thearchivist-if · 2 years
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Learn more about the six available romance options available in The Archivist below! All characters are available to be romanced by any PC, and there will be some availability of polyamorous relationships in later novels!
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Abigail Marivaldi (she/her) | The Heir | Human | 38
5’9 (173 cm) | ENTJ
Heir to the newly ascended Marivaldi Family, Abigail Marivaldi is the portrait of everything the elven nobility fears; confident, determined and charismatic enough to charm members of the aristocracy. It’s curious though, there seems to be something hidden behind those warm brown eyes and melodic laugh. Who knows what secrets she keeps, or what she did to get her family here.
When in a ballroom at an event in the Orichalcon Quarter, all eyes are first drawn to the statuesque human woman in the center of the room -- dressed in reds and golds that compliment her sun-tanned skin and intricately done long brown hair. The most noticeable feature on the Marvaldi heir, however, is the arcane prosthetic that is attached above the elbow on her right arm - she makes no point to hide it, her clothes all tailored specifically to show off her cousin’s handiwork. The prosthetic itself is adorned in more jewels than any commoner would see in their lifetime.
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Riordan Marivaldi (he/him) | The Arcanist | Human | 30
6’ (183 cm) | INFJ
New to the city, Riordan was summoned by his father’s brother to join the family in their new estate within Syrillon. Often found in his workshop or sneaking off into the throngs of the market far below the upper echelons of the city, Riordan spends his time pondering new inventions, or at the very least, a way to keep himself entertained while so often put to pageant for the rest of the nobility.
Oft found in the workshop within the bowels of the Marivaldi estate, Riordan is a tall but sleight man, his almost black hair often greased back with whatever was in his hands as he runs it through his hair in thought. In the candle and soft magic light of his workshop, the freckles across his face and arms look like stars against his pale skin. Unlike many of the nobility, Riordan is almost always found in plain woolen clothes, he jokes that it’s better that he not ruin anything expensive with his tinkering, his soft laugh will fade off as his blue eyes turn back to whatever project is on his workbench.
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Lucian Siannodel (he/him) | The Beholden | Elven | 417
6’4 (193 cm) | INFP
Youngest son of the Siannodel family, Lucian had joined the archives of Syrillon at a young age - learning and growing into what he had been told would be his role, Primicerius, the head of Syrillon’s Archive. He had accepted this, it was his duty. However, things have changed since his childhood three hundred years ago. His fate now hangs in the balance of the city itself, and all these years later, the choice is still not his own.
Wearing the dark blues and silvers of the Siannodel family, Lucian has this air of easy nobility; his umber skin tone often looking ethereal in the soft glow of the magic lanterns that float around The Archive. Breathtakingly tall, even among the elven nobility, there is a grace in how Lucian is able to move, even in the complex attire that he always finds himself agreeing to wear - he can’t help but agree when his older sister asks him to wear yet another bracelet or ring, they do seem to have the best taste. It’s also easy to understand why he is so often sought after -- it’s so much more than just his family name, but the way that he sits in rapt attention during interviews with members of the nobility and common people alike, his soft but confident voice urging people on while making sure to keep his attention on them.
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Rowan Evenwood (she/her) | The Apothecary | Half-Elf | 27
5’4 (162 cm) | ISTJ
You can almost always find Rowan Evenwood within the small Apothecary she inherited from her father in the Footpath -- the store is one that most adventurers find, as their prices are affordable, and if she’s in the mood, she may even read your fortune. Rowan is also well-known in the Footpath for healing those who need it, often bartering her services to families who have little to offer in the way of coin, determined to alleviate as much suffering as she can from her humble place among the people.
During hours of operation, there can almost always be laughter heard from inside the Tangled Roots Apothecary in the Footpath, dark brown eyes of Rowan Evenwood glowing in mirth at some latest adventurer’s tale of misfortune. Seemingly always dressed in bright yellows and oranges she is easy to pick out when wandering The Footpath -- her long black braided hair is often filled with flowers from her shop - tiny magicked sunflowers and daises, that no matter how much she moves, they stay in her hair.
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Cillian Evenwood (he/him) | The Altruist | Half-Elf | 27
5’10 (178 cm) | ENFJ
Twin brother to Rowan, Cillian has dreamed of adventure from the time he was a little boy - hearing tales of pirates and thieves and heroes from his father, wanting to be the one to help, to save those who needed him. He joined the city guard hoping he could help, and was disillusioned by the treatment he received from being a half-elf, and those he watched walk by those who needed them most.
Cillian likes to joke that he is the paragon of practicality -- often found in leathers and warm wool clothes, a staple for his position in the city guard. However, Cillian often finds himself the most comfortable when out at the tavern with Sara and Rowan, soft white linen shirts and comfortable trousers and boots match his easy laugh and effortlessly long hair, which if he pays little enough attention will end up braided by the end of an alcohol-filled evening.
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Sara Ward (she/her) | The Nobody | Half-Elf | 30
6’2 (188 cm) | INTJ
A cloaked figure entered the city recently, cautious and careful with every step she takes. Sara Ward is a difficult woman to find, and even more difficult to get any information on. She appears to be no one, from nowhere, and no one you ask seems to have any more information on her - no matter how hard you dig. However, when she thinks no one is looking, there is a sadness that seems to permeate her very being.
It is impressive how deceptively tall Sara is; exceptional at hiding her height she often slouches, hunched over or purposefully sliding into a corner to let the attention be drawn to either of the twins that have attached themselves to her side -- she appreciates that about them, their ability to effortlessly be the center of attention. That doesn’t mean she doesn’t watch them carefully, soft emerald eyes so cautious as she watches these people she’s attached herself to. Her features are sharp and carefully taut, refusing to give anything away - the porcelain skin with faded freckles contrasting her red hair, always tightly pulled into a simple bun.
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thearchivist-if · 2 years
The Archivist
The world is changing. 
Lives shorten. 
Politics change. 
Society begins to shift. 
For millennia, this world has been transformed by the elves -- their culture unhurried, rigidly structured, and opposed to change. However, the recent  rise of the vivacious and short lived human race has threatened the very fibre of elven culture. Even at the pinnacle of elven society, the capital city, Synaith, has been unable to fend off the demand for change - a human family has been granted a seat on the Greater Council which has given way to even more political and social unrest. 
Rumors persist about factions on both sides vying for power - the darkest of these saying that even the ruling family has been willing to go to even the furthest of extremes to preserve their way of life.
You are an archivist of the city of Synaith. Tasked with the preservation of history as it occurs - what you choose to record, or ignore, will shape the future of this world. The question is - what lengths will you go to in order to preserve the truth?
The Archivist is a high fantasy political and social intrigue interactive novel with combat and optional romance elements.
The Archivist is rated 18+ for depictions of violence, gore, sexual themes, mentions of abuse, and death.
Demo: Not Yet Released
Choose your pronouns; with male, female and non-binary options.
Choose the race of your Archivist - an elf, half-elf or human. Each of which will change how you are perceived within the city of Synaith.
Choose your appearance.
Romance one of six possible romance options, with varying degrees of relationships including aromantic/asexual options as well as polyamorous routes.
Choose your Archivist’s skills - are they a fighter? A magic user? Or someone who prefers to use charisma to get out of situations?
Navigate your way out of difficult political, social and career experiences with the skills you’ve built.
Delve into the hidden underworld of Synaith-- what is it that makes the pinnacle of the elven empire run so seamlessly? And what is the cost?
Make allegiances - work with the Greater Council, Human Interests or the mysterious Rebellion that everyone has heard rumors about.
Decide what parts of history to record, and what to overwrite, and who to do it for.
Romance Options | FAQ | Followed Tag: Synaith IF
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