#vivacious vy tag
thearchivist-if · 2 years
The Archivist
The world is changing. 
Lives shorten. 
Politics change. 
Society begins to shift. 
For millennia, this world has been transformed by the elves -- their culture unhurried, rigidly structured, and opposed to change. However, the recent  rise of the vivacious and short lived human race has threatened the very fibre of elven culture. Even at the pinnacle of elven society, the capital city, Synaith, has been unable to fend off the demand for change - a human family has been granted a seat on the Greater Council which has given way to even more political and social unrest. 
Rumors persist about factions on both sides vying for power - the darkest of these saying that even the ruling family has been willing to go to even the furthest of extremes to preserve their way of life.
You are an archivist of the city of Synaith. Tasked with the preservation of history as it occurs - what you choose to record, or ignore, will shape the future of this world. The question is - what lengths will you go to in order to preserve the truth?
The Archivist is a high fantasy political and social intrigue interactive novel with combat and optional romance elements.
The Archivist is rated 18+ for depictions of violence, gore, sexual themes, mentions of abuse, and death.
Demo: Not Yet Released
Choose your pronouns; with male, female and non-binary options.
Choose the race of your Archivist - an elf, half-elf or human. Each of which will change how you are perceived within the city of Synaith.
Choose your appearance.
Romance one of six possible romance options, with varying degrees of relationships including aromantic/asexual options as well as polyamorous routes.
Choose your Archivist’s skills - are they a fighter? A magic user? Or someone who prefers to use charisma to get out of situations?
Navigate your way out of difficult political, social and career experiences with the skills you’ve built.
Delve into the hidden underworld of Synaith-- what is it that makes the pinnacle of the elven empire run so seamlessly? And what is the cost?
Make allegiances - work with the Greater Council, Human Interests or the mysterious Rebellion that everyone has heard rumors about.
Decide what parts of history to record, and what to overwrite, and who to do it for.
Romance Options | FAQ | Followed Tag: Synaith IF
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thou ask and thou shalt receive :3 sorry that they’re a little short; these are mostly just some passing thoughts i have for him
warnings: none. thoughts under cut.
midare is a bit of a mayhem generator. oh, he’s definitely not as chaotic as tsurumaru in any capacity, he he can cause a fair share of misdirection and chaos when he wants to. after all, his into line is “Say, do you want to wreak havoc with me?”
in a prank setting, he’s more likely to send you around on a wild goose chase and/or spread misinformation, especially on april fool’s. do not trust a word he says.
midare is also the most likely to cause psychic damage with gossip.
like most tantou, i would say that midare also tends to be underestimated. however, just because he’s small and delicate looking doesn’t mean he can kick your ass.
in a similar vein, i think he would be the secretly-bloodthirsty type. one of his masters was hosokawa katsumoto, who kicked off the oonin war, which shattered japan into its warring states.
of course, it’s not cute, not cute at all, to be so hotblooded like some of his brothers- yagen (”I'll pierce you 'til the hilt!”) mostly comes to mind, so he tends to play down his more wily and forceful tendencies behind coy smiles and teasing words.
he’s a little similar to kasen in this way- though kasen is more invested in the arts and midare into “cuteness”, they both play down some of their “not as desirable” traits in some cases.
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*agressively shakes rexy* gO TO BED
but also hello? headcanons for sweet darling kiwame!fudou? listen im still in fudou loving mood - obviously, vy
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i reFUSE-
seriously, though, sorry for disappearing on this blog =v=;; i didn't mean to vanish but once i finished strain (cranes ch 6) i kinda... lost all motivation to exist as a whole so that kinda killed any thoughts i had for kiwame fudou =v=;; but! i've changed my serotonin-writing-boosting playlist, so that seems to have helps a little bit. did you know that the persona 5 vgost is on spotify?
my turnaround time is... still a work in progress...
also, what is this new post editor?? sucks, i want it to go back to the old post editor.
mild content warning for: alcoholism, self-worth issues. nothing major, just some small mentions. please get these swords therapy.
regarding fudou coming to the realisation that he needs to change, to get better: i think it's a combination of others building their relationship with him and him eventually coming to respect you, however long it takes. after all, he's only referred to you as "あんた" (anta) and never as "主" (aruji) until his training journey.
he becomes a little bit like a miniature hasebe when he returns. he's a lot more responsible and tries to be dependable whenever he can. if you send out hasebe after fudou comes back from his journey, he tries to take over hasebe's duties in his stead. he even says "主命だからね" ("it's an order from master") in his horsekeeping lines. cutie.
he's still prone to being overwhelmed by negative thoughts and fears, though. even though he's certainly changed for the better, sometimes on lazy nights when he can't sleep, or if a sortie goes wrong, he'll worry if he's not good enough. maybe, he'll never be good enough. do you love him, too?
sometimes, the flames of honnouji still lick at his skin and he can feel how he was reforged back together. reforging is not a painless process, but i don't think it would be the most painful, either. consider it an itch you can't scratch because it's buried deep in your skin.
he worries a lot about relapsing back into his old drinking habits. he tried to avoid drinking when he can, because of it. sometimes, he might have a small sip once and a while in special occasions- your inauguration celebrations, new years' celebrations, maaaaybe during flower viewings if he's feeling a little cheeky- but no more that.
if you give him one of these liquid death sparkling water cans, he might laugh because it looks just like western beer, even if it's just water and contains no alcohol. maybe he'll take one from you to feel a little less weird about not drinking anymore, if he feels that way.
i don't think he'll become a workaholic, but he'll definitely push himself to his limits. you might have to remind him that he deserves breaks, too. he and hasebe are very alike, even if neither of them will want to admit it to each other.
he becomes a little clingier to you, though not overly so. please praise him and tell him he's going a good job. get one of those sheets with the gold foil stickers and stick them on his face or coat lapel. he'll find it funny, but take it in stride. he'll certainly boast about it to anyone who will listen.
he will let you braid his hair. he might find it odd at first, but relent and let you play with his hair. he might brag about the attention he's getting from you.
i imagine he's an advocate for getting to know your other swords, especially the new ones. he does say, "A new sword's turned up. Give them some love, alright?" in his citadel lines, so he'll probably try to get you to socalise with your swords more.
speaking of socialising, he's a lot more sociable with the others, in general. i think he's a lot more extroverted than others assume; when he was drunk, he was a lot more surly and would push people away. now, he's more willing to sit down and simply have a chat with others about nothing in particular.
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