#vivica leclair
sonata-of-sorrow · 4 years
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“Whom better to share eternity with, darkling?” Art: @minoruru
Featuring: @eurath
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eurath · 5 years
Hellfire Hymns
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[ 1. The Deed ][ NSFW: suggestive imagery, violence. ]
Like the cerebral predator that he was; he stalked the movements and behaviors of Vivica Leclair. She had been given her task. One did not acquire control by submitting to fear, no. Not when it came from the devilish hand of this sorcerer. There had to be an absolution. A commandment to staple the wounds and ensure their permanency. If there had been anything he had learned from his Sanguine mentor, it was that no power came without sacrifice.
Each step and every breath accounted for. He listened to the rise and fall of the heartbeat that thrummed for the redheaded beauty. Men were just ordinary creatures. Another organism that fed, fucked, and fought. Predictable. Women, on the other hand, not so much. The inheritance of chaos was born from the rib of a femme. Thus did man vie for it and so it was to be such for him to fall to the whims of a lady's dominance.
The illusion of power was grand. This was the hand of most men. Very much like the waiting mage envisioned, Rousseau was another bipedal beast much like his brethren. Yet, unlike them, he held something important within his veins. Perhaps this was why Eurath chose him. Through the veil of dark adumbrations and wisps of obscurity, the crimson gaze of Vivica's lord settled on her.
He was there. He had witnessed it all. Although, he dared not touch or reach for her until she was under the sheets. It was his hand, undoubtedly, that came to caress her jaw so tenderly. The skeletal appendage still felt like flesh, but if she had seen it for herself, the ivory that graced her was as warm as his touch had been the eve prior.
"O' Pharoah dear pharoah, I beckoned thee from the crypts of Sybunha. The sixth child born of the sixth day on the sixth bell from the sixth plane awaiteth thee. Come, the bastard child of the Eidolon of Rebirth. Fate calls for thee to uncoil the seal. Your sacrifice awaits..."
All was quiet for several moments except the infernal ticking from the chronometer. The hand of Eurath had withdrawn from Vivica, but his presence was still very much felt. The creaking of the closet hinges announced the arrival of another. A resonating crunch of the wooden frame followed as if something unruly large was attempting to escape the confines. The temperature within the room skyrocketed and the panting of Rousseau announced his state of discomfort.
That is when it started...
The low, unholy rumble of a primal growl was unleashed into a window-shattering roar. The scream of terror from Rousseau carried his fear well throughout the Holy See before the splattering of something splashed against the sheets that Vivica was tucked well within. The bed shook and trembled beneath the weight as whatever was occurring at her side persisted.
It began to seep into the blankets and covers. It started to touch her skin and bless her flesh. It burned, however. It ignited with a wicked heat while only a portion melted into flesh. The palms specifically and extended down the middle fingers of both of her hands. Tonight, she bathed in ritual, but it was only the beginning.
Rousseau was still alive gave his pathetic whimpering...
"♪Hush little baby... don't say a word♪--" A mocking tune was drawn off of the melodious tongue. "♪No matter how you scream... you won't be heard♪--" The feasting of something animalistic was occurring. The snapping, twisting, and guttural ripping of insides carried on unabated. "♪And if you think we are almost done...--" a cynical, mirthful chord followed in amusement, "ha... ha... oh, sweet baby, we have only just begun♪--" That final word brought an eerie density.
Slowly, whatever weight was on the bed next to Vivica was being dragged away. The slurping pulls and snagging of rough wood caught onto whatever it had been before being violently yanked into the direction of the closet.
The crimson covered bone of Eurath's hand snaked beneath the blanket and brushed a few tresses of Vivica's hair to the side. "Rest, my dear. On the sixth bell, Milo and Melanie will come for you, no later. They will see to your every need and when you have digested," he paused, perhaps the wrong choice of words, "the circumstances of this evening I will expose the next measure to watch your aptitude evolve."
He leaned over and brushed a soft, simple kiss over the cardinal sheet. "Well done," he praised her before he drifted away to let the half-Elezen soak in her condition. He, on the other hand, had a certain wine calling to him.
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breaking-from-grace · 5 years
Prompt #2: Bargain
It may have been a mistake to have turned down the dark alleyway, knowing full well that she was being followed. Nevertheless, Vivica found herself in the confined labyrinth of Ul’dah’s Pearl Lane. She was a far cry from the sort that lingered in the nefarious district, with her upmarket attire and perfectly coiffed hair. A vagrant eyed her suspiciously but the daggered stare he received was enough to be off putting. She turned the corner sharply, only to find that she had abruptly found herself in a dead end. The redhead’s stomach clenched and heart began to rapidly accelerate in her chest. She was trapped.
It was too late. As she turned sharply on her heel, she came face to face with her stalker. He may have been considered handsome at one point, had it not been for his missing teeth and the wicked scar that had left half his face disfigured. Instinctively, she took a few steps back to put some distance between them. “Well, well. Little poppet. I’ve been lookin’ for you. You’re a hard one to find but Ol’ William likes a challenge.” He licked thin lips, as if he were a slavering wolf hungry to consume a meal. It was behavior Vivica might expect from an uncouth bounty hunter. “You needn’t go to all the trouble. I don’t mind meeting in dark corners but this is a bit….” She paused, words rolling off her tongue like dripped honey. “...crude, don’t you think?” The half-elezen’s composure was immaculate despite the precarious situation she found herself in. The bounty hunter barked a laugh, fingering the pommel of his sword. “Aren’t you a little tart? They told me what you use to be and it looks like some things don’t change.” He advanced on her, pushing her back even further into the blind alley. 
With no weapons at her disposal, Vivica seemed all the more defenseless but despite it all, she kept calm. “You can tell your employer that I have no intention of coming back to Ishgard.” “I don’t think you’ve got much of a choice, girly. You can either come quietly or I can take you…” lips snarled into a devious smirk. “I promise, I won’t be gentle either.” Calloused hands shot out to grab at her clothes, causing her to cry out. Not that it mattered, no one would come to her rescue here. “Yes, I like it when they scream.” Vivica felt the cold edifice of stone against her backside as she tried desperately to swallow her fear. Better to keep her wits about her than give in to the emotion. “You should hear me moan then. You’ve captured me. Why not come and claim me…” Long fingers gathered up in her skirts and she began to hike them up past her knees. This garnered a quirked eyebrow from the brute, trying to discern her intention. “Some things don’t change at all, ya little whore….” He snickered as he closed the distance, suppressing the shudder that threatened to run through her body. Roughly, he wrapped his calloused hand around her thigh and hiked up her leg. His breath smelled like stale alcohol as he pressed a disgusting kiss against her mouth. She wanted to gag and retch but Vivica had him exactly where she wanted him. As he pawed over her form, the woman returned the caresses in earnest, reaching up around his neck and through the tangled mess of hair. The feminine wiles had lulled him into a false sense of security, thinking with his cock and not his head. Had he any sense, he would never have gotten so close and willingly entered her embrace. Her fingers wrapped around the pin in her hair and without him even realizing it was coming, she drove the sharp end into the side of his neck. He cursed loudly as her teeth sank into his lip, tearing flesh as he tried to extract himself from her womanly trap. She was savage, unrelenting, as she stabbed him repeatedly. Blood spurted from his grievous wounds in time with his fading pulse, staggering backwards as he tried to staunch the flow with hands. Red stained her blouse, hands and splattered across her freckled cheeks. The scoundrel fell to his knees, looking up at her in pure shock that the hunter had become the prey. “I don’t bargain with my life….” Vivica said with cold infliction, driving the sharp point up into his eye socket. She waited until his death throes stilled, standing over him in quiet testimony to the gruesome last moments of his life. No one would miss him, no one would mourn but Vivica knew in her heart this wouldn’t be the end of the chase.
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limitsbroke · 5 years
For Vivica Leclair (@sonata-of-sorrow) 💚 - friendship (I imagine this would be a slow, reluctant build up) 💔 - past relationship (either when they were both younger or during her time in Ishgard) 💜 - hateship ( they hate each other but can’t stay away ) 💟 - friends with benefits (only because she doesn't do the whole hand holding relationship thing anymore)
slow build up friendships are especially 👌👌👌 
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sonata-of-sorrow · 4 years
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For the most amazing RP partner I could ever hope for @eurath! This is just a small gesture for all the hours of creativity we’ve shared and patience and understanding you’ve shown me. I love these two so much and I can’t wait to watch them grow together~ Artwork done by the amazing @minoruru
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sonata-of-sorrow · 4 years
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Vivica Leclair @Onita K
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sonata-of-sorrow · 4 years
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By Lonary
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sonata-of-sorrow · 4 years
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Fingertips are burning/Can I touch you there                  Soft as velvet, eyes can see/Bring me close to ecstasy
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sonata-of-sorrow · 4 years
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I don't like them innocent I don't want no face fresh Want them wearing leather Begging, let me be your taste test
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sonata-of-sorrow · 4 years
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Art by @minoruru​
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sonata-of-sorrow · 5 years
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Another beautiful commission from @elizastarkart! I get so many Batman The Animated Series villainess vibes!! Thank you so much!!!!
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sonata-of-sorrow · 5 years
Everything Evil
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Warning: Violence, Suggestive Themes
Precursors: Instructions, The Deed
It was stifling beneath the sheet, where every single noise was a cacophony that could be the precursor to her untimely and gruesome end. She questioned how something so flimsy could offer her any sort of protection, questioned Eurath’s intentions, questioned every single decision that had brought her to this singular moment in time. Fear bred desperation, and in desperation blossomed resolve. Rousseau stirred beside her and for a second, Vivica thought that her plans were about the fall into ruin. Thankfully, the Elezen’s soft snores were an indication of his blissful ignorance. That did not mean she had time to breath, for the Master’s touch had been unexpected. Her lithe form tensed, finding little comfort in the gesture. In subconscious submission, her chin raised and her neck exposed. His grasp did not find its way around it though. 
His incantation could barely be heard beyond the pounding in her ears. Her heart was as loud as a herd of stampeding chocobo, likely to burst free from her breast. Fingers curled into the mattress beneath, knuckles white. It was taking every single ounce of her self control to fight her natural inclination to escape. The redhead knew though that no amount of distance could outrun this destiny. This was something darker and more evil than the manifestations of man’s hubris. Come what may, this was her course. Dainty pointed ears twitched as something crept across the floorboards, it’s malevolent presence felt keenly in every single fiber of her being. She did not need to lay eyes upon it to know it’s intention. No doubt her imagination could conjure any number of possibilities of what had been summoned from within the dark confines of the closet, but all would pale in comparison. The bed beneath her bucked and jarred violently as the creature lunged, the dual cries deafening. Vivica would have likely joined her own were it not for the fact that she bit down firmly on her lip. Blood flooded her mouth and her eyes shut as tightly as possible. She was no longer capable of rational thought. Terror gripped her so tightly as Rousseau’s very essence seeped into her cloth shroud and baptized her naked flesh. Her belated reaction though came rather violently as her skin began to burn. Memories of her torture bombarded her in the remembrance of iron and flame. The brand on her back throbbed in unison with her palms. She had no more control of herself, as she thrashed wildly in the pain and screamed till she was hoarse. It did not seem to take note of her, a testament that in her excruciating writhing, she had not been unveiled as Eurath had instructed. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she was forced to endure the sick lullaby mingled with the crunching of bone. Something snapped within her, and she fell still. There was only so much a person could endure before their body and subconscious shut down in the last feeble hopes of self preservation. Though keenly aware of everything happening around her, Vivica felt numbness take hold. Her head lulled to the side, fixating on a point in the distance she could not see. Somewhere far away. Somewhere safe. Somewhere only she could go.  When everything fell silent, she could not stir. Not even Eurath’s soft encouragements would lure her back yet. 
For she was most thoroughly broken and only in her shattered state could he mold her into something truly formidable. It was just a matter of time...
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sonata-of-sorrow · 5 years
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I've tasted blood and it is sweet I've had the rug pulled beneath my feet I've trusted lies and trusted men Broke down and put myself back together again Stared in the mirror and punched it to shatters Collected the pieces and picked out a dagger
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sonata-of-sorrow · 5 years
Waifu Status
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“Considering I’m not looking for any man to claim me as his property or to make vows of fealty to, I can live with these results. I should hope my bedroom skills would be that high, considering how much time I’ve spent in one in my life...” Husbando stats here.
Waifu stats here.
Tagged by:  @eorzeasfrozenknight (on main @breaking-from-grace! Thanks so much <3))
Tagging: I KNOW YOU ALL HAVE ALTS SO DO AN ALT! @final-aria-fantasy, @claihn(do one of the girls!)  @nurakitten, @elibraddock @rhotano-rose, @magitekmammet, @averdantsoul, @grantffxiv, @kyren-ffxiv, @unabashedrebel, @but-first--tea, @waroftwowolves, @spice-in-real-life, @rhythmandrust, @sylvistral
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sonata-of-sorrow · 5 years
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sonata-of-sorrow · 6 years
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Tis the season~
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