frustration you’ve been having since he came back into your life. Whatever it was, you didn’t hear a word he said, nor did you care anymore at this point.
Suguru was the one that picked you up, but you decided to take an uber back home. The last thing you wanted to do was unpack everything that just happened on the car ride back. You were also just plain embarrassed, Suguru never knew about the full story of you hiding Yomi away from her father.
The birthday party was less than 24 hours away, you needed the time alone to relax and prepare yourself to deal with all the people that were attending it.
As expected, the morning was hectic. The planner and her assistants got to your house at 9:00 A.M sharp and got to work decorating the main areas of the house and backyard. You didn’t even know what to expect, you told her to do whatever she pleased, so you’re in for just as much of a surprise as everyone else.
Your only job for today was getting Sayomi fed and dressed in her frilly little birthday dress. She seemed to love it with the way she kept grabbing at it and smiling, but she hated the matching headband. You didn’t even bother putting it back on after she ripped it off, you ended up tying half of her hair up and adding a little accessory.
When you finally walk back down the stairs, everything’s pretty much done— the balloon decorations, flower arrangements, snack tables, different food stations. You momentarily interrupt your moms conversation with her to quickly thank her for everything, god knows you could never transform a space the way she could.
You didn’t even have the time for that.
The guests started rolling in at noon, with each person that arrived, the more you dreaded her Sukuna’s arrival. The good thing about him is that he doesn’t seem to tell his family much about the tumultuous relationship you’ve have the past three months, so you’re sure it’ll be easier to act normal around him with his brothers and Yuki around.
The entire family shows up around 30 minutes after the party officially started and of course, your child’s father manages to steal all the attention.
He’s tall and built to begin with, imagine all the looks he got when he stepped into your home with a white button up, rolled up at the sleeves and the top buttons undone to show off his chains. On top of that, his grey slacks were perfectly tailored and his hair was neatly styled. You’d think it would all clash, but it somehow worked with his ear piercings and eyebrow slits.
You don’t look for too long though, he was already getting enough attention from everyone else. You hardly acknowledge him at all, actually.
The first one to greet you was Yuji. The sweet boy was already bouncing off the walls, ready to go outside and play with the other kids. But he also had manners, making sure to give you and Yomi a hug and kiss on the cheek. Next were Jin, Choso, and Yuki, which you greeted and gave a hug to in that exact same order.
By the time you reached Yuki, Sukuna was looking at you expectantly, but you ended up turning back around and leading the three to where all the food was.
Peace doesn’t exist though when you have a child, your sweet baby girl proved that to you within those 10 minutes.
“Dada,” Yomi says to you and points at him, as you’re walking into the kitchen.
“You wanna go to Dada?” You ask, moving some hair out of her face, not bothering to look up at him.
“Mm.” She lightly nods, looking at Sukuna excitedly.
“Okay.” You smile before side eyeing the man. “Here.”
Without protest, he takes her. He’s honestly been waiting for you to hand her over, not completely sure if you’d say yes if he asked. He wasn’t even sure if you were going to allow him to come after last night, but figured it was alright since you never texted him telling him to fuck off.
Sukuna spent the rest of the day being pulled away by a bunch of relatives and family friends– out of sight and mainly out of your mind. A lot of those who approached him tried to use the birthday girl as an excuse to go up to him, but you knew they just wanted to finally meet the mystery man that fathered her. A part of you wondered how some of those conversations went. The topic about who Sayomi’s father was is a topic that everyone avoided, even just asking about it was a big no-no. So you can imagine it to be a lot of mental gymnastics trying to talk about it, you never even gave people an explanation as to how or why he’s in her life now.
It’s not until you have to sing Happy Birthday when you have to interact with him. You almost want to laugh when he turns the corner and you see how blissfully unaware your daughter is of what she’s about to have to deal with.
You were able to set aside your differences for a minute when he also acknowledged how much she was going to hate this. She may not have reacted much on her actual birthday, but now she’s essentially in a room filled with strangers.
“Should one of us hold her while they sing it?” He asks, lightly bouncing her in his arm as if getting her in the best mood would make her fall from grace less steep.
You shake your head, “that’s never stopped her from having a meltdown.”
He cautiously set her down into the high chair, where there’s a purple princess cake in front of her that’s waiting to be lit. She’s fine at first, her attention’s on the cake, not the crowd in front of her.
It’s after only a few seconds of singing where she slowly drops her happy demeanor, her face turns into one you’d make if you were all alone in a room and something randomly moves.
Complete terror of the unknown.
The worst is when she looks at you or her dad, she thinks crying is going to get her out of this situation so her bottom lip starts to quiver the longer you two go without getting her the hell out of there.
Too bad Sukuna was determined to keep her in that goddamn chair, so he takes a little frosting off the top of the cake and quickly swipes it over her lips.
Usually she’d be offended by something like that happening, but her mood quickly turns around when stops pouting and actually tries it. She eventually starts kicking her feet around and pointing at the dessert, asking for more.
Singing happy birthday was a success, it ended with Yomi clapping her hands along with everyone else while chewing on her newest favorite food.
You gave her all the time in the world to eat however much of it she wanted, you were taking pictures after and needed her to look as happy as possible.
And it all went fine, at least up until the very end. You were so worried about Sayomi this entire time that you never considered what were some of the things that could’ve gotten on your nerves today, aside from looking at Sukuna’s face.
“Okay, now let’s get a picture with both mom and dad!” Your dad’s sister, who’s never once in her life been able to read a room, exclaims.
You try to look at anywhere else but Sukuna’s direction after hearing that, it was so painfully obvious to him, only because he’s the only one that knew about what went down last night.
After everything, he still wanted to take a photo together as a family, even though he’s starting to accept that the three of you will probably never truly be one, especially after what happened last night.
But still, he puts his pride aside.
“C’mere.” He murmurs, holding his arm out for you.
You obviously go up to him, not wanting to give away any signs that there were issues between you two, allowing him to pull you into his side and throw his free arm around you.
“Hi mama!” Your daughter flashes you a dopey grin– doesn’t matter if she hasn’t seen you in 2 minutes or 2 hours, she’s been greeting you each time she sees you and it makes your heart melt.
She makes the picture taking a little better, she’s more giddy than usual because of the sugar content that was in her cake— she’s probably in outerspace right now. Hopefully her energy crash isn’t that bad at bedtime, but it’s her birthday. She’ll do it if she wants to.
Her pathetic father had some hopes that you’d rest your hand on his chest or something for the photo— just seems kind of natural to do so, but you take your daughter's hand instead.
At least it made a cute photo. Sayomi will look back and never know just how cold and distant you felt in his arms at that moment.
The last people to leave your house are your parents. They love staying over and seeing Sayomi, but miss the peace and quiet of their own home, so they decided tonight's the night they finally go back home.
Is a two day stay a lot?
For them it is.
It’s not something to take personally, if you absolutely needed them, they’d be here for you in a heartbeat.
It’s not until you walk into the cluttered kitchen and realized you’re not alone. You find Sukuna standing over the kitchen island, quietly trying to open a bottle of wine.
“Didn’t know you were still here.” You mutter, taking his attention off the stubborn cork.
“Probably because you spent the whole day ignoring me.” He says while finally opening the damn thing. The room’s quiet as he pours you a glass and slides it over to you. “Can’t blame you though.”
“You sure? You don’t seem to mind blaming me for everything else.” You say, taking a seat in front of him and pulling the wine glass closer to you. You’re not even taking jabs at him anymore, you genuinely meant it, which makes him feel worse.
He doesn’t respond to that out of guilt and leans forward on the counter. He doesn’t even know where to start right now, he was an asshole to everyone last night. But if he were to be completely honest, he doesn’t care much about how he made Suguru and Yorozu feel last night. He was out for blood the moment he saw you stepping out of the restaurant, he would’ve snapped on anyone.
And since he’s being honest with himself right now, he wanted to hurt you. Right now he’s just trying to figure out if last night's anger was how he truly felt or if that was just his final straw to an already bad day.
He didn’t even want to go out last, his girlfriend just wouldn’t shut the fuck up about it. He was tired and wanted to rest up since he had planned on being here the entire day. Lately, Yorozu’s been taking his “no’s” as suggestions and it’s so much easier just giving in sometimes.
He glances at you and you’re already looking at him, raising your brows at him. He knows it’s your nonverbal way of saying “fucking get on with it”.
“After missing all that time with Yomi…” He begins to explain himself, carefully choosing his words because he wants you to understand. Right now he’d rather you understand why he reacted that way he did, instead of forgiving him. “Not knowing what’s going on with her triggers the fuck out of me. I don’t know.. I– when I was getting ready to go out and on my way to the restaurant, I had this idea that you two were at home together and realizing I was wrong made me lose it. I trust your parents, but if you told me you were going out, I would’ve cancelled my plans and hung out with her.”
“Are you saying you got mad because you got fomo?”
He lightly chuckles at the word choice. “It sounds so stupid when you break it down in your own words, but yeah, that’s kinda what happened.”
“I don’t think it’s stupid.” You assure him, it’s probably hard enough having to explain himself after the scene he caused. “I would’ve asked, but you usually have date nights with Yorozu on Fridays, so I never thought to ask.”
“I’d never choose a date night over spending time with Sayomi.” His voice drops an octave as says those words in all seriousness. “I’m also really sorry for the way she tried to get into our business like that.”
“Can’t blame her, you made it her business the moment you decided you were going to call me out in front of her. Same with Suguru.”
Fair enough.
“Still shouldn’t have let her talk to you like that.”
“Did you even try to say something to her after I left?” You murmur, twisting the glass around by its stem. “Or does she think she can start arguing with me whenever we fight, because that’s what couples do?”
“We fought over that after you left.” He reveals, his expression grew a little more stressed as he continued. “I told her if she ever pulls some shit like that again, it’s over.”
You were aware of how heated their arguments could get, so when he tells you they’re bad, you don’t take it lightly. You fully believe him when he says they stayed up until 1:00 am fighting over the fact that he never wanted her to speak to you like that again and how she constantly countered it by saying she was just defending him.
It barely got resolved, she just barely stopped arguing with him when he threatened to break up with her.
He was so fed up at the end that he even called her an uber home, all he wanted at that point was to be alone— his head hurt, voice all raspy from yelling too. Yet he stayed up for another hour or two just staring at the ceiling and listening to nothing but the faint breeze outside, wondering what the fuck was he even doing with his life.
You hum in response, you’re not sure if his threat is overkill or not, but it makes you feel slightly better. Enough to be okay with her meeting your daughter after a year? Nope.
“Well thanks, I guess.” You say nonetheless.
“Yeah…” He takes a deep breath. “I really am sorry. I can apologize to your date too if you want.”
You almost laugh at the suggestion, he sounds so remorseful, it’s not very fitting of him. “No need— he ended things with me.”
His jaw might as well be on the floor from how shocked he is to hear that. “Are you fuckin’ serious?”
“Mhm.” You say, letting how bad he fucked up sink in for him.
“Fuck.” He puts his head down and lets out a low curse. “I’m so sorry… what did he say?”
“He texted me when I got home, saying something along the lines of how my situation was a lot to handle, and that I deserved someone that didn’t feel that way.” You finish the rest of the wine in the glass after saying that.
“Are you okay?” He asks, genuinely concerned. Heavy lids, brows slightly furrowed, he looks guilty as hell.
“Honestly… yeah. We only dated for three months, I only saw him a couple times a month too. I feel like he would’ve seen something else anyways and backed out.” You’d obviously like for Sukuna to feel bad about it for a while, but it’s the truth. You and Suguru wouldn’t have worked out to begin with. When you two first started talking, he thought that Yomi’s dad was out of the picture— a lot has changed since then.
Then you bring in one of Sukuna’s record breaking meltdowns, you understand the guy.
Which also leads you to another thing.
“Listen… you’re always going to have some sort of resentment towards me and I understand that.” You say, breaking the silence. “But I don’t want to spend the next seventeen years having you throw that in my face whenever I do something wrong. I think it’s time that we start thinking about splitting custody with her.”
You obviously haven’t had enough time to think about it, but it’d be easy, especially with how she has her own room at his house now. It’s not like he was bad at taking care of her anyways. If you stop breastfeeding her now, she could probably spend her weekends with him and be perfectly fine.
“What? No, I don’t want that.” He immediately rejects the suggestion, slightly hurt over it. “I don’t want to take her away from you, I’d rather just visit when I can.”
“And what if I don’t want that?” You argue back. “The last thing I want is for you to teach her that it’s okay to treat me like that. I’ll admit that what I did was a thousand times worse, but that doesn’t mean you can treat me like a punching bag whenever you get triggered over something.”
“I’ve never done any of that in front of her!” He tries to reason with you, but deep down he knows it’s not enough.
“There’s always the possibility that you will. Look, I’m trying to make it easier on all of us. If me not being around you helps you heal from all of this, then I’m glad to do it.” You continue to explain, but it just falls on deaf ears.
Yeah, you two have your bad moments, but when it’s good, it’s really good. You two are able to laugh together, easily make decisions over Yomi together. He enjoys being with you— the both of you.
“You make it seem like I get pissed at the sight or thought of you, I don’t! Last night was just a bad day, I didn’t even want to go out in the first place–”
You cut him off from going on a rant. “I obviously don’t want you to have bad days, but that’s not my problem, you can’t just use that as fuel to lose your shit on me.”
“I know that.” He murmurs and sighs.
“And I know that you feel bad and mean it when you apologize, but you need to work on yourself— whether it’s therapy or making some other life change. I can’t keep listening to you apologizing.”
You see the weary look he gives you for bringing that up, but he can’t even deny that it’s probably a good option at this point. He already had his own problems to begin with, having a child just makes it all worse. It doesn’t matter how good he is to Sayomi either, she’ll grow up to see how mad he gets when things don’t go his way, you don’t want her learning from that.
“So if I get therapy, you’ll…” He waits for you to finish the sentence.
“Do nothing. We can keep doing what we're doing. It works, I just can’t have you treating me the way you did last night.” You lean back in the seat and cross your arms.
He apprehensively looks at you for a bit, not sure if you’re telling the truth. You’re oddly calm for someone that just threatened to remove herself from his life if he didn’t get help.
He’d think you’d be a little bit more emotional about this, but then remembers you’re mentally and emotionally capable of leaving someone without a word.
“I did all my crying last night.” You say, he just realized he’d muttered that last sentence to himself.
“M’sorry about that too.” He easily apologizes again. “About all of it, I feel like a fuckin’ asshole.”
You look down at the empty wine glass, which he quickly fills up for you as a part of his final apology, and can’t help but feel guilty at how much remorse he’s showing right now.
What are you so afraid of?
It’s not like I’d hide her away from you.
At least now.
But he doesn’t know that, hiding her from him is all that he knows. If only you could be a little more selfless, allow him to make you feel the same way you made him feel at one point.
An eye for an eye.
You doubt it’d stop there, there’d be no truce— you’d destroy each other completely.
“Try not to be so hard on yourself.” You take another sip of the freshly filled glass, it makes looking him in the eye a little easier. “I made you this way.”
You absolutely fucking did, he refrains from saying and instead just looks at you back. He’s recently come to realize that this is something you struggle with too, you don’t say it but he sees it whenever he’s having a good time with Yomi. You look happy one minute, then the next you wipe the smile off your face. It’s almost as if you don’t allow yourself to have that experience with them, like you don’t deserve it.
“We just need to find a way to move on from it.” You say, wrapping up the last of the words you had for him.
“You’re right.” He’s been holding his breath enough that it’s shaky when he finally exhales. “I’ll uh– I’ll reach out to someone on Monday.”
“Okay.” It comes out so light, it’s almost a whisper. It’s a hard conversation to have, you weren’t expecting him to make it so easy. “Can I ask you something?”
Hearing the answer would probably make you feel worse, but it’s the one thing you’ve always wanted to ask him.
“Does it have something to do with when we were together?”
“It’s better if you don’t ask, you’re hard enough on yourself as is.” He says, giving you back your own advice. You already know you caused enough pain by jumping to your own conclusions about him, hearing the truth from him was just unnecessary at this point. “How were you supposed to know how I felt about you when I never told you?”
“I don’t know.”
The only times he's texted you back then were to see when you’d be free for him, you looked like a booty call on paper. It was stupid of him to think you’d stick around just because he was nice to you. He should’ve taken you out more, called you when he had free time, let you know he missed you whenever you weren’t around.
It’s not that he was scared, he was just stupid. He genuinely thought you’d just feel it, but you clearly don’t trust your gut. He’ll always wish he told you he loved you, he’d probably be getting ready to go to bed with you right now if he said it all that time ago.
He looks at his phone to check the time and realizes he’s overstayed his welcome. Not that he’s complaining, you two got somewhere from it. A mutual understanding almost. Maybe he’ll finally be able to have his first decent night of sleep since he saw you at the park that day.
But who is he kidding?
Mutual understandings don’t mean shit to a man that is unfortunately in love.
“Do you wanna sleep in the guest bedroom that’s here downstairs?” You suddenly offer after seeing him check the time. He didn’t live far, but it’d probably be nice if he skipped the driving for tonight.
“You don’t mind?” He asks, skimming through his missed texts.
“No. I’m sure Yomi would like seeing you in the morning too.”
He chuckles and puts his phone away. “I’d hope so.”
He tried so hard to hate you, but the love he’s always had for you has sadly grown since being back in your life again.
And no, you don’t try to deliberately hurt the people you love, like how he did last night. But like what you said, you made him this way, and now he’s stuck having to fix that part of himself.
What’s worse is he’s happy to do it if that means he gets to stay around you, because you will never be too much for him to handle. He chose the baby in a heartbeat, if only you knew he’d choose you just as fast too.
His phone buzzes again once he’s finally comfortable in the guest bedroom you offered him. For once, he’s not annoyed when he checks it.
[7:05 p.m] Yor: How did the birthday party go?
[8:45 p.m] Yor: Did she give you a hard time over what happened last night?
[8:50 p.m] Sukuna: No
[8:55 p.m] Yor: That’s good. Can I come over? I wanted to talk about yesterday.
[8:58 p.m] Sukuna: I wanna be alone rn. ill talk to you tomorrow

i just wanted to leave this here and the direct quote below for anyone that’s a little confused/needs clarification on what sukuna got mad about during this chapter. he went almost a full year of not knowing he had a child, he has trauma from that. he’s fine with reader going out and doing whatever, he just wants to know where the baby is and who she left the baby with ‼️
“After missing all that time with Yomi…Not knowing what’s going on with her triggers the fuck out of me. I don’t know.. I– when I was getting ready to go out and on my way to the restaurant, I had this idea that you two were at home together and realizing I was wrong made me lose it.“
and also, read the warnings!!! the angst and toxic relationship warnings are there for a reason. i understand that it’s not for everyone, but don’t make that my issue by coming up in my comments and announcing your departure 😭
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All rights reserved © 2025 yenayaps. Do not copy, repost, translate, or modify my works in any platform.
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Not Just Anybody | baby daddy!sukuna x f!reader
summary: sukuna's been a father for over a month now and seems to be getting the hang of things, or at least he looks like he is. he's no stranger to mental turmoil and it seems to have only gotten worse for him when ever he finds himself alone.
genre: hidden child trope, toxic relationships, ex-fwb to co-parents to lovers, angst, fluff, smut
part two | part three | part four
notes: taglist is closed!!! also this isn't proofread, I'll be doing that right after posting bc im an impatient pos.

The first time you meet him is a blur. You just so happened to be staying at the same hotel that night— you were on your first business trip while he was away for the nth time for a game. You wanted to enjoy the last night of your trip and treated yourself to a drink at the hotel’s bar. It doesn’t take long until Sayomi’s father spots you, goes to sit obnoxiously close to you, and proceeds to ask you what you were drinking, even though he already knew what a martini was.
You’d think he couldn’t get any more cocky than he already is now, but that’s all what Sukuna was when he was 24 years old. He just couldn’t wait to tell you what he did for a living, and accused you of staring at his thighs to get that conversation rolling.
“I don’t mind you staring at ‘em, just means I’ve been training right.”
You didn’t ask him to elaborate on that like he thought you would, so he eventually just told you.
He also eventually convinced you to come back up to his hotel room with him, where he also couldn’t wait to show you how big his dick was and how good he could make you feel with it.
You really don’t remember much except for the way he kept pulling your hips back to meet each thrust and how that alone made you cum more times than you ever have in a single night. And the way he moaned— god it was sexy. So low, so smooth. He’d stare at you with half-lidded eyes, watching his cock split you open and disappear inside of you, in a complete trance over how you took every inch he gave you.
That was the night he realized he’d fuck you forever if he could, and he’d be lying if he said he didn’t feel that way anymore.
It obviously didn’t last forever because that’s just not possible, but he did want your number. One could imagine his disappointment when he woke up the next morning and realized it was a fucking pillow that he had his leg thrown over, not the woman who’s guts he spent hours rearranging the night before.
Fate decided to do its thing though when he spots you on the same plane back home, where you happened to be sitting right next to him in first class.
No, you never met him in the bathroom for round 2. He tried, believe him, but he understood why you rejected him when he noticed you walking with a slight limp as you got off the plane. He did get your number though, which will always be worth so much more than just a quick fuck in a cramped bathroom of an airplane.
He especially feels that way whenever he looks at his little girl that he’s known for over a month now— should be 10 months, but it seems to be just him that’s counting with how normal everyone is about this.
Everyone except for the woman that’s been blowing up his phone, despite upping the number of date nights they have every week.
He’s been wondering what his 24 year old self would think about all of this.
Probably happy at first, after finding out the kid he has is with you, then confused after finding out you two weren’t together. Maybe even hurt after finding out how things ended.
“What did we even do to her?”
“I don’t fuckin’ know.”
He gets a knot in his stomach whenever he thinks about it long enough. This strange feeling of impending doom begins to wash over him, even when the worst has already happened. He’s constantly having to remind himself that he’s okay and everything will be fine, then he sees you and realizes that you’d slap his hand away if he ever tried to reach out to you.
Gone is the girl who’d happily lean into his touch— she literally vanished into thin air for him.
His phone vibrates after letting a call go to voicemail, and finally checks it.
Yor: Are you sure you can’t leave early? We’ve been wanting to go to the concert for a while now.
Sukuna: I really can’t, I already told you Yomi’s got an appointment. She’ll probably be in a bad ass mood after, you know how sensitive she is.
No, she doesn’t know, she’s never met the kid.
He didn’t specify what kind of an appointment it’d be, but he’s sure getting an ear piercing would be a worse experience than getting flu shots or whatever they give to babies.
Truth be told, he just doesn’t wanna be away from her. He spends more time at your house than he has at his own and will probably stay with you both up until her bedtime tonight—ingraining it into his daughter's head that he’ll be there for her every time she feels pain.
She won’t remember it, but it’ll become a subconscious thing. She’ll eventually just know that he’s someone she can go to if she’s not okay.
You two decided to go in the same car and meet your mom at the fancy piercing shop she suggested, more than ready to spend a fortune on her granddaughter's first pair of earrings.
“Are you excited, sweetie?” She turns to you and asks
“I’m just worried about how long she’ll be sore for.”
“Just give her some Tylenol.” Your mother simply says, waving off your concerns.
“Fuck, I should’ve called her pediatrician and asked if that was okay.”
“Honey, we used to line your gums with vodka whenever you were in pain from teething, a little bit of baby Tylenol isn’t going to hurt her.” Your mother reveals and Sukuna immediately steps away from her, to which she immediately scoffs at. “It was a different time, okay? I’m sure your parents did the same to you.”
He ignores her and turns to you, “call them and double check.”
He met your parents a couple weeks ago and so far it’s been good. Their relationship is very relaxed. You weren’t sure what to expect since it was you that decided to be a single mother, but they were pleasantly surprised to find out who exactly it was, with your father muttering “I fucking knew it” under his breath.
You ignored that comment.
They’re just glad their grandchild’s father isn’t a bum, which also confused them more as to why you did what you did.
“I kinda wanna get mine pierced with her.” Sukuna mentions while rubbing her little earlobe between his fingers.
“Yeah. I feel like she’d cry less if she saw me getting it done first.” He explains his little last minute theory. There’s also no doubt in his mind that they’d look good on him, but that’s something he keeps to himself.
“Guess it won’t hurt for you to try.”
He turns to your mother with a shit eating grin. “You tryna buy me a pair of earrings too?”
“Never in my life would I do such a thing,” she laughs a little too hard. “We all know you could buy this whole store and it wouldn’t put the slightest dent in your pocket.”
“Rude.” He complains boyishly while looking at which diamond studs he wants. “It’s the thought that counts y’know.”
“I’ll try to keep that in mind during christmas time. Let’s hope I forget how much Google said your net worth was by then.” Your mother quips.
“Tch– whatever.” He clicks his tongue and chuckles, then turns to you. “Do you want anything?”
“No, I don’t see anything I like that I don’t already have. Thank you though.” You say after taking a brief look at what they had to offer. In the end you decided it’s probably best if he doesn’t buy you anything, even though there was a necklace in the corner of the glass display that you really liked.
One that he was more than capable of buying.
Soon enough, it’s you holding Yomi while you both wave at her father who’s sitting across from you too. For once, you find yourself appreciative of Sukuna and the lengths he is willing to go to in order to make your daughter's life slightly easier.
It was a smart idea, you could see why he thought that her seeing him getting it done would help the process.
Except when the gun goes off, she flinches and her eyes grow wide in horror as she sees the diamond stud that the little device left on his ear.
She started crying before the piercer got to Sukuna’s second ear and cried even harder when he actually got the second piercing. You both ultimately decided that today just wasn’t the day you’d get them done— you might not get them done ever given how traumatized the experience of just watching her dad getting piercings has left her.
The three of you were supposed to go out for lunch with your mother right after, but you also decided that it was best to go straight home. She’s having one of those meltdowns where it’s best to go home and put her to sleep, scheduling the appointment at noon probably wasn’t the best thing to do since it clashed with her nap time. At least she’ll sleep well, you know you do whenever you sob as hard as she is right now.
You ended up having to sit in the backseat to comfort her, which was fine until she decided that she was going to string out the tears, because getting attention from mommy is nice.
“oohuhuhu,” she whimpered in her little voice, it was so forced— barely any emotion behind it and Sukuna bursts out laughing because of it.
You end up having to look away too, not wanting her to think you were making fun of her. But it was already too late as tears started to well in her eyes again from feeling embarrassed.
Lately, it’s been him who’s been trying to coddle her whenever she’s in one of her moods. It actually works half the time— something that’s even surprised your parents when they came over the other week and watched him successfully calm her down.
Today’s not one of those days, she keeps turning around and looking at you— wanting for you to come get her. Sukuna tried turning around so she couldn’t see you and she just stuck her little hand out to the side of him, reaching out for help. At that point you started to feel bad and ended up taking her, not missing the slight pout on Sukuna’s face when you did.
“Can you look away?”
“Oh right, my bad.” He doesn’t mean it. You throw the baby blanket over you and let him know his eyes were free to roam again.
His eyes go straight to Yomi’s little feet that were sticking out of the blanket and joyously kicking around because she finally got what she wanted, once again reminding him how much of a brat she is. “Are you sure she didn’t get her attitude from you?”
“No, my parents said I was the easiest child ever.” You laugh at how in denial he is of being the one to pass down the ‘tude to her. “Even Jin said she gets it from you, you just didn’t hear him because you were too busy arguing with Yuji.”
“Don’t believe a word Jin says,” he says, taking a seat on the sofa across from the one you were sitting on. “He was a thousand times more sensitive than this one.”
“I’m sure.” You say and leave it at that. After hearing about their parents dying when they were just 18, you try not to talk about anything that would lead to a conversation about them. You’re only cautious about it since Sukuna’s never brought it up before. And aside from sharing a child together, you two just aren't that close.
“How long are you planning on breastfeeding her for?” He nods at Yomi when he asks, or your tits, you’re not sure anymore.
“I wanted to be done by the time she turns one, but that’s a month away and I just don’t see that happening.” You sigh, starting to get literal war flashbacks of when you tried to stop. “I tried weaning her off right before you came into the picture and I lost so much sleep that I started seeing shadow figures.”
“What the fuck?” His face twists in disbelief.
“Yeah.” You wish you were kidding, that was the worst week of your life. “She’d take her normal naps during the day, then she’d cry all night. I had to have my parents come help. I slept for like 16 hours and went back to breastfeeding her.”
“I can always watch her for the night if you wanna try to stop again.” He suggests, it doesn’t surprise you, he’s been like that one guy from the movie Holes.
I cAn hELp wiTh thAt.
Very sweet, but you can’t help but feel like he has an underlying motive sometimes.
“Maybe. I thought about trying again when she’s 18 months old.”
“You mean a year and a half?” He tries to correct you. He thinks he might actually lose it if you say she’s 24 months old when she turns 2.
“Same shit.” You roll your eyes at the man.
“Okay.” He says sarcastically. “The season starts again around that time though, so it’d probably be better if you do that before then.”
“Oh yeah huh?” He’s been around so much that you almost forgot that he travels half of the year.
He used to fly you out a lot when you two were messing around with each other. This was back when you had the energy to hop on a flight right after work on Fridays, then get ready for work at 3 am on monday so you could go straight from the airport to work.
You’d never do that for anyone, ever again. It was so much work now that you’re looking back. There was one point where you did that for nearly a month straight. You just had to stop, but by then he only had a couple weeks of the season left, so he didn’t seem to mind when you tapped out on him.
“Do you think you two can travel with me for a bit once the season starts?” He asks in a low tone, it’s almost as if he’s nervous to ask.
“I’m not sure. It's doable since I work from home, but it’s hard traveling with kids.” You hesitantly say. You don’t really travel all that much with her anyways, the thought of being far away from home almost makes you nervous.
“Well, think about it. Some of the guys on the team are married with children and they bring ‘em along for at least half the time. I’m sure accommodations can be made for you two, maybe even pay for a nanny if you need the help.”
“I will, I’ll let you know in a couple months or something.” You say, before you both are interrupted by his phone ringing again for the third time since you’ve gotten back to the house.
“You can take phone calls in front of me.” You let out a light laugh. He thinks you don’t know, but you are very aware of how much his girlfriend calls and texts him.
He lets out a deep sigh while looking at the phone screen, it ends up going to voicemail again, but at that point he’d rather not keep her waiting and calling and waiting and calling.
“It’s probably something important, so I’ll just take it outside.” He mutters before excusing himself and stepping into the backyard.
By that point, Sayomi’s fast asleep, so you end up sending Sukuna a little text letting him know you’re going to be in the nursery with her. You try not to think about the fact that you heard a couple yells coming out of the backyard as you walk up the stairs. You shut the door too so you don’t have to listen to him fighting with his girlfriend for like the hundredth time that week.
You set Yomi down in her crib and take a seat in the rocking chair next to it, letting out a little yawn and rubbing the day away from your eyes. Sucks that Sukuna had to take a phone call, you were just about to ask him if he could watch her while you take a little power nap, you don’t get to do much of that anymore.
Your own phone buzzes, but instead of a call, it’s a text from Suguru.
[11:05 a.m] Suguru G: How’s your morning going?
[01:11 p.m] Suguru G: Just remembered your daughter was getting her ears pierced today, just wanted to ask how it went!
[01:11 p.m] You: Oh my god I never even saw your text from this morning! Sorry about that. And she didn’t even get them pierced. Her dad thought it might’ve helped if she watched him get his ears pierced beforehand, but it ended up scaring her lol
[01:12 p.m] Suguru: LMAO
[01:12 p.m] Suguru: You guys traumatized her
[01:13 p.m] You: I know, I felt so bad! But I think she was just tired too, she woke up kind of early this morning.
[01:14 p.m] Suguru: Probably. Is everything okay now?
[01:14 p.m] You: Yeah, she’s finally taking a nap, she needed it lol
You hear a little knock at the door and Sukuna comes in right after, walking up to the crib. Except instead of looking at his daughter, he was looking at your phone in your hands— looking like he was about to ask who you were texting.
And he was extremely close to asking, mainly because he has a habit of starting more fights when he’s in a bad mood, but this time he practices some self control. He already knows it was fucking Suguru anyways and he’d rather not get into all of that when he’s already got other shit to deal with right now.
“I gotta go,” he whispers to you. His hairs slightly disheveled, looks like he’s been pulling on it or something. He leans over the crib and gives Yomi a couple forehead kisses before standing back up at full height. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Okay.” You whisper back and do a little wave before he gently closes the door.
Even with the door shut and him trying to keep his voice down, you can still hear him suddenly snap and say something along the lines of “I already said I was fuckin’ coming” after picking up the phone, again.

notes: i'm hoping you guys are enjoying the story so far!! seeing the theories and thoughts make me giggle and kick my feet like a little slut, i'm hoping to get back to them very soon!!
All rights reserved © 2025 yenayaps. Do not copy, repost, translate, or modify my works in any platform.
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okay maybe putting oil on my ass wasn't the best idea for this since I just ended up with little pieces of dryer lint stuck to it from the jeans but 😭😭😭✨️ still post-worthy
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I forgot I had this other version of the video I posted a few days ago ☺️
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Satoru who bags a fucking BADDIE and he knows it.
Like he’s so down bad for her when camera’s come out to record them he can’t help but letting her take all the spotlight.
This man would do anything to just fucking live in your skin. His dick is never soft around you, if you wanted to chew him up and spit him right back out he’d tell you ‘hell yeah!’ if it please his beautiful girl.
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Not Just Anybody | baby daddy!sukuna x f!reader
summary: on the rare occasion that sukuna takes his nephew out to the park, he notices another kid with blush pink hair— a baby to be exact. he tries not to stare too much, but it’s hard not to, it’s a rare hair color. it’s not until the baby’s mother takes her out of the swing set and back into her stroller when he realizes why you ghosted him almost 2 years ago.
genre/warnings: hidden child trope, ex-fwb to co-parents to lovers, angst, fluff, smut, mood board
notes: im very excited to announce this upcoming one-shot as a part of @indiewritesxoxo friday night flicks event! the release date is still tba and im limiting the tag list to 50, but i’ll definitely be giving updates throughout the writing process ❤️
taglist is now closed

part one
part two
part three
part four
All rights reserved © 2025 yenayaps. Do not copy, repost, translate, or modify my works in any platform.
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Horror movies date nights with bf!toji are always entertaining. While he doesn’t get scared at any of them, you do;
You jump as the eerie sounds from the tv suddenly come to an end, soon being replaced by both your and the victim’s screams when the jumpscare rolls on the tv.
The hand resting on your waist tightens its grip and a groan slips past your boyfriend's lips, "if you keep movin' like that imma give you a reason to scream."
Your pussy clenches tightly around his cock in response to his suggestion but you’re too busy staring at the tv, totally absorbed in the movie.
“ 'm sorry, toji" you whisper absent mindedly, hearing him hum before reverting his attention back to the movie.
Something bout the way you said his name has him struggling to not push your face against the mattress and rutt into you from behind. But he only sighs and goes back to watching the movie.
Or at least trying to.
But, when you shift again trying to adjust your position, and your walls tighten around his cock as response to a sudden wave of fear caused by the movie, toji loses it and grabs a hold of your hips, easily lifting you up his cock only to slam u back on.
The groan that escaped his lips was something between that of satisfaction and greed. And hearing you squeak for him was enough to lose any restraints he had left.
You're pushed against the bed, cheek pressed flush against the cool sheets with his hand gripping the back of your head, holding you down while his other hand held your hips to keep you from squirming, "but the movie-"
"you'd rather watch a trashy slasher flick than fuck your boyfriend?" his words are accentuated by a deep thrust, “I must say that the knowledge bruises my ego a bit.”
another harsh roll of his hips has your moan tapering off to a muffled scream into the sheets,
"fuck, fuck-toji!"
And then you hear his voice right next to your ear, lips brushing against your earlobe as he leans in to whisper, "told ya' I'd have you screaming my name, bunny."
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Key 2 you
part 1 | part 2
contents: playful enemies to lovers, pre-relationship, college au, reader is cold to him and he likes it, he falls first and harder, flirty and down bad gojo, banter and crack.
part 2/2: ⤷ they find out where they stand

─────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───────
the end they get married and have kids and die and he rises from the dead to jump into her casket 🌹
taglist: @yujiobsessed @entr4p3 @sukunaspillow @anonnieghost @luv3nti i @sorenflyinn @loveyislost @stillinracooncity @rigduyemon @sevensdigitalheaven @shokosbunny @what-just-happened-to-me @moonchhu @batgirliee @mikorinstan @magalimachete @cypherthecreator @tarasworldstar @em0cleo @17chuuya @angelthefantastic @meowpmzai @ayla-1605 @harryzcherry @heiejdhdh @kamospeach @aftersnrise @nixiepixee @katthehatt @corvid007 @lee-doesnt-knoww @starsryi @2dmenfr @tojifushiguroszaddyzar @tracysdemise @cuupidsss @aftersnrise @nixiepixee @vixx-11 @chiiiiiiiiiifuuuuuuuu @cypherthecreator @domainexpansioninmypants @lastbreathtaken @clairetoocool l @mikorinstan @batgirliee @sukunaspillow
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key 2 you
s. gojo x f! reader smau | pt 1 > (next pt)
contents: playful enemies (loosely) to lovers, pre-relationship, college au, reader is cold to him and he likes it, he falls first and harder, flirty and kinda down bad gojo, banter and crack. Reader and gojo are both residence hall RA's.

•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈•

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her before you (2)
(part 2/2) where you turn the tables and give them a dose of their own medicine. groveling, jealousy & revenge! no forgiveness for these repeated offenders.
featuring: gojo, geto, sukuna, toji (and the help of other jjk men)
a/n: how are we feeling? lowkey feel bad for gojo but he doesn’t learn

⋆ ꩜ ⋆ ꩜ ⋆ ꩜ ⋆

** a couple of anons wanted king nanami to help with revenge so i just decided to add other men as well for variety. thanks for the suggestion :)
taglist (50/50) @ariesss-01 @catladythoughts @lorain07 @daisy-01-blog @agustdeeyaa @sa4vvyyt @frozenmallows @rainschnael @t33th-r0t @nellielsss @skulfan1 @linaaeatsfamilies @magalimachete @mashtura @domainofmarie @tojiabi719 @waywardfanwinner @akirawhore @loversdebt @v1x3n @rawwrrgal @viatorem-maris @saltedcoffeescotch @idyllicsam @charlie-xo @lady-of-blossoms @seeiin @inoluvrr @werfiedeii @moncher-ire @whiteelove @jaemdonuts @3rdmonday @tatsuomii @iluvvtoji @swoozleee @dreamingoftomorroww @chosos-prettyprincess @haloyesme @wr4inn @sleepykittyenergy @jeanshorsed1ck @retiredpieceofshits @ashdiamashi @mel1mak @ihearttoru @its-carlerrr @greatstudentbird @cherrymoon4 @erintaro @b0nez9 (i’m reblogging to tag the rest later!)
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